February 2016 hahodesh web

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THIS Mont h h aHodesh AT CHIZUK AMUno CONGREGATION AND SCHOOLS February 2016 | Shevat–Adar I 5776 Engaging Jewish Life and Learning

Rabbi’s Column We are always looking for more time. “How to do twice the work in half the time.” “Simple RABBI Debi Wechsler ways to add hours to your day.” These are two of the bestselling books on time management. And there are thousands of others to choose from as you spend your time, looking for ways to have more time to spend. We bemoan our lack of time and then many of us (myself included) fritter away some of the precious time we do have. This month we actually will have more time as a Leap Day will be added on February 29th. Four years ago I suggested some Jewish things to do with your extra day: • Making Mishloah Manot by baking your hamatashen and packing bags of treats for friends and neighbors. Purim is almost a month later this year, but hamantashen freeze well. • Learning one Jewish text about the calendar such as the mishnah about Four New Years • Inviting a family to your home for a Shabbat meal (you have an extra 24 hours to cook and set the table) • Choosing an extra mitzvah to do • Creating an original family ritual for Leap Day and making new memories for your children and grandchildren • Planting parsley to grow in time for Pesach ▶ Continued on page 4

Congratulations to our Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center A State Accredited “School of Excellence”

Congratulations to Michelle Gold, our teachers, our Education Committee, and our wonderful families and children on receiving the prestigious State of Maryland Department of Education Accreditation as a “School of Excellence.” For the last two years, our faculty and staff have been working to meet and exceed state and national standards of excellence and quality as reflected in research establishing best practices in early childhood education. Teams of our faculty have participated in both internal program improvement reviews as well as external program reviews. The process culminated in a visit by the State of Maryland Department of Education Validation Team in December which accredited our school with flying colors! Our thanks and appreciation to all of the teachers at Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center, our Education Committee, and of course our supportive parents for the extra time and efforts dedicated to accomplish this incredible meaningful designation.

It’s a Bird … It’s a Plane… It’s a … Superhero Purim Carnival

uperhero PURIM

SUNDAY, MARCH 20 | 11 A.M. - 2 P.M. Sponsored by the Parent Association of Chizuk Amuno Schools Join heroes and heroines big and small to help defeat the evil Haman! Our Purim Carnival is full of fun, games, and prizes. To volunteer, please contact our carnival chair, Kristen Katz, kris10k1980@gmail.com

Purim Schedule WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 6:15 P.M. Traditional Megillah Reading, Esterson Auditorium 7:00 P.M. Family Megillah Reading, Sanctuary 8:00 P.M. Superhero Party

Engage in Prayer

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar I 5776 February 5/6 Shevat 26/27 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah 6:00 p.m. New Shabbat 6:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:15 p.m. Glassgold Kallah Shabbat Dinner “Fiddler on the Roof” 7:00 p.m. Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: MISHPAT’IM Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service 10:30 a.m. Glassgold Kallah Shabbat luncheon “Fiddler on the Roof” Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:59 p.m.

February 12/13 / Adar I 3/4 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: T’RUMAH Sermon by Rabbi Moshe Schwartz Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:07 p.m.

February 19/20 / Adar I 10/11 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: T’TZAVVEH Brotherhood Shabbat No Family Service Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Candle Lighting February 5

5:13 p.m.

February 12

5:21 p.m.

February 19

5:29 p.m.

February 26

5:37 p.m.

March 4

5:44 p.m.

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February 26/27 / Adar I 17/18 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: KI-TISSA Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service 10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah .

4:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:23 p.m

Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

March 4/5 / Adar I 24/25

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YAKHIHEL Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Family Service 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:31 p.m.

Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.

Congratulations Tammy Heyman One of First 500 Facebook Friends Congratulations to Tammy Heyman who won a gift certificate to the Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood Gift Shop for being one of the first 500 friends to “like” Chizuk Amuno. Tammy’s name was selected from our growing list of Facebook friends which has set a new goal of acquiring 750 friend “likes” by Passover. A drawing will be held for someone in the next batch of new friends. Our online Facebook community is a great way to learn about and experience our active congregation and schools. “Like” Chizuk Amuno Congregation today!

Schools & Synagogue Security Under Constant Review See Something – Say Something Events in the nation and the world require our synagogue and schools to continually review our security and emergency plans and measures. Through the Baltimore County Police Department Homeland Security Section, we recently conducted a thorough review of our plans and procedures and are updating our emergency handbook. Thanks to Department of Homeland Security funding, we recently completed numerous facility security enhancements and upgrades particularly in the use of technology to communicate internally with students and staff and externally with law enforcement. We appreciate your patience when entering the building and showing your ID to our security guard. Please do not let anyone in the building through a door you are exiting from. We continue to request your help and notification if you see something or someone that looks out of place or unusual. Please notify our school heads or our executive director, Glenn Easton. Our students and staff regularly drill different types of exercises that are important to know in the event of a security or weather emergency – fire/evacuation drills, shelter-in-place drills, emergency lock-down drills. Emergency and evacuation instructions on Shabbat and holidays, when it is difficult to drill, are located in the sanctuary pew and literature racks. Through the Baltimore County Police Department and the national Secure Community Network (SCN) our schools and synagogue leadership are regularly informed of security situations or threats, if they were to occur. The Police and SCN then advise which, if any, action is required. The safety and security of our children, students, members, staff, and guests is a priority of our synagogue and schools. Our thanks to our staff, lay leaders, and law enforcement personnel who assist in this important responsibility.

Engage in Jewish Life

Save the Date

The Harold and Sybil Effron Memorial Lecture

“The Chutzpah Imperative: Empowering Today’s Jews for a Life that Matters” Rabbi Ed Feinstein

Tuesday, March 22 7:30 p.m. Join Rabbi Ed Feinstein to explore the heart of Judaism and reconnect with what he calls “The Chutzpah Imperative.” Rabbi Feinstein has been addressing our most difficult questions about Judaism and Jewish life for more than twenty years as a congregational rabbi, Jewish educator, and author. Come meet him and hear his challenging message.

Meta & Ernest Oppenheimer Family Education Fund Created We are pleased to announce the creation of the Meta and Ernest Oppenheimer Family Education Fund at Chizuk Amuno Congregation. This exciting new endowment will enhance a core mission of our congregation to engage our families in meaningful ways. The funds will be used to help create an annual Family Retreat, robust family Shabbat programming, and expanded Jewish Parenting Education. Meta and Ernest Oppenheimer, of blessed memory, were longtime members of Chizuk Amuno. From the time of their emigration from Germany before the war, Meta’s extended family considered Chizuk Amuno their spiritual home. Meta and Ernest were married by Rabbi Coblenz and regularly attended Shabbat services. Meta and Ernest were strongly connected to their own families and treated their nieces and nephews with the affection they might have shared with children of their own. During her lifetime, Meta demonstrated a personal interest in family programming in her gifts to Chizuk Amuno and Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center. This new $200,000 endowment provides $10,000 annual income. The congregation will provide matching funds in support of these efforts which nurture Chizuk Amuno families of all ages. With this gift, Meta and Ernest’s legacy is now a permanent and enduring part of Chizuk Amuno Congregation. We are grateful to Florene Goldner, Jody Troy and Larry Goldsmith, Trustees of the Meta and Ernest Oppenheimer Charitable Foundation, for their support. To create your own endowment and legacy to the congregation and schools, please contact Beth Goldsmith, our synagogue Development Chair, KSDS Director of Development, Alison Wielechowski or Glenn Easton at the synagogue office.

By-Laws Revisions Approved Nominating Committee Announced

Our thanks to all who came out on a rainy night this past October to help us achieve a quorum and to approve the three new by-laws amendments with over 90% voting in favor of each of the revisions. The amendments created officer positions with portfolio, clarified and slightly reduced the number of board members, and added a dissolution clause required of 501-c-3 nonprofit organizations. The changes to our governance model will continue to bring the Congregation greater transparency, responsive and representative leadership, and efficiency. Our appreciation to the By-Laws Committee chaired by Lee Sherman and comprised of Allison Baumwald, Jason Blavatt, Linda Katz, Shelly Malis, Andy Miller, and Sandy Schreiber. In accordance with our By-Laws, President Andrew Miller has announced and the board approved the following members to serve on the Nominating Committee: Shelly Malis (Chair), Jeff Snyder, Michelle Clay, Richard Matz, Jenny Gamliel, Ricky Gratz and Leslie Pomerantz. Suggestions for officers or board members may be submitted to any member of the committee or Glenn Easton at the synagogue office. The Nominating Committee is required to present its recommended slate of synagogue leaders at least sixty days prior to our Annual Congregational Meeting on June 6.

613 & Me Congratulations on your child’s upcoming Bar and Bat Mitzvah. We are excited to be a part of this lifecycle moment for your family. 613 is the number of commandments in the Torah and over the course of the next few years we will help your family extend your personal connection to Judaism and to the mitzvot (commandments.)

The three main goals of 613 & Me are: 1. to give you and your child the skills they will need to become an adult member of the community, 2. to assist your whole family in feeling more comfortable in the synagogue and with the synagogue service, and 3. to get to know you better and have you get to know all the members of our B’nei Mitzvah team. Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah families represent the incredible diversity of our larger Chizuk Amuno community and we are sensitive to the many different family situations and faith communities represented. It is our intention to help craft a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah experience and service that reflects your child and your family. 613 & Me is a series of programs, classes, and experiences for students and parents which take place during your child’s fifth and sixth grade years.

Upcoming Program: “It’s a Service” Saturday, March 5 at 9:30am Sixth graders and their parents enjoy services together with the congregation in the Main Sanctuary to become more familiar with the Shabbat morning Bar/ Bat Mitzvah experience.

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Engage in Jewish Life

A facelift for KSDS Administrative Offices

As students, parents, and faculty returned to Krieger Schechter in August to begin the 15-16 school year, they were welcomed back with a new admission and outreach executive suite. Under the leadership of Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, new head of school at KSDS, the admissions, marketing, and development offices of outreach and engagement were relocated in the same suite on the first floor of our building. This new move provided a welcoming presence for prospective families and a convenient center for organizational outreach and development. From day one this move proved to be a success. The new setup received rave reviews from faculty and parents. The next step was to refurbish the suite to be more up-todate and welcoming. Michael Kuntz, KSDS alumni parent and Senior Vice President of American Office, graciously donated all of the new furniture in the suite. He appreciated the superb education that his daughters, Kendall and Taylor, received at KSDS, and he wants to see KSDS continue to achieve success. The Kuntz family are long-time members of CAC. Tammy Heyman, an alumni parent, CAC member, and account executive at American office, donated her time and professional skills to rearrange the space, choose the color palette, and help pick out the paint and carpet colors. As families and faculty return back from winter break, they can enjoy the new and modern admission and outreach center provided by American Office. The redesign of this new space provides a warm and welcoming feel for prospective families as they get their first glimpse into KSDS and also, locates important offices of the school in one, convenient location. We invite you to come by and take a look!

The Phyllis and Louis Friedman Community Lecture

SAVE THE DATE Chizuk Amuno welcomes

David Gregory Newsman and Author of How’s Your Faith? An Unlikely Spiritual Journey

Sunday, April 10 at 10:30 a.m. David Gregory will share his personal and professional journey, exploring questions of personal faith, spirituality, family, and Jewish identity. Our morning will include brunch and David Gregory’s presentation followed by a discussion. We are grateful to Phyllis and Louis Friedman for making possible Mr. Gregory’s visit to our synagogue community. RSVP suggested for brunch to Doris Tanhoff, DTanhoff@chizukamuno.org

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▶ From the Clergy, page 1

Even without doing a Jewish thing on Leap Day, the notion of added time is still a very Jewish idea. There is a concept known as tosefet Shabbat, which requires adding some time on to the beginning of Shabbat and some time on to the end of Shabbat. It is one reason that we light candles 15-20 minutes before sundown and end Shabbat with Havdalah 15 minutes after sundown. We add time to Shabbat not only to “make a fence around the Shabbat” but perhaps more importantly to show how dear and beloved the sanctified time of Shabbat is to us. From a Jewish perspective, time is not something to be rushed through or discarded as quickly as possible; rather it is savored and held lovingly. Ideally, all our time is sacred and while Shabbat and festivals might be especially elevated, we are not in the business of wishing our time away. Those additional moments of Shabbat come to symbolize the way that we as Jews seek to extend the joy of our experiences. In February we are lucky enough to have not only Leap Day on the secular calendar but also Leap Month on the Jewish calendar as well. An additional month of Adar is added to right the seasons and timing of our festivals. Technical reasons aside, what it means is an extra month of happiness for us. My hope is that in February and Adar we all find opportunities to spend the extra minutes and days wisely and to extend the joy with time that is savored as precious. Adar Sameyach and Happy Leap Day!

Derekh Amuno Chizuk Amuno’s Pathway to Faith Were you beaming with pride at a loved one’s bar or bat mitzvah? How about purchasing a brick to celebrate a milestone or honor the memory of somebody special? • $250 per brick for up to four lines of text, 15 characters per line • Package options available Purchase a brick by contacting Glenn Easton, 410-486-6400.

Engage in Gemilut Hasadim

What Volunteering Means to Me by Dorothy Gold

Volunteerism has always been an important part of my life, something I tried to instill in my children and something I share with my husband. We have incorporated it on occasion into family activity and even travel. It was our volunteer experience in Ashkelon several years ago that got me involved in the Jewish Volunteer Connection (JVC). I am now in my second year on their board. I have become more mindful of volunteering and rather than looking at it as something I might do, I see it as something I do. It is part of my being, whether it is participation in Good Deed Day, Community Mitzvah Day, or looking to incorporate Party with a Purpose in a family simhah we are planning. On Community Mitzvah Day this past December, it was not a question of should I participate but rather what would I do. I served as part of a roving photo booth with my husband, Jim, taking pictures and giving participants a reminder of their volunteer experience. It was fun. It felt good. We were part of a giving community. Volunteering is and should be fun and, even more so, rewarding. It takes you out of your comfort zone and takes you into a new and meaningful social experience. Hopefully, by making the volunteer experience more fun for the participants on Community Mitzvah Day, they, too, will become more mindful of volunteer experiences around them. And that, too, is making a difference.

Adopt-A-Road Sunday, March 13 • 9 a.m. (raindate: March 20) Perform the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome. Co-sponsored by Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood Contact: Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422

Hakhnasat Orhim – Welcoming Guests

Todah Rabbah to our December knitters/ crocheters: Vivian Chait, Melody Cooper, Edna Crystal, Linda Eisenberg, Lyuda Gerasimenko, Roberta Katz, Linda Levy, Esther Marsiglia, Hazel Radowsky, Eileen Schultz, Miriam Shulman, and Harriet Udell Contact: Cheryl Snyderman

Operation Welcome Home Maryland

For those living within walking distance of the synagogue who are able to host visitors for Shabbat. Also, if you are in need of hospitality, please let us know. Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler

Keeping in Touch with Our Elders We will be instituting monthly phone calls to be more in touch with fellow congregants who are not able to come to shul as often as they would like. Be part of our elder dialogue. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman

Knitting Havurah Wednesdays, February 17 and March 16 • 2 p.m. We knit and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and Baltimore. Knitting instruction is available and everyone is welcome. If you or a friend have yarn leftover from other projects, please consider making a donation to our Knitting Havurah.

Chizuk Amuno loves celebrating Christmas and New Year’s with Operation Welcome Home Maryland! We gathered by the big Christmas tree in BWI Thurgood Marshall airport to welcome home returning servicemen and women from service or time overseas. We also donated 20 pounds of candy to be added to goody bags for the soldiers. Many of our volunteers have a personal connection to this project as their children are active or retired military. ▶ Continued on page 6

Thank you

We would like to thank the many Chizuk Amuno volunteers who participated in the Community Mitzvah Day this past December 25. At Chizuk Amuno’s station, we created 23 no-sew fleece blankets, which were donated to Paul’s Place. KSDS hosted a project making tissue paper flower vase centerpieces to brighten the dining areas of senior centers. Thank you to our Chizuk Amuno volunteers who served at both JCC locations as well as throughout the community. If your name has not been included, please accept our apology and let Cheryl Snyderman know: Rachael Abrams, Sam Abrams, Donna Balinkie, Bill Crystal, Sam Crystal, Sue Crystal, Arnie Feiner, Sandy Fisher, Melanie Fisher, Tamie Flax, Donna Friedman, Eli Friedman, Keith Friedman, Liz Minkin Friedman, Ryan Friedman, Sage Friedman, Summer Friedman, Dorothy Gold, Fran Glushakow Gould, Warren Gould, Julia Gratz, Rena Gratz, Ricky Gratz, Sarah Gratz, Deborah Harburger, Jacob Harburger, Molly Harburger, Noah Harburger, Kevin Keane, Rachel Keane, Samantha Keane, Marilynn Kinstler, Carl Klein, Davie Klein, Hilary Klein, Lauren Klein, Dixie Leikach, Neil Leikach, Amanda Levine, Daryn Levine, Linda Levy (leader of Chizuk blanket project), Mark Levy, Abigail Malis, Shelly Malis, Becca Scher, Marci Scher, Alex Schostak, Judy Spector, Marvin Spector, Dan Wahlberg, Hannah Wahlberg, Jake Wahlberg, Jodi Wahlberg, Jim Wolf, and the students of the Rosenbloom Religious School

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Engage in Gemilut Hasadim

▶ From Gemilut Hasadim, page 5

Volunteers meet at BWI. Dates are set 1-3 weeks in advance of the incoming flights. This project is suitable for adults and children of all ages. Todah Rabbah to our volunteers who participated in December: Rabbi Debi Wechsler (leader), Stuart Aiken, Bryna Bernstein, Joshua Bernstein, Louis Bernstein, Michael Bernstein, Alan Guttman, Lee Meyerhoff Hendler, Roy Hendler, Anne King, Aubrey King, Lily Massouda, Hazel Radowsky, and Cheryl Snyderman Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler to be on the mailing list

Our Daily Bread Sundays, February 28 and March 20 • 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Join with friends from Chizuk Amuno and help serve meals to Baltimore’s hungry men, women, and children. Todah Rabbah to our December volunteers: Jenny Baker (leader), Arlene Klaff, Jerry Kurman, Carol Landsman, Lily Massouda, Mel Schehr, Susan Schehr, Jeffrey Zale, and Karen Zale Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol.com, or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com

BBQ Chicken Preparation for Our Daily Bread Monday, February 22 3-5 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. Help prepare large quantities of BBQ chicken for the guests at Our Daily Bread. We also are in need of volunteers for clean-up and to load the van. Dinner will be provided for all participants. We will take a special study break with Rabbi Wechsler at 5 p.m. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman. Program made possible by the Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund and the Louis Barry Gershen “Our Daily Bread” Fund

Reading Partners Reading Partners is a national organization with a Baltimore presence in 14 schools. Volunteers are asked to commit one hour a week to help a child with reading. Training, guidance, and a curriculum are all provided by Reading Partners. If you have just one hour in your week, you can make a real difference in a child’s success

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in school and life. To volunteer or for more information, please contact Cheryl Snyderman.

Ronald McDonald House Wednesdays, February 17 and March 9 • 4-7 p.m. Join the Chizuk Amuno team as we cook and/ or serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children being treated in Baltimore area hospitals. Todah Rabbah to our December volunteers: Linda Levy (leader), Naomi Amsterdam, Patty Anbinder, Beth Blumberg, Edna Crystal, Linda Eisenberg, Lynne Lichtig, Saundra Madoff, Marcia Scherr, Eileen Schultz, Ruth Silber, Margie Simon, Mollie Smulyan, Cheryl Snyderman, Susan Straus, Kathie Taylor, Marsha Yoffe, Karen Zale, and the students of Rosenbloom Religious School Contact: Cheryl Snyderman

Transportation Service on Shabbat Need a ride to shul on Shabbat mornings? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Just call Cheryl Snyderman by Tuesday of the week you want to attend services. We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.

Film Presentation Race: The Power of an Illusion Sunday, February 7 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m. The third part of this PBS documentary about race focuses on the ways our institutions and policies advantage some groups at the expense of others. We see how benefits quietly and often invisibly accrue to white people because of the racialized nature of our laws, courts, customs, and perhaps most pertinently, housing. Free of charge. Co-sponsored by Jews United for Justice RSVP: http://bit.ly/BaltimoreFilm

Adult Learning

For more information about our adult education courses, please contact Doris Tanhoff, dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org or ext. 288.

“The Other” with Rabbi Debi Wechsler

Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.

This text based class for adults will explore the Jewish attitude towards “The Other.” Inspired by conversations in which we at Chizuk Amuno have been engaged regarding our Baltimore neighbors, this is an attempt to study, confront, and wrestle with the traditional and historic ways that the Jewish community has perceived those who are different. Texts will be presented in both Hebrew and English.

The Midrash of Exodus Torah Study Group with Rabbi Ron Shulman

Thursday mornings, Thru March 17 • 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Join this exploration of the Book of Exodus enhanced by some of the classic interpretations and commentaries of Jewish tradition. No previous background in Bible study is necessary to enjoy this Torah Study experience.

Adult Bat Mitzvah Tuesdays • 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Our Adult Bat Mitzvah program is a two year journey open to Chizuk Amuno women who would like to share an experience of learning and Jewish growth. Together we learn Hebrew, Torah and Haftorah trope, synagogue skills, and engage with issues regarding prayer, the Jewish calendar, and communal involvement. Participants will celebrate their B’not Mitzvah in 2018. Space is limited. Please contact Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org, to be added to the list for the next Adult Bat Mitzvah cohort beginning their studies in September 2016.


Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center PJ Havdalah Program Saturday, February 20 • 6:30 p.m.

Sponsored by the Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Parents Association. Please join us for singing, crafts, and an ice-cream bar.

Krieger Schecter Day School KSDS Middle School Learning Festival February 9–11

Any parents or community members with expertise or talents related to the 1950s are invited to contact Karen Booth (kbooth@ksds.edu) to offer to teach a workshop or interactive session with our students!

Rosenbloom Religious School Moon Birthday Sunday, February 7

Our second grade families blast off to the moon at the Maryland Science Center for a morning of exploring the connections between the Jewish calendar, their Hebrew birthdays, and the night sky.

Atid (7th grade) Shabbat Dinner and New York Immigration Trip Friday, February 5 & Sunday, February 21

All of our Atid students from Chizuk Amuno and Beth El will come together for a festive Shabbat Meal in preparation for their trip to New York City.

5th, 6th, and 7th Grade Shabbaton Friday, February 26 – Saturday, February 27

Our RRS and KSDS tweens take over the building for 25 hours of activities, including a scavenger hunt, Shabbat songs, challenges in the gym, and more. Policy for Late Openings Due To Inclement Weather In order to better accommodate families and coordinate building usage, when our schools need to open late, both KSDS and GECEC will have either a 9 a.m. start or a 10 a.m. start. We no longer use “one-hour” or “two-hour delay” as our plan. Please call our school hotline, 410-244-1199; check the Chizuk Amuno website, www.chizukamuno.org, Facebook, or tune into WBAL for schedule changes due to inclement weather; or sign up for the school emergency text system. A complete description of our policy can be found on the school webpage. When inclement weather occurs on a Sunday morning, RRS families should check the website.

Bat Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with the student who will be called to the Torah as Bat Mitzvah. Mazal tov to her family. MARCH 5 Hilary Meredith Klein Zahava Miriam

daughter of Lauren & Carl Klein

Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Emilia Juliette Pressman, daughter of Diane & Aaron Pressman and granddaughter of Fran & Mark Pressman Muriel J. Perlman, daughter of Deborah & Steven Perlman and granddaughter of Janice & Hazzan Emanuel Perlman and Leah & Daniel Rubenstein

Engagements We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Ben Max, son of Cindy & Robert Max and grandson of Beverly & Jordon Max, to Marley Lowenthal, daughter of Honey & Howard Lowenthal and granddaughter of Elaine & Lee Lowenthal Leah Pressman, daughter of Fran & Mark Pressman, to Ori Lieberman, son of Laura & Elli Lieberman and grandson of Carolyn & Gil Barron

Weddings We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Abby Malis, daughter of Shelly & Ira Malis, to Alex Schostk, son of Lillian & Lee Schostak and grandson of Shoshana & Sol Winkler

In Loving Memory We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Arlynne Brown, on the loss of her mother, Leah Pack Wendy Diener and Susan Flax, on the loss of their aunt, Debby Friedman Walter Lamm, on the loss of his grandson, Michael Lamm Robert G. Pollokoff, on the loss of his father, Royal ‘Parker’ Pollokoff Barbara Scott, on the loss of her brother, Robert Scott As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

Members in the News Vanina Wolf, was recently named “best acupuncturist” in Baltimore Magazine’s TOP DOCS issue (November 2015). If you have friends or family who may be interested in joining Chizuk Amuno, please call our Executive Director, Glenn Easton, 410/486-6400, ext. 224.

Andrew Waranch, son of Jeffrey & Helene Waranch and Ailene Fradin to Zhanna Yuda, daughter of Isaak & Tatyana Yuda

CHIZUK AMUNO CEMETERIES Chizuk Amuno Congregation maintains two nearby cemeteries – our historic Arlington Cemetery in Baltimore and our Garrison Forest Cemetery in Owings Mills. Pre-need planning relieves burden and stress at the time of a loss. For details or to arrange a visit to either cemetery, please contact Marsha Yoffe, Cemetery Director, at the synagogue (410-486-6400 ext. 309) or myoffe@chizukamuno.org Page 7

Engage with Synagogue Friends Sisterhood

Sisterhood Goes to Broadway!

We are a group of women who feel passionately about our synagogue, our schools, and our members. Any questions about Sisterhood and upcoming activities can be directed to Dixie Leikach, Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org or 443-386-1062. If you are not yet receiving our weekly e-newsletter, give Dixie your e-mail address and we’ll add you to the list!

Sunday, May 22

Mah Jongg Tuesdays – Ongoing 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Youth Lounge All levels encouraged to attend – RSVP please to Randee Glassman at Randee853@aol.com especially with winter weather approaching!

Women C.A.N. Wednesday, February 17 • 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 15 • 8 a.m. Esterson Auditorium Network with women who are looking to advance their career, start a new chapter, or have their own business. Monthly topics have included balance, social networking, CV building, and writing your elevator speech. Contact: Ava Barron-Shasho, avabarronshasho@ yahoo.com, or Jill Bers, jillb1118@gmail.com.

Mah Jongg Tournament To benefit the Torah Fund

Sunday, February 21 • 10 a.m. - Noon Esterson Auditorium Join us as we have a Mah Jongg tournament with proceeds to benefit the Torah Fund (Jewish Theological Seminary’s scholarship program). For Details, including pricing, please contact Ellen Weiss at ellensmkbiz@verizon.net

Sisterhood BOARD Meeting Sunday, March 13 • 9:30 a.m. Board Room Curious what goes on during a Sisterhood Board meeting? Have an issue to bring to the Sisterhood board? Are you a Past President or Past Board member and want to stop by and say hi? Contact Dixie Leikach at Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org and we would be happy to welcome you!

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Join us to see An American in Paris - a musical and beautifully choreographed adaptation that pays tribute to the 1951 movie. Our bus will leave Chizuk Amuno at 7:30 a.m. and leave New York immediately following the show. Kosher breakfast and dinner will be provided on the bus. The cost is $215 per person. RSVP to Marilyn Spector, 410-486-3888 or marilynspe@gmail. com. Your reservation will only be finalized once your check made payable to Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood c/o Marilyn S. Spector, and mailed to Marilyn S. Spector, 14 Cobbler Ct., Baltimore, MD 21208. Tickets are Non-Refundable.

Sisterhood Judaica Shop Whether it’s a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, wedding, anniversary or a special birthday, the Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood Judaica Shop has the perfect gift. We carry all you need to turn your Shabbat or Yom Tov into a meaningful experience.

SAVE THE DATE To celebrate the 5th year anniversary of the Edith Askin Book Review, Nomi Eve will review her book “Henna House.” – May 1. Books available at the Gift Shop for $11

Judaica Shop Hours Sunday, 9:30-noon Monday, 10 a.m.-noon and 2-4 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m.-noon and 2-6 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-noon For appointments call Edna Crystal at 410-653-3495 or Anne King at 410-303-7716.

Sisterhood Purim Cards Are you too far away to personally deliver shalach for Purim? Don’t let distance stop you from celebrating with your friends and family. In lieu of shalach manot, send beautiful Purim cards. You fulfill the obligation of shalach manot; your loved ones receive gifts (without the calories!); and the Torah Fund Campaign is able to continue its efforts to ensure the future of Conservative/Masorti Judaism through support of its educational institutions. Contact: Ellen Weiss to order, ellensmkbiz@verizon.net or 410-877-9876.

Sisterhood on-going project: Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood supports CHANA, a Jewish community response to the needs of women, men, children and elderly who experience physical, psychological, sexual or financial abuse. CHANA can be reached at chanabaltimore.org or their Helpline 410-234-0023.

How can you help? 1) Contribute your used mobile phones – take them to the Sisterhood Gift Shop or the collection box in the synagogue coat room. 2) Knit or crochet 9” x 9” squares - take them to the Gift Shop. They will be joined to create blankets for Chana clients. 3) Donate usable clothing (for women, men and children) placed in plastic bags. There is a collection hut in the parking lot of the Owings Mills JCC. If you have questions, contact Wendy Davis, bandwdavis@aol.com

Engage with Synagogue Friends

Martin Kinstler named Blue Yarmulke Man Of The Year!

Martin will receive this honor at the Seaboard Region Award Dinner on April 17 at Beth Israel. He has served Brotherhood for years, serving on our board of directors, serving as an officer, and trusted advisor for a number of brotherhood presidents. Martin is currently co-chair of the Brotherhood Shabbat weekend. He has worked tirelessly for the Brotherhood without thought of recognition and awards for many years. Marty is a true unsung hero. We are pleased to bestow this honor on him. Mazal Tov!

Brotherhood We aim to contribute to Jewish life at Chizuk Amuno and have fun doing Jewish “guy stuff” at all our activities. If you would like to learn more about Brotherhood, are interested in participating, or have some awesome programming ideas, please contact Eric Beser, eric.beser@e-isg.com.

World Wide Wrap Sunday, February 7 • 9:15 a.m. Join us at the chapel for morning minyan and breakfast after. We will then join another club from a different part of the world via Skype. Be a part of this unique experience to truly wrap tefillin world wide.

Men, Meat, and Midrash – Fifty Shades of Torah: Part 3 Wednesday, February 17 • 6 p.m. Men Only. Join us for a deli dinner and drinks as Rabbi Moshe Schwartz leads us in discussion in our 3rd part of our theme, the Talmudic and Midrash on Lust. RSVP by Feb. 8.

Congregational Kabbalat Shabbat Service and Dinner and Learning Friday, February 19 Hosted by the Brotherhood. All members of the congregation are invited and we will be learning and participating in the Shabbat Evening Family Seder. Cost is $25 per person. Please RSVP to the Shul office with Check or payment by Feb 10.

Annual Brotherhood event, and Kiddush Luncheon. Saturday, February 20 • 9:15 a.m. All Welcome.

Brotherhood & Sisterhood Social Event 2nd Annual Sock–Hop Saturday, March 26 8:15 - 11:15 p.m. Krieger Auditorium Food, drinks, dancing, & fun! MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE FREDDIE STEVENS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP. $25/person Contact: Marilyn Spector 410-486-3888 or Ted Walman 410-486-7423 Reservations for tables of 10.

Camp Ramah Scholarships available to Chizuk Amuno members

We are delighted to announce that through a variety of Chizuk Amuno and Ramah Scholarship funds, including the Kahan Trust Fund, the Camp Ramah Trust Fund, the Jared Levy endowment Fund, the Goldner Ramah endowment Fund, and the Siegel Ramah endowment Fund, we have some funding to assist our members in sending their children to Camp Ramah for summer 2016. We are grateful to those individuals and groups, including the Sisterhood, Brotherhood and Club Hatikvah who donate to these funds. We know that summers at Camp Ramah are wonderful Jewish experiences of friendship, learning and community and we are proud to assist our Chizuk Amuno families in giving our children these immersive and intensive experiences. If you are in need of assistance for Camp Ramah Summer 2016, please be in touch with Rabbi Wechsler at dwechsler@chizukamuno.org. Please also consider making a donation to any of these funds and help make a Ramah summer possible for our children and teens.

NEW! Beneath the Surface Co-Sponsored by Sisterhood Rabbi Wechsler & Erica Allen Sundays Feb 28, March 6, and March 13 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. A program for Bat Mitzvah girls and their mothers. Engaging activities and experiential learning leading towards the creation of a personal ritual linked to Bat Mitzvah. Mothers and daughters are offered time to connect with each other in a Jewishly meaningful way. Mothers learn to use their life experience as a positive way of mentoring their daughters and daughters explore with their peers what it means to become an adult woman. RSVP to Ethan Haas at EHaas@chizukamuno.org

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Engage in Tzedakah

Terumot HaKodesh We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue. Congregational ‑ General Endowment Fund Mr. Steven Greenspan Ms. Rona London in memory of Mitchell Gordon

Esther Ann Brown Adler Fund Penny and Dr. Ron Silverman and Family in memory of Ronnie Erwin Feldman

Holocaust Memorial Project

Marilyn and David Carp in honor of Mollie and Dr. William Smulyan’s grandson Aviad Gamliel’s Bar Mitzvah

Kurt and Erna Weiler Memorial Scholarship Fund Linda and Dr. Jeffrey Cole in honor of Kurt and Erna Weiler’s yahrzeits Linda and Dr. Jeffrey Cole in honor of the marriage of Lori Cole and Tennessee Grimes

Dr. Arthur Baitch in memory of Wolf Griffel

Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund

Lois and Alvin Neuberger Family Education Fund

Stanley and Eileen Schultz Dorothy Yankellow in honor of birth of Alexandra Pellegrini

Anna and Alan Hamburger in honor of Carol Neuberger’s special birthday Ann and Alan Hamburger in memory of Eleanor Matsas

Joan Gottlieb Scholarship Fund

Louis Barry Gershen Our Daily Bread Fund

Joan and Dr. Michael Gottlieb in honor of the yahrzeit of Chester Schrank

Michael and Myra Gershen for a speedy recovery of Mike Leonard Michael and Myra Gershen for a speedy recovery of Andrew Maslan Michael and Myra Gershen for a speedy recovery of Eddie Attman Mr. Ron Walpert for a speedy recovery of Andy Maslan Joan Rombro in honor of Vivian and Pinky Chait’s 50th Anniversary Michael and Myra Gershen in memory of Burton Grodnitzky

Julius and Lore Levis Krieger Schecter Day School Scholarship and Award Fund Jen Wolper Udler and Josh Udler in honor of Julius and Lore Levi’s yahrzeit

Krieger Schecter Day School Scholarship Fund Robin Gladstone, Lillian Alpert, and Eilene Baer in memory of Barbara Shenkin Carol and Steve Landsman in memory of Ronnie Erwin Feldman Rita and Dr. Marshall Plaut in honor of Barbara Cohen’s special birthday Ann Berman in memory of Ronnie Erwin Feldman Ann Berman in memory of Tziona Gamliel Oren KSDS LS Office Staff in memory of Ronnie Erwin Feldman Lisa and Dr. Bradley Trattner in memory of Leah Pack Hillary and Johnny Lewis in memory of Leah Pack

Krieger Schecter Day School Special Offering Dana and Herman Brecher in honor of Dr. Jerome Ross’s special birthday Dana and Herman Brecher in honor of Jaclyn Ross’s special birthday Sally and Dr. Anton Grobani Refu’ah Shelemah Ali Hassan Sally and Dr. Anton Grobani in memory of Ronnie Erwin Feldman

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Mahzorim Fund Steve and Kathy Weinberg in honor of Dr. Alfred Kronthal’s 80th birthday

Morning Minyan Fund Elaine Fox in honor of Jackie Glassgold’s 85th Birthday Margot Zipper in honor of Jackie Glassgold’s 85th Birthday Hugh and Amy Schwartz in memory of Mitchell Gordon Amy and Hugh Schwartz in memory of Ethel Lillian Salzberg

Phyllis and Leonard Attman Music Fund Main Office of A and G Management in honor of Leonard Attman

Prayer Book Fund Joel and Pamela Fradin in memory of Sharon Politzer Edward and Susan Frieman in honor of Judy and Fred Zimmerman’s 55th Anniversary Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood

Reznik‑Frier Scholarship Fund Dawn Reznik for a speedy recovery of Jane Reifler Dawn Reznik in honor of Charmian and Len Muller’s 50th Anniversary Paulette and Jay Pollack in honor of Joe Appel’s 80th Birthday The Frier family in memory of Richard Schwab

RRS Special Projects Fund Maxine Seidman in honor of Jack Boos’ Bar Mitzvah Allen and Ruth Brown in memory of Evelyn Seltzer

Schechter Scholarship Fund Andrea, Brian, Danie l, Evan and David Polsky in honor of Ilene Wise’s “special” birthday

Special Offering ‑ Congregational Support Arnold and Miriam Kahn Yahrzeit observance Miriam and Arline Nitzberg in honor of Helen Lewis Walter and Marion Straus Mr. Irvin Caplan for a speedy recovery of Ronald Wasmer Steve and Kathy Weinberg for a speedy recovery of Lowell Glazer Donald and Eileen Himelfarb in honor of Aviad Yoel Gamliel’s Bar Mitzvah Douglas and Susan Schehr in honor of Aliyah for 25th Anniversary Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Berkow in honor of Dr. Jerry Ross’ 80th Birthday Dr. Ronald and Mrs. Scarlett Sherman in honor of Arielle and Kira Sterman Frieda Getlan in honor of Dr. Alfred Kronthal’s 80th Birthday Howard and Sheila Sandbank in honor of Moe Brown’s 75th Birthday Howard and Sheila Sandbank in honor of Harriet and Moe Brown’s grandson’s Bar Mitzvah Ina Land in honor of Jerry Ross and Jackie Ross’s Special Birthdays Jenny Baker in honor of Aviad Gamliel’s Bar Mitzvah Mark Whitman in honor of Joe Greenblum’s 90th Birthday Martin and Marilynn Kinstler in honor of Fred and Judy Zimmerman’s 55th Anniversary Mrs. Etta Clay in honor of Jerry Ross and Jackie Ross’ Special Birthdays Paulette and Jay Pollack in honor of birth of Alexandra Pellegrini

Richard and Harriet Udell in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shenk’s 50th Anniversary Richard and Harriet Udell in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Chait’s 50th Anniversary Saul and Joan Gurney in honor of birth of Jonathan Levi Myers Stephen and Regina Jacobs in honor of their Aliyah and 45th Anniversary Amy, Jason, Jared and Rachel Blavatt in memory of Eleanor Matsas Barry and Pearl Oslick in memory of Eva Oslick Bill and Toba Grant in memory of Eleanor Matsas Bruce and Kathy Posner in memory of Ruth Pollack Calvin and Ina Hamburger in memory of Lila Schwartz Charles Liptz and Beth Creeger in memory of yahrzeits Cindy Michelson in memory of Roslyn and Baird Michelson Douglas and Susan Schehr in memory of Mitchell Gordon Elaine Fox in memory of Robert Auslander Eugene and Joy Katz in memory of Lillian Greenwald Evan and Payton Goldman in memory of Eleanor Matsas Ilene and Alvin Powers in memory of Dr. Lila Schwartz Irene Pack in memory of Helen Wasserman Jenny Baker in memory of Eleanor Joan Matsas Joshua Rosen in memory of Mitchell L. Gordon Larry and Naomi Amsterdam in memory of Mitchell Gordon Marc and Jamie Cohen in memory of Ronnie Erwin Feldman Marc and Jamie Cohen in memory of Melvin Berman Marilyn Naviasky in memory of Eileen Bartell Marshall Janoff in memory of Bessye and Edwin Owings Mary and Robert Brull in memory of Larry Brull Mrs. Edward Holzman in memory of Edward Holzman Ms. Dina Barr in memory of Norman Gass Paul and Margot Terle in memory of Betty Straus Richard Fairman in memory of loved ones Rose Frank in memory of David Cohen Samuel and Regina Teitelman in memory of Leon Goldberg Seema Reznick in memory of Larry Garfield Sharon Rose in memory of Melvin Berman Stuart and Beverly Sagal in memory of Ann Klatsky

▶ Continued on page 11

Engage in Tzedakah

▶ Terumot HaKodesh, from page 10 Steve and Kathy Weinberg wishing Mazal Tov on the marriage of Tracy Bienfeld to Ben Waller Steven and Roz Blum wishing Mazal Tov Dr. and Mrs. Bill Smulyan on Grandson Aviad Yoel Gamliel’s Bar Mitzvah Platt and Berman Families with thanks to Dr. Jeffrey Platt for leading the Shivah minyan Platt and Berman Families with thanks to Dr. Moshe Shualy for leading the Shivah minyan North Oaks Partnership with thanks to Kol Rinah

Staff Holiday Gift Fund Carl and Sherrie Polsky Drs. Antony and Livia Rosen Robert and Wendy Davis Anonymous Ruth Ross Andy Miller and Sandra Dzija Marvin and Sandra Steingart

Tzedakah Fund Glenn and Cindy Easton for a speedy recovery of Gil Abramson Jerry Fleishman wishing Sam, Jodi, Lindsey and Daniel Fleishman a happy and healthy 2016!

Zaiman Educational Alliance Endowment Fund Glenn and Cindy Easton in memory of Eleanor Matsas

Rabbi Shulman’s Discretionary Fund Fred and Judith Zimmerman in honor of their aliyah for their 55th wedding anniversary Ann and Dr. Dan Fried in memory of Gertrude Katz’ yahrzeit Joseph DeMattos in honor of Gary Attman in appreciation of all he does Joseph Demattos in honor of Gary Attman’s dad, Eddie Attman Stanley Seidman for officiating at the funeral of Ada Seidman Louis Kaplan for officiating at the funeral of Doreen Fisher Joseph Greenblum in honor of his aliyah for his 90th birthday Marci Platt, Jeffrey Berman and Craig Berman for officiating at the funeral of Melvin Berman Ruthanne Kaufman in honor of Rabbi Shulman

Rabbi Wechsler’s Discretionary Fund Marni and Dan Kahn in appreciation Ruthanne Kaufman in honor of Rabbi Wechsler

Dr. Shualy’s Discretionary Fund Drs. Arthur and Kathryn Rudo for officiating at the unveiling of Shirley Rudo Jacob Silverman for a yahrzeit Arlene Friedman and Barry Robbins for officiating at the unveiling of Ruth Robbins Ruthanne Kaufman in honor of Dr. Shualy

Hazzan Emanuel Perlman’s Discretionary Fund Judy and Bob Schwartz for his support at the death of Bob’s mother Lila Schwartz Ruthanne Kaufman in honor of Hazzan Perlman

Bimah Flowers Shabbat, February 6 / 18 Shevat In Memory Of: Cantor Abraham Salkov by the congregation. Harold Goldsmith by his family. Rita Helzner Silverman, by “Chuck” Klein. Esther Rosenbloom by her family. Rose Klapper, mother, by Sandra & Harold Klapper & family. Samuel Eisenberg, father, by Linda & Robert Eisenberg & family. Harold Lipsky, father, by Idaline & Joseph Lipsky. Monty H. Goodman, father, by Mindy Goodman & Marc Kivitz & family. Norma Blumberg, mother, by Beth & Dr. Albert Blumberg & family. Charles Carasik, father, by Rona Zukerberg & Barbara Natkowitz. Lester Matz by his wife & children. Anne Speert, mother, by Bonnie & Pacy Oletsky & family. Louis Sulsky, father, by Natalie & Bernard Fish & family. Herman E. Josephs, father, by Sallye J. Esterson & family. Max Hittman by Sandra Hittman & family. Irene Fink, mother, by Elaine Baker & family. Julia W. Rosen, mother, by Alan R. Rosen & family. Celia Baylin by Gail & Jack L. Baylin & family. Gerry Gerard by Margo & Dr. Barry Friedman & family. Amos Meyers, on his birthday, by Marlene Brager & family.

Shabbat, February 13/ 4 Adar I In Memory Of: Beatrice Schloss by her children, Karen, Donald & Patrice Schloss. Ray Shuman, mother, by Idaline & Joseph Lipsky. Donald Nathan Leish, father & grandfather, by Susan & Paul Bloomberg and Jack Isadore Allex, father, by Bernice & Herb Koppel & family. Howard Glazer by Ronald Blavatt & family. Howard Glazer, father, by Nancy Dickman & family. Jack Morganstern, father, by Lisa & Stuart Levine. Miriam Kipper by Rita & Dr. Marshall Plaut & family. Edith Mackler, mother & grandmother, by Ilene & Stephen Mackler and Geoffrey, David & Melissa & Stefanie Mackler. Mary Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow & family. Selma Levitsky, mother & grandmother, by Dr. Hyam, Rhonda, Abby, Julie & Ben Levitsky. Dorothy Miller by Susan & Alan Rosen. Eileen Mary Leish, mother & grandmother, by Susan & Paul Bloomberg and Jack David Baraban, father, by Drs. Jay Baraban & Liba Goldblum & family. Jacob Effron by his family. Sylvia Esther Pintzuk, mother, by Brina & Jay Pintzuk & family. Sylvia G. Zinz, wife, mother, & grandmother, by Herbert Zinz and Steven and Randi.

Shabbat, February 20 / 11 Adar I In Memory Of: Rose Edelman by Sandra Hittman & family. Melvin J. Abrams by his family. Charlotte Ross Setzer, mother, by Andrea Lewis, Ruth & Dr. Jerome Ross & families. Annette P. Meyers, mother, by Marlene Brager & family. Dr. Gilbert E. Rudman, father, by Lynn Rudman & family. Esther & Morris (Moe) Levine, parents & grandparents, & Stanley Levine, brother & uncle, by Roslyn & Melvin Siegel & family. Ira Rosenzwog by his family. Harold Goldberg, father, by Serene Israel. Theodore Plaut, brother, by Doris Fox. Milton Stoller by Jacqueline & Robert Gordon & family. Anita Hallock by Fritzi & Bob Hallock & family. Philip Kaplan by Ina Singer & family Emanuel Buxbaum, grandfather, by Dr. Jerry Buxbaum. Max Sandbank, father & grandfather, by Howard Sandbank and grandchildren, Sheri Green, Jamie Levine and Michael Sandbank. Cheryl Rimerman, by her mother, Marlene Brager, & family. Bess Goldsmith by Ilene & Alvin Powers & family. Lillian Epstein by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein. Hazel S. Blatt, on her birthday, by Stuart R. Blatt & family. Marion Goldman, on her birthday, by her family.

Shabbat, February 27 / 18 Adar I In Memory Of: Harry E. Brager by his children & grandchildren. Bernard S. Oppenheim, father, by Rosalind & Samuel Oppenheim & children. Adolph Wolfson by Edna & Mace Crystal. Rose Frank Raskin by Joan Raskin, Lisa Raskin and Philip Raskin. Dorothy Alperstein, mother, by Alice & Allan Alperstein & family. Dr. Bernard Berger by his family. Dr. Bernard Jandorf, father, by Evelyn Woldman & family. Ralph Levin by Mae Levin & family. Morris Richter by his children, Susan & Paul Richter & sons. Morris Oletsky, father, by Bonnie & Pacy Oletsky & family. Harold Rosenberg, father, by Ellen Rosenberg & family. Mayme Brenner, mother, by her family. Anna Rosenbloom by her family. Vernon Kraus, father & grandfather, by Joanne & Dr. Edward Kraus, & Rachel & Perri. Mildred Lebow Manekin by her sisters. Mildred Lebow Manekin by her children & grandchildren. Kurt Steinberg by his wife, Lottie Steinberg. Edward Ossen, father, by Regina & David Postal & family.

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time sensitive material please deliver promptly 8 100 Stevenson R oad B altimore, M aryland 21 20 8 www.chizukamuno.org O ffice • 410-486 -64 0 0 info@ chizukamuno.org

Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055

Dr. Andrew J. Miller, President Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center

Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media Adina Moses, Graphic Designer

SAVE THE DATE for our Playground Build

May 22, May 29, May 30 So many community members have stepped up to support our new playground and amphitheater project! Now it is your turn! We offer an opportunity to contribute to this Chizuk Amuno project at any giving level. As one community, we are coming together to build with our hands and our resources for our kids.

To learn more about the project, or to make a gift (in kind or financial contribution) to support the playground, please contact Liz at playground@chizukamuno.org. We are depending on you!

Thank you for your support! Page 12

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