Engaging Jewish Life and Learning
Chizuk Amuno Congregation Schools
2016 OCT.-DEC. 5777 Goldsmith E
8100 Stevenson Rd. Baltimore, MD 21208 410-486-6400 www.chizukamuno.org Facebook.com/chizukamuno
Childhood Edu ion Center cat
high Holy days @ chizuk amuno Higher & Higher Shofar Ceremony Sunday, October 2, 5:45 p.m. Together we will prepare to greet the New Year about to begin, and sound our many Shofarot to announce the arrival of 5777 in our synagogue community before entering the sanctuary.
Erev Rosh HaShanah Sunday, October 2
Rosh HaShanah, First Day Monday, October 3
Tashlikh Monday, October 3, 5 p.m. Our entire community will gather in the Garden Lounge for friendship and refreshments before walking down to the stream on Phillips Drive to symbolically cast away our sins. Following Tashlikh everyone is invited to remain for Minhah, the Afternoon Service.
Family High Holy Day Services & Activities
Yo m K i p p u r
Please note that space is limited and prior signup is required for Torah for Tots, Family Service, and Middle School Kol Nidre Service. For a full schedule of Family and Children Services, visit our website, or by e-mailing ehaas@chizukamuno.org.
Erev Second Day, Rosh HaShanah Monday, October 3
Shemini Atzeret
Tuesday, October 4
Kol Nidre - Erev Yom Kippur
October 24 Join us as we mark the fall season and remember our loved ones during Yizkor Memorial Prayers.
Tuesday, October 11
Yom Kippur Wednesday, October 12
Yom Kippur Study Sessions: “Our God and God of Our Ancestors” Wednesday, October 12, 2:30 p.m. With Robyn Blum, Judy Meltzer, Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Dr. Moshe Shualy, and Joy Silberg
Tuesday, Oct. 4 - Tuesday, Oct. 11 to benefit community agencies Please drop off your sealed food in bins located in the Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby and the Administrative Lobby. Please check expiration dates.
Questions? Call Cheryl Snyderman, 410-486-6400, ext. 300 In lieu of food, monetary donations will also be accepted and donated to kosher food funds. Make checks payable to Chizuk Amuno, Attn. Food Drive. A service initiative made possible by the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund
Sukkot October 17 - 25 (Erev Sukkot - Oct. 16) Sukkot is a time of thanksgiving and hospitality when we celebrate the natural bounties of our world and all that sustain our lives. Immersed in the joys of community, environmental awareness and gratitude to God, we also demonstrate sensitivity to others and their needs for shelter and sustenance.
Second Day, Rosh HaShanah
Who feeds the entire world with goodness —Birkat Hamazon
Buy Your Lulav & Etrog! Order your Lulav and Etrog set from Israel through Brotherhood representative, Marvin Spector, 410-484-8939 by Thursday, September 22
$45 per set
Simhat Torah Evening of October 24 & Morning of October 25 We rejoice in the reading of Torah and honor synagogue volunteers for their caring. Families: be sure to watch for information about our special Simhat Torah Family Services.
Holocaust Victims Memorial Service Holocaust Memorial Garden at Chizuk Amuno Sunday, October 9 at 1:00 p.m. We will honor the memories of our loved ones who perished in the Shoah, our beloved departed whose graves we cannot visit. This service follows our customary cemetery memorial services being held earlier that day. Please join us to honor the memories and legacies of those we will always remember.
In the quiet of Yom Kippur afternoon, we have the opportunity to reflect together and discuss questions of faith and doubt, Jewish and personal beliefs. These shared and spiritual discussions enhance the mood and meaning of our observance.
Ask the Rabbi Wednesday, October 12, 3:30 p.m. With Rabbi Ron Shulman Join us in the sanctuary for a question and answer session with Rabbi Shulman. Participants ask about theology, Jewish tradition and customs, current events, and any other pertinent questions they want to ask the rabbi. For some it’s try to stump the rabbi! It’s a fun and insightful hour to which everyone is invited.
Cemetery Memorial Services ~ Sunday, October 9 Arlington Cemetery • 10:30 a.m. | Garrison Forest Cemetery • 11:45 a.m. In the tradition of our ancestors, we gather inside the hallowed gates of our congregation’s cemeteries to recite psalms, prayers, and personal memorials during the Days of Repentance between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Services are conducted by Rabbi Ron Shulman, Rabbi Debi Wechsler, and Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, accompanied at Arlington Cemetery by voices of the Chizuk Amuno Choir.
ENGAGE IN CELEBRATION Celebrating Shabbat each week, and gathering for prayer every day, we enjoy marking special personal and family occasions by sharing them with our synagogue family. We also enjoy honoring members of our community with Torah honors as individual expressions of gratitude and belonging. If you would like to receive an aliyah to the Torah or some other synagogue honor during a Shabbat Morning or Daily Minyan service, please contact Judy Simkin, ext. 232, or visit our website, www.chizukamuno.org.
613 & Me Congratulations on your child’s upcoming Bar and Bat Mitzvah. We are excited to be a part of this lifecycle moment for your family. 613 is the number of commandments in the Torah and over the course of the next few years we will help your family extend your personal connection to Judaism and to the mitzvot (commandments.)
Carlebach Shabbat & Communal Dinner Friday November 11, 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Dinner, Conversation & Song - 7:15 p.m. In special celebration we are excited to welcome Neshama Carlebach, daughter of the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, a master and hugely popular composer of Jewish melodies for prayer and song. Neshama Carlebach will join Hazzan Perlman, Rabbi Shulman and Rabbi Wechsler in leading our Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat Service with joyous melodies and song as we rejoice in spirit, high energy, and a spiritual beginning to Shabbat. Like her father, Neshama's talent and charisma captivate and endear her to people of all ages and backgrounds. She has performed and taught in cities worldwide, has sung on the Broadway stage, and has sold more than one million records. Reservations for dinner may be made at http://bit.ly/CarlebachShabbat by Thurs., Nov. 3 Cost: $25/adult ; $15/child, (children under 4 are free) Neshama Carlebach will also join us on Shabbat November 12 for conversation with Rabbi Shulman and more song after Shabbat Morning Services and Kiddush Lunch.
Shul Shabbat Share
NEW! Hanukkah Olive Oil Tasting
Friday, December 2
Saturday, December 17 6:30 p.m.
Choose to be a guest or a host. We will provide everything for you – including a pre-made catered kosher dinner, from challah to dessert. Hosts will pick up from Chizuk Amuno on December 2. We’ll make the matches between host and guest families and share all the information with you in advance of the date. Cost: $15 person. (No charge for children under 4.) The registration form will ask for the information that will help us make our host/guest matches. Please register by Monday, November 21 at
http://bit.ly/Dec2ShabbatShare If you have questions or would like to become more involved, please contact Sandra Dzija at smdzija@gmail.com or 443-904-4485.
Calling all foodies. In celebration of Hanukkah and the miracle of the oil join us with Liz Nuttle of En Olivier for an olive oil tasting and teaching. We’ll also take home recipes for olive oil based treats to enhance our holiday tables.
The three main goals of 613 & Me are: 1. to give you and your child the skills they will need to become an adult member of the community, 2. to assist your whole family in feeling more comfortable in the synagogue and with the synagogue service, and 3. to get to know you better and have you get to know all the members of our bnei Mitzvah team. Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah families represent the incredible diversity of our larger Chizuk Amuno community and we are sensitive to the many different family situations and faith communities represented. It is our intention to help craft a Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience and service that reflects your child and your family. 613 & Me is a series of programs, classes, and experiences for students and parents which take place during your child’s fifth and sixth grade years.
It’s a Mitzvah Fair Sunday, November 6, 11 a.m. Every other year, Chizuk Amuno fifth and sixth graders and their parents are invited to learn about and participate in the wide variety of mitzvah opportunities in our Baltimore community. In this hands on Mitzvah Fair experience students will meet with mitzvah heroes, engage in mitzvah projects and start thinking about how acts of loving-kindness can be a part of their Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations.
NEW! Jewish Life on Campus For more information, please contact Rabbi Debi Wechsler at dwechsler@chizukamuno.org
Saturday, November 26 It is Thanksgiving weekend and our college students are home. We look forward to hearing from some of our students about their Jewish experiences on campus, particularly relating to Israel.
ENGAGE in Learning ADULT Learning Through Chizuk Amuno’s Stulman Center for Adult Learning we offer courses year round. Built around a core curriculum of Bible, Celebrations and Observances, History and Modernity, and Rabbinic Texts and Jewish Thought, our course titles will intrigue and inspire you. To register or for information about any of our Adult Learning classes, please contact Doris Tanhoff, dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org or ext. 288.
BIBLE The Prophets’ Call: Reading the Weekly Haftarah Portion With Rabbi Ron Shulman Thursday mornings, 9:15 – 10:00 a.m. November 3 thru December 22 Who were the Biblical Prophets? What is their message? Does it resonate with us today? Why is “this” Haftarah associated with “that” weekly Torah Portion? Let’s not leave this powerful moral literature to 13 year olds. Come hear the Prophets’ call. No Fee
Graduate Adult Bat Mitzvah With Rabbi Debi Wechsler Tuesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Nov. 15 - Dec. 20, 2016 & Jan. 24 – March 21, 2017 This class is geared towards women who have completed the Adult Bat Mitzvah program. We will study the weekly Torah portion with a particular focus on women of the Bible and include supplementary texts from midrash and modern sources.
Rabbinic Texts & Jewish Thought Familiar Prayers in a New Siddur With Rabbi Ron Shulman Weekly on Tuesdays 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Beginning November 1 As we adopt a new Siddur in our congregation, let’s take the opportunity to read and discuss each prayer’s text and context, history and meaning. We’ll become more familiar with the formal prayer texts and personal prayer as we learn the what, why, and how of our Jewish prayer tradition.
Friends, Enemies, & Frenemies With Rabbi Debi Wechsler Thursdays, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Nov. 3 - Dec. 15, 2016 & Jan. 19 – March 30, 2017 Jewish text study is the embodiment of constructive conflict. Friends or enemies meet across a text and engage in conflict in a way that engages our sacred values. This year we will explore conflict from a Jewish lens and Jewish contributions to conflict resolution.
Talmud Study Class With Rabbi Ron Shulman Wednesdays 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Beginning November 2 Enjoy the steady and slow experience of studying the core text of rabbinic Judaism, the Talmud. We’ll learn how the insights of Judaism’s formative text informs Jewish life and values today. Some ability to read Hebrew is useful as we make our way in discussing and understanding the texts we study.
History & Modernity “Jesus and the Rabbis: Conversations & Controversy” With Rosann M. Catalano, Ph.D. and Rabbi Ilyse Kramer
LEARNING EXPERIENCES Debate & Decision: Thinking About the Election with Jewish Values Come explore the values and insights of Jewish tradition during this election season. The scholars of Mechon Hadar, a center for Jewish text study and thought in New York. Join us for three impactful learning sessions.
“These and Those: How Can Two Opposite Positions Both Be the Will of the Living God?” Taught by Rabbi Shai Held at Beth El Thursday, October 20, 7:30 p.m.
“Creating Community with Your Political Enemies: Wrong, Possible, or Imperative” Taught by Rabbi Aviva Richman at Beth Am Thursdays, Nov. 10 and 17; Dec. 1, 8, 15, 2016 2017: Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26; Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23; Mar. 2, 19, 16, 23, 30, Apr. 20 and 27; Snow/make-up dates: May 4, 11, and 18
9:15 - 10:30 A.M.
Thursday, October 27, 7:30 p.m.
“Shul and State: What is a Jewish Picture of Religion in America’s Public Sphere?” Taught by Rabbi Jason Rubenstein at Beth Israel Thursday, November 3, 7:30 p.m.
Fee: $350 for CAC Members; $400 for Community Participants Few scholars would contest the notion that Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism rooted in, and emerged as responses to, the religious, social, and political upheavals of 1st century CE Palestine. This year we will study texts from the Gospels and early rabbinic writings that preserve the creative conversations and conflicts of interpretation regarding various points of Jewish law and practice between Jesus and other Jewish teachers in early 1st century CE Palestine. Among the topics we will study are: the great commandment, the synagogue and its function, divorce, the Sabbath and what constitutes “work,” and forgiveness. Please purchase: The Gospels & Rabbinic Judaism: A Study Guide, by Rabbi Michael Hilton with Father Gordian Marshall OP, Ktav Publishing House; Amazon: $20.58 Additional texts will be provided.
“Debate and Decision: Lessons Learned from the 2016 Election” Wednesday November 16, 7:30 p.m. A panel discussion with Rabbis Daniel Burg, Jay Goldstein, Steve Schwartz, and Ron Shulman featuring political analysis by a special guest at Chizuk Amuno Congregation. This community program is a joint project of the Conservative Synagogues of Baltimore: Beth Am, Beth El, Beth Israel, and Chizuk Amuno Congregation. We are grateful to the Hoffberger Foundation for Torah Study for their generous support.
ENGAGE in Learning
Enrichment Programs Morning Jewish Book Group: “Our Women, Our Stories With Judy Meltzer 2nd Wednesday of each month 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Dates: Sept. 14; Oct. 19 (3rd Wed. due to Yom Kippur); Nov. 9; Dec. 14 2017: Jan. 11; Feb. 8; Mar. 8; Apr. 19 (Passover is on April 12); May 10 Fee: $50 CAC; $60 Community Participants Join us as we read short stories and books of Jewish content and engage in analysis and lively conversation. We will explore the writings of Jewish women authors throughout the world, including short stories, essays, and poetry written in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Evening Jewish Book Group With Judy Meltzer 2 Thursdays / month 7:45 – 9:00 p.m. Dates: Sept. 2016 - May 2017 (Dates to be announced) Fee: $136 – CAC Members; $150 Community Participants Class held off site If you love literature, you should join our wonderful group. We read short stories, fiction and non-fiction, both classics and contemporary. Our discussions are always animated. Some of us have been with this group for over 30 years, but we always welcome newcomers.
SAVE THE DATE: Jewish Civil Rights Trip May 7-10, 2017 Embark on a journey that uses the history, sites, and current issues of each city as a springboard to highlight the relationship, and at times, the tension, of the Jewish and American identity. Our trip begins and ends in Atlanta with visits to Montgomery and Selma including the Edmund Pettus Bridge, the Rosa Park Museum, the Tomb of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and more. For more information including pricing contact Rabbi Wechsler. (Our trip provider is Etgar 36.)
Jewish Life in Perspective – A Series of Fall Lectures @ Chizuk Amuno Different issues and different perspectives fill our lives with curiosity, care, and concern. Join us and our guest speakers for lectures exploring who we are, what we believe, and what concerns us. “Are We Using Technology is Technology Using Us?” Sukkot Symposium
1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month 12 noon – 2:00 p.m. Dates: Aug. 14, 18; Sept. 1, 15; Oct. 6, 20; Nov. 3, 17; Dec. 1, 15; 2017: Jan. 5, 19; Feb. 2, 16; Mar. 2, 16; Apr. 6, 20; May 4, 18; Jun. 8, 15; July 6, 20; Aug. 3, 17 Coordinator: Helen Lewis Participants read selections from Hebrew literature for discussion in English. New group members welcome.
Mr. Mark Lavie
Founder and Director: Sinai and Synapses
Mideast Correspondent for the Associated Press and Major News Networks
Tuesday, October 18 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 15 7:30 p.m.
Rabbi Geoffrey Mitelman
How is technology changing the way we interact with others and our world? What does “privacy” mean when everything leaves a digital footprint? What are the limits and opportunities that technology creates for our relationships?
Advanced Hebrew Reading Group
“The Middle East and the New President - Fireworks Ahead?”
Like it or not, the next President will have to focus on the volatile Middle East. Once we know who the President is, what can we expect? What is the view from inside Israel about our new President and the complicated issues of the Middle East?
Come explore how technology is influencing halakhah, prayer, Shabbat and even Jewish values themselves. Many are the questions for us to consider together at this year’s Sukkot Symposium. One aspect of the Sukkot festival is to gather together in Jewish community and consider shared concerns and needs. Historically, Sukkot was a time of great community meetings. This is the purpose of our Sukkot Symposium, to honor the holiday we celebrate by thinking about matters of concern for our lives and community.
We ask a 40 year veteran of covering the news from inside Israel and the Arab world to help answer our questions.
Goldsmith E
Childhood Edu
ion Center cat
ENGAGE With our schools
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center
Characters in the Sukkah Pizza Dinner
Krieger Schechter Day School
KSDS Fall Open House Friday, October 14, 9 a.m.
Dinner & Dessert provided Meet & Greet with your favorite cartoon and magical friends. RSVP to mgold@chizukamuno.org
Come experience the excitement at Krieger Schechter during our Open House for prospective parents! It’s a wonderful opportunity to get a glimpse of our teachers and students in action, as you tour our school. It certainly will be an inspiring, informative visit. We hope you can join us!
Book Fair to benefit GECEC & KSDS Library/Spirit Week
Please contact Ilene Wise, Director of Admission, for more information. iwise@ksds.edu or 410-824-2066
Monday, November 6 - Thursday, November 10
KSDS Shabbat Share
Thursday, October 20 5:30 p.m.
Children and staff come together in SPIRIT to have fun and play dress up.
Annual Giftique Wednesday, December 7, 9 a.m. Come check out our Giftique for your personal shopping and gift needs. We’ll have jewelry, children and adult clothing, purses, personalized items, and skin care. And that’s just a sampling!
PA Sponsored Hanukkah Party Wednesday, December 21 Pizza party, latkes and Hanukkah treats
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Walk-In Wednesdays November 30, after 9:15 a.m. December 7 & 14, after 9:15 a.m. An informal opportunity for prospective parents to visit the school after 9:15 a.m. each of these mornings. Come see our classrooms, children and teachers in action.
Friday, October 28 All families are invited to participate for a catered Shabbat meal in the home of a fellow KSDS family. Enjoy getting to know other Schechter families and building a stronger community in a relaxing and informal setting.
KSDS Day of Service Wednesday, November 23 On the half day of school before Thanksgiving, our KSDS family will come together in order to give back to the community around us. Our children will engage in order to support causes from eradicating hunger, thanking first responders, bringing comfort to the elderly, supporting veterans, raising awareness about environmental issues and more!
KSDS Alumni Event Thanksgiving Weekend KSDS Alumni reunite for a fun-filled morning with old friends.
KSDS Winter Open House Torah for Tots
Tuesday, December 13, 7 p.m.
Saturdays • 10:30 a.m.
Our winter Open House for prospective parents is a perfect opportunity to get a closer look at our curriculum, directly from our teachers. Attend mini-sessions focusing on our General Studies and Judaic Studies programs. Come experience the journey that awaits you at Krieger Schechter!
Torah for Tots meets at 11:15 a.m. on Rosh HaShanah (Oct. 3 & Oct. 4) October 22 November 12 December 10 January 28 This interactive family service for families with children who are infants to 5 years of age includes singing, dancing, snacks, stories, and more!
Please contact Ilene Wise, Director of Admission, for more information. iwise@ksds.edu or 410-824-2066
Rosenbloom Religious School
RRS PA Snacks and Stunts in the Sukkah Sunday, October 23, 11 a.m. - noon The entire RRS community comes together for a morning of fun and celebration in the Attman Family Sukkah featuring a surprise performance.
Atid Philadelphia Trip (Grade 7) Sunday, November 13 Our Chizuk Amuno and Beth El students travel to Philadelphia to wrap up their unit on Jewish influence on early American history.
Grandparents & Special Friends Day Sunday, November 20 Our students fulfill the mitzvah of “welcoming guests” as they host their grandparents and special friends for a morning of multi-generational learning and social action projects.
Achshav and Netivon Our over 80 Netivon and Achshav students in grades 8-12 will continue to meet on Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Achshav and Netivon Hoops & Huts Tuesday, October 18, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Our students to take a break and enjoy dinner together in the Sukkah, followed by an open gym.
Chizuk Amuno Shabbat Morning Family Service 10:30-11:30 a.m. Hoffberger Chapel October 1 No Service October 8 October 15 October 22 No Service October 29 November 5 November 12 November 19 November 26 No Service
Engaging IN gemilut hasadim
Personal service is a significant force for caring and community building. Our volunteers add warmth, meaning, and vitality to all that we do as a sacred community. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information. Open Gemilut Hasadim Meeting Tuesday, November 29, 7:30 p.m. Would you like to learn more about the varied projects in which we participate? Is there a potential Gemilut Hasadim activity you would like to explore? You’re welcome to join us. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman.
Jewish Volunteer Connection Community Mitzvah Day Sunday, December 25, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Join thousands of volunteers in various locations throughout Baltimore to celebrate this annual community wide day of service by participating in hands-on projects helping those in need in Baltimore and overseas. This is a family friendly event and both JCC locations will have activities, as well as many offsite opportunities. Visit www.jvcbaltimore.org for more details.
Knitting Havurah Adopt-A-Road Sunday, December 4, 9 a.m. (Raindate: December 11)
Wednesdays, October 19, November 16, and December 21, 2-3:30 p.m.
Komen MD Race for the Cure Sunday, October 23 Run, walk, or simply donate to support the fight against breast cancer. To join Chizuk Amuno’s team, visit http://bit.ly/ChizukRacefortheCure16 For questions, please contact Sande Mitchell, smitchels1234@gmail.com, or 410-409-8184. Race participants are invited to join in a special aliyah at Shabbat morning services on October 22 at approximately 10 a.m.
Reading Partners Reading Partners is a national organization with a Baltimore presence in 19 schools. Volunteers are asked to commit one hour a week to help a child with reading. If you have just one hour in your week, you can make a real difference in a child’s success in school and life. To volunteer or for more information, please contact Cheryl Snyderman.
Ronald McDonald House Wednesdays, November 22 and December 21, 4-7 p.m.
Perform the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome. Co-sponsored by Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood Contact: Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422
Art with a Heart Sunday, November 1, 1-3 p.m. Volunteers work on art projects at Art with a Heart headquarters in Hampden. All those ages 5 and up are welcome. Rides are available, leaving from Chizuk Amuno at 12:30 p.m. Contact: Deb Charles, text 443-386-1324
Transportation Service on Shabbat Need a ride to shul on Shabbat mornings? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Just call Cheryl Snyderman by Tuesday of the week you want to attend services.
We knit and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and Baltimore. Knitting instruction is available and everyone is welcome. If you have or a friend has yarn left over from other projects, please consider making a donation to our Knitting Havurah. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman
Join the Chizuk Amuno team as we cook and/ or serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children being treated in Baltimore area hospitals. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman
Operation Welcome Home Maryland
For those living within walking distance of the synagogue who are able to host visitors for Shabbat or the High Holy Days. Also, if you are in need of hospitality, please let us know. Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org
Join us as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas. Volunteers meet at BWI airport and help pack goodie bags, cheer for soldiers, and thank them for their service. Dates are set 1-3 weeks in advance of the incoming flights. This project is suitable for adults and children of all ages. Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler at dwechsler@chizukamuno.org to be on the mailing list.
Our Daily Bread Sundays, October 30, November 27, and December 18, 9 a.m. - 1 2:45 p.m. Join with friends from Chizuk Amuno and help serve meals to Baltimore’s hungry men, women, and children. Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com
Hakhnasat Orhim Welcoming Guests
Food Drives Yom Kippur Food Drive: Tues., October 4 – Tues., October 11
Pre-Thanksgiving Mini-Food Drive: Sun., November 13 – Fri., November 18 We have had a long partnership with GEDCO – the Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation, Inc. – donating food and clothing after our drives. They have notified us that each year the inventory in their food bank reaches critical lows as Thanksgiving approaches. In response, we are conducting a mini-food drive specifically for their benefit.
ENGAGE with Synagogue friends
Whether it is social, spiritual, or philanthropic moments, you can celebrate them all with Sisterhood! And in the truest sense of the word “Sisterhood,” we develop long lasting and meaningful relationships with each other. Contact Dixie Leikach at Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org or 443-386-1062.
The brotherhood is alive and well this year and has a wide variety of activities planned. Join us this year by opting into Brotherhood. We are looking for all to participate! Contact: Eric Beser, eric.beser@e-isg.com
Mah Jongg Tuesday, Ongoing 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Kolker Youth Lounge All levels encouraged to participate! RSVP to Randee Glassman, randee853@aol.com.
Bimah Decorating for Sukkot Sunday, October 16, 9 a.m.
Brotherhood Blood Drive Tuesday, November 29, 2-7:25 p.m. Esterson Auditorium For more information or to sign up to donate blood or volunteer, contact Warren Gould, wbg.4timesbetter@gmail.com, or 301-602-0017
NEW THIS YEAR! Krav Maga Class for all Congregants ages 14 & up! Cost will be $18 for the three sessions, free to dues paying members of the Brotherhood. This is not a lecture session, you will learn some techniques to defend yourself. More announcements to follow!
Our Wednesday evening series continues this year with a different topic. Super Heros of the Bible. Yes there is midrash to learn here, and some things we didn’t learn in religious school. Sex, lies and intrigue.
Torah Fund Fundraiser Mah Jong Tournament
Men Meat and Midrash, Super Heros of the Bible, Part 1 The Incredible Hulk
Men Meat and Midrash, Super Heros of the Bible, Part 3 Wonder Woman
Sunday, October 30, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
November 16, 6 p.m.
March 15, 2017, 6 p.m.
Men Meat and Midrash, Super Heros of the Bible, Part 2 The Game of Thrones in Ancient Israel
Men Meat and Midrash, Super Heros of the Bible, Part 4 The Justice League
Sisterhood Board Meetings Wednesdays, November 2 and December 7, 7 p.m.
Ronald McDonald Night
May 24, 2017, 6 p.m.
January 11, 2017, 6 p.m.
Wednesday, December 21
SAVE THE DATE: Hazzan Perlman’s 20th Anniversary Concert Sunday, June 11, 2017