C h i z u k 101
Chizuk Amuno
Sunday, November 7, 7 - 8:30 p.m.
at the home of Rabbi Ron and Robin Shulman Join the freshman class of Chizuk Amuno’s “welcome” for new members and all members who want to renew their connection to our synagogue community. Chizuk 101 participants will get together four times during the year to talk about the meanings and opportunities of Jewish community, meet synagogue personalities and one another, and explore the how’s and why’s of Chizuk Amuno. Let us know of your interest by contacting Judy Simkin at 410/486-6400, ext. 232 or jsimkin@chizukamuno.org.
Join us to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Chizuk Amuno Sanctuary Friday, October 29 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Dinner
Q ua l i t y T i m e …
7:30 p.m. Erev Shabbat Service
…conversations about our beliefs and our world
Featuring Hazzan Perlman and the Chizuk Amuno Choir—If These Walls Could Sing
Tuesday, November 9, 7:30 p.m.
October 2010 | Tishrei - Heshvan 5771
What to Believe if “Faith is not Fact” Join Rabbi Shulman for a candid conversation about core Jewish concepts and their relevance for our world today. During our first “Quality Time” session Rabbi Shulman’s teaching will include his personal reflections on belief.
October 30
Special Shabbat morning service, recognizing all members who have enjoyed s’mahot in our Sanctuary over these past five decades Community Kiddush Luncheon On display throughout the weekend: a photographic retrospective depicting the history and life of the Sanctuary from construction to present day.
This is the first of a year-long series. Future sessions will include distinguished guests and will meet the second Tuesday of the month: December 14, January 11, February 8, March 8, April 12, and May 10.
Please watch your mail for a detailed invitation.
B a l t i m o r e B o a r d o f R a bb i s 62nd Annual
One Shul, One Title, One Month Wednesday, November 3, 7 p.m. Judith Shulevitz, award winning author, will discuss her new book, The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time. In this elegantly written work, Shulevitz weaves together histories of the Jewish and Christian Sabbaths, speculations on the nature of time, and a personal account of her own struggle with the day and its meaning. A dessert reception with follow the book discussion. This program is free and open to the community. The Sabbath World is available at a discounted rate in the Stulman Center office.
Adult Institute of Jewish Studies Opening Evening, Tuesday, October 5 Classes – Tuesday Evenings: October 12, 19, and 26 At Chizuk Amuno Congregation For more information, call Rivka Schwebel, 410/369-9253.
Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others Wednesday, October 13, Noon-2 p.m.
A Magical Day in New York Wednesday, January 5, 7 a.m. (depart CAC)
Led by Lou Jacobs LCSW-C A workshop on self-care for those providing care to loved ones; Free and open to the community.
Jewish Museum • The Flying Karamazov Brothers • Ben’s Kosher Restaurant $155 fee includes bus, breakfast (on the bus), museum admission, theater seats, photo-ops with the Flying Karamazov Brothers (a Chizuk Amuno exclusive), dinner, and driver’s gratuity. Bring a sack lunch. For more information or to RSVP, call the Stulman Center, 410/824-2055/8.
RSVP to Miriam Foss, ext. 281. Program made possible by the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund 1
Chizuk Amuno Congregation 8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 www.chizukamuno.org
Synagogue Office 410/486-6400 Synagogue Fax 410/486-4050 Synagogue E-mail info@chizukamuno.org Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410/486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410/486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410/486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410/824-2055
Milestones In Our Synagogue Family B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. OCTOBER 2
We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Bryce Emerson Bernstein, daughter of Allison and Bryan Bernstein Roy Oscar Hendler, son of Natalie and Alex Hendler and grandson of Lee Meyerhoff Hendler. Maya Rose Schein, daughter of Katie and Adam Schein and granddaughter of Mollie and Dr. William Smulyan
President Richard P. Manekin, pres@chizukamuno.org First Vice President Michelle Malis, 1stvp@chizukamuno.org Vice President Louis E. Sapperstein Vice President Sandra Moffet Secretary Dr. Andrew Miller Treasurer Michelle Hettleman Assistant Treasurer Jason A. Blavatt
Julia Samantha Folkart Ya’akovah Shoshanah daughter of Allison and Erik Folkart
We wish Happy Birthday to these members of our synagogue family who each celebrate a birthday milestone in synagogue services this month. Tamara Flax Deena Lowenberg
Alexis Jaye Levitt Hannah daughter of Nicole and Michael Levitt
Rona Zukerberg
Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman x230
Ilan Benjamin Komrad Ilan Binyamin son of Dr. Mark and Cantor Kim Komrad
Rabbi Deborah Wechsler x231
dwechsler@chizukamuno.org Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman x296 Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman x233 eperlman@chizukamuno.org Ritual Director Dr. Moshe D. Shualy x243 mshualy@chizukamuno.org
Dr. Paul D. Schneider | x226 | pschneider@soink12.ksds.edu
Michelle Gold | x238 | gecec@chizukamuno.org
Director, Stulman Center for Adult Learning
Judy Meltzer | x287 | stulman@chizukamuno.org Director, Gemilut Hasadim Program
Miriam Foss | x281 | mfoss@chizukamuno.org Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coordinator
Caroline Elizabeth Meyer Gavriella Etta daughter of Lisa and Dr. Gerald Meyer Andrew Jacob Schwartz Mordechai Gedalia son of Deborah and Eric Schwartz OCTOBER 23
Debby Hellman | x290 | dhellman@chizukamuno.org
Curator, Goldsmith Museum
Executive Director
Ronald N. Millen | x224 | rnmillen@chizukamuno.org Director of Congregational Advancement
Laurel Freedman | x275 | lfreedman@chizukamuno.org Synagogue Administrator
Jenny Baker | x227 | jbaker@chizukamuno.org Controller
Rick Bernard | x256 | rbernard@chizukamuno.org Information Systems Manager
Justin Bernard Hoffman Baruch son of Donna and Stephen Hoffman Matthew David Lebowitz Moshe son of Elisa and Michael Lebowitz NOVEMBER 7
J.M. Becker Avraham Yehudah son of Cari and Robert Becker
Barbara Lichter | x248 | blichter@chizukamuno.org
Communications and Membership Coordinator
Cheryl Snyderman | x300 | csnyderman@chizukamuno.org Graphic Designer
Rachel Levitan | x282 | rlevitan@chizukamuno.org
Reva Totz Abramowitz Hecker We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Maxine Cooper, on the loss of her brother, Richard Konigsberg Eena Feld, on the loss of her mother, Jeanette Posner. Alan N. Kanter, on the loss of his father, Benjamin Kanter Sande Mitchell, on the loss of her mother, Rosalie Wishkin Arnold Neuburger, on the loss of his sister, Fanny Mae Okum Joel Richmond, on the loss of his sister, Edith F. Ades Alex Weinberg, on the loss of his father, Maurice (Maury) Weinberg
Cemetery Director
Marsha Yoffe | x309 | myoffe@chizukamuno.org
Laura Caplan, daughter of Karen and Steven Caplan, to Carl Szabo
David Mark, on the loss of his sister, Rebecca Mark
Bruce P. Yaillen | x284 | byaillen@chizukamuno.org
Assistant Cemetery Director
We congratulate the following couple and their families as we wish them much happiness.
Adele Benesh
Dr. Susan Vick | x291 | svick@chizukamuno.org
In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members:
Isaac Woloff | x305 | iwoloff@chizukamuno.org
T. Herbert Dimmock
Amy Magaziner, daughter of Ilene and Dr. Harvey Magaziner, to Glen Robertson.
In Loving Memory
Youth Educator
Choir Director
Mazal tov to the following members of our synagogue family who will be celebrating their wedding anniversary in synagogue services in the coming weeks.
We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Lori Magaziner, daughter of Ilene and Dr. Harvey Magaziner, to Jake Bennett.
Headmaster, Krieger Schechter Day School
Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center
Rev. Yehuda Dickstein
Alex Weinberg | x234 | aweinberg@chizukamuno.org
Beverly Sagal
60th: Betty and Dr. Leonard Golombek OCTOBER 16
Ritual Director Emeritus
Director, Congregational Education
Earl Raffel
KSDS Book Fair
Monday - Thursday, November 8 - 11 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Questions? Contact Donna Friedman, 410/653-0422 or donnagfried@comcast.net.
As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.
Member in the News Mazal Tov to Dr. David Rofftman, for receiving the Teacher of the Year Award from University of Maryland in Baltimore.
Schedule of Services Each Friday evening and Shabbat morning we enjoy celebration, prayer, and Torah study with Rabbi Ronald Shulman, Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, and our synagogue community.
This schedule indicates the weeks when our Chizuk Amuno Choir participates in services, as well as study themes, or other service features including family and Shabbat Yahad activities. Join with us to express yourself in the presence of God, to nurture your soul, and to connect your life with the life of our synagogue family. Babysitting is available beginning at 9:15 a.m. every Shabbat, except holiday weekends.
OCTOBER 2010 Tishrei/Heshvan 5771
Unless otherwise noted: Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Minhah, Ma’ariv and Havdalah: refer to weekly Shabbat schedules
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service Torah Portion: B’REISHIT, GENESIS 1:1-6:8 B’not Mitzvah of Julia Folkart and Alexis Levitt Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Family Service
9:15 a.m.
October 8/9 | Tishrei 30/Heshvan 1 ROSH HODESH
Candle Lighting
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. Torah Portion: NOAH, GENESIS 6:9-11:32 and NUMBERS 28:9-15 Bar Mitzvah of Ilan Komrad Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Family Service 10:00 a.m. Torah for Tots 11:15 a.m.
October 1
6:31 p.m.
October 8
6:20 p.m.
October 15
6:10 p.m.
October 22
6:00 p.m.
October 29
5:51 p.m.
October 15/16 | Heshvan 7/8
5:43 p.m.
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
November 5
T r a n s p o r tat i o n S e r v i c e
S h a b b at a n d H o l i day M o r n i n g s on
Need a ride to shul on Shabbat morning or on holidays? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Just call Miriam Foss by Monday or Tuesday of the week you want to attend services.
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:05 p.m.
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. Torah Portion: LEKH L’KHA, GENESIS 12:1-17:27 B’nei Mitzvah of Caroline Meyer and Andrew Schwartz Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service 10:00 a.m. Simhat Shabbat 10:00 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:55 p.m.
Join Us at Our School Open House: Krieger Schechter Day School Monday, October 11, 9 a.m. Tuesday, November 16, 7 p.m.
10:00 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:16 p.m.
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
October 1/2 | Tishrei 23/24
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel
October 22/23 | Heshvan 14/15
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. Torah Portion: VA-YERA, GENESIS 18:1-22:24 B’nei Mitzvah of Justin Hoffman and Matthew Lebowitz Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service 10:00 a.m. Torah for Tots 11:15 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
4:45 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m.
October 29/30 | Heshvan 21/22 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat Sanctuary 50th Anniversary Celebration Shabbat Dinner Celebration Erev Shabbat Service Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service Torah Portion: HAYYEI SARAH, GENESIS 23:1-25:18 Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service Kiddush Luncheon Celebration
9:15 a.m.
6:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:36 p.m.
November 5/6 | Heshvan 28/29 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service Torah Portion: TOL’DOT, GENESIS 25:19-28:9 Shabbat Yahad – Shabbat Together Family Service Simhat Shabbat Torah for Tots
9:15 a.m.
10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
`4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:28 p.m.
It’s Time to Schedule Your Bar or Bat Mitz vah
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center
If you are a member of Chizuk Amuno Congregation and your child will turn 13 in 2013 and does not attend Rosenbloom Religious School or Krieger Schechter Day School,
Wednesday, November 17, 10 a.m.
please notify Paulette Pollack in the Synagogue office at 410/486-6400, ext. 223. Dates for 2013 B’nei Mitzvah are currently being scheduled.
C rafts at S t . V incent ’ s V illa Sunday, October 17, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
The Gemilut Hasadim Committee will be sponsoring an afternoon of crafts, cooking, and educational activities at St. Vincent’s Center, a therapeutic group home based in Towson. To volunteer, contact Susan Straus in the evening, 410/356-6284. Because advanced preparation is needed for this activity, please register as soon as possible. 3
Gemilut Hasadim Volunteer Programs Adopt-A-Road Volunteers Urgently Needed! Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood performs the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue on Sunday, October 10, (rain date October 17). Meet us at 9 a.m. by the front office. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome. To volunteer please call Irwin Golob at 410/560-7422. Courtland Gardens Help bring joy to the residents of Courtland Gardens through group activities: Sunday, October 31, 2:30 p.m. To volunteer, please contact Linda Levy, 410/484-4015 or lindalevy10@gmail.com. New!! Operation Welcome Home Maryland Join us as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas. Volunteers will meet at BWI airport and help pack goodie bags, cheer for soldiers, and thank them for their service. Dates are set one to three weeks in advance of the incoming flights. If you would like to be informed of these welcoming opportunities contact Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@ chizukamuno.org. This project is suitable for adults and children of all ages. Special thanks to those who volunteered in September: Stuart Aiken, Jenny Baker, Rena Finkel, Sarajane Greenfeld, Nadja Pats, Marshall Tanhoff, and Rabbi Deborah Wechsler
Terumot HaKodesh – Sacred Tribute Gifts We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. In our sacred community each contribution is understood as terumat hakodesh—a sacred tribute gift. These different offerings sustain and enrich the life of our community, and are a meaningful way to acknowledge occasions and milestones. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410/486-6400. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Laurel Freedman, Director of Congregational Advancement, ext. 275.
Contributions In Honor of Ruth and Allen Brown on their 40th wedding anniversary by Joan and Dr. Saul Gurney Ilene and Arnold Dashoff on their 40th wedding anniversary by Joan and Dr. Saul Gurney Phyllis and Jos Heller on their golden wedding anniversary and on Jos’ 80th birthday by Josh Rosen Marilynn and Martin Kinstler on thier grandson, Jesse, becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Barbara and Bruce Lewbart Rosalind and Dr. Alfred Kronthal on Eric’s engagement to Stacie by Toba and Bill Grant
Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake Chizuk Amuno has volunteer slots for Building on Faith Weekend, Sunday, October 24. No construction skills are needed and there is always a construction supervisor on site. A variety of tasks is available and will be determined based on need. Teenagers over the age of 16 are encouraged to participate. This is a great opportunity to represent Chizuk Amuno while building homes for families alongside great volunteers from around the area. To sign up, or for more information, please contact Bobbi Schulman, 410/561-5967 or sschul@comcast.net. Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden We are looking for flower and plant enthusiasts of all ages to help tend the garden in the fall. Double community service hours are available through the GH office. To sign up, please e-mail Allen Brown, abrown86@verizon.net. Special thanks to Allen Brown, Laurel Freedman, Shari Kaplan, Marci Scher, Joan Vardi, Shawn Vardi, and to the Malinow family for donating and planting the centerpieces from Sara’s Bat Mitzvah Our Daily Bread Join the Chizuk Amuno team to help serve meals to hungry men, women, and children from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on upcoming Sundays, October 31, November 28 and December 26. To sign up, please contact Wendy Davis at 410/358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410/602-9885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com. Todah Rabbah to the dedicated volunteers who served in August: Debbie Davis, Mark Davis, Wendy Davis, Mark Nathanson, and Janice Perlman Dr. David Mallott on his induction into the Academy of Educational Excellence by Dr. Patty and Gary Attman Sarah Manekin on receiving the “Best Dissertation” prize from the History of Education Society by Ann and Gil Abramson Herschel Polakoff on his 90th birthday by Barbara and Mark Goldman Ruth and Herschel Polakoff on their 70th wedding anniversary by Barbara and Mark Goldman Audrey and Les Polt on the birth of their grandson, Ethan Judah, by Ann and Gil Abramson Beverly and Stuart Sagal on the birth of their granddaughter, Madison Rees, by Ann and Gil Abramson Marvin Solomon on his 90th birthday by Lois and Alan Elkin; Marilyn and Bernie Sapperstein; Ania and Mickey Steinberg; Rebecca Tucker Chizuk Amuno’s clergy by Herbert Kreitman In Memory of Evelyn Berman by Judy and Marty Woolfson Laurie Dolgoff on her yahrzeit by Marian Waldman Donald Fedder by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner Freda Guben on her yahrzeit by Roslyn Guben Jerry Hart by Roz and Dr. Alfred Kronthal Norman Harwitz by Marlene and Dan Kessler Richard Konigsberg by Ruthanne Kaufman Leah Leavey on her yahrzeit by Albert Pats David Levin by Mildred and Phil Nochumowitz; Rita and Marshall Plaut and family Fanny Mae Okum by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner Scott Ottenheimer by Carole and Noah Buchman 4
Hakhnasat Orhim – Welcoming Guests If you live within walking distance of the synagogue, and are able to host visitors for Shabbat, please e-mail Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org. Ronald McDonald House Join us as we cook and serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children. The families look forward to home cooked meals to ease the strain and pressure that come with seeking medical treatment far from home. Our upcoming dates are Tuesday, October 12, Wednesday, November 10 (Sisterhood), and Wednesday, December 15. Todah Rabbah to those who volunteered in August: Linda Levy, Abdul, Jenny Baker, Harriet Brown, Adam Cohen, Karen Cohen, Edna Crystal, Harriet Dubansky, Natalie Jeffrey, Lisa London, Janice Perlman, Shuli Raffel, David Sall, Sophie Sall, Eileen Schultz, Susan Straus, Frada Wall, and Marsha Yoffe Many thanks to all people who volunteered for our first Campus Beautification Day. Volunteers will be recognized in the upcoming issue of HaZ’man ~ This Season. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Miriam Foss at 410/486-6400, ext. 281 or mfoss@chizukamuno.org. Please refer to www.chizukamuno. org for more information regarding these programs. We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. Dr. Samuel Pines by Mildred and Phil Nochumowitz Enid Rosen by Nicette Beinart, Frieda Gamsu, Maureen Levy, and Phyllis Sonen Edwin Rosenthal by Irene Pack and family Their beloved parents by Dr. and Mrs. David Richman Refu’ah Shelemah to Dr. Ronald Branoff by Sharon and Irv Caplan Ethel Braverman by Sharon and Irv Caplan
Ezrine Library and Glazer Media Center In Honor of KSDS Staff by Miriam Glick Marvin Solomon on his 90th birthday by Mitzi Zerivitz
Goldsmith Museum Fund In Honor of Alita and Ron Millen on the marriage of Dara and Craig Friedson by Margery and Michael Moranz Judy and Fred Zimmerman on the birth of their grandson, Drew, by Margery and Michael Moranz
Inscribed Etz Hayim Humash In Honor of Marvin Solomon on his 90th birthday by Marlene and Bruce Solomon and family
Prayer Book Fund In Honor of Beverly Berman on the marriage of her grandson, Mark Weingram, to Ashley Framm by Phyllis and Norman Gold
Annabelle and Morris Mervis on their special birthdays by Pearl Ember Marvin Solomon on his 90th birthday by Ruth Bakal; Bea Herling; Annabelle and Morris Mervis; Melinda, Aaron, Rachel, and Brett Weinstein
Carol Lombardo Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Thelma Morrison by Gwendolyn and Arthur Lewis
Lois and Alvin Neuberger Family Educational Fund
Zaiman Educational Alliance
In Honor of Ann and Alan Hamburger on their 45th wedding anniversary by Dr. Anne and David Young
In Memory of Warren Komins by Judy and Dr. Irv Hyatt
David M. Bloomberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Vince Lombardo by Becki and Steve Gershman; Myra and Sheldon Meyers and the Mah Jongg group
Pauline and Ivan Oshrine KSDS Endowment Fund
In Honor of Marvin Solomon on his 90th birthday by Estelle Bloomberg
In Memory of Marcia Hess by Ivan Oshrine Philip Markman by Ivan Oshrine
In Memory of Evelyn Berman by Estelle Bloomberg and family
The Reznik-Frier Scholarship Fund
Refu’ah Shelemah to
In Memory of Sam Pines by Dawn Reznik
Joan Gould by Estelle Bloomberg
Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Endowment Fund In Honor of Rosalind and Dr. Alfred Kronthal on Eric’s engagement to Stacie by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum
Sylvia and Herbert Zinz KSDS Award Fund In Honor of Herbert Zinz on his special birthday by Steve Zinz
Goldner Ramah Scholarship Fund In Memory of The beloved father of Dr. Lisa Kaufman by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner
Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund Refu’ah Shelemah to Dr. Barry Lever by Dorothy Yankellow
Bimah Flowers Friday and Saturday, Oct. 1 and 2 | 23-24 Tishrei In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Julia Samantha Folkart, by her parents, Allison and Erik Folkart, and her grandparents, Marcia and Dr. Kenneth Better and Judith and Robert Folkart. The Bat Mitzvah of Alexis Jaye Levitt, by her parents, Nicole and Michael Levitt, her grandparents, Wendy and Melvyn Dinner and Fran Levitt, and her great-grandmother, Hilda Green. In Memory Of: Stan Levitt, grandfather of Alexis Jaye Levitt, on the occasion of Alexis’ Bat Mitzvah Sarah G. Crystal, mother, by her family. Ben Rose, father, by Sharon and Lawrence Rose and family. Joseph Bass, father, by Peggy and Bill Lewis and family. David Fishlin by Alita and Ron Millen and family. Herbert H. Block, father, by Mindee and Bruce Block and children. Frank Steinhardt by Barbara and Tom Steinhardt and family. Shirlee B. Block, mother, by Mindee and Bruce Block and family. Jacob Brown, father, by Phyllis and Arnold Brown. Jesse Lustgarten and Joseph Kinstler, fathers, by Marilynn and Martin Kinstler. Gertrude Leiter, mother, by Ruth and Allen Brown and family.
Gloria M.and Harry G. Shapiro, parents, by Ruth and Jay Lenrow and family. Benjamin Rosenbloom by his family. Shirley Milner by Patsy Beth and Dr. Sheldon Milner and family. Anna G. Scherr by her children. Shlomo Vardi by Joan and Michael Vardi and family. Rose Keiser by Harriet Keiser, children and granddaughters. Erna Weiler, mother, by Linda and Dr. Jeffrey Cole and family. Kate Moskovitz, mother, by Maxine B. and Paul Moskovitz and family. Aaron Harris by Toba and Bill Grant and family and Kathy and Stevan Weinberg and family. Selma Rubin by Susan Smolen and family. Miriam Brager, on her birthday, by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 8 and 9 30 Tishrei - 1 Heshvan In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Ilan Benjamin Komrad, by his parents, Cantor Kim and Dr. Mark Komrad, and his grandparents, Audrey and Dr. Eugene Komrad, Rita and Lawrence Singer and Lorraine Lewison. In Memory Of: Robert Lewison, grandfather of Ilan Benjamin Komrad, on the occasion of Ilan’s Bar Mitzvah. Beverly G. Rudman, mother, by Lynn Rudman and family.
Discretionary Fund Tzedakah contributions to our clergy Discretionary Fund, as well as gifts received in honor, memory, or appreciation of life cycle occasions support charitable, cultural, and educational causes. Sharon and Irvin Caplan, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for his assistance in the conversion of their grandchildren Honey and Moshe Cohen, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the Brit Bat of Sadie Cohen Nadine and Dr. Jay Rudo, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the funeral of Lillian Dimoff Ruth and Harry Silber, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the funeral of Samuel Blumenfeld Diane and Dr. Clifford Faber, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for conducting shivah services for Betty Faber Joanne and Dr. Edward Kraus, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the funeral of David Fisher, Jr. Harriett Stein and Elayne Hettleman, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the funeral of Doris Pressman Diane and Dr. Cliff Faber, in appreciation of Hazzan Perlman for conducting shivah services for Betty Faber Ellie Hart, in appreciation of Hazzan Perlman for the comfort and special visit to Jerry Hart prior to his death and during the shivah period Betty and Joe Caplan, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy for meaningful service on Thursday morning before Darby Levin’s Bat Mitzvah Ruth and Jacob Silverman, in honor of Dr. Moshe Shualy Herta and Dr. Arthur Baitch, on the yahrzeits of Harry and Mary Friedlander, Bella Baitch, and Beila Griffel Donna and Robert Blumenthal, for the new year Sally Grobani, in memory of Maury Weinberg Dr. Martin Levin, in honor of his aliyah for his 75th birthday Dr. Jeffrey Platt, in honor of his chanting the Haftarah for Rosh HaShanah Stuart Jay Robinson, for the High Holy season Learita Garfield Scott, for Dr. Steve Schulman to be inscribed in the Book of Life Louis Setren by Jeffrey Setren and family. Dr. Robert E. Schwartz, father, by Judith and Dr. Robert Schwartz and family. Belle Isaacson, mother, by Linda and Robert Eisenberg and family. Miriam Elliott by Ivan Oshrine. Fannie C. Effron by her family. Pauline Lozinsky Weinstein, mother, by Janice and Jay Weinstein and family. David Abramson, father, by Jill and Dr. Alfred Sommer and family. Chana B. Shoubin, mother, by Shoshana S. Cardin and family. Dr. Alan Marc Levine, husband and father, by Barbara, Dana and Andrea Levine and Alissa Wong. Paul J. Fineman, on his birthday, by his children and grandchildren.
Friday and Saturday Oct. 15 and 16 7 - 8 Heshvan In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Caroline Elizabeth Meyer, by her parents, Lisa and Dr. Gerald Meyer, and her grandparents, The Bar Mitzvah of Andrew Jacob Schwartz, by his parents, Deborah and Eric Schwartz, and his grandparents, Elaine and Michael Griver and Saul Schwartz. In Memory Of: Nessa Griver and Susan Schwartz, grandmothers of Andrew Jacob Schwartz, on the occasion of Andrew’s Bar Mitzvah.
Samuel H. Perlmutter, father, by Helen Kleinman. Ethel F. Alter by her children. Jacob M. Lerner and Jacob Berman, fathers, by their family. Morris Mogol, grandfather, by Ellen, Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah and Sophie Mogol. Sarah and Benjamin M. Lewis by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Sylvia Tinanoff by Howard Sandbank and family. Hazel S. Blatt, mother, by Stuart R. Blatt and family. Saul Rosenbloom by his family. Dora Luskin, mother, by Jeanne and Jack Luskin and family. Lucille Frederick, mother, by Janet and Carl Jacobs and family. Ella and Joseph Kling, parents, by Dorothy Galoon and family. Ruth Attman, mother, by Debbie and Dr. Marc D. Attman. Joseph W. Shapiro, brother, by Bernice Levinson. Beatrice Sachs, mother, by Bernice and Dr. Myron H. Sachs. Herbert Goldman by his family. Marvin S. Plant, father, by his family. Albert J. Weiner by Sylvia Weiner, Rita Weiner, Ira Weiner and Lynn Weinberg and Robin Weiner and grandchildren. Anne Siegel, mother, by Tamara Plant and family. Gladys F. Goodman, mother, by Tanna and Louis Omansky.
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 22 and 23 14-15 Heshvan In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Justin Bernard Hoffman, by his parents, Donna and Stephen Hoffman, and his grandparents, Ruth and Arthur Hoffman, Doris and Larry Preller and Robert Ways. The Bar Mitzvah of Matthew David Lebowitz, by his parents, Elisa and Michael Lebowitz, his grandparents, Carole and Noah Buchman, Terri and Howard Fine and Sandy and Donald Lebowitz, and his great-grandparents, Elaine and Bernard Greenberg. In Memory Of: Maynard Sayer, father, by Suzanne and Jerry Katz and family. Kitty Mogol, mother and grandmother, by Ellen, Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah and Sophie Mogol. Mollie Zacansky, mother and grandmother, by Loretta and William Hirshfeld and family. Leopold Karmitz, father, by Ruth Orlin and family. Rose L. and H. D. Caplan, parents, by Rita Waranch, Ruth C. Goodman, and their grandchildren. Selma Borger by Lynne and Larry Lichtig and family. Nina Donick, mother, by Faye and Howard Pollack and family, Harriet and Barry Grossman and family and Rita and Philip Schleider and family. Bessie Tucker, by Sally and Arthur Grant, children and grandchildren.
Perpetual Memorials We observe the yahrzeits of these loved ones this month. May their memories bring blessing and goodness to those who remember them. 24 Tishrei | Oct. 2
* * * * * *
Rose Cohen Sarah G. Crystal David Fishlin Stanley Paul Naomi L. Prostic Morris Reinstein Pearl Sindler
Frank Steinhardt Mildred Vogel * Morris Wyman 25 Tishrei | Oct. 3
* Annie L. Alexander * Abraham I. Ellin Lillian Goren Gerstein David S. Herstein Shirley M. Milner Isadore Myerberg * Ben Rosenbloom * Max Schulman * Gloria M. Shapiro * Anna Sindler * Stanton H. Slusky * Lillian Waskins * Jay Whitman
Elenore and Irving Hochberg, parents, by their children and grandchildren. Leah Glazer, mother, by Susan and Ronald Blavatt and family. Leah Glazer, mother, by Nancy Dickman and family. Shirley K. Berger and Gertrude D. Caplan, sisters, by Marian and Howard “Chuck” Klein. Lena L. Offit, mother, by Ethel Jacobs and family. Jacob Shapiro, father, by Bernice Levinson. Elaine Copeland, mother, by Marsha and Richard Manekin and family. Nelson G. Freed by his parents. Barry Leibowitz by his family.
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 29 and 30 21-22 Heshvan In Memory Of: Blanche Kanter, mother, by Harriet and Alan N. Kanter and family. Albert Gamerman by his wife, Sylvia, Sarah and Dr. Marc Gamerman and Nancy Gamerman. Albert Gamerman, father, by Marsha and Jay Gamerman and family. Alice Plaut, mother, by Doris Fox and family. Albert Esterson, father-in-law, by Sallye Esterson and family. Theresa Harris, grandmother, by Toba and Bill Grant and family and Kathy and Stevan Weinberg and family. Bessie Auslander, mother, by her family. Gabriel Goldman, by his children and grandchildren. Bert Mark Dashoff, father and grandfather, by Ilene and Arnold Dashoff, Susan and Dr. Michael Propper and families. Irving Siegel by his children, grandchildren and great-granddaughters. David Levin, father, by Sandy Brenner. Fred Harrison by Lee Harrison and family. Dr. Benjamin Manchester, father and grandfather, by Drs. Gail and Robert Liss, and David and Hillary Liss. Dr. Alan S. Exler, brother, by Dr. Karen Jacobs and family. Lena Matziover by her granddaughter Ruthanne Kaufman. Philip Feinglass by Harriet Feinglass, children and grandchildren. Harold Miller by his wife, Bette, and family. Anna Glassgold by Jackie Glassgold and family. Reba Raffel by Lorraine and Earl Raffel. Lena Cummins, mother, by her family. Frank Fisher by Saul Leibowitz, grandchildren and great-grandchild. Jonathan S. Baker, son, by Elaine Baker. Rosalie Jerome by Harvey Jerome and family. Norman N. Yankellow, on his birthday, by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred and Amy Yankellow, Sonia and Rick Samuel and Ethan and Eileen Yankellow.
26 Tishrei | Oct. 4
* * * * * * * *
William Gainsburg Benjamin Gorfine Samuel Lever Gilbert S. Levine Jennie Levy Hannah Shapiro Harry Shapiro Eva Solomon Solomon Todes
* * * *
Jerry Benesch Dora Gerber Joseph Herman Arthur H. Laupheimer Harry J. Levin Lena Needle
* Isaac D. Rogers * Anna G. Scherr
28 Tishrei | Oct. 6
* * * * *
Albert Greenwald Gloria Grossbart Rose Keiser Frank H. Kleinman Rose F. Levinson Jean Meritt Harry Silver
* * * * * *
Aaron Bloom Joseph I. Braunstein Leon Brecher Bernard Cherry Dobbe Elfont Jacob Fraidin
29 Tishrei | Oct. 7
27 Tishrei | Oct. 5
Shemini Atzeret Bimah Flowers In Memory Of: Rabbi Israel M. and Mildred Goldman by the Congregation. Rafael Moshe Zaiman by the Congregation. Cantor Abraham Salkov by the Congregation. Esther and David Crystal, Cecelia Crystal, Rosie and Jacob Wolfson, Adolph J. Wolfson, Samuel D. Wolfson, Isadore and Rosalie Wolfson and Leonard and Sara Wolfson Katz by Edna and Mace Crystal. Morris and Sara Layton, parents, by the Layton family. Sraiah and Chana B. Shoubin by Shoshana Cardin and family. Nathan L. Cohen by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen and family. Harold Goldsmith by his family. Henry O. Shor, Joseph and Sarah Shor, Hyman N. and Bertha B. Levy, Isabelle Rosenberg, and Manual and Morris Shor by Shirley Shor and family. Lester Matz by his wife Shirley and children. Mollie and Maurice Goldstone and Sarah and Harry Matz by Shirley Matz and children. Bess and Henry Goldsmith by Ilene and Alvin Powers and family. Lois and Alvin Neuberger by their children and grandchildren. Marjorie and Martin Greenbaum by Kathy and Bruce Posner and family and Selene and Harvey Greenbaum and family. Abby and Dr. Saul Blumenthal, Kenneth Blumenthal, Bruce Blumenthal and Reba and Joseph Phillips by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal and family. Sayde J. and Judge Albert L. Sklar by their children and grandchild. Norman N. Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred and Amy Yankellow, Sonia and Rick Samuel and Ethan and Eileen Yankellow. Edith and Edward Mackler and Wilfred Gluckstern, by their family, Stephen, Ilene, Geoffrey, David and Melissa and Stefanie Mackler. Stanley I. Minch by his wife, June Minch, and family. Morton (Sonny) Plant by his wife, Tammie Plant and children.
Stulman Center for Adult Learning The 2010-2011 Catalog has Arrived Celebrate Chizuk Amuno’s 140th anniversary year in the most Jewish way—through learning. 410/824-2055/8
* * * * * * * * *
Abraham Glasser Manes E. Hecht Joseph Katz Sarah Luntz Gloria Rosen Samuel S. Wagenheim Erna Weiler Henry Weisberg Bertha S. Wile
* * * *
Mayer Karu Adolph Kres Leona Magaziner Julius A. Rainess Albert A. Spikloser Dr. Seymour R. Wingrat
30 Tishrei | Oct. 8
1 Heshvan | Oct. 9
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Marguerite B. Baer Eleanor Deckelbaum Stanley Lloyd Fox Rita T. Friedman Jacob I. Goldstein Lt. Bernard Herman Florence R. Levin Ida Munaker Eloise Rosenbaum Pauline Rosenstock Beverly Rudman Louis Setren Edith Smulson Evelyn Wolfe Ruth Levy Zaiman
2 Heshvan | Oct. 10
* * * * * * * * * *
Richard Ginsberg Isaac Hendler Lena Hoffberger Dr. I. Bert Kaplan George S. Katz Julian Kermisch Esther Marks Reisberg Aaron Rosenberg Carl J. Sacks Richard Schapiro Ethel Shapiro Herman Strauss
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Miriam Elliott Tillie Fink Isaac Goldberg Morris Gutman Benjamin Hartz Bella Lebow Sylvia Sugarman Miller William G. Phillips Edith Plaine Florence Askin Rogers Samuel Sapp David J. Schwartzman Bernice Winkler
* Ida Traub
3 Heshvan | Oct. 11
11 Heshvan | Oct. 19
* Benjamin Barmack * Edith N. Cohen * Ida Gittelson * Meyer A. Goldstein * Rachel Leah Krizman Gertrude Levine * Julius Levy * Nathan Morganstern * Rachel M. Rogers * Caroline Rosenour * Morris M. Scher * Rabbi Henry W. Schneeberger * Leonce Schwartzman
* * * * * * * *
Esther Bart Harriet E. Gould Israel D. Herman Philip Kaufman Dr. Bernard S. Kleiman Fannie Lenkin Anita Roth Ellis Tilles Harry Totz
* * * * * *
Ruth Attman Herman Berlin Sam Israel Selma Kaufman Frederick Roffman Harry W. Schnaper
* * * * * * * * * *
Roslyn C. Applefeld Sarah Fisher Cyrile Kader Grant Dr. Martin Grossbart A. B. Hirschmann Beatrice S. Hyman Sarah Kahn Jerome I. Koppel Simon Needle Harry Leibowitz Joseph W. Shapiro Louis E. Shecter Helen Jane Smith Daniel H. Wolfe
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Morris Abramson Celia Rogers Berkow Gertrude A. Bernstein Joseph Cohen Isaac Drukman Myer Enock Esther Feinglass Anna Goldberg Herbert Goldman Herman E. Goldstein Gladys F. Goodman Dr. Harry Greenberg Annie C. Jacobs Dr. Simon Katz Louis Lipsitz Simon Lowenthal Harry Ludwig Sandra B. Missal Marvin S. Plant Anne Siegel Albert J. Weiner
7 Heshvan | Oct. 15
* * * * * *
Betty Forlander Dr. Alan Mark Levine Solomon Liss Ruth Platt Anna Shapiro Mynna Fox Shulman Lillian Smulson Emma Solomon
8 Heshvan | Oct. 16
4 Heshvan | Oct. 12
* Moses Amsterdam * Nathan Berkow * Gertrude R. Davidson * Mary Deitz * Fannie C. Effron * Morris Goldman * Morris Jaffe * Dr. Nathan E. Needle * Samuel Rosenberg * Hilda Shapiro Millie Smith * Celia Wachs Sarah Walblick * Pauline Lozinsky Weinstein 5 Heshvan | Oct. 13
* Helene Belgrad * Jacob Brown * Rabbi Adolph Coblenz * Frances B. Fox * Jack Frieman * Sarah Goldman * Lillian B. Hillman * Louis Merkel Michael D. Nitzberg * Stella Rosen * Dorothy Livingston Sandler * Chana B. Shoubin
Lillian Kass Zendel
6 Heshvan | Oct. 14
* Edith Albersheim Charles Alpert * Ethel F. Alter * Ida Dworkin * Blanche Glickman * Jack W. Goldstein * Anna Hettleman * Pierce Kadish Morris Mogol * Charles B. Norinsky * Bernard “Pete” Oppenheim * Samuel H. Perlmutter * Jennie Phillips 9 Heshvan | Oct. 17
* * * * * *
Elaine Abrams Adelaide R. Chapper Sylvia Gorban Sarah Lewis Sondra Polan Sadye Helen Sidle Sylvia Tinanoff
* * * * * *
Judith Weber Askin Hazel Blatt Manuel Cohen Gertrude Elovitch Sylvia W. Katzner Lester Pete Saul Rosenbloom Rose Taft Shirley Vogel
10 Heshvan | Oct. 18
* * * * *
David Harrison Kitty Mogol Meyer Perlman Rita Pfeiffer Connie Rosenberg Maynard Sayer Philip Sidle Mollie Zacansky
* * * * * * * * * * *
Gertrude D. Caplan Hyman D. Caplan Rose S. Caplan Louis Cohen Nina Donick Morris Goldblatt Ida Esther Klaff Benjamin Lebow Mary S. Lebow Leon Y. Levin Florence O. Panitz Bessie Tucker Harry Weinberg
* * * * *
Celia Weber Askin Aaron Cohen Louis Cohen Anna Lewbart Natalie Matzkin Dr. Steven I. Sugar Bernard Tapper Sally Vatapsky
* * * * * * * *
Babse Dorf Askin Abraham Cherney Sylvan Cherney Benjamin Deckelman Betty J. Fine Nachman Goldberg Emanuel H. Goldsmith Mary Helman Sylvia Rosen Sandler Nathan Sauber
16 Heshvan | Oct. 24
12 Heshvan | Oct. 20
13 Heshvan | Oct. 21
17 Heshvan | Oct. 25
18 Heshvan | Oct. 26
14 Heshvan | Oct. 22
19 Heshvan | Oct. 27
* Daniel Barron * Shirley K. Berger * Sonia Cweiber * Abraham Glass * Leah Glazer * Benjamin M. Lewis * Lena L. Offit * Mary Oliner * Albert A. Salzberg * Saul Snyder * Hazzan Abba Josef Weisgal
15 Heshvan | Oct. 23
* Goldie Cohen Felstein * Rabbi Michael Forshlager
20 Heshvan | Oct. 28
* * * * * * * * * *
Charles Abramson Myrtle Applestein Anna K. Berman Richard Aaron Cherney Isaac M. Cohen Rhona K. Ephraim Dr. Jonas Friedenwald Albert Goldner Louis Greenberg Benjamin Levin Jacob Shapiro
* * * * * * * *
Herman A. Cohen Nelson Glen Freed Dr. Moses Gellman Gertrude Holtzman Else Jaffe Barry M. Leibowitz Dr. Milton Levin Ernest Moritz Rabbi Harry Nelson Marian Saye David Silber Dr. Bernard W. Sollod Irvin I. Trupp
* * * * * * * *
Peggy Bereson Albert Esterson Rose E. Jandorf Blanche Kanter Charles Matz Hannah Neuberger Hannah Quint Dr. Joseph Sandler Jean Waranch
21 Heshvan | Oct. 29
22 Heshvan | Oct. 30
23 Heshvan | Oct. 31
* Dr. Judith Shenker Amsterdam * Lily Baral * Bert Mark Dashoff * Samuel Elkan * Gabriel Goldman * Theresa Harris * Jack Lewbart * Sara Mutchnick Madoff * Aaron Plotnick * Harry Ressin * Samuel Silberstein 24 Heshvan | Nov. 1
* * * * *
Edward Azrael Arthur Leon Berg Seal N. Brown Felice E. Levine Jessie Rosenberg Ida G. Saul Abraham Summer
* Ida Rachel Waranch 25 Heshvan | Nov. 2
* Alfred B. Cohen * Sarah Forshlager * Irving Gelkin * Benjamin Getlan * Fred N. Harrison Kay Marks * Nathan Podolsky * Irving Siegel * Benjamin David Baruch Suss
26 Heshvan | Nov. 3
* * * * * * *
Steven Hunter Drue Scott B. Geffen Elmer Greenwald Bernard H. Jacobson Sara Ann Wolfson Katz Sally I. Kemper Gertrude Mazer Katie Rosenberg Harry M. Weinberg
* * * * * * * * * *
Dr. Arthur Bereston Florence M. Berlin Samuel Brodsky Philip Feinglass Anna Glassgold Isaac Goodman Harold Miller Bertie Orman Reba Raffel Mollie Roman Hyman Shanok Lillian Tilles Lenore K. Voloshen
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Jonathan Baker Etta S. Bloom Albert Conn Lena Cummins Mayme Levenson Davison Jack Dubin Frank Fisher Miriam (Mimi) Glick Yetta Hammer Rosalie Jerome Leo Lamm Solomon Leboff Lena Merowitz Esther Reinstein Irving Schuster Rose Schuster Dorothy Semless Max Shapiro Lena Silverstein
27 Heshvan | Nov. 4
28 Heshvan | Nov. 5
*Memorial light
Club Hatikvah Opening Dinner
Garrison Forest Cemetery D e d i c at i o n
Sunday, October 17
Musical entertainment by “Three of a Kind” Jonny Lewis, Leslie Pomerantz, and Michael Hoffman
Sunday, October 10, 10 a.m.
The fee for dinner is $21 for members and $23 for non-members. RSVP by Thursday, October 7 to Norma Surosky, 410/653-0484. To become a member of Club Hatikvah, please call Leonard Fox, 410/484-6260.
Please join us for coffee and walking tours. We will officially dedicate and consecrate the grounds. RSVP by October 3
Save these dates: November 14, December 19, January 16, February 20, March 13 and May 15
Marsha Yoffe, 410/486-6400, ext. 309 • myoffe@chizukamuno.org 7
4 1
410/486 - 6400 |
www.chizukamuno.org Non-Profit Org. US Postage Paid Baltimore, MD Permit No. 544
Chizuk Amuno C O N G R E G AT I O N
1871~2011 ARISE &
T I M E S E N S I T I V E M A T E R I A L please deliver promptly
Chizu k Am uno Con g re g at i o n
8100 S T E V E N S O N R D, B A LT I M O R E , M D 2 1 2 0 8
CHAI Annual Weatherization Day Sunday, November 14 Volunteer with the Chizuk Amuno team to beautify the community and assist seniors and adults with disabilities remain in their homes safely and confidently. 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. or 1 - 4:30 p.m. Individuals under 16 need adult supervision. Register at www.nadiv.org by November 8 or call 410/500-5325 for more information.
Visit our new website, www.chizukamuno.org ~ Stay Connected and Participate! O c to b e r 2010 • T i s h r e i - H e s h va n 5771
Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood Turns 125! Join us as we celebrate 125 years of service and commitment to our synagogue community. Start the year off with: Sunday, October 17, 9 a.m. - Noon Shredding Event, $10 donation for up to 5 bags/boxes of documents Monday, November 15 Opening and Paid-Up Membership Evening Mitzvah cards will be available for purchase Sunday-Wednesday, December 12 - 15 Womens’ League for Conservative Judaism International Convention To be held in Baltimore Your $3 donation will buy a book and help a child. Volunteers are needed to help with activities as well as home-based tasks.
5 10
Tuesday Baltimore Board of Rabbis Adult Institute • p. 1
Sunday Garrison Forest Cemetery Dedication • p. 7
Monday Krieger Schechter Day School Open House • p. 3
Tuesday Baltimore Board of Rabbis Adult Institute • p. 1
Wednesday Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others • p. 1
For more information, or to volunteer, contact Charlee Sterling, 410/902-6255 or cmlsterling@gmail.com.
17 19 26 29
Sunday Sisterhood Shredding Event • p. 8 Crafts at St. Vincent’s Villa • p. 3 Club Hatikvah Opening Dinner • p. 7 Tuesday Baltimore Board of Rabbis Adult Institute • p. 1
Tuesday Baltimore Board of Rabbis Adult Institute • p. 1
Friday Sanctuary 50th Anniversary Celebration, Shabbat Dinner • p. 1
Shabbat Sanctuary 50th Anniversary Celebration, Special Shabbat Service • p. 1
Foundations of Jewish Family Living a program of the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School Call the Stulman Center for Adult Learning, 410/824-2055/8 8