October Hahodesh 2016

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OCTOBER 2016 | Elul-Tishri 5776 Engaging Jewish Life & Learning

RABBI’S COLUMN The Moral Me A teacher giving a lecture noticed one of his students in the back row with a lowered head, as though deeply engrossed in a book. Frustrated at the student’s RABBI RON SHULMAN lack of attention, the teacher said, “I don’t want to accuse you unjustly, but it seems to me you’re reading a book. Are you trying to improve your mind? “Sir, I wasn’t reading,” replied the guilty student not wanting to admit he wasn’t paying attention. “How can I be improving my mind when I was just listening to you?” Improvement is certainly a noble goal – and, if we’re honest with ourselves, not one we pursue often, or often enough. If you can describe the last time you improved at something, the most recent new skill or ability you acquired, count yourself among a distinguished minority in our society. We greet Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur right as October begins. For yet another year, we will promise to improve, or at least think about self-improvement. We’ll take a few moments out of our all too busy routines to reflect. We’ll think about the course of our lives, the disappointments of our hearts, and the gift of more time. What more do we aspire to achieve? How deeper do we hope to live? How much better can we try to be? We live in concentric cycles of time. Our personal, professional, family, national, religious, academic, sports, and family calendars overlap. Each season and every time frame begs me to divide my attention, to choose my priorities. Even my iPhone shows it. My work dates appear as blue. My personal dates are colored green. The holidays I mark show as red. I color special occasion reminders in purple. Looking at my calendar for each day a veritable rainbow of colors and overlapping calendar Continued on Page 2

Simhat ToraH - OCTOBER 24 & OCTOBER 25 On Simhat Torah we conclude the cycle of Torah reading for the past year and begin reading it anew for this new one. The honor of being called to the Torah for the concluding Aliyah of the year and honor of being called to the Torah for the first Aliyah of the new reading cycle are considered very precious as we celebrate Simhat Torah. This year we honor multiple friends for the generosity of their time, talents, and spirits which so enrich our synagogue and schools community. Come celebrate with our honorees and our entire synagogue and schools community. Playground Builders: (Hatanei v’Kallat Torah - Grooms and Bride of Torah) Adam Baumwald, Liz Minkin Friedman, Stephen Pomerantz whose leadership and dedication raised the funds, the enthusiasm, and the volunteers to create the wonderful new play spaces, the Wagner Brill Yad B’Yad Playground, the Goldsmith Family Imaginative Play space, and the Rosenbloom Amphitheater. Devoted Educators: (Kallot Bereishit - Brides of Bereishit) Alison Feldstein, Shuli Raffel, and Yael Lowenberg whose care and educational creativity inspire our students in the Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center, Read more about our honorees on Page 4 Krieger Schechter Day School, and Rosenbloom Religious School/ Netivon High School.

Sukkot Symposium Tuesday, October 18, 7:30 p.m. “Are We Using Technology or is Technology Using Us?” Rabbi Geoffrey Mitelman Founder and Director: Sinai and Synapses How is technology changing the way we interact with others and our world? What does “privacy” mean when everything leaves a digital footprint? What are the limits and opportunities that technology creates for our relationships? Come explore how technology is influencing halakhah, prayer, Shabbat and even Jewish values themselves. One aspect of the Sukkot festival is to gather together in Jewish community and consider shared concerns and needs. Historically, Sukkot was a time of great community meetings. During our Sukkot Symposium, we honor the holiday we celebrate by thinking about matters of concern for our lives and community.

ENGAGE IN PRAYER Schedule of weekly shabbat services Erev Shabbat, Friday Evenings 6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Greeting each other before Minhah. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.

Shabbat Mornings 9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones.

Sept. 30/Oct. 1 / Elul 27/28

NOV. 4/5 Heshvan 3/4

Candle Lighting: ...................... Friday 6:31 p.m. TORAH PORTION: NITZAVIM Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler No Family Service Shabbat Study Session ...................... 5:15 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .....................................6:15 p.m. Havdalah ............................................... 7:14 p.m.

Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 5:43 p.m. TORAH PORTION: NOAH Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service ...................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ....................4:30 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ..................................5:30 p.m. Havdalah ..............................................6:27 p.m.

OCT. 7/8 / Tishrei 5/6 Candle Lighting: .................... Friday 6:20 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YEIL-EKH Sermon by Rabbi Schwartz Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ................... 5:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ..................................6:00 p.m. Havdalah ............................................ 7:03 p.m.

Oct. 21/22 /Tishrei 19/20 Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 6:00 p.m. TORAH PORTION: SUKKOT Liam Dor Asher becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Shulman No Family Service Torah for Tots ......................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .................... 4:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ...................................5:45 p.m. Havdalah ..............................................6:43 p.m.

We now offer magnifiers at the entrance to the sanctuary to use at events and services should you need help seeing the fine print in our new Siddurim. Grab one next time you are here! We just kindly ask for you to return them after the service.

Our Sanctuary is equipped with an audio assistance system to aid in hearing our services. Please see an usher or security guard for a headset.

OCT. 28/29/ Tishrei 26/27 Candle Lighting: ......................Friday 5:51 p.m. TORAH PORTION: B’REISHIT Olivia Rose Clay and Cooper Harrison LaPorte become B’nei Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Family Service ....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .................... 4:30 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ....................................5:30 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................6:34 p.m.

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demands shine before me. How precious are the few white days of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur! Days clear of life’s hectic colors and activities. Days to renew our souls. Days to dream our dreams. Days for imagining how we might make a change or two. Days to contemplate improving who we are and what we are able to do. Be honest. When did you last pause to focus on selfimprovement? The days, weeks, months, years, and seasons of our lives are not significant by themselves. What we do, who we do it with, and how we live our days are what give time its meaning. This is why we appreciate and celebrate the High Holy Days. In the midst of a large gathering of family, friends, and community we seek private understandings about the character and quality of our lives, our relationships with one another, with Jewish tradition, with the world, and with God.

OCT. 14/15 / Tishrei 12/13 Candle Lighting: .................... Friday 6:09 p.m. TORAH PORTION: HA-AZINU Allison Emily Cohen becomes Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .....................4:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ..................................5:45 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................6:53 p.m.

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Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Daily: 7:30 a.m., and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.

The High Holy Days celebrate the role of the individual and his or her personal relationship with God. These precious Days of Awe are not a remembrance of history or our people’s past. They are a celebration of the world’s existence and our lives each and every day. Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur are not about us – the Jewish people. Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur are about the moral me – the me who must live in a meaningful way. The me who must measure the direction of my life. I believe this explains why we attend High Holy Day services in such great numbers. This month we focus on ourselves rather than on our shared Jewish memories. Robin and I wish you and yours a year of goodness, health, and peace as you strive to improve the “moral me” you ought to be. L’Shanah Tovah,

HIGH HOLY DAYS@CHIZUK AMUNO For complete schedule & details about the High Holy days, please refer to the High Holy Day brochure you received in August or on our website. Yo m K i p p u r

Higher & Higher Shofar Ceremony

Who feeds the entire world with goodness —Birkat Hamazon

Sunday, October 2, 5:45 p.m. Together we will prepare to greet the New Year about to begin, and sound our many Shofarot to announce the arrival of 5777 in our synagogue community before entering the sanctuary.

Erev Rosh HaShanah Sunday, October 2

Rosh HaShanah, First Day

Tuesday, Oct. 4 - Oct. 11 to benefit community agencies Please drop off your sealed food in bins located in the Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby and the Administrative Lobby. Please check expiration dates.

Questions? Call Cheryl Snyderman, 410-486-6400, ext. 300

In lieu of food, monetary donations will also be accepted and donated to kosher food funds. Make checks payable to Chizuk Amuno, Attn. Food Drive. A service initiative made possible by the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund

Monday, October 3

Tashlikh Monday, October 3, 5 p.m. Our entire community will gather in the Garden Lounge for friendship and refreshments before walking down to the stream on Phillips Drive to symbolically cast away our sins.

Erev Second Day, Rosh HaShanah Monday, October 3

Second Day, Rosh HaShanah Tuesday, October 4

Kol Nidre - Erev Yom Kippur Tuesday, October 11

Yom Kippur Wednesday, October 12


October 17 - 25 (Erev Sukkot - Oct. 16)

TOpics & Teachers for Yom Kippur Study Sessions: “Our God and God of Our Ancestors” Yom Kippur, October 12, 2:30 p.m. With Robyn Blum, Judy Meltzer, Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Dr. Moshe Shualy, and Dr. Joy Silberg In the quiet of Yom Kippur afternoon we have the opportunity to reflect together and discuss questions of faith and doubt, Jewish and personal beliefs. These shared and spiritual discussions enhance the mood and meaning of our observance.

Dr. Joy Silberg: “Religious Belief and Parenting Styles: Can Belief in God Help Us Transcend Our Past?” Rabbi Moshe Schwartz & Dr. Robyn Blum : “#questioning #notreallyrebellious - Teens and High Holiday Theology” Judy Meltzer: “Because God Loves Stories” Dr. Moshe Shualy: “Thoughts About Teshuvah and God”

Ask the Rabbi | With Rabbi Ron Shulman Yom Kippur, October 12, 3:30 p.m. Participants ask about theology, Jewish tradition and customs, current events, and any other pertinent questions they want to ask the rabbi. For some it’s try to stump the rabbi!

Sukkot is a time of thanksgiving and hospitality when we celebrate the natural bounties of our world and all that sustain our lives.

Holocaust Memorial Service

Shemini Atzeret

Sunday, October 9 at 1:00 p.m.

October 24

We will honor the memories of our loved ones who perished in the Shoah, our beloved departed whose graves we cannot visit. Please join us to honor the memories and legacies of those we will always remember.

Join us as we mark the fall season and remember our loved ones during Yizkor Memorial Prayers.

Simhat Torah Evening of October 24 & Morning of October 25 We rejoice in the reading of Torah and honor synagogue volunteers for their caring.

Family High Holy Day Services & Activities Space is limited and prior sign-up is required for Torah for Tots, Family Service, and Middle School Kol Nidre Service. For a full schedule of Family and Children Services, visit our website, or by e-mailing ehaas@chizukamuno.org.

Holocaust Memorial Garden at Chizuk Amuno

Cemetery Memorial Services ~ Sunday, October 9 Arlington Cemetery • 10:30 a.m. | Garrison Forest Cemetery • 11:45 a.m. In the tradition of our ancestors, we gather inside the hallowed gates of our congregation’s cemeteries to recite psalms, prayers, and personal memorials during the Days of Repentance between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Services are conducted by Rabbi Ron Shulman, Rabbi Debi Wechsler, and Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, accompanied at Arlington Cemetery by voices of the Chizuk Amuno Choir.

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Simhat ToraH HONOREES - MONDAY, OCTOBER 24 & TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 This year we honor multiple friends for the generosity of their time, talents, and spirits which so enrich our synagogue and schools community. Come celebrate with our honorees and our entire synagogue and schools community.

adam baumwald Adam Baumwald and his wife, Allison, have been members of Chizuk Amuno Congregation since 2010. Their 2 beautiful daughters attend Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center and Krieger Schechter Day School. Allison is currently a member of the Board of Directors, and Adam was co-chair of the community playground commitee. Adam brought humor, insight, enthusiasm and dedication to the playground team and infused all his work with positivity and a can-do attitude. With help from many outstanding volunteers from all three schools and the synagogue, they were able to accomplish the amazing task of building two new playgrounds and an amphitheater. Adam is thrilled that it turned out to be a wonderful and inviting space for all ages for many years to come!

Liz minkin friedman Liz Minkin Friedman and her husband Keith have belonged to Chizuk Amuno Congregation since 2003 and sent their 3 children to Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center and Krieger Schechter Day School. Always eager to take on volunteer roles and responsibilities, Liz was a leader in the Young Family Community as well as in both Parent Associations occupying positions such as Class Parent for over a decade, Treasurer of GECEC PA, Vice-President of GECEC PA, and President of KSDS PA. Liz was hired by KSDS in 2012 to serve as the Director of Community Outreach and Engagement. In her last year in this role, she was the Project Manager for the Community Built Playgrounds and Amphitheater. Beginning July 1st, Liz took on the position of Director of Development and Strategic Advancement at Krieger Schechter Day School.

Stephen pomerantz A member of Chizuk Amuno Congregation since 2004, Stephen Pomerantz has been a dedicated board member and executive committee member and officer since 2009. Most recently, he enthusiastically co-chaired the community playground committee. Steve is a graduate of the Wexner Heritage Leadership Program and has served in numerous leadership capacities at Chizuk Amuno including multiple committee chairmanships and special projects. He is also an active member of the University of Maryland Hillel Board of Trustees. Steve is a Radiologist at Advanced Radiology and lives in Reisterstown with his wife Leslie and their three children, Miriam, Aaron and Shira, all Krieger Schechter Day School graduates who became b’nei mitzvah at Chizuk Amuno. Page 4

Alison Feldstein Alison Feldstein and family have been members of Chizuk Amuno for 13 years. Alison and her husband David, are both active members of the Chizuk Amuno family. Alison has been teaching at the Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center for 10 years. David is a member of the Gemilut Hasadim commiteee. They have 2 children, Jeremiah and Devan who both went to the Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center and Rosenbloom Religious School, and both have also worked and volunteered at Chizuk Amuno. Alison just completed a leadership training program through the CJE and is now serving as a mentor in the preschool.

SHULI Raffel For the past 30 years Shuli has been teaching grades 2 and 8 at KSDS. This year she is welcoming students who are the children of her first students teaching here. Shuli found her purpose and mission in life in educating children and adults about Israel - the rich traditions of Judaism and the importance of Israel for all Jews. Shuli and her husband have shared many milestones with the community. As president of the Israel Engagement Committee she has had the joy of working with others to offer films, lecturers and celebration of Jewish holidays. As a regular here at Shabbat services, Shuli volunteers as a host greeting our guests as well as being an active participant reading Torah and leading prayer services.

yael lowenberg Yael (Yali) Lowenberg has been a familiar face around Chizuk Amuno for 20 years. She started in GECEC at 18 months old in the mommy and me program and attended KSDS through 8th grade. Although she moved to North Carolina to attend the America Hebrew Academy for high school, Yali always made sure to visit during her breaks. Yali is now in her senior year at Towson University and has been working in the Rosenbloom Religious School since she returned to Baltimore. This year, Yali is teaching dances which she brought back from Camp Ramah in the Poconos to grades K-6, and a Torah reading class for the 6th graders. Yali is also the Kadima Youth Advisor this year.


CHIZUK AMUNO AND SCHOOLS SECURITY UPDATE As we begin the new school and synagogue year, we would like to remind you of our security procedures and share some of the ongoing and recent security enhancements. The safety of our children, students, members, worshippers, guests, and staff is our highest priority. While we do not often talk about or share all security measures with the public, our professional and lay leadership are constantly reviewing our security, conferring with local and national law enforcement, enhancing our procedures, hardening our facility, and responding to suggestions and inquiries. For those new to our schools or synagogue, during the last school year we utilized a grant from the Department of Homeland Security combined with synagogue funds to enhance the security hardware and technologies, video surveillance, alarm systems, and internal communications. We have increased the hours of our security guards and have additional guards on site for the High Holy Days and special events. We will soon install a new “blue light” emergency post in our playground and sports field area. We need your continuing help in providing a safe building and environment. If you see something, say something – to our guards, school heads, or senior synagogue staff. Please enter the building through the Administration Entrance during the school day (unless you are dropping off a student during carpool hours which are staffed and monitored by school personnel). Please do not let anyone into the building behind you as you exit. Thank you for your help, support, and trust. Our best for a safe, fulfilling, and rewarding new year.

Stanley & Lillian Wilen Speaker Series Established Additional Projects Supported by the Wilen Charity Fund Our grateful appreciation to Sam Wilen, Debbi Schwartz, and Judy Wilen for their generous contribution to create the Stanley & Lillian Wilen Speaker Series in memory of their beloved parents. Long-time synagogue members, Lillian, of blessed memory, passed away this past April and Stanley, of blessed memory died in 1989. Lillian and Stanley felt “at home” in our congregational community and Lillian found solace and comfort in our congregation after Stanley’s loss. Sam, Debbi, and Judy each attended our religious school and celebrated their B’nei Mitzvah at Chizuk Amuno. In addition to creating the Wilen Speaker Series, in memory of Lillian and Stanley, the Wilen Charity Fund will underwrite a hearing assistance system in the chapel, our Downtown Lunch and Learn series, a Passover Kiddush, and a 3-D printer for our school. In addition, funds were contributed to establish a program of sending a Shabbat dinner to families with newborn children enabling them to celebrate Shabbat during a usually hectic time.

Donating stock Donating appreciated stock to the congregation and schools provides a great tax advantage along with a charitable contribution. Instructions on how to donate stock can be found on our website (chizukamuno.org), by calling Glenn Easton, Lesley Brinton, or Susan Bernstein at the synagogue office, or email accounting@chizukamuno.org. If you have recently donated stock that has not yet appeared on your synagogue statement, please call Susan Bernstein in the synagogue accounting office. Unfortunately, stock brokers do not always attach the name of the donors with the stock sale. We are looking for the donors of Republic SVCS and of Proctor & Gamble stock. Thank you for your generous support.

The Community Fund Applications for Israel Experiences for 2017/18 - Available Now Visit https://www.cjebaltimore.org for more information. • The deadline for students going on class trips and January semester programs is November 17, 2016. • The deadline for students going on summer and gap year programs is April 3, 2017 (those students should not begin handing in applications until after January 1, 2017).

We are honored to have the names Stanley and Lillian Wilen connected to our congregation in such a meaningful way and thank Sam, Debbi, and Judy for remembering their childhood congregation with this special contribution. For information about bequests to Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Vice President or Glenn Easton or Liz Minkin Friedman at the synagogue. May the memories of Lillian and Stanley Wilen forever be a blessing and inspiration. Page 5


Who Are our Members? Chizuk Amuno Congregation is a community of approximately 1,200 households which represent nearly 3,000 individuals. We have members who are new to the community and members who are 5th and 6th generation members dating back to our founding in 1871. Our members include young families, empty nesters, single households, multigenerational households, and everything in-between. We have eleven members age thirty and under and eighteen members ninety-five and older. We have 856 children between the ages of 0 and 25 years old with over ten percent under five years of age.

What our Members Do Beekeeper, antique dealer, floral designer, auto mechanic, hair stylist, and expert on weapons of mass destruction are a few of our member’s professions We have begun to update our database to include our members’ occupations. This helps us to better know our members, find a possible resource in a particular field if needed, and invite members to consider using their expertise on synagogue and school committees. Our occupations database is not completely updated yet but it appears that our largest category of member professions is physicians followed closely by attorneys and accountants. We have a large number of dentists, nurses, educators, and members working in the Jewish community. We also have three Veterinarians, many scientists, engineers, and researchers, a few judges, an acupuncturist, several nonprofit executives, a number of business owners, and many professional volunteers. Please consider sharing your interests and expertise with the congregation on a synagogue or school project, on a committee, through our Gemilut Hasadim activities supporting the larger community. Contact Cheryl Snyderman or Glenn Easton at the synagogue to get involved! Our thanks to two extraordinary data volunteers, Jerry Buxbaum and Anne Young, for their help in updating and compiling our data records.

With grateful appreciation Chizuk Amuno Congregation & Schools acknowledges the generous gift of a new Digital Piano in honor of the special birthdays of their children,

Sara & Robert Fuld by Phyllis & Louis Friedman

Annual Congregation and KSDS Campaign Kick Off Reception

A group of Annual Campaign Supporters gathered at the home of Beth Goldsmith to hear from synagogue and school leadership about plans for the coming year. Our Annual Campaign supports our schools and congregation providing scholarships, programming, and needed funding that is beyond synagogue dues and tuition. Please support the Annual Campaigns. Our goal is 100% participation. Please be generous. Page 6


Goldsmith Museum’s Archives on Display in Norway Our Goldsmith Museum’s synagogue archives have a world-wide reach and impact thanks to a project assisted by our volunteer archivist, Jan Schein. The small city of Trondheim, Norway is the home to one of only two synagogues in that country. The Trondheim Synagogue is hosting their annual Jewish Cultural Festival focusing this year on the theme “Eastern European Jewish Immigration to America.” Having resettled in Norway, KSDS alumna, Leah Goldman Aursand, contacted Chizuk Amuno this past summer to see if we could help. The festival’s aim is to share Jewish culture and history with the community at large, helping to create connections between the people of Trondheim and educate Norwegians about Jewish culture.

Trondheim Synagogue

The exhibition includes a collection of photos and documents portraying the American Jewish immigrant experience. Jan Schein provided Leah with images of several items held in the Goldsmith Museum’s archival collection including a photograph of Chizuk Amuno’s first rabbi, Rev. Dr. Henry Schneeberger and his United States passport issued in 1867. Several photographs from Jan’s personal family collection are also on exhibit. Our thanks to Jan and all of our volunteers for their good work with our Goldsmith Museum, Archives, and Hendler Learning Center.

Exhibition wall with portrait of Chizuk Amuno rabbi Rev Dr. Henry Schneeberger and his 1867 US passport.

The Goldsmith Museum Committee I never gave much thought to the silver that adorns the many Torah scrolls Chizuk Amuno is fortunate to have - at least not until last December. That month, I and other member of the synagogue’s Museum Committee took on the task of polishing the silver. It was a privilege to hold in our hands the crowns, breast plates and yads; to look at the details, the art work that craftsmen created; to read the inscriptions that are windows into our congregation’s history. Working alongside fellow congregants as we cleaned the silver using museum techniques was also fun. This year, a group of volunteers will meet in the afternoon once a month to clean the synagogue silver on a rotating basis. If you are interested in joining us, contact me, Wendy Davis at bandwdavis@aol.com or 410-358-5979.

Meet our New Young Families Coordinator -Melissa Berman Please join us in welcoming our new Young Families Coordinator, Melissa Berman who will be working with families with children in early childhood through fourth grade to feel connected and involved in the Chizuk Amuno congregational community through personal engagement, programs, and experiences. She will work with our clergy and school heads on holiday programs, family experiences, and coordination of programming between our three schools. Melissa has spent over 20 years living and working in Baltimore’s Jewish Community. She earned a Master’s Degree in Jewish Education from the Baltimore Hebrew University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Family Studies from the University of Maryland. Most recently, Melissa worked for the Center for Jewish Education as a Family Engagement

Specialist creating opportunities for expectant parents, young families and PJ Library participants. Melissa is looking forward to bringing her passion and creativity for working with young Jewish families to the Chizuk Amuno community. Melissa and her husband Jeff have three children, Zachary, Jessica and Sara, who is currently a student in our Achshav program. Our new Young Families coordinator is funded, in part, by the Zaiman Educational Alliance (ZEA). Established in 2002 to honor Rabbi Joel Zaiman’s twenty-three years of service to our congregation, the ZEA supports innovative and collaborative educational initiatives among our schools and seeks to strengthen the bonds of the Chizuk Amuno community. Our thanks to the ZEA Committee for their vision in creating this new and important position. Please contact Melissa at mberman@chizukamuno.org.

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scenes from the first days of school

GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CENTER Characters in the Sukkah Thursday, October 20, 5:30 - 7 p.m. We will welcome Ushpizin, our special guests in the Attman Family Sukkah. Mix and mingle with your favorite storybook and superhero characters. Dairy Dinner & Dessert will be served $5/person $18 family maximum As part of this event, join us for a NEW opportunity for parents with young children: FIND A SITTER! Krieger Schechter Day School students with Red Cross Babysitting Certification will be on hand to meet you and your children and pass out their business cards. This is a great opportunity to meet a potential babysitter or mother’s helper. Page 8

krieger schechter day school


KSDS Fall Open House

RRS PA Snacks and Stunts in the Sukkah

Friday, October 14, 9 a.m. Come experience the excitement at Krieger Schechter during our Open House for prospective parents! It’s a wonderful opportunity to get a glimpse of our teachers and students in action, as you tour our school. We hope you can join us! Please contact Ilene Wise, Director of Admission, for more information. iwise@ksds.edu or 410-824-2066

KSDS Shabbat Share Friday, October 28

All families are invited to participate for a catered Shabbat meal in the home of a fellow KSDS family. Enjoy getting to know other Schechter families and building a stronger community in a relaxing and informal setting. Cost: $18/adult (Ages 12 and up) $12/child (Ages 5-11), Children 4 and under are free. Max $70/family RSVP by Friday, October 14 at http://www.ksds.edu/news/ksdsshabbat-share/

Sunday, October 23, 11 a.m. - noon The entire RRS community comes together for a morning of fun and celebration in the Attman Family Sukkah featuring a surprise performance.

Atid Philadelphia Trip (Grade 7) Sunday, November 13

Our Chizuk Amuno and Beth El students travel to Philadelphia to wrap up their unit on Jewish influence on early American history.

It’s a Mitzvah Fair Sunday, November 6, 11 a.m. Every other year, Chizuk Amuno fifth and sixth graders and their parents are invited to learn about and participate in the wide variety of mitzvah opportunities in our Baltimore community. Students will meet with mitzvah heroes, engage in mitzvah projects and start thinking about how acts of loving-kindness can be a part of their Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations.


SISTERHOOD Contact Dixie Leikach, with any questions or further requests at Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org or 443-386-1062. If you’d like to be on our e-newsletter, please give Dixie your e-mail address.

MAH JONGG Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. All levels encouraged to participate! RSVP to Randee Glassman, randee853@aol.com

Bimah Decorating Sunday, October 16, 9 a.m. Join us as we decorate the bimah for Sukkot. With plenty of help, this project only takes a hour or so of your time and makes the sanctuary beautiful for the holiday! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Sheila Sandbank at grandmasheilax2@hotmail.com or 410-484-5016 SISTERHOOD judaica shop update Please stop by to see all of new merchandise purchased over the summer! We have a variety of new vendors and are excited to display the beautiful Judaica! We wish you a Shana Tova and look forward to seeing you soon! For appointments call Edna Crystal at 410-653-3495 or Anne King at 410-303-7716.

Torah FUNd-raiser Mah Jong Tournament Sunday, October 30, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Back by popular demand and for a longer session! Join us as we have our second Mah Jong tournament to raise funds for the Torah Fund. Supporting the Torah Fund provides an opportunity to be involved in preserving, promoting and perpetuating Conservative/Masorti Judaism through active giving to the Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League in support of the Jewish Theological Seminary (New York, NY), Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (Los Angeles, CA), Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem), Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano (Buenos Aires), and Zacharias Frankel College (Potsdam), which provides scholarships and other support for the conservative movement !

BROTHERHOOD Our Wednesday evening series continues this year with a different topic. Super Heroes of the Bible. Yes there is midrash to learn here, and some things we didn’t learn in religious school. Sex, lies and intrigue.

Men Meat and Midrash, Super Heros of the Bible, Part 1 The Incredible Hulk November 16, 6 p.m. $8 to attend

BROTHERHOOD DUES For your convenience, Brotherhood Dues are now included on your synagogue statement. To “opt out” of this voluntary contribution, please call the accounting office, note your request on your return statement, or email accounting@chizukamuno.org.

scenes from the brotherhood opening bbq with nfl hall of famer, lenny moore

For more information or to sign up please contact Ellen Weiss ellensmkbiz@verizon.net or 410-877-9876

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Engage IN gemilut hasadim

Upcoming volunteer opportunities We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.

Art with a Heart

Komen MD Race for the Cure

Sunday, November 13 • 1-3 p.m. Contact: Deb Charles, text 443-386-1324 Todah Rabbah to those who volunteered in August: Deb Glickman Charles (leader), Jan Brant, Debby Hellman, Rachel Kaplan, Shari Kaplan, Ruthanne Kaufman, and Cheryl Snyderman

Sunday, October 23 Register with our team at http://bit.ly/ChizukRacefortheCure16 Contact Sande Mitchell, smitchels1234@gmail.com, or 410-409-8184. Race participants are invited to join in a special aliyah at Shabbat morning services on October 22 at approximately 10 a.m.

Knitting Havurah Wednesdays, October 19 and November 16 • 2-3:30 p.m. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman

Ronald McDonald House

Todah Rabbah to our August knitters: Edna Crystal, Hazel Greenstein, Irene Himelfarb, Esther Marsiglia, Hazel Radowsky, and Harriet Udell

Wednesdays, November 22 • 4-7 p.m. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman Todah Rabbah to our August volunteers: Hazel Greenstein (leader), Miriam Golob, Carol Gratz, Hilly Greenstein, Alan Guttman, Melissa Halpern, Margi Hoffman, Steve Hoffman, Janet Kantor, Saundra Madoff, Marcia Scherr, Margie Simon, Cheryl Snyderman, and Marsha Yoffe

operation welcome home Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler to be on the mailing list.

our daily bread Sundays, October 30 and November 27 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com Todah Rabbah to those who served in July: Wendy Davis (leader), Janice Brodsky, Barbara Cohen, Jayson Folus, Jeannette Goldstein, Frank Greenstein, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, and Arlene Klaff; and in August: Jenny Baker (leader), Barbara Cohen, Frank Greenstein, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, and Madison Greenstein

Reading Partners Tutoring Program Contact: Cheryl Snyderman.

Transportation Service on Shabbat Contact: Cheryl Snyderman by Tuesday afternoon

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Open Gemilut Hasadim Meeting Tuesday, November 29 • 7:30 p.m. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman

Pre-Thanksgiving Mini-Food Drive: Friday, November 11 – 18 We are conducting a minifood drive for the food bank at GEDCO, whose inventory reaches critical lows as Thanksgiving approaches. Please visit our website calendar for a complete list of items.

Did You Get Your GH Newsletter? Monthly, we send out via e-mail the GH Monthly – a compilation of upcoming Gemilut Hasadim volunteer opportunities. Sign up for events by a simple click at http://bit.ly/GemilutHasadimMonthly

Engage in learning

Debate ?


Thinking About the Election with

Join us and our guest teachers for four impactful learning sessions. Free & open to the entire community. We welcome the scholars of Mechon Hadar. Each session will be supplemented by on-line materials.

Jewish Values

Thurs. Oct. 20, 7:30 p.m.

“These and Those: How Can Two Opposite Positions Both Be the Will of the Living God?” Taught by Rabbi Shai Held | At Beth El Congregation

Thurs. Oct. 27, 7:30 p.m.

Advance reservations are appreciated at


Thurs. Nov. 3, 7:30 p.m. “Shul and State: What is a Jewish Picture of Religion in America’s Public Sphere?” Taught by Rabbi Jason Rubenstein | At Beth Israel Congregation

Wed. Nov. 16, 7:30 p.m.

“Creating Community with Your Political Enemies: Wrong, Possible, or Imperative?” Taught by Rabbi Aviva Richman | At Beth Am Synagogue This community program is a joint project of Baltimore Conservative Synagogues: Beth Am Synagogue, Beth El Congregation, Beth Israel Congregation, and Chizuk Amuno Congregation. We are grateful to the Hoffberger Foundation for Torah Study for their generous support.

“Debate and Decision: Lessons Learned from the 2016 Election” A panel discussion exploring lessons learned from the election results with Rabbis Daniel Burg, Jay Goldstein, Steve Schwartz, and Ron Shulman and featuring election analysis by Dr. Neil Rubin of the Baltimore Hebrew Institute at Towson University. At Chizuk Amuno Congregation.

Familiar Prayers in a New Siddur With Rabbi Ron Shulman Weekly on Tuesdays 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Beginning November 1

“Jesus and the Rabbis: Conversations & Controversy” With Rosann M. Catalano, Ph.D. and Rabbi Ilyse Kramer

We’ll become more familiar with the formal prayer texts and personal prayer in our new Siddur as we learn the what, why, and how of our Jewish prayer tradition.

The Prophets’ Call: Reading the Weekly Haftarah Portion With Rabbi Ron Shulman Thursday mornings, 9:15 – 10:00 a.m. November 3 thru December 22

Friends, Enemies, & Frenemies With Rabbi Debi Wechsler Thursdays, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Nov. 3 - Dec. 15, 2016

We will explore conflict from a Jewish Who were the Biblical Prophets? What is their message? Does it resonate with us today? Why lens and Jewish contributions to is “this” Haftarah associated with “that” weekly conflict resolution. Torah Portion? Come hear the Prophets’ call.

Graduate Adult Bat Mitzvah With Rabbi Debi Wechsler Tuesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Nov. 15 - Dec. 20, 2016 This class is geared towards women who have completed the Adult Bat Mitzvah program. We will study the weekly Torah portion with a particular focus on women of the Bible and include supplementary texts from midrash and modern sources.

Talmud Study Class With Rabbi Ron Shulman

Wednesdays 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Beginning November 2 We’ll learn how the insights of Judaism’s formative text informs Jewish life and values today. Some ability to read Hebrew is useful as we make our way in discussing and understanding the texts we study.

Thursdays, Nov. 10 and 17; Dec. 1, 8, 15, 2016 9:15 - 10:30 A.M. Fee: $350 for CAC Members; $400 for Community Participants We will study texts from the Gospels and early rabbinic writings that preserve the creative conversations and conflicts of interpretation regarding various points of Jewish law and practice between Jesus and other Jewish teachers in early 1st century CE Palestine. Please purchase: The Gospels & Rabbinic Judaism: A Study Guide, by Rabbi Michael Hilton with Father Gordian Marshall OP, Ktav Publishing House; Amazon: $20.58 Page 11


B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. OCTOBER 15 Allison Emily Cohen AVIVA daughter of Heather & Dr. Howard Cohen OCTOBER 22 Liam Dor Asher Liam Dor son of Yifaat & Tzach Asher OCTOBER 29 Olivia Rose Clay Ariella Shoshana daughter of Michelle & Mitchell Clay Cooper Harrison LaPorte Danil Shmuel son of Dr. Dawn & Paul LaPorte

Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Sloane Harper Burchman, daughter of Melissa & Jeffrey Burchman, granddaughter of Jody & Ted Levy and Phyllis & Marc Burchman, and greatgranddaughter of Sallie & Dr. Harold Goldberg and Marilyn Burchman

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Miller Reid Cohen, son of Laura & Zac Cohen and grandson of Ina & Nathan Caplan and Norma & Joel Cohen Eytan Samuel Gerstenblith, son of Shira Zeliger & Dr. Ted Avi Gerstenblith, grandson of Miriam & Dr. Jay Gerstenblith and great-grandson of Helen Lewis Ivy Maris Havens, daughter of Jayne & Jonathan Havens and granddaughter of Amie Sue & Paul Wye Nochumowitz Maya Rachel Kronsberg, daughter of Melissa & Joey Kronsberg and granddaughter of Robin Kaplan & Abram Kronsberg Sienna Salis Howe, daughter of Jessica & Todd Howe Ethan Micah Walter, son of Heather & Elon Walter, and grandson of Ann & Hal Walter

Engagements We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Seth Golob, son of Miriam & Irwin Golob, to Sophie Glassman Jonathan Manekin, son of Vivian & Robert Manekin, to Samantha Cleland, daughter of Izzi & Bruce Cleland Ezra Miller, son of Sandra Dzija & Dr. Andy Miller, to Gregory Rottman Joel Posner, son of Susan & Dr. Jeffrey Posner, to Amy Leiken, daughter of Nancy & Alan Leiken, and to the grandmother, Zelda Kloner Flax

Weddings We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Jennifer Keys, daughter of Drs. Susan Wolfsthal & William Keys, to Aaron Weintraub, son of Marilyn & Robert Weintraub Rebecca Kreshtool, daughter of Heller & Jeffrey Kreshtool, to Jared Levine, son of Nancy & Steven Levine, and to the grandparents, Connie Kreshtool, Charlotte Miller and Hyman Levine

Arielle Lever, daughter of Shelley Hendler & Dr. Scott Lever, to Andrew Eisen, son of Gail & Stan Eisen, and to the grandparents, Sandee & Dr. Barry Lever & Edna Hendler Nicole Schechter, daughter of Dara & Dr. Ronald Schechter, to Howie Goldstein, son of Bernice & Myron Goldstein

In Loving Memory Melvin N. Siegel, husband of Roslyn Siegel, father of Michael Siegel, Allan Siegel and Beth Halpern and brother of Sylvia Gamerman We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Diane Dansicker, on the loss of her mother, Estelle Addis Sharon Holback, on the loss of her mother, Dorris T. Beckler Marlene London, on the loss of her sister, Helen Silesky Eisenstein Florence Yaffe, on the loss of her brother, Irvin Kessler As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

New Members We are happy to welcome those who recently joined or returned to our Chizuk Amuno family. Andrew & Deborah Finkelstein, Dillon and Austin Charles & Lauren Kean, Hannah and Emma Gilad & Lemore Eichhorn, Liora, Sivan and Maytal Josh & Melissa Macht, Carly and Jacob Leslie Beck, and Jordan Michael & Janet Scherr If you have friends or family who may be interested in joining the Chizuk Amuno Family, please call Cheryl Snyderman or Glenn Easton at the synagogue office.

Tzedakah At Chizuk Amuno

Terumot HaKodesh We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue.

Congregational General Endowment Fund Amy & Hugh Schwartz in honor of the wedding of Joshua Finifter to Ilana Knobel

Dr. Howard Lee Silverman Fund Penny & Dr. Ron Silverman in memory of Frederick Elrick

Gerald M. & Suzanne S. Katz Endowment Fund Suzanne Katz in memory of Albert Kishter

Goldsmith Museum Fund Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moranz in memory of Estelle S. Addis

KSDS Annual Appeal Dr. Edward, Jodie, & Casey Silverman in memory of Frederick Elrick

KSDS Eli & Yetta Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund Jordon & Beverly Max in memory of David Max

KSDS I. Leon Glassgold Memorial Scholarship Fund Jackie Glassgold in memory of Beloved Brother Jackie Glassgold in memory of Estelle Addis

KSDS Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Cohen in honor of Leonor (Leah) Danon’s Bat Mitzvah Ann Berman in memory of Frederick Elrick Margi & Dr. Steven Hoffman in honor of Sandy & Dr. Barry Lever’s 60th wedding anniversary

KSDS Special Offering Sally & Dr. Anton Grobani in honor of Nissa, Paul, Adley & Rece Weinberg on the birth of their daughter & sister, Laila Neve Sally & Dr. Anton Grobani in honor of the birth of Nancy & Marc Muser grandchild, Ryleigh Sally & Dr. Anton Grobani in honor of Dafna & Dr. Uri Tasch & Michal & Uri Reichman on the birth of their grandson Lev Judah Tasch Sally & Dr. Anton Grobani wishing refuah sh’lemeh to Monika Morgan

Louis Barry Gershen Our Daily Bread Fund Michael & Myra Gershen in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jami & Bernie Margolis’ son Avi Michael & Myra Gershen in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Shari & Louis Malinow’s son Evan Michael & Myra Gershen in memory of Estelle Addis Michael & Myra Gershen in memory of Lucille Schwartz

Marcia & Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Endowment Fund Jerry Buxbaum in honor of Lowell Glazer’s 85th birthday Jerry Buxbaum in honor of Dick & Marsha Manekin’s Anniversary Jerry Buxbaum in memory of Bonnie Gresser Jerry Buxbaum & Celeste Pushkin in memory of LeRoy Hoffberger

Minnie Garber & Rose Greenberg Scholarship The Greenberg Family wishing Mazal Tov on Cathy Taylor’s new journey

Miriam Foss Memorial Fund Bev Rosen in honor of the engagement of Forrest Foss’ daughter Ilana Foss to Raphael Franck

Morning Minyan Contribution Dorothy Yankellow in honor of Heller & Jeffrey Kreshtool’s daughter Rebecca’s marriage to Jared Levine Dorothy Yankellow in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximilian Larry & Carol Gilbert in honor of Michelle & Matt Coakley’s wedding Margot Zipper in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximilian & the engagement of their son Marc to Jessica Silvers Sandra Beber in honor of Ruthanne Kaufman Elaine Fox in memory of Rose Gainsburg Anita Schulman in memory of parents Dorothy Yankellow in memory of Estelle Addis Larry & Carol Gilbert with thanks to Dr. Harold Gilbert for officiating at Michelle & Matt Coakley’s wedding

Pathways To Menschlikeit Fund Mr. & Mrs. Steven King in memory of Estelle Addis Linda R. Lebovic in memory of Helen Nancy Miller Keith & Liz Friedman wishing Mazal Tov to Miriam & Irwin Golob on their son Seth’s engagement to Sophie Glassman Nancie Leibowitz wishing Mazal Tov Miriam & Irwin Golob on the engagement of their son Seth to Sophie Glassman Nancie Leibowitz wishing Mazal Tov to Lois Balser on the engagement of her grandson Seth to Sophie Glassman

Prayer Book Fund Jason Rubenstein in honor of Mr. Carter Blavatt’s 1st Birthday Jayson & Judy Folus & Family in memory of Magda & Leslie Koves Jayson & Judy Folus & Family in memory of Harriet & Stanford Folus Jody & Sheila Harburger in memory of their daughter Neely Snyder Joel & Pamela Fradin in memory of Marvin Baer Marty & Dolores Zuckerman in memory of Abraham & Florence Schwartzman & Murray Schwartzman Marty & Dolores Zuckerman in memory of Max & Elizabeth Zuckerman

Ramah Scholarship Fund Edward & Susan Frieman Wishing Mazal Tov to Hazzan & Janice Perlman on the engagement of Marc to Jessica Silvers

Reznik-Frier Scholarship Fund Dawn Reznik wishing Myrna Diamond a Happy Birthday Dawn, Larry & Chantal Reznik & Family in memory of Stacy Gold Paulette & Jay Pollack in memory of Estelle Addis The Frier family in memory of Dr. Roberta Babbitt The Frier family in honor of the marriage of Dr. Scott Lever & Shelley Hendler’s daughter Arielle to Andrew Eisen The Frier family in memory of Berenice Rushovich’s beloved mother

Special Offering Congregational Support Irv & Sharon Caplan wishing Phyllis Posner a speedy recovery Barbara & Tom Steinhardt for a speedy recovery of Ilene Powers Alison Witow & Jack Tucker in honor of Ellen Gillette’s Bat Mitzvah Bruce & Barbara Lewbart in honor of Sue & Eddie Frieman’s 50th Anniversary Douglas & Susan Schehr in honor of Judy & Michael Finifter’s son Joshua’s marriage to Ilana Knobel Douglas & Susan Schehr in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximilian & the engagement of Mark Perlman to Jessica Silvers Douglas & Susan Schehr in honor of Pam & Dr. Jeffrey Platt’s son David’s marriage to Rabbi Ariel Greenberg Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximilian Irv & Sharon Caplan in honor of Dick & Marsha Manekin’s 45th Wedding Anniversary Irving & Marlene Wolfe in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Dr. & Mrs. Leslie Abramowitz’s granddaughter Miriam Abramowitz Jenny Baker in honor of the marriage of Shelley Hendler & Dr. Scott Lever’s daughter Arielle to Andrew Eisen Manny & Carol Bellmore in honor of Joyce & Melvin Greenwald’s special birthdays Michael & Hazel Radowsky in honor of the birth of Dr. Jay & Miriam Gerstenblith’s grandson Eytan Samuel Gerstenblith Richard & Harriet Udell in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximilian & the engagement of their son Marc to Jessica Silvers Stanley & Shirley Adler in honor of the birth of Ruth Sandler’s great grandson Joseph Alfred Moses in memory of LeRoy Hoffberger Barbara & Tom Steinhardt in memory of Brian Schiner Doris Tanhoff in memory of Joyce Katz Douglas & Susan Schehr in memory of Israel Morrison Douglas & Susan Schehr in memory of Frederick Elrick Douglas & Susan Schehr in memory of Helen Nancy Miller Florence Max in memory of Howard Max Gary & Garth Gerstenblith in memory of loved ones Harry Deitchman in memory of Irene Deitchman Irv & Sharon Caplan in memory of Morton Shapiro Irv & Sharon Caplan in memory of Harry Klapper Jenny Baker in memory of Fred Elrick Jenny Baker in memory of Estelle S. Addis Jerome & Gail Kurman in memory of Max Kurman Jerry & Darlene Gordon in memory of Rose Greenberg Larry & Sheila Pakula in memory of Sidney F. Pakula, M.D. Lou & Joyce Kaplan in memory of Melvin Siegel Lowell Glazer in memory of Rose Lazinsky Melvin & Pnina Moschel in memory of Clara & Harry Moschel Mr. Howard Rosenbloom in memory of Irvin Kessler Mr. Sanford Block in memory of Sylvia Block Mr. Stephen Leven in memory of Eunice Leven Mrs. Susan Schehr in memory of Mark Elliott Rosenblatt Seema Reznick in memory of Estelle Addis Stan & Isabel Levin in memory of Albert Kishter Thomas & Barbara Steinhardt in memory of Lucille Schwartz Toba & Bill Grant in memory of Melvin Siegel

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Tzedakah At Chizuk Amuno

Walter & Rita Abel in memory of Bracha Alon Stuart & Vicky Becker wishing Mazal Tov on the forthcoming marriage of Judy & Michael Finifter’s son Joshua to Ilana Knobel Bernard Krol & Diana Zwaig Krol with thanks Dr. Donald W. Katzner With thanks to Chizuk Amuno Elliott Rudnick

Special Offering Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Elaine Baker in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Barry Lever’s 60th Wedding Anniversary Nancie Leibowitz in memory of William Jerome Pantell

Special Offering Religious School Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Leo Brody by Amy & Hugh Schwartz

Tzedakah Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Albert Kishter Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Beloved Mother, Joan Michel Marcia Katz wishing Mazal Tov to Shelley Hendler & Scott Lever on the marriage of their daughter Arielle Rose to Andrew Eisen

Hazzan Perlman’s Discretionary Fund Dr. Lawrence & Mrs. Naomi Amsterdam in honor of the birth of Maximilian & Janice Perlman’s granddaughter Muriel E. Perlman & Mazal Tov on their son Mark’s engagement to Jessica Silvers. Daniel & Leah Rubenstein with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for conducting the funeral of Grace Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. Michael Levitas with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for his visits & support for Erin & family during her illness & support for the family at Erin’s funeral.

Dr. Shualy’s Discretionary Fund Harry & Ruth Silber in memory of Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld Sandra Beber with thanks for the Misheberach & Aliyahs

Rabbi Shulman’s Discretionary Fund Gil & Ann Abramson in honor of Marsha & Dick Manekin’s 45th Anniversary Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of Rabbi Ron Shulman’s Special Birthday Vilma Liedman in honor of her birthday Andi Lewis in memory of Neil Lewis Debi & Sal Gallo in memory of Albert Kishter Barbara Rothschild & Hebert Kishter in memory of Albert Kishter Harry & Ruth Silber in memory of Samuel Blumenfeld The Fisher Family in memory of Ellen Guthorn Scott Lever & Ms. Shelley Hendler with thanks to The CA team - Rabbi Shulman, Hazzan Perlman, Jenny Baker, Annie Hood, Glenn Easton for creating a special aufruf for the Lever Eisen family.

Rabbi Wechsler’s Discretionary Fund Michael & Judy Finifter in honor of the aufruff of Joshua Finifter & Ilana Knobel

Bimah Flowers - High Holy Days 2016 | 5777 Rosh Hashanah In Memory Of: Sylvia & Norman L. Apatoff, by their children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren. Ida Attman & Harry Attman by their son, Leonard Attman. Susan Blavatt by Ronald Blavatt & family. Dr. M. Larrie Blue by his wife Sima Blue. Abby & Dr. Saul Blumenthal, Kenneth Blumenthal, Bruce Blumenthal and Reba & Joseph Phillips by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family.

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Jerome Cardin by Shoshana S. Cardin & family. Hilda R. & Paul Cohen by their son, Richard. Nathan L. Cohen by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen & family. Rosa Lebovitz Cohen by her family. Sybil & Harold Effron by Deborah & James Effron & family. Fannie C. & Jacob Effron by their family. Dorothy & Robert Gerber and Selma & Ezra Gratz, by Carol & Dr. Ed Gratz & family. Albert Gamerman and Jean & Henry Satisky, by Jay, Marsha, Ira, Jeffrey & Jamie Gamerman Tessie & Samuel Gerber by Marlene & Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren & greatgrandchildren. Rabbi Israel M. & Mildred Goldman by the Congregation. Bess & Henry Goldsmith by Ilene & Alvin Powers & family. Sarah & Michael Goldstein and William Abrams by their family. Shirley & Lester Matz, Mollie & Maurice Goldstone and Sarah & Harry Matz by Alina & Dick Matz and Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Marjorie & Martin Greenbaum by Kathy & Bruce Posner & family and Selene & Harvey Greenbaum & family. Nathaniel Jacobs, Samuel Budd Jacobs, Belle C. Jacobs, Morris A. Offit and Lena L. Offit by Ethel Jacobs & family. Herbert Kleiman, Benjamin Kleiman & Rebecca Kleiman by Ronnie Kleiman & family. Barbara Leibowitz Lichter and Barry M. Leibowitz by their family. Eileen Mary & Donald Nathan Leish, by Susan & Paul Bloomberg & Jack. Lenore & Edwin Levy and Jeanette & Louis Levy by their children & grandchildren. Edith & Edward Mackler & Wilfred Gluckstern, by their family, Stephen, Ilene, Geoffrey & Lindsay, David & Melissa & Stefanie Mackler. Stanley I. Minch by his wife, June Minch, & family. Morton (Sonny) Plant by his wife, Tammie Plant & children. Faye & Harry Plotkin, by Marlene & Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren. Louis & Anna Polakoff and Abraham & Esther Goldman by their children. Ruth Pollack by Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Cantor Abraham Salkov by the Congregation. Henry O. Shor, Joseph & Sarah Shor, Manuel Shor, Morris Shor, Hyman & Bertha Levy and Isabelle Rosenberg by Shirley Shor & family. Solomon & Hannah Silverman and Isadore & Flora Rosenbloom by their family. Sayde J. & Judge Albert L. Sklar by their children & grandson. Isadore Stern by his wife, children & granddaughter. Stuart Tilson by his family. Irene & William Weinberg, parents, by Toba & Bill Grant & family and Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family. Cecelia & Max Weiss by Janet & Stanley Kantor & family. Jacob & Rebecca Wolock by their children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren. Norman N. Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred & Amy Yankellow, Sonia & Rick Samuel & Ethan & Eileen Yankellow. Rafael Moshe Zaiman by the Congregation. Sylvia Zinz, Fannie & Samuel Zinz and Tessie & Samuel Gerber by Herbert Zinz, children & grandchildren. 2016 | 5777 Yom Kippur In Memory Of: Norman Altshuler by his family. Sylvia & Norman L. Apatoff, by their children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren. Ida Attman & Harry Attman by their son, Leonard Attman. Susan Blavatt by Ronald Blavatt & family.

Dr. M. Larrie Blue by his wife, Sima Blue. Abby & Dr. Saul Blumenthal, Kenneth Blumenthal, Bruce Blumenthal and Joseph & Reba Phillips by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family. Dr. Stuart Brager, Miriam & Harry E. Brager, Amos I. & Annette P. Meyers by Marlene Brager & family. Jerome Cardin by Shoshana S. Cardin & family. Paul & Hilda R. Cohen by their son, Richard. LeRoy S. Cohen by his family. Nathan L. Cohen by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen & family. Rosa Lebovitz Cohen by her family. Rose & Sam B. Conn and Penny Conn, sister, by Allan Conn. Lee & Dr. Morris L. Cooper by their children & grandchildren. Esther & David Crystal, Cecelia Crystal, Rosie & Jacob Wolfson, Adolph J. Wolfson, Samuel D. Wolfson, Isadore & Rosalie Wolfson and Leonard & Sara Wolfson Katz by Edna & Mace Crystal. Fannie C. & Jacob Effron by their family. Sybil & Harold Effron by Deborah & James Effron & family. Mildred & Rabbi Israel M. Goldman, by the Congregation. Harold Goldsmith by his family. Bess & Henry Goldsmith, by Ilene & Alvin Powers. Sarah & Michael Goldstein and William Abrams by their family. Frieda & Irving C. Grant by their family. Rebecca Greenwald, mother, by her children & grandchildren. Mollye Hamburger, Kitty & Ben Hamburger and Esther & Harry Blumberg, by their family. Mollie & Harry Hoffberger by their children. Herbert J. Kleiman by his wife & family. Ruth S. & Abraham Krieger by their children & grandchildren. Barbara Leibowitz Lichter and Barry M. Leibowitz by their family. Edith & Edward Mackler & Wilfred Gluckstern, by their family, Stephen, Ilene, Geoffrey & Lindsay, David & Melissa & Stefanie Mackler. Marjorie & Martin Greenbaum by Kathy & Bruce Posner & family and Selene & Harvey Greenbaum & family. Shirley & Lester Matz, Mollie & Maurice Goldstone and Sarah & Harry Matz by Alina & Dick Matz and Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Lenore & Edwin Levy and Jeanette & Louis Levy by their children & grandchildren. Harold Miller, Blanche & Eli Miller and Elise & Jacob Yospy, by their children & grandchildren. Stanley I. Minch by his wife, June Minch, & family. Harry L. & Theresa Minch by their family. Pauline Oshrine, Nettie Gottfried & Rose Oshrine by Ivan Oshrine. Morton (Sonny) Plant by his wife,Tammie Plant & children. Ruth Pollack by Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Lillian & Edward Rosenberg by Ronnie Kleiman & family. Anna & Solomon Rosenbloom by their children. Esther & Benjamin Rosenbloom and Saul Rosenbloom, by their family. Cantor Abraham Salkov by the Congregation. Dorothy L. Schapiro by her family. Joseph & Sarah R. Schapiro by their children & grandchildren. Louis Seidman and Ernie Platt by their family. Henry O. Shor, Joseph & Sarah Shor, Manuel Shor, Morris Shor and Hyman & Bertha Levy and Isabelle Rosenberg by Shirley Shor & family. Sayde J. & Judge Albert L. Sklar & by their children & grandson. Stuart Barry Tilson by his family. Dr. Leonard Wallenstein by his family. Norman N. Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred & Amy Yankellow, Sonia & Rick Samuel & Ethan & Eileen Yankellow. Rafael Moshe Zaiman by the Congregation. Sylvia Zinz, Tessie & Samuel Gerber and Fannie & Samuel Zinz by Herbert Zinz, children & grandchildren.

Tzedakah At Chizuk Amuno

2016 | 5777 Shimini atzeret In Memory Of: Susan Blavatt by Ronald Blavatt & family. Abby & Dr. Saul Blumenthal, Kenneth Blumenthal, Bruce Blumenthal and Reba & Joseph Phillips by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family. Sraiah & Chana B. Shoubin by Shoshana Cardin & family. Nathan L. Cohen by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen & family. Esther & David Crystal, Cecelia Crystal, Rosie & Jacob Wolfson, Adolph J. Wolfson, Samuel D. Wolfson, Isadore & Rosalie Wolfson and Leonard & Sara Wolfson Katz by Edna & Mace Crystal. Rabbi Israel M. & Mildred Goldman by the Congregation. Harold Goldsmith by his family. Marjorie & Martin Greenbaum by Kathy & Bruce Posner & family and Selene & Harvey Greenbaum & family. Morris & Sara Layton, parents, by the Layton family. Edith & Edward Mackler & Wilfred Gluckstern, by their family, Stephen, Ilene, Geoffrey & Lindsay, David & Melissa & Stefanie Mackler. Shirley & Lester Matz, Mollie & Maurice Goldstone and Sarah & Harry Matz by Alina & Dick Matz and Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Stanley I. Minch by his wife, June Minch, & family. Lois & Alvin Neuberger by their children & grandchildren. Morton (Sonny) Plant by his wife,Tammie Plant & children. Ruth Pollack by Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Bess & Henry Goldsmith by Ilene & Alvin Powers & family. Cantor Abraham Salkov by the Congregation. Henry O. Shor, Joseph and Sarah Shor, Hyman N. & Bertha B. Levy, Isabelle Rosenberg, and Manual & Morris Shor by Shirley Shor & family. Sayde J. & Judge Albert L. Sklar by their children & grandchild. Norman N. Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred & Amy Yankellow, Sonia & Rick Samuel & Ethan & Eileen Yankellow. Rafael Moshe Zaiman by the Congregation.

Bimah Flowers Shabbat, October 1/ 28 Elul In Memory Of: Bernard Berman, husband & father, by Beverly Berman & family. Tillie Reiser, mother, by Anita & Warren Klawans. Alfred Klotzman, father, by Ellen & Dan Karlin and Dr. Lewis Klotzman Sylvia Glick, mother & grandmother, by Linda & Mark Levy and Mandy & Aaron Levy. Fannie & Philip Zimt, parents, by Edythe Rosenzwog. Jayme Dorf Weinstein by Jay M. Weinstein. David Bunkin by Ivan Oshrine & family. Evelyn Levin, by her friends. Bernard Kagen, father, by Barbara & Perry Kagen. Myrna Brill, mother, by Dr. Janice & Jeffrey Miller & family. Dr. M. Larrie Blue by his wife Sima Blue. Miriam Brager, on her birthday, by her children, grandchildren & great-granchildren Shabbat, October 8 /6 Tishrei In Memory Of: Myer Glazer by Lowell R. Glazer & family. Ellen Nochumowitz Shapiro, daughter, by her family. Mickey Setzer by his family. Brian Gamerman, by his mother, Sylvia Gamerman, & Sarah & Dr. Marc Gamerman & Max, Nancy and Tracy Gamerman. Max Frankel, grandfather, by Dorothy Yankellow & family. Maurice S. Goldstone, father, by Shirley Matz. Sarah Rebekah Miller by Esther & Louis Miller.

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Lena Trieger, mother, by her family. Joseph H. Eisenberg, father, by Doris Bernhardt & family. Harry Matziover by his granddaughter Ruthanne Kaufman. Louis Robbins, father, by Arlene & Kenneth Friedman. Meyer Reznick by his daughter Seema Reznick. Edward Helzner by Howard “Chuck” Klein. Dr. Gerson Freedman, by his wife, children & grandchildren. Brig. Gen. Jack D. Kaufman, by his daughter, Ruthanne Kaufman. Allen Harvey Mervis, son, brother & uncle, by Annabelle & Morris Mervis, Jill & Dr. Larry Layton, & Bradley, Ryan & Andrew Layton. Yetta Miller by Beverly & Jordon Max & family. Paul J. Fineman, on his birthday, by his children & grandchildren.

Shabbat, October 15 /12 Tishrei In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Allison Emily Cohen, by her parents, Heather & Dr. Howard Cohen, her grandparents, Randee & Gary Phillips, Carl M La Mell and Gail Cohen, and her great-grandmother, Elaine Brown In Memory Of: Harold Cohen, grandfather of Allison Emily Cohen, on the occasion of Allison’s Bat Mitzvah Dr. Maurice Klawans, father, by Anita & Warren Klawans & family. Janis Greenhood, mother, by Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family. Marshall (Mickey) Gendason, brother, by Sharon Rose & family. Allan Lake Berman by his family. Ida Rovin, mother, by Sonya & Arthur Alperstein & family. Martin Greenbaum by his children and grandchildren. Jeanette Cohen, mother, by Ann & Dr. Daniel Harris. Bertha Rudo, mother, by Dr. Jay Rudo & family. Edith Steinhardt by Barbara & Tom Steinhardt & family. Albert Fox, husband, by Doris Fox. Sarah Berman by her children. Hyman Rosen, father, by Mae R. Levin & family. Shabbat, October 22 /20 Tishrei In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Liam Dor Asher, by his parents, Yifaat & Tzach Asher, and his grandparents, Rivka & David Gamliel and Menachem Asher In Memory Of: Maya Asher, grandmother of Liam Dor Asher, on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah Alvin Bereson, father, by Marilyn & Richard Waranch and Vicki & Bruce Finkelstein. K. Michael Jeffrey by his wife, children & grandchildren. Meyer Bobick, father, by Anita Raynes & family. Rosalee Fisher by Saul Leibowitz, grandchildren & great-grandchild. Ida Kinstler Elkin by Marilynn & Martin Kinstler. Sraiah Shoubin, father, by Shoshana S. Cardin & family. Ida Bernstein, mother & grandmother, by Marilyn Pechter & family. Ben Rose by Sharon Rose & family. Joseph Bass by Bill Lewis & family. Herbert H. Block by Mindee & Bruce Block & family David Fishlin by Alita & Ron Millen & family. Frank Steinhardt by Barbara & Tom Steinhardt & family. Shirley B. Block by Mindee & Bruce Block & family Jesse Lustgarten and Joseph Kinstler, fathers, by Marilynn & Martin Kinstler. Gertrude Leiter, mother, by Ruth & Allen Brown & family. Gloria M.& Harry G. Shapiro, parents, by Ruth & Jay Lenrow & family. Benjamin Rosenbloom by his family. Shirley Milner by Patsy Beth & Dr. Sheldon Milner & family.

Shabbat, October 29 /27 Tishrei In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Olivia Rose Clay, by her parents, Michelle & Mitchell Clay, and her grandparents Ferne & Leslie Abramowitz and Etta Clay The Bar Mitzvah of Cooper Harrison LaPorte, by his parents, Dr. Dawn & Paul LaPorte, and his grandparents, Jere & Michael Mitzner and Louise & Charles LaPorte In Memory Of: Shlomo Vardi by Joan & Michael Vardi & family. Erna Weiler, mother, by Linda & Dr. Jeffrey Cole & family. Aaron Harris by Toba & Bill Grant & family and Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family. Selma Rubin by Susan Smolen & family. Jay S. Bernhardt, husband, by Doris Bernhardt Beverly G. Rudman, mother, by Lynn Rudman & family. Louis Setren by Jeffrey Setren & family. Dr. Robert E. Schwartz, father, by Judith & Dr. Robert Schwartz & family. Belle Isaacson, mother, by Linda & Robert Eisenberg & family. Miriam Elliott by Ivan Oshrine. Norman N. Yankellow, on his birthday, by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred & Amy Yankellow, Sonia & Rick Samuel & Ethan & Eileen Yankellow

For Lifecycle Events, Personal Celebrations and Observances, Personal and Spiritual Needs: Please Call the Rabbinic Office

At Chizuk Amuno Congregation we want to provide personal and direct support for our members’ religious and family needs. As our members’ desire life cycle celebrations or require religious observances, our clergy make the following request. Please communicate directly with our rabbinic office to share the unfortunate news of hospitalization or illness. In the interest of protecting confidentiality, hospitals today do not share patients’ names with clergy. Please do not assume that someone else has communicated your news to the synagogue staff or office. All of our clergy and ritual staff look forward to being of assistance as appropriate. They sincerely ask that our members also share news of their family or personal lives directly with the rabbinic office. This enables our clergy to best serve and respond to the experiences and circumstances of our synagogue family.

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8100 STEVENSON ROAD BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21208 www.chizukamuno.org 410-486-6400 info@chizukamuno.org Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Jason A. Blavatt, Esquire, President Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media

Carlebach Shabbat & Communal Dinner Friday November 11, 6:00 p.m.

BOOK FAIR Get Hooked on a Book

MON.-THURS., NOV. 7-11 8A.M.-5 P.M. (with extended hours until 9 P.M. on Mon.) Come to our annual Book Fair and support the library serving Chizuk Amuno schools. There will be a great selection of Jewish books for all ages as well as a variety of authors and artists connected to the Chizuk Amuno community.

Shabbat Dinner, Conversation & Song - 7:15 p.m. In special celebration we are excited to welcome Neshama Carlebach, daughter of the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, a master and hugely popular composer of Jewish melodies for prayer and song. Neshama Carlebach will join Hazzan Perlman, Rabbi Shulman and Rabbi Wechsler in leading our Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat Service with joyous melodies and song as we rejoice in spirit, high energy, and a spiritual beginning to Shabbat. Like her father, Neshama's talent and charisma captivate and endear her to people of all ages and backgrounds. She has performed and taught in cities worldwide, has sung on the Broadway stage, and has sold more than one million records. Reservations for dinner may be made at http://bit.ly/CarlebachShabbat by Thurs., Nov. 3 Cost: $25/adult ; $15/child, (children under 4 are free) Neshama Carlebach will also join us on Shabbat November 12 for conversation with Rabbi Shulman and more song after Shabbat Morning Services and Kiddush Lunch.

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