THIS Mont h h aHodesh AT CHIZUK AMUno CONGREGATION AND SCHOOLS March 2016 | Adar I–Adar II 5776 Engaging Jewish Life and Learning
Wishing you a
uperhero PURIM
See Page 3 for details
Rabbi’s Column Being Heroes In most synagogues planning for Purim means choosing a theme. It’s been this RABBI RON SHULMAN way for almost a generation now. An annual theme encourages us to dress in costumes and be silly during Purim celebrations. Every year, everywhere, when selecting the theme someone always asks, “Why can’t the theme be Purim? Let’s encourage children to dress as the characters in the story,” which, of course, is always welcome and appropriate. Nevertheless, choosing a theme for Purim is our custom. At Chizuk Amuno, this year’s Purim theme is Superheroes. At the Megillah reading on March 23rd I imagine we’ll see an exciting collection of our children’s favorites when they appear as Batman, Superman, Supergirl, Spiderman, Iron Man, Wonder Woman, or characters of their own design. Superheroes capture our imaginations. It’s been this way for many generations. Some culture observers think our interest in superheroes reflects our deepest hopes, fears, and desires. I’m not such a big fan. I have to think about that. Robin Rosenberg, a clinical psychologist who has published about the psychology of superheroes, believes that superheroes actually model for us how to be heroes ourselves, “choosing altruism over the pursuit of wealth and power.” ▶ Continued on page 4
The Harold and Sybil Effron Memorial Lecture The Chutzpah Imperative Empowering Today’s Jews for a Life that Matters
Rabbi Ed Feinstein Tuesday, March 22 7:30 p.m. Join Rabbi Ed Feinstein to explore the heart of Judaism and reconnect with what he calls “The Chutzpah Imperative.” Rabbi Feinstein has been addressing our most difficult questions about Judaism and Jewish life for more than twenty years as a congregational rabbi, Jewish educator, and author. Come meet him and hear his challenging message.
Join us as we build community while building our playground! GET EXCITED! We are closer to building our community playground and outdoor classroom/prayer space amphitheater together (May 22nd, 29th, 30th)! Make a difference NOW and be part of this amazing hands-on experience. Here are some options: Volunteer for any of the build days (May 22,29,30). No skills necessary but, if you can handle a circular saw, we define you as “skilled” and you are extra valuable. Slots will fill to capacity. Contact us NOW at: so we can reserve you a spot. Adopt a playground component! From swings to slides to monkey bars, there is a component waiting for you to sponsor. Pick one at Sponsor an amphitheater “seat” in our outdoor camp-like prayer space/classroom for $613. It’s a Mitzvah. The seat is yours at rosenbloom-amphitheater-seats or email: PERSONALIZE a playground fence picket with your name or message for $100. Order deadline: 3/20! Complete the form at Connect us to in-kind donations and discounts on materials and services. PLEASE contact for sources of lumber, hardware, gravel, concrete, food, entertainment, tents, tools, wood fiber, etc. Businesses will receive permanent recognition. Please email us at with any questions or ideas.
Engage in Prayer
March 2015 | Adar I/Adar II 5776 March 4/5 / Adar I 24/25
March 25/26 / Adar II 15/16
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah 6:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:15 p.m.
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YAKHIHEL Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Family Service 10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: TZAV Gemilut Hasadim Shabbat Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service 10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots 10:30 a.m.
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:31 p.m.
March 11/12 Adar II 1/2 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah 6:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: P’KUDEI Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:38 p.m.
March 18/19 / Adar II 8/9 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah 6:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. Shabbat Zakhor Sisterhood Shabbat TORAH PORTION: VA-YIKRA Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
5:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:45 p.m.
Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.
Candle Lighting 5:44 p.m.
March 11
5:52 p.m.
March 18
6:59 p.m.
March 25
7:06 p.m.
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Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
5:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:52 p.m.
April 1/2 / Adar II 22/23 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah New Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. Amuno Minyan 9:30 a.m. TORAH PORTION: SH’MINI Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Family Service 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:59 p.m.
Sisterhood Shabbat
Saturday, March 19 9:15 a.m. – 12 p.m.
We welcome all Sisterhood members to participate in Hebrew or English-speaking/ non-speaking roles. For more information, please contact: Naomi Amsterdam, 410-294-0934, or Ruthanne Kaufman, 410-484-4060.
Amuno Family Minyan Saturday April 2 at 9:30 a.m.
March 4
April 1
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
7:13 p.m.
The Amuno Family Minyan is our lay-led participatory Shabbat morning service, a more intimate and informal setting for prayer and Torah study. Family Service participants will also join the Amuno minyan for a joyous and haimish Shabbat service. Come lend your voice and your spirit.
Gemilut Hasadim Shabbat Saturday, March 26, 9:15 a.m. Please join us when we acknowledge with gratitude the hundreds of volunteers who have enriched our community, Baltimore, and beyond, by contributing their time and energy to Chizuk Amuno’s Gemilut Hasadim programs. A Kiddush Luncheon in honor of our volunteers will follow services. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman, ext. 300 or “You Shall Not Stand Idly By” At 1 p.m. we will gather in the Hoffberger Chapel for a study session and discussion with Baltimore Director of Jews United for Justice, Molly Amster, about what our tradition compels us to do at this critical justice moment in our region.
Honoring Our 8th Grade Students A special New Shabbat Service and Dinner Friday, April 1 • 6 p.m. We invite our Chizuk Amuno 8th grade students and their families to join in a musical and fun Friday night. We’ll participate together in a special “New Shabbat” service to begin Shabbat and enjoy Shabbat dinner together. During the course of the meal there will be opportunities for reflection and for our eighth graders to enjoy Shabbat with each other. As a community we’ll honor our soon to be middle school graduates and look towards their high school experiences. Cost per person is $12, and we invite the eighth graders to be our guests! RSVP online here:
Engage on Purim
Purim Festivities Superhero Purim Carnival
SUNDAY, MARCH 20 • 11 A.M.–2 P.M.
uperhero PURIM
Sponsored by the Parent Association of Chizuk Amuno Schools Join heroes and heroines big and small to help defeat the evil Haman! Our Purim Carnival is full of fun, games, and prizes. Tickets in advance: $12/ child or $20/ family | Tickets at the door: $15/ child or $24/ family. Payment must be received by Friday, March 18 at the Religious School Office. RSVP at: Make checks payable to Chizuk Amuno Congregation. To volunteer, please contact our carnival chair, Kristen Katz,
A Superhero Purim WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23
Calling all Superheroes! Calling all Superheroes! Grab your capes and report to Chizuk Amuno Congregation on Purim for what is going to be “A Superhero Purim.” Captain Mordecai and Super Esther together with Iron Man Ahasuerus are preparing to fight the evil villain Haman and they need your help. Suit up as your favorite superhero and get ready for the most amazing Purim celebration ever. No kryptonite allowed.
Megillah Reading(s) Family Megillah Reading WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 • 7:00 P.M. • Sanctuary
The party starts here! Fulfill one of the mitzvot of Purim by hearing an abbreviated, family friendly reading of the Megillah complete with video projection, costume parade, sing along, and guest appearances by your favorite Purim super heroes. Purim Tzedakah will be collected and we’ll drown out Haman’s name with our groggers.
Masks and Munchkins
Purim Fun for Our Younger Friends Sunday, March 6 10:45 a.m. – 12 p.m. Rosenbloom Religious School invites 3, 4 and 5 year olds in our community to come have fun with us for a morning of Purim games and activities. Information will also be available about our religious school program. Prior RSVP requested. Please contact Erica Allen, 410-486-8641 or for more information or to RSVP.
Traditional Megillah Reading WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 • 6:15 P.M. • Esterson Auditorium
A complete and traditional Purim service and Megillah reading including Minhah/Ma’ariv. Costumes encouraged and welcomed and Purim Tzedakah will be collected.
Morning Megillah Reading THURSDAY, MARCH 24 • 7:00 A.M.
Superhero Party WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 , 8:00 P.M. • Krieger Auditorium
Come party with superheroes of all ages! Immediately after the Megillah reading, join in the dancing, hamantashen eating, and Purim fun. “Brews and Bids” during the playground auction for the adults, and giant building blocks and balloons for the kids.
Adult Learning for Purim The Story of Purim Then and Now with Rabbi Ron Shulman Tuesdays, March 8 & 15 • 7:30 p.m. We’ll read and discuss key sections of Megillat Esther, the Biblical story of Purim. With Rabbi Shulman we’ll explore key themes of Jewish history and the meanings of Jewish identity from years ago and for our lives today.
Purim for Adults with Rabbi Debi Wechsler Monday, March 14 • 7 p.m. Remember that beauty contest where Esther won her crown? Well it wasn’t really a “beauty” contest. Rabbi Wechsler leads this PG-13 discussion on the festival of lots. There are four mitzvot of Purim. We’ll look at how adults might celebrate them. RSVP to Doris Tanhoff.
Sisterhood Purim Cards Are you too far away to personally deliver shalach for Purim? Don’t let distance stop you from celebrating with your friends and family. In lieu of shalach manot, send beautiful Purim cards. You fulfill the obligation of shalach manot; your loved ones receive gifts (without the calories!); and the Torah Fund Campaign is able to continue its efforts to ensure the future of Conservative/Masorti Judaism through support of its educational institutions. Contact: Ellen Weiss to order, or 410-877-9876.
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Engage in Jewish Life
ENGAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP AT CHIZUK AMUNO Sunday, March 13, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 15, 7-8 p.m. Friday, March 18, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 29, 7-8 p.m.
During the past month, conversations with our congregants have begun as part of Chizuk Amuno’s participation in the Community Engagement Partnership. This effort is about creating deeper and more meaningful relationships among our members. The first few listening sessions have given us some new insights, connected members to one another, and revealed some hidden talents! Through small group sessions and one-to-one conversations, we are learning more about your stories, what really matters to you, and what you envision for Chizuk Amuno. Out of these conversations we will look to draw some common themes and specific ideas that, together, we can work on to enrich the lives of our members and the future of the community. In light of the recent weather and the need to reschedule several sessions, this initiative will continue throughout the spring. New sessions have been added at various times throughout the week to meet your scheduling needs. While outreach has been made initially to families with school-age children, we welcome participation from all who wish to share their stories. To register for the above sessions, please go to Additional sessions are listed in the enclosed Spring/Summer Program Guide. For those who would prefer to have a one-to-one conversation, you may send a written note in care of the synagogue office or e-mail Stephani Braverman,, or Cheryl Snyderman,
Lunch and Learn
In late January the intrepid Downtown lunch and learners from University of Maryland Medical System and the surrounding area braved unplowed streets to study with Rabbi Debi Wechsler. Though many schools were still closed, our adults engaged in the mitzvah of talmud torah (Jewish learning) while enjoying kosher bag lunches made by Chef Annie.
Our next set of Lunch and Learns will be: University of Maryland Medical System Monday April 4th 12pm-1pm Johns Hopkins Hospital Main Campus Thursday April 7th 12pm-1pm
RSVP to Rabbi Wechsler
The Story of Passover Then and Now With Rabbi Ron Shulman
Tuesdays April 12 & 19, 7:30 p.m.
We all know the story of the Exodus and the Passover rituals we re-enact every year. Join with Rabbi Shulman to engage in a close reading of Judaism’s Master Story as well as the Haggadah and come away with new insights from the past for creating meaningful Seder activities and discussions for this year.
▶ From the Clergy, page 1
Though I like that message, I’m not sure if I see myself in Captain America or the Hulk. “Who is a hero?” asks Ben Zoma, a first century rabbi. “A person who controls his or her passions,” he answers. We can all relate to that. Sometimes it does feel like we have to deploy superpowers to control ourselves, to be considerate and responsible, or to follow through with our plans. What costumes and insignia would “Considerate Man” or “Responsible Woman” wear? Not the costumes of personal pride and bravado we sometimes put on to cover up our resolve and confidence. I find that real heroes are genuine people, individuals who stand tall and contribute in their unique way. Ben Zoma further defines a hero by quoting from Proverbs. “A person who governs over his or her spirit is better than one who conquers a city.” A hero focuses within and tries to avoid being arrogant. Who is a hero? Each of us is a hero when we strive to be true to ourselves. We are heroes when we derive personal strength from character and personal stature from integrity. We are heroes when we live to the best our abilities in response to every challenge and opportunity. Our children, and many of us, like Superheroes because they, and we, crave role models. We seek personalities who believe that goodness and justice really will prevail, that we can and should live through our values. In an exciting era of great possibility we can be these heroes for our children and grandchildren. They are growing up in a turbulent and confusing world. The goodness and caring we demonstrate provide for their security, hopes, and happiness. At Chizuk Amuno, this year’s Purim theme is Superheroes. In our festivities we’ll imitate comic book and fictional characters for fun. We’ll also honor Mordecai and Esther, the Jewish Superheroes of the Purim story every year. Whether or not we dress up like them, Mordecai and Esther’s powerful dedication to Jewish identity, belief, and community is a truly heroic message for every generation to celebrate together. Happy Purim! Rabbi Ron Shulman
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Engage in Gemilut Hasadim
613 & Me
Adopt-A-Road We asked our Adopt-A-Road team members to reflect on their volunteer experience and this is what they had to say: “Our group goes out four times a year to make a real difference. The most rewarding aspect of participating is that we can immediately see the results of our efforts – the community looks better than when we arrived. Additionally, we always get a “thank you” from members of the community when they are out for their morning walk or jog. Hearing the appreciation in their voices helps to reminds us why we participate!” On, Sunday, March 13 at 9 a.m. (raindate: March 20) help our team perform the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome. Co-sponsored by Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood Todah Rabbah to our January participants: Irwin Golob (leader) and Howard Brill Contact: Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422
Congratulations on your child’s upcoming Bar and Bat Mitzvah. We are excited to be a part of this lifecycle moment for your family. 613 is the number of commandments in the Torah and over the course of the next few years we will help your family extend your personal connection to Judaism and to the mitzvot (commandments.)
“It’s a Service” Saturday, March 5 at 9:30 a.m. Sixth graders and their parents enjoy services together with the congregation in the Main Sanctuary to become more familiar with the Shabbat morning Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience. For questions or to RSVP, be in touch with Rabbi Wechsler
Kol Rinah Free Concert Tuesday, March 15 • 7-7:30 p.m.
Art with a Heart
Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden
Todah Rabbah to our January volunteers: Deb Charles (leader), Riley Fisher, Sandy Fisher, Claire Freeland, Ari Geller, Debbie Geller, Ezra Geller, Leah Geller, Ann Hantgan, Ruthanne Kaufman, Lisa Levine, and Israela Meyerstein
Do you enjoy gardening? Do you have a few hours to spare? Let us know if you would like to contribute a bit of your time. We are beginning to plan spring clean-up and planting for this beautiful site for learning and rejuvenating – we would love to hear from you. Contact: Allen Brown,
Knitting Havurah Wednesday, March 16 • 2 p.m.
We knit and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and Baltimore. Knitting instruction is available and everyone is welcome. If you or a friend have yarn leftover from other projects, please consider making a donation to our Knitting Havurah. Todah Rabbah to our January knitters/ crocheters: Vivian Chait, Edna Crystal, Linda Eisenberg, Lyuda Gerasimenko, Roberta Katz, Linda Levy, Esther Marsiglia, Eileen Schultz, Miriam Shulman, and Harriet Udell Contact: Cheryl Snyderman
Operation Welcome Home Maryland Join us as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas. Volunteers meet at BWI airport and help pack goodie bags, cheer for soldiers, and thank them for their service. Dates are set 1-3 weeks in advance of the incoming flights. This project is suitable for adults and children of all ages. Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler to be on the mailing list.
Our Daily Bread Sunday, March 20 • 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Join with friends from Chizuk Amuno and help serve meals to Baltimore’s hungry men, women, and children. Todah Rabbah to our January volunteers: Jenny Baker (leader), Barbara Cohen, Arlene Klaff, Nancy Tilson, Taylor Tilson, and Todd Tilson Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or
Chizuk Amuno Chapel Kol Rinah is Chizuk Amuno’s mixed voice, Acapella choir. They perform a variety of musical styles from liturgical to contemporary Israeli to Baroque to Spiritual. Kol Rinah enjoys singing together, learning together and inspiring and educating all types of audiences. Come enjoy this free performance!
Krieger Auditorium Hearing Assistance System Installed Thanks to the generosity of the Edna and Mace Crystal, a hearing assistance system will soon be installed in the Krieger Auditorium. Those who need hearing assistance may request a headset from the security desk. The system can also be utilized by a T-Switch in one’s hearing aid. We currently have a limited number of headsets but hope to purchase more in the near future. Our thanks to Edna and Mace their meaningful gift to help members and guests enjoy the beauty of our services, classes, and programs in the auditorium. We hope to be able to install hearing assistance systems in our other main halls in the upcoming year.
▶ Continued on page 6
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Engage in Gemilut Hasadim
▶ From Gemilut Hasadim, page 5
Reading Partners
Living Classrooms Foundation
Reading Partners is a national organization with a Baltimore presence in 14 schools. Volunteers are asked to commit one hour a week to help a child with reading. Training, guidance, and a curriculum are all provided by Reading Partners. If you have just one hour in your week, you can make a real difference in a child’s success in school and life. To volunteer or for more information, please contact Cheryl Snyderman. Our current volunteers are Ruth Gann, Fran Glushakow Gould, Margi Hoffman, Jane Kahn, Lily Massouda, and David Spitz
Ronald McDonald House Wednesday, March 9 • 4-7 p.m.
For more information about our adult education courses, please contact Doris Tanhoff, or ext. 288.
“The Other” with Rabbi Debi Wechsler
Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.
On the day we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. a team of Chizuk Amuno volunteers spent the afternoon painting classrooms at the Living Classrooms Foundation. We thank Barbara Grochal, Alan Guttman, Andy Miller, Cheryl Snyderman, and Ellen Weiss.
Open Gemilut Hasadim Committee Meeting Join the Chizuk Amuno team as we cook and/ or serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children being treated in Baltimore area hospitals. Todah Rabbah to our January volunteers: Hazel Greenstein (leader), Matthew Greenspan, Madison Greenstein, Margi Hoffman, Annie Hood, Anne King, Linda Levy, Lynne Lichtig, Rona London, Dawn Reznik, Marci Scher, Becca Scher, Susan Straus, Sheila Sandbank, Ruth Silber, and Todd Tilson Contact: Linda Levy,
Transportation Service on Shabbat Need a ride to shul on Shabbat mornings? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Just call Cheryl Snyderman by Tuesday of the week you want to attend services. We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc.
Monday, March 6 • 7:30 p.m. Would you like to learn more about the projects in which we participate? Is there a potential Gemilut Hasadim activity you would like to explore? You’re welcome to join us at our next committee meeting. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman.
This text based class for adults will explore the Jewish attitude towards “The Other.” Inspired by conversations in which we at Chizuk Amuno have been engaged regarding our Baltimore neighbors, this is an attempt to study, confront, and wrestle with the traditional and historic ways that the Jewish community has perceived those who are different. Texts will be presented in both Hebrew and English.
The Midrash of Exodus Torah Study Group with Rabbi Ron Shulman
Thursday mornings, Thru March 17 • 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Join this exploration of the Book of Exodus enhanced by some of the classic interpretations and commentaries of Jewish tradition. No previous background in Bible study is necessary to enjoy this Torah Study experience.
Adult Bat Mitzvah The Empty Place at the Table: Coping with Loss during the Holidays Wednesday, April 6 • 7 p.m. Facilitated by Rachael Schultz Abrams, LCSW-C Family gatherings can be painful for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Join us for help in finding support and comfort during the holidays. No fee. Co-sponsored by Jewish Community Services, Supported by a grant from The Foundation for Spirituality and Medicine For information and registration (requested), visit or call 410-466-9200.
For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.
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Adult Learning
Tuesdays • 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Our Adult Bat Mitzvah program is a two year journey open to Chizuk Amuno women who would like to share an experience of learning and Jewish growth. Together we learn Hebrew, Torah and Haftorah trope, synagogue skills, and engage with issues regarding prayer, the Jewish calendar, and communal involvement. Participants will celebrate their B’not Mitzvah in 2018. Space is limited. Please contact Rabbi Wechsler,, to be added to the list for the next Adult Bat Mitzvah cohort beginning their studies in September 2016.
Rosenbloom Religious School
3rd and 4th Graders Have a Blast at Annual CAC Shabbaton! Thirty-five kids from Krieger Schechter Day School and Rosenbloom Religious School came together for a full day of Shabbat fun and Hanukkah celebrations this past December. “It was awesome!” –Ella “The food was amazing!” –Batsheva “I absolutely loved the game where we got to dress up the counselors!” –Sarai “I really liked when the Frisbee guy came because he was really cool and I learned new tricks.” –Natan “The high school counselors were so nice!” -Shira “Kids should definitely go on the Shabbaton – it’s a really fun experience, and if you go you will want to go another time!” –Reuben
It’s Hebrew Name Carnival Time for Our Youngest Students! At Rosenbloom Religious School we’re proud of our Jewish identity, and nothing emphasizes that identity more than the special Hebrew names that our parents give us. The RRS kindergarten and first grade classes recently spent the morning celebrating their Hebrew names with their families. Students prepared for the day all fall, learning new Hebrew letters, practicing calling each other by their Hebrew names, and doing a preparatory project with art specialist Morah Pintzuk. The gym magically transformed with a bouncy castle, Hebrew letter-themed carnival games, art projects, face-painting, cookie-decorating, and more! By the end of the morning, parents and students alike left with a deeper connection to their Hebrew names and a growing excitement for the many other new things they will learn about their Jewish identities at RRS. If all this sounds exciting, and you have a three, four, or five-year-old child, please join us on Sunday morning, March 6, for “Munchkins and Masks” a Purim program for our younger friends. If you’d like to learn more about Chizuk Amuno’s youth group programs, contact Erica Allen at
B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. MARCH 5 Hilary Meredith Klein Zahava Miriam
daughter of Lauren & Carl Klein MARCH 12 Margot Sydney Jay
Miriam daughter of Ilene & Dr. Peter Jay APRIL 2
Erin Michele Levitas, daughter of Wende & Michael Levitas, sister of Harris Levitas and granddaughter of Phyllis & Leonard Attman and Shandel & Samuel Levitas We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Jeffrey Cooper, on the loss of his mother, Lynne Cooper Dr. Barry Friedman, on the loss of his mother, Florence Friedman Richard Hoffberger, on the loss of his mother, Alice Berney Hoffberger Susan Holzman, on the loss of her brother, Samuel H. Posner
Jordan Ilan Lickstein
Ivan Oshrine, on the loss of his son, Corey Seidel
Yair Elan son of Lori Lickstein and Dr. Larry Lickstein
Dr. Stephen Pomerantz, on the loss of his father, Dr. Ronald Pomerantz
Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Alexa Bryn Abramoff, daughter of Serafima & Jeff Abramoff and granddaughter of Sandy & David Abramoff Mollie Grey Attman, daughter of Alissa & Keith Attman, granddaughter of Stephanie & Ronnie Attman and great-granddaughter of Edward Attman z”l Beatrice Louise Spina, daughter of Danielle & Joe Spina, granddaughter of Catherine & David Max and great-granddaughter of Beverly & Jordon Max
Marvin Spector, on the loss of his mother Mindel Spector Bonnie Ziegelstein, on the loss of her mother, Judith Engel As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.
Members in the News Donald Manekin, was recently named one of the 2016 most influential Maryland Winners in Real Estate. Marshall White, was recently honored for his 20th Anniversary of leading the BethesdaChevy Chase High School Music Department.
In Loving Memory Edward Attman, father of Ronald Attman, David Attman, Gary Attman and Steven Attman and brother of Leonard Attman
Pre-Passover Food Drive Monday, April 4 – Tuesday, April 19 Do two mitzvot as you clean for Pesah and donate unopened, fresh (non-expired) non-perishable food which will be donated to local food pantries including GEDCO and Our Daily Bread. Food will be donated to local agencies. Please drop off food in bins located in the Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby and the Administrative lobby. For complete details, please refer to the enclosed Spring/ Summer Program Guide. Sponsored by The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund
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Engage with Synagogue Friends Sisterhood
Annual Joint Sisterhood Dinner
We are a group of women who feel passionately about our synagogue, our schools, and our members. Any questions about Sisterhood and upcoming activities can be directed to Dixie Leikach, or 443-386-1062. If you are not yet receiving our weekly e-newsletter, give Dixie your e-mail address and we’ll add you to the list!
Monday, April 11, 6 p.m.
Beth Israel Congregation Program – “Savy Steps” A professional ballroom dance performance by StudioDNA… Dance-N-Art.. $36/person. Please make check payable to Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood “Joint Sisterhood Dinner” and return to the synagogue office. Please note, checks will not be accepted at the door. Please RSVP with your check by March 30.
We aim to contribute to Jewish life at Chizuk Amuno and have fun doing Jewish “guy stuff” at all our activities. If you would like to learn more about Brotherhood, are interested in participating, or have some awesome programming ideas, please contact Eric Beser,
Pizza Night for the Rosenbloom Religious School and KSDS
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Stulman Auditorium Hosted by the Brotherhood Featuring a famous pizza dinner, wonderful magic show by Captain Jack, door prizes, and fun! Cost: $4/person and kids 3 and under are free. Send checks made payable to Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood and return to the Synagogue office. For more information, call Ted Walman, 410-486-7423
Mah Jongg Tuesdays – Ongoing 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Youth Lounge All levels encouraged to attend – RSVP please to Randee Glassman at
Women C.A.N. Tuesday, March 15 • 8 a.m. Lerner Beit Midrash Network with women who are looking to advance their career, start a new chapter, or have their own business. Monthly topics have included balance, social networking, CV building, and writing your elevator speech. Contact: Ava Barron-Shasho,, or Jill Bers,
Sisterhood BOARD Meeting Sunday, March 13 • 9:30 a.m. Board Room Curious what goes on during a Sisterhood Board meeting? Have an issue to bring to the Sisterhood board? Are you a Past President or Past Board member and want to stop by and say hi? Contact Dixie Leikach at and we would be happy to welcome you!
Wednesday, March 30 • 6:00 p.m.
It’s almost Purim and it’s definitely time to start planning for your seder. Whether you’re hosting or you’re a guest, we’re here to help make your seder a meaningful, fun experience for all ages. Check out our selection of haggadot, seder plates, matzah plates and boxes, dishes to hold extra haroset, salt water, horseradish, frogs, toys, books, and playsets, and so much more.
SAVE THE DATE 5th Anniversary of Edith Askin Book Review Sunday, May 1, 12 – 3 p.m. Nomi Eve will review her book “Henna House.” Books available at the Gift Shop for $11, get books signed by the author, and get Henna tattoo.
Sisterhood Goes to Broadway! An American in Paris
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Monday, April 4 • 7 p.m. Esterson Auditorium, All Welcome March is over, but the madness continues. We will be watching the final game. Our pool choice will be emailed ahead of the final bracket. Your pool selection will be your RSVP. Cost: $15
Sisterhood on-going project: Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood supports CHANA, a Jewish community response to the needs of women, men, children and elderly who experience physical, psychological, sexual or financial abuse. CHANA can be reached at or their Helpline 410-234-0023.
How can you help?
Sunday, May 22 Our bus will leave Chizuk Amuno at 7:30 a.m. and leave New York immediately following the show. Kosher breakfast and dinner will be provided on the bus. $215 per person. RSVP to Marilyn Spector, 410-486-3888 or Your reservation will only be finalized once your check made payable to Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood c/o Marilyn S. Spector, and mailed to Marilyn S. Spector, 14 Cobbler Ct., Baltimore, MD 21208. Tickets are Non-Refundable.
NCAA Final Game
Judaica Shop Hours Sunday, 9:30-noon Monday, 10 a.m.-noon and 2-4 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m.-noon and 2-6 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-noon For appointments call Edna Crystal at 410-653-3495 or Anne King at 410-303-7716.
1) Contribute your used mobile phones – take them to the Sisterhood Gift Shop or the collection box in the synagogue coat room. 2) Knit or crochet 9” x 9” squares - take them to the Gift Shop. They will be joined to create blankets for Chana clients. 3) Donate usable clothing (for women, men and children) placed in plastic bags. There is a collection hut in the parking lot of the Owings Mills JCC. If you have questions, contact Wendy Davis,
Engage with Synagogue Friends
The Late Peggy Lewis Honored at the Brotherhood Blood Drive Tuesday, March 15, 2 – 7:30 p.m. • Esterson Auditorium
Last year, Chizuk Amuno Congregation lost a cherished friend and member, Peggy Lewis. Matriarch of the Lewis Family, Peggy succumbed in her battle with the blood disorder multiple myeloma. Thanks to the American Red Cross’s blood donation campaign, a series of blood transfusions helped Peggy survive longer than anyone thought possible. In gratitude to the Red Cross, Peggy’s husband Bill, daughters Randi and Joanie, and son Jonny are paying a living and loving tribute to Peggy Lewis on Tuesday, March 15 at the synagogue. Speaking for the family Jonny writes: “We ask those who knew Mom, and all of our many friends and associates, to honor her life in a most fitting and loving way by attending Chizuk Amuno “Save 3 Lives in 11 Minutes Mitzvah Day Blood Drive” March 15 which has been dedicated in Mom’s honor.. “We urge as many of you as possible to give the same precious gift our Mom received from all the thoughtful people who took a few minutes out of their day to donate the lifegiving blood that enabled Mom to live a longer, richer life. Contact Warren Gould, or 301-602-0017
NEW! Beneath the Surface Co-Sponsored by Sisterhood Rabbi Wechsler & Erica Allen Sundays March 6, and March 13 • 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. A program for Bat Mitzvah girls and their mothers. Engaging activities and experiential learning leading towards the creation of a personal ritual linked to Bat Mitzvah. Mothers and daughters are offered time to connect with each other in a Jewishly meaningful way. Mothers learn to use their life experience as a positive way of mentoring their daughters and daughters explore with their peers what it means to become an adult woman. RSVP to Ethan Haas at
Club Hatikvah Baltimore Klezmer Orchestra Sunday, March 6 • 6 p.m.
Derekh Amuno Chizuk Amuno’s Pathway to Faith
Krieger Auditorium
Club Hatikvah is pleased to present the Baltimore Klezmer Orchestra. You are guaranteed a fabulous evening of Klezmer music from this premier group of talented musicians. Join us for an evening of fabulous food and entertainment. For more information, contact, Carol Davis at 410-833-7673. Prior RSVP required for dinner.
Were you beaming with pride at a loved one’s bar or bat mitzvah? How about purchasing a brick to celebrate a milestone or honor the memory of somebody special? • $250 per brick for up to four lines of text, 15 characters per line • Package options available Purchase a brick by contacting Glenn Easton, 410-486-6400.
Brotherhood & Sisterhood Social Event 2nd Annual Sock–Hop Saturday, March 26 8:15 - 11:15 p.m. Krieger Auditorium Food, drinks, dancing, & fun! MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE FREDDIE STEVENS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP. $25/person Contact: Marilyn Spector 410-486-3888 or Ted Walman 410-486-7423 Reservations for tables of 10.
KSDS 8th Grade All-Hebrew Musical “The Little Mermaid” March 29 & March 30 Gordon Center JCC Owings Mills Tickets can be purchased through the Gordon Center. Make our 8th grade play “Part of Your World!”
Last College Outreach package of the year! Don’t let your Chizzie college student miss out on staying connected to our community and our clergy. April 1 is the deadline to get us the addresses for your young adults. Our college students receive gifts of snacks and a greeting from Rabbi Wechsler. If you have not yet submitted your Chizuk Amuno college student’s address please email it to This effort is supported by the Adult Bat Mitzvah 2004-2006 College Outreach Fund
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Engage in Tzedakah
Terumot HaKodesh We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue. Arnold & Elke Neuburger Scholarship Fund Earl & Lorraine Raffel in honor of Elke Neuburger’s Special Birthday
Esther Ann Brown Adler Fund Penny & Dr. Ron Silverman in memory of Dr. Ronald Pomerantz
Dr. Howard Lee Silverman Fund Penny & Dr. Ron Silverman in memory of Lynne Cooper
Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund Allen & Terry Holzman in honor of David Beyth’s Special Birthday Allen & Terry Holzman in memory of Jerry Jacobs
Julius & Lore Levi Scholarship and Award Fund Eric & Deborah Lowy in honor of Alvin Levi’s birthday
Krieger Schechter Day School Scholarship Fund Rita & Dr. Marshall Plaut in honor of Dr. Scott Lever and Shelley Hendler’s daughter Arielle’s engagement Rita & Dr. Marshall Plaut in honor of Aviad Gamliel’s Bar Mitzvah Lisa & Dr. Bradley Trattner, and Ann Berman in memory of Lynne Cooper Krieger Schechter Day School Special Offering Dr. Samuel Andorsky, Rachel Siegel, Yonatan Andorksy, and Nava Andorksy in memory of Ronnie Erwin Feldman Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in memory of Michael Benjamin Lamm Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in memory of Murray Spear Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager in honor of Dr. Moshe Shualy Marsha & Dick Manekin in memory of Leah Pack
Linda G. & Phillip J. Katz Family Fund Cheryl Snyderman in honor of Melanie Shapiro being named one of Maryland’s Leading Women of 2015 by The Daily Record
Lois & Alvin Neuberger Family Education Fund Ann & Alan Hamburger in memory of Lois Neuberger Marsha & Dick Manekin in memory of Leah Pack
Mahzorim Fund Richard Crystal & Rick Wasserman in honor of Mace Crystal’s Birthday Steve & Anne King in memory of Royal “Parker” Pollokoff
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Miriam Foss Memorial Fund Cheryl Snyderman in honor of the birth of Ellen Friedman’s granddaughter Carly Rose Cheryl Snyderman & Alan Guttman in honor of birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s granddaughter Muriel Cheryl Snyderman in memory of Leah Pack
Morning Minyan Contribution Margot Zipper in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s granddaughter Muriel Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Jerry Kurman’s Special Birthday Jacqueline Glassgold in memory of Eleanor Joan Matsas Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz in memory of Robert Scott Mark & Fran Pressman
Phyllis & Leonard Attman Music Fund Joyce & Melvin Greenwald in memory of Erin Levitas Jenny Baker, Philip & Vivian Chait, Glenn & Cindy Easton , Joyce Levy & Louis Kaplan, Paulette & Julius Pollack in honor of the birth of Hazzan and Janice Perlman’s granddaughter Muriel. Jenny Baker, Irv & Sharon Caplan, Will & Toba Grant, Steve & Anne King, Paulette Pollack, Leslie & Audrey Polt & Edie Schulman in memory of Erin Michele Levitas
Playground Fund Dr. & Mrs. David H. Madoff The Spinner Block Family Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Shelly and Ira Malis’s daughter Abigail’s marriage to Alex Schostak Rebecca Kazin in honor of Isabella, Ava, and Nicolette Kazin Jack & Jean Luskin in memory of Erin Levitas Glenn & Cindy Easton, Lee Hendler, Mr. & Mrs. David Hurwitz, Alan & Harriet Kanter, Mr. Stuart Kaplow, Steve & Anne King, Marsha & Dick Manekin, Harriet Miller, Paulette Pollack, Leslie & Audrey Polt, Maxine Seidman, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Steinberg, Mr. Joel & Ms. Miriam Suldan, Dr. Charles & Mrs. Ellen White & Mr. David & Dr. Anne Young in memory of Dr. Ronald Pomerantz Harriet Miller in memory of Judith Engel Cheri & David Hurwitz and Family
Prayer Book Fund Joel & Pamela Fradin for a speedy recovery of Patricia Brown
Reznik Frier Scholarship Fund The Frier family in memory of Leah Pack Dawn Reznik in honor of birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s granddaughter, Muriel
Schechter Scholarship Fund Ms. Linda Lebovic in memory of Mrs. June Coleman
Stanley Minch Fund Sue & Bill Crystal in honor of Mace Crystal’s birthday Special Offering -
Congregational Support Susan Bernstein, Bruce & Barbara Lewbart, & Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of the birth of Janice and Hazzan Perlman’s granddaughter Muriel Harriet Miller for a speedy recovery of Mollie Smulyan Howard & Sheila Sandbank for a speedy recovery of Joyce Kaplan Howard & Sheila Sandbank for a speedy recovery of Marlene Szapiro Irv & Sharon Caplan for a speedy recovery of Jane Reifler Irv & Sharon Caplan & Nelson & Lynn Tucker for a speedy recovery of Gil Abramson Irv & Sharon Caplan for a speedy recovery of Lowell Glazer Irv & Sharon Caplan for a speedy recovery of Sidney Cohen David & Joan Uhlfelder in honor of Elke Neuburger’s Special Birthday Elliottt & Dana Corn in honor of Dr. David Roffman’s Retirement Irv & Sharon Caplan in honor of Dr. Alfred Rosenstein’s Special Birthday Irv & Sharon Caplan in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Muller’s 50th Anniversary Bruce Goldman in memory of Marvin Lee Goldman Carole Buchman in memory of Dr. Larry Becker Harold & Sandra Beber in memory of Goldie Wachter Beber Irv & Sharon Caplan in memory of Mark M. Levine Jenny Baker in memory of Dr. Ronald Pomerantz Jenny Baker & Susan, Ken & Samantha Bloom in memory of Judith Engel Jenny Baker in memory of Leah Pack Jerry & Darlene Gordon in memory of Jeanette Brownstein Joan Gurney in memory of Beloved Mother Jordon & Beverly Max in memory of Rose Max
Mr. Alan Cohen in memory of Kolman Cohen Peter Snell in memory of Royal “Parker” Pollokoff Rachel Siegal & Sam Andorsky in memory of Eleanor Joan Matsas Richard & Marsha Manekin in memory of Robert Scott Robert & Elizabeth Edelstein in memory of family members Ruthanne Kaufman & Steve & Anne King in memory of Robert Scott Sharon Rose in memory of Morris Gendason Sharon Rose & Family in memory of Lillian Rose
Special Offering - Goldsmith Early Childhood Ctr. Jack Tucker & Alison Witow in honor of Isabel Pinson’s Special Birthday Rachel Siegal, Sam & Meytal Andorsky in memory of beloved mother
Hazzan Perlman’s Discretionary Fund Mrs. Jacqueline Glassgold & Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Schwartz in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s granddaughter Muriel Mr. Gary & Dr. Patricia Attman in honor of Hazzan Emanuel Perlman
Janet & Stanley Kantor Fund For Special Needs Stanley & Janet Kantor in memory of Cecelia Weiss
Dr. Shualy’s Discretionary Fund Abram Kronsberg Robin Kaplan in memory of Milton W. Kronsberg
Eli & Yetta Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Jordon Max’s special birthday Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Jordon and Beverly Max’s grandson Ben’s engagement to Marley Lowenthal
Rabbi Shulman’s Discretionary Fund Barry & Cathy Jurist for officiating at the funeral of Judith Juristt Sorgen Dr. Alfred Kronthal in honor of his aliyah for his 80th birthday Jerry Kurman in honor of his aliyah for his 70th birthday
Rabbi Wechsler’s Discretionary Fund Marcia Snyder, Maxine Gordon & family for officiating at the unveiling for Harold Snyder Mr. & Mrs. William Gann in memory of Helen Gann Robin & Dr. Sam Smith for officiating at the wedding of Maya & Drew Bloomberg
▶ Continued on page 11
Engage in Tzedakah
Bimah Flowers Shabbat, March 5/ 25 Adar I & II In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Hilary Meredith Klein, by her parents, Lauren & Carl Klein, and her grandparents, Carol & Ray Klein and Susan & Dennis Weiss In Memory Of: Steven Michael Levy by Linda & Mark Levy & Mandy & Aaron Levy. Sylvia Layton, mother, by Marsha & Irwin Layton. Sonia Young, mother, by Dr. Anne & David Young. Morris Kaufman by his granddaughter, Ruthanne Kaufman. Nathan Levin, father & grandfather, by Linda & Mark Levy & Mandy & Aaron Levy. S. Louis Levin by his family. Sam Kahan by Ann Kahan & family Fannie Ellison by her family. Sara Bernhardt by Doris Bernhardt & family. Geraldeen P. Rombro, mother, by Joan D. Rombro. Shirley Sohmer by Arlene & Kenneth Friedman. Julius Yudin, father, by Henne & Harvey Rapkin & family. Reuben Postal, father, by Regina & David Postal & family. Herman Speert, father, by Bonnie & Pacy Oletsky & family.
Lena Kahn, mother, by Miriam & Arnold Kahn & family. Estelle K. Newhouse, mother, by Susan & Dr. Marc Hochberg & daughter. Joseph Straus, father, by Dr. David Straus & family. Thelma B. Roffman, mother, by Deborah & Dr. David Roffman & family. Lena Gamson by Irma Gamson & family. Dr. Saul (Buddy) Blumenthal by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family. Myra Copeland, mother, by Marsha & Richard Manekin.
Shabbat, March 12 / 2 Adar II In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Margot Sydney Jay, by her parents, Ilene & Dr. Peter Jay, her grandparents, Donna & Donald Siegel and Zena & Jerome Jay and her greatgrandmother, Leah Siegel In Memory Of: Gertrude Weinberg, mother, by Harriet & Alan N. Kanter & family. Samuel Radowsky, father, by Hazel & Dr. Michael Radowsky. Ret. Brig. Gen. Philip Sherman by his wife, Bette Miller Sherman. Rosie Wolfson by Edna & Mace Crystal.
Emanuel Hettleman, father, by Ann Kahan & family. Erna Weiler, on her birthday, by Linda & Jeffrey Cole & family.
Shabbat, March 19 /9 Adar II In Memory Of: Mary Larimer by Dr. Anne & David Young. Irving Gale by Lorraine & Earl Raffel & family. Bernard Gaspas, father, by Elaine & Dr. Barry Gittlen. Rose Stutman by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein.
Shabbat, March 26 / 16 Adar II In Memory Of: Dr. Bernard Berger by his family. Ralph Levin by Mae Levin & family. Isidor Frank, husband, by Rose Frank. Leila Goldberg, mother, by Stephen Goldberg. Bernard Ben Hamburger by his children & grandsons. Louis Fink, father, by Marion Isaac & family.
Snowzilla Invades Maryland Bat Mitzvah Goes On – Senior Members Are Cared For
In response to January’s extraordinary snowfall at Chizuk Amuno we faced an unusual circumstance. Honoring our tradition’s values to celebrate Shabbat and be safe we gathered in the late afternoon on Friday January 21 as the snow began to fall. Almost 100 of us joined in lovely prayer and a beautiful Bat Mitzvah celebration as we welcomed the spirit of Shabbat. Some compared the Bat Mitzvah to “the old days” when young ladies would celebrate their bat mitzvah on Friday nights. We were able to get home before Shabbat began and the snow became difficult. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of our Board and Gemilut Hasadim Committee members, volunteers made nearly 90 phone calls to assure that our senior members were safe and comfortable during the storm. Only 4 of them were smart enough to be in Florida when they were reached by phone. Though it was difficult to go about synagogue life as normal until the snow stopped and the roads were cleared, it was easy to honor our community’s values during the days we had to be closed. This is what it means to be a sacred community caring for each other and ensuring the well-being of others. Of course, we were happy to see one another on campus for minyan, school, and activities once life started up again. If you would like to join our Gemilut Hasadim committee to join the hundreds of members performing wonderful acts of lovingkindness, please contact Cheryl Snyderman at the synagogue.
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Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055
Dr. Andrew J. Miller, President Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center
Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media Adina Moses, Graphic Designer
Join us and the Baltimore Jewish Community Center at Beth El Congregation for an
Evening with Ambassador Dennis Ross Sunday, April 3 at 7 p.m. An Insider’s Briefing on the U.S. – Israel Relationship and Current U.S. Policy in the Middle East Ambassador Dennis Ross, author of newly released Doomed to Succeed: The U.S. - Israel Relationship from Truman to Obama, served as Director of Policy Planning under George H. W. Bush, special Middle East coordinator, under President Bill Clinton, and special advisor for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia (which includes Iran) to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The book will be on sale for $30. 5:45 p.m.: Private reception with Ambassador Ross. Includes hors d’oeuvres, book signing, premiere seating for his presentation, and a dessert reception. Dietary laws observed. Tickets are $60/person. Space is limited to 75. Payment by Monday, March 21 required. 7:00 p.m.: Ambassador Ross presentation and discussion, Includes a dessert reception and book signing. Dietary laws observed. Tickets are $20/ person in advance and $25 at the door. RSVP by Monday, March 21. RSVP to Lori Downing at or 410-484-0411. Your payment Page 12 is your reservation.
The Phyllis and Louis Friedman Community Lecture
Chizuk Amuno welcomes
David Gregory Newsman and Author of
How’s Your Faith? An Unlikely Spiritual Journey Sunday, April 10, 10:30 a.m. David Gregory will share his personal and professional journey, exploring questions of personal faith, spirituality, family, and Jewish identity. Our morning will include brunch and David Gregory’s presentation followed by a discussion. We are grateful to Phyllis and Louis Friedman for making possible Mr. Gregory’s visit to our synagogue community. RSVP suggested for brunch to Doris Tanhoff,