AUGUST 2016 | Tammuz-Av 5776 Engaging Jewish Life & Learning
RABBI’S COLUMN Our new Shabbat and Festival prayer book is called Siddur Lev Shalem meaning “full, content heart.” RABBI RON SHULMAN We begin using it this month as we return to the sanctuary for another year of prayer and celebration together. It’s a beautiful image, to enter into prayer with hearts full of our desires and cares, feeling pain, joy, and always love. Deep within each of our hearts beat the promises and hopes of our dreams. Quiet and private, our hearts know our real personalities. In our hearts, we imagine and plan. How do we find wholeness when we have been broken? What is true? What do we believe? For who and what do we care? In our hearts’ feelings we find goodness to share with others. In our hearts’ longings we hope to receive kindness. Approaching each Shabbat and holiday our hearts yearn to be full, to be strong, to know love and tenderness, conviction and resolve. When you open this Siddur you’ll recognize the words. It’s not the Hebrew prayers that are different. It’s how we may approach them that moves us to adopt a new prayer text. Filled with rich commentaries and meaningful reflections, this Siddur represents what I think prayer should be: something personal shared in community. Continued on Page 2
So.... WE BUILT A PLAYGROUND! Over this past year we have channeled the creativity, talent, skill, determination, and hard work of hundreds from every corner of our congregation and schools to create playgrounds and an amphitheater. It was a complex operation, with 80 leaders working on our 10 different teams, from Tools and Materials to Volunteers to Publicity to our Children’s Committee. Fundraising brought incredible support from a vast cross section of the community. In total, we raised over $500,000. We assessed our needs, developed a design, and infused it with our Jewish values. All ages and all parts of our shul and schools were represented. We thank the 426 donors who believed in our shul and schools. We are indebted to our lead donors, the Brills, the Goldsmiths, and the Rosenblooms for whom we have named these playgrounds and amphitheater. Thank you to the clergy, school leadership, synagogue and school staff.
A special thanks to the chairs Stephen Pomerantz and Adam Baumwald and project manager Liz Minkin-Friedman. Most importantly, thank you to all the volunteers who came out rain or shine, morning until night. Together we have energized and united our different institutions and provided for our kids future, and therefore our congregation’s future. We can all individually and collectively feel a sense of ownership of our playgrounds and amphitheater that we drilled, sawed, and screwed together ourselves. We moved mountains together…and not just of mulch. We have opened our hearts and we have built community… and we did it together.
School’s in Session! August 29 - Kindergarten Orientation August 30 - Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Krieger Schechter Day School September 7 - Rosenbloom Religious School (Grades 2-5) September 11 - Rosenbloom Religious School (Grades K & 2) September 11 - Sparks - Rosenbloom Religious School (Grade 6) September 14 - Atid - Rosenbloom Religious School (Grade 7) September 20 - Aschav & Netivon - (Grades 8-12)
ENGAGE IN PRAYER Schedule of weekly shabbat services Erev Shabbat, Friday Evenings 6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Greeting each other before Minhah. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.
Shabbat Mornings 9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones. August 5/6 | 1/2 Av Candle Lighting: ......................Friday 7:55 p.m. TORAH PORTION: MATTOT Leo Lester Brody becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Shabbat Study Session: ................... 6:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv: ....................................7:45 p.m. Havdalah: ..............................................8:39 p.m.
August 12/13 | 8/9 Av Candle Lighting: ..................... Friday 7:46 p.m. TORAH PORTION: DEVARIM Shabbat Hazon Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Shabbat Study Session: .................... 6:30 p.m. Minhah: 7:30 p.m. Erev Tisha B’Av/Ma’ariv: ................... 8:45 p.m. Havdalah: ..............................................8:30 p.m.
August 19/20 | 15/16 Av Candle Lighting: ......................Friday 7:37 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VAETHANAN| Shabbat Nahamu Garrett Baily Rifkind becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Shabbat Study Session: .....................6:15 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv: ....................................7:15 p.m. Havdalah: ..............................................8:20 p.m.
August 26/27 | 22/23 Av Candle Lighting: ......................Friday 7:27 p.m. TORAH PORTION: EKEV Evan Jared Malinow becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Shabbat Study Session: .....................6:15 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv: ....................................7:15 p.m. Havdalah: ...............................................8:10 p.m.
September 2/3 | 29/30 Av Candle Lighting: .......................Friday 7:16 p.m. TORAH PORTION: RE’EH Julia Helen Willis becomes Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Shabbat Study Session: ......................6:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv: ...................................7:00 p.m. Havdalah: ..............................................7:59 p.m.
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Observing Tisha B’Av The Ninth of Av Saturday, August 13, 8:45 p.m. During the Ma’ariv Service for Tisha B’Av we will recite the Bible’s Book of Lamentations, Eikhah. Tisha B’Av is our calendar’s date of mourning. On the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av we recall tragic events in Jewish history whose legacy have shaped our identity and values. Foremost among the events we remember are the destructions of the two Temples in Jerusalem. The Babylonians destroyed the First Temple in the year 586 BCE. The Romans destroyed the Second Temple in 70 CE. We will also gather in observance of Tisha B’Av on Sunday morning, August 14 at 9:15 a.m. A special Minhah service will be held at 1 p.m. At this afternoon service we will wear our Tallit and Tefillin, ritual symbols that we will not use during our Shaharit service in expression of our mourning. Tisha B’Av is a full or partial day of fasting and introspection observed with emotion as we transform trauma into wisdom through ritual. Our Sanctuary is equipped with an audio assistance system to aid in hearing our services. Please see an usher or security guard for a headset.
From Page 1
Recitation and reading enable us to pray together. Words, texts, and melodies facilitate our prayer. They unite us. They embrace us. They inspire us. They teach us. But, they are not our prayers. Prayer is awareness of God, engagement with life, reflective thought, and personal feeling. The secrets of our hearts are things known only to each of us, properly private and hidden. Hurts we remember. Loves we feel. Things we’ve done. Thoughts we’ve chosen not to say out loud. Hopes and memories we cherish. Disappointments and choices we regret. What we know and share with each other forms our relationships and sense of community. What we know and keep quiet forms our bond with God and sense of mystery. Joining these two realms allows us to pray. Whatever our emotions, whatever our feelings, if we genuinely try to be present when we pray, and if we have a resource in our hands that helps us to do that, then it works. We pray by connecting our lives to the ideas and ideals of Jewish tradition. We pray from the private recesses of our hearts in the public forum of our community. It’s a beautiful image, to enter into prayer with hearts full of our desires and cares, feeling pain, joy, and always love. May it lead all of us toward prayer services and shared experiences of goodness, contentment, and blessing. B’Shalom Rav,
Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Daily: 7:30 a.m., and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.
ENGAGE IN Tefillah
“Creating and Using a New Siddur” With Rabbi Ed Feld Senior Editor, Siddur Lev Shalem Wed., Sept. 14 at 7:30 p.m.
Dedication ceremony
September 24 We will dedicate our new Siddur and celebrate the opportunity for us to use this new text during our service on Shabbat Morning. Following study, conversation with congregants, and careful review of this new prayer book for use in Conservative synagogues, the Ritual Committee and Board of Trustees enthusiastically voted to adopt Siddur Lev Shalem, a companion to Mahzor Lev Shalem which we use during the High Holy Days, as our Shabbat and Festival prayerbook. As participants in prayer at Chizuk Amuno we hope our new Siddur will guide us with explanations, enrichment, and transliterations. Siddur Lev Shalem (meaning “full, content heart”) includes both the traditional Shabbat and festival prayers and those written by modern poets and writers.
The siddur draws from more than 500 different sources – with writings from contemporary authors – and includes ancient blessings that date back to the first millennium in the land of Israel, as well as traditions from the full array of Jewish cultures – North African, Italian, Sephardic, Middle Eastern, Ashkenazi – across the range of Jewish history from ancient times to the contemporary. There are many features to explore in this new siddur including a beautiful, prayerful translation that faithfully renders the Hebrew. We hope to become familiar with the Siddur over time and enjoy both familiar and new expressions and patterns in our prayer.
With a full heart, Lev Shalem, we thank Alvin Pomerantz for the generous gift of this new Siddur, presented as a loving tribute to Ronnie Kleiman, which will enhance and enrich our prayer services for many years to come. Thank you to Ruthanne Kaufman for spending a few full summer days stamping and branding our brand new Siddur Lev Shalem!
We are honored to welcome Rabbi Ed Feld to speak with us about the creation of our Conservative Movement’s new prayer book. Rabbi Feld’s expertise in liturgy and his sensitivity to the issues of prayer in the Jewish community today will offer us insights and understanding about our new Siddur as well as our own prayer experiences.
We invite personal tributes and memorials in individual Siddur Lev Shalem prayer books. Members and friends may dedicate a new Siddur in honor or memory of loved ones by calling 410-486-6400 or emailing the synagogue at
Dedications are $36/Siddur and $72 for a large-print Siddur.
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This summer, our awesome Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden volunteer, Allen Brown, discovered a nest with several eggs in the garden. A few minutes later, a mama duck was nestled atop the eggs, keeping them warm in the safety of our enclosed courtyard. Chizuk Amuno became home to TEN (a minyan) little ducklings. Mama duck had the ability to fly out of the courtyard, but the babies couldn’t and our goal was to keep the family intact. Perrie’Lee Prouty, a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator, came to help get our duck family back to Mother Nature. Once out of the building, we helped them cross Stevenson Road as mama duck instinctively headed for the stream down Phillips Drive. We thank Allen, ‘Lee,’ and Duck Rescue Team – Miriam Golob, Michelle Gold, Wendy Gelber, Melissa Halpern, Cheryl Snyderman, and Chizuk security guard Lou Ruzicka for bringing this story to a happy ending.
HIGH HOLy DAYS - 5777 selihot Saturday, September 24 Family Selihot Service (K-6) Sunday, September 25, 11:15 a.m.
rosh hashanAh Erev - Sunday, October 2 First Day - Monday, October 3 Second Day - Tuesday, October 4 Yom kippur Kol Nidre, Erev - Tuesday, October 11 Yom Kippur - Wednesday, October 12
Chizuk Amuno Congregation
A n n ua l M e m o r i a l S e rv i c e Sunday, October 9 Arlington Cemetery • 10:30 a.m. Garrison Forest Cemetery • 11:45 a.m. Services will be conducted by our clergy:
Rabbi Ron Shulman, Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, and Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, accompanied at Arlington Cemetery by voices of the Chizuk Amuno choir. Following the formal ceremony,
Dr. Moshe D. Shualy will be available to offer graveside prayers. For more information, call the synagogue office 410-486-6400. Arlington Cemetery is located at Rogers and Wabash Avenues. Garrison Forest Cemetery is located on Garrison Forest Road at Crondall Lane.
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SHaBBAT PROGRAMMING Lunch for Israel Travelers Saturday, August 27 at noon Many of our Chizuk Amuno family have spent time in Israel this summer and we would like for you to share your experiences with us and with each other. Please join us for Shabbat lunch on Saturday August 27th following services. We will share stories and adventures and talk about how to integrate those experiences back home. RSVP by August 22 to Judy at College Outreach Package Deadline September 1 Our college students receive snacks and a greeting from Rabbi Wechsler. If you have not yet submitted your Chizuk Amuno college student’s address please email it to This effort is supported by the Adult Bat Mitzvah 2004-2006 College Outreach Fund
Couch to 5777: High HOLY DAY PreparatioN Series Modeled on the popular “Couch to 5K” program which inspires people to become runners in a short period of time, we will spend the month of September “training” for the High Holy Days. There will be two class periods separated by a break. In addition, there will be a Hebrew reading review. Join us for one class, two weeks, or all four. RSVP to Judy Simkin
Tuesdays September 6, 13, 20, 27 | 6:15 - 7 p.m.
welcome back shabbat September 9, 5 - 8 p.m. Celebrate Shabbat together as a synagogue and schools community. 5-6 p.m. - PLAY Come prepare for Shabbat by playing on our beautiful new Wagner Brill Playground and The Goldsmith Family Imaginative Play Space and mingle with families and friends. Join us for complimentary hor d’oeuvres plus children’s play and activities as we prepare for Shabbat. 6-6:30 p.m. - PRAY This special Kabbalat Shabbat service in the Rosenbloom Amphitheater will be led by our clergy and our educators. All of our school children and their parents will be welcome and able to participate. 6:30-8 p.m. WELCOME BACK FAMILY SHABBAT DINNER For those who wish to stay for dinner, join Chizuk Amuno’s school communities of Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center, Krieger Schechter Day School, and Rosenbloom Religious School for a wonderful Shabbat Dinner and a chance to meet and celebrate together. Cost for Dinner: $18/person (12 and up) $10/person (ages 4-11) Children 3 and under are free $65/family max. RSVP by Mon., Aug. 29 at
Hebrew Reading | With Shuli Raffel This course is for Hebrew readers who want to review reading the core prayers of the High Holy Day season.
Tuesday September 6 7 - 7:50 p.m. Biblical Texts of the High Holy Days With Rabbi Zaiman Examine the Biblical narratives read during the High Holy Days.
8:10 - 9:00 p.m. Home for the Holy Days With Rabbi Seltzer This session will look at the home rituals associated with the High Holy Days including their symbols. Topics to be covered include apples & honey, the special Rosh Hashanah seder, and holiday Kiddush.
Tuesday September 13 7 - 7:50 p.m. Meaning from the Mahzor: The Prayer Themes of the High Holy Days With Rabbi Shulman We explore what the prayers and poems of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur have to say to us and how we can personally connect to their ideas.
8:10 - 9 p.m. Musical Modes of the High Holy Days With Hazzan Perlman Familiarize yourself with the nusah (special music) of the High Holy Day season.
Tuesday September 20 7 - 7:50 p.m. Forgiveness Working Group With Rabbi Wechsler Use learning, journaling, conflict resolution & personal reflection to assist the introspective journey of the season.
8:10 - 9:00 p.m. Meaning from the Mahzor The Prayer Themes of the High Holy Days With Rabbi Shulman We explore what the prayers and poems of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur have to say to us and how we can personally connect to their ideas.
Tuesday September 27 7 - 7:50 p.m. Forgiveness Working Group With Rabbi Wechsler Use learning, journaling, conflict resolution & personal reflection to assist the introspective journey of the season.
7:30-8:30 p.m. Netivon Session for Parents & High Schoolers Meaning from the Mahzor: The Prayer Themes of the High Holy Days With Rabbi Shulman We explore what the prayers and poems of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur have to say to us and how we can personally connect to their ideas.
8:10 - 9:00 p.m. Making the Holy Days Relevant to our Children With Rabbi Moshe This session will help families make spiritual connections for the High Holy Days. Page 5
“Membership Matters” is a new regular column in the HaHodesh and the theme of our membership engagement efforts under the leadership of Allison Baumwald, Membership Chair, and Neil Leikach, Membership Vice-President.
Sometimes “Membership Matters” will be about the individual meaning of belonging to a sacred community. Sometimes Membership Matters will be about how much individuals mean to our congregation or other times about different issues and information of importance or interest to our members.
“What an incredible year! Thanks to the overwhelming support of our synagogue membership as well as our school families, we reached our annual appeal goals, and raised all the additional funds needed for our incredible community playground build! This is a magnificent display of the strength of our Chizuk Amuno community. A community that exemplifies the best of our Jewish ideals, that steps up when help is needed, and that understands the importance of the philanthropy of time as well as dollars. May our strength continue to be strengthened!“
This inaugural column is about member volunteers who provide extraordinary support and service to our congregation and schools. In his remarks at our Annual Meeting, outgoing president, Andy Miller, recognized several of many members whose regular volunteer activities truly matter and make a difference in our congregation – Anne Young, Marvin Spector, Ruthanne Kaufman, Jerry Buxbaum, Alan Kanter, and Ann Betten. Anne Young, Past President, has recently been serving as President of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation Board. But only the professional staff and the members of the Board of Trustees know about the countless hours she has spent behind the scenes, helping with our financial and accounting records and serving as our staff Excel expert and trainer. Marvin Spector is seen every week in the sanctuary working with our gabbaim. You may not be aware that Marvin spends countless hours working with the kids in our schools, or that he took it upon himself to start training our teenagers to do Hagbah, or that he works in the kitchen making egg and tuna salad for our enjoyment at the Shabbat Kiddush. If you’ve entered our building, you probably have seen Ruthanne Kaufman reading Torah in the sanctuary pretty much every week; If you have spent any time in minyan, you know that Ruthanne is always there to greet people, to offer them her assistance, and that she frequently runs the service and assigns the honors and places our yahrzeit plaques. She participates in Gemilut Hasadim activities and in advocacy for social justice. Page 6
Jerry Buxbaum, another past president, is regularly seen in the back corner of the sanctuary on Shabbat where a number of our other past presidents sit. But if you are not here during the week then you may not know how much time Jerry spends helping out in the office in a variety of ways. For many years Jerry handled contribution acknowledgments making sure generous donors were properly recognized. When the office moved to a new computer system, Jerry volunteered to learn the system and help with the transition and updating of member data. Alan Kanter is another past president of Chizuk Amuno. Some of you may have gotten phone calls from Alan, not only personal phone calls but also phone calls requesting donations on behalf of the community or a reminder that our fiscal year is coming to an end when payments are due. Alan has often been referred to as our fundraiser extraordinaire. Ann Betten has worked tirelessly to develop and get approval and funding for our campus Small Watershed Action Plan that will help to beautify our property, manage stormwater from our parking lot, and offer a new educational opportunity for our children. We are hoping to see this project completed later this fall. Thank you to Andy Miller who concluded an active and successful two-year term as President of Chizuk Amuno Congregation. It is through extraordinary volunteers like those mentioned above that we learn how much membership matters to them and how much their membership matters to our congregation.
Beth Goldsmith Vice President for Development
For Lifecycle Events, Personal Celebrations and Observances, Personal and Spiritual Needs: Please Call the Rabbinic Office
At Chizuk Amuno Congregation we want to provide personal and direct support to our members’ religious and family needs. As our members’ desire life cycle celebrations or require religious observances, our clergy make the following request. Please communicate directly with our rabbinic office to share the unfortunate news of hospitalization or illness. In the interest of protecting confidentiality, hospitals today do not share patients’ names with clergy. Please do not assume that someone else has communicated your news to the synagogue staff or office. All of our clergy and ritual staff look forward to being of assistance as appropriate. They sincerely ask that our members also share news of their family or personal lives directly with the rabbinic office. This enables our clergy to best serve and respond to the experiences and circumstances of our synagogue family.
GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CENTER Summer of a Thousand Smiles began with a Hawaiian Luau and Hula dancing with a creative movement specialist. Celebrating Rosh Hodesh with the classic book, “Good Night Moon.” Other exciting themes included a visit from Choo Choo Blue of the B&O Railroad Museum, Frozen, Under the Sea, and Farm to Table. Our summer will end with a Super Hero Carnival with a moon bounce, games, face painting, balloon making and of course a special summer treat.
krieger schechter day school
Upcoming ToRAH for TOTS SHABBAT: September 10, 10:30 a.m. This interactive family service for families with children who are infants to 5 years of age includes singing, dancing, snacks, stories, and so much more!
Middle school back to school night Tuesday, September 6, 7 p.m. lower school back to school night Tuesday, September 13, 7 p.m.
ROSENBLOOM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Upcoming SHABBAT MORNING Family service 10:30-11:30 a.m. Hoffberger Chapel September 10 - Opening Service September 17 September 24
Achshav and Netivon Opening Day Tuesday, September 20, 6:30-8:30 p.m. We welcome over 60 teens to kick off another great year of learning, special programs, trips, and enjoying each other’s company. Achshav 11 and Netivon Tuesday, September 27 (Grades 10-12) Parent-Teen Study Rabbi Shulman and our families will have an open discussion about the High Holy Days.
CHizuk amuno Family Selihot Service: Stepping into the High HOLY DAYS (Grades K-6) Sunday, September 25 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Prepare for the New Year, participate in our community shofar blast, and join your friends and the synagogue clergy for an interactive family friendly experience. We will dress the Torah Scrolls in their white covers, share our personal prayers, and sing those songs which mark this important time of year. As we come together, we will all grow in our awareness of these very special days and enjoy some holiday sweets!
Achshav students celebrated Israel at the salute to Israel parade in NYC this summer, - smiling through the rain!
The Bible players at the Rosenbloom Religious School end of the year program. Page 7
Engage IN gemilut hasadim
Open Gemilut Hasadim Meeting Tuesday, August 30, 7:30 p.m. We are pleased to announce that Margie Simon has been named chair of our Gemilut Hasadim Committee for the upcoming year. You are invited to join us at our meeting and learn more about the varied projects in which we participate. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman at ext. 300 or by e-mail at
The Empty Seat at the Table - Coping with Loss during the Holidays Wednesday, September 7 • 7 p.m. Facilitated by Rachael Schultz Abrams Family gatherings can be painful for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Join us for help in finding support and comfort during the holidays. Chizuk Amuno members free; nonmembers $5. To register, contact Cheryl Snyderman, ext. 300
Transportation Service on Shabbat Need a ride to shul on Shabbat mornings? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Just call Cheryl Snyderman by Tuesday of the week you want to attend services.
Hakhnasat Orhim – Welcoming Guests Let us know if live within walking distance of the synagogue and are able to host visitors for Shabbat or the High Holy Days, or if you’re in need of hospitality. Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler, Page 8
upcoming volunteer opportunities We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.
Adopt-A-Road Sunday, September 11, 9 a.m. (raindate: September 18) Perform the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome. Co-sponsored by Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood Todah Rabbah to our June volunteers: Irwin Golob (leader), Howard Brill, Moe Brown, and Jay Finkel Contact: Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422
ART WITH A HEART Sunday, August 28 • 1:30-3:30 p.m. Volunteers work on art projects at Art with a Heart headquarters in Hampden. All those ages 5 and up are welcome. Rides are available, leaving from Chizuk Amuno at 11 a.m. Todah Rabbah to our May participants: Deb Charles (leader), Abby Bennett, Renee Marlin-Bennett, Amy Blavatt, Riley Fisher, Sandy Fisher, Claire Freeland, Karen Garber, Ruthanne Kaufman, and Lisa Levine Contact: Deb Charles, 443-386-1324
Habitat for Humanity Interfaith Build Sunday, September 25 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Build relationships with those of different faiths, as you help build a home for one of Habitat’s partner families. Participants must be 16 and up to be involved in construction. Limited openings. Contact Cheryl Snyderman.
Reading Partners Reading Partners is a national organization with a Baltimore presence in 14 schools. Volunteers are asked to commit one hour a week to help a child with reading. Contact Cheryl Snyderman.
Jewish Volunteer Connection - Day to unite Sunday, September 11 Join in a statewide interfaith volunteer event by helping those in need and building a stronger community where we live. Please save the date and watch for additional information.
Knitting Havurah Wednesdays, August 17 & September 21 12 - 3:30 p.m. We knit and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and Baltimore. Knitting instruction is available and everyone is welcome.
Todah Rabbah to our June knitters/ crocheters: Vivian Chait, Edna Crystal, Linda Eisenberg, Susan Ezrine, Claire Freeland, Marlene Garber, Lyuda Gerasimenko, Linda Levy, Esther Marsiglia, Hazel Radowsky, Eileen Schultz, and Miriam Shulman Special thanks goes to Krieger Schechter Day School Head Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, who took 25 of our blankets (along with over 30 8th graders) to Israel and made sure they were delivered to Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman
Engage IN gemilut hasadim
Operation Welcome Home Maryland Join us as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas. Volunteers meet at BWI airport and help pack goodie bags, cheer for soldiers, and thank them for their service. This project is suitable for adults and children of all ages. Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler to be on the mailing list. Todah Rabbah to our July volunteers: Stuart Aiken, Marilynn Kinstler, Barbara Lewbart, Judi Shulman and Rabbi Debi Wechsler.
Rena Forester, Eli Greenstein, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, Madison Greenstein, Melissa Halpern, Margi Hoffman, Rena Lapidus, Linda Levy, Saundra Madoff, Dawn Reznik, Sheila Sandbank, Becca Scher, Marci Scher, Marcia Scherr, Maxine Seidman, Cheryl Snyderman, Susan Straus, Marsha Yoffe, and Debi Wechsler.
Komen MD Race for the Cure Sunday, October 23 Run, walk, or simply donate to support the fight against breast cancer. To join Chizuk Amuno’s team, visit Contact Sande Mitchell,, or 410-409-8184. Race participants are invited to join in a special aliyah at Shabbat morning services on October 22 at approximately 10 a.m.
BOARD MEETING Wednesday, September 7, 7 p.m. Contact Dixie Leikach for more info. Ronald McDonald House recycles the pull tabs on soda, soup, and food cans and, in turn, receives cash which is used to purchase fuel for their shuttle that takes families to and from area hospitals. Here’s your chance to perform two mitzvot with one action – protect the earth by recycling and give tzedakah through the chas recieved. Please drop your tabs off to Cheryl Snyderman or the synagogue office. Todah Rabbah to Wendy Gelber for bringing in over two grocery bags full of tabs (and to all the friends and staff who helped her collect so many).
Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden
WOMEN C.A.N. Tuesday, September 13, 8 a.m. Network with women who are looking to advance their career, start a new chapter, or have their own business. Contact: Ava Barron-Shaso, or Jill Bers,
SISTERHOOD judaica shop update We will be shopping in midAugust for lots of new goodies to delight everyone. Be sure to let Miriam Golob know if there is anything special you would like to see in the shop. The Shop will be closed over the summer, except for by appointments, and will re-open on Tuesday, August 30. For appointments call Edna Crystal at 410-653-3495 or Anne King at 410-303-7716.
RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Wednesdays, August 17 & September 21 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Join the Chizuk Amuno team as we cook and/or serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children being treated in Baltimore area hospitals. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman Todah Rabbah to our May and June volunteers: Stephani Braverman, Harriet Brown, Moe Brown, Hillary Crystal,
Contact Dixie Leikach, with any questions or further requests at or 443-386-1062. If you’d like to be on our e-newsletter, please give Dixie your email address.
Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. All levels encouraged to participate! RSVP to Randee Glassman,
OUR DAILY BREAD Sundays, August 28 & September 18 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Join with Chizuk Amuno friends and help serve meals to Baltimore’s hungry men, women, and children. Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or
Do you enjoy gardening and have a few hours to spare? Let us know if you would like to contribute a bit of your time to help maintain this beautiful site used for learning and rejuvenating (and duckling incubating). Todah Rabbah to Allen Brown for his dedication throughout the summer. Contact: Allen Brown,
BROTHERHOOD Brotherhood bbQ Torah on tap Wednesday, August 31, 6 p.m. Socialize with Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Turkey Burgers, Side Dishes, Dessert, and Beer! Cost: $15 Contact Richard Udell at Page 9
Members in the News Chizuk Amuno Members Well Represented at Associated Annual Meeting Our members were well represented in the leadership acknowledged at the recent annual meeting of the Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore. Beth Goldsmith was thanked for serving as Chair of Philanthropic Planning and elected to the 2017 slate of officers as Chair of Community Planning and Allocations. Fritzi Hallock was elected Treasurer of the Associated and as Vice-President of Associated Jewish Charities of Baltimore. Bruce Hoffberger will be the President Elect, Ira Malis will serve as Vice Chair of Investment Management, and Robert Manekin will serve as Vice Chair of Real Estate Management of the Associated Jewish Charities. Robert Frier was acknowledged as outgoing president of the Maryland/Israel Development Center and Harel Turkel was recognized for the Board Leadership Development Award of Jewish Community Services. Yasher koach to our community leaders. You bring honor to our congregation through your leadership and service. Elaine Fox and her daughter Margie Kwart have purchased and installed new containers for stones at Arlington Cemetery. These are dedicated in memory of their husband and father, Leonard Fox. Thank you to the Fox family for providing these containers so visitors can place stones on the graves of their loved ones.
Lesley Brinton Joins Chizuk Amuno as New CFO We are pleased to announce the selection of Lesley Brinton as the new CFO/Controller of Chizuk Amuno Congregation & Schools. A Certified Public Accountant with over twenty years of experience as the Controller of a large Conservative synagogue and school in Washington, DC., Lesley will help us complete and maintain the accounting and financial transitions we began last year.
HOSTS NEEDed! We need volunteers to serve as hosts for services during the year, both Shabbat and the High Holy Days. We will provide instructions and mentors. We need your help! Questions? Contact Sheila Sandbank 410-486-7922 or Fran Glushakow Gould franny1912@ 443-691-0133
Prior to her work at a synagogue, Lesley was the Controller at the National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems and is an active volunteer at her son’s school and the local American Legion Post. Susan Bernstein, our Assistant Controller, will be expanding her role to include accounts receivable and accounts payable. Gale Herr, who has handled our payroll through our outsource company, will transition to our staff and continue in that role.
Thank You TO Ace Uniform Services, Inc.
We welcome Lesley to the Chizuk Amuno Family and thank Susan and Gale for their good work during our transitional year.
STAFF ANNIVERSARIES Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools is blessed to have many long-term staff members. At the end of each year, we will be honoring staff members celebrating their 10th, 18th, 25th, and 36th anniversaries with the congregation and schools. Judy Simkin and Jenny Baker were recently honored at a staff luncheon for their 18th Anniversaries at Chizuk Amuno Congregation. Judy works in our rabbinic office and Jenny works in our administration department. Marci Scher, who also works in the administration department, will be celebrating her 10th year with the congregation in September. Chizuk Amuno Congregation & Schools is blessed to have long-term, dedicated staff members like Judy, Jenny, and Marci. In future issues of HaHodesh, we will continue to recognize the wonderful members of the Chizuk Amuno working team. Page 10
Chizuk Amuno Congregation and the housekeeping and maintenance staff are grateful to the Finkelstein family and Ace Uniform Services, Inc. for providing uniforms for our staff. We thank them for decades of their support.
B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. AUGUST 6 Leo Lester Brody Lev Lazer son of Robyn & Mark Brody AUGUST 20 Garrett Baily Rifkind Meyer Barouch son of Irina & Nicholai Rifkind AUGUST 27 Evan Jared Malinow ILAN son of Shari & Dr. Louis Malinow SEPTEMBER 3 Julia Helen Willis Yael daughter of Deborah Cardin & Jonathan Willis SEPTEMBER 4 Avi David Margolis Avraham David son of Jami & Bernard Margolis
Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Maximilian Perlman, son of Benjamin and Bethany Perlman; grandson of Janice and Hazzan Emanuel Perlman and Jennifer Kohler Blaker Bruce Nance, son of Danielle & Ashley Nance, grandson of Jill & Dr. Alan Blaker and great-grandson of Selma & Alvin Blaker Laila Neve Weinberg, daughter of Nissa and Paul Weinberg and granddaughter of Hedy & Irv Goldstein
In Loving Memory
We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness.
In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members:
Ilana Foss, daughter of Forrest Foss, to Raphael Franck
Harold Klapper, husband of Sandy Klapper and father of Hillary Lewis and Steven Klapper
Mathew Glassman, son of Randee & Ron Glassman, to Chaya Pavlovskaya, daughter of Tatyana & Andrey Pavlovskaya
Irwin A. Layton, husband of Marsha Layton and step-father of Amy Kuntz and David Fuller
Julia Goldwasser, daughter of Ellen & Dr. Joel Goldwasser, to Amit Matalon
Shirley H. Matz, mother of Richard Matz, Stuart Matz, Harry Matz and Dr. Jonathan Matz
Marc Perlman, son of Janice & Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, to Jessica Silvers, daughter of Liza & Brian Cohen and Gary & Gayle Silvers
We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Lorinda Belzberg, on the loss of her father, Ken Sproule Michael Chmar, on the loss of his grandmother, Mollie Chmar Susie Feldman, on the loss of her mother, Shirley R. Freedman Dr. Rebecca Kazin, on the loss of her grandmother, Ida Ruck Dr. Steven Lacher, on the loss of his father, Nathan Lacher
Weddings We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Dena Ivy Greenblum, granddaughter of Joseph Greenblum, to Gabriel Kuffler Nelson Johanna Schein, daughter of Jan & Dr. Jay Schein and granddaughter of Doris Bernhardt, to Samuel Black, son of Brenda Hoy and Bernard Black
As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.
New Members We are happy to welcome those who have most recently joined or returned to our Chizuk Amuno family. Dr. Richard & Mrs. Fern Babkes Ronald and Wendy Eisenberg Dr. Eric & Mrs. Jackie Ginsberg Dr. Miriam Godfrey Mr. Jonathan Havens & Ms. Jayne Nochumowitz Todd & Jessica Howe Howie & Jessica Kapustin If you have friends or family who may be interested in joining the Chizuk Amuno Family, please call Cheryl Snyderman or Glenn Easton at the synagogue office. Page 11
Terumot HaKodesh We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue. Annual Appeal Congregational Support
I. Leon Glassgold Memorial Scholarship Fund
Arline Nitzberg in honor of Maxine Seidman’s granddaughter Eve Seidman’s Bat Mitzvah Michael & Margery Moranz in honor of Marvin Spector’s 75th birthday Marc Silverstein in honor of Robyn Horwitz’s Bat Mitzvah
Jackie Glassgold in honor of Wilma Greenberg’s granddaughter Rabbi Ariel Greenberg’s marriage to David Platt Jackie Glassgold in honor of Jeff & Pam Platt’s son David’s marriage to Rabbi Ariel Greenberg Jackie Glassgold in memory of Shirley Matz John Gibson and Lori Glassgold-Gibson in honor of the yahrzeit of I. Leon Glassgold
Congregational General Endowment Fund Mr. & Mrs. Jason Blavatt in honor of Becca & Ian Scher’s B’nei Mitzvah Mr. Andrew Sandler & Dr. Karen Garber & family in honor of Marvin Spector’s Special birthday Arthur Penn in memory of Shirley Matz Dr. Charles Bennett & Dr. Renee Marlin Bennett in memory of Irving Marlin Mr. Andrew Sandler & Dr. Karen Garber & Family in memory of Shirley Matz Benjamin Dark in honor of Linda Bass Eisenberg’s Bat Mitzvah
Congregational Special Projects Fund Lee Kaufman in memory of Shirley Matz
Dr. Howard Lee Silverman Fund Penny & Dr. Ron Silverman & family in memory of Ida Ruck
EZRINE/GLAZER LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER Barbara Cohen in memory of A. Samuel Penn Marilyn & Jack Kiner in memory of Edan Shapiro Margolies & Pinson families in honor of the graduation of Penina Kozlovsky Barbara Cohen in memory of Florence Becker Barbara Cohen in memory of Ken Sproule Daniella Eyal & Alina Matz in memory of Ken Sproule Barbara Cohen in memory of Olga Foreman Rabbi Moshe & Aviva Schwartz in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Leonor Danon
Esther Ann Brown Adler Scholarship Fund Penny & Dr. Ron Silverman & family in memory of Harold Klapper Dr. Frona Brown & Dr. Beryl Rosenstein in memory of Shirley Matz
Gemilut Hasadim FUND Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Shirley Matz
Goldsmith museum trust Fund Michael & Margery Moranz in honor of Ann Betten’s Bat Mitzvah
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Irvin Wolock Memorial Scholarship Fund David & Lynn Abramson, Joseph Andersen, Eric & Amy Barshop, Elliott & Sharon Berg, Mrs. Sonya M. Gichner, David & Sarah Felton, Larry & Barbara Greenfeld, Robert & Sherry Gratz, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gratz, Bruce & Michele Herzfeld, Anne & Mary Ellen Hoke, Henry & Susan Holzman, Marilyn Liebowitz, Jay & Janet Liebowitz, Aaron & Nancy Marcus, Mrs. Arline Nitzberg, Wendy Rogers, James Mundy, Hiroko & Donna Omata, Robert & Randy Rosen, Mickey Simon, Steve & Joyce Snelgrove, Cheryl Snyderman, Barry & Leslie Udoff, Gary & Nina Ward in memory of Shirley Wolock “Dent” Jordy, Hilary, Sarah, Tara & Ellie in memory of Shirley Wolock Charter Internal Medicine in memory of Shirley Wolock Ilise & Robert Friedman & Angie Charlow & Families in memory of Shirley Wolock Julia Lustbader - Hilary, Sam, Marissa, Emma, Alyssa, Becca, Pasha & Dara in memory of Shirley Wolock Towson Orthopaedic Associates, P.A. in memory of Shirley Wolock Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gratz in memory of Edan Shai Shapiro
Janet & Stanley Kantor Fund for Special Needs Stanley & Janet Kantor in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Cohen’s granddaughter Jesse’s Bat Mitzvah Stanley & Janet Kantor in memory of Max Weiss
Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund William & Toba Grant Dorothy Yankellow in honor of Marci & Brian Scher’s children Becca & Ian’s B’nei Mitzvah Linda Levy in honor of the B’nei Mitzvah of Marci & Brian Scher’s children, Becca & Ian David, Debbie, Josh & Adam Roffman in memory of Edan Shai Shapiro Mark & Linda Levy in memory of
Edan Shai Shapiro Mark & Linda Levy in memory of Bernice Caplan Lazerow
Kadima Program Fees Mark & Fran Pressman in memory of Harry Goldberg, Lillian Pressman & Harold Pressman
Krieger Schechter Day School Scholarship Fund Joy & Dr. Eugene Katz in honor of Sue Crystal’s successful event Joy & Dr. Eugene Katz in memory of Allan Fine Joy & Dr. Eugene Katz in memory of Shirley Wolock Joy & Dr. Eugene Katz in honor of Robyn & Steven Blum’s daughter Gillian’s Bat Mitzvah Joy & Dr. Eugene Katz in honor of Donna & Gary Friedman’s son Eric’s graduation from the University of Pennsylvania Joy & Dr. Eugene Katz in memory of Edan Shapiro Ann Berman in memory of Edan Shapiro Ann Berman in memory of Elise Baron Margi & Dr. Steven Hoffman in memory of Edan Shapiro Gale Lev in memory of Harold Klapper Jodi & Lindsey Moskowitz in honor of Denise Pressman & Richard Stein’s upcoming marriage Harriet & Moe Brown in memory of Edan Shapiro Howard, Barbara, Megan & Jessie Cohen in memory of Edan Shapiro Marlene & Larry Ettlin in memory of Edan Shapiro Lorita & Jay Jacobs in memory of Edan Shapiro Peggy & Joel Mandel in memory of Edan Shapiro Marcia & Alan Pasarew in memory of Edan Shapiro Marcie Zisow in memory of Edan Shapiro Ann Berman in memory of Martin Weitzman Ann Berman in memory of Junetta Gillespie Betsy & Lou Narrow in memory of Ken Sproule Lorraine & Earl Raffel in honor of Shuli Raffel’s 30 years of service to KSDS Dr. David Mallot & Dr. Mimi Blitzer in memory of Edan Shapiro Ann Berman in memory of Shirley Matz Saundra & Dr. David Madoff in memory of Shirley Matz Ann Berman in honor of Alison Wielechowski’s years of service to KSDS
Krieger Schechter Day School Special Offering Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in honor of Joel Aronson’s 75th birthday Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in honor of Bruce Lewbart’s 75th birthday Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in memory of Mildred Nochumowitz Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in honor of Dr. Moshe & Nancy Shualy’s son Mordchai’s graduation Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in honor of Rabbi Ron Shulman’s 60th birthday Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in honor of Marvin Spector’s 75th birthday Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in honor of Henry Tyrangiel’s 75th birthday Sandy Hittman refuah sh’lemeh to Judy Meltzer Rena & Jack Shenk in memory of Ida Ruck Rachel, Josh, Sam, & Ben Abrams in memory
of Sylvia Tapper Rachel, Josh, Sam, & Ben Abrams in memory of Ruth Harris The Honorable Owen & Mrs. Barbara Katzman in honor of Dr. Raymond Haroun for Father’s Day
Krieger Schechter Day School Special Projects Fund Joel & Diane Aronson in honor of the birth of Gary & Shuli Raffel’s grandson, Liam Sidney Smoler Joel & Diane Aronson in honor of the birth of Earl & Lorraine Raffel’s greatgrandchildren, Morgan Brooke Parks & Liam Sidney Smoler Stuart & Vicky Becker in honor of Dr. Moshe & Nancy Shualy’s 43rd wedding anniversary & the graduation of the Shualy’s son from Yale
Kurt & Erna Weiler Memorial Scholarship Fund Fran & Mike Cohen in honor of the birth of Tennessee Grimes & Lori Cole’s daughter Fran & Mike Cohen in honor of the birth of Linda & Dr. Jeffrey Cole’s granddaughter
Louis Barry Gershen Our Daily Bread Fund Jennifer Eisenberger in memory of in memory of Lou Michael & Myra Gershen Michael & Myra Gershen in honor of Robyn & Steven daughter Gillian’s Bat Mitzvah Michael & Myra Gershen in honor of the birth of Marlene & Bernie Gerber’s greatgandson Zachary Max Gartell Michael & Myra Gershen in honor of Jason Weintraub & Jessica Brodsky marriage Michael & Myra Gershen in memory of Frieda Gershen, Irv Layton, Elizabeth London, Beloved Shirley
Mahzorim Fund Jerald & Gail Oppel in honor of Jan & Jay Schein’s daughter Johanna’s marriage to Samuel Black Michael, Hazel & Jason Radowsky in honor of Miriam Shulman’s 95th birthday Jerry & Gail (Shaivitz) Oppel in memory of Shirley Freedman Jerry & Gail (Shaivitz) Oppel in memory of Rita Langbaum Ken & Lorraine Blumberg in memory of Bernice Caplan Lazerow
Marcia & Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Endowment Fund Dr. Jerry D. Buxbaum in honor of Doris Tanhoff’s 75th birthday Dr. Jerry Buxbaum in memory of Olga Foreman
MARGOT AND NORMAN ZIPPER LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND Margot Zipper in honor of the 4th yahrzeit of Norman Zipper
Martha B. Kayne Tikkun Olam Memorial Award Fund Barbara & David Schwartz in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Audrey Polt
Jeffrey & Sheri Stern in honor of Dr. Harold & Phyllis Gilbert’s wedding Jeffrey & Sheri Stern in honor of Larry Gilbert’s birthday Jeffrey & Sheri Stern in honor of Stephany Gilbert’s birthday Ms. Stephany Gilbert in honor of the engagement of Michelle Kramer to Matt Coakley
Minnie Garber & Rose Greenberg Scholarship Martin & Sondra Greenberg in honor of Allan Greenberg’s goodness that made New York comfortable & complete Martin & Sondra Greenberg in honor of Allan & Susan Greenberg Martin & Sondra Greenberg in honor of Joshua Greenberg All the Greenbergs in memory of Helen Sampiero Martin & Sondra Greenberg in honor of Jacob Greenberg
Miriam Foss Memorial Fund Sonya Gichner in honor of Margie Simon’s retirement Cheryl Snyderman for a speedy recovery of Jay Pollack Cheryl Snyderman in memory of Henry Ginsberg Cheryl Snyderman in memory of David & Saundra Madoff’s grandson Edan Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frier in memory of Miriam Foss
Morning Minyan Contribution Bruce & Barbara Lewbart in honor of Leonor Danon’s Bat Mitzvah Dorothy Yankellow in honor of Marvin Spector’s 75th birthday Dorothy Yankellow in honor of Bruce Lewbart’s 75th birthday Elaine Fox in honor of Dr. Moshe & Mrs. Nancy Shualy’s 43rd wedding anniversary & Mordchai Shualy’s graduation from Yale Elaine Fox in honor of Leah Danon’s Bat Mitzvah Larry & Carol Gilbert in honor of Alaina Brenick receiving the “Honors Faculty Member of the Year 2016.” Larry & Carol Gilbert in honor of the marriage of Dr. Harold Gilbert to Phyllis Troy Margot Zipper in honor of Amy Schwartz’s Bat Mitzvah Margot Zipper in honor of Vicky Becker’s Bat Mitzvah Margot Zipper in honor of Audrey Polt’s Bat Mitzvah Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of Audrey Polt & the Adult Bat Mitzvah Class Norman Wigutow in honor of Leonor Danon’s Bat Mitzvah Elaine Fox in memory of Leonard Fox Elaine Fox in memory of Rose & William Gainsburg Joan Rombro in memory of Mildred Nochumowitz Ruthanne Kaufman in memory of Mildred Nochumowitz Ted Walman in memory of Mindel Spector
Munitz Library Endowment Fund Bruce Lubich & Barbara Werner Lubich in memory of Irving Lubich
Norma & Harry Blumberg Mathematics Award Fund Amy & Bruce Chapper in honor of the birth of Beth & Dr. Albert Blumberg’s grandson, Seth Leo Graber
Pathways To Menschlikeit Fund Ms. Cheri Crow in memory of Edan Shai Shapiro
Pauline & Ivan Oshrine KSDS Endowment Fund Ivan Oshrine in memory of Leigh Bunkin
Phyllis & Leonard Attman Music Fund Richard & Harriet Udell in honor of Linda Eisenberg’s Bat Mitzvah
Playground Fund Mr. & Mrs. Barry Flaks in honor of The Flaks Family Mr. & Mrs. David M. Witte Toba & Bill Grant in memory of Harold Klapper Mrs. Rosalie Green with thanks to Yonit Klein’s preschool teachers. Mrs. Rosalie Green with thanks to Noa Klein’s kindergarten teachers
Prayer Book Fund Joel & Pamela Fradin wishing Susan Ritter a full & speedy recovery Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brown in honor of Marty Kinstler for being named Blue Yarmulke Man of the Year Warren & Lily Massouda in honor of Vicky Becker’s Bat Mitzvah
Ramah Scholarship Fund Edward & Susan Frieman for a speedy recovery of Robin Shulman Edward & Susan Frieman in honor of Marvin Spector’s 75th birthday
Reznik/Frier Scholarship Fund Dawn Reznik in honor of Olwyn & Myrna Diamond’s twin granddaughters Samantha & Kayla Miller’s B’nei Mitzvah Dawn Reznik in honor of Lester & Sharon Miller’s twin granddaughters Samantha & Kayla Miller’s B’nei Mitzvah Dawn Reznik & Family wishing a speedy & full recovery for Jay Pollack Marilyn Naviasky wishing Jay Pollack a speedy & full recovery Dawn Reznik in honor of Marcia Frier’s “special” birthday Dawn Reznik in honor of Basil & Joan Taibel’s grandson Jayden’s Bar Mitzvah Dawn Reznik in honor of Charmian Muller’s birthday Dawn Reznik in memory of Philip Diamond Dawn Reznik in memory of David & Saundra Madoff’s grandson Edan Shapiro Dawn, Larry & Chantal Reznik in memory of Shirley Matz
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Larry & Chantal Reznik in memory of Philip Diamond Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sher in memory of Julian Reznik Paulette Pollack & Dawn Reznik in memory of Henry Ginsburg Dawn Reznik wishing Mazal Tov to Earl & Lorraine Raffel on the birth of their great-grandson Liam Sidney Smoler The Frier Family in memory of Rhae Hassan, Harold Klapper, Shirley Matz, Malcom Scar, Edan Shapiro, and Ken Sproule
Rosenbloom Religious School Special Projects Fund Gary & Patricia Attman in memory of Evelyn Nathan
Schechter Scholarship Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Junetta Gillespie Gale Lev in memory of Harold Klapper
Solomon Liss Memorial Scholarship Fund Henry & Debra Tyrangiel wishing Robin Shulman a speedy & complete recovery Henry & Debra Tyrangiel in honor of Rabbi Ron Shulman’s 60th birthday Henry & Debra Tyrangiel in honor of Henry Tyrangiel’s 75th birthday
Special Kiddush FUND Dr. Edward & Mrs. Joanne Kraus in honor of Joanne & Ed Kraus’s granddaughter Sahrah Leah Kraus
Special Offering Congregational Support Alfred & Marilyn Rosenstein wishing Dr. Jerome Ross a speedy recovery Alfred & Rosalind Kronthal wishing Jan Guben a full & speedy recovery Bob & Betty Medalie in honor of the B’nei Mitzvah of Andrew & Stacy Alperstein’s children, Alyssa & Justin Gil & Ann Abramson in honor of Dicky Matz’s special birthday Irv & Sharon Caplan in honor of the birth of Alvin & Selma Blaker’s greatgrandson, Blaker Bruce Nance Irv & Sharon Caplan wishing Dr. Jerome Ross a full & speedy recovery Jenny Baker for a speedy recovery of Robin Shulman Robert & Lisa Krizman Steve & Anne King in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kolker’s son Jonathan’s wedding Alvin & Selma Blaker wishing Ilene Powers a speedy & full recovery. Alvin & Selma Blaker wishing Lowell Glazer a speedy & complete recovery Ronnie Kleiman for a speedy recovery of Jay Pollack Alan & Harriet Kanter in honor of Andy Miller’s service as President Albert & Beth Blumberg in honor of the B’nei Mitzvah of Alyssa & Justin Alperstein Allan N. & Marlene Brull in honor of Nan Hoffenberg’s 100th birthday Alvin & Ilene Powers in honor of the birth of Ilene & Steve Mackler’s grandson Ethan Jacob Mackler
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Alvin & Selma Blaker in honor of the birth of Lorraine & Earl Raffel’s greatgrandson Liam Smoler Barry & Pearl Oslick in honor of Barry Oslick’s Aliyah Bruce & Barbara Lewbart in honor of Linda Eisenberg’s Bat Mitzvah Bruce & Kathy Posner in honor of Pam & Jeff Platt’s son David’s marriage to Ariel Greenberg Bruce & Kathy Posner in honor of Randee & Ron Glassman’s son Matthew’s engagement to Chaya Pavlovskaya Dr. Mark Whitman in honor of Doris Tanhoff’s 75th birthday Dr. Sandra Steingart in honor of Anne & David Young’s wedding anniversary Dr. Sandra Steingart in honor of Marvin & Judy Spector’s anniversary. Earl & Lorraine Raffel in honor of the birth of Selma & Alvin Blaker’s greatgrandson Blaker Bruce Nance Fred & Judy Zimmerman in honor of Marvin Spector’s 75th birthday Fred & Judy Zimmerman in honor of Linda Eisenberg’s Bat Mitzvah Harris & Janet Lewin in honor of Leonor Danon’s Bat Mitzvah Howard & Susan Rubenstein in honor of Linda Eisenberg’s Bat Mitzvah Jeffrey & Janis Goldman in honor of Audrey Polt’s Bat Mitzvah & the 2016 Adult Bat Mitzvah Class Joanie & David Greenberg in honor of David Platt & Ariel Greenberg’s wedding Joel & Diane Aronson in honor of Evelyn Brager’s retirement John & Robin Denick in honor of Joel Posner’s engagement to Amy Leiken Joshua Rosen in honor of Leonor Danon being called to the Torah as Bat Mitzvah Leslie & Ferne Abramowitz in honor of Nan Hoffenberg’s 95th birthday Manny & Bobi Eisner in honor of Vicky Becker’s Bat Mitzvah Manny & Bobi Eisner in honor of Robert & Linda Eisenberg’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Manny & Bobi Eisner in honor of Linda Eisenberg’s Bat Mitzvah Mark Whitman in honor of Bruce Lewbart’s 75th birthday Marni Kahn in honor of Dr. Moshe Shualy’s help with the Torah portion Marni Kahn in honor of Debby Hellman’s help with the Torah portion Martin & Marilynn Kinstler in honor of Bruce Lewbart’s 75th birthday Michael & Lois Mannes in honor of Ann Betten’s Bat Mitzvah Muriel Simon in memory of Shirley Matz Olga Schon in honor of Vicky Becker’s Bat Mitzvah Paul & Margot Terle in honor of Walter Straus’s Special birthday Paul L. & Ellen Saval in honor of Dick Matz’s 65th birthday Philip & Vivian Chait in honor of Linda Eisenberg’s Bat Mitzvah Philip & Vivian Chait in honor of Robert & Linda Eisenberg’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Richard & Harriet Udell in honor of Robert & Linda Eisenberg’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Ruth Gavis in honor of Vicky Becker’s Bat Mitzvah
Steve & Anne King in honor of Bob & Donna Wolf’s special anniversary Steve & Anne King in honor of Marvin Spector’s 75th birthday Walter Straus in honor of Howard & Sue Platt’s Anniversary Alan & Maureen Aarons, Abraham & Faye Adler, Zelma Aiken, Michael & Susan Applefeld, Gary & Patricia Attman, Bruce & Mindee Block, Michael & Gail Brooks, Dr. David & Ellen Cohen, Seema Goldbergh, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Goldman, Julie, Mark, Stephanie & Hayley Groff, Bryan, Debbie, Lexi & Laney Herchelroath, Ned & Eileen Himmelrich, Thomas & Shirley Jacoboni, Alan & Harriet Kanter, Lee Kaufman, Martin, Hannah, David, Clara & Henry Magram, Marie Schwartz, and Adele Sidle, Rita Siegel & Family, and Robert & Donna Wolf in memory of Shirley Matz Colbert Matz Rosenfelt, Inc. in memory of Shirley Matz Alan & Harriet Kanter in memory of Ken Sproule Albert & Nadja Pats in memory of Anna Pats Alvin & Ilene Powers in memory of Shirley Freedman Alvin & Selma Blaker in memory of Ruth Senser’s brother Barbara & Tom Steinhardt in memory of Philip Diamond Barry & Sharon Wolfe in memory of Edna Wolfe Barry & Pearl Oslick in memory of Eva Oslick & Sander Oslick Beverly Share, Bradley & Lisa Trattner, in memory of Harold Klapper Bradley & Lisa Trattner in memory of Ken Sproule David & Susan Straus in memory of Edan Shai Shapiro Dr. David Schwartz in memory of Max Schwartz Dr. Lawrence & Mrs. Sheila Pakula, children & grandchildren in memory of Josephine Sutland Dr. Sandra Steingart in memory of Bernice Caplan Lazerow Edmond & Anita Digiorgio, and Joanie & David Greenberg in memory of Shirley Wolock Elaine & Melvin Rosenzweig in memory of Mildred Nochumowitz Francine S. & Howard Reynolds in memory of Stuart M. Schreiber, Frank Schreiber & Maurice H. Schreiber Fred & Judith Zimmerman in memory of Jean Satisky Hannah Harris in memory of Daniel Harris Howard & Michelle Rosenbloom in memory of Shirley Freedman and Leonard Ruben Sachs Irene Pack in memory of Milton Pack, William Gooldman, Larry Goodman, Yetta Friedman & Isadore Wasserman Irv & Sharon Caplan in memory of Edward Obstler and Alice Rosenbush Irv & Sharon Caplan in memory of Philip Diamond Irv & Sharon Caplan in memory of Stanley Engel Jenny Baker in memory of Philip Diamond, Henry Ginsburg, Harold Klapper, Steve Kraft, Shirley Matz, and Edan Shapiro Jerald & Gail Oppel in memory of Ida Ruck Jonathan & Sandra Zylberman in memory of Jean Satisky Joshua Rosen in memory of Harry Louis Rosen & Louis Volks Larry & Lynne Lichtig in memory of Herbert Borger & Murray Lichtig Linda Caplan in memory of Solomon Nathanson
Laurie Alban Havens, Lou & Joyce Kaplan in memory of Mildred Nochumowitz Marion Isaac in memory of Kate Fink Marlene Pollack & Family in memory of Evelyn Seltzer Marlene Pollack & Family in memory of Mildred Nochumowitz Marlene Pollack & Family in memory of Mindel Spector Marsha Rosenberg in memory of Shirley Matz Martin, Hannah, David, Clara & Henry Magram in memory of David & Saundra Madoff’s grandson Edan Shapiro Mickey & Bernie Bliden & Family in memory of Harold Klapper Moe & Harriet Brown in memory of Jerome Savlov Mr. Harry Deitchman in memory of Eva Deitchman Mr. Harvey Caplan in memory of Paul Caplan Mr. Ronald Schwartzman in memory of Betty Landay Mrs. Ann Harris in memory of Daniel Harris Gary & Patricia Attman, Ruth Glazer, Mrs. Lotta Holzman, Mike & Margery Moranz, Howard & Sheila Sandbank, Mrs. Bernice Suser, Mrs. Marlene Szapiro & Jay Szapiro, and Annette Weiner in memory of Mildred Nochumowitz Mrs. Marlene Pollack & Family in memory of Marion Straus Mrs. Rose Frank in memory of Ethel Cohen & Lewis Frank Mrs. Rose Frank in memory of Bess Baverman Paul & Shirley Sachs in memory of Irene Ellin Norman & Rosellen Bloomberg, Rae Rossen, Paul & Shirley Sachs, and Walter Straus & Family, and Roger & Marcy Wesalo in memory of Dr. Irv Pollack Paul & Susan Richter in memory of Murray Goldstein Samuel & Regina Teitelman in memory of Bertha Goldberg & Jacob Teitelman Sheldon Stern in memory of Mildred Nochumowitz Shirley Parker in memory of loved ones Stanley & Shirley Adler in memory of loved ones Stephanie Share in memory of Harold Klapper Steve & Karen Caplan in memory of Malcolm Scar Steven & Lisa Attman in memory of Malcolm Scar Susan Bernstein in memory of Henry Ginsberg Thomas & Barbara Steinhardt in memory of Helen Bienenfeld Carl & Ellen Love wishing Mazal Tov to Gary & Shuli Raffel on the birth of their grandson Liam Sidney Smoler Eli & Erica Allen wishing Mazal Tov on Robyn & Steven Blum’s daughter Gillian’s Bat Mitzvah Jenny Baker wishing Mazal Tov to Steven & Robyn Blum on their daughter Gillian’s Bat Mitzvah Ms. Susan Bernstein wishing Mazal Tov to Ethan & Kristen on their marriage
Special Offering Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Stefanie Mackler & Family in memory of Edan Shai Shapiro
Stanley I Minch Memorial Scholarship Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Stanley Minch Gabrielle & John Jordan & family in memory of Ida Ruck
Tzedakah Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Doris Tanhoff’s 75th birthday Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Dr. Henry Tyrangiel’s 75th birthday Marcia Katz in honor of Arlene Klaff’s Bat Mitzvah
Hazzan Perlman’s Discretionary Fund Attman Family in memory of Edward Attman Mrs. Ina Singer in memory of Shirley Matz Mr. & Mrs. Marc Komins with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for officiating at the wedding of daughter Jessica Brodsky to Jason Weintraub Mrs. Leah Seidler with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for officiating at the wedding of Adam & Shara Seidler Connie & Alan Eade in honor of Ann Betten’s Bat Mitzvah
Dr. Shualy’s Discretionary Fund Donald & Ruth Shein in honor of Audrey Polt’s Bat Mitzvah Sandra Beber in honor of Dr. Shualy for minyan blessings Arnold & Beverly Feldman in memory of Dr. Irv Pollack Marlene Pollack in memory of Frieda Shualy Sandra Beber in memory of Dora Rabovsky
Rabbi Shulman’s Discretionary Fund Martin & Marilynn Kinstler in honor of Rabbi Shulman’s birthday Diane Scar in memory of Malcolm Scar Attman Family in memory of Edward Attman Mr. Stuart Kaplow in memory of Shirley H. Matz Richard & Kathleen Burns in memory of Evelyn Burns Seema Reznick with thanks to Robin Shulman Steven & Isabel Pinson with thanks to Rabbi Shulman for a wonderful Talmud class Sonny Kreitman in honor of Rabbi Shulman Rachel Layton & Family in memory of Irwin Layton
Rabbi Wechsler’s Discretionary Fund Dr. Edward & Mrs. Joanne Kraus in honor of baby naming of granddaughter, Sahrah Leah Kraus Beverly Wiseman in memory of Toby Wiseman Leete Garten in memory of Helen Kleinman Fred & Joanne Felton in memory of Shirley Wolock Dr. Mark Whitman with thanks to Rabbi Wechsler for all that she has taught me Sarajane Greenfeld with thanks to Rabbi Wechsler for a wonderful Torah Class Vicky Becker with thanks to Rabbi Wechsler for the Hebrew naming & being a wonderful teacher Sonny Kreitman in honor of Rabbi Wechsler In Honor of Rabbi Shulman, Rabbi Wechsler, Hazzan Perlman & Dr. Shualy With thanks from Marlene Pollack, Linda & Marc Klitenic, Carol & Howard Nelson, Drs. John & Susan Pollack, Shelley Pollack Schwartz, Brian Pollack and families, in loving memory of Dr. Irvin Pollack
Bimah Flowers Shabbat, August 6 / 2 Av In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Leo Lester Brody, by his parents, Robyn & Mark Brody, and his grandparents, Gloria Stevens and Freddie Stevens and Sheila & Gil Brody. In Memory Of: Irvin Cohn by Dr. Jerry Buxbaum. Jack B. Kaplan by Seymour Weisberg. Sylvia Kronthal by Toba & Bill Grant & family & Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family. Eva P. Rapkin, mother, by Henne & Harvey Rapkin & family. Shirley Sue Gelkin, wife, mother & grandmother, by Dr. Michelle Gelkin Rosenbloom & Howard Rosenbloom, Gail Sureff, and Ben & Nicole Sureff. Selma Lebow Finkelstein by her family. Fanny Radowsky, mother, by Hazel & Dr. Michael Radowsky. Max Kurman, father, by Gail & Jerry Kurman & children. Edward Mackler, father & grandfather, by Ilene & Stephen Mackler, Geoffrey, David & Melissa & Stefanie Mackler. Etal Harabagiu, mother, by Amy & Mordehai Gur & family. Esther Fox Goren, by her sister, Natalie Jeffrey Jerome B. Rose by Traci & Mark Lerner & family. Shabbat, August 13 / 9 Av In Memory Of: Joseph Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow & family. Earle Fritz by his children & grandchildren. Frieda Davis, mother, by Tammi & Mark Davis & family. Anna Sugarman Bank, mother, by Estelle & Allan Rose & family. Irene Rubin, mother & grandmother, by Margi, Steve, & Nathaniel Hoffman & Rebecca Hammerman. Freda Renbaum by Barbara & Tom Steinhardt & family. Joseph Bernhardt by Doris Bernhardt & family. Warren Komins by his family. Florence S. Fish by her children & grandchildren. Crawford M. Clay, by his wife, Etta S. Clay. Gabriel Goldman, on his birthday, by his children & grandchildren Shabbat, August 20 / 16 Av In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Garrett Baily Rifkind, by his parents, Irina & Nicholai Rifkind In Memory Of: Hannah & Meyer Rifkind, grandparents of Garrett Baily Rifkind, on the occasion of Garrett’s Bar Mitzvah Philip Glassner, father, by his family. Leatrice Gevantman, mother, by Sandra Zylberman & family. Mark E. Rosenblatt by Susan, Douglas, Jonathan & Melanie Schehr and Sylvia Rosenblatt. Sybil Effron, mother, by James Effron & family. Doris Eigenberg, mother, by Judi & Marc Komins & family. Abraham Kemper by his children & grandchildren. Shabbat, August 27 / 23 Av In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Evan Jared Malinow, by his parents, Shari & Dr. Louis Malinow, and his grandparents, Judy & Dr. Eliot Krause and Roslyn & Dr. Stanford Malinow In Memory Of: Sylvia Borger, mother, by Lynne & Larry Lichtig & family. Larry Esterson by his wife & children. Samuel Gerber by Marlene & Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren, & great-grandchildren. Irving Sanow, father & grandfather, by Michael Sanow & family. David Max by Beverly & Jordon Max & family. Jared Scott Levy, on his birthday, by his family.
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8100 STEVENSON ROAD BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21208 410-486-6400 Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Jason A. Blavatt, Esquire, President Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media
Sunday, September 25 | 9 a.m. - noon INTERVIEW OUTFITS UNLIMITED
Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood’s
Shredding & eCycling Event Questions? Please contact Marcia Scherr, 410-484-2480, or
I.O.U. Clothing Drive
Contact Cheryl Snyderman 410-486-6400, ext. 300 A service initiative made possible by the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund
Co-sponsored by Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood
Cinema under the Stars
“I’ll Do AnYTHING”
Tues., August 23 at sundown (Rain Date, August 24)
Free and open to the communit y A romantic comedy starring Nick Nolte, Albert Brooks, Tracy Ullman, and Julie Kavner, about a talented, unemployed actor who unexpectedly gains custody of his six year old daughter. The film is a satire of the film industry that focusses on people who have all the talent they need, but not all the luck. Enjoy a perfect summer evening! Sponsored by the Judy Meltzer Cinema Under the Stars Fund