Hahodesh january2017 web

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JANUARY 2017 | Tevet - Shevat 5777 Engaging Jewish Life & Learning

RABBI’S COLUMN Tu Bishevat comes to Zone 7A! Zone 7A is where Baltimore is located on the USDA map of RABBI DEBI WECHSLER regions of the United States for planting. If you want to know when to plant flowers near your mailbox, when to nestle your tender tomato plants in the earth, or when to start digging to accommodate the root ball of the tree your children will use as a base when they play tag in the yard - knowing we are in zone 7A is key. But Tu Bishevat (the Jewish New Year of the Trees) missed the memo from the garden center because here she comes in the middle of Baltimore’s winter when spring and flower, tomato, and tree planting are far from our minds. In Israel they are on the lookout for the green shoots of the almond tree, in Pikesville we are on the lookout for de-icing salt. When we think of planting and Tu Bishevat, we generally think of planting things in the earth. We think of green shoots and loam, pungent mulch and vegetable seeds. But in Jewish life planting is not just a literal planting of organic material in soil. In Jewish understanding, planting is as much, if not more, about instilling as it is about gardening. With Tu Bishevat falling in the midst of Zone 7A’s harsh winter, Continued on Page 2

MEMBERSHIP MATTERS - RABBINIC TRANSITION As we enter a new year, I want to take a few moments to share some thoughts with you, our valued members. As I stated during the High Holy Days, Chizuk Amuno is a strong, proud congregation that has long been an integral component of the prolific growth of the Baltimore Jewish Community. Our members, lay leaders and clergy have always been held in the highest regard within our congregation and our community at large. As society has progressed, Chizuk Amuno has evolved and grown to continue to meet the needs of our congregation. Chizuk Amuno is now in a position to actively plan for our future, and with this opportunity, we need to clarify where we want to go, how we view ourselves within the Conservative movement and our community, and how we want to function, so that we can then identify the characteristics necessary for our next Senior Rabbi, as well as all clerical leadership for the coming years. This process is a WE process. To that end, the planning and subsequent recruiting process will be based on five principles. First, we need to be strategic, in our goals and objectives, so as to satisfy our needs, while allowing the opportunity to aspire and imagine. Second, the process must be inclusive, so that you, the members of Chizuk Amuno, are active participants in defining our goals and objectives. There will be many opportunities for you to engage, so please be a part of the process. Third, the introspection, transition and search process must be transparent. You will continue to be apprised of the status of the process. Fourth, while encouraging our inner expressions of individuality, we must speak as a unified congregation, so that a prospective candidate has a sense of our direction. Fifth, we must conduct the entire process in a professional manner, so as to exhibit Chizuk Amuno in the most favorable light. The Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees have begun discussing our plans. I am proud to share that Sandi Moffet and Stephen Pomerantz will lead the transition and search. Sandi and Steve are two dedicated members of our congregation who have exhibited their remarkable leadership and vision throughout the years. We are fortunate to have them leading this auspicious endeavor. Over the course of the next several months, Sandi and Steve will be reaching out to all of you to gain your insight and thoughts. Please participate. This is your congregation. The initial step, as I stated earlier, is to earnestly and honestly gain a clear understanding of ourselves, so that we can then determine our goals, and eventually begin the process of searching for our next Senior Rabbi. If we conduct the process in a methodical and efficient manner, then we will have the best opportunity of coming through an exciting and demanding journey successfully. To Sandi and Steve, they can be contacted via search@chizukamuno.org. If you wish to contact me directly, please use president@chizukamuno.org. L’Shalom.

Jason A. Blavatt President

ENGAGE IN PRAYER SCHEDULE OF WEEKLY SHABBAT SERVICES Erev Shabbat, Friday Evenings 6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Greeting each other before Minhah. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.

Shabbat Mornings 9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones.

JAN. 6/7 | TEVET 8/9 Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 4:40 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YIGGASH Henry Ivan Glaun becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .....................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ....................................4:30 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................5:26 p.m.

JAN. 13/14 | TEVET 15/16 Candle Lighting:: ....................Friday 4:47 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-Y’HI Samantha Grace Antwerpen becomes Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazaan Perlman Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .....................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ...................................4:30 p.m. Havdalah ..............................................5:33 p.m.

JAN. 20/21 | TEVET 22/23 Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 4:55 p.m. TORAH PORTION: SH’MOT Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .....................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv.................................... 4:45 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................5:41 p.m.

JAN. 27/28 | TEVET 29/SHEVAT 1 Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 5:03 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-ERA AND NUMBERS Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .....................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ...................................4:45 p.m. Havdalah ..............................................5:49 p.m.

REASONS AND MEANINGS: WHAT I’D LIKE TO KNOW Shabbat Mornings January 21 & 28 & February 4 & 11 We’re all curious about Jewish customs and beliefs. We all have questions about the role of Judaism and Jewish tradition in our lives. We all doubt, wonder, and ask. We all affirm, celebrate, and enjoy. We all seek reasons and meanings. We form community by merging our different ideas, our different memories, and our different experiences. We come from different backgrounds. Together, let’s ask our questions and share in discovering answers. What didn’t we learn about Judaism before that we’d like to know now? Rabbis Shulman and Wechsler invite you to submit questions and topics of interest. For four winter weeks during our Shabbat Morning Services on January 21 & 28, February 4 & 11 our rabbis will select from your inquiries and suggestions and guide us in exploring about Judaism what we’d like to know. Please submit your questions and curiosities to our rabbis by email rshulman@chizukamuno.org and dwechsler@chizukamuno.org or in personal conversation. Each week they’ll select from your questions for discussion.


February 11 Join us to celebrate Tu B’Shevat at Shabbat Kiddush February 11th following services when we will mix wines, taste nuts, fruits, and treats, and recite the blessings of a Tu B’Shevat Seder, a charming custom anticipating spring in the middle of winter. Page 2

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we have to celebrate the birthday of the trees by planting in a different way. • We plant seeds of thought which grow into ideas and love of Jewish learning. • We plant values in our youngest students by teaching them derekh eretz. • We plant roots of passion for social justice like the Biblical prophets. • We plant communities of engagement which (who?) rejoice, comfort, pray, and study together. • We plant gnarly roots of challenging texts and wrestle with them until they yield blessing. The Book of Ecclesiastes remarks, Ayt la ta’at, ve ayt la’akor natu’a there is a time for planting and a time to uproot that which has been planted. Luckily for us, the things that we plant don’t need a particular time or a particular zone. Thoughts, values, passion, engagement, and blessings grow whenever and wherever they are planted, provided that we “water” them. This wintery Tu Bishevat let us identify what we can plant in our community and ourselves so that we might grow and thrive no matter the zone.

Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Daily: 7:30 a.m., and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Our Sanctuary is equipped with an audio assistance system to aid in hearing our services. Please see an usher or security guard for a headset.




On a continuing basis, our Security Committee, School Board, Synagogue Board, professional staff, and security consultants discuss and review our security procedures, protocols and plans. The safety of our children, students, members, staff, and guests is our highest priority.

As part of our ongoing security review and enhancements, a “blue light” emergency call post with cameras is being installed near our new playground and sports fields funded by the WagnerBrill Endowment Fund. In case of emergency, someone can immediately call 911 from the post. Our thanks to our House, Grounds, & Security Committee, chaired by Howard Brill, for their continuing work on our facility and security.”

We appreciate the cooperation and patience of our members, school parents, and visitors when they enter the synagogue and school by the security guard desk. Recently, we added a second security guard to expand our coverage in the schools, as well as the exterior fields and playground. The Synagogue Board recently authorized the exploration of adding an armed guard to our security procedures, similar to our approach on the High Holy Days. In addition, we have installed a “blue light” emergency unit and camera between the new playground and ball fields to call 911 during an emergency. In the near future, the entrance lobby will have enhanced security doors creating a secure waiting area. We have, and will continue, to perform drills with our students and staff on emergency evacuation, shelter-inplace, and lock-down procedures. We appreciate your continuing help in providing a safe building and environment, as we recognize that convenience is sometimes sacrificed in the interest of security. Please enter the building through the Administration Entrance during the school day (unless you are dropping off a student during carpool hours, which are staffed and monitored by school personnel). Please do not let anyone into the building as you enter or exit, and please immediately report any suspicious activity or persons to a school head, Executive Director Glenn Easton, or a security guard on duty.

IRS CONTRIBUTION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Throughout the year, the congregation has provided written acknowledgments for all contributions as required by the IRS. The synagogue and schools will also send all donors a complete listing and confirmation of all contributions and payments for the entire 2016 calendar year for your records. Only checks postmarked by December 31, 2016 can be included in the statement. The statement cannot include checks dated in December but received in January. The statements will be mailed after January 31, 2017. For additional information or special tax reporting needs, please contact our CFO/Controller, Lesley Brinton, CPA in the accounting office (410-486-6400). Thank you for your generous support.


Esther and Mordecai have their Hawaiian shirts on and Mai Tai’s in hand and they are ready to take on the evil Haman. Join us for Purim in Paradise complete with a luau following Megillah reading, we’ll Hula and Hora, drink tropical cocktails, make and design leis, and Limbo as we say Aloha to Haman and his sons. More details coming soon! Page 3



Thursday, January 5, at noon The Johns Hopkins Hospital Thursday, January 19, at noon University of Maryland Medical System This year at our downtown lunch and learn series we will explore conflict through the lens of Jewish texts. If you would like to bring the lunch and learn program to a site near you, please be in touch. RSVP to dwechsler@chizukamuno.org

Taught by Rabbi Wechsler Sundays, January 29, February 5 & 12 9:15-11 a.m. Co-Sponsored by the Sisterhood A program for Bat Mitzvah girls and their mothers. Engaging activities and experiential learning leading towards the creation of a personal ritual linked to Bat Mitzvah. Mothers and daughters are offered time to connect with each other in a Jewishly meaningful way. Mothers learn to use their life experience as a positive way of mentoring their daughters and daughters explore with their peers what it means to become an adult woman.

NEW LOCATION! Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools members who work at or near St. Joseph’s Medical Center or GBMC are encouraged to be in touch with Rabbi Wechsler (dwechsler@ chizukamuno.org) if you are interested in attending a noontime lunch and learn during the work week.

GRADUATE ADULT BAT MITZVAH Taught by Rabbi Wechsler Tuesdays, January 24 - March 21 6:30-7:30 p.m. This class is geared towards women who have completed the Adult Bat Mitzvah program. We will study the weekly Torah portion with a particular focus on women of the Bible and include supplementary texts from midrash and modern sources.

FRIENDS, ENEMIES, AND FRENEMIES Taught by Rabbi Wechsler Thursdays, January 19 – March 30 10:30-11:30 a.m. Jewish text study is the embodiment of constructive conflict. Friends or enemies meet across a text and engage in conflict in a way that engages our sacred values. We will continue to explore conflict from a Jewish lens and Jewish contributions to conflict resolution.

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NEW! BENEATH THE SURFACE (FOR BOYS) Taught by Rabbi Shulman Sundays, January 29, February 5 & 12 9:15-11 a.m. Co-Sponsored by the Brotherhood A program for Bar Mitzvah boys and their fathers. We’ll explore what it means to “become a man” in society and life. Through activities and discussion we’ll share our bonds and fathers and sons, men and peers. We’ll also explore how Jewish values speak to us as men as we grow and explore through life. All charges for 613 & Me programs for students enrolled in formal programs of Jewish education, are covered by your Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation fee.

TOT SHABBAT January 13, 20, & 27 9:15 a.m. Bring your infants and toddlers to an interactive Tot Shabbat. Join Melissa Berman, Chizuk’s Young Families Coordinator, for songs, puppets, stories and more in the Goldsmith Music Room. No RSVP Required. Contact Melissa Berman at mberman@chizukamuno.org for more information.


Sunday, January 15 First Show : 1:30 p.m. (nearly sold out) Second Show: 5:30 p.m. Doors open an hour before each show In advance - $18/child (up to age 15); $26/adult ​ t the door - $23/child (up to age 15); A $31/adult **use code KSDSMLK and get $5 off each ticket KSDS Grades K-8 student artwork will be displayed in a student showcase in the lobby prior to the shows.



We are proud to share with you that Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center has achieved a Maryland EXCELS check level 5 rating by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). This is the highest level you can achieve. Maryland EXCELS is the state’s Quality Rating and Improvement System that awards rating to preschools and public prekindergarten programs that meet increasingly higher standards in key areas that are identified nationally as contributing to high quality. Through a process of continuous quality improvement, Maryland EXCELS programs like ours meet rigorous quality standards over and above those required by State licensing regulations and public school requirements. We invite potential Goldsmith Early Childhood Education families to see how choosing high quality care and education makes a difference in a child. Personal tours available, contact Michelle Gold, Director, at 410-486-8642 or mgold@chizukamuno.org. Enrollment for the 2017-2018 school year is available at www.chizukamuno.org/schools/ gecec

ROSENBLOOM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL VISITS THE PRESCHOOL A LUCKY RABBI I am the luckiest of rabbis. My congregants arrive at the chapel every Friday morning curious, excited, and with a vibrant sense of awe. They enter with warm greetings and smiles, and leave with hugs and good-byes. They are open to new experiences, love to sing, and their hands fly in the air before I can finish asking any of my questions. They look at the Torah with wide eyes and they are not afraid to talk about God. My congregants are the two, three and four year old students at the Goldsmith Early Childhood Center. They bring Chizuk Amuno and me so much joy. The two year olds encourage me to play. Our time together begins on the bimah as we pretend to hike up Mt. Sinai. My long legs try to keep up with my friends’ smaller legs as we race faster and faster and higher and higher to reach the top of the mountain. We sing “Torah, Torah, Torah,” open the ark doors, and a beautiful tapestry of Mt. Sinai on the ark curtain suddenly appears. The children are excited because behind this curtain are the Torah scrolls, hidden yet about to be revealed by the opening curtain. For a moment they are hushed and still, filled with original awe. Standing with them is like standing with the Children of Israel at Mt. Sinai. God is giving us the Torah, once again. We remove one Torah scroll, we kiss it, and we parade our Torah around the chapel, and return it to the ark so that it can rest until we receive it again next Friday. The three year olds remind me that learning is a two-way street. As their teacher, I am constantly reminded that in addition to having things that I want to share with them, these young children also have so much to share with me. One Friday, we talked about thanking God for all the wonderful things in the world. I was hoping to create a list with them which might include the many gifts of life. The first student to reply said, “Dear God, thank you for my birthday.” My lesson was over and their lesson on the joys of birthday parties was just beginning. All the students in the room raised their hands to tell me something very important about their past or future birthdays. Thanking God for their birthdays taught me how gratitude can be grounded in our immediate experience of life. The four year olds helped me see new connections in the prayer experience. My four year olds were so excited to receive a siddur to use when they come into the chapel. For many of them it was their first time holding one. They started to look like the people in the big shul. They treated the book as a new found treasure, flipping through the pages, discovering familiar and unfamiliar words in English and in Hebrew, admiring the beautiful illustrations. There was one problem, however, when I told them to turn to page 101 for the shema, one of the teachers explained to me that many of the kids had not yet learned to count beyond the number thirty. “How wonderful that is,” I said, smiling, “The prayer program elevates the mathematics curriculum.” As each Friday session draws to a close, I look at the children and, like God instructed Abraham, I count my little stars. They are the future of the Jewish people, just as God promised. - Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Page 5


UPCOMING VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.



This year we included a third Food Drive on our calendar in an effort to help alleviate the critically low inventories at the GEDCO food pantry each November. True to form, our members responded with the same generosity that continues to make our food drives so successful. All together, we collected over 37 bags of food and supplies, amounting to 267 pounds. We thank our members for their support of this project and a special Todah Rabbah to Ginnie Kass and Gail Oppel who delivered the food just in time for Thanksgiving.

Volunteers are asked to commit one hour a week to help a child with reading. Todah Rabbah to our current volunteers: Arlynne Brown, Ruth Gann, Fran Glushakow Gould, Margi Hoffman, Elliot King, Hazel Radowsky, David Spitz, Ellen Weiss, and Ann Zaiman Contact Cheryl Snyderman

OUR DAILY BREAD Sundays, January 15 and February 19 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Todah Rabbah to our November volunteers: Wendy Davis (leader), Ellen Hess, Arlene Klaff, Joan Rombro, Ben Zager, and Debbie Zager Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com

TRANSPORTATION SERVICE ON SHABBAT Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a weekby-week basis. Just call Cheryl Snyderman by Tuesday of the week you want to attend services.

ART WITH A HEART Sunday, February 5 • 1-3 p.m. Rides are available, leaving from Chizuk Amuno at 12:30 p.m. Contact: Deb Charles, text 443-386-1324

RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Wednesdays, January 18 and February 15 • 4-7 p.m. Cook and/or serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children being treated in Baltimore area hospitals. Todah Rabbah to our November volunteers: Hazel Greenstein (leader), Samantha Antwerpen, Alli Bernstein, Colin Bernstein, Harriet Brown, Rena Finkel, Hedy Goldstein, Jennifer Heller, Margi Hoffman, Rona London, Saundra Madoff, Sarah Merwin, Dawn Reznik, Maxine Seidman, Kathie Taylor, Debi Wechsler, Marsha Yoffe, and the students and grandparents of the RRS Grade 6, Tzofim. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman

CHIZUK AMUNO’S TEAM SUPPORTS JVC’S MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY OF SERVICE Monday, January 16 Join in the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and give back to the community through hands-on service. There are opportunities for service throughout Baltimore, including serving meals to people in need; cleaning up Baltimore neighborhoods and beautifying the community in which we live; participating in a festival for children living in a downtown homeless shelter; and there is so much more! Learn more about all of the projects in the community at www.JVCbaltimore.org/mlkday or contact 410-843-7490 or jvcbaltimore@associated.org. Page 6

OPERATION WELCOME HOME MARYLAND Join us as at BWI airport as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas. Dates are set 1-3 weeks in advance of the incoming flights. This project is suitable for adults and children of all ages. Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler to be on the mailing list.

KNITTING HAVURAH Wednesdays, January 18 February 15 • 2-3:30 p.m. We knit and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and in the U.S. Todah Rabbah to our November knitters/crocheters: Vivian Chait, Edna Crystal, Wendy Davis, Linda Eisenberg, Susan Ezrine, Lyuda Gerasimenko, Hazel Greenstein, Esther London, Esther Marsiglia, Betty Medalie, Hazel Radowsky, and Janet Sefret Contact: Cheryl Snyderman

BBQ CHICKEN PREP SAVE THE DATE! Monday, February 13, 3:30 - 7 p.m. It’s our annual BBQ chicken cookfest for the guests of Our Daily Bread. We are in need of volunteers for preparing chicken, cleaning up, and loading the van. Light snacks will be available. To sign up, please contact Cheryl Snyderman and indicate what time range you are available to participate. Program made possible by the Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund and the Louis Barry Gershen “Our Daily Bread” Fund


SISTERHOOD Contact Dixie Leikach, with any questions or further requests at Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org or 443-386-1062. If you’d like to be on our e-newsletter, please give Dixie your e-mail address.



Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. All levels encouraged to participate! RSVP to Randee Glassman, randee853@aol.com

January through Purim! Sisterhood will be holding a Hamentaschen FUNdraiser again this Purim Season. We did such a great job last year that the Synagogue would like us to provide ALL of the hamentaschen. We will need YOUR help!! Please hold the following dates and plan to come have a great time as we make and bake Hamentaschen that will be used for our annual fundraiser and also for all shul activities during Purim. A huge thank you to Andrea Polsky and Kathie Taylor for co-chairing this fabulous project.

SHABBAT WORKSHOP Sunday, January 15, 10 a.m. Want to feel more comfortable on the bimah on Shabbat? Have you always wanted to participate in the Sisterhood Shabbat and weren’t sure what to do? Pleases join us as Rabbi Wechsler demonstrates the ins and outs of the Shabbat service. If you have a copy of Siddur Lev Shalem, please bring it with you. Please RSVP to Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org by January 8th

SISTERHOOD BOARD MEETING Sunday, January 22, 9:30 a.m. Wonder who is on the board or what goes on during a Sisterhood Board meeting? This is your chance to find out! 9:30 a.m. - come early and meet and greet with the Sisterhood Board members 10 a.m. - stay and participate in the Sisterhood Board meeting

SISTERHOOD JUDAICA SHOP Happy New Year! Stop by the Judaica Shop for beautiful Bar/ Bat Mitzvah gifts, wedding and hostess gifts. We have a wide variety of mezzuzot, baby gifts and everything you need for your Shabbat table, too! Our wonderful volunteers look forward to helping you with your special purchase! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Page 7

9:30 - 11:30 10 - 12 and 2 - 4 10 - 12 and 2 - 6 10 - 12 and 2 - 6 10 - 12 and 1 - 3 10 - 12

If you are interested in helping on the committee for this project, please send your contact information to Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org. We especially need people who are willing to “captain” a session listed below! We welcome all adults that want to participate and children 11 years old and older accompanied by an adult (NOT a drop off activity). This is a great opportunity for mitzvah hours! All dates will be held in Krieger Kitchen Friday, January 20, 2017 - 8 AM - 1 PM Sunday, January 22, 2017 - 9 AM - 1 PM Friday, January 27, 2017 - 8 AM - 1 PM Sunday, January 29, 2017 - 9 AM - 1 PM Friday, February 03, 2017 - 8 AM - 1 PM Sunday, February 05, 2017 - 9 AM - 1 PM Friday, February 10, 2017 - 8 AM - 1 PM Sunday, February 12, 2017 - 9 AM - 1 PM Friday, February 24, 2017 - 8 AM - 1 PM Sunday, February 26, 2017 - 9 AM - 1 PM Thursday, March 02, 2017 - 8 AM - 1 PM Sunday, March 05, 2017 - 9 AM - 1 PM

BUS TRIP - Sunday, July 23 Cost / Person - $279 RSVP ASAP Contact Marilyn Spector 410-486-3888


March 4, 7:30 p.m.

Other music included. Lite fare & desserts

Details coming soon. For more information contact Marilyn Spector 410-486-3888

BROTHERHOOD Join us this year by opting into Brotherhood. We are looking for all to participate! Contact: Eric Beser, eric.beser@e-isg.com


January 11, 6 p.m. $8/person includes deli dinner Pay by check to the Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood 8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, MD RSVP to Eric Beser, eric.beser@e-isg.com Page 7


B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. JANUARY 7 HENRY IVAN GLAUN YITZHAK son Kim & Dr. Braeme Glaun JANUARY 14 SAMANTHA GRACE ANTWERPEN GENENDAL SHANNAH daughter of Audra & David Antwerpen

Engagements We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Ashleigh Bloom, daughter of Judy & Michael Bloom, to Ross Sacks, son of Mara & Elliott Sacks Alana Kreshtool, daughter of Heller & Jeffrey Kreshtool, to Jeff Snyder, son of Alice & Wayne Snyder Derek Schwartz, son of Drs. Gayle & Brian Schwartz, to Hillary Shaffer, daughter of Debbie & Steve Shaffer Alex Wachsman, son of Meg Gillespie & Matt Wachsman, to Yuanyuan Liu.

Weddings We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Joshua Wolf, son of Dorothy Gold & Dr. James Wolf, to Sarah Henke, daughter of Judy & John Wickham and Kevin & Jenny Henke

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In Loving Memory In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Norma Moritz, mother of Marjorie Rofel, Michael Moritz and Stephen Moritz Sheila Pakula, wife of Dr. Lawrence Pakula and mother of Louis Pakula, Baila Waldholtz, Annette Pakula, and Dale Perreault Miriam Shuman, mother of David Shulman and Deborah Karesh Sylvia Weiner, mother of Ira Weiner and Robin Weiner We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Maureen Walsh David, on the loss of her father, Richard Walsh Sarah Gratz, on the loss of her grandmother, Claryne Weinberg Randy Jachman and Sylvia Gluckstern, on the loss of their mother and sister, Lorraine Jachman Neil Leikach, on the loss of his grandfather, Sidney Bazensky Dr. Renee Marlin-Bennett, on the loss of her mother Rhoda Leonore Marlin Sue Seidman and Greg Shaneybrook, on the loss of their father, George W. Shaneybrook, Jr. Dr. Leonard Spector, on the loss of his mother, Mildred Spector As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

Members in the News Kenneth Mallott starts a fellowship in January, in the translation of Chinese patents at the World Intellectual Property Organization, an agency of the UN, in Geneva Switzerland.

2017 BLUE YARMULKA MAN OF THE YEAR AWARD WARREN GOULD The Brotherhood’s Blue Yarmulka man of the year for 2017 is Warren Gould. We cannot think of anyone more deserving. He is someone who has done so much to promote brotherhood and community. He has tirelessly as a labor of love promoted and run our Red Cross Blood Drive. Because of Warren, we are nationally recognized as a leader in garnering community blood donations. Warren also helps us by promoting our activities, writing the emails that go out for our membership and attracting all members of our community to participate. He has a unique style of writing to which people pay attention. Warren has baked in his soul a sense of justice and fairness and actively promotes social justice and tikun olam. He is a mensch, and a good person. Please join us in honoring him and his family at Har Shalom in Rockville on March 19 when he receives this award. FOR LIFECYCLE EVENTS, PERSONAL CELEBRATIONS AND OBSERVANCES, PERSONAL AND SPIRITUAL NEEDS: Please Call the Rabbinic Office

At Chizuk Amuno Congregation we want to provide personal and direct support to our members’ religious and family needs. As our members desire life cycle celebrations or require religious observances, our clergy ask that you communicate directly with our rabbinic office to share the unfortunate news of hospitalization or illness, or news of their family or personal lives. In the interest of protecting confidentiality, hospitals today do not share patients’ names with clergy. Please do not assume that someone else has communicated your news to the synagogue staff or office.


Terumot HaKodesh. We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue. CONGREGATIONAL GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND Dr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Weiner in memory of Beverley C. Kahn Wendy Schenker wishing Mazal Tov to Judy & Mike Finifter on the marriage of their son Josh to Ilana Knobel Mr. & Mrs. Tzach Asher with thanks to the entire congregation for welcoming Liam into the embrace of the Chizuk Amuno community as a bar mitzvah. Ms. Sharon Glickman in honor of her grandson, Ross Chudow, for chanting from the Torah for the first time. Dr. Scott Lever & Ms. Shelley Hendler in memory of Brian Pollack Gary & Nina Wand in memory of Kenny Friedman

CONGREGATIONAL KIDDUSH Earl & Lorraine Raffel in honor of their daughter in law Shuli Raffel being named a Simhat Torah honoree Joel & Gail Smith with thanks for the donation towards the Kiddush Martin & Marilynn Kinstler with thanks for your Kiddush contribution Mr. & Mrs. Tzach Asher with thanks to Jenny Baker for making Liam’s Bar Mitzvah celebration the “cherry on top” of the entire day. Shuli Raffel with thanks for the donation to the Congregation Kiddush Fund Sandra Sirody in memory of Kenneth Friedman



Arthur & Herta Baitch for a speedy recovery of Heller Kreshtool Arthur & Herta Baitch in honor of Herta & Arthur Baitch’s aliyah on Rosh Hashanah Arthur & Herta Baitch in memory of Beila Nagel Griffel and Mary Friedlander Arthur & Marsha Kalisch in memory of Ian Alexander Scher

Toby & Marvin Goldstein in memory of Leon Ezrine Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Margolies wishing Mazal Tov on Talia Eisner’s Bat Mitzvah

IRENE & JEROME WASSERKRUG ADULT EDUCATION FUND Dan & Ronna Askin in honor of Ruth Seif’s birthday

JANET & STANLEY KANTOR FUND FOR SPECIAL NEEDS Stanley & Janet Kantor in honor of Malcolm & Rosa

JARED SCOTT LEVY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Mark & Linda Levy in memory of Brian Alan Pollack, Kenneth Friedman and Miriam Shulman

JAYME DORF WEINSTEIN FUND Mr. Jay Weinstein with thanks


Marcie Gwin in memory of Leah Gilbert

Rachael, Josh, Sam & Ben Abrams in memory of Claryne Weinberg Mrs. Beverly Feig in memory of Kenneth Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Frenkel in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Janie Smulyan in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Tzila Lavie in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Josh Ulder & Jen Wolper Udler in memory of Julius & Lore Levi




Estelle Bloomberg in honor of Ruthanne Kaufman’s 70th birthday Estelle Bloomberg in memory of Kenneth Friedman

Dan & Ronna Askin in honor of Ruth Seif’s birthday Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Neuburger in memory of Kenneth Friedman



Allison & Asher Rubin in honor of Michelle & Mitchell Clay’s daughter, Olivia’s Bat Mitzvah Dr. Frona Brown & Dr. Beryl Rosenstein in memory of Brian Pollack

GEMILUT HASADIM Eric & Wendy Espeland for Jenny Baker’s guidance & support in regards to Benny Espeland’s Bar Mitzvah Eric & Wendy Espeland to Debby Hellman’s guidance & support in regards to Benny Espeland’s Bar Mitzvah Dr. Andrew Miller & Mrs. Sandra Dzija in memory of Miriam Shulman

GLASSGOLD KALLAH FUND Jackie Glassgold in memory of Brian Alan Pollack

GOLDNER RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Allan & Barbara Sherr with thanks for the kindness shown to their daughter Susan Scherr & our son in law Brett Seitz

GOLDSMITH MUSEUM TRUST FUND Baltimore Chavurah in honor of Wendy Davis for giving the Goldsmith Museum Tour

Mr. & Mrs. Asher M. Rubin wishing Mazal Tov on the Bat Mitzvah of Olivia Clay

KSDS EZRINE LIBRARY FUND Bluma Jed in memory of Leon Ezrine Jackie Glassgold in memory of Leon Ezrine Stephany Gilbert & Family in memory of Leon Ezrine Sharon Rose in memory of Leon Ezrine Mrs. Max Deckelbaum Bruce & Amy Chapper in memory of Leon Ezrine Doug & Barbara Davis in memory of Leon Ezrine Gary & Theresa Proctor in memory of Leon Ezrine Mr. & Mrs. Frank Francois IV in memory of Leon Ezrine Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Portugal in memory of Leon Ezrine Rita Siegel in memory of Leon Ezrine David Berliner & Barbara Fivush in memory of Leon Ezrine

KSDS GERALD & SUZANNE KATZ SCHOLARSHIP FUND Joel & Diane Aronson in memory of Brian Alan Pollack

KSDS JOAN GOTTLIEB SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dr. Michael & Mrs. Joan Gottlieb in honor of KSDS Class of 2016

KSDS REZNIK-FRIER SCHOLARSHIP FUND The Frier family in memory of David Cooper, Leon Sigel, Dr. David Solomon, and Anna Jacobs Dawn Reznik in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Paulette Pollack in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Paulette Pollack in memory of Kenneth Friedman

KSDS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Pakula, children & grandchildren in memory of Dora Kaplan Pakula Jerry & Ruth Ross in honor of Etta Clay’s granddaughter Olivia’s Bat Mitzvah Judith Spiwak in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday KSDS Faculty & Staff in memory of Frederick Elrick Dr. Margi Okum in memory of Alfred J. Okum & Fanny Mae Okum Dr. Michael & Mrs. Ann Andorsky in memory Brian Alan Pollack Moe & Harriet Brown in memory of Marvin Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Lewis in memory of Warren Klawans. Lynn & Harold Davidov in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Eileen & Brian Goldman in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Lewis in memory of Dana Hudes Melissa Kerbel wishing Mazal Tov on your special birthday Rabbi Steve Wernick, CEO of the USCJ and Margo Gold, International President of the USCJ, in honor of Shoshana Cardin’s special birthday Margi & Dr. Steven Hoffman in honor of Sandy & Dr. Barry Lever’s anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Tzach Asher with thanks to Dr. Bill & Mollie Smulyan for honoring our family by sharing in the simcha of Liam’s Bar Mitzvah. Mr. & Mrs. Tzach Asher with thanks to Jenny, Ziv, Natan, Aviad, Lior & Gilad Gamliel in celebrating Liam’s Bar Mitzvah Mrs. Ellen Hart in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Joy Katz in honor of Donna & Gary Friedman’s son Eric’s acceptance into medical school Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Joy Katz in honor of Eileen & Ned Himmelrich’s daughter Molly’s acceptance into medical school Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Joy Katz wishing Mazal Tov on Shuli Raffel being honored on Simchat Torah Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Joy Katz wishing Mazal Tov on Alison Feldstein being honored on Simchat Torah Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Joy Katz wishing Mazal Tov to Cindy & Robert Max on the marriage of their son Ben Dr. Martin & Mrs. Rhona Levin in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday. Ileen & Donald Himelfarb in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Waranch in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Mr. & Mrs. Barry Gold in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Mr. & Mrs. Tzac Asher in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Ms. Judy Berman in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday

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Rosalyn & Steven Blum in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Dr. & Mrs. Anton Grobani in memory of David Cooper Dr. Margi Okum in memory of Fanny Mae Okum & Alfred Okum Ms. Patricia Goldberg in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Mr. & Mrs. Tzach Asher in honor of Mollie & Dr. Bill Smulyan sharing the simchah of Liam’s Bar Mitzvah Mr. & Mrs. Tzach Asher in honor of Jenny, Ziv, Natan, Aviad, Lior and Gilad Gamliel playing such a large role in celebrating Liam’s Bar Mitzvah Jeanette & Dr. Alan Davis in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Shirley & Uri Avin in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday

KSDS - SPECIAL OFFERING Maxine Seidman in honor of Michelle & Mitchell Clay’s daughter Olivia’s Bat Mitzvah Gary & Garth Gerstenblith in memory of Theodore Gerstenblith Moe & Harriet Brown in memory of Jules Savlov & Beatrice Brown Dr. Dennis & Ilene Brave, in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s 70th birthday Barrington Strategic Wealth Management Group, LLC, in memory of Christopher (Moshe) Elliott Elijah Johnston wishing Mazal Tov for Elijah Johnston’s conversion to Judaism Lola Hahn in memory of Brian Pollack Liz & Mickey Cohen in memory of Audrey Birmingham Sally & Dr. Aton Grobani in memory of David Cooper Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in memory of Brian Pollack Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager wishing Ed Friedman a refuah sh’lemah Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in honor of Ruthanne Kaufman’s 70th birthday Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in honor of Dr. Martin Cooper’s 75th birthday Stan & Lynn Brull in honor of Mollie Smulyan’s special birthday

KURT & ERNA WEILER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Cole in honor of Ruthanne Kaufman’s special birthday

LOIS & ALVIN NEUBERGER FAMILY EDUCATIONAL FUND David & Anne Young in honor of Ann & Alan Hamburger’s granddaughter Hailey Miriam Fox’s Bat Mitzvah

LOUIS BARRY GERSHEN OUR DAILY BREAD FUND Michael & Myra Gershen in honor of the birth Mr. & Mrs. Tim Grime’s grandchild Michael & Myra Gershen in memory of Stella Ziman Michael & Myra Gershen wishing Mazal Tov to Ms. Jennifer Freeland on her daughter Tillie Rubin’s Bat Mitzvah Michael & Myra Gershen wishing Mazal Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Freeland on their granddaughter Tillie Rubin’s Bat Mitzvah Michael & Myra Gershen in honor of Stephen Freeland’s 50th Birthday Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gershen in honor of Gerald Mondell’s 80th birthday Michael & Myra Gershen in memory of Milton “Reds” Hartman, Louis Gershen, Kenneth Friedman, and Samuel London

MARCIA & DR JERRY BUXBAUM ENDOWMENT FUND Dr. Jerry D. Buxbaum in memory of Miriam Shulman

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Debbie & Dr. Seth Glassman in memory of Leon Sigel, Eudyce Tucker, Delma Silver, and Rose Greenberg Debbie & Dr. Seth Glassman Refuah Sh’lemeh Naomi Amsterdam and Jon Roth

Bruce & Amy Chapper in honor of Albert Blumberg’s 65th birthday

MEMORIAL FUND CONTRIBUTIONS Barry Glass in memory of Frieda Friedlander Glass Mordehai & Amy Gur in memory of Regina Weinberg Gilbert Barron in memory of Daniel Barron Joel Suldan in memory of Leah Suldan Sharon Rose in memory of Ben Rose Sue Grudziecki in memory of Amanda Grudziecki Audrey Levine in memory of Anna Malkin Doris & Marshall Tanhoff in memory of Yetta E. Tanhoff Doris & Marshall Tanhoff in memory of Marcia Martha Kaplan Gwen Cohen in memory of Goldie Felstein & Bernice Cohen Jayson & Judy Folus in memory of Magda Koves Mr. Ronald Schwartzman in memory of Joseph Schwartzman Mrs. Audrey Levine & Family in memory of Arthur Levine Mrs. Evelyn Lewis in memory of Sarah Lewis Mrs. Nina Rosenzwog & Family in memory of Gloria Grossbart & Dr. Martin Grossbart Mrs. Regine Bormel in memory of Isaac Bormel

MORNING MINYAN CONTRIBUTION Elaine Fox for a speedy recovery of Dr. Moshe Shualy Jackie Glassgold for a speedy recovery of Dr. Moshe Shualy Elaine Fox & Family in memory of William Gainsburg Leslie & Audrey Polt in memory of Warren Klawans Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz in memory of Richard Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Mr. Jack Freedman in memory of Louis Freedman Elaine Fox in honor of the marriage of Ron & Randee’s son Matthew to Nina Pavlovakya. Mrs. Lynne Komins & Family in memory of Warren Klawans Mrs. Maxine Seidman in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Ruthanne Kaufman in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Steve & Diane Dansicker in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Mr. & Mrs. Tzach Asher with thanks to Dr. Moshe Shualy for his heartfelt welcome of our family into the morning minyan prior to Liam’s Bar Mitzvah Bruce & Amy Chapper in honor of Ruthanne Kaufman’s 70th birthday Margot Zipper in honor of Ruthanne Kaufman’s 70th birthday Steve & Anne King with thanks to Ruthanne Kaufman for her kindness Dr. Andrew Miller & Mrs. Sandra Dzija in honor of Ruthanne Kaufman’s special birthday Dr. Michael & Mrs. Ann Andorsky in honor of Ruthanne Kaufman’s 70th birthday Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Ruthanne Kaufman’s special birthday Minyanaires Minyan in honor of Susan & Michael Adess’s move to Florida Dr. Harry Silber in memory of Dr. David Silber Elaine Fox in memory of Frances Fox and Brian Alan Pollack Joan Rombro in memory of Kenneth Friedman Joshua Rosen in memory of Tobie Volks Linda Freud in memory of Alfred Freud Marilyn &. Michael Krinsky in memory of Mary Gerber Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz in memory of Rhoda Lenore Marlin Mr. Leslie Polt in memory of Max Polt Ruthanne Kaufman in memory of Kenneth Friedman Sandra Steingart in memory of Shirley Koser Suzanne, Neil, Michael & Alise Katz in memory of Gerald M. Katz

PATHWAYS TO MENSCHLIKEIT FUND Miriam, Irvin, Seth & Adana Golob in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Steve & Anne King in memory of Kenneth Friedman Steve & Anne King in memory of Brian Alan Pollack

PLAYGROUND FUND Hanna Lee Pomerantz in honor of Liz Minkin Friedman being chosen as Kallah Torah Hanna Lee Pomerantz in honor of Adam Baumwald being named Hatan Torah Hanna Lee Pomerantz in honor of Stephen Pomerantz being named Hatan Torah Michele Brill in honor of Hatanei v’Kallot Torah: Adam Baumwald, Liz Minkin Friedman, Stephen Pomerantz & Kallot Bereishit, Alison Feldstein, Shuli Raffel, Yael Lowenberg Janine & Rob Frier in memory of Tillman ‘Duke” Pollack

PRAYER BOOK FUND Dick & Marsha Manekin wishing Audrey Polt Mazal Tov on her Bat Mitzvah & best wishes for her Special Birthday Ronnie Kleiman for a speedy recovery of Dr. Moshe Shualy Mrs. Mae Levin in memory of Mordchai Shualy Mrs. Mae Levin in memory of Frieda Shualy Neal Blum; Howard, Kelly & Maddie Soypher & Richard & Ellyn Soypher in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Ronnie Kleiman in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Stuart & Vicky Becker in memory of Alfred Lippman Irene Pack with thanks Ronnie Kleiman in honor of Shirley Shor’s 95th Birthday Dr. Stuart & Mrs. Marlene Aiken in honor of the birth of their new granddaughter, Luciana Rose Alarcon Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brown in honor of in honor of the 55th anniversary of Marilynn & Martin Kinstler Dr. Stuart & Marlene Aiken in honor of the birth of their grandson Davis Tanner Rosenthal Sheldon & Shelley Goldseker in memory of Sylvia Weiner Suzanne Cohen in memory of Brian Alan Pollack

RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Brian Alan Pollack

ROSENBLOOM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND Rob & Janine Frier in memory of Dana Hudes Bruce & Amy Chapper in memory of Richard “Dick” Walsh

SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dr. Fred Jacobs in memory of Jack Jacobs Millie Fisher in memory of Herbert Fisher Mrs. Myrna Rubenstein in memory of Rena Lippman

SELMA & ALVIN BLAKER ENDOWMENT FUND Alvin & Selma Blaker in memory of Warren Klawans

SHOSHANA S. CARDIN HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Lou & Joyce Kaplan wishing Shoshana Cardin a very happy “special” birthday

SPECIAL OFFERING - GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CENTER Amy & Jason Blavatt in honor of Steven & Marcia Sherr’s daughter’s engagement Amy & Jason Blavatt in honor of Andy Miller & Sandra Dzijar son’s engagement Amy & Jason Blavatt in memory of Edward Priga


STAFF HOLIDAY GIFT FUND Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of the Staff Arthur & Herta Baitch with thanks to the Office Staff for their support Leslie & Audrey Polt with thanks to Chizuk Amuno Staff Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of the Staff Rabbi Debi Wechsler in honor of the Staff Rabbi Stuart Seltzer in honor of the Staff

TZEDAKAH FUND Alla & Mikhail Mogilevsky in memory of Leon Ezrine Ann Harris in memory of Florine Bretholz Barbara Scott in memory of Bertha Sharan Barbara Scott in memory of Enid Scott Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Estelle Solomon Ms. Sylvia Gamerman in memory of Brian Gamerman Rose Frank in memory of Lena Frank Glenn & Cindy Easton wishing Richard Goldman a speedy recovery Debi & Larry Oxenberg in memory of Kenneth Friedman Dr. Albert Pats in memory of Sidney Pats Dr. Lawrence Pakula in memory of Lawrence Kessel Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Irwin Epstein Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Kenneth Friedman Jeannie & Samuel Teitelman in memory of Rebecca Teitelman Mr. & Mrs. Irving Friedman in memory of Kenneth Friedman Mr. Earl Raffel in memory of Reba Raffel Mrs. Marlene Aiken in memory of Joseph Tauber Mrs. Marlene Szapiro in memory of Jonah Feffer Sylvia Gamerman in memory of Albert Gamerman

DR. SHUALY’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Arthur & Herta Baitch for a speedy recovery of Dr. Moshe Shualy Fred & Dina Karlip in honor of Audrey Polt’s 70th birthday Leslie & Audrey Polt in honor of Dr. Moshe Shualy Heather, Howard, Allie & Family with thanks to Dr. Moshe Shualy for his assistance with Allie’s Bat Mitzvah Jerald & Gail Oppel in memory of Edith Cohen

HAZZAN PERLMAN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Eric & Wendy Espeland for Hazzan Perlman’s guidance & support in regards to Benny Espeland’s Bar Mitzvah Leslie & Audrey Polt in honor of Hazzan Emanuel Perlman Mr. & Mrs. Harold Walter in honor of the Brit Milah of our grandson, Ethan Micah Walter & future world peace. David & Linda Richman in memory of their parents Heather, Howard, Allie & Family with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for all your assistance with Allie’s Bat Mitzvah Mr. & Mrs. Tzach Asher with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for his passion & dedication to preparing Liam for his Bar Mitzvah.

RABBI SCHNEIDER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Charles & Marilyn Miller in honor of Dr. Paul Schneider

RABBI SHULMAN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Eric & Wendy Espeland in gratitude for Rabbi Shulman’s guidance & support in regards to Benny Espeland’ Bar Mitzvah Dr. Alan & Harriet Friedman in honor of the baby namings of Alexandra Rae Friedman & Savannah Rose Mazursky Leslie & Audrey Polt in honor of Rabbi Ron Shulman Ann & Harold Walter in honor of The brit milah of our grandson Ethan Micah Walter Barry & Cathy Jurist in memory of Judith Jurist Sorgen Jeffrey & Melissa Berman in memory of Melvin Berman

Wendy, David, Stephanie, Amy, Daniel & Rebecca Hefter in memory of Brian Alan Pollack Carol & Saul Strenger with thanks to Rabbi Shulman for an enjoyable High Holidays service Heather, Howard, Allie & Family with thanks to Rabbi Ronald Shulman for his assistance with Allie’s Bat Mitzvah YiFaat Tzach Asher with thanks to Rabbi Shulman for his support & encouragement throughout Liam’s Bar Mitzvah journey Michael Novey in honor of learning Torah at Krieger Schechter Day School Jay & Marsha Gamerman in memory of Jean Satisky Ruth & Allen Brown, in honor of Allen’s 70th birthday Tara, Leah, and the rest of the AIPAC Mid-Atlantic Team, in memory of Kenneth Friedman Ethel Klein, in memory of Col. Irwin Klein

RABBI WECHSLER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Eric & Wendy Espeland in gratitude for Rabbi Debi Wechsler’s guidance & support in regards to Benny Espeland’s Bar Mitzvah Todd & Jessica Howe in honor of baby naming of Sienna Salis Howe Bill Lewis in memory of Peggy Lewis Stuart Kaplow in memory of Deborah Potts Heather, Howard, Allie & Family with thanks to Rabbi Debi Wechsler for your assistance with Allie’s Bat Mitzvah Robert & Cynthia Max in honor of Ben & Marley’s wedding Mr. Stuart Kaplow in memory of Kenneth Friedman Paula Hoffberger in memory of LeRoy Hoffberger Sandra Klapper, Steve Klapper, Jonny & Hillary Lewis in memory of Harold Klapper Women’s Torah Study Group, with thanks for studying with them

Please Note: Due to space considerations, those who donated to the congregational support will be included in February’s contribution list.

Bimah Flowers SHABBAT, JANUARY 7 / 21 TEVET In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Henry Ivan Glaun, by his parents, Kim & Dr. Braeme Glaun, and his grandparents, Esther & Louis Rosenstock In Memory Of: Freda & Ivan Henry Glaun, grandparents of Henry Ivan Glaun, on the occasion of Henry’s Bar Mitzvah Esther Kahan by Ann Kahan & family. Gabriel Massouda, father, by Lily & Dr. Warren Massouda & family. Joseph L. Shor by Shirley Shor & family. Yetta & Issy Cooperman, parents, by their family. F. David Cohen by Rose Frank & family. Bess & Louis M. Schlimer, mother & father, by Carol & Gilbert Davis & family. Sarah Rosenberg, mother, by her children & grandchildren. Sylvia Apatoff by her children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren. Alexander Silverman, father, by Jackie Glassgold & children. Abby Blumenthal by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family. Harry Blumberg by his children & grandchildren. Florence & Paul J. Fineman by their children & grandchildren. Maurice M. Kaplan, father, by Joyce & Louis Kaplan. Rose Max by Beverly & Jordon Max & family. Evelyn King by Anne & Steven King & family. Bruce Blumenthal by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family. Shirley Solomon by Marvin Solomon & family. Friedel Lobe, mother, by Evelyn & Gary Brager & family. Sarah Abramowitz, sister, by Rose Frank. Edward Gamson by Irma Gamson & family.

Theodore Waranch by his children & grandchildren. Sylvia Levine, mother, by Barry, Stuart & Lisa Levine. Florence Fineman, on her birthday, by her children & grandchildren.

SHABBAT, JANUARY 14 / 9 TEVET In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Samantha Grace Antwerpen, by her parents, Audra & David Antwerpen, and her grandparents, Jack & Dolores Antwerpen, Jane & Richard Maytin and Louis & Bernadine Fireison In Memory Of: Grace Fireison, grandmother of Samantha Grace Antwerpen, on the occasion of Samantha’s Bat Mitzvah Lewis J. Lebow by his children & grandchildren. Sidney Chernak by Marlene Pollack & family. Morris Prohovnik by his wife & family. Ethel S. LaPides by her children & grandchildren. Morris A. Offit, by Ethel Jacobs & grandchildren. Isadore Miller by Esther & Louis Miller. Morton (Sonny) Plant by his wife & children. Florence Geber by Deborah & Leonard Foland & family. Gertrude Weiner by Sylvia Weiner & family. Raymond Layton by his wife & children. Meyer L. Stein by his family. SHABBAT, JANUARY 21 / 23 TEVET In Memory Of: Samuel Beckes by Elissa Ness. Minnie Baraban, mother, by Drs. Jay Baraban & Liba Goldblum & family. Yale Aarons by his wife & children. Sadye Pollack, mother, by Faye & Howard A. Pollack & family. Abe Leibowitz by his family. Charles H. Hoffberger by his daughter & grandchildren. Jack Bass, father, by Linda & Robert Eisenberg & Terry & Marc Bass. Sarabelle Bass, mother, by Brina & Jay Pintzuk & family. Joseph Sklar, father, by Ina & Nathan Caplan & family, & Franny & Lee Stotsky & family. Richard Fine by his family. Stanley Gamson by Irma Gamson & family. Dr. Herbert B. Copeland, Jr, father, by Marsha & Richard Manekin & family. Reuben Wall, father, by Frada Wall & family. Stuart Tilson, on his birthday, by his family. SHABBAT, JANUARY 28 / 1 SHEVAT In Memory Of: Rose Conn by Allan Conn. Sara Fox Glazer, mother, by Lowell R. Glazer & family. Sam Berlin, father, by Karla & Stanley Schulman & family. Ron Cooper by Melody Cooper & family Solomon S. Glassgold by his children. Helena Powers, mother, by Jeffrey & Mark Powers. Frieda Crockin Grant, mother, by Sally & Arthur Grant & family. Harold Elkin, father, by Sandra & David Abramoff & family. Dorothy Cohen, mother, by Harriet Helfand & family. Abraham Weinstein by Marvin Solomon & family. Gilbert Bulmash, father, by Patsy Beth & Dr. Sheldon Milner & family. Miriam Brager by her children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren. Dr. Maimon Cohen by his family. Harold Snyder by Maxine & Bernie Gordon & family and Marcia Snyder & family Renee Morgenstern, mother, by Lisa & Stuart Levine. Dr. Alfred J. Cole, father, by Sharon & Ronald Cole & family. Dr. Alfred J. Cole, father, by Linda & Dr. Jeffrey Cole & family. Morris Wolf, father, by Donna & Robert Wolf & family.

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8100 STEVENSON ROAD BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21208 www.chizukamuno.org 410-486-6400 info@chizukamuno.org Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Jason A. Blavatt, Esquire, President Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media

Join the Sisterhood as we present “Woman Planting The Seeds of Change” Tuesday, February 7, 7 p.m. Rabbi Wechsler will lead us in a Tu B’Shevat Seder as we focus on how women of Chizuk Amuno are making positive changes in our local community and the world at large. Contact Joy Katz, eandjkatz@gmail.com or 410-960-5635 for more information.


Chizuk Amuno Congregation & Schools

Shabbat Yachad Feburary 25 A unique service of togetherness for adults and children of all ages.

Southern JEWISH Civil Rights Journey Sunday May 7 – Wednesday May 10, 2017 Embark on a journey that uses the history, sites, and current issues of each city as a springboard to highlight the relationship, and at times, the tension, of the Jewish and American identity. Our trip begins and ends in Atlanta with visits to Montgomery and Selma including the Edmund Pettus Bridge, the Rosa Park Museum, the Tomb of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and more. For more information including pricing contact Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org (Our trip provider is Etgar 36.)

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