Hahodesh November 2015

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THIS Mont h h aHodesh AT CHIZUK AMUno CONGREGATION AND SCHOOLS November 2015 | Heshvan–Kislev 5776

Doing Jewish In this season of thanksgiving, I appreciate the many conversations we have shared RABBI RON SHULMAN over the past weeks and your excellent suggestions about “Doing Jewish.” Back on Yom Kippur, now a distant memory, I told you that going forward the American Jewish community will contain two worldviews. Those of us who engage actively in our own comfort zones of doing Jewish and those of us who engage passively in our own comfort zones of feeling Jewish. I challenged us to reconsider our personal comfort zones. We spend too much time feeling Jewish and not enough time doing Jewish. A phrase in our prayer book that evokes feeling for me reminds us that being Jewish is about learning and teaching, preserving and doing. Doing Jewish is how we find purpose in being Jewish. Here are some of the excellent suggestions you shared and some of the Jewish things you are choosing to do anew. I share this list as inspiration for all of us for doing Jewish and encourage others of us to add our own. Look around your home. Have a family discussion about your favorite Jewish ritual objects or symbols. Share memories of previous experiences using them and explore what you find meaningful in symbols like Shabbat candlesticks and Kiddush ▶ Continued on page 4

The Virtue of Humility and the Pursuit of Wisdom: Mysticism and Ethics in Judaism Sunday, November 1 • 10:30 a.m. Dr. Eitan Fishbane Professor of Jewish Thought, Jewish Theological Seminary of America A scholar of Jewish mysticism and spirituality, Dr. Eitan Fishbane is an award winning writer and speaker. Dr. Fishbane will explore humility as a character trait and wisdom as a personal goal.

Shul Shabbat Share Friday, November 20 Enjoy a Shabbat dinner at home with other members of your Chizuk Amuno community – and let us do the cooking! In the spirit of the very successful Krieger Schechter Shabbat Share program, we are creating a synagogue-wide opportunity to build community and enjoy one another’s company through the simple pleasures of sharing a home-based Shabbat dinner together. As a participant in Shul Shabbat Share, you can choose to be a guest or a host, and we will provide everything for you – including a catered kosher dinner, from challah to dessert, picked up by hosts from Chizuk Amuno earlier that day. We’ll make the matches between host and guest families and share all the information with you in advance of the date. The cost for this program is $15 per person and free for each child under 4. The registration form can be accessed at http:// bit.ly/ShulShabbatShare and will require you to provide the information that will help us make our host/guest matches. Please sign up by Monday, November 9. If you have questions or would like to become more involved in this exciting project, please contact Sandra Dzija, smdzija@gmail. com or 443-904-4485.

School Families Shabbat Extravaganza! Friday, November 13 • 5:30 p.m Optional Shabbat Dinner follows Join us for refreshments and enjoy Shabbat Services led by ALL of our students in ALL of our schools. We join together our Goldsmith Early Childhood Students, our Krieger Schechter Day School students, and our Rosenbloom Religious School students and their families into one large, joyous, exciting congregation for song and prayer, celebration and surprises. Please let us know your plans to attend at http://bit.ly/SchoolShabbat. And if you wish, stay after our service for a family friendly Shabbat dinner. The cost is $18 per adult; $10 per child; no charge for child under 4. RSVP to http://bit.ly/ SchoolShabbat by Friday, November 6, after which the costs will increase to $20 per adult and $12 per child.

Engage in Prayer

November 2015 | Heshvan/Kislev 5776 November 6/7 | Heshvan 25/26 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

November 27/28 | Kislev 15/16 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Torah Study 9:00 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. Amuno Family Minyan 9:30 a.m. TORAH PORTION: HAYYEI SARAH Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YISHLAH Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon No Family Service

Study Session 4:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv 4:30 p.m. Havdalah 5:26 p.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:11 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Torah Study: The Weekly Torah Portion Saturdays • 9-9:30 a.m.

Join our clergy each Shabbat morning to glean insights from the weekly Torah portion. Following, at Shabbat Morning Services, we will continue to reflect on the meaning of the Torah text. The Amuno Minyan and Family Service Together Shabbat, November 7 • 9:30 a.m.

November 13/14 | Kislev 1/2 School Families Shabbat Extravaganza Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: TOL’DOT Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Family Service 10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:19 p.m.

December 4/5 | Kislev 22/23 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YEISHEV Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:10 p.m.

This is our lay-led participatory Shabbat morning service, a more intimate and informal setting for prayer and Torah study. Family Service participants will also join the Amuno Minyan for a joyous and haimish Shabbat service. Come lend your voice and your spirit.

Derekh Amuno Chizuk Amuno’s Pathway to Faith

Candle Lighting November 20/21 | Kislev 8/9 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YETZEI Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Family Service 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:14 p.m.

November 6

4:42 p.m.

November 13

4:35 p.m.

November 20

4:30 p.m.

November 27

4:27 p.m.

December 4

4:25 p.m.

Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Unless otherwise noted: Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Minhah, Ma’ariv, and Havdalah: Refer to weekly Shabbat schedules

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Were you beaming with pride at a loved one’s bar or bat mitzvah? Were you trying to come up with the ‘perfect’ Hanukkah gift? How about purchasing a brick to celebrate a milestone or honor the memory of somebody special? • $250 per brick for up to four lines of text, 15 characters per line • Package options available Purchase a brick by contacting Glenn Easton, 410-486-6400.

Engage in Jewish Life

Community Build Playground One Step Closer to Reality

After weeks of researching, surveying, meeting, planning, drawing, and dreaming of our ideal playground, the big official Design Day and Reveal finally arrived! On October 7, Leathers and Associates Playground designer, Jim Houghton, spent the entire day meeting with as many of our stakeholders as he could, with the main emphasis on students and educators. The kids poured out their hopes and dreams to Jim in grand detail. Jim commented that these were the most enthusiastic and articulate kids he had ever met – that being said with his company having designed 3,500 community build playgrounds! Jim incorporated those important suggestions and visions into the playground schematic that would be the first step in creating our community build playground. That evening, 350 students, parents, teachers, board members, clergy, administration, and congregants gathered for the big reveal. It was a party atmosphere and the excitement was palpable and contagious. The KSDS Lower School Choir sang; our extraordinary Playground Chairs, Stephen Pomerantz and Adam Baumwald entertained the masses with the Top Ten List of reasons for doing a community build playground; Rabbi Shulman blessed the playground; two of our Heads of Schools, Michelle Gold and Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, announced the new imagination blocks; and finally the designer stepped up to the microphone. Jim described the features of the playground and took us on a virtual tour of double-decker treehouses, zip lines, tunnels, racing slides, wobbly bridges, climbing walls, and swings. The kids oohed and ahhed, clapped and screamed, yelling “that was MY idea...he used MY idea!” Following the presentation, the kids stormed the stage to get a closer look and to thank Jim for making their dreams come true! We will need human and financial resources to make this dream a reality and build this playground with our own hands in May 2016. We’ve raised $200,000 so we are halfway to reaching our goal. There will be lots of naming and sponsorship opportunities as well as the chance to buy components such as swings, slides, treehouses, etc. If you are interested in volunteering, please e-mail playgroundvolunteers@ksds.edu. If you are interested in making a financial contribution in support of the playground, please e-mail playground@chizukamuno.org or playground@ksds.edu. Any further questions can be directed to Liz Minkin-Friedman, 410-598-3540.

Transportation Day–Ready! Set! Go!

On a gorgeous fall day in October, our preschoolers got to sit in the driver’s seat of a police car, a BGE truck, a moving truck, and so much more. They were lifted up on the loading dock of a delivery truck – Up! Up! Up! They used the back of the tow truck as a sliding board – Down! Down! Down! They sat on a motorcycle – Uh-Oh – no seat belts! And they even got to snack on potato chips courtesy of Utz – Yummm! Every year, this annual event sparks wonder in each student as they experience this “please touch” activity. Whether it’s manning the carpet cleaner, donning hard hats, or honking horns – there are lots of smiles. We thank all the vehicle drivers for participating and helping our children learn about what they do: Jason Davidov, Landscaping/Tree Removing; Marc Cohen, Towson BMW tow truck; BGE, cherry picker; Pikesville Volunteer Fire Department; McGruff the Crime Dog; Orly Moving truck; Utz Potato Chips delivery truck; Helicopter; Baltimore County Police Car; BGE Home van; Brody Brothers exterminator truck; Josh Katz, Lexus of Towson convertible; motorcycle; The OCD Company, carpet cleaning truck; BARC’s BFF waggin, and Scott Shapiro and Lee Densky, Fox 45 Storm Tracker van. And thank you, Fox 45, for the awesome media coverage!

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Engage in Jewish Life The Illusionists – Film Presentation Tuesday, November 17 • 7 p.m.

Sex sells. What sells even more? Insecurity. The Illusionists turns the mirror on media, exposing the absurd, sometimes humorous, and shocking images that seek to enslave us. Immediately following, the film’s producer will be available for Q & A. Free of Charge. Presented by Krieger Schechter Day School and Jewish Community Services.

“Einstein’s Jewish Science” Dr. Steven Gimbel Professor of Philosophy, Gettysburg College Wednesday, December 2 • 7:30 p.m.

Is relativity Jewish? Was Albert Einstein’s revolutionary science Jewish? Philosopher of science Steven Gimbel explores the many meanings of this provocative phrase and considers whether there is any sense in which Einstein’s theory of relativity is Jewish. With Dr. Gimbel we’ll examine Einstein and his work to explore how beliefs, background, and environment may – or may not – have influenced the work of the scientist. You cannot understand Einstein’s science, Gimbel declares, without knowing the history, religion, and philosophy that influenced it.

Israel Experience 2016


MARCH 27 - APRIL 7, 2016 Escorted by Rabbi Ron and Robin Shulman Contact Judy Simkon in the Rabbinic Office, 410-486-6400, ext. 232 or jsimkin@chizukamuno.org to receive an itinerary.

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▶ From Rabbi Shulman, from page 1

k cups, Mezzuzot, a Shofar, a piece of Jewish art and the like. Add books of Jewish interest to your reading list, and to the books you ask your children to read. Surf on Jewish websites and read Jewish newspapers. Get together with a group of friends and host each other as a group for a Friday night Shabbat dinner once each month. Take turns hosting. Perhaps make each meal a pot luck affair to keep preparation simple. Before making a charitable contribution, sit together with your family and discuss where you want to direct your Tzedakah. Evaluate how your generosity benefits a variety of causes, including support of Jewish concerns. Invite family or friends to join you when attending a Jewish cultural event or show. Visit museums when they present exhibitions with Jewish content. Download Jewish music to listen to. Experiment with a new Jewish practice, something you’ve done before and let go, something you’ve been curious about trying. It could be as simple as lighting candles on Friday nights or more involved like buying kosher meat or separating meat from milk products when you serve family meals. Attend a daily minyan. Recite Shema Yisrael with your children at bedtime. What else? Use the vocabulary of Jewish values when you engage in acts of social justice. Visiting sick relatives and friends or sending them a note is Bikur Holim. Attending a Shiva minyan is Neehum Aveilim. Helping the needy with food, clothing, or shelter are acts of Gemilut Hasadim. Join our community’s efforts. We do many such acts together. Monitor current events in Israel. Learn something more about Israel’s history and current circumstances. Advocate for Israeli security and discuss Israeli politics respectfully with individuals who reflect different points of view. There’s always something more to learn. Come to the synagogue to take a course or learn to read Hebrew. Is there some-

thing you want to learn or read or better understand? Is there a Shabbat or holiday celebration or an upcoming life milestone you want to enhance or experience? Finally, do this. Come here to Shabbat services. Four weeks in a row, four times out of a six or seven week span if that’s more realistic. Perhaps two times each month as a new habit. I warn you. There’s a risk to this. If you come to synagogue here four weeks in a row, you’ll be hooked. The variety of human expression, emotion, and the breadth of life that it is our privilege to welcome and experience during services each and every week will touch you. Bring your questions and your reservations. Bring your hearts and your souls. The ideas we explore, the condition of our world we discuss, the questions we ask, the Torah we study, the images we see, the roles we play, the music we share…for all that will feel familiar, for all you may not understand or need to learn, the variety of the humanity and meaning, of form and substance, what actually takes place in the Sanctuary will surprise and delight you. Some weeks will mean more to you than others. That’s why you have to come consistently. Over time, the sum of your on-going experience will come to mean much more to you than any particular week. In this season of thanksgiving, I thank you for your participation and connection to our synagogue community and the life of the Jewish people. I look forward to hearing even more about how you are “Doing Jewish.” Here’s one last idea. At Thanksgiving dinner, before enjoying your scrumptious feast recite HaMotzi. If you want to go even further, recite a form of Birkat HaMazon, the blessings of gratitude we sing following a meal. May the blessings and bounties of our lives be expressed in all the Jewish we do. B’Shalom Rav, Rabbi Ron Shulman

Engage in Gemilut Hasadim Adopt-A-Road Sunday, November 1 • 9 a.m. Contact: Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422 • Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood performs the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome.

Art with a Heart Sunday, November 1 • 1:30-3:30 p.m. Contact: Deb Charles, text 443-386-1324 • Volunteers work on art projects at Art with a Heart headquarters in Hampden. All those ages 5 and up are welcome. Carpooling available from the Chizuk Amuno parking lot at 1 p.m.

Hakhnasat Orhim – Welcoming Guests Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler • For those living within walking distance of the synagogue who are able to host visitors for Shabbat. Also, if you are in need of hospitality, please let us know.

Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden Contact: Allen Brown, 410-363-3605, abrown86@verizon.net • For gardening enthusiasts of all ages who would like to help with planting and maintaining our garden.

Jewish Volunteer Connection’s Community Mitzvah Day Friday, December 25 Once again, Chizuk Amuno will join thousands of volunteers in various locations throughout Baltimore to celebrate this annual communitywide day of service by participating in hands-on projects helping those in need in Baltimore and overseas. Watch for more details.

Keeping in Touch with Our Elders Contact: Cheryl Snyderman • We will be instituting monthly phone calls to be more in touch with fellow congregants who are not able to come to shul as often as they would like. Be part of our elder dialogue.

Knitting Havurah Wednesdays, November 18 and December 16 • 2 p.m. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman • We knit and/ or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and Baltimore. Knitting instruction is available and everyone is welcome.

cheer for soldiers, and thank them for their service. Dates are set 1-3 weeks in advance of the incoming flights. This project is suitable for adults and children of all ages.

High Holy Day Food Drive – Feeding Our Community

Todah Rabbah to Judy Shulman for volunteering in October.

Our Daily Bread Sundays, November 29, and December 27 • 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410-6029885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com • Join with friends from Chizuk Amuno and help serve meals to Baltimore’s hungry men, women, and children. Todah Rabbah to those who volunteered in August: Wendy Davis, Jayson Folus, Karen Karmiol, Sara Karmiol, Susan Schehr, and Mel Schehr

Reading Partners Contact: Cheryl Snyderman • Through one-on-one tutoring and a structured curriculum, empower elementary school students to succeed in reading and life. You can make a difference in the life of a child in just one hour per week.

Ronald McDonald House Wednesdays, November 11 and December 23 • 4:20-7 p.m. (Sisterhood will cook and serve on December 23) Contact: Linda Levy, lindalevy10@gmail.com. Join us as we cook and/or serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children being treated in Baltimore area hospitals.

Thanks to the generosity of our congregation, dozens of bags of food were donated to two of our partners. GEDCO, the Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation which builds caring and compassionate communities and which provides emergency assistance to its community, and Our Daily Bread Employment Center, which helps people in need with a hot meal, job training and employment counseling, have both been longtime partners of Chizuk Amuno’s Gemilut Hasadim Initiatives. Feeding the hungry around the time of Yom Kippur helps us actualize the words of the prophet Isaiah, “This is the fast I desire … to share your bread with the hungry.” Our next food drive will be in the spring before Passover.

Transportation Service on Shabbat Need a ride to shul on Shabbat mornings? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Just call Cheryl Snyderman by Tuesday of the week you want to attend services.

Operation Welcome Home Maryland

We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc.

Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler to be added to the e-mail list. Join us as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas. Volunteers meet at BWI airport and help pack goodie bags,

For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.

Todah Rabbah to our drivers who delivered the food: David Spitz and Jaime, Jason, Kayla and Hannah Davidov.

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Engage in Jewish LEarning

For more information about our adult education courses, please contact Doris Tanhoff, dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org or ext. 288.

Living Judaism Tuesday evenings, 7:30 p.m. thru December 15 Guided and taught by Rabbi Ron Shulman

Through study and discussion, we will explore how to mark the milestones of our lives and the seasons of our years, classic and contemporary reasons for being and behaving as Jews, and the core experiences of our lives as Jews and our desires for the future.

Talmud Study Class Wednesdays, beginning November 4 5:30-6:15 p.m. Rabbi Ron Shulman

Come enjoy the steady and slow experience of studying the core text of rabbinic Judaism, the Talmud. We’ll learn what the Talmud is and how it informs Jewish life today. Though we’ll study in English, some ability to read Hebrew will be useful as we make our way in discussing and understanding the texts we’ll read.

Basic Hebrew Reading Tuesdays, beginning November 10 6:30-7:20 p.m. Robin Shulman

Learn to decode the Hebrew alphabet and read basic prayer book blessings. This is a comfortable first step for discovering or rediscovering your ability to read Hebrew.

Hanukkah for Adults Monday November 23, 7 p.m. Rabbi Debi Wechsler

Seduction, beheading, and forced conversion. This is no sweet tale of dreidels and latkes for children. A PG-13 take on every kid’s favorite Jewish holiday at which adults might want to take another look.

Downtown Lunch and Learn Monday, November 23, Noon-1 p.m. Johns Hopkins Hospital Rabbi Debi Wechsler

This year at our downtown lunch and learn series we will explore the parent child relationship through the lens of Jewish texts. RSVP to dwechsler@chizukamuno.org.

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Attention July 2018- June 2019 B’nei Mitzvah Families Note Important Changes It is difficult to believe that we are already planning for our 2017-2018 b’nei mitzvah students. Our date assignment process is a little different than in previous years. Rather than assign dates based on the calendar year as we have done in the past, we will now be assigning dates according to the school year (August through June). This will enable us to create one cohort of students, mostly in the same grade, who can participate with their families in our preparation programs, training, meetings, and gatherings. We will soon be assigning dates for students born between July 1, 2005 and June 30, 2006. The students we know of with those birthdates are: Dara Alperstein Evan Alperstein Max Antwerpen Bryce Antwerpen Ayala Asher Noah Bender Jacob Blum Rachel Brody Brady Brown Gabriel Chmar Samuel Clay Michael Cohen Noah Cohen

Gregory Cooper Joshua Danon Rena Finkel Lior Gamliel Mallory Gordon Linley Grosman Jack Hershfield Sydney Jacobstein Caroline Kaufman Rachel Keane Benjamin Koman Julian Kontoff Jenna Nesky

David Netzer Tomer Nusinov Shira Nusinov Francesca Plovan Eliezer Schwartz Rose Seidman Ryan Shaivitz Maxwell Suchin Fiona Williamson Daniel Wolf Jacob Wolf

If your child’s name is not on this list or if you are not yet a member of the congregation but would like to celebrate your child’s bar/bat mitzvah at Chizuk Amuno Congregation, please contact Marci Scher, ext. 223 or mscher@chizukamuno.org. Instead of assigning a date to our families and then asking if the date works with their family schedule, we now ask families, in advance, of any date preferences or pairings that we should avoid through the completion of a B’nei Mitzvah Application Form which will be sent soon and will be due in January 2016. Finally, we recognize that the finances surrounding a bar/bat mitzvah year can be significant so we have reduced some of the expenses and spread them out so they don’t all bunch up at one time. In the time period between the assignment of a bar/bat mitzvah date and the day of the simhah, families will continue to be invited to participate in “613 & Me,” a series of programs designed to enhance the meaning of this milestone lifecycle event. These programs include a session entitled “It’s a Date” that will explore each child’s Torah portion, a Mitzvah Fair to help your family be more engaged in mitzvot and acts of social justice, a special Shabbat dinner for our b’nei mitzvah families, and a special Shabbat morning service to help families become more familiar with and comfortable in our Sanctuary service. We hope that these changes to our bar/bat mitzvah preparation program are helpful and enhance the b’nei mitzvah experiences for our families.

613 & Me Friday, November 6

5th Annual Schechter STEAM Showcase

6 p.m. Services, 7 p.m. Dinner

Sunday, November 15, 9-11 a.m.

Chizuk Amuno’s sixth graders and their families will go on a scavenger hunt through the Friday evening prayer service. Following Shabbat dinner, we will discuss the meaning of becoming Bar and Bat Mitzvah. RSVP to Judy Simkin, jsimkin@chizukamuno.org, required.

Engage your curiosity as KSDS community members teach fun, interactive, and age-appropriate topics in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Collaborate and apply design and engineering skills with Young Engineers. Kids ages 4-10 are invited and must be accompanied by an adult. RSVP by Tuesday, November 10 to Sharon Julius, sjulius@ksds. edu with the number and ages of attendees.



B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families.

Jack Cameron Boos Yaakov Chaim

son of Heather and Brian Boos


We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Brooklyn Riley Friedlander, daughter of Aliza and Brad Friedlander, and granddaughter of Anita and Elliot King and Richard Friedlander

Wynne Hailey Moffet Tzevia Hannah

daughter of Sandi and Brain Moffet NOVEMBER14

Olivia Jane Isaac, daughter of Michelle and Ryan Isaac, and granddaughter of Wendy and Barry Isaac

Mallorie Jo Kaplan Meira Yaffa

daughter of Wendi and Derek Kaplan


Ashley Rena Shaivitz Chaya Rachel

daughter of Lauren Shaivitz and Neal Shaivitz NOVEMBER 21

We congratulate this couple and their families as we wish them much happiness. Caroline Helfand, daughter of Harriet and William Helfand, to Elan Kazam

We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Robin B. Levine, on the loss of her mother, Charlotte Libauer Howard Rosenbloom, on the loss of his sister, Harriet Rosenbloom Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, on the loss of his mother, Evelyn Seltzer As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

Members in the News Mazal Tov to Andrew I. Alperstein on receiving The Daily Record’s 2015 Leadership in Law award.


Evan Samuel Flaks Shmuel Elan

We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Jacqueline Cohen to Adam Allex Susan Greenstein to Brett Baron Ryan Lipsitz, son of Lynne and Harry Lipsitz, to Melanie Haber Stefanie Mackler, daughter of Ilene and Stephen Mackler and granddaughter of Sylvia Gluckstern, to Ian Group

son of Sherri and Barry Flaks Gefen Rachel Nusinov Gefen Rachel

daughter of Vered and Jeffrey Nusinov NOVEMBER 28 Ezra Wyatt Charles Eliezer

In Loving Memory

son of Debbi Charles and Dr. Aaron Charles Aaron Eric Sterling Aharon Efraim

son of Drs. Charlee and Robert Sterling

In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Edith Lamm, wife of Walter Lamm, mother and step-mother of Jason Lamm and Leonard Jay Lamm, and sister of Susan Plaut

Transition to Kindergarten Night Wednesday, November 4, 6:45-8 p.m. If you have a child or know of someone who has a child that will be five, this event is for you! This event is sponsored by the Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center. We will walk you through the Kindergarten registration process and show you what forms are needed in order to apply/ register. The information we will provide is for parents of children looking to attend public or private kindergarten. RSVP to Michelle Gold, 410-486-8642 or mgold@chizukamuno.org.

Chizuk Amuno Congregation 8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 www.chizukamuno.org Office • 410-486-6400 Fax • 410-486-4050 E-mail • info@chizukamuno.org Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640

Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641

Alicia Berlin, Krieger Schechter Day School Parent Association President

Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education

Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055

Richard Stone, Rosenbloom Religious School Parent Association President

Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School

Dr. Andrew J. Miller, President

Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman

Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center

Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director

Adina Moses, Graphic Designer

Eric Beser, Brotherhood President Carol Davis, Club Hatikvah President Dixie Leikach, Sisterhood President Amy Massouda and Jaime Silverman, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Parent Association Co-Presidents

Cheryl Snyderman, Director Gemilut Hasadim

Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director

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Engage with Synagogue Friends

Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood

Club Hatikvah

We are a group of women who feel passionately about our synagogue, our schools, and our members. Any questions about Sisterhood and upcoming activities can be directed to Dixie Leikach, 443-386-1062 or Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org. If you are not yet receiving our weekly e-newsletter, give Dixie your e-mail address and we’ll add you to the list!

Come join us for an evening of fabulous food, catered by Yaffa and served at your table. Renew old friendships and make new ones and enjoy the outstanding entertainment we have lined up for you. For further information, call Carol Davis, 410-833-7673 or carolgildavis@ aol.com. Our upcoming programs are:

Mah Jongg

Sunday, November 15

Tuesdays, November 3 and 17 • 9:30 a.m. We hold a casual Mah Jongg game for all levels in the Kolker Youth Lounge on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of almost every month. RSVP to Randee Glassman, randee853@aol.com.

Women C.A.N. Wednesday, November 18 • 7 p.m. Looking for creative ways to promote your business, product, or service? Come be part of our conversation! We promise you will leave our meetings with new resources and ideas about moving forward. For more information, please contact Ava Barron-Shasho, avabarronshasho@yahoo.com, or Jill Bers, jillb1118@gmail.com.

Sisterhood Goes to Broadway! Sunday, November 8 Join us to see Fun Home – a musical comedy and winner of five Tony Awards! Our bus will leave Chizuk Amuno at 7 a.m. and leave New York at 5:45 p.m. Kosher breakfast and dinner will be provided on the bus. The cost is $185 per person. RSVP to Marilyn Spector, 410486-3888 or marilynspe@gmail.com. Please contact Dixie to see if there are still tickets available.

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Fifty Years of Great Hits Presented by the oh-so-talented Ellen Katz. You will leave with a smile on your face and your toes a-tappin’. You may even want to sing along!

Brotherhood Needs You We aim to contribute to Jewish life at Chizuk Amuno and have fun doing Jewish “guy stuff” at all our activities. If you would like to learn more about Brotherhood, are interested in participating, or have some awesome programming ideas, please contact Eric Beser, eric.beser@e-isg.com.

Men, Meat, and Midrash–shades of Torah Sunday, November 18, 6 p.m. Join us for a “deli”cious dinner, some beer, and a great discussion about the “Fifty Shades of Torah,” moderated by our own Dr. Paul Schneider. Dinner will be served at 6:45 p.m. and will be for men only. Cost: $8. RSVP to Richard Udell, pvfc3251@verizon.net by November 15.

Zakhor HaYeladim • Remember the Children Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood hopes you will join them in the mitzvah of reciting Kaddish and lighting a yahrzeit candle for a child murdered during the Holocaust. More than 1.5 million children were murdered by the Nazi regime and most had no family members left behind to recite the memorial prayer for them. You will be provided with a fact sheet about a specific child and a list of upcoming Yizkor/Yom HaShaoh dates when you are asked to recite Kaddish. Contact Eric Beser for more information.

Sisterhood Judaica Shop The Sisterhood Judaica Shop is stocked and ready for your Hanukkah shopping. Be sure to stop in to see the latest and greatest in menorot, candles, dreidels and other toys, books and latke serving dishes. We have something for everyone on your list.

Judaica Shop Hours Sunday, 9:30-noon Monday, 10 a.m.-noon and 2-4 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m.-noon and 2-6 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-noon For appointments call Edna Crystal at 410-653-3495 or Anne King at 410-303-7716.

Kadima Kadima Takes on Sky Zone! Sunday, November 15, 12-3 p.m. Our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will get all their energy out at Sky Zone Trampoline Park! The price for members of Kadima is $20 and for non-members it’s $25, which includes lunch, snacks, Sky Zone fees, and busing from and to Chizuk Amuno. To join Kadima, for more information, or to RSVP (by November 4), e-mail Sara at sfinkelstein@chizukamuno.org. See you there!

Kadima Hanukkah Program Sunday, December 6

Put on your yarmulke, here comes Hanukkah… Chizuk Amuno middle school students will spend the morning getting pumped for the Festival of Lights. Bring your harmonica and tell your friend Veronica, because it’s time for Hanukkah funukkah!


Bimah Flowers November 7 | 25 Heshvan In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Wynne Hailey Moffet, by her parents, Sandi and Brian Moffet, and her grandparents, Toba and William Grant and Alice and Howard Moffet In Memory Of: Irene and William Weinberg and Cyrile and Jerome Grant, great-grandparents of Wynne Hailey Moffet, on the occasion of Wynne’s Bat Mitzvah, by Toba and William Grant Irving Siegel, by his children, grandchildren, great-granddaughter, and great-grandson David Levin, father, by Sandy Brenner Dr. Alan S. Exler, brother, by Dr. Karen Jacobs and family Lena Matziover, by her granddaughter, Ruthanne Kaufman Philip Feinglass, by Harriet Feinglass, children, and grandchildren Harold Miller, by his wife, Bette, and family Anna Glassgold, by Jackie Glassgold and family Reba Raffel, by Lorraine and Earl Raffel Lena Cummins, mother, by her family Frank Fisher, by Saul Leibowitz, grandchildren, and great-grandchild Jonathan S. Baker, son, by Elaine Baker Rosalie Jerome, by Harvey Jerome and family Kurt Weiler, father, by Linda and Jeffrey Cole and family Martin Beerman, father, by Carole and Dr. Morton Ellin and family Morris Shor, by Shirley Shor and family Isadore Isaac Wolfson, by Edna and Mace Crystal Sadie Grossman, sister, by Rose Frank Dr. Stuart Brager, by Marlene Brager and family Nathan L. Cohen, on his birthday, by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen, and family

November 14 | 2 Kislev In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Mallorie Jo Kaplan, by her parents, Wendi and Derek Kaplan, and her grandmother, Vivian Kaplan The Bat Mitzvah of Ashley Rena Shaivitz, by her parents, Lauren Shaivitz and Neal Shaivitz, and her grandparents, Shelli and Michael Shaivitz, Millard and Ruth Rubenstein, and Gayle and Allan Shaivitz In Memory Of: Barbara Leibowitz Lichter and Barry Leibowitz, grandparents of Mallorie Jo Kaplan, on the occasion of Mallorie’s Bat Mitzvah

Paul Flax, father, by Stephanie and Ronald Attman and family Sam B. Conn, father, by Allan Conn Benjamin Yoffe, father, by Marsha and Sherwin Yoffe and family Joseph Massuda, father, by Cindy and Gabriel Massuda and family Lillyan Tushman, mother, by Marsha and Sherwin Yoffe and family Jene Eisenberg, mother, by Doris Bernhardt and family Sylvia Reznick Wolf, by her daughter Seema Reznick Kenneth Marc Blumenthal, by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal and family Rita Meshulam, mother, by Barbara and Dr. Richard Meshulam and Jenny and Dr. Joel Meshulam Magda Koves, mother, by Judy and Jayson Folus and family Annie Malkin, by Audrey Levine and family Theodore Dzija, by Sandra Dzija Miller and family

November 21 | 9 Kislev In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Evan Samuel Flaks, by his parents, Sherri and Barry Flaks, and his grandparents, Sandi and Mark Eisenberg and Olga Flaks The Bat Mitzvah of Gefen Rachel Nusinov, by her parents, Vered and Jeffrey Nusinov, her grandparents, Dana and Dr. Uri Tasch, Michael Nusinov and Lynda Nusinov, and her great-grandmother, Rose Nusinov In Memory Of: Jaime Flaks, grandfather of Evan Samuel Flaks, on the occasion of Evan’s Bar Mitzvah Helen Cohen, by Barbara and Howard Cohen Norman Steinberg, father, by Ilene and David Freishtat and family Marcia Ann Spector, sister, by Judy and Marvin Spector and family Rose Freedman, mother and grandmother, by Alice and Allen Alperstein and Mimi and Jack Freedman and family Bernard Whitman, father and grandfather, by Edee Schnitzer and family Harry Blumberg, father, by Dr. Albert Blumberg and family Louis Millen, by Ron and Alita Millen and family Arthur Levine, by Audrey Levine and family Harry Wolfsthal, by Dr. Susan Wolfsthal and Dr. William Keys and family Anna Perlmutter, mother, by Helen Kleinman Laurel Dolly Keen, mother and grandmother, by Rena and Jack Shenk and family

Ruth S. Caplan, mother, by her children, Lyndy and David Caplan and Linda and Foster Goldman, Jr. and her grandchildren, Michael, Danielle, and Allison Mark Eigenberg, father, by Judi and Marc Komins and family Dr. Saul Blumenthal, on his birthday, by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal and family

November 28 | 16 Kislev In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Ezra Wyatt Charles, by his parents, Debbi Charles and Dr. Aaron Charles, and his grandfather, Allan Charles The Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Eric Sterling, by his parents, Drs. Charlee and Robert Sterling, and his grandparents, Rhoda Sterling, Ellarose and Harvey Steinberg and Jo-Ann and Stephan Leimberg In Memory Of: Eugene Sterling, grandfather of Aaron Eric Sterling, on the occasion of Aaron’s Bar Mitzvah Bessie Caplan, mother, by Sharon and Irvin Caplan and family Florence Gordon, mother, by Darlene and Gerald Gordon and family Nathan Blum, father, by Elke and Arnold Neuburger and family Evelyn Fishlin, by Alita and Ron Millen and family Rosalie Levin, by Joan and Michael

Vardi, Alan Levin, Anita Baron, and Barbara Levy and families Lilyan Sayer, mother, by Suzanne Katz and family Sidney Tucker, by Sally and Arthur Grant, children, and grandchildren Miriam Sokolow, sister, by Jeanne and Jack Luskin and family Beatrice Kraus, mother and grandmother, by Joanne and Dr. Edward Kraus and family Irene Levin, mother, by Sherrie and Carl Polsky and family Esther Sapperstein, by her children and grandchildren Rhoda Toney, by her family and friends at Chizuk Amuno

Clergy Discretionary Fund Tzedakah contributions to our clergy Discretionary Fund, as well as gifts received in honor, memory, or appreciation of life cycle occasions support charitable, cultural, and educational causes. Rabbi Shulman’s Discretionary Fund

Rabbi Wechsler’s Discretionary Fund

Ann and Dan Fried and Tessa and Glenn Fuchs, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the unveiling of Gertrude Katz Joyce and Louis Kaplan, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the funeral of Doreen Fisher Gail and Jerry Kurman, in appreciation of their aliyah Dr. Martin Levin, in appreciation of his aliyah for his birthday Howard Rosenbloom, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the funeral of Harriet Rosenbloom Paige, Michael, and Jenny Schwartz and Margaret, Fred, Mary Kay, Todd, Cali, Callum, and Annie Weinberg, in memory of Lorraine Pugatch, loving aunt and great-aunt Carol and Saul Strenger, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman

Polly and Scott Pugatch, in appreciation of Rabbi Deborah Wechsler for officiating at the funeral of Lorraine Pugatch

Hazzan Perlman’s Discretionary Fund Dr. Arnold Feiner, for chanting the Maftir Yonah on Yom Kippur Judith and Dr. Arthur Harrow, in memory of Hazzan Perlman’s beloved parents, Muriel Perlman and Cantor Ivan E. Perlman Hanna Lee and Ronald Pomerantz, in memory of Hazzan Perlman’s beloved mother, Muriel Perlman Polly and Scott Pugatch, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for co-officiating at the funeral of Lorraine Pugatch

Dr. Shualy’s Discretionary Fund By Ruth and Jacob Silverman By the Trust of Lillian Zale

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Terumot HaKodesh We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue. Annual Appeal – Congregational Support In honor of Sue and Bill Crystal, by Lynn and Michael Gittleson

Annual Appeal – Krieger Schechter Day School In honor of Irving Goldstein, by Cherie and Kerry Stewart Earl Raffel, by Libby and Adam Smoler

Annual Appeal – Rosenbloom Religious School In memory of Evelyn Seltzer, by Jill and Adam Hartman; Shelly and Jeffrey Hettleman

Annual Appeal – Youth Campaign In memory of Evelyn Seltzer, by Hope and Larry Cooper and family

Chizuk Amuno Congregation Special Offering In honor of Max Bloom, by Gloria Kolker Hack Chizuk Amuno Congregation, by Steven Sklar Annabelle and Morris Mervis, by Lorraine and Earl Raffel Patsy and Sheldon Milner, by Karen and Steve Caplan Pam and Jeff Platt, by Carol and Ed Gratz and family; Rita and Marshall Plaut Beverly and Stuart Sagal, by Carol and Ed Gratz and family Heller and Ari Zaiman, by Jenny Baker In memory of A loved one on their yahrzeit, by Tanna Omansky Benjamin Berdann, by Herta and Arthur Baitch; Sally and Anton Grobani; Audrey and Leslie Polt; Sheila and Howard Sandbank Isaac Bormel, by Regine Bormel Florine Bretholz, by Ann Harris Edith Nordin Cohen, by Gail and Jerry Oppel Doreen Fisher, by Harriet Freedman Lena Frank, by Rose Frank Joel Glassner, by Beth Goldsmith Bea Goldberg, by the Pikesville Chamber of Commerce Morton Goldmeier, by Beth Goldsmith; Phyllis and Richard Kline Sylvan Isaac, by Marion Isaac

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Marion Iskow, by Joan and Saul Gurney Edith Lamm, by Linda Aufseeser; Evelyn Baer; Florence Brown; Shirley and Arthur Dock; Seymour Farbman; Susan and Edward Frieman; Beverly and Anton Kane; Harriet and Alan Kanter; Ronnie Kleiman; Inge Levie; Maxine and Robert McKinney; Lorraine and Earl Raffel; Naomi and Barry Reiss; Sheila and Howard Sandbank; Kevin, Melissa, and Zoe Sommers; Lynn and Nelson Tucker; Walter Weil; Anne and David Young; Margot Zipper Irving Lubich, by Barbara Werner Lubich and Bruce Lubich; Lynne and Larry Lichtig Allen H. Mervis, by Annabelle and Morris Mervis; Ann and Alan Betten Muriel Perlman, by Phyllis and Richard Kline; Dolores and Marty Zuckerman Herschel Polakoff, by Jenny Baker Lorraine Pugatch, by Gary Attman and Leonard Attman; Jenny Baker; Merry Coplin; Betsy and Robin Debuskey; Elaine Fox; Louise Goldberg; Joan and David Greenberg; Gloria Kolker Hack and Joanne Hack; Leah Helman; Barbara and Morton Kesler; Ronnie Kleiman; Shirley Kleinman; Lois and Arnold Masinter; Marilyn Naviasky; Gail and Jerry Oppel; Shirley and Paul Sachs; Shirley Sacks; Sheila and Howard Sandbank; Harriet and Richard Udell; Ben Rose, by Sharon Rose Harriet Rosenbloom, by Anne and David Young Beatrice Brown and Jules Savlov, by Harriet and Moe Brown Bertha Sharan and Enid Scott, by Barbara Scott and Jonathan Bromberg Zvi Harry Shoubin, by Gloria Kolker Hack; Gail Oppel Hyman and Anna Telchin, by Sharon Holback and Dorris Beckler Shirley Weisberg, by Darlene and Gerry Gordon Ranie, by Lanie and Kenny Weber Refuah Sh’lemah to Saul Leibowitz, by Susan and Henry Holzman; Ellen and Terren Himelfarb

Congregational Kiddush In honor of Stephen Pomerantz, by David Hurwitz

Inscribed Humash Etz Hayim In honor of Sally and Arthur Grant, by Norma Tucker In memory of Muriel Perlman, by Nancy Cohen Lorraine Pugatch, by Betty and Leonard

Golombek Evelyn Seltzer, by Sandra Dzija and Andy Miller; Beverly and Stuart Sagal

Krieger Schechter Day School Scholarship Fund In honor of Dr. Lorne Yasbin, by Suzanne and Michael Podberesky; Julie Levi and Eric Przelski; Dori, David, Maya, and Talia Vitburg In memory of Evelyn Seltzer, by Hillary and Jonny Lewis and family Neely Snyder, by Ayelet Weiss and Hillary Lewis

Krieger Schechter Day School Special Offering In honor of Irving Goldstein, by Lillian Weinberg Susan Straus, by Beth and Albert Blumberg

Memorial Fund Contribution In memory of Benjamin Berdann, by Lynn and Nelson Tucker Lorraine Pugatch, by Lynn and Nelson Tucker Evelyn Seltzer, by Hope and Larry Cooper and family

Playground Fund In honor of Steve Pomerantz, by David Hurwitz

Prayer Book Fund In memory of Lorraine Pugatch, by Dorothy Rainess

Rosenbloom Religious School Special Projects Fund In memory of Harriet Rosenbloom, by Cindy and Glenn Easton; Harriet and Alan Kanter Evelyn Seltzer, by Jenny Baker; Melissa and Jeffrey Berman; Susan Bernstein; Harriet and Moe Brown; Karen and Steve Caplan; Michelle, Mitch, Olivia, and Sammy Clay; Joan and David Greenberg; Joan and Saul Gurney; Debby and Jesse Hellman; Harriet and Alan Kanter; Ruthanne Kaufman; Lindsay, Matt, Jordan, and Madison Klatsky; the LaPorte family; Nancie Leibowitz; Lynne and Larry Lichtig; Carole and Robert Marder; Lily and Warren Massouda; Marci and Mitchell Platt; Rita and Marshall Plaut and family; Dorothy Rainess; Mindy, Jeff, Evan, and Lexi Rosen; the Ben

and Esther Rosenbloom Foundation; Sheila and Howard Sandbank; Judy and Bob Schwartz; Judy Simkin; Cheryl Snyderman; Lynn and Nelson Tucker; Leslie Weinberg; Janie and Stanley Weinstein; Anne and David Young

Paul D. Schneider Scholarship Fund In honor of Irving Goldstein, by Margi and Steven Hoffman

Yeshiva and Tzedakah Fund In memory of Evelyn Seltzer, by Hope and Larry Cooper and

Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Endowment Fund Ann and Rabbi Joel H. Zaiman, by Dr. Jerry D. Buxbaum

Miriam Foss Memorial Fund In honor of Rena and Ruben Finkel, by Cheryl Snyderman Dara and Ron Schechter, by Cheryl Snyderman In memory of Stephen Safran, by Cheryl Snyderman Evelyn Seltzer, by Joyce and Michael Wechsler

Louis Barry Gershen “Our Daily Bread” Fund In honor of Myra and Michael Gershen, by Donna, Karie, and John Goldberg

Lee Hendler Endowment Fund In honor of Lee Hendler, by Cindy and Glenn Easton

Janet and Stanley Kantor Fund for Special Needs In memory of Joseph Applebaum, by Janet and Stanley Kantor Saul Moses, by Janet and Stanley Kantor

Linda G. and Phillip J. Katz Family Fund In memory of Morton Goldmeier, by Cheryl Snyderman

Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund In memory of Benjamin Berdann, by Dorothy Yankellow Shirley Fradin, by Dorothy Yankellow Evelyn Seltzer, by Linda and Mark Levy and Aaron and Mandy Levy and famly

▶ Continued on next page


Barbara Leibowitz Lichter and Barry Leibowitz Pathways to Menschlikeit Fund In memory of Edith Lamm, by Rebecca Tucker Lorraine Pugatch, by Miriam, Irwin, Seth, and Adina Golob; Nancie Leibowitz Evelyn Seltzer, by Miriam, Irwin, Seth, and Adina Golob

Stanley I. Minch Memorial Scholarship Fund In honor of Edna Crystal, by Hillary and Jack Crystal

Reznik-Frier Scholarship Fund In honor of Ann and Avi Rubin, by the Frier family In memory of Laurel Cohen, by Diane and Joel Aronson Herschel Polakoff, by Dawn Reznik and Paulette Pollack Evelyn Seltzer, by the Frier family; Dawn Reznik and Paulette Pollack

Preparing for Hanukkah Calling all Chizuk College Students! We want to send your college student a Hanukkah package, please have his/her address to us by Monday, November 23. Our college students will receive gifts of snacks and a greeting from Rabbi Wechsler. If you have not yet submitted your Chizuk Amuno college student’s address, please e-mail it to dwechsler@chizukamuno.org. This effort is supported by the Adult Bat Mitzvah 20042006 College Outreach Fund.

New Sanctuary Hearing Assistance System Installed

Thanks to the generosity of the Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood, Dixie and Neil Leikach, and Cindy and Glenn Easton, a new hearing assistance system has been installed in the Sanctuary. Those who need hearing assistance may request a headset from an usher or the system can be utilized by a T-Switch in one’s hearing aid. We currently have a limited number of headsets but hope to purchase more in the near future. Our thanks to our generous donors for recognizing an important need and helping members and guests enjoy the beauty of our services. We hope to be able to install hearing assistance systems in our other main halls in the upcoming year.

Cheryl Snyderman Selected New Director of Gemilut Hasadim

We are delighted to announce that Cheryl Snyderman, Director of Communications and Member Services at Chizuk Amuno, has been selected as our new director of Gemilut Hasadim. Cheryl has been a trusted staff member at Chizuk Amuno for 16 years and is excited to transition into her new role. Cheryl will be working closely with Rabbi Wechsler and Barbara Grochal, chair of the Gemilut Hasadim Committee. She will also continue assisting with our membership engagement initiatives. To volunteer for one of our Gemilut Hasasdim programs or share your ideas, you can be in touch with Cheryl at csnyderman@chizukamuno.org or ext. 300.

New Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media

The congregation is pleased to welcome Melissa Halpern, our new Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media. Melissa joins us after many years of communications work in non-profit and for-profit organizations including the Ulman Cancer Fund, Alliance for Telecommunications, and All Pro / Under Armour Lacrosse. She holds a Master’s degree from the Maryland Institute of College Art & Design and a Bachelors of Arts degree in Graphic Design with Minors in Marketing and Advertising from York College. Her experience includes web design, branding, event planning, video editing, social media, and graphic design. An avid runner, Melissa also created a startup business called MUSA to motivate others with quotes and imagery on fitware. Please join us in welcoming Melissa to the Chizuk Amuno family.

Tips to the Staff Holiday Gift Fund Chizuk Amuno Congregation is fortunate to have a wonderful, dedicated maintenance, clerical, administrative, and support staff, who ensure that the synagogue and schools run well, that the building is set as needed, who care deeply about our children, students, members, and friends and help us achieve the mission and goals of the congregation. Several years ago, the synagogue adopted a policy of no tipping to individual staff members following events or programs. Some staff members are more visible than others, but it takes all of them to prepare. In lieu of tipping, the congregation has created a Staff Holiday Gift Fund, which is divided equally among our support staff every December. We appreciate those who contribute to the holiday gift fund to our staff members in honor of their good work during the High Holy Days and throughout the year.

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Monster Book Fair Reading is So Much Fun You’ll Get Goosebumps Monday – Thursday, Nov. 9 – 12 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Come to our annual Book Fair and support the library serving all of the Chizuk Amuno schools. There will be a great selection of Jewish books for all ages as well as a variety of authors and artists connected to the Chizuk Amuno community.

“Like” Us on Facebook!

Hanukkah Lights up the Sky Fireworks, Candle lighting, Songs and Games Tuesday December 8, 5:45 p.m. Chizuk Amuno and Beth El Congregations join together to celebrate Hanukkah! Join us at Chizuk Amuno for an evening of holiday lights and fun.

5:45 p.m. We’ll enjoy a Pasta Bar and Latke Dinner. During dinner we’ll play games, do Hanukkah crafts, and sing Hanukkah songs.

6:30 p.m. We celebrate together in a special community Hanukkah Candle Lighting.. 6:45 p.m. We’ll enjoy fireworks as they light up the sky over Chizuk Amuno and Beth El. The cost for dinner is $5 per person or $18 per family. Please send your reservations to Chizuk Amuno

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