Hahodesh february2017 web

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FEBRUARY 2017 | Shevat/Adar 5777 Engaging Jewish Life & Learning

RABBI’S COLUMN Sacred Conversation I love a good conversation. Respectful, passionate, RABBI RON SHULMAN but lacking in condescension or arrogance, I enjoy talking with people who challenge, and who want to be challenged by what I think. Discussions that reveal something about who we are and how we think help us to form genuine relationships. Reflect on your favorite parties and best friends. More than good food, music, or chit-chat, and in addition to a shared setting or common experiences, what you speak about and how you converse explains your preference and your attachment. When we talk with each other, when we listen to one another, when we demonstrate some vulnerability, when we make room for others’ views, in these moments we build connections and bonds that validate our individual importance to another and someone else’s significance to us. Honest dialogue allows us to agree and disagree with mutual regard and consideration. Shared among many people, or in group settings, such exchanges also create community. Social culture so often inhibits these types of conversations. Synagogue culture ought to enable them more often. After all, it is in the Torah that we find a model for this type of endearing conversation. Continued on Page 2

Tu B’Shevat Special shabbat Kiddush February 11, Noon Join us to celebrate Tu B’Shevat at Shabbat Kiddush following services when we will mix wines, taste nuts, fruits, and treats. We will also recite the blessings of a Tu B’Shevat Seder, a charming custom anticipating spring in the middle of winter.

Chizuk Amuno Congregation & Schools come together for

Shabbat Yahad February 25

On Shabbat Yahad, we blend the schools and generations of Chizuk Amuno for a Shabbat Together. Our sanctuary becomes a central hub for all of our different Shabbat services and activities, and for all of us as families and friends. 10:00 a.m. - Torah Service in the sanctuary 10:15 a.m. - (Plan to arrive by 10) KSDS 1st grade students are invited to bring their new siddurim with special homemade covers to the main sanctuary to take part in the service and then join the Family Service immediately after. 10:30 a.m. - Family Service 10:30 a.m. - Torah for Tots with a special Rosh Chodesh twist celebrating the month of Adar 10:30 a.m. - KSDS 4th Grade Shabbat Service All services will culminate in the Sanctuary for closing prayers and blessings followed by a Kiddush luncheon for all. This is wonderful way to spend Shabbat with friends and to meet the members of our community.

ENGAGE IN PRAYER Schedule of weekly shabbat services Erev Shabbat, Friday Evenings 6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Greeting each other before Minhah. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.

Shabbat Mornings 9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones.

Reasons and Meanings: What I’d Like to Know FEB. 3/4 | Shevat 8 Candle Lighting: .......................Friday 5:11 p.m. TORAH PORTION: BO Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .....................4:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ...................................5:00 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................5:57 p.m.

Feb. 10/11 | Shevat 15 Candle Lighting:: .....................Friday 5:19 p.m. TORAH PORTION: B’SHALLAH Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots ......................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .....................4:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ..................................5:00 p.m. Havdalah ..............................................6:05 p.m.

Feb. 17/18 | Shevat 22 Candle Lighting: ......................Friday 5:27 p.m. TORAH PORTION: YITRO Jillian Bailey Cohen becomes Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Shulman No Family Service Shabbat Study Session ......................4:15 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv..................................... 5:15 p.m. Havdalah ................................................6:13 p.m.

Feb. 24/25 | Shevat 29 Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 5:35 p.m. TORAH PORTION: MISHPATIM Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots ......................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ......................4:15 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ....................................5:15 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................6:21 p.m.

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Shabbat Mornings - February 4 & 11 We’re all curious about Jewish customs and beliefs. We all have questions about the role of Judaism and Jewish tradition in our lives. We all doubt, wonder, and ask. We all affirm, celebrate, and enjoy. We all seek reasons and meanings. We form community by merging our different ideas, our different memories, and our different experiences. We come from different backgrounds. Together, let’s ask our questions and share in discovering answers. What didn’t we learn about Judaism before that we’d like to know now? Rabbis Shulman and Wechsler invite you to submit questions and topics of interest. Our rabbis will select from your inquiries and suggestions and guide us in exploring about Judaism what we’d like to know. Please submit your questions and curiosities to our rabbis by email rshulman@chizukamuno.org and dwechsler@chizukamuno.org or in personal conversation. Each week they’ll select from your questions for discussion.

Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Daily: 7:30 a.m., and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Note: President’s Day Monday, February 20 - 7:30 a.m. Our Sanctuary is equipped with an audio assistance system to aid in hearing our services. Please see an usher or security guard for a headset.

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The Torah describes that God “would speak to Moses face to face, panim el panim, as one person speaks to another.” Their conversations were heart to heart talks, suggests Nahmonides, commenting on Moses’ unique relationship with God. The Torah employs this most intimate form of human conversation - heartfelt, direct, and personal expression - to emphasize Moses’ singular status. This figurative image also models something else. Though Torah often portrays God as commanding and demanding, it is the description of Moses’ relationship with God as close and near, a more intimate Presence, which most of us desire. In a warm and friendly congregation, it is God’s imminence we seek in prayer, as one example. Or, when we share moments of Jewish expression and celebration with family and friends we bring God’s presence into our lives. We share religious and spiritual awareness together as we enjoy our ritual traditions. From Torah we learn to achieve these feelings and face to face connections through sacred conversations. Sacred conversations occur, in public settings and in private places, when we speak to each other as did God and Moses, “face to face, panim el panim.” Our conversations are sacred when we speak with each other personally in a caring and engaging manner. When we speak kindly in honest exploration of those subjects that matter most in our lives we share in sacred conversation. Good conversations become sacred ones when we achieve closer and more cherished relationships that enhance our lives and enrich our community. B’Shalom Rav,

NEWS@CHIZUK AMUNO A MESSAGE FROM OUR RABBINIC TRANSITION & SEARCH CHAIRS Chizuk Amuno Congregation is embarking on an 18 month journey as we search for and select our next senior rabbi. We look forward to engaging the entire congregation in this process, as we are given this unique opportunity to dream about and create our synagogue’s future together. We are honored to have been asked to serve as the Chairs of the Rabbinic Transition and Search Committee. As many of you know, we have each played a leadership role in either the Torah Writing Campaign or Community Playground Project, and served on the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee for several years. It is our deep love for and commitment to this community that we hope will help lead us in the critical task of choosing our next rabbinic leader. However, it is the engagement of all of you that will inspire and drive our congregation forward. In order for us to be successful, it is imperative that we have participation and input from every facet of our diverse community. There will be two phases to the process. The first will be an in-depth assessment of congregational identity, needs, and aspirations. We will be engaging resources to help facilitate this assessment. The second phase will be the search process where applicants will be identified, vetted and interviewed. The entire process will be strategic, inclusive, transparent, unified, and professional. We hope to have a new senior rabbi in place by July 2018. During the transition, the Board of Trustees is committed to making sure Chizuk Amuno thrives, using the committed staff, lay leaders and deep “bench” of clergy, led by Rabbi Wechsler. In advance, we are deeply appreciative of all of their extra time and contributions. The Rabbinic Transition and Search Committee has been formed and the members are already hard at work as we begin to prepare for the process to start. We considered each demographic and interest group as members were carefully selected. Integral to the process, will be the formation of congregant subcommittees, chaired by members of our Committee, who will implement the following tasks: • Congregational surveying • Focus group and town hall conversations • Rabbinic Assembly application process • Application vetting and interview process logistics • Communications and messaging • Rabbinic search best practices This will be an active and exciting time for our congregation. The transition process offers all of us the opportunity to dream and shape the future of Chizuk Amuno Congregation at a critical point in our history. We encourage you to write us at search@chizukamuno.org to become a member of a subcommittee and to let us know if you have any questions or would like additional information. May we go from strength to strength. B’Shalom, Stephen Pomerantz and Sandi Moffet, Chairs Chizuk Amuno Congregation Rabbinic Transition and Search Committee Ron Attman, Allison Baumwald, Jason Blavatt, Ricky Gratz, Bob Hallock, Nancy Hudes, Ruthann Kaufman, Jonny Lewis, Abigail Malis, Sarah Manekin, Jordon Max, Sam Moskowitz, Jeffrey Platt, David Roffman, Antony Rosen, Mindy Rosen, Michelle Rosenbloom, and Lynn Tucker

Membership matters Belonging to a congregational community brings meaning and support to our members and families during simchas and sorrows. Recently, several members shared their thoughts…… “Celebrating our son’s Bar Mitzvah with our Chizuk Amuno Family made the morning magical and meaningful….” “This has been a tough year for me, with the loss of my mother….. The truth is that I have been in a community-seeking mode even more so as a result, and Chizuk Amuno has been my community for more than 50 years. It is comforting and affirming to know that Chizuk Amuno can enrich our life and continue to make memories in a variety of ways.” “…..Please accept my donation in appreciation of what the Chizuk Amuno clergy and staff have done to enhance my life as a Jew and as a member of this vital community.” We are heartened that synagogue membership matters to these three families and our entire congregation. If you would like to share ways how membership matters to you, please send them to Alison Baumwald, our membership chair, Neil Leikach, our membership vice president, or Cheryl Snyderman, our membership coordinator.

Policy for Late Openings Due To Inclement Weather When our schools need to open late, both KSDS and GECEC will have either a 9 a.m. start or a 10 a.m. start. Check the Chizuk Amuno website, www.chizukamuno.org, Facebook, or tune into WBAL for schedule changes due to inclement weather; or sign up for the school emergency text system. When inclement weather occurs on a Sunday morning, RRS families should check the Chizuk Amuno website. Page 3

how design conference chicago

ENGAGE IN CONGREGATIONAL LIFE & Learning Brotherhood Donates Large Screen Smart TV

Our thanks to the Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood for donating a large Smart TV for use in our Library/Beit Midrash for classes, meetings, and presentations. Bringing this technology to one of our most active education and meeting rooms will allow teachers to easily share Powerpoint presentations and search the internet; committees will be able to Skype with meeting participants; classes will be able to learn from distant lecturers and view video educational materials; the Brotherhood will have a new home and high definition screen for their annual Ravens and staff will be able to participate in remote professional development. Expanding the way we use technology in various school and synagogue settings expands our ability to learn and conduct business. Todah Rabbah to our Brotherhood for their exciting addition to our Library/Beit Midrash.

Friends, Enemies, and Frenemies Taught by Rabbi Wechsler Thursdays, through March 30 10:30-11:30 a.m. Jewish text study is the embodiment of constructive conflict. Friends or enemies meet across a text and engage in conflict in a way that engages our sacred values. We will continue to explore conflict from a Jewish lens and Jewish contributions to conflict resolution.

It’s Just (Kiddush) Lunch

Camp Ramah Scholarships

Our experience of community is enhanced when we are able to enjoy lunch with each other after shul on Shabbat and Holidays. The synagogue sponsors lunch on special shabbatot and on Yizkor days. Still other holidays and Shabbatot are open and available for others who would like to mark special life milestones or occasions by sponsoring part or all of Kiddush lunch. It costs just $500 to upgrade our usual Kiddush of sweets to lunch. Please be in touch with Jenny Baker at x.225 or jbaker@chizukamuno.org to enhance our sense of community and provide lunch for the congregation.

We are delighted to announce that through a variety of Chizuk Amuno and Ramah Scholarship funds, including the Kahan Trust Fund, the Camp Ramah Trust Fund, the Jared Levy endowment Fund, the Goldner Ramah endowment Fund, and the Siegel Ramah endowment Fund, we have some funding to assist our members in sending their children to Camp Ramah for summer 2017. We are grateful to those individuals and groups, including the Sisterhood, Brotherhood and Club Hatikvah who donate to these funds. We know that summers at Camp Ramah are wonderful Jewish experiences of friendship, learning and community and we are proud to assist our Chizuk Amuno families in giving our children these immersive and intensive experiences.

College Outreach

If you are in need of assistance for Camp Ramah Summer 2017, please be in touch with Rabbi Wechsler at dwechsler@chizukamuno.org. Please also consider making a donation to any of these funds and help make a Ramah summer possible for our children and teens. Alanna Schloss and Jessica Berman

Chizzie college students were treated to a Starbucks gift card for Hanukkah by our College Outreach Committee. Students were so excited to enjoy their gift in time for Hanukkah and finals. Thank to Bonnie Ziegelstein and her committee for taking such good care of our college students. If you have a student in college make sure that Rabbi Wechsler dwechsler@chizukamuno.org has their address so we can stay in touch with them. The deadline for addresses so students can receive a Passover package is March 17.

Graduate Adult Bat Mitzvah Taught by Rabbi Wechsler Tuesdays, through - March 21, 6:30-7:30 p.m. This class is geared towards women who have completed the Adult Bat Mitzvah program. We will study the weekly Torah portion with a particular focus on women of the Bible and include supplementary texts from midrash and modern sources. Page 4

Informational Meeting Jewish Civil Rights Trip Monday, February 6, 7 p.m. Come learn about this civil rights journey that uses the history, sites, and current issues of each city as a springboard to highlight the relationship, and at times, the tension, of the Jewish and American identity. Our trip begins and ends in Atlanta Sunday May 7- Wednesday May 10, 2017 and will include visits to Montgomery and Selma including the Edmund Pettus Bridge, the Rosa Park Museum, the Tomb of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and much more. To RSVP for the informational session or for more information including pricing contact Rabbi Wechsler. Our trip provider is Etgar 36.

Engage with our Schools



Engaging with History Every time the students of Rosenbloom Religious School visit the Hendler Timeline and Learning Center they are transported to another time and to another place. They stand in front of a certain section of the timeline and wonder which famous Jewish personality they will meet this week. Portraying these characters is Dr. Neil Rubin, our resident scholar and storyteller. His historical content, sense of humor and personal insights on these famous Jewish heroes is as informative as it is entertaining. It is as if these historical figures are actually walking out of the timeline to share their stories and engage our kids. Dr. Rubin truly brings them to life. Through costumes, props, accents, and conversation, Dr. Rubin makes their stories meaningful and relevant. Wearing a huge Russian hat and heavy winter coat, Dr. Rubin as Anatoly Sharansky, asked the students if they knew Shoshana Cardin, a member of their congregation, who helped save not only his life, but the lives of other refuseniks. He reminded the students that Jews are always responsible for each other. As Jonah holding a can of tuna, he asked the students what they would do if God told them to go tell the bullies at recess to be more inclusive. As David, he told the kids about his strategies to fight Goliath, and as Judah Maccabee he asked which students were ready to join him and his brothers to fight against the Syrian army. As Elie Weisel, he spoke to our 7th grade students about memory. Dr. Rubin’s knowledge combined with our illustrated timeline not only enhances the imagination of our students, but challenges them to think about the deeds and values of the famous people they meet.

krieger schechter day school Middle school learning festival - February 13-16 A three-day experience - a break from the regular curriculum - during which students and faculty immerse themselves in thematic and Project Based Learning (PBL) activities. This year’s theme is “The Brain.” Students will spend three days studying the following topics through teacher- and community member-led learning sessions at school: • The Brain and Behavior • Technology and Medical Advances • Anatomy and Physiology • Disorders, Diseases and Differences • Brain Games We look forward to a great week of learning and fun!

bunches of lunches Thursday, February 23 On this day, KSDS students will gather lunches donated and deliver them to low-income and isolated seniors in the area. Some students make this mitzvah even more special by decorating the bags with pictures and stickers or adding a personal note.

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Engage IN gemilut hasadim

Upcoming volunteer opportunities We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.

THOUGHTS FROM A READING PARTNERS VOLUNTEER Arlynne Brown recently reflected, “I am tutoring an ‘emerging reader’ with Reading Partners. The boy is as sweet as can be and, despite his struggles with comprehension, he moves forward every session. Reading Partners is a wonderful opportunity to connect with young children and have a positive influence on their future. I have committed to only one hour per week however there are some tutors working a few hours a day, several days a week. Volunteers with more time on their hands could satisfy their need for a meaningful volunteer experience while helping more than one child through Reading Partners. Additionally, I have also observed remarkably warm and respectful relationships between the children and people of advanced age. I encourage our seniors to get involved as well. Thank you so much for connecting me with Reading Partners.”

Monday, February 13, 3:30 - 7 p.m. Sign up today! We need volunteers for preparing chicken, cleaning up, and loading the van. Light snacks will be available. Please contact Cheryl Snyderman and indicate what time range you are available to participate.

Todah Rabbah to our current volunteers: Arlynne Brown, Ruth Gann, Fran Glushakow Gould, Margi Hoffman, Elliot King, Hazel Radowsky, David Spitz, Ellen Weiss, and Ann Zaiman. Reading Partners is in need of additional tutors for the second half of the school year. Contact Cheryl Snyderman for details.

Thank You for Your Mitzvah We would like to thank the many Chizuk Amuno & Schools volunteers who participated in Community Mitzvah Day this past December 25. At Chizuk Amuno’s station, manned by Barbara Grochal, Margie Simon, and Mickey Simon we created 14 no-sew fleece blankets, which were donated to CHANA. KSDS volunteers Ann Berman, Yael Lowenberg, Nancy Muser, Aaron Walinsky, and Jodi Wahlberg helped to prepare healthy snack bags for children in the Paul's Place After-School Program. If your name has been omitted, please let Cheryl Snyderman know. Todah Rabbah to our volunteers: Jenny Baker, Donna Balinkie, Joshua Bernstein, Asher Brook, Lindsey Brook, Ryan Brook, Sydney Brook, Caroline Cahn, David Cahn, Jessica Cahn, Sarah Cahn, Jay Finkel, Dorothy Gold (co-chair, Community Mitzvah Day), Fran Glushakow Gould, Albert Grosman, Jessica Grosman, Linley Grosman, Annie Grossberg, Evelyn Hodes, Isabella Hodes, Jacob Hodes, Jonah Hodes, Margi Hoffman, Steve Hoffman, Karen Karmiol, Kevin Keane, Rachel Keane, Sami Keane, Jody Levy, Gail Oppel, Bruce Posner, Kathy Posner, Alexander Reaven, Isabella Reaven, Laura Reaven, Richard Reaven, Mindy Silverman, Marvin Spector, Amy Uddeme, Brett Ungar, Drew Ungar, Emily Ungar, and Nina Ungar

Knitting havurah

Wednesday, February 15, 2 - 3:30 p.m. We knit and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and in the United States.. Knitting instruction is available. Todah Rabbah to our December knitters/ crocheters: Vivian Chait, Edna Crystal, Linda Eisenberg, Claire Freeland, Hazel Greenstein, Irene Himelfarb, Roberta Katz, Esther Marsiglia, Betty Medalie, Hazel Radowsky, Eileen Schultz, and Harriet Udell. Also, Todah Rabbah to Rosalind and Sam Oppenheim for their donation of yarn in support of our projects. Page 6


Program made possible by the Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund and the Louis Barry Gershen “Our Daily Bread” Fund

ART with a heart

Sunday, February 5, 1-3 p.m. Rides are available, leaving from Chizuk Amuno at 12:30 p.m. Contact: Deb Charles, text 443-386-1324

ADOPT-A-ROAD Todah Rabbah to our December volunteers: Irwin Golob (leader), Howard Brill, Moe Brown, Jay Finkel, and Michael Goldberg

Our Daily Bread Sunday, February 19, 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Todah Rabbah to our December volunteers: Jenny Baker (leader), Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, Lily Massouda, Jeff Stern, and Sheri Stern Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com

Ronald McDonald House Wednesday, February 15, 4-7 p.m. Todah Rabbah to our Sisterhood volunteers: Beth Blumberg (leader), Harriet Brown, Jan Carter, Edna Crystal, Hillary Crystal, Diane Dansicker, Rivka Glaser, Hazel Greenstein, Jennifer Heller, Joy Katz, Dixie Leikach, Saundra Madoff, Sheila Sandbank, Marcia Scherr, Kathie Taylor, Ann Walter, and Debbie Witow Contact: Cheryl Snyderman

Gemilut hasadim OPEN Meeting Tuesday, February 21, 7:30 p.m. For more information and to RSVP, contact Cheryl Snyderman.



Contact Dixie Leikach, with any questions or further requests at Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org or 443-386-1062. If you’d like to be on our e-newsletter, please give Dixie your e-mail address.


Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. All levels encouraged to participate! RSVP to Randee Glassman, randee853@aol.com

Hamentaschen Baking Now through Purim! Our Hamentaschen were such a great hit last year that we need a committee and we need to start baking earlier! Don’t like to bake? We need help selling product at carpools, organizing paperwork, and putting together the packages. Please contact Andrea Polsky at mpolsky99@yahoo.com or 410-599-0493 or Kathie Taylor at kathie@thetaylorfamily.net to volunteer or for questions.

Sisterhood Shabbat March 4, 9:15 a.m. Join with your "Sisters" for a meaningful, participatory Shabbat service. There are options for non-speaking or speaking parts in either Hebrew or English, and training is provided if this is your first venture onto the bimah! Please contact Naomi Amsterdam (amsterdam.naomi@gmail.com) or Ruthanne Kaufman (ruthkauf06@gmail.com.)

SISTERHOOD judaica shop Please stop by the Sisterhood Judaica Shop to check out the latest gifts, toys and Judaica! Our inventory is always changing! We are currently looking for volunteers to join our very dedicated staff...Please contact Miriam Golob at golobfamily@comcast.net for more information. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

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9:30 - 11:30 10 - 12 and 2 - 4 10 - 12 and 2 - 6 10 - 12 and 2 - 6 10 - 12 and 1 - 3 10 - 12

SISTERHOOD TAKES OVER RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE December was Sisterhood’s turn to deliver meals to the Ronald McDonald House. We are fortunate to have many volunteers that provide such wonderful choices for the parents and children, and take a few hours out of busy lives to provide this service. The meatloaf and fried chicken were a big hit! A big thank you to Sisterhood Board member, Beth Blumberg, for coordinating this project for Sisterhood.

Tu B’Shevat Seder Tuesday, February 7, 7 p.m. $18 member/$24 non-member A light dinner will be served. “Women Planting The Seeds of Change” Rabbi Weschler will lead us in a Tu B’Shevat Seder as we focus on how the women of our Chizuk Amuno family are making positive changes in our local community and the world at large. KSDS Alum Ceila Neustadt, creator of The Inner Harbor project, will discuss her role in making positive changes in Baltimore City and how she hopes to impact the city in the future. RSVP required by check to Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood, 8100 Stevenson Rd., Baltimore, MD 21208. Please contact Joy Katz at eandjkatz@gmail.com or 410-960-5635

Mah Jongg Tournament Torah FUNDraiser Sunday, February 19 Tournament: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Lunch included) $36 per person Play for Fun/Learning: 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. $20 per person Profits from the tournament are sent to the Women’s League of Conservative Judaism’s Torah Fund, which supports students at the JTS. RSVP by sending a check payable to Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood 8100 Stevenson Rd., Baltimore, MD 21208 Attn: Mah Jongg Tournament. For Questions/Comments please contact Ellen Weiss at ellensmkbiz@verizon.net

Joint Brotherhood/ sisterhood dance March 4, 7:30 p.m.

Other music & dancing included. Variety of desserts. Wine, hot/cold bar.

$20/person Contact Marilyn Spector 410-486-3888 or Ted Walman, 410-486-7423 Checks made payable to Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood Attn: Marilyn Spector 14 Cobbler Ct. | Baltimore, MD 21208 RSVP by Saturday, Feb. 25. Reservations for tables of 10 or more, please call Marilyn or Ted.


Sunday, February 5, 9:15 a.m. Join us in the morning minyan to wrap tifillan with conservative shuls around the world on this day. After services we will have a breakfast featuring Richard Goldman, an expert in Jewish Genealogy. Contact Eric Beser at eric.beser@e-isg.com

Men, Meat & Midrash - part 3: Superheroes of the bible Wednesday, March 15, 6:30 p.m. The Wonder Women, Rabbi Gila Ruskin will give some insights into the women who have shaped the bible from Deborah to Judith. Contact Eric Beser at eric.beser@e-isg.com Page 7


Bat Mitzvah

In Loving Memory

We proudly celebrate with this student who will be called to the Torah as Bat Mitzvah. Mazal Tov!

In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members:

FEBRUARY 18 Jillian Baily cohen yael bela daughter of Susan & Todd Cohen

Doris Bernhardt, mother of Jan Schein and Karen Jagoda Sandra Hittman, mother of Stephen Hittman, Judith Hittman and Karen Gober and sister of Herbert Edelman Fay Prohovnik, mother of Helane Cooper

Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Alana Shelby Lessans, daughter of Jenna & Dr. Greg Lessans, granddaughter of Dr. Stuart Blumenthal, Wendy & Ronald Eisenberg and Patty & David Lessans and great-granddaughter of Rhona Glass, Ruthie Eisenberg and Elise & Richard Lessans Sophie Steiger Miller, daughter of Kay Steiger & Ben Miller and granddaughter of Sandra Dzija & Dr. Andrew Miller and Lois Steiger

Engagements We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Stephanie Felton, daughter of Joanne & Dr. J. Fred Felton, to Andy Geltman, son of Liz & Ed Geltman

Jon S. Rendelman, husband of Beverlee Bart Rendelman, father of Adam Rendelman Schloss, Hilary Winston and Stacey Thompson and brother of Lois Rendelman We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Lynn Brull, on the loss of her mother, Nan T. Hoffenberg Dr. Dan Fried, on the loss of his mother, Muriel Fried Norlene Gensler, on the loss of her mother, Bernice ‘Bunny’ Hurwitz Henry Kornblatt, on the loss of his father, David W. Kornblatt Ronald Schmelzer, on the loss of his father, Eugene Schmelzer Jeffrey Snyder, on the loss of his father, Marvin Snyder As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

New Members Members in the News Josh Sherman, a KSDS Alum, and son of Nancy & Lee Sherman, was featured in the “You Should Know” section of the Jewish Times for his work volunteering with Repair the World.

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We are happy to welcome those who recently joined or returned to our Chizuk Amuno family. Marci & Neal Littman, Charlotte and Isabelle Ilene & Larry Berman, Julia Robyn & Daniel Riter, Max, Jesse and Jack

Thinking about purchasing a brick to celebrate a milestone or honor the memory of somebody special? Each permanent brick is a $250 contribution. For more information or to make an order, please contact Judy Schwartz, Derekh Amuno Chair or Marci Scher at the synagogue office or order a dedicated brick online on our website at www.chizukamuno.org.

For Lifecycle Events, Personal Celebrations and Observances, Personal and Spiritual Needs: Please Call the Rabbinic Office

At Chizuk Amuno Congregation we want to provide personal and direct support to our members’ religious and family needs. As our members desire life cycle celebrations or require religious observances, our clergy ask that you communicate directly with our rabbinic office to share the unfortunate news of hospitalization or illness, or news of their family or personal lives. In the interest of protecting confidentiality, hospitals today do not share patients’ names with clergy. Please do not assume that someone else has communicated your news to the synagogue staff or office.

JOin our e-mail list and stay connected! Vist www.chizukamuno.org and sign up at the bottom

Tzedakah At Chizuk Amuno

Terumot HaKodesh. We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue. Fred & Sandra Hittman Endowment Fund

KSDS Minnie Garber & Rose Greenberg Scholarship

Ms. Lee Hendler in memory of Sandra Hittman

Greenberg Family in memory of Jessica Pam Lund

Fred M. Bart Scholarship Endowment Fund

KSDS Paul D. Schneider Scholarship Fund

In memory of Jon Rendelman: Carl & Candice Baylin, Natalie Bricken, Alan & Randi Foreman, Lois & Marc Glassman, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hackner, Mrs. Lynne Komins, Jay & Ellen Morstein, Marilyn Naviasky and Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Young Judy Bart in memory of Miriam Foss

Gemilut Hasadim Projects Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton for a speedy recovery of Melody Snyderman Dr. Andrew Miller & Mrs. Sandra Dzija in honor of the 60th anniversary of Sally & Arthur Grant Ms. Lee Hendler in memory of Brian Pollack Miss Marjorie Simon wishing Mazal Tov to Sandra Dzija & Dr Andrew Miller on the birth of their granddaughter, Sophie Steiger Miller

Joel & Diane Aronson in honor of Gary Brager’s 75th birthday Dr. Bradley & Mrs. Lisa Trattner in memory of Muriel Fried

KSDS Reznik Frier Scholarship Fund Paulette Pollack & Dawn Reznik for a speedy recovery of Doris Tanhoff Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frier in honor of Olivia Philosophe’s Bat Mitzvah Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frier in memory of Sidney Bazensky, Doris Bernhardt, David Kornblatt, and Roland Singer

KSDS Scholarship Fund

Arthur & Herta Baitch in memory of Wolf Griffel

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Morgan for a speedy recovery of Sally Grobani and Steve Gordon Mrs. Ann Berman for a speedy recovery of Sally Grobani and Steve Gordon Dr. Leonard & Mrs. Barbara Spector in memory of Muriel Fried, Mother of Dan & Ann Fried The Administration, Faculty and Staff of KSDS in memory of Sandra Hittman

KSDS - Annual Appeal

KSDS – Special Offering

Goldsmith Museum Trust Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Doris Bernhardt

Holocaust Memorial Project

Dr. Keith & Mrs. Liz Friedman in memory of Sheila Pakula Dr. David Mallott & Dr. Miriam Blitzer in memory of Doris Bernhardt

KSDS Doris & Jay Bernhardt Family Endowment Fund Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moranz in memory of Doris Bernhardt Ms. Lee Hendler in memory of Doris Bernhardt

KSDS Dr. Howard Lee Silverman Scholarship Fund Dr. Ronald Silverman and Dr. Penny Brown in memory of Dr. Howard Lee Silverman

KSDS Esther Ann Brown Adler Scholarship Fund Dr. Ronald Silverman & Dr. Penny Brown in memory of Esther Brown Adler Dr. Penny Brown in memory of Roland Singer Dr. Penny Brown in memory of Jon Rendelman

Dr. & Mrs. Anton Grobani in honor of the engagement of Meg Gillespie and Matt Wachsman’s son Alex to Yuanyuan Liu Dr. Gary & Mrs. Evelyn Brager in memory of Stephen Eller Dr. Gary & Mrs. Evelyn Brager in memory of Robert Gottlieb Dr. Jesse & Mrs. Debby Hellman in memory of Doris Bernhardt.

Louis Barry Gershen Our Daily Bread Fund Michael & Myra Gershen in honor of Phyllis London’s 75th Birthday

Marcia & Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Endowment Fund Dr. Jerry D. Buxbaum in memory of Mildred Spector

Memorial Fund Contributions

Morning Minyan Contribution Elaine Fox in honor of Ruthanne Kaufman’s 70th birthday Howard & Barbara Cohen in honor of Ruthanne Kaufman’s special birthday Jack & Susan Sugarman in memory of Doris Bernhardt Jeffrey & Melissa Berman in memory of Melvin Berman & Ralph Shenker Joan Gurney in memory of Irene Mazer Joseph & Janice Hurwitz in memory of Madeleine Hurwitz Linda Caplan in memory of Beatrice Nathanson Mitchell, Marci, Cali & Ryan Platt in memory of Melvin Berman Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz in memory of Sidney Bazensky, grandfather of Neil Leikach by Hugh & Amy Schwartz Mr. Barry Oslick in memory of Eva Oslick Mr. Richard Fairman in memory of Bernard & Helen Soref Mrs. Bluma Jed in memory of Leonard Jed Mrs. Sue Crystal in memory of Jules Lippert Ms. Carol C. Shulman in memory of Bernard Cohen Robin Kaplan in memory of Mildred Oshinsky Kaplan Ruthanne Kaufman with thanks Steve & Susan Sklar with thanks

Pathways to Menschlikeit Fund Miriam, Irwin, Seth & Adina Golob in memory of Doris Bernhardt Mr. & Mrs. Steven King in memory of Doris Bernhardt Mr. & Mrs. Steven King in memory of Sidney Bazensky

Phyllis & Leonard Attman Music Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton for a speedy recovery of Doris Tanhoff

Prayer Book Fund Gemilut Hasadim Knitting Havurah group in memory of Miriam Shulman Mark & Marlene Nusinov in memory of Ruth Novey Nasdor Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Tucker in memory of Nan Hoffenberg Richard & Marsha Manekin in memory of Sandy Hittman Richard & Marsha Manekin in memory of Brian Pollack Sheldon & Shelley Goldseker in memory of Sandra Hittman

Rhonda & Hyam Levitsky in memory of Harold Zuckerman, Selma Levitsky, and Abraham Levitsky

Mr. Arthur Wasserman in memory of Lenore Snyder Mr. Sanford Block in memory of Melvin Block Mr. Walter Straus in memory of Betty Straus

Rabbi Seltzer Netivon Judaic Studies Award Fund

KSDS Ezrine Library Fund

Miriam Foss Gemilut Hasadim Memorial Fund

Ramah Scholarship Fund

KSDS Eva Raden Scholarship Fund

Bluma Jed with thanks

KSDS I. Leon Glassgold Memorial Scholarship Fund Jackie Glassgold in memory of Doris Bernhardt, Sandy Hittman, and Paul Wartzman John Gibson & Lori Glassgold Gibson in memory of I. Leon Glassgold and in honor of Anna Levin

KSDS Kurt & Erna Weiler Mem Scholarship Fund Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Cole in honor of the yahrzeit of Kurt & Erna Weiler

Carl & Ellen Love wishing Jay Pintzuk a speedy recovery In Memory of Miriam Foss: Richard Ayers, Eliseo Guallar & Elena Blasco, Mr. Darrell & Dr. Randi Braman, John Cammack, Ronald Magarick & Elizabeth Ferrugia, Anne Foss, Rebecca & Eytan Hammerman Talia Salzberg Horowitz, William & Valérie Lipnick, John Glynn & Karen Myers, Rabbi P. Michael & Mrs. Israela Meyerstein, Chiara Piccinotti, Sharon Muller Allan Richmond, and Karen Paul Stern Dr. Jonathan Lederer & Dr. Jennie Rothschild in memory of W. Jonathan Lederer Kimberly & John Natalie Jeffrey with thanks

Dr. Steven Brant in memory of Dr. Lawrence Ira Brant Ed & Susan Frieman in honor of Gary Brager’s Special Birthday

Rosenbloom Religious School Special Projects Fund Howie Goldstein & Nicole Schechter in honor of Rabbi Seltzer officiating at Howie Goldstein & Nicole Schechter’s wedding Leora Pushett in honor of Rabbi Stuart Seltzer & Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Mel & Susan Wahlberg in honor of Rabbi Stuart Seltzer Drs. Adam & Jill Hartman in memory of Sheila Pakula

Schechter Library Fund Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kiner

Page 9

Tzedakah At Chizuk Amuno

Special Offering Congregational Support Bruce & Barbara Lewbart in honor of Allen Brown’s 70th birthday Joan Gurney wishing Etta Clay a speedy recovery and continued good health. Larry & Naomi Amsterdam wishing Marc Kivitz a full & speedy recovery. Linda Freud in gratitude for Dr. Moshe Shualy’s prayers & support Bruce & Barbara Lewbart wishing a speedy recovery for Eddie Frieman Allan & Marlene Brull in honor of the marriage of James Mendelsohn & Judy Hanas Carol & Eddie Gratz & Family in honor of Fred & Joanne Felton’s daughter Stephanie’s engagement to Andy Geltman Lou & Joyce Kaplan in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximillian & the marriage of their son Marc to Jessica Silvers. Mr. David & Dr. Anne Young in honor of Marilynn & Marty Kinstler’s 55th wedding anniversary Peg & Raphael Vazana in honor of Fran & Warren Gould Sheldon & Shelley Goldseker in honor of Vivian & Bob Manekin’s son Jonathan’s marriage to Samantha Cleland Alan & Ellen Mogol in memory of Kenneth Friedman Alan & Harriet Kanter in memory of Kenneth Friedman Allen & Judi Cohen in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Arline Nitzberg in memory of Miriam Shulman Arthur & Sally Grant in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Barry & Pearl Oslick in memory of Eva & Sander Oslick Bob & Judy Schwartz in memory of Kenneth Friedman Bradley & Lisa Trattner in memory of Miriam Shulman Calvin & Ina Hamburger in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Carol & Philip Matz in memory of Tillman “Duke” Pollack David & Joan Weiss in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Douglas & Susan Schehr in memory of Doris Beckler Douglas & Susan Schehr in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Earl & Lorraine Raffel in memory of loved ones Elaine Weiss in memory of Kenneth Friedman Ellen Levy in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Gil & Ann Abramson in memory of Leon Ezrine Gil & Ann Abramson in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Jacinda Evans in memory of Kenneth Abraham Friedman Jenny Baker in memory of Sarah Gratz’s grandmother, Claryne Weinberg Jenny Baker in memory of Kenneth Friedman Jon & Nancy Chernak in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Kathleen Sheehan & Joan Sheehan in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Lawrence & Roberta Shulman in memory of Kenneth A. Friedman Leah Helman in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Lewis & Roslyn Levy Godfrey in memory of Shirley S. Schwartzman Libby Rappaport in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Malcolm & Rosalie Renbaum in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Margie Simon in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Marshall & Rita Plaut in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Martin & Ruth Schnitzer in memory of Kenneth Friedman Mickey Simon in memory of Brian Alan Pollack David & Dr. Anne Young in memory of Richard Welsh Mr. Gilbert Barron in memory of Ida Barron Mr. Rena Shenk in memory of loved ones Mr. Robert Garonzik in memory of Ada Garonzik Mr. Rudy Fleischmann in memory of Lucie Fleischmann Mr. Sheldon A. Stern in memory of Kenneth Friedman Mrs. Barbara Spector in memory of Dr. Marc Levine Mrs. Teresa Alpert in memory of Eugene Fried Nelson & Lynn Tucker in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Peggy & Raphael Vazana in memory of Jacob & Mildred Glushakow

Page 10

Phil Nochumowitz in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Rabbi P. Michael Meyerstein in memory of Cecily Meyerstein Richard & Joan Lessans in memory of Kenneth Friedman Saul & Joan Gurney in memory of Beloved mother Rebecca Seema Reznick in memory of Kenneth Friedman Seema Reznick & David Gleason in memory of Doris Fader Sheldon & Bonnie Levitt in memory of Kenneth Friedman Sheldon & Shelley Goldseker in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Sheldon Stern in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Shirley Lipman in memory of Kenneth Friedman Sonia Obstler & Family in memory of Brian Alan Pollack The Patz Family in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Walter Lamm in memory of Leo Lamm Sheldon & Shelley Goldseker wishing Mazal Tov to Brian & Eileen Goldman on their grandson Jack’s Bar Mitzvah Jeffrey & Melissa Berman with thanks Ross, Goldsmith & Rosenbloom Families with thanks for the welcoming & comfortable feelings they had during this year’s High Holidays. Elaine & Melvin Rosenzweig in honor of Phil Nochumowitz’s Special Birthday Ellen & Terry Himelfarb in honor of your new home Roxy Lipsitz in honor of Sally & Arthur Grant’s 60th Anniversary Howard Rosenbloom in memory of Doris Bernhardt Alan & Deborah Cohen in memory of Naomi Cohen, Florence Morris Helfand & Esta Bablan Wolfram Alan & Harriet Kanter in memory of Sheila Pakula Alan & Harriet Kanter in memory of Doris Bernhardt Alfred & Rosalind Kronthal in memory of Nan Hoffenberg Arthur & Sally Grant in memory of Deborah Potts Arthur & Sally Grant in memory of Rhoda Marlin Buz & Nancy Hiken in memory of Sylvia Weiner Carol Deaktor in memory of Brian Alan Polllack Daniel & Joan Cagan in memory of Nan Hoffenberg Dennis & Jamie Shepard in memory of Kenneth Friedman Dick & Marsha Manekin in memory of Doris Bernhardt Elissa Ness in memory of Kenneth Friedman Ellen Ruell in memory of Sylvia Cooper Weiner Faye & Abe Adler in memory of Doris Bernhardt Gary & Patti Attman in memory of Berta Sugarman Harriet Dormer in memory of Rhoda Toney Howard & Michelle Rosenbloom in memory of Sheila Pakula Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of the birth of Andy Miller & Sandra Dzija’s granddaughter Sophie Howard & Sheila Sandbank in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Howard & Sheila Sandbank in memory of Kenneth Friedman Howard Rosenbloom & Michelle Gelkin in memory of Sandy Hittman Howard, Barbara, Megan & Jessica Cohen in memory of Doris Bernhardt Jack & Muriel Freedman in memory of Rose Freedman & Bernard Helman Jean & Gene Gogel in memory of Doris Bernhardt Jenny Baker in memory of Sidney Bazensky, David Kornblatt & Doris Bernhardt Larry & Naomi Amsterdam in memory of Mildred Spector Larry Taubman in memory of Kenneth Friedman Lauren & David Braunstein in memory of Doris Bernhardt Leslie Engel in memory of Kenneth Friedman Marc & Nancy Gertner in memory of Nelson Fishman Mark & Robyn Horwitz in memory of Herbert Kassel Martin & Marilynn Kinstler in memory of Berta Sugarman Mason Damareck in memory of his father, Stan “Shimen” Damareck

Miriam Kahn in memory of Leon Weiner, William Weiner & Abraham Weiner Monica Pats in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Mr. Barry Wolfe in memory of Howard Saul Wolfe Mr. Marshall Janoff in memory of Bessye Owings Mr. Marshall Janoff in memory of Ruth Janoff Mrs. Evelyn Lewis in memory of Benjamin Lewis Nelson & Lynn Tucker in memory of Kenneth Friedman Nelson & Lynn Tucker in memory of Jon Rendelman Norman & Joy Shillman in memory of Sandra Hittman Rita Plaut in memory of Jack Kipper Ron & Florene Goldner in memory of Linda Litofsky’s beloved brother Ronnie Kleiman in memory of Doris Bernhardt Ronnie Kleiman in memory of Paul Wartzman Ruthanne Kaufman in memory of Lorraine Jachman Sam & Regina Teitelman in memory of Leon Goldberg Sandy & Tobey Schreiber in memory of Doris Bernhardt Seema Reznick & David Gleason in memory of Michael Goodman Sheldon Stern in memory of David Kornblatt Sisterhood in memory of Sidney Bazensky Jenny Baker wishing Mazal Tov on the birth of Andy Miller & Sandra Djiza’s granddaughter Sophie Steiger Miller Elliott Rudnick with thanks Mr. Jonathan Azrael with thanks Mr. Stephen Mackler with thanks Ms. Ruth Rosenberg with thanks North Oaks Partnership in honor of Kol Rinah singing at North Oaks The Village Chavurah c/o Ellen Safeer with thanks for coming to our group

Rosenbloom Religious School – Special Offering Ms. Lee Hendler in memory of Muriel Fried

Staff Holiday Gift Fund Carl & Sherrie Polsky with thanks Ms. Ruthanne Kaufman with thanks Sheldon & Shelley Goldseker with thanks

Tzedakah Fund Dr. Norma Tucker in honor of the 60th wedding anniversary of Arthur & Sally Grant Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Andy Miller & Sandra Dzija’s granddaughter Sophie Steiger Miller Dr. Bradley & Mrs. Lisa Trattner in memory of Mildred Spector Mr. Stanley Adler in memory of Evelyn Green Mrs. Estelle Bloomberg in memory of Rebecca Spevak Mrs. Lois Glassman in memory of Selwyn Lazarus Mrs. Lotta Holzman in memory of Edward Holzman Jerry Fleishman wishing Sam Moskowitz & his family a joyous Festival of Lights & a Happy & Healthy New Year.

Zaiman Educational Alliance Endowment Fund Louis & Stacy Schwartz in honor of Special Birthday

Hazzan Perlman’s Discretionary Fund Bluma Jed in memory of Sandy Hittman Ruthanne Kaufman with thanks

Dr. Shualy’s Discretionary Fund Arthur & Herta Baitch wishing Dr. Shualy a Happy Hanukkah Dr. Scott Cohen in honor of his upcoming wedding to Wendy Schnitzer Morton & Maxine Rubin in honor of Dr. Moshe Shualy The Kapiloff Foundation in honor of Dr. Moshe Shualy

Tzedakah At Chizuk Amuno

Jacob & Ruth Silverman in memory of loved ones Ruthanne Kaufman with thanks

Rabbi Schneider Discretionary Fund Bruce & Amy Chapper with thanks to Rabbi Paul Schreider for officiating at the funeral of Nelson Richmond

Rabbi Shulman’s Discretionary Fund Mrs. Ethel Klein & Family in memory of Irv Klein The Attman Family in memory of Edward Attman Jan Schein in memory of Doris Bernhardt Dr. Stan & Lynn Brull in memory of Nan Hoffenberg Ruthanne Kaufman with thanks

Rabbi Wechsler’s Discretionary Fund Jim Wolf & Dorothy Gold in honor of Sarah & Josh Wolf’s wedding The Moritz Family in memory of Norman Moritz Ira Weiner & Lynn Weinberg Family in memory of Sylvia Weiner Carl & Arlene Sperling with thanks Women’s Torah Study Group with thanks Ruthanne Kaufman with thanks Jim Wolf & Dorthy Gold in honor of Sarah’s conversion

Bimah Flowers Shabbat, February 4 / 8 Shevat In Memory Of: Louis N. Blatt, father, by Stuart R. Blatt & family. Nettie Lachman, mother, by Isobel Weiner & family. Regina Massouda, mother, by Lily & Dr. Warren Massouda & family. Beryl Weiner by Ira Weiner & Lynn Weinberg, Robin Weiner & Brian & Marc Weiner. Philip Geber by Deborah & Leonard Foland & family. Caroline A. Kaplan, mother, by Joyce & Louis I. Kaplan. Rebecca Goldner, mother, by Rosalind & Dr. Alfred Kronthal. Faye Plotkin, mother, by Marlene & Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren, & great-grandchildren. Lawrence Rose, husband, father & grandfather, by Sharon Rose & family. Rose & Samuel Pollack by Harriet Pollack and Marlene Pollack. Sarah & Maurice Hirschhorn, parents, by Harriet Feinglass & children, Ellen & Dr. Mark Gordon & Barbara Rothstein. Bernard B. Cohen, by his wife Beverly K. Cohen, children & grandchildren. Dr. Nathaniel Nuger, uncle, by Ellen & Dan Karlin and Dr. Lewis Klotzman Rabbi Israel M. Goldman by the congregation. Lena Uliss, mother, by Vera & Barry Wasserman & family. Lillian Rose by Sharon Rose & family. Fannie Zinz Savage, mother, by Herbert S. Zinz, children & grandchildren. Herbert J. Kleiman, by his wife & family. Louis Handelman by Donna J. Handelman & family. David Ellison by his family. Henry O. Shor by his wife, Shirley, & family. Morris Gendason, father, by Sharon Rose & family.

Faybian Milner, father, by Patsy Beth & Dr. Sheldon Milner & family. Sylvia Setren by Jeffrey Setren & family. Alan J. Fishlin by Alita & Ron Millen & family. Irving A. Smith by his family.

Shabbat, February 11/ 15 Shevat In Memory Of: Clara & Isaac Siegel by Roslyn Siegel & family & Sylvia Gamerman & family. Ida Berman & Minnie Dora Lerner, mothers, by their families. Jennie Kemper by her children & grandchildren. Minnie R. & Herman Fox by their daughter Natalie Jeffrey & their grandchildren. Sheldon Holstein, father, by Ann & Ronald Holstein & family. Bernard B. Bloomberg by Estelle Bloomberg & family. Milton Addis, father, by Diane & Stephen Dansicker & family. Hyman Shear, father, by Miriam & Dr. Joseph Shear & family. Dora “Dutchie” Needle, mother, by Lynne Komins & family & Jack Needle & family. Louis Diamond by Shirley Diamond & family. Isadore Pateka, father & grandfather, by Marlene Szapiro and Jay Szapiro. Amos Meyers, on his birthday, by Marlene Brager & family. Shabbat, February 18 / 22 Shevat In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Jillian Bailey Cohen, by her parents, Susan & Todd Cohen, and her grandparents, Devorah & Robert Brooks and Cindy & George Cohen In Memory Of: Charlotte L. Eisenberg, mother, by Linda & Robert Eisenberg & family. Carl Schechter by Dara & Dr. Ronald Schechter & Noah and Nicole. Donald Levy, father & grandfather, by Linda & Mark Levy and Mandy & Aaron Levy. Lena & Samuel Friedman by Arlene Friedman. Anna L. Fuchsman & David Benjamin by Harvey A. Jerome & family. Burton Blum, brother, by Elke & Arnold Neuburger & family. David Krol, father, by Harriet & Dr. Alan Friedman & family.

Anna Nochumowitz, mother, by her family. Morris R. Walman, father, by Dr. Ted Walman & family. Steven Michael Levy by Linda & Mark Levy and Mandy & Aaron Levy. Jerold I. Lenrow, father & grandfather, by Ruth & Jay Lenrow & family. Ruth Robbins, mother, by Arlene Friedman Cantor Abraham Salkov by the congregation. Hazel S. Blatt, on her birthday, by Stuart R. Blatt & family. Marion Goldman, on her birthday, by her family.

Shabbat, February 25 / Shevat 29 In Memory Of: Harold Goldsmith by his family. Rita Helzner Silverman, by “Chuck” Klein. Esther Rosenbloom by her family. Rose Klapper by Sandra Klapper & family. Samuel Eisenberg, father, by Linda & Robert Eisenberg & family. Harold Lipsky, father, by Idaline & Joseph Lipsky. Myra Copeland, mother, by Marsha & Richard Manekin. Monty H. Goodman, father, by Mindy Goodman & Marc Kivitz & family. Norma Blumberg, mother, by Beth & Dr. Albert Blumberg & family. Charles Carasik, father, by Rona Zukerberg & Barbara Natkowitz. Lester Matz by his children. Anne Speert, mother, by Bonnie & Pacy Oletsky & family. Louis Sulsky, father, by Natalie & Bernard Fish & family. Max Hittman by Sandra Hittman & family. Gertrude Weinberg, mother, by Harriet & Alan N. Kanter & family. Irene Fink, mother, by Elaine Baker & family. Julia W. Rosen, mother, by Alan R. Rosen & family. Samuel Radowsky, father, by Hazel & Dr. Michael Radowsky. Celia Baylin by Gail & Jack L. Baylin & family. Gerry Gerard by Margo & Dr. Barry Friedman & family. Ret. Brig. Gen. Philip Sherman by his wife, Bette Miller Sherman. Ray Shuman, mother, by Idaline & Joseph Lipsky. Donald Nathan Leish, father & grandfather, by Susan & Paul Bloomberg and Jack Howard Glazer by Ronald Blavatt & family. Howard Glazer, father, by Nancy Dickman & family Jack Morganstern, father, by Lisa & Stuart Levine.

CHIZUK AMUNO CEMETERIES Chizuk Amuno Congregation maintains two nearby cemeteries –our historic Arlington Cemetery in Baltimore and our Garrison Forest Cemetery in Owings Mills. Pre-need planning relieves burden and stress at the time of a loss. For details or to arrange a visit to either cemetery, please contact Marsha Yoffe, Cemetery Director, at the synagogue (410-486-6400 ext. 309) or myoffe@chizukamuno.org Page 11

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8100 STEVENSON ROAD BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21208 www.chizukamuno.org 410-486-6400 info@chizukamuno.org Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Jason A. Blavatt, Esquire, President Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media

Join with our Chizuk Amuno Community for our nd

2 Seder Celebration Tuesday, April 11 • 6:30 p.m. Chizuk Amuno Congregation

We invite you to join with our own Hazzan Emanuel Perlman to enjoy the traditions and the joy of Pesah in community.

Synagogue Members & School Families $45/adult, $30/child (ages 3-12) Children 3 and under are free.

RSVP by March 27 at bit.ly/ChizukSeder2017 or 410-486-6400

Aloha Purim

Esther and Mordecai have their Hawaiian shirts on and Mai Tai’s in hand and they are ready to take on the evil Haman.

Join us for Purim in Paradise complete with a luau following Megillah reading, we’ll Hula and Hora, enjoy tropical drinks, and Limbo as we say Aloha to Haman and his sons.

Saturday, March 11 - Megillah readings/luau party

7:00 p.m. Megillah Reading (traditional/family) 8:00 p.m. Luau (hula, horah, Hawaiian style drinks


9:15 a.m. 10:00 a.m.

Carnival - 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Traditional Minyan / Megillah Reading Family Megillah Reading

Sponsored by the Rosenbloom Religious School

Carnival Tickets - In advance: $12/ child (Ages 4-12) $20/ family At the door: $15/ child (Ages 4-12) $24/family Payment must be received by Friday, March 10 at the Religious School Office.

RSVP online: bit.ly/AlohaPurim2017

To volunteer, please contact carnival chair Kristen Katz, kris10k1980@gmail.com

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