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January 2014 | Tevet - Shevat 5774
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Preparing for Bar and Bat Mitzvah
here are moments in a family’s life which we call liminal moments, threshold moments. These are times of transition when something in our family structure changes. A liminal moment could be when you retire, when your last child leaves for college, when your first child is born, or when you move into a new home. One liminal moment during which I am privileged to work with many synagogue families is around Bar and Bat Mitzvah. Preparation begins several years before a child reaches
that age, but we work most intensively in the sixth grade year preceding most children’s b’nei mitzvah. A big part of that preparation is Project Mitzvah, a series of programs designed to engage both parents and children in exploring the skills, feelings, rituals, and religious significance of this threshold moment. Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a great opportunity to ask important questions. At our last Project Mitzvah gathering, Shabbat services and dinner, children and parents interviewed each other. They talked about what it is to which they were looking forward, important Jewish traditions in their families, and why they wanted to travel to Israel. One hundred fifty parents and kids joined us to dream about their Jewish future.
At our next gathering on Shabbat morning, January 25, sixth grade parents and students will be with us for morning services to gain more comfort and familiarity with the Sanctuary service, and then share lunch together as we discuss Torah trope, Divrei Torah, and mitzvah projects. If you have a sixth grade student who will become Bar or Bat Mitzvah in the coming year, you are a Project Mitzvah family! Please be in touch with me and join us. B’Shalom, Rabbi Debi Wechsler
Upcoming Stulman Center Sessions Jerusalem on a Plate Film Presentation Sunday, January 26, 2 p.m.
Join us for a cinematic visit with Yotam Ottolenghi, the famous chef who revolutionized Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food and made the flavors of the region more accessible and desirable than ever before in his book, Jerusalem on a Plate. Yotam takes us to his hometown of Jerusalem where he meets and cooks with both Arabs and Jews in restaurants and at home. They draw on hundreds of years of traditions to create the dishes that define this wonderful city. Enjoy a reception featuring an Israeli food tasting with an explanatory commentary by our Israeli teachers. $5 per person for ‘tasting’ reception. Co-sponsored by the Israel Engagement Committee and the Stulman Center for Adult Learning
Rabbi Akiba: Talmudic Hero Wednesdays, February 5, 12, and 19 7- 8:30 p.m. Join us as we explore the life of Rabbi Akiba, legal scholar, mystic, revolutionary, martyr with Dr. Barry W. Holtz from the Jewish Theological Seminary. An endlessly revolutionary martyr, Akiba has become the model figure for learning, dedication, and vision. We will look at the teachings reported in his name, learning about the man who might legitimately be called the “hero” of the Talmud. Fee: $10. Our deepest gratitude to the Hoffberger Foundation for Torah Study for their generous sponsorship of this program.
The Future of Conservative Judaism
Tuesday, January 7, 7:30 p.m. Chancellor Arnold Eisen of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America returns to Chizuk Amuno to speak and meet with our community. Dr. Eisen will think with us about challenges present in American Jewish life, and the different approaches that respond to them, and our
unique position as Conservative Jews. Following his remarks, we’ll share in conversation together with Dr. Eisen. Over the past many years we have been privileged to meet in Dr. Eisen a dynamic and insightful teacher. We are delighted that he returns to us this January to further our discussion and relationship. We invite everyone to join with us in welcoming and learning with Chancellor Eisen. 1
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Gemilut Hasadim Activities at Chizuk Amuno Adopt-A-Road
Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood performs the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue on Sunday, March 23 (rain date: March 30). Meet us at 9 a.m. by the front office. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome. To volunteer, please call Irwin Golob at 410/560-7422.
New! Art with a Heart
Come join with Chizuk Amuno in volunteering at Art with a Heart. We will be doing hands on art activities to help this vibrant agency in reaching out to the Baltimore Community. Art with a Heart’s mission is to enhance the lives of people in need through visual art. Art with a Heart brings its visual art programs to abused, neglected, and abandoned children; homeless people; battered women and their children; pregnant adolescents; mentally and physically disabled adults; low-income senior citizens; elementary, middle, and high school students; youth in after-school programs; and children receiving long-term health care. Upcoming dates: Sundays, January 12 and March 9 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Carpooling will be available from the Chizuk Amuno parking lot at 1 p.m. To register and for driving directions please contact Miriam Foss.
Knit One, Learn Too
We knit and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and Baltimore. Each session includes study and discussion. Knitting instruction is available and everyone is welcome. We meet from 2-3:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month, led by Miriam Foss and Judy Meltzer. Upcoming dates: January 15 and February 19.
Hakhnasat Orhim – Welcoming Guests
If you live within walking distance of the synagogue and are able to host visitors for Shabbat, please e-mail Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org.
Operation Welcome Home Maryland
Join us as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas. Volunteers meet at BWI airport and help pack goodie bags, welcome and cheer for soldiers, and thank them for their service. Dates are set one to three weeks in advance of the incoming flights. If you would like to be informed of these welcoming opportunities contact, Rabbi Wechsler at dwechsler@ chizukamuno.org. This project is suitable for adults and children of all ages. Many thanks for all those who generously donated candy for the goodie bags that all returning soldiers receive upon arrival at BWI. Special thanks to Linda Freud for delivering the many bags to Operation Welcome Home.
Our Daily Bread
Join the Chizuk Amuno team to help serve meals to hungry men, women, and children on Sundays, January 26 and February 23 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. To sign up, please contact Wendy Davis, 410/3585979 or bandwdavis@aol.com, or Jenny Baker, 410/6029885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com.
Recognizing Your Gifts
Bimah Flowers, Perpetual Memorials, and Terumot HaKodesh–Tribute Gifts and Discretionary Fund– can be found in the “Giving” section of the Chizuk Amuno website, www.chizukamuno.org. Hard copies of the Bimah Flowers and Perpetual Memorials lists can be found on the table at the entrance to the Sanctuary.
Help a listening circle for women at Paul’s Place’s. The circle is facilitated by Barbara Sugarman Grochal. Participants share experiences, listen to one another, and build community in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Our next group will take place on Tuesday, January 14 from 1-2 p.m. Rides are available from the Chizuk Amuno parking lot. For more information or to volunteer, contact Barbara at 410/484-0544 or bgrochal@gmail.com.
Ronald McDonald House
Join us as we cook and serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children. The families look forward to home-cooked meals to ease the strain and pressure that come with seeking medical treatment far from home. Upcoming dates for dinner are Wednesdays, January 15 and February 19. Please contact Miriam Foss to volunteer. We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Miriam Foss at ext. 281 or mfoss@chizukamuno.org, or refer to our website for more information.
Todah Rabbah to those who served in November: Jenny Baker (leader), Randi Braman, Barbara Cohen, Jason Folus, and Matt Hackner
Caregivers’ Support Session BBQ Chicken Preparation Tuesday, January 7 • 12:15-2:15 p.m. for Our Daily Bread Led by Lou Jacobs, LCSW-C This facilitated interactive conversation will cover some of the ups and downs faced by those charged with caring for loved ones. The group will explore issues common to participants’ experiences, and discuss, in a supportive environment, useful strategies that caregivers have found for self-care. Free and open to the community. Lunch will be served. This program made possible by the Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Service Initiative.
Paul’s Place Women’s Listening Circle
Monday, January 27
We invite you to join Chef Annie Hood in preparing large quantities of BBQ chicken for the guests at Our Daily Bread. There will be two shifts: 3-5 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. We also are in need of volunteers for clean-up and to load the van. Each shift needs ten volunteers. Dinner will be provided for all participants. We will take a special study break with Rabbi Wechsler at 5 p.m. RSVP to Miriam Foss. Program made possible by the Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund and the Louis Barry Gershen “Our Daily Bread” Fund
Chizzie College Students Come see your old Chizzie friends and let Rabbi Wechsler buy you a cup of coffee or tea. Stop by Starbucks in the Quarry on Thursday, January 2 between 2 and 3:30 p.m. RSVP to dwechsler@ chizukamuno.org. 2
Accepting Credit for Tzedakah
Chizuk Amuno is now accepting credit card payments for tribute gifts and annual campaign gifts. Tribute gifts made in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation are a meaningful way to acknowledge occasions and milestones while supporting Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools. Annual Appeal dollars provide essential resources that enable the congregation and schools to operate effectively and flourish. You may use your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) when calling the synagogue office or online by going to www.chizukamuno.org/giving.
Milestones in Our Community
B’nei Mitzvah
We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. JANUARY 4 Mackenzie Jenna Wachs Rivka Sarah and Spencer Ryan Wachs Shlomo daughter and son of Melissa and Kevin Wachs
JANUARY 11 Gabriel Sterling Lichtenstein Gavriel Chaim Shmuel son of Katherine and Paul Lichtenstein JANUARY 18 Jacob Eli Rabinovich Kovie Eliezer son of Linda Rabinovich and Dr. Aaron Rabinovich z”l JANUARY 25 Alec Seth Braverman Avraham son of Stephani and Gary Braverman FEBRUARY 1 Jonah Maxwell Senker Michael Yakov son of Marcee and Andrew Senker
We congratulate the following family on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Matan Shlomo Levine, son of Karen and Dr. Judah Levine, grandson of Tobie and Dr. Robert Levine, and great-grandson of the late Mildred and Rabbi Israel Goldman
We wish Happy Birthday to these members of our synagogue family who each celebrate a birthday milestone this month. Dr. Burton Finifter Philip Nochumowitz Ruth Ross Dr. Fred Scholnick
We congratulate this couple and their families as we wish them much happiness. Joshua Caplan, son of Ina and Nathan Caplan, to Lauren Haber Emily Tovah Eckland, daughter of Abbie and Bill Eckland and granddaughter of Marlene and Bernard Gerber, to Michael Gartell
We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Michal Levine, daughter of Tobie and Dr. Robert Levine and granddaughter of the late Mildred and Rabbi Israel Goldman, to Dr. Dov Chelst Allison Siegel, daughter of Barbara and Dr. Howard Siegel and granddaughter of Esther and Louis Miller, to Hershel Eisenberger
In Loving Memory
We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Jeffrey Colbus, on the loss of his father, Harry S. Colbus Alan Rosen, on the loss of his father, Calvin Rosen As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.
Scholarship Funds Available for Summer Camp It is a source of great pride to our congregation that so many of our youngsters spend their summers at Ramah Camps, on USY programs, and on other Israel experiences. We are grateful to our donors who have established the following endowment funds, helping to provide scholarships to our students to assist them in attending these programs. • Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund • Goldner Ramah Scholarship Fund • Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund • Ann and Sam Kahan Jewish Learning Experience Fund • Irene and Bernard Siegel Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund • Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund If your child will be attending one of these programs, and you are in need of scholarship assistance, please be in touch with Rabbi Wechsler. The deadline for application (based on the deadlines for your child’s program) is Friday, January 3.
Brotherhood Sponsors Zakhor Ha Yeladim – Remember the Children
The Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood announces a new and unique program designed to honor and perpetuate the memory of each child who perished during the Holocaust. Participants are encouraged to commit, to the best of their ability, to reciting the Kaddish and lighting a yahrzeit candle in memory of a specific murdered child during the year’s four Yizkor services as well as during the Yom HaShaoh observance each year. There is no fee to enroll in the program. Participants must be a Jewish adult over bar or bat mitzvah age. Once registered, participants will receive a fact sheet about ‘their’ child based on reliable testimony drawn from the names database of Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. In addition, a list of upcoming dates to recite Kaddish will be supplied. To register, click on the “Remember the Children” link on the Brotherhood page of the Chizuk Amuno website: www.chizukamuno.org. For more information, please contact Eric Beser, eric.beser@e-isg.com or 410/5914612.
Now Accepting Applications for the 2014-15 School Year and GECEC Summer Camp
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 18 mo.-5 yr. • New Hours: 7:45 a.m.-6p.m. Summer Camp begins Monday, June 23 410/486-8642
Krieger Schechter Day School • K-8 www.ksds.edu • 410/824-2066
Rosenbloom Religious School • K-7 410/486-8641 Netivon High School Programs 410/486-8641
Chizuk Amuno Congregation 8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 www.chizukamuno.org
Synagogue Office 410/486-6400 Synagogue Fax 410/486-4050 Synagogue E-mail info@chizukamuno.org Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410/486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410/486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410/486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410/824-2055
President Michelle Malis, pres@chizukamuno.org First Vice President Dr. Andrew J. Miller, 1stvp@chizukamuno.org Vice President Jason A. Blavatt Vice President Sandra Moffet Secretary Michelle Hettleman Treasurer Louis E. Sapperstein Assistant Treasurer Stephen Pomerantz, MD
S Y N A G O G U E S TA F F Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman x230 rshulman@chizukamuno.org Rabbi Deborah Wechsler x231 dwechsler@chizukamuno.org Rabbi Paul D. Schneider x226 Director of Congregational Life pschneider@chizukamuno.org Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman x296 Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman x233 eperlman@chizukamuno.org Dr. Moshe D. Shualy x243 Ritual Director mshualy@chizukamuno.org
Executive Director Glenn S. Easton | x224 | geaston@chizukamuno.org Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Stuart Seltzer | x234 | sseltzer@chizukamuno.org Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Bil Zarch | x259 | bzarch@ksds.edu Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Michelle Gold | x238 | gecec@chizukamuno.org Director, Stulman Center for Adult Learning Judy Meltzer | x287 | stulman@chizukamuno.org Director, Gemilut Hasadim Program Miriam Foss | x281 | mfoss@chizukamuno.org Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coordinator Debby Hellman | x290 | dhellman@chizukamuno.org Curator, Goldsmith Museum Dr. Susan Vick | x291 | svick@chizukamuno.org Choir Director, T. Herbert Dimmock
Director of Congregational Advancement Laurel Freedman | x275 | lfreedman@chizukamuno.org Synagogue Administrator Jenny Baker | x227 | jbaker@chizukamuno.org Controller Rick Bernard | x256 | rbernard@chizukamuno.org Information Systems Manager Bruce P. Yaillen | x284 | byaillen@chizukamuno.org Cemetery Director Marsha Yoffe | x309 | myoffe@chizukamuno.org Director of Communication and Member Services Cheryl Snyderman | x300 | csnyderman@chizukamuno.org Graphic Designer Rachel Levitan | x282 | rlevitan@chizukamuno.org
Schedule of Shabbat Services Each Friday evening and Shabbat morning we enjoy celebration, prayer, and Torah study with Rabbi Ronald Shulman, Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, and our synagogue community. This schedule indicates the weeks when our Chizuk Amuno Choir participates in services, as well as study themes, or other service features including family activities. Join with us to express yourself in the presence of God, to nurture your soul, and to connect your life with the life of our synagogue family. Babysitting is available beginning at 9:15 a.m. most Shabbat mornings, except holiday weekends.
Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Unless otherwise noted: Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Minhah, Ma’ariv, and Havdalah: refer to weekly Shabbat schedules
JANUARY 2014 | Shevat 5774 January 3/4 | Shevat 2/3 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: BO, EXODUS 10:1-13:16 B’nei Mitzvah of Mackenzie Wachs and Spencer Wachs Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon No Family Service Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:24 p.m.
January 10/11 | Shevat 9/10 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: B’SHALLAH, SHABBAT SHIRAH, EXODUS 13:17-17:16 Bar Mitzvah of Gabriel Lichtenstein Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service 10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
Chizuk Amuno Choir to Sing on Shabbat Shirah Shabbat morning services, January 11
Can you imagine “surround sound” in the Sanctuary? Please join us on Shabbat Shirah – the Sabbath of Song – when choir members will divide themselves between both balconies and congregants on the first floor will join in, filling the Sanctuary with spirited singing. 4
January 17/18 | Shevat 16/17 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: YITRO, EXODUS 18:1-20:22 Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Rabinovich Rabbi Schneider’s Sermon No Family Service
9:15 a.m.
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:38 p.m.
January 24/25 | Shevat 23/24 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: MISHPATIM, EXODUS 21:1-24:18 Bar Mitzvah of Alec Braverman Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Family Service 10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots 10:30 a.m. Simhat Shabbat 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
4:00 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 5:46 p.m.
January 31/February 1 Shevat 30/Adar I 1 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat New Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: T’RUMAH, EXODUS 25:1-27:19 and NUMBERS 28:9-15 Bar Mitzvah of Jonah Senker Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Family Service
9:15 a.m.
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
10:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:54 p.m.
Candle Lighting January 3
4:38 p.m.
January 10
4:44 p.m.
January 17
4:52 p.m.
January 24
5:00 p.m.
January 31
5:08 p.m.
It’s Time to Schedule Your Bar or Bat Mitzvah
If you are a member of Chizuk Amuno Congregation whose child will turn 13 in 2016 and does not attend Rosenbloom Religious School or Krieger Schechter Day School, please notify Marci Scher in the synagogue office, ext. 223. Dates for 2016 B’nei Mitzvah are currently being scheduled.
Kadima Saturday Night Live!
Chizuk Amuno 2016– Vision, Connection, Renewal
The Chizuk Amuno Board of Trustees has embarked on an exciting planning process which will focus on fulfilling our mission, connecting with our members, and renewing our programs and approaches to match our vision for the future. “Chizuk Amuno 16 – Vision, Connection, and Renewal” will utilize a three year timetable setting and reviewing our goals and objectives every six months. Chizuk Amuno 16 will be responsive to the needs, desires, and backgrounds present in our community; be aware of the social environment from which our members come; focus on forming relationships within our community; and, care about the welfare of the Jewish people here, in Israel, and throughout the world. We have established five planning groups led by and consisting of members of the Board. Joel Suldan leads our Worship group discussions. Bob Hallock leads our Congregational Life discussions. Shelly Hettleman is facilitating our group focused on Congregational Education. Stephen Pomerantz leads our Marketing and Communications discussions and Beth Goldsmith is guiding our group considering Congregational Advancement. As your representatives, all of the officers and members of the Board are participating in one or more of these groups. Rabbi Shulman and Glenn Easton staff the groups which will include participation by all relevant Committee Chairs and Senior Staff. Ideas and proposals will be brought to the Board which will provide direction to our committees and professional staff to implement. Over the next few months, the planning groups will be testing some of their ideas especially at services, in programs, and through conversations with you. We encourage your participation and responses as we work to enrich the whole of our congregation’s experience. We invite and welcome your input in this process. Please feel free to contact any officer or group leader to share your thoughts and ideas or e-mail them to CA16@chizukamuno.org. Looking forward,
Shelly Malis, President
Young Families Hosts Painted Palette
Saturday, February 1, 7:30 p.m. Join us for a unique evening of art, music, wine, beer, light fare, and connecting with friends. We will each recreate a colorful painting of poppies – you’ll be amazed at what you can do! $54 per couple, $36 per single. RSVP to jwahlberg@chizukamuno.org.
Saturday, January 4 A night of inflatables, laser tag, arts and crafts, video games, ice cream sundaes, and more with 6th-8th graders from across the Maryland, DC, and Virginia Kadima region. The bus will leave from Chizuk Amuno at 6:15 p.m. for B’nai Israel Congregation in Rockville and return at 11 p.m. The price is $25 in advance or $30 at the door. You must be a Kadima member to attend. For questions about membership or the program, please contact Erica Allen, eallen@chizukamuno.org.
Kadima Laser Tag
Sunday afternoon, January 26 For more information contact Zack at zkaye@ chizukamuno.org.
Stop by the Judaic Shop
Find the perfect thing to spruce up your Shabbat table at the Sisterhood Judaica Shop. We have challah plates and covers, Kiddush cups, candlesticks, and so much more – think of them as your new family heirlooms. Also, check out our new game to inspire conversation at your Shabbat table. Hours: Sunday ~ 9:15-11:30 a.m. Monday - Thursday ~ 10 a.m.-Noon and 1-5 p.m. Friday ~ 10 a.m.-Noon Or shop “buy” appointment: call Anne King, 410/3037716 or 410/484-5813, or Edna Crystal 410/653-3495.
What’s Up with Sisterhood? Tuesdays with Sisterhood January 7 • Mah Jongg January 14 • Crafts: Knitting January 21 • Cooking Class January 28 • Torah Study with Robyn Blum Paid-up Event – Vashti’s Banquet Wednesday, February 26, 6:30 p.m. Joint Sisterhood Dinner Monday, March 31, 6 p.m.
Save the Dates!
Our rejuvenated Club Hatikvah will be wowing our members and guests on Sunday, March 2 with Tim Hall, magician and mentalist extraordinaire. This is followed by Sunday, April 6, when the Musical Artists will put on their version of My Fair Lady. Closing out the year on Sunday, June 1 will be Mexican dance troupe Bailes de mi Tierra. For further information about membership or guest attendance, please contact Carol Davis at 410/833-7673 or carolgildavis@aol.com. 5
Leave a Legacy at Chizuk Amuno
Purchase an Inscribed Tribute Brick on Chizuk Amuno’s Pathway to Faith Honor the memory of a loved one or celebrate a milestone or lifecycle event. • $250 per brick for up to four lines of text, 15 characters per line • Package options available Purchase a brick online using a credit card. For more information contact Judy Schwartz, curlyfour@gmail. com, or the Chizuk Amuno Advancement Office, lfreedman@chizukamuno.org, 410/824-2054.
New Policy for Late Openings Due to Inclement Weather
In order to better accommodate families and coordinate building usage, when our schools need to open late, both KSDS and GECEC will now state (hotline, e-mails, WBAL) that we have either a 9 a.m. start or a 10 a.m. start. We will no longer use “one-hour” or “two-hour delay” as our plan. Please call our school hotline, 410/244-1199; check the Chizuk Amuno website, www.chizukamuno.org; or tune into WBAL for schedule changes due to inclement weather. A complete description of our policy can be found on the GECEC webpage and KSDS website. When inclement weather occurs on a Sunday morning, RRS families should check the Chizuk Amuno website.
Non Profit Org. US Postage Paid Baltimore, MD Permit No. 544
TIME SENSITIVE M ATERIAL please deliver promptly
8100 Stevenson Road • Baltimore, Maryland 21208 www.chizukamuno.org
New Shabbat “And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit into you…” —Ezekiel 36:26 Friday, January 31 • 7:30 p.m. Join our popular and contemporary Friday night service with guitar music. Adults, school families, friends of all ages celebrate in our New Shabbat service once each month at Chizuk Amuno. We use a special prayer book that includes Hebrew transliteration and English reflection. This month everyone is welcome to join Rabbi Wechsler and Leslie Pomerantz for New Shabbat on January 31. New Shabbat for Families will meet on February 21.
These We Remember
Pub Night
Chizuk Amuno is embarking on a project to document the names of both victims and survivors of the Holocaust who have a Chizuk Amuno connection. This list will include family members of current and past members of Chizuk Amuno, as well as family members of the faculty, students, and alumni of our schools.
Saturday, January 25 • 7 p.m. at Chizuk Amuno
Light fare Pub beverages
Your help is needed.
Three bands Babysitting available
Information about Holocaust victims and survivors related to you can be submitted online at bit.ly/cac-zachor. We will honor the survivors among us on Tuesday, April 22, the eighth day of Pesah and when Yizkor memorial prayers are recited. At that time, we will also honor Leo Bretholz, a local survivor whose story is told in Leap into Darkness, and present the list of Holocaust victims that we will have compiled. For more information, please contact Rabbi Paul Schneider, 410/486-6400, ext. 226 or pschneider@chizukamuno.org.
$18/person in advance $22/person at the door Register online at bit.ly/CAC-Pubnight For info, contact Ruth Silber, 410/218-8545 or
Thank you,
in advance, for your participation and input in this important project. REMEMBERING THE VICTIMS HONORING THE SURVIVORS
Sponsored by Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood and Brotherhood