CONTINUOUS MELTING OF BLOCKS OF FAT, ANHYDROUS AND HYDRATED BUTTER FASTPRODUCTIVEROBUSTCLEANCOMPACTEFFICIENT Let’s meet at: +39 0173 61.05.64 • Headquarter: Tecno 3 S.r.l. - Corneliano d’Alba - ITALY Tecno 3 Switzerland Tecno 3 USA INC 10064 PINEROLO - ITALIA Tel. +39 www.foodexecutive.cominfo@chiriottieditori.it0121393127 IP-2022anno101n.-TODCB1comma1art.46)n°27/02/,n.alSupplemento n. 101 - September 2022 ISSN 1590-6515 FOOD & TECHNOLOGYPACKAGINGITALIAN

MY 2022/23 EU total grain production is forecast at 273.8 MMT, down from the 293.1 MMT estimated for the previous marketing year. Grain production reductions are reported in all grains, with only oat production projected above previous season’s levels. Grain production has been revised down from the previous marketing year in main EU grain producing countries such as France, Poland, Romania, Spain, Italy, Hungary, and Bulgaria. Germany constitutes the exception to the rule as it is the only large grain producing Member State that reports a larger total grain output in MY 2022/23. Following a good start of the grain growing season, subsoil water reservoirs in Germany were replenished over winter with the notable exception of Saxony-Anhalt area in Eastern Germany. The combination of limited precipitation in spring and early summer and the heat waves in July through out Germany is expected to curb the rebound in yields as it hampers the kernel filling. Likewise, in Austria good grain crop expectations are being reported, with protein content and specific weight in wheat anticipated to improve compared to the previous season. In the Benelux Countries (Belgium, the Nether lands, and Luxemburg), despite a dry start of the growing season in March-April, sufficient rain fell to replenish soil moisture and crops are generally in good condition. In the Nordics (Sweden, Denmark, and Finland) a recovery in winter grain production in MY 2022/23 (mostly oats) is anticipated. Similarly, in Croatia and Greece, although spring started off dry, ample precipitation levels in May and June favored
- ci (2022) - september 3
Tight livestock producers’ margins and consumer price increases are expected to result in a reduction in feed and FSI uses of grains. Given these factors, the EU is anticipated to finish with tight grain ending stocks in MY 2022/23.
italian food & packaging technology
EU Grain Summer update 2022
According to the latest report published by the Foreign Agricultural Service of USDA, dry and warm conditions across the EU, combined with a decline in corn plantings, are anticipated to reduce the bloc’s total grain production in MY 2022/23. Nevertheless, EU exports of grains are expected to remain stable and partially replace Black Sea Region origins in in ternational grain markets. EU grain importing Mem ber States will expand their purchases in alternative grain suppliers to make up for the limited access to Ukrainian grain and the shorter domestic availability.
The EU total grain (the sum of wheat, barley, corn, rye, sorghum, oats, and mixed grains) planted area in MY 2022/23 is revised down compared to previous estimates. The derogation granted in March by the EU Commission as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that allows production of any crop in land laying fallow has altered farmers’ spring planting decisions. Lower fertilization and irrigation requirements have resulted in an increase in areas planted to protein crops and oilseed crops, such as sunflower, at the expense of spring grains, such as corn. The larger area planted to barley in MY 2022/23 does not com pensate for reductions in wheat area, in both cas es most prominently in France, and the lower corn plantings projected (Poland, Bulgaria, Spain, Slova kia, and Czech Republic) (See Graph 1).
italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september 5 trends
Industry sources relate the relatively lower grain prices in eastern EU Member States (namely Poland and Romania) to the influx of grain from Ukraine, which remains in the region until it can be exported to countries in need. Despite the shorter crop, EU total grain exports are anticipated to remain stable. Competitive pric es of EU grains, reduced competition by Ukrainian origin, combined with Euro-Dollar parity and nonEurozone currencies devaluation against the Dollar, support increased grain exports to countries in the in the Middle East and North Africa.
puts, such as fertilizers and plant protection products, due to supply shortages in the case of fertilizers and lack of working capital. In the Baltic Countries (Lat via, Lithuania, and Estonia) cold and dry conditions between March and mid-May delayed spring grain plantings and slowed down initial plant development. This was countered by the abundant precipitation and warmer temperatures registered in June. However, these later conditions also raised concerns about pests’ incidence affecting yields. Estonian farmers ex pect significantly higher yields than the previous year. In Latvia, the damage in grain crops caused by recent torrential rains and heavy winds is yet to be assessed.
EU net grain exporting Member States and United States new crop corn suppliers are expected to tem per the negative effect of the likely limited access to Ukrainian corn in the fourth quarter of CY2022.

The lower-than-average MY 2022/23 EU grain crop, combined with the steady pace of EU grain ex
Post anticipates a five percent reduction of feed grain demand as animal inventories are expected to de cline across the EU in MY 2022/23, potentially releasing more grain for export purposes. Eroding livestock pro ducers’ margins, driven by increased feed ingredients and energy costs, animal health issues affecting animal populations in the EU (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influ enza (HPAI) and African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreaks), and logistic difficulties (freight costs and container availability) when exporting livestock products to third countries’ markets are the main drivers for the feed grain demand reduction. Despite the shorter domestic crop, in MY 2022/23, corn is anticipated to remain the preferred grain for feed purposes. In MY 2022/23, total Food, Seed, and Industrial (FSI) grain use in the EU is expected to remain stable.
The EU’s total grain consumption for MY 2022/23 is currently projected at 256.7 MMT, down from the 264.3 MMT estimated for MY 2021/22.
EU grain deficient Member States, namely Spain, the Benelux Countries, Italy, and Portugal, are rela tively more dependent on corn imports from third countries. These EU Members States will rely strongly on Brazil’s safrinha corn during the summer months.
Inflation-driven (Map 4) reduced consumer purchasing power can contribute to build preference for grainbased diets. Likewise, the EU’s food grains demand is favored by the recovery of social interactions, Ho tels, Restaurants, and Institutions (HRI) activity, and tourism. Grain uses in bioethanol production in the EU is projected to remain strong. With the lifting of the pandemic-related movement restrictions, bioethanol consumption and production is picking up.
The market for fats & oils is estimated at USD 236.7 Billion in 2021 and it is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.8% to reach USD 285.2 Billion by 2026.

Global forecast on the fat & oil market
8 italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september product trends
According to the report “Fats & Oils Market” writ ten by MarketsandMarkets, a competitive intelligence and market research platform, this sector exhibits a fragmented scenario at a global level, with many small refineries processing oilseeds and animal fats into value-added oils and fats that are further uti lized as ingredients and additives in the processed food and industrial sectors. Manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors of fats and oils are seeking to capi talize on increased awareness about nutritional com position, fortification, and label claims of products and are simultaneously providing improved offerings to enhance their revenues. Fats & oil based products are targeted for various end-user industries, such as bakery and confectionery, snacks and savory foods, convenience foods coupled with industrial utilization in biofuel, animal feed, and oleochemicals applica tions.
The low level of linoleic acid and the virtual ab sence of linolenic acid makes the Palm oil relatively stable to oxidative deterioration. Depending on the oil palm variety, some Palm oils may appear to be more saturated. The dark red-orange-colored Palm oil is high in the concentration of carotenoids and anthocyanins. It is also high in vitamin E, present
Palm oil is estimated to account for the largest share
According the latest report by the Foreign Ag ricultural Serviceof USDA, EU27 sugar production forecast for market year (MY) 2022/23 is project ed at 16.3 million metric tons (MMT) in Raw Sugar Equivalents (RSE). That is a decrease of 25,000 MT below the expected MY 2021/22 production, but remains 340,000 metric tons (MT) above the MY 2020/21 production which suffered from beet yel lows virus (BYV) disease in mainly France, Germany, and Poland. Calculated at average sugar yields, this decrease is the result from a further forecast de crease in EU beet acreage by 30,000 hectares (ha) to 1.45 million ha. Total EU27 beet sugar production for MY 2022/23, including for industrial use, is forecast at 17.8 MMT RSE, a 300,000 MT decrease from MY 2021/22, but still more than 355,000 MT above MY 2020/21. In dustrial use, especially for bioethanol, is forecast to

10 italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september product trends
Sugar production in European Union falls
In addition, increasing focus on the expansion of facilities, marketing schemes, and infor mation exchange programs to create awareness and enhance the applications of bakery pro cessing equipment is projected to contribute to the growth of the market. The COVID-19 pandemic is projected to have a significant impact on the bakery processing equipment market, as it has high lighted the significance of safe, healthy, and nutritive eating. Food security, food safety, and food sustainability have been considerably affected during the Covid-19 pandemic. Consumer behaviour related to the food consumed saw sharp shifts, with a higher preference for safety and quality. These have further propelled the manufacturers to assess the safety parameters of their food products to be able to sustain their product values in the market. COVID-19 has impacted the bakery processing equipment market, but there is no significant impact on the global operations and supply chain of their bakery processing equipment solution. Multiple manufacturing facilities of players are still in operation.
12 italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september FOOD PROCESSING
According to Marketsand Markets , the bakery processing equipment market is estimated to account for about USD 11.6 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach a value of nearly USD 14.8 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 5.1%. The bakery processing equipment market is highly im pacted by innovations, as man ufacturers are always introduc ing new processing techniques to produce complex bakery products of different shapes and sizes, thereby focusing on catering to the increasing demand from the processed food industry and consumers. Development of new machinery and enhancement of the exist ing ones are the key strategies adopted by many players in the bakery processing equipment market.
Drivers: Growth in the demand for convenience food products The processed food market is driven by the increase in the need for convenience due to the busy customer lifestyles. Further, growth in per-capita income has resulted in greater demand for ready-to-eat and
Bakery forecastEquipmentProcessingmarketto2026 turers from the developed parts of the world. They now need to either cut down their profits so as to offer their products at competitive prices; or increase their production and sales, to gether with providing increased functionality in a minimal price ence for healthy bread, such as multi-grain and gluten-free bread. As customers are be coming more health-conscious, they are encouraged to opt for bakery products that are glu ten-free and are low in carbo hydrates, unlike the traditional so that bakery product manufac turers would be able to buy their products and could cut down the cost involved in installing new equipment without sacrificing on quality. The bread segment By application, the bread segment is estimated to domi nate the global bakery process ing equipment market in 2021. The bread segment is projected to witness significant growth due to the increasing prefer white bread. Bread is considered a staple food in many countries worldwide. The mixers segment By type, the mixers segment is estimated to account for the largest share in the bakery pro cessing equipment market in 2021. Industrial bakery mixer is one of the key equipment, which is used for producing bakery products such as bread, cakes, pastries, and other bakery re lated products. Dough mixing is
food processing 14 italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september one of the important process es in the production of bakery products and bread, which homogenizes and hydrates the ingredients in the dough. This directly affects the prod uct quality of bakery products. The baking mixer is used to add volume to the mixed product or dough and mixes all the ingredi ents such as wheat, sugar, and baking flour. The baking equipment com panies are focusing on utilizing innovative and new technolo gies for mixing the bread and bakery products in the Europe an region.
The Asia Pacific market is projected to grow at the highest CAGR The bakery processing equip ment market in the Asia Pacif ic region is projected to grow rapidly due to the enhanced economic growth in the last dec ade. The food industry has also played an important role in the region’s economic development. Food consumption in the regions is also gradually increasing, ow ing to expanding population, rising income, and rapid urbani zation.Students and professionals in metropolitan regions choose bakery products as snacks due to the hectic lifestyles of custom ers in countries such as China, India, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Because of their supe rior quality and packaging, inter national bakery items have seen an increase in demand in China. These variables all contribute to the expansion of bread product markets.

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A. Pre-treatment plant before the biological plant to remove oils and greases that are not easily biodegradable and sus pended solids, with a result up to 98% and for COD even hi gher than 70 - 80%.
C. Clarifying plant after the bio logical plant, to remove from the liquid phase also the lighter sludge flakes that are often not retained by the secondary set tling.

The AQUAFLOT flotation unit is a physical-chemical plant de signed by TecnoAlimenta that has developed and optimized the technology of dissolved air flotation units (DAF system) based on the differentiated pressure and the solubility of the air in the wa ter proportional to its pressure.
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food processing Water purification plants
D. As sludge thickener. E. As a liquid solid separator in process plants of various types of industries (paper mills, wineries, meats, etc.) Specifically, AQUAFLOT is used in following industries: dairy, slaughter and meat, fats and fish processing, catering, canning, wine-making, confectionery, bev erage manufacturing but also in dyeing, tanneries, to clarify wa ter, in biological treatments o for the thickening of biological active sludge.
Application fields

AQUAFLOT is a compact, easily transportable plant, completely in stainless steel, equipped, in some cases, with lamellar packs that allow great treatment capacity compared to the reduced overall dimensions. The level regulators optimize the extraction of the float with dry content up to 8%.
B. Tertiary treatment.
The saturation system guarantees complete and uniform saturation ensuring the formation of fine bubbles. The reactor allows sam pling the waste-water and simply optimizing the coagulant / floccu lant dosage. (TecnoAlimenta - Via de Pisis 1942124 Reggio Emilia - Italy - Tel. +39 0522 514804 - email: info@tecnoal - +

foundations The legal basis for handling transport and sales packaging in the EU is the European Packaging Di rective (EU Directive 94/62/EC), in conjunction with the European Commission’s Plastics Strategy. The basic idea of the Packaging Directive is the circular economy. Waste should be reused or recycled if it cannot be avoided. According to the Plastics Strate gy, all plastic packaging placed on the market in the EU should be recyclable or reusable by 2030. The requirements from Brussels are implemented in na tional law by the German Packaging Act. According to this, the recycling quotas for all packaging ma terials will be tightened step by step by 2030. As far as plastic is concerned, half of the material used must be recyclable by 2025. A registration obliga tion is intended to prevent environmentally harmful packaging from entering the German market in the first place.
22 italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september PACKAGING TRENDS Innovative packing is safeeco-friendly,anddurableFoodpackaging,especiallyforsensitiveproductsmadefrommeatoralternativeproteins,mustmeetawiderangeofrequirements.Productprotectionandshelflifeareparamount.Changingconsumerbehaviorhascontributedtoafocusonsustainableandenvironmentallyfriendlyproductsinpackagingaswell.Additionalpressureisexertedbyincreasinglystringentlegalrequirements.Innovationsarethereforeaimedatreducingmaterialuse,recyclabilityandpackagingmadefromrenewablerawmaterials.Legal
Requirements for the packaging of the future Driven by consumer expectations and legal re quirements, manufacturers, often in conjunction with research institutes and even competitors, are working flat out on forward-looking packaging for meat, sausage & co. It should be sustainable and re source-saving, generate less waste and at the same time meet the highest standards in terms of safety, shelf life and quality. Ideally, this packaging is recy clable or biodegradable and can be fed into a closed material cycle. Not only in the packaging sector, but especially there, the issue of sustainability is very important to consumers. A study conducted by the consumer research company Nielsen in 2020 showed that 71% of German consumers prefer packaging that uses less material. A similar conclusion was reached in a November 2021 study by packaging manufacturer Amcor, which surveyed 12,000 consumers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, China and Brazil. Seventy-six% said they want to recycle more and that recyclability is the most important sustainability feature for packag ing. Conclusion: “Manufacturers who reduce pack aging or make it recyclable can score points with customers,” according to the market researchers at Nielsen.
Biobased packaging One promising research approach is biobased, i.e. biodegradable, packaging based on renewable raw ma terials. Fraunhofer is conducting research in the “Pre serve” project on whey protein, which has similar bar rier properties to EVOH or PVDC (polyvinylidene chlo ride) and is degradable in seawater. Experiments are also being conducted with sealable paper bags whose barrier layers consist of proteins and waxes. Here, too, the proteins serve as an oxygen barrier layer, and the waxes as a water vapor barrier. The antimicrobial effect of the bio-based additives prevents the packaged meat from spoiling quickly. Sugar cane, algae, fungi, or lactic acid are other raw materials suitable for the develop ment of biobased packaging. Corresponding packaging is already on the market. One example is “Bio-SamPak,” a compostable film made from renewable cellulose, the main component of plant cell walls. The packaging for sausage and cheese is said to have the same hygiene and shelf-life standards as plastic.
Another advantage compared to conventional MAP trays: tubular bags have a much smaller pack volume, but thanks to their protective atmosphere they can be stacked just as easily. As a result, this means sig nificantly better utilization of loading areas during truck transport and thus lower CO2 emissions.
The development of sustainable innovative pack aging and the corresponding machines for its produc tion or for packaging food go hand in hand. Packaging manufacturers often have the matching machines for processing environmentally friendly materials such as paper and thin films in their product range at the same time. One of many examples is the “thermoformer” for producing the “FoodTray” packaging solution (see section on combi-packaging). Thus, the next genera tion of environmentally friendly packaging is about to be launched on the market.
IFFA: The latest generation of packaging machines
With four trade fairs on four continents, Messe Frankfurt is accompanying the dynamic growth of the global food industry. For more information on the events in the “Food Technologies sector go to:
Combination packaging However, the innovative tubular bags do not mean the end of traditional tray packaging, where consumers have to peel a film off the supporting cardboard. Behind the term “Eco Bowl” is a fully re cyclable corrugated tray with modified atmosphere (MAP) based on corrugated cardboard. The 85% re duction in plastic content compared to conventional plastic trays is limited to the skin and top film. Anoth er model, “FoodTray,” consists of a cardboard tray made from renewable raw materials and two thin films made from recyclable plastic. The manufacturer thus reduces plastic consumption by around 80%.
Smart packaging In the quest for greater sustainability and envi ronmental compatibility of packaging, quality and product protection must not be left out. One re search trend in this regard is smart packaging, which actively takes care of the meat product, protects it and thus also has a sustainable effect. Smart or “in telligent” packaging protects against light, regulates moisture development, keeps the temperature sta ble, absorbs unwanted ripening gases and prevents germ infestation - to name just a few applications. Researchers at the Fraunhofer IVV are also working on appropriate solutions in this area.
packaging trends 24 italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september
An overview of innovations in the field of packag ing was provided by exhibitors at IFFA - the leading international trade show Technology for Meat and Alternative Proteins, which was held from May 14 to 19, 2022 in Frankfurt, Germany.

Other factors supporting growth include:
Yoghurt packaging forecast
According the latest report by Freedonia, demand for yogurt packaging is forecast to grow 1.3% per year to $605 million in 2025, limited by slow growth in overall yogurt consumption and stagnation in the dominant spoonable yogurt market. While demand for yogurt packaging cups will be weak, healthy gains are predicted for pouches and bottles, as consumer interest in squeezable and drinkable yogurt formats continues to rise.

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• increasing use of value-added yogurt packaging products such as multi-compartment cups, paper cups (which provide sustainability advantages), and pouches with fitments that facilitate on-thego consumption
• the ongoing popularity of yogurt as a convenient, healthy snack and as a meal supplement/substi tute
Metal Packaging Europe, the association of European producers of rigid metal packaging, completed a new Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of metal packaging including aluminium bever age cans, aluminium and steel food cans, steel aerosols, steel general line and speciality pack aging and steel closures. Based on 2018 production data, the study covers the life cycle of metal packaging produced in Europe, from raw material extraction through manufacturing and end-of-life. When compared to the previous LCAs*, the study records significant reductions in greenhouse gases emissions, confirming the industry’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions and to decouple pro duction from its carbon footprint.

The main factors which have made this progress possible are: • improvements taking place in raw material production over time;
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New Life Cycle Assessment of metal packaging shows significant reduction in Greenhouse Gases Emissions
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Italian amachinerypackagingreportsrecord-breaking2021
The Italian automatic packag ing machinery sector has report ed total sales revenues of €8.24 billion in 2021, an all-time high that eclipses the previous record of €8.04 billion set in 2019. The result marks a 5.5% increase on 2020 and is particularly im pressive in view of the pandem ic-related restrictions that were in place throughout 2021 along with the global shortage of raw materials and components that hindered production and ship ments in the final months of the year. These figures were contained in the National Statistical Sur vey for the industry published annually by the MECS – Ucima Research Centre and announced during Ucima’s Annual Members’ Meeting. The survey counted a total of 633 companies with 36,351 employees, 2% more than the previous year. International markets The Italian manufacturers of packaging technology and solu tions maintained their strong export propensity in 2021 with foreign sales of €6.46 billion, 78.4% of the total. Following the 4% decline in 2020, exports resumed growth at +6.2%. The European Union maintained its position as the largest market for Italian machinery with revenues of €2.15 billion, up 3.4% com pared to 2020 and equivalent to 40.8% of total exports. Asia lost ground (-4.4%) but remained the second most important ex port market for Italian packaging technology with sales of €942 million, 17.8% of the sector’s total exports. In third place was North America with an impres sive 13% year-on-year growth to € 828 million following the 6% increase reported in 2020. Africa and Oceania followed in fourth place with 9% of the total export turnover (€473 million), overtak ing non-EU Europe, while Central and South America closed the ranking in sixth place.
The USA topped the ranking of individual countries with €756 million of machinery sales. This marked 13.1% growth compared to 2020 following the previous years’ increases. Next came France and Germany, which after the falls of 2020 resumed growth (+9.6% and +10.1% respectively). Exports to France totalled €364 million, while German companies purchased €316 million worth of Italian machinery. China remained
The F4 robot remains a key system component: Its large working range at right angles to the direction of belt travel makes it especially suitable for wide or very wide product belts.
packaging equipment italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september 33
Over 700 picker lines with thousands of robots and tens of thousands of tools have been built in recent decades. Pick & place is clearly one of Schubert’s core areas of expertise. Near ly every product consistency has been previously processed: freshly baked, warm from the oven, frozen, already packed or ‘naked’, sticky, greasy, fragile or pressure-sensitive – the wide range of goods packed up until now guarantees customers reli able, gentle and highly efficient product handling. T robots ensure top performance in the tightest of spaces In addition to its proven F4, four-axis Scara robots, the pack aging machine manufacturer has developed another robot type for its pick & place machines: the T series. The design of the T4 robots and their related T5 mod els is based on the familiar Delta robot type, but they differ <<sig nificantly>> from other robots on the market with this kinematics profile. Their limited rectangular working area makes them ideal to deliver high performance in the tightest of spaces: up to six of the four- or five-axis Delta robots can work simultaneously in a single TLM frame. With this robot den sity, Schubert can cover a larger working area within one sub-ma chine. This results in more output over a shorter distance, more flexibility in machine layout and, ultimately, more compact pick & place lines. This compact design represents a decisive advantage, especially when space on the production floor is at a premium.
The T5 robot features a fifth axis that can be used to tilt and swivel products – ideal, for example, for pastries that need to be placed vertically into a tray. The addition al arm movement increases flexi bility in the packaging process and enables difficult processes to be carried out with outstanding effi

The T5 robot has a fifth axis which can be used to tilt and swivel products. ciency and reliability. This ensures product quality even in the case of more complex machine processes. As with Schubert’s F4 Scara robots, the T robots work most ly in teams and can be scaled as required. With the different F4 and T4/T5 robot types, Schubert

packaging equipment

Thanks to their customers who constantly propose more dif ficult and ambitious projects that they then promote with renewed confidence; this is the main en gine of Tecno Pack continuous technological evolution and that allows the company to be not as a simple supplier of machinery, but as a serious, reliable and compe tent partner to entrust the pack aging of their products. (Tecno Pack Spa - Via Lago di Albano, 76 - 36015 Schio - VI- Ita ly - Tel. +39.0445.575661 - email - - www.
Tray sealing equipment
italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september 37
Cigno is the latest develop ment by G. Mondini in the ther mosealer family the new gener ation of compact automatic tray sealing equipment. With its lean design, Cigno is the perfect fit for packaging operations across the food industry market. lt satisfies small production batch needs, as well as supermarket operation requirements thanks to its flexibility. Trouble-free operation cou pled with durability, Cigno es sential engineering delivers intu itive, fast, accessible equipment requiring minimum training and less maintenance compared to the industry standard. Cigno can perform 25 cycles/ min. with a single cavity mold and tray dimensions from 130x130 to 260x190mm. It features a lean and hygienic design, full acces sibility, easy to use, open access for cleaning and inspection and quick format change with no tools or trolley. (G. Mondini - Via Brescia, 5/7 - 25033 Cologne - BS - ltaly - Tel. +39 030 705600 – email: sales@ - www.gmondini. com)Cigno compact thermosealer (G. Mondini).

The COVID-19 pandemic is projected to have a significant impact on the food market, as it has highlighted the significance of safe, healthy, and nutritive eating. Food security, food safe ty, and food sustainability are recognized as strongly affected dimensions of food systems during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Restaurant operators with es tablished drive-thru and pick-up operations have fared much bet
The use of e-commerce to order deliveries of groceries and res taurant meals has risen sharply.
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Food safety testing market worth $28.6 billion by 2026 billion in 2021; it is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.9% to reach USD 28.6 billion by 2026. The food industry is complex and dynamic. It is projected to grow with the continuous growth in population and the resulting rise in demand for convenience and processed food. This increasing food demand has compelled farmers, food manufacturers, and suppliers to increase the quantity and im prove the quality of agricultural produce and food products. To meet the increasing food de mand, global food production must be increased by 70% by 2050, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The increase in global food produc tion impacts the growth of the market with an increasing num ber of food safety controls in each step—from the raw mate rial procurement till the product reaches consumers, who look out for accredited certification when they purchase food prod ucts to ensure the safety of food.
COVID-19 impact on the global food safety testing market
The report “Food Safety Testing Market by Marketsand Markets agency presents a fore cast to 2026 of Target Tested (Pathogens, Pesticides, GMOs, Mycotoxin, and Allergens), Tech nology (Traditional and Rapid), Food Tested (Meat, Poultry, Sea food, Dairy, Processed Foods, and Fruits & Vegetables), and Region. Food safety testing is con ducted at critical levels of pro duction and works as an essen tial step in certifying the quality and safety of food items served to customers. In the US, food recalls occur frequently. As a re sult, food production, food ser vice, and food retail companies, together with government reg ulators, have increased efforts to ensure food safety, leading to the growth of the food safety testing market. The food safety testing mar ket was estimated at USD 19.5
For the first time, French Researchers presents the im plementation of a manufactur ing scheme from seeds to final product, including pre-extraction, extraction, and post-extraction (physical and microbiological sta bilization), using a 2(7-4) fractional factorial screening design. The seven factors were seed soaking time, grinding time, temperature and seed/water ratio during extraction, xanthan gum concentration, homogeni zation pressure, and pasteuri zation temperature. Beverage quality analysis consisted of measurements of chemical com position, color, stability, and rheological behavior. The results of experimental design showed that the dry matter as well as the lipid and protein contents in creased significantly by increas ing the ratio (grain/water) and the grinding time. On the other hand, the extraction tempera ture led to a better extraction of lipids but a lower extraction of proteins. Regarding stability, xanthan gum had a negative ef fect, while homogenization pres very nutritious and available in the entire Mediterranean area. This study, published in the Journal of Food Process Engineering, presents the setting up of a fabrication diagram of a plant-based beverage made from Aleppo pine seeds. Seven production parameters were tested, including pre-extraction (seed conditioning), extraction, and post-extraction (physical and microbiological stabilization), thanks to a fractional factorial 2(74) screening design. The best con ditions enabled the production of a final beverage comparable to other commercialized plant-based beverages in terms of nutritional and organoleptic quality.
from Pinus halepensis seeds sure and pasteurization temper ature showed their effectiveness in decreasing the particle size and increasing the physical stability of the product. Prac tical applications. Plant-based drinks, also called plant milks, are interesting alternatives to animal milk. They have similar organoleptic properties but are more sustainable and offer very different nutritional composition depending on the plant used. As the consumers demand is con stantly increasing, setting up fabrication processes from new plant sources is relevant. Aleppo pine seeds are a potential matrix for the production of vegetable beverages because they are Aleppo pine seeds are a poten tial candidate for the production of nondairy milk due to their high protein (26%) and lipid (37%) content and their availability.

48 italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september NUTRITION
Elaboration of a new plant-based beverage
Waste bread as main ingredient for cookie elaboration Food waste is a current glob al problem. The aim of the work published in Foods journal by Spanish Researchers was to investigate the possibility of re introducing bread discarded by retailers in the preparation of sugar-snap cookies. Bread flours were obtained from stale breads (white and whole wheat) milled with 200,500 and 1000 mum sieves. Cookies were elaborated using 100% bread flours and combinations of 50% of bread flour and wheat flour. The rheology of the doughs, the dimensions of the cookies, their texture and colour were evaluat ed. Bread flour doughs presented higher G’ (elastic modulus), G” (viscous modulus) values than the control, especially with increased particle size. Bread flour cookies had a smaller diameter and a hard er texture than the control, but in the case of whole bread flours of larger particle sizes, those dif ferences were reduced. Cookies made with bread flour had a dark er colour and higher a* values. The 50% mixtures did not present sig nificant differences with respect to the control in terms of dough rheology, hardness, or lightness. Although the spreading factor was reduced, it was more similar to the control than to 100% bread flourWastedcookies.bread flour can thus be used to replace wheat flour in cookie formulations.

italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september antioxidant capacity, bromelain activity, microbiology, and my cotoxins. Results demonstrated that PBP are naturally rich in carbohydrates (66-88%), insol uble (16-28%) and soluble (24%) fiber, and minerals (4-5%).

MHP was demonstrated to be beneficial in improving TPC (24%), antioxidant activity (2-6%), and bromelain activity (6-32%) without affecting the nutritional value. Furthermore, microbial and mycotoxical analysis demon strated that powdered PC is a safe by-product. PS application is possible but requires previous decontamination to reduce the microbiological load.
Collagen is a structural protein found naturally in high amounts in poultry skin and bones. Gelatin is obtained by a partial hydroly sis of collagen under controlled conditions. It is a pure protein with many functional and tech nological properties such as ge lation, thickening, film-forming and emulsification. Besides skin and bones, mechanically deboned meat (MDM) residues are consid ered good sources of collagen as well.A Turkish study published in Akademik Gida aimed to extract collagen and gelatin from poultry skin and MDM residues of neck, shinbone, breastbone, wing tip, shanks, upper/lower back bone and their mixture through pre-treatment (using with dilute alkali and acid), demineralization, degreasing and thermal extrac tion processes, and evaluate their properties comparatively. Based on Kjeldahl analysis, the
Egg yolk contains abundant meat precursors, but its odor is quite different from meat aroma. In a Chinese study, published in Food Chemistry, the lipids in egg yolk were partly removed by acetone or totally removed by chloroform/methanol, and lutein was removed simultaneously by the solvents. Then, the samples were heated, and the volatiles and aroma profiles were ana lyzed. The results showed that chicken meat aroma and meat aroma were imitated successfully through the removal of neutral li pids and lutein (acetone-treated) and total lipids and lutein (chloro form/methanol-treated) egg yolk samples, respectively. Finally, additional lutein and tert-butyl hydroquinone were employed Use of egg yolk to imitate meat aroma for validating the inhibiting ef fects of lutein on lipid oxidation and Maillard reaction, and the results demonstrated that it was lutein rather than lipids or their degradation products that de Collagen/gelatin extraction from poultry skin and deboned meat residues termined the flavor formation. These findings push forward the mechanisms for the formation of meat flavor and provide insights for future manufacturing of meat aroma.

54 italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september RESEARCH

Counteracting blue discoloration on mozzarella cheese under cold storage

method was conducted in this study published in Packaging Technology and Science journal. Namely, two sets of 28 different kinds of fruits and vegetables were prepared, one that was wrapped in additional packag ing and the other with ordinary packaging. These sets were then exported from Japan’s Shimizu Port to Singapore as mixed car go. Following transportation, in strumental analysis and sensory evaluation were performed to compare the quality of the addi tionally packaged produce with that of the ordinarily packaged produce. This additional packag ing greatly reduced the loss of fresh weight of Chinese cabbage, lettuce, cabbage and Japanese white radish. Moreover, the ad ditional packaging reduced the drying of “Shine Muscat” grape stems. However, some produce such as peaches deteriorated in quality due to slight changes in gas concentration. For many items, additional packaging can be a low-cost option for main taining quality when exporting fruits and vegetables packaged for routine domestic distribu tion. In a work published in Food Packaging and Shelf Life jour nal, Italian Researchers tested a new technological solution to extend the shelf-life of Mozzarel la cheese using a salicylate-func tionalized PET packaging. To this aim, ready-to-sell Moz zarella cheeses were inoculated with Pseudomonas lactis ITEM 17298 strain, responsible for blue discoloration; mozzarella cheeses packed in treated or untreated trays were stored at 4°C and mon itored up to blue discoloration oc curred. Results from microbiologi cal analyses showed inhibitory ef fect against the pigmenting strain up to 8 days of cold storage in Mozzarella cheese packed in treat ed trays compared to the control samples. Likewise, CIELab values of b* and hue did not differ from those found on the uninoculated Mozzarella cheeses, delaying the appearance of bluish spots by ap proximately 2 days. Furthermore, the use of treated trays unpaired the formation of the biofilm by significantly reducing the amount deposited inside the treated trays compared to the control ones. For the first time, therefore, the use of an antimicrobial packaging with high technology readiness level has delayed the blue mozzarella occurrence specially contaminat ed samples. Further trials will have to be undertaken to optimize the sa licylate concentration released in the tray in order to abate the risk of this fresh dairy product with drawal from the market.
italian food & packaging technology - ci (2022) - september