June-July 2010 HaHodesh

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June - July 2010 | Sivan - Tammuz - Av 5770

9th Annual KSDS Golf & Tennis Classic

Join us for Summer Shul at Chizuk Amuno!

Monday, June 7, 2010 To participate, call 410/824-2050.

Chestnut Ridge Country Club

Shabbat Mornings July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, August 7 Services begin 9:15 a.m.


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Shabbat Morning Services will be held in the Krieger Auditorium, creating an intimate and relaxed prayer environment. Synagogue members will lead our services, read Torah, and deliver Divrei Torah, supported by Rabbis Shulman and Wechsler, and Hazzan Perlman. During Summer Shul everyone is encouraged to dress casually… …and appropriately, for Shabbat Services.



Thousand Smiles

Families and friends, adults and children of all ages are most welcome to share in the warm mood of Summer Shul.

June 21 – August 13

Summer Camp at the

Brotherhood Blood Drive

Goldsmith Early Childhood Educ ation Center

On behalf of the Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood and, more importantly, the patients and families in our community, I remind you of our upcoming blood drive on Tuesday, June 1 from 1 to 7 p.m. Please call me to make an appointment to donate blood or to volunteer your time during the drive. Thank you, and I hope to see you on June 1. Jack Kiner • 410/833-0374

New weekly schedules allow you the flexibility to choose “time off” for summer vacations. Limited Openings ~ Register Now Contact Elise Harrison, 410/486-8642 1

Chizuk Amuno Congregation 8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 www.chizukamuno.org

Synagogue Office 410/486-6400 Synagogue Fax 410/486-4050 Synagogue E-mail info@chizukamuno.org Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410/486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410/486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410/486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410/824-2055

Milestones In Our Synagogue Family B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families.

JUNE 5 Rebecca Zamantha Flax

Bayla Zelda daughter of Tamara and David Flax

O fficers

President Richard P. Manekin, pres@chizukamuno.org First Vice President Michelle Malis, 1stvp@chizukamuno.org Vice President Louis E. Sapperstein Vice President Sandra Moffet Secretary Dr. Andrew Miller Treasurer Michelle Hettleman Assistant Treasurer Jason A. Blavatt


s y nagog u e staff

Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman x230


Rabbi Deborah Wechsler x231

dwechsler@chizukamuno.org Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman x296 Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman x233 eperlman@chizukamuno.org Ritual Director Dr. Moshe D. Shualy x243 mshualy@chizukamuno.org

Hannah Sofia Baron Hannah daughter of Susan and Brent Baron Blake Nicole Jachman Simcha daughter of Judi and Randy Jachman

Ritual Director Emeritus

Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center

Michelle Gold | x238 | gecec@chizukamuno.org

Miriam Foss | x281 | mfoss@chizukamuno.org Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coordinator

Debby Hellman | x290 | dhellman@chizukamuno.org Youth Educator

Isaac Woloff | x305 | iwoloff@chizukamuno.org

Joseph Miller Hirsch Yosef son of Mary Miller and Charles Hirsch Solomon Micah Swerling Shlomo Micah son of Amy Helsel and Jeremy Swerling


Choir Director

T. Herbert Dimmock

administrative staff

David Andrew Gevarter David Avraham son of Karen and Steven Gevarter

Executive Director

Director of Congregational Advancement Synagogue Administrator

Jenny Baker | x227 | jbaker@chizukamuno.org Controller

Rick Bernard | x256 | rbernard@chizukamuno.org Information Systems Manager

Bruce P. Yaillen | x284 | byaillen@chizukamuno.org

60th: Erika and Joseph Greenblum 60th: Margot and Dr. Norman Zipper 45th: Lois and Dr. Fred Scholnick 40th: Gail and Jerry Kurman 40th: Israela and Rabbi P. Michael Meyerstein 40th: Lynn and Nelson Tucker 35th: Ina and Nathan Caplan 20th: Nancy and David Sall

Engagements We congratulate this couple and their families as we wish them much happiness.

Dara Millen, daughter of Alita and Ron Millen and granddaughter of Hannah Rita Millen, to Craig Friedson. Michelle Rosenthal, daughter of Joanne and Abraham Rosenthal, to Isaac Klausner. Shira Silberg, daughter of Drs. Joyanna and Richard Silberg, to Avi Gerver. In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our member: Sam Cooperman, husband of Alberta Cooperman. We offer our sincere condolences to our members:

Ronald N. Millen | x224 | rnmillen@chizukamuno.org Laurel Freedman | x275 | lfreedman@chizukamuno.org

Mazal tov to the following members of our synagogue family who will be celebrating their wedding anniversaries in the coming weeks.

In Loving Memory

Curator, Goldsmith Museum

Dr. Susan Vick | x291 | svick@chizukamuno.org


We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness.

Alex Weinberg | x234 | aweinberg@chizukamuno.org

Director, Gemilut Hasadim Program

Leroy Hoffberger Arlene Klaff Annabelle Mervis Morris Mervis


Director, Congregational Education

Judy Meltzer | x287 | stulman@chizukamuno.org

Edward Attman Michele Brill Mimmie Erdman Marsha Gamerman Bruce Goldman


Dr. Paul D. Schneider | x226 | pschneider@soink12.ksds.edu

Director, Stulman Center for Adult Learning

We wish Happy Birthday to these members of our synagogue family who each celebrate a birthday milestone this month.

Amit Nadiv to Sarah Cohen James

Rev. Yehuda Dickstein

Headmaster, Krieger Schechter Day School


Brent Baron, on the loss of his father, Wilbur Baron.

Births We congratulate the following family on the birth of their child and grandchild. Tyler Aiken, son of Brooke and Gary Aiken and grandson of Dr. Stuart Aiken.

Cemetery Director

Lee Harrison, on the loss of her sister, Esther Finifter. Esther Miller, on the loss of her brother, Dr. Samuel Pines. Michael Moranz, on the loss of his mother, Pauline Moranz. Dr. Albert Pats, on the loss of his sister, Bessie Pats Schedlinger. Mark Pressman, on the loss of his father, Harold Pressman.

Barbara Lichter | x248 | blichter@chizukamuno.org

Dr. William Smulyan, on the loss of his mother, Selma Smulyan.

Assistant Cemetery Director

Johanna Zentz, on the loss of her brother, Marc Trupp.

Communications and Membership Coordinator

As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

Marsha Yoffe | x309 | myoffe@chizukamuno.org Cheryl Snyderman | x300 | csnyderman@chizukamuno.org Graphic Designer

Rachel Levitan | x282 | rlevitan@chizukamuno.org


Schedule of Services

JUNE - JULY 2010 | SIVAN - TAMMUZ - AV 5770

July 2/3 | Tammuz 20/21

Each Friday evening and Shabbat morning we enjoy celebration, prayer, and Torah study with Rabbi Ronald Shulman, Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, and our synagogue community.

June 4/5 | Sivan 22/23

Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: PINHAS, NUMBERS 25:10-30:1 D’var Torah by Peter Jay

9:15 a.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:04 p.m.

This schedule indicates the weeks when our Chizuk Amuno Choir participates in services, as well as study themes, or other service features including family and Shabbat Yahad activities. Join with us to express yourself in the presence of God, to nurture your soul, and to connect your life with the life of our synagogue family. Babysitting is available beginning at 9:15 a.m. every Shabbat, except holiday weekends.

Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Unless otherwise noted:

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: SH’LAH L’KHA, NUMBERS 13:1-15:41 Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Flax Shabbat Yahad – Shabbat Together Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service 10:00 a.m. Torah for Tots 11:15 a.m.

Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

Shabbat Minhah, Ma’ariv and Havdalah: refer to weekly Shabbat schedules

June 11/12 | Sivan 29/30

Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.

Candle Lighting June 4

8:11 p.m.

June 11 8:15 p.m. June 18

8:18 p.m.

June 25

8:19 p.m.

July 2 8:19 p.m. July 9 8:17 p.m. July 16 8:14 p.m. July 23 8:09 p.m. July 30 8:03 p.m. August 6

7:55 p.m.

7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:56 p.m.

Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: KORAH, NUMBERS 16:1-18:32 B’not Mitzvah of Hannah Baron and Blake Jachman Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Family Service

9:15 a.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.

June 18/19 | Tammuz 6/7 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: HUKKAT, NUMBERS 19:1-22:1 B’nei Mitzvah of Solomon Swerling and Joseph Hirsch Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service

9:15 a.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:03 p.m.

June 25/26 | Tammuz 13/14 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: BALAK, NUMBERS 22:2-25:9 Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Family Service Annual Shabbat Picnic, following services

9:15 a.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

10:00 a.m.

7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:04 p.m.

July 9/10 | Tammuz 27/28 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: MATTOT-MAS’EI, NUMBERS 30:2-36:13 D’var Torah by Charlee Sterling Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:02 p.m.

July 16/17 | Av 5/6 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service CLUB HATIKVAH SHABBAT TORAH PORTION: D’VARIM, DEUTERONOMY 1:1-3:22 D’var Torah by Wesley Wilson

9:15 a.m.

Study Session 7:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv 8:00 p.m. Havdalah 8:59 p.m.

July 23/24 | Av 12/13 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-ETHANNAN, DEUTERONOMY 3:23-7:11 D’var Torah by Sam Moskowitz Study Session 7:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv 8:00 p.m. Havdalah 8:54 p.m.

July 30/31 | Av 19/20 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: EIKEV, DEUTERONOMY 7:12-11:25 D’var Torah by Adam Gregerman

9:15 a.m.

Study Session 6:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv 7:45 p.m. Havdalah 8:48 p.m.

August 6/7 | Av 26/27 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: R’EIH, DEUTERONOMY 11:26-16:17 D’var Torah by Mark Neustadt Family Service

9:15 a.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah


6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

10:00 a.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:40 p.m.

This Month’s Message...

The summer will seem shorter this year with the “early” arrival of Rosh HaShanah. We look forward to being in touch with you in the next few months to speak about our plans for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, to share our thoughts and sermon ideas, and to draw our focus in once more to introspection and meaningful change.

One of the most mysterious texts that I recall from rabbinical school is from the Talmud: A handful of food does not satisfy a lion, nor does a hole fill up by dirt dug out of it. Its meaning has been a conundrum for scholars since it was written but its truth is evident if you look around my yard. A favorite summer activity is digging up the front yard, yet somehow the piles of dirt scattered in the driveway never seem to fill up the holes.

To our students who are graduating or home for the summer, we wish you well and remind you that summer is a wonderful time to come visit your rabbis and let us buy you a cup of coffee. Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you at Summer Shul.

No matter, because summer is here! There is a big stack of books on the bedside table, a fresh bottle of sunscreen on the vanity, and a new box of popsicles in the freezer. The treats of summer are present at Chizuk as well—Summer Shul in the Krieger has some of the loveliest, most welcoming services of the year, the building hums with activity as we ready it and ourselves for the High Holy Days, and there is usually a stash of popsicles in the Esterson freezer for especially hot days.

Rabbi Debi Wechsler

Gemilut Hasadim Volunteer Programs Adopt-A-Road

Our Daily Bread

Volunteers Urgently Needed! Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood performs the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue on Sunday, June 6 (rain date June 13). Meet us at 9 a.m. by the front office. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome. To volunteer please call Irwin Golob at 410/560-7422.

Join the Chizuk Amuno team to help serve meals to hungry men, women, and children from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on upcoming Sundays, June 27, July 25, and August 29. To sign up, please contact Wendy Davis at 410/358-5979, bandwdavis@aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410/602-9885, bakerjenny@yahoo.com. Todah Rabbah to the dedicated volunteers who served in April: Jenny Baker, Terry Holtzman, Arlene Klaff, Janice Perlman, David Mark, Kimberly Mark, Jeff Snyder, Barbara Snyder

Clothing Drive Most Successful Yet

Thanks to all congregants who generously donated business clothing to our IOU Clothing Drive. We were able to give support to six agencies: Baltimore Outreach Center, Baltimore Station, The Center for Urban Families, Christopher Place, Paul’s Place and Suited to Succeed. Todah Rabbah to: Carole Diamond, Forrest Foss, Judy Komins, Nadia Massuda, Marsha Yoffe, together with the Rosenbloom Religious School Hay class and their teachers, Amy Fink, Steve Gordon, and Sherri Vishner

Transportation Service on Shabbat and Holiday Mornings

Need a ride to shul on Shabbat morning or on holidays? Rides for members who no longer drive, can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Just call Miriam Foss by Monday or Tuesday of the week you want to attend services.

Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden

Courtland Gardens

We are looking for flower and plant enthusiasts of all ages to help tend the garden in the spring and summer. Double community service hours are available through the GH office. To sign up for spring planting, please e-mail Allen Brown at abrown86@verizon.net. Special thanks to Pam, Robert, Allison and Joely Friedman for donating Joely’s Bat Mitzvah centerpieces to the garden for spring planting and to the Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood for donating their Sisterhood Shabbat flowers to the garden for preShavuot planting, all by master gardener, Allen Brown.

Volunteers will have the opportunity to run an auction for the residents who will bid on gift items. Help bring joy to the residents of Courtland Gardens: Sunday, June 27 at 10:30 a.m. To volunteer please contact Linda Levy at 410/484-4015 or lindalevy10@ gmail.com.

Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake

Chizuk Amuno has four volunteer spots remaining for the Interfaith Build on Sunday, June 27. Volunteers will meet at 8:30 a.m. for an orientation and should expect to be at their work site until approximately 3 p.m. Volunteers should bring a sack lunch and water. No construction skills are needed and there is always a construction supervisor on site. A variety of tasks are available and will be determined based on need. Teenagers over the age of 16 are encouraged to participate. This is a great opportunity to represent Chizuk Amuno while building homes for families alongside great volunteers from around the area. To sign up, or for more information, please contact Bobbi Schulman, 410/561-5967 or sschul@comcast.net.

Ronald McDonald House

Join us as we cook and serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children. The families look forward to home cooked meals to ease the strain and pressure that come with seeking medical treatment far from home. Our upcoming dates are Wednesdays, July 14 and August 18. Todah Rabbah to the Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood, led by Joy Katz, Linda Levy, and Marsha Yoffe who volunteered in May.

Hakhnasat Orhim — Welcoming Guests

If you live within walking distance of the synagogue, and are able to host visitors for Shabbat, please e-mail Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org.

For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Miriam Foss at 410/486-6400, ext. 281 or mfoss@chizukamuno.org. Please refer to www. chizukamuno.org for more information regarding these programs.

New!! Operation Welcome Home Maryland

Join us as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas. Volunteers will meet at BWI airport and help pack goodie bags, cheer for the soldiers and thank them for their service. Dates are set 1-3 weeks in advance of the incoming flights. We are developing an e-mail list for people who are interested. If you would like to be informed of these welcoming opportunities contact Rabbi Wechsler at dwechsler@ chizukamuno.org. This project is suitable for adults and children of all ages.

We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc.


Bimah Flowers

Abraham Harris, grandfather, by Toba and Bill Grant and family and Kathy and Stevan Weinberg and family. Jennie Pines, mother, by her family. George H. Young by Dr. Anne and David Young. Robert Wasserman, father, by Vera and Barry Wasserman and family. Merhle Fox by Audrey Fox Miller and children. Louis Seidman by Miriam Platt. Johanna Ladenburger by her daughter, Lottie Steinberg. Samuel Blavatt, father, by Susan and Ronald Blavatt and family. Samuel J. Oshrine, father, by Ivan Oshrine and Marsha and Herbert Stoller. Daniel G. Fox, brother, by Mimmie Erdman and family. Sayde J. Sklar by her children and grandchild. Harold Hammer, father, by Ann and Ronald Holstein and family. Leonard Rombro, father, by Joan D. Rombro. Annette P. Meyers, mother, on her birthday, by Marlene and Dr. Stuart H. Brager.

Friday and Saturday, June 4 and 5 | 22-23 Sivan In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Zamantha Flax, by her parents, Tamara and David Flax, and her grandparents, Shelley and Mike Blank and Nannette and Irv Flax. In Memory Of: Anna E. Bellus by her children and grandchildren. Jane F. Feinglass, mother and grandmother, by Ina and Jon Singer and family. Blanche Miller by her children and grandchildren. Anna L. Reznick, mother, by Irma Gamson and family. Philip Finglass, father, by his family. Dorothy Katz Manekin by her children. Lester R. Litt, father, by Mindee and Bruce Block and family. Pauline Brozofsky, mother, by Ellen and Dr. Mark Gordon. Gersohn Rubin by his children and grandchildren. Albert Lorch, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner and family. Harry Erdman, father, by his family. Gertrude Coopersmith by Ruth Orlin and family. Irving Pearlstein, father, by Audrey Levine and family. Albert Aaron Erdman, on his birthday, by Mimmie Erdman and family. Bess Goldsmith, mother, on her birthday, by Ilene and Alvin Powers and family.

Friday and Saturday, June 25 and 26 | 13-14 Tammuz In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of David Andrew Gevarter, by his parents, Karen and Steven Gevarter, and his grandparents, Dorothy and Leonard Gevarter. In Memory Of: Julia and Stephen Syrylo, grandparents of David Andrew Gevarter, on the occasion of David’s Bar Mitzvah. Robert I. Davis, father, by Carol and Gilbert Davis and family. Eli Miller by Beverly and Jordon Max and family. Molly Glaberman by Lorraine and Earl Raffel. Morton Jerome Goldman, father, by his family. Joseph Lazinsky, father, by Harriet and Lowell R. Glazer and Phyllis and Leonard Attman. Lillian and Morris Mittleman, parents, by Rita Werthamer and family. Sol Slavin, husband and father, by Sarah Slavin and family. Ann Carolyn Waranch by her mother, Rita Waranch, brother, Jonathan Waranch, and family. Rae Preissman, mother and grandmother, by Harriet and Richard Udell and family. Reuben Caplan, father, by Sharon and Irvin Caplan. Mary Weinberg Rubenstein by her children and grandchildren. Leo Tabackman, father, by Donna and Robert Wolf and family. Samuel Orlinsky by Ruth Orlin and family.

Friday and Saturday, June 11 and 12 | 29-30 Sivan In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Sofia Baron, by her parents, Susan and Brent Baron, and her grandmothers, Catherine Elizabeth Shofer and Irene Abarbanel. The Bat Mitzvah of Blake Nicole Jachman, by her parents, Judi and Randy Jachman, and her grandparents, Lorraine and Joseph Jachman, E.J. and Michael Dopkin, and Marvin Rice. In Memory Of: Bernard Shofer, Wilbur Baron, and Brahna Baron, grandparents of Hannah Sofia Baron, on the occasion of Hannah’s Bat Mitzvah. Henry Goldsmith, father, by Ilene and Alvin Powers and family. Roselda Cole by Linda and Dr. Jeffrey Cole and family. Anna Glassman, mother, by her family. Theodore Cohn, father, by Barbara and Dr. Sheppard Kaplow. Clayre Blavatt, mother, by Susan and Ronald Blavatt and family. Reba and Hyman Polsky, parents, by Sherrie and Carl A. Polsky and family. Sarah Luchinsky, mother, by Joan and Martin Grebow. Mary Gold by her family. Jeffrey Stephen Hurwitz, son, by Roz Hartman. Isaac Renbaum by Barbara and Tom Steinhardt and family. Archie Cohen by Ann and David Harris and family. Morton Kahn, by his wife, Beverley, children and grandchildren. Rose Hittman by Sandra Hittman and family. Helen Weitzman, mother, by Shirley Kaufman and children. David Rivlin, father, by Estelle Weinberg and family. Ruth S. Dashoff, mother and grandmother, by Ilene and Arnold Dashoff and Susan and Dr. Michael Propper and families. Phyllis Salganik by Gordon Salganik, Wendy and Robert Davis, Debby and Dr. Jesse Hellman, and grandchildren.

Friday and Saturday, July 2 and 3 | 20-21 Tammuz In Memory Of: Albert Hirsch by Hedy and Irving Goldstein and Clara and Frank Hirsch. Dorothy Werber, mother, by Myrna and Jay Blumenthal and family. Gertrude Koppel, mother, by her family. Rose Cohen, mother and grandmother, by Nancy Cohen and Michael and Andrew Schaffer. Bernice Bass Horn, sister, by Peggy and Bill Lewis and family. Mary Shostack, mother, by her family. Norman Altshuler, father, by his family. Solomon Weiner by Sylvia Weiner and family. Max Reznick, father, by Irma Gamson and family. Ann Weinstein, mother, by Jay Weinstein and family.

Friday and Saturday, July 9 and 10 | 27-28 Tammuz In Memory Of: Louis and Rae Isaac, parents, by their family. Marvin Schnitzer, father, by his family. Morris Goodhart, father and grandfather, by Judy and Fred Zimmerman and family. Eli J. Pateka by his mother and sister. Amos I. Meyers, father, by Marlene and Dr. Stuart H. Brager. Bertha B. Levy, mother, by Shirley Shor and family. Marci Glazer Crosby, daughter, by Harriet and Lowell R. Glazer and family. Elmer M. Newhouse, father and grandfather, by Susan and Dr. Marc Hochberg and Frannie and Jennifer. Tessie Gerber by Marlene and Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Friday and Saturday, June 18 and 19 | 6-7 Tammuz In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Miller Hirsch, by his parents, Mary Miller and Charles Hirsch, and his grandparents, Shirley and Sol Hirsch and Sue and Alvin Miller. The Bar Mitzvah of Solomon Micah Swerling, by his parents, Amy Helsel and Jeremy Swerling, his grandparents, Harryette and Stanley Helsel. In Memory Of: Naomi and Hazzan Norman P. Swerling, grandparents of Solomon Micah Swerling, on the occasion of Solomon’s Bar Mitzvah.


Irvin Cohn, father, by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum. Jack B. Kaplan by Seymour Weisberg. Sylvia Kronthal by Toba and Bill Grant and family and Kathy and Stevan Weinberg and family. Eva P. Rapkin, mother, by Henne and Harvey Rapkin and family. Shirley Sue Gelkin, wife, mother and grandmother, by Dr. Michelle Gelkin Rosenbloom and Howard Rosenbloom, Gail Sureff, and Ben and Nicole Sureff. Selma Lebow Finkelstein by her family. Dr. Paul S. Dubansky, by Harriet Dubansky and family. Dorothy Allex, mother, by Bernice and Herbert J. Koppel and family. Fanny Radowsky, mother, by Hazel and Dr. Michael Radowsky. Max Kurman, father, by Gail and Jerry Kurman and children. Edward Mackler, father and grandfather, by Ilene and Stephen Mackler and Geoffrey, David and Melissa and Stefanie Mackler.

Friday and Saturday, July 23 and 24 | 12-13 Av

Friday and Saturday, July 16 and 17 | 5-6 Av

Friday and Saturday, July 30 and 31 | 19-20 Av

In Memory Of: Lillian Steinberg, mother, by Sylvia Cummins and family. Etal Harabagiu, mother, by Amy and Mordehai Gur and family. Esther Fox Goren, by her sister, Natalie Jeffrey. Jerome B. Rose by Traci and Mark Lerner and family. Robert H. Levy by Myra Levy and family. Stanley H. Wilen by his wife, children and grandchildren. Joseph Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow and family. Bessie Franklin, mother, by Beverly and Robert Auslander and family. James Waranch, by his wife, Rita, children, Jonathan and Debra, and grandchildren, Danielle and Joshua. Earle Fritz by his children and grandchildren. Frieda Davis, mother, by Tammi and Mark Davis and family.

In Memory Of: Mark E. Rosenblatt, father and grandfather, by Susan, Douglas, Jonathan and Melanie Schehr and Sylvia Rosenblatt. Sybil Effron, mother, by James Effron and family. Doris Eigenberg, mother, by Judi and Marc Komins and family. Abraham Kemper by his children and grandchildren. Sylvia Borger, mother, by Lynne and Larry Lichtig and family. Larry Esterson by his wife and children. Jack Weintraub, father, by Rona and Dotsy Weintraub. Nancy Joan Levinson by her mother, Bernice Levinson.

Terumot HaKodesh – Sacred Tribute Gifts We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. In our sacred community each contribution is understood as terumat hakodesh—a sacred tribute gift. These different offerings sustain and enrich the life of our community, and are a meaningful way to acknowledge occasions and milestones. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410/486-6400. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Laurel Freedman, Director of Congregational Advancement, ext. 275.

Contributions In Honor of Dr. Jerry Buxbaum on his special birthday by Dr. Anne and David Young Bruce Goldman on his 60th birthday by Dr. Anne and David Young Marilynn and Martin Kinstler on their granddaughter, Jordan Zeigler, becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Barbara and Bruce Lewbart; Dr. Anne and David Young Drs. Miriam Blitzer and David Mallott on their 30th wedding anniversary by Dr. Anne and David Young Alita and Ron Millen on the marriage of Dara and Craig by Robyn and Steve Blum Sandi Moffet for her outstanding commitment to Chizuk Amuno and USCJ Seaboard Region by Dr. Nancy and Jordan Bailowitz Chanting Haftarah and Pam’s aliyah on Pesah by Pam and Dr. Jeffrey Platt

In Memory Of: Anna Sugarman Bank, mother, by Estelle and Allan Rose and family. Irene Rubin, mother and grandmother, by Margi, Steve, and Nathaniel Hoffman and Rebecca Hammerman. Freda Renbaum by Barbara and Tom Steinhardt and family. Joseph Bernhardt, father, by Doris and Jay Bernhardt and family. Sean Humphries, great-grandson, by Ruth Orlin. Florence S. Fish by her children and grandchildren. Philip Glassner, father, by his family. Leatrice Gevantman, mother, by Sandra Zylberman and family. Bruce Blumenthal, on his birthday, by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal and family. Sybil Klaff Effron, on her birthday, by her family.

His aliyah on Pesah by Joshua Rosen Robert Gerber on his 95th birthday by Tobey and Sandy Schreiber Susan and Dr. Richard Kolker on David’s graduation from George Washington Law School by Patsy, Dr. Shelly, Gabe, and Zac Milner Sandi Moffet on being named USCJ Young Leader by the Freedman and Sereboff family Sherrie and Carl Polsky on the birth of their grandaughter, Aubrie Reese Fineberg, by Ann and Gil Abramson Dr. David Roffman on his 65th birthday by Dr. Anne and David Young Robin and Rabbi Ron Shulman on Felicia’s graduation from college by the Freedman and Sereboff family In Memory of Arnold Adler by Paulette and Jay Pollack Esther Ann Adler by Robyn and Steve Blum; Sharon and Irv Caplan; Sylvia Cummins; Tacey and Lawrence Himelfarb; the Hudes family; Roz and Dr. Alfred Kronthal; Paulette and Jay Pollack and family; Michelle, Dr. Kenneth, Scott, Justin, and Sabrina Tepper Wilbur Baron by Rona London and Steve Greenspan Eric Beissinger by Sharon and Irv Caplan Simon Braverman on his yahrzeit by Marjorie Braverman Charlotte Davidson by Lynn and Nelson Tucker Eva Deitchman on her yahrzeit by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deitchman Esther Finifter by Joan Hoppenstein Ruth Kramer by Joan (Mazer) Gurney and family David Levin by Paulette and Jay Pollack Elizabeth London on her yahrzeit by Myra Gershen Martha and Ted Miller on their yahrzeit by Lisa and Dr. Arnold Feiner 6

Pauline and Marvin Moranz by Gary Attman, Les Goldschmidt, and their friends at FutureCare Pauline Moranz by Barbara and Bruce Lewbart; Judith and Fred Zimmerman Anna Pats on her yahrzeit by Dr. Albert Pats Harold Pressman by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner; Meta Oppenheimer; Edith Sherr Deborah Schuster by Anna Pateka and family; Paulette and Jay Pollack and family Joseph Shulman on his yahrzeit by Miriam Shulman Selma Smulyan by Toba and Bill Grant Morris Stern on his yahrzeit by Doris Stern Milton Yoffee by Rheta and Barry Schloss Esther Zabludoff by Ida and Edward Gulin; Corrine and Jeffrey Gulin Refu’ah Shelemah to Arnold Fleischman by Sylvia Cummins David Young by Susan and Edward Frieman; Marsha and Dick Manekin; Lynn and Nelson Tucker; Judith and Fred Zimmerman

Chizuk Amuno Youth Activities In Memory of Harold Pressman by the North Oaks Senior Living Community

Ezrine Library and Glazer Media Center In Honor of Jill Bers with appreciation by Margo Friedmann Ralph Dolgoff by Esther and Louis Miller Arielle Lever on her graduation from college by Vered Nusinov

In Memory of Esther Ann Adler by the Freedman and Sereboff family; Sonia and Bernie Kozlovsky and Laurie and Aaron Margolies; Vered and Jeffrey Nusinov and Dafna and Dr. Uri Tasch; Yael and Solomon Turkel; Yael Turkel and Alina Matz Benny Friedman by Barbara and Howard Cohen and family Robert Hyatt by Isabel and Dr. Steven Pinson

Minyan Fund In Honor of Robert Manekin with thanks and appreciation to a special cousin by Susan Simon Richard Manekin on becoming President of Chizuk Amuno by Susan Simon

Munitz Library Inscribed Etz Hayim Humash In Honor of Dr. Jerry Buxbaum on his special birthday by Ellen and Kenneth Himmelstein; Beverly and Jordon Max Sandi Moffet on being named USCJ Young Leader by Tacey and Lawrence Himelfarb

Krieger Schechter Day School Scholarship Fund In Honor of Beth Goldsmith Russell on her special birthday by Anita Klawans Elissa Hellman by Faye Pollack Lew and Erika Schon on being honored by KSDS by Glenna and Lenny Ross

In Memory of Irving G. Lubich by Bruce Lubich

Prayer Book Fund In Honor of Robert Gerber on his 95th birthday by Helen and Don Saltzman Robin and Rabbi Ron Shulman on Felicia’s graduation from college by Toba and Bill Grant In Memory of Esther Ann Adler by Drs. Mimi Blitzer and David Mallott; Sandi and Brian Moffet Sylvia Apatoff by Ailene and Stan Fraden Wilbur Baron by Marlene and Dan Kessler Barry Hoffman by Kathy and Bruce Posner

In Memory of Esther Ann Adler by Alison and George Wielechowski Naomi Boltansky by Anita Klawans Alan Hamburg by Ruth Simon Lenora O’Toole by Faye and Howard Pollack Refu’ah Shelemah to Eileen Himmelrich by Faye and Howard Pollack

Krieger Schechter Day School General Contribution In Honor of KSDS class of 2010 production of South Pacific by Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager Sandi Moffet on being named USCJ Young Leader by Dr. Michelle Shenk-Cooper and Jeffrey Cooper Temrah Okonski, Sarah Fuld, and the KSDS 4th grade class on their production of the 4th grade play by Nissa Weinberg and Pam Friedman Dr. Jeffrey Platt on being named Blue Yarmulke Man of the Year by Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager Faye and Howard Pollack and Harriet and Shelly Contract on the marriage of Laurie Pollack and Jeff Contract by Deanna and Dr. Norman Alpher In Memory of George Black by Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager Marjorie Friedlander by Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager Ann Lipnick by Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager Marvin Moranz by Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager Adele Nathanson by Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager Selma Smulyan by Ina and Jon Singer Refu’ah Shelemah to David Young by Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager

Mel Landsman by Ellen Hollander Pauline Moranz by Lois and Michael Mannes Selma Smulyan by Lisa and Dr. Brad Trattner Refu’ah Shelemah to David Young by Drs. Karen and Edwin Ezrine

In Memory of Esther Ann Adler by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Earl Schloss by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Refu’ah Shelemah to David Young by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum

Minnie Garber and Rose Greenberg Memorial Scholarship Fund In Honor of Gary Greenberg on becoming President of the JCC of Wilkes Barre by Sandy and Martin Greenberg Joshua Greenberg on his Confirmation by Sandy and Martin Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Greenberg and family on Gary becoming President of the JCC of Wilkes Barre by Sandy and Martin Greenberg Susan and Allan Greenberg on becoming members in perpetuity at the JCC of Wilkes Barre by Sandy and Martin Greenberg Rabbi Roger Lerner on the Confirmation of the Class of 2010 by Sandy and Martin Greenberg

Martha B. Kayne Memorial Award Fund In Honor of Ilene and Arnie Dashoff on the naming of their granddaughter, Noa, by Debbie Gilbert Kramer In Memory of Beloved mother of Dr. Anne Rompalo by Debbie Gilbert Kramer

USY Scholarship Fund In Honor of Dr. Jeffrey Platt in appreciation for leading minyan by Fran and Mark Pressman

Phyllis and Leonard Attman Music Fund In Memory of Esther Ann Adler by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Beloved husband of Ruth Block by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Floyd Devou by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Leonard Glushakow by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Melvin Landsman by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Morris Silberman by Phyllis and Leonard Attman

Fred M. Bart Memorial Scholarship Fund In Honor of Howard Barshop on his 50th birthday by Richard Bart; Howard Barshop In Memory of Fred Bart by Judy Bart

Lois and Alvin Neuberger Education Fund In Honor of Alan and Ann Hamburger on their special birthdays by Carol and David Neuberger Marian Waldman on her 80th birthday by Carol and David Neuberger Refu’ah Shelemah to Ann Hamburger by Barbara and Bruce Lewbart

Jared Scott Levy Memorial Fund In Honor of Ilene and Arnold Dashoff on the naming of their granddaughter, Noa Ruby, by Dorothy Yankellow Connie Friedman on the birth of twin granddaughters, Sylvia Grace and Magnolia Elliot Douglas, by Dorothy Yankellow In Memory of

Mel Landsman by Terry and Allen Holzman; Dorothy Yankellow Pauline Moranz by Dorothy Yankellow Refu’ah Shelemah to

Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Endowment Fund In Honor of Dr. Jerry Buxbaum on his special birthday by Sharon and Irv Caplan; Arlyn and Gerry Cohen; Eunice and Sidney Friedman; Rosalie and Aaron Friedman; Dr. Howard Goldberg; Joan and Dr. Murray Kappleman; Anne and Steven King 7

David Young by Dorothy Yankellow and family

Jack Mark Scholarship Fund In Honor of

David Mark on his special birthday by Rebecca Mark

Reznik-Frier Fund In Honor of Faye and Howard Pollack on the marriage of their daughter, Laurie, to Jeff Contract by Janine and Robert Frier In Memory of Esther Ann Adler by Janine and Robert Frier Lee David Chiat by Janine and Robert Frier Sylvia Diener by Janine and Robert Frier Harold Pressman by Janine and Robert Frier Selma Smulyan by Janine and Robert Frier

Silverman-Brown Author-in-Residence Fund In Honor of Faye and Howard Pollack on the marriage of their daughter, Laurie, to Jeff Contract by Shelley Hendler and Dr. Scott Lever In Memory of Esther Ann Adler by Shelley Hendler and Dr. Scott Lever

William and Irene Weinberg Endowment Fund In Honor of Sandi Moffet on being named USCJ Young Leader by Sally and Arthur Grant

Discretionary Fund Tzedakah contributions to our clergy Discretionary Fund, as well as gifts received in honor, memory, or appreciation of life cycle occasions support charitable, cultural, and educational causes. Michelle Coyne Ross and Stuart Jay Robinson, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman Randi Zell and Igal Madar, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at their wedding Elissa Ness, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for her participating in Federation’s Convention Ellen, Joel, Kate and Julia Goldwasser and Susan, Howard, Jenifer, and Shelby Sirkis, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for her assistance and participation during Shivah services for Barry Hoffman

Laraine Fisher, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the unveiling of Stanley Fisher Miriam Haar and family, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the funeral of Esther Zabludoff Gail and Jerry Kurman, in appreciation of Hazzan Perlman for his participation and services provided to the family of Melvin Landsman Beverly and Stuart Sagal, in honor of Hazzan Perlman’s participation in the National Day of Remembrance Program at the Capitol Rotunda David Raskin, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy for officiating at the unveiling of Vivian Raskin Wallace Kleid, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy for his kindness Dick Fairman, in appreciation for his aliyah Kenneth Friedman, in appreciation of the kindness, thoughtfulness, and support during his sister Shirley Sohmer’s illness and passing

We are grateful to Ruthanne Kaufman, Dorothy Yankellow, and Wesley Wilson for the donation of a silver tzedakah box for the Hoffberger Chapel.

News About Our Members Dorothy Gold was the recepient of the 2010 Oncology Social Worker of the Year Award presented by the Association of Oncology Social Workers.

Dear Members of Chizuk Amuno, Todah Rabbah for remembering Moshe with a donation to the Sim Shalom Siddur Fund. Moshe was very involved in prayer and study. May his heritage be carried forward by all his friends. Sincere Thanks, Margie Tutnauer

Mordchai Shualy is a member of the Maryland Medallion Society. Josh Wolf has been named Chief of Staff for Senator Bobby Zirkin, Maryland State Senator of District 11. Ali Yares received her Doctorate of Communication Design from the University of Baltimore.

United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Torah Fund Thank you to all Torah Fund donors this year. Due to your generosity, Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood met our goal. Please be on the lookout for the next Torah Fund mailing over the summer. We are so very fortunate to have wonderful clergy and educators at our synagogue. Let’s perpetuate the educational possibilities for our future. For more information, please contact Miriam Golob at golobfamily@comcast.net or 410/560-7422. Patron Barbara Lichter Associate Patron Nancie Leibowitz; Lynne Lichtig

Benefactor Teresa Alpert-Leibman; Suzanne Cohen; Edna Crystal; Sylvia Cummins; Harriet Feinglass; Phyllis Friedman; Miriam Golob; Ann Hantgan; Ruthanne Kaufman; Anne King; Dixie Leikach; Elke Neuburger; Beth Perlman; Sheila Sandbank; Scarlett Sherman; Robin Shulman; Bonnie Stainman; Eileen Stang; Lillian Wilen; Donna Wolf; Marsha Yoffe Berakhot Amy Blavatt; Ann Andorsky; Julie Applebaum; Beth Blumberg; Amy Chapper; Florene Goldner; Toba Grant; Sondra Greenberg; Leah Helman; Florence Hoffberger; Joy Katz; Isobel Kemper; Ronnie Kleiman; Audrey Levine; Helen Lewis; Cynthia Max; Jonathan Mayer; Ellen Mogol; Hazel Radowsky; Shuli Raffel; Sharon Rose; Nadine Rudo; Marilyn Schneider; Marlene Schwaber; Carole Sibel; Barbara Snyder; Judith Spector; Debra Tyrangiel; Harriet Udell; Dr. Anne L. Young; Ann Zaiman

Guardian Diane Dansicker; Harriet Glazer; Sheila Pakula


Chai + Patricia Anbinder; Debra Attman; Beverly Auslander; Herta Baitch; Doris Bernhardt; Harriet Brown; Marcia Buxbaum; Carol Caplan; Elyse Caplan; Linda Cole; Ilene Dashoff; Wendy Davis; Nancy Dickman; Deborah Effron; Linda Eisenberg; Judy Folus; Elaine Fox; Miriam Gerstenblith; Patsy Gilbert; Ellen Gillette; Randee Glassman; Adrianne Greenspun; Deborah Hellman; Loretta Hirshfeld; Terry Holzman; Marion Isaac; Natalie Jeffrey; Jane Kahn; Harriet Kanter; Harriet Keiser; Saundra Madoff; Lily Massouda; Alita Millen; Shirley Parker; Isobel Pinson; Fay Prohovnik; Lorraine Pugatch; Dorothy Rainess; Dr. Jennie Rothschild; Marcia Scherr; Anita Schulman; Bette Sherman; Irene Siegel; Margie Simon; Muriel Simon; Susan Sklar; Harriette Solomon; Elaine Tobias; Lynn Tucker; Jeanne Weisgal; Florence Yaffe; Dorothy Yankellow; Karen Zale; Margot Zipper; Dolores Zuckerman


summertime again !

[ time for S ummer S chool at C hizuk Amuno. Join us in June and July. [ Come to S ummer C amp. [ Take a course or two or three. [ Come to our outdoor movie in August.

“…For You Were Strangers…” Joe Greenblum Wednesdays, 10 a.m. - noon June 9: James’ Journey to Jerusalem (2003) June 16: Walk on Water (2004) June 23: The Band’s Visit (2007) The biblical injunction, “You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him” has particular resonance in the State of Israel. How is this demand reflected in the diverse stories presented by the makers and artists of award-winning Israeli films of the last decade? Series Tuition: $10 CAC members; $12 non-members

S tulman C enter P resents C inema U nder the S tars Mark Your Calendars: Wednesday night, August 18

My Favorite Year Bring your own lawn chair. We will supply the drinks and freshly popped corn. Free and open to all. This program is funded in part by the Stanley H. and Lillian S. Wilen Endowment Fund for Adult Education. Rain date: Wednesday, August 25

“All About Eve”…and Her Sisters Rabbi Gila Ruskin Thursdays, July 8, 15, 22, 29,10 - 11:30 a.m. A mosaic of Midrashim about women of the Bible. We will explore traditional texts such as Esther Rabbah and readings in modern literature. Tuition: $40 CAC members; $50 non-members

Summer Camp




Chizuk Amuno


“I Love Paris ” Music and Art in the Best of Times

June 28 - July 2, 2010 | 16 - 20 Tammuz 5770 | 9:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Dr. Susan Vick, curator of the Goldsmith Museum and Hendler Learning Center of Chizuk Amuno Congregation Ken Meltzer, Community Spokesperson for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Seth Kibel, leader, clarinetist and composer for the Alexandria Kleztet Five days of gourmet breakfasts, two classes daily, and a special Tuesday evening lecture by Ken Meltzer. Tuition for this program is $110 ~ CAC Members; $120 ~ Non-Members

David: Protagonist, Poet, Politician Beryl Gottesman Monday - Thursday, June 21 - 24, 10 - 11:30 a.m. Best known as a youth who was good with a slingshot and a writer of beautiful psalms, David was a many-faceted personality who ultimately became the successor to King Saul. In this course we will take a close look at David as lover, friend, warrior, fugitive, king, husband, and family man. Tuition: $40 CAC members; $50 non-members

To register, contact the Stulman Center for Adult Learning at 410/824-2055/58 by Monday, June 14. Register early – enrollment is limited.

Painting for Beginners Brina Pintzuk Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 15, 17, 22, 24, July 13, 15 10 - 11:30 a.m. Learn how to see and appreciate our beautiful outdoors and experience plei nair (outdoor) painting. Tuition: $55 CAC members; $65 non-members Materials not included.

Judy Meltzer, Director • Doris Tanhoff, Assistant This program is funded in part by the Stanley H. and Lillian S. Wilen Endowment Fund for Adult Education.


Perpetual Memorials We observe the yahrzeits of these loved ones this month. May their memories bring blessing and goodness to those who remember them. 23 Sivan | June 5

* * * * * * * * * *

Abraham Alexander Anna Bellus Albert Benjamin Isaac H. Bloom Jane F. Feinglass Milton Felcher Harry Finkelstein Samuel Harris Olga Katz Herbert Levy Jacob Mizen Solomon Silverman

24 Sivan | June 6

* Etta G. Levy * Deborah Frieda Sagorsky 25 Sivan | June 7

* * * * *

Joseph Blumberg Reba Kronthal Herman Lund Mildred Perman Anna L. Reznick Solomon Sachs Tracy Lynn Sugar

* * * * * * * *

Philip Finglass Doris Glaser Benjamin Grossman Aaron Jacobs Hyman Kramer Miriam Kres Dorothy K. Manekin Louis Zusman

* * * * * * * *

Sarah K. Blumenfeld Pauline Brozofsky Israel H. Fischer Albert Lorch Frank Roman Gersohn Rubin Max Lee Schwartz Mildred Sloane

28 Sivan | June 10

* * * *

Joseph Feinglass Lillie K. Goldstein William Greenfeld Robert Lavenstein Helen B. Levin Louis Polikoff

29 Sivan | June 11

* Fannie Katz * Irving Pearlstein Sidney Sher 30 Sivan | June 12

* * * * * *

Roselda Cole Henry Goldsmith Blanche N. Laupheimer Sarah M. Miller Morris Robinson Tobie Sandy Bertha Simons Pearl S. Stein

* * * * *

Morris Abramowitz Sarah Brown Dr. Joseph I. Kemler Louis Leon Esther Naditch Howard D. Rothman Beatrice Slatkin Satterlee Rafael Moshe Zaiman

* * * * * * *

Edmund A. Cornblatt Sarah Farbman Bertha Friedenwald Anna Glassman Edward Holen Roslyn Kaplan Israel Baer Levin Nathan Oppenheimer Rae Anita Simons

1 Tammuz | June 13

2 Tammuz | June 14

26 Sivan | June 8

27 Sivan | June 9

3 Tammuz | June 15

* * * * *

Harriett Andorsky Clayre Blavatt Esther Blumberg Ida Samuels Fox Gerold Holen William Howard Nat Kravitz Reba Polsky Alfred M. Walpert

* *

Ida Bernstein Anna F. Cohen Bessie Ezrine Hattie Holzman

4 Tammuz | June 16

* * *

Jeffrey Stephen Hurwitz Morton Kahn Kate Kropman Katz Isaac Renbaum Jerome Siegel Beatrice Tishman Frieda Wasserman

* * * * * * * * *

Ruth S. Dashoff Mary Fine Bertha Fribush Dr. Harry Goldberg Louis Goldstein Rose Hittman Jennie Lee Morrell Floryne Kanner Pumpian Bernard Rosenour Louis Weitzmer

* * * * * * * *

Louis Bliden George I. Chinn Bella Dunn Fanny Goldsmith Nettie Hankin David Harris Brian Michael Hecht Pauline L. Hecker Paul Kemper Leo Rubenstein Phyllis Salganik

* * * * * *

LeRoy S. Cohen Rubin Fine Eugene Kaufman Fay Mathes Selma Myerberg Hyman Noah Slatkin Bessie Yaffe

5 Tammuz | June 17

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Henry Cohn Zelda B. Fax Rose Fineman Phyllis Ruth Goodman Charles Goldmann Marcus Goldstein Dr. Milton E. Lowman Jack A. Miller Reba Nusbaum Nathan Rosen Jennie Lipman Sacks Ruth Surosky Robert Wasserman Abraham Yudell

* * * * * * *

Rebecca Ades Davidson Jacob Ezrine Merhle Fox Sarah Hoffberger Charles Kolodny David I. Paris Milton Schwaber Frieda S. Seff Louis Seidman Rebecca Tannenbaum

* * * * * *

Samuel Blavatt Benjamin Engleman Gertrude K. Goldman Harry Goldman Ray T. Greenberg Johanna Ladenburger Michael Osher

17 Tammuz | June 29

Nehemiah Altman Stanley I. Garland Harold W. Hammer Ida E. Hoffberger Herman Krieger Bobbe Lipsitz Lila A. Moss Samuel Oshrine Nettie Reiter

18 Tammuz | June 30

11 Tammuz | June 23

7 Tammuz | June 19

* Max L. Dubois Rebecca Goldman * Gertrude W. Jacobson * Irving Katz Ruth Medway Julius Nathanson * Harry Panitz * Ethel Rosenbloom Harriet Hackerman Saidman * Anna Yetta Schreiber 9 Tammuz | June 21

* Edith Carasik * Florence G. Filtzer * Solomon Geller

* Levi Rosenour * Sayde Sklar

14 Tammuz | June 26

* * * * * * * *

Annie Baer Ruth Kaplan Berman David Caplan Molly Bogen Glaberman Belle Hendler Hannah Holen Samuel Holzman Louis Kropman Eli Miller Isaac K. Plimack Abraham Schechter

15 Tammuz | June 27

* Lee M. Cohen Albert Cohen * Abraham Cummins Samuel Friedman * Samuel Goldmann * Joseph Kolodny * Joseph Lazinsky Ruth S. Lipsitz * Phillip Miller Lillian O. Mittleman Jerome Joseph Mondell Joseph E. Roseman Yetta I. Scher Jennette Schoen Sol Slavin * Frieda Katz Sommer Ann Carolyn Waranch 16 Tammuz | June 28

* *

Helene Klein Helen Kramer Rosa Lazarus Rae Preissman

13 Tammuz | June 25

* * * * * *

Reuben Caplan Sara DuBois Myrtle A. Novey Ida Sapp Zipporah Schogel Helen Gans Senker Dr. Leon M. Shulman

* * * * * * * * *

* Elsie Lipsitz William Moellerich * Louis Rosenberg * Mary Weinberg Rubenstein Celia Rubinstein * Jacob Sugar Leo Tabackman

12 Tammuz | June 24

8 Tammuz | June 20


Ida Gerber Alta Granat Abraham Harris Rebecca Kitt Jennie B. Pines Benjamin Roffman Edith Salkov Louis Valenstein Bernice Wingrat George H. Young

10 Tammuz | June 22

6 Tammuz | June 18

O bs e r v i n g T i s h a h B ’ A v - T h e N i n t h

* * * * * * * * *

* Elizabeth B. Zuckerman 19 Tammuz | July 1

* * * * * * * *

Farida N. Blaker David S. Brown Isidore M. Cantor Jessie Pugatch Fox Pauline Shapiro Friedman Rachel Glass Jennie P. Hirschmann Selma R. Morrell Dr. Alexander Novey

* * * * * *

Seymour Attman Diana Blum Erwin Forchheimer Merla Friedenwald Elaine F. Goodman Dr. Theodore Herzl Otto (Otts) Rosenberg

* * * * * * * * *

Pauline B. Cohen Melvin L. Fine David Galoon Edythe R. Goldman Jennie Goldstein Mamie S. Goodman Albert Hirsch Hyman Mazer Sheba Potts Scher Murray Slatkin Sidney Weinberg

* * * * *

B. Samuel Berman Albert Cohn Benjamin J. Kolker Sarah Schneeberger Albert “Memie” Shaivitz Beatrice Sklar Dorothy Werber Leo Wetzler

* * * * * * * * * *

Helen Barr Tillie Cohen Marshall Ezrine Anna Goldberg Marian H. Goldberg Evelyn Scher Guyer Lena Hartz Pauline Meyer Daniel J. Raskin Sarah Wolman

20 Tammuz | July 2

21 Tammuz | July 3

22 Tammuz | July 4

23 Tammuz | July 5

24 Tammuz | July 6

* Irving Berman Lena Better

C hef A nnie ’s fabulous B risket for your R osh H a S hanah C elebration !


We will observe Tishah B’Av with prayer and reflection on the evening of Monday, July 19 at 8 p.m. During the Ma’ariv Service for Tishah B’Av we will recite the Bible’s Book of Lamentations, Eikhah.

Just $54 per 3 lb. container – plenty for 10 people Pick up: Tuesday, September 7, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Tishah B’Av is our calendar’s date of mourning. On the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av we recall tragic events in Jewish history whose legacy have shaped our identity and values.

It’s time to order. Orders must be received and paid for by Sunday, August 7. No late orders will be accepted.

We will also gather in observance of Tishah B’Av on Tuesday morning, July 20 at 7 a.m. A special Minhah service will be held at 1 p.m.

Please make your check payable to CAC and return it to the synagogue office, attn: Rosh HaShanah Brisket, indicating your how many 3 lb. containers you would like, as well as your name, phone number, and e-mail address. 10

* * * *

Rose B. Cohen Lenore Levy Dr. Sidney F. Pakula John Rosenthal Reba Topaz

* * * * * * * *

Aaron L. Cohen Minnie Goldberg Sarah Greifer Sophia I. Hirschman Jeannette F. Levy Betsy Levy Isidore G. Preissman Louis Roman Sigi Strauss David Whitman

* * * * * * *

Meyer B. Cohen Bernice F. Cohn Harry Freilich Samuel Lesser Solomon Miller Julius Novey Morris Silverberg Howard A. Wagonheim

* * * * * * * * *

Helen D. Bennett Abraham Duke Annie Goldstein Harry Hendler Jennie Leavitt Raymond D. Levine Eugene Love Max Reznick Allan Rosenthal Samuel Sachs Dr. Sidney H. Sachs Solomon Weiner

* * * * * * * *

Mary Blankin Shirley Blumberg Leonard J. Chasen Morris Goodhart Samuel Helman Rae Isaac Doris Schwartz Kleiman Reba Phillips Louis Richmond Sidney Rosenfeld Marvin Schnitzer

* * *

Herbert Davis Anna Goldberg Bessie Kramer Leon Lebow

25 Tammuz | July 7

26 Tammuz | July 8

27 Tammuz | July 9

28 Tammuz | July 10

29 Tammuz | July 11

* Eli J. Pateka 1 Av | July 12

* Howard P. Blum * David Bookoff * Charles Brenner * Marci Glazer Crosby * Tessie Gerber * Jack Kirsch * Fannie Kolker * Bertha B. Levy * Amos Meyers * Fanny Holen Schneeberger * Mitzie Holen Schwartz 2 Av | July 13

* * * * * * * *

Irvin Cohn Max Deckelbaum Shirley Sue Gelkin Harry Goldman Sylvia Bunkin Grimson Irving Hartz Pia Bonner Josephson Jack B. Kaplan Victor Layton Celia Pugatch Eva P. Rapkin Raymond Sharp Mose I. Speert Irvin Steinberg

* * * * * * * * *

Sophie Banks Frank Cohen Dr. Paul S. Dubansky Selma Finkelstein Jennie Lewis Lillie Lobel Bernard Melnicove Samuel Podnetsky Minnie Skurnik Robert L. Snyderman Sara Sugarman

* * * * * *

Mollie Hamburger Emma Kellert Morris Levinson Lena Levy Fannie Michelson Edith Oberfeld Israel Silberstein

* * * *

Adele Adler Herbert Berlin Mary Cooperstein Sophia Kramer Edward Mackler

3 Av | July 14

4 Av | July 15

5 Av | July 16

* *

Theresa Minch Shirley Lee Rosenzwog Robert H. Silverstein Irene S. Wasserkrug

* * * * * * *

Amelia Gutman Hilda Helman Louis Isaac Irving B. Kahn Phyllis A. Kassel Katie Katz Celia Kleinman Morris A. Mechanic Dr. Benjamin Sax Alvin B. Scher

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Harry E. Benjamin Mollie Berger Victor Cohen Dora Fisher Annette Fishkind Philip R. Goldman Etal Harabagiu E. Harvey Kayne Sarah Levin Dr. Barry Nathanson Eva Pugatch Ribakow Stanley Sagner Anna Scherr Lillian Steinberg

* * * * * *

Anna Brown Frank M. Chapper Esther Fox Goren Jacob Klein Jacob Levy Paul Nachlas Jerome B. Rose Morton Silesky Max Zuckerman

* * * *

Herman Lipman Cohen Joseph H. Friedman Irving S. Jurist Arthur Buddy Kellert Anna Rubin Stanley H. Wilen

* * * * *

6 Av | July 17

Ben Raffel Harry Saul Freda Silberstein Frank F. Switzenbaum James I. Waranch William Yospe

11 Av | July 22

* J. Benjamin Katzner * Annette Lowinger Samuel A. Simons 12 Av | July 23

* Rose Bamberger Frieda Davis * Rose Filtzer * Joseph Gordon * Belle Gurney * Yetta Rand * Mordchai Shualy

7 Av | July 18

13 Av | July 24

* * * * * *

Albert Israel Better Herman Goldsmith Sara Marjorie Katzoff Philip Kravitz William Levy Freda Renbaum Irene Rubin Jeanette Weinberg

* * * * * * * *

Joseph Bernhardt Libby Getlan Bessie L. Hoffman Marilyn D. Plaine Levi Plant Julius Posner Kate Ressin Ethyl L. Roffman Emilia Schiff Pearl Weintraub

* * * * * * * *

Lillian Wilner Braver Meier Brownstein Sadie J. Crockin Dr. Jerome Cullen Florence S. Fish Rose S. Gainsburg Joseph Kellert Theresa Klein Hinda Peshe Levenson Abraham Schwartzman Elka Sukiennik

* * * *

Samuel L. Bank Dorothy F. Klaff Barnett I. Levinson Beatrice Stern Levy

14 Av | July 25

8 Av | July 19

15 Av | July 26

9 Av | July 20

10 Av | July 21

* Frances Z. Abramson Leon Applefeld * Bella Danker * Yetta Eisen * Irene Rosenzwog Fischer * Harold Goldstein * Etta Merkel

16 Av | July 27

Sylvia Oseroff * Joseph Shapiro 17 Av | July 28

* * * * * *

Hilda Betten Dorothy N. Caplan Lena Morgenstern Caplan Moses Hartz Gilbert W. Kitt George J. Lipsitt Joseph Rosen

18 Av | July 29

* George E. Brosler * Sol Ezrine * Rose Friedenwald * Philip Glassner * Wallace Lee Goldman * Albert Hoffenberg * Maurice Kemper * Eli Levine Zvi Pearl * Louis Samuels * Celia Sindler Adolphe Bammie Solomon * Annie Suskin * Sidney Udell 19 Av | July 30

* * * * * *

Louis Blaustein Amelia Ehrlich Elaine Goldberg Ruth S. Krieger George Reiter Rose B. Walpert

* * * * * * * *

Bessie Cohen Helen Greenfeld Jacobs Jacob Joseph Dr. Carol Beth Kleinman B. Elliott Koppel Anna Rochberg Mark Elliott Rosenblatt Abraham Rubinson Morris Solomon Sheva Witz

* * * * * * * *

Belle Baitch Myer J. Cohen Sybil Effron Doris Eigenberg Kalman Hettleman Michael Meyers Rachel Morris Clara Pflaunlacher

20 Av | July 31

21 Av | Aug. 1

22 Av | Aug. 2

* * * * * * * *

Louis Bernstein Rose Deitsch Albert Edelstein Mae K. Elfman Herman L. Gilden Ruth Goldstein Abraham Kemper Stanley Krawitz Anna Lerner Philip Levin Hannah R. Schloss Henry O. Slusky

* * * * * *

Rosa Alter Dianna C. Barasch Dr. Aaron Friedenwald Nathan Gittelson Julius H. Hess Pincus Lazarus

* * * * *

Charles L. Edlavitch Larry L. Esterson Sander J. Gamerman Frank S. Greenberg Nancy Joan Levinson A. Benson Mirmelstein

* * * * * * *

Beverly Blum Harris Farbman Dorothy W. Gerber Sidney Kanner Belle Levinson Joseph M. Savitz Ethel Schwartzman Morris Simmons Moses N. Zenitz

* * *

Ethel Harris Miriam Katz Ruth R. Sussman Anna Taft Ruth S. Zaslow

23 Av | Aug. 3

24 Av | Aug. 4

25 Av | Aug. 5

26 Av | Aug. 6

*Memorial light

T he F lorence M elton Adult M ini -S chool at C hizuk A muno

B rotherhood C losing B reakfast Sunday, June 13, 10:30 a.m.

Interactive, pluralistic study/discussion with like-minded adults and a wonderful teacher You, too, can share the experience. Register today. 410/824-2055/8

Krieger Auditorium Guest speaker: Erin Beser

Erin will discuss her service through the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee to Jewish communities around the world.


F o r

m o r e

i n f o r m a t i o n

410/486 - 6400 |

www.chizukamuno.org Non-Profit Org. us postage Paid Baltimore, MD Permit No. 544

Chizu k Am uno Con g re g at i o n

8100 S t e v e n s o n R d, B a lt i m o r e , M d 2 1 2 0 8

time sensiti v e material please deliver promptly

H a H odesh ~ This Month at Chizuk Amuno

Chizuk Amuno Graduation Dates Mazal Tov to our students who will graduate this spring. • Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center — Wednesday, June 2 at 10 a.m. • Krieger Schechter Day School — Thursday, June 3 at 7 p.m.

For details on all our events, please visit our website w w w.chizukamuno.org.

1 2 3 6 7 9 13 15 16

J u n e 2010 • S i va n - Ta m m u z 5770 Tuesday Brotherhood Blood Drive (p. 1) Wednesday GECEC Graduation (p. 12) Thursday KSDS Graduation (p. 12) Sunday Adopt-A-Road (p. 4) Monday KSDS Golf & Tennis Classic (p. 1) Wednesday James’ Journey to Jerusalem (p. 9)

Sunday Brotherhood Closing Breakfast (p. 11) Tuesday Painting for Beginners (p. 9) Wednesday Walk on Water (p. 9)

17 21 22 23 24 26 27 28

3 6 8 10 13 14 15

Thursday Painting for Beginners (p. 9) Monday GECEC Summer Camp Begins

Shabbat Summer Shul ( p. 1)

Tuesday Painting for Beginners (p. 9)

Thursday Painting for Beginners (p. 9) “All About Eve” …and Her Sisters (p. 9)

Tuesday Painting for Beginners (p. 9)

Shabbat Summer Shul ( p. 1)

Wednesday The Band’s Visit (p. 9) Thursday Painting for Beginners (p. 9)

Tuesday Painting for Beginners (p. 9) Wednesday Ronald McDonald House (p. 4)

Shabbat Annual Summer Picnic after Services

(p. 1) David: Protagonist, Poet, Politician thru June 24 (p. 9)

J u l y 2010 • Ta m m u z - A v 5770

Sunday Habitat for Humanity Interfaith Build (p. 4) Our Daily Bread (p. 4)

Monday I Love Paris – Adult Summer Camp thru July 2 (p. 9) 12

Thursday “All About Eve” …and Her Sisters (p. 9) Painting for Beginners (p. 9)

17 24 19 20 22 25 29 31

Shabbat Summer Shul ( p. 1) Shabbat Summer Shul ( p. 1) Monday Erev Tishah B’Av (p. 10) Tuesday Tishah B’Av (p. 10)

Thursday “All About Eve” …and Her Sisters (p. 9) Sunday Our Daily Bread (p. 4)

Thursday “All About Eve” …and Her Sisters (p. 9) Shabbat

Summer Shul ( p. 1)

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