November 2016 - HaHodesh

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NOVEMBER 2016 | Tishri -Cheshvan 5777 Engaging Jewish Life & Learning

RABBI’S COLUMN Looking around the sanctuaries on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I noticed a popular accessory. The RABBI DEBI WECHSLER clothing people wore was different. The tallitot were different. The Kippot were different. Yet so many people seemed to have the exact same thing around their wrist. Hundreds of you wore Fitbits or other activity trackers. Even if you don’t personally wear one, you’ve surely seen them around. You or someone in your family probably even wears one because 1 in 5 of us has a wearable health and fitness device. Activity trackers have two main purposes: (1) to give you accurate data on your activity to keep you accountable and (2) to motivate and inspire you to do more. Some people swear by them and I see those people walking the neighborhood late at night, eyes on their wrists, huffing and puffing their way to 10,000 steps before the end of the day. As we spoke on the High Holidays about our choices, our behaviors, and the ways we express our Jewishness and saw all those Fitbits, I wondered if we could create a Jewish activity tracker. It could be called the “Yidbit” from the Yiddish slang term for Jewish. A Yidbit would be used to track all the Jewish things that we would do in the course of a day, week, month, and year. Continued on Page 2

Carlebach Shabbat & Communal Dinner Friday, November 11, 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Dinner, Conversation & Song - 7:15 p.m.

In special celebration we are excited to welcome Neshama Carlebach, daughter of the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, a master and popular composer of Jewish melodies for prayer and song. Neshama Carlebach will join Hazzan Perlman and Rabbi Shulman in leading our Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat Service with joyous melodies and song as we rejoice in spirit, high energy, and a spiritual beginning to Shabbat. Like her father, Neshama's talent and charisma captivate and endear her to people of all ages and backgrounds. She has performed and taught in cities worldwide, has sung on the Broadway stage, and has sold more than one million records.

Reserve your spot for dinner online at by Thurs., Nov. 3 or call the front office at 410-486-6400 Make your check payable to Chizuk Amuno Congregation 8100 Stevenson Rd. | Baltimore, MD 21208

Cost: $25/adult ; $15/child, (children under 4 are free) Neshama Carlebach will also join us on Shabbat November 12 for conversation with Rabbi Shulman and more song after Shabbat Morning Services and Kiddush Lunch. Underwritten by the Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood.

“The Middle East and the New President Fireworks Ahead?”

Mr. Mark Lavie Mideast Correspondent for the Associated Press and Major News Networks Tuesday, November 15, 7:30 p.m. Like it or not, the next President will have to focus on the volatile Middle East. Once we know who the President is, what can we expect? What is the view from inside Israel about our new President and the complicated issues of the Middle East? We ask a 40 year veteran of covering the news from inside Israel and the Arab world to help answer our questions.

ENGAGE IN PRAYER Schedule of weekly shabbat services Erev Shabbat, Friday Evenings 6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Greeting each other before Minhah. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.

Shabbat Mornings 9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones.

Nov. 4/5 Heshvan 3/4 Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 5:43 p.m. TORAH PORTION: NOAH Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .................... 4:30 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ....................................5:30 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................6:27 p.m.

Nov. 11/12 Heshvan 10/11 Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 4:36 p.m. TORAH PORTION: LEKH L’KHA Jack Benjamin Goldman becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots ......................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .....................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ...................................4:30 p.m. Havdalah .............................................5:20 p.m.

Nov. 18/19 / Heshvan 17/18 Candle Lighting: .......................Friday 4:31 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YERA Evan Noah Losin becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .....................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ...................................4:30 p.m. Havdalah ................................................5:15 p.m.

Nov. 25/26 /Heshvan 24/25 Candle Lighting: ......................Friday 4:27 p.m. TORAH PORTION: HAYYEI SARAH Dylan Heath Beckerman-Berman becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler No Family Service Shabbat Study Session .....................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ...................................4:30 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................5:12 p.m.

Dec. 2/3/ Kislev 2/3 Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 4:25 p.m. TORAH PORTION: TOL’DOT Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .....................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ...................................4:30 p.m. Havdalah ................................................5:10 p.m.

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Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Daily: 7:30 a.m., and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.

Our Sanctuary is equipped with an audio assistance system to aid in hearing our services. Please see an usher or security guard for a headset.

It’s a Mitzvah Fair Sun. Nov., 6 at 11 a.m. Every other year, Chizuk Amuno fifth and sixth graders and their parents are invited to learn about and participate in the wide variety of mitzvah opportunities in our Baltimore community. Students will meet with mitzvah heroes, engage in mitzvah projects and start thinking about how acts of lovingkindness can be a part of their Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations.

Graduate Adult Bat Mitzvah With Rabbi Debi Wechsler Tuesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Nov. 15 - Dec. 20, 2016 This class is geared towards women who have completed the Adult Bat Mitzvah program. We will study the weekly Torah portion with a particular focus on women of the Bible and include supplementary texts from midrash and modern sources.

Familiar Prayers in a New Siddur With Rabbi Ron Shulman Weekly on Tuesdays 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Beginning November 1 Become more familiar with the formal prayer texts and personal prayer in our new Siddur as we learn the what, why, and how of our Jewish prayer tradition.

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You would read a Jewish book and enter the title into your Yidbit. You would light Shabbat candles and note the date in your Yidbit. You would have a Jewish conversation and record the time in your Yidbit. You would deliver food to the soup kitchen and count the mitzvah in your Yidbit. You would pay a shiva call, say a blessing over bread, deliver Purim treats to a neighbor, bake challah, attend services at a synagogue and each time the data would be recorded by your Yidbit. Imagine how edifying it would be to have accurate data on our Jewish engagement. We do mitzvot every day but in the busy rush of life we do not always take the time to note those mitzvot and stay accountable to the promises we make to God and ourselves. A Yidbit would help us see the arc of our Jewish lives and the myriad ways we have engaged with our Jewishness over the year. The second and perhaps more powerful impact a Yidbit might have would be its ability to motivate us to make Jewish activity a greater part of our life. What if we looked at our Yidbit when we got home from the office in the evening and realized that we were only at 16 Jewish steps? We might be inspired to say hamotzi over our dinner and make an online donation to get up to the magic number of 18 Jewish steps a day. We might be motivated to call a parent, study a Jewish text, or take a walk outside to care for our body. Even without a Yidbit (though if any inventors out there want to give it a try, I’m in!) let us be inspired this year to see how our Jewish activities measure up and take our Jewish engagement to the next level.


Sisterhood Awards Grants to Schools and Congregation Our appreciation to our Sisterhood for their recent grants to our schools and congregation. Sisterhood President, Dixie Leikach, presented a check to Jason Blavatt at a recent Board of Trustees meeting for $25,250 on behalf of the Sisterhood. The extraordinary Sisterhood support will benefit each of our schools and the congregation in meaningful ways. Funds will be used for new computers in our preschool classrooms, KSDS Scholarships, Camp Ramah scholarships, B’nei Mitzvah gifts, Netivon graduation gifts, educational enrichment in each school, and our Selihot, Sukkot, Purim, and Shavuot holidays. We also thank the Sisterhood for their sponsorship of our special Carlebach Shabbat celebration on November 11th featuring Neshama Carlebach, daughter of the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach known for his Jewish melodies for prayer and song. Our appreciation to the Sisterhood leadership and all of our Sisterhood members. Additional thanks to all who shop at our Sisterhood Judaica Store where proceeds go towards our congregation, schools, and community.

Small Watershed Action Project Begins Postponed so it did not interfere with the new playground project, our Small Watershed Action Project announced in the spring is underway. This exciting project, led by Ann Betten and a small committee, will enhance our property, have an impact on our environment, and will provide an educational setting for our children. Through the efforts of the Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, Baltimore County, and Bluewater Baltimore, the State of Maryland Department of Natural Resources will be funding the project that will serve as a model for projects by other religious institutions. Two areas on our exterior have been designed to serve as both bioretention systems during heavy rainfall and as educational and practical enhancements to our property. Through a design by the engineering firm Colbert, Matz, Rosenfelt working with landscape architect Jean Mellott, and developed with our school educators, there will be a newly created landscaping and water drainage plan in the area of the parking lot known to many as “Lake Chizzy” which currently experiences water overflow in the parking area near the administration entrance. A second area of the plan creates an exciting environmental educational setting at the entrance of the Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center. Denali Construction Co., Inc. is the contractor for the project. All construction areas will be fenced off for the safety of our children and others, but please take care when driving in the parking lot near the work areas. Thank you, in advance, for reminding your children to avoid the work areas during the construction period. Our thanks to Ann Betten and her committee (Allen Brown, Stuart Kaplow, Arnie Wallenstein, Howard Brill), the House & Grounds Committee, our school heads, staff, and the countless hours contributed pro-bono by our engineers Dick Matz and Tom Hewitt.

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It Takes a Community to Celebrate the Holidays From the evening of Selihot, through Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and concluding with Sukkot and Simhat Torah, it takes scores of volunteers and staff members dedicating hundreds of hours, to prepare for and welcome thousands of members and guests during the High Holy Day Season. For nearly 150 years, Chizuk Amuno Congregation has provided beautiful services, memorable liturgy, and meaningful sermons throughout the holiday season for our congregation and community.

Gil Abramson, Debby Hellman, Ricky Gratz, Glenn Easton, Joel Suldan, Natan Gamliel, Jeff Rubin, Michael Chmar, Yifrat Asher, Ed Kraus, Rona London, Jack Crystal, Lew Schoen, Moshe Schwartz, Ellen Friedman, Edye Abrams, Adam Kruger, Jane Kahn, Arlynne Brown, Alyssa Miller, Rena Lapidus, Howard Silverman, Jason Kornblatt, Charlie Sterling, Molly Silverman, Laurie Malin, Naomi Gerstenblith, Fran Glushkow Gould, Joy Silberg, Richard Silberg, and Jeffrey Platt.

We could not complete all of the preparations, tasks, and responsibilities without the help of…….

….Our Israel Bonds Coordinator, Shelia Sandbank; our Sisterhood for decorating the Bimah and Liam Asher and family and Robin Shulman for decorating the Sukkah, and our Brotherhood for ordering Lulavim and Etrogim; our member doctors who make themselves available when needed; Herta and Arthur Baitch for donating flowers in our Holocaust garden, the Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Endowment Fund for funding our lobby holiday flowers, and our members who contributed to our sanctuary flower fund.

….Our synagogue clergy, guest clergy, service leaders, and service coordinators: Rabbi Shulman, Rabbi Wechsler, Rabbi Schneider, Hazzan Perlman, Larry Amsterdam, David Roffman, Rabbi Seltzer, Rabbi Schwartz, Moshe Shualy, Michelle Gold, Erica Allen, Jeffrey Platt, Ruthanne Kaufman, Marvin Spector, Jeff Snyder, Wendy Davis, Naomi Amsterdam, Carl Polsky, Michael Moranz, Lou Sapperstein, Joel Suldan, Karen Booth, Katherine Lyons, Johanna Schein, Zevi Lowenberg, Yael Lowenberg, Ali Hassan, Chantal Reznik, Pnina Moschel, Noah Ferentz, Lauren Losin, Zachary Zaiman, Arenal Haut, Eva Stoller, Susan Van Hoven, Aaron Sterling, Sara Finkelstein, Adva Goldberg, Becca Snyder, and Jay Baraban. ….Our Torah and Haftarah Readers, Inspirational Readings, Shofar Blowers, Sanctuary Choir, Kol Rinah: Heather Boos, Lindsey Rosenbloom, Alex Rubin, Forrest Foss, Eric Rubin, Yael Lowenberg, Jack Boos, Jay Baraban, Gail Oppel, Harriet Brown, Gillian Blum, Ruthanne Kaufman, Naomi Amsterdam, Anna Davis, Rich Gordon, Ziv Gamliel, Ethan Bers, Ruthanne Kaufman, Eve Seidman, Lesley Seidman, Judy Schwartz, Gary Attman,

….Our Administration, Office, Maintenance, Support Staff, and Security Guards: Jenny Baker, Melissa Berman, Susan Bernstein, Lesley Brinton, Liz Minkin Friedman, Meg Gillespie, Anne Marie Goldberger, Miriam Golob, Ethan Haas, Melissa Halpern, Gale Herr, Annie Hood, Sarah Hicks, Paulette Pollack, Dawn Reznik, Marci Scher, Andy Sibiya, Cheryl Snyderman, Doris Tanhoff, Susan Van Hoven, Janie Weinstein, Lonnie Heckstall, Aundre Johnson, Ernie Lancaster, James Miller, Winston Williams, and our Security Guards. ….And our wonderful and supportive members who comprise our sacred community. (Apologies to anyone whose name was mistakenly omitted)

Honor our Staff - Staff Holiday Gift Fund Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools is fortunate to have a wonderful, dedicated maintenance, clerical, administrative, and support staff, all of whom ensure that the synagogue and schools run as needed. Our staff serves our members, students, officers, faculty, committees, schools, and clergy in achieving our mission and goals. The synagogue, our members, our auxiliary groups, our staff, and others would like to demonstrate our appreciation to the staff through a small December holiday financial gift. The synagogue has a policy of “no tipping” individual staff members following Page 4

events or programs. Some staff members are more visible than others, but it takes all of them to prepare. In lieu of tipping, the congregation has created a Staff Holiday Gift Fund, which is divided equally among the support staff every December. We appreciate those who contribute to the holiday gift fund to our maintenance and support staff members in honor of their good work during the High Holy Days and throughout the year. We are blessed to have staff members with longevity and dedication. You are invited to join us in acknowledging these dedicated support staff members. Contributions to the Staff Holiday Gift Fund may be sent to the synagogue office. The holiday gift includes a listing of each person who contributed. Thanks for your thoughtful support.



Couch to


What a difference it made having a whole month to prepare our minds and hearts for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Each Tuesday night in September, adult learners spent time anticipating the holidays in study. While some reviewed their Hebrew with Shuli Raffel, still others studied the themes of the Mahzor with Rabbi Shulman, the Biblical stories with Rabbi Zaiman, the Holiday table with Rabbi Seltzer, the meaning of the holidays for children with Rabbi Moshe, Forgiveness with Rabbi Wechsler and music with Hazzan Perlman. Students appreciated that they were better able to experience the High Holidays with weeks of preparation behind them. Thank you to all who taught and learned with us in Elul.

Debate ?


Thinking About the Election with

Jewish Values

Thurs. Nov. 3, 7:30 p.m.

This community program is a joint project of Baltimore Conservative Synagogues: Beth Am Synagogue, Beth El Congregation, Beth Israel Congregation, and Chizuk Amuno Congregation. We are grateful to the Hoffberger Foundation for Torah Study for their generous support.

Thursdays, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Nov. 3 - Dec. 15, 2016 We will explore conflict from a Jewish lens and Jewish contributions to conflict resolution.

We welcome the scholars of Mechon Hadar. Each session will be supplemented by on-line materials.

Advance reservations are appreciated at Wed. Nov. 16, 7:30 p.m.

“Shul and State: What is a Jewish Picture of Religion in America’s Public Sphere?” Taught by Rabbi Jason Rubenstein | At Beth Israel Congregation

Friends, Enemies, & Frenemies With Rabbi Debi Wechsler

Join us and our guest teachers for four impactful learning sessions. Free & open to the entire community.

“Debate and Decision: Lessons Learned from the 2016 Election” A panel discussion exploring lessons learned from the election results with Rabbis Daniel Burg, Jay Goldstein, Steve Schwartz, and Ron Shulman and featuring election analysis by Dr. Neil Rubin of the Baltimore Hebrew Institute at Towson University. At Chizuk Amuno Congregation.

The Prophets’ Call: Reading the Weekly Haftarah Portion With Rabbi Ron Shulman Thursday mornings, 9:15 – 10:00 a.m. November 3 thru December 22 Who were the Biblical Prophets? What is their message? Does it resonate with us today? Why is “this” Haftarah associated with “that” weekly Torah Portion? Come hear the Prophets’ call.

Talmud Study Class With Rabbi Ron Shulman Wednesdays 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Beginning November 2 We’ll learn how the insights of Judaism’s formative text informs Jewish life and values today. Some ability to read Hebrew is useful as we make our way in discussing and understanding the texts we study.

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The children and adults at Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center are looking forward to all of the cool vehicles that will be spread across our parking lot on Wednesday, November 2 at 9:30 a.m. We are excited to explore a motorcycle, fire trunk, police car, UTZ snack truck, Cold Stone ice cream truck, Baltimore Co. Bookmobile, TV van and so much more. We may even see a helicopter land at our school. We will have an opportunity to steer, climb, explore and of course eat. It is an amazing day thanks to the Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Parents Association.

Walk in Wednesdays November 30, December 7 & 14 9:30-11:30 a.m. Walk in Wednesdays is an informal opportunity for prospective families to visit Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center, take a tour of our school, meet the director and see classes in action. We encourage you to join us on an upcoming Wednesday so that you can learn about our State Accredited Jewish Early Childhood program and all we have to offer. No appointment necessary. For more information, please contact Michelle Gold, or 410-486-8642

BOOK FAIR - Get Hooked on a Book MON.-THURS., NOV. 7-11 8 A.M.- 5 P.M. (Extended hours until 9 P.M. on Mon.)

Come to our annual Book Fair and support the library serving Chizuk Amuno schools. There will be a great selection of Jewish books for all ages as well as a variety of authors and artists connected to the Chizuk Amuno community.

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ROSENBLOOM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL The Arts at Rosenbloom Religious School At Rosenbloom Religious School, the arts are essential tools for helping our students uncover the rich and varied meanings and images of our tradition. On Sunday mornings, you will see our students creating works of art in the art room with Brina Pintzuk, learning the steps to modern Israeli dances in the Stulman Auditorium with Yaeli Lowenberg, and acting out a Bible or Holiday story in the music room with Katherine Lyons. In the month of Tishrei, our 1st grade students created a collaborative mural of creation, our 2nd grade students explored the symbols of Rosh Hashanah, our 3rd grade students portrayed the ritual of Tashlish, and our 4th grade students used shapes and patterns to learn the notes of the shofar. Other students became the characters in the Book of Jonah as they acted out Jonah's adventure. (learning to never judge a person until you stand in their shoes!) All of our students are learning the latest Israeli dances to move and groove for their special guests on Grandparent's/Special Friends day on Sunday, November 20. This year, Rosenbloom Religious School welcomes Dr. Neil Rubin, who will introduce our students to various personalities on the Hendler Time-Line. He will portray various characters from King David to Hayim Solomon to place our students in different periods of Jewish history. Live theater is a powerful, often unforgettable learning tool. In addition to engaging students with their Judaic curriculum, the arts can develop essential skills like problem-solving, collaboration, communication, self-confidence, imagination and creativity. But most importantly, the arts make education fun!

Atid Philadelphia Trip (Grade 7) Sunday, November 13

Our Chizuk Amuno and Beth El students travel to Philadelphia to wrap up their unit on Jewish influence on early American history.

Preparing for Hanukkah Calling all Chizuk College Students! College Outreach Package Deadline November 28 Our college students receive gifts of snacks and a greeting from Rabbi Wechsler. If you have not yet submitted your Chizuk Amuno college student’s address please email it to This effort is supported by the Adult Bat Mitzvah 2004-2006 College Outreach Fund

krieger schechter day school Bunches of Lunches Thursday, November 3 We collect lunches and will be delivering them to low-income and isolated seniors in the area.

KSDS Day of Service Wednesday, November 23 Our children will engage in order to support causes from eradicating hunger, thanking first responders, bringing comfort to the elderly, supporting veterans, raising awareness about environmental issues & more!

KSDS Alumni Event Sunday, November 27 KSDS Alumni reunite for a fun-filled morning with old friends.

Engage IN gemilut hasadim

Upcoming volunteer opportunities We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.

Knitting Havurah Wednesdays, November 16 and December 21 • 2-3:30 p.m. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman

We recently donated 15 handmade blankets to Operation Shower, an organization that provides group baby showers for pregnant military wives. We also made scarves, pictured on the left, in support of the JVC Community Mitzvah Day on December 25. For those who can’t attend sessions, we still welcome your contributions. Thank you to those have donated unwanted yarn - it is happily used by our volunteers. Our supply is running low so please tell your friends with ‘yarn overflow’ about us. Todah Rabbah to our September participants: Rose Berlin, Vivian Chait, Edna Crystal, Linda Eisenberg, Claire Freeland, Hazel Greenstein, Irene Himelfarb, Roberta Katz, Esther London, Esther Marsiglia, Hazel Radowsky, Eileen Schultz, Robin Shulman, Margie Simon, and Harriet Udell

Open Meeting

Fall Clothing and Book Drives Huge Success

Tuesday, November 29 • 7:30 p.m. Abigail Malis, Jewish Volunteer Connection’s Senior Associate for Community Partnerships (and life-long Chizuk member), will speak about JVC and its role in the community. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman

Due to your generosity, we delivered four (plus) cars packed solid with interview clothing to Paul’s Place, MCVET, Christopher’s Place, and Alternative Directions. Your donations provide interview clothing to struggling adults preparing to join the work force. We also delivered over 100 quality books to Liberty Elementary for use in their Reading Partners program (where many of our participants volunteer). The students were “over the moon” about the new books. We thank Sisterhood for helping to coordinate the clothing drive. Todah Rabbah to those who enthusiastically volunteered: Amy Chapper (clothing drive leader), David Flax, Tami Flax, Leah Hellman, Judy Meltzer, Jennie Rothschild, Margie Simon, Marvin Spector, and Harriet Udell; thanks also to Jane Kahn for suggesting the book drive and working all morning.

Art with a Heart Sunday, November 13 • 1-3 p.m. Contact: Deb Charles, text 443-386-1324

our daily bread Sunday, November 27 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or Todah Rabbah to those who served in September: Wendy Davis (leader), Louis Bernstein, Frank Greenstein, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, Madison Greenstein, Lily Massouda, and Judy Spector

Reading Partners Tutoring Program Contact Cheryl Snyderman Todah Rabbah to our Chizuk Amuno volunteers who have signed up to tutor this year: Elaine Fox, Ruth Gann, Fran Glushakow Gould, Margi Hoffman, Elliot King, Hazel Radowsky, David Spitz, and Ellen Weiss

Transportation Service on Shabbat Contact: Cheryl Snyderman by Tuesday afternoon

Chizuk Amuno’s Team Supports JVC’s Community Mitzvah Day Saturday, December 24 • 4:45 p.m. & Sunday, December 25 • 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Join with other Chizuk Amuno congregants and thousands of volunteers in celebrating this annual day of service. Chizuk Amuno will be stationed at the Owings Mills JCC on Friday, making no-sew fleece blankets. This is a family-friendly event with opportunities at offsite and both JCC locations.

Ronald McDonald House Wednesday, November 22 • 4-7 p.m. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman Todah Rabbah to our September volunteers: Hazel Greenstein (leader), Jenny Baker, Beth Blumberg, Harriet Brown, Garth Gerstenblith, Hilly Greenstein, Margi Hoffman , Rena Lapidus, Janet Kantor, Saundra Madoff, Dawn Reznik, Eileen Schultz, Margie Simon, and Cheryl Snyderman We thank Moe Brown, Daniel Polsky, and grandfather Steve Polsky for representing Chizuk Amuno at the Habitat for Humanity September Interfaith Build. Page 7




Contact Dixie Leikach, with any questions or further requests at or 443-386-1062. If you’d like to be on our e-newsletter, please give Dixie your e-mail address.

The brotherhood is alive and well this year and has a wide variety of activities planned. Join us this year by opting into Brotherhood. We are looking for all to participate! Contact: Eric Beser,

MAH JONGG Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. All levels encouraged to participate! RSVP to Randee Glassman,


BUS TRIP TO NYC LAST CHANCE FOR TICKETS! “on your feet” Sunday, November 13

Men Meat and Midrash SUMMER BUS TRIP ANNOUNCED! Save the Date: Sunday, July 23 “Hello Dolly” staring Bette Midler! Cost / Person - $279 RSVP by Mid-November! Contact Marilyn Spector 410-486-3888

7:30 a.m. - Buses leave Chizuk Amuno All inclusive $179/person (Tickets are non-refundable, includes bus, breakfast, deli dinner & orchestra theater ticket)

Join us for the new series on Wednesday November 16 at 6 p.m. as our own Hazzan Perlman helps us kick off our four part series Super Heros of the Bible. Part 1 is The Incredible Hulk. Why is the story of Samson in the bible. What do we learn from this. In January, Part 2 is The Game of Thrones. The Kings of Israel and the broken covenant led by Rabbi Shulman. $8/ session. Your check is your RSVP.

Contact Marilyn Spector 410-486-3888 or

Each session starts with a Deli dinner at 6:30 p.m.


Part 3 Wonder Women, and Part 4 The Justice League will be in the spring.

Brotherhood Ravens Tailgating Party Sunday November 20, 1 p.m. Cheer on the Ravens with some great tailgate food and beer. $12/ person. Your check or event brite payment will be your RSVP.

Seated, left to right, Kathy Taylor, Sara Jane Brown, Gail Letzer and Ann Hantgan. Standing left to right Ellen Weiss, Dixie Leikach and Ruth Silber

SISTERHOOD judaica shop update We welcome you to browse our new inventory! Many beautiful pieces are arriving daily for your Thanksgiving table. The shop is open daily and our volunteers are happy to help--they are the best! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Page 8

9:30 - 11:30 10 - 12 and 2 - 4 10 - 12 and 2 - 6 10 - 12 and 2 - 6 10 - 12 and 1 - 3 10 - 12

The new Geniza donated by the brotherhood was dedicated at Arlington Cemetery at our annual memorial services. Thank you to the brotherhood for this generous gift.


B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. NOVEMBER 12 Jack Benjamin Goldman Moshe Avraham son of Payton & Evan Goldman NOVEMBER 19 Evan Noah Losin Ephraim Eliyahu son of Aileen & Eric Losin NOVEMBER 26 Dylan Heath Beckerman-Berman Herschel Eton son of Jamie & Lisa BeckermanBerman

Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Lior Hillel Baruch, son of Dr. Rachel Levine Baruch & Jeremy Baruch, grandson of Tobie & Dr. Robert Levine, and great-grandson of z’l Rabbi Israel & Mildred Goldman Tyler James Bickoff, son of Alicia & Aaron Bickoff and grandson of Bettye & Jerry Leibowitz and Susan & Ted Bickoff

Leigh Elizabeth Humphreys, daughter of Rachel & John Humphreys, granddaughter of Karen & Dr. Steven Caplan and Glnjr Humphreys Robinson and the late James A. Humphreys, III, and great-granddaughter of Shirley B. Nobel and James A. Humphreys, Jr.

Engagements We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Eric Leikach, a 2009 KSDS Graduate and the son of Dixie and Neil Leikach and 2009 KSDS Graduate is engaged to Ke’Onna Woodard of Westminster.

Weddings We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Matthew Glassman, son of Ron & Randee Glassman to Nina Pavloskaya and to the grandmother, Bea Radinsky Michelle Kramer, daughter of Dr. Mel Kramer and Debbie Gilbert Glassman, to Matt Coakley and to the grandfather, Dr. Harold Gilbert Ben Max, son of Cindy & Robert Max, to Marley Lowenthal, daughter of Honey & Howard Lowenthal, and to the grandparents, Beverly & Jordon Max and Elaine & Lee Lowenthal

As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

New Members We are happy to welcome those who recently joined or returned to our Chizuk Amuno family. Adam Fried Debra Friedland Richard & Roslyn Goldman Martin & Emma Liss Herbert & Magarat Kishter Johanna Schein & Samuel Black Nicole Schechter & Howard Goldstein Mitchell & Helene Weisman

Members in the News Dr. Anna Dreyer was named by The Daily Record as one of Maryland’s Leading Women of 2016. If you have recently received an award or proud of an accomplishment, please let us know in the front office at 410-486-6400 so we can feature you in our next issue of the Hahodesh.

In Loving Memory In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Beverley Kahn, mother of Arlene Sperling and Debbie Goldschmitt Ian Scherr, son of Marci & Brian Scher, sister of Becca Scher, and grandson of Sheila & Ron Weinberg and Sharon & Herbert Scher We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Ruth Colbus, on the loss of her father, Dr. Peter Townsend Dr. Dan Fried, on the loss of his father, Eugene Fried

Were you beaming with pride at a loved one’s bar or bat mitzvah? Were you trying to come up with the ‘perfect’ Hanukkah gift? How about purchasing a brick to celebrate a milestone or honor the memory of somebody special? Each permanent brick is a $250 contribution. In honor of Hanukkah, a dozen Sufganiyot (donuts) will be given to each contributor in December. For more information or to make an order, please contact Judy Schwartz, Derekh Amuno Chair or Marci Scher at the synagogue office or order a dedicated brick online on our website at Page 9

Tzedakah At Chizuk Amuno

Terumot HaKodesh We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue.

Alvin Pomerantz/ Ronnie Kleiman Siddur Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton for a speedy recovery of Ronnie Kleiman

Congregational General Endowment Fund Dr. & Mrs. Michael Radowsky in memory of Eugene Fried

Dr. Howard Lee Silverman Fund Penny & Dr. Ron Silverman in memory of Allan Lassen, Ian Scher, and Dr. Peter Townsend

Holocaust Memorial Project Arthur & Herta Baitch in memory of Belle Baitch

Janet & Stanley Kantor Fund for Special Needs Stanley and Janet Kantor in honor of Audrey Polt’s special birthday Stanley and Janet Kantor in memory of Dick Belman

Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund Dorothy Yankellow in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Mark and Linda Levy in memory of Ian Alexander Scher

Eli & Yetta Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund Jordon & Beverly Max wishing Phyllis & Lennie Attman a Happy New Year Jordon & Beverly Max wishing Cindy & Glenn Easton a Happy New Year Jordan & Beverly Max in memory of Ian Alexander Scher

Ezrine/Glazer Library Memorial Scholarship Fund The children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren in honor of Esther & Louis Miller’s 68th wedding anniversary.

I. Leon Glassgold Memorial Scholarship Fund Jackie Glassgold in honor of Heller and Jeffrey Kreshtool’s daughter Becca’s marriage to Jared Levine. Jackie Glassgold in honor of Nancy and Steve Levine’s son Jared’s marriage to Becca Kreshtool Jackie Glassgold in honor of Joanne and Abraham Rosenthal’s daughter Carlye’s engagement

KSDS Annual Appeal Laury & Lewis Scharff in honor of Dr. Scott Lever and Shelley Hendler’s daughter Arielle’s marriage Dr. Jill Baldinger & Steve Levin in memory of Jerry Balter Dr. Jill Baldiner & Steve Levin in memory of Philip Frey

KSDS Scholarship Fund Ann Berman in memory of Christopher (Moshe) Elliott Barbara Cohen in honor of Leonor Danon’s Bat Mitzvah Joy & Dr. Eugene Katz in honor of Heller & Jeffrey Kreshtool’s daughter Becca’s marriage to Jared Levine Joy & Dr. Eugene Katz in memory of Estelle Addis Joy & Dr. Eugene Katz in honor of Debbie & Chuck Frazer’s son Joshua’s marriage

Joy & Dr. Eugene Katz in memory of Helen Miller Barbara & Jim Prince in memory of David Cooper Ann Berman in memory of David Cooper

KSDS Special Offering Miriam & Dr. Jay Gerstenblith in honor of Sandee & Dr. Barry Lever’s granddaughter Arielle’s marriage Miriam & Dr. Jay Gerstenblith in honor of Sandee & Dr. Barry Lever’s 60th wedding anniversary Sally & Dr. Anton Grobani in honor of the birth of Michele, Dr. Ira, Isaac, Avi & Mitchel Kornbluth’s daughter and sister Shanya

Martha B. Kanye Tikkun Olam Memorial Award Fund

Serene Israel in honor of Audrey Polt’s Special Birthday Dara Schechter in memory of Jeanne Freed Buckner Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz in memory of Dr. Benjamin Berdann Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz in memory of Milton Bernard Silverman Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz in memory of Dora Goldberg Silverman Ruthanne Kaufman in memory of Ian Alexander Scher

Munitz Library Endowment Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Estelle Addis

Pathways To Menschlikeit Fund

Debbie & Dr. Seth Glassman in memory of Eugene Fried

Rebecca Tucker in memory of Barbara Leibowitz Lichter

Paul D. Schneider Scholarship Fund

Playground Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Moschel in memory of Ian Alexander Scher

Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Steve & Leslie Pomerantz’s 25th Anniversary Ms. Gerri E. Baum with thanks to Krieger Schechter Day School for the “awesome” education and values instilled in her daughter Mira Baum, Class of ‘13

Reznik Frier Scholarship Fund Paulette Pollack & Dawn wishing Moshe Shualy a speedy recovery Dawn Reznik & Family in memory of Myer Rubinowitz Dawn, Larry & Chantal Reznik & Family in memory of Sam Rus Larry & Chantal Reznik & Family in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Paulette & Jay Pollack in memory of Jack Mizansky Paulette Pollack & Dawn Reznik in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Janine Frier in memory of Christopher (Moshe) Elliott The Frier family in honor of Sarah & Dr. Andrew Fried’s daughter Hailey’s Bat Mitzvah The Frier family in memory of David Cooper

Marcia and Dr Jerry Buxbaum Endowment Fund Dr. Jerry D. Buxbaum in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Dr. Jerry Buxbaum wishing Mazal Tov to Warren & Lily Massouda on their 45th Wedding Anniversary

Memorial Fund Dr. Gary Okum in memory of Fanny Mae Okum & Alfred J. Okum

Minnie Garber & Rose Greenberg Scholarship FUND The Greenberg Family wishing Mazal Tov on the engagement of Carol & Burton Hirsch’s daughter Sarah

Miriam Foss Memorial Fund Muriel Simon wishing Mazal Tov to Jeffrey & Heller Kreshtool on the marriage of their daughter Rebecca to Jared Levine

Morning Minyan Contribution Edward and Sande Mitchell wishing Dr. Moshe Shualy a speedy and complete recovery Serene Israel wishing Dr. Moshe Shualy a speedy recovery Donna Handelsman in honor of the birth of Gilda & Harold Resnick’s Great Grandson, Max Seth Haberman.

Prayer Book Fund Marsha &. Sherwin Yoffe in honor of Shelly & Sheldon Goldsecker Jerald & Gail Oppel in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Joel & Pamela Fradin in memory of Mary Sue Orfuss Mace & Edna Crystal in memory of Barbara Leibowitz Lichter Maxine Seidman in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Suzanne Katz in memory of Gerald Katz

Selma & Alvin Blaker Endowment Fund Alvin & Selma Blaker wishing Lowell Glazer a speedy recovery Alvin & Selma Blaker wishing Mazal Tov to Irv & Sharon Caplan on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Zoe Caplan

Special Offering Congregational Support Bruce & Kathy Posner in honor of Ron & Randee Glassman’s son Matthew’s marriage to Chaya Pazlovashaya David and Barbara Schwartz in honor of Audrey Polt’s Special Birthday Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of Pam & Jeffrey Platt’s son David’s marriage to Rabbi Ariel Greenberg Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of Judy & Michael Finifter’s son Joshua’s marriage to Ilana Knobel Irv and Sharon Caplan in honor of the birth of Amie & Paul Nochumowitz’s granddaughter Ivy Maris Havens Judith Hyatt in honor of Shari & Dr. Louis Malinow & Roslyn & Dr. Stanford Malinow’s son & grandson’s Bar Mitzvah. Marilyn Spector in honor of Sonny Spector’s 75th birthday Michael & Sally Cooperman in honor of Judy Simkin Alan & Harriet Kanter in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Barry & Margo Friedman in memory of Mildred Gerard Bradley & Lisa Trattner in memory of Eugene Fried

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Tzedakah At Chizuk Amuno

Brian & Sandra Moffet in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Brian, Sandi & Ilana Moffet in memory of Dr. Peter Townsend Bruce & Kathy Posner in memory of Eugene Fried Carole Diamond in memory of Lewis Goodman David & Anne Young in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Dr. & Mrs. Albert Pats in memory of Leah Leavey Elaine Plant in memory of Dorothy Caplan Gary & Patricia Attman in memory of Leroy Hoffberger Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Dr. Peter Townsend Gordon Salganik in memory of George Rosen Howard Rosenbloom in memory of Melvin Siegel Howard, Heather, Alexa, Allie & Michael Cohen in memory of Eugene Fried Iris ingber in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Jaime & Fern Schwartzberg in memory of Saundra & David Madoff’s grandson Edan Shapiro Jenny Baker in memory of Myer Rubinowitz, Ian Alexander Scher, Eugene Fried, Sam Rus, and Dr. Peter Townsend Lynne Lichtig in memory of Sylvia Borger Mende Lerner & Harriett Stein in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Mr. Lowell Glazer in memory of Myer Glazer Mrs. Natalie Jeffrey in memory of Ian Alexander Scher Sheldon Stern in memory of Estelle Addis Teresa Alpert in memory of Eugene Fried Walter Lamm in memory of Edith Lamm William & Toba Grant in memory of Ian Alexander Scher David & Dr. Anne Young wishing Mazal Tov to Ed & Sue Frieman on their 50th Wedding Anniversary Fred and Judy Zimmerman wishing Mazal Tov to Ed & Susan Frieman on their 50th Wedding Anniversary Irv and Sharon Caplan wishing Mazal Tov to Dr. & Mrs. Ira Berman on the marriage of Justin & Kim Martin and Marilynn Kinstler wishing Mazal Tov to Ed & Susan Frieman on their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Special Offering KSDS Michael and Steven Goldman in memory of Jeffrey Goldman Maxine Seidman wishing Mazal Tov on the marriage of Heller & Jeffrey Kreshtool’s daughter Rebecca to Jared Levine Mr. Samuel Oppenheim in memory of loved ones

Tzedakah Fund Ann Fried in memory of Larry Katz Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Earl Greinetz Mrs. Beverly Berman & Family in memory of Bernard Berman

Dr. Shualy’s Discretionary Fund Amy & Hugh Schwartz wishing Dr. Moshe Shualy a speedy recovery Dr. Jeffrey & Karen Zale in memory of Lillian Zale’s first yahrzeit Dina & Fred Karlip in honor of Audrey Polt’s 70th birthday

Executive Director’s Discretionary Fund Lesley Brinton in memory of Ian Alexander Scher

Hazzan Perlman’s Discretionary Fund Amy & Hugh Schwartz in memory of Selma Berdiansky Lachman Diane Dansicker with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for officiating at the services for her mother Estelle Addis Mrs. Eileen Newman in memory of June Anita Patz

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Rabbi Shulman’s Discretionary Fund Betty Gasper in memory of Joseph Michael Bisker Dr. Daniel & Ann Fried in memory of Eugene Fried Diane Dansicker with thanks to Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the services for her mother Estelle Addis Wendy Levine in memory of Allan Lassen Shari & Dr. Louis Malinow in honor of Evan’s Bar Mitzvah Dr. Michelle Gelkin & Howard Rosenbloom in memory of Harriet Rosenbloom Wendy & Eric Espeland in honor of Benny’s Bar Mitzvah

Rabbi Wechsler’s Discretionary Fund Diane Dansicker with thanks to Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the services for her mother Estelle Addis Wendy & Eric Espeland in honor of Benny’s Bar Mitzvah

Bimah Flowers Shabbat, November 5 /4 Heshvan In Memory Of: Fannie C. Effron by her family. Pauline Lozinsky Weinstein, mother, by Janice & Jay Weinstein & family. Chana B. Shoubin, mother, by Shoshana S. Cardin & family. Dr. Alan Marc Levine, husband & father, by Barbara, Dana & Andrea Levine & Alissa Wong. Samuel H. Perlmutter, father, by Helen Kleinman. Jacob M. Lerner & Jacob Berman, fathers, by their family. Morris Mogol by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein. Sarah & Benjamin M. Lewis by their children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren. Sylvia Tinanoff by Howard Sandbank & family. Hazel S. Blatt, mother, by Stuart R. Blatt & family. Saul Rosenbloom by his family. Carlton Gould, father, by Fran & Warren Gould & family. Gerald M. Katz by Suzanne Katz & family Dr. Stuart Brager by Marlene Brager & family Shabbat, November 12 /11 Heshvan In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Jack Benjamin Goldman, by his parents, Payton & Evan Goldman, and his grandparents, Marcie Goldman and Eileen & Brian Goldman In Memory Of: Lawrence Goldman, grandfather of Jack Benjamin Goldman, on the occasion of Jack’s Bar Mitzvah Dora Luskin, mother, by Jeanne & Jack Luskin & family. Lucille Frederick, mother, by Janet & Carl Jacobs & family. Ruth Attman, mother, by Debbie & Dr. Marc D. Attman. Herbert Goldman by his family. Albert J. Weiner by Sylvia Weiner, Ira Weiner & Lynn Weinberg & Robin Weiner & Brian and Marc Weiner Gladys F. Goodman, mother, by Tanna Omansky. Dr. Jules Scherr by Bonnie Scherr & children. Maynard Sayer, father, by Suzanne Katz & family. Kitty Mogol by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein. Mollie Zacansky, mother & grandmother, by Loretta & William Hirshfeld & family.Selma Borger by Lynne & Larry Lichtig & family. Nina Donick, mother, by Faye & Howard Pollack & family, Harriet & Barry Grossman & family and Rita & Philip Schleider & family. Bessie Tucker, by Sally & Arthur Grant, children & grandchildren.

Florence Berman Hoffberger by Lois Halpert & family. Susan Blavatt by Ronald Blavatt & family. Nathan L. Cohen, on his birthday, by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen & family.

Shabbat, November 19 / 18 Heshvan In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Evan Noah Losin, by his parents, Aileen & Eric Losin, and his grandparents, Glenda Schlaifer and Ann & Theodore Losin In Memory Of: Louis Schlaifer, grandfather of Evan Noah Losin, on the occasion of Evan’s Bar Mitzvah Elenore & Irving Hochberg, parents, by their children & grandchildren. Leah Glazer by Ronald Blavatt & family. Leah Glazer, mother, by Nancy Dickman & family. Shirley K. Berger by Howard “Chuck” Klein. Lena L. Offit, mother, by Ethel Jacobs & family. Elaine Copeland, mother, by Marsha & Richard Manekin & family. Nelson G. Freed by his parents. Barry Leibowitz by his family. Blanche Kanter, mother, by Harriet & Alan N. Kanter & family. Albert Gamerman by his wife, Sylvia, and Sarah & Dr. Marc Gamerman & Nancy Gamerman. Albert Gamerman, father, by Marsha & Jay Gamerman & family. Alice Plaut, mother, by Doris Fox & family. Albert Esterson, father-in-law, by Sallye Esterson & family. Theresa Harris, grandmother, by Toba & Bill Grant & family & Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family. Gabriel Goldman, by his children & grandchildren. Bert Mark Dashoff, father & grandfather, by Ilene & Arnold Dashoff, Susan & Dr. Michael Propper & families. Dr. Saul Blumenthal, on his birthday, by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family

Shabbat, November 26 /25 Heshvan In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Dylan Heath BeckermanBerman, by his mothers, Jamie & Lisa Beckerman-Berman, and his grandparents, Suellen & David Berman, Nea & Richard Beckerman and Joyce Beckerman & Allan Pogensky In Memory Of: Irving Siegel by his children, grandchildren, great-granddaughter and great-grandson. David Levin, father, by Sandy Brenner. Dr. Alan S. Exler, brother, by Dr. Karen Jacobs & family. Lena Matziover by her granddaughter Ruthanne Kaufman. Philip Feinglass by Harriet Feinglass, children & grandchildren. Harold Miller by his wife, Bette, & family. Anna Glassgold by Jackie Glassgold & family. Reba Raffel by Lorraine & Earl Raffel. Lena Cummins, mother, by her family. Frank Fisher by Saul Leibowitz, grandchildren & great-grandchild. Jonathan S. Baker, son, by Elaine Baker. Rosalie Jerome by Harvey Jerome & family. Kurt Weiler, father, by Linda & Dr. Jeffrey Cole & family. Martin Beerman, father, by Carole & Dr. Morton Ellin & family. Morris Shor by Shirley Shor & family. Isadore Isaac Wolfson by Edna & Mace Crystal. Sadie Grossman, sister, by Rose Frank. Paul Flax, father, by Stephanie & Ronald Attman & family.

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8100 STEVENSON ROAD BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21208 410-486-6400 Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Jason A. Blavatt, Esquire, President Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media


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Pre-Thanksgiving Mini-Food Drive: Friday, November 11 – 18 We are conducting a minifood drive for the food bank at GEDCO, whose inventory reaches critical lows as Thanksgiving approaches. Please visit our website for a complete list of items.

Friday, December 2 Choose to be a guest or a host. We will provide everything for you – including a pre-made catered kosher dinner, from challah to dessert. Hosts will pick up from Chizuk Amuno on December 2. We’ll make the matches between host and guest families and share all the information with you in advance of the date. Cost: $15 person. (No charge for children under 4.) |Please register by Mon., Nov. 21 at Contact Sandra Dzija at or 443-904-4485 for more information.

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