2014 program guide issuu

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Welcome Home! A synagogue is a Beit K’nesset, a House of Assembly. Here at Chizuk Amuno we desire to live Jewish life together as a community of families in our synagogue home. We want to do more than share space in a house, the building where we attend services, classes, and programs. We want to build relationships with each other through the many opportunities we have to gather in celebration and learning and at cultural and social events. Chizuk Amuno Congregation is an inclusive and devoted synagogue family. As each of us encounter the ups and downs of our individual and family lives, through membership in our synagogue community we know we are part of a something larger. From our affiliation with Chizuk Amuno Congregation we gain inspiration, support, and home. Belonging to our synagogue family personalizes for all of us what it means to participate in the life of the Jewish people and provides us with the resources we need to live compelling and thoughtful Jewish lives. This year our many programs celebrate being “@Home with our synagogue family.” In this guide we present new and familiar opportunities to focus on relationships within our congregation and creative experiences that can bring us together. On behalf of our clergy, educators, and staff members, I look forward to welcoming you home. As you look through these pages and explore our services, classes, programs, and activities for the coming year think of Chizuk Amuno Congregation as your synagogue family and spend some time getting to know us better.

Shalom! I am pleased to present to you our 2014-15 Program Guide. Ours is a strong, vibrant community with something to offer for all ages and interests. This year, we are providing a comprehensive guide which lists all of Chizuk Amuno’s programs, activities, and events for the coming year. Our hope is that all our efforts will culminate in experiences that touch you – we want to be a place that makes a difference in your lives. This is your house, your community, your shul. It reaches its potential and enriches the lives of our members only because of the collective efforts of everyone who chooses to participate. If there is something that interests you in which you would like to be involved, let us know. If there is something that you think we can do better, let us know. And if there are people you know who might like to join our community or participate in some of the activities listed here, let them know, and put them in touch with us. We look forward to an exciting and joyful year of growth and we hope to see you here on many occasions. B’Shalom,

Andy Miller President

B’Shalom Rav,

Rabbi Ron Shulman

Chizuk Amuno has a long history of proud service to Baltimore’s Jewish community. Dedicated to strengthening faith in our people’s covenant with God, the purpose of Chizuk Amuno Congregation is to create a sacred Jewish community. Here individuals and families can find meaning for their lives from serious engagement with the texts, wisdom, and celebrations of Judaism. In pursuit of this mission, Chizuk Amuno ascribes to the rabbinic teaching: “The world is sustained through Torah – learning, Avodah – prayer and service, and Gemilut Hasadim – acts of loving kindness.”

Please refer to www.chizukamuno.org for complete information throughout the year.

O N U M A K U Z I H C @ W E N descr y oppor tunities an m e th g on from am A few highlights

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Communal Prayer@Chizuk Amuno Congregation


hizuk Amuno Congregation strives to provide engaging and participatory communal prayer. In our prayer services we seek to foster an intimate and relaxed mood with an emphasis on personal prayer and connections. Our clergy and congregants of all ages join in and lead our various services. In our synagogue prayer, we hope to draw nearer to God, Judaism, the Jewish people, and one another. Daily Minyan

Our Daily Minyan gathers for morning and evening services in the Hoffberger Chapel. Weekday services are held at 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. and Sundays at 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. On Rosh Hodesh, Intermediate Festival Days, Hanukkah, and Purim, weekday morning services are held at 7 a.m. and on national holidays at 9:15 a.m.

Aliyot on Shabbat or at Daily Minyan

Celebrating Shabbat each week, and gathering for prayer every day, we enjoy marking special personal and family occasions by sharing them with our synagogue family. We also enjoy honoring members of our community with Torah honors as individual expressions of gratitude and belonging. If you would like to receive an aliyah to the Torah or some other synagogue honor during a Shabbat Morning or Daily Minyan service, please be in touch with Judy Simkin in the Rabbinic Office, ext. 232. We’ll do our best to provide you a timely Torah or service honor, subject to each weekly schedule.

SH Shabbat Services

At Chizuk Amuno, Shabbat is a day to rejoice in the gift and experiences of our lives and to connect with our synagogue community.

Friday Evening Service – Kabbalat Shabbat FRIDAYS • 6 P.M. ONEG SHABBAT 6:15 P.M. KABBALAT SHABBAT

We gather for an Oneg Shabbat, a light snack and the chance to greet each other. Kabbalat Shabbat Services are held each Friday evening at 6:15 p.m. in the Hoffberger Chapel. We welcome Shabbat in friendship, with song and traditional Hebrew prayer as we come together, taking leave of the busy routine of our week.

New Shabbat

FRIDAYS • 6:30 P.M. “And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit into you…” (Ezekiel 36:26)

New Shabbat is joyous, informal contemporary Friday night service with instrumental music. Come and enjoy an upbeat Shabbat celebration of prayer, song, and insight. Using a special prayer book that includes Hebrew transliteration and English reflection, New Shabbat is enjoyed by adults and children, families and individuals. Bring your family and friends to a service participants describe as “uplifting and joyful,” “moving and spiritual,” “powerful and beautiful.” New Shabbat meets on the first Friday of most months at 6:30 p.m. beginning September 5, and continuing on


October 17, November 7, December 5, January 9, February 6, March 6, April 17, May 1, and June 5.

First Fridays at Chizuk Amuno DECEMBER 5, MARCH 6, MAY 1

We celebrate Shabbat as a synagogue family. We each participate in either our Kabbalat Shabbat service (6:15 p.m.) or our New Shabbat service (6:30 p.m.) after which we all join together for Shabbat Dinner (7:15 p.m.), friendship, and lively conversation. Enjoy a light snack before attending either of our Friday evening services, refresh after a busy week by welcoming Shabbat in prayer and song, and relax with family and friends at Shabbat dinner. To help create a Shabbat community and keep costs as low as possible, subscriptions to multiple Shabbat Dinners will be available.



Torah for Tots

Shabbat Morning Services SATURDAYS • 9:15 A.M.

Saturdays at 9:15 a.m. we celebrate Shabbat Morning Services in the Sanctuary, where our rabbis and Hazzan lead us in a warm, participatory, and engaging service of traditional Hebrew prayer and personal reflection. Our services include Torah study and the consideration of Jewish values and ideas for our lives and our world. Each week our service embraces members who come to celebrate individual and family milestones.

SATURDAYS • 10:30 A.M. September 13, October 11, October 25, November 8, November 22, December 13, January 10, January 24, February 22, March 14, March 28, April 11, April 25, May 9, May 30

Torah for Tots is an interactive family service for families with children who are infants to 5 years of age. Singing, dancing, snacks, stories, and so much more! Torah for Tots meets on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of most months as well as Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.

New Shabbat AM

Kadima Minyan

New Shabbat AM is a joyous and reflective Shabbat morning celebration of prayer, song accompanied by instrumental music, and insight. Using a special prayer book that includes Hebrew transliteration and English reflection, New Shabbat AM seeks to facilitate personal prayer and communal celebration in a concise hour and one-half user-friendly Shabbat Morning Service, during which we talk personally, read and study Torah, and grow in our own synagogue skills. Whether you’ve been with us before or have been meaning to attend, join us this year beginning September 13 and continuing on October 25, November 15, December 13, January

November 15, March 7, April 8

17, February 14, March 14, and June 13.


SATURDAYS • 10:30 A.M.

The Amuno Minyan

SATURDAYS • 9:30 A.M. November 22, January 24, March 28, and May 23

The Amuno Minyan is our lay-led participatory Shabbat Morning Service, a more intimate and informal setting for prayer and Torah study. Family Service participants may also join the Amuno Minyan for a joyous and warm Shabbat service. Come lend your voice and your spirit.

SATURDAYS • 10:30 A.M.-NOON A special Shabbat morning experience designed specifically for all students in grades 6 -8. The Kadima Minyan is an engaging, energetic, and meaningful experience where our students explore prayer in a fun and social environment. Students take an active role in the service and read from the Torah. The Kadima Minyan will often conclude with special programming in the Youth Lounge or gym.

Teen Minyan

Join Rabbi Marci Jacobs Aronchick and other Chizuk Amuno teens for a creative interactive Shabbat morning experience throughout the year. This service, created and led by the teens of Chizuk Amuno, will be a blend of lively participatory prayers, meaningful debates and discussions, and exciting activities. Of course, there will be plenty of refreshments. Our first Teen Minyan will take place during Shabbat Getaway.

Winter Worship


Shabbat Morning Family Service SATURDAYS • 10:30-11:30 A.M. Beginning September 13

Join us most every Shabbat in the Hoffberger Chapel service geared to families with school children. Children have the opportunity to put their learning into practice by leading parts of the service, learning new melodies, and exploring Shabbat teachings and stories. After the Family Service we join our Torah for Tots friends for Kiddush and hang out together playing in the gym. The warm, informal atmosphere makes this service a delight.

Honoring New Members SATURDAYS • 9:15 A.M. November 22, April 25

We are pleased to honor our newest members in a very special way. At Shabbat Morning Services, new members of our Chizuk Amuno family will be invited to the bimah to share an aliyah to the Torah and the blessing of our congregation’s welcome.

December 27, January 3

Similar to Summer Shul, Winter Worship Shabbat morning services are held in the Krieger Auditorium, creating a warm, intimate, and relaxed prayer environment. Synagogue members lead our services, read Torah, and deliver Divrei Torah, supported by Rabbis Shulman and Wechsler, and Hazzan Perlman.



Special Shabbat Programs BBQ Shabbat Dinner & Services FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 • 5 P.M. Let’s get together for a BBQ Dinner and welcome each other back at the start of a new synagogue and school year. Come casual and comfortable. Following dinner, we’ll welcome Shabbat at Kabbalat Shabbat Minyan (6:15 p.m.) or New Shabbat Service with instrumental music at 6:30 p.m. Contact the synagogue office to make your reservations. Fee: $15 per person or $36 per family.

Shabbat Getaway SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 • 9:15 A.M. We will have a full day of activities, including worship, meals, games, and study. Bible Players, the Torah comedy duo that’s sweeping the nation, will be our guest teachers and performers for this special Shabbat experience.

Community Havdalah Celebrations SATURDAYS December 6, January 10 • 5-6 p.m. February 7, March 7 • 6-7 p.m.

During the winter, when night comes early, join us for special outdoor (weather-permitting) Havdalah services to mark the conclusion of Shabbat. Enjoy this beautiful ritual moment of music, song, light, and fragrance with your synagogue family. Adults and children will receive candles and spices. We’ll also enjoy sweet treats, symbolizing our wishes for a sweet week before heading out on a Saturday night.

“A Retrospective on Jewish Music” The Sabbath of Song – Shabbat Shirah FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 6:15 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m.

Kabbalat Shabbat Service Dinner Concert

Each year the Jewish calendar calls our attention to the week our ancient Israelite ancestors rejoiced in song on the banks of the sea following their exodus from Egypt. To mark this occasion, Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman, T. Herbert Dimmock, and the Chizuk Amuno Choir present a reprise of Jewish musical favorites during our Kabbalat Shabbat Service and following a lovely Shabbat dinner.

New and Prospective Member Seudah Shlishit

SATURDAY, MARCH 7 • 4:30 P.M. Haven’t found your synagogue home yet? We’re here for you. Before our Community Havdalah celebration, we invite you to a seudah shlishit, traditional third meal on Shabbat. You will have the opportunity to mingle with our synagogue leadership, clergy, and staff members, as well as those who have recently joined our Chizuk Amuno family.

Day Shabbaton Grades 3-4


Students are reminded to get a full night of sleep, because the third and fourth grade Shabbaton is a jam-packed day of games, programming, food, services, and more! Open to all third and fourth grade students, the day Shabbaton provides opportunities for students to deepen existing friendships and meet other awesome third and fourth graders from the Chizuk Amuno community.

Erev Shabbat Experience FRIDAY, JANUARY 9

GECEC (4’s and 5’s) and Kindergarten students from RRS, KSLS, and Chizuk Amuno

Shabbat is even more special when we celebrate with friends. Our congregation and school communities come together for a special Shabbat program and dinner.

Overnight Shabbaton Grades 5-6


Fifth and sixth graders take over the building for 25 hours of activities, including a scavenger hunt, rousing Shabbat songs, challenges in the gym, and more. Sleeping bags in hand, students set up their “bunks” in the classrooms and truly turn Chizuk Amuno into their home for the weekend. The Shabbaton concludes with participants joining the larger Chizuk Amuno community for a winter Havdalah service.

GECEC and Young Family Havdalah Celebration SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7

Join with the youngest members of our congregation as they help to say good-bye to Shabbat and get ready for the new week.

3rd Grade RRS and KSLS Havdalah Program SATURDAY, MARCH 7

All third graders from Chizuk Amuno schools will join together to lead the congregation in our lively and spirited Havdalah as part of their third grade Judaic studies curriculum.


O N U M A K U Z I H C @ T A BB




estival Morning Services begin at 9:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Our rabbis and hazzan lead us in warm, participatory, and engaging services of traditional Hebrew prayer which include reflection on holiday meanings. On holiday mornings and some special Sabbath occasions, our Sanctuary service is enriched by presentations from the Chizuk Amuno Choir. During the High Holy Days, a variety of services are held throughout the synagogue facility. Family Services and special programs are also offered for children and students in preschool through high school. For complete details about Selihot, Rosh HaShanah, and Yom Kippur, please refer to our website, www.chizukamuno.org, or our High Holy Day brochure.


Rosh HaShanah

Yom Kippur

An Evening of Greeting, Study, and Conversation



SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 • 8:30 P.M. Join with our community to prepare for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. 8:30 p.m. Havdalah 8:45 p.m. “Prayer: Advocacy before God or a Quest for Self Awareness?”

What’s the real point of prayer? Before the High Holy Days arrive, shouldn’t we answer this question? Join Rabbi Ron Shulman in study and discussion as an introduction to High Holy Day Services. 9:15 p.m. Dessert Reception 9:45 p.m. Preparing for the New Year

The Torah Scrolls in the ark are publicly changed into their white High Holy Day covers which symbolize the freshness and purity of the coming New Year. 10 p.m. Selihot Service

A String Quartet will accompany Hazzan Perlman and the Chizuk Amuno choir during our Selihot Service, a unique and moving late night “Service of forgiveness” that begins the High Holy Day season. The Selihot Service is an emotional, spiritual, and evocative evening of teshuvah, repentance, reflecting upon our deeds and experiences this year as we consider personal and religious goals for future growth and change.

As we enter 5775, L’Shanah Tovah Umetukah – we wish you a Happy and Sweet Year. It is a time for fresh starts, renewed purpose. A time to look to the future. Erev Rosh HaShanah, September 24 • 6 p.m.

Join us for the timeless tradition of beginning the New Year by blessing our children. Rosh HaShanah 1st Day, September 25 • 9 a.m.

We celebrate the New Year in a variety of Holy Day Services and Programs

Ten days after Rosh HaShanah, having considered our actions over this past year, we gather for Yom Kippur seeking a year of renewal in life. We begin our observance of Yom Kippur with the Kol Nidre service on Friday evening, October 3, at 6 p.m.

and continue with worship, study, and community all day Saturday, October 4 beginning at 9 a.m.

Tashlikh • 4:30 p.m.

Join us for uplifting music and song, holiday discovery and refreshments before walking to a stream to symbolically cast away our sins. Rosh HaShanah 2nd Day, September 26 • 9 a.m.

We gather together for our communal Holy Day celebration. Throughout the holy days, our halls are filled with people of every age, all abuzz, reflecting the excitement and optimism that comes with the New Year.

Memorial Service

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 Arlington Cemetery • 11 a.m. Garrison Forest Cemetery • 12:15 p.m.

We will gather inside the hallowed gates of our congregation’s cemetery to recite psalms, prayers, and personal memorials during the Days of Repentance between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.

Yizkor Memorial prayers are recited on the following holidays in 5775: Yom Kippur, Shabbat, October 4 Shemini Atzeret, Thursday, October 16 8th Day of Passover, Shabbat, April 11 2nd day of Shavuot, Monday, May 25


HOL Shabbat Shirah

Sukkot Thursday, October 9 through Friday, October 17 Erev Sukkot is Wednesday, October 8. Sukkot is a time of thanksgiving and hospitality when we celebrate the natural bounties of our world and all that sustain our lives. Immersed in the joys of community, environmental awareness and gratitude to God, we also demonstrate sensitivity to others and their needs for shelter and sustenance.

Festival Morning Services

THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 AND 10 • 9:15 A.M. We will wave the lulav and etrog, welcome our children in song and parade, and gather in the Attman Family Sukkah for communal meals.

“The Rise of Global Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israel Boycotts” A SUKKOT SYMPOSIUM

Monday, October 13 • 7:30 p.m.

Featuring: Daniel Goldhagen, author of The Devil That Never Dies: The Rise and Threat of Global Anti-semitism and Dr. Steven David, Johns Hopkins University Monitoring rising episodes of anti-Semitic attacks, both verbal and violent, especially in Europe and in relation to Israel, we join together to explore what’s happening, to understand it more deeply, and to consider responses to this disturbing trend. Daniel Goldhagen, a widely respected author who has studied and written extensively about anti-Semitism will be our featured speaker. Dr. Steven David, Professor of International Relations at the Johns Hopkins University and a representative of the Anti-Defamation League will respond to Mr. Goldhagen’s remarks after which our participants will engage in a larger discussion and respond to questions. One aspect of the Sukkot festival is to gather together in Jewish community and consider shared concerns and needs. Historically, Sukkot was a time of great

community meetings. This is the purpose of our Sukkot Symposium, to honor the holiday we celebrate by caring for the welfare of our people throughout the world.

Shemini Atzeret

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 • 9:15 A.M. Our Sukkot holiday concludes with a Festival Morning Service as we mark the fall season and remember our loved ones during Yizkor Memorial Prayers.

Simhat Torah

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 • 7 P.M. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 • 9:15 P.M. We rejoice in the reading of Torah and honor synagogue volunteers for their caring.


WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17 THROUGH WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 First candle is on Tuesday, December 16

On Hanukkah we remember the miracles of faith, of our people’s perseverance, and of life’s daily wonders. Honoring the Maccabees and the conflict of ancient days, we celebrate the victory of faith and Judaism’s ideals.

Hanukkah Concert Celebration

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17 6 p.m. Latke Dinner and Games 7 p.m. Concert and Candle Lighting Ceremony

Named one of the top ten Jewish performers in the United States, Sam Glaser comes to Chizuk Amuno for Hanukkah. Sam Glaser brings his soulful music and joyous spirit to us for a lively Hanukkah Concert the whole family will enjoy. Sam Glaser’s energetic style and passionate delivery never fails ignite the spirit of audiences of all sizes and age groups.

Shabbat Morning Services on Hanukkah

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 • 9:15 P.M. This service will include holiday themes and songs followed by latkes, games, and fun being together!

“A Retrospective on Jewish Music” • The Sabbath of Song – Shabbat Shirah FRIDAY, JANUARY 30

6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service 7 p.m. Dinner • 8 p.m. Concert

Each year the Jewish calendar calls our attention to the week our ancient Israelite ancestors rejoiced in song on the banks of the sea following their exodus from Egypt. To mark this occasion, Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman, T. Herbert Dimmock, and the Chizuk Amuno Choir present a reprise of Jewish musical favorites during our Kabbalat Shabbat Service and following a lovely Shabbat dinner.


On this holiday, we recount an ancient tale of humor and challenge remembering Queen Esther, Mordecai, and the Jews of Shushan. Purim encourages us to stand proud as Jews and ever vigilant against prejudice and injustice.

Purim Ball

SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 28 Mark your calendars! Building on their success from last year’s Pub Night, Sisterhood and Brotherhood have once again joined forces to bring us a gala evening in the spirit of Purim. Start working on your costumes!

Purim Circus under the Big Top WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4

Traditional Megillah Reading • 6:15 p.m. Family Megillah Reading • 7 p.m.

Chizuk Amuno goes to the circus in celebration of Purim. Join ringmaster Mordecai and Esther the High Wire aerialist, enjoy cotton candy flavored hamantashen. Come dressed as your favorite Purim character or circus performer. Services followed by Purim Parties for all ages

THURSDAY, MARCH 5 • 7 A.M. Purim morning Megillah Reading

Purim Carnival

SUNDAY, MARCH 8 • 11 A.M.-2 P.M. And the fun continues at our Purim Carnival. Our Purim extravaganza is chock full of fun, food, games, and prizes. Sponsored by the Parent Association of Chizuk Amuno Schools.





Passover is a holiday of hope, renewal, and life. Nature’s spring is the backdrop for our people’s Exodus story of beginnings and freedom. As spring begins, Passover reminds us that we are keepers of a vision, advocates for redemption.

A Passover Prep Shabbaton with Noam Zion

FRIDAY-SATURDAY, MARCH 20-21 Noam Zion’s "A Different Haggadah” is a wonderful balance of modern and traditional commentaries. Join us in a participatory weekend with the author in preparation for the best Pesah ever.

Haggadah Fair

SUNDAY, MARCH 22 • 10 A.M.-NOON Join us for a morning of Passover planning, shopping, and learning. Explore a variety of Haggadot to use at your seder. Taste wines to serve at your seder table. Learn about Passover customs, creative seder ideas, and more about the Haggadah and Passover story. Preparing for Pesah, also come to:

Dunkin’ Pots and Pans Come and kasher your silverware or metal pots and utensils. Items used during the year may be used for Passover if they are immersed in a large container filled with boiling water.

Siyyum B’khorim

FRIDAY, APRIL 3 • 7 A.M. This is a morning Minyan and brief study session followed by a light breakfast, the last hametz meal before Passover. Attendance at this Minyan is a special mitzvah for all first-born males. First born daughters and everyone else are also welcome. The breakfast is sponsored in part by a generous donation from Jack and Anne Needle and Lynne Komins and family, in loving memory of Warren Komins.

Passover Festival Morning Services SATURDAY AND FRIDAY APRIL 4 AND 5 • 9:15 A.M. APRIL 10 AND 11 • 9:15 A.M.

We invite you to join in the spirit and beauty of celebrating Passover with your synagogue family through prayer, celebration, and reflection. During our service on Shabbat, April 11, we recite Yizkor Memorial Prayers.

Shavuot commemorates the giving of the Torah, the content and meaning of Judaism for each of us and our world. It also marks the brighter and pleasant days of spring turning into summer, of a world turning fresh and green with life and beauty. At Chizuk Amuno, Shavuot is a joyous festival of Torah study, creative expression, and happy celebration.

“Great Debates”

TIKKUN LEIL SHAVUOT SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 23 We begin Shavuot with an evening of great debates. Participate with us in rehashing some of the great debates from Jewish history and tradition. Come to argue and learn. Come to discuss and explore. Maybe you’ll win an argument, maybe not. At least you’ll be immersed in the conversation.

Adults and Children of All Ages Celebrate Torah on Shavuot SUNDAY, MAY 24 • 9:15 A.M.

On Shavuot we imagine ourselves at Mt. Sinai and rejoice in the gift of Torah. To honor our holiday’s spirit, our Shavuot Festival Morning Service will include opportunities for everyone, from our youngest to our oldest, to sit with each other and study. At 10 a.m., after our Shaharit Morning service, we’ll leave the Sanctuary and sit together around Torah study tables in the Krieger Auditorium. Over coffee and nosh, our rabbis will guide us as we dialogue with study partners and explore Torah texts. While we study, our children will gather for their own holiday program and prepare to join us in the sanctuary for a special ceremony. At 10: 30 a.m., following our learning we’ll return to the Sanctuary to receive and read Torah. Our children will join us when we read the Ten Commandments from the Torah Scroll celebrating their growth and freshness by bringing bikkurim, greens and fruits, to decorate the bimah.

MONDAY, MAY 25 • 9:15 A.M. In the course of our Festival Morning Service we recite Yizkor Memorial Prayers and, in loving memory, dedicate new plaques on our Memorial Wall.


A Legacy of Words: On Imparting Our Values, Wisdom, Hopes, and Love Rabbi Elana Zaiman


Glassgold Kallah


Why Write an Ethical Will?

Most of us write last will and testaments. Some of us write living wills. But how often do we write ethical wills? How often do we write letters to those we leave behind with the hope of passing on our values and ideals? Isn’t bestowing a spiritual legacy just as important as handing over our material possessions? If it isn’t, it should be. Come hear Elana Zaiman speak about why this ancient custom should be part of your plan.


Dear Gabriel: On Imparting Our Values

To inspire you to write your own ethical wills, Elana Zaiman will speak about her experience of writing her first ethical will to her son and share some excerpts.


LEA Chizuk Amuno’s Stulman Center for Adult Learning


e learn best through experience. Our minds, hearts, and souls retain what we discover when we learn with others in environments that embrace, challenge, and accept us. True for children and adults alike, it is through experiential learning and quality relationships that we strive to provide engaging and meaningful Jewish education at Chizuk Amuno Congregation. Our schools, classes, and programs impart religious character, ethical awareness, and a love of Judaism. We encourage our learners to apply their intellectual and spiritual curiosities in order to see life through the lens of Jewish ideas and values. We look forward to sharing the experience of Jewish study with you. Through Chizuk Amuno’s Stulman Center for Adult Learning we offer courses year round, from the frigid dark days of winter through the dog days of summer. Built around a core curriculum of Bible, Celebrations & Observances, History & Modernity, and Rabbinic Texts and Jewish Thought, our course titles will intrigue you. Our teachers will inspire you. Our courses will challenge you. We also enjoy experiential and enrichment learning opportunities throughout the year and welcome a variety of scholars and guest speakers. For information about any of our Adult Education classes, please contact Doris Tanhoff, dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org or ext. 288.

Ethical Will Text Study

We will briefly discuss the history of ethical wills as a written form beginning in the Middle Ages with its antecedents in early biblical and rabbinic literature and we will read excerpts of ethical wills from the Middle Ages and from modern times, noting how ethical wills are the product of their time and their authors.


Write Your Values

Rabbi Zaiman will guide us in the process of creating ethical wills by writing to a series of prompts designed to help us delve into ourselves and into the relationship(s) with the person(s) to whom we’re writing.

Bible Matriarchs, Patriarchs and Us: Torah Study Group

Wild Women of the Bible

Beginning November 6

Using Biblical and Rabbinic sources as well as poetry and the visual arts, come explore the character traits and stories of some of the Bible’s most interesting women. Fee: $175 for CAC Members $200 for Community Participants


Join this weekly discussion about the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob, Rachel, and Leah, Joseph and his brothers. We’ll study from the Book of Genesis and talk about what the stories tell us about ourselves, not only our Biblical ancestors. No previous background in Bible study is necessary to enjoy this Torah Study Group. No fee

THURSDAYS • NOON-1:30 P.M. Rabbi Gila Ruskin Beginning October 23

Please refer to www.chizukamuno.org for complete information throughout the year.


O N U M A K U Z I H C @ G NIN Torah through Hasidic Eyes: Hearts, Minds, and Hands in the World Rabbi Amy Scheinerman

TUESDAYS • NOON-1:30 P.M. Beginning October 21

Hasidism is an expression of Jewish mysticism (and more specifically, Kabbalah.) Hasidic commentaries on Torah tend strongly toward psychological and spiritual insights, encouraging a reader to look within for deep and genuine self-knowledge. We will read Hasidic interpretations on the weekly Torah portion, learning about Jewish mysticism as we go, and discussing the remarkably down to earth insights these commentaries provide. All texts will be in English translation. Fee: $175 for CAC Members $200 for Community Participants

Celebrations & Observances Promoting the Promise of Personal Prayer

Basic Hebrew Reading

Jewish prayer did not begin as recitation from a book. In the early centuries of Jewish experience, there was no fixed liturgy. Originally, prayer was extemporaneous, voiced because of a specific need or in response to a particular situation. Over time Jewish prayer became formal, scripted, and communal. Let’s explore how Jewish prayer evolved, how we can honor this history, and at the same time promote the promise of personal prayer for ourselves. No Fee

*This course will be conducted by Rabbi Shulman over eight weeks. The first four classes coincide with the Baltimore Board of Rabbis Adult Institute. Chizuk Amuno members who participate in the Adult Institute weeks continue through December 9.

Torah Reading Dr. Moshe Shualy

TUESDAYS • 6:30-7:20 P.M.

MONDAYS • 7-8 P.M.

Robin Shulman Beginning November 11

Experience a great spiritual high. Learn to read and chant Torah. Fulfill a personal Jewish goal. Prepare for a family celebration. Success guaranteed. No Fee

Learn to decode the Hebrew alphabet and read basic prayers. This is a comfortable first step for discovering or rediscovering your ability to read Hebrew. No fee

Advanced Hebrew Reading Helen Lewis

1ST AND 3RD THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH • 12:30 -2 P.M. September 4, 18; October 2, 23 November 6, 20; December 4, 18 January 8, 22; February 5, 19 March 5, 19; April 2, 16; May 7, 21

Participants read selections from Hebrew literature for discussion in English. New group members welcome. No Fee

Adult Bat Mitzvah


RABBI RON SHULMAN Beginning November 11 4 OR 8 TUESDAYS • 7:30-8:30 P.M. Join a community of women who October 14, 21, 28 November 4, 18, 25 December 2, 9


engage and then grow together in study and observance as they become more comfortable with the synagogue service, more familiar with Judaism, and more skilled in Hebrew reading and chanting. No Fee

History & Modernity The Many Voices of Israel: A Journey through Historical Narrative MONDAYS • 7-8:30 P.M.

We will study the extraordinary history of Israel through the voices of major personalities, beginning with biblical and continuing through contemporary times. Our teachers are each connected to the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, either as a graduate or a member of the faculty. Coordinated by Judy Meltzer. Fee: $10 We are grateful to the Hoffberger Foundation for Torah Study for funding this exciting learning experience.


Israel Imagined: The Biblical View November 10


Importance of Makom, Place, in Modern Hebrew Writing November 17

How to Read, Understand, and Use the Haggadah at Your Passover Seder RABBI RON SHULMAN TUESDAYS • 7:30-8:30 P.M.


Decline of the Left in Israeli Security November 24

February 24, March 3, 17, 24


We’re all familiar with the Passover Haggadah. We’re just not all sure what it’s talking about. Four Questions, Four Sons, Memories of Slavery and Freedom, Ritual Instructions, Seder Symbols, Traditional Rabbinic Texts, Mysterious Songs – how did the Haggadah come to be? What should those around our seder tables get from it? How can we use it most effectively to interest and inspire our seder guests? Join in this fascinating and informative class and be ready for Passover. No Fee

Israel as Holy Space December 1


The Israel We Pray For December 8


Like Nowhere Else: Judaism in the Jewish State December 15


The Death of Jesus A Troubling Event for Jews and Christians

ROSANN M. CATALANO, PH.D., RABBI ILYSE KRAMER INSTITUTE FOR CHRISTIAN AND JEWISH STUDIES THURSDAYS, 9:15-10:30 A.M. 20 sessions October 30; November 6, 13, 20 December 4, 11, 18 January 8, 15, 22, 29 February 5, 12, 19, 26 March 5, 12, 19, 26 April 16 (23, 30 snow/make-up days)

LEA Rabbinic Texts and Jewish Thought Yom Kippur Study Sessions: Dimensions of Teshuvah – Repentance


In the quiet of Yom Kippur afternoon, in addition to time for prayer, personal reflection, and conversation, join in study and consideration of our sacred purpose. Four traditional texts on Teshuvah – Repentance – will be studied. Select a text that intrigues you and join with others and a teacher to think about the text, talk together, and delve into its meaning.

Stories of Jesus’ suffering and death lie Pirkei Avot 2:1 at the heart of Christian identity. From its Dr. Moshe Shualy beginning, Christianity has found in these “Ponder three things and you will avoid saving and sacred narratives a context of committing a sin. Keep in mind what is meaning within which to live a life faithful to above you: an eye that sees; an ear that the Gospel. Yet, these same narratives have hears; a book in which all your deeds are bred hostility and violence against Judaism recorded.” and the Jewish people. In this year’s series we will read Mary Boys’ Redeeming our Sacred Story: The Death Mahzor of Jesus and Relations between Jews and Rabbi Marci Jacobs Aronchick Christians (Paulist Press, 2013). Boys serves “But Teshuvah, Tefillah, and Tzedakah have as Dean of Academic Affairs and Skinner the power to transform the harshness of our and McAlpin Professor of Practical Theology destiny.” at Union Theological Seminary, New York City. She is a central figure in the rethinking Mishnah Yoma 8:9 of the Christian-Jewish relationship in light of Dr. Joyanna Silberg Vatican II’s Nostra Aetate. Please purchase “Yom Kippur atones for sins committed the book prior to the first class. between an individual and God. Yom Kippur Fee: $350 for CAC Members atones for sins committed between one $400 for Community Participants person and another only if the one regains the goodwill of the other.”

Rabbi Nahman of Bratzlav, Likutei Moharan 282 Judy Meltzer

“Know that you must judge all people with an eye to their merits. In this way one truly elevates their merit and thereby encourages them to do teshuvah.”

Interpreting Our Lives: Relevant Midrash


January 27, February 3, February 10

“You shall love the Eternal God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Come explore these three aspects of our lives through Midrash, the art of Jewish interpretation. Discover relevant Jewish insights for living within the limits of our strengths, for living out the desires of our hearts, and for living through the yearnings of our souls. No Fee

Fences and Walls

RABBI DEBI WECHSLER THURSDAYS • 10:30-11:30 A.M. Beginning November 6

In Jewish tradition we are forever building fences around what we perceive as sacred. In this text class we will explore sources on building boundaries, both physical and metaphorical, in our Jewish community. The concepts of eruv, conversion, fences to the Torah, and the parapet will be discussed. No fee

Jewish History in Context: From Canon to Tradition DR. MOSHE SHUALY MONDAYS • 9:30-10:30 A.M.

Join Dr. Shualy in his ongoing exploration of ancient Jewish texts in a contemporary context. Reflect on these and related questions: How did the synagogue come to be? How was the Torah canonized? What major changes took place after 586 BCE, 70 CE? What is the difference between Torah and Mishnah? Why did prophecy cease after 586 BCE? No fee

O N U M A K U Z I H C @ G N ARNI Talmud Study


A study of the text, history, and philosophy of the Talmud. Reading knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary. No Fee

A Taste of Mussar: An Introduction to the Study and Practice of Jewish Spiritual Ethics MARCIA GLASS-SIEGEL, STEPHEN SIEGEL SUNDAYS • 10-11:30 A.M. October 26, November 2, 9, 16

Mussar is a centuries-old Jewish body of teachings and spiritual practice that provides guidance in identifying your uniquely personal path of spiritual growth and offers practices to help bring about that growth. The goal of Mussar is to help you become a more whole and holy person. Each week, in addition to the group meeting, you will receive three e-mails that include short readings, practices, and reflection questions. Fee: $36, includes study materials

Downtown Lunch and Learns RABBI DEBI WECHSLER NOON-1 P.M.

Johns Hopkins Hospital Monday, October 27 University of Maryland Medical Center Thursday, October 30

This year at our Downtown Lunch and Learn series we will explore the ever changing boundaries of the Jewish community, including interfaith relations and conversion. Our two current locations are Johns Hopkins Hospital and University of Maryland Medical Center. If you would like to bring the lunch and learn program to a site near you, please be in touch.

Life in Perspective – A Series of Lectures @ Chizuk Amuno

Different issues and different perspectives fill our lives with curiosity, care, and concern. Join us and our guest speakers for a series of lectures and discussions exploring who we are and what concerns us.

FDR and the Jews

RICHARD BREITMAN, CO-AUTHOR Wednesday, November 5 • 7:30 p.m.

Chizuk Amuno and KSDS are proud to host Richard Breitman, coauthor of FDR and the Jews, which examines FDR’s actions in regards to the Jews both before and during World War II. Coinciding with the KSDS Book Fair, Mr. Breitman will talk about his book and will be available for signings after his talk.

The Ethics of Peace

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 • 7:30 P.M. FINEMAN ETHICS LECTURE Dr. Shibley Telhami, Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development, University of Maryland, College Park

Considering all that is happening in the Middle East, Professor Telhami will address political and ethical dimensions of the conflicts as we seek both understanding and insight, aware of difficult realities and holding out hopes for eventual peace. Dr. Shibley Telhami is a Senior Fellow at the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution and an advisor to the United States Department of State. He served on the Iraq Study Group and is a contributor to major newspapers and news outlets. His best-selling book, The Stakes: America and the Middle East, was selected by Foreign Affairs magazine as one of the top five books on the Middle East. We thank the Paul J. Fineman Fund for Ethics Education for their support of this program.


Texting Together


Wednesday, February 4 7 p.m. Hevruta Study • 7:30 p.m. Program

Jews have traditionally met each other across and through the study of traditional texts. Through understanding how we read text, we engage with each other and build bridges. Three rabbis representing different denominations and Baltimore congregations will meet to learn together. Prior to the program there will be an opportunity to study the text together in hevruta, pairs or small groups, in preparation for the rabbis’ discussion.

Community or Communities? The American Jewish Population’s Continual Search for Unity DR. VALERIE THALER

Wednesday, March 11 • 7:30 p.m.

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “two Jews, three opinions” to describe the centrality of debate and argument to Jewish culture. But that doesn’t mean that American Jews have not made earnest attempts to act as “one people,” and think of themselves as a unified group. In this talk, we will explore several moments in American Jewish history in which American Jews sought to speak with one voice, and why that goal proved so elusive regardless of the circumstances.

FOLLOW UP STUDY SESSIONS March 18, 25, April 15, 22 • 7:30 p.m.

In these four sessions we’ll look at each of these “one people moments” in more detail, with the help of primary and secondary documents.

Watch for news of additional lectures not yet confirmed as this guide went to press.


Jewish Book Discussion Groups

LEA Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning A P RO J E C T O F T H E H E B R E W U N I V E RS IT Y O F J E RU SA L E M

Morning Jewish Book Group Judy Meltzer

WEDNESDAYS • 10:30-11:45 A.M. September 10, October 8, November 12, December 10, January 14, February 11, March 11, May 13, June 10

Do you like to read? Do you enjoy discussing your reading with other bibliophiles? Join us as we read short stories and books of Jewish content and engage in analysis and lively conversation. Tuition: $40 for CAC Members $50 for Community Participants

Evening Jewish Book Group Judy Meltzer

THURSDAYS • 7:30-9 P.M. OFFSITE Twice monthly beginning September 18

If you love literature, then our wonderful group is just right for you! We read short stories, fiction and non-fiction, both classics and contemporary. Our discussions are always animated. Some of us have been with this group for over 30 years, but we always welcome newcomers. Tuition: $125 for CAC Members $136 for Community Participants

Summer Camp for Adults

A Project of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem A two year, 120 hour learning experience for adults who want to learn more about Jewish life and culture – past, present, and future. Students enjoy interactive text study in a friendly, pluralistic environment with experienced teachers. Let’s talk about Melton and you. Tuition per year: $450 CAC Members; $650 Community Participants

Year One

THURSDAYS • 9:30-11:45 A.M., BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 11 OR TUESDAYS • 7-9:15 P.M., BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 9 Rhythms of Jewish Living: Ideas, beliefs, and practices that define and shape our Jewish

lives through life cycle, daily, weekly, and annual observances Purposes of Jewish Living: Essential theological concepts and ideas as they unfold in the

bible and other sacred texts

Year Two


Dramas of Jewish Living: Existential issues in Jewish history from the biblical period to modern times, providing insights into our lives as American Jews. Ethics of Jewish Living: Issues such as organ donation, compassion, abortion, and business relations presented against the background of classical Jewish sources

Melton Graduate Course Shemot I: From Slavery to Sinai TUESDAYS • 10-11:30 A.M., BEGINNING OCTOBER 21

We follow the development of the emerging Jewish nation from their awe-inspiring encounter at Mt. Sinai through the building of the tabernacle in the wilderness. The high points of Divine revelation in “Ten Commandments,” “Encountering God,” and “Face to Face with God” are sharply contrasted with the low points of the “Golden Calf: Revolt or Reversion.” The text addresses some of the specific laws and regulations that were to become part of Jewish living as well as the meaning, purpose, and relevance to our lives today. Tuition per year: $250 CAC Members; $325 Community Participants

8th Annual Adult Summer Camp

MONDAY-FRIDAY, JUNE 15-19 Every year we celebrate the start of summer with a wonderful camping experience for adults. Enjoy classes in music and art, delicious meals and snacks, and an evening concert featuring songs in Hebrew, Yiddish, and English.

Please refer to www.chizukamuno.org for complete information throughout the year.

O N U M A K U Z I H C @ G N ARNI Krieger Schechter Day School of Chizuk Amuno Congregation


rieger Schechter Day School (KSDS) is a co-educational, K–8 independent day school with high academic standards and a core of Jewish values. We are committed to shaping intellectually-engaged young people of strong character and deep commitment to their Jewish identity. KSDS provides an unparalleled Jewish and general studies education enabling our students to become confident, successful, and valued members of society as committed and knowledgeable Jews.

First Day of School TUESDAY, AUGUST 26

Admission Open House Fall: Tuesday, October 21 • 9-11 a.m. Winter: Monday, December 8 • 7-9 p.m.

Interested in learning more about Krieger Schechter Day School? Join us at our Open House. Discover how we educate the whole child – mind, heart, and soul, as you tour classrooms, hear from current students, and engage with faculty and administrators. Contact Ilene Wise, Director of Admission, with questions or to schedule a personal tour, iwise@ksds.edu, or 410-824-2066.

Book Fair

MONDAY-THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3-6 • 9 A.M.-5 P.M. The KSDS Book Fair supports our school and classroom libraries. There will be an amazing selection of both secular and Jewish books at all reading levels, wonderful cookbooks, books by our KSDS and Chizuk Amuno community authors, and much more!

4th Annual Schechter STEAM Showcase

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 • 9-11 A.M. Discover, learn, and explore as KSDS parents, alumni, and community members demonstrate age-appropriate projects in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Families with children ages 4-14 are invited to attend.

Giving Thanks by Giving Back

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 8:30 A.M.-12:30 P.M. KSDS students in Grades K-8 will participate in a day of service before Thanksgiving. Our school has partnered with the Jewish Volunteer Connection to pioneer a day of mitzvah, hesed, and tikkun olam.

Post-Thanksgiving Alumni Brunch

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 • 10 A.M. All KSDS alumni are invited join us to reconnect and reminisce with classmates, teachers, and friends. Bagels and chocolate tops will be served.

Middle School Learning Festival

TUESDAY-THURSDAY FEBRUARY 10-12 • 8 A.M.-4 P.M. The Middle School Learning Festival gives students in Grades 5-8 a break from their routine classes to explore a unique topic in depth with meaningful, hands-on, engaging, and fun programs. Our students look forward to learning and working with community members who are local experts on the chosen topic.


Grade 8 All-Hebrew Play MONDAY AND TUESDAY MARCH 16 AND 17 • 7 P.M.

Come one, come all, to the KSDS Grade 8 Play! For the 22nd year in a row, our Grade 8 students will perform a classic Broadway musical all in Hebrew. This highly anticipated tradition is sure to wow audience members of all ages.

Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day FRIDAY, MAY 8

Head back to school and spend the afternoon learning alongside your favorite KSDS student(s). We will provide a light meal along with special performances and presentations you’re sure to enjoy.

4th Annual Schechter on the Move 5K Race and 1 Mile Family Fun Run SUNDAY, MAY 31

Lace up your running shoes and head to KSDS for this family-friendly event, one of the highlights at the end of our school year. Families are also invited to the post-race festivities including refreshments, moon bounces, water tag, and more!

Grade 8 Graduation WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10

KSDS community members are invited to celebrate the KSDS Class of 2015 at their graduation ceremony.

Last Day of School FRIDAY, JUNE 12



Rosenbloom Religious School of Chizuk Amuno Congregation


t Rosenbloom Religious School, learning comes to life through hands-on activities, dynamic educators, guest artists, and creative programs. Our community provides children in grades K-7 and their parents with the opportunity to form enduring friendships through synagogue celebrations, family and school-wide programs, Jewish rituals, and life-cycle events. Here are just a few highlights for the year:

Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23

The doors are always open at Rosenbloom Religious School, especially when our students get to host their grandparents and special friends for a morning of multigenerational learning and activities.

Yom Yerushalayim Zimriyah SUNDAY, MAY 17

The RRS community comes together for a morning of song and surprises in celebration of Jerusalem Day.

Shabbat Together Two by Two Shabbat

Stars and Sprinkles

Our kindergarten, first, and second grade families come together to act out the story of Noah and meet some of his friends on the ark.

As three stars appear in the sky, our third grade superstars lead their families in Havdalah and celebrate their Hebrew reading skills with an ice cream sundae bar.

Moon Birthday

Got Shabbat?

Our second grade families blast off to the moon at the Maryland Science Center for a morning of exploring the connections between the Jewish calendar and the night sky.

Our fourth grade students have “Got Shabbat!” They share their learning with their parents during a festive Friday night dinner.




Rosenbloom Religious School families join together for a lively Shabbat learners’ service. Rabbi Shulman and Rabbi Wechsler lead our families in a highly interactive morning of Shabbat songs, stories, and prayer explanations. Join us to celebrate Shabbat and meet other RRS families.


Middle School Electives



ur 5th and 6th grade students take responsibility for their Jewish education by choosing some of their courses from a menu of engaging topics and activities.

Atid • For Our 7th Graders


ur new and innovative year-long experiential 7th grade curriculum helps students navigate their changing Jewish identities and places in the Jewish community. Atid features a monthly “classroom without walls” program that includes field trips, social action projects, and Shabbat and holiday celebrations. A highlight of the year is a three-day spring retreat.


O N U M A K U Z I H C @ G NIN 613 & Me – Preparing for Bar and Bat Mitzvah


& Me is a series of programs, classes, and experiences for students and parents which take place during your child’s fifth and sixth grade years. In the fifth grade year we will celebrate with excitement as your family receives your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah date. Each family will be invited up for a special family aliyah in the Sanctuary to mark the occasion and welcome you to the beginning of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah journey. In the sixth grade year the clergy and Bar/Bat Mitzvah coordinator spend time in Rosenbloom Religious School and Krieger Schechter Day School to prepare students to take on the mitzvot of tallit and tefillin. Through hands on classes integrated into the school curriculum, the students study and then master these rituals.

Mitzvah Fair

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 10 A.M.-NOON Chizuk Amuno fifth and sixth graders and their parents are invited to learn about and participate in the wide variety of mitzvah opportunities in our Baltimore community. In this hands on Mitzvah Fair experience students will meet with mitzvah heroes, engage in mitzvah projects, and start thinking about how acts of loving-kindness can be a part of their Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations.

It’s a Date

TUESDAY, MAY 19 • 6 P.M. It’s a Date is a dinner party at which your fifth grader will celebrate their Bar or Bat Mitzvah date and have an opportunity to look at their Torah portion. You will also receive the Bar/Bat Mitzvah handbook and have an opportunity to meet and get to know the synagogue professionals involved in B’nei Mitzvah.

It’s a Service

SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 • 9:15 A.M. Sixth graders and their parents enjoy services together with the congregation in the Sanctuary followed by lunch and a discussion of the Shabbat morning Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience.


Programs for Chizuk Amuno Teens Achshav: Leadership Now

BEGINNING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7 6:30-8:30 P.M. AT BETH EL Achshav First Cohort Israel Mission: Sunday, December 21-Friday, January 22

In 2013, 26 students from Beth El and Chizuk Amuno piloted the first cohort of Achshav, a leadership program starting in eighth grade. Through experiential learning, social action, guest speakers, and a leadership mission to Israel, students discover and enact the qualities and Jewish values that make a great leader. We look forward to welcoming back Achshav’s returning cohort, as well as our new cohort’s members.


TUESDAYS • 6:30-8:30 P.M. Beginning October 14

Tuesday nights are dynamic evenings filled with opportunities for teens in grades 9-12 to meet each other through lively and interesting classes and special programs. In an open, informal, and challenging environment, teens learn Hebrew, explore relevant topics, and exchange ideas with exciting teachers and peers. Monthly dinner meetings include interactive group programming with special guests, films, and entertainment. We look forward to welcoming our exceptional new and returning Netivon teens.

It’s a Journey

FRIDAY, MARCH 27 • 6 P.M. Sixth graders and their families go on a scavenger hunt through the Friday evening prayer service. Following a delicious Shabbat dinner, the rabbis will lead an engaging discussion on the meaning of becoming Bar and Bat Mitzvah.

Teen Engagement Experiences Chizuk Amuno welcomes Rabbi Marci Jacobs Aronchick as our new Director of Teen Engagement. Rabbi Jacobs Aronchick is excited to meet our Chizuk Amuno teens and to invite them to create a place at Chizuk Amuno where they can spend time with friends through social, recreational, and religious programming.



Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center of Chizuk Amuno Congregation


t Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center, we honor the child’s spirit of curiosity, wonder, and Jewish identity. We provide stimulating, nurturing, creative experiences for children 18 months through 5 years old, that support and encourage the growth and development of the whole child: socially, emotionally, academically, physically, and spiritually. We welcome our families to share and celebrate their child’s developmental journey within the Chizuk Amuno family. For more information about the Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center, please contact Michelle Gold, Director, 410-486-8642 or mgold@chizukamuno.org. First Day of School TUESDAY, AUGUST 26

Parents Association Annual Giftique WEDNESDAY, MAY 29

Come check out our Giftique for your personal shopping and gift needs. We’ll have jewelry, children and adult clothing, purses, personalized items, and skin care.

Grandparents/Special Friends Day MONDAY, MAY 11

Our students will enjoy an interactive Havdalah celebration and Mitzvah Fair with their grandparents and special friends.

Transportation Day WEDNESDAY, MAY 13

This is an extremely popular day for our preschool families and staff AND the entire neighborhood! The children have an opportunity to explore a police car, bookmobile, Utz delivery truck, car trailer, fire truck, ambulance, BGE cherrypicker, State Highway Administration plow, and much, much more.

Graduation for 4’s & 5’s Last day of School WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10

Summer of 1,000 Smiles ~ Summer Camp


Book Fair

MONDAY-THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3-6 The Book Fair supports the Samuel A. Levin Preschool Library. There is a great selection of secular and Jewish books for children and adults, cookbooks, posters, toys and much, much more.

Schoolwide Hanukkah Pizza Party and Celebration WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17

GECEC and Young Family Havdalah Celebration SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7

Join with the youngest members of our congregation as they help to say good-bye to Shabbat and get ready for the new week.

Please refer to www.chizukamuno.org for complete information throughout the year.

O N U M A K U Z I H C @ S S E NDN Gemilut Hasadim, Acts of Loving Kindness Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are the heart and soul of our congregation. Personal service is a significant force for caring and community building. Our volunteers add warmth, meaning, and vitality to all that we do as a sacred community.


SUNDAYS • 9 A.M. September 7, December 7, March 1, June 7 (raindates are one week later)

Perform the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth – help clean a segment of Greenspring Avenue. All are welcome. Sponsored by Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood.

Art with a Heart

SUNDAYS • 1:30-3:30 P.M. November 9, January 11, April 12

Join the Chizuk Amuno team when we help Art with a Heart achieve its mission – to enhance the lives of those in need by bringing its visual art programs to children in crisis, low income seniors, school children, youth in after school programs and at-risk adults.

BBQ Chicken Preparation for Our Daily Bread

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 • 4-8 P.M. Help prepare an enormous quantity of BBQ chicken with Chef Annie Hood. Two shifts available with dinner and study session at 6 p.m. led by Rabbi Deborah Wechsler.

Community Mitzvah Day THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25

Each year, Chizuk Amuno and our schools partner with the Jewish Volunteer Connection and our greater Jewish community to assemble winter care packages for the needy, visit senior facilities and hospitals, prepare meals for shelters, and much more.

Hakhnasat Orhim – Welcoming Guests We ask that those who live within walking distance of the synagogue consider hosting visitors for Shabbat or holidays if they are able to do so.

Food Drives


Friday-Monday, September 26-October 6


Sunday-Wednesday, March 22-April 1

Donate non-perishable food items to community agencies to help families who are experiencing hunger. Monetary donations will be sent to Jewish agencies.

IOU (Interview Outfits Unlimited) Clothing Drives SUNDAYS • 9 A.M.-NOON November 2, May 3

Please drop off gently used clothing on hangers and accessories for men and women. Clothing goes to local agencies with back to work programs.

Knitting Havurah


Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden

We are looking for flower and plant enthusiasts of all ages to help with gardening. This garden in our courtyard provides an outdoor classroom for our students, a place for respite during the day, a beautiful spot for a picnic lunch, and much more.

Operation Welcome Home

Adults and children of all ages can help us welcome home our troops from military service overseas. Volunteers meet at BWI airport and help pack goodie bags, welcome and cheer for soldiers, and thank them for their service.

Our Daily Bread

SUNDAYS • 9 A.M.-1 P.M. October 26, November 30, December 28, January 18, February 22, March 29, April 26, May 31, June 28


Join the Chizuk Amuno team to help serve meals to hungry men, women, and children.

October 29, November 19, December 17, January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15, May 20

Care Givers Support Session

We knit and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and in Baltimore. Each session is enriched with wonderful conversation and informal learning. Knitting instruction is available and everyone is welcome.

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure


This facilitated interactive conversation will cover some of the ups and downs faced by those charged with caring for loved ones. The group will explore issues common to participants’ experiences, and discuss, in a supportive environment, useful strategies that care-givers have found for self-care. Free and open to the community. Lunch will be served.


Run, walk, or simply donate to support the fight against breast cancer. Chizuk Amuno's race participants are invited to join in a special aliyah at Shabbat morning services on October 25.

Ronald McDonald House WEDNESDAYS • 5-8 P.M.

September 17, November 12, December 4 (Thursday), 2015 Dates TBA

Volunteer with us as we cook and serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children. The families look forward to home cooked meals to ease the strain and pressure that come with seeking medical treatment far from home.

For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim program, please contact Miriam Foss at 410-486-6400, ext. 281 or mfoss@chizukamuno.org. We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc.


the Stars Cinema Under This Is My Life WN

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Erev Family Chizuk Amuno Family Night at

6-7:30 P.M. 4 WEDNESDAYS • ary 7, February cember 3, Janu from GECEC, s nd November 5, De frie th wi fun family night a ve ha to e tim Set aside afé Stulman,” enjoy rchase dinner at “C pu n ca u your Yo . DS KS RRS, and time bonding with just unwind. Spend or s, uno itie tiv Am k ac izu dly Ch family-frien ers of the your fellow memb ow kn to t ge d an own family, at it. better while you’re community a little

Gathering New Members • 3:30 P.M.

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Luv2Lear n II


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: The Rock Stars Living Legends appen Who Made It H erlman Presents P l e u n a m E n a Hazz 19 • 4 P.M. their hit SUNDAY, APRIL artists performing ll hear outstanding wi we , years ert ul nc erf co s nd At thi e those wo and seventies. Reliv s tie six an to the rlm m Pe n fro zza music ll join Ha greatest hits who wi the of s tor na igi or with e. entertain and inspir

O N U M A K U Z I H C @ Y T I N MU Young Families of Chizuk Amuno


hizuk Amuno is blessed to have a vibrant community of young families. Each year, our families with children from birth through four years old get together for Shabbat meals, holiday celebrations, and social activities – including adult only events. For more information about Young Families of Chizuk (YFC), please contact Rabbi Marci Jacobs Aronchick, maronchick@chizukamuno. org. Watch for our announcements regarding programming for the second half of the year.

Torah for Tots, Family Service

These two services are held throughout the year on Shabbat, as well as on the High Holy Days. Please refer to page 2 for a complete description of these Shabbat services and for the Torah for Tots schedule. On Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, prior registration is required for both services. You may refer to your High Holy Day brochure or the Chizuk Amuno website, www.chizukamuno.org, for a complete schedule and details for registering.

SUKKOT, SHEMINI ATZERET, SIMHAT TORAH Thursday, October 9 Friday, October 10 Thursday, October 16 Friday, October 17

Each of these festival mornings, the Family Service will meet in the Hoffberger Chapel for tefillot, prayer, at 10:30 a.m. and then take a trip to the Sanctuary for some lulav, etrog, and Torah dancing action!

Sukkot Sojourn – Family Program


Family Feud: Shabbat-Style! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15

Join together with the whole Chizuk Amuno community for a Shabbat Getaway with a full day of special activities, including the Bible Players – a family-friendly Torah comedy duo, who will be our teachers and guest performers. Then, after Kiddush, get ready for a fun-filled Family Feud-style trivia tournament for parents and kids alike. There will be plenty of snacks, laughter, and Shabbat delight.

Community Havdalah

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 • 6 P.M. Take advantage of the early end of winter Shabbat and join us for a meaningful and fun family evening. At 5 p.m., we’ll experience the special moment of Havdalah, full of light, song, and sweet spices, together with the whole community (p. 3). Following Havdalah, we’ll enjoy a casual evening with dinner and board games. Think of it as a fun night at home with your family – in your synagogue home, with your Chizuk Amuno family!

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9 • 10:30 A.M. On Sukkot, we commemorate the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness by dwelling in sukkot, just as they did during their 40-year trek to the Land of Israel. A unique tradition of Sukkot is the custom of welcoming ushpizin, special guests, into our sukkot to offer us the gift of their presence. These guests, our biblical matriarchs and patriarchs, have many exciting tales to tell. This Sukkot, we’ll come together for festive tefillot, prayer, then retrace our ancestors’ journey through the desert, accompanied by our ushpizin, who will serve as our guides.

Rock n’ Scroll Simhat Torah Family Program

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 • 10:30 A.M. Join us for a rocking celebration of Torah, including spirited tefillot and a chance to experience the whole Torah, from its very beginning until its last words. Bring your dancing shoes and prepare to be amazed by the story of our people!

Parents’ Night Out

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 80’s Movie Night

Iron Chef Goes Kosher

SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 • 8 P.M. Get a babysitter, and come on out to join other Chizuk Amuno parents for a fabulous fun night out. We'll be serving snacks, drinks, and a great time for all!

GECEC and Young Family Havdalah Celebration SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7

Join with the youngest members of our congregation as they help to say good-bye to Shabbat and get ready for the new week.


Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood

Whether it is social, spiritual, or performing acts of loving kindness - there is a place for you in Sisterhood. Throughout the year, we join together to learn about ourselves, Torah, or our heritage. We celebrate Shabbat and lifecycle events together and provide assistance to those in need, as well as our schools and congregation. And in the truest sense of the word “Sisterhood,” we develop long-lasting and meaningful relationships with each other. Find out about all the ways Sisterhood will enhance your life, contact Lynne Lichtig, LLL3811@aol.com or 410-526-4192. Mark your calendars for our first few events of the year:

Opening Meeting: The History of Jews & Chocolate WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10

SOS Addiction


Decorating the Bimah for Sukkot TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7

Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood

We come together to get involved in Jewish living and help address community concerns –all in the spirit of camaraderie and fun. Together, we sponsor blood drives, visit the sick, lead shivah minyans, and build sukkot. We cultivate volunteers and train leaders, find jobs for those in need, and sponsor parent-child activities. We invite men of any age to join us and let your unique passion be a catalyst for change. For more information about Brotherhood, please contact Gary Brager, garybrager@yahoo.com or 410-4861876. Our year begins with these events.

Opening Meeting & BBQ

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27 • 6 P.M. Contact Carl Polsky, carlpolsky@yahoo.com, for information or to volunteer.

Sukkah Sale

Contact Jeff Snyder, sjeff@camsi.com, beginning August 1 to purchase or volunteer.

CAC BBQ Shabbat Dinner and Services FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5

Contact Martin Kinstler, martinkinstler@ yahoo.com, to volunteer.

Shredding and E-cycling Event

Lulav & Etrog for Sukkot

Boscov’s Shopping Day

American Red Cross Blood Drive



And be sure to drop in for a few games of Mah Jongg every first and third Tuesday morning.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 • 9 A.M. Contact Marvin Spector, marvjudy@hotmail. com, to volunteer.

MONDAYS • 2-7:30 P.M. October 20, December 22

To donate or volunteer, please contact Warren Gould, 301-602-0017 or wbg.4timesbetter@gmail.com.

Ravens Tailgate Party

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 • 12:30 P.M. Contact Carl Polsky, carlpolsky@yahoo.com, to volunteer.

Fall Breakfast Program


Bowling Night

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Contact Adam Kerbel, adam.kerbel@ comcast.net, to help or sign-up.

Club Hatikvah

Club Hatikvah is Chizuk Amuno’s social group for those seasoned to perfection over the age of 50. We hold six or seven Sunday evening functions throughout the year, complete with catered dinner and exceptional entertainment. Entertainment this coming season will include a Hawaiian night, musical artists Two for the Show – a team of performers who regale us with popular and show tunes, a music educator who will discuss the lives of composers and show movie clips of their various musicals, and a few more fabulous entertainers. What a great way to spend a Sunday evening! For further information, please contact Carol Davis, President, carolgildavis@aol.com or 410-833-7673. Plan to join us on Sunday, September 7 at 6 p.m. for our fabulous opening night! Enjoy a Hawaiian evening, complete with exciting and authentic hula dancers, food, and decor! Hula lessons and leis provided!

W omen C.A.N.

Women C.A.N.


Tuesday, September 9 • 8 a.m. Wednesday, October 22 • 7 p.m. Tuesday, November 11 • 8 a.m. Wednesday, January 21 • 7 p.m. Tuesday, February 3 • 8 a.m. Wednesday, March 18 • 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 20 • 7 p.m.

Are you a woman looking for a way to grow your business? Would you like to hear about successful strategies other women have used? Do you want to get your name “out there” in our community? If you’ve answered “Yes!” to any of those questions, then we’re the group for you. Come to our gatherings and you will leave with new resources and new ideas about moving forward. For more information, please contact Jill Bers, jillb1118@gmail.com, or Ava Barron-Shasho, avabarronshasho@ yahoo.com. A Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood initiative


Synagogue Resources All synagogue staff members can be reached by calling Chizuk Amuno’s main number, 410/486-6400, and then asking for the staff person by name or extension number. If you do not know who to speak to about a particular issue, a synagogue receptionist will be happy to direct your call. You may also go to our website, www.chizukamuno.org, for additional information. For anything not listed below, please contact Glenn Easton, ext. 224.

















Chizuk Amuno Congregation Directory







STULMAN CENTER FOR ADULT LEARNING DORIS TANHOFF 410-824-2055 dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org












For assistance with Memorial Plaques, please call: DAWN REZNIK



To leave a message for our rabbis or to discuss High Holy Day seating, please call: JUDY SIMKIN





SYNAGOGUE E-MAIL info@chizukamuno.org



















































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Chizuk Amuno Congregation Program Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 NEW THIS YEAR 2 PRAYER 4 SHABBAT 5 HOLIDAYS 8 LEARNING Stulman Center for Adult Learning Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning Krieger Schechter Day School Rosenbloom Religious School Bar/Bat Mitzvah Programs Teens Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 17 COMMUNITY Events Young Families Brotherhood Sisterhood Club Hatikvah 20 ACTS OF LOVING KINDNESS 21 SYNAGOGUE RESOURCES

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