Spring/Summer 2016 Program Guide

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Engaging Jewish Life and Learning

Chizuk Amuno Congregation Schools


2016 5776


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ENGAGE in Learning

Newsman and Author of How’s Your Faith? An Unlikely Spiritual Journey

David Gregory

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 • 10:30 A.M. The Phyllis and Louis Friedman Community Lecture

David Gregory will share his personal and professional journey, exploring questions of personal faith, spirituality, family, and Jewish identity. Our morning will include brunch and David Gregory’s presentation followed by a discussion. We are grateful to Phyllis and Louis Friedman for making possible Mr. Gregory’s visit to our synagogue community.

Downtown Lunch and Learns with Rabbi Debi Wechsler MONDAY, April 4 • 12 - 1 P.M. University of Maryland Medical System THURSDAY, APRIL 7 • 12 - 1 P.M. Johns Hopkins Hospital Main Campus At our downtown lunch and learn series we continue to explore the Jewish attitude towards “The Other.” Our two current locations are Johns Hopkins Hospital and University of Maryland Medical System. If you would like to bring the lunch and learn program to a new site near you, please be in touch. RSVP to Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org

“You are Here”

with Rabbi Ilyse S. Kramer THURSDAYS, APRIL 7 - MAY 26 9:15 - 10:30 A.M. Fee: $75 A course examining the places where life’s experience, one’s social location, and Jewish sacred texts meet and challenge. In this 6-week course, we will examine the variety of nexus points in our lives as human beings and as Jews, often struggling to make sense and meaning of our experiences, relationships, and ethical commitments, in relation with Jewish Tradition. The texts selected for study will address the poignant moments of our lives which invite conversation and reflection. RSVP to Doris Tanhoff, DTanhoff@chizukamuno.org

Celebrating Shabbat each week, and gathering for prayer every day, we enjoy marking special personal and family occasions by sharing them with our synagogue family. We also enjoy honoring members of our community with Torah honors as individual expressions of gratitude and belonging. If you would like to receive an aliyah to the Torah or some other synagogue honor during a Shabbat Morning or Daily Minyan service, please contact Judy Simkin, ext. 232. Visit www.chizukamuno.org for our services schedule.

HONORING OUR 8th GRADE STUDENTS FRIDAY, APRIL 1 • 6 P.M. A special New Shabbat Service and Dinner We invite our Chizuk Amuno 8th grade students and their families to join in a musical and fun Friday night. We’ll participate together in a special “New Shabbat” service to begin Shabbat and enjoy Shabbat dinner together. During the course of the meal there will be opportunities for reflection and for our 8th graders to enjoy Shabbat with each other. As a community we’ll honor our soon to be middle school graduates and look towards their high school experiences. Cost: $12/person and we invite the 8th graders to be our guests! RSVP online here: http://bit.ly/April1Shabbat

Amuno Family Minyan SATURDAY, APRIL 2 • 9:30 A.M. The Amuno Family Minyan is our lay-led participatory Shabbat morning service, a more intimate and informal setting for prayer and Torah study. Family Service participants will also join the Amuno minyan for a joyous and haimish Shabbat service. Come lend your voice and your spirit.

PREPARING for PESAH PASSOVER is a holiday of hope, renewal, and life. Nature’s spring is the backdrop for our people’s Exodus story of beginnings and freedom. Passover’s message and mood encourage and inspire us. As spring begins, Passover reminds us. We are keepers of a vision, advocates for redemption. Celebrating Pesah by gathering with family and friends around our Seder tables and joining in community, we attach our personal lives and concerns to the grand and potent moral principles for which God brought our ancestors out of Egypt. Pre-Passover Food Drive APRIL, 4 - 19 Sponsored by The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund

Do two mitzvot as you clean for Pesah and donate unopened, fresh (non-expired) non-perishable food which will be donated to local food pantries including GEDCO and Our Daily Bread. Please drop off food in bins located in the Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby and the Administrative lobby.

The Empty Place at the Table: Coping with Loss during the Holidays WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 • 7 P.M. Co-sponsored by

Pot Kashering No fee. Facilitated by Rachael Schultz Abrams, LCSW-C Family gatherings can be painful for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Join us for help in finding support and comfort during the holidays. Supported by a grant from The Foundation for Spirituality and Medicine For information and registration (requested), visit jcsbaltimore.org/griefsupport or call 410-466-9200.

Seder Shop Sponsored by the Sisterhood Shop for hagaddahs, afikomen gifts, and beautiful new ritual items for your Seder table or as hostess gifts.

TUESDAY, APRIL 12 • 5:30 - 6:30 P.M.

Passover Festival Morning Services

TUESDAYS, APRIL 12 & 19 • 7:30 P.M.

APRIL 23 & 24, 29 & 30 • 9:15 A.M. We invite you to join the meaning, spirit and beauty of celebrating Passover with your synagogue family. On April 23 & 24, 29 & 30 our Festival Services begin at 9:15 a.m. In prayer, celebration and reflection, we’ll rejoice in the purpose and joy of Passover. During our service on Shabbat April 30th, we recite Yizkor Memorial Prayers.

We all know the story of the Exodus and the Passover rituals we re-enact every year. Join with Rabbi Shulman to engage in a close reading of Judaism’s Master Story as well as the Haggadah and come away with new insights from the past for creating meaningful Seder activities and discussions for this year.

The Past, Present, & Future of the Jewish People: A Passover Exploration Shabbat Passover Luncheon and Discussion

Certain types of metal flatware and cookware may be koshered for Pesah by a method of boiling called hag’alah. Rabbi Wechsler will assist you in this annual preparation for Pesah in the Esterson kitchen.

The Story of Passover Then and Now with Rabbi Ron Shulman

APRIL 30 • 12 P.M.

Shaharit and Siyyum Taanit BeKhorot FRIDAY, APRIL 22 • 7 A.M. Meal sponsored by the Komins and Needle Families.

Siyyum B’khorim is a morning minyan and brief study session followed by a light breakfast, the last hametz meal before Passover. The tradition of participating in a Siyyum B’khorim marks the role of the first born of both Israel and Egypt in the Exodus story. Attendance at this minyan is a special mitzvah for all first-born males. First born daughters and everyone else are also welcome.

At Passover’s conclusion we pause to imagine. Our ancestors walked through the Red Sea and into their freedom. Where are we going? What is our destination? What do we want to carry forward from the past to tomorrow? Thinking about the future we discover how to live today.

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ENGAGE With our schools

Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center

Krieger Schechter Day School Author-in-Residence

Annual Giftique

APRIL 4 - 5

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 9:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.

Noted author Sharon Dennis Wyeth will be this year’s Author-in-Residence. Ms. Wyeth has written both picture books and chapter books, many of which are historical fiction. Her visit includes a special program for families on the evening of Monday, April 4. We greatly appreciate the generosity of the Silverman-Brown families in sponsoring this special event.

Come check out our gift show for your personal shopping and gift needs. We will have jewelry, clothing, purses, skin care, personalized items and much, much more.

Breakfast with the Bird and Silent Auction (Formally known as breakfast with the boys) FRIDAY, APRIL 8 • 8 - 9 A.M. Dads and Granddads join your children for a light breakfast, silent auction items, and crafts. Of course the Oriole Bird will be in attendance. Let’s celebrate the Orioles!

Torah for Tots SHABBAT, APRIL 9, MAY 14 • 10:30 A.M. This interactive family service for families with children who are infants to 5 years of age includes singing, dancing, snacks, stories, and so much more!

Grandparents’ / Special Friends’ Day MONDAY, MAY 9

COMMUNITY BUILD MAY 22, MAY 29 & MAY 30 Come build the playground and outdoor amphitheater space with your own hands. We need your support now to make this a success! No skills necessary, however, skilled workers are very needed! Kids of all ages welcome! Child-care provided. Food, entertainment, and crafts will be part of this festive atmosphere.





Come by for an evening of displays of KSDS students’ work, creativity, talent and learning! Student projects, writing assignments and creative works will be showcased throughout the Krieger Auditorium, demonstrating the depth, breadth and variety of innovative learning taking place at Krieger Schechter. Enjoy performances from the middle school bands as you browse the many displays of our students’ accomplishments!

Celebrate the completion of the playground and amphitheater. Join us for the big reveal and ribbon cutting ceremony after the Schechter On the Move 5K Race!

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5th Annual Schechter on the Move 5K Race and Family Fun Festival SUNDAY, JUNE 5

Rosenbloom Religious School ATID ON THE MOVE Sunday, April 10

Having already journeyed to Philadelphia and New York City, students from Beth El and Rosenbloom Religious School travel to Washington D.C. to enrich their unit on the Jewish role in civil rights and social justice.

Registration is now open!

Grandparents Day FRIDAY, MAY 6 • 10:30 A.M. We will celebrate a special day with intergenerational activities and snack.

GRADUATION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 We will watch our 4 and 5 year old students’ graduate to bigger and better things.

Register Online http://bit.ly/1TIQnCg0 Spring is finally here and we are excited to get outdoors. Let’s come together to participate in the 5th annual Schechter on the Move 5K Race. Join us for the 5K race,a one-mile fun run, playground ribbon cutting, awards ceremony, and the Family Fun Festival!


KADIMA GOES TO KINGS DOMINION SUNDAY, APRIL 10 The Chizuk Amuno Kadima chapter joins with other middle school students from across MD, DC, VA, and NC for a day of fun and games at King Dominions Amusement Park.

Got Shabbat FRIDAY, APRIL 15 Our fourth grade students have “Got Shabbat”! They share their learning with their parents during a festive Friday night dinner.

ENGAGE WITh our Community ENGAGE With our schools (cont.) LEADING BY EXAMPLE SATURDAY, APRIL 16 Children learn by doing. Our fifth graders will share their prayer skills with their parents during a family Torah service, and then join together for kiddush.

Netivon Visits the Big Apple Sunday, April 17

Our fourth annual Netivon trip to New York celebrates the dedication and commitment of our high school students to their Jewish learning. As always, this trip promises to be filled with many surprises: entertainment, delicious food, and special guests.

Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives – Hametz Edition SUNDAY, APRIL 17 Kadima goes on a mystery dinner bus ride around Baltimore, tasting the county’s many leaven culinary delights before we pack everything away for Passover.

Achshav and Netivon Closing BBQ TUESDAY, MAY 3 Once again, Chef Annie will create a culinary feast for over 80 students in celebration of their year of learning.

Shabbat TOGETHER FRIDAY, MAY 13 Our kindergarten and first grade families come together in a participatory service and festive Shabbat dinner.

RRS CLOSING EXTRAVAGANZA SUNDAY, MAY 22 The RRS community celebrates learning together with a Bible-bowl and a special performance by the Bible Players.

ATID MOVING UP WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 We honor our seventh grade students on their accomplishments at Rosenbloom Religious School and celebrate their transition into Achshav, where they will prepare to become community leaders and journey to Israel in tenth grade.

Celebrate Israel at 68! Yom Ha’Atzmaut Israel Independence Day WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 Celebrate Israel Independence Day with us at an evening of learning, song and dance. Our celebration will begin with activities for children of all ages. After an Israeli dinner and Israeli songs and dancing, our evening will continue with adult sessions to allow everyone to experience and explore various aspects of Israeli culture and current events. Plan now to join with us. Watch for your invitation to join in the fun and celebration.

NETIVON GRADUATION TUESDAY, MAY 10 Netivon graduation is one of our community’s most important rites of passage. For many of our twelfth graders, this evening marks the completion of over twelve years in Jewish education. This ceremony celebrates their commitment and dedication to their Jewish studies.

Achshav Celebrates Israel…in New York City

Music of the big band era Featuring Hazzan Emanuel Perlman & the Cantor’s Perlman 4

SUNDAY, JUNE 19 • 4 P.M. More details coming soon!

SUNDAY, JUNE 5 For the third year, our Achshav students from Beth El and Chizuk Amuno will stake out their favorite spot along Fifth Avenue and cheer for Israel’s 68th birthday during the annual Celebrate Israel Parade.

SAVE THE DATE CINEMA UNDER THE STARS Tuesday, August 23, at sundown (rain date Wednesday, August 24)



Kadima joins together for a night of fun, excitement, and of course, popcorn!

Free and Open to the Community Bring a beach chair, enjoy popcorn and other snacks and drinks, and sit back and enjoy.


For more information, call 410-824-2055. Sponsored by the Judy Meltzer Cinema Under the Stars Fund

Engaging IN gemilut hasadim Personal service is a significant force for caring and community building. Our volunteers add warmth, meaning, and vitality to all that we do as a sacred community. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.


Open Gemilut Hasadim Committee Meeting MONDAY, MAY 2 • 7:30 P.M. Would you like to learn more about the projects in which we participate? Is there a potential Gemilut Hasadim activity you would like to explore? All are welcome to join us at our next committee meeting. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman.


Our Daily Bread


SUNDAYS, MAY 29, JUNE 26, JULY 31, AUGUST 28 • 9 A.M. - 12:45 P.M.

Perform the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome. Co-sponsored by Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood.

Join with friends from Chizuk Amuno and help serve meals to Baltimore’s hungry men, women, and children.

Contact: Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422

Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com

Art with a Heart

Pre-Passover Food Drive

SUNDAYS, MAY 22 • 12 - 2 P.M. AUGUST 21 • 1:30 - 3:30 P.M.

APRIL, 4 - 19

Volunteers work on art projects at Art with a Heart headquarters in Hampden. All those aged 5 and up are welcome. Rides are available, leaving from Chizuk Amuno at 11:30 a.m. on May 22 and 1 p.m. on August 21. Contact: Deb Charles, text 443-386-1324

I.O.U. Clothing Drive SUNDAY, MAY 15 • 9 A.M. - NOON Please drop off cleaned, gently worn professional clothing on hangers and accessories for men and women. Volunteers will be on hand in the Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby to accept donations and help unload cars. Receipts will be available. Volunteers are needed to transport items on the Sunday of the drive and weekdays immediately following the drive. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman

Knitting Havurah

Food Wish-List: Beef stew, canned fruits, canned meats/tuna, canned vegetables, dish soap, disposable salt and pepper shakers, ketchup and mayonnaise, laundry detergent, macaroni and cheese, metal forks, napkins, paper lunch bags, pasta and sauce, peanut butter and jelly, plastic baggies, plastic ware, rice, stove top stuffing, sugar, tea bags, toilet paper. Please be sure food expiration dates have not passed. Please drop off food in bins located in the Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby and the Administrative lobby.

RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Wednesdays, May 18, June 22, July 13, August 17 • 4-7 P.M. Join with friends from Chizuk Amuno and help serve meals to Baltimore’s hungry men, women, and children. Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol.com or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 • 2 P.M. We knit and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and Baltimore. Knitting instruction is available and everyone is welcome. If you or a friend have yarn leftover from other projects, please consider making a donation to our Knitting Havurah. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman

This initiative is about creating deeper and more meaningful relationships among our members. Through small group sessions and one-to-one conversations, we learn about your stories, what really matters to you, and what you envision for Chizuk Amuno. Out of these conversations we will look to draw some common themes and specific ideas that, together, we can work on to enrich the lives of our members and the future of the community. An RSVP is required. To register for any of the sessions listed below, please go to http://bit.ly/EngagementPartnership Those who would prefer to have a one-to-one conversation may send a written note in care of the synagogue office or e-mail Stephani Braverman, stephbraverman@gmail.com, or Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org. Friday, April 1, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Sunday, April 3, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 10, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 12, 7-8 p.m. Friday, April 15, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc.

Tuesday, May 3, 7-8 p.m. Friday, May 6, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

ENGAGE with Synagogue friends SISTERHOOD Whether it is social, spiritual, or philanthropic moments, you can celebrate them all with Sisterhood! And in the truest sense of the word “Sisterhood,” we develop long lasting and meaningful relationships with each other. Contact Dixie Leikach at Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org or 443-386-1062.


Shredding/e-Cycling/ Clothing Drive SUNDAY, MAY 15 • 9 A.M. - NOON

The Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood has a long proud tradition of serving the shul since 1921. We aim to have fun and do fun Jewish “guy stuff” at all of our activities. Contact: Eric Beser, eric.beser@e-isg.com.

$10 for up to 5 bags of paper, $10 for trunkful of electronics


TUESDAYS • 9:30 A.M. - 12 P.M. Kolker Youth Lounge

Start cleaning out your office, garage, and closets now to be ready for the big day! Anything with a cord is accepted (except older tvs). For questions or to volunteer, please contact Marcia Scherr at marcia@marciapscherrcpa.com.

All levels encouraged to participate! RSVP to Randee Glassman, randee853@aol.com.

March is over, but the madness continues. Our pool choice will be emailed ahead of the final bracket. Your pool selection will be your RSVP. Have a nice dinner, watch the game, and good company. We will be distributing the pool selection in mid-march for you to select. Cost: $15

Women C.A.N.

Mah Jongg


ANNUAL JOINT SISTERHOOD DINNER MONDAY, APRIL 11 • 6 P.M. BETH ISRAEL CONGREGATION Program – “Savy Steps” A professional ballroom dance performance by StudioDNA… Dance-N-Art.. Cost: $36/person. Please make check payable to Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood “Joint Sisterhood Dinner” and return to the synagogue office. Please note, checks will not be accepted at the door. RSVP with your check by March 30.


Network with women who are looking to advance their career, start a new chapter, or have their own business. Monthly topics have included balance, social networking, CV building, and writing your elevator speech. Contact: Ava Barron-Shasho, avabarronshasho@yahoo.com, or Jill Bers, jillb1118@gmail.com.


WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 • 6:30 P.M.


$18 members/$23 non-members

No charge to Sisterhood members

SUNDAY, MAY 1 12 - 3 P.M. $18 members/$23 non-members payable to Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood Brunch included Henna Tattoo artist will be available for pre-book of $12 member/$15 non-member. Experience Jewish life in Yemen from 1920 through Operation On Wings Of Eagles, also known as Operation Magic Carpet in 1949 and 1950. Nomi will spend the event talking with us, answering questions, giving us background and signing books.

Men, Meat, and Midrash – Fifty Shades of Torah: Part 4 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 6 P.M. Join us for a beer and deli dinner and our final discussion in our theme. We are asking our esteemed instructors to return as a group to lead us in the Talmudic and midrash on love. Cost: $8/ person Men Only. RSVP to Richard Udell, pvfc3251@verizon.net




Federation of Jewish Womens’ Organizations of Maryland Convention and 100th Anniversary THURSDAY, MAY 19 Baltimore Hebrew Congregation

TUESDAY, MAY 24 • 2 - 7:30 P.M. Contact Warren Gould, 301-602-0017 or wbg.4timesbetter@gmail.com.

MEN’S NIGHT DINNER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 • 6 P.M. It’s not your father’s brotherhood! Men’s night out dinner is one of the favorite parts of brotherhood. Enjoy steak, scotch, and after dinner liquors, good fellowship for our closing activity. Cost: $36/person

Strength in Unity

CLUB HATIKVAH SPRING BUS TRIP TO NEW YORK SUNDAY, MAY 22 • 7:30 A.M. An American in Paris $215 payable to Marilyn Spector Tickets include bus to NY, breakfast and dinner on the bus, and tickets to the show. Please send check payable to Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood c/o Marilyn Spector; 14 Cobbler Court; Baltimore MD 21208. Contact Marilyn Spector at marilynspe@gmail.com

The Heart of Maryland Chorus SUNDAY, APRIL 10 • 6 P.M. Thirty barber shoppers who will fill the room with their renditions of old favorites and modern songs.

THE BALTIMORE MANDOLIN ORCHESTRA SUNDAY, MAY 15 • 6 P.M. Just close your eyes and you are in a gondola in Italy hearing the spectacular sounds of many mandolins.

Engaging IN CELEBRATION 613 & ME Congratulations on your child’s upcoming Bar and Bat Mitzvah. We are excited to be a part of this lifecycle moment for your family. 613 is the number of commandments in the Torah and over the course of the next few years we will help your family extend your personal connection to Judaism and to the mitzvot (commandments.)

It’s a Date TUESDAY, MAY 17 • 6 P.M. It’s a Date is a dinner party (for the whole family!) at which your fifth grader will celebrate their Bar or Bat Mitzvah date and have an opportunity to look at their Torah portion. You will also receive the Bar/Bat Mitzvah handbook and have an opportunity to meet and get to know the synagogue professionals involved in B’nei Mitzvah. RSVP to Rabbi Wechsler.

ADULT BAT MITZVAH CELEBRATION SATURDAY, JUNE 25 A Midrash teaches that Torah is being given at Sinai, all the time, right now. We accept Torah every day by studying it and practicing it. A community of women grows together in study and observance as we grow more comfortable with the synagogue service, more familiar with Judaism, and more skilled in Hebrew reading and chanting. The Adult Bat Mitzvah class celebrates this milestone in their learning with their families and our community at Shabbat services on June 25. The 2016 B’not Mitzvah are: Vicky Becker, Ann Betten, Leonor Danon, Linda Eisenberg, Robyn Horwitz, Ellen Gillette, Arlene Klaff, Audrey Polt, Amy Schwartz, Barbara Scott, Jeannie Siegel, Ann Walter, Harriette Wimms

Calling all Adult Bat Mitzvah Graduates! SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Please join us to welcome the newest group of 13 women to the sisterhood of Adult B’not Mitzvah. Your accomplishments will also be acknowledged and honored at the celebration on June 25.

“Finding My Place in Torah” Tikkun Leil Shavuot JUNE 11 • 8:30 P.M. At Chizuk Amuno, Shavuot is a joyous festival of Torah study, creative expression, and happy celebration. Where do I fit in? What’s my connection to Jewish tradition? How do I understand my Jewish identity? What perspectives and experiences guide my attitude toward being Jewish? Where’s my place in Torah? What are the variety of Jewish options and opinions available to me? Judaism is an interpretive tradition, our heritage to understand for meaning and life purpose. “These and these are the words of the living God,” teach our rabbis. We each find our way through different insights and personal questions. We each contribute to the community and shared values we celebrate together. We begin Shavuot with an evening of interpretation and differing points of view. Find your place among us, and in Torah, by asking your questions, studying others’ answers, and discussing your thoughts with teachers and friends. Shavuot commemorates the giving of the Torah, the content and meaning of Judaism for each of us and our world. It also marks the brighter and pleasant days of spring turning into summer, of a world turning fresh and green with life and beauty.

Adults and Children of All Ages Celebrate Torah on Shavuot SUNDAY, JUNE 12 On Shavuot we imagine ourselves at Mt. Sinai and rejoice in the gift of Torah. We will include opportunities for everyone, from our youngest to our oldest, to sit with each other and study.

JOIN US FOR SUMMER SHUL AT CHIZUK AMUNO! Krieger Auditorium During Summer Shul everyone is encouraged to dress casually and appropriately, for Shabbat Services. Families and friends, adults and children are most welcome to share in the warm mood of Summer Shul. 9:15 A.M. Synagogue members lead our services, read Torah, and deliver Divrei Torah, supported by Rabbis Shulman and Wechsler, and Hazzan Perlman and Dr. Shualy.

JULY 2 Parshat Shelakh Lekha Kate & Dr. Roy Ziegelstein JULY 9 Parshat Korah Gary Attman JULY 16 Parshat Hukkat Rabbi Moshe Schwartz JULY 23 Parshat Balak Jason Blavatt JULY 23 Parshat Pinhas Mindy Rosen

10 a.m., after our Shaharit: Morning service, we’ll leave the sanctuary and sit together around Torah study tables in the Krieger Auditorium. Over coffee and nosh, our rabbis will guide us as we dialogue with study partners and explore Torah texts.

Observing Tishah B’Av The Ninth of Av

While we study, our children will gather for their own holiday program and prepare to join us in the sanctuary for a special ceremony.

Tishah B’Av is our calendar’s date of mourning. We recall tragic events in Jewish history whose legacy have shaped our identity and values, including the destructions of the two Temples in Jerusalem.

10: 30 a.m., following our learning we’ll return to the sanctuary to receive and read Torah. Our children will join us when we read the Ten Commandments from the Torah Scroll celebrating their growth and freshness by bringing bikkurim, greens and fruits, to decorate the bimah.

MONDAY, JUNE 13 in the course of our Festival Morning Service we recite Yizkor Memorial Prayers and, in loving memory, dedicate new plaques on our Memorial Wall.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 • 8:45 P.M. During the Ma’ariv Service for Tishah B’Av we will recite the Bible’s Book of Lamentations, Eikhah.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 • 9:15 A.M. A special Minhah service will be held at 1 pm. At this afternoon service we will wear our Tallit and Tefillin, ritual symbols that we will not use during our Shaharit service in expression of our mourning. Tishah B’Av is a full or partial day of fasting and introspection observed with emotion as we transform trauma into wisdom through ritual.

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