ha odesh y c g d
Th i s Mo n t h @ C h i z u k A m u n o
“Environment Establishes Expectation - Inequality Instills Indignity” This current moment in Baltimore instigated by Freddie Gray’s unnecessary death, this current moment of protest demanding justice, this current moment in the aftermath of violence, damage, and curfew, this current moment that must engage us is about two things. In every community where despair rules and discrimination is real, two fundamental problems exist, one physical and the other spiritual. Both of these injustices require our awareness and ultimately our response in helping to correct them. We may not see ourselves of East and West Baltimore today. Knowing Baltimore’s history and our heritage, we must see ourselves of a society that can no longer tolerate these conditions anywhere. The first problem is the tangible problem of home. The physical environment in which you live, the neighborhood of your life’s experience, teaches you what the world is like. Environment establishes expectation. Think about where you grew up. Whether you had sufficient or little means, whether you lived in a single family home, or an apartment crowded with relatives, if you looked out at an urban or suburban landscape, whether you lived in a close knit and friendly neighborhood or felt isolated and
not welcome among others; where and how you lived taught you something about yourself and your destiny. Living in sub-standard housing, in dilapidated neighborhoods, living without sufficient food and nourishment, it’s hard for people to imagine for themselves that anything more is possible. Contrast that with those of us who are fortunate to live now in well-built and well-kept neighborhoods. We take pride in our environment. We are blessed to live well. We have a responsibility to help other neighborhoods rebuild their infrastructure because environment establishes expectation. In the late 1960’s Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel taught, “The prosaic demand for housing without infestation, for adequate schools, for gainful employment, for so much that people seek, seems so trite, so drab, so banal, so devoid of magnificence. God is concerned with everydayness, with the trivialities of life. That equality is a good thing, a fine goal, may be generally accepted. What is lacking is a sense of the monstrosity of inequality.” continued on page 3
Upcoming Programs (details inside) The Voice That Weeps in the Heavens: Rachel, Leah, and the Mystery of the Bartered Wildflowers Tuesday, June 2, 6:45 p.m. Featuring Rabbi David Fohrman
New Shabbat Friday, June 5 • 6:30 p.m. New Shabbat A.M. Saturday, June 13 • 10:30 a.m.
Summer Shul Shabbat Mornings, 9:15 a.m. July 4, 11, 18, 25 August 1, 8
Prayer @ Chizuk Amuno June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775 June 5/6 | Sivan 18/19 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat New Shabbat
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: B’HA-ALOT’KHA Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon
Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:57 p.m.
June 12/13 | Sivan 25/26 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: SH’LAH L’KHA Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon New Shabbat A.M.
10:30 a.m.
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.
June 19/20 | Tammuz 2/3 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: KORAH
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 9:15 a.m.
Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:03 p.m.
June 26/27 | Tammuz 9/10 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: HUKKAT
9:15 a.m.
Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:04 p.m.
July 17/18 | Av 1/2 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: MATTOT MAS’EI D’var Torah by a Chizuk Amuno member Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
Summer Shul is Back!
Shabbat Mornings, 9:15 a.m. July 4, 11, 18, 25 August 1, 8 Shabbat Morning Services will be held in the Krieger Auditorium, creating an intimate and relaxed prayer environment. Synagogue members lead our services, read Torah, and deliver Divrei Torah, supported by Rabbis Shulman and Wechsler, Hazzan Perlman, and Dr. Shualy. During Summer Shul everyone is encouraged to dress casually and appropriately for Shabbat Services. Families and friends, adults and children of all ages are most welcome to share in the warm mood of Summer Shul. July 3/4 | Tammuz 16/17
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:57 p.m.
July 24/25 | Av 8/9 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: D’VARIM D’var Torah by a Chizuk Amuno member Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:52 p.m.
July 31/August 1 | Av 15/16 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-ETHANNAN D’var Torah by a Chizuk Amuno member Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
6:45 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:45 p.m.
Candle Lighting June 5
8:11 p.m.
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
June 12
8:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: BALAK D’var Torah by a Chizuk Amuno member
June 19
8:17 p.m.
June 26
8:19 p.m.
July 3
8:18 p.m.
July 10
8:16 p.m.
July 17
8:13 p.m.
July 24
8:08 p.m.
July 31
8:01 p.m.
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:03 p.m.
July 10/11 | Tammuz 23/24 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: PINHAS D’var Torah by a Chizuk Amuno member Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:01 p.m.
Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel
Shabbat Minhah, Ma’ariv, and Havdalah: Refer to weekly Shabbat schedule
Unless otherwise noted: Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. 2
Prayer Chizuk Amuno Gemilut@Hasadim @ Chizuk Amuno New Shabbat
New Shabbat A.M.
Weather permitting, we’ll gather for our Friday evening Shabbat service filled with music and good feelings outside in our courtyard. Come enjoy an upbeat Shabbat celebration of prayer and song with your family and friends. Everyone is welcome!
You’ve asked for it, you got it! New Shabbat A.M. is a concise hour and one-half Shabbat Morning Service welcoming participants into a celebration of prayer and song accompanied by instrumental music. Those attending have the chance to ask questions, explore ideas, and enjoy a more intimate Shabbat setting. New Shabbat A.M. is enjoyed by a variety of participants and uses a special prayer book that includes Hebrew transliteration and English reflection so everyone can participate comfortably. New Shabbat A.M. is led by Rabbi Ron Shulman, Charlee Sterling, and Ayal Yariv.
Friday, June 5 • 6:30 p.m. We’re taking New Shabbat outside!
Saturday, June 13 • 10:30 A.M.
Observing Tishah B’Av - The Ninth of Av We will observe Tishah B’Av with prayer and reflection on Saturday evening, July 25, at 8:45 p.m. During the Ma’ariv Service for Tishah B’Av we will recite the Bible’s Book of Lamentations, Eikhah. Tishah B’Av is our calendar’s date of mourning. On the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av we recall tragic events in Jewish history whose legacy have shaped our identity and values. Foremost among the events we remember are the destructions of the two Temples in Jerusalem. The Babylonians destroyed the First Temple
in the year 586 BCE. The Romans destroyed the Second Temple in 70 CE. We will also gather in observance of Tishah B’Av on Sunday morning, July 26 at 9:15 a.m. A special Minhah service will be held at 1 pm. At this afternoon service we will wear our tallit and tefillin, ritual symbols that we will not use during our Shaharit service in expression of our mourning. Tishah B’Av is a full or partial day of fasting and introspection observed with emotion as we transform trauma into wisdom through ritual.
Rabbi Shulman
life is worthy. This we believe above all else. This we must declare in our society and for our justice system. Each person’s life matters always and everywhere. Inequality instills indignity. Emanating from this our spiritual home, we will demand dignity, respect, and justice for all of Baltimore’s citizens and for all people. Going forward we should each identify what role we can play, what needs we can meet, and with whom we can work to do our part. We will help to redeem impoverished environments and
continued from page 1 The monstrosity of inequality also raises a spiritual problem. Inequality instills indignity. A person’s dignity ought not to be determined by where he or she lives. Equality in being human, and for living in society, must be absolute. Our belief in One God is an ethical monotheism that promotes the equality of all people created in the Divine image. An individual’s life is worthy only if every individual’s
Lunch and Learn – At Your Workplace
Sack lunches in hand, Rabbi Wechsler visits with Chizuk Amuno friends in downtown Baltimore. Several times a year, we gather in a conference room to study and debate Jewish texts. Kosher bag lunches are prepared by Chef Annie and her staff. It’s entertaining to see mature adults trade cheeseballs for pretzels and oranges for apples between mishnayot. Our two downtown sites have been Johns Hopkins Hospital and University of Maryland Medical Center. It was a terrific year of learning and discussion and we are ready for next year. Anyone who lives or works downtown near these sites is invited to join us for lunch and learning. If you would like to bring a Lunch and Learn to your workplace in 2015-2016, be in touch with Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@ chizukamuno.org.
Camp Letters
L’Hitraot, farewell to our students heading off to spend their summers at camp. We like to keep in touch with our kids over the summer and send letters to them. Please e-mail Rabbi Wechsler at dwechsler@chizukamuno. org with your child’s name, summer address, and the dates when they will be away. Kayitz Na’im – have a great summer! restore human dignity. As investigations and judicial proceedings continue we hope our eventual efforts, joined with everyone else’s, will bring help and healing. For we understand. Environment establishes expectation. Inequality instills indignity. B’Shalom Rav, Rabbi Ron Shulman
Graduates @ Chizuk Amuno | 2015 We wish mazal tov to our many graduates. Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center
Deborah C. Dopkin Mark D. Dopkin Marlene Greenebaum Marta Hoffman
Tuesday, May 19
Wednesday, June 10
Michael H. Mannes Reva Shar Lynn Wolf
Chloe Avraham Roee Arie Ariel Atiya Sofia Beier Julia Blumenthal Netta Boker Everly Bondroff Asher Caplan Hannah Davidov Cooper Fruman Ella Gilad Lilly Glazer Isabella Goldsmith Rebecca Guth Devin Hanna Charlie Kapustin Khloe Katz Emma Kean Aubrey King Cameron Klaitman-Small Madison Klatsky Noa Klein Samuel Kreitzer Matthew Lamb Daniella Medved Eliana Morgan Noa Nusinov Maggie Press
Rosenbloom Religious School Wednesday, May 27 Avi Bazensky Sara Berman Rachel Blavatt Jack Boos Jordan Braverman Josh Feiler Noam Fox Danielle Garten Arenal Haut Max Holzman Seth Hudes
Rachel Kaplan Jessica Karmiol Cameron Levine Ryan Platt Aidan Resnick Jenna Resnik Ashley Shaivitz Eden Silver Hannah Stone Aaron Sterling
Krieger Schechter Day School Wednesday, June 10 Noah Abrams Binyamin Bank Asher Baraban Toby Berman Joshua Bernstein Jacob Block Tal Boger Jeremy Cohen Sage Friedman Natan Gamliel Ben Glazer Yaakov Goldberg Natalie Grossman Micah Havens Sarah Himelfarb Daryn Levine Gabe Lichtenstein
Jenna Lifson Book Anya Litofsky Michael Martin Lauren Murdick Aaron Ness Sophie Nusinov Isidore Philosophe Shira Pomerantz Jacob Rabinovich Emma Rifkin Sarah Rosenthal Sophie Rubenfeld David Schechter Madelyn Schloss Acey Vogelstein Eli Wilcox Zachary Zaiman
Paige Resnick Piper Resnick Cameron Rosenberg Charles Rosenberg Chase Roth Kailey Rubenstein Elliott Sacks Taniel Shabi Natan Shavi-Harrison Sloane Simon Kaya Snitzer Bennett Suchin Ethan Sugerman Evan Swirnow Maia Turkel Amber Weinstein Mia Weinstein Zachary Zooker 5 YEAR OLDS
Isaac Cohen Sami Densky Carter Radz Avi Kornbluth Lexi Rosen Noah Sharff Eva Taylor Gideon Wielechowski Emma Zirkin
Chizuk Amuno Congregation
8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 www.chizukamuno.org Office • 410-486-6400 Fax • 410-486-4050 E-mail • info@chizukamuno.org Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Krieger Schechter Day School Rosenbloom Religious School Stulman Center for Adult Learning
410-486-8642 410-486-8640 410-486-8641 410-824-2055
Milestones @ Chizuk Amuno B’nei Mitzvah
We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. JUNE 6 Danielle Rebecca Garten Daniella Rivkah daughter of Alice and Maury Garten JUNE 13 Mason Benjamin Baylin David Binyamin son of Barbara Baylin and Ryan Baylin JUNE 27 Joshua Samuel Feiler Shmuel Chaim Pesach son of Hannah and Alan Feiler
We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Bayla Tamar Baitch, daughter of Shayna and Staff Sgt. Colten Baitch and great-granddaughter of Herta and Dr. Arthur Baitch Madeline Blatt, daughter of Lauren and Hal Blatt and granddaughter of Ellen Rosenberg and Cary Besmanoff and Stuart and Sharon Blatt Penelope Theo Brown, daughter of Amy and Steven Brown and greatgranddaughter of Shirley Diamond Hailey Emma Markoff, daughter of Marla and Neil Markoff and granddaughter of Donna and Robert Wolf and Marcia and Bruce Markoff Hannah Rose Roffman, daughter of Rabbis Shira and Adam Roffman and granddaughter of Debbie and Dr. David Roffman
Theo Max Schein, son of Katie and
Adam Schein and grandson of Mollie and Dr. William Smulyan Naomi Abegail Schiff, daughter of Jennifer and Michael Schiff and granddaughter of Cindy and Allen Schiff
We congratulate the following couple and their families as we wish them much happiness. Laura Schimberg, daughter of Amy Caplan, to David Goldstein, son of Cindy and Rabbi Jay Goldstein
In Loving Memory
In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Miriam Foss, wife of Forrest Foss, mother of Gilad Foss, Rabbi Ilana Foss, Yael Foss and Ariella Foss, and sister of Robert Lipnick and Rabbi Jonathan Lipnick Louis G. Omansky, husband of Tanna Omansky, father of Adam Omansky, son of Vivian Omansky and brother of Nan Kingsley We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Jay Finkel, on the loss of his father,
Mazal Tov to Members of our Community Ann Berman, KSDS lower school
Judaics teacher, on receiving the Rabbi Joseph Braver Award for Excellence in Jewish Education from the Louise D. and Morton J. Macks Center for Jewish Education. Beth Goldsmith, on receiving the E.B. Hirsh Lifetime Achievement Award from the Federation of Jewish Women’s Organizations of Maryland. Sandy Hittman, on receiving an honorary doctorate from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. In June, at the Board of Governors meeting in Haifa, Sandy will be honored for her passionate support for the Technion and its people, and her understanding of the vital roles they play in Israel’s future. She will be thanked for her years of active service to the American Technion Society and the Technion, and her generous support of the Johns Hopkins-Technion Center for Biomedical Engineering, the Fred and Sandy Hittman Gifted Students Fund, and the Sandy Hittman Research Laboratory for Graduate Students.
Philip Finkel
Rita Ghiabi, on the loss of her
mother, Ruth Sapero Arthur B. Kahn, on the loss of his sister, Ethel Kahn Arlene Schimberg, on the loss of her sister, Evelyn Burns Eric Schwartz, on the loss of his father, Saul E. Schwartz Barbara Spector, on the loss of her father, Murray Portnoy Dr. Michael Stang, on the loss of his father, David Stang Dr. Richard Taylor, on the loss of his brother, Dr. Ronald J. Taylor As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.
In Memoriam
It is with deep sadness that we at Chizuk Amuno mark the recent passing of our dear friend and colleague, Miriam Foss. Miriam served as our Director of Gemilut Hasadim, a most fitting role through which she touched the lives of countless volunteers and needy within the Chizuk Amuno, Baltimore, and international communities. We remember Miriam for her outstanding dedication to her family and friends, positive outlook and inspiration, and ever-present commitment to making the world a better place.
Gemilut @Amuno Chizuk Amuno AffiliatesHasadim @ Chizuk For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Rabbi Debi Wechsler, dwechsler@ chizukamuno.org, or refer to our website for more information.
Sunday, June 7, 9 a.m. (Rain date June 14)
Contact: Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422 • Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood performs the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome.
Art with a Heart
Sunday, July 19, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler • Volunteers work on art projects at Art with a Heart headquarters in Hampden. All ages, 5 and up are welcome. Carpooling available from the Chizuk Amuno parking lot at 1 p.m.
Operation Welcome Home Maryland
Hakhnasat Orhim – Welcoming Guests
Todah Rabbah to our volunteers who participated in May:
Contact: Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org • For those living within walking distance of the synagogue who are able to host visitors for Shabbat. Also, if you are in need of hospitality, please let us know.
Contact: Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org to be on mailing list • Join adults and children as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas. Judy Schwartz, Stuart Aiken, Alec Braverman, Jordan Braverman, Stephani Braverman, Ilyssa Haar, and Judi Shulman
Our Daily Bread
Sunday, June 28, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden
Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@ aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or bakerjenny@ yahoo.com • Join the Chizuk Amuno team to help serve meals to hungry men, women, and children.
Contact: Allen Brown, 410363-3605 or abrown86@ verizon.net • For gardening enthusiasts of all ages who would like to help with spring clean-up and planting.
Ronald McDonald House
Wednesdays, 4:20-7:30 p.m. July 8 and August 19
Todah Rabbah to Shari Kaplan for planting the flowers by the entrances.
Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler • Join us as we cook and/or serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children being treated in Baltimore area hospitals.
Keeping in Touch with Our Elders
Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler • We will be instituting monthly phone calls to be more in touch with fellow congregants who are not able to come to shul as often as they would like. Be part of our elder dialogue.
Knitting Havurah
Returning Fall 2015 Contact: Rabbi Debi Wechsler • We knit and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and Baltimore. Knitting instruction is available and everyone is welcome.
In April, the Sisterhood sponsored and provided the dinner on an evening that happened to be during the time of the unrest in the city. With an abundance of food, our volunteers were warmly greeted by Ronald McDonald House guests who had not had a real meal for three days. Our thoughtful volunteers brought containers so the guests could continue enjoying the food during the challenging week ahead. Todah Rabbah to those who participated: Jenny Baker,
Harriet Brown, Edna Crystal, Diane Dansicker, Shari Kaplan, Joy Katz, Anne King, Marilynn Kinstler, Linda Levy, Lynne Lichtig, Saundra Madoff, Shelly Malis, Sande Mitchell, Rita Plaut, Sheila Sandbank, Marci Scher, Judy Schwartz, and Judy Spector.
Todah Rabbah to our knitters and KSDS 8th graders who delivered the blankets to Shaare Tzedek hospital in Jerusalem
We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. 6
Affiliates @ Chizuk Gemilut Hasadim @Amuno Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood Installation of Officers and Closing Meeting
The Voice That Weeps in the Heavens: Rachel, Leah, and the Mystery of the Bartered Wildflowers
Monday, June 1 • 6:30 p.m.
Join us for a lovely evening of entertainment and sisterhood! Entertainment will be provided by Hazzan Emanuel Perlman and Gene Okonski (Accompanist Extraordinaire). The evening will include a celebration of this past year’s successes as well as the installation of the 2015-17 Sisterhood Officers and Board. Prior RSVP required. For further information, please call Dixie, 443-386-1062.
Tuesday, June 2 • 6:45 p.m. Featuring Rabbi David Fohrman Noted Author and Founder/Dean of the Aleph Beta Academy
Mah Jongg with Sisterhood June 2, 16 • 9:30 a.m.
If you would like to play, please contact Randee Glassman, randee853@aol.com.
No fee. We thank the Hoffberger Foundation for Torah Study for their generous support of this program.
A Gentlemen’s Guide to Love and Murder on Broadway Sunday, June 14
• 7 a.m. Buses leave Chizuk Amuno • 3 p.m. Performance • 6 p.m. Buses leave NY All inclusive $165 per person (Orchestra seat) Bagel and juice provided on bus in the a.m. Kosher deli dinner included for ride home; please indicate your sandwich choice and enclose with your check: tuna salad on rye, pastrami on rye, or turkey on rye. RSVP: Marilyn Spector, 410-486-3888 or marilynspe@gmail.com. Return check, payable to CAC Sisterhood, to the synagogue office, attn: Marilyn Spector. Tickets are non-refundable.
8100 Stevenson Road • Baltimore, MD 21208 • 410-486-6400 www.chizukamuno.org
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center of Chizuk Amuno Congregation
Summer of a Thousand Smiles
Gift Season at the Judaica Shop
The Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood Judaica Shop will be busy over the summer. Beginnning Tuesday, June 16, we will be here from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. every Tuesday morning for your shopping pleasure and other times by appointment. Please call Anne at 410-303-7716 or Edna at 410-6533495 to set up an appointment. We will be shopping over the summer to bring new and wonderful items to enhance yourselves and your homes. We have become the destination for tallit, art, Shabbat and holiday items for your home and beautiful jewelry. Most of our goods are made in Israel.
Brotherhood Closing Meeting Wednesday, June 3 • 6 p.m.
The new Brotherhood administration for 2015-16 and 2016-17 will be inducted. There will be a program and a scrumptious dinner. Cost for the dinner is $20 per person. Wives are invited. RSVP with your check or bring your check to the door and RSVP by email to eric.beser@yahoo.com
Camp Begins June 22 Space Still Available Michelle Gold, GECEC Director 8100 Stevenson Road • Baltimore, MD 21208 • 410/486-8642 • gecec@chizukamuno.org
News @ Chizuk Amuno Israel Travelers’ Lunch
museum visits, our group met with organizations involved in interfaith dialogue in the region. Meetings in East and West Jerusalem, the West Bank, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Haifa and Tel Aviv explored contemporary complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Prior to the trip, six 90-minute study sessions gave background on the political, economic and historical forces shaping the competing narratives. Reflecting on the almost overwhelming exposure to the conflicting points of view, I began to relate my experience of modern-day Israel to the struggle that Jacob had when he returned to Canaan and was renamed Yisrael. Just as Jacob “wrestled with God” before meeting with his brother Esau 20 years after their birthright dispute, I found myself wrestling with God in my daily encounters with those created in His image living in the contentious land of Israel. An example of Jacob’s kind of wrestling in modern terms was demonstrated during our encounter with the Parents Circle-Families Forum (PCFF). A Muslim Palestinian widow and Jewish Israeli father who has lost a daughter, shared their experiences with us during dinner at our hotel in Jerusalem. Being a part of the Parents Circle means you have lost a close family member in the ongoing conflict. The organization works to eradicate the motivation to murder the “other.” Their purpose is to promote reconciliation as an alternative to hatred and revenge. They do this through sharing their pain face-to-face. The process destroys the concept of the “other,” because both recognize the same irretrievable loss. Their goal is to have no new members. I am left with this hope: that people of good will in Israel, the disputed territories, the nations bordering Israel, the US, and the United Nations will have the courage to continue to face each other over the issues contributing to the violence in the region; that we will all wrestle with our assumptions and persevere for peace. The sincere efforts of religious communities to contemplate the other will help bring about the goal of the Parents Circle: No new members. Let us pray each Pesah, “Next year in Jerusalem.” Then may we do the work to see a Jerusalem that will be a city at peace achieved through genuine face-to-face wrestling with opponents in whom we can still decipher the “face of God.”
Saturday, August 29 • Following Services
Many of our Chizuk Amuno family will be spending time in Israel this summer and we would love for you to share your experiences with us and with each other. Please join us for Shabbat lunch on Saturday, August 29 following services. We will share stories and adventures and talk about how to integrate those experiences back home. RSVP by August 22 to Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org. At last year’s gathering for Israel travelers, Jean Suda and her husband, Kim Golden, shared their experiences. In the following article, Jean has included her reflections of their trip.
A Wrestling Match by Jean Suda
My husband and I took a trip to Israel this past year. It was the perfect blend of Jewish and Christian holy sites, with both Shabbat observance and Sunday Mass incorporated into the itinerary. It seemed tailor-made for a Catholic/ Jewish marriage sustained these past 30 years through hard work and the welcoming atmosphere of Chizuk Amuno. But the 12-day immersion was anything but a vacation. It was awe-inspiring, fascinating, intellectually and emotionally challenging, exhausting and, ultimately, lifealtering. And in light of the renewed war between Israel and Hamas less than one month after our return, it will be difficult to replicate. A group of 31 diverse “advanced interfaithers” as we called ourselves, joined Rosann Catalano, Ph.D. and Rabbi Ilyse Kramer of the Institute for Christian and Jewish Studies (ICJS), for an ambitious study tour of Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Visits to the Galilee and Jerusalem, the places where rabbinic Judaism and Christianity developed in response to first century turmoil, revealed amazing early synagogues and churches featuring stunning mosaic floors. At the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, a scale model of the city from the time of the second Temple, which dominated the landscape, put our stops at the Western Wall and the Via Dolorosa in historical perspective. In addition to these sightseeing and
It’s a Date
We are excited to welcome our newest group of students to 613 & Me, our Bar and Bat Mitzvah preparation program which takes place during the year preceding a child’s becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. On Tuesday night, May 19, Chizuk fifth graders had their first Bar/Bat Mitzvah party and they
didn’t even have to dress up. It was a dinner party at which they celebrated their Bar or Bat Mitzvah date and had an opportunity to look at their Torah portion. Name tags identified all parents and children with their dates. Amazingly most parents remembered the exact dates when they also became Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Families received the Bar/Bat Mitzvah handbook and had an opportunity to meet and get to know the synagogue professionals involved in B’nei Mitzvah. 8
Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno Bimah Flowers Shabbat, June 6 | 19 Sivan IN HONOR OF: The Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Rebecca Garten, by her parents, Alice and Maury Garten, and her grandparents, Eleanor and Dr. Michael Matsas and Susan and Herbert Garten IN MEMORY OF: Richard M. Larimer, by Dr. Anne and David Young Sarah Slavin, by her children and grandchildren Max Lerner, father, by Harriett and Mende M. Lerner and family May R. Berger, mother, by her family Miriam Ness, mother, by Robert Ness and family Jane F. Feinglass, mother and grandmother, by Ina Singer and family Blanche Miller, by her children and grandchildren Anna L. Reznick, mother, by Irma Gamson and family Albert Aaron Erdman, on his birthday, by Mimmie Erdman and family Bess Goldsmith, mother, on her birthday, by Ilene and Alvin Powers and family
Shabbat, June 13 | 26 Sivan IN HONOR OF: The Bar Mitzvah of Mason Benjamin Baylin, by his parents, Barbara Baylin and Ryan Baylin, his grandparents, Edie and Robert Altshuler, and his great-grandparents, Marye and Jerome Baylin IN MEMORY OF: Dorothy and Daniel Terner, grandparents of Mason Benjamin Baylin, on the occasion of Mason’s Bar Mitzvah Philip Finglass, father, by his family Dorothy Katz Manekin, by her children Lester R. Litt, father, by Mindee and Bruce Block and family Pauline Brozofsky, mother, by Ellen and Dr. Mark Gordon Gersohn Rubin, by his children and grandchildren Albert Lorch, father, grandfather and greatgrandfather, by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner and family Harry Erdman, father, by his family Irving Pearlstein, father, by Audrey Levine and family Henry Goldsmith, father, by Ilene and Alvin Powers and family Roselda Cole, by Linda and Dr. Jeffrey Cole and family Anna Glassman, mother, by her family
Shabbat, June 20 | 3 Tammuz IN MEMORY OF: Clayre Blavatt, by Ronald Blavatt and family Reba and Hyman Polsky, parents, by Sherrie and Carl A. Polsky and family Mary Gold, by her family Jeffrey Stephen Hurwitz, son, by Roz Hartman Isaac Renbaum, by Barbara and Tom Steinhardt and family Archie Cohen, by Ann and Dr. Daniel Harris and family Morton Kahn, by his wife, Beverley, children and grandchildren Rose Hittman, by Sandra Hittman and family Helen Weitzman, mother, by Shirley Kaufman and children
David Rivlin, father, by Estelle Weinberg and family Ruth S. Dashoff, mother and grandmother, by Ilene and Arnold Dashoff and Susan and Dr. Michael Propper and families Phyllis Salganik, by Gordon Salganik, Wendy and Robert Davis, Debby and Dr. Jesse Hellman, and grandchildren Abraham Harris, grandfather, by Toba and Bill Grant and family and Kathy and Stevan Weinberg and family Jennie Pines, mother, by her family George H. Young, by Dr. Anne and David Young Annette P. Meyers, mother, on her birthday, by Marlene Brager and family
Shabbat, June 27 | 10 Tammuz IN HONOR OF: The Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Samuel Feiler, by his parents, Hannah and Alan Feiler IN MEMORY OF: Ruth and Meyer Pollack and Gloria and Milton Feiler, grandparents of Joshua Samuel Feiler, on the occasion of Joshua’s Bar Mitzvah Robert Wasserman, father, by Vera and Barry Wasserman and family Louis Seidman, by Miriam Platt Johanna Ladenburger, by her daughter, Lottie Steinberg Samuel Blavatt, father, by Ronald Blavatt and family Daniel Fox, brother, by Mimmie Erdman Samuel J. Oshrine, father, by Ivan Oshrine and Marsha and Herbert Stoller Sayde J. Sklar, by her children and grandchild Harold Hammer, father, by Ann and Ronald Holstein and family Leonard Rombro, father, by Joan D. Rombro Robert I. Davis, father, by Carol and Gilbert Davis and family Eli Miller, by Beverly and Jordon Max and family Molly Glaberman, by Lorraine and Earl Raffel Morton Jerome Goldman, father, by his family Joseph Lazinsky, father, by Phyllis and Leonard Attman and Lowell R. Glazer Lillian and Morris Mittleman, parents, by Rita Werthamer and family Sol Slavin, by his children and grandchildren Rae Preissman, mother and grandmother, by Harriet and Richard Udell and family
Shabbat, July 4 | 17 Tammuz IN MEMORY OF: Reuben Caplan, father, by Sharon and Irvin Caplan Leo Tabackman, father, by Donna and Robert Wolf and family Albert Hirsch, by Hedy and Irving Goldstein and Clara and Frank Hirsch Gertrude Koppel, mother, by her family Daniel Joseph Raskin, by Joan Raskin, Lisa Raskin, and Philip Raskin
Shabbat, July 11 | 24 Tammuz IN MEMORY OF: Rose Cohen, mother and grandmother, by Nancy Cohen and Michael and Andrew Schaffer Bernice Bass Horn, sister, by Peggy and Bill Lewis and family Mary Shostack, mother, by her family Norman Altshuler, father, by his family Solomon Weiner, by Sylvia Weiner and family 9
Max Reznick, father by Irma Gamson and family Ann Weinstein, mother, by Jay Weinstein and family Louis and Rae Isaac, parents, by their family Marvin Schnitzer, father, by his family Morris Goodhart, father and grandfather, by Judy and Fred Zimmerman and family Eli J. Pateka, brother, by Marlene Szapiro Amos I. Meyers, father, by Marlene Brager and family Bertha B. Levy, mother, by Shirley Shor and family Marci Glazer Crosby, daughter, by Lowell R. Glazer and family Elmer M. Newhouse, father and grandfather, by Susan and Dr. Marc Hochberg and Frannie and Jennifer Tessie Gerber, by Marlene and Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren
Shabbat, July 18 | 2 Av IN MEMORY OF: Irvin Cohn, by Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Jack B. Kaplan, by Seymour Weisberg Sylvia Kronthal, by Toba and Bill Grant and family and Kathy and Stevan Weinberg and family Eva P. Rapkin, mother, by Henne and Harvey Rapkin and family Shirley Sue Gelkin, wife, mother and grandmother, by Dr. Michelle Gelkin Rosenbloom and Howard Rosenbloom, Gail Sureff, and Ben and Nicole Sureff Selma Lebow Finkelstein, by her family Dorothy Allex, mother, by Bernice and Herbert J. Koppel and family Fanny Radowsky, mother, by Hazel and Dr. Michael Radowsky Max Kurman, father, by Gail and Jerry Kurman and children Edward Mackler, father and grandfather, by Ilene and Stephen Mackler, Geoffrey, David and Melissa and Stefanie Mackler Etal Harabagiu, mother, by Amy and Mordehai Gur and family Esther Fox Goren, by her sister, Natalie Jeffrey Jerome B. Rose, by Traci and Mark Lerner and family
Shabbat, July 25 | 9 Av IN MEMORY OF: Stanley H. Wilen, by his wife, children and grandchildren Joseph Yankellow, by Dorothy Yankellow and family Bessie Franklin, mother, by Beverly and Robert Auslander and family Earle Fritz, by his children and grandchildren Frieda Davis, mother, by Tammi and Mark Davis and family Anna Sugarman Bank, mother, by Estelle and Allan Rose and family Irene Rubin, mother and grandmother, by Margi, Steve, and Nathaniel Hoffman and Rebecca Hammerman Freda Renbaum, by Barbara and Tom Steinhardt and family Joseph Bernhardt, by Doris Bernhardt and family Warren Komins, by his family Florence S. Fish, by her children and grandchildren Crawford M. Clay, by his wife, Etta S. Clay Bruce Blumenthal, on his birthday, by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal and family Sybil Klaff Effron, on her birthday, by her family
Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno Terumot HaKodesh – Sacred Tribute Gifts
We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb accont from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue. Chizuk Amuno Congregation Contributions IN HONOR OF
Chizuk Amuno Congregation, for selling hametz by
Andy Sandler
Chizuk Amuno Congregation, by Marat Yelizarov Arnie Feiner, with thanks for his recent kindness by
Hazel, Michael, and Jason Radowsky Joan and Saul Gurney, on the engagement of their daughter, Stacey, to Michael Campanella by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Liz Miller, on the birth of her son, Henry Stone, by Joan and Saul Gurney Judy and Norm Nahary, on the birth of their daughter, Hannah Paige, by Paulette and Jay Pollack Marci and Mitchell Platt, on their son, Ryan, becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Faye and Abe Adler; Judy Hyatt Pamela and Dr. Jeffrey Platt, on the birth of their grandchild by Judy Hyatt Susan and Howard Platt, on the birth of their greatgrandchild by Judy Hyatt Dr. David Roffman, on his 70th birthday by Maxine Seidman Ann and Maurice Shamash, on the birth of their grandson, Ethan Jonah Shamash, by Barbara and Bruce Lewbart Louise and Jay Weinberg, on the birth of their granddaughter, Scarlett Drew Weinblatt, by Sheila and Howard Sandbank
Bernard Aiken, by Darwin Freedman;
Dr. Bradley Trattner Herbert Borger, on his yahrzeit by Lynne Lichtig Evelyn Burns, by Ted Waldman Rivka Chigashi, on her yahrzeit by Ilene and Marc Cohen Joel Fedder, by Patricia and Gary Attman Philip Finkel, by Dorothy Rainess; Sheila and Howard Sandbank Barbara Fox, by Melissa and Jeff Berman Leonard Glassman, by Serene Israel; Marilynn and Marty Kinstler; Lisa and Stuart Levine; Barbara and Bruce Lewbart; Paulette and Jay Pollack; Sheila and Howard Sandbank; Lisa and Brad Trattner; Lynn and Nelson Tucker; Frada Wall
Lawrence Goldman, by Jamie and Marc Cohen;
Heather and Howard Cohen and family; Toba and Bill Grant; Barbara Prinice and family; Cheryl Snyderman; Lynn and Nelson Tucker Lena Kahn, on her yahrzeit by Arnold Kahn Rhoda Katz, by Lynne, Marc, and Jeff Komins Robert Land, by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Betty Landay, on her yahrzeit by Ron Schwartzman Mark Stuart London, by Jenny Baker; Melissa and Jeff Berman Vicki Margolis, by Darlene and Jerry Gordon Amit Nadeu, on his yahrzeit by Ilene and Marc Cohen Dorian Nadeu, on his yahrzeit by Ilene and Marc Cohen Louis G. Omansky, by Toba and Bill Grant; Harriet and Alan Kanter; Sheila and Howard Sandbank Cantor Ivan E. Perlman, by Herta and Arthur Baitch; Joyce and Louis Kaplan Samuel Raffel, on his yahrzeit by Earl Raffel Aaron Reznick, on his yahrzeit by Debra Attman Amy Rosen, on her yahrzeit by Andy Sandler Solomon Sandler, on his yahrzeit by Andy Sandler Lillian Schwartz, on her yahrzeit by Elda and David Schwartz Isadore Stern, on his yahrzeit by Doris Stern Bert Stoller, by Cheryl Snyderman Anna and Szulim Wugin, on their yahrzeits by Jean Pindrik A loved one, on their yahrzeit by Leah Helman A loved one, on their yahrzeit by Pearl and Barry Oslick A loved one, on their yahrzeit by Susan and Paul Richter
Ronald Reifler, by Sharon and Irv Caplan Lisa Scherr, by Sharon and Irv Caplan
Chizuk Amuno Congregation Special Offerings IN HONOR OF
Chizuk Amuno Congregation, for their open door
policy and clergy by Kaye and Herbert Kreitman Goldsmith Museum, by Dorothy Hellman Shirley Matz and family, for including the Milstein family in their Passover dinner by Susan and Marvin Milstein
Ileen Dickman, by Dr. Briana Bruno Holtan Toby Alfred Wiseman, by Susan and
Dr. Arthur McTighe
Ezrine Library and Glazer Media Center IN MEMORY OF
Mark London, by Sonia Kozlovsky, Laurie Margolies,
and Isabel Pinson
Krieger Schechter Day School Music Boosters Fund IN HONOR OF Erika Schon, for her help with the St. Mary’s
Holocaust program by Sally Grobani
Krieger Schechter Day School Scholarship Fund IN MEMORY OF
Miriam Foss, by Ann Berman; Debbie and
Chuck Frazer
Mechel Frydman, by Ann Berman Betty Loeser, by Carol and Steve Landsman Bert Stoller, by Michelle, Jeff, Daniella, and
Samantha Cooper Dora Waranch, by Carol and Steve Landsman
Krieger Schechter Day School Special Offerings IN HONOR OF
Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, by Andrea Friedman
Miriam Foss, by Carolyn Helfman; all her friends
Leonard Glassman, by Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager Joseph Lebau, by Carolyn Helfman Mark S. London, by Carolyn Helfman Mary Shofer, by Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager
Minyan Breakfast Fund IN HONOR OF
Dr. Moshe Shualy, with thanks for all his help by
Jackie Glassgold
IN MEMORY OF Leonard Glassman, by Ruthanne Kaufman
Prayer Book Fund IN HONOR OF
Samuel Cirillo, on his 1st birthday by Uncle
Noa Bourke
IN MEMORY OF Bernard Aiken, by Ann and Dan Fried Barbara Fox, by Bonnie and Roy Ziegelstein Lawrence Goldman, by Rachel, Jonathan, Max, and
Asher Goldman A loved one, by Pamela Fradin
Esther Ann Brown Adler Fund IN MEMORY OF
Barbara Fox, by Drs. Penny and Ron Silverman
and family
Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Endowment Fund IN HONOR OF
Dr. Jerry Buxbaum, on his 85th birthday by Elke and
Arnold Neuburger; Dr. Anne and David Young
Louis Barry Gershen “Our Daily Bread” Fund IN HONOR OF
Barbara Falck, on her birthday by Myra and Michael
IN MEMORY OF Miriam Foss, by Myra and Michael Gershen Frieda Gershen, by Myra and Michael Gershen Leonard Glassman, by Myra and Michael Gershen Irving Hamet, by Myra and Michael Gershen Elizabeth London, on her yahrzeit by Myra and
Michael Gershen Otto Schwartz, by Marsha and Bernie Bondroff
Joel Krome, by Myra and Michael Gershen Esther London, by Myra and Michael Gershen Lois Wolf, by Myra and Michael Gershen
Melvin M. Glass Memorial Fund IN MEMORY OF
Edward Kramer, by Rhona Glass and family
Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno I. Leon Glassgold Memorial Fund IN MEMORY OF Joel Fedder, by Jackie Glassgold Barbara Fox, by Jackie Glassgold Leonard Glassman, by Jackie Glassgold
Martha B. Kayne Memorial Tikkun Olam Award Fund IN HONOR OF Ellen Rosenberg and Cary Besmanoff, on the
birth of their granddaughter by Debbie and Dr. Seth Glassman
Miriam Foss, by Debbie and Dr. Seth Glassman
Barbara Leibowitz Lichter and Barry Leibowitz Pathways to Menschlekeit Fund IN MEMORY OF Miriam Foss, by Miriam, Irwin, Seth, and
Adina Golob
Ian Scher, by Cheryl Snyderman
Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund IN MEMORY OF
Bernard Aiken, by Marlene Sussman and
Stuart Aiken
Leonard Glassman, by Dorothy Yankellow
Lois and Alvin Neuberger Family Education Fund IN HONOR OF
Ann and Alan Hamburger, on their birthdays by
Carol and David Neuberger Carol and David Neuberger, on their birthdays by Ann and Alan Hamburger
Pauline and Ivan Oshrine Krieger Schechter Day School Endowment Fund IN MEMORY OF
Carole Sibel, by the Oshrine and Seidel families
Reznik-Frier Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF
Julian Reznik, on his yahrzeit by Ailene and
Michael Sher
Irene and Sam Zuckerman, on their 50th wedding
anniversary by Dawn Reznik
Miriam Foss, by the Frier family Barbara Fox, by the Frier family Miriam Obuchowski, by the Frier family
Schneider Scholarship Fund IN MEMORY OF
Toby Alfred Wiseman, by Cindy and Robert Max
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund IN MEMORY OF Louis Omansky, by Fran and Norton Banks
Margot and Norman Zipper Library Endowment Fund IN HONOR OF
Tzedakah contributions to our clergy Discretionary Fund, as well as gifts received in honor, memory, or appreciation of life cycle occasions support charitable, cultural, and educational causes. Edye Abrams, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for
officiating at the funeral of Barbara Fox
Ellen Fedder, Michael Fedder, and Amy Pollokoff, in
appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the funeral of Joel Fedder Andrea and Dr. M. Brian Polsky, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for his guidance and help preparing their family for Evan’s Bar Mitzvah Dr. Richard Taylor, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the funeral of Dr. Ronald Taylor Andrea & Dr. M. Brian Polsky, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for her guidance and help preparing their family for Evan’s Bar Mitzvah The 2015/2016 Adult Bat Mitzvah class, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman’s and Rabbi Wechsler’s time and patience Amy Pollokoff, in appreciation of Hazzan Perlman for affixing the mezzuzah at our home and for support and comfort on the loss of Joel Fedder Andrea and Dr. M. Brian Polsky, with appreciation for Hazzan Perlman’s and Debby Hellman’s guidance and help in preparation of their son, Evan, for becoming a Bar Mitzvah Wallace Kleid, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy Lily and Dr. Warren Massouda, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy for officiating at an unveiling Randi and Darrell Braman, Jr., in memory of Miriam Foss Shelley and David Copeland; Sue and Howard Platt; Ellen, Carl, and Karen Love, in memory of Cantor
Ivan E. Perlman, beloved father of Hazzan Perlman Ann Walter, in appreciation for the aliyah for Harold Walter
In Memory of Miriam Foss:
Jenny Baker; Frances Banks; Susan Bernstein; Kelly, Jeffrey, and Jackson Blavatt; Harriet and Miner Brown; Jerry Buxbaum; Cindy and Glenn Easton; Elaine Fox; Ann and Dan Fried; Irma Gamson; Garth and Gary Gerstenblith; Florene and Ronald Goldner; Fritzi and Bob Hallock; Leah Helman; Marjorie and Steven Hoffman; Serene Israel; Natalie Jeffrey; Marni and Dan Kahn; Alan and Harriet Kanter; Ruthanne Kaufman; Marilynn and Martin Kintsler; Gail and Jerry Kurman; Linda Lebovic; Lynne and Larry Lichtig; Lily and Warren Massouda; Sande and Ed Mitchell; Marilyn Naviasky; Elke and Arnold Neuberger; Arlene Nitzberg; Irene Pack; Audrey and Leslie Polt; Barbie Prince; Hazel, Michael, and Jason Radowsky; Dorothy Rainess; Dawn Reznik; Bunny Rosenthal; Nancy, David Sall and family; Sheila and Howard Sandbank; Susan and Douglas Schehr; Marcie and Brian Scher; Maxine Seidman; Judy and Phillip Simkin; Ina Singer; Cheryl Snyderman; Frada Wall; Beverly Wiseman; Dorothy Yankellow; Marsha and Sherwin Yoffe; Dr. Anne and David Young; Karen and Jeffrey Zale
Dr. Jerry Buxbaum, on his 85th birthday by
Margot Zipper
Dr. Norman Zipper, on his third yahrzeit by
Margot Zipper
Miriam Foss, by Margot Zipper
Honor Your Graduates with an Inscribed Brick Purchase an Inscribed Tribute Brick on Chizuk Amuno’s Pathway to Faith
It’s the perfect time to honor your student on their graduation. Or to thank a teacher for an amazing year. Honor the memory of a loved one or celebrate a milestone or lifecycle event. • $250 per brick for up to four lines of text, 15 characters per line • Package options available Purchase a brick by contacting Glenn Easton, 410/485-6400.
Cemetery Update
PLEASE NOTE: On July 1, 2015 prices
for one lot will increase as follows: Arlington Cemetery • Chizuk Amuno members • $1,175 • Non-members • $1,275 Garrison Forest Cemetery • Chizuk Amuno members only • $1,650 For further details or to arrange an appointment, please call Marsha Yoffe, Cemetery Director, ext. 309.
Non Profit Org. US Postage Paid Baltimore, MD Permit No. 544
8100 Stevenson Road Baltimore, Maryland 21208 www.chizukamuno.org
TIME SENSITIVE M ATERIAL please deliver promptly
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Cinema under the Stars
Chizuk Amuno Congregation 144th Annual Meeting
Monday, June 8 • 7:30 p.m. • • • • •
Monday, August 17 at sundown
Election of Synagogue Leaders “State of the Synagogue” Report by Andrew Miller Presentation of Proposed By-Laws Amendments Synagogue Financial Report Dessert Reception
(Rain Date, August 18)
FREE AND OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY Enjoy a comedic love story produced, directed, and co-written by Billy Crystal, who co-stars with Debra Winger. Mickey, a popular NBA referee who goes to Paris to accompany his father’s body. The coffin is lost and in the mess that follows, Mickey meets Ellen, an American in Paris who works for an airline. The movie consists of fights and separations and many laughs. Bring a beach chair, enjoy popcorn and other snacks and drinks, and sit back and enjoy. For more information, please call 410-824-2055.
The by-laws proposals focus mainly on issues of board governance.
Sponsored by the Judy Meltzer Cinema Under the Stars Fund