Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Courage
@Pinetown Fever
PUBLISHER: Neil Tapinos
Hillcrest Fever According to the editorial policy of the Hillcrest Fever, readers are invited to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and significant errors will be corrected as soon as possible. Please send information about correc tion of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’s Community Press, George Claassen, at or call him at 021 8513232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman. In that case, please phone 011 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to 011 788 4990 or email to
KZN LOCAL NEWS July to September 2014: 19950
6 CLASSIFIEDS ADS: Lynne Mathiesen: 031 533 7601
EDITOR: Valene Govender REPORTER: Kalisha Naicker
PRINTING: Paarl Coldset, PMB. COPYRIGHT: Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout, design and photographs is vested in Hill crest Fever and may not be used without the permission of Media24 News in writing. DISTRIBUTION: For all distribution queries, please contact Mpume Sithole at 031 533 7614
Pinetown Fever
SALES REP: Sarah Brauns: 0836574427 Debbie Williams
The Wolds | Berkshire Downs | Cowies Hill | Padfield Park | Ashley | Sarnia | Clermont | KwaDabeka EDITORIAL COMMENT
This week ONLINE
A number of reasons to celebrate
MANY people either look forward to the festive pe riod and begin their countdown to Christmas in Oc tober, while others are left running for the hills to avoid the ‘silliness’ that comes with the season. As we get ready to wind down and take a breath er, we decided to reflect on some of the wonderful reasons to celebrate the year that was. Yes, we can talk about some of the lowlights as well (no pun on the word ‘lights’), but that would not be very festive at all. The team at the Fever has had a wonderful year and has shared some truly remarkable memories with you. We’ve had an actionpacked year from meeting wonderful individuals who are slowly changing their communities one step at a time to covering campaigns that shows a proactive community who are willing to fight for their beloved home towns. To those people who are continuously going the
extra mile to serve others, we would like to salute you and thank you for allowing us to share your sto ries. This year South Africans voted hoping for the best – many are now glued to the parliament ses sion coverage because you never know what to ex pect. In 2015 we will be joining the queues for the byelections and once again, hoping for positive change. We know we live in a beautiful city and another reason to be a proud Durbanite is Durban has been voted an official new Seven Wonder City of the world. The picturesque beaches, rolling hills and breathtaking skyline together with a host of won derful inhabitants, sets us apart from the rest of South Africa. After 40 years, the Miss World title is held by a South African.
-Don’t be a victim of crime this festive season - Christmas centrepieces kids can make -Think when buying a Christmas gift -Mobile hospitals roll out -KZN’s tight security plans -Measles sweeps across South Africa
Have a safe and blessed festive season
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Rolene Strauss was crowned Miss World at the weekend and now features in a long list of remarka ble women who continue to make a difference to the countries they live in and the world. South Africans also took time through out the year to remember Nelson Mandela and do their bit to fulfill his legacy. It’s been a year since his death and many ques tioned the stability and patriotism of South Afri cans. The good news is, it seems as if communities are now more united than ever. Many believe his spirit still lives on calling it a sprinkling of ‘Madiba magic’. Clearly South Africans will continue to make great strides despite the negative news that some times comes to the fore. The Fever would like to wish all our fantastic cli ents and readers a wonderfully happy festive sea son and here’s to welcoming 2015 in style.
continues to destroy some of our communities. However, the one thing that continues to stand undefeated is the spirit of the Upper Highway community. Through the difficult times, our readers have once again proven that we are, without a doubt, among the most resilient and strong-willed. We have weathered all the storms that came our way and have demonstrated that we can be a community to be proud of - from our disabled horse rider achieving his goals to a local woman beating breast cancer and becoming an inspiration to others - our community stands together proud! We are confident that 2015 will be better than ever. We, at The Hillcrest Fever, have faced our
11 October 2016
Dear Readers, TODAY marks the end of another year for the Hillcrest Fever, and as the festivities kick off for this season, let us reflect on moments that touched our lives and the community this past year. 2014 has been marked by persistent challenges in our economy with price inflations (food, electricity, fuel, etc.). We had weather catastrophes and crime
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Call us today! Mark on 082 878 9115 Jaiden 082 586 4007 Office 031 003 0895 Check out our website: own challenges this year, but as we enter 2015 we renew our pledge to you to do our very best to continue to be the most accurate, fair and balanced source of news, opinion, features, sports and entertainment in the Upper Highway Area. We will continue to be open and honest with our readers and we assure you that the new year will be one never to be forgotten. Our hearts go out to those who lost loved ones this year and those experiencing difficulties of all types this holiday season. We extend sincere and warm wishes to our Hillcrest Fever family for a safe and peaceful festive season, and a happy and prosperous 2015. Kalisha Naicker Senior Journalist Hillcrest Fever
Dangerous ‘hole’ in Wyebank Road raises concerns Hillcrest Fever
>> ‘Initially the hole was dug to repair a water leak. To make matters worse the fence around the hole was stolen’ NOSIPHO MKHIZE
OTORISTS are driving slowly in fear after a construction company left a huge hole uncovered on the side of a Wyebank Road. A Wyebank resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, said the hole is next to her house and is concerned about when it will be repaired. “Initially the hole was dug to repair a water leak. With the recent heavy rains a tree fell over and collapsed onto the verge leaving my neighbours without electricity for at least six days. The road was barricaded and traffic diverted.” “Concrete barricades were placed around the huge hole, but a MercedesBenz crashed into the barricades. Both lanes cannot be used so vehicles are now driving on the pavement. “The concrete barricades are now being used to stop vehicles going into the below-road level houses and yellow plastic barricades are now surrounding the sinkhole. “To make matters worse the fence around the hole was stolen on Sunday 9 October. I have reported the hole matter to eThekwini Municipality and no one has come back to me. “I will also contact the construction company responsible for this. It is only a matter of time before a serious accident occurs. It has been reported to the authorities on a few occasions, but to date nothing has been done, their ex-
The hole left by the construction company concerned that fills up with water when it rains..
A resident shows ‘Fever’ reporter the hole. cuse is always [there is backlog].” Another resident, who also wants to remain anonymous, said he is living in fear because the hole is not only dangerous for motorists, but also for residents and children in the area. “The hole is quite deep and if a child falls into it no one will even notice.
When it rains the hole fills with water and that is also dangerous because if a child falls in they will drown. Children normally throw stones into it when it is filled with water and don’t realise how dangerous that section of the hole is.” When the Fever reporter contacted
the eThekwini Municipality head of communications, Tozi Mthethwa, she said: “Our records indicate that the matter was attended to and the patch of road was tarred. As a caring City eThekwini Municipality has a dedicated team of staff, who strive to provide superior service to all City residents.
Service delivery remains our key priority.” Simphiwe Thwala an Esor Pipeline (contractor) spokesperson said: “ It is not a sink hole, it is a scour valve, which is installed at all the lowest point[s] of the pipeline. Due to heavy rains experienced over the past few months there was mud that had to be cleaned along the pipeline almost the whole of Wyebank Road. We are done with the removal of mud, we have started with the installation of pipe. The affected area will be backfilled by the end of October 2016.”