KSDS viewbook

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‫ב‬ ‫י‬ ‫נ‬ ‫ה‬ d n i m logic, common t, gh ou th , ge ua ng la e, dg le w Kno ords we sense – these are some of the w rprets, te in d in m he T d. in m e th ith w associate Setting the analyzes, judges, and decides. neral and ge in s rd da an st ic em ad ac t es high ay School D r te ch he Sc r ge rie K s, ie ud st Judaic h students to starts with the mind. We teac , and create listen carefully, think critically g minds to un yo e ng le al ch e W . ly nt da un ab d grow. an e, in ag im , on as re n, tio es qu open,

g n i h c a e t n i e c excellen ster teachers work In every KSDS classroom, ma ilitate small group work, one-on-one with students, fac thinking, learning, and and engage the entire class in experts in their fields. In questioning. Our teachers are y members hold master’s fact, 80 percent of our facult n of a teaching staff devoted degrees or higher. That’s a sig chers but as lifelong to education – not only as tea ult of teachers who love to learners themselves. The res too. learn? Students who love it,

e Ten Ways We Celebrat TEXTBOOK Learning Beyond the

se (Grades K–8) 1. Schechter Science Showca 1) 2. Eric Carle Program (Grade ade 2) (Gr Day 3. Whale and Dolphin 2) ade 4. The Parade of States (Gr eum of Baltimore (Grade 3) 5. Field Trip to the Jewish Mus ade 3) 6. Judy Chicago Dinner (Gr 4) ard the Lady Maryland (Grade Abo e eak 7. Sailing the Chesap ade 5) 8. Invention Convention (Gr B’Shvat (Grade 6) 9. Great Fruit Debate for Tu ades 5–8) 10. The Learning Festival (Gr

STEM in the classroom Hands-on science and technology classes spark curiosity. The math curriculum layers skills year over year and culminates in Algebra 1 or 2.


teachers on the faculty

uch m s a t s u j g in n r a e l “i’m gular e r a n o s t n e d u t s y from m me.” m o r f e r a y e h t s a is bas her

guage Arts & Social Studies teac

Michelle Frisby, Grade 6 Lan

‫ע‬ ‫ב‬ ‫ר‬ ‫י‬ ‫ת‬ d n a h s i l g en d and English. You may have rea English and Hebrew. Hebrew ion left-to-right. There’s no quest the headline right-to-left or lights up both hemispheres of on cti tru ins age gu lan aldu t tha n. Hebrew starts in Kindergarte the brain. At KSDS, learning where who enter later meets them The curriculum for students produce a Broadway musical they are. In Grade 8, students ate y travel to Israel for the ultim entirely in Hebrew. Then the mersion. challenge: total language im


that includes taking A Grade 7 trip to New York City ents to tackle the in a Broadway show primes stud production isn’t only a Grade 8 Play. The full-scale rs of mastering Hebrew, tremendous capstone to yea munity. Families, it is also a celebration of com house for all-Hebrew alumni, and friends pack the uth Pacific,” “The versions of classics such as “So ls,” “The Wizard of Pajama Game,” “Guys and Dol Pan.” Oz,” “Oklahoma!,” and “Peter


studentfaculty ratio

Español KSDS students begin learning a third language when Spanish is added to the mix in Grade 7.

plugged-in learning Integrated into every subject area are opportunities to use software and Web-based tools for research, computing, publishing, and design.

r a l u c i r r u C s s Cro Connections linary ts integration” and “interdiscip “ar ms ter the ard he bly ba pro You’ve ular heard the phrase “cross-curric o als e u’v yo ps rha Pe s.” die stu epts to work put these high-minded conc connections.” KSDS teachers chings m that integrates Jewish tea ulu rric cu h ric a er eth tog ave as they we l art and of the overlaps between visua e tag van ad es tak d an n tur at every technology rature and social studies, and lite th, ma d an sic mu , ce en sci ether to They tie different threads tog and pretty much everything. rner. ys and reach every kind of lea wa of y iet var a in on ati orm present inf


s and l language, music brings idea Sometimes called the universa the nce erie exp youngest learners people together. At KSDS, our c hmi rhyt math as they beat out connection between music and es com Orff ensemble. The connection patterns on xylophones in the es Israel’s ed Erev Zemer, which celebrat through in a night of song call history. music, poetry, literature, and Independence Day by uniting grade each as s, between music and idea Plays also celebrate the link class to songs and dances. level sets what it’s learning in

n of io s n e t x e n a is y g o l o “techn oom. r s s a l c e h t in n o g in what’s go tion.” a l o is in t h g u a t is g nothin e current KSDS students

thre nology teacher and mother of

Amanda Levine, Grade 1–4 Tech

‫ל‬ ‫ב‬ t r a e h

Krieger at do e w t ha w of er nt ce e th Learning is at ace special, pl is th es ak m t ha W . ol ho Sc Schechter Day llence. It is more ce ex ic em ad ac an th e or m is , though to their lesson g in br rs he ac te at th t gh ou th than the lture. What cu h is w Je of m do is w t en ci an plans or the at faculty th n io ss pa e th is It t. ar he is l makes us specia ents bring to ud st at th , ng hi ac te to g in br rs membe d that the an s, ic et hl at d an , ts ar e th s, academic ts, alumni, en ar dp an gr s, nt re pa of ily m Schechter fa our school. of e lif e th to gs in br s nd ie fr d an


clubs and activities (in addition to sports)

n o i s s e r p x E f l e S

es every rm, safe environment that giv Krieger Schechter offers a wa sts. ak up and explore new intere student the confidence to spe rds atively express thoughts in wo cre to ls rna jou p kee rs ne rte Kinderga l topic may choose to study a specia nt de stu 4 e ad Gr A s. age im and y for “U”!). hing Independent Opportunit through A.E.I.O.U. (An Enric ir favorite clubs, from jewelry the se oo ch n ca nts de stu , on From Grade 5 , arts – singing, acting, painting the are re the en Th ry. ket roc making to d chanting spiritual life, reading Torah an to s me co it n he W y. etr po slam self-expression. prayers also serve as forms of

balanced growth Physical education is an essential part of a well-rounded education. Bodies and minds work together

team spirit

better with our daily recess periods and multiple gym periods each week.

given moment, ol teems with teams. At any Krieger Schechter Day Scho nducts festival; a team of students co ng rni lea a s ize an org ers ch a team of tea unite the entire of parents plans events that m tea a n; tio iga est inv c tifi a scien 16 , KSDS students compete on ics let ath to s me co it n he W school community. soccer, tball, cross country, lacrosse, ske ba all, seb ba in els lev s teams at variou ilding d coaching staff focuses on bu ate dic de r Ou ld. fie & ck tra d softball, an teach teamwork or off the field, we don’t just On r. cte ara ch d an lls ski ’ nts stude live it. and collaboration at KSDS. We

spirit days!

to day camp on KSDS turns from day school ents split into stud school spirit days, when that encourages thematic teams for an event and (most of team building, problem solving, and brain games all) fun! Physical challenges ration among abo coll promote leaership and cheer each students as they motivate and , it’s the kind of other on. At the end of the day opposing teams competition that brings even closer together.



of students in grades 5–8 play at least one after-school sport

rfect e p e h t s a h s ic t e l h t “ KSDS a ess n e iv it t e p m o c f o n io combinat and fun.” Noah Abrams, Grade 6, who

osse for KSDS

lacr plays soccer, basketball, and


grow. KSDS’s o the people with whom you als d an rn lea u yo s ng thi the tone School is about ad of School Bil Zarch sets the He p. shi nd frie ter fos to d ne accepting community is desig m across front door. Relationships for the at ) mp bu fist (or ke sha each morning with a hand 1 and 5 together d, which has brought Grades en Fri toden Fri as h suc ms grades through progra by spinning dreidels. er to learn about probability eth tog 7 d an 3 es ad Gr d an to write a book services plays, and alumni-led prayer ed nd tte t-a ren pa nd gra s, Parent-chaperoned class trip together. also tie the Schechter family



role, a e v a h n a c e n o y r e “ev r small o e g r a l w o h r e t t a no m lay.” p o t t n a w u o y e l o r a na and Kindergarten parent

Rachael Abrams ’91, KSDS alum

people power

learning beyond the s classroom: field trip at every grade level

als at Kayam Farm Kindergarten: Visit the anim s in Oregon Ridge Park Grade 1: Explore local habitat , D.C. seats of power in Washington Grade 2: Tour memorials and eum Mus Art at the Walters Grade 3: Browse the collections walk the Oregon Trail like an to or head to Oregon Ridge Park American pioneer sail State House in Annapolis or Grade 4: Tour the Maryland Chesapeake Bay with Living Classrooms on the one to see historic sites and visit a lphi Grade 5: Travel to Philade es of the nation’s first synagogu the 4-day “TEVA” Experience with ure nat to k bac Grade 6: Get ter at the Pearlstone Retreat Cen New York City to Grade 7: Enjoy a 3-day trip el d on the capstone trip to Isra Grade 8: Explore the Holy Lan

Guided by a parent-artist, an army of students, teachers, and volunteers painted the mural in the KSDS lobby. Murals throughout the building reflect KSDS's values.

‫נ‬ ‫פ‬ ‫ש‬ l u o s

the individuality ’s It . us l, el w , us es ak m t ha w Soul is every sound, – te ea cr e w ng hi yt er ev in es that shin rth, and bi at us to in ed th ea br is ul So every image. mmunity co a as us s ite un t ha W . nt re each soul is diffe tices we share – ac pr d an , fs lie be , es lu va of t se is the Jews around the of ns io ill m by ed ar sh e ar ch and whi live Jewishly. e w at th is r he rt fu us s nd bi t world. Wha ing what er ov sc di d ar w to ts en ud st e id At KSDS, we gu to the Jewish d an em th to ns ea m y hl is w Je living r school. ou of ul so e th is y ne ur jo t ha T people.

Jewish Identity

ect community whose families refl ish Jew e ers div d an en op an KSDS is the Jewish ckgrounds. Our families span ba d an s ce en eri exp of ge a ran m, Orthodox liate with Conservative, Refor landscape. Whether they affi of interfaith, or identify as none are s, on ati reg ng co t nis tio or Reconstruc our found a comfortable home in ve ha ds kin all of s ilie fam e, the abov immersed in rounds, all KSDS students are ckg ba ir the er tev ha W l. oo sch n. And they are and Judaism as a living religio Hebrew as a living language pect ing-kindness, honesty, and res lov of s ue val – s ue val ish united by Jew . people and our study of Torah a as y tor his r ou in ted roo that are

gender equality KSDS teaches Judaism in the egalitarian tradition, which gives girls and boys the same opportunities to read Torah and lead all prayers.

100% of ksds graduates om can chant directly fr the torah and lead morning services

l. I e a r is in s d n ie r f e v a “I h l. i live o o h c s t a w e r b e h n lear day.� y r e v e e r u t l u c h is w je ing up in Baltimore City with

Isaac Moss, Grade 4, who is grow


his parents and younger brot


to a close with an The KSDS experience comes nce: a 2-week trip to extraordinary capstone experie Whether students are Israel for students in Grade 8. cal dig, planting a tree, participating in an archaeologi els, swimming in the hiking in the Negev, riding cam tern Wall, or watching Dead Sea, davening at the Wes entire country becomes a the sunrise over Masada, the living classroom.


service hours of community udent each middle school st aduation completes prior to gr

d l r o W e h t g n i r i Repa our lives, the lives of others, ve pro im to is aim st he hig r Ou of world. Sound daunting? Think and the collective life of the rselves by reading a book it this way: We can improve ou g prove another’s life by singin im n ca We ll. ski w ne a ng rni or lea lping a younger student safely he or r nte ce ior sen a at g son a as (repairing the world) can be cross the street. Tikkun olam ing scrap paper, or giving a few small as planting a tree, recycl e) ts of hesed (community servic dollars to a local nonprofit. Ac ). tzvot (things Jews should do mi are ty) ari (ch kah da tze d an looks like to live Jewishly. They are examples of what it

giving Charitable giving is an important part of Jewish tradition and a sign of taking responsibility. KSDS collects tzedakah every Friday and students help decide where it goes.

ol, o h c s y a d h is w e J a “In o t k c a b e iv g o t t h g u I’m ta just it t u b – y it n u m m o c my feels good.” has volunteered Rebecca Sereboff, Grade 8, who

for almost 100 hours with the

Special Olympics



Founded in 1981, Krieger Schechter Day School

Lower School (K–4): 8:15 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

was named in recognition of the Zanvyl &

Middle School (5–8): 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Isabelle Krieger Fund, its major benefactor. KSDS is one of more than 50 schools in the Solomon Schechter Day School Association, which was formally structured in 1969. The Schechter Day School Movement arose in the 1950s in the hope of providing day schools that would educate children in accordance with the teachings of Conservative Judaism. KSDS Head

Before-school care is available from 7:30 a.m. at no charge. After-school care runs from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. for an additional fee. Extracurricular activities are offered after hours as well. secondary school placement

of School Bil Zarch was appointed in 2012.

Of our Grade 8 graduates, about 70 percent


high schools. Some of the top high school

• KSDS provides a rigorous, dual-language curriculum in English and Hebrew for all grades (K–8) with the addition of Spanish in Grade 7. • Honors math programs are offered in Middle School, with Algebra 2 offered in Grade 8. • A customized track for new students enrolling in Grades 5 and 6 makes entrance possible for students with little to no foundation in Hebrew and Judaic studies. PARENT GROUPS Whether you work full-time, travel, or are available throughout the school day, the KSDS community offers many opportunities to get involved at a level that suits you through the

enter private and 30 percent enter public destinations for the last five graduating classes were: • Baltimore City College High School • Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School


• The Boys’ Latin School of Maryland

For information about applying to KSDS and

• The Bryn Mawr School

to arrange a tour, please visit our website at

• Carver Center for Arts & Technology

www.ksds.edu/admissions or contact the Office

• Friends School of Baltimore

of Admission at 410-824-2066.

• Garrison Forest School • Gilman School

Nondiscrimination statement

• McDonogh School

Krieger Schechter Day School admits Jewish

• The Park School

students of any race, color, or national or ethnic

• Pikesville High School

origin to all the rights, privileges, programs

• Roland Park Country School

and activities generally accorded or made

• St. Paul’s School

available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color,

financial aid

or national or ethnic origin in administration

Parents, and Alumni Parents.

We understand that becoming a member of our

of its educational policies, admission policies,

community is a substantial financial investment.

scholarship and loan programs, athletic or

location and campus

Financial aid affirms our commitment to help

other school-administered programs, or in

make a KSDS education affordable regardless

employment of faculty or administrative staff.

Parents Association (PA), Class Parents, Hesed

KSDS is located in Pikesville, just outside the Baltimore Beltway. Our environmentally friendly, “green” campus facility features brightly-lit classrooms, an art room, science labs, music room, computer labs, gymnasium, performance spaces, a chapel, and access to Chizuk Amuno Congregation’s sanctuary and museum. Our school building also houses a two-story library and media center that holds

of a family’s economic means. While the school cannot guarantee aid, we strive to provide aid to the widest range of students our funds can afford. KSDS uses FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment (FGAA), a process used by thousands of independent schools across the country, to help determine the need of the family.

more than 25,000 items for student use. Outdoor spaces include playgrounds, ball fields, and athletic courts.

s.edu see more at www.ksd

Krieger Schechter Day School 8100 Stevenson Road Baltimore, MD 21208 www.ksds.edu phone 410-486-8640 fax 410-486-6106

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