Hahodesh September 2016

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SEPTEMBER 2016 | Av-Elul 5776 Engaging Jewish Life & Learning

RABBI’S COLUMN Summer is a time of preparation. We’ve had these past months to enjoy being in the moment RABBI DEBI WECHSLER and we’ve also had these past months to get ready for the next year. School supplies have been on the shelves since July 4th. Winter coats recently arrived in the stores. Pesto has been made and frozen into little green gems. And at least one person told me that they are already cooking and freezing for the Holidays. Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik once famously said ein kedushah bli hachanah there is no holiness without preparation. We cannot expect to just arrive at a sacred time and have it feel sacred without having first prepared ourselves. On Pesah that preparation takes the form of cleaning out our homes and going through the hagaddah so that when the First Seder arrives, our kitchens and intellects are ready. For the High Holy Days that preparation takes the form of Elul, the month during which the shofar is blown daily (except Shabbat) a Psalm is added, and we study and read to prepare our minds and hearts. In many years, Elul falls during the summer months when we are otherwise occupied in important endeavors related to sand Continued on Page 2

Dedication ceremony

September 24 We will dedicate our new Siddur and celebrate the opportunity for us to use this new text during our service on Shabbat Morning.

“Creating and Using a New Siddur” With Rabbi Ed Feld Senior Editor, Siddur Lev Shalem Wed., Sept. 14 at 7:30 p.m. We are honored to welcome Rabbi Ed Feld to speak with us about the creation of our Conservative Movement’s new prayer book. Rabbi Feld’s expertise in liturgy and his sensitivity to the issues of prayer in the Jewish community today will offer us insights and understanding about our new Siddur as well as our own prayer experiences.

We invite personal tributes and memorials in individual Siddur Lev Shalem prayer books. Members and friends may dedicate a new Siddur in honor or memory of loved ones by calling 410-486-6400 or emailing the synagogue at donation@chizukamuno.org

Dedications are $36/Siddur and $72 for a large-print Siddur.

ENGAGE IN PRAYER Schedule of weekly shabbat services Erev Shabbat, Friday Evenings 6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Greeting each other before Minhah. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.

Shabbat Mornings 9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones.

Sept. 2/3 / Av 29/30 Candle Lighting: ......................Friday 7:16 p.m. TORAH PORTION: RE’EH Julia Helen Willis becomes Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Shabbat Study Session: ....................6:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv: ...................................7:00 p.m. Havdalah: ...............................................7:59 p.m.

Sept. 9/10 / Elul 6/7

HIGH HOLY DAYS 2016 | 5777 Selihot Saturday, September 24

Family Selihot Service (K-6) Sunday, September 25


Candle Lighting: .................... Friday 7:05 p.m. TORAH PORTION: SHOFTIM Benjamin Lee Espeland & Myles Benjamin Sefret become Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Torah for Tots ......................................10:30 a.m. Opening Family Service...................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session: .................... 5:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv: ...................................6:45 p.m. Havdalah: ...............................................7:48 p.m.

Monday, October 3, 5 p.m.

Sept. 16/17 / Elul 13/14

October 17 - 25

Candle Lighting: ......................Friday 6:54 p.m. TORAH PORTION: KI TETZEI Nathan Matthew Bogin & Jessica Ayn Karimol becomes Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session: ....................5:30 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv: ...................................6:30 p.m. Havdalah: ...............................................7:37 p.m.

Shemini Atzeret

Sept. 23/24 / Elul 20/21 Candle Lighting: ......................Friday 6:42 p.m. Selihot Service .....................................9:00 p.m. TORAH PORTION: KI TAVO Siddur Dedication Torah for Tots ......................................10:30 a.m. Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session: ....................5:30 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv: ...................................6:30 p.m. Havdalah: ...............................................7:26 p.m.

Sept. 30 / Oct. 1 / Elul 27/28 Candle Lighting: .......................Friday 6:31 p.m. TORAH PORTION: NITZAVIM Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler No Family Service Shabbat Study Session: .......................5:15 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv: ....................................6:15 p.m. Havdalah: ................................................7:14 p.m.

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Rosh HaShanah Monday & Tuesday, October 3 & 4

Erev Yom Kippur / Kol Nidre Tuesday, October 11

Yom Kippur Wednesday, October 12

Sukkot October 24

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castle building and vacationing. Fortunately this year, Elul begins on September 4th, allowing us an entire month to prepare for the holiness of the season. At Chizuk Amuno, every Tuesday night in September we will engage in study to improve our Hebrew reading, explore the themes of the Mahzor, examine our deeds, discover the rituals of the holidays, and investigate the Biblical narratives read on the holidays. The notion of preparation lies at the heart of any endeavor we desire to do well. Unfortunately, the hectic pace of our lives often leaves little time for the spiritual, let alone the physical preparations that need to be done before we leave one year behind and move forward into the next. Join us in September to add meaning to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and facilitate your spiritual and intellectual development before the High Holy Days.

Simhat Torah Evening of October 24 & Morning of October 25 For a complete schedule and details about the High Holy Days, please refer to the High Holy Day brochure you received in August or on our website. For those wishing to register for our High Holy Day Torah for Tots or Family Services, the RSVP deadline is Friday, September 16.

Our Sanctuary is equipped with an audio assistance system to aid in hearing our services. Please see an usher or security guard for a headset.

Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel

HOSTS Needed!

We need volunteers to serve as hosts for services for both Shabbat and the High Holy Days. Contact Sheila Sandbank grandmasheilax2@hotmail.com 410-486-7922 or Fran Glushakow Gould franny1912@ yahoo.com 443-691-0133 or call the Shul at 410-486-6400

Daily: 7:30 a.m., and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.

@ Shul

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 17 (Rescheduled from July)

7:45 p.m. - Havdalah @the Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Amphitheater Campfire & S’mores. Bring your own musical instrument.


Renew Us for a Good Year

Selihot: An Evening of Conversation, and Preparation Saturday, September 24 Join with our community to prepare for Rosh HaShanah & Yom Kippur.

8:15 p.m. Havdalah We gather to enjoy the sweetness and light of Havdalah following the conclusion of Shabbat.

Dessert Reception In friendship and conversation, we’ll join to renew our bonds as a synagogue community before the first “formal” service of the High Holy Day season. Join with our rabbis and your synagogue friends for discussion about how to find personal meaning and spiritual feelings during the High Holy Days. 9 p.m. Selihot Service Before our service begins, the Torah Scrolls in the ark are publicly changed into their white High Holy Day covers which symbolize the freshness and purity of the coming New Year. A String Quartet will accompany Hazzan Perlman and the Chizuk Amuno choir during our Selihot Service. Selihot is a unique and moving late night “Service of forgiveness” that begins the High Holy Day season. During the service, grateful for our new prayer books, Siddur Lev Shalem and Mahzor Lev Shalem, our rabbis will reflect on this question: “What will be new about my prayer during this sacred season?” We will read and recite the prayers and reflections of our Selihot Service that evening from Mahzor Lev Shalem. During the Selihot Service we are introduced to some of the prayers and motifs of the coming Days of Awe. We conclude our evening with the sounding of the Shofar. The Selihot Service is an emotional, spiritual, and evocative evening of teshuvah, repentance, reflecting upon our deeds and experiences this year as we consider personal and religious goals for future growth and change.

Chizuk Amuno Family Selihot Service: Stepping into the High Holy Days (Grades K-6) Sunday, September 25, 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Prepare for the New Year, participate in our community shofar blast, and join your friends and the synagogue clergy for an interactive family friendly experience. We will dress the Torah Scrolls in their white covers, share our personal prayers, and sing those songs which mark this important time of year. As we come together, we will all grow in our awareness of these very special days and enjoy some holiday sweets!

Preparing for a New Year for our lives, we hearken back to the Prophet Jeremiah’s words. “Hashiveinu Adonai e-lekha v’nashuvah, hadash yameinu k’kedem…Return RABBI RON SHULMAN us Eternal to You, and we will return, renew our days as of old.” I feel this way at the beginning of every New Year! Take me back. Keep me younger. Stop the clock. Renew our days, God. Keep us as we are, or make us as we once were. It’s an honest wish, just not a realistic one. With each passing year, at every age and stage of our lives, we accumulate the experiences and wisdom we need for the next. Yet, in each New Year we get the answer to our prayer. We grow older. We also get to do it over. Not the last year. Each one of its precious days is lived and completed. But the moments return. Every holiday and special date returns for us to celebrate in deeper and more thoughtful ways. More big games to watch and unique occasions await us. Conversations with a loved one or friend that didn’t go well last year may go better this time. That list of things we meant and hoped to do, we will do some of them this year. Most important, we can do differently, or perhaps better, things we didn’t do well or right last year. Now we know what we should have then. We can be kinder, gentler and more helpful. We can pay closer attention to the pains and cries of others focusing less on our own frailties. Though some of last year’s troubles will carry over into this one, it’s also a fresh start, a new chance, a calendar with no days yet marked off or lived as they still might be. Life is on-going. It evolves. Without a sense of past and future, the present is empty. If our days were not limited our years could not be measured. Our dreams and disappointments would not matter. They do. How we live and what we experience matters most of all and make this New Year precious. Each passing year all that we care about becomes more urgent and significant. Aging, everything we hope for becomes more heartfelt and sincere. Judaism teaches us to move into the future by honoring the past. The Hebrew word for new (asj), hadash, also means renewed, hadaesh. No new moment is truly pure. Everything results from what came before. L’Shanah Tovah - for a New Year of goodness! Page 3


Alan Kanter Selected Synagogue Annual Campaign Chair Alan Kanter, a past president of Chizuk Amuno Congregation, has been selected to chair the Annual Appeal Campaign, announced Beth Goldsmith, Vice President of Development. “Alan has been our best solicitor,” explains Beth. “He supports the synagogue in so many different ways and just loves telling members about our wonderful congregation. Please return his calls. You won’t be disappointed” Alan is looking to share his enthusiasm and solicitation prowess to develop a cadre of additional dedicated solicitors. Please contact Alan, Beth, or Glenn Easton at the synagogue office to volunteer. Once again, our beautiful High Holy Day services will not be interrupted by a solicitation during services by an Annual Campaign appeal thanks to the generous response from our members to the letters and calls for support. Our goal is 100% participation by all synagogue members. Synagogue dues and school tuition do not cover the total expenses of the congregation or schools. In addition to the synagogue campaign, KSDS has a parallel campaign to support needed scholarships and excellence in our day school. Randi Turkel and Sonja Sugerman co-chair the KSDS Campaign under the leadership of Jodi Moskowitz, KSDS Development Committee Chair. We thank our campaign leadership and thank our members, in advance, for their generous support.

MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Contrary to voices in Jewish life today that dismiss the importance of synagogue affiliation, as synagogue members and friends at Chizuk Amuno we each affirm that membership matters! • As synagogue friends, each one of us is part of a larger community that embraces us as we encounter the ups and downs of our individual and family lives. • Connected to one another, we know where to turn to celebrate with others, to learn with others, to contribute of ourselves, and to be present for every type of Jewish experience daily, weekly, or occasionally. • The values, heritage, and relationships that we share as synagogue members sustain us. • We gain inspiration, support, and home in our synagogue community, a synagogue family that personalizes for all of us what it means to be part of a Jewish community. • Belonging to Chizuk Amuno roots us in a local, focused expression of Jewish peoplehood, and provides us with the resources we need to live compelling and thoughtful Jewish lives. College Outreach Package Deadline Thurs., Sept. 1 Our college students receive snacks and a greeting from Rabbi Wechsler. If you have not yet submitted your Chizuk Amuno college student’s address please email it to dwechsler@chizukamuno.org This effort is supported by the Adult Bat Mitzvah 2004-2006 College Outreach Fund

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Downtown Lunch and Learns Rabbi Debi Wechsler Sponsored by the Stanley & Lillian Wilen Charity Fund

Tues. Sept. 13, 12 p.m. The Johns Hopkins Hospital Tues., Sept. 20, 12 p.m. University of MD - Medical System We will explore conflict through the lens of Jewish texts. Let us know if you would like to bring the lunch and learn program to a site near you. RSVP to Rabbi Wechsler at dwechsler@chizukamuno.org

Staffing Update Glenn Easton’s Contract Renewed, Josh Bender Leaves KSDS We are pleased to share that the Board of Trustees has renewed and extended the contract of our Executive Director, Glenn Easton, for a new five year term. “I look forward to planning and celebrating the congregation’s 150th anniversary in five years and beyond,” commented Glenn. “I appreciate the vote of confidence by the synagogue leadership and board. It is an honor to be a part of our dynamic and historic congregation” he concludes. Glenn was recently honored for his 36th year as a synagogue administrator and has served as president of the North American Association of Synagogue Executives following in the footsteps of one of his mentors, Stanley Minch, of blessed memory. KSDS Head, Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, announced that Lower School Division Head, Josh Bender, has left the school to become the Executive Director of Beth El Congregation. Wendy Gelber will serve as Interim Lower School Division Head and will work closely with Dr. Sharon Buck, Lower School Director of Student Support. Dr. Robyn Blum, Middle School Division Head will be working closely with the lower school administration and Rabbi Schwartz will take an expanded role supporting lower school Judaic Studies. A Blessing for New Drivers Sat., Sept. 24 at 10 a.m. Your child has just received their driver’s license, now what’s next? ✓✓ Add them to your insurance ✓✓ Enable “Find my Phone” ✓✓ Post obligatory Facebook photo with their new license All that’s left is to bring them to shul for an Aliyah so that we may offer a prayer for their safety and wellbeing and a small gift from the congregation to mark this Jewish milestone. Contact Rabbi Wechsler dwechsler@chizukamuno.org


Couch to


High HOLY DAY Preparation Series

Modeled on the popular “Couch to 5K” program which inspires people to become runners in a short period of time, we will spend the month of September “training” for the High Holy Days. There will be two class periods separated by a break. In addition, there will be a Hebrew reading review. Join us for one class, two weeks, or all four. RSVP to Judy Simkin jsimkin@chizukamuno.org

Tuesdays September 6, 13, 20, 27 | 6:15 - 7 p.m.

welcome back shabbat September 9, 5 - 8 p.m. Celebrate Shabbat together as a synagogue and schools community. 5-6 p.m. - PLAY Come prepare for Shabbat by playing on our beautiful new Wagner Brill Playground and The Goldsmith Family Imaginative Play Space and mingle with families and friends. Join us for complimentary hor d’oeuvres plus children’s play and activities as we prepare for Shabbat. 6-6:30 p.m. - PRAY This special Kabbalat Shabbat service in the Rosenbloom Amphitheater will be led by our clergy and our educators. All of our school children and their parents will be welcome and able to participate. 6:30-8 p.m. WELCOME BACK FAMILY SHABBAT DINNER For those who wish to stay for dinner, join Chizuk Amuno’s school communities of Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center, Krieger Schechter Day School, and Rosenbloom Religious School for a wonderful Shabbat Dinner and a chance to meet and celebrate together. Cost for Dinner: $18/person (12 and up) $10/person (ages 4-11) Children 3 and under are free $65/family max. RSVP at http://bit.ly/PlayandPray

Hebrew Reading | With Shuli Raffel This course is for Hebrew readers who want to review reading the core prayers of the High Holy Day season.

Tuesday September 6 7 - 7:50 p.m. Biblical Texts of the High Holy Days With Rabbi Zaiman Examine the Biblical narratives read during the High Holy Days.

8:10 - 9:00 p.m. Home for the Holy Days With Rabbi Seltzer This session will look at the home rituals associated with the High Holy Days including their symbols. Topics to be covered include apples & honey, the special Rosh Hashanah seder, and holiday Kiddush.

Tuesday September 13 7 - 7:50 p.m. Meaning from the Mahzor: The Prayer Themes of the High Holy Days With Rabbi Shulman We explore what the prayers and poems of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur have to say to us and how we can personally connect to their ideas.

8:10 - 9 p.m. Musical Modes of the High Holy Days With Hazzan Perlman Familiarize yourself with the nusah (special music) of the High Holy Day season.

8:10 - 9:00 p.m. Meaning from the Mahzor The Prayer Themes of the High Holy Days With Rabbi Shulman We explore what the prayers and poems of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur have to say to us and how we can personally connect to their ideas.

Tuesday September 27 7 - 7:50 p.m. Forgiveness Working Group With Rabbi Wechsler Use learning, journaling, conflict resolution & personal reflection to assist the introspective journey of the season.

7:30-8:30 p.m. Netivon Session for Parents & High Schoolers Meaning from the Mahzor: The Prayer Themes of the High Holy Days With Rabbi Shulman We explore what the prayers and poems of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur have to say to us and how we can personally connect to their ideas.

8:10 - 9:00 p.m. Tuesday September 20 7 - 7:50 p.m. Forgiveness Working Group With Rabbi Wechsler Use learning, journaling, conflict resolution & personal reflection to assist the introspective journey of the season.

Making the Holy Days Relevant to our Children With Rabbi Moshe This session will help families make spiritual connections for the High Holy Days. Page 5


GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CENTER First DAY OF KIDDIE KLASS Thursday, September 8 Transition to kindergarten night Monday, September 26 Learn about the public and private school enrollment procedures. Upcoming Torah for TOTS SHABBAT: September 10, 10:30 a.m. September 24, 10:30 a.m. Rosh HaShanah Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 3 & 4, at 11:15 a.m. This interactive family service for families with children who are infants to 5 years of age includes singing, dancing, snacks, stories, and more!

krieger schechter day school Middle school back to school night Tuesday, September 6, 7 p.m. lower school back to school night Tuesday, September 13, 7 p.m.

ROSENBLOOM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Upcoming SHABBAT MORNING Family service 10:30-11:30 a.m. Hoffberger Chapel September 10 - Opening Service September 17 September 24

Achshav and Netivon Opening Day Tuesday, September 20 6:30-8:30 p.m. We welcome over 60 teens to kick off another great year of learning, special programs, trips, and enjoying each other’s company. Achshav 11 and Netivon Tuesday, September 27 (Grades 10-12) Parent-Teen Study Rabbi Shulman and our families will have an open discussion about the High Holy Days.


Our Rabbis and educators wrote to and visited with many of our children and teens who enjoyed time at overnight camp. Rabbi Seltzer spent the day at Ramah Poconos, Rabbi Wechsler had lunch at Capital Camps and Rabbi Moshe visited Camps Airy and Louise and spent Shabbat at Ramah and Capital Camps. The clergy and educators enjoyed catching up with the children and hearing about the wonderful Jewish experiences they were having at camp and brought some treats to share as well.

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Sunday, September 25 | 9 a.m. - noon INTERVIEW OUTFITS UNLIMITED

I.O.U. Clothing Drive

Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood’s

Shredding & eCycling Event Questions? Please contact Marcia Scherr, 410-484-2480, or



Contact Cheryl Snyderman 410-486-6400, ext. 300 csnyderman@chizukamuno.org A service initiative made possible by the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund




Co-sponsored by Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood

Donate your new or gently used books for grades K-4. In support of a partnership with

To provide thousands of new books for four renovated Baltimore City Public School libraries as well as classroom and home libraries!

WHERE: Dozens of book drop-off locations throughout the Baltimore metropolitan area!


Throughout March 2012 (National Reading Month!)


More than 30 corporate and community partners are participating in the Book Drive throughout March, including you!

HOW YOU CAN HELP: • Donate your favorite new books for kids ages 3 to 14.

Not just your grandparents Israel bonds, we can be your Israel bonds too because of changes making investing, reinvesting, and redeeming Israel bonds simpler and faster. With investment options beginning at $100 and gift bonds starting at $36 (available online) Israel bonds are accessible to almost everyone. Currently, terms range from 2-10 years, bonds are held in book-entry form (no certificates to lose or forget about) and redemption checks are mailed automatically at maturity or a maturity check can be used to reinvest. •

If you would like to contribute but are unable to provide books, no worries! Details to follow soon on how you will be able to make a donation, even online!

Volunteer to assist Baltimore Reads with book sorting and organization following the event.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the Weinberg Foundation’s Library Project Coordinator, Kate Sorestad by e-mail or by phone: ksorestad@hjweinberg.org 410-654-8500, Ext. 249

An Israel bonds investment at this time says you stand with Israel – a country that educates, builds, and innovates; a nation that lives by democracy, liberty and human rights/freedoms for all people. www.baltimorelibraryproject.org

Contact Dixie Leikach, with any questions or further requests at Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org or 443-386-1062. If you’d like to be on our e-newsletter, please give Dixie your e-mail address.






Go to israelbonds.com to obtain prospectuses and rates and to set up an online account; you may also call 410-484-6670 x1 or send a message to baltimore@israelbonds.com.

SISTERHOOD judaica shop update We just returned from a fabulous buying trip to the New York Gift Show and can’t wait to display our new merchandise. Please stop by and say hello! For appointments call Edna Crystal at 410-653-3495 or Anne King at 410-303-7716.

Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. All levels encouraged to participate! RSVP to Randee Glassman, randee853@aol.com

BOARD MEETING Wednesday, September 7, 7 p.m. Contact Dixie Leikach for more info.

Opening Event Wednesday, September 28, 6:30 p.m. Contact Ruth Silber, baberuthe@comcast.net or 410-218-8545

BROTHERHOOD brotherhood blood drive Tuesday, September 20, 2-7:25 p.m. Esterson Auditorium Anyone aged 16-116 welcome. For more information or to sign up to donate blood or volunteer, contact Warren Gould, wbg.4timesbetter@gmail.com, or 301-602-0017 Walk-ins are welcome.

Order your LULAV and Etrog from the Brotherhood. Deadline to order is September 22 Have your checks sent to the Synagogue office. Cost is $45.

COMING THIS FALL! Krav Maga Class for all Congregants ages 14 & up! Cost will be $18 for the three sessions, free to dues paying members of the Brotherhood. This is not a lecture session, you will learn some techniques to defend yourself. More announcements to follow! Page 7

Engage IN gemilut hasadim

Upcoming volunteer opportunities We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.

another Year with Reading Partners

The Empty Seat at the Table Coping with Loss during the Holidays Wed., Sept. 7 • 7 p.m.

and our July volunteers: Janice Brodsky, Barbara Cohen, Wendy Davis, Jayson Folus, Jeannette Goldstein, Frank Greenstein, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, and Arlene Klaff.

Knitting Havurah

In August, six of our Reading Partners volunteers gathered to share their stories with each other and prospective tutors. It has been a very meaningful experience for each, with a few common themes: each felt a) they were making a huge difference in a child’s life, helping to position him/her in a place of higher opportunity, b) the curriculum was easy-to-follow, and c) this is much more than just helping a child learn basic reading skills – it’s a chance to connect personally and lend a much-needed ear. Reading Partners will include programs in 19 Baltimore schools this school year. Qualified students attend two 45-minute tutoring sessions per week, beginning with 10 minutes of reading and then on to the well-organized curriculum. A Reading Partners coordinator at each school manages the volunteer’s participation and provides support. Registration for the upcoming school year has begun. If you would like to become a Reading Partners tutor or would like more information, please contact Cheryl Snyderman.

Jewish Volunteer Connection - Day to unite Sun., Sept. 11 Join this statewide interfaith volunteer event by helping those in need and building a stronger community where we live. Visit: http://jvcbaltimore.org/ volunteer-offerings/daytounite/ Page 8

Facilitated by Rachael Schultz Abrams Family gatherings can be painful for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Join us for help in finding support and comfort during the holidays. Chizuk Amuno members free; nonmembers $5. Contact Cheryl Snyderman to register.

Adopt-A-Road Sun., Sept. 11, 9 a.m. (raindate: Sept. 18) Perform the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue. Co-sponsored by Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood. Contact: Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422

OUR DAILY BREAD Sun., Sept. 18, 9 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Join with Chizuk Amuno friends and help serve meals to Baltimore’s hungry men, women, and children. Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com Todah Rabbah to our May volunteers: Judy Spector (leader), Teresa Alpert, Louis Bernstein, Jeffrey Stern, Debbie Witow, and Lior Witow; our June volunteers: Josh Bernstein, Louis Bernstein, Barbara Cohen, Wendy Davis, Frank Greenstein, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, Madison Greenstein, and Judy Spector;

Wed., Sept. 21, 12 - 3:30 p.m. We knit and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and Baltimore. Knitting instruction is available. Todah Rabbah to our July knitters/crocheters: Vivian Chait, Edna Crystal, Linda Eisenberg, Roberta Katz, Esther Marsiglia, Eileen Schultz, and Margie Simon.

Habitat for Humanity Interfaith Build Sun., Sept. 25, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. You’re invited to join other Chizuk Amuno friends as we share, listen, and learn during an Interfaith Build! Build relationships with those of different faiths, as you help build a home for one of Habitat’s partner families. Participants must be 16 and up to be involved in construction.

RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Wed., Sept. 21, 9 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Join the Chizuk Amuno team as we cook and/or serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children being treated in Baltimore area hospitals. Todah Rabbah to our July volunteers: Beth Blumberg (leader), Amy Chapper, Edna Crystal, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, Janet Kantor, Joy Katz, Anne King, Saundra Madoff, Rita Plaut, Sheila Sandbank, Marcia Scherr, Judy Schwartz, Margie Simon, and Lynn Tucker.


B’nei Mitzvah

We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families.

SEPTEMBER 3 Julia Helen Willis YAEL daughter of Deborah S. Cardin & Jonathan Willis SEPTEMBER 4 Avi David Margolis Avraham David son of Jami & Bernard Margolis SEPTEMBER 10 Benjamin Lee Espeland Benyamin Lev son of Wendy & Dr. Eric Espeland Myles Benjamin Sefret Moshe Reuven son of Amy Ries & Steve Sefret SEPTEMBER 17 Nathan Matthew Bogin Mattityahu son of Marina & Andrey Bogin Jessica Ayn Karmiol Davida Nachema daughter of Karen Karmiol & Jeff Levy

Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Davis Tanner Rosenthal, son of Sharon & Jason Rosenthal and grandson of Marlene & Dr. Stuart Aiken Ella Rae Szabo, daughter of Laura & Carl Szabo, granddaughter of Karen & Dr. Steven Caplan and Teddi Fine and John Szabo, and great-granddaughter of Shirley Nobel and Natalie & Ralph Fine

Engagements We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Ethan Nochumowitz, son of Amie Sue & Paul Nochumowitz, to Jessica Oring, daughter of Nancy & Ira Oring

In Loving Memory In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Bernice W. Cohen, mother of Gwen L. Cohen and Fronda Cohen Ottenheimer Albert Kishter, father of Herbert Kishter and Barbara Rothschild LeRoy Edward Hoffberger, husband of Paula Hoffberger, father of Douglas Hoffberger and Jack Hoffberger, surrogate father of Athena Hoffberger and Belina Rafey and brother of Stanley Hoffberger We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Amy Chapper, on the loss of her mother, Helen Nancy Miller Millie Fisher, on the loss of her aunt, Ellen Guthorn

Ethel Klein, on the loss of her sister, Anne H. Meyers Dr. Ed Kraus, on the loss of his aunt, Helen Kraus Janice Setren, on the loss of her father, Israel “Izzy” Morrison Richard Wasserman, on the loss of his mother, Doris Wasserman As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

Members in the News Nancy Cohen, owner of Eddie’s of Roland Park was inducted into the Specialty Food Association Hall of Fame. Her father and Eddie’s founder, Victor Cohen, of blessed memory, was posthumously inducted. They were honored for their “accomplishments, impact, and successes that have shaped the specialty food industry” introducing the revolutionary concept of Gourmet to Go providing high quality prepared foods.

New Members We are happy to welcome those who have most recently joined or returned to our Chizuk Amuno family. Dr. Richard & Mrs. Fern Babkes Ronald & Wendy Eisenberg Chas & Susan Ezrine Dr. Eric & Jackie Ginsberg, Benjamin and Fortunee Dr. Miriam Godfrey Maureen Goldman Jonathan Havens & Jayne Nochumowitz, Sidney Todd & Jessica Howe & Lyla Howie & Jessica Kapustin, Charles, Maxwell and Sadie Michael and Lena Rapoport, Ethan, Josh and Stella If you have friends or family who may be interested in joining the Chizuk Amuno Family, please call Cheryl Snyderman or Glenn Easton at the synagogue office. Page 9


Terumot HaKodesh

We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue. Congregational General KSDS Scholarship Fund KSDS Faculty in memory of Shirley Matz Endowment Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Anne Young’s Special birthday Mr. & Mrs. William S. Crystal in memory of Doris Wasserman

Ezrine Library/Glazer MEDIA CENTER Aviva & Rabbi Moshe Schwartz in honor of Leonor Danon’s Bat Mitzvah

Gemilut Hasadim FUND Joseph Greenblum in honor of his granddaughter Dena Greenblum’s marriage to Gabriel Nelson

Gerald M. & Suzanne S. Katz Endowment Fund Suzanne Katz & Family in honor of Jesse Reuben’s 80th birthday

Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Special Projects Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Caroline Scheuer

Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Ann Betten’s Bat Mitzvah Dorothy Yankellow in memory of Doris Wasserman Mark & Linda Levy in memory of Ken Goldberg

Joan Gottlieb Scholarship Fund Joan & Dr. Michael Gottlieb in honor of Ethan Bers, Jacob Booth, Sam Braman, Jakob Espeland, Jordan Friedman, Eli and Sophie Getz, Jacob Glazer, Eli Golding, Madison Greenstein, Izzy Hettleman, Ellie Hoch, Zoe Lebovic, Jacob Lev, Evan Polsky, Jordyn Rabinowitz, Sam Rubin, Tamara Rubin, Molly Silverman, Hannah Wahlberg, Emma Wions, and Daniel Wise on their graduation from KSDS. Hedy & Irving Goldstein in honor of Barbara Sindler’s 70th birthday Hedy & Irving Goldstein in honor of Barbara & Dr. Arnold Sindler’s anniversary

KSDS Eli & Yetta Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund Jordon & Beverly Max in memory of Eli Miller

KSDS Gerald & Suzanne Katz Scholarship Fund Suzanne Katz in memory of Shirley Matz

KSDS Irvin Wolock Memorial Scholarship Fund Spector Family in memory of Shirley Wolock

KSDS Reznik Frier Scholarship Fund Dawn Reznik for a speedy recovery of Hazel Radowsky Cheryl Snyderman & Alan Guttman in honor of Janine Frier being named Chair of the KSDS Board Dawn Reznik & Family in memory of Delores Linde The Frier Family in honor of Nissa, Paul, Adley and Rece Weinberg on the birth of their daughter and sister, Laila Neve

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Kathy & Stevan Weinberg in honor of Toba & Bill Grant’s 50th wedding anniversary Shoshana Weiner wishing Mazal Tov to Linda & Bob Eisenberg on your 50th Anniversary & Linda ‘s Bat Mitzvah Margi & Dr. Steven Hoffman in honor of Barbara Sindler’s 70th birthday Margi & Dr. Steven Hoffman in honor of Barbara & Dr. Arnold Sindler’s 50th wedding anniversary Margi & Dr. Steven Hoffman in honor of Sandy & Dr. Barry Lever’s 60th wedding anniversary

KSDS Special Offering Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager refuah sh’lemeh to Phyllis Blum, Diane Dansicker, Barbara Hurwitz, Diane Mazza, & Dr. Moshe Shualy Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in honor of Michelle Brill’s completion of her term as Chair of the KSDS Board of Trustees Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximilian Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in memory of Rabbi Gerald Cataldo Ellen & Howard Richmond in memory of Jeffrey Ades

Louis Barry Gershen Our Daily Bread Fund Michael & Myra Gershen for a speedy recovery of Phyllis Blum Joan Rombro in honor of Linda Eisenberg’s Bat Mitzvah Michael & Myra Gershen in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximilian Michael & Myra Gershen in honor of the birth of Lynda & Jerry Weinstein’s granddaughter Eliana Jade

Minnie Garber & Rose Greenberg Scholarship FUND Greenberg Family in memory of John Rasmus

Miriam Foss Memorial Fund Cheryl Snyderman wishing Hazel Radowsky a refuah sh’lemah Cheryl Snyderman in memory of Helen Nancy Miller

Morning Minyan Contribution Dorothy Yankellow in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximilian Phyllis & Harold Gilbert in honor of Leonor Danon’s Bat Mitzvah Ruthanne Kaufman in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximilian Dorothy Yankellow in memory of Mollie Chmar Ruthanne Kaufman in memory of Helen Nancy Miller Mr. & Mrs. William S. Crystal Wishing Mazal Tov on Leah’s Bat Mitzvah

Pathways To Menschlikeit Fund Bruce & Amy Chapper in honor of Larry Lichtig’s 70th Birthday Miriam, Irwin, Seth & Adina Golob in memory of Doris Wasserman Miriam, Irwin, Seth & Adina Golob in memory of Helen Nancy Miller Mr. & Mrs. Steven King in memory of Helen Nancy Miller

Phyllis & Leonard Attman Music Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Al Kishter Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximilian

Prayer Book Fund David & Marlene Schwaber in honor of Louis Cohen’s special birthday Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brown in honor of Anne Young’s special birthday Mace & Edna Crystal in memory of Doris Wasserman Mr. & Mrs. Jason Blavatt in memory of Helen Nancy Miller Nelson & Lynn Tucker in memory of Frieda Shualy Nelson & Lynn Tucker in memory of Cantor Ivan & Mrs. Muriel Perlman

Ramah Scholarship Fund Susan & Edward Frieman in honor of Anne Young’s 70th birthday

Special Offering Congregational Support Damie & Diane Stillman Irv & Sharon Caplan wishing Ray Klein a continued recovery Adele & Jerry Sidle for a speedy recovery of Ilene Powers Joseph & Ellen Miller for a speedy & complete recovery of Jerry Ross Arthur & Herta Baitch in honor of Amy Schwartz’s Bat Mitzvah Bruce & Barbara Lewbart in honor of Anne Young’s 70th birthday Burton & Renee King in honor of Linda & Bob Eisenberg’s 50th Anniversary & Linda’s Bat Mitzvah Dorothy Rainess in honor of Adele & Danny Marcus’s 65th Anniversary & the engagement of their granddaughter Sara to Ari Garth Ann Gerstenblith, children & grandchildren in honor of Dr. Gary Gerstenblith’s special birthday Harvey Okun & Alan Billian in honor of Jason Blavatt’s election as President of Chizuk Amuno Congregation Irv & Sharon Caplan in honor of Jason Blavatt’s installation as Chizuk Amuno President Jenny Baker in honor of the birth of Nissa & Paul Weinberg’s daughter Laila Neve. Martin & Marilynn Kinstler in honor of Anne Young’s special birthday Martin & Marilynn Kinstler in honor of Barry Oslick’s special birthday Martin & Marilynn Kinstler in honor of Marvin Spector’s special birthday Walter Lamm in honor of his 90th Birthday & in memory of Edith Lamm & Michael Benjamin Lamm Philip & Vivian Chait in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximilian. Richard Eliasberg in honor of Ann Betten’s Bat Mitzvah Ruth, Jay, Adam & Elizabeth Lenrow in honor of Ellen Gillette’s Bat Mitzvah Ruth, Jay, Adam & Elizabeth Lenrow in honor of Ann Betten’s Bat Mitzvah Stuart & Vicky Becker in honor of Robert & Linda Eisenberg’s 50th anniversary Stuart & Vicky Becker in honor of Robyn Horwitz’s son’s wedding & Mazal Tov on Robyn’s Bat Mitzvah Susan & Ed Frieman in honor of Walter Lamm’s 90th birthday Susan & Ed Frieman in honor of birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Maximilian Walter Straus in honor of Michael & Judy Finifter’s anniversary Albert & Nadja Pats in memory of Bessie Schendlinger Albert & Beth Blumberg in memory of Helen Nancy Miller Ann Harris in memory of Archie Cohen Audrey Levine in memory of Irving Pearlstein Bernard & Marcia Rubin in memory of loved ones Bob & Donna Wolf in memory of Helen Nancy Miller


Boris & Lucia Kerzner in memory of Dorothy & Dr. Nathan Needle Bruce Goldman in memory of loved ones Carl & Ellen Love in memory of Helen Nancy Miller Dave & Kelly Yousem in memory of Loved Ones David & Joan Greenberg in memory of Peggy Lewis David & Roslyn Zozzie Golden in memory of Shirley Matz Debbie & Jimmy Effron in memory of Shirley Matz Dr. Anne Young in memory of Helen Kraus Earl & Lorraine Raffel in memory of Molly Glaberman Eileen Yoffe in memory of Sol Tushman & in honor of Marsha Yoffe’s devotion to her uncle Elaine Plant in memory of Morris Caplan Frada Wall in memory of loved ones Gary & Garth Gerstenblith in memory of Morris B. Gerstanhaber Harriet Brown in memory of Roslyn Savlov Ina Naiman in memory of Jerry Levenson Jenny Baker in memory of Delores Linde Jenny Baker in memory of Helen Nancy Miller Joan Rombro in memory of Leonard Rombro Joseph Gerbasi in memory of Shirley Matz Joshua Rosen in memory of Enid Rosen & Beila Riva Rosen Ken Nelson & Lindy Rosen Nelson in memory of Enid Rosen Larry & Lynne Lichtig in memory of Rebecca Lichtig Lotta Holzman in memory of Hugo & Selma Bendorf & Edith Mosbacher Lowell Glazer in memory of Joe Lazinsky Marion Isaac in memory of Rae Isaac Marion Isaac in memory of Louis Isaac Miriam Platt in memory of Louis Seidman Miriam Shulman in memory of Yetta Rein & Esther Rosenthal Mordehai & Amy Gur in memory of David Weinberg Mr. Alan Cohen in memory of Leo Murveit Mrs. Robyn Horwitz in memory of Stuart Lee Weinberg Nelson & Lynn Tucker in memory of Helen Nancy Miller Sande & Ed Mitchell in memory of Helen Nancy Miller Sandy & Tobey Schreiber in memory of Helen Nancy Miller Sara Goldman Bohn in memory of Parents Sheldon & Suzanne Diskin in memory of Paul Fribush Stanley & Shirley Adler in memory of Loved Ones Steve & Zandra Quartner in memory of Sol Tushman Susan Klein in memory of Bertha Klein Arthur & Herta Baitch wishing Mazal Tov on Amanda Hallock’s graduation Bobbi & Izzy Eisgrau with thanks to for your many good wishes & prayers

Tzedakah Fund Mr.& Mrs. Samuel Borger in honor of Larry Lichtig’s 70th Birthday Dennis & Betsy Karpf in memory of Shirley Matz Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Sol Tushman

Zaiman Educational Alliance Endowment Fund Cheryl Snyderman in memory of Shirley Matz

Dr. Shualy’s Discretionary Fund Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz in honor of birth of Marlene & Stuart Aiken’s grandson Sandra Beber with thanks to Dr. Moshe Shualy for the Aliyah & the Mishaberah Steven & Robyn Blum with thanks to Dr. Moshe Shualy

Hazzan Perlman’s Discretionary Fund Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Max Mr. Steven & Dr. Robyn Blum with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for guidance and support given to Gillian

Rabbi Shulman’s Discretionary Fund Larry & Lynne Lichtig in honor of Larry’s special birthday Rabbi P. Michael & Mrs. Israela Meyerstein in honor of the birth of Joanne & Dr. Edward Kraus’ granddaughter Sahrah Leah

Steven & Robyn Blum in honor of Gillian Blum’s Bat Mitzvah Aida Feldman in memory of Mayer Feldman Rabbi P. Michael & Mrs. Israela Meyerstein in memory of Malcolm Scar Rachel Layton & Family in memory of Irwin Layton Lewis Klotzman with thanks to Rabbi Ron Shulman Steve & Anne King in memory of Herschel Polakoff

Rabbi Wechsler’s Discretionary Fund Ruth, Jay, Adam & Elizabeth Lenrow in honor of Barbara Scott’s Bat Mitzvah Steven & Robyn Blum in honor of Gillian Blum’s Bat Mitzvah

Bimah Flowers Shabbat, September 3 /30 Av and Sunday, September 4 /1 Elul In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Julia Helen Willis, by her parents, Deborah S. Cardin & Jonathan Willis, and her grandparents, Myrna & Ben Cardin The Bar Mitzvah of Avi David Margolis, by his parents, Jami & Bernard Margolis, and his grandparents, Susan & Lawrence Schultz In Memory Of: Judy & Hans Willis, grandparents of Julia Helen Willis, on the occasion of Julia’s Bat Mitzvah Ella Beryl & Abraham Margolis, grandparents of Avi David Margolis, on the occasion of Avi’s Bar Mitzvah Sophie Frankel, grandmother, by Dorothy Yankellow & family. Kitty Hamburger, mother, by Ina & Calvin Hamburger & family. Victoria Plaut, mother, by Rita & Dr. Marshall Plaut & family. Elizabeth Goodhart, mother & grandmother, by Judith & Fred Zimmerman & family. Helen Chernak by Marlene Pollack & family. Norma Emma Kemper, sister, by her family. Jesse Mogol by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein. Harold Smulyan by his children & grandchildren. Irvin Goldner by Rosalind & Dr. Alfred Kronthal. Joseph Simon by Muriel Simon & family. Libby Wall, mother, by Frada Wall & family. Jon B. Singer, by Ina Singer & family. Cele and Albert Landay, parents, by Rhona & Dr. Martin Levin & family. Shabbat, September 10 /7 Elul In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin Lee Espeland, by his parents, Wendy & Dr. Eric Espeland, and his grandparents, Jane & Ronald Kahn and Bonnie & Michael Espeland. The Bar Mitzvah of Myles Benjamin Sefret, by his parents, Amy Ries and Steve Sefret, and his grandparents, Susan & Henry Holzman and Jane & Jerome Sefret. In Memory Of: Harry L. Minch by his family. Howard Offit, brother, by Ethel Jacobs. Theodore Epstein by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein. Arthur H. Goodman, father, by Tanna Omansky. Franklin David Schulman by Anita Schulman, children & grandchildren. Norman Keiser by Harriet Keiser & family. Eli Miller, father, by Bette Miller Sherman & Mildred Miller. George Rosen by Gordon Salganik & family.

Irene Weinberg, mother, by Toba & Bill Grant & family and Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family. Lena E. Bloomberg by Estelle Bloomberg & family. Jules Livingston by his family. Stanley Fisher, father, by his family. Ida Attman, mother, by Phyllis & Leonard Attman. Harry Plotkin, father, by Marlene & Bernie Gerber, children grandchildren & great-grandchildren. Esther Crystal by Edna & Mace Crystal. Gene Walman, brother, by Dr. Ted Walman & family. Mollie B. Esterson by Sallye Esterson & family. Fannie Handelman by Donna Handelman & family. Samuel D. Wolfson by Edna & Mace Crystal. Steven Szapiro, by his mother & brother, Marlene Szapiro and Jay Szapiro. Claire M. Gould, mother, by Fran & Warren Gould & family. Harold Goldsmith, on his birthday, by his family.

Shabbat, September 17/ 14 Elul In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Nathan Matthew Bogin, by his parents, Marina & Andrey Bogin, and his grandparents, Natalya Paskovataya and Nellie & Michael Bogin The Bat Mitzvah of Jessica Ayn Karmiol, by her parents, Karen Karmiol and Jeff Levy, and her grandparents, Rona & Stanley Karmiol In Memory Of: Gennadiy Paskovatyy, grandfather of Nathan Matthew Bogin, on the occasion of Nathan’s Bar Mitzvah Henry Satisky by his wife, children & grandchildren. Nettie Goldman Weinstein by Marvin Solomon & family. Edgar J. Hecht, Jr., father, by Jill & Louis Sapperstein & family. Sally Marie Kolker by Susan & Dr. Richard Kolker & family. Leo Amster, father, by Louise & Jay Weinberg & family. Jacob Yospy by his daughter, Bette Miller Sherman. Minna Zimmerman, mother, by Judith & Fred Zimmerman & family. Jacob Wolfson by Edna & Mace Crystal. Eleanor Himelfarb, mother, by her family. Gerson Mehlman, husband, father & brother, by Susan Mehlman, Arthur Mehlman & families. Blanche & Irving Joffe, parents, by their family. Beatrice Kaufman by her daughter, Ruthanne Kaufman. Michael Barry Kaufman by his sister, Ruthanne Kaufman. Mark I. Baker by his wife, Elaine Baker & family. David Bloomberg by his wife Estelle Bloomberg & family. Aaron Levin, father, by Rhona & Dr. Martin Levin & family. Richard Konigsberg, brother, by Maxine & Dr. Martin Cooper & family. Shabbat, September 24 / 21 Elul In Memory Of: Anna K. Grossman, mother, by Janet & Stanley Kantor & family. Rosa Kolker by Fritzi & Bob Hallock. Gershon Cooper, father, by Maxine & Dr. Martin B. Cooper & family. Ruth Bochner, mother, by the Bochner family. Bertha Fink, mother, by her family. Manuel Shor by Shirley Shor & family. David Diamond by his wife & family. Martin Leon Weinberg by his wife, Estelle, children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren. Fred Hittman by his family. Meyer Mazer by his family. Max Weiss, on his birthday, by Janet & Stanley Kantor & family. Henry Goldsmith, on his birthday, by Ilene & Alvin Powers & family Sayde J. Sklar, on her birthday, by her children & grandson.

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8100 STEVENSON ROAD BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21208 www.chizukamuno.org 410-486-6400 info@chizukamuno.org Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Jason A. Blavatt, Esquire, President Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center

Start the New Year by dedicating an inscribed brick in the Chizuk Amuno Pathway to Faith. Celebrate a milestone or lifecycle event, pay tribute to a graduate, or honor the memory of a loved one. Each permanent brick is a $250 contribution. For more information or to make an order, please contact Judy Schwartz, Derekh Amuno Chair or Marci Scher at the synagogue office or order a dedicated brick online on our website at www.chizukamuno.org.

Yo m K i p p u r

Who feeds the entire world with goodness —Birkat Hamazon

Tuesday, Oct. 4 - Tuesday, Oct. 11 to benefit community agencies Please drop off your sealed food in bins located in the Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby and the Administrative Lobby. Please check expiration dates.

Questions? Call Cheryl Snyderman, 410-486-6400, ext. 300 In lieu of food, monetary donations will also be accepted and donated to kosher food funds. Make checks payable to Chizuk Amuno, Attn. Food Drive. A service initiative made possible by the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund

Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media

Chizuk Amuno Congregation

A n n ua l M e m o r i a l S e rv i c e Sunday, October 9

Holocaust Victims Memorial Service Holocaust Memorial Garden at Chizuk Amuno

Sunday, October 9 at 1:00 p.m.

Arlington Cemetery • 10:30 a.m. Garrison Forest Cemetery • 11:45 a.m. Services will be conducted by our clergy:

Rabbi Ron Shulman, Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, and Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, accompanied at Arlington Cemetery by voices of the Chizuk Amuno choir. Following the formal ceremony,

Dr. Moshe D. Shualy will be available to offer graveside prayers. For more information, call the synagogue office 410-486-6400. Arlington Cemetery is located at Rogers and Wabash Avenues. Garrison Forest Cemetery is located on Garrison Forest Road at Crondall Lane.

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