Friday Feb 05, 2016
新春大吉 快樂安康 財源廣進
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Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Rouse Hill
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
1800 118 258
一方集團在 Quartet 揭開序幕
悉尼 – 知名澳州華裔開發商 – 一方在悉尼 Lane Cove 揭開了其首個澳洲住宅專案的序幕。一方曾經成功地 完成了很多傑出的項目,其中亦包括和中國規模最大 的房地產公司大連萬達合作的項目。 Quartet 是位於 Birdwood Avenue 和 Finlayson Street 之間的一處頗具韻味的全新社區。在一方及其獨家銷 售代理 – Ray White Projects 以及 BATESSMART 和 360 Degrees 的通力合作下,Quartet 社區呈現出勃勃 生機。 Quartet(四重奏)名副其實,其由四幢引人矚目的建 築組成,共 237 套個性化住宅,包括:聯排別墅、單臥、 雙臥和三臥室公寓和頂層公寓。豐富的園林景觀和蔥 翠的綠色植被完美地闡釋了該地區的自然環境,此外 該社區更兼充沛的生活空間和一流的建築設計,緊鄰 購物區,打造極致和諧的生活。 一方集團副主席劉暢(Chang Liu)表示 Quartet 的長 期目標致力於該集團所看重的和諧共生和合資企業。 “ 一方集團深諳成功之道 – 通過夥伴關係獲得當地的 資訊,藉此我們可以推出與現有社區相協調的新項目。 自 2001 年起,我們已經在中國推出了多個標誌性的 世界級開發專案。” “Quartet 是一方在澳大利亞的首個住宅開發專案,我 們也很樂於將自己的想像力融入 Lane Cove 地區。我 們與 Lane Cove 有著很穩固的聯繫,我們的總經理
和我本人就曾在該地區生活過多年。我們非常期待能 夠回饋 Lane Cone 這個完美的社區,同時希望能夠 留給當地居民一筆恒久的財富,這也正是目前我們在 Quartet 開展的事業。” 劉女士如是說。 一方致力於生態可持續發展的住宅項目,其將通過 Quartet 展現出一系列具有創造性和先驅性的可持續 發展特色,旨在降低能源消耗、生活開支和縮減碳排 放。四幢建築之間交織點綴著蔥翠的綠植,另帶有幽 靜的座椅區和風景如畫的花園,這一切都旨在鼓勵居 民進行社交活動並享受室外生活。 Quartet 社區具有一流的公共藝術特色和一座社區花 園,其通過建築風格闡釋鄰里之間的價值,並將進一 步豐富其引人矚目的環境。Quartet 社區竣工後,一 方計畫積極開展各種社區專案,充分利用該地區的學 術、文化、運動和生活元素。 BATESSMART 總監 Guy Lake 表示 Quartet 的設計靈 感來自於該地區的自然環境,旨在讓該社區的建築風 格與地形學完美結合。 “Quartet 的設計與現有的城市景觀完美結合,同時保 證了該社區與周圍茂密的自然景觀情景交融。該社區 精緻的聯排別墅和公寓更像是渾然天成的存在,而非 出自設計師之手,完美地融入了 Lane Cove 繁榮多彩 的社區之中。”Lake 先生說道。 Quartet 寬敞明亮的現代化聯排別墅、一流的公寓和
奢華的頂層住宅皆可縱覽 Chatswood CBD 的景觀, 迎合各類買家的需要。 Ray White Projects 總監 Eddie Mansour 表示 Quartet 毗鄰各種生活和娛樂設施,是年輕從業者、家庭和空 巢老人的理想之選。 “ 對 於 這 一 特 色 的 開 發 將 進 一 步 完 善 和 優 化 Lane Cove 地 區, 同 時 提 高 該 地 區 的 吸 引 力 和 知 名 度。 Lane Cove 享有得天獨厚的地理位置,因此而備受歡 迎;其緊鄰悉尼 CBD、Chatswood、Macquarie 公園 以及多所悉尼知名學府和大學。” “ 我 們 的 團 隊 正 在 與 一 方、BATESSMART 和 360 Degrees 密切合作,旨在打造能夠迎合悉尼人眼光的 最高品質住宅。”Mansour 先生如是說。 該 社 區 位 於 Lane Cove 腹 地, 社 區 居 民 分 鐘 可 抵 Lane Cove 的購物區、Lane Cove 水上休閒中心、當 地的圖書館和精品咖啡屋。與此同時,該社區緊鄰公 共交通設施和 Epping Road,15 分鐘即可抵達悉尼 CBD,10 分鐘可抵 Chatswood。 Quartet 將於 2016 年初對外開放其樣板展示間,首批 住宅將於 2 月開始銷售。 樣板間位於 Lane Cove,Burns Bay Road 10 號。 欲 獲 取 更 多 關 於 Quartet 的 資 訊, 請 訪 問 quartetlanecove.com.au 或撥打諮詢電話: 1300 792 108.
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
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31/01/2016 12:22:00 AM
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
擴寬您的視野 提升生活品質
已經動工 1期-全部成功售出,2期-熱售中
1,2及3睡房豪華雅柏文 可觀賞悉尼天際線美景 位於高地勢,完美位置,當你回到Horizon的家中,您會體會到前所未有的全新愜意生活方式 。豪華的公寓有四個精湛設計的建築樓宇,可以觀賞到Eastwood無與倫比的遼闊和美麗。
1, 2&3睡房
銷售&資訊中心 開放參觀:週三,週四,週五,週六及周日 2pm-5pm 開發商
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
William Chen 0430 026 436
Danny Yeung 0451 836 388
Nicola Ericson 0410 433 445
Michael Lo 0401 973 703
Emlyn Walters 0405 606 025
Christina Chong 0456 617 186
CENTRAL PARK FOR SALE - 本月物業出售 1 睡房 702/8 Park Lane W1316 Central Park E1805 Central Park
$735,000 $600,000 $1,020,000
$1,400,000 $1,160,000 $1,100,000
NEW 1,2 & 3 BED APARTMENTS ALL WITH PARKING FROM $595,000 Designed by the award winning architects Candalepas Associates and developer Haralambis Group.
2 睡房 雙鑰匙 W1304 Central Park E2513 Central Park E1507 Central Park
8-MINUTE WALK TO TRAIN STATION 12-MINUTE WALK TO NEW LIGHT RAIL STOP Opportunities to benefit as a First Home Buyer!
www.greencliff.com.au Christina Chong 0456 617 186 David Butt 0404 070 456 Open 12.00-3.00pm Saturday or by appointment
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
解開您的秘密花園之鎖 精心打造的 Oasis by Crown Group,旨在提升內城區 Ashfield 社區的新高度。位居地區最高點,從您居住的物業或屋頂花園
請參觀我們的樣板展示中心 - 僅接受預約參觀
均可飽覽城市及本地美景。樓宇內有音樂室,圖書館,樓內豪 華零售店鋪。雅柏文售價 $770,000 起。
豪華雅柏文 $503,000 起 黃金位置,可觀城市,本地及花園美景 戶外泳池,電影院,音樂室,樓宇內有餐廳
3 睡房雅柏文 步行 5 分鐘可至 Wynard 火車站 豪華室內泳池,空中休閒廊
最後一期 , 僅余四套 3 公里可至悉尼 CBD 及悉尼機場 屋頂 infinity 泳池,可觀賞美景的屋頂花園
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Michael 湯先生 0430 225 651 (國語,上海話)
Lawrence 黃先生 0408 338 007(粵語,國語,客家話)
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street
3 3 2 3 33
ceanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, es12.it compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 s currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 perfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 95 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti rock,coastal qwiuethiblwalno81 fock,kotsteps , awiMinimbah strol thinlofftoootsteps thebusespopuland ofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi5l age. 4 2 NORTHBRIDGE Road Elevated above theBay stunning waters of Sailors Bay, this north facing family haven showcases a world class renovation 位於 Sailors 高處,北向豪華府邸,世界頂級裝修,擁有娛樂潛能。室內由 and rare entertaining potential. With interiors by Hecker Guthrie, the home features a vast living space that flows to Hecker Guthrie 精湛裝修,寬敞起居室可通向平臺,Bisazza 馬賽克瓷磚泳池。 the spectacular rear terrace, plus a Bisazza mosaic tiled pool with its own self-contained cabana. The Italian Bedonia 義大利 Bedonia 石檯面廚房,Gaggenau lower level rumpus room opens to the private rear decks. stone kitchen includes Gaggenau appliances, while a large廚具,低層娛樂室可通向私人戶外平臺。 精緻的主人套房,多功能閣樓,豪華浴室和秘密花園更進一步凸顯此物業的獨特 An exquisite master suite, versatile loft, luxe bathrooms and Secret Gardens landscaping provide further highlights of this unique offering. It’s set across a deep waterfront reserve block, moments from village life. 之處。它面對深水涉,近一切生活設施。
94 mcgrath.mcgrath. com.au/289394 com.au/289394 mcgrath.com.au/257531
For Sale Private Treaty 出售 View Sat & 週六 Thu 2.30 - 3.002.30 - 3.00 開放參觀 & 週四 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Paige Thompson 0423 421 129 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Call 9006 6323 / 9006 6349 Call 9006 6323 / 9006 6349
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street
3 3 2 3 33 3
eanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, es12.it compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 erfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 955 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti rock,coastal qwi10-12 uethiblwalnofock,kotsteps , awiBERTHA strol thinlofftoootsteps thebusespopulRoad andofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi6l age. 9 4 CREMORNE Elevated above the street across private 1671sqm double block, this grand Federation residence enjoys 寬敞大地,面積超過 1671a 平方米,高地勢,宏偉古典家居,可觀賞海港美景, spectacular harbour views and a palatial indoor/outdoor layout. It features a selection of exquisite living zones, Volker 室內、外怡人佈局。可觀賞壯觀的海港景色,並有富麗堂皇的室內 / 室外佈局。 Klemm gardens plus a luxurious two bedroom guest house. The fully self-contained lower level flows to the heated Volker pool, Klemm 2 睡房及客房。樓下獨立層可通向泳池,樓上每一睡 swimming while 花園,豪華 upstairs each of the bedrooms include ensuites, the stunning master suite capturing sweeping 房均有套間,主人房套間,可觀美景。開放式 Miele 廚具廚房及家庭活動區,桌 outlooks. With an open plan Miele kitchen/family area, a billiards room, level lawns, rear courtyard and wine cellar, this is an estate of rare quality. It embraces an ideal northern aspect and is located moments from village life. 球室,草坪,後院,酒窖,高品質物業,北向,近一切生活設施。
94 mcgrath.mcgrath. com.au/289394 com.au/289394 mcgrath.com.au/263772
For Sale Private Treaty 出售 View by appointment 預約參觀 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street
3 3 2 3 33
ceanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, es12.it compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 s currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 perfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 95 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti ro20 ck,coastal qwiueKiora thiblwalnofock,kotsteps , aAvenue wistrol thinlofftoootsteps thebusespopulandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi6l age. 6 4 MOSMAN This grand, 現 contemporary of architectural is destined to地 be 標 one式 of Mosman´s luxury 宏 偉、 代 大 師masterwork 級 手 筆, 精 湛 設design 計,Mosman 豪 華 家landmark 居, 位 於 residences, set high above Chinamans Beach and Rosherville Reserve to absorb captivating panoramas of Middle Chinamans 海灘及 Rosherville 公園之上,可觀賞 Middle Harbour 全景。共 4 層, Harbour. Cascading over four levels, it encompasses a spectacular array of in and outdoor living spaces, landscaped 寬敞室內、外空間,美景花園,泳池。高品質 Calacutta 大理石檯面廚房,Miele marble kitchen features a suite of Miele gardens and an infinity edge pool. The professional quality Calacutta 顛,5 睡房有私人套間。重細節,樓內內部電梯,高天花板,法國橡木地板,現 appliances, and five of the six bedrooms have private ensuites. Attention to detail is impeccable, from the internal lift, soaring ceilings and French oak floors to a state-of-the-art security system, multi-car garage and C-Bus automation. 代保安系統,多個車庫,C-Bus 自動系統。
94 mcgrath.mcgrath. com.au/289394 com.au/289394 mcgrath.com.au/272355
For Sale Private 開放參觀 週六Treaty 1.00 - 1.30 View Saturday 1.00 1.30 391 255 Michael Coombs- 0424 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street
3 3 2 3 33 3
eanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, es12.it compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 erfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 955 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti ro58A ck,coastal qwiuethiMoruben blwalnofock,kotsteps , awistrol thinlofftooRoad otsteps thebusespopulandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi6l age. 6 3 MOSMAN An expansive luxury masterpiece, ’Montpellier’ showcases a range of exquisite indoor/outdoor/ zones for a relaxed 寬敞物業,豪華家居,‘Montpellier’擁有一系列輕鬆而精緻的室內 室外生活及娛 family lifestyle. With a layout suited to spectacular entertaining, vast Travertine terraces flow from each floor, 樂區域,打造出愜意的家庭生活。每層均有大露臺,可觀賞 North Head 及周邊 capturing the sweeping elevated views to North Head and beyond. Beautifully appointed, the central open plan living 美景。怡人佈局,開放式起居室。樓下姻親房,主人房有套間,私人後院。草坪, space, self-contained lower level, stunning master suite and private front courtyard are striking highlights. With a 咸水泳池,正規飯廳,健身房,書房,太陽房,現代多功能與愜意的優質生活的 tranquil rear lawn, salt water pool, formal dining room, gymnasium, study and sunroom, this home blends modern functionality with sheer opulence. It’s exclusively located, an easy stroll to Balmoral Beach and village life. 完美結合。黃金位置,近 Balmoral 海灘和便利生活設施。
94 mcgrath.mcgrath. com.au/289394 com.au/289394 mcgrath.com.au/283959
For Sale Private Treaty 出售 View Sat & 週六 Thu 12.30 - 1.00 開放參觀 & 週四 12.30 - 1.00 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 John Melville 0409 368 541 John Melville 0409 368 541 Call 9006 6323 / 9006 6331 Call 9006 6323 / 9006 6331
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street
3 3 2 3 33
ceanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, es12.it compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 s currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 perfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 95 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti ro17 ck,coastal qwiueMorella thiblwalnofock,kotsteps , awistrol tRoad hinlofftoootsteps thebusespopulandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi4l age. 4 3 MOSMAN A careful coordination functionality and style by Casey Brown Architects, this exclusive harbour view residence is 由建築師 Caseyof Brown 時尚設計的溫馨家居,採用現代天然材料建造,可觀賞 inspired by the contrast of natural materials in contemporary living. A refined palette of copper, concrete and timber is 無敵海港美景。室內採用大量銅,混凝土及實木建造,室外寬敞娛樂區,煤氣火, carried throughout a supreme selection of indoor and outdoor family entertaining zones, complete with a gas 100 年年輪的斑桉木地板,落地窗,家庭影院,兒童休息室,書房,酒窖及帶陽 fireplace, 100 year old spotted gum floors and floor-to-ceiling picture windows. Additional highlights include an award winning home theatre, a lower children’s retreat, a study, a wine cellar and a scenic master suite with viewing 臺的主人套房。東北向,私人通道可直達 Chowder 港灣。 balcony. It enjoys a north easterly rear and direct access to Chowder Bay only moments from Mosman Village.
94 mcgrath.mcgrath. com.au/289394 com.au/289394 mcgrath.com.au/254964
For Sale Private Treaty 參觀:週六 1.30 - 2.00 View Saturday 1.30 2.00 391 255 Michael Coombs 0424 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Call 9386 3388 / 9006 6323 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388
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/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street
3 3 2 3 33 3
eanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, es12.it compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 erfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 955 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti ro36 ck,coastal qwiueEsther thiblwalnofock,kotsteps , awistrol thinlofftoootsteps thebusespopulandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi5l age. 5 3 MOSMAN Road Designed by BKH architects, this newly completed inspired haven provides luxurious finishes, family 海濱罕有位置,由著名建築公司 BKH Hamptons 設計,新近完工的漢普頓式創新設計家居, proportions and flowing indoor/outdoor living across three exquisite levels. With stylish interiors that open to 3 層建造,高品質豪華完工,寬敞怡人佈局,室內、外融匯貫通。室內時尚裝飾, expansive alfresco areas, sweeping ocean views and a self-contained downstairs retreat, this is a beachside 可通向寬敞戶外娛樂區,可觀海洋美景。樓下獨立物業。美景花園內有私人恒溫 residence of rare distinction. It includes a private heated pool set amid landscaped garden surrounds, a Calacatta 泳池,大理石檯面廚房,奢華主人套房,歐式橡木地板,怡人書房或第 6 bedroom. 睡房。 marble island kitchen, a breathtaking master suite, European oak flooring and a flexible study/sixth Wonderfully positioned, this米可至 home is just 250 metres海灘,近店鋪及咖啡店。 from Balmoral Beach and moments to village shops & cafés. 黃金位置,僅 250 Balmoral
94 mcgrath.mcgrath. com.au/289394 com.au/289394 mcgrath.com.au
For Sale Private 參觀時間 週六Treaty 12.30 - 1.00 View Saturday 12.30 - 1.00 391 255 Michael Coombs 0424 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Call 9386 3388 / 9006 6323 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388
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3 3 2 3 33
ceanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, es12.it compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 s currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 perfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 95 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti ro2B ck,coastal qwiuePark thiblwalnofock,kotsteps ,Avenue awistrol thinlofftoootsteps thebusespopulandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi3l age. 3 2 MOSMAN Privately nestled in an exclusive development of four, this striking contemporary home combines sleek cutting edge 位於僅有 4 套物業的精品區內,現代時尚前沿設計,高品質完工。寬敞開放式起 design with state-of-the-art finishes throughout. Immediately impressive, the exquisite open plan living area is filled 居室及飯廳,不銹鋼廚具,陽光充足,可觀寧靜綠蔭美景,室內可通向陽光充足 with natural light, capturing peaceful leafy outlooks and flowing to the sun drenched treetop alfresco rear. The stylish while the elegant lounge room, versatile lower level rumpus island kitchen is equipped with quality Miele appliances, 的戶外娛樂區。時尚廚房,高品質 Miele 廚具,優雅起居室,低層娛樂室,主人 retreat and stunning master suite are all further highlights. Tranquilly positioned at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, this 房有套間。迴旋街道,寧靜位置,近咖啡店,公共交通及 Reid 公園。 immaculate residence is only moments from cafés, transport and Reid Park.
94 mcgrath.mcgrath. com.au/289394 com.au/289394 mcgrath.com.au/286697
Guide $1,950,000 - $2,100,000 指導售價 $1,950,000 - $2,100,000 Auction Saturday 20th February 2.15pm 現場拍賣 2016 年 &2Thu 月 20 日 -週六 View Sat 10.30 11.002.15pm 開放參觀 週六 0424 & 週四 Michael Coombs 39110.30 255 - 11.00 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 John Melville 0409 368 541 John Melville 0409 368 541 Call 9006 6323 / 9006 6331 Call 9006 6323 / 9006 6331
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street
3 3 2 3 33 3
eanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, es12.it compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 erfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 955 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti ro12 ck,coastal qwiueLennox thiblwalnofock,kotsteps , awistrol tStreet hinlofftoootsteps thebusespopulandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi6l age. 4 2 MOSMAN Capturing an iconic Sydney skyline from an elevated position, this reinvented family home contrasts classic elements 高地勢,可觀賞到悉尼天際線的美景,古典、優雅、現代設計,著名設計師 Phil with the finest contemporary inclusions in a masterful Phil Corben design. The sleek minimalist renewal creates vast Corben 設計。陽光充足的寬敞空間,可觀賞無敵海港美景的平臺,泳池,草坪, light filled spaces where extensive glass opens for seamless interaction with a spectacular harbour view terrace, swimming pool and lawns while Calacatta marble lines the Miele gas kitchen with glass splash back and island Miele 廚具,煤氣煮食廚房。其它特色有煤氣火爐,石灰色橡木地板,百葉窗, bench. Notable features include a gas fireplace, lime oak floors, louvred windows, plantation shutters, dual street 二街可進入,雙上鎖車庫。 access, and a double lock-up garage.
94 mcgrath.mcgrath. com.au/289394 com.au/289394 mcgrath.com.au
Auction Saturday 27th February 1.30pm 現場拍賣 View Sat 1.00日- 1.30 2016 年 &2Thu 月 27 週六 1.30pm 開放參觀 週六 0424 & 週四 Michael Coombs 3911.00 255 - 1.30 Michael Coombs 0424 Davey Hong 0424 603 824391 255 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Call 9006 6323洪俊嵩 / 9386 3388 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street
3 3 2 3 33
ceanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, es12.it compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 s currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 perfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 95 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti ro22 ck,coastal qwiueStanton thiblwalnofock,kotsteps , awistrol thiRoad nlofftoootsteps thebusespopulandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi4l age. 4 2 MOSMAN Exclusively poised to savour a spectacular harbour panorama North Head and Balmoral Beach, this 精湛設計建造,現代豪華家居,可觀賞 Northencompassing Head 及 Balmoral 海灘的壯觀美景, home has been architecturally designed to endow a lifestyle of contemporary luxury. Spanning three levels, interiors 三層,室內多個生活區,可通向戶外,高品質完工。起居室及飯廳可通向石灰華 emphasise multiple living zones and indoor outdoor flow, while exemplifying a high standard of finishes throughout. 平臺,可燒烤,有披薩烤箱,娛樂室可通向泳池,spa,及易打理的花園,頂層 Living and dining flows to a Travertine terrace complete with barbecue and pizza oven, the rumpus extends to the pool, spa and easycare tiered garden, while the top floor master crowns the masterpiece with a glass encased 主人房有玻璃封閉的套間。便利位置,近海灘,店鋪,飯廳及公共交通。 ensuite. Effortlessly accommodating, this home is within a stroll of the beach, near village shops, dining and transport.
94 mcgrath.mcgrath. com.au/289394 com.au/289394 mcgrath.com.au/274493
For Sale Private 開放參觀 週六Treaty 11.30 - 12.00 View Saturday 11.30 - 12.00391 255 Michael Coombs 0424 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388
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/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street
3 3 2 3 33 3
eanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, es12.it compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 erfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 955 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti ro25 ck,coastal qwiueBurran thiblwalnofock,kotsteps , awistrol thinlofftoootsteps thebusespopulandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi4l age. 4 3 MOSMAN Avenue An exclusive Balmoral masterpiece reflecting its magnificent ocean and headland views, this beautiful home 豪華宏偉家居,縱覽海洋及 headland 的驚歎美景,現代建造,豪華材料,黃金 showcases a seamless alliance of contemporary architecture, luxury materials and prestige inclusions. This 位置。卓越設計,現代室崔空間可從所有生活空間觀賞海洋美景,落地玻璃窗讓 outstanding Corben Architects designed residence presents modernist open interiors structured to embrace ocean 室內、外融匯貫通。CEDIA 獲獎設計者提供家庭智慧自動系統及聲間系統,豪 views from all living zones with full height glass creating a seamless internal/external integration. CEDIA award winner 華廚房,義大利電梯,C-Bus 系統,泳池,桑拿,家庭影院及酒窖。黃金位置, for its sound and home automation system, this remarkable property features a luxurious kitchen, Italian lift, C-Bus system, lap pool, sauna, home theatre and wine cellar. Its prized location is moments to Balmoral Beach. 近 Balmoral 海灘。
94 mcgrath.mcgrath. com.au/289394 com.au/289394 mcgrath.com.au/154477
For Sale Private Treaty 出售 View Saturday 11.00 - 11.30 開放參觀 週六 11.00 - 11.30 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388 Call 9006 6323 / 9006 6331
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
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2 2
ews overover LaneLane Cove Cove Auction Auction Saturday Saturday 20th20th February February 1.301 water backdrop backdrop while while ViewView Sat & Sat Wed & Wed 1.301.30 - 2.00 - 2.00 ly vately set courtyard. set courtyard. BethBeth Ferguson Ferguson 0414 0414 942942 746746 pliances, ces, generously generously Brent Brent Courtney Courtney 0411 0411 888888 380380 and central central heating. heating. Call Call 9417 9417 9619 9619 / 9417 NORTH RYDE 12 Harford Street 5 / 9417 39604 29604 ools. A現代設計和宏偉佈局,此令人印象深刻的物業位於寧靜的迴旋街道中心。占地面積約 celebration of contemporary design and grand proportions, this impressive home is the centrepiece of a quiet culAuction Saturday 27th 11.15am 現場拍賣 2 月 27 日February 週六 11.15am de-sac. Set on a 607sqm parcel, it’s complemented by a choice of open-air and sheltered alfresco zones and an 607 平方米,室內開放式設計,有頂戶外娛樂區,草坪。美食廚房,凱撒石檯面,煤 intimate lawn. It features a CaesarStone and gas kitchen and spaciously distributes formalised, casual and rumpus 氣煮食廚房,複式物業,正規、休閒及娛樂區。現代高品質建造,易至 zones across two levels. Effortlessly accommodating the modern family with quality inclusions you would expect in a 麥格理公園,中央商務區和主要的購物區,漫步至 Ryde Eastshopping 公立學校,特快公車, home of this calibre, it offers easy access to Macquarie Park, the CBD and major precincts, whilst being a 公園,距離 North RydeSchool, 火車站僅需步行 15and 步行分鐘。 brief stroll to Ryde East Public express city buses parks and a 15 minute walk from North Ryde Station.
View Saturday 10.15 - 10.45 開放參觀 週六 10.15 - 10.45 Stefon Bertram 0404 071 511 511 Stefon Bertram 0404 071 James Jin 0404 071 060 James Jin 0404 071 060 Call 8889 3894 Call 8889 3894
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street
3 3 2 3 33 3
eanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, es12.it compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 erfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 955 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti ro52A ck,coastal qwiuethiThe blwalnofock,kotsteps , aGrove wistrol thinlofftoootsteps thebusespopulandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi5l age. 5 4 MOSMAN Azzura is a brand new highly appointed luxury home that is completely faultless. OfferingBalmoral、悉尼海港 unparalleled luxury, superior Azzura 全新豪華家居,高品質完工。豪華,高品質,可觀 quality and sublime harbour views of Balmoral, Sydney Harbour and the iconic heads from almost every room, this 美景,每一房間均可觀賞到地標極景觀。寬敞、明月清風,4 層,室內面積約 spacious, stylish and utterly opulent home cascades over four levels and spans some 411sqm of internal space. It an open plan marble kitchen. Five lavish features four distinct living zones, with the main living area integrating睡房有套間,高速電梯可至 411 平方米。4 生活區,開放式廚房,起居室,3 4 bedrooms, three with limestone ensuites and a high speed lift to a four car showroom garage complete an exquisite 車庫。黃金位置,近 Balmoral 海灘 , 公共交通及店鋪。 package. Exclusively located, this property is moments to Balmoral Beach, city transport and village shops.
94 mcgrath.mcgrath. com.au/289394 com.au/289394 mcgrath.com.au/170155
For Sale Private Treaty 開放參觀:週六 12.00 - 12.30 View Saturday 12.00 - 12.30391 255 Michael Coombs 0424 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
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ews overover LaneLane Cove Cove Auction Auction Saturday Saturday 20th20th February February 1.301 water backdrop backdrop while while ViewView Sat & Sat Wed & Wed 1.301.30 - 2.00 - 2.00 ly vately set courtyard. set courtyard. BethBeth Ferguson Ferguson 0414 0414 942942 746746 pliances, ces, generously generously Brent Brent Courtney Courtney 0411 0411 888888 380380 and central central heating. heating. Call Call 9417 9417 9619 9619 / 9417 MCMAHONS POINT 4 Commodore Crescent 4 / 9417 39604 29604 ools. Showcasing grand proportions, iconic views and unsurpassed quality, this double brick residence provides a Guide $4,300,000 - $4,700,000 指導售價 $4,300,000 - $4,700,000 宏偉佈局,觀賞標誌性的美景,其它物業無法比擬高品質建造,此堅固雙磚住宅,擁 versatile family environment in a peaceful location. The elegant residence offers a selection of living spaces with 有寬敞空間,實用的佈局,寧靜的位置。生活區可觀賞私人綠蔭美景,屋頂露臺則可 private leafy outlooks while the rooftop terrace captures panoramic harbour, district and city views. Spacious and well 捕捉港口全景,本地和城市景觀。寬敞,精湛設計的花崗岩檯面廚房,不銹鋼廚具, designed, the granite kitchen is equipped with stainless appliances and a casual meals bar as it opens onto a shaded 休閒餐飲酒吧。因為其海濱的獨特位置,步行可至水濱公園,北悉尼和 Waverton 火 alfresco setting and lush lawns. It enjoys an exclusive harbourside atmosphere within walking distance of waterfront 車站,充滿活力的繁華 Blues Point Road 咖啡館。 parklands, both North Sydney and Waverton train stations and the vibrant cafés of Blues Point Road.
Auction Saturday 27th 11.15am 現場拍賣 2 月 27 日February 週六 11.15am View Sat & :Wed - 2.001.30 - 2.00 開放參觀 週六1.30 & 週三 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Peter Chauncy 0402 036 489 Peter Chauncy 0402 036 489 Call 9386 3388 / 8115 0401 Call 9386 3388 / 8115 0401
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
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ews overover LaneLane Cove Cove Auction Auction Saturday Saturday 20th20th February February 1.301 water backdrop backdrop while while ViewView Sat & Sat Wed & Wed 1.301.30 - 2.00 - 2.00 vately y set courtyard. set courtyard. BethBeth Ferguson Ferguson 0414 0414 942942 746746 pliances, ces, generously generously Brent Brent Courtney Courtney 0411 0411 888888 380380 and central central heating. heating. 9417 9417 9619 9619 / 9417 GREENWICH 48 Kingslangley Road Call Call 5 / 9417 49604 29604 ools. Expertly redesigned so that generous interiors feature elegance and quality, this gracious home has been created for Guide $3,400,000 - $3,700,000 指導售價 $3,400,000 - $3,700,000 室內寬敞空間,優雅,高品質,三層佈局,可觀海港美景。室內、外融匯貫通,寬敞 utmost family style with an expansive three level layout and elevated harbour views. It is flawlessly presented with a 大地,面積約 1012 平方米。正規及休閒生活區,美食廚房,樓上主人房有辦公室, flowing design that embraces effortless in/outdoor entertaining on a deep 1,012sqm landholding. There are spacious 起居室及陽臺。戶外是喜歡娛樂者的天堂,寬平臺,泳池,平臺,戶外廚房。全屋使 formal and casual living areas, a gourmet island kitchen and upper level master retreat with office, sitting area and balcony. Outdoors is an entertainers´ paradise with a wide terrace, swimming pool plus a poolside deck and outdoor 用高科技中央媒體控制系統。 kitchen. This fine home also features state-of-the art technology including a central media hub.
Auction Saturday 20th 9.00am 現場拍賣 2 月 20 日February 週六 9.00am View Sat & :Wed - 1.00 開放參觀 週六12.30 & 週三 12.30 - 1.00 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Peter Chauncy 0402 036 489 Peter Chauncy 0402 036 489 Call 9386 3388 / 8115 0401 Call 9386 3388 / 8115 0401
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
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ews overover LaneLane Cove Cove Auction Auction Saturday Saturday 20th20th February February 1.301 water backdrop backdrop while while ViewView Sat & Sat Wed & Wed 1.301.30 - 2.00 - 2.00 ly vately set courtyard. set courtyard. BethBeth Ferguson Ferguson 0414 0414 942942 746746 pliances, ces, generously generously Brent Brent Courtney Courtney 0411 0411 888888 380380 LONGUEVILLE 12 Mary Street 4 / 9417 29604 19604 and central central heating. heating. Call Call 9417 9417 9619 9619 / 9417 the white picket fence, this private character home713 on 713sqm basks in tranquil views over LaneCove Cove Auction Saturday 20th 1.30pm 現場拍賣 2 月 20 日February 週六 1.30pm 白色的圍欄內的此重隱私物業,占地面積約 平方米,綠蔭圍繞,可觀 Lane ools. Beyond River and caters to relaxed family living. The light filled living zones are set against an idyllic water backdrop while View Sat & Wed 1.30 - 2.00 河景,宜輕鬆的家庭生活。光線充足的生活區面對一個田園詩般的水景,樓下姻親住
overlooking vast lawns and gardens with lower level self-contained living space, and a privately set courtyard. 宅可俯瞰廣闊的草坪和花園。凱撒石檯面廚房,不銹鋼廚具,煤氣煮食,寬敞睡房有 Additional highlights include a CaesarStone kitchen equipped with stainless gas appliances, generously proportioned bedrooms appointed with built-ins, polished timber floors, high ornate ceilings and central heating. 壁櫥,拋光實木地板,高天花板,中央供暖。藍籌位置,兩街可進入,近精英學校。 Set within a blue ribbon locale, this home features dual street access, and is close to elite schools.
開放參觀 週六 & 週三 1.30 - 2.00 Beth Ferguson 0414 942942 746 746 Beth Ferguson 0414 Brent Courtney 0411 888 380 Brent Courtney 0411 888 380 Call 9417 9619 / 9417 9604 Call 9417 9619 / 9417 9604
4 4
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ews overover LaneLane Cove Cove Auction Auction Saturday Saturday 20th20th February February 1.301 water backdrop backdrop while while ViewView Sat & Sat Wed & Wed 1.301.30 - 2.00 - 2.00 ly vately set courtyard. set courtyard. BethBeth Ferguson Ferguson 0414 0414 942942 746746 pliances, ces, generously generously Brent Brent Courtney Courtney 0411 0411 888888 380380 LANE COVE 65 Austin Street 5 / 9417 59604 29604 and central central heating. heating. Call Call 9417 9417 9619 9619 / 9417 現場拍賣 2 月 20 日February 週六 12.45pm This superior family residence1005 on 1,005sqm presents three levels of luxurious accommodation, vibrant indoor/ Auction Saturday 20th 12.45pm 寬敞家居,占地面積約 平方米,豪華物業,寬敞室內、外娛樂空間,高品質完工。 ools. outdoor entertaining spaces and state-of-the-art finishes. The chef’s gas kitchen and spacious living/dining room View Sat & Wed 12.30 - 1.00 煤氣煮食廚房,寬敞起居室及飯廳可通向有頂陽臺,娛樂室可通向有頂平臺,戶外就
spill out to the covered balcony, while the resort style ground level flows from the rumpus room out to a covered 餐區,可觀泳池平臺。5 睡房均有壁櫥 ,3 睡房有套間 , 主人房有步入式衣帽間及豪華 terrace, on to an alfresco dining space overlooking the pool deck. Five bedrooms with built-ins include three 套間。其它特色,高天花板,酒窖。近店鋪,學校及巴士站。 ensuites, while the master bedroom has a walk-through wardrobe and a deluxe ensuite. Other highlights include soaring ceilings, interiors enlivened with sun wells and a cellar. Stroll to shops, schools and express city buses.
開放參觀 週六 & 週三 12.30 - 1.00 Beth Ferguson 0414 942942 746 746 Beth Ferguson 0414 Michael Ferguson 0414 274 Michael Ferguson 0414 682 274 682 9619 / 9417 9618 Call 9417 Call 9417 9619 / 9417 9618
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
/22VAUCLUSE Clarke Street3-4/22 Clarke Street
3 3 2 3 3
eanCapturi views nstretchi g superbng felarevated out toocean sea, thivisewstastefstretchi ul y renovated ng far outapartment to sea, thiprovi s tastef desulany renovatedForapartment Sale PrivateproviTreaty des an For Sale Private Treaty aceidandyllicnatural lifestyleligresiht. dOccupyi ence ofnspace g an imandpressinatural ve 182sqm light. Occupyi on titlen, git ancompri impressi ses ofvetwo182sqm onVititelew, Sat it compri & Thuses12.of00two- 12.30 View Sat & Thu 12.00 - 12.30 currentl separate y converted adjoiningintoapartments the one extremel currently versati converted le home. into theIt feone aturesextremel flowinyg versati loungele home. IBernadette t features floBerlwinygn l0409 ounge489 804 Bernadette Berlyn 0409 489 80 while insledidinCaesarStone g glass doorskitopen chen,towhia legenerous sliding glass doors generous a streaml and diinedingCaesarStone areas as wellkiastchen,a streaml NathanopenBerltoyna0449 157 773 Nathan Berlyn 0449 157 773 erfeundercover ct for entertaibalncinonyg. Compl whicheites perf withectwelfol rscalentertai ed bedrooms ning. Complpluestea wistudy, th welitlisscalplaeced d bedroomsCalpluls9386 a study,3485it is/ 9556 placed9964 Call 9386 3485 / 9556 9964 hin fionotsteps a secure ofbouti the popul que blarock,coastal withiwaln fokotsteps , aClarke strolloftothebuses populandar Vaucl coastalusewalVikl,aage.stroll to buses and Vaucluse Vil age. 3 3 2 VAUCLUSE 3-4/22 Street Capturing superb elevated ocean views stretching far out to sea, this tastefully renovated apartment provides an 高地勢,可觀賞壯觀的海洋美景,靚麗新裝修雅柏文,田園風格,寬敞,自然不 idyllic lifestyle residence of space and natural light. Occupying an impressive 182sqm on title, it comprises of two 銹鋼廚具充足。面積約 182 平方米,2 獨立雅柏文可改為 1 套物業。寬敞起居室 separate adjoining apartments currently converted into the one extremely versatile home. It features flowing lounge kitchen, while sliding glass doors open to a generous and dining areas as well as a streamlined CaesarStone 及飯廳,凱撒石檯面廚房,室內經側拉玻璃門可通向寬敞有頂娛樂陽臺。大睡房 undercover balcony which is perfect for entertaining. Complete with well scaled bedrooms plus a study, it is placed 及書房。保安樓宇,幾步可至海濱步行街,近巴士站及 Village。 in a secure boutique block, within footsteps of the popular coastal walk, a stroll toVaucluse buses and Vaucluse Village.
94 mcgrath.com.au/289394
Auction Saturday February 3.45pm 開放參觀 週六 20th & 週四 12.00 - 12.30 View Sat & Thu 12.00 12.30 Bernadette Berlyn 0409 489 804 Bernadette Berlyn 0409 489 804 Nathan Berlyn 0449 157 773 Nathan Berlyn 0449 157 773 Call 9386 3485 / 9556 9964 Call 9386 3485 / 9556 9964
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
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ews overover LaneLane Cove Cove Auction Auction Saturday Saturday 20th20th February February 1.301 water backdrop backdrop while while ViewView Sat & Sat Wed & Wed 1.301.30 - 2.00 - 2.00 ly vately set courtyard. set courtyard. BethBeth Ferguson Ferguson 0414 0414 942942 746746 pliances, ces, generously generously Brent Brent Courtney Courtney 0411 0411 888888 380380 ROSEVILLE 20 Addison Avenue 4 / 9417 39604 29604 and central central heating. heating. Call Call 9417 9417 9619 9619 / 9417 on 980sqm with a north rear aspect andRoseville a stroll to Roseville School address, ’Turnberry’ is an 18 Guide $2,500,000 - $2,750,000 指導售價 $2,500,000 - $2,750,000 北向,占地面積約 980to平方米,近 小學 ,Primary ’Turnberry’ 18 年新全磚物業,按 ools. Set 現場拍賣 2 月 20 日February 週六 2.15pm year old full brick home inspired by the Federation era. Welcomed by a hedge lined path and English gardens, its Auction Saturday 20th 2.15pm 古典風格建造。入門是兩排林立著修剪整齊的樹林的小徑及英式花園,複式物業,宜
fluid two storey design is ideal for entertaining and extended family living. Casual living spaces spread under gable 大家族居住,娛樂。休閒生活區斜屋頂,與平臺相連,高地勢,可觀綠蔭美景,咸水 ceilings and connect with a deck and an elevated leafy outlook across the exceptionally private salt, solar heated 泳池及草坪。正規睡房可通向娛樂前走廊,樓下媒體室 / 青少年活動室,有潛力改為 pool and lawns. Linked formal rooms open to entertain the front verandah, whilst the downstairs media/teenage 姻親房。近巴士站及火車站,Killara 高中校網。 retreat holds granny unit potential. It’s placed a stroll to buses and rail and is in the Killara High School catchment.
開放參觀 週六11.00 & 週三 11.00 - 11.30 View Sat & :Wed - 11.30 Jon Dundas-Smith 241 525 04250425 241 525 Jon Dundas-Smith Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 603 824 Call 94962907 2907 / 9386 3388 Call 9496 / 9386 3388
4 4
ews overover LaneLane Cove Cove water backdrop backdrop while while ly vately set courtyard. set courtyard. pliances, ces, generously generously ROSEVILLE 22 Clermiston Avenue and central central heating. heating.
Auction Auction Saturday Saturday 20th20th February February 1.301 ViewView Sat & Sat Wed & Wed 1.301.30 - 2.00 - 2.00 BethBeth Ferguson Ferguson 0414 0414 942942 746746 Brent Brent Courtney Courtney 0411 0411 888888 380380 5 / 9417 29604 29604 Call Call 9417 9417 9619 9619 / 9417
優雅新裝修,擴建物業,保留古典傳統風格,宜現代便利居住。寬敞、怡人佈局, renovated and extended with respect to original character charm, this dual level Californian bungalow ools. Elegantly
presents a spacious, versatile layout for family living. While the front lounge retains distinguished period features, 宜家人居住。起居室保留有古典特色,開放式起居室及飯廳,現代佈局,室內、外 open plan living and dining areas at the rear are designed with contemporary indoor/outdoor flow and integrate a 融匯貫通,商業級別的廚房。受兒童歡迎的後花園,太陽能泳池,戶外娛樂花園, commercial grade Corian kitchen. The child-friendly rear garden features a solar heated pool, alfresco entertaining 綠蔭草坪。東部黃金位置,僅 300 米可至 Roseville 公立學校,近火車站,步行可至 courtgarden and lush level lawn. This property’s premier east side address is just 300 metres to Roseville Public Roseville College 及 Chatswood CBD。 School and a stroll to the station, within walking distance of Roseville College and Chatswood CBD.
2 2
現場拍賣 2 月 13 日February 週六 3.00pm Auction Saturday 13th 3.00pm 開放參觀 週六 & 週三 2.00 - 2.30 View Sat & Wed 2.00 - 2.30 Jon Dundas-Smith 241 525 Jon Dundas-Smith 04250425 241 525 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 603 824 Call 94962907 2907 / 9386 3388 / 9386 3388 Call 9496
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
4 4
2 2
ews overover LaneLane Cove Cove Auction Auction Saturday Saturday 20th20th February February 1.301 water backdrop backdrop while while ViewView Sat & Sat Wed & Wed 1.301.30 - 2.00 - 2.00 vately y set courtyard. set courtyard. BethBeth Ferguson Ferguson 0414 0414 942942 746746 pliances, ces, generously generously Brent Brent Courtney Courtney 0411 0411 888888 380380 and central central heating. heating. Call Call 9417 9417 9619 9619 / 9417 ROSEVILLE 45 Roseville Avenue 5 / 9417 49604 39604 現場拍賣 2 月 27 日February 週六 3.00pm 古典物業的精典外觀,’Rowena’ 是一個令人驚歎的建築,精雕細琢的裝修設計,打造 ools. Beyond the Federation façade, ’Rowena’ reveals a stunning architecturally crafted renovation designed for a relaxed Auction Saturday 27th 3.00pm 出休閒的生活方式。古典精緻的華麗的簷板,正規的起居室及飯廳與現代的開放式設 lifestyle. Exquisite with soaring ornate ceilings, the formal lounge/dining rooms form a delightful contrast with the contemporary open plan rear, the interiors seamlessly flowing to a vast entertaining deck. The sunny level lawn and 計相映成趣,室內可通向大娛樂平臺。陽光明媚的草坪和美景花園,涼亭,寬敞電視 pool are privately set amid landscaped gardens, while the cabana, spacious television room and rumpus provide 房及娛樂室可作多種用途。Miele 廚具廚房,酒窖和豪華主人套房更為此物業增添特 enviable versatility. A gourmet Miele kitchen, wine cellar and luxurious master suite are striking additional highlights. 色。占地面積約 1,454 平方米,短程步行至火車站,Killara 高中校網。 On a 1,454sqm parcel, this breathtaking home is a short walk to trains and is within Killara High School catchment.
開放參觀 & 週三 12.00 - 12.30 View Sat & 週六 Wed 12.00 - 12.30 Jon Dundas-Smith 241 525 Jon Dundas-Smith 04250425 241 525 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Call 9496 3388 Call 94962907 2907/ 9386 / 9386 3388
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street
3 3 2 3 33
ceanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, es12.it compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 s currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 perfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 95 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti rock,coastal qwiuethibl11 walnofock,kotsteps ,Stanley awistrol thinlofftoootsteps thebuses populandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi6l age. 3 3 CHATSWOOD Street Set on an expansive 720sqm level block with extra wide300 street平方米,寬前庭。寬敞家居,時尚、 frontage. This impressive generous family bungalow 占地面積約 720 平方米,室內面積約 effortlessly delivers a lifestyle of space, style and convenience. It is tastefully updated throughout and designed to 便利。新裝修、設計,易打理的寬敞室內、外生活空間。複式,正規及休閒生活 provide a great home to entertain with a focus on easycare in/outdoor living. A versatile two-level floorplan features a choice of formal and casual living spaces, three upstairs bedrooms and a study plus a modern granite kitchen with 區,樓上 3 睡房及書房,現代花崗石檯面廚房,煤氣煮食。有頂平臺,私人花園, gas fittings. There is also a sheltered rear deck, private level garden and patio plus a double garage with workshop. 露臺,雙車庫及工作室。寧靜位置,近 Bales 公園 , 購物中心 學校及公共交通。 This superb home is quietly positioned, close to Bales Park, shopping centres, schools and, transport.
94 mcgrath.mcgrath. com.au/289394 com.au/289394 mcgrath.com.au/284667
Auction Saturday 20th 10.30am 現場拍賣 2 月 20 日February 週六 10.30am View Sat & Wed 11.00 11.30 開放參觀 週六 & 週三 11.00 - 11.30 Adam Wong 0403 315 349 Adam Wong 0403 315 349 Call 8047 9805 Call 8047 9805
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
CHATSWOOD 36A Fullers Road
Set on a serene oasis上的寧靜位置,占地面積約 deep off Fuller’s road, this quiet renovated home set on a 953 sqm block presents light filled 在 Fullers Road 953 平方米,新裝修,室內光線充足的生活空間 living spaces with tropical surrounds enjoying poolside entertaining. The dining room flows to a front courtyard 與周圍的熱帶風光相得益彰,可讓您在泳池邊娛樂。飯廳可通向前庭,起居室可通向後院泳 while the living room spills out to the rear retreat boasting a landscaped pool and all-weather terrace and spa. The 池及娛樂平臺,Spa。凱撒石檯面廚房,高品質煮食廚具,設備齊全。寬敞睡房,2 睡房有帶 island kitchen presents CaesarStone, quality stainless appliances, generous bedrooms include two with mirrored 鏡衣櫥。高天花板,實木地板,空調,上鎖車庫,儲物室。便利位置,可通向 Edgar Street, built-ins. It also features high ceilings, timber floors, air conditioning, and a lock-up garage with loft storage. It 步行 500 米可至 Chatswood 米可至火車站。 enjoys excellent convenience with a 公立學校,900 discreet path to Edgar Street, a walk to schools and only 900m from trains.
Auction Saturday February 1.30pm 現場拍賣 2 月 2020th 日 週六 1.30pm View Sat &週六 Wed&1.00 - 1.30 開放參觀 週三 1.00 - 1.30 Adam Wong 0403 315 349 Adam Wong 0403 315 349 Call 8047 Call 80479805 9805
綠地集團優異的歷史業績令買家鎖定 Potts Point 的 Omnia 樓盤 吸引不同背景的高鑒賞力買家
2016 年 2 月 1 日悉尼專電 —— 綠地澳洲,是業務遍 及全球的地產巨頭綠地集團的子公司。價值 3 億澳元 的混合用途樓盤,Omnia,位於 Potts Point,其之所 以取得了強勁銷售成績,也得益於集團公司作為全球 享譽的地產開發商,所擁有的優異歷史業績。 Lauren Thomas 是一位撰寫生活方式博客的博客主。 她和丈夫在 Omnia 樓盤購買了一套朝西的三房雅柏 文,打算在樓盤 2018 年初完工後用於自住,在做出 購買決定之前他們就已經聽說過綠地集團了。 Thomas 女士說,“ 這是我們第一次購買樓花,綠地 集團卓越的聲譽給了我們所需要的所有信心和保證。 我們聽說過綠地集團在倫敦的樓盤,在做了進一步的 瞭解之後,我們信心十足地做出了在 Omnia 購買雅 柏文的決定。” Thomas 夫婦最初來自加拿大,他們在伊莉薩白灣 (Elizabeth Bay) 地區居住了 8 年,深深喜歡的這個內 城區聞名地點的各種生活方式和豐富娛樂設施。 她說,“ 就我們現階段的生活而言,我們在尋找一套 設備齊全的物業以便我們退休居住;孩子們都已經 離家,物業的地點要能夠符合我們現在享受的都市生 活方式。在看了一些這一帶的現房以後,我們遇到了 Omnia,它能夠滿足我們關於地點、設計和設施的所 有要求。” “ 對於我來說,Potts Point 是悉尼的終極社區 —— 它 處於中心地帶,還是市中心的邊緣,所以它能夠保持 不拘一格的社區氛圍,同時沒有那種沉悶的商業區的 感覺。”
“ 我喜歡能夠走出我的大樓,漫步到一個休閒餐廳, 或是一家高檔餐館,買一杯咖啡或飲料;亦或在附近 的超市或熟食店買點東西。並且,門口就有火車站, 我可以跳上火車很快到達市中心或海灘 --- 這可真是 太完美了。” Thomas 女士表示,Omnia 的設計絕對奪人心魄,因 為它位於拐角的顯著位置,她相信這裏將成為這一帶 的焦點。 “ 自從我們開始在這個區域居住以來,我們眼看著它 發展演變成為一個真正的多樣性的和有意思的地點, 新餐館和商店如雨後春筍般冒出來。我們非常興奮將 在 2018 年遷入我們的新居,同時也期盼在未來數年 內社區的面貌有進一步的變化。” 綠地集團的最新住宅樓盤 Omnia,位於 Potts Point 中心位置,需求持續旺盛,總計 135 套的高檔雅柏文 目前只有少數還可供出售。 吸引不同背景的買家 樓盤自從去年末向市場推出以來,各種不同背景的買 家一直踴躍搶購,這些買家中既有精明的投資者,打 算鎖定內城區可提供強勁長期增值前景的雅柏文,也 有高淨值人士,在悉尼的市中心尋找美奐絕倫的住處 作為家庭自住。售出的雅柏文的均價為每平方米 2 萬 7 千澳元。 綠地澳洲的總經理羅曉華 表示,市場的反響相當熱 烈,買家欣賞樓盤獨特的 地理位置,美不勝收的景 觀以及豪華的裝修。 羅 先 生 說,“ 買 家 被 Omnia 的設計和整體的配 套設施所吸引,包括頂級 的裝潢,高檔社區設施, 令人窒息的美景以及近在咫尺的各種娛樂和生活方式 的選擇。” 他說,“ 綠地集團開發了好幾幢全球最高的住宅大樓, 這樣的大企業給了買家十足的信心買入樓盤。他們相 信我們能夠如承諾的那樣,按時按計劃完工。” Omnia 的 設 計 由 本 地 設 計 事 務 所 Durbach Block
Jaggers 主理,其沙漏型的外觀特徵為這個位居顯赫 位置,鎮守東區大門的豪華雅柏文樓盤增添了幾分戲 劇色彩。與頂級雅柏文相得益彰的還有兩層高檔零售 區,其中包括 Woolworths 超市和一家正洽談的頂級 豪華餐廳,盡顯了該樓盤的尊貴與奢華。 CBRE 住宅樓盤部董事 Ben Stewart 表示,頗有意思 的是 Omnia 樓盤中最高檔的雅柏文是最先被售出的。 Stewart 先生說,“ 我們售出了兩套天際屋 —— 其中 一套是整個樓盤中最貴的,在開盤的第一天就以 1100 萬的價格售出。這個價位也創造了這個地區的銷售記 錄。” “ 這意味著高端市場的行情看漲,買家有緊迫感,他 們看到理想的物業就不願意錯失良機。” “ 目前我們手頭可供出售的雅柏文只有不到 30 套,絕 大多數的價位在 100 萬左右,對於投資者或者買第二 套房的人士來說,都是不可多得的選擇。” 綠地 Omnia 樓盤位於 Potts Point 再開發規劃的正中 心,將成為悉尼最重大的內城區改造樓盤之一。該區 域註定將成為悉尼頂級豪華雅柏文,高檔餐廳,咖啡 廳以及商店聚集之地。 羅先生補充道,“Omnia 勢將成為悉尼內城區最獨家 的樓盤之一,這裏有高質量的設施和世界級的設計, 宮殿般的內裝修和社區設施,還包括戶外燒烤區,社 區花園,住戶私人酒窖和會客廳。” 感興趣的買家現在仍有機會在 Potts Point 的 Omnia 樓盤購入物業,一房兩房三房數量有限,價位從 73 萬起。 如欲進一步瞭解詳情,歡迎致電 CBRE 住宅樓盤部。 電話:1800 427 008 網站:omniapottspoint.com.au
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
頂級奢華 時尚高貴
近四千平方米展廳 各式家具 任你挑選
Add: Level1 , A11-12, 265 Parramatta Road. Ph: (02 ) 9737 9955 (02 ) 9737 9996 Fax: ( 02 ) 9737 9755
本 店 招 聘 銷 售 經 理, 市 場 經 理,銷 售 人 員.
墨爾本資深的房地產開發商 Central Equity 祝您 “2016 年猴年大吉,萬事吉祥 ” ! Central Equity 將 於 2 月 25 至 28 日 親 臨 悉尼,為您帶來全新的墨爾本公寓和別墅項 目!歡迎即刻報名參加 “ 墨爾本房地產資訊 說明會 ”,免費 45 分鐘房產講座! 隨著中國新年的逼近,悉尼各大商場已開始擺賣各種 春節飾物、精美禮品及美食等,處處體現著東方的喜 慶氣氛,悉尼多個社區也開始陸續舉辦各種的新年慶 典活動,精彩的名族表演、舞龍舞獅、花燈及中國各 地美食也將呈現眼前,這將熱鬧的農曆氣氛推向最高 點。做為澳洲資深的本土開發商,Central Equity 將如 同往年,再次積極地參與或贊助各社區的慶祝活動, 澳洲剛度過了歡愉的聖誕及 2016 新年,在進入第二個 月的新年裡,何不開始好好地計畫一下您在今年的購 房和物業投資計畫? Central Equity 很高興能協助您, 為您提供一系列的墨爾本住宅專案,包括開發全新的 公寓、別墅和地塊,公司也提供 “ 一站式 ” 的售後服務, 包括租賃及物業管理服務。 為使您能更全面的瞭解墨爾本房地產,Central Equity 將重返悉尼,帶來其內容豐富及廣受歡迎的 “ 墨爾本 房地產展示會及資訊說明會 ”。本次活動將於 2 月 25 日至 28 日舉辦,地點位於 World Square 的 Rydges 酒店。歡迎親臨發掘這五度蟬聯世界最宜居城市的奧 秘!墨爾本除了有最令人稱道的生活方式,還擁有發 展穩健的經濟,越來越多的人選擇在墨爾本生活和投 資置業,這也促使墨爾本的人口增長冠居澳洲各大首 府城市。此外,墨爾本也擁有旺盛的藝術活力和文化 氛圍、令人神往的美食佳釀、世界級的教育品質、優 良和成功的商業環境、令人振奮的體育和娛樂盛事及 建設、可靠地基礎設施,對悉尼居民,這都是強勁的 吸引力。 參加房展會的悉尼居民,將有機會瞭解到墨爾本房產 相關資訊及一覽開發商帶來的一系列新專案。活動也 將邀請兩位特別嘉賓,分別是一家澳洲大型銀行的代 表和專業于澳洲物業投資的律師,為來賓解答疑問。 Central Equity 本次在悉尼舉辦的 “ 墨爾本房地產展示 會 ” 將首次展出其 2016 年的全新力作,項目位於墨爾 本最具國際風情的區域~ Southbank 市中心南岸,悉 尼居民將有機會首次優先預覽這全新公寓樓盤!
該 公 寓 是 一 棟 52 層 高 的 地 標 性 公 寓 大 廈, 位 於 Southbank 的繁華一隅,地理位置優越,墨爾本一流 生活配套盡在眼前。此外,Southbank 特有的河濱休 閒生活,加上墨爾本一流的餐廳、咖啡館、戲院和美 術館,為居民提供享之不盡的生活體驗。該公寓地理 位置優越,鄰近墨爾本中央商務區、藝術特區、皇冠 娛樂中心、皇家植物園、聯邦廣場和 MCG 墨爾本板 球場等著名勝地。 除了墨爾本內城公寓,本次活動還將展出多個市郊別 墅和聯排別墅項目,均位於發展快速的墨爾本近郊。 您可以根據自己的預算和偏好,選擇購買地塊,後建 別墅,或選購我們的地塊加別墅打包套餐。Central Equity 的房產項目均享有便捷的交通設施、完善的教 育設施、一流的購物設施和休閒生活設施。
Central Equity 植根於墨爾本超過 25 年,是全澳彼具 規模和資深的住宅物業開發商。公司在墨爾本的住宅 開發領域辛勤耕耘多年,已成功完成了愈 70 個房地產 專案,包括內城公寓、聯排別墅和市郊別墅。公司的 執行管理團隊被廣泛譽為墨爾本內城生活的先驅,以 信諾贏取信任,憑著高品質的品質、實惠的價值以及 認真專業的服務,Central Equity 已鑄就其在業界的卓 越口碑。 若想瞭解更多墨爾本房地產相關資訊,歡迎參加於 2 月 25 至 28 在 World Square 的 Rydges 酒店舉行的 “ 墨爾本房展會及資訊說明會 ”。席位有限,敬請提前 預約!請撥打全澳免費熱線:1800 898 095 或聯繫 黃以衡小姐 0434 608 845, 您亦可直接上網:www. melbournepropertyshow.com/ch 預約席位。
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
独享公园1,2,3居公寓 一期独家首发
·都市美景 肆意远眺 一览无余 园林生活 ·悠然漫步 郁郁葱葱 花语袅袅 人生百态 ·园林环绕 精致打造 休闲惬意 享乐人生
·步行即可到达Birrong火车站,30火车分钟到达CBD ·靠近BANKSTOWN SHOPPING CENTER 美食,学校,周边设施配套成熟 ·现已动工,精致装修,年底即可入住豪华公寓
visit www.myplaceinvestment.com.au office: (02)9267 7880 Address: level 1, 263 Clarence st. Sydney, NSW 2000
Jing:0422 166 830
Ben:0435 766 131
website:www.myplaceinvestment.com.au email:info@mpinvestmen.com.au
Welcome to my place!
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
独享公园1,2,3居公寓 盛大独家开售
·都市美景 肆意远眺 一览无余 园林生活 ·悠然漫步 郁郁葱葱 花语袅袅 人生百态 ·园林环绕 精致打造 休闲惬意 享乐人生
·步行即可到达火车站,30火车分钟到达CBD ·近BANKSTOWN SHOPPING CENTER ,美食,学校,周边设施配套成熟 ·现已动工,精致装修,年底即可入住豪华公寓
visit myplaceinvestment.com.au office : (02)9267 7880 Address: level 1, 263 Clarence st. Sydney, NSW 2000
Jing:0422 166 830
Ben:0435 766 131
website:www.myplaceinvestment.com.au email:info@mpinvestmen.com.au
Welcome to my place!
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Actual View
Penthouse, 1 St Mervyns Ave, Point Piper 澳洲最優越位置 頂層位置,可覽 Sydney Harbour 西北向 & 市區天際線壯麗全景。 One Point Piper 將包括 3 套住宅,位於獨有 Point Piper Peninsular 上。 * 頂層住宅內部空間將與建築風格相配合,有流暢線條,奢華裝飾 * 採用寬敞開放式佈局,包括 4 睡房和 3 浴室,可提供現代生活空 間 * 總面積為 265 平米 * 整層佈局將包括電梯,2 安全車位以及獨立儲物區 * 僅 6 千米即至 Sydney's CBD,可盡覽世界上最搶手港畔位置 * 僅數步即至 Seven Shillings Beach——隱世製作,近當地名望設 施 * 展覽地點為:354 New South Head Road, Double Bay * 圖片僅供參考
樓花:EOI 參觀:請預約 詳電: Alain Waitsman 0419 221 111 Bill Malouf 0411 428 354
LJ Hooker Double Bay
9327 1000
354 New South Head Road
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
Paddington 最佳街道上,綠蔭排屋 永恆經典魅力家居,綠蔭圍繞,自然光充足,近 Woollahra village, Edgecliff 火車站, Trumper 公園,Five Ways 餐館及 Oxford Street。宜年輕家庭,想縮小住宅面積者 或投資者購買。古典維多利亞式排屋,複式,宜居,未來可重新開發增加價值。新裝 修,保養良好,綠蔭私儲物室花園,開放式起居室及飯廳,煤氣煮食廚房。3 雙儲物 室睡房,客用衛生間,主浴室,洗衣房,高天花板,實木地板。東北向,寬街道,大 量泊車位,享受居住在 Paddington 的愜意生活。
開放參觀 : 週六 & 週三 11.15am – 12noon 拍賣:2 月 24 日 週三 6.30pm Double Bay Auction Centre, 20-26 Cross Street Paul Kantor 0418 227 901 Annabelle Webb 0415 558 674 Richardson & Wrench Double Bay
Simonds Simonds 物 業 投 資Home 展 Display Investment FREE INFORMATION NIGHT - 2nd February |2016 | 7pm 免費資訊夜 - 2016 年二月十六日 晚上 7 點- 8pm - 晚上
Where else can you achieve 8% return 8% in Sydney? 在悉尼,還有什麼地方可以實現 的回報率? Come and find out how a Simonds display home represents an Simonds 物業投資展,為您提供出色的機會, outstanding opportunity to anyone looking for a worry free investment. 找到無憂的投資機會。 Simonds 物業投資展提供: Simonds display home offers: Guaranteed rental returns 租金回報保證 Guaranteed lease back period with on going extensions 保證回租期內可持續擴展
座位有限, 請儘早報名保留席位。 Seats are limited so register early.
電話 02 8624 6200 Call 02 8624 6200 today 保留座位 to reserve your seat.
Available now in prime growth areas 黃金增長領域可供選擇
Location Level 5, 58 Norwest Boulevard Bella Vista NSW 2153
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
占地达 5,571 平方米的土地,室内面积超过 1000 平方米 的家园里,四周被美丽的绿色花园,棕榈树,翠竹,热带雨林 植物环绕,给宽敞的 3 个大厅,六间卧室和一个书房,带来宁 静舒适的热带雨林度假气氛。 明亮开阔的住所利用了大量的玻璃和拱形天花,有效地将 户外热带雨林的绿色植物和翠绿的自然环境带进室内。尤其引 人注目的是:封闭式全天候室内温水游泳池,带有独立水疗中 心,桑拿和蒸汽房,无论家人或者客人都可以娱乐和放松,不 论白天或黑夜都可以享受悠闲绿色的氛围。 大型的餐饮或花园聚会可以在户外凉亭进行,其中有煤气 烧烤炉和大型内建燃木比萨饼烤箱。 一个可停泊三部车的摇控上锁车库,设备齐全的一房一厅 套房,非常适合用作园丁宿舍或额外的办公用途。 只要几分钟的车程,生活所需要的一切,包括当地的学校, 购物和交通,应有尽有。到市中心大约 40 分钟车程,到悉尼国 际机场大约 15 - 20 分钟时间。 Thi laga Ganasen (中文) 0450 682 386
Book 3, Issue No. 498 / Friday Feb 05, 2016
占地 1401 平方米的這間氣派宏偉的房子,在寬闊的土地上提 供了國際都市化的生活。位於轉角位置,有分割土地的巨大潛 力。獨特的地理區域,擁有 5 間大臥室,2 個廚房。 寬闊的二層有可獨立進出入的入口,2 間臥室,客廳,廚房, 浴室,以及擁有環繞式陽臺,可以隨時享受美景的起居室 一層擁有 3 間臥室,開放式廚房,餐廳,衛生間,浴室以及 非常適合在戶外用餐或享受下午茶的完美露臺。同時物業還有 一個大且華麗的花園,茂盛的植物樹木帶來了綠色清新的居住 環境。地理位置優越,近學校,商店,咖啡店,以及交通包括 輪渡和去市中心的巴士。 物業還可做多種用途,已獲得批准,可以做餐廳或咖啡館,委 員會批准的托兒所。請聯繫我們獲得更多的資訊,不要錯過這 個作為投資亦或是成為夢想之家的絕妙機會。
開放時間: 本週六上午 10:00 - 10:30 地址: 380 Great North Road Abbotsford 詳情請諮詢: Thilaga Ganasen (中文) 0450 682 386 Edward Pendino 0431 588 888
Friday Feb 05, 2016
新春大吉 快樂安康 財源廣進
安联信贷恭祝 全体悉尼华人同胞
安联2016招聘火热启动 诚邀有志之士加入 请发简历至:recruit@alliancemortgages.com.au