Hahodesh December 2017

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AT CHIZUK AMUNO CONGREGATION AND SCHOOLS Engaging Jewish Life & Learning DECEMBER 2017 | Kislev / Tevet 5778



I am proud to announce that Hazzan Perlman will become Chizuk Amuno’s Hazzan Emeritus on August 1, 2018, and I look forward to our entire community celebrating with the Hazzan at our celebratory concert next year. As many of you know, and as I have shared on many occasions, Hazzan Perlman has wonderfully continued the auspicious legacy of Hazzanim at Chizuk Amuno. Hazzan Perlman will continue in his current role in our Congregation and Schools through July, and then will be bestowed his Emeritus status. The Hazzan has agreed to be with us for the High Holy Day season next year, as well as additional opportunities throughout the year. Hazzan Perlman has generously assured that the musical liturgy of Chizuk Amuno will be passed along, so that future generations of Chizuk Amuno families will find meaning and enjoyment from our musical heritage. Certainly, the next Hazzan of Chizuk Amuno will have the shoulders of great Hazzanim to stand on, and we will promptly begin the process of finding that individual. Let me close on a personal note. Over the last decade, I have had the benefit of becoming close with the Hazzan, and I am pleased that Chizuk Amuno will always be his synagogue, and that the Hazzan and Janice are going to continue to call Baltimore home.

In April of 1997, a large package arrived at our home in Syracuse, New York. It was from the Executive Director of Chizuk Amuno, Ron Millen. The contents were approximately 500 pages of choir music that had been sung at Chizuk Amuno Congregation over the years, establishing a beloved tradition for a nationally recognized shul.

Chizuk Amuno was notable and respected for its distinctiveness, and as such many of the compositions and arrangements were unfamiliar to me as a new Hazzan moving to Baltimore. I zealously began learning the century old musical heritage that preceded me and have been privileged and honored to nurture that tradition for over 20 years. Sixteen years ago, when Herb Dimmock became the Chizuk Amuno Choir Director, we reintroduced many of the established melodies with Herb’s magnificent contemporary arrangements. We also introduced melodies such as L’dor Vador

(L’dor vador) Hazzan Perlman in front of Cantor Salkov.

and V’al Kulam. We included many of my now familiar composed melodies, which were masterfully arranged by Herb including the Shema Koleinu, which is sung at the High Holidays. One of my best decisions was asking, a then eight-year-old, Shira Pomerantz to sing B’rosh Hashana, for the High Holidays. Her singing has been a blessing to us all. Continued on Page 3 >


LIGHTS UP THE SKY Chizuk Amuno and Beth El Congregations join together to celebrate Hanukkah!

Fireworks, Candle Lighting, Songs, and Games Our students will perform Hanukkah favorites.

MONDAY DECEMBER 18, 5:45 PM Cost for dinner:

By December 11, $5/person, $18/family; At the door, $6/person, $20/family

To RSVP, either: Jason A. Blavatt President

Mail or bring your check to the synagogue office, or Pay online at tinyurl.com/hanukkahfireworks Sponsored in loving memory of Daniel Joseph Siegel and in recognition of Daniel’s Sparks of Change Foundation



In honor of Krieger Schechter’s 36th Anniversary, I share with you a story from the early days of the Solomon Schechter Day School.

6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Gather to greet each other. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.

Shabbat Mornings

9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones.


Candle Lighting.........................Friday 4:25 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YISHLAH Andrew Fleischmann becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Schneider Amuno Minyan ......................................9:30 a.m. Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Study Session .......................................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ......................................4:30 p.m. Havdalah ..................................................5:10 p.m.


Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 4:25 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YEISHEV David Klein becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler December Birthday Blessings Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots .......................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .......................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................. 4:30 p.m. Havdalah ................................................5:10 p.m.

DECEMBER 15/16 / KISLEV 27/28

Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 4:26 p.m. TORAH PORTION: MI-KETZ Eli Friedman becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ......................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ................................... 4:30 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................5:11 p.m.

DECEMBER 22/23 / TEVET 4/5

Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 4:29 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YIGGASH Sermon by Rabbi Schneider Minhah/Ma’ariv ................................... 4:30 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................5:14 p.m.


Friday, December 15, 9:15 a.m. Bring your infants and toddlers to an interactive Tot Shabbat. Join Melissa Berman, Chizuk’s Young Families Coordinator, for songs, puppets, stories and more in the Goldsmith Music Room. No RSVP Required.


Join us for an evening with Ira Forman to discuss how contemporary anti-Semitism plays a role in American political life. Forman served as Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism at the U.S. State Department. Prior to the State Department, Forman served as the Jewish Outreach Director for the Obama for America campaign. He served for nearly 15 years as the Executive Director of the National Jewish Democratic Council.

DECEMBER 29/30 / TEVET 11/12

Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 4:33 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-Y’HI Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Minhah/Ma’ariv ................................... 4:30 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................5:19 p.m. Our Sanctuary is equipped with an audio assistance system to aid in hearing our services. Please see an usher or security guard for a headset.

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Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel

Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Christmas Day 12/25: 9:15 a.m. New Year’s Day 1/1: 9:15 a.m.

I was teaching a fifth grade class, and it was the first day of Hanukkah. Naturally, the youngsters wanted to talk about the gifts that they had received the night before. All of a sudden, one of the girls began to cry. RABBI PAUL SCHNEIDER

“I didn’t get any presents. I promised my mom that I wouldn’t say anything, but I can’t help it. My father lost his job, and my mom said that there will be no more vacations, and no more meals in restaurants, and no more presents for birthdays or Hanukkah.” All of us were stunned. Before I could utter word one, one of the macho boys in the class walked over to this young lady, sat down next to her, put his arm around her shoulder and comforted her with these words“The same thing happened to my father. We thought life was over, but you know what? He got an even better job. I know that the same thing is going to happen to your father. I got a lot of gifts last night. Tomorrow I’m going to bring you some of mine.” Almost on cue, all of the other students in the class echoed his words. “Yes, tomorrow we’ll bring you some of our presents.” I sat at my desk overwhelmed with emotion. Nes gadol haya po- a great miracle happened here. One of their classmates was in pain, and the entire fifth grade class responded at a level of menschlichkeit which was magnificent! At the end of the class, one of the students approached me and asked, “Dr. Schneider, what was the best Hanukkah present you ever received?” I answered him thusly. “The Hesed, the loving kindness that your class just showed to one of your classmates, was the best Hanukkah present I ever received.” Hag Urim Sameah, Paul Schneider

NEWS@CHIZUK Continued from Page 1

During my tenure, Kabbalat Shabbat services became highly participatory, as well as Shabbat morning, with the introduction of repetitive motifs, especially throughout the preliminary service. On Sunday afternoons, we held healing instrumental services in the Esterson Auditorium and Rabbi Camras and I made a High Holiday video for the area hospitals. During the two decades that I have served as Hazzan, our Holocaust programs were attended by Governor O’Malley and Senators Cardin and Mikulski. We hosted monumental concerts including: Syncopation, Beethoven’s Ninth, Elijah, Israel and Egypt both here in our beautiful sanctuary and at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall. Over four decades I have been blessed to teach over 2700 B’nai Mitzvah, with over a 1000 here at Chizuk Amuno. I have also been humbled through my opportunity to provide pastoral counseling. As you read this article, know that you are part of my extended family. To celebrate our years together, I look forward to Syncopation IV next year. It promises to be the best Syncopation concert yet. We hope to host celebrity friends, distinguished guests, and most importantly, you. It is impossible to describe the pride I will feel to be conferred with the title of Hazzan Emeritus of Chizuk Amuno Congregation on August 1, 2018. Sharing an Emeritus status with Rabbi Zaiman is a humbling honor. I must end with a coincidence. The last Bar Mitzvah that I will supervise will be on June 23, 2018, which coincides with my youngest son’s birthday and the family is from Providence, Rhode Island. The grandparents of the Bar Mitzvah used to go to Temple Emanuel in Providence. During the family meeting, the father of the Bar Mitzvah asked me if I was related to the Cantor Perlman of Temple Emanuel. His family remembers Rabbi Zaiman and my late beloved father who shared the pulpit together, as well as officiated at Ron and Alita Millen’s wedding. As with all B’nai Mitzvah, this one promises to be a great blessing to us all. For that and for so much more, I am thankful to you all. Janice and I plan on remaining in Baltimore, as I will proudly serve as your Hazzan for the next High Holidays. Hazzan Perlman


Throughout the year, the congregation has provided written acknowledgments for all contributions as required by the IRS. The synagogue and schools will also send all donors a complete listing and confirmation of all contributions and payments for the entire 2017 calendar year for your records. Only checks postmarked by December 31, 2017 can be included in the statement. The statement cannot include checks dated in December but received in January. The statements will be mailed after January 31, 2018. For additional information or special tax reporting needs, please contact our CFO/Controller, Lesley Brinton, CPA in the accounting office (410-486-6400). Thank you for your generous support.


“While Baltimore may be unique in the high rate of synagogue affiliation compared to other large Jewish communities in North America, what is not unique is that younger families wait longer to join congregations and some consider not joining at all,” notes Allison Baumwald, Membership Chair. “Many young families postpone joining synagogues until they feel that they “have to” in order to get a bar mitzvah date or “graduate” from family services to adult High Holy Day services with cost often the barrier,” she concludes. The Chizuk Amuno Board of Trustees recently approved a unique membership approach to attract, acknowledge, thank, and reward young members and families who join the congregation at an early age. “Most synagogues have a reduced membership rate for younger members and families that often increases significantly as the adults in the family cross older age categories,” explains Neil Leikach, Membership Vice President. “The new membership contribution plan acknowledges the commitment of young families that join at an early age and keeps their membership dues category at the lower level for the remainder of the family’s affiliation, no matter their age. We are inviting younger members to invest in our congregation to insure the future of Judaism in our community” concludes Leikach. Chizuk Amuno is experimenting to see if the new dues structure would encourage people to join the synagogue sooner while acknowledging those families who make a commitment to synagogue affiliation at a younger age. The Chizuk Amuno leadership feels that belonging to a sacred synagogue community has both benefits and obligations and that incentivizing affiliation at a younger age helps solidify the future of the congregation and Jewish community.


When our schools need to open late, both KSDS and Goldsmith will have either a 9 a.m. start or a 10 a.m. start. Please check the Chizuk Amuno website, www.chizukamuno.org, Facebook, or tune into WBAL for schedule changes due to inclement weather; or sign up for the school emergency text system. A complete description of our policy can be found on the school webpage. When inclement weather occurs on a Sunday morning, RRS families should check the Chizuk Amuno website. Page 3



We are delighted to announce that through a variety of Chizuk Amuno and Ramah Scholarship funds, including the Kahan Trust Fund, the Camp Ramah Trust Fund (with generous donations from the Sisterhood and Brotherhood), the Jared Levy Endowment Fund, the Goldner Ramah Endowment Fund, and the Siegel Ramah Endowment Fund, we have some funding to assist our members in sending their children to Camp Ramah for summer 2018. We know that summers at Camp Ramah are wonderful Jewish experiences of friendship, learning and community and we are proud to assist our Chizuk Amuno families in giving our children these immersive and intensive experiences. If you are in need of assistance for Camp Ramah Summer 2018, please be in touch with Rabbi Wechsler at dwechsler@chizukamuno.org. Please also consider making a donation to any of these funds and help make a Ramah summer possible for our children and teens.


It is difficult to believe that we are already planning for our 20202021 b’nei mitzvah students. Rather than assign dates based on the calendar year, we assign dates according to the school year (August through June). This enables us to create one cohort of students, mostly in the same grade, who can participate with their families in our preparation programs, training, meetings, and gatherings. We will soon be assigning dates for students born between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008.

ROSH SHIRAH/ SONG LEADER Last month we had a wonderful weekend with Sam Blustin, our Rosh Shirah/song leader. On Friday morning Sam and Rabbi Seltzer welcomed Shabbat with the Goldsmith Early Childhood Center; they covered their eyes for the Shema, they greeted each other with “Shalom”, and then our children went home singing some new tunes they had learned. At Ta’am Shabbat (a taste of Shabbat) for Krieger Schechter Lower School, Kindergarten through fourth graders put their arms on their classmates’ shoulders and sang Mah Yafeh Ha Yom “How lovely is this day – Shabbat Shalom.” They enjoyed the beautiful atmosphere in our amphitheater prayer space. On Shabbat morning 75 people joined us at the Amuno Minyan for soulful, joyful singing with a percussive beat. And in the evening we said farewell to Shabbat with some of our favorite old time Jewish and Israeli songs and made Havdalah in the courtyard.

Information and applications will be sent in December for this class of 2020-21. If you do not receive a letter and application by the end of the December, please contact Marci Scher at 410-486-6400 ext. 223 or mscher@chizukamuno.org. In the time period between the assignment of a bar/bat mitzvah date and the day of the simhah, families will continue to be invited to participate in “613 & Me,” a series of programs designed to enhance the meaning of this milestone lifecycle event. These programs include a session entitled “It’s a Date” that will explore each child’s Torah portion, a Mitzvah Fair to help your family be more engaged in mitzvot and acts of social justice, an aliyah to the Torah, and a special Shabbat morning service to help families become more familiar with and comfortable in our Sanctuary service. The entire Chizuk Amuno family looks forward to celebrating this exciting and important milestone with our B’nei Mitzvah families.


Rabbi Moshe Schwartz of Krieger Schechter Day School will be leading a family-focused trip to Israel in December 2018. The trip will be geared towards those who have never been to Israel and/ or have never traveled to Israel as a family. For more information as well as pricing and an itinerary, visit www.ksds.edu/israel2018 Page 4

We are already looking forward to Sam’s next weekend with us on December 1-3. Please join us for one of these activities:


Friday, December 1 at 6:00 p.m. Esterson Auditorium A musical (instrumental) Friday night service.


Saturday, December 2, 9:30 a.m. Join our musical, joyful (non-instrumental) lay led Shabbat morning service. If you would like to read Torah or have another honor for the Amuno Minyan be in touch with Ann Andorsky ann.andorsky@gmail.com or Arnie Feiner shrinksx2@aol.com This program is funded for the 2017-2018 year by the Zaiman Education Alliance.


ETERNAL LIGHTS! - CELEBRATING OUR FAMILY SERVICE Everyone has a makom kavua, a special seat, in Chizuk Amuno's Family Service in the Hoffberger Chapel each Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. Whenever families attend, there are seats waiting for them. Every year, we are proud as our children grow more knowledgeable, and confident about their participation in the service. Many read from the Torah, some have an aliyah, others recite a prayer for the first time, one will carry the Torah, while another will open the ark, or recite the Shema. During the year, Rosenbloom Religious School will honor its classes at the Family Service. On Saturday, October 29th, our 4th and 5th grade RRS students led the way. Some of our students volunteered to lead parts, and others enjoyed participating at their seats. Evan Rosen, Jordan Klatsky, and Reid Swirnow recited an aliyah. Meital Asher and Julia Berman read from the Torah. Logan Hollins and Anthony Warren carried the Torah and Shai Weisberg concluded the service by chanting the Ashrei. Every chapel has its eternal light, you can count on! The Hoffberger Chapel has the students of the Family Service. How wonderful to see families doing Jewish experiences together, a ritual, not only of worship and learning, but of love!


On December 16th, 2016 my father, Jonny Rendelman, a long-time member, passed away. For all intents and purposes, I thought the last night of Shiva was the end of my Jewish mourning process and that I would grieve in my own way, however that looked. But, on the evening of December 21st, I decided to go to the Chizuk Amuno Minyan. I am not a religious person by any means. I am proud to be Jewish and culturally it is who I am, but religiously, it was never a part of my life. All of that changed for me the evening of December 21st, 2016. I attended my very first Minyan with no expectations. I was searching for something to make me feel better. The loss of my father was so profound, and I felt like I was going through the motions and in a fog. I never truly thought attending Minyan would be what got me through the most difficult time in my life, but it did. After the evening service on December 21st, 2016 was over – every person in that chapel approached me, introduced themselves to me, told me why they were saying Kaddish, asked me about my father, and instantly these people became a source of comfort. We were all there for the same reason. We had all experienced loss. And in the blink of an eye, I found the support system I needed - other than my amazing family who too were going through their process this group of wonderful people helped me get through the first of everything without my dad. This community is so very special. It didn’t matter that I was the youngest person there every night. What mattered was the constant support each of us gave one another. I often thought about what my father would say to me about going to shul every night. And I believe it would go something

like this: “Don’t go to any trouble for me, baby. Stay home with your boys. And lock your doors!” He always told me to lock my doors. But I do think he is looking down and I think he is so appreciative of all of the people I have met at Minyan. They have taken care of me. Every night for the last 11 months, at 6:15pm – that was my time to think about my dad. For 45 minutes, I would sit with my friends, say a prayer that I know my dad could hear, say goodnight to all of my friends with a “see you tomorrow,” goodbye. As I wrap up my 11 months, I reflect on this process. I am so grateful that as a Jewish person, this is part of our religion. It has helped me in such an unimaginable way. And to my Minyan family, you know who you are – THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart. My dad would have loved each and every one of you. Love,

Stacey Rendelman Thompson If you would like to express your gratitude for our community, please send us your thoughts to Hahodesh@chizukamuno.org Page 5


While Hanukkah traditionally featured the giving of Gelt (money) to children, gift giving today has become more prevalent and more elaborate. Try incorporating the “gift of giving” into your Hanukkah celebrations as a means of teaching children the mitzvah of tzedakah. You might also emphasize the miracle of Hanukkah by celebrating each night in a fun and unique way. Here are a few Ideas: 1. Friends Night - Invite special friends over to light the Hanukkiyah and play games or have a special activity. 2. Music Night - Invite friends who like to sing and play instruments to sing your favorite Hanukkah songs. 3. Tzedakah Night - Donate toys to a toy drive. 4. Book Night - Buy and read new books or your old favorites. 5. Family Night - Invite family who lives nearby or call, facetime, skype with an out of town relative. 6. Cooking Night - Everyone in the family participates in cooking the family’s favorite meal. 7. Craft Night - Provide a variety of materials (recycled or bought) for each family member to make a gift for each other. 8. Gemilut Hasadim (Acts of Loving kindness) Visit an assisted living facility or make a meal or dessert to take to a shelter.


The children and adults at Goldsmith Early Childhood Center had a fabulous morning on Wed., Oct. 25, playing on, learning about and seeing all the cool vehicles that were spread across our parking lot. Thanks to all those that participated! JD Outdoors, BMW of Towson, Orly Moving Systems, Inc., Baltimore County Public Library, Lexus of Towson, Scott Zangwill, WBFF Fox 45 News- Traffic Jam Jimmy, The OCD Company, Strategic Factory, Ace Uniform Services, Lifebridge Health, Schuster Concrete, Giant Food, Pikesville Volunteer Fire Department, Utz Quality Food, Inc., Coldstone Creamery


Sunday, December 10, 1:30 p.m. | Main Sanctuary Krieger Schechter Day School has nearly 1,000 alumni across the globe, in almost every profession, who are proudly dedicated to making the world a better place. KSDS invites you to attend a special event featuring several inspiring alumni speakers. Come hear their stories and celebrate the success of our community. Alumni Speakers include Samuel Crystal (2006), Jake Ferentz (2001), Ilana Frier (2007), Sara Lever (2005), Ori Lieberman (2005), Sam Novey (2002), Joey Reisberg (2014) and more. Join us for an afternoon of engagement, networking, and celebration of our community. Register at www.ksds.edu/alumnitalks


On October 30th, Krieger Schechter Day School celebrated the 36th day of school of its 36th anniversary year. Lower and Middle School students alike enjoyed many magical moments throughout the day including visits and tours by former faculty, learning activities using the number 36, a community service project (sponsoring 36 families for Hannukah), and a school-wide flash mob dance in the lobby! This is such a special time for KSDS. Help celebrate at one of our many events this year: www.ksds.edu/celebrate36

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For the past year, every session with the Achshav 10th grade cohort has started with the same question - how many days until we leave for Israel? As the take-off date of December 21st draws closer, the excitement in the room also grows exponentially. After all, what could be better than finally exploring the land you’ve been learning about for years with your closest friends from religious school?

With their preparation time winding down, the students are spending the current semester learning some helpful Hebrew expressions and developing their own stories about a contemporary Israeli leader of their choice to share with their classmates during the trip.

The Achshav students have been working hard to make the most of their coming experience. Since they started the program in eighth grade they’ve met every Tuesday night at Chizuk Amuno or Beth El to explore Jewish values around leadership through the lens of Israeli heroes and history. Over the years they have conquered Jerusalem with King David, fought Hellenism with Judah Maccabee, dreamed of Zionism with Theodor Herzl, revived the Hebrew language with Eliezer Ben Yehuda, engaged in a secret paratrooper mission with Hannah Senesh, created a state with David Ben Gurion, and coordinated the Yom Kippur war with Golda Meir.

The students in the Achshav 10th grade cohort are shining examples of the potential of young Jews today. Despite their busy academic and social schedules they have carved out the time to reflect on their Jewish values, build their leadership skills, and create a community of Jewish learners. By pairing a trip to Israel with Jewish learning the result will be a more meaningful and memorable experience that will enrich the students, their families, and our entire community. So congratulations to our Achshav 10 cohort - we wish you an amazing journey! And thank you to the generous support of Chizuk Amuno, Beth El and the Charles Crane Family Foundation for supporting this three year teen leadership and Israel experience.



Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood presents

Questions and more information, please contact Richard Udell, Brotherhood President, pvfc3251@verizon.net


Men, Meat, and Midrash

Wednesday, February 17, 6 p.m. NOTE DATE CHANGE

Wednesday, December 20, 6:30 p.m. The Kabbalah. Taught by Dr. Moshe Shualy. Food, Beer, Drinks & Dessert $10 / person RSVP by December 14 PART 3 Mail all checks into the :Brotherhood with Rabbi Moshe Schwartz 8100 Stevenson Rd. | Baltimore, MD 21208 Deli dinner and drinks included. For men only.

Cost: $8/person. RSVP to Richard Udell, pvfc3251@verizon.net or pay online: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/men-meat-and-midrash-tickets-20993504136

BROTHERHOOD BLOOD DRIVE Tuesday, December 19, 1-7:30 p.m. Little known FACT: your blood donation can save not just 1, but up to 3 lives. Call Warren Gould, 301-602-0017 to reserve your special time to donate life-saving blood.


Contact Ruth Silber, Sisterhood President, with any questions or for further information at Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org. If you’d like to receive our Sisterhood e-newsletter, please send Ruth your e-mail address.



Saturday, March 10, 2018 Join us in our L’Dor L’Dor, generation to generation, program that will educate and create meaningful memories. Our guest speaker will be Rabbi Ariel Greenberg, the daughter in law of CAC and Sisterhood member, Pamela Platt. Don’t miss this unique and fun Shabbat program. Lots of fun and creative events to come in January and February, details to follow. We are working hard to offer some social programs to our members. Starting in January 2018, Sisterhood will be making (on Friday mornings) and baking (Sunday mornings) hamentashen for Purim. All profits from sales of cookies is donated to the KSDS STEAM program, for more information or to volunteer, email Andrea Polsky, mpolsky99@yahoo.com


It is time to shop for all of your Hanukkah needs! There are some fun new items in the shop – Dreidel Fidget spinners, The Story of Funukkah, crafts to keep you busy all 8 nights, and more! Shop hours are available online! Did you join Sisterhood this year? You will receive a coupon soon so keep an eye out! The coupon is good for a gift as a thank you (while supplies last; to be picked up in the shop) and an offer for 20% off one shop item!

SAVE THE DATE! ASKIN BOOK REVIEW Sunday, April 29, 2018, 12-3 p.m. Books available in the Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop.

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ENGAGE IN GEMILUT HASADIM We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.


Your donations literally demonstrate tikkun olam, the repair of the world, and were thoughtfully distributed to organizations that serve thousands of clients. At our Food Drive, we collected over 35 bags of groceries, weighing almost 270 pounds. We sent food to Sarah’s Hope at Hannah More, Paul’s Place, and Gilead House. Todah Rabbah to volunteers who helped with sorting food and deliveries: David Flax, Tamie Flax, Melissa Halpern, and Marsha Yoffe.

We filled five cars to the brim with proceeds from our Clothing Drive for deliveries to: MCVET, Our Daily Bread, The League for People with Disabilities, Paul’s Place, and Success in Style. Todah Rabbah to our dedicated volunteers for their help unloading/loading cars and making deliveries: Amy Chapper (leader), Bruce Chapper, Carole Diamond, David Flax, Tamie Flax, Melissa Halpern, Leah Helman, Jennie Rothschild, Margie Simon, and Harriet Udell

Sunday, December 24, 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com


Wednesday, December 20, 2 p.m.

GILEAD HOUSE GEMILUT HASADIM PARTNERSHIP (GH2) Contact Margie Simon, mbs827@verizon.net, or Jennie Rothschild, jzrothschild@comcast.net.


Sunday, December 3, 9 a.m. Contact Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422

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Monday, December 25 Join with thousands of volunteers in various locations throughout Baltimore to celebrate this annual community wide day of service. Chizuk Amuno is a community partner and will be stationed at the Owings Mills JCC on Monday from 12:30-2:30 p.m. This is family friendly event. www.jvcbaltimore.org


If you would like to be involved in this meaningful program to heal and preserve our streams and bodies of water, please contact Cheryl.



Contact Fran Glushakow Gould, franny1912@yahoo.com, 443-691-0133

Right now we are concentrating on new/sealed travel-sized toiletries to be used in care packages made on Community Mitzvah Day. In addition to toiletries, we also accept: Used Eye Glasses and Hearing Aids, Used Cell Phones, New or Gently Used Children’s Books, Soda Can Tabs, Yarn, Ribbon, Beads, Buttons, and Notions.


Arlington Elementary School is a new participant with Reading Partners. Their book shelves were totally empty. After donating over 460 books collected at our Book Drive, their shelves are now FULL! In addition, we sent another 100 books to Our Daily Bread. Todah Rabbah to Jane Kahn and Ron Kahn for their help with the Book Drive.





This spring, we will present Wise Aging, a program developed by the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. Through conversation, text study, and guided meditation, participants will develop the practice of making wise choices in their lives, leading to a positive, more fulfilling existence Informational meeting: Saturday, December 9, 12:30 p.m. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman.

Wednesday, December 6, 7:30 p.m. You’re welcome to join us as we explore projects for our Gemilut Hasadim initiative. Come early (6:30 p.m.) and help paint “inspiration rocks” for our new amphitheater. Please notify Cheryl if you plan to paint or attend the meeting.


B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal Tov to their families. DECEMBER 2 ANDREW GILBERT FLEISCHMANN GERSHEN son of Lori Fleischmann and Robert Fleischmann DECEMBER 9 DAVID ANDREW KLEIN DAVID LEV son of Lauren & Carl Klein DECEMBER 16 ELI MINKIN FRIEDMAN LEV TOV son of Liz Minkin Friedman & Keith Friedman

Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Mika Isabella Bloomberg, daughter of Maya & Drew Bloomberg, granddaughter of Dr. Sam & Robin Smith, Linda Smith, Robert Bloomberg and Wendy Zimmerman, and greatgranddaughter of Rhona Smith, Sharon Margulis and Marilyn Zimmerman Caleb Matthias Spanier, son of Hillary & David Spanier

Weddings We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Stephanie Felton, daughter of Joanne & Dr. J. Fred Felton, to Andy Geltman, son of Liz & Ed Geltman, and to the grandparents, Saralynn & Sheldon Glass and Muriel Geltman Julia Goldwasser, daughter of Ellen & Dr. Joel Goldwasser, to Amit Matalon, son of Dalia & Isaac Matalon Alana Kreshtool, daughter of Heller & Jeffrey Kreshtool, to Jeff Snyder, son of Alice & Wayne Snyder, and to the grandparents, Connie Kreshtool and Henry Culman Lindsy Massuda, daughter of Cindy & Gabe Massuda, to Michael Zaslow, son of Debbie & Brian Zaslow, and to the grandmothers, Florence Fishbein and Louise Massuda

In Loving Memory Efrem M. Potts, Honorary Member and son of our late past president Isaac Potts We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Adam Fried, on the loss of his mother, Eleanor Fried Andrew Miller, on the loss of his mother, and David Miller on the loss of his grandmother, Bette Sherman Dr. Diane Powers, on the loss of her mother, Marjorie Golub As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

Members in the News Our members were featured in the “Top Doctors” November issue of Baltimore Magazine. Yasher Koach to: Vanina Wolf, Jonathan Matz, William Zirkin, Ruth S. Horowitz, Louis B. Malinow, Jeffrey Posner, Braeme S. Glaun, Jon Koman, Morris Brian Polsky, Albert Aboulafia, Ronald Sherman, Richard Hudes, Charles White, Margery Kates, Samuel Smith, Edward Gratz, Samuel Andorsky, Lew Schon, Michele Shermak, Ziv Gamliel, Benjamin Philosophe, and Jennifer Heller


Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools is fortunate to have a wonderful, dedicated maintenance, clerical, administrative, and support staff, all of whom ensure that the synagogue and schools run as needed. The synagogue, our members, our auxiliary groups, our staff, and others would like to demonstrate our appreciation to the staff through a small December holiday financial gift. In lieu of tipping, the congregation has created a Staff Holiday Gift Fund, which is divided equally among the support staff every December. We appreciate those who contribute to the holiday gift fund to our maintenance and support staff members in honor of their good work during the High Holy Days and throughout the year. Please join us in acknowledging these dedicated staff members. Contributions to the Staff Holiday Gift Fund may be sent to the synagogue office.


There are great tax advantages to donating appreciated securities directly to the congregation. Stock may be contributed toward the payment of synagogue membership dues, annual appeal campaign, tuition payments, general donations, or other special offerings. Please visit www.chizukamuno. org/giving/foundation-endowments/ or contact Susan Bernstein (sbernstein@chizukamuno.org) Page 9

TZEDAKAH AT CHIZUK AMUNO Terumot HaKodesh. We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue.


Teresa Alpert in memory of Charles Alpert

CONGREGATIONAL ANNUAL APPEAL Dr. & Mrs. Gary Briefel in gratitude to Ed Kraus for his kindness & attention to Dennis Briefel


Wendy & Perry Gould in honor of Gail Oppel, on the occasion of her special birthday Barry Glass in memory of Shirley P. Glass and Frieda Glass Andrew Sandler & Dr. Karen Garber in memory of Adrienne Shifman Amy & Hugh Schwartz wishing Mazal Tov to Gail Letzter & Dan Farkas on the birth of their granddaughter Annabelle Nicastro Stephan Capriles with thanks to the Moffet Grant family for their kindness & hospitality.




Jordon & Beverly Max wishing Phyllis & Leonard Attman & Family a healthy & sweet New Year. Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Max in memory of Yehuda Dickstein


Jackie Glassgold in honor of Hal Gilbert’s homecoming from the hospital Jackie Glassgold in honor of Sheila & Howard Sandbank’s 10th anniversary Jackie Glassgold in memory of Sylvia Aiken Jackie Glassgold in memory of Rubin Miller Jackie Glassgold wishing Mazal Tov to Carol & Dr. Ed Gratz on the birth of their new granddaughter

KSDS LOIS & ALVIN NEUBERGER FAMILY EDUCATION FUND Mr. Alan Hamburger in memory of Michelle Goldstein Benaim


Paul L. & Ellen Saval in memory of Louis Miller

Barbara Stein in memory of Hyman Muskin Ethel Klein in memory of Irvin Klein Marion Isaac in memory of Sylvan Isaac Sylvia Gamerman in memory of Brian Gamerman Sylvia Gamerman in memory of Albert Gamerman



Dr. Seth Glassman & Mrs. Debbie Gilbert Glassman in honor of Michael Moranz for being Hatan Torah, Naomi Amsterdam for being Kallat Torah, Carl Polsky for being Hatan Torah, Jeffrey Snyder for being Hatan Bereishit, Wendy Davis for being Kallat Bereishit, and Marvin Spector for being Hatan Bereishit for Simhat Torah Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kirsner in honor of Gail Oppel’s big birthday Dr. Seth Glassman & Mrs. Debbie Gilbert Glassman wishing Mazal Tov to: Ann and Dan Fried on upcoming marriage of daughter Ilana to Jason Hofberg, Naomi & Larry Amsterdam on the birth of granddaughter Ruby, Ellen Rosenberg and Gary Besmanoff on birth of granddaughter Elise, Sarah and Ricky Gratz on birth of daughter Eve, and Ann & Dan Fried on birth of grandson Gideon

Audrey & James Rothschild in honor of Gail Oppel’s special birthday Diane Israel in honor of Gail Oppel’s special birthday Ileen Weiner in honor of Gail Oppel’s special birthday Glenn & Cindy Easton with thanks to Gail Oppel for her help with the Sukkah decorating


Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wasserkrug in memory of Dr. Ronald Branoff


Dr. David & Mrs. Saundra Madoff to the Abramoff family in memory of Esther Elkin Dr. Andy Miller & Mrs. Sandra Dzija in memory of Esther Elkin Dr. Stephen & Mrs. Leslie Pomerantz in memory of Joyce D. Feinberg


Mrs. Caryl Blum for a speedy recovery of Robyn Blum Ron & Jane Kahn in honor of the faculty of KSDS, with appreciation for the love & dedication with which you educate our grandchildren & all KSDS students

KSDS ARNOLD & ELKE NEUBURGER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Arnold & Elke Neuburger in honor of Warren Massouda’s 80th birthday


Penny and Dr. Ron Silverman in memory of Allen I. Green


Margot Zipper in honor of Estelle Bloomberg’s birthday \

Page 10

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Moskowitz in memory of Esther Elkin


Donna Shapiro in memory of Dr. Paul Schenker Garth Ann Gerstenblith in memory of Audrey Gerstenhaber Gigi Bormel in memory of Isaac Bormel Helaine Weber in memory of Herbert Alpert Jack Deutch in memory of Samuel Deutch Marlene Aiken in memory of Joseph Tauber Millie Fisher in memory of Else Adler and Herbert Fisher Mordehai & Amy Gur in memory of Regina Weinberg Ronald Schwartzman in memory of Joseph Schwartzman Barbara Mandel in memory of Gary Mandel Sharon Rose in memory of Marshall Gendason Paul Sandler in memory of Dorothy Sandler Sandy Montuori in memory of Ida Dworkin Sharon Rose & Family in memory of Ben Rose Shelley Deutch in memory of Ruth Deutch Sue Grudziecki in memory of Amanda Grudziecki Susan Klein in memory of Jules & Bertha Klein Susan Liss in memory of Baird Michelson Walter & Rita Abel in memory of Hyman & Frieda Pertman Walter Lamm in memory of Edith Lamm


Dr. Andy Miller & Mrs. Sandra Dzija in honor of Simhat Torah honorees Naomi Amsterdam, Wendy Davis, Michael Moranz, Carl Polsky, Jeff Snyder, & Marvin Spector





Dawn Reznik wishing Mazal Tov to Gary & Shuli Raffel on their new home Paulette & Jay Pollack in honor of Sheila & Howard Sandbank’s 10th anniversary Dawn, Larry & Chantal Reznik in memory of Joyce Feinberg


Abram Kronsberg and Robin Kaplan in memory of in memory of Dr. Eli Shulman Steve & Carol Landsman in memory of Theresa Dreyer and Marc Joseph Kabik Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz wishing Mazal Tov to Rabbis Nina Beth Cardin & Avram Reisner on the birth of their granddaughter Leora Sally & Dr. Anton Grobani wishing Mazal Tov to: Sonia and Bernie Kozlovsky on the engagement of their daughter Penina, Kay Schuster on the birth of her twin grandsons and Erika and Lew Schon on the engagement of their son Ian Lorraine & Earl Raffel in memory of Karleen Levenson

Elaine Fox in memory of William Gainsburg Jack & Muriel Freedman “Friends at Chizuk Amuno” in memory of Rev. Yehuda Dickstein Ann Harris in memory of Florine Bretholz and Jeanette Harris Dorothy Yankellow in memory of Anna Torn Dr. Jeffrey Zale in memory of Sanford Zale Elaine Fox in memory of Frances Fox Joyce Miller in memory of Naomi Prostic Larry & Carol Gilbert in memory of Martha B. Kayne Lynne Lichtig in memory of Evelyn Levin Howard Wagenheim in memory of Samuel Wagenheim Samuel Teitelman in memory of Rebecca Teitelman Sandra Steingart in memory of Shirley Koser Sarah Bohm in memory of Jeffrey Goldman Sarah Edelman in memory of Zelig Koniarski Susie Feldman & Family in memory of Gerson Freedman

Irwin & Miriam Golob in honor of Mace & Edna’s Special Anniversary Steve & Anne King wishing Jerry Kurman a speedy & full recovery Maxine Seidman in honor of Stephanie & Keith Weinstein’s daughter Bari Eliza’s Bat Mitzvah Rebecca Tucker in memory of Barbara Leibowitz Lichter Steve & Anne King wishing Mazal Tov on the marriage of Edna & Mace Crystal’s grandson David Zuckerman to Dora Gordon Larry & Lynne Lichtig with thanks to Nancie Leibowitz for a fun Sukkot

PHYLLIS & LEONARD ATTMAN MUSIC FUND The Oneg Fund with thanks to Leonard Attman for his participation in the Rosh HaShanah services at the Weinberg Village Phyllis & Leonard Attman in memory of Efrem Potts & Joanne Shecter


Michele Eisen Foreman & Howard Brill & Family in memory of Evelyn Anita Wolfe


Dr. Jay & Mrs. Nadine Rudo in honor of Joan Gurney’s special birthday Ira & Gloria Luchinsky in honor of Sheila & Howard Sandbank’s 10th anniversary Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Lois Hamilton Howard & Barb Siegel in memory of Robyn Swissman Joe & Sandy Krome in memory of Sylvia Gimbel Mace & Edna Crystal in memory of Rev. Yehuda Dickstein


Alegra Best; Cynthia Miraglia & Dr. Betsy Fay in honor of Gail Oppel’s Special Birthday Ronnie Glaser in honor of Gail Oppel’s Special Birthday


Bernard Krol & Diana Zwaig Krol Bruce & Barbara Lewbart in honor of Ruth Brown’s birthday David & Danielle Abraham in honor of the birth of their daughter Ayla Theodora Abraham Jack & Muriel Freedman with gratefulness for the Aliyot on Yom Kippur Jay & Marsha Gamerman & Family in honor of Naomi Amsterdam being a Kallat Torah on Simhat Torah Margot Zipper in honor of Irma Gamson’s 90th birthday Natalie Kuszmerski Alan & Harriet Kanter in honor of Irma Gamson’s 90th birthday Ayala Hecht in honor of Amy, Hugh & Karen Schwartz Bernard & Reva Suffel in honor of Joan Gurney’s special birthday Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Reichmister in honor of Bernard Fish’s 90th birthday Gloria Hack in honor of Max Bloom’s shofar blowing at the Springhouse of Pikesville Mark Whitman in honor of Marvin Spector’s and Wendy Davis’ honor on Sukkot Marshall & Rita Plaut in honor of Warren Massouda’s 80th birthday Marty & Dolores Zuckerman in honor of Rev. Yehuda Dickstein Maxine Seidman in honor of Sheila & Howard Sandbank’s 10th anniversary Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of Anne & David Young’s son Daniel’s marriage Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of Sheila & Howard Sandbank’s 10th anniversary Philip Nochumowitz in honor of Sheila & Howard Sandbank’s 10th anniversary Irene Pack & Janice Hurwitz Sandra Steingart in honor of Barbara & Bruce Lewbart, Judy & Marvin Spector & Anne & David Young Sheldon & Shelley Goldseker in honor of receiving an Aliyah during the High Holidays Sherwin & Marsha Yoffe in honor of Simhat Torah honorees: Naomi Amsterdam, Wendy Davis, Michael Moranz, Carol Polsky & Marvin Spector Vivian & Pinkey Chait in honor of Irma Gamson’s special birthday Alan & Harriet Friedman in memory of Sonia Goldberg Alan & Harriet Kanter in memory of Esther Elkin Barry & Pearl Oslick in memory of Eva Oslick, Sander Oslick & Rose Rosenblum Brad & Lisa Trattner in memory of Adrienne Shifman Daniel & Joan Cagan in memory of Sylvia Gimbel Dorothy Rainess in memory of Rev. Yehudah Dickstein Gary & Donna Friedman in memory of Robyn Swissman Howard Rosenbloom in memory of Hannah Lipman Howard Rosenbloom & Michelle Gelkin in memory of Sylvia Gimbel Jeffrey & Shelly Hettleman in memory of Dr. Hilbert Levine Jenny Baker in memory of Fannie Mondell Joel & Pamela Fradin in memory of Dr. Eli Shulman Joshua Rosen in memory of Tobie Volks Judith Hyatt in memory of Adrienne Shifman Kahn Trestman Family in memory of Rev. Yehuda Dickstein

Leslie Blum in memory of Sylvia Gimbel Lotta Holzman in memory of Fannie Holzman Mark Whitman in memory of Rev. Yehudah Dickstein Marty & Dolores Zuckerman in memory of Rev. Yehuda Dickstein Philip Nochumowitz in memory of Esther Elkin Norman & Roxy Buchsbaum in memory of Sylvia Gimbel Howard & Sheila Sandbank wishing Mazal Tov to Amy & Bruce Chapper on the engagement of their son Jon to Stacey Derkatch Howard & Sheila Sandbank wishing Mazal Tov to Beth & Albert Blumberg on the engagement of their son Daniel to Allison Traister Paul Diamond & Margie Kwart wishing Mazal Tov to Dr. Leon Reinstein on his retirement Ellen Moses Sherrie Polsky, North Oaks Partnership, with thanks to Jeff Davis in appreciation of conducting services DUE TO SPACE CONSTRAINTS ADDITIONAL TRIBUTES FOR THIS ISSUE WILL BE CONTINUED IN THE JANUARY ISSUE.



The Bar Mitzvah of Andrew Gilbert Fleischmann, by his parents, Lori Fleischmann and Robby Fleischmann, and his grandparents, Sam Askin, Marsha Esterman and Rudy Fleischmann

In Memory Of:

Lynne Askin and Louis Leon, grandparents of Andrew Gilbert Fleischmann Laurel Dolly Keen, mother & grandmother, by Rena & Jack Shenk & family. Mark Eigenberg, father, by Judi & Marc Komins & family. Bessie Caplan, mother, by Sharon & Irvin Caplan & family. Florence Gordon, mother, by Darlene & Gerald Gordon & family. Nathan Blum, father, by Elke & Arnold Neuburger & family. Evelyn Fishlin by Alita & Ron Millen & family. Rosalie Levin by Joan & Michael Vardi, Alan Levin & Anita Baron & Barbara Levy & families. Rita Helzner Silverman, on her birthday, by “Chuck” Klein & family.


The Bar Mitzvah of David Andrew Klein, by his parents, Lauren & Carl Klein, and his grandparents, Carol & Ray Klein and Susan & Dennis Weiss

In Memory Of:

Lilyan Sayer, mother, by Suzanne Katz & family. Sidney Tucker by Sally & Arthur Grant, children & grandchildren. Miriam Sokolow, sister, by Jeanne & Jack Luskin & family. Beatrice Kraus, mother & grandmother, by Joanne & Dr. Edward Kraus & family. Irene Levin, mother, by Sherrie & Carl Polsky & family. Esther Sapperstein by her children and grandchildren. Rhoda Toney by her family & friends of Chizuk Amuno. Morris Jacob by his daughter, Barbara Wallenstein, & family. Lee B. Cooper, mother, by Pamela & Joel Fradin. Baracat Elgamil, father, by Lily & Dr. Warren Massouda & family. Rebecca Bobick, mother, by Anita Raynes & family. Jeanette Friedman, mother, by Joannie & Dr. Harry Friedman & family & Neil Friedman. Leon Weiner, brother, by Miriam & Arnold Kahn.

Isadore Stern by his wife, children & granddaughter. Rebecca Spevak, mother, by Estelle Bloomberg & family. Stanley I. Minch, on his birthday, by his wife, June Minch & family.


The Bar Mitzvah of Eli Minkin Friedman, by his parents, Liz Minkin Friedman & Keith Friedman, and his grandparents, Jerri Minkin & Harvey Charkatz, Thomas & Patti Minkin and Faye & Daniel Friedman

In Memory Of: Julius Leiter, father, by Ruth & Allen Brown & family.

Anna Yoffe, mother, by Marsha & Sherwin Yoffe & family. Anne Picower, mother, by Ilene & Alvin Powers & family. Jacob Donick, father, by Faye & Howard Pollack. Jerome S. Cardin by Shoshana S. Cardin & family. Marion L. Goldman, by her children & grandchildren. Ethel Wolf, mother, by Donna & Robert Wolf & family. Lillian Kurman, mother, by Gail & Jerry Kurman and children. Marjorie Tucker Friedlander by Lynn & Nelson Tucker & family. Nathan L. Cohen by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen, & family. Mary E. Mogol by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein. Judge Albert L. Sklar, on his birthday, by his family


Mollye Hamburger, sister, by Ina & Calvin Hamburger. Abraham Weiner, father, by Miriam & Arnold Kahn & family. Anna Miller by Beverly & Jordon Max & family. Beulah Oppenheim, mother, by Rosalind & Samuel Oppenheim & family. Morris Pines, father, by his family. Florence M. Friedman, mother, by Drs. Deborah & Lawrence Weber, & grandchildren, Staci & Nikki. Mollie Putterman, mother, by Sharon & Irvin Caplan & family. Flora Pearlstein, mother, by Audrey Levine & family. Esther Kahan by Ann Kahan & family. Gabriel Massouda, father, by Lily & Dr. Warren Massouda & family. Joseph L. Shor by Shirley Shor & family. Yetta & Issy Cooperman, parents, by their family. Bess & Louis M. Schlimer, mother & father, by Carol & Gilbert Davis & family. Sarah Rosenberg, mother, by her children & grandchildren. Sylvia Apatoff by her children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren.

SHABBAT, DECEMBER 30 / 12 TEVET In Memory Of: Alexander Silverman, father, by Jackie Glassgold

& children. Abby Blumenthal by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family. Harry Blumberg by his children & grandchildren. Florence & Paul J. Fineman by their children & grandchildren. Maurice M. Kaplan, father, by Joyce & Louis Kaplan. Rose Max by Beverly & Jordon Max & family.Evelyn King by Anne & Steven King & family. Bruce Blumenthal by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family. Shirley Solomon by Marvin Solomon & family. Friedel Lobe, mother, by Evelyn & Gary Brager & family. Edward Gamson by Irma Gamson & family. Theodore Waranch by his children & grandchildren. Sylvia Levine, mother, by Barry, Stuart & Lisa Levine. Lewis J. Lebow by his children & grandchildren. Sidney Chernak by Marlene Pollack & family. Cheryl Rimerman, on her birthday, by her mother, Marlene Brager & family.

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TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL PLEASE DELIVER PROMPTLY 8100 STEVENSON ROAD BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21208 www.chizukamuno.org 410-486-6400 info@chizukamuno.org

Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Jason A. Blavatt, Esquire, President Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Paul Schneider Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media

The Goldsmith Early Childhood Center’s

May the light of the season be in your heart all year long. Wishing you a Happy Hanukkah! 1st Candle Dec. 12 / 24 Kislev | Last Candle Dec. 20 / 2 Tevet


GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER - Fri., Dec. 22 - Mon., Jan. 1, 2018 KSDS - Fri., Dec. 22 - Mon., Jan. 1, 2018 ROSENBLOOM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL - Wed., Dec. 20 - Tues., Jan. 2, 2018


ANNUAL GIFTIQUE Wed., Dec. 6 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Chizuk Amuno Congregation

Grab your friends and head over for a fun day of awesome shopping!


Young Families of Chizuk Amuno

DRIEDEL, DRIEDEL, DRIEDEL Join Young Families of Chizuk Amuno for our family Hanukkah & Shabbat dinner! (For pre-school through 2nd graders. Siblings welcome!)


5:30 p.m. - Activities 6:00 p.m. - Hanukkah and Shabbat Dinner Stulman Auditorium $10/adult | $5/child Max - $30/family Under 2 are free.

Pre-Registration is Required by December 6 at tinyurl.com/YfofcaDriedel Questions? Contact Melissa Berman, mberman@chizukamuno.org

Calling All Grandparents of the Chizuk Amuno Community Bring your grandchildren, pre-school ages and up, to an afternoon event designed just for you.

Making Holiday Keepsakes

Grandparents & Grandchildren TOGETHER Sunday, December 10th 3-5 p.m.

Stulman Auditorium at Chizuk Amuno $5 per Grandchild | Snacks provided RSVP to Melissa Berman at mberman@chizukamuno.org or 410-486-8641 Checks made payable to Chizuk Amuno Congregation

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