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Greytown Gazette


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Greytown teenagers die in horrific accident IN a tragic accident last Saturday at 7.30pm, two teenage Greytonians lost their lives when the car in which they were travelling left the road just outside Greytown and crashed into a plantation. Nivesh Loknat, who turned 17 on 3 October and Mahomed Hossen Saib, who would have turned 17 yesterday, were seated in the back and were both flung out of the vehicle and died. The front passenger, teenager Farah Abdul Rashid, who was injured, is in a serious condition and has been transferred from Greytown to a Pietermaritzburg hospital. The driver of the vehicle, 20-yearold Divikar Garrib, who was injured and hospitalised, is back home under heavy medication. According to reports from traffic authorities on the scene, the vehicle, which was travelling on the R74 towards Lake Merthley, swerved off

The vehicle in which two Greytown teenagers lost their lives. the road, just past the truck layby, into the plantation on the right-hand side of the road. The car slammed into two trees, which fell onto it crushing the vehicle and causing the deaths and injuries. The police accident unit from Pietermaritzburg attended the accident scene. It was drizzling and misty when the accident occurred.

Nivesh, son of Vinesh and Mashnie Loknat, and Mahomed, the son of Nafisa and Rafik Saib, were both Grade 10 pupils at Greytown Secondary and Farah is in Grade 11 at the same school. A spokesman for the school told the Greytown Gazette that staff and pupils were devastated about the tragic loss. A case of culpable homicide has been opened.

President Zuma in Greytown


Greytown magistrate warns drug dealers GREYTOWN Magistrate Mr C.J. Masikane sent a loud and clear message to drug dealers in the area when last week he sentenced a local drug dealer, Bhonono Dlamini, to 14 years’ imprisonment. In August, Dlamini and his girlfriend were arrested at his Enhlalakahle home. The Pietermaritzburg Dog Unit searched his house and recovered a large assortment of drugs, including whoonga, mandrax and ecstasy. More than 1 000 straws of whoonga and more than 50 tablets of mandrax and ecstasy tablets were recovered. At the trial last week in the Greytown Magistrate's Court, Dlamini's girlfriend was found not guilty. He was found guilty on three counts of dealing in drugs and sentenced to 14 years’ direct imprisonment. The accused admitted to having drugs in his possession, but claimed he was not a dealer, however, the court was not convinced. In his summing up, and in a statement to the Greytown Gazette, the magistrate said youths must realise that the impact of dangerous drugs is negative and destructive and that drugs in Enhlalakahle was a "big social evil". The magistrate said that using drugs destroys our youth and leads them to steal from their families and others to obtain money to buy more drugs. The magistrate expressed his concern at the high rate of drug abuse, which leads not only to youth dropping out of school, but also to committing serious offences either because they were so high on drugs they did not realise what they were doing or they needed money to purchase more. His attitude in regard to drug dealing and abuse was one of “zero

tolerance”, and he wants this message to be sent out loud and clear to drug dealers who make money by ruining people's lives by selling these destructive products. After the magistrate had pronounced the sentence of 14 years, the accused's attorney applied for leave to appeal. Magistrate Masikane, however, refused to grant this on the grounds that another court would not have come to a different decision. Health24 states: “Whoonga is a highly addictive, dangerous and destructive street drug, unique to South Africa. Both heroin and dagga are the main narcotic ingredients, but it is not always clear what whoonga consists of and it varies from place to place. “However, it is said to be a cocktail of antiretroviral drugs, milk powder rat poison, bicarbonate of soda and pool cleaner. Users claim they can go for days without eating when on this drug. “A single hit can cost as little as R30 for a parcel or straw and is smoked by heating the cocktail of ingredients and inhaling the fumes. “Experts say just using it once is enough to get users hooked similar to heroin addiction."


President Jacob Zuma with MEC Arts and Culture Minister, Bongi Sithole­Moloi, at the gala dinner in the Greytown Town Hall last Saturday night, which was a feature of the Inkosi Matamelo Trust weekend. Clan members attended a function at Lake Merthley during the day. PHOTO: NGCEBO MAPHANGA

winner of the FlexiPump and

Arcadia is having a

Public Square Rosary Rally Please join the Catholic community of Greytown in praying the Rosary for Our Nation on

October 15, 2016 at 11:30 outside the Greytown Town Hall.

For more information contact Jayshree Anthony 083 232 0340.

LG Anthony

Home for the Aged


WHERE?? GREYTOWN COMMUNITY HALL WHEN?? 29th OCTOBER WHAT TIME?? from 9am White Elephant CHILDREN’S GAMES Tea Garden Fresh Produce Cakes & Pancakes Curry & Breyani


Solomon Malunga Goes through to the finals hoping to win


120 Pine Street, Greytown Tel: 033 413 2196 • Fax: 033-413 2100

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