Hahodesh October 2017

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AT CHIZUK AMUNO CONGREGATION AND SCHOOLS Engaging Jewish Life & Learning OCTOBER 2017 | Tishrei / Heshvan 5778

RABBI’S COLUMN Nu? So what’s new at Chizzie these days? That’s what you asked me when we saw RABBI DEBI WECHSLER each other over the Days of Awe. I adore the (not-so) small city that Chizuk becomes on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur and I acknowledge the hard work involved in making that city run smoothly. Todah Rabbah (thank you) to everyone who put in time and effort to ensure that we had a beautiful and engaging set of holidays. Now onto just a few of the “nu” things going on this Fall. If you spent time with us in September you may have noticed something different about our sanctuary. As part of our continuing efforts to create a more intimate prayer space we placed dividers midway through the Main Sanctuary. We appreciate your openness and patience given that some of you were displaced from your regular seats and we would be grateful if you would partner with us in a view of community that allows for experimentation, new ideas and an evolving understanding of how to pray within a diverse community. I met with a wonderful group of congregants who organized organically around the subject of intermarriage. Their group sprang up after a roundtable Continued on Page 2

SUKKOT FALL FESTIVAL Fun for All Ages! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Characters in the Sukkah 12:15 p.m. Lunch in the Sukkah

Games (bring your softball gear) • Music Playing on the Wagner Brill and Goldsmith Playgrounds • Moon Bounce Arts & Crafts • Beer Service Projects for Young & Old Please bring travel-size toiletries for the benefit of those in need.

$5/person, $18/family | $6/person, $20/family at the door Children 3 and under are free.

RSVP in advance at tinyurl.com/SukkotFallFest Pay online or by check to Chizuk Amuno Congregation

Volunteers needed! Sign up at tinyurl.com/SukkotFestVolunteerSignUp

SUKKOT SERVICE SCHEDULE OCTOBER 4-6 Wednesday, October 4 Erev Sukkot – 6:15 p.m.

Thursday, October 5

Sukkot – 9:15 a.m. ... followed by a Congregational Kiddush Lunch Family Service - 10:30 a.m.

Friday, October 6

Sukkot – 9:15 a.m. ... followed by a Congregational Kiddush Lunch Family Service - 10:30 a.m.


6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Gather to greet each other. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.

Shabbat Mornings

9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones.


Candle Lighting.........................Friday 6:23 p.m. TORAH PORTION: SUKKOT Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Study Session .......................................5:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ......................................6:00 p.m. Havdalah .................................................7:07 p.m.

OCTOBER 13/14 / TISHREI 23/24

Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 6:12 p.m. TORAH PORTION: B’REISHIT Jordan Lapin becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Marci Aronchick Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ......................5:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................. 6:00 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................6:56 p.m.

UPCOMING TOT SHABBAT Fridays at 9:15 a.m. October 20, November 3 & 17

Bring your infants and toddlers to an interactive Tot Shabbat. Join Melissa Berman, Chizuk’s Young Families Coordinator, for songs, puppets, stories and more in the Goldsmith Music Room. No RSVP Required. Contact Melissa Berman at mberman@chizukamuno.org

FAMILY SERVICE SCHEDULE Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. Hoffberger Chapel


Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 6:02 p.m. TORAH PORTION: NO-AH Bari Weinstein becomes Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ......................4:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ................................... 5:45 p.m. Havdalah .............................................6:46 p.m.

UPCOMING DATES: October 7, 14, 21 & 28


Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 5:53 p.m. TORAH PORTION: LEKH L’KHA Sophia Korman and Hannah Netzer become B’not Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Schneider October Birthday Blessings Amuno Minyan ....................................9:30 a.m. Torah for Tots .....................................10:30 a.m. Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .......................4:30 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ................................... 5:30 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................6:37 p.m.

Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.

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discussion in which several of them found that they shared a desire to discuss ways in which Chizuk Amuno and its schools could be more welcoming. A diverse group of congregants in multi faith marriages, parents of adult children in multi faith marriages, Jewish grandparents to multi faith children and others interested in those relationships have been coming together since the summer. Look inside for a notice about their next gathering on Tuesday October 10th at 7pm if you would like to join them. I’ll be there too. Smaller interest groups help our large community feel smaller and allow us to get to know our fellow congregants in more personal ways. We would like to foster several other interest groups at Chizzie so if you have an idea for a small group like that, please be in touch. For as many years as I have been here we have been talking about how to stay engaged with our Chizuk Amuno and Krieger Schechter students who attend Beth Tefiloh for High School. This year I am delighted that our own Rabbi Stuart Seltzer will be teaching a Bible course there and will help us continue that important connection. I’ll see you this month in the Sukkah and especially at our Sukkot Fall Fest!

Don’t forget we offer magnifiers at the entrance to the sanctuary to use at events and services should you need help seeing the fine print in our Siddurim. Grab one next time you are here! We just kindly ask for you to return them after the service.

Our Sanctuary is equipped with an audio assistance system to aid in hearing our services. Please see an usher or security guard for a headset.



Erev Shemini Atzeret – 6:15 p.m.

Thursday, October 12

Shemini Atzeret – 9:15 a.m. Family Service - 10:30 a.m. Yizkor 10:15 a.m.

SIMHAT TORAH - OCTOBER 13 & OCTOBER 14 On Simhat Torah we conclude the cycle of Torah reading for the past year and begin reading it anew for this new one. The honor of being called to the Torah for the concluding Aliyah of the year and honor of being called to the Torah for the first Aliyah of the new reading cycle are considered very precious as we celebrate Simhat Torah. This year we honor our Gabbaim (service helpers) for their leadership and generosity of their time, which enriches and supports our Shabbat and holiday services. Our Gabbaim assist our clergy, welcome those with honors and participation during our services, help our b’nei mitzvah families and those celebrating special occasions, and ensure that our services run smoothly and beautifully. We begin our Simhat Torah celebration on Thursday evening, October 12 when we will parade around the sanctuary with our Torahs. Our holiday celebration continues on Simhat Torah morning, Friday, October 13 at 9:15 a.m. when we will honor our Simhat Torah honorees:

Naomi Amsterdam (Kallat Torah)

Wendy Davis (Kallat Bereishit)

Minhah & Minyan Erev Simhat Torah Service – 6:15 p.m. Family Erev Simhat Torah Service – 7:00 p.m.

Friday, October 13

Simhat Torah – 9:15 a.m. Minhah - 6:05 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat – 6:15 p.m.

Michael Moranz (Hatan Torah)


Carl Polsky (Hatan Torah)

Jeffrey Snyder (Hatan Bereishit)

Marvin Spector (Hatan Bereishit)

Join us for this joyous service followed by a Kiddush Luncheon in honor of our Simhat Torah Honorees.

Simhat Torah celebration for preschoolers thru 2nd grade. Friday, October 13, 10:00 a.m. Young families will come together at 10 am to prepare for the candy parade, celebrate the Torah in a brief service and participate in a variety of holiday activities, followed by a congregational lunch. Page 3



Our transition process to hire a new Senior Rabbi is moving along well. In August, we submitted our notification to the Rabbinical Assembly (RA) that formally allows us to begin accepting applications from prospective Rabbis. The notification was accompanied by a detailed questionnaire describing who we are as a congregation and what type of rabbi we are looking for. This document was based on all of our engagement activities to date (Roundtable discussions, survey, suggestion boxes, personal letters and communications, etc). This very detailed and carefully thought-out document is available on our transition webpage. We hope you will take a look (www.chizukamuno.org/about/ rabbinic-transition) and find it as inspirational as we do. After the High Holy Days, we will begin to carefully review applications and resumes. We will have initial conversations with candidates and begin to schedule visits with those who our diverse committee believes are promising applicants. You will be notified in advance of their visits and be able to engage with them and give us feedback. In the meantime, in addition to sharing our RA Questionnaire, we want to further discuss the results from our Roundtables and Survey. Therefore, on October 8 at 10:30am and 2:30pm, our consultant, Dr. Guy Sapirstein, will be facilitating Town Hall meetings where you can hear and discuss insights from our engagement process. As a sneak preview, as you might imagine, the survey found that most congregants want our new Senior Rabbi to be a visionary and a dynamic leader who can work collaboratively with congregants to catalyze the strengths of our membership. The issues our members are most concerned about in the next five years include: creating a more welcoming congregation, balancing tradition in ritual and religious observance with increasing demands for diversity of practice, membership (attracting and retaining members), financial sustainability, enhancing our educational mission, and maximizing the cohesiveness of our congregation and schools. Based on our engagement activities, we proudly stated in our document to the RA that our membership can becharacterized as active, passionate, engaged, and Jewishly knowledgeable. Our community members have a wide spectrum of fascinating and exciting vocations and interests. Our congregation is focused on education from our youngest to our oldest members. We honor our historic past and embrace our shared future. We believe that these characteristics make Chizuk Amuno a very attractive congregation for prospective Rabbis. Thank you again for your participation in all of our efforts to move forward as a congregation, and we hope to see you on October 8! Sandi Moffet Co-Chair, Transition Committee

Stephen Pomerantz Co-Chair, Transition Committee

Chizuk Amuno Congregation Rabbinic Transition and Search Committee: Ronald Attman, Allison Baumwald, Jason A. Blavatt, Jenny Gamliel, Ricky Gratz, Bob Hallock, Nancy Hudes, Ruthanne Kaufman, Jonny Lewis, Sarah Manekin, Jordon Max, Samuel Moskowitz, Jeffrey Platt, David Roffman, Michelle Rosenbloom, Mindy Rosen, Abigail Malischostak, Lee Sherman, and Lynn Tucker

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RABBINIC TRANSITION TOWN HALL MEETINGS October 8 - 10:30 a.m. & 2:30 p.m.

The purpose of these sessions will be for Sandi Moffet, Steve Pomerantz and Dr. Guy Sapirstein to convey the results and analysis of the Roundtable discussions and Congregational Survey as well as address questions from those in attendance.

CHIZUK AMUNO & SCHOOLS RECEIVES HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT The Maryland Emergency Management Agency and Department of Homeland Security recently awarded Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools a 2017 Non-Profit Security Grant to expand and enhance the security throughout our facility. Drafted and submitted by our House, Grounds, & Security Committee chaired by Howard Brill and assisted by Major Keith Tiedemann, Chief of Security, for THE ASSOCIATED and agencies, the grant was based on recommendations by the Baltimore County Police security assessment of our facility and grounds. The grant will enable us to expand and update our security technology, lighting, cameras, and emergency notification systems. Our thanks to the Department of Homeland Security and to all those responsible for the continuing attention devoted to protecting our students, staff, members, and guests.


ANNUAL APPEAL CAMPAIGN NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT The Chizuk Amuno Annual Campaign, our congregation’s only major annual fundraising focus, supports our schools and our congregational programming, provides scholarships and assistance to those with financial need, enables us to enhance our relationships with our members through meaningful contact, expands opportunities for learners of all ages, and helps to balance our lean synagogue and school budgets unable to cover all expenses through membership dues and tuition alone. This year’s Appeal, under the leadership of Development Vice-President, Beth Goldsmith, will enable us to enhance our growing preschool, enrich our excellent day school, further develop our new religious school “middle school” and high school programs, boost our adult learning opportunities, and underwrite our congregational programming. We hope you appreciated that we no longer interrupt the beauty and dignity of our High Holy Day services with a spoken appeal from our bimah which is possible thanks to the responsive and generous support of our members and donors. While we are slightly ahead of last year’s pace compared to this time last year, we strive to achieve 100% participation to meet and hopefully exceed our budgeted goal. We thank our early donors for their support of our campaign in the following leadership categories: Visionary - $36,000 and over Benefactor - $18,000 and over Sustainer - $10,000 and over

Partner - $5,000 and over Patron - $3,600 and over Friend – $2,500 and over

Donor - $1,800 and over Supporter - $1,000 and over Sponsor - $500 and over Contributor – up to $500

We invite our donors to direct your meaningful pledge, if desired, to one of our schools or general congregational programming and support. A more complete list of all contributors will appear in the next issue of HaHodesh. KSDS Annual Campaign contributors will be acknowledged later in the year. We thank those leadership and early donors who have pledged to contribute in the following categories (as of September 1): VISIONARIES Beth Goldsmith BENEFACTORS Lowell Glazer Larry Pakula Ben & Esther Rosenbloom Foundation Michelle & Howard Rosenbloom Alena & David Schwaber Marlene & David Schwaber SUSTAINERS Patricia & Gary Attman Louis & Frances B Booke Memorial Foundation Ronnie Kleiman Bonnie & Pacy Oletsky

Robert & Sara Fuld Samuel H. Friedman Sandra Dzija & Andy Miller DONORS Naomi & Lawrence Amsterdam Alice & Maury Garten Lois Halpert Harriett & Mende Lerner Ellen & Alan Mogol Shirley Parker & Leslie Parker Anne & David Young Joseph Vigman Foundation

PATRONS Shelley & Sheldon Goldseker Sandi & Brian Moffet Gail & Jerald Oppel Hazel & Michael Radowsky

SUPPORTERS Sandra & David Abramoff Allison & Adam Baumwald Edna & Mace Crystal Susan & Herb Garten Bruce Goldman Florene & Ron Goldner Randy Goodman Lee Hendler Michelle & Jeffrey Hettleman Mary & Charles Hirsch Harriet & Alan Kanter Anita Klawans Lewis Klotzman Marlene Pollack Fran & Mark Pressman Deborah & David Roffman Rosalie Rosenzwog Margie Simon Miriam & Joel Suldan Rabbi Debi Wechsler Ann & Rabbi Joel Zaiman

FRIENDS Mimi & Richard Azrael Miriam Blitzer & David Mallott Nancy Dickman Forrest Foss Friedman Charitable Foundation, Inc. Louis & Phyllis Friedman

SPONSORS Rita & Walter Abel Ann & Gil Abramson Stephanie & Ronnie Attman Kelly & Jeffrey Blavatt Sima Blue Karen & Steven Caplan

PARTNERS Amy & Jason Blavatt A. J Cohen Family Charitable Foundation Nancy Cohen Suzanne Cohen Cindy & Glenn Easton Betty & Leonard Golombek Dixie & Neil Leikach Shelly & Ira Malis Alina & Dick Matz Sheila & Howard Sandbank Jill & Louis Sapperstein

Amy & Bruce Chapper Heather & Howard Cohen Karen Desser & Morris Swartz Natalie & Bernie Fish Nannette & Irvin Flax Judy & Jayson Folus Joan & David Greenberg Jessica & Albert Grosman Virginia & Robert Kass Ruthanne Kaufman Wende & Michael Levitas Bill Lewis Lynne & Larry Lichtig Rosalind & Samuel Oppenheim Edythe Rosenzwog Tobey & Sanford Schreiber Judy & Bob Schwartz Maxine Seidman Nancy & Lee Sherman Ina Singer Jean Suda & Kim Golden Lynn & Nelson Tucker Debra & Henry Tyrangiel Harriet & Richard Udell Barbara & Arnie Wallenstein Margot Zipper CONTRIBUTORS Patricia & Robert Anbinder Herta & Arthur Baitch Jenny Baker Carolyn & Gilbert Barron Sandra Beber Leslie Beck Deborah & Howard Berman Selma & Alvin Blaker Janice & Norris Brodsky Wendy & Robert Davis Cecelia & Mark Eisenberg Eena & Arthur Feld Alison & David Feldstein Cathi & Scott Finkelstein Hillard Folus Marilyn Folus

Muriel & Jack Freedman Adam Fried Susana Deustua & Jay Frogel Carol & Lawrence Gilbert Susan & Allan Greenberg Joseph Greenblum Ina & Calvin Hamburger Amy & Albert Harris Ann Harris Jill & Adam Hartman Debby & Jesse Hellman Elayne Hettleman Marcia & Gerald Hoffman Serene Israel Judi & Randy Jachman Marshall Janoff Harvey Jerome Paula & Stanley Junker Marni & Daniel Kahn Barbara & Sheppard Kaplow Sally & Morton Katz Kaye & Sonny Kreitman Marilyn & Michael Krinsky Elinor & Michael Laupheimer Barbara & Bruce Lewbart Lily & Warren Massouda Cynthia & Robert Max Israela & Michael Meyerstein Beth Perlman Sue & Howard Platt Dorothy Rainess Mindy & Jeffrey Rosen Susan & Harold Schreier Marcia & Steven Scherr Roberta & Steven Schulman Elda & David Schwartz Roslyn Siegel Marcia & Stephen Siegel Leslie Weinberg Diane & Jeremy Weiner Susan & James Williams Vanina & Josh Wolf Kelly & David Yousem Dolores & Martin Zuckerman

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Rabbi Debi Wechsler Thursdays 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. beginning October 19 In honor of Israel’s 70th birthday, this year we will study texts from the Torah, the Rabbinic period, the medieval period, and modern days about both the dream and the reality of Israel. This is a text class and texts will be presented in both Hebrew and English. Beginners are most welcome.

OCTOBER BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS! If your child 12 and under celebrates a birthday this month, Chizuk Amuno wants to celebrate with them too. Please join us for Birthday Blessings in the Main Sanctuary Saturday, October 28 a (preceded by Torah for Tots or Family Service, both at 10:30 am). Birthday celebrants will receive a special blessing from our clergy, a coupon for an icy birthday treat, and then will help lead the end of the service.

To register contact Doris Tanhoff dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org or 410-486-6400 x.288.

ROSH SHIRAH (SONG LEADER) Our Rosh Shirah, Sam Blustin, is back on October 27-29. Please join us as we welcome him back for one of these programs.


Friday October 27th 11 a.m. - Shabbat with Goldsmith Early Childhood Center 3:05- 3:25 p.m. - Ta’am Shabbat with Krieger Schechter Day School Shabbat Share Neighborhood Zemirot Saturday October 28th 9:30 a.m. - Amuno Minyan 6:45 p.m. - Seudah Shlishit/Havdalah RSVP Required to Paulette in the synagogue office at 410-486-6400 or ppollack@chizukamuno.org Sunday October 29th 9:15 a.m. - 12 p.m. Hebrew Name Carnival with Rosenbloom Religious School

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Join a group of interested congregants as we discuss ways for our synagogue and schools to be more welcoming to families and individuals of all faiths. For more information or to RSVP contact Sandra Dzija at smdzija@gmail.com.



TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10 IS OPENING DAY FOR NETIVON & ACHSHAV Before I heard about “Safe Spaces” and the “Safe Space Movement,” I hadn't realized that this is what we strive to create at Netivon and Achshav. “Safe Spaces” are places where anyone can go and expect to be accepted, respected, heard, welcomed – safe to be who they are. It is a place to relax, not to be anxious or afraid because everyone is a unique individual. Netivon and Achshav are: • Places where we can share our views and feelings about Israel, no matter what they are. • Places where we can express personally our own relationship to God, and to being Jewish, no matter where we are in our lives. • Places where it is not just okay to question, it is required. • Places of deep friendship where people who have known each other for years are their authentic selves.

With this in mind, I look forward to welcoming our teens back to Netivon and Achshav, on Tuesday, October 10, on the evening before the last day of Sukkot or Hoshanah Raba. Remember that one of the themes of Sukkot is salvation, and on each day of Sukkot, we recite prayers called Hoshanot. It's like the home stretch, the end of the fourth quarter, the bottom of the ninth! God gives us a few more days of repentance after Yom Kippur before our fate in the Book of Life is sealed. As we come together for our opening program on Erev Hoshanah Raba, we hope that Achshav and Netivon will diminish the stress of school, and give our teens a few hours of respite from doing homework. On Hoshanah Rabah, we take the lulav, remove the myrtle branches, and beat them three times against a hard surface. At our opening program we will also beat and keep the beat, as we drum our sins away in our Achshav and Netivon drum circle. - Rabbi Stuart Seltzer

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ENGAGE IN GEMILUT HASADIM We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.

MAKING A DIFFERENCE AT OUR DAILY BREAD Our Daily Bread is a Baltimore soup kitchen administered under the Catholic Charities umbrella. For over 35 years, Our Daily Bread has provided food for the working poor and the homeless, and has done so with dignity and respect. This is made possible with the help of 40 volunteers and over 130 casseroles each day. And that is where Chizuk Amuno has found a niche.

We have provided a team of volunteers at Our Daily Bread almost EVERY month since Thanksgiving weekend in 2003. Each month we also provide enough cookies for 600 desserts. We are now accepting donations of homemade cookies to replace our store bought sweets. In addition, once a year, with the help of Annie Hood and funding from the Gershen family, congregants prepare and deliver casseroles totaling 700 pounds of barbeque chicken. Thank you, to the many Chizuk Amuno members who have volunteered with us at Our Daily Bread in the past and to those who will continue our efforts in the future. Our next few visits will be on Sundays, October 15 and November 19 from 9 a.m. to noon. To volunteer at the soup kitchen and/or to provide cookies, please contact Jenny Baker, bakerjenny@yahoo.com, or Wendy Davis, bandwdavis@aol.com. We thank those who volunteered in July & August. Wendy Davis & Jenny Baker (leaders), Barbara Cohen, Debbie Glassman, Seth Glassman, Frank Greenstein, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, Madison Greenstein, Lily Massouda, Jeff Stern, & Sheri Stern


Wednesdays, October 18 & November 15 2-3:30 p.m. Todah Rabbah to our volunteers in July, August, and September: Ann Andorsky, Vivian Chait, Edna Crystal, Linda Eisenberg, Claire Freeland, Jayne Gerson, Elaine Gittlen, Hazel Greenstein, Joyce Greenwald, Irene Himelfarb, Marlene Hurwitz, Esther Marsiglia, Betty Medalie, Dawn Reznik, Anita Schulman, Eileen Schultz, Margie Simon, & Harriet Udell We also express our appreciation for generous donations of yarn by Melissa Berman, Marcia Pearl & Isabel Pinson.


Todah Rabbah to our volunteers in June & September: Irwin Golob (leader), Howard Brill, Moe Brown, Jay Finkel & Mike Goldberg Page 8


Contacts: Margie Simon, mbs827@verizon.net, or Jennie Rothschild, jzrothschild@comcast.net. Thank you to the many congregants who purchased and donated items from the Gilead House wish list and to Margi Hoffman & Jennie Rothschild for making the deliveries.


RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Wednesdays, October 18 and November 15, 4-7 p.m. Contact: Heller Kreshtool, hellerk25@aol.com

Todah Rabbah to our volunteers in July, August, & September: Beth Blumberg, Hazel Greenstein, & Heller Kreshtool (leaders), Audra Antwerpen, Nancy Bookoff, Harriet Brown, Janet Carter, Amy Chapper, Edna Crystal, Hillary Crystal, Diane Dansicker, Naomi Davis, Glenn Easton, Randee Glassman, Dorothy Gold, Hedy Goldstein, Carol Gratz, Hilly Greenstein, Ann Hantgan, Margi Hoffman, Janet Kantor, Joy Katz, Jeff Kreshtool, Lisa Lederman, Dixie Leikach, Rona London, Saundra Madoff, Rita Plaut, Dawn Reznik, David Sall, Nancy Sall, Sophie Sall, Sheila Sandbank, Marci Scher, Marcia Scherr, Maxine Seidman, Margie Simon, Mollie Smulyan, Ann Walter, Debbie Witow & Marsha Yoffe

Sunday, November 12 Contact: Claire Freeland, cfreeland@gmail.com Todah Rabbah to our volunteers in August: Claire Freeland (leader), Deb Charles, Ann Hantgan, Sara Hantgan, Marlene Hurwitz, Ruthanne Kaufman, Rena Lapidus & Lisa Levine


Need a ride to shul on Shabbat mornings? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Just call Cheryl Snyderman by Tuesday of the week you want to attend services.



Questions and more information, please contact Richard Udell, Brotherhood President, pvfc3251@verizon.net

UPCOMING BROTHERHOOD EVENTS: BROTHERHOOD BLOOD DRIVE Monday, October 16, 11:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Call Warren Gould, 301-602-0017 to reserve your special time to donate life-saving blood. welcome. Chizuk AmunoWalk-ins Brotherhood


Contact Ruth Silber, Sisterhood President, with any questions or for further information at Sisterhood@ chizukamuno.org. If you’d like to receive our Sisterhood e-newsletter, please send Ruth your e-mail address.



Men, Meat, and Midrash

Wednesday,OCTOBER February 25, 17, 66:30 p.m.P.M. WEDNESDAY,

The Kabalah. Taught by our own Dr. Moshe Shualy Delicious Meal-Beer-Soda-Water-Desert Cost $10 / person - RSVP by Mon. Oct. 23

: PART 3 Mail all checks into the Brotherhood with Rabbi Moshe Schwartz 8100 Stevenson | Baltimore, MD 21208 DeliRd. dinner and drinks included. For men only. Cost: $8/person. RSVP to Richard Udell, pvfc3251@verizon.net or pay online: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/men-meat-and-midrash-tickets-20993504136


We conversed over some delicious bbq, and gathered to hear guest speaker, Stephen Maged, who enlightened us about Jews in the military from WWI to present time.

BIMAH DECORATING FOR SUKKOT Wednesday, October 4 • 9 a.m. Contact Sheila Sandbank, grandmasheilax2@hotmail.com BIMAH BREAKDOWN AND SALE FOR SUKKOT SHREDDING | E-CYCLING I.O.U. CLOTHING DRIVE Sunday, October 8 • 9 a.m. Contact Sheila Sandbank, grandmasheilax2@hotmail.com


Our opening meeting was truly a success! We were all dazzled and inspired by our own Hazzan Perlman as he discussed his month long trip to India and experiences with spiritual leaders. We were also treated to some of the exotic flavors of India as well in another fabulous meal, cooked by our chef Annie Hood.

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WHY SHOP AT THE SISTERHOOD JUDAICA SHOP? 1) The Shop profits go back to the Schools! Sisterhood depends on the shop to budget the donations that support the Krieger Schechter Day School, the Goldsmith Early Childhood Center, the Rosenbloom Religious School, and Netivon. 2) Support a non-profit organization with your shopping

Representing decades of Chizuk Amuno leadership, The Past President’s Council recently met with synagogue president, Jason Blavatt, Rabbi Wechsler, Sandi Moffet, and Glenn Easton for an update on synagogue and school activity and to share their thoughts on congregational issues. Chizuk Amuno is fortunate to benefit from the continued participation of several active past presidents. We appreciate their many years of service and value their continuing leadership and support. Front: Lee Hendler, Anne Young, Alan Kanter, Jerry Buxbaum, Mende Lerner, 2nd Row: Rabbi Debi Wechsler, Shelly Malis, Dick Manekin, Jason Blavatt, Pacy Oletsky, Gary Attman, Lowell Glazer, David Roffman. Presented but not pictured: Florene Goldner, Sandi Moffet, Glenn Easton

3) Boutique shopping experience - our staff of volunteers are friendly and helpful! They can help you find the perfect ideas for gifts for hostesses, weddings, new baby, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, or something for yourself! We have fun stuff for the kids too. Plus, there are lots of items that can be customized for that special gift.



We appreciate your support!

October 1 through 31st. 30% off ALL items for Rosh Hoshanah, Break Fast, and Sukkot. Shop today for the best selection! (Books and parchments not included)


November 1 through 30th Everything in the shop will be 25% off

(Hanukah, books, and parchment excluded).

Start your Hanukah shopping early (we have great jewelry items!) and support the Judaica Shop at the same time.

For the comfort and welcome of all of our congregants, students, and visitors, we have now designated the two single stall restrooms off the Berman (schools) lobby as non-gendered restrooms.


We are pleased to announce the receipt of a generous $6,000.00 grant from The Eliasberg Family Foundation, Inc. to help defray the cost of maintaining our new “Lake Chizzy” and preschool Rain Garden for the next three years. We are also grateful to the Chesapeake Bay Trust for a $4,500.00 grant to provide educational signage at both locations. Special thanks to Ann Betten for her help in securing these two special grants.

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Sunday 9:30am-11:30am Monday 10-12noon and 2-4pm Tuesday 10-12noon and 2-6pm Wednesday 10-12noon and 2-6pm Thursday 10-12noon and 2-6pm Friday 10-12noon (Closed when schools are closed) Join our Facebook Group – “Chizuk Amuno Congregation Sisterhood Judaica Shop” for the most up to date information about specials and new products.




Dessert reception to follow. Please RSVP to Doris Tanhoff at Dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org

Tuesday, October 24, 7 p.m.

Please join us on Tuesday evening, October 24 at 7:00 p.m. when we will welcome author Rachel Kadish who will discuss her new book, The Weight of Ink and her work as an award-winning author of novels. Set in London of the 1660s and of the early twenty-first century, The Weight of Ink is the interwoven tale of two women of remarkable intellect: Ester Velasquez, an emigrant from Amsterdam who is permitted to scribe for a blind rabbi, just before the plague hits the city; and Helen Watt, an ailing historian with a love of Jewish history. Electrifying and ambitious, sweeping in scope and intimate in tone, The Weight of Ink is a sophisticated work of historical fiction about women separated by centuries, and the choices and sacrifices they must make in order reconcile the life of the heart and mind. Ms. Kadish has appeared on NPR and in the New York Times, and has been a fiction fellow of the National Endowment for the Arts. She has received the John Gardner Fiction Award and the Koret Foundation’s Young Writer on Jewish Themes Award, and was a writer-inresidence at Stanford University. She lives outside Boston and teaches in Lesley University’s MFA Program in Creative Writing.

Ron Lieber, New York Times “Your Money” columnist since 2008, will be the featured speaker at our Paul J. Fineman Ethics Education Lecture on Tuesday, November 14 at 7:30 p.m. Author of the bestsellers The Opposite of Spoiled, Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money, and Upstart Startups, A Guide for Young Entrepreuners, Ron will speak on “The Ethics of Money.” Before coming to the Times, he wrote the “Green Thumb” personal finance column for The Wall Street Journal and spent 14 years at the Francis W. Parker School in Chicago. Mr. Lieber’s book Taking Time Off: Inspiring Stories of Students Who Enjoyed Successful Breaks from College and How You Can Plan Your Own, was a New York Times bestseller by the Amherst College graduate. Established in 1991, the Paul J. Fineman Fund for Ethics Education was created by his wife, children and grandchildren to honor Paul’s memory in a meaningful way. Please join us for this special evening which may also be of special interest to teens and young adults.


In anticipation of Mr. Lieber’s lecture, each of our three schools will be hosting a book discussion on Ron Lieber’s book The Opposite of Spoiled. It’s a great read, and will definitely whet your appetite for his upcoming talk. If you want to get connected to a “pop-up” book club for this event, please contact: Yifaat Asher (Rosenbloom Religious School) yifaat.asher@gmail.com Emily Hackner (Goldsmith Early Childhood Center) emilyhackner@gmail.com Heather Michaelson (Krieger Schechter Day School) hmmichaelson@gmail.com Page 11


B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal Tov to their families. OCTOBER 14 JORDAN ALEXANDER LAPIN YITZHAK son of Pauline & Marc Lapin

Births (cont.) Jacob Logan Schmerling, son of Stacey & Josh Schmerling and grandson of Robin & Dr. Marc Klein

Engagements We congratulate this couple and their families as we wish them much happiness.

OCTOBER 21 BARI ELIZA WEINSTEIN PENINA RIVKA daughter of Stephanie & Keith Weinstein

Daniel Blumberg, son of Beth & Dr. Albert Blumberg and grandson of Shirley Pete, to Allison Traister, daughter of Eileen & Michael Traister

OCTOBER 28 SOPHIA CARLEY KOMAN SORA TZIPPI daughter of Shari & Dr. Jon Koman

Amy Easton, daughter of Cindy & Glenn Easton, to Zack Steinborn, son of Alyse & Steve Steinborn

HANNAH MIRIAM NETZER HANNAH MIRIAM daughter of Alison & Dr. Giora Netzer

Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Graham Tribeau Eckland, son of Claire & Sam Eckland, grandson of Abbie & Bill Eckland and greatgrandson of Marlene & Bernard Gerber Ruby Tal Nadel, daughter of Rachel & Joshua Nadel and granddaughter of Dr. Larry & Naomi Amsterdam and Sydell Nadel. Ruby is also the granddaughter of the late Dr. Judith Shenker Amsterdam and Howard Goldstein Page 12

Jon Chapper, son of Amy & Bruce Chapper, to Stacey Derkatch, daughter of Debbie & Steve Derkatch

Tammy Tilson, daughter of Ilene & Alvin Powers, to Adam Fried

Weddings We congratulate this couple and their families as we wish them much happiness. Derek Schwartz, son of Drs. Gayle & Brian Schwartz, to Hillary Shaffer, daughter of Debbie & Steve Shaffer, and to the grandparents, Irma Schwartz, Susan & Neil Swissman and Thelma Shaffer

In Loving Memory Harriet Keiser, mother of Ruth Gann and Barton Keiser Louis W. Miller, husband of Esther Miller, father of Ira Miller, Susan Miller, Barb Siegel and brother of Beverly Silverman and S. Murray Miller Dr. Joseph Shear, husband of Miriam Shear and father of Barbara Hirshorn, Gail Smith, Jonathan Shear and Michael Shear

In Loving Memory (cont.) We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Wendy Isaac, on the loss of her mother, Edith B; Robinson Saul Leibowitz, on the loss of his sister, Hannah Lipman Michael Levitas, on the loss of his father, Samuel Sidney Levitas Dr. Robert Medalie, on the loss of his father, Arthur Medalie Dr. Andy Miller, on the loss of his father, Rubin Miller Lisa Trattner, on the loss of her mother, Joyce D. Feinberg As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

Members in the News Rabbi Stuart Jay Robinson, Esq. received the Worldwide Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. Rabbi Robinson, Esq. was recognized for many years of experience in his professional network as well as his many demonstrated credentials and successes which he has accrued in his field and as a volunteer in the nonprofit community.

New Members We are happy to welcome those who recently joined or returned to our Chizuk Amuno family. Leslie & Kevin Hollins, Carter and Andrew (Logan) Marnina & Spencer Rubinstein Kailey and Bryce Amy & Joel Schneider Samuel Laurie Hollander & Ben Finkelstein Hillary & David Spanier


Terumot HaKodesh. We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our

schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue.


Joy & Ross Freedman in honor of Janet & Alvin Freedman on their 85th trip around the sun. Dr. Margi Okum in memory of Fanny Mae Okum Drs. Howard & Claire Freeland in memory of Rubin Miller Harold Rottman in memory of Arthur Medalie Mende Lerner in memory of Anna Lerner Gary Fishbein wishing Mazal Tov to Lindsy Massuda & Mike Zaslow on their Aufruf


Allan & Eileen Levine in honor of Stevan & Kathy Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday Alvin & Elaine Katz in honor of Stevan & Kathy Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s special birthday Annette & Joe Cooper in honor of Stevan & Kathy Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday Barbara & Tom Steinhardt in honor of Stevan & Kathy Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday Elaine Plant in honor of Stevan & Kathy Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday Fred & Phyllis London in honor of Stevan & Kathy Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday Gerald & Terry Zimlin in honor of Stevan & Kathy Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s special birthday Howard & Ruth Fader in honor of Stevan & Kathy Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday Manny & Linda Richman in honor of Stevan & Kathy Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday Phyllis & Leonard Attman in honor of Kathy & Stevan Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday

FLORAL FUND - GENERAL DONATIONS Sylvia Gamerman in memory of Melvin Siegel


GOLDNER RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Moe & Harriet Brown wishing Rabbi J. Michael Meyerstein a complete & speedy recovery Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of Ronnie Kleiman’s 85th birthday Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of Edna & Mace Crystal’s 65th anniversary


Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of the birth of Ron & Stephanie Attman’s granddaughter Estie

HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL PROJECT FUND Arthur & Herta Baitch in memory of Harry Friedlander & Belle Baitch


Sande & Ed Mitchell in memory of Richard Moskowitz Mark & Linda Levy in memory of Frances Gimbel, Louis Miller, and Hillary Mosser Sande & Ed Mitchell in memory of loved one Mark & Linda Levy wishing Mazal Tov to Sarah & Ricky Gratz on the birth of their daughter Eve Shoshana


Linda & Zoe Lebovic in memory of Herbert Burgunder, Jr.


Matthew & Laurel Freedman wishing Mazal Tov to Ricky and Sarah Gratz on the birth of their daughter Eve Jenny & Ziv Gamliel wishing Mazal Tov to the Gratz family on the birth of new daughter Eve


Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Neuburger in memory of Rubin Miller


Penny & Dr. Ron Silverman in memory of Helen Desser

KSDS ELI & YETTA MILLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Glenn Easton in honor of Jordon Max’s help with building projects


Penny & Dr. Ron Silverman in memory of Louis Miller

KSDS GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND Mr. Rudy Fleischmann in memory of Lucy (Lucie) Fleischmann Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Katz in memory of in memory of Dr. Hilbert Levine


Jackie Glassgold wishing Jenny Baker a belated birthday Jackie Glassgold in honor of the marriage of Joanne & Al Rosenthal’s daughter Carlye Jackie Glassgold in honor of Sheila Sandbank’s special birthday


Dr. Edward & Mrs. Carol Gratz & Family in memory of Dorothy Gerber & Robert Gerber Mrs. Mickey Simon wishing Mazal Tov on the birth of Eve Gratz

KSDS LOUIS & ESTHER MILLER LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of Louis W. Miller: Bradley, Michelle, and Paxton Albert, Donna Elrick, Dr. & Mrs. Steven Pinson, Dr. Allan & Mrs. Wendy Gelber, Dr. Daniel & Mrs. Ann Fried, Dr. David & Mrs. Saundra Madoff , Dr. Leonard & Mrs. Betty Golombek, Dr. Neri & Ilene Cohen, Ellen & Jeff Clayten, Howard Brill & Michele Foreman, Jackie Glassgold, Joan Rombro, Jordon & Beverly Max, Marie Casey, Moe & Harriet Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Lewbart, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Katz, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H. Hellman, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Neuburger, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Postal ,Mr. & Mrs. Burt Gold, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Abarbanel, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Mashbaum, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Zuckerman, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Roseman, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hallock, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kahn, Mr. James & Ms. Barbie Prince, Mrs.Elaine Fox, Mrs. Margot Zipperr, Mrs. Mickey Simon, Ms. Gloria Anne Bartas, Ms. Ruthanne Kaufman, Tina & Lee Sheller, Richard Desser, Cheri Crow


Dr. Seth Glassman & Mrs. Debbie Gilbert Glassman wishing Mazal Tov to Jill and Lou Sapperstein on their 40th wedding anniversary


Mrs. Sondra Greenberg wishing Tina Greenberg great wishes knowing that you are ok Mrs. Sondra Greenberg in honor of Susan & Allan Greenberg’s goodness

KSDS PROGRAM ENHANCEMENT FUND Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Abrams in memory of Dr. Hilbert Merrill (Bert) Levine

KSDS REZNIK FRIER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dawn Reznik wishing Mazal Tov to Michael & Caryn Richman on the B’nei Mitzvah of Nathan & Drew in Israel Rob & Janine Frier in celebration of the birth of Eve Shoshana Gratz, daughter of Ricky & Sarah Gratz and sister of Julia and Rena Gratz. David Cohen in memory of Laurel Reznik Cohen Dawn Reznik in memory of Mellach Rotholz Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Tony Butlion Jenny Baker in memory of Tony Butlion Paulette & Jay Pollack in memory of Tony Butlion Paulette Pollack in memory of Sylvia Aiken Rob & Janine Frier in memory of Hillary Mosser Rob & Janine Frier in memory of Hilbert Merrill Levine Susan Bernstein in memory of Tony Butlion Paulette Pollack & Dawn Reznik wishing Mazal Tov to Cindy & Glenn Easton on the engagement of their daughter Amy to Zack Steinborn


Mr. Michael L. Sanow in memory of Louis Miller


Abram Kronsberg & Robin Kaplan in memory of Rubin Miller Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Dr. Hilbert Merrill Levine Members of the KSDS Board of Trustees in memory of Dr. Hilbert Levine Mr. Joel & Ms. Miriam Suldan in memory of Alvin Sirota Mr. Steven Levin & Dr. Jill Baldinger in memory of Dr. Harold Goldberg Sandi & Brian Moffet in memory of Dr. Hilbert Merrill Levine Marshall & Rita Plaut wishing Mazal Tov on the birth of Sandy & David Abramoff’s granddaughter Claudia “Chloe” Rae Abramoff Mr. Steven Levin & Dr. Jill Baldinger wishing Mazal Tov to the Gratz family on the birth of new daughter Eve Shoshana Sally and Dr. Anton Grobani wishing speedy recovery to Robyn Blum Sally & Dr. Anton Grobani wishing speedy recovery to Steve Gordon Sally & Dr. Anton Grobani in memory of Louis Miller Sally & Dr. Anton Grobani wishing speedy recovery to Barbie Prince Ann Berman in memory of Arthur Medalie Ann Berman wishing speedy recovery to Tzeira Minka

Page 13



Marilyn & Alfred Rosenstein & family in honor of Debra Tyrangiel’s special birthday


Dr. Gary & Mrs. Evelyn Brager For a speedy recovery of Dr. Moshe Shualy Dr. Allan & Mrs. Wendy Gelber in memory of Dr. Bert Levine Dr. Gary & Mrs. Evelyn Brager in memory of Sylvia Aiken Dr. Ronald Branoff, Dr. Bert Levine, and Herb Smith Mr. & Mrs. Louis Narrow in memory of Dr. Bert Levine Mrs. Sarajane Greenfeld in memory of Dr. Bert Levine


Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gershen in memory of Gerald Kandel


Doris & Marshall Tanhoff in memory of Joyce L. Katz Dr. Donald W. Katzner in memory of J. Benjamin Katzner Elaine Plant in memory of Dorothy Caplan Florence Max in memory of Howard Max Barry Wolfe in memory of Reuben Wolfe Stanley Kantor in memory of Anna Grossman Estelle Bloomberg in memory of David Bloomberg Walter Straus in memory of Paula Stern & Herman Stern


Mr. Michael L. Sanow in honor of Forrest Foss Jane Ann Kahn in memory of Merle Jack Frank Mr. Michael L. Sanow in memory of Rubin Miller


Sande & Ed Mitchell in honor of Sandy Beber 70th birthday Elaine Fox in honor of Ronnie Kleiman’s 85th birthday Elaine Fox in honor of Margie Kwart’s return to Baltimore Ruthanne Kaufman in honor of the birth of Ricky & Sarah Gratz’s daughter Eve Shoshana Aileen Frank in memory of Louis Frank Carol & Lawrence Gilbert in memory of Alexander Blumberg Dolores Zuckerman in memory of Abraham Schwartzman Dr. Andrew Miller & Mrs. Sandra Dzija in memory of Richard Moskowitz Dr. Daniel Fried in memory of Eugene Fried Dr. Gary Gerstenblith in memory of Theodore Gerstenblith Elaine Fox in memory of Rose Gainsburg Ellen Weiss in memory of Marilyn Moskowitz Howard Wagenheim in memory of Zelda C. Wagenheim Ina Singer in memory of Jon B. Singer Jackie Glassgold in memory of Jerome Shane Lewis & Roslyn Levy Godfrey in memory of Lillian Shapiro Mae Levin in memory of Sylvia Aiken Marlene London in memory of Samuel Haas Marshall & Rita Plaut in memory of Philip Jacobi & Victoria Plaut Miriam Platt in memory of Louis Seidman Amy & Hugh Schwartz in memory of Sylvia Aiken, Dr. Benjamin Berdann, and Rubin Miller Harvey Caplan in memory of Ann Caplan Mr. Martin Zuckerman in memory of Max Zuckerman Ruthanne Kaufman in memory of Sylvia Aiken, Richard Moskowitz, and Alvion Sirota Sande & Ed Mitchell in memory of loved one Steve & Diane Dansicker in memory of Richard Moskowitz Stuart & Marlene Aiken in memory of Sylvia Aiken Susan Schehr in memory of Mark Elliott Rosenblatt Rosen & Nelson Family in memory of Enid B. Rosen Elaine Fox wishing Mazal Tov to Rita Plaut on her retirement Elaine Fox wishing Mazal Tov to Judy & Keith Goldberg & Cecil Fox on the engagement of Jenna to Scott Goldberg Mr. Elliott Rudnick with thanks

Page 14


Steve & Anne King in honor of Edna & Mace Crystal’s 65th anniversary Mace & Edna Crystal in memory of Barbara Leibowitz Lichter Miriam, Irwin & Adina Golob in memory of Jimmy Scher

PHYLLIS & LEONARD ATTMAN MUSIC FUND Phyllis & Leonard Attman & Family in memory of Joseph Lazinsky


Fran Pressman in memory of Beatrice Goldberg Ronnie Kleiman with thanks to Jordon Max for recent kindness


Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Zuckerman in honor of Edna & Mace Crystal’s 65th wedding anniversary. Saul & Joan Gurney in honor of Jay & Nadine Rudo’s 50th anniversary David Cohen in memory of Laurel Reznik Cohen Gail & Jerry Oppel in memory of Beulah Apatoff Marlene Pollack wishing Mazal Tov & much love to Edna & Mace Crystal on their 65th anniversary.


Dr. Ari & Mrs. Heller Zaiman in memory of Helen Desser Dr. Steven & Mrs. Maureen David in memory of Helen Desser Morris Swartz & Karen Desser with thanks to Rabbi Stuart Seltzer


Jenny Baker wishing Mazal Tov to Glenn & Cindy Easton on the engagement of Amy Easton to Zack Steinborn Marshall & Rita Plaut in honor of Ruth Ciker’s special birthday Maxine Seidman wishing Mazal Tov to Jerry & Ruth Ross on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Ezra Medina Saul & Joan Gurney wishing Mazal Tov to Carol & Ed Gratz on the birth of their granddaughter Eve Shoshana Gratz Beth Shavitz in honor of the marriage of Sheldon & Patsy Milner’s son Gabe Bill, Sue, Hannah & Sam Crystal in honor of Mace & Edna Crystal’s 65th Anniversary David & Anne Young in honor of Moe & Harriet Brown’s 55th anniversary Larry & Gerri Kobren in honor of Ruth & Jerry Ross’s grandson Ezra becoming a Bar Mitzvah Nelson & Lynn Tucker in honor of Edna & Mace Crystal’s 65th anniversary Saul & Joan Gurney in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Steven Ashman’s 50th anniversary Alan & Harriet Kanter in memory of Rubin Miller Albert & Beth Blumberg in memory of Louis Miller Albert & Lydia Bauman in memory of Al Sirota Allen & Sherri Rosenthal in memory of Sylvia Aiken Arthur & Herta Baitch in memory of Al Sirota Barry & Pearl Oslick in memory of Richard Moskowitz Brad & Lisa Trattner in memory of Louis Miller Daniel & Ann Fried in memory of Jerome Shane Donna & Bob Wolf in memory of Lee Harrison Donna & Bob Wolf in memory of Dr. Hilbert Merrill Levine Howard & Sheila Sandbank in memory of Richard Moskowitz Howard & Sheila Sandbank in memory of Louis Miller Jenny Baker in memory of Sylvia Aiken, Arthur Medalie, Louis Miller, Rubin Miller & Mellach Rotholz, Alvin Sirota

Julie, Mark, Stephanie & Hayley Groff in memory of Sylvia Aiken Linda Glanzman in memory of Ann N. Hamburger Linda, Marc & Samantha Klitenic in memory of Leah Szmidt Lynne Lichtig in memory of Sylvia Borger Marsha & Dick Manekin in memory of Sonia Schnaper Marsha & Dick Manekin in memory of Joan Sobkov Maurice & Mirah Daniel in memory of Abraham Ben Moshe Moe & Harriet Brown in memory of Rubin Miller Harry Deitchman in memory of Irene Deitchman Jenny Baker in memory of Dr. Hilbert Merrill Levine Nelson & Lynn Tucker in memory of Sylvia Aiken Paulette Pollack in memory of Rubin Miller Play Keepers, Inc. in memory of Alvin Sirota Ruth, Jay, Adam & Elizabeth Lenrow in memory of Jerome Shane Sandi, Brian & Ilana Moffet in memory of Helen Desser Seema Reznick in memory of Dr. Hilbert Merrill Levine Sheldon Keilson in memory of Sylvia Aiken Ted Walman in memory of Ann Levin Arthur & Herta Baitch wishing Mazal Tov to Jaclyn Ross & Eliezer Medina on their grandson Ezra Medina’s Bar Mitzvah Jenny Baker & Dawn Reznik wishing Mazal Tov on the birth of Susan Bernstein’s granddaughter Avital Bella Rauh Maxine Seidman & Caroline Armstrong wishing Mazal Tov to Ricky & Sarah Gratz on the birth of their daughter Eve Shoshana. Sandy & Tobey Schreiber wishing Mazal Tov to Ed & Carol Gratz on the birth of their granddaughter Eve Shoshana Gratz Jason & Amy Blavatt with thanks


Marjorie Simon in honor of Barbara Scott’s 65th birthday Marjorie Simon in honor of the birth of Ricky & Sarah Gratz’s daughter Eve Shoshana Gratz David & Anne Young in memory of Rubin Miller Roy & Bonnie Ziegelstein & Family in memory of Helen Desser


Moe & Harriet Brown wishing Mazal Tov to Glenn & Cindy Easton on the engagement of Amy to Zack Steinhorn Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Mace & Edna Crystal’s 65th wedding anniversary Amy & Hugh Schwartz in honor of Herta & Arthur Baitch on their 65th wedding anniversary Denise Abosch in memory of Marilyn Naviasky Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Irwin Epstein Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Rubin Miller Jay & Maxine Waxman in memory of Sylvia Aiken Joseph Greenblum in memory of Harry & Bella Greenblum Dr. Andrew Miller & Mrs. Sandra Dzija wishing Mazal Tov to Cindy & Glenn Easton on the engagement of their daughter Amy Easton to Zack Steinborn


Sandi Greenberg in honor of Dr. Moshe Shualy’s goodness Michael L. Sanow in memory of Ann Levin Beverly Moses for yahrzeit Rabbi P. Michael & Mrs. Israela Meyerstein in memory of Ann Levin


David & Anne Young in honor of Cindy & Glenn Easton’s daughter Amy’s engagement to Zack Steinborn


Arthur & Herta Baitch wishing Mazal Tov to Hazzan Perlman for all his important peaceful endeavors



Arthur & Herta Baitch for Arthur & Herta Baitch’s aliyah on the occasion of their 65th anniversary The Miller Family in honor of Rabbi Paul Schneider

RABBI WECHSLER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Dr. Stuart & Marlene Aiken to Rabbi Wechsler for all your support Beverly Wiseman in honor of Edna & Mace Crystal’s 65th anniversary Susan & Dr. Jeffrey Neil Posner in honor of the Aufruf of Joel Posner & Amy Leiken Earl Raffel in honor of Rabbi Wechsler & Rabbi Schneider’s prayers for Earl Raffel’s recovery Rabbi P. Michael & Mrs. Israela Meyerstein in honor of Rita Plaut’s retirement Rabbi P. Michael & Mrs. Israela Meyerstein in honor of Harriet Brown’s special birthday Richard Crystal & Rick Wasserman in honor of Edna & Mace Crystal’s 65th Anniversary Susan Seidel in memory of Ivan Oshrine Dave Gensler with thanks to Rabbi Wechsler for her guidance


SHABBAT, OCTOBER 7 /17 TISHREI In Memory Of: Martin Greenbaum by his children and grandchildren. Jeanette Cohen, mother, by Ann Harris. Bertha Rudo, mother, by Dr. Jay Rudo & family. Edith Steinhardt by Barbara & Tom Steinhardt & family. Albert Fox, husband, by Doris Fox. Sarah Berman by her children. Hyman Rosen, father, by Mae R. Levin & family. Alvin Bereson, father, by Marilyn & Richard Waranch and Vicki & Bruce Finkelstein. K. Michael Jeffrey by his wife, children & grandchildren. Meyer Bobick, father, by Anita Raynes & family. Rosalee Fisher by Saul Leibowitz, grandchildren & great-grandchild. Ida Kinstler Elkin by Marilynn & Martin Kinstler. Sraiah Shoubin, father, by Shoshana S. Cardin & family. Ida Bernstein, mother & grandmother, by Marilyn Pechter & family. SHABBAT, OCTOBER 14 /24 TISHREI In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Jordan Alexander Lapin, by his parents, Pauline & Marc Lapin, and his grandparents, Aida & Mayer Feldman, Joanne Lapin and Robert Wilson In Memory Of: Mayer Feldman and Elliott Lapin, grandfather of Jordan Alexander Lapin, on the occasion of Jordan’s Bar Mitzvah Ben Rose by Sharon Rose & family. Joseph Bass by Bill Lewis & family. Herbert H. Block by Mindee & Bruce Block & family David Fishlin by Alita & Ron Millen & family. Herbert H. Block, father, by Mindee & Bruce Block & children. Frank Steinhardt by Barbara & Tom Steinhardt & family. Shirlee B. Block, mother, by Mindee & Bruce Block & family. Jesse Lustgarten and Joseph Kinstler, fathers, by Marilynn & Martin Kinstler.

Gertrude Leiter, mother, by Ruth & Allen Brown & family. Gloria M.& Harry G. Shapiro, parents, by Ruth & Jay Lenrow & family. Benjamin Rosenbloom by his family. Shirley Milner by Patsy Beth & Dr. Sheldon Milner & family. Brian Pollack, son, brother & uncle, by Marlene Pollack & family Shlomo Vardi by Joan & Michael Vardi & family. Erna Weiler, mother, by Linda & Dr. Jeffrey Cole & family. Aaron Harris by Toba & Bill Grant & family and Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family. Selma Rubin by Susan Smolen & family. Paul J. Fineman, on his birthday, by his children & grandchildren.

SHABBAT, OCTOBER 21 /1 HESHVAN In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Bari Eliza Weinstein, by her parents, Stephanie & Keith Weinstein, and her grandparents, Nadine & Ray Weinstein In Memory Of: Barry Leibowitz & Barbara Leibowitz Lichter, grandparents of Bari Eliza Weinstein, on the occasion of Bari’s Bat Mitzvah Beverly G. Rudman, mother, by Lynn Rudman & family. Louis Setren by Jeffrey Setren & family. Dr. Robert E. Schwartz, father, by Judith & Dr. Robert Schwartz & family. Belle Isaacson, mother, by Linda & Robert Eisenberg & family. Fannie C. Effron by her family. Pauline Lozinsky Weinstein, mother, by Janice & Jay Weinstein & family. Chana B. Shoubin, mother, by Shoshana S. Cardin & family. Dr. Alan Marc Levine by Barbara Spector, Dana & Andrea Levine & Alissa Wong.

SHABBAT, OCTOBER 28 /8 HESHVAN In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Sophia Carley Koman, by her parents, Shari & Dr. Jon Koman, and her grandmothers, Leah Seidler and Claire Koman The Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Miriam Netzer, by her parents, Alison & Dr. Giora Netzer, and her grandparents, Fredda & Paul Pennock and Shula & Aharon Netzer In Memory Of: Judge I. Marshall Seidler and Adolph Koman, grandfathers of Sophia Carley Koman, on the occasion of Sophia’s Bat Mitzvah Samuel H. Perlmutter, father, by Helen Kleinman. Jacob M. Lerner & Jacob Berman, fathers, by their family. Morris Mogol by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein. Sarah & Benjamin M. Lewis by their children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren. Sylvia Tinanoff by Howard Sandbank & family. Hazel S. Blatt, mother, by Stuart R. Blatt & family. Saul Rosenbloom by his family. Carlton Gould, father, by Fran & Warren Gould & family. Gerald M. Katz by Suzanne Katz & family Dora Luskin, mother, by Jeanne & Jack Luskin & family.

Lucille Frederick, mother, by Janet & Carl Jacobs & family. Ruth Attman, mother, by Debbie & Dr. Marc D. Attman.Herbert Goldman by his family. Albert J. Weiner by Ira Weiner & Lynn Weinberg & Robin Weiner & Brian and Marc Weiner Gladys F. Goodman, mother, by Tanna Omansky. Dr. Jules Scherr by Bonnie Scherr & children. Norman N. Yankellow, on his birthday, by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred & Amy Yankellow, Sonia & Rick Samuel & Ethan & Eileen Yankellow


In Memory Of: Susan Blavatt by Ronald Blavatt & family. Abby & Dr. Saul Blumenthal, Kenneth Blumenthal, Bruce Blumenthal and Reba & Joseph Phillips by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family. Sraiah & Chana B. Shoubin by Shoshana Cardin & family. Nathan L. Cohen by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen & family. Esther & David Crystal, Cecelia Crystal, Rosie & Jacob Wolfson, Adolph J. Wolfson, Samuel D. Wolfson, Isadore & Rosalie Wolfson and Leonard & Sara Wolfson Katz by Edna & Mace Crystal. Rabbi Israel M. & Mildred Goldman by the Congregation. Harold Goldsmith by his family. Marjorie & Martin Greenbaum by Kathy & Bruce Posner & family and Selene & Harvey Greenbaum & family. Morris & Sara Layton, parents, by the Layton family. Edith & Edward Mackler & Wilfred Gluckstern, by their family, Stephen, Ilene, Geoffrey & Lindsay, David & Melissa & Stefanie Mackler. Shirley & Lester Matz, Mollie & Maurice Goldstone and Sarah & Harry Matz by Alina & Dick Matz and Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Stanley I. Minch by his wife, June Minch, & family. Lois & Alvin Neuberger by their children & grandchildren. Morton (Sonny) Plant by his wife,Tammie Plant & children. Ruth Pollack by Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Bess & Henry Goldsmith by Ilene & Alvin Powers & family. Cantor Abraham Salkov by the Congregation. Henry O. Shor, Joseph and Sarah Shor, Hyman N. & Bertha B. Levy, Isabelle Rosenberg, and Manual & Morris Shor by Shirley Shor & family. Sayde J. & Judge Albert L. Sklar by their children & grandchild. Norman N. Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred & Amy Yankellow, Sonia & Rick Samuel & Ethan & Eileen Yankellow. Rafael Moshe Zaiman by the Congregation.

JOIN OUR E-MAIL LIST AND STAY CONNECTED! Visit www.chizukamuno.org and sign up at the bottom Page 15

WHAT IS A JEW? American Jewish Identity In Transition

 8100 STEVENSON ROAD BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21208 www.chizukamuno.org 410-486-6400 info@chizukamuno.org

Yehuda Kurtzer

President, Shalom Hartman Institute of North America

Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Jason A. Blavatt, Esquire, President Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Paul Schneider Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media

Interview and Q&A with

Marc Steiner

President, Center for Emerging Media and host of the Marc Steiner Show

“We’re witnessing the disappearance of the difference between Jews and non-Jews…. This is the product of a cultural climate that’s extraordinarily welcoming and vibrant. If we can no longer make a distinction between an ‘us’ and a ‘them,’ what is an alternative way of explaining Jewish identity?” ~ Yehuda Kurtzer

Sunday, October 22, 2017 5:00-6:00 pm: Free museum admission for lecture registrants 6:00-8:00 pm: Lecture and interview followed by Q&A

American Visionary Arts Museum 800 Key Highway, Baltimore, MD

For more information and to register: shalomhartman.org/BaltimoreIdentity This program is generously supported the Hoffberger Foundation for Torah Study of The Associated Program made possible through the collaboration of



Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood’s


Shredding & eCycling Event SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, NOON Brotherhood Tailgate

Questions? Please contact Marcia Scherr, 410-484-2480, or marcia@marciapscherrcpa.com

Thinking about purchasing a brick to celebrate a milestone or honor the memory of somebody special? Each permanent brick is a $250 contribution. Contact Judy Schwartz, Derekh Amuno Chair or Marci Scher at the synagogue office 410-486-6400.

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To provide thousands of new books for four renovated Baltimore City Public School libraries as well as classroom and home libraries!

I.O.U. Clothing Drive


Contact Cheryl Snyderman 410-486-6400, ext. 300 csnyderman@chizukamuno.org A service initiative made possible by the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund

Co-sponsored by Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood

Donate your new or gently used books for grades K-4. In support of a partnership with

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