AT CHIZUK AMUNO CONGREGATION AND SCHOOLS Engaging Jewish Life & Learning JANUARY 2018 | Tevet / Shevat 5778
RABBI’S COLUMN As the secular year drew to a close on December 31st we were bombarded with newspaper articles, clips on RABBI DEBI WECHSLER social media, and television spots reflecting on the year that passed. These media presented the larger issues of the past year – the trends, the challenges, the best of 2017, the worst of 2017, the fads, the scandals, the triumphs and the disgraces. It is easy to be consumed by the overwhelmingly large and weighty concerns of the world. As your rabbi, I have also been consumed by them. But let us not forget the myriad of individual concerns that were lovingly and attentively addressed by communities such as ours in this year as well. These moments may not have made it onto any channel’s highlights reel, yet they are the personal milestones that brought our lives meaning and brought our community closer together. In 2017 we celebrated with young men and women who took their first tentative steps into Jewish adulthood as they stood on our bimah and became b’nei mitzvah. In 2017 we celebrated with young mothers and fathers who took their first tentative steps into Jewish parenting as they proudly brought their young children into the covenant of the Jewish people for their bris or baby naming. Continued on Page 2
Star Wars
Purim Episode 5778
Strikes back
Megillah Reading Wednesday, February 28 Grab your light saber and hop into your x-wing! Will Darth vader be wearing his three-pointed hat? Will Princess Leia be able to save the Jews from annihilation? Join us for a fun-filled trek through space and the Megillah, followed by a victory celebration with music and dancing.
stay tuned for more fun.... Sunday, February 25 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Will Yoda use ‘The Force’ to get a perfect game? Will Chewie make an appearance, despite the ‘No Pets’ policy?
6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Gather to greet each other. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.
Shabbat Mornings
9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones.
JANUARY 5/6 / TEVET 18/19
Candle Lighting.........................Friday 4:39 p.m. TORAH PORTION: SH’MOT Brotherhood Shabbat Sermon by Richard Udell Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Study Session .......................................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ......................................4:30 p.m. Havdalah .................................................5:25 p.m.
JANUARY 12/13 / TEVET 25/26
Start Up funding was provided by the Sisterhood
Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 4:26 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-ERA Joshua Rushlow becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots .......................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session .......................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................. 4:30 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................5:32 p.m.
JANUARY 19/20 / SHEVAT 3/4
Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 4:53 p.m. TORAH PORTION: BO Winter Shul in the Krieger Auditorium Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ......................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ................................... 4:30 p.m. Havdalah .............................................5:40 p.m.
JANUARY 26/27 / SHEVAT 10/11
Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 5:01 p.m. TORAH PORTION: B’SHALLAH January Birthday Blessings Winter Shul in the Krieger Auditorium Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots .......................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ......................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ................................... 4:45 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................5:48 p.m.
Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel
Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. New Year’s Day 1/1: 9:15 a.m. Our Sanctuary is equipped with an audio assistance system to aid in hearing our services. Please see an usher or security guard for a headset.
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(For Girls)
Led by Rabbi Wechsler Sundays 10 a.m.-12 p.m. February 4 & 11, 2018 A program for Bat Mitzvah girls and their mothers. Engaging activities and experiential learning leading towards the creation of a personal ritual linked to Bat Mitzvah. Mothers and daughters are offered time to connect with each other in a Jewishly meaningful way. Mothers learn to use their life experience as a positive way of mentoring their daughters and daughters explore with their peers what it means to become an adult woman.
BENEATH THE SURFACE (For Boys) Led by Rabbi Schneider Sundays 10 a.m.-12 p.m. February 4 & 11, 2018
A program for Bar Mitzvah boys and their fathers. We’ll explore what it means to “become a man” in society and life. Through activities and discussion we’ll share our bonds and fathers and sons, men and peers. We’ll also explore how Jewish values speak to us as men as we grow and explore through life. All charges for 613 & Me programs for students enrolled in formal programs of Jewish education, are covered by your Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation fee.
From Page 1
In 2017 we celebrated with young brides and grooms who took their first tentative steps into loving Jewish partnership as they stood on our bimah and anticipated their moments under the huppah (wedding canopy). Let us be consumed with these moments of the past year and take our own tentative steps into 2018, hopeful and enthusiastic for more moments that will bring meaning to our lives and continue to draw us closer as a community that strives to be sacred.
UPCOMING TOT SHABBAT Friday, January 5 & 19, 9:15 a.m.
Bring your infants and toddlers to an interactive Tot Shabbat. Join Melissa Berman, Chizuk’s Young Families Coordinator, for songs, puppets, stories and more in the Goldsmith Music Room. No RSVP Required.
Shir Shabbat
FRIDAY JANUARY 26, 2018, 6 P.M. A joyful, participatory musical and instrumental Friday night service with Sam Blustin our Song Leader and his band.
As the calendar year draws to a close, our Rabbinic Transition Search process is rapidly moving forward. Your enthusiastic participation in our Roundtable Discussions, Town Halls and Survey is helping shape the focus of our hard working transition committee as we work to bring new rabbinic leadership to Chizuk Amuno. We have formally invited applications for the Senior Rabbi position by submitting a detailed document to the Rabbinical Assembly (RA) describing Chizuk Amuno and what it seeks in a new rabbi ( Multiple applications have already been received and it is clear that Chizuk Amuno is extremely attractive to candidates due to our well known history as a leader in the Conservative Movement, our emphasis on education (exemplified by our Day School, Religious School, Preschool and Adult education programs), our knowledgeable and passionate membership, and our strong place in a vibrant Baltimore Jewish Community. We feel it is important to share the details of the search process going forward and let you know what you should expect to see over the next months: 1. Initial Vetting - Our committee carefully reviews each resume to determine if the candidate meets the minimum requirements of our congregation and those mandated by the RA. 2. Online Interview - Candidates who pass the initial vetting are interviewed online by members of our committee as an initial screen ascertain whether the candidate is aligned with the goals and interests of Chizuk Amuno and whether there is mutual interest to pursue a more intensive process. 3. Initial Onsite Visit - Candidates will be brought to Baltimore for a one day onsite visit to give the entire Rabbinic Transition Committee the opportunity to personally meet and engage the candidate. The candidate will have the opportunity to tour our facilities and surrounding community. 4. Extended Weekend Community Visit - Those candidates who merit further interviews will be invited (along with their family if applicable) for an extended weekend visit beginning January/February. These visits will include opportunities for our entire congregation and school communities to meet and interact with the candidate as they teach, preach, and otherwise engage with our community in our synagogue and schools. The visits will be well publicized and your opinions of the candidates will be actively solicited. 5. Final Recommendations to the Board of Trustees - The Search Committee will propose the top candidate(s) to the Chizuk Amuno Board of Trustees. The Board will then make a final decision on which candidate to recommend to Chizuk Amuno’s membership as required by our by-laws. 6. Congregational Special Meeting - Finally, the entire congregation will be invited to a special meeting to vote on the selection. Assuming we find a superlative candidate worthy of Chizuk Amuno, our goal is to have a new Senior Rabbi in place by July 1, 2018. If such a candidate does not emerge, we will continue our search process. This is a very exciting time for Chizuk Amuno. Our future is full of promise. Thank you so much for your continued active participation in and support of our beloved congregation. We wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Sandi Moffet Co-Chair, Transition Committee
Stephen Pomerantz Co-Chair, Transition Committee
Chizuk Amuno Congregation Rabbinic Transition and Search Committee:
Ronald Attman, Allison Baumwald, Jason A. Blavatt, Jenny Gamliel, Ricky Gratz, Bob Hallock, Nancy Hudes, Ruthanne Kaufman, Jonny Lewis, Sarah Manekin, Jordon Max, Samuel Moskowitz, Jeffrey Platt, David Roffman, Michelle Rosenbloom, Mindy Rosen, Abigail Malischostak, Lee Sherman, and Lynn Tucker
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POLICY FOR LATE OPENINGS DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER When our schools need to open late, both KSDS and Goldsmith will have either a 9 a.m. start or a 10 a.m. start.
Please check the Chizuk Amuno website,, Facebook, or tune into WBAL for schedule changes due to inclement weather; or sign up for the school emergency text system. A complete description of our policy can be found on the school webpage. When inclement weather occurs on a Sunday morning, RRS families should check the Chizuk Amuno website.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE ANNOUNCED In accordance with our By-Laws, President Jason Blavatt has announced and the Board of Trustees has approved the following members to serve on the Nominating Committee: Andy Miller (Chair), Michelle Clay, Jennifer Gamliel, Richard Gratz, Joy Katz, and Richard Matz.
ATTENTION 2020-2021 B’NEI MITZVAH FAMILIES It is difficult to believe that we are already planning for our 2020-2021 b’nei mitzvah students. Rather than assign dates based on the calendar year, we assign dates according to the school year (August through June). This enables us to create one cohort of students, mostly in the same grade, who can participate with their families in our preparation programs, training, meetings, and gatherings. We will soon be assigning dates for students born between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. Information and applications were sent in December for this class of 2020-21. If you did not receive a letter and application by the end of the December, please contact Marci Scher at 410-486-6400 ext. 223 or In the time period between the assignment of a bar/bat mitzvah date and the day of the simhah, families will be invited to participate in “613 & Me,” a series of programs designed to enhance the meaning of this milestone lifecycle event. These programs include a session entitled “It’s a Date” that will explore each child’s Torah portion, a Mitzvah Fair to help your family be more engaged in mitzvot and acts of social justice, an aliyah to the Torah, and a special Shabbat morning service to help families become more familiar with and comfortable in our Sanctuary service. The entire Chizuk Amuno family looks forward to celebrating this exciting and important milestone with our B’nei Mitzvah families.
Suggestions for officers or board members may be submitted to any member of the committee or Glenn Easton at the synagogue office. The Nominating Committee is required to present its recommended slate of synagogue leaders at least sixty days prior to our Annual Congregational Meeting on June 3, 2018.
CHIZUK AMUNO CONGREGATION & SCHOOLS TRIP TO ISRAEL DECEMBER 2018 Rabbi Moshe Schwartz of Krieger Schechter Day School will be leading a family-focused trip to Israel in December 2018. The trip will be geared towards those who have never been to Israel and/or have never traveled to Israel as a family. For more information as well as pricing and an itinerary, visit Page 4
Saturday Night, February 24 at 7:00 p.m. Chizuk Amuno Congregation Chizuk Amuno Israel Committee presents THE WOMEN’S BALCONY
New York Times & Los Angeles Times CRITICS PICK! Israel’s #1 Film of the Year! An accident during a bar mitzvah celebration leads to a gender rift in a devout Orthodox community in Jerusalem, in this rousing, good-hearted tale about women speaking truth to patriarchal power. Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe of Beth Tfiloh Schools and Congregation will lead discussion following the film. Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe serves as Community Educator in Beth Tfiloh synagogue and as a HS teacher in BT School. She is a dynamic and thoughtful educator who delights in learning with people of all ages. Rabbanit Jaffe was ordained by Yeshivat Maharat in June 2017, following a long career in hi-tech in Israel. She feels blessed to be following this path which nourishes and fills her soul.
CELEBRATE A SIMCHA AND SPONSOR A KIDDUSH Our appreciation to the generous members and friends who have sponsored our Shabbat morning Kiddush to recognize an important occasion. Celebrate your Simcha with your congregational family, honor or remember a loved one, or mark a special time of year with a contribution to the Kiddush Fund. A Shabbat morning Kiddush Sponsor is a $700 contribution and a Co-Sponsor is a $350 contribution. Our B’nei Mitzvah families are also generous sponsors of our weekly congregational Kiddush. Expanded Kiddush menus are also available. Please contact Jenny Baker at the synagogue for information. Our appreciation to the following who have generously sponsored a Kiddush marking a special occasion in the last few months: Barbara Scott & Jonathan Bromberg Edna & Mace Crystal Jaclyn Ross & Eliezer Medina Marcus Family in honor of Mae Levin Nancy & Richard Hudes Kathy & Richard Stone Calley & Nathan Schwaber Kim & David Neschis Chiuzk Amuno Sisterhood Pauline & Marc Lapin Stephanie & Keith Weinstein Shari & Jon Koman Alison & Giora Netzer Michelle Shenk-Cooper & Jeffrey Cooper Amanda & Stuart Levine Joanne & Fred Felton Penny & Ronald Silverman Lee M. Hendler Amy & Michael Chmar Sandy & David Abramoff Helen Lewis Lori Fleischmann & Robert Fleischmann The Simon Family in honor of Mickey Simon Lauren & Carl Klein Marilynn & Marty Kinstler Liz Minkin Friedman & Keith Friedman Harriet & Alan Kanter Rita & Marshall Plaut Beverly & Jordan Max
VERDI REQUIEM - “in defiance”
Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 4 p.m. | Chizuk Amuno Congregation On Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 4 p.m., at Chizuk Amuno, T. Herbert Dimmock will conduct 220 musicians, including 2 choirs and a full orchestra, in a performance of the Verdi Requiem. During WWII, the Verdi Requiem was sung at the Terezin Concentration Camp by Jewish prisoners as an act of defiance, to affirm their dignity and humanity in the face of Nazi persecution. The performance on April 15 will focus on that historical aspect of the piece. This stirring and dramatic musical presentation will be co-sponsored by the Baltimore Jewish Council, the Jewish Museum of Maryland and the ASSOCIATED as the official Yom HaShoah commemoration for our community. We are particularly pleased that Hazzan Perlman will join Maestro Dimmock and the orchestra to sing Avinu Malkeinu. To ensure that everyone can attend this memorable community-wide observance, admission is free.
Thursday, January 25, 2018 from 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Chizuk Amuno Congregation $10/person
Hazak is the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism’s organization for mature Jews. It provides programming for people 55 and older. The name HAZAK is an acronym for hokhmah (wisdom), ziknah(maturity) and kadima (looking ahead). Beginning this month Chizuk Amuno will host a lunch on the last Thursday of the month featuring a delicious meal and engaging programming. RSVP by January 18th to Paulette in the Main Office at 410-486-6400.
As part of our recent security grant, new energy efficient and security enhanced parking lot fixtures are being installed in our north parking lot. Special thanks to Howard Brill and our House, Grounds, & Security Committee for their work on the grant and its implementation. Our grant will also expand our classroom and campus video camera surveillance, enhance our building wide emergency communications, and provide additional protective barriers at our congregation and schools. Through our Homeland Security Grant we are also expanding our video cameras throughout campus. Page 5
We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.
Tuesday, February 27, 7:30 p.m. Would you like to learn more about the varied projects in which we participate? Is there a potential Gemilut Hasadim activity you would like to explore? You're welcome to join us. Please notify Cheryl if you plan to attend the meeting.
Todah Rabbah to those who volunteered in December: Irwin Golob (leader), Moe Brown, and Mike Goldberg.
Wednesdays, January 17 and February 21, 2-3:30 p.m. Todah Rabbah to our October and November volunteers: Ann Andorsky, Vivian Chait, Linda Eisenberg, Claire Freeland, Jayne Gerson, Elaine Gittlen, Hazel Greenstein, Irene Himelfarb, Esther Marsiglia, Betty Medalie, Hazel Radowsky, Dawn Reznik, Eileen Schultz, Margot Terle, and Harriet Udell. We also express our appreciation to those who donated yarn: Jackie Glassgold and Carol Landsman. Page 6
ONE WATER PARTNERSHIP Chizuk Amuno has joined with 15 other synagogues and churches to form the One Water Partnership, to foster actions that will help to heal and preserve our streams and bodies of water. If you would like to be involved in this meaningful program, please contact Cheryl Snyderman.
Sunday, January 21, 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or Todah Rabbah to those who volunteered in October and November: Jenny Baker and Wendy Davis (coleaders), Louis Bernstein, Barbara Cohen, Jayson Folus, Alan Gersh, Fran Glushakow Gould, Frank Greenstein, Madison Greenstein, Arlene Klaff, and Judy Spector.
BBQ CHICKEN PREP FOR OUR DAILY BREAD Monday, February 12 3-5 p.m. and 5-7 p.m.
Help prepare large quantities of BBQ chicken for the guests at Our Daily Bread. We also are in need of volunteers for clean-up and to load the van. Dinner will be provided for all participants. We will take a special study break with Rabbi Wechsler at 5 p.m. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman. Program made possible by the Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund and the Louis Barry Gershen “Our Daily Bread” Fund.
RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Wednesdays, January 17 and February 21, 4-7 p.m. Contact: Heller Kreshtool, Todah Rabbah to those who cooked or served in October and November: Heller Kreshtool (leader), Naomi Amsterdam, Samantha Antwerpen, Yifaat Asher, Nancy Bookoff, Harriet Brown, Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin, Janet Carter, Hillary Crystal, Garth Gerstenblith, Miriam Golob, Hedy Goldstein, Carol Gratz, Hazel Greenstein, Melissa Halpern, Margi Hoffman, Joy Katz, Rena Lapidus, Rona Sue London, Saundra Madoff, Hazel Radowsky, Michael Radowsky, Avram Reisner, Sheila Sandbank, Marcia Scherr, Maxine Seidman, Cheryl Snyderman, and Marsha Yoffe.
Need a ride to shul on Shabbat mornings? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Just call Cheryl Snyderman by Tuesday of the week you want to attend services.
READING PARTNERS GATHERING On Tuesday, January 9, at 7 p.m. we will hold a Reading Partners get-together for all our volunteers who participate (past and present). We encourage all congregants who have considered tutoring with Reading Partners to join us, speak to the participants about their experiences, and hear the answers to all your questions firsthand. For questions or to RSVP, please contact Fran Glushakow Gould,, 443-691-0133. Todah Rabbah to our current volunteers: Ann Andorsky, Arlynne Brown, Ruth Gann, Fran Glushakow Gould, Anton Grobani, Carol Gratz, Margi Hoffman, Elliot King, Rita Plaut, David Spitz, and Ellen Weiss.
Participating in Reading Partners is the highlight of my week! Reading Partners creates an opportunity for students below grade level in reading to work one on one with a tutor. After a few sessions, a relationship begins, then trust grows. The student begins to understand that he/she is in a safe environment without judgement, pressure, or grades. The fear of failure fades as the student becomes more confident and tries harder. This intimate and concentrated effort gives the student the extra push to learn the invaluable skill of reading. I love the moments when my student’s smile of “I get it!” illuminates the room. Success leads to more success and each success is significant. You, too, can do this. Reading Partners provides research-based structured lesson plans, training videos, and a coordinator at each school who can answer questions and help tailor your approach. All that is needed is desire and one hour per week – the length of a lunch break. And although we serve in Baltimore City, I have never felt threatened or unsafe. In The Beast Side, author D. Watkins quotes a stark statistic. “According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress exam, only 7% of black boys in Baltimore City Schools are reading at grade level in 8th grade.” My book club agreed we couldn’t ignore that fact and Chizuk Amuno’s participation with Reading Partners provided the perfect answer. It was mid-year, but Reading Partners welcomed us. The need is great and the impact one person can make in one child’s life is immeasurable. Reading Partners motto says it all: “One Tutor. One Child. Infinite Possibilities.”
GH2 (GILEAD HOUSE GEMILUT HASADIM PARTNERSHIP) Chizuk Amuno’s project to support asylum-seekers. We are in networking mode, looking for employment opportunities for the residents. If you have contacts in a medical lab, please let us know. More details on other employment needs will follow. Contact Margie Simon,, or Jennie Rothschild,
We are pleased to support Goldsmith Early Childhood Center and Rosenbloom Religious School this month as they collect diapers, baby clothes, and baby gear for Share Baby, Maryland’s only diaper bank. For more details, please see the article on page 9. Page 7
Parents attending the KSDS Book Fair in November were asked to bring in a new or gently used book which would in turn be donated to local agencies. Through the generosity of those who attended, over 350 books were collected. Over 230 went to the Reading Partners program at Arlington Elementary School, where we have 5 volunteers currently tutoring. The others were distributed between the Christ Child Society of Baltimore and Kodem Kol. Our appreciation also goes to Rona Sue London for sorting the books by reading level.
At our December Gemilut Hasadim Committee meeting, our featured speakers were four students from Krieger Schechter Day School. The middle school students reflected on their experiences volunteering on the school’s pre-Thanksgiving half day of service at ShareBaby, Paul’s Place, and the Baltimore Humane Society, including detailed descriptions of the mission of each organization as well as the specific tasks they performed. The adult members of the committee all glowed with pride, seeing the younger generation embracing the concept of performing mitzvot. Kol HaKavod!
5th Grade students at Krieger Schechter Day School completed a special tallit that they crafted by hand. A digital cutting machine was used to cut out meaningful, student-selected text that students then ironed onto the atarah fabric of their tallit. They finished the project by tying the 613 knots necessary to make the tallit holy. This was part of a five-part workshop that KSDS designed with the Jewish Community Center (JCC) to give students a deeper understanding of the meaning and beauty of wearing a tallit by using Krieger Schechter Day School’s Abramoff MakerSpace to create their own.
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GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER SUPPORTS LOCAL AGENCY SHAREBABY Monday, January 8 – Friday, January 19 We are pleased to announce our newest project – a collection to benefit ShareBaby, which is the first (and only) diaper bank in Maryland. ShareBaby provides diapers, clothing, and gear to community organizations which then distribute the items to mothers in need. Although ShareBaby’s greatest need is diapers (new or open, partially used boxes are acceptable), there is a long list of other items they accept, such as clothing, bedding, bathtubs, and strollers. Please visit for a complete list of acceptable items and those they don’t accept. Please be sure all bedding is clean, stain free and in good condition. During our collection drive, you may leave your donations in cribs located in the Goldsmith Lobby (preschool), Administrative Lobby (near the security guard) and in the Rosenbloom Lobby near the KSDS lower school office. This type of collection is a perfect match for our preschool families as our children are always growing into the next size diapers or actually becoming potty trained. We encourage all school families to take advantage of winter break and use this time to go through closets and drawers. Contributions from all members of our Chizuk Amuno & Schools community are encouraged. We are happy to partner with the Rosenbloom Religious School, who will be sending a team of students to the ShareBaby warehouse to deliver and help sort all the donated items. This project is supported by the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Gold in the preschool office (410-486-8642).
As the Chizuk Amuno Goldsmith Early Childhood Center approaches the 60th Anniversary since its founding, we thought it is important to celebrate and evaluate our award winning, accredited early childhood programs. Thanks to a grant from the Goldsmith Foundation, we are conducting surveys of our school families and unaffiliated families to learn about the desires and needs of preschool families throughout the Baltimore Jewish Community. Whether you are a current school family, former school family, or a family that chose to attend another preschool, all thoughts and opinions are important and needed for us to offer a program with the desired and attractive class times, staffing, curriculum, and programs. Please help us continue to serve the young families in our community by participating in this anonymous survey which can be found at or on our website. If you would like to receive the results of the survey or wish additional information about the Goldsmith Early Childhood Center, you will have that opportunity at the end of the survey to leave your email address. Please watch for our 60th Anniversary programs for current families and alumni. Kelly Blavatt CAC Vice President for Education
Our Grand Date committee hosted the 2nd annual Making Holiday Keepsakes event on December 10. Grandparents and their grandchildren welcomed the opportunity to spend time together creating keepsakes and memories that will last a lifetime. Each grand date worked together to create chanukiyot (Hanukkah menorahs), gratitude plates and much more. If you missed this event, no worries the committee is currently planning 2 more events. Save Sunday afternoons Feb 11 and April 22 for the next two Grand Dates! Page 9
7TH GRADE VISITS THE UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM Rosenbloom Religious School emphasizes learning through different mediums. As a culmination to their unit on the Holocaust, on the first Sunday in December the 7th grade took their studies out of the building and traveled to DC to visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Accompanied by their parents, the students slowly made their way through the exhibits, finding connections to their classroom learning and taking in the vast amount of information that the museum presents. They took special care to visit “Daniel’s Story,” an exhibit about children during the Holocaust that is based on the book they read in class. Afterwards the parents and students gathered together to reflect on the experience. Some of the exhibits that stood out to the class included the children’s drawings from the Theresienstadt ghetto, the collection of shoes confiscated from victims of concentration camps, and the remembrance hall at the end of the permanent exhibit. Especially troubling were the plethora of pictures and documents that came from Nazi collections - a sad reminder that the perpetrators of the Holocaust felt great pride in the atrocities they were committing. While the morning was certainly a difficult one, it was also heartwarming to see students and parents take the time out of their busy schedules to learn about such an important topic together.
SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 2018 (Followed by our Annual Meeting)
Join in the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and give back to the community through handson service. Volunteer projects are available for every age and interest! For more information or to register, go to Page 10
Thank you to all our shoppers for a GREAT Hanukkah sales season and to our volunteers who worked so hard. It is hard to believe it is 2018! Do you like a bargain for being prepared for next year? You can start getting ready now for next year for a bargain! Shop our after-Hanukkah sale cart until Jan 15th. (Shhh…insider secret – after the 15th, look for our Pre-Passover Sale cart!)
PLUS! JANUARY JEWELRY SALE – FROM JAN 2 THROUGH 31ST, ALL JEWELRY IS 25% OFF! SHOP HOURS: SHOP PHONE: 410-824-2067 Sunday 10am to 12Noon Monday 10am-12pm and 2-4pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am-12pm and 2-6pm Friday 10am-12pm Join our Facebook Group – “Chizuk Amuno Congregation Sisterhood Judaica Shop” for the most up to date information about specials and new products.
Questions and more information, please contact Richard Udell, Brotherhood President,
Contact Ruth Silber, Sisterhood President, with any questions or for further information at If you’d like to receive our Sisterhood e-newsletter, please send Ruth your e-mail address.
Sunday January 7, 2018, 9:30-11:00am Breakfast will be served
BROTHERHOOD SHABBAT DINNER Friday January 5, 2018, 6:30 p.m. Delicious Shabbat Meal. All families invited. Cost $25 per person. Send your checks in to the Brotherhood by January 3. Our guest speaker that evening will be Mr. Ted Merwin, a member of Chizuk Amuno, Executive Director of BethAM Congregation, and Judaics instructor at Dickinson College. Ted is also the wellknown author of the book “Pastrami on Rye: An Overstuffed History of the Jewish Deli.”
Saturday, January 6, 2018, 9:15 a.m. Members of Brotherhood will lead Shabbat morning services.
Sunday Feb. 4, 2018, 9 a.m. Followed by a continental breakfast in the Esterson Auditorium. Join us in the morning minyan to wrap tefillin with conservative shuls around the world on this day.
MEN, MEAT, & MIDRASH Wednesday March 21, 2018 3rd series of Men-Meat-Midrash on the Kabbalah. Delicious meal-Beer Soda-Water-Dessert. $10.00 per person. Mail checks to Brotherhood RSVP by March 16th.
Every year Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood leadership holds a FREE event to THANK our wonderful members. This year I am very excited to announce that we have planned a unique and interesting program for members, regardless of age or stage of life. Rich Polt, Founder/Producer/Interviewer of Acknowledge Media will be our guest speaker. His recent projects have included the documentation of our new school playground as well as helping several of our own Sisterhood Members preserve their personal memories for future generations. RSVP required to Ellen Weiss, VP of Membership,
Starting in January 2018, Sisterhood will be making (on Friday mornings) and baking (Sunday mornings) hamentashen for Purim. All sales profits will be donated to the KSDS STEAM program. To volunteer, email Andrea Polsky,
Saturday, March 10, 2018 Join us in our L’Dor L’Dor, generation to generation, program that will educate and create meaningful memories. Our guest speaker will be Rabbi Ariel Greenberg, the daughter in law of CAC and Sisterhood member, Pamela Platt. Don’t miss this unique and fun Shabbat program.
JOINT SISTERHOOD DINNER Tuesday, April 24, 2018, 6 p.m. Chizuk Amuno Congregation
Sunday, April 29, 2018, 12-3 p.m. The Strangers We Became— Lessons in Exile from One of Iraq’s Last Jews By Cynthia Shamash Hardbound copies for purchase at a discounted price of $20 are in the Gift Shop. More Details Coming Soon. Page 11
B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with this student who will be called to the Torah as Bar Mitzvah. Mazal tov to his family. JANUARY 13 JOSHUA MICHAEL RUSHLOW YOSHUA MICHAEL son of Dr. Henriette Van Praag & Robert Rushlow
Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Lexi Brooke Attman, daughter of Michael & Kori (Sarubin) Attman, granddaughter of Steve & Lisa Attman, Gale Herr Sarubin and Todd & Jules Sarubin and greatgranddaughter of Stanley & Lorraine Herr, Claire & the late Larry Sarubin, Oscar & Eunice Newman and the late Beatrice Newman and the late Edward & Mildred Attman, Jonah and Miriam GlassSiegel, twin grandchildren of Leah Newman & Micah GlassSiegel, and grandson and granddaughter of Marcia GlassSiegel & Steve Siegel Ella Julia Turkel, daughter of Randi & Harel Turkel and granddaughter of Yael & Shlomo Turkel
Engagements We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Emma Max, daughter of Cindy & Robert Max and granddaughter of Beverly & Jordon Max, to David Assalone Page 12
Abby Schulman, daughter of Drs. Bobbi & Steven Schulman, to James Baker-McKee Dr. Rachel White, daughter of Ellen & Dr. Charles White, to Josh Fanaroff, son of Lynn & David Fanaroff, and to the grandparents, Evelyn & Emanuel Weisberg, Barbara & Jack Luria and Nancy & Arnold Fanaroff
Weddings We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Ezra Miller, son of Sandra Dzija & Dr. Andy Miller, to Gregory Rottman, son of Tess & Ray Rottman and to the grandmother, Joan Miller Jennifer Robinson, daughter of Joy & Paul Robinson, to Matthew Grossman, son of Jodi & Arthur Grossman, and to the grandparents, Norman Steinberg and Barbara & Kent Schiner
In Loving Memory In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Bernice Koppel, wife of Herbert Koppel, mother of Michele Kremer and Dorathy Goldberg and sister of Lenora Talles Jack Luskin, husband of Jean Luskin and father of Kevin Luskin, Cary Luskin and Jamie McCourt We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Alberta Cooperman and Ruth & Martin Schnitzer, on the loss of their granddaughter, Rachel Lynn Otto Beth Creeger, on the loss of her father, Oscar Abraham Creeger
Dr. Steven David, on the loss of his father, Gerald (Jerry) David Richard Hantgan, on the loss of his mother, Ida “Hon” Hantgan Alex Malischostak, on the loss of his grandfather, Sol Winkler Rebecca Perlow and Lynn Tucker, on the loss of their sister, Connie Apatoff Winston Williams, on the loss of his mother, Mavis Williams As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.
Members in the News Chizuk Amuno member and Johns Hopkins University astrophysicist Charles L. Bennett was recently awarded the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics for his research on the universe’s origin and expansion. Bennett led a team of researchers that collaborated with NASA to build and launch NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe space telescope which mapped the universe’s early moments and advanced scientific understanding about the makeup of the universe and how it has expanded over time. The Breakthrough Prizes recognize advances in physics, life sciences and mathematics. The awards were founded by Google co-founder Sergey Brin; venture capital investors Yuri and Julia Milner; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan, and Anne Wojcicki, CEO of the personal genomics company 23andMe to celebrate the achievements of scientists, physicists, and mathematicians, whose genius help us understand our world, and whose advances shape our future.
Terumot HaKodesh. We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue.
Dr. Lawrence Pakula & Family in memory of Sheila Pakula David Schwaber in memory of Florence Schwaber Rene Rosenthal wishing Mazal Tov to Harriet & Alan Kanter on their special occasions
KSDS JOAN GOTTLIEB SCHOLARSHIP FUND Joan & Michael Gottlieb in honor of KSDS' 36th anniversary
KSDS LOUIS & ESTHER MILLER LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND Susan & Lou Breitenother in memory of Louis Miller
Audrey Levine in memory of Arthur Levine Jayson & Judy Folus in memory of Magda Koves Audrey Levine in memory of Anna Malkin Elaine Baker in memory of Jonathan Baker Sherwin & Marsha Yoffe in memory of Lillyan Tushman & Benjamin Yoffe Sylvia Gamerman in memory of Albert Gamerman
Ron & Florene Goldner in honor of Alan & Harriet Kanter's 50th wedding anniversary & their birthdays Ed & Susan Frieman in honor of Maxine Seidman's special birthday Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Ron Goldner's special birthday
Dr. Seth Glassman & Mrs. Debbie Gilbert Glassman in honor of Jill Sapperstein’s amazing leadership of the Baltimore Shabbat Project Dr. Seth Glassman & Mrs. Debbie Gilbert Glassman in honor of Neal Fruman’s special birthday
Sandi Greenberg for doing Pop's yahrzeit calendar
Dr. & Mrs. Gary S. Friedman in memory of Oscar Creeger Dr. & Mrs. Gary S. Friedman in memory of Bette Sherman
Mark & Linda Levy in memory of Bernice Koppel Dr. Neri, Ilene and Joel Cohen and Dena & Ryan Blaustein in memory of Bette Sherman Rochelle, Bernie Eisenberg & family in memory of Bette Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Levine in memory of Oscar Abraham Creeger, father of Beth Creeger
Dr. Ronald Silverman & Dr. Penny Brown in memory of Dr. Howard Lee Silverman
Drs. Howard & Claire Freeland in honor of Drs. Frona Brown & Beryl Rosenstein on the occasion of the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sara Silverman Dr. Ronald Silverman & Dr. Penny Brown in memory of Esther Ann Brown Adler
Mr. & Mrs. Avi Harris in honor of Helen Lewis' Special Birthday Steve & Michele Hecht in memory of Bette Sherman
Dr. J. Fred & Mrs. Joanne Felton in honor of Mickey Simon's special birthday Ms. Marjorie Simon in honor of the marriage of Stephanie Felton to Andy Geltman Mrs. Mickey Simon wishing Mazal Tov to Joanne and Fred Felton on their daughter's upcoming marriage
KSDS JACK MARK SCHOLARSHIP FUND Revanne Aronoff in honor of Bernie Fish's Special Birthday
Amy & Hugh Schwartz in memory of Bette Sherman, mother of Andrew Miller
Rob & Janine Frier wishing Mazal Tov to Chloe Levine on the occasion of your Bat Mitzvah Rob & Janine Frier wishing Mazal Tov to Randi & Harel Turkel on the birth of their daughter, Ella Julia Turkel Rob & Janine Frier wishing Mazal Tov to Yael & Shlomo Turkel on the birth of their granddaughter Ella Julia Turkel Rob & Janine Frier in memory of: Esther Elkin, Emanuel Levy, Rubin Miller, Robert Moss, Bette Sherman, and Louis Siegel
Mr. Stephen Leven in memory of M. Leven Chuck & Debbie Frazer in memory of Bette Sherman, with deepest sympathy Howard, Barbara, Megan, and Jessica Cohen in memory of Esther Elkin Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Lewis in memory of Bette Sherman Paul & Nissa Weinberg in memory of Eugene & Doreen Broder
Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Lee Hendler's special birthday
Michael & Myra Gershen Michael & Myra Gershen wishing Steve Weintraub a complete & speedy recovery Michael & Myra Gershen wishing Jan Epstein a speedy & full recovery Michael & Myra Gershen in memory of Samuel London & Louis Gershen
Audrey Levine in memory of Arthur Levine Donna Shapiro in memory of Dr. Paul Schenker Eileen Leikach in memory of Sidney Bazensky Jachman Family in memory of Lorraine Jachman Lois Glassman in memory of Selwyn Lazarus Marcie Gwin in memory of Leah Gilbert Marshall & Doris Tanhoff in memory of Marcia Martha & Henry Kaplan Barry Wolfe in memory of Howard Wolfe Earl Raffel in memory of Reba Raffel Jacob Deutch in memory of Beth Mona Rubin Marshall Janoff in memory of Edwin Owings & Ruth Janoff Walter Lamm in memory of Leo Lamm Nathaniel Morgan in memory of Evelyn Morgan Rae Bazensky in memory of Sidney Bazensky
Lissa Rotundo in honor of Mickey Simon's 90th birthday
Elaine Fox in honor of Helen Lewis' 95th birthday & David Lewis' 70th birthday Margot Zipper in honor of Helen & David Lewis' birthdays Alan & Rona Zukerberg in memory of Adele Zukerberg Bob & Betty Medalie in memory of Oscar Abraham Creeger Dorothy Yankellow in memory of Dr. William Parker Larry & Carol Gilbert in memory of Martha B. Kayne Leslie Polt in memory of Max Polt Lynne Lichtig in memory of Selma Borger Barry Oslick in memory of Eva Oslick Norris Brodsky in memory of Samuel Brodsky Melody Cooper in memory of Jeffrey Ballan Marjorie Simon in memory of Rabbi Yehuda Dickstein Ruthanne Kaufman in memory of Oscar Creeger Stephany Gilbert in memory of Martha Kayne
Irwin, Miriam, Seth & Adina Golob in honor of the birth of Sara & Etan Reisner's daughter Leora Larry & Lynne Lichtig in honor of Stephanie & Keith Weinstein's daughter Bari's Bat Mitzvah Steve & Anne King in honor of Pam Platt's special birthday
Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of the birth of Gale Herr's granddaughter Lexi Brooke Attman Phyllis & Leonard Attman in memory of Stanley Aronoff, Ina Berman, and Melvin C. Paul
Gil & Ann Abramson in honor of Harriet & Alan Kanter's 50th anniversary & their special birthdays Jon Weinrieb & Karen Oppel in honor of Gail Shavitz Oppel's special birthday Leah Helman in honor of Mickey Simon's 90th birthday
Ed & Susan Frieman in honor of Gil Davis' 80th birthday
Alvin & Selma Blaker in memory of Marjorie Golub
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Bernard Krol & Diana Zwaig Krol with thanks Irv & Sharon Caplan in honor of Tammy Tilson's 50th birthday Marian Pachman for her aliyah during Shabbat services in August Martin & Marilynn Kinstler wishing Margery Monanz a complete & speedy recovery Alan & Harriet Kanter in honor of Lee Hendler's 65th birthday & the naming of her granddaughter Leela Ann Devon Alan & Harriet Kanter in honor of Pacey Oletsky's 80th birthday Ayala Hecht in honor of Amy, Hugh & Karen Schwartz Ben & Marlene Kuntz in honor of Pacy Oletsky's special birthday Elaine Plant in honor of Bernie Fish's 90th birthday Frank & Barbara Ghertner in honor of Harriet & Alan Kanter's 50th wedding anniversary & their special birthdays Garth Ann & Gary Gerstenblith & Family in honor of Helen Lewis & David Lewis' special birthdays Irv & Henrietta Abramson in honor of Rena & Jack Shenk's granddaughter Samantha Copper's Bat Mitzvah Irv & Sharon Caplan in honor of the birth of Wendy Zimmerman's granddaughter Mika Isabella Bloomberg Mark Whitman in honor of Helen Lewis' 95th birthday Marshall & Rita Plaut in honor of Helen Lewis' 95th birthday Michael & Hazel Radowsky in honor of Helen Lewis's 95th birthday| Maxine Seidman in honor of the marriage of Heller & Jeffrey Kreshtool's daughter Alana to Jeff Snyder Pacy & Bonnie Oletsky in honor of Harriet & Alan Kanter's 50th anniversary & their special birthdays Phillip Snyder & Evelyn Held in honor of Bernie Fish's 90th birthday Selma Woolf in honor of the upcoming marriage of Ann & Dan Fried's daughter Ilana to Jason Hofberg Alan & Harriet Friedman in memory of Rachel Cooperman Otto Andy & Randi Miller in memory of Harold Miller Carole, Lisa & Kathy Buchman in memory of Mother Dan & Ann Fried in memory of Gertrude Katz & Muriel Fried Howard & Adele Kass in memory of Rachel Lynn Otto Irv & Sharon Caplan in memory of Marjorie Golub Irv & Sharon Caplan in memory of Oscar Creeger Jenny Baker in memory of Connie Apatoff Jenny Baker in memory of Bette Miller Sherman Jenny Baker in memory of Oscar Creeger Kahn Trestman Family in memory of Rev. Yehuda Dickstein Lotta Holzman in memory of Fannie Holzman Marc & Ava Lenet in memory of Sylvia Gimbel Andrew Sandler in memory of Sylvia Sandler Carole Buchman in memory of Rachel Lynn Otto Mrs. Irene Pack in memory of Barry David Sharon Rose in memory of Betty Sherman Ted Walman in memory of Louis Miller Vilma Sussman Liedman in memory of Bette Miller Sherman Amy & Hugh Schwartz wishing Mazal Tov to Sandra Dzija & Andy Miller on the marriage of their son Ezra Gil & Ann Abramson with thanks to Melissa Berman & Rabbi Seltzer for an outstanding "Grandparents Day"
Mickey Simon in honor of Irma Gamson’s 90th birthday Mickey Simon in honor of Sheila & Howard Sandbank’s 10th anniversary Arline Nitzberg in honor of Mickey Simon's special birthday Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Mickey Simon's
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90th birthday Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Andy Miller & Sandra Dzija's son Ezra's marriage to Gregory Rottman Larry & Lynne Lichtig in honor of Mickey Simon's 90th birthday Marlene Pollack in honor of Mickey Simon's 90th birthday Marjorie Simon in honor of the wedding of Ezra Miller to Gregory Rottman Marjorie Simon in honor of the wedding of Alana Kreshtool & Jeff Snyder Natalie Jeffrey in honor of Mickey Simon's 90th birthday Joseph Greenblum in memory of Miriam Greenblum Mickey Simon in honor of the forthcoming marriage of Heller & Jeffrey Kreshtool’s daughter Alana to Jeff Snyder
Dr. Gary & Mrs. Evelyn Brager for a speedy recovery of Flora Smith Bev Rosen in memory of Lawrence Kryger Dr. Gary & Mrs. Evelyn Brager in memory of Rev. Yehuda Dickstein Dr. Gary & Mrs. Evelyn Brager in memory of Elsie Legum Dr. & Mrs. Jay Gerstenblith wishing Mazal Tov on Garth Ann and Gary Gerstenblith’s grandson Evan’s becoming a Bar Mitzvah Mrs. Beverly Cohen in memory of Bette Sherman Lynne, Judi, Marc, and Jeffrey Komins in memory of Bette Sherman Ms. Jane Johnston in memory of Bette Sherman Ms. Sandra Thomas in memory of Bette Sherman
Joshua S. Rosen Ruthanne Kaufman Carl & Sherrie Polsky Glenn & Cindy Easton Ken Nelson & Lindy Rosen-Nelson Leslie & Audrey Polt Henry & Renee Feller Gloria Hack Anita Raynes Rabbi Paul & Marilyn Schneider Moe & Harriet Brown Marlene Pollack Hazzan Emanuel Perlman Rabbi Debi Wechsler Dr. Paul & Fredda Pennock Jay Finkel The Staff at Krieger Schechter Day School
Glenn & Cindy Easton wishing Anita Klawans a speedy & complete recovery Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Marvin Spector’ Simhat Torah honor & his service to our Congregation Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Carl Polsky’s Simhat Torah honor & his service to our Congregation Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Michael Moranz’s Simhat Torah honor & his service to our Congregation Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Wendy Davis’ Simhat Torah honor & her service to our Congregation Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Jeffrey Snyder’s Simhat Torah honor & his service to our Congregation Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Naomi Amsterdam’s Simhat Torah honor & her service to our Congregation Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Esther Elkin Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Elka Golds Henry & Susan Holzman in memory of Hannah Lipman Howard & Sheila Sandbank in memory of Esther Elkin
Mr. Allan Alperstein in memory of Reuben Alperstein Robert Garonzik in memory of Ada Garonzik Jerry Fleishman wishing Mazal Tov to Dr. Stewart Levine in his new position at Medstar. Glenn & Cindy Easton wishing Bill Lewis a speedy and complete recovery "Your friends at Chizuk Amuno Congregation" in honor of the birth of Gale Herr's granddaughter Lexi Brooke Attman Donald & Sheila Weisman in honor of Helen Lewis' 95th birthday Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Pacy Oletsky's special birthday Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Harriet & Alan Kanter's 50th wedding anniversary and their special birthdays Audrey & Joe Speter & Michele & Gary El Gamil in honor of Warren Massouda's 80th birthday Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Sol Winkler Hal & Susan Schreier in memory of Oscar Abraham Creeger Shelley Deutch in memory of Dr. Beth Mona Deutch
Beverly & Jerry Rashbaum in honor of Kathy & Stevan Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday David & Carol Hirsch in honor of Kathy & Stevan Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan 75th birthday Gary & Susan Talles in honor of Kathy & Stevan Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday Lew & Arleen Citren in honor of Kathy & Stevan Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday Robert Pinkner in honor of Kathy & Stevan Weinberg’s 50th anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday Ros & Al Kronthal in honor of Kathy & Stevan Weinberg’s special occasions
William & Toba Grant in honor of Kathy & Stevan Weinberg's 50th anniversary & Stevan's 75th birthday
Howard & Marsha & Steven & Isabel Pinson in honor of Harriet & Alan Kanter's 50th anniversary & their special birthdays
Jackie Glassgold in memory of Bette Miller Sherman Jackie Glassgold with thanks Amy Helsel & Jeremy Swerling in honor of Manny’s leadership during Yom Kippur services Suzanne Katz with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for prayers said at gravesite of Gerald Katz Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for your participation in Sisterhood Opening Dinner Debbie & Frank Spector with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for his guidance
Jeanine Briefel in honor of Ed Kraus's kindness to Dennis Briefel Jerry & Gail Kurman in honor of Jerry & Gail Kurman's Aliyah
Steve & Susan Sklar with thanks to Dr. Moshe Shualy Arlene Friedman in appreciation & gratitude to Dr. Shualy for officiating at the unveiling of Kenneth A. Friedman Sandi Greenberg in honor of Dr. Moshe Shualy Irving & Hedy Goldstein in memory of Rev. Yehuda Dickstein
Jackie Glassgold in memory of Bette Miller Sherman Lisa & Stuart Levine in memory of Nancy Levin Debbie & Steven Shaffer in memory of Robyn Swissman Debbie & Frank Spector in honor of Dr. Shualy
Albert & Nadja Pats in memory of Irving Barron & Sidney Potts Barbara Scott in memory of Bertha Sharan & Enid Scott Rabbi P. Michael & Mrs. Israela Meyerstein in memory of Cecily Meyerstein Risa Jampel in memory of Robyn Swissman Charles Wiener & Anne Rompalo with thanks to Rabbi Wechsler for all her continued support Maurice & Ann Shamash with thanks to Rabbi Wechsler Mr. Joel Cohn with thanks to Rabbi Debi Wechsler Kathleen Robinson-Nikiforov & Wendy & Barry Isaac in memory of Edity Berkow Judi & Mark Shulman & Family in memory of Dr. Eli Shulman Jean Pindrik in honor of the Thursday Class Jeff & Heller Kreshtool in honor of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at Alana & Jeffrey Snyder's wedding Dr. J. Fred & Joanne Felton with thanks to Rabbi Wechsler for a beautiful wedding ceremony for Stephanie & Andy Geltman Jeffrey & Janice Setren with thanks Susan Kornblatt with thanks to Rabbi Wechsler for all you do
Ethel S. LaPides by her children & grandchildren. Isadore Miller by Esther Miller. Morton (Sonny) Plant by his wife & children. Florence Geber by Deborah & Leonard Foland & family. Raymond Layton by his wife & children. Meyer L. Stein by his family. Samuel Beckes by Elissa Ness. Minnie Baraban, mother, by Drs. Jay Baraban & Liba Goldblum & family. Yale Aarons by his wife & children. Sadye Pollack, mother, by Faye & Howard A. Pollack & family. Florence Fineman, on her birthday, by her children & grandchildren.
The Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Michael Rushlow, by his parents, Dr. Henriette Van Praag & Robert Rushlow
In Memory Of:
Mieke & Michael Van Praag and Beulah & Raymond Rushlow, grandparents of Joshua Michael Rushlow Abe Leibowitz by his family. Charles H. Hoffberger by his daughter & grandchildren. Jack Bass, father, by Linda & Robert Eisenberg & Terry & Marc Bass. Sarabelle Bass, mother, by Brina & Jay Pintzuk & family. Joseph Sklar, father, by Ina & Nathan Caplan & family, & Franny & Lee Stotsky & family. Richard Fine by his family. Stanley Gamson by Irma Gamson & family. Dr. Herbert B. Copeland, Jr, father, by Marsha & Richard Manekin & family. Reuben Wall, father, by Frada Wall & family. Rose Conn by Allan Conn.
Sara Fox Glazer, mother, by Lowell R. Glazer & family. Sam Berlin, father, by Karla & Stanley Schulman & family. Ron Cooper by Melody Cooper & family Solomon S. Glassgold by his children. Helena Powers, mother, by Jeffrey & Mark Powers. Frieda Crockin Grant, mother, by Sally & Arthur Grant & family. Harold Elkin, father, by Sandra & David Abramoff & family. Dorothy Cohen, mother, by Harriet Helfand & family.
Abraham Weinstein by Marvin Solomon & family. Gilbert Bulmash, father, by Patsy Beth & Dr. Sheldon Milner & family. Miriam Brager by her children, grandchildren & greatgrandchildren. Dr. Maimon Cohen by his family. Harold Snyder by Maxine & Bernie Gordon & family and Marcia Snyder & family Renee Morgenstern, mother, by Lisa & Stuart Levine. Dr. Alfred J. Cole, father, by Sharon & Ronald Cole & family. Dr. Alfred J. Cole, father, by Linda & Dr. Jeffrey Cole & family. Morris Wolf, father, by Donna & Robert Wolf & family. Louis N. Blatt, father, by Stuart R. Blatt & family. Nettie Lachman, mother, by Isobel Weiner & family. Regina Massouda, mother, by Lily & Dr. Warren Massouda & family. Beryl Weiner by Ira Weiner & Lynn Weinberg, Robin Weiner & Brian & Marc Weiner. Philip Geber by Deborah & Leonard Foland & family. Caroline A. Kaplan, mother, by Joyce & Louis I. Kaplan. Rebecca Goldner, mother, by Rosalind & Dr. Alfred Kronthal. Faye Plotkin, mother, by Marlene & Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren, & great-grandchildren. Lawrence Rose, husband, father & grandfather, by Sharon Rose & family. Stuart Tilson, on his birthday, by his family
SHARE YOUR GOOD NEWS WITH YOUR CHIZUK AMUNO FAMILY Our community celebrates many happy occasions that we want to share with our entire Chizuk Amuno family. We will soon begin sharing births and wedding announcements with the congregation by email along with the Bereavement Notices we already send. We invite you to share your good news with your entire Chizuk Amuno family by sending it to
JOIN OUR E-MAIL LIST AND STAY CONNECTED! Visit and sign up at the bottom
Rose & Samuel Pollack by Harriet Pollack and Marlene Pollack. Sarah & Maurice Hirschhorn, parents, by Harriet Feinglass & children, Ellen & Dr. Mark Gordon & Barbara Rothstein. Bernard B. Cohen, by his wife Beverly K. Cohen, children & grandchildren. Dr. Nathaniel Nuger, uncle, by Ellen & Dan Karlin and Dr. Lewis Klotzman Rabbi Israel M. Goldman by the congregation. Lena Uliss, mother, by Vera & Barry Wasserman & family. Lillian Rose by Sharon Rose & family. Fannie Zinz Savage, mother, by Herbert S. Zinz, children & grandchildren. Herbert J. Kleiman, by his wife & family. Louis Handelman by Donna J. Handelman & family. David Ellison by his family. Henry O. Shor by his wife, Shirley, & family. Morris Gendason, father, by Sharon Rose & family. Faybian Milner, father, by Patsy Beth & Dr. Sheldon Milner & family. Sylvia Setren by Jeffrey Setren & family. Alan J. Fishlin by Alita & Ron Millen & family. Irving A. Smith by his family. Clara & Isaac Siegel by Roslyn Siegel & family & Sylvia Gamerman & family Ida Berman & Minnie Dora Lerner, mothers, by their families. Jennie Kemper by her children & grandchildren. Minnie R. & Herman Fox by their daughter Natalie Jeffrey & their grandchildren. Sheldon Holstein, father, by Ann & Ronald Holstein & family.
Start the New Year by dedicating an inscribed brick in the Chizuk Amuno Pathway to Faith. How about purchasing a brick to celebrate a milestone or honor the memory of somebody special? Each permanent brick is a $250 contribution. Contact Judy Schwartz, Derekh Amuno Chair or Marci Scher at the synagogue office 410-486-6400.
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Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Jason A. Blavatt, Esquire, President Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Paul Schneider Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media
Throughout the year, the congregation has provided written acknowledgments for all contributions as required by the IRS. The synagogue and schools will also send all donors a complete listing and confirmation of all contributions and payments for the entire 2017 calendar year for your records. Only checks postmarked by December 31, 2017 can be included in the statement. The statement cannot include checks dated in December but received in January. The statements will be mailed after January 31, 2018. For additional information or special tax reporting needs, please contact our CFO/ Controller, Lesley Brinton, CPA in the accounting office (410-486-6400). Thank you for your generous support.
SAVE THE DATE Goldsmith Early Childhood Center & Young Families of Chizuk Amuno come together for our
3rd Annual
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Chizuk Amuno Congregation maintains two nearby cemeteries –our historic Arlington Cemetery in Baltimore and our Garrison Forest Cemetery in Owings Mills.
Pre-need planning relieves burden and stress at the time of a loss. For details or to arrange a visit to either cemetery, please contact Marsha Yoffe, Cemetery Director, at the synagogue (410-486-6400 ext. 309) or