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AUGUST 2015 | AV-ELUL 5775
Th i s Mo n t h @ C h i z u k A m u n o
Celebrating Summer
by Rabbi Debi Wechsler The days after summer vacation, or really any vacation, are such a challenge. We want to hold on to those wonderful feelings and experiences that we had during our time away. If we are fortunate, some of that “glow” and sense of relaxation stays with us even after we return to our workaday lives. For days or weeks we were focused only on being unfocused. We got lost in books we’ve been waiting to read, we ate delicious simple summertime meals, we napped and daydreamed and explored.
And then August came. The shops displayed back-to-school clothes and supplies and the glow of those wonderful vacation days began to fade. But they needn’t. There is a concept in the Jewish calendar called isru hag which refers to the day following the observance of the Jewish festival. Our people found it so challenging to transition from the joy and celebrations of the festival days to the mundane concerns of ordinary days, that the Rabbis added a day dedicated to making sure that the glow and the feelings engendered by the holiday would
Back to School Shabbat
last beyond the festival itself. The term comes from one of the Psalms included in Hallel which speaks of binding (isru) to the festival (hag). Let us think of August, and late August in particular as isru summer. By adding on we can draw some of the happiness and meaningfulness of our summer vacation into our daily lives. It elevates our experience of the month of August and causes us to be more mindful about bringing aspects of our summer adventures with us into the year ahead. I wish you a wonderful summer and isru summer as well!
We are Building a Community Playground
Friday, August 28, 5-8 p.m. We look forward to celebrating Shabbat together as a school community. We hope that your family will join in the fun.
Presenting an ambitious opportunity for all the members of the Chizuk Amuno community – school families and congregation members, young and old, and those of varied skills: “Do you want to build a playground?” And do you have some friends who would like to participate as well? Over the summer, we started forming committees to focus on key components, such as fundraising, design/art, volunteers, tools/materials, etc. In the fall, we will develop the playground design and continue to involve and recruit members of the community. The actual building of the playground as well as a special gathering place for both children and adults will occur in the spring of 2016. Lay leaders for this project are Steve Pomerantz and Adam Baumwald. Liz Minkin-Friedman is project coordinator. Please contact any of them and specify any building/planning/ designing/PR skills, interests, or personal/business connections you may have, or of any other way you would like to volunteer (playground@chizukamuno.org or playground@ksds.edu). The success of this project requires creative input and physical effort on the part of its participants, as well as support from the
5-6 p.m. Meet, Mingle, & Munch Come meet the new Head of School at KSDS, Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, and his family. Join us for complimentary hor d’oeuvres plus interactive Shabbat activities for pre-school, elementary, and middle school students. No fee. 6-6:30 p.m. Special Kabbalat Shabbat Services This special Kabbalat Shabbat service will be led by our clergy and our educators. All of our school children and their parents are welcome and invited to participate. 6:30-8 p.m. Family Shabbat Dinner Join Chizuk’s school community of Krieger Schechter Day School, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center, and Rosenbloom Religious School for a wonderful Shabbat Dinner including break-out sessions for pre-school, lower school, and middle school students. Please let us know which parts of the evening you are able to attend. RSVP: bit.ly/WelcomeBackShabbat. Fee for dinner: $18 person, 12 years and above; $10 per person, ages 4-11; children 3 years old and under, free; $65 family maximum
continued on page 3 1
Prayer @ Chizuk Amuno August 2015 Av-Elul 5775
August 28/29 | Elul 13/14 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah 6:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:15 p.m. School Families Shabbat Dinner 6:30 p.m.
July 31/August 1 | Av 15 /16 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Summer Shul Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-ETHANNAN, DEUTERONOMY 3:23-7:11 D’var Torah by Rabbi Moshe Schwartz Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
6:45 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:45 p.m.
August 7/8 | Av 22/23 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Summer Shul Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: EIKEV, DEUTERONOMY 7:12-11:25 D’var Torah by Ali Hassan Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
6:45 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:38 p.m.
August 14/15 | Av 29/30 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: R’EIH, DEUTERONOMY 11:26-12:28 Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:29 p.m.
August 21/22 | Elul 6/7 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: SHOF’TIM, DEUTERONOMY 16:18-21:9 Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: KI TETZEI, DEUTERONOMY 21:10-25:19 Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:09 p.m.
Candle Lighting July 31
8:01 p.m.
August 7
7:54 p.m.
August 14
7:45 p.m.
August 21
7:35 p.m.
August 28
7:25 p.m.
Shalom Squad Orientation Meeting
Wednesday, September 2, 7 p.m. Would you like to perform a mitzvah, meet and help newcomers to our shul, and keep our services meaningful and dignified? Sure you would! CURRENT and NEW hosts are invited to Fran Glushakow Gould’s home to learn the fine art of being a host at Shabbat Services. Hope to see you there! 1912 Autumn Frost Lane, 21209. RSVP to Fran, franny1912@ yahoo.com, or Sheila Sandbank, grandmasheilax2@hotmail.com or 410-484-5016.
High Holy Days 2015 | 5776 Selihot • Saturday, September 5 After Havdalah and a dessert reception, we will gather in the Sanctuary for our Selihot service, when we reflect upon this past year and consider our goals for the upcoming year. Erev Rosh HaShanah Sunday, September 13 This year, our Rosh HaShanah celebration will begin with a community Shofar Ceremony as we all join together blowing our shofarot to welcome 5776. Rosh HaShanah Monday and Tuesday, September 14 and 15 Memorial Services Sunday, September 20 At Arlington Cemetery and Garrison Forest Cemetery
Erev Yom Kippur ~ Kol Nidre Tuesday, September 22 As we enter the Sanctuary prior to Kol Nidre, the soulful sound of a cello will welcome us, replicating the rhapsodic chant of Kol Nidre. Yom Kippur Wednesday, September 23 The Yizkor Memorial Prayers will be included in our morning services. Please join us at our afternoon study sessions when we will explore “Engaging in Jewish Expression.” Specific topics focus on College Students and Young Professionals; Jewish Meditation; Israel; Jewish Stories; Social Justice; Repentance; and Torah.
For a complete schedule and details about the High Holy Days, please refer to the enclosed High Holy Day brochure. For those wishing to register for our High Holy Day Torah for Tots or Family Services, a reservation postcard is included for your convenience. The RSVP deadline is Friday, September 4.
6:15 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 8:19 p.m.
Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel
Shabbat Minhah, Ma’ariv, and Havdalah: Refer to weekly Shabbat schedule
Unless otherwise noted: Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. 2
Learning @ Chizuk Amuno Honoring our Tutors
Lunch and Learn – Coming to a Spot Near You!
Sack lunches in hand, Rabbi Wechsler visits with Chizuk Amuno friends in downtown Baltimore. Several times a year, we gather in a conference room to study and debate Jewish texts. Kosher bag lunches are prepared by Chef Annie and her staff and between mishnayot, mature adults trade cheeseballs for pretzels and oranges for apples. Our two downtown sites have been Johns Hopkins Hospital and University of Maryland Medical Center. It was a terrific year of learning and discussion and we are ready for next year. Anyone who lives or works downtown near these sites is invited to join us for lunch and learning. If you would like to bring a Lunch and Learn to your workplace in 2015-2016, be in touch with Rabbi Wechsler. On June 16, Chizuk Amuno’s madrikhim, Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, Doris Tanhoff, and Debby Hellman, gathered for an end of the year dinner meeting. It was a great opportunity to review the successes of the past year and to hear about plans for the summer. The madrikhim are the dedicated teens who serve as b’nei mitzvah tutors for our young people as they begin their journey towards Jewish adulthood. At the dinner, Hazzan Perlman announced that senior tutor, Hannah Stoller, would be this year’s recipient of the Hittman Annual Tutor Award. Begun in 1999 by Sandra and Fred z”l Hittman, this award honors a tutor’s outstanding service to the program with a trip to Israel. All of our madrikhim have gone through the b’nei mitzvah program here at Chizuk Amuno and receive additional training and supervision to help prepare our students for their special day. These are exemplary teens who, with their commitment to Torah and Jewish learning, provide beautiful role models for our community. Many have learned the High Holy Day and megillah tropes and often go on to tutor b’nei mitzvah students when they go off to college. We are so very proud of their accomplishments and the service they provide for our Chizuk Amuno families.
Chizuk Amuno Israel Experience 2016 ~ History & Destiny
March 27 through April 7, 2016 Escorted by Rabbi Ron and Robin Shulman. Come experience Israel. Discover the past. Celebrate the present. Anticipate the future. See Israel’s sites, meet Israel’s people, experience Israeli society and culture, explore issues challenging Israel today, renew the meaning of your own Jewish identity, and much more. In addition to touring, highlights of our Israel Experience include: • Opportunities to enjoy Israeli culture, art, and cuisine. • Recreational activities and examples of Israeli innovation. • Meeting with political, military and religious thought leaders. • Exploring Judaism in the Jewish State. • Celebrating Shabbat in Jerusalem. • Optional extension to Eilat and Petra, Jordan.
Israel Travelers’ Lunch
Many members of our Chizuk Amuno family have spent time in Israel this summer. If you are among them, we would love for you to share your experiences with us and with each other. Please join us for Shabbat lunch on Saturday, August 29 following services. We will share stories and adventures and talk about how to integrate those experiences back home. RSVP by August 22 to Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org.
Call the Rabbinic Office, 410-486-6400, ext. 232 or e-mail jsimkin@chizukamuno.org to notify us of your preliminary interest. More details can be found on our website.
Adult Bat Mitzvah – Learning in Unity
continued from page 1 community in terms of funding, materials, and services. We are very excited about our community build and not just because we need a new playground. This is an amazing opportunity for engendering creativity, meeting new people, collaborating, learning, networking, and linking to other community members over a common purpose. Working on and completing this project as a team will bring out the best in us. Together we will create a wonderful, safe, stimulating play environment for our children. We hope you’ll join us.
Our Adult Bat Mitzvah program is a two year journey open to Chizuk Amuno women who would like to share an experience of learning and Jewish growth. Together we learn Hebrew, Torah and Haftarah trope, synagogue skills, and engage with issues regarding prayer, the Jewish calendar, and communal involvement. Our current participants will celebrate their B’not Mitzvah on June 25, 2016. Please contact Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org, to be added to the list for the next Adult Bat Mitzvah cohort. 3
Learning @ Chizuk Amuno Visiting Chizuk Amuno Campers Our Rabbis and educators wrote to and visited with many of our children and teens who enjoyed time at overnight camp. Rabbi Seltzer and Robyn Blum spent the day at Camp Ramah in the Poconos and Rabbi Wechsler had lunch at Capital Camps. The clergy and educators shared some treats and enjoyed catching up with the children and hearing about the wonderful Jewish experiences they were having at camp.
Transitioning to a School Routine
Helpful Hints from our Preschool Director If your child is starting preschool this fall, such as hanging up your coat, playing it’s possible that you are approaching outside, saying goodbye, or packing a this major milestone with conflicting lunch (have a picnic together). emotions. You’re probably excited about • Read books about school: Take a trip all the fun your child will have and the to the library or a book store. new friends he/she will make. At the same • Plan to visit school with your child. time, you may feel a little sad that your • Play on the school playground when “baby” is venturing out into the big world camp is not in session. This will without you. These emotions are normal. increase your child’s comfort level with Your child is also bound to have a host their new surroundings. of feelings about this transition, feeling • Listen to your child’s worries: It is proud to be a big kid but at the same important to let him/her know that their time worried about being separated from worries have been heard, no matter you and starting something unfamiliar. how big or small. Let your child know Keep your efforts low key, if you make too it is ok to feel happy, sad, scared, or big a deal, your child may end up being worried. Validate their feelings, it can more worried than excited. Here are some sometimes feel scary to try something ideas to keep the focus on FUN! new. Share with them a time when you • Use pretend play to explore the idea of started something new and how you felt. school: Act out common daily routines,
• Purchase a backpack together, let your child choose one they like. • Pack your child’s backpack together. • Label all items going to school. If you have a stamp, let them help you. • Get into a bedtime routine at least two weeks before school starts • Get into a morning routine so you and your child do not have to rush in the morning. • Be sure your child has a good breakfast. If possible sit down to eat together. • Think about creating a special goodbye routine for the first day of school. Do not sneak out, remember to always say goodbye.
Reading Partners – Reaching Out to Elementary School Students: A Unique Volunteer Experience by Margi Hoffman After a long and rewarding career in education, retirement loomed before me, filled with endless possibilities. I realized quickly that I missed working with children and began to explore a variety of volunteer options. An inquiry to Miriam Foss z”l serendipitously took place on the day that David Spitz sent an e-mail encouraging her to invite Chizuk Amuno members to get involved with Reading Partners. The timing was perfect, and within a week I found myself at Callaway Elementary School, working with Mallary, a kindergarten student who, in her own words, “really needs to read!” Her determination and enthusiasm coupled
with the incredibly organized program has been a perfect match for me. It has been quite a while since I actually taught a child to read and there is no greater thrill in the world of teaching! The children enjoy the personal attention that their reading buddies provide. Data shows that 91% of students involved in the program increased their reading skills. Mallary bubbles with pride when she says, “I love coming to Reading Partners because I am learning to blend sounds into words and I really love that blending!” Reading Partners places community volunteers in low-income schools to help children master basic reading skills. 4
The non-profit organization has been a part of the Baltimore education scene since 2012 and is now functioning in nine city schools. An expansion into additional schools is planned for this fall, which necessitates recruiting many more dedicated, compassionate tutors. Along with other civic organizations, the Baltimore City Police Department, churches, and businesses, Chizuk Amuno is planning to participate in the next phase of this amazing outreach. Details will be forthcoming. Watch for updates in Gemilut Hasadim notices. More details about Reading Partners can be found on their website, www.readingpartners.org/baltimore.
Gemilut Hasadim @ Chizuk Amuno Gemilut Hasadim @ Chizuk Amuno Adopt-A-Road
Our Daily Bread
Sunday, October 11, 9 a.m. (Rain date: October 18)
Sundays, August 30 and October 25 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Contact: Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422 • Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood performs the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome.
Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol. com or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or bakerjenny@yahoo. com • Join the Chizuk Amuno team to help serve meals to hungry men, women, and children.
Todah Rabbah to those who volunteered in June: Howard Brill, Irwin Golob, and Zosia Zaks
Todah Rabbah to our volunteers who participated in May and June: Louis Bernstein, Wendy Davis, Miriam Haar, Richard Haar, Debby Hellman, Arlene Klaff, Jeff Snyder, Judy Spector, Marvin Spector, Marvin Steingart, and Sandy Steingart
Art with a Heart
Contact: Deb Charles, text 443-386-1324 • Volunteers work on art projects at Art with a Heart headquarters in Hampden. Everyone aged 5 and up are welcome. Carpooling available from the Chizuk Amuno parking lot at 1 p.m.
Reading Partners
Contact: Barbara Grochal, bgrochal@gmail.com • Through one-on-one tutoring and a structured curriculum, empower elementary school students to succees in reading and life. You can make a difference in the life of a child in just one hour per week.
Hakhnasat Orhim – Welcoming Guests
Contact: Rabbi Wechsler • For those living within walking distance of the synagogue who are able to host visitors for Shabbat. Also, if you are in need of hospitality, please let us know.
Ronald McDonald House
Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden
Wednesday, August 19 • 4:20-7:30 p.m.
Keeping in Touch with Our Elders
Todah Rabbah to our May and July volunteers: Molly Bookoff, Nancy Bookoff, Harriet Brown, Amy Chapper, Hilary Crystal, Garth Gerstenblith, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, Barbara Grochal, Shelley Hendler, Margi Hoffman, Joy Katz, Heller Kreshtool, Scott Lever, Linda Levy, Mark Levy, Rona London, Saundra Madoff, Sande Mitchell, Dawn Reznik, Joshua Reznik, Nancy Safferman, Sheila Sandbank, Becca Scher, Marci Scher, Marcia Scherr, Judy Schwartz, Marjorie Simon, and Marsha Yoffe
Contact: Linda Levy, lindalevy10@gmail.com • Join us as we cook and/or serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children being treated in Baltimore area hospitals.
Contact: Allen Brown, 410-363-3605, abrown86@verizon.net For gardening enthusiasts of all ages who would like to help with planting. Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler • We will be instituting monthly phone calls to be more in touch with fellow congregants who are not able to come to shul as often as they would like. Be part of our elder dialogue.
Knitting Havurah
Wednesday, October 21, 2 p.m.
Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler • We knit and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and Baltimore. Knitting instruction is available and everyone is welcome.
We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc.
Operation Welcome Home Maryland
Contact: Rabbi Wechsler to be on mailing list Join adults and children as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas.
For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Rabbi Debi Wechsler, dwechsler@ chizukamuno.org, or refer to our website for more information. Yom Ki ppu r Tuesday, September 15Tuesday, September 22
Todah Rabbah to our volunteers who participated in July: Marlene Aiken, Stuart Aiken, Amy Blavatt, Jared Blavatt, Blanche Brody, Rachel Brody, Robyn Brody, Viki Caplan, Glenn Easton, Linda Levy, Hazel Radowsky, Rabbi Debi Wechsler, and Gail Zlotowitz
Please drop off your sealed food in bins located in the Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby and the Administrative Lobby. Please check expiration dates.
to benefit community agencies
For more information, call Rabbi Debi Wechsler, 410-486-6400, ext. 231 A service initiative made possible by the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund
Affiliates @ Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood Barbeque
Sisterhood is Ready!
Fall means a lot of things – back to school, High Holy Days, and the start of Sisterhood activities. We have an exciting year planned and we hope to see you at a Sisterhood activity soon! Mailings for dues notices and the Torah Fund campaign will arrive in August and September. We appreciate your prompt response and your support of Sisterhood!
Wednesday, September 2 The Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood has a long proud tradition of serving the shul since 1921. Looking back at our history, we have hosted entertainers, politicians, U.S. senators, and a Secretary of State. We hosted Dr. Alfred Kinsey and discussed his controversial study on sexuality and have even had events that today would be completely politically incorrect. Many feel as though our Brotherhood is similar to USY (but for adult men). We aim to have fun and do fun Jewish “guy stuff” at all of our activities. Our gatherings this fall focus on issues important to us, including discussions about health and wellness,“Wrestling with God,” and, of course, our ever-so-popular Baltimore Ravens Monday Night Football TV and Brotherhood night. In addition, we have some new service activities planned and need your help in getting them underway. If you have never been part of a hevra, this is the time to do it. Join us on Wednesday, September 2 for our opening barbeque at 6 p.m. If you have never been to a Brotherhood activity, our barbeque is always a good time and we hope you’ll consider coming to this one. We welcome new members with open arms, and welcome our old members as well. Watch out for Sukkah sales information coming out shortly. If you would like to purchase a lulav and etrog set from Israel for Sukkot, contact Marvin Spector, 410-484-8939 or Michael Moranz, 410-4860277, by Friday, September 11. Each set is $45. And finally, these are our officers for the coming year - contact them with your ideas and interests and help build another terrific year with Brotherhood:
Mark your calendars: Sunday, Sept. 27 in the a.m. • Bimah Decorating for Sukkot Wednesday, September 30, 6:30 p.m. • Opening Meeting Sunday, October 18, 9 a.m. to Noon • Shredding/e-Cycling Tuesday, October 20, 8 a.m. • Women C.A.N. Sunday, November 8, 7 a.m. • Broadway Bus Trip to see Fun Home
Remember that Mah Jong is held for all levels of experience on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Kolker Youth Lounge. The latest Sisterhood information can be obtained by “Liking” our Facebook page (Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood) and by receiving the weekly e-newsletter. As always, you can reach out to our officers with suggestions or if you would like to participate in any way: Dixie Leikach • President, sisterhood@chizukamuno.org Ruth Silber • Vice President Amy Blavatt, Joy Katz • Co-Vice Presidents, Membership Ellen Weiss • Vice President, Torah Fund Marcia Scherr • Treasurer Diane Dansicker • Assistant Treasurer Joy Katz • Financial Secretary Margie Simon • Recording Secretary Barbara Scott • Corresponding Secretary
Sisterhood Judaica Shop Update
Eric Beser • President, eric.beser@e-isg.com Richard Udell – First Vice President
The Sisterhood Judaica Shop has been busy over the summer. We will be shopping in mid-August for lots of new goodies to delight everyone. Be sure to let Anne know if there is anything special you would like to see in the shop. During the summer, we are open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon, but remember, we are also available “buy” appointment – just call Anne at 410-303-7716 or Edna at 410-653-3495. If you have a few hours a week to volunteer, we have an opportunity for you to join our fabulous team.
Ron Kahn • Second Vice President Steve Dansicker • Treasurer Michael Adess • Recording Secretary Howard Sandbank • Corresponding Secretary
Club Hatikvah – Planning for a Great Year
Calling all 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders!
Club Hatikvah is Chizuk Amuno’s social group for those over the age of 50. We are finalizing awesome events for the coming year and look forward to having you join us. For more details and to become a member, contact Carol Davis, carolgildavis@ aol.com or 410-833-7673.
We hope all our 6-8th grade students are having a great summer! We can’t wait to hear about your summer adventures and start off another year of awesome Kadima programs! Stay tuned for our calendar or contact Sara at sfinkelstein@ chizukamuno.org for more information about our upcoming Kadima programs.
News @ Chizuk Amuno Chizuk Amuno Foundation News
The Chizuk Amuno Board of Trustees approved the nominations of Neil Leikach, Ira Malis, and Dick Matz to the Board of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation. The terms of the following Foundation Board members ended in June: Toba Grant, Barry Isaac, and Alan Kanter. Our thanks to Barry, Toba, and Alan for their service and support. The continuing members of the Foundation Board are: Gary Attman, Maury Garten, Beth Goldsmith Stuart Kaplow, Sam Moskowitz, David M. Schwaber, and Anne Young (Foundation President). At its May meeting, the Chizuk Amuno Foundation Board approved an increase in the minimum amount to establish a permanently named Foundation fund. A minimum contribution of $36,000 has been set to establish a named Foundation fund that has a designated purpose and a minimum of $18,000 has been set to establish a named Foundation fund that is established for general synagogue or school support. Payments to create funds may be spread over more than one year. The current $5,000 minimum amount to establish a named fund has not been changed since 1994.
We are pleased to acknowledge the creation of the following new permanent endowment funds established during the past year:
Chizuk Amuno – A Response to Freddie Gray
Please Call the Rabbinic Office
Rabbi Moshe Goldblum Judaic Programming Fund, established by Dr. Jay Baraban and Dr. Liba Goldblum Gerald M. and Suzanne S. Katz KSDS Scholarship Fund, established by Suzanne Katz Wagner-Brill Memorial Endowment Fund, established in memory of Phyllis W. Brill by her children In addition, we are pleased to acknowledge the creation of the following restricted funds during the past year: Miriam and Jack Kipper and Victoria and Howard Plaut KSDS Award in Jewish History Phyllis and Louis Friedman Biennial Lecture Fund Shoshana S. Cardin High School Scholarship Fund The Chizuk Amuno Foundation is integral to sustaining a vibrant and expanding congregation and schools. For information about creating a lasting endowment fund, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, one of our clergy, or Glenn Easton at the synagogue office.
For Lifecycle Events, Personal Celebrations and Observances, Personal and Spiritual Needs Here at Chizuk Amuno Congregation we want to provide personal and direct support to our members’ religious and family needs. As our members’ desire life cycle celebrations or require religious observances, our clergy make the following request. Please communicate directly with our rabbinic office to share the unfortunate news of hospitalization or illness. In the interest of protecting confidentiality, hospitals today do not share patients’ names with clergy. Please do not assume that someone else has communicated your news to the synagogue staff or office. As well, please direct all inquiries about arranging for and scheduling personal milestones and ceremonies to the rabbinic office. Our clergy coordinate all life cycle events in order to provide the most meaningful support and services possible for everyone in the Chizuk Amuno synagogue family. All of our clergy and ritual staff look forward to being of assistance as appropriate. We sincerely ask that our members also share news of their family or personal lives directly with the rabbinic office. This enables our clergy to best serve and respond to the experiences and circumstances of our synagogue family. Thank you very much.
All of us are aware of the social upheaval that occurred in Baltimore this spring in response to the death of Freddie Gray. In response to the events of April 12 and its aftermath, Rabbi Shulman and Rabbi Wechsler spoke from the pulpit during successive weeks about the meaning of these events and how we as a community might think about engaging with our neighbors in the wider Baltimore community. The difficult issues raised by the events here in April were raised yet again in the aftermath of the shootings on June 17 at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. On the Shabbat following the shootings, a group of members stayed behind in the Sanctuary to talk about the issues of race, bigotry, justice, and what might be an appropriate response for our community. We have created an e-mail distribution list including many of those who stayed for the discussion, and we are collecting ideas proposed at the meeting and in subsequent communications. These ideas involve both learning opportunities here at Chizuk Amuno and opportunities to engage with our neighbors in the Baltimore community just a couple of miles away from Chizuk Amuno. Some of those opportunities also overlap with the mission of our Gemilut Hasadim committee, which works with our volunteers who perform mitzvot through a number of activities in the community. We are still in the early stages of thinking through what we want to do and Rabbi Shulman is involved in conversations about a possible partnership. We will share more information with you as we start to develop a plan. In the meantime we invite anyone who is interested in being added to the e-mail list and being involved in this effort to contact Andy Miller, pres@chizukamuno.org, or via mail in care of the synagogue office.
Derekh Amuno ~ Chizuk Amuno’s Pathway to Faith
It’s not too late to purchase an inscribed brick. Pay tribute to a graduate, honor the memory of a loved one, or celebrate a milestone or lifecycle event. $250 per brick; package options available Order by August 3 to have your brick installed before the High Holy Days. For more information or to make an order, please contact Judy Schwartz or Glenn Easton, 410-486-6400. 7
Milestones @ Chizuk Amuno B’nei Mitzvah
We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. AUGUST 22 Jenna Beth Resnik Yehudit Bayla daughter of Amy and Dr. Charles Resnik AUGUST 29 Gabriella Faye Dondes Gabriella Faya and Shoshana Beth Dondes Shoshanah Batia daughters of Sharon and Robert Dondes SEPTEMBER 5 Benny Charles Rubin Benny and Tamara Alexandra Rubin Tamara son and daughter of Ann and Dr. Avi Rubin
We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Charlie Juliette Ben-Aviv, daughter of Michelle and Matan Ben-Aviv, and granddaughter of Jeffrey and Helene Waranch Ezra Ronen Gerver, son of Shira and Avi Gerver, and grandson of Drs. Joy and Richard Silberg Samuel Alan Greenberg, son of Lauri and Dan Greenberg, grandson of Ruth and William Gann and great-grandson of Harriet Keiser
Dahlia Juliet Klausner, daughter of Michelle and Isaac Klausner and granddaughter of Joanne and Abe Rosenthal Sadie Rose and Benjamin Eli Leibowitz, daughter and son of Nancie Leibowitz Lacie Nicole Fineberg, daughter of Rachael & Justin Fineberg and granddaughter of Sherrie & Carl Polsky
Harriette Solomon, wife of Marvin Solomon, mother of Abbie Bass and Dr. Jeffrey Rosensweig, step-mother of Cantor Robbie Solomon and Marsha Solomon, and sister of Millie Snyder We offer our sincere condolences to our members:
Marlene Sussman to Dr. Stuart Aiken
Steven Bers, on the loss of his father, Gilbert Bers Keith Goldberg, on the loss of his mother, Elayne Feinstein Amy Gur and Jay Weinberg, on the loss of their father, David Weinberg Robyn Horwitz, on the loss of her mother, Lillian Sobol Heller Kreshtool, on the loss of her mother, Bernice Horon Alina Matz, on the loss of her mother, Rachel Vagdany Lily Massouda, on the loss of her mother, Rachel El Gamil Lisa Meyer, on the loss of her father, Dr. Samuel Muher As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.
In Loving Memory
Member in the News
We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Johanna Schein, daughter of Jan and Dr. Jay Schein and granddaughter of Doris Bernhardt, to Samuel Black Ben Small, son of Drs. Lauren and Donald Small, to Beth Kaplan, daughter of Mary Ellen and Leon Kaplan
We congratulate the following couple and their families as we wish them much happiness.
In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Lucille R. Becker, mother of Geoffrey Becker, S. William Becker and Joy Marcus Marie (Mimmie) Erdman, mother of Jay Erdman and Elaine Gordon Mayer Handelman, husband of Donna Handelman, father of Stephen Handelman, Dr. Richard Handelman, and Susan Haberman, and brother of Dr. Joseph Handelman Dr. Daniel Harris, husband of Ann Harris and father of Hannah Harris, Ilene Harris, and Joanne Sinsky Frances Klotzman, mother of Dr. Lewis Klotzman and Ellen Karlin Neil J. Lewis, husband of Andrea Lewis and father of David Lewis, Lisa Lewis, and Jennifer Daniel Peggy Lewis, wife of Bill Lewis and mother of Randi Lewis, Joanie Greenberg, and Jonny Lewis Pauline Luntz, mother of Jeffrey Luntz and Gail Walton and sister of Stanley Sacks 8
Mazal Tov to Ronald Attman on being named President of Jewish Community Services and to Patty Attman, David Carp, Mark Pressman, Karen Rigamonti, and Harel Turkel who continue their roles on the JCS board.
New Members
We are happy to welcome those who have most recently joined our Chizuk Amuno family. B’rukhim Habaim! Yifaat and Tzach Asher Sarah Edelman Kate and Howard Galowitz Pamela Grant Jessica and Albert Grosman Natalie and Alexander Hendler Heather and Andrew Horowitz Marilyn and Michael Krinsky David Neff Irina and Nicholai Rifkind Aviva and Moshe Schwartz If you have friends or family who may be interested in joining Chizuk Amuno, please call our Director of Member Engagement, Cheryl Snyderman, 410/486-6400, ext. 300.
Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno Bimah Flowers Shabbat, August 1 | 16 Av IN MEMORY OF: Philip Glassner, father, by his family Leatrice Gevantman, mother, by Sandra Zylberman and family Mark E. Rosenblatt, by Susan, Douglas, Jonathan and Melanie Schehr and Sylvia Rosenblatt Sybil Effron, mother, by James Effron and family Doris Eigenberg, mother, by Judi and Marc Komins and family Abraham Kemper, by his children and grandchildren
Shabbat, August 8 | 23 Av IN MEMORY OF: Sylvia Borger, mother, by Lynne and Larry Lichtig and family Larry Esterson, by his wife and children Nancy Joan Levinson, by her mother, Bernice Levinson Samuel Gerber, by Marlene and Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren Irving Sanow, father and grandfather, by Michael Sanow and family David Max, by Beverly and Jordon Max and family
Shabbat, August 15 | 30 Av IN MEMORY OF: Sophie Frankel, grandmother, by Dorothy Yankellow and family Kitty Hamburger, mother, by Ina and Calvin Hamburger and family Victoria Plaut, mother, by Rita and Dr. Marshall Plaut and family Elizabeth Goodhart, mother and grandmother, by Judith and Fred Zimmerman and family Helen Chernak, by Marlene and Dr. Irvin Pollack and family Norma Emma Kemper, sister, by her family Jesse Mogol, by Ellen and Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah, and Sophie Mogol, and Irene Epstein Harold Smulyan, by his children and grandchildren Irvin Goldner, by Rosalind and Dr. Alfred Kronthal Joseph Simon, by Muriel Simon and family Libby Wall, mother, by Frada Wall and family Jon B. Singer, by Ina Singer and family Cele and Albert Landay, parents, by Rhona and Dr. Martin Levin and family Gabriel Goldman, on his birthday, by his children and grandchildren
Shabbat, August 22 | 7 Elul IN HONOR OF: The Bat Mitzvah of Jenna Beth Resnik, by her parents, Amy and Dr. Charles Resnik IN MEMORY OF: Frieda and Arthur J. Kovar, Sarah Resnik Belfer, and Marvin and Cora Elizabeth Resnik, grandparents of Jenna Beth Resnik, on the occasion of Jenna’s Bat Mitzvah Harry L. Minch, by his family Howard Offit, brother, by Ethel Jacobs Theodore Epstein, by Ellen and Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah and Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein Arthur H. Goodman, father, by Tanna Omansky
Franklin David Schulman, by Anita Schulman, children, and grandchildren Norman Keiser, by Harriet Keiser and family Eli Miller, father, by Bette Miller Sherman and Mildred Miller George Rosen, by Gordon Salganik and family Irene Weinberg, mother, by Toba and Bill Grant and family and Kathy and Stevan Weinberg and family Lena E. Bloomberg, by Estelle Bloomberg and family Jules Livingston, by his family Stanley Fisher, father, by his family Ida Attman, mother, by Edward Attman and Phyllis and Leonard Attman Harry Plotkin, father, by Marlene and Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren Esther Crystal, by Edna and Mace Crystal Gene Walman, brother, by Dr. Ted Walman and family Mollie B. Esterson, by Sallye Esterson and family Fannie Handelman, by Donna Handelman and family Samuel D. Wolfson, by Edna and Mace Crystal Steven Szapiro, by his mother and brother, Marlene Szapiro and Jay Szapiro Claire M. Gould, mother, by Fran and Warren Gould and family
Shabbat, August 29 | 14 Elul IN HONOR OF: The B’not Mitzvah of Gabriella Faye Dondes and Shoshana Beth Dondes, daughters of Sharon and Robert Dondes IN MEMORY OF Adeline and Milton Drevitch and Gloria and Seymour Dondes, grandparents of Gabriella Faye Dondes and Shoshana Beth Dondes, on the occasion of Gabriella’s and Shoshana’s B’not Mitzvah Henry Satisky, by his wife, children, and grandchildren Nettie Goldman Weinstein, by Harriette and Marvin Solomon and family Edgar J. Hecht, Jr., father, by Jill and Louis Sapperstein and family Sally Marie Kolker, by Susan and Dr. Richard Kolker and family Leo Amster, father, by Louise and Jay Weinberg and family Jacob Yospy, by his daughter, Bette Miller Sherman Minna Zimmerman, mother, by Judith and Fred Zimmerman and family Jacob Wolfson, by Edna and Mace Crystal Eleanor Himelfarb, mother, by her family Gerson Mehlman, husband, father, and brother, by Susan Mehlman, Arthur Mehlman and families Blanche and Irving Joffe, parents, by their family Beatrice Kaufman, by her daughter, Ruthanne Kaufman Michael Barry Kaufman, by his sister, Ruthanne Kaufman Mark I. Baker, by his wife, Elaine Baker, and family David Bloomberg, by his wife, Estelle Bloomberg, and family Aaron Levin, father, by Rhona and Dr. Martin Levin and family Richard Konigsberg, brother, by Maxine and Dr. Martin Cooper and family Jared Scott Levy, on his birthday, by his family
Terumot HaKodesh – Sacred Tribute Gifts
We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb accont from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue. Chizuk Amuno Congregation College Outreach Fund IN HONOR OF
Chizuk Amuno Staff, by Cindy and Glenn Easton
Chizuk Amuno Congregation Special Offerings IN HONOR OF
Marlene and Dr. Stuart Aiken, on their wedding by
Maxine and Jay Waxman Edward Attman, on his 95th birthday by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Herta and Arthur Baitch, on the birth of their greatgrandaughter, Bayla Tamar Baitch, by Barbara and Bruce Lewbart Jenny Baker and Annie Hood, for going above and beyond by Linda Lebovic Harriet and Moe Brown, on the graduation of two granddaughters, Shera Forester and Sarah Pincus, by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Chizuk Amuno Congregation, on his aliyah for his 65th birthday by Bruce Goldman Amy Easton, on her graduation from college by Amy and Jason Blavatt Myra and Mike Gershen, on their granddaughter, Darian, receiving her first aliyah by Joan Rombro Nancie Leibowitz, on the birth of Benjamin Eli and Sadie Rose by Rebecca Tucker Ellen Levi, on her special birthday by Deborah and Martin Pivnick Patsy and Sheldon Milner, on Zack’s engagement by Beth Shavitz Pamela and Dr. Jeffrey Platt, on the birth of their grandson, Naphtali Tzvi Platt, by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Carl Polsky, on the 50th anniversary of becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Barbara and Jeffrey Snyder Debbie and Dr. David Roffman, on the birth of their granddaughter, Hannah Rose Roffman, by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Dr. David Roffman, on his special birthday by Maxine Seidman Sheila and Howard Sandbank, on their granddaughter, Selena Lauren Sandbank, becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Barbara and Bruce Lewbart Cindy and Allen Schiff, on the birth of their granddaughter, Naomi, by Naomi and Larry Amsterdam
Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno Amy and Hugh Schwartz, on their 5th wedding
Michelle Weinberg
Rabbi Ron Shulman, Rabbi Debi Wechsler, Hazzan Manny Perlman, Dr. Moshe Shualy, and Debby Hellman, for their support and guidance by
Dr. Lawrence Pakula Pauline Luntz, by Irene Pasarew; Sheila and Howard Sandbank; Pamela and James Schwartz; Frada Wall Louis Omansky, by Dr. Ellen Meryl Field Irene Posner, by Jenny Baker Ruth Sapero, by Barbara and Bruce Lewbart Ruth Simkin, by Jenny Baker; Marilyn Naviasky; Judith and Fred Zimmerman Lillian Sobol, by Vicky and Stuart Becker; Audrey and Leslie Polt Rita Waranch, by Rosellen and Norman Bloomberg; Sandy Green; Natalie Jeffrey David Weinberg, by Ann and Ed Mishner; Lee and Alfred Whiteman Dennis Weiner, by Joan and Saul Gurney
anniversary by Vicky and Stuart Becker Elda and Dr. David Schwartz, on the marriage of their daughter, Martine, to Chad Howard by Marsha and Dick Manekin Miriam and Joseph Shear, on their 70th wedding anniversary by Rhona and Nancy Tabor and Henry Dove
Linda Lebovic
Ruth and Dr. Harry Silber, on their son, Jeremy Max
Silber, becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Sande and Ed Mitchell Lynn and Nelson Tucker, on their 45th wedding anniversary by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Harriet and Richard Udell, on their 50th wedding anniversary by Barbara and Bruce Lewbart; Rena and Jack Shenk; Dr. Anne and David Young; Judith and Fred Zimmerman Ted Walman, on his grandson, Zachary Seth Walman, becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Sande and Ed Mitchell Ilene and Jerold Wise, on their son, Daniel, becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Donna and Bob Wolf, on the birth of their granddaughter, Hailey Emma Markoff, by Diane and Stephen Dansicker; Barbara and Bruce Lewbart; Paulette and Jay Pollack
Lorraine Adler, on her yahrzeit by Marion Isaac Kate Cohen, by Marion Isaac Rose Cohen, by Carol and Dr. Ed Gratz Rachel El-Gamil, by Jenny Baker; Ruthanne
Kaufman; by Paulette and Jay Pollack; Hazel and Michael Radowsky; Sheila and Howard Sandbank Jerry Esterson, by Paulette and Jay Pollack Philip Finkel, by Marilynn and Marty Kinstler; Barbara and Bruce Lewbart Miriam Foss, by Jean Suda and Kim Golden and family Louis Gershen, by Jennifer Eisenberger Dr. Daniel Harris, by Claire and Howard Freeland; Miriam and Jay Gerstenblith Bernice Horon, by Naomi and Larry Amsterdam; Claire and Howard Freeland Neil Lewis, by Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Rosenstein Peggy Lewis, by Friends at Apartment Turnovers; Ferne and Les Abramowitz; Alice and Allan Alperstein; Patricia and Gary Attman; Jenny Baker; Kathy and Don Berlin; the Blavatt family; Rosellen and Norman Bloomberg; Rhona and David Braver; Margery Braver; Sharon and Irv Caplan; Gail Schwartz and Robb Cohen; Diane and Stephen Dansicker; Marilyn and Barry Dubin; Myra and Perry Eisman; Dvora and Jack Fromberg; Nancy and Dr. Marc Gertner; Jackie Glassgold; Leslie and Ronnie Goldberg; Jane and Ira Goldfarb; Toba and Bill Grant; Janet and Stanley Kantor; Joyce and Louis Kaplan; Macky and Bo Kirsch; Harold Levin; Larry Plant; Faye and Howard Pollack; Janet Pollekoff; Jodean Rubin; Jennifer and Jeff Salkin; Sheila and Howard Sandbank; the Share family; Charlotte and Morris Straitman; Mimi Cohen and Marty Taubenfeld; Lisa and Brad Trattner; Marjorie, Howard, Steven, Candy, Emily, and
Dr. Sidney F Pakula, on his yahrzeit by
Glenn Easton, by Sandra Dzija and
Dr. Andrew Miller Jerry Hoffman, by Elaine Fox Ed Kraus, by Sandra Dzija and Dr. Andrew Miller Carol Leap, by Dr. Harry Cohen and staff
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center IN HONOR OF
Leslie and Barry Walters, on their special birthdays by
Evie Lester
IN MEMORY OF Evelyn Burns, by Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager Miriam Foss, by Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager;
Helen Lewis
Inscribed Mahzor Lev Shalem IN HONOR OF
Marlene and Dr. Stuart Aiken, on their wedding by
Ruthanne Kaufman Mace Crystal, on Father’s Day by Richard Crystal and Rick Wasserman Elaine Fox, on her 90th birthday by Irene Pack Carl Polsky, on the 50th anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah by Barbara and Jeffrey Snyder Harriet and Richard Udell, on their 50th wedding anniversary by Sue and Ed Frieman
Rachel El-Gamil, by Carol and Herb Rubenstein,
Scheindel and Jerry Rabinowitz, and Joan and Allan Yablom Peggy Lewis, by Marlene and Mark Nusinow
Minyan Fund IN HONOR OF
Marlene and Stuart Aiken, on their marriage by
Jackie Glassgold Elaine Fox, on her 90th birthday by Cecil Fox; Natalie Jeffrey; Margot Zipper Lynn and Nelson Tucker, on their 45th wedding anniversary by Margot Zipper
Frances Klotzman, by Lily and Warren Massouda Peggy Lewis, by Evie Lester
Krieger Schechter Day School Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF
All their childrens’ teachers, by the Wahlberg family Madison Greenstein, on becoming a Bat Mitzvah by
Robyn, Steven, Gillian, and Jacob Blum Peter and Bracha Lang, on the birth of their grandson, Matan, by Ann Berman Jacob Lev, by Sybil Barer Beth Kaplan and Ben Small, on their engagement, by Lynn H. Green Emma Wions, on becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Robyn, Steven, Gillian, and Jacob Blum
Dr. Harold Cohen, by Lauren and Yale Levy Miriam Foss, by Robyn, Steven, Gillian, and
Jacob Blum
Irene Lebovic, by Robyn, Steven, Gillian, and
Jacob Blum
Peggy Lewis, by Evelyn Krohn Miriam Obuchowski, by Robyn, Steven, Gillian, and
Jacob Blum
Cantor Ivan Perlman, by Robyn, Steven, Gillian,
and Jacob Blum Bert Stoller, by Robyn, Steven, Gillian, and Jacob Blum
Rachel El-Gamil, by Margot Zipper Philip Finkel, by Sarajane and Arthur Brown Pauline Luntz, by Elaine Fox; Bluma Jed; Ruthanne
Kaufman; Rachel Layton; Sande and Ed Mitchell; Joan Rombro; Margot Zipper David Silverman, on his yahrzeit by Amy Schwartz
Jerry Hoffman, by Ruthanne Kaufman;
Margot Zipper
Sandy Shapiro, by Ruthanne Kaufman
Prayer Book Fund IN HONOR OF
Carl Polsky, on the 50th anniversary of his becoming
a Bar Mitzvah by Donna and Bob Wolf Amy and Hugh Schwartz, on their 5th wedding anniversary by Ruthanne Kaufman Miriam and Joseph Shear, on their 70th wedding anniversary by Sonya Lansman Mollie and Bill Smulyan, on the birth of their grandson, Theo Max Schein, by Joan and Danny Cagan
Evelyn Barns, by Diane and Joel Aronson Neil Lewis, by Joan and Danny Cagan Peggy Lewis, by Stephanie and Ronnie Attman Pauline Luntz, by Marlene and Jay Szapiro;
Ruth Towlen
Schechter on the Move 5K Race IN HONOR OF
Leslie Pomerantz, by Sandra Dzija and
Chantal Reznik, for her participation by
Dr. Andrew Miller
Karla Schulman
Krieger Schechter Day School Special Offerings IN HONOR OF
Rosenbloom Religious School Special Projects Fund IN HONOR OF
and Owen Katzman
for their children by Elise and David Saltzberg and family
Dr. Raymond Haroun, on Father’s Day by Barbara
Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, for his many years of caring
Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno Stulman Center for Adult Learning IN HONOR OF
Miriam Foss’ funeral by Jean Suda and Kim Golden
Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF
Judy Meltzer, for her d’var on lamed-vavniks at
Tzedakah Fund IN MEMORY OF
Miriam Foss, by Sandra Dzija and Dr. Andrew Miller Frances Klotzman, by Lisa and Bradley Trattner
Zaiman Educational Alliance IN HONOR OF
David Young, on his special birthday by Cindy and
Glenn Easton
Rabbi Joel Zaiman, for leading his Wednesday noon
class by Gail Oppel
Esther Ann Brown Adler Fund IN MEMORY OF
Neil Lewis, by Dr. Frona Brown and Dr. Beryl Rosenstein
Phyllis and Leonard Attman Music Fund IN HONOR OF
Edward Attman, on his 95th birthday by Edie Schulman
Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Endowment Fund IN HONOR OF
Dr. Jerry Buxbaum, on his special birthday by Toba
and Bill Grant
Debbie and Dr. David Roffman, on the birth of their
granddaughter, Hannah Rose Roffman, by Dr. Jerry Buxbaum David Young, on his special birthday by Dr. Jerry Buxbaum
Miriam Foss, by Jackie Glassgold
Nancie Leibowitz, on the birth of twins Sadie Rose
and Benjamin Eli by Linda and Mark Levy Donna and Bob Wolf, on the birth of their granddaughter, Hailey Emma Markoff, by Dorothy Yankellow
Paul Aron, by Terry and Allen Holzman Leonard Glassman, by Linda and Mark Levy Ray Hendin, by Dorothy Yankellow Sue Korman, mother, by Dorothy Yankellow
Jerry Hoffman, by Dorothy Yankellow
Barbara Leibowitz Lichter and Barry Leibowitz Pathways to Menschlekeit Fund IN MEMORY OF Miriam Foss, by Miriam and Irv Golob
Julius and Lore Levi KSDS Scholarship and Award Fund IN HONOR OF Ellen and Alvin Levi, on the engagement of their
daughter, Julie, by Marilyn and Jim Dickman
Reznik - Frier Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF
Rachel El-Gamil, by Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Peggy Lewis, by Dr. Jerry Buxbaum
Basil Taibel, on his special birthday by Dawn Reznik Annette Wolfson, on her special birthday by
Miriam Foss, by Karen and Ed Ezrine; Elaine Fox;
Dr. Karen Garber and Andrew Sandler; Miriam and Jay Gerstenblith; Dr. Mel Kramer; Barbara and Bruce Lewbart; Marsha and Dick Manekin; Jill and Aaron Max; Marlene and Irv Pollack; Joyce and Michael Wechsler
Minnie Garber and Rose Greenberg Scholarship Fund IN MEMORY OF
Dawn Reznik
Ruth Simkin, by Paulette Pollack and Dawn Reznik
Kurt and Erna Weiler Memorial Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF
Fran Cohen, on her special birthday, by Linda and
Dr. Jeffrey Cole Marc Cohen, on his 45th birthday, by Linda and Dr. Jeffrey Cole
Tzedakah contributions to our clergy Discretionary Fund, as well as gifts received in honor, memory, or appreciation of life cycle occasions support charitable, cultural, and educational causes. Ronald Attman, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman
for his friendship and support Dr. Jerry Buxbaum, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the unveiling of Marcia Buxbaum Larry Goldberg, Keith Goldberg, and Kim Messina, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the funeral of Elayne Feinstein Laura and Jared Hosid, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the naming of their daughter, Jillian Maya Marlene London, Rona London, and Amy Marlin, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the funeral of Mark Stuart London Geoffrey and Sherrie Becker and family, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the funeral of Lucille Becker Amy Caplan, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the wedding of Laura Schimberg and David Goldstein Myra and Michael Gershen, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler Ann Harris, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the funeral of Daniel Harris Lily Massouda and family, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the funeral of Rachel El Gamil In memory of the beloved father of Hazzan Perlman,
Cantor Ivan E. Perlman by Marcia Haine Engle; Marlene and Dr. Irvin Pollack Myra and Michael Gershen, in appreciation of Hazzan Perlman Stephanie and Dr. Kevin Brown, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy for preparing Darian for her first aliyah Dr. Melvin Kramer Marc, Pauline, Jacob, and Jordan Lapin, Dr. Richard Lapin, and Robert Wilson, in memory of Elliott Lapin Israela and Rabbi P. Michael Meyerstein, in memory
of Ralph Meyerstein on Yizkor Irwin M. Nable, in memory of Peggy Lewis
Harold Cohen, by Sondra and Marty Greenberg
Louis Barry Gershen “Our Daily Bread” Fund IN HONOR OF Brenda and Joe Pariser, on the birth of their
grandson by Myra and Michael Gershen Harriet and Richard Udell, on their 50th wedding anniversary by Myra and Michael Gershen; Joan Rombro
Phyllis Rice, by Myra and Michael Gershen Kenny Schwartz, by Myra and Michael Gershen
Donating Stock
There are great tax advantages to donating appreciated securities directly to the congregation. Stock may be contributed toward the payment of synagogue membership dues, annual appeal campaign, tuition payments, general donations, or other special offerings. Please visit our website, http://bit.ly/CAC_stockTransfer or contact Susan Bernstein, sbernstein@chizukamuno.org, in our accounting office for instructions and the account number for contributing stock.
Jerry Hoffman, by Marlene and Bernard Gerber
I. Leon Glassgold Memorial Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF
Sandy Hittman, on receiving an honorary doctorate
from the Technion by Jackie Glassgold I. Leon Glassgold, on his yahrzeit by Lori Glassgold Gibson
Thank You Ace Uniform Services, Inc.
Chizuk Amuno Congregation and the housekeeping and maintenance staff are grateful to the Finkelstein family and Ace Uniform Services, Inc. for providing uniforms for our staff. We thank them for their support.
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Warm and Wonderful Summer Shul
Shabbat Mornings, August 1, 8 • 9:15 a.m. Summertime and shul is delightful! Oh how we love “summershul” with its new tunes, its open collars, its sandals, and its organic communal feeling. Another unique aspect of summershul is the dvar Torah, given by members of the congregation. This year, we have invited friends from the congregation to share their reflections of Jewish relationships (family, community, peoplehood, etc.) Come add your voice and join us for the last two weeks of Summer Shul on August 1 and 8 in the Krieger for joyful davenen and inspiring speakers.
Cinema under the Stars
FORGET PARIS Monday, August 17 at sundown (Rain Date, August 18)
FREE AND OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY Enjoy a comedic love story produced, directed, and co-written by Billy Crystal, who co-stars with Debra Winger. Mickey, a popular NBA referee who goes to Paris to accompany his father’s body. The coffin is lost and in the mess that follows, Mickey meets Ellen, an American in Paris who works for an airline. The movie consists of fights and separations and many laughs. Bring a beach chair, enjoy popcorn and other snacks and drinks, and sit back and enjoy. For more information, please call 410-824-2055. Sponsored by the Judy Meltzer Cinema Under the Stars Fund