ha odesh y c g d
MAY 2015 | IYAR-SIVAN 5775
Th i s Mo n t h @ C h i z u k A m u n o
Engaging with and Embracing Torah
by Rabbi Debi Wechsler What is the difference between Shavuot and Simhat Torah? Both are festivals. Both celebrate the Torah. Both are observed at the synagogue with special Torah readings. But the similarities end there. Simhat Torah is a tangible holiday for children. We sing and dance with the Torah. We embrace it. It is marked by frivolity, a day to playfully mock the synagogue services. Its readings are about narrative and peshat, the plain meaning of the text. It is joyful in the extreme. It celebrates a beginning engagement with Torah, a statement of commitment that we will stay true to her. Shavuot is an abstract holiday for adults. We study and venerate the Torah. It is a serious day of engagement with text. Its readings are about theology and the nature continued on page 8
KSDS Welcomes Rabbi Schwartz B’rukhim Habaim Krieger Schechter Day School is delighted to announce the appointment of Rabbi Moshe Schwartz as our new Head of School, beginning this coming summer. A passionate and experienced leader, rabbi, and teacher, “Rabbi Moshe” comes to us from Kellman Brown Academy, in Voorhees, NJ, where he has been Head of School for the past five years. He has a proven track record of success with notable achievements in the areas of recruitment and school advancement. His creative and energetic approach, collaborative leadership style, and commitment to continual learning have earned him the respect of faculty, students, parents, and the larger community. We are excited to welcome him, his wife Aviva, and their three children – Elie, Liba, and Rina – to KSDS and Baltimore.
Schedule of Shavuot Services 5775 | 2015 Shavuot commemorates the giving of the Torah, the content and meaning of Judaism for each of us and our world. It also marks the brighter and pleasant days of spring turning into summer, of a world turning fresh and green with life and beauty. At Chizuk Amuno, Shavuot is a joyous festival of Torah study, creative expression, and happy celebration.
“Great Debates”
We begin Shavuot with an evening of great debates. Participate with us in rehashing some of the great debates from Jewish history and tradition through study and discussion with an array of teachers. Come to argue and learn. Come to discuss and explore. Maybe you’ll win an argument, maybe not, but we know you’ll enjoy the conversation.
Saturday, May 23 Minhah Erev Shavuot Service Join the Debates Tikkun Leil Shavuot – Shavuot Study Evening
7:45 p.m. 8:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m.
For additional information about the Tikkun Leil Shavuot and Shavuot Service schedules, please refer to the insert in this month’s HaHodesh ~ This Month @ Chizuk Amuno.
Prayer @ Chizuk Amuno May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775
May 22/23 | Sivan 4/5
Candle Lighting
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: B’MIDBAR Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Amuno Minyan 9:30 a.m. No Family Service
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
May 1
7:41 p.m.
May 8
7:48 p.m.
May 15
7:54 p.m.
May 22
8:01 p.m.
May 29
8:06 p.m.
June 5
8:11 p.m.
7:45 p.m. 8:45 p.m.
Minhah Erev Shavuot Service
The Amuno Minyan
Saturday, May 23 • 9:30 a.m. May1/2 | Iyar 12/13 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat New Shabbat First Friday Shabbat Dinner
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: AHAREI MOT-K’DOSHIM Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Family Service 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:27 p.m.
May 8/9 | Iyar 19/20 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: EMOR Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Family Service Torah for Tots
9:15 a.m.
10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:34 p.m.
May 15/16 | Iyar 26/27 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: B’HAR B’HUKKOTAI Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
The Amuno Minyan is our lay-led participatory Shabbat Morning Service, a more intimate and informal setting for prayer and Torah study. Family Service participants may also join the Amuno Minyan for a joyous and warm Shabbat service. Come lend your voice and your spirit. May 29/30 | Sivan 11/12
New Shabbat
Fridays, May 1 and June 5 6:30 p.m.
“And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit into you…” (Ezekiel 36:26) Participants describe our NEW SHABBAT New Shabbat service as joyous, comfortable, and uplifting. Take the time after a busy Friday and before Shabbat dinner to enjoy an upbeat celebration of prayer, song, and insight with Rabbi Ron Shulman, Leslie Pomerantz, Ayal Yariv, and David Goldstein. New Shabbat is enjoyed by adults and children, families and individuals. Bring your family and friends with you. We use a special prayer book that includes Hebrew transliteration and English reflection so everyone can participate comfortably. Those who have made reservations will join us for a delightful First Friday Shabbat Dinner following services on May 1.
Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: NASO Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Family Service Torah for Tots
9:15 a.m.
10:30 a.m. 10:30 p.m.
New Shabbat A.M.
Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:52 p.m.
You’ve asked for it, you got it! New Shabbat A.M. is a concise hour and one-half Shabbat Morning Service welcoming participants into a celebration of prayer and song accompanied by instrumental music. Those attending have the chance to ask questions, explore ideas, and enjoy a more intimate Shabbat setting. New Shabbat A.M. is enjoyed by a variety of participants and uses a special prayer book that includes Hebrew transliteration and English reflection so everyone can participate comfortably. New Shabbat A.M. is led by Rabbi Ron Shulman, Charlee Sterling, and Ayal Yariv.
June 5/6 | Sivan 18/19 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat New Shabbat
6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: B’HA-A LOT’KHA Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:57 p.m.
6:45 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:40 p.m.
Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel
Saturday, June 13 • 10:30 A.M.
Shabbat Minhah, Ma’ariv, and Havdalah: Refer to weekly Shabbat schedule
Unless otherwise noted: Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. 2
Learning @ Chizuk Gemilut Hasadim @ Amuno Chizuk Amuno Preschool Introduces Themed Days
613 & Me Shabbat Dinner
Here is what was wonderful about the 613 & Me Shabbat dinner on March 27: • Rosenbloom and Krieger Schechter families shared in Shabbat and got to know each other, catching up to those whose children who already knew each other. • We welcomed Shabbat together at Friday evening services and found our way through the service with a scavenger hunt. • Rabbis Shulman and Wechsler helped both parents and kids anticipate the milestone and what it might mean to each group. • It was the last Shabbat dinner before Pesah and Chef Annie made a delicious chicken dinner that we didn’t have to cook ourselves. If your child will be in sixth grade in 2015-2016 and is becoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Chizuk Amuno, then you are part of our next 613 & Me cohort. Your first event will be a dinner party called “It’s a Date” on Tuesday, May 19, at 6 p.m. when we celebrate your child’s receiving a Bar/Bat Mitzvah date and their assigned Torah portion. RSVP to Judy Simkin in Rabbi Wechsler’s office, jsimkin@chizukamuno.org.
Every day is unique at Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center but, “SPECIAL” days are unique AND awesome! April 1 was Superhero Day at GECEC, a day when our children were encouraged to dress as their favorite Superhero. As we finished learning about Passover, Superman, Batman, Power Rangers, and many more helped us search for hametz and get ready for the seder. It’s a good thing we had all that power in our favor! April 22 was Earth Day and, unbeknownst to many, it was also National Jelly Bean Day. You would be amazed how much learning can take place with jelly beans. They make great math counters, they can be sorted by color and used for graphs, and so much more. Just because we are small doesn’t mean we can’t make a difference in the world. After all, little steps can lead to big changes. In celebration of Earth Day, we sorted and separated recyclables, planted gardens, went on a scavenger hunt, replaced our classroom blocks with cardboard boxes, and learned about tikkun olam, repairing the world. The children learned about making a difference and thought about how they want to help “fix the world.” Did you know? Thursday, May 14 is National Chicken Dance Day! We are going to turn up the tunes and teach the entire school the Chicken Dance. Goldsmith Early Childhood Education children will be the hit of your next party.
April Graduations
We wish mazal tov to the students in this year’s Netivon graduating class: Madelyn Mae Braman • David Andrew Gevarter William Aaron Linker • Micah Ari Saltzberg Hannah Miriam Stoller • Stephanie Amy Summerfield Solomon Swerling
Goldseker Hesed Award
Does your Chizuk Amuno sixth grader have a passion for mitzvot and an idea for an innovative hesed project in the community? Pre-b’nei mitzvah students who are currently enrolled in formal Jewish education are eligible for the Goldseker Hesed Award which provides a financial gift to be used in support of the hesed project and a tzedakah box for the recipient. This award was created by Shelley and Sheldon Goldseker in recognition of young students who perform meaningful acts of loving-kindness. To be considered for the Goldseker Hesed Award for 2015, please be in touch with Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org.
Downtown Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Debi Wechsler Wednesday, May 20 • Noon-1 p.m. Johns Hopkins Hospital
Our Downtown Lunch and Learn series explores the ever changing boundaries of the Jewish community, including interfaith relations and conversion. To RSVP, contact Rabbi Debi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org 3
Learning @ Chizuk Amuno
GECEC Annual Gif tique
Kashering the Chizuk Way
Pesah kashering in the Esterson Auditorium kitchen has become a Chizuk Amuno tradition. Annually, a week or so before Pesah, Rabbi Wechsler helps synagogue families kasher their silverware and pots through hag’alah. Assisted by tall volunteer Ted Walman, vats of water are brought up to a boil to transform our regular pots and pans into Pesah appropriate vessels and utensils. It’s messy and fun and a unique way that Chizuk helps its members get ready for the upcoming holiday.
Sunday, May 31 • 9 a.m. -1 p.m.
Come check out our Giftique for your personal shopping and gift needs. We’ll have jewelry, children and adult clothing, purses, personalized items, and skin care. And that’s just a sampling! Proceeds from the Giftique will support programming by the preschool Parents Association.
Youth Trip to Kings Dominion Sunday, May 31
Immediately following the KSDS 5k
Seaboard Region Kadima and USY (Grades 6-12) students will be spending a day at Kings Dominion. Join teens from Maryland, Virginia, DC, and North Carolina for a full day of fun! RSVP by May 18. For more information visit: http://seaboardusy.org/calendar/regional-usy-kadimakings-dominion-day-3/
For additional information, please contact Rebecca Fruman, 410/961-7756 or rebeccafruman@gmail.com, or Tina Zirkin, tizirkin@yahoo.com.
CAC, KSDS, GECEC, RRS @ the OM JCC Block Party Sunday, May 31 • 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
That’s right – we’re going to be at the block party! Chizuk Amuno, Krieger Schechter, Goldsmith, and Rosenbloom will have tables and we want you to visit us. The day will feature a large variety of festival activities: music, games, face-painting, food, photo booth, and so much more! Chizuk Amuno school and congregation parents and staff will be promoting all the wonderful facets of our shul and schools. Show your pride and wear something with our name(s) on it. We will also have an inflatable obstacle course and spin-art stations. Interested in volunteering at our table? Notify Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@ chizukamuno.org.
Chizuk Amuno Congregation
8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 www.chizukamuno.org Office • 410-486-6400 Fax • 410-486-4050 E-mail • info@chizukamuno.org Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Krieger Schechter Day School Rosenbloom Religious School Stulman Center for Adult Learning
410-486-8642 410-486-8640 410-486-8641 410-824-2055 4
Milestones @ Chizuk Amuno B’nei Mitzvah
MAY 30 Kalman I. Hettleman Kalman Yitzlach son of Julie and Larry z”l Hettleman
We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. MAY 2 Samuel Jacob Rubin Shmuel Yaakov son of Sharon and Dr. Eric Rubin
MAY 9 Jeremy Max Silber Yirmiyahu Mordechai son of Ruth and Dr. Harry Silber
Zachary Seth Walman Efraim son of Lisa Walman and Steven Walman
MAY 16 Matthew Stanley Bailowitz Yeshia son of Dr. Nancy and Jordan Bailowitz Emma Zoe Wions Rivka Etta Necha daughter of Michelle and Steven Wions
Hannah Ruth Stone Bracha Tzvia daughter of Kathryn and Richard Stone
We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Jillian Maya Hosid, daughter of Laura and Jared Hosid and granddaughter of Frances and Stephen Rosenberg Ethan Jonah Shamash, son of Emily & Hazzan Brian Shamash, and grandson of Ann and Maurice Shamash Ethan Jacob Stern, son of Erin Sapperstein Stern and Michael Stern and grandson of Jill and Lou Sapperstein and Amalia and Leonid Stern Scarlette Drew Weinblatt, son of Shanna and Brett Weinblatt, granddaughter of Louise and Jay Weinberg and Adrianne and Robert Weinblatt, and greatgranddaughter of Hilda Amster, David Weinberg, and Beverly Kirsch
New Members MAY 23 Zoe Lebovic Zvia daughter of Linda R. Lebovic
We are happy to welcome those who have most recently joined or returned to our Chizuk Amuno family. Stacey and Daniel Gerstenblith Ann and Harold Walter
If you have friends or family who may be interested in joining Chizuk Amuno, please call our Director of Member Engagement, Cheryl Snyderman, ext. 300.
We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Sarah Rose David, daughter of Maureen and Dr. Steven David, to Glenn Gordon, son of Michael and z”l Carol Gordon Julia Elizabeth David, daughter of Maureen and Dr. Steven David, to Andrew Schuster, son of Alvin Schuster and Diane Potts Leah Goldman, daughter of Joan and Jonathan Goldman and granddaughter of Celeste and Allan Fine and Elizabeth Goldman, to Peder Aursand, son of Bjorg and Peter Aursand Michael Perlow, son of Rebecca and Gary Perlow, to Ilyse Landsman, daughter of Marla and Stuart z”l Landsman
In Loving Memory
In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Dorothy Galoon, mother of Leslie Norman and Ellen Levin Leonard Glassman, father of Ron Glassman, Dr. Seth Glassman, and Mitchell Glassman We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Edye Abrams, on the loss of her mother, Barbara J. Fox Dr. Leland Aiken, on the loss of his father, Bernard Aiken Payton Goldman, on the loss of her father, Lawrence M. Goldman Linda Lebovic, on the loss of her mother, Irene Hannah Lebovic Rona London, on the loss of her father, Mark Stuart London Amy Pollokoff and Sue Garten, on the loss of their father and brother, Joel David Fedder Dr. Michael Stang, on the loss of his mother, Myra Stang Dr. Kenneth Stoller, on the loss of his father, Bert Stoller As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.
Gemilut @Amuno Chizuk Amuno AffiliatesHasadim @ Chizuk Knitting Havurah
For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Miriam Foss, Gemilut Hasadim Director, ext. 281 or mfoss@chizukamuno.org, or refer to our website for more information.
Wednesday, May 20 • 2-3:30 p.m.
Sunday, June 7 • 9 a.m. (Rain date June 14) Contact: Irwin Golob, 410-5607422 • Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood performs the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome.
Contact: Miriam Foss • We knit and and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and Baltimore. Knitting instruction is available and everyone is welcome. Todah Rabbah to our March volunteers: Vivian Chait, Edna Crystal, Linda Eisenberg, Claire Freeland, Linda Levy, Esther Marsiglia, Anita Raynes, Eileen Schultz, Miriam Shulman, and Harrriet Udell
Todah Rabbah to our March volunteers who were finally able to do a clean-up without snow! Irwin Golob (leader), Howard Brill, Moe Brown, and Zosia Zaks
Operation Welcome Home Maryland
Art with a Heart
Wednesday, May 6 • 6 p.m.
Sunday, July 19 • 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Contact: to participate – Judy Schwartz, curlyfour@gmail. com; to be on mailing list – Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@ chizukamuno.org • Join adults and children as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas.
Contact: Miriam Foss • Volunteers work on art projects at AwaH headquarters in Hampden. All ages, 5 and up are welcome. Carpooling available from the Chizuk Amuno parking lot at 1 p.m.
Our Daily Bread
Todah Rabbah to our April volunteers who painted Picasso faces and grouted an urban landscape mosaic.
Sundays, May 31 and June 28 • 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@ aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or bakerjenny@ yahoo.com • Join the Chizuk Amuno team to help serve meals to hungry men, women, and children.
Deb Charles, Claire Freeland, Miriam Foss, Elaine Fox, Ruthanne Kaufman, Lisa Levine, Nadia Massuda, and Susan Silberman
Hakhnasat Orhim – Welcoming Guests
Todah Rabbah to our March volunteers: Noa Cohen,
Contact: Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org For those living within walking distance of the synagogue who are able to host visitors for Shabbat. Also, if you are in need of hospitality, please let us know.
Ilana Harrow, Jonathan Schehr, Mel Schehr, Susan Schehr, Becca Snyder, and Jeffrey Snyder
Ronald McDonald House
Wednesday, May 20 • 4:20-7:30 p.m.
Thank you to Miriam and Joel Suldan who hosted guests for Pesah seder.
Contact: Miriam Foss • Join us as we cook and/or serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children.
Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden
Contact: Allen Brown, 410-363-3605 or abrown86@ verizon.net • For gardening enthusiasts of all ages who would like to help with spring clean-up and planting.
Todah rabbbah to all those who donated food and money to our Pre-Passover Food Drive. We were able to deliver 70 bags of food to Our Daily Bread, Manna House, and the C.A.R.E.S (GEDCO) food pantry. Checks were sent to Mazon and the Food Fund at Jewish Community Services.
Todah Rabbah to Allen Brown (leader), Moe Brown, and Shari Kaplan for spring clean-up and planting.
Keeping in Touch with Our Elders
Contact: Miriam Foss • We will be instituting monthly phone calls to be more in touch with fellow congregants who are not able to come to shul as often as they would like. Be part of our elder dialogue.
We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. 6
Affiliates @ Chizuk Gemilut Hasadim @Amuno Chizuk Amuno YF of CA – Join us in May!
Mah Jongg with Sisterhood
Over the past couple of months, our Young Families have had some great Shabbat mornings with Torah for Tots, the Family Service, community lunches, and open gym. As a part of the synagogue-wide Pesah Prep morning, parents, kids, empty-nesters, and grandparents came together for our Seder Secrets workshop and learned about ways to keep our family sedarim engaging, meaningful, and fun. In April, we had a wonderful Shabbat dinner for our families, which started with an energetic, musical Kabbalat Shabbat service and then we all enjoyed a delicious kid-friendly dinner, along with stories and schmoozing. Join us on Sunday morning, May 3 at 10 a.m. for a casual get-together on our preschool playground. Bring your little ones and invite a friend. The kids will play and the grownups will enjoy some time together. Snack provided. We’re also looking forward to Shavuot – join us on the first day, Sunday, May 24, starting at 10 a.m. for a Shavuot Sit-In. We will “camp” at the base of Mount Sinai, just like our biblical ancestors, waiting to receive the Torah. Our children will also have the opportunity to participate in the congregation’s bikkurim, first fruits, ceremony, a highlight of Shavuot. Watch for more information – see you there! For more information about programs for Young Families at Chizuk Amuno, please contact Rabbi Marci Aronchick at maronchick@chizukamuno.org or 410-486-6400, ext. 305.
Tuesdays, May 5, 19; June 2, 16 • 9:30 a.m.
If you would like to play, please contact Randee Glassman, randee853@aol.com.
Women C.A.N.
Wednesday, May 20 • 7 p.m.
Be part of our conversation. Featured speaker: Wendy Feldman, Manager of Business Development, Venable LLC. Plan to join us. For more information: Ava BarronShasho, avabarronshasho@yahoo.com, or Jill Bers, jillb1118@gmail.com. Women C.A.N. is a Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood initiative.
Sisterhood Installation of Officers and Closing Meeting Monday, June 1 • 6:30 p.m.
Join us for a lovely evening of entertainment and sisterhood! Entertainment will be provided by Hazzan Emanuel Perlman and Gene Okonski (Accompanist Extraordinaire). The evening will include a celebration of this past year’s successes as well as the installation of the 2015-17 Sisterhood Officers and Board. Sisterhood members $18; Guests $20. RSVP to Dixie Leikach, finksburgrx@gmail.com, and send checks, payable to CAC Sisterhood, to the synagogue office. For further information, please call Dixie, 443-386-1062.
Brotherhood’s Busy Winter!
Dr. Zhivago in New York
Brotherhood kept very busy with numerous activities, including our Sisterhood/Brotherhood 1950s-1960s Sock Hop, Brotherhood Shabbat, and our Pesah Meat Carving and Wine Tasting evening. At our CPR classes, instructors from the Pikesville Volunteer Fire company trained 60 Chizuk Amuno members to perform hands-on CPR; The students did an outstanding job and the Brotherhood hopes to have more of these classes in the future. Our latest program was our Men’s Night, “Jews Brews!” featuring beef, burgers, and beer (and you always thought the three B’s were Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms!) On the horizon – Our next blood drive will be on Tuesday, May 26. Please contact Warren Gould, wbg.4TimesBetter@gmail.com, to volunteer or donate blood. Our closing event for this year will take place on Wednesday, June 3 at 6 p.m. The new Brotherhood administration for 2015-16 and 2016-17 will be inducted. There will be a program and a scrumptious dinner. More details will be forthcoming.
Sunday, June 14
• 7 a.m. Buses leave Chizuk Amuno • 3 p.m. Performance (Broadway Theater) • 6 p.m. Buses leave NY All inclusive $165 per person (Orchestra seat) Bagel and juice provided on bus in the a.m. Kosher deli dinner included for ride home; please indicate your sandwich choice and enclose with your check: tuna salad on rye, pastrami on rye, or turkey on rye. RSVP: Marilyn Spector, 410-486-3888 or marilynspe@gmail.com. Return check, payable to CAC Sisterhood, to the synagogue office, attn: Marilyn Spector. Tickets are non-refundable.
Gift Season at the Judaica Shop
The Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood Judaica Shop has wonderful gifts for Mother’s Day and graduations. Be sure to stop by and browse. Please remember that all of the profits from sales at the shop benefit our Chizuk Amuno schools and programs. Hours: Sundays: 9:30-11:30 a.m., when RRS is in session; Mondays and Wednesdays: 10 a.m.-12 p.m., 2-6 p.m.; Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10 a.m.-12 p.m., 1-5 p.m.; Fridays: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Questions can be directed to Anne, 410-303-7716, or Edna, 410-653-3495.
Club Hatikvah: The History of The Phantom of the Opera Sunday, May 17
With Ellen Katz, musical educator, appearing in costume as she explains the history of the production, including video clips and songs. RSVP by May 7 to Carol Davis, carolgildavis@aol.com. 7
News @ Chizuk Amuno A Mitzvah that Warms the Heart
by Sheila Sandbank Gemilut hasadim, the giving of loving-kindness, is a fundamental social value in the everyday lives of Jews. It is a mitzvah that an individual completes without the anticipation of receiving something in return. However, sometimes one does receive something in return - a happy heart, knowing that you have enriched a life with love, caring, and respect beyond any expectation. That is what happened to me and 30 or 40 other Chizuk Amuno minyannaires. Dr. Ralph Dolgoff z”l was a kind-hearted, soft-spoken, friendly man who had attended the daily minyan for close to four decades. After being diagnosed with cancer, he continued to attend services for as long as he had the strength to do so. When it was necessary for him to receive hospice care, he chose to stay at home where he could be with his wife, Sylvia, and receive visits from his four children and 15 grandchildren. In our daily minyan, there was a real sense of loss, as well as an ongoing desire to know his daily condition. There was also the realization that Ralph was missing his daily davening and camaraderie with his minyan friends. Ruthanne Kaufman, another dedicated minyannaire, had
a brilliant idea. If Ralph could not come to the minyan, then let the minyan come to Ralph! It was arranged that on a cold January Sunday, the minyannaires would go to Ralph’s home and conduct Minhah services there. Anyone who wanted to talk privately to Ralph was able to approach his hospital. I felt so fortunate that I was able to find a time to talk to him heart-to-heart and let him know how much his friendship had meant to me over a period of almost 30 years, how his complimentary comments to me had influenced my life so positively, and how much I respected him. Many others also spoke to him and let him know how much he meant to them. During our last visit, he was able to speak eloquently, despite his weakened condition, and warmed our hearts with his gratefulnessUsually, the sentiments we shared are made at the shivah house, and the deceased does not always know how much he was loved and respected. Doing this while he could hear and respond and pray was truly gemilut hasadim.
These We Remember
On April 11, Shabbat Pesah, we dedicated Chizuk Amuno’s new Holocaust Memorial Garden along with a permanent display listing deceased victims of the Holocaust who are related to Chizuk Amuno community members. The ceremony, attended by a few hundred congregants, was very touching and uplifting. Please know that the victims are not only those who were
killed by the Nazis and their collaborators. The survivors who were scarred for life – they, too, were and are victims. The memorial garden is not meant to be a stark reminder of the tragedy. Rather, it is meant to be a quiet, tranquil retreat to remember. It is meant to be a place of rebirth and hope. The memorial plaque was designed to allow updates to the list of victims who have passed. If you have an addition to the list, please contact Cheryl Snyderman, ext. 300 or csnyderman@chizukamuno.org. We thank the Memorial Committee and the donors for their support in seeing this project through.
beginning. We too need to dance and sing and embrace the Torah. We too need to appreciate the narrative and be reminded of the tangible nature of our sacred scroll. Shavuot speaks to the adult within us and reminds us to engage with Torah on a level that is beyond pediatric. We need to embrace the abstract ideas of faith and belief. We need to study as a way of embracing Torah beyond the plain meaning of the text. Shavuot, too, is deeply joyful, but in a mature and adult way; joy at fulfilling the promise made at Simhat Torah to return to her. May the upcoming Shavuot holiday be joyous and engaging for your family and our Chizuk Amuno family. Hag Sameah!
A Message from Rabbi Wechsler
continued from page 1
of God’s revelation. It is a holiday to ask deep questions about the nature of Torah and God’s involvement with the Jewish people. It celebrates an ongoing and established relationship with Torah, the comfort of the familiar and the assurance that we will always find something new to discover in her. Luckily for us, Judaism embraces both approaches to Torah in its festival cycle because in each of us there is both adult and child. Simhat Torah speaks to the child within us and reminds us as adults of the joy at the 8
Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno Bimah Flowers Shabbat, May 2 | 13 Iyar IN HONOR OF: The Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Jacob Rubin, by his parents, Sharon and Dr. Eric Rubin, and his grandparents Miriam and Frank Rubin and Elaine and Alvin Sirota IN MEMORY OF: Leon Ross, by his children and grandchildren Nathan Blaker, by Selma and Alvin Blaker, children, and grandchildren Olive L. Siegel, by her family N. Stanley Rosenzwog, by his wife and children Freida Zylberman, mother and grandmother, by Sandra, Jonathan, Rebecca and Benjamin Zylberman Herbert Goldstein, by his wife and sons Hannah Rita Millen, by Alita and Ron Millen and family Sidney Neuburger, father, by Elke and Arnold Neuburger and family Jacob L. Cardin, by Shoshana S. Cardin and family Penny Conn, sister, by her family William Weinberg, by Toba and Bill Grant and family and Kathy and Stevan Weinberg and family Jared Scott Levy, son and brother, by Linda, Mark, Aaron and Mandy Levy Marvyn M. Levine, father, by Barry, Stuart, and Lisa Levine Jacob Goldberg, by his family Harry Koppel, father, by Bernice and Herbert Koppel and family Mary Gordon, mother, by Maxine and Bernard Gordon and family
Shabbat, May 9 | 20 Iyar IN HONOR OF: The Bar Mitzvah of Jeremy Max Silber, by his parents, Ruth and Dr. Harry Silber, and his grandmothers, Wilma Blumenfeld and Helen Silber The Bar Mitzvah of Zachary Seth Walman, by his parents, Lisa Walman and Steven Walman, his grandparents, Janet and Michael Scherr, Jerry Klein, Janet Walman, and Dr. Ted Walman, and his greatgrandfather, Jerry Scherr IN MEMORY OF: Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld and Dr. David Silber, grandparents of Jeremy Max Silber, on the occasion of Jeremy’s Bar Mitzvah Emanuel Farber, by his children and grandchildren Sophie Fox, by Mimmie Erdman, children and grandchildren Aaron L. Schreiber, by Tobey and Sandy Schreiber Mary Rosen, mother, by Mae R. Levin and family Elsie M. Yospy, by her family Herman Cohen, by Suzanne F. Cohen Louis Alexander Kayne, son and brother, by Leslie and Anthony Kayne Joseph Baylin, by his children I. Leon Glassgold, by Jackie Glassgold and family Benjamin Hoffman, father, by Marcia and Dr. Gerald Hoffman and family Arthur Ladenburger, by his daughter, Lottie Steinberg Herschel Levin, by Joan and Michael Vardi, Alan Levin and Anita Baron and Barbara Levy and families
Harlem Schloss, by Bonnie and Pacy Oletsky and family Benjamin Uliss, father, by Vera and Barry Wasserman and family Julius Pintzuk, father, by Brina and Jay Pintzuk Arnold M. Friedman, by Drs. Deborah and Larry Weber, Traci and Nikki Gertrude Blum, mother, by Elke and Arnold Neuburger and family A. Ernest Platt and Sherman Platt, by Miriam Platt Anna Pateka, mother and grandmother, by Marlene Szapiro and Jay Szapiro
Shabbat, May 16 | 27 Iyar IN HONOR OF: The Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Stanley Bailowitz, by his parents, Dr. Nancy and Jordan Bailowitz, and his grandparents, Roslyn and Norman Klein The Bat Mitzvah of Emma Zoe Wions, by her parents, Michelle and Steven Wions, and her grandparents, Sherry and Barry Ascher, Karyn Smith and Lois Wions IN MEMORY OF: Sandra and Stanley Bailowitz, grandparents of Matthew Stanley Bailowitz, on the occasion of Matthew’s Bar Mitzvah David Wions and Ronald Smith, grandparents of Emma Zoe Wions, on the occasion of Emma’s Bat Mitzvah Abraham Cohen, by Edward Attman, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren Melvin Sperling, father, by Arlene and Dr. Carl Sperling and family Hannah Freishtat, mother, by Ilene and David Freishtat and family Irwin Wolkstein, father, by Barbara and Perry Kagen Samuel Tinanoff, by Howard Sandbank and family Sanford Tushman, father, by Marsha and Sherwin Yoffe and family Ethel Cohen, mother, by Rose Frank Max Weiss, father, by Janet and Stanley Kantor Hyman Blum, by Sandra Blum, children, and grandchildren Arye Pollack, father, by Shuli and Gary Raffel and family William Zimmerman, father, by Judith and Fred Zimmerman and family Anna and Herman Caplan, parents, by Ina and Nathan Caplan and family Norman N. Yankellow, by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred and Amy Yankellow, Sonia and Rick Samuel, and Ethan and Eileen Yankellow Ted Layton, by Rachel Layton and family Harold Effron, on his birthday, by his family
Shabbat, May 23 | 5 Sivan IN HONOR OF: The Bat Mitzvah of Zoe Lebovic, by her mother, Linda Lebovic IN MEMORY OF: Irene and David Lebovic, grandparents of Zoe Lebovic, on the occasion of Zoe’s Bat Mitzvah. Sara Nuger, mother, by Frances Klotzman and family Rose Davis Canter, mother, by Carol and Gilbert Davis and family
David Zenilman, father, by Carol and Dr. Jonathan Zenilman and family Samuel Zinz, father, by Herbert Zinz, children, and grandchildren Stuart Barry Tilson, by his family Shirley Z. Levin, mother, by Rhona and Dr. Martin Levin and family Edna Weiner, by Isobel Weiner and family Frances Landsman, mother, by Gail and Jerry Kurman and children Rebecca and Julius Lewis, by Michael Sanow and family Benjamin Goldner, by his children and grandchildren Kate Fink, mother, and Lorraine Adler, sister, by their family Miriam Leibowitz, by her grandchildren Debra Sandbank, by Howard Sandbank and family Aaron Bass, father, by Brina and Jay Pintzuk and family Marci Glazer Crosby, on her birthday, by her father, Lowell R. Glazer Louis N. Blatt, on his birthday, by Stuart R. Blatt and family
Shabbat, May 30 | 12 Sivan IN HONOR OF: The Bar Mitzvah of Kalman I. Hettleman, by his mother, Julie Hettleman, and his grandparents, Barbara and Michael Hettleman and Ellen and Benjamin Weinberger The Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Ruth Stone, by her parents, Kathryn and Richard Stone, and her grandmother, Ray Stone IN MEMORY OF: Larry Hettleman, father of Kalman I. Hettleman, on the occasion of Kalman’s Bar Mitzvah Harris B. Stone and Mary and Skip Van Dusen, grandparents of Hannah Stone, on the occasion of Hannah’s Bat Mitzvah Mildred Sklar, mother, by Ina and Nathan Caplan and family and Franny and Lee Stotsky and family Mary and Sidney Shulman, parents, by Sonia Isaac Edith Moss, by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren Rebecca Lichtig, mother, by Lynne and Larry Lichtig and family Dr. Harry Goldmann, by his son Sylvan Levin, father, by Sherrie and Carl Polsky and family Dr. Ernest Kopstein, by Frada Wall and family Morris Kishter, father, by his family Morris (Mickey) Caplan, by his children and grandchildren Reta Lorch, mother, grandmother, and greatgrandmother, by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner and family Beverly Levy, mother and grandmother, by Linda and Mark Levy and Mandy and Aaron Levy Albert Louis Moss, by his grandchildren and great-grandchildren Rose Shusterman, sister, by Mimmie Erdman Benjamin Luntz, father, by Pauline Luntz and family Maurice Tobias, husband, and Sarah Forman, mother, by Elaine Tobias, children, and grandchildren Bess Baverman, sister, by Rose Frank Jacob Beser, father, by Kay and Eric Beser and family
Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno Shavuot Bimah Flowers
IN MEMORY OF: Susan Blavatt, by Ronald Blavatt and family Nathan L. Cohen, by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen, and family Esther and David Crystal, Cecelia Crystal, Rosie and Jacob Wolfson, Adolph J. Wolfson, Samuel D. Wolfson, Isadore and Rosalie Wolfson and Leonard and Sara Wolfson, by Edna and Mace Crystal Sarah and Louis Wolman and Esther and Joseph Feinglass, parents, and Louis Feinglass, husband, by Janet Feinglass Harriet Glazer and Marci Glazer Crosby, by Lowell R. Glazer
Terumot HaKodesh – Sacred Tribute Gifts
We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410486-6400. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue. Chizuk Amuno Congregation Contributions IN HONOR OF
Ann and Gil Abramson, on their special birthdays by
Lynne and Larry Bridges Ruth and Allen Brown, on the birth of their granddaughter, Willow Jordan Chernyak, by Diane and Stephen Dansicker; Sheila and Howard Sandbank Randee and Ron Glassman, on the birth of their granddaughter, Emily Kate Unger, by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Beverly Kahn, on the birth of her great-grandson, Camden Parker Sperling, by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Bonnie and David Katz, on the birth of their granddaughter, Yael Sydney Zusman, by Susan and Michael Applefeld Janice and Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, on the birth of their grandson, Abner Judah Perlman, by Mildred and Phil Nochumowitz Dr. Jeffrey Platt, for conducting Shivah Minyan by Arlene Friedman Jil and Lou Sapperstein, on the birth of their grandson, Ethan Jacob Stern, by Amy and Jason Blavatt; Paulette and Jay Pollack; Dr. Anne and David Young Robin Shulman, for demonstrating how to create Passover delights by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Arlene and Dr. Carl Sperling, on the birth of their grandson, Camden Parker Sperling, by Sheila and Howard Sandbank; Claire and Howard Freeland
Mildred and Rabbi Israel M. Goldman, by the Congregation Harold Goldsmith, by his family Marjorie and Martin Greenbaum, by Kathy and Bruce Posner and family and Selene and Harvey Greenbaum and family Lester Matz, by his wife, Shirley, and children Mollie and Maurice Goldstone and Sarah and Harry Matz, by Shirley Matz and children Stanley I. Minch, by his wife, June Minch, and family Bess and Henry Goldsmith, by Ilene and Alvin Powers and family Morton (Sonny) Plant, by his wife,Tammie Plant and children Victoria and Howard Plaut and Miriam and Jack Kipper, by their children and grandchildren
Cantor Abraham Salkov, by the Congregation Henry O. Shor, Sarah and Joseph Shor, Bertha B. and Hyman N. Levy, Isabelle Rosenberg, and Manuel and Morris Shor, by Shirley Shor and family Sayde J. and Judge Albert L. Sklar, by their children and grandchild Betty and Alex Light, parents, Dr. Earl Yaillen, father, Edith and Joseph Gould and Bertha and Louis Yaillen, grandparents, by Judy and Bruce Yaillen and family Norman N. Yankellow, by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred and Amy Yankellow, Sonia and Rick Samuel and Ethan and Eileen Yankellow Rafael Moshe Zaiman, by the Congregation Sylvia Zinz, wife and mother, and Samuel Zinz, father, by Herbert Zinz and Steven and Randi
Jay Bernhardt, by Mildred and Phil Nochumowitz Freda Brown, on her yahrzeit by Serene Israel Marcia Buxbaum, by Mildred and Phil Nochumowitz Jeanette Caplan, on her yahrzeit by Wendy Katz Elsie Mae Cohen, on her yahrzeit by Alan Cohen Louis Fink, on his yahrzeit by Marion Isaac Ethel Gendason, on her yahrzeit by Sharon Rose Harold Goldberg, on his yahrzeit by Serene Israel Lawrence Goldman, by Jenny Baker Bessie Hurwitz, on her yahrzeit by Serene Israel Robert Land, by Helaine and family Rombro Irene Hannah Lebovic, by Jenny Baker Bessa Moss, on her yahrzeit by Morris Mervis Cantor Ivan E. Perlman, by Sima Blue and Jennifer
Rubin; Arlene and Kenneth Friedman; Shelly, Jeff, Jonathan, and Rachel Hettleman; Robin Kaplan and Abram Kronsberg; Barbara and Bruce Lewbart; Rona London and Steven, Joshua, and Matthew Greenspan; Mildred and Phil Nochumowitz; Drs. Karen and Daniele Rigamonti; Sheila and Howard Sandbank; Maxine Seidman Huda Leah Pomerantz, on her yahrzeit by Miriam Shulman Aaron Reznick, on his yahrzeit by Elaine and Steven Keller Loved ones, on their yahrzeits by Joan Rombro Maurice Rosenthal, on his yahrzeit by Miriam Shulman Joseph Shulman, on his yahrzeit by Miriam Shulman Loved ones, on their yahrzeits by Marion and Walter Straus Alma Thiman, by Shirley Matz Leon Tyrangiel, by Mildred and Phil Nochumowitz Toby Alfred Wiseman, by Jenny Baker; Miriam and Forrest Foss; Erma Sigler; Judy and Victor Suben
Jamie Miller, by Shelley and Ron Seff Michael Sharp, by Cheryl Snyderman
Chizuk Amuno Congregation Special Offerings IN HONOR OF
Ann and Gil Abramson, on their special birthdays by
Joanne and Michael Densky Ruthanne Kaufman, for her support of the Daily Minyan by Sylvia Dolgoff
Nancy Ann Asch, on her yahrzeit by Marc Winner Louis D. Morgan, on his yahrzeit by Nationwide
Bookeeping Company Dr. Frank V. Sutland, by Sheila and Dr. Lawrence Pakula, children, and grandchildren
Ezrine Library and Glazer Media Center IN MEMORY OF
Arnold Cooper, by Vered, Jeff, Gefen, Tomer, Shira,
and Noa Nusinov Violet Fekete, by Sonia Kozlovsky, Laurie Margolies, and Isabel Pinson Gertrude Garshman, by Art and Marsha Kalisch Gennadiy Paskovatyy, by the Kozlovsky family
Krieger Schechter Day School Annual Campaign IN MEMORY OF
Harold Cohen, by Alison and George Wielechowski Eva Hart, by Maxine Seidman
Sima Abarbanel, by Alison and
George Wielechowski
Krieger Schechter Day School Scholarship Fund IN MEMORY OF
Harold Cohen, by Michelle, Jeff, Daniella, and
Samantha Cooper
Krieger Schechter Day School IN HONOR OF
Harry Deitchman, on his 90th birthday by Miriam
and Sidney Schlachman
IN MEMORY OF Harold Cohen, by Jamie and Yossi Moshkatal
Inscribed Mahzor Lev Shalem IN MEMORY OF
Morris Samuel Green, by Cherie Hochberg Cantor Ivan E. Perlman, by Lisa and Steven Attman Harold Snyder, by Polly and Allan Senker
Minyan Breakfast Fund IN MEMORY OF
Frank Sacks, on his yahrzeit by Pauline and
Jeffrey Luntz
Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno Prayer Book Fund IN MEMORY OF
Sylvia and Herbert Zinz KSDS Award Fund IN HONOR OF
David Abramoff Sylvia Fribush, on her yahrzeit by Suzanne and Sheldon Diskin Malthilde Lamm, on her yahrzeit by Walter Lamm
Bernie Gerber
Abe Abramoff, on his yahrzeit by Sandra and
Esther Ann Brown Adler Fund IN HONOR OF
Ruth Silber, with appreciation for her kindness by
Drs. Penny and Ron Silverman and family Rose Cohen, by Drs. Penny and Ron Silverman and family
Phyllis and Leonard Attman Music Fund IN MEMORY OF Cantor Ivan E. Perlman, by Edward Attman,
Stephanie and Ron Attman, Patty and Gary Attman, Lisa and Steven Attman, and David Attman; Carolyn and Gilbert Barron; Amy and Bruce Chapper; Phyllis and Richard Kline; Marcie and Mitchell Platt and family; Marsha and Sidney Tishler; Heller and Ari Zaiman
Gerald and Suzanne Katz Endowment Fund IN MEMORY OF
Cantor Ivan E. Perlman, by Suzanne Katz
Barbara Leibowitz Lichter and Barry Leibowitz Pathways to Menschlekeit Fund IN MEMORY OF Cantor Ivan E. Perlman, by Nancie Leibowitz Toby Alfred Wiseman, by Nancie Leibowitz
Herbert Zinz, on his special birthday by Marlene and
Clergy Discretionary Fund
Tzedakah contributions to our clergy Discretionary Fund, as well as gifts received in honor, memory, or appreciation of life cycle occasions support charitable, cultural, and educational causes. Linda Brand, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for
officiating at the unveiling of Evelyn Robinson Sylvia Braverman, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for his visits during her illness David Green, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the funeral of Morris Green Lily and Dr. Warren Massouda, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman Sylvia Dolgoff, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the funeral of Ralph Dolgoff Beth Goldsmith, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the funeral of Mona Himmelstein Jill and Lou Sapperstein, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the naming of their grandson, Ethan Stern Beverly Wiseman, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the funeral of Toby Wiseman Sylvia Dolgoff, in appreciation of Hazzan Perlman for his support and compassion In memory of the beloved father of Hazzan Perlman, Cantor Ivan E. Perlman, by Estelle Bloomberg;
Joseph Lebau, by the Frier family Mark S. London, by the Frier family Bert Stoller, by the Frier family
Barbara, Howard, Megan and Jessica Cohen; Diane and Stephen Dansicker; Harriett Stein and Mende Lerner; Lynne and Gary Pell; Barbara and Tom Steinhardt; Kathy and Stevan Weinberg Sylvia Dolgoff, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy for his support and the special minyan Elaine Fox, in support of and appreciation of Dr. Shualy for his kindness on Leonard Fox’s first yahrzeit Rita Kaplan, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy for his very warm reception Deborah and Frank Spector, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy Diane and Dr. Damie Stillman, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy Ann Kahan, in memory of Sam Kahan on his yahrzeit Michael Weiss, in appreciation for his aliyah for his 65th birthday Zarakh Yelizarov, in memory of Mardakhay Yelizarov on her yahrzeit
Dr. Howard Lee Silverman Fund IN MEMORY OF
Cemetery Update
and family
for one lot will increase as follows: Arlington Cemetery • Chizuk Amuno members • $1,175 • Non-members • $1,275
Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF
Randee and Ron Glassman, on the birth of
their granddaughter, Emily Kate Ungar, by Dorothy Yankellow
Cantor Ivan E. Perlman, by Linda and Mark Levy;
Sande and Ed Mitchell
Reznik-Frier Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF
Dr. Frona Brown and Dr. Beryl Rosenstein, on their
marriage by the Frier family
Irene Lebovic, by Drs. Penny and Ron Silverman Bert Stoller, by Drs. Penny and Ron Silverman
and family
Kurt and Erna Weiler Memorial Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF
Jordan Kurt Cohen, on becoming a Bar Mitzvah by
Linda and Dr. Jeffrey Cole
Eric Greenberg and Heather Cole, on their marriage
by Linda and Dr. Jeffrey Cole
PLEASE NOTE: On July 1, 2015 prices
Garrison Forest Cemetery • Chizuk Amuno members only • $1,650 For further details or to arrange an appointment, please call Marsha Yoffe, Cemetery Director, ext. 309. 11
Honor Your Graduates with an Inscribed Brick Purchase an Inscribed Tribute Brick on Chizuk Amuno’s Pathway to Faith
It’s the perfect time to honor your student on their graduation. Or to thank a teacher for an amazing year. Honor the memory of a loved one or celebrate a milestone or lifecycle event. • $250 per brick for up to four lines of text, 15 characters per line • Package options available Purchase a brick by contacting Glenn Easton, 410/485-6400.
End of an Era: Remembering Sallye Esterson z”l
Sallye was raised in Brooklyn and the Westside of New York City. She had a lovely smile, which – along with her warm, gracious nature, and positive outlook – touched Larry Esterson immediately. Larry proposed to Sallye at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel only nine days after meeting her. Listening to music and singing were dear to Sallye, and she also enjoyed golf, mah jongg, and bridge. Another of Sallye’s interests was Chizuk Amuno Congregation, which she “inherited” from Larry’s family and supported with fondness and in synagogue community. From her Sanctuary seat to the auditorium that bears her family’s name, the Esterson family’s loyalty to our synagogue community over these many years touches so many of us and is very much appreciated. May her memory be for a blessing.
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Chizuk Amuno SiSterhood’S Semi-AnnuAl
Chizuk Amuno Congregation 144th Annual Meeting
Shredding and eCycling Event
Monday, June 8, 2015 • 7:30 p.m.
• Election of Synagogue Leaders • “State of the Synagogue” Report by Andrew Miller • Presentation of Proposed By-Laws Amendments • Synagogue Financial Report • Dessert Reception A special meeting for those interested in learning more about the proposed by-laws prior to the annual meeting will be held on Monday evening, May 11 at 7:30 p.m. The proposed by-laws amendments will soon be sent to every member household. The by-laws proposals focus mainly on issues of board governance.
Sunday, May 3, 9 a.m. - noon Chizuk Amuno Parking Lot
All electronic and paper material to be recycled—no landfills used.
$10 for up to 5 bags/boxes of paper to be shredded; $10 for a trunk-full of electronic items. No HAZMATS, no light bulbs, no refrigerants. Flat panel TVs accepted at no charge. Older CRT TVs measuring 27” or less are $20; CRT TVs over 27” are $30. No wood and/or projection style TVs will be accepted. Used cell phones with charger will be donated to CHANA.
Questions? Please contact Marcia Scherr, 410/484-2480, or marcia@marciapscherrcpa.com ITEMS WE CAN RECYCLE: Audio Systems • Bicycles • Dishwashers • Electric Motors • Exercise Equipment • Flash Drive • Floppy Drives Hard Drive • Head Phones • Keyboards • Wires • PDA’s • Printers • Radios • Remote Controls Speakers • Typewriters • Webcams
Shavuot @ Chizuk Amuno Great Debates This Shavuot, join in an evening of great debates. Participate with us in rehashing great debates from Jewish history and tradition through study and discussion with an array of teachers. Come to argue and learn. Come to discuss and explore. Maybe you’ll win an argument, maybe not, but we know you’ll enjoy the conversation.
b Hillel and Shammai – Talmudic Debates Great Debate moderated by Rabbi Marci Aronchick
Two first century sages are well known for their disagreements about religious belief and practice. Even in the passion and persistence of their arguments, Jewish tradition celebrates their personal regard and mutual respect. Come take sides in some of Hillel and Shammai’s classic debates.
c Nahmanides and the Disputation of Barcelona Great Debate moderated by Rabbi Joshua Snyder
In the year 1263, the King of Spain ordered a disputation, a formal debate designed to convert the Jews. But unlike in other debates, the Jewish representative was able to speak freely. He was none other than the great philosopher, commentator, and kabbalist Nahmanides; his Christian opponent was a converted Jew who had become a Dominican Friar named Pablo Christiani. The content and the aftermath of the debate would prove a major event in interfaith relations.
d Zionism and Messianism:
A Debate between Philosophers Great Debate moderated by Dr. Benjamin Sax
` Do Mitzvot Require Intention? Great Debate moderated by Rabbi Debi Wechsler
A man was walking past a shul and heard the Shema being recited … Do mitzvot need to be done with intention? There is a long standing debate in the Jewish rabbinic tradition about whether mitzvot just need to be done or whether one needs to do them with kavannah (intention). Join us as we weigh in on the debate.
A “A Moment of Life and Death:
Rebbe’s Maid and Flying Tablets on High?!” Great Debate moderated by Rabbi Ilyse Kramer In this Talmudic great debate moment, we find ourselves peering into an auspicious and delicate time for a community. Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi, compiler of the Mishnah, lies on his deathbed, students are praying for his recovery, angels appear to be praying for his journey to the next world, and fear abounds; until an un-named woman, close to the Rabbi, solves this standstill tension about life and death in creative ways. Come learn from her teachings as we explore this text of debate and enter into conversation together.
Come discover a section of Martin Buber and Hermann Cohen’s debate on Zionism and Messianism during the summer of 1916. We’ll hear excerpts of their correspondence and discuss the merits of their arguments about Israel and Jewish destiny.
e Revelation at Sinai - Giluy Shekhinah Great Debate moderated by Dr. Moshe Shualy
Tradition teaches us that the holiday of Shavuot is a time of Ultimate Revelation: This is the time when God revealed Himself at Sinai with the greatest manifestation. What exactly was revealed? Can we too experience this supreme vision? We shall explore the possibilities. Expect to catch a glimpse. Be ready to be moved as Mt. Sinai was moved.
10 p.m. Cheesecake, Coffee, & Conversation We’ll visit with one another, enjoy dairy delights in honor of Shavuot, and continue to debate the ideas and insights we learned.
f 10:30 p.m. Debating with God Great Debate moderated by Rabbi Ron Shulman
From Abraham to the rabbis, from days of old until today, we Jews debate with God, and about God, discussing the concerns of our lives, ethical questions, meanings of history and our experiences, and about what we do and do not believe. In this late night session we’ll recreate and debate with God some of these issues from yesterday and today.
Shavuot @ Chizuk Amuno Sunday, May 24 Festival Morning Service Shaharit: Morning Service Torah Study Sessions and Children’s Shavuot Sit-In Torah Service ...followed by Musaf: Holiday Prayers
9:15 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
Adults and Children of All Ages Celebrate Torah on Shavuot
On Shavuot we imagine ourselves at Mt. Sinai and rejoice in the gift of Torah. To honor our holiday’s spirit, our Shavuot Festival Morning Service on Sunday, May 24, will include opportunities for everyone, from our youngest to our oldest, to sit with each other and study. At 10 a.m., after our Shaharit morning service, we’ll leave the Sanctuary and sit together around Torah study tables in the Krieger Auditorium. Over coffee and nosh, our rabbis will guide us as we dialogue with study partners and explore Torah texts. While we study, our children will gather and “camp” at the base of Mt. Sinai and prepare to join us in the Sanctuary for a special ceremony. At 10: 30 a.m., following our learning we’ll return to the Sanctuary to receive and read Torah. Our children will join us when we read the Ten Commandments from the Torah Scroll celebrating their growth and freshness by bringing bikkurim, greens and fruits, to decorate the bimah. Minhah/Ma’ariv
6:15 p.m.
Monday, May 25 Festival Morning Service Yizkor Memorial Prayers Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman
9:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m.
In the course of our Festival Morning Service we recite Yizkor Memorial Prayers and, in loving memory, dedicate new plaques on our Memorial Wall. Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
8:15 p.m. 8:48 p.m.
Memorial Plaques Dedication Shavuot 5775 | 2015
Jay S. Bernhardt Martha Bers Stuart H. Brager Marcia C. Buxbaum Goldie Rosinsky Cohen Theodore Dzija Leonard L. Fox Selma B. Frank Sharon L. Friedlander Selma Noon Fritz Jane Gensler Melvin Mandel Glass Harriet L. Glazer Gertrude Katz Larry Katz Fannie B. Kishter Gloria Kogan Rose Lazinsky Irwin P. Margulis Susan Shapiro Miller Mildred Mitzi Nochumowitz Joseph H. Omansky Arnold Plant Evelyn B. Robinson Solomon Sandler Sally Shanbrun Mack A. Smith Freda C. Switzenbaum Sybil L. White Larry M. Wolf Irvin Zimmerman