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T H E M O S T C O M M O N C R Y S TA L Q U E S T I O N I G E T A S K E D I S “ W H AT ’S T H E B E S T C R Y S TA L ( S ) F O R P R O T E C T I O N ? ”. N O W W H AT D O E S T H AT M E A N , E X A C T LY ? I N A N U T S H E L L , P E O P L E U S U A L LY M E A N T H AT T H E Y ’ R E L O O K I N G F O R A C R Y S TA L T H AT C A N P R E V E N T T H E M F R O M B E I N G N E G AT I V E LY A F F E C T E D B Y U N WA N T E D E N E R GY O R I N F L U E N C E S O N W H AT ’S A F F E C T I N G YO U A N D W H AT YO U N E E D . It could be other peoples’ stress or emotional energy; ill-wishing, cursing, or psychic attack; envy, fixation, or jealousy; sorcery; malevolent spirits or spirit attachments; manipulation or abuse; a run of bad luck or ill fortune; or even the bad vibes of a room, house, building, plot of land, etc. There’s generally a list of crystals I can suggest, but the truth of my experience is that not all protective crystals work the same -- what you work with very much depends on what’s affecting you and what you need. This has to do with frequency: you want to be wearing or working with a crystal that’s tuned into the frequency of energy that will shield you from a specific kind of vibration or harm.


BLACK TOURMALINE Repels lower, harmful frequencies. If there’s one crystal I’d recommend in general for all-round protection, it would be black tourmaline. It creates the equivalent of an electrical force field around your aura so that lower vibes and psychic debris will bounce right off you. This is usually why it’s the most commonly recommended crystal for protection. Its weakness, however, is that I’ve found it only works for un-intentional energies – vibes that are being sent at you willfully and powerfully can penetrate, as can spirits and spirit attachments. Still, this is a good choice for a daily protective crystal.

you get hit with someone else’s emotions, if you’re wearing jet it will draw those vibes out of your system. You’ll still be in tune but you won’t have to suffer for it. Note: jet needs to be cleared regularly, sometimes several times throughout the day if it’s working hard, so bear that in mind or it will start to fall off you and break.


It clears internalized emotional energy for empaths. As an empath myself, I’ve never found a crystal that keeps me from feeling other peoples’ energy (though I admit hematite comes close), and I’ve also never wanted my ability to be completely shut off. While it has its liabilities, being empathic is an incredible psychic gift. Jet absorbs energy more than it emits, so when

Shields against psychic attack, fixation and ill-wishing. Psychic attack can take on many forms, in this case we’re talking about people hating on you, gossiping about you, and fantasizing about/desiring your total, epic ruin. This also applies to people who are fixated on you as a love interest (and it’s unrequited), who want something from you (that you don’t want to give), and/ or who are pulling on your energy to fill their own need, lack, or void.

Wearing labradorite is like placing a shield or coat of armor over your heart chakra. It keeps you covered while you ride out what is essentially other peoples’ pain. I often suggest the addition of a heart stone, like rose quartz or pink kunzite, to add an additional buffer for empaths.


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