BiG Magazine October/December 2021 Issue

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Oct // Dec 2021











Anything but ordinary @wama_designs

Unit 49, Second Floor, Haji Munchit & Dayang Rapiah Complex, Kg Jaya Setia, Berakas, BB2713, Brunei Darussalam

Editor’s Note Well, it’s that time of the year again dear Borneo. The final quarter is upon us and while I wish I could write this sentence within the happy context of us all crossing that finishing line which is the year’s end, and reaping the reward of a much-awaited vacation and well-deserved break from our daily trials, alas, I cannot. We at BiG Magazine have over the duration of 2021 continued to send positive vibes to those on the island facing adversity as they endure life in the face of Covid-19. Creating this publication from our base of operations in Brunei was business as usual the first 6 months of the year. Now however, as we deal with a 2nd wave and enter our 11th week of a partial lockdown (at the time of this magazine’s publishing), inclusive of a few weeks of a strict but necessary curfew to flatten the curve, we are coming to terms with a label coined in 2020 – ‘The New Normal’. So as our respective health ministries and services continue to put up one heck of a good fight: we adjust, we adapt, and we do the best we can with the hand dealt to us. In light of this, I feel that moments of inspiration shining spotlights on the Human spirit are needed more than ever. This is why this issue I have paid particular attention to those who did cross the finishing line this year, as exemplaries to us all. Take for example the incredible athletes from Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak who brought pride to all Borneans as they competed against the world’s best in the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo. They sallied forth. Some returned home with invaluable experience and a growing hunger to push themselves further, faster. Some returned home to thunderous applause wearing serious bling around their necks. Heck, one of these athletes – after smashing a world record at a separate event prior to the games – then proceeded to break a Paralympic record while the planet watched. Congratulations Bonnie Bunyau Gustin! You bring pride to us all. They were not the only ones who took centre stage though, as several theatrical troupes both old and new have begun to band together in Brunei, embarking on a collective performative journey to develop an aspect of the creative arts industry long overlooked. Whether it be drama, dance, or comedy, the country’s first ever National Theatre Festival was a resounding success and the first major step along a path of more milestones to come. More scripts, more songs, more laughter, more performances please! For those among our readership who have followed us over the years: when it comes to food, music, sports, the arts, and culture; I don’t have to tell you how much value exists right here on the Earth’s 3rd largest island. Brunei may be the Kingdom of Unexpected Treasures, but this is a moniker that we share with the rest of Borneo. Stay safe everyone and be kind to one another. Till next we meet.

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@b.i.g.magazine BIG: Borneo Insider’s Guide @bigborneo Publisher


Rozman Mashor Assistant Editor

Sheyenne Jazreel Siah Designer

Aqilah Hj Abu Bakar Marketing Manager

Kina Bakar Brunei | biG T: (673) 2331031 F: (673) 2231031 Unit 49, Second Floor Haji Munchit & Hajah Dayang Rapiah Complex Kg Jaya Setia, Berakas, BB2713 Brunei Darussalam

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various writers in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of biG Magazine.





BE . E





BiG Focus


BiG ESCAPE 30 Oh, to be out and free BiG CRAVINGS 32 Bun Appétit 33 Food Origins: Farm to table


BiG SNAPSHOT 34 Borneo’s tallest building BiG APPETITE 36 Brunei food reviews 38 Sarawak & Sabah restaurant reviews 40 Restaurant listings in Brunei 46 Restaurant listings in Borneo

14 BiG Scoop

AN EVEN BIGGER LOCKDOWN 6 The team share their thoughts while working from home, and the activities keeping them sane

BiG SCOOP Things we want, seen, and heard this quarter 13 The Inked Lady 14 Lankayan Island Dive Resort 17 Masks Crafted with Heart

BiG FOCUS 8-13 Island Pride: Paying homage to Borneo’s Olympic and Paralympic competitors

BiG FEATURE 18-29 Imagination Manifestation: A new era of performative arts in Brunei | |



BiG SCREEN Our latest round of recommended films 54 From the big stage to the big screen 55 Movies to look out for this quarter

BiG Cravings


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lockdown Wan Zainal

AN EVEN BIGGER LOCKDOWN! Oh dear. This is not exactly how any of us hoped we would be spending the final quarter of the year. It was unfortunate enough already that we all had to postpone that much needed vacation a year ago – firstly, to a cool, random destination around the planet, then secondly, as the virus scenario worsened, to an approved destination with which we share a travel bubble (Editor proceeds to cry in Singlish). However, with a green lane that specifies travel to Singapore being for the purpose of an essential government or business-related purpose, we are all going to have to make do right here. Come on people brighten up! Human beings are the epitome of creativity. With all our various pursuits in tandem with the technology we have available to us, it does not take too much effort at all to keep ourselves entertained. Sketch or paint, traditionally or digitally. Engage in arts and crafts with your kids. Put together that model, whether it’s Lego or a Gundam. Grab that cookbook and whip up a new dish. Write a story or keep a journal to look back on in the future. Catch up on the latest shows and films, play a new video game, or flip through the books on your dusty pile. Grab your camera and walk around the garden during golden hour. Weave and sew a unique facemask of your own. Get into shape by tailor making a home workout just for you, or join an online fitness class with awesome instructors. Go for a jog but do it solo, choose your location carefully and consider all factors for your safety and that of others. As for the BiG Team, these are our personal thoughts on this 2nd lockdown, and what we have been doing to pass the time. 6


For one whole year, I was gloating to my Malaysian and Singaporean friends; Covid? What Covid? Brunei was free for a full year until it struck again! And of course, it was not going to be as breezy as it was in 2020. My whole daily routine suddenly changed and I had to quickly adapt to retain some level of normalcy in my daily life. I maintained my morning exercises by designing my own home workouts with whatever apparatus that I had bought during the first lockdown, coupled with online classes conducted by my gym, after breakfast every day. Post exercise, I make it a point to shower and dress up like I’m going to the office so I’d be ready to catch up with my team first thing in the morning and attend online meetings as and when required throughout the day (and I’m not sure if I’m alone in this department, but I feel like I’m attending more meetings than before!). Come 5pm I’d be thinking what’s for dinner? The best thing that has come out of this pandemic must be the sharpening of my cooking skills - I’ve been poring over numerous recipes from my humongous collection of recipe books and finally trying them out! I’m thoroughly convinced that me coming out of this post-pandemic world will be a fitter person, a better cook, and a more resilient individual in every department.

Rozman I would be lying if I said I did not feel a touch of superiority regarding how well Brunei fared during its lockdown a year ago, when compared to the rest of the world. With 3 siblings living in Australia, England, and Japan; I had a faux first-hand exposure to reality on the ground outside the Sultanate courtesy of regular Skype sessions with family abroad. However, once the 2nd wave came for all of us here – well, let us just say it has been quite the reality check. At the time of this publishing, we in Brunei will be well into our 3rd month of a lockdown. I thank our Ministry of Health for once more proving a tremendous level of foresight and willingness to take the difficult steps necessary to combat this pesky virus. We did not want them to. They themselves did not want to. But they did, because this is how we will beat Covid and win. The question that remains is how to stay sane and safe during this new normal? The steps that I have literally been taking is my form of therapeutic release. With an isolated jogging route within my neighbourhood, I have registered for so many virtual runs that I spend between 40 to 70 minutes beating the pavement with my ASICS five times a week. As I strengthen my body, I too sharpen my mind by devouring the many books on my toread pile. If ever there was a time to better oneself, now is that moment. I hope you all will make the best of it too.

Kina With an ongoing pandemic & current partial lockdown in Brunei and as a Mother to two toddlers, I feel like I’m at the end of my rope. My boys are full of beans and to keep their little minds busy has been a challenge. They demand around-the-clock-attention and parenting while juggling conference calls and tight deadlines is no joke. It’s like running up the hill while juggling balls in your hands and at the same time, being asked to sing Wheels on the Bus. Some days it can be overwhelming and you just want to scream your lungs out! And some days, it’s a smooth sailing boat. Here’s what I practice in order to stay sane during these uncertain times: Morning yoga. For at least 10 minutes, I would give my kids screen time and let them watch their favourite story while I do my yoga for mindfulness. It’s definitely a win-win situation. Create a Work Schedule. It is important to line up your day carefully, with set working hours, plans on how many hours you hope to work that day, the calls that you need to return and the tasks that you need to tick off. And, to have that small corner for your workstation, that helps too to keep you motivated. To-do list. A simple list of what meals to cook, kids bath time, snacks, take them out for a walk, fun activities and all sorts to keep their minds engaged and entertained before they start to yell and throw things out of boredom. Capitalize on Naptime. Take advantage of naptime for staying productive while WFH. Whether your kids nap for one or three hours, use this time to finish the assignments that require your complete focus. Drink that coffee if you haven’t in the morning. Do whatever that is good for your mental health while the little ones are still snoring because it matters. Step away from your laptop for a while, take a walk, eat your favorite food then go back to work with a fresh mind. Breathe. If it doesn’t work out, take a deep breath and know that you’re not alone in this. Keep trying, show yourself some compassion, don’t be too hard on yourself. Blast out your favourite song and dance to it with your kids. Shake it off and let it all out. Tomorrow is a new day and it’s another chance to make things work. This pandemic has actually been a blessing in disguise. Despite the madness on some days, I’m still grateful that I get to spend my time with my children, watch them grow and celebrate their achievements no matter how small. Stay safe & sane, folks! - Kina Bakar.


Aqilah I don’t remember much of what I did back when Brunei first got hit with Covid. I remembered I was slightly depressed working from home, as its quiet difficult to get inspirations for my work. I remembered there were lots of activities in the kitchen where my sisters and I venture the world of baking. I remembered listening a lot of Didi and Friends and Bob The Train just to entertain my nephew. However this second wave lockdown feels different, in a good way. With having everyone in the house working from home, it feels somewhat productive and calm. My sisters and I took the initiatives to rearrange our tables and chairs in the living room for a more convenient and comfortable working station, with a table full of snacks on the sides for us to munch. Seeing everyone’s actively doing their own work motivates me to be more proactive at my work too. We even got our own happy pills to cheer us up in between works; our adorable, chubby little niece! Not forgetting our other sister and her family living in another house, we make sure to video call each other at least once a week. And just like the first wave of Covid, my sisters and I take the oppurtunity to bake and cook new recipes that we’ve been meaning to try. However this time, we got an additional coming on-board; my Mom! My mom’s energy to cook and bake us foods that my siblings and I never imagine she would do, is no joke and we love it. She has inspired us to learn and bake more, and this has helped us to entertain ourselves.

Even more so than in 2020, whirlwind horror that it was, this partial lockdown proved to be a different set of tribulations. It was a test in many things: a test in patience, a test in grit and self-preservation, a test in frustration management even, but most of all, it’s been a test in being mindful. You are the things you consume so I’ve been trying to get in a daily dose of positivity (the noncovid kind) where possible. But just like effervescent tablets and vitamin supplements, supply has been running dangerously low—it’s difficult to stay sane and optimistic when the world is ill. But on the other hand, the introvert in me has been having the time of their life, waiting week after week for the latest episode of RHOBH, sipping on delicious kombucha, adding rainbow sprinkles to pancakes and learning to make my own sundried tomatoes. A birthday has come and gone but I don’t bat an eyelid at all; sometimes it’s nice to just stay in and celebrate with the party you were born into. And the best thing is, I haven’t had to reach for my makeup bag in months. While it’s been proving to be a challenge, I still believe in stopping to smell the flowers despite the ongoing pandemic; I’d just prefer to have them contactlessly delivered to me and, preferably sanitized.




PRIDE Rozman Mashor

The Olympic Games. The single largest international sporting event in the world is one with an illustrious history. Dating back to ancient times some 3,000 years ago between 776 BC and 393 AD, the games would eventually come to an end for 1,503 years until it was reborn again in the Greek capital of Athens in 1896. Since that time, more and more nations worldwide have joined in the ultimate contest of the Human spirit of strength, endurance, stamina, and intelligence. With the conclusion of the recent Olympic Games in Tokyo, we take a peek at the athletes that Borneo sent forth to represent the incredible Island we call home.




You spin my ball

RIGHT R UND, RIGHT R UND But first! Before we get to the juicy good stuff, have you ever wondered just how many different balls are utilised as key equipment across the many sports featured in the Olympic games? Because we have. Perhaps it’s my own personal fascination with spheres, but it is interesting you must admit just how often a competitive pursuit revolves around these circular shaped objects. Check it out!

biG focus

INFOGRAPHIC BY: Visual Capitalist ORIGINAL SOURCE: https://www. olympics-2021-comparingevery-sports-ball/

biG focus




Pandelela Rinong Pamg Pandelela Rinong Pamg was raised as a physically active individual whose adventurous nature and tendency to lean toward thrill-seeking pursuits mentally made her a natural candidate for a sport that would come to define her life. Three years after her family moved from their village to Kuching; a day came when her primary school was visited by a diving coach seeking aspirants for a range of aquatic sports. Pandelela, just 8 years old, was one of the selectees brought to a nearby swimming pool where her confident daredevil nature immediately caught the attention of the coach, after she jumped from a 5-metre-high platform into her natural element below. A member of the Bidayuh ethnic group from Kampong Kupuo Jugan, the now 28-year-old professional diver has brought pride to her family, friends, and nation, competing in both the national and international arenas. Sporting events inclusive of the Malaysian Games, The Commonwealth Games, the FINA Diving World Championships, and the epitome of physical endeavor – the Olympic Games – are just a few of many sporting battlefields from which she leaps, flips, and twirls from a 10-metre-high platform, to the applause of her countrymen and women, as well as the wider world beyond. Getting here has been no easy feat however, as her training regimen revolves around 8 hours of training, six days a week on average! Supplementing her physical prowess, this diving sensation is also a Sports Science graduate from Universiti of Malaya, which in of itself is a strong indication of how committed this Bornean native is to walking down the path laid before her toward the platform where she was always meant to be. •• IG: @pandelela FB: Pandelelarinongofficial W: 10


Making Waves Welson Sim Wee Sheng The first Malaysian male swimmer to ever qualify for two Category ‘A’ events (200metres and 400metres freestyle) at the Olympics in Rio 2016, 19-year-old Welson Sim Wee Sheng burst onto the scene with a barely contained frenzied energy. Making it onto the Sarawak state swimming team at the age of 12, it was apparent to many that he had the potential to achieve much, and at 24 years of age now, still has many years left ahead. An asthmatic who was encouraged to take up swimming to strengthen his lungs, Welson fell in love with the water. Naturally competitive, he attributes his achievements to his passion for the act of swimming, viewing the sport as something to take seriously and not merely filling up his free time. It is this nature that has allowed him to cruise to victory in national and international freestyle events,

surprising a few world champions along the way. Acknowledging the cliché of himself being his own top opponent, Welson reminds himself to be happy with his outcomes. This makes up part of his training toward developing strong mental fortitude as he prizes confidence, trust, and discipline in both himself and his coach, backed up by the willingness to put in hard work. This was proven in Tokyo, where he competed while nursing an arm injured in a motorcycle mishap 5 months earlier. Why attempt it then? In his own words, “Be positive, embrace every challenge, and seize every moment and opportunity that you have.” Those are indeed good words to live by. •• IG: @welsonsim FB: Welson Sim

biG focus

Proof that

Sporting Dreams


are Possible

Muhammad Isa Ahmad “I was more nervous carrying the flag than the actual race itself!” What began as a grin quickly escalates into hearty laughter, as Brunei national swimmer, 23-year-old Muhammad Isa Ahmad recalls the incredible experience of being able to represent his country at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Despite circumstances surrounding the event (Gee, thanks Covid), Isa remains positive. Working in his favour is his youth, athletic ability and personal determination to be a source of inspiration for his countrymen and women. More so than bagging the medals and awards he pursues, is his desire to be a role model for others. To prove to an upcoming generation that if you train hard enough and dedicate yourself utterly, you can indeed have a future in sport. You just have to want it bad enough. “I have always been a competitive person. I grew up really enjoying playing sports such as tennis, basketball and swimming,

although honestly, I am pretty bad at tennis. Like, really bad, even though I do find it interesting.” More laughter ensues as his good humour once more pushes itself to the fore. Becoming more serious, Isa describes his journey thus far and how the path he walks (or the lane he swims along I should say) brought him to where he is today. “I used to go to the Mabohai Swimming Club, once or twice a week for practice sessions with Coach Victor. As I got better, he pushed me to train more often and harder. You have to understand. I am not one of those cases where a person falls in love with the sport the moment he/she jumped into the pool. For me it was more of a natural progression over time.” The tireless support of Isa’s parents in this endeavor proves that if a little effort goes a long way, then how far can one travel if they receive a lifetime of support? “I was just 12, 13 years old at the time when the bar for my training was raised from twice a week to 9 times a week. It is always good to start when you are young as our bodies are still developing, and we can tolerate more than if we started at an older age. So that was me. Waking up at 4.30am, having training from 5am to 6.45am, then getting to school by 7am to begin school.

As long as it is a race, I will enjoy it. Some days I would resume training at 3pm,” and despite the rigorous nature of Isa’s schedule, in hindsight he says “I wish I had begun a lot earlier. In the afternoons I often see my dad sitting in the stands after school. I appreciated small acts like this. My parents have made sacrifices for me.” Isa has had the fortune of training on the national team under Coach Eric from the Netherlands in 2011, as well as the current national coach, Coach Wu Na of China. An interesting aspect of his journey however was his decision not to pursue the International Baccalaureate in high school, but to attend boarding school in the UK to pursue A Levels instead. The less subject intensive A Levels allowed for a more balanced approach to both his education and swimming. “There was also the benefit of competing against a larger pool of talented professionals, which helps me push for faster times,

2012 FINA Swimming World Cup (Singapore) 2012 11th FINA World Short Course Swimming Championships (Turkey) 2013 15th World Swimming Championships (Barcelona) 2014 12th FINA World Short Course Swimming Championships (Qatar) 2015 5th FIN World Junior Swimming Championships (Singapore) 2016 13th FINA World Short Course swimming Championships (Canada)

2017 17th FINA World Swimming Championships (Budapest) 2018 14th World Short Course Swimming Championships (China) 2019 18th FINA World Championships (South Korea) 2019 FINA World Cup (Qatar) 2019 30th Southeast Asian Games (Philippines) 2021 Tokyo Summer Olympic Games

better results. It is hard training just against yourself”. Now a Plymouth University Events Management student who deferred his final year to compete in Tokyo, Isa is a 100metre Breaststroke specialist who will gladly swim for fun in any category because “as long as it is a race, I will enjoy it.” With years of experience and at least another 3 or 4 trips to the Olympics in the future, “I want to show people here that a career in sport is possible.” I look forward to seeing Muhammad Isa Ahmad return to the Olympics, and when he does, I know that I will not be the only one cheering him on as he carries the pride of a nation with him.


biG focus

PARALYMPIAN POWER The Paralympic Games is an incredible testament to the outstanding physical prowess and mental fortitude of the Human spirit, in which its participants consistently made us all proud as they constantly

overcame that which would seem impossible. With physical, vision, and intellectual disabilities spread across 10 impairment categories; watching these truly admirable men and women in action is nothing short of inspirational. Make room for Borneo everyone! We refuse to be left out, and for good reason too as a Malaysian contingent of 22 Paralympians also included 8 of our fellow Islanders – 5 natives of Sarawak, and a further 3 from Sabah. Merely qualifying is a difficult mission on its own and worthy of much respect, and yet at the recent games in Tokyo, 2 Borneans returned home with serious bling around their necks. Some may wonder who are these athletes exactly? Traversing the pool submerged within their element are the swimmers Jamery Anak Siga, and Muhammad Nur Syaiful Zulkafli of Sarawak, who pushed themselves hard as they raced the best the world had to offer in the 50metre Freestyle, as well as the 100metre Freestyle and 100metre Breaststroke events respectively. Jamery’s condition is the result of a brush with polio, while an accident in Nur Syaiful’s youth

resulted in deformities in both legs. Wait, what do we have here? A 15-year-old teenager from Sabah with no arms competing in the 50metre backstroke. Meet the shy yet confident Brenda Anallia Larry, who credits her position on the national contingent to her mother’s never ending support. Not one to dabble in sports, it was only after completing form 6 that Wiro Julin picked up a bow – switching from recurve to compound at the advice of his coach – proving himself a hidden talent in the process. Currently ranked at number 21 in the world, the Sarawakian has nerve damage in his right ankle causing softer than average

muscle tissue. This does not stop him as he continues to aim further and further. Leaping across the skamma sending sand, dirt and grit flying, is Sabah’s very own Jonathan Wong Kar Gee. The visual impairment he lives with is a result of Stargardt disease, which led to having sight the equivalent of an 80-year-old at the young age of 8. Personifying his late grandfather’s motto of “Winners never quit, quitters never win”, this is a 30-yearold man whose inner eye has never once strayed from the ultimate prize which he fearlessly pursues. Against the soft crack of shuttlecocks soaring across a net, Didin Terasoh, a teacher from Ranau is a recent addition to the Paralympic court after suffering a hip injury two years ago that also affected his knee. Despite approaching the early years of middle-age, the extent of his love and ability for badminton, which surprised even his own family in his youth, he embraced his competitive nature to push his boundaries as far as he could. Last but certainly not least, returning home to Sarawak against a rowdy backdrop of applause were two men. Jong Yie Khee smiling brightly with a silver medal around his neck, is the 32-year-old hairdresser from Batu Kawa who power lifted 237kg within his 107kg category. Impressive! The second power lifter is Borneo’s hero of the games. Competing in the 72kg category, Bonnie Bunyau Gustin whose short stature is congenital in nature stood taller than all around him in spirit and determination as he held 228kg above his head, making history by setting a new Paralympic world record in the process. If you thought that was impressive, just 2 months earlier he deadlifted 230kg

in Dubai to set a new world record. These are our fellow Islanders, and they are inspirational beyond compare.


Masking with Style The year is 2021 and face mask accessories are definitely a thing. And thanks to businesses like Auberon, they don’t just have to be practical. A jewelry crafter, War Hafizah, the woman behind the golden-clad brand, says it was a natural decision for her to begin crafting mask accessories when the pandemic hit Brunei’s shores once again, “Releasing mask extenders and chains was the most efficient plan as we have the chance to once again spread awareness on the realities of Covid and to contribute to flattening the curve by encouraging people to mask up while doing it with style”. A love for crafting stemmed from her personal creative influences, namely her mother and sisters, and honed with informative online tools such as YouTube, Auberon is all about releasing meaningful collections with messages of love set into her chic pieces. “Auberon was a brand built during a time of healing as I learned to accept myself, my good sides, flaws, insecurities,” War Hafizah mentions and we absolutely love how she took the opportunity to redefine herself in such a positive way. Be sure to check out Auberon on Instagram for a glimpse of her intricate jewelry and stunning collections. •• IG: @auberon.bwn



biG scoop


Son of The Arts Never seen before on the Bruneian shores is a royal documentary centering on the life of the late Prince Azim. Premiered on 29 July at at Times Cineplex at The Empire Brunei and executively produced by His Royal Highness Prince ‘Abdul Mateen, Her Royal Highness Princess ‘Azemah Ni’matul Bolkiah and Her Royal Highness Princess Fadzilah Lubabul Bolkiah and directed by Sumardi Hedus of Relentless Entertainment, the documentary film is the first of its kind and definitely one for the books. The beloved Prince was paid tribute through the lenses of his nearest and dearest as well as the people whose lives had been impacted through his philanthrophy—all of whom had something special to say during their interviews about their experience with the wellloved figure of the Bruneian royal family. Rare home videos of his childhood ensured that there was not a dry eye to be seen in theaters around the sultanate. In the spirit of the late prince’s benevolence, a majority of the proceeds will go towards local charities that Prince Azim had advocated for in his life’s work such as Pusat Ehsan AlAmeerah Al-Hajjah Maryam, Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Brunei (KACA), SMARTER Brunei and Yayasan Kanser Kanak-Kanak Brunei (YASKA).

Hands up if you still own a few CDs from the heyday but you’re also unsure if you even own a CD player? Guilty nods aside, we love a good reuse and recycle project and Dorcas Fu is who we’ve been looking at for some disc-inspiration. A self-taught artist with interests in anything artrelated, the final-year university student caught our eye with her painted disc art which she reveals was a conscious environmental and budget-friendly decision to turn the old CDs lying around her house into something more meaningful. Dorcas, who keeps an open mind when trying out different art styles, has also opened commissions for side services where clients can drop off their tote bags or notebooks (or anything really!) to be painted, inked and beautified by The Inked Lady herself. We just love the keenness with which she embraces her potential projects and it comes as no surprise when Dorcas mentions that her inspiration stems from seeing other artists constantly find new creative ways to express themselves through art. “For every artist who takes hours, days or years to complete a piece, I find it really heartwarming to see a love like that being translated into their work”. •• IG: Tel: 673-8934769

Get Your Purr On Adorable cat café Neko Purradice meowed its way into existence in March of this year and won the hearts of many a cat lover in Brunei. Based in the Jerudong area, the family-owned business is a loving home to about thirty cats—but this is a café unlike any other, where the treats and snacks sold are for the felines and humans are only there to watch and serve should any kitty require chin scratches or some on-demand loving. No complains here! Inspired by similar cafes abroad, the owners wanted to introduce their own friendly cats to the world while instilling a similar love and awareness in their visitors. “Our favourite thing is to see a lot of cat lovers visiting our cat café and some even refusing to go back home,” they mention amusedly. “The cats are part

of our family and it is our main duty to keep them healthy and clean”. While the cats take turns frolicking in the playground, there is also a separate kitty maternity ward for new mommy cats to breastfeed their kittens in a safe and comfortable space. At the moment, free refreshments are offered for every entrance ticket bought, but in a place where playing with cats is the main activity and cat selfies are highly encouraged, kitty kisses are pretty much the only incentive we need. •• Kg Tagap, Jerudong, Brunei (location is available on Google Maps) Tel: 673-874 5811 IG: @nekopurradice



North Sandakan’s Dose of Vitamin Sea Filled with little pockets of paradise, Borneo is a gem of an island that just keeps on giving. Just 90 minutes north of Sandakan in the brilliant Sulu Sea lies an award-winning dive resort on Lankayan Island. Pure white sands encircle the marine protected area and sparkling turquoise waters make up the surroundings as guests are invited to luxuriate and recuperate from the day’s dives in 23 charming wooden chalets that come with not only the necessary amenities but also private balconies leading out to the ocean. But luxury tropical island resort setting aside, guests who are avid divers will feel at home with Lankayan

Island’s underwater delights where regular sightings and opportunities to swim alongside thriving sealife in their element are part and parcel of your stay during the season (gears and equipments for water activities are all available for rental at the dive center). Whether you’re there for the dive, the view or the sea turtles who love to nest and forage within the area, Lankayan Island Dive Resort is the place to be for an experience of Sandakan’s “hidden heaven on earth”. •• W: IG: @lankayanislanddiveresort

Going Loko for Koko Looking at the chocolate fare that local Sabahan brand Koko Loko sells, you’d be hard put to guess who comes up with such delicious offerings. But the man and CEO behind Koko Loko is none other than 11 year old Armand who, besides his love for eating and making cocoa-based snacks, also has an affinity for social entrepreneurship. Using only pure Sabah cocoa beans harvested and purchased directly from independent farmers and small cocoa growers in Sabah, the adorable yet ambitious chocolatier churns out from his Kinarutbased “Do Good, Eat 16


Chocolate” factory the elegant yet nutritious cocoa-based snacks that are sold on their online menu. We can’t get enough of their Sweet Spice Cocoa Nibs made of roasted cocoa nibs, Himalayan salt, ginger, cinnamon and molasses. Their granola blast also makes for a dream topping for all our future yogurt bowls, made with rolled oats, cocoa nibs, coconut flakes, chia seeds and coconut oil. And their Dark Chocolate Cinammon Pot? Ingenious! Highly nutritious and extremely delicious? We’ll take it all! In case you needed an extra push, a portion of their profits also goes towards Greening the Earth projects which aim to plant more trees and mangroves and promote coral propagation in Sabah. If there’s one thing that we can do, it’s eating chocolate for a good cause. •• IG & FB: @kokolokokids E:

biG scoop

Masks Crafted With Heart

Sangon & Co. Beautiful in name and beautiful in nature, Sangon & Co. is brought to life by jewellery makers Martiana and Annie. Those new to the Borneocentric brand can expect a wave of good vibes when looking through their sparkling inventory of quality freshwater and cultured pearls, semi-precious stone and gold-plated gems. As “jewellery with Bornean stories”, a common heritage-proud theme runs through their gold-plated collections as they infuse their love for the land they were born and raised in into each little piece. Aside from advocating for the support of small businesses while preaching and practising sustainability with their eco-friendly packaging (jewellery is packed in reusable cardboard boxes and their signature handmade batik pouches), Sangon & Co. also warmly dedicates a portion of their sales to local communities in need and charitable organisations. We love nothing more than a local Bornean brand with a strong message—especially when they come as stunning as this. •• W: IG: E:

With the ongoing pandemic, masks are currently the necessary accessory to be seen with. And while surgical masks are a definite must-have especially when you’re double masking, the other must-have is Tanoti’s rattan face masks. Specially handcrafted from wild rattan harvested from the Highlands of Sarawak, the face masks are brought to life using traditional weaving techniques of the Penan tribe. Washable, reusable and lined with cotton for the user’s comfort, these masks are the way to go if being environmentally sustainable is your kind of thing (as it should be!). Different options are available to cater to each user’s preference such as elastic ear loops, cotton tie-backs or backof-head elastic cords, these handcrafted masks come in a variety of piping colours. With Tanoti as a boutique songket atelier, dedicated to elevating the local craft industry in Sarawak, and a strong advocate for “improving the lives and and livelihoods of womenfolk and rural communities through the ancient art of songket weaving”, this is one mask that we would be proud to own. •• Tanoti House, 56 Tabuan Road, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak W: IG: @tanoticrafts Borneo.Insider’s.Guide



Rozman Mashor

There was once a time – albeit when I was far younger – when I would idly think to myself that stage plays, drama, and everything theatre, was a pursuit that I could expect to never see materialise in Brunei society beyond the odd school club. The past few years have proven me wrong for which I am immeasurably glad. Having spent a good portion of my own childhood days engaged in drama clubs and societies in a few schools around the world, I know first-hand the positive effects that such a pursuit can have on our own personal development. From concentration and communication, to cooperation and confidence; these characteristics are but a few of the underlying traits that can be gleaned from this physical display of creativity. All participants invariably develop strong unforgettable personas, which in turn can help them better navigate the meandering river of life. All the world’s a stage, and those involved in the performance arts are often capable of adapting better to new scenarios than others. In recent history, Brunei has seen an upsurge in high school and university students as well as young working professionals getting involved in this field of specialty, and we as a community are so much richer for it. Without further ado, here are some of the groupings developing the overall scene across the Sultanate – Lights, Stage, Action!



biG feature

We have seen growth over the past decade and it is very promising to see.

Pillars of

Creativity 247 STUDIOS


eet the newcomers on the theatrical block everyone! For those among you deeply embedded in Brunei’s creative arts industry – regardless of specialisation – it is likely you have heard of 247 Studios. For those of you who have not, that is understandable, for while the group itself was formed just 2 years ago in 2019, their founders have long been striving to promote this facet of the arts in the Sultanate. So, allow me draw back the red curtain and give you a peek backstage.



Founded by Syazni Bakar and Amali Hj Roslin, these two creatives operate under the belief that more stage performances need to be organised and conducted for society at large if we are to develop – and more importantly sustain – a genuine theatre industry. This is why this 8-member-strong grouping work in line with their philosophy of “creating opportunities for creatives through theatre”. As a result, they do not shy back at all from collaborating with all necessary players. This is a humorous irony in of itself as

most participants are quite introverted, which goes to show how committed they are to developing this field. Whether it be the other drama groups operating in the country, private sector entities recognising the benefits of getting involved, or the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, who have been tremendous supporters of these pursuits for positive national development in the social arena; 247 Studio’s goals are ultimately the uplifting of all. “We always believe an individual can improve their soft

skills through performing,” Shazni says, highlighting confidence, speech, and teamwork as positive traits, as he takes advantage of their hunger to develop their skills on and off stage. Make no mistake, this is in Amali and Syazni’s blood. One currently helps Radio Televisyen Brunei in producing dramas, while the other has been invested in the performing arts since he was a student. Both want to help others achieve their performing arts goals. Acknowledging that the local scene is still small and amateurish, they recognise that the obstacle to overcoming this is to consistently produce more stories, more acts for the big stage. This led to the recent National Theatre Festival, for which Syazni was one of the codirectors. “There is always room to improve, but as the festival has led to conversations between groups already taking place, I do consider it a success.” Those are the exact words we at BiG wanted to hear. Well done guys and gals.

biG feature





You should see the talents some Bruneians possess. It is surprising and astonishing!


t is a testament to the passion one has for their personal pursuits that they can put in so much effort while balancing their day jobs and careers. Take Sutera Memento (SM) for example. Founded in 2017 and comprising 4 executive heads and 10 other members, these contributors to this fledgling industry rotate their various roles and responsibilities among themselves in order to

gain a better grasp for the scope of production. A pretty smart approach you have to admit. This should come as no surprise though as Dewi, in her role as the group’s CEO has been doing this since her school days and has a fair bit of experience. Exuding a strong aura of positivity, she has been delighted to see theatrical performances blooming in recent times, especially following

the recent National Theatre Festival. She lauds the exchange of skills and knowledge between local practitioners in each other’s workshops as setting the stage and allowing “different production houses to elevate the momentum” for turning a pastime “into a professional field of pursuit.” As a theatre production, and events management company striving to be a platform to showcase local talents on and off-stage, SM has produced original masterpieces from scripting to song composition. “We aim to take local talents on performative journeys within a localised setting. Stories that portray Brunei.” The overwhelmingly positive reception that SM has received

from local communities is proof that this is an artform increasingly more appreciated. Despite the popularity of SM’s own Takdir Series, Dewi shares the love regarding newcomers to the scene. “You need to see the real talents that some Bruneians possess, it can be surprising and astonishing! These people are committed, dedicated, talented. It is from these talents that we show Brunei that our hidden gems are not so hidden after all, and that they are just waiting for the opportunity to shine.” Thankful to the government for their support as SM has received quite a few invitations to perform for various departments, Dewi hopes that a time will come when all parties concerned recognise the stakes and risks involved in putting on even the simplest of plays. It is time for “creatives to be valued in the sense that entertainment does not come without a price, and that developing the performative industry is not without reward, as it is another avenue for promoting tourism to Brunei.” Now this, is a good point that the team at BiG fully supports, and we too hope to see this become reality one day.



biG feature

The Time Is Now


The audience itch. We performers scratch.


e are the magicians. Hopefully, the perfect illusionists even. We transport every person sitting in those seats ahead of us into an entire world of our conjuring. To indulge in their voyeuristic tendencies. Whether it be television, books, painting, dance, or theatre; these creative mediums are utilised by the viewer, while the performer themselves grant us all permission to see a reflection of their soul. The audience itch. We the performer scratch. This is the sentiment of Iddie Moe, one of the 3 committee members elected to head the Brunei Amateur Dramatic Society (B.A.D.S) for the 2021-2022 year. Alongside Ida Patera, and Mike Han – he sells the group’s desire to pursue this artform with poise and gusto. For it is after all, one of the oldest drama societies in Brunei having been established in 1964. With 20 registered members this year, the overall vision has never wavered over the decades. To foster interest in live theatre through workshops and performances. Ida was attracted to portraying concepts that lead to a connection with the audience. Mike’s natural



curiosity led to a fulfilling enjoyment of self. A mesmerising experience that inspired Iddie as an audience member in his childhood pushed him along this path. These individuals are all introverted, yet thrive in what many would expect to be an impossible arena for them. This is because self-discovery is a consistent process. To be self-aware of your own capability, and to possess that desire to improve oneself. To boost your confidence, to throw

that security blanket over your shoulders, to develop mentally and emotionally as a Human Being. Iddie lauds theatre as a good place to begin trying to understand oneself. It’s “that or therapy, and therapy is kind of expensive,” he says in good humour. Ida and Mike chime in, pointing out how important team work is because “we need to make each other look good, for us all to look good.” Bringing this A-Game to the stage enables continuous engagement with the audience and ultimately, cultivates a greater love for theatre.

Of the remaining obstacles that need tackling is the application of value to this artform. There are those who do not acknowledge the sheer amount of time and effort that goes into a production. This lack of respect is beginning to recede in light of the success of the National Theatre Festival, Representing Brunei at the Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama, Japan; Ida envisions a future of international collaborations. There is a time to be patient, a time to be proactive. With the number of young people now taking to the stage, it seems the choice has been made.

Haven for



lways striving to push boundaries in Brunei, our female counterparts have achieved noteworthy successes in multiple fields from education and entrepreneurship, to business, governance and even gaming. Drama is the latest notch to be added to their collective belt. With the goal of creating an exclusively safe and experimental space for women’s stories, voices, performance, and daring; the allfemale Salted Egg Theatre (SET) group are making their presence felt. Led by Jacqueline Liew, Kathrina Mohd Daud and Siti Zuliana Haji Masri; these three walked different paths based on different inspirations resulting in an organic meshing of their values. Kat is a writer and storyteller. Jackie is a direct observer of the transformative powers that theatre can imbue upon the youth. Zuliana possesses great appreciation for the artform from the perspective of the audience, and wanted to share that love with her students so badly she herself was dragged gleefully onto the stage.

Toeing the line between introversion and extroversion, SET acknowledge that there is a time and place for switching on and off the correct mindset. There is a time to be at the forefront, as well as “a time to recharge and to arrange for backup”, especially as they deal with a wide range of personalities. It is impressive how they have strategised their abilities to maximise what they could achieve. They also highlight that while the bolder among us are naturals on the stage with their charisma, the quieter among us are often well suited due to being “thoughtful in their process and the ideas they bring to rehearsals and meetings that can change the trajectory of a production to a much better one.” SET has been a haven for women in more ways than one. Providing actresses an opportunity to work with an entire female crew for an allfemale audience. This in turn creates a “level of understanding and intimacy between performer and audience, creating moments of recognition from an audience member when she thinks ‘I am her’, of a character,” on stage.

With a core group of ladies that have been involved in 2 productions thus far, and receptive communities of women grateful for SET’s articulation of their inner thoughts and feelings, the chemistry continues to grow. Having participated in the recent National Theatre Festival, and excited at what lies in store for the future of the artform in the Sultanate, they laud this pursuit as a “serious form of preservation of our history, culture, and the times we live in.” Jackie wants to see drama studied academically at IGCSE schools and colleges. Zuliana wants proper venues with locally produced shows that go on for weeks

at a time. Kat wants to tell local stories in her fight against injustices and discrimination. All 3 want a more developed society, and for women who thought they had no voice on the stage, now they officially do.

Theatre is a serious form of preservation of our history, culture and the times we live in. Borneo.Insider’s.Guide


biG feature

An adventure is more fun when you have others joining in.


s a ragtag group of five – perfect for a band of heroes or a bank heist – Medley House Productions, who vibe with the vision of Brunei as a home for storytellers, is a community theatre company that popped into existence in 2019. Their top-secret mission? To nurture artists and creatives from seed to fruit, and provide a space for creativity to safely grow. The past two years have seen a number of productions done and dusted on important issues such as suicide, and sexual harassment. It has not been easy, but it is what we do best. The core team members – Insan Mardini, Danish Fikri, Van Leaster, Amirah Herliany, Rudi Ryde – believe in its ability to hold a mirror to society and its power to tell impactful narratives. As Bruneian youths, we understand how hard it can be to talk about certain topics and go through the taboo and stigma they possess. As members of society, we understand how many are cornered into silence for the sake of safety and integrity. We do theatre because of this. We do theatre because it can be the voice that breaks the silence and be the guiding hand that brings us out of the stigma. Crazy, we know, but it is what it is.



The Art of


Theatre has a way of making a person discover themselves, the people around them, and the environment they are in. As actors we put ourselves as characters in the play, but the process we go through lets us dive deep internally and utilise it externally, oftentimes we become more ourselves than anything else; to understand others, we must first understand ourselves. Meryl Streep said it best, “Acting is not about being someone different. It’s finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there.”

The local theatre scene is amazing relative to how it was even just a few years ago. With more events in the past months compared to 5 years ago, we can see that the scene is at least staying, if not blooming. At this rate there will definitely be a future for Bruneian performers. The theatre scene needs movers and shakers with grit and resilience in their craft, business-savvy creatives who can make profit to ensure the industry can build upon itself. The government has been great in its support. We are currently working with the

Brunei Climate Change Secretariat in making a play about climate change. We collaborate a lot with the BigBWN Project, going from school to school conducting theatrical workshops tackling issues such as digital literacy, mental health, and environmental problems. As one of the creative partners for the recent festival we learned how far we can go when creatives band together, and what amazing creations we can come up with when we cast aside our differences because when passion meets action, dreams can come true.

For the students,


There are PAC members who started out as members of the audience.


ore than a simple platform for creative expression, the University Brunei Darussalam Performing Arts Club (UBD PAC) has been a gateway for the youth to break into different facets of the performing arts scene in the Sultanate. Indeed, since its establishment close to a decade ago in 2012, what was once a simple club comprising 10 members has grown to include up to 60 members during any given semester since. ‘For the students, by the students’ – the club’s official motto has been embraced wholeheartedly as it lends credence to the independent nature and thought processes of its practitioners, who do not simply spend their off-time

from studying prancing around a room, oh no. From scriptwriting, producing and directing, to coaching, administration, as well technical work as part of the offstage crews; these students are engaged in the full spectrum of their craft. All hands-on deck! for “Each and every member hold a very special and important role, whether they are seen on stage or not,” and with so much to learn, there are those “who even hold up to 3 different positions in the club.” Think-tankers work together to develop a story. The crews then nurture that by focusing on choreography, song composition, comedic scripts, designing the appropriate sets

and props, costume and make-up planning, light and sound placement, devising stage management plans, with a mood board in place as a visual layout of overall strategy. The effort required is nothing short of commendable. “Theatre is a vast empty canvass” waiting for the many colourful personalities that blend into a stage play, and in Brunei we are fortunate to have such personas who strive to improve themselves, while entertaining the masses that are you and I. On that note, “Several members who have joined us started out as part of the audience” which has been perceived as a genuine compliment by the club. After all imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Even more so when these individuals who are fairly shy and introverted valued the performances they witnessed, understood the attributes they

themselves could develop, to the extent that they overcame inhibitions to take to the stage. Evolution of character in real life and on the stage only comes when we are willing to challenge ourselves, and these performers have accepted that to be better people tomorrow, they need to challenge themselves today. Lauding the direction our fledgling theatre industry is moving in following the recent National Theatre Festival, the UBD PAC believe that Bruneians have never been ones to shy away from the arts regardless of whether it be graphic and visual, or emotional and intellectual. Theatre itself, which actually satisfies all those criteria, is a long-established practice here. The only difference is that now, it is finally receiving the attention it always deserved.



biG feature

Taking chances


6 - 50 years of age, “we find that when students join, they are often shy and reserved but after a few months of lessons they truly come out of their shells and excel not just here, but in their everyday lives.” This is because “dance has the ability to bridge emotions, character and movement together. It is acting through movement with the bodies as our instrument to tell our stories.”

There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them.” Or at least, that is what Austrian writer, Vicki Baum, would have told you if she were alive today. Her wisdom lives on however through the swaying motions, amazing choreography, and intelligent stories portrayed on stage by many worldwide. Bruneians can count themselves among that number proving we have just as much swag as the best of them, and leading the charge on that front are Amy Cheong and Mardi Hedus, the founders of the Relentless Academy of Performing Arts. These two can certainly move, and with a vision for developing the creative arts 26


industry established Relentless in 2008 which has been their vehicle for hundreds of events staged in the corporate, national, and regional arenas. With 9 large scale musicals and a documentary film under their collective belts, members of the team of 40 active performers comprising dancers, singers, and actors have represented home in Singapore, Malaysia, and Los Angeles in the United States. Able to call upon backup in the form of 160 people consisting of performing arts teachers, event emcees, writers, directors, as well as costume and set designers; the time for underestimating local capabilities is long gone. Prior to Covid, Relentless staged 2 musicals annually, drawing in an audience of up to 2,000

people, on top of their calendar of smaller shows throughout the year. The founders’ personal goal is to see the “development of healthy, confident, well-rounded individuals who have a sense of value and belonging in the world. To provide a unique educational experience through music, dance, and theatre that nourishes the body and mind.” This in turn leads to their professional goal, to see “a thriving and dynamic local industry with talents being recognised regionally and internationally.” Originally a dance studio, Relentless has since evolved into a performing arts academy as well as an entertainment production, and media company. With performers ranging between

The rarity of local competitions has pushed local talents to join events overseas that result in top 10 rankings which may surprise many. “The youth today have more exposure and opportunities compared to when we were their age”, and they are encouraged to take advantage of it and keep the momentum going. To create “a future where shows are frequent and of high quality.” It is not easy. It is costly, requires sacrifice, takes up more mental and physical training then many people realise, but “Slowly but surely, we will get there.”

The bodies are our instrument to tell our stories.

biG feature




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biG feature

A New Era for the

Arts Begins B

ased on the theme of ‘New Beginnings’ – the country’s first National Theatre Festival Brunei (NTFB) was officially launched at the Jerudong International School’s (J.I.S) Arts Centre on July 30, 2021, as it kickstarted what every single one of us hopes to be the start of our Sultanate’s performative journey toward transforming what was once considered a mere pastime, into a major pursuit. With support from major players inclusive of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Baiduri Bank, and J.I.S, backed-up by Ctrl Creative who provided the rehearsal



space, and Cuckoo Brunei who have developed a habit for rendering support to those engaging in notable causes; this is a landmark event for creatives nationwide. The inaugural event was organised mainly by 247 Studios, and Medley House Productions, with The Creative Core BN and Just Bruneians as their creative partners. In his role as the festival Co-Director & Managing Director of 247 Studios, Mohd Syazni bin Haji Abu Bakar, welcomed guests as he shared that this project was three years in the making and inspired by the regional Asian Youth Theatre

Festival. “Over the past few years, we have experienced a new wave in the creative industry. We have seen more performances, art events, local films, and a lot more creative work being done in the country. As a nation, we must take this as a positive sign as this growth can help to improve our creative economy,” Syazni said with a note of pride at the local community’s commitment to this endeavour. The eight local theatre groups who took to the stage were 247 Studios, Bruhaha Comedy, the Brunei Amateur Dramatic Society, Kumpulan PUTRA Seni, Medley House

Productions, Relentless Entertainment & Academy of Performing Arts, Salted Egg Theatre, and Sutera Memento. With English and Malaylanguage performances staged, as well as workshops hosted for the public on scriptwriting, acting, and the social aspect of theatre, the festival ran until August 1. Workshop tickets were charged at $5 per person, while $12 tickets were available for people wanting to watch the performances. Supporting the event as the guest of honour was the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Hj

Aminuddin Ihsan Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Hj Abidin. The minister was introduced to the eight participating groups, and tokens of appreciation were given to sponsors in appreciation of their support. The Baiduri Bank CEO, Ti Eng Hui, expressed the financial entity’s “Support of the ever-growing local creative arts scene is reflected in our commitment to connect with, and give back to our communities and illuminate the lives of people through creativity and innovation. We fully believe that art plays a fundamental role in enriching lives and strengthening societal bonds in our communities, and are very proud to be part of the very first National Theatre Festival.” The JIS Arts Centre Director, Jon-Mark Nesbitt, added that “We are delighted to be the venue partner for the inaugural National Theatre Festival Brunei. This year at Jerudong International School

Arts Centre we are celebrating our 10th anniversary and we are excited to welcome new performers and attendees to the arts centre for the festival, as well as familiar faces. We look forward to continuing to support the performing arts scene in Brunei.” Medley House Productions Chief Storyteller, Insan Mardini, said that “Years ago we would never have thought it possible but here we are. We feel more than honoured to be a part of this creative journey, and have never been so proud to be Bruneian artists.” Creative Lead of Just Bruneians, Liyana Hanif, added onto this sentiment, saying “We hope that this festival can be a platform to build a strong and vibrant theatre community. It’s been inspiring to work with fellow creatives, and we are looking forward to see the performances and workshops. Marketing Director of Cuckoo Brunei, Wong Hui Ting was all smiles, pointing out that “As a supporter of the rising

generation in the creative community, we are grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of the festival in raising awareness of the performing arts in Brunei.” Agency Manager of CTRL Creative, Ian Chan, noted that “There is an insurmountable passion that is headturning and incredibly moving here at Brunei’s very first theatre festival, and CTRL Creative is proud to be a part of the celebrations as a sponsor. Enjoy the festivities, everyone!” A new era for the local performing arts community has begun.




Free A N



t is no secret that with a lockdown likely to last until the year’s end, our collective desire to jump onto a plane and be whisked far, far away is constantly at the forefront of our minds. It has now become a daily tradition for me to – completely at random – burst out into song, yelling out “I want to break free!” Yes, yes, that melody references a love song as opposed to one of a journeyneed-making but hey, the words still ring out truth louder than any clarion call. And I know I am not the only one thinking this.

Rozman Mashor



For the meantime the best we can do is toy with the idea of travelling to an exotic destination away from the chaos of the past year. While that definition changes radically depending on whose eyes we see through, for myself this is what that fantasy envisions. My voluntary and responsible confinement to a limited size space, in tandem with the hot, humid, stuffy climate of this region of the


world, screams at me to head as many degrees of latitude as possible away from the equator. Simply put, I am filled with dreams of incredibly wide open, white and cold spaces where I can draw deep breaths without inviting a certain pesky virus to set up habitation in my lungs. Ski Lodges, Ski Resorts, and hotels in the snow! Can you imagine it? I can. I imagine enjoying the picturesque L’Apogee Courcheval, which will be re-opening on December 17 this year to lovers of snowy mountains in France’s Jardin Alpin. Opulent chalets and panoramic penthouses of timber and stone that is a heaven for both families and solo travelers, offering breathtaking views high above a historic Olympic ski jump. From first class ski facilities to the subterranean spa, everything is pure luxury and I need to be there right now! Just as equally mesmerising are the views from Park City Mountain of

biG escape

the American state of Utah. Here, nestled within the peaks of Deer Valley in the Wasatch Mountains is the Waldorf Astoria Ski Resort & Hotel. This is the only luxury-class accommodation you will find providing slope access to the largest ski resort in the US. From simple guest rooms with fireplaces to Suites of various classes, this is a destination that proves an Oasis does not have to be smack-bang in the middle of a desert to qualify for

that title. While we’re in the continental US, Wyoming has this treasure of a place called the Amangani, within the foothills of the Grand Tetons. The pioneering spirit of the Old West has been captured and blended with the redwood and sandstone architecture of this luxury hotel, embellishing the essence of Mother Nature’s raw beauty in a structure that is elegant yet minimalist. The vast emptiness accompanying a long stretch of horizon is so appealing in its polar opposite to being sequestered in my box. “You’ve reached a Top 3 there”, you may say to me but I will respond that locales 2 & 3 are in the same country so I get to cheat by technicality and add a true third destination to my list of grand escapes

this quarter. While not as large in scale, the Copperhill Mountain Lodge in Are, Sweden is encircled by stunning tundra – a veritable hinterland of who’s who in the cold biome category. Warm and cozy with the creature comforts we require while maintaining an isolation that is peaceful and calming. Many among you may desire to be surrounded by Human traffic in light of our need to stay away from even small crowds of people, and that is understandable. I too believe a time will come not too long from now when that too is what I will crave. Until then, to be out in the open free as a bird is what I will continue to dream of.



biG cravings

cravings Burgers are the blue jeans of comfort food.


Annette Tan

Appétit I

t used to be that two allbeef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onion on a sesame bun were all a burger needed to impress. Today, however, it’s hard for the hamburger to stay humble, as gourmet burger restaurants proliferate across the world, each offering a high-grade patty, to-die-for bread and all manner of upscale ingredients in between. The blame often falls on French chef Daniel Boulud. Boulud started the trend in 2001 with the db Burger at his db Bistro in New York City. For a gourmet price tag of US$32 — almost certainly more than anyone else had charged for a burger till then — the db comprised a sirloin patty stuffed with braised short ribs and topped with a morsel of foie gras between parmesan-dusted buns. With that, America’s favourite fast food was transformed into high-end grub, and there was no turning back. Ten years ago, veteran New York restaurateur Danny Meyer redefined the fast-food experience with his burger chain Shake Shack at Madison Square Park. Decked out in sleek, stainless steel, the restaurant churns out burgers that are



worth lining up for (which is what diners must often do – sometimes for up to an hour). With their soft buns, gooey American cheese and custom-blended patties made from beef supplied by meat masters Pat LaFrieda, Shake Shack burgers have become a benchmark for aspiring burgers meisters around the world. With outlets at Singapore’s Turf City and Wisma Atria, Omakase Burger is widely regarded as the city state’s answer to Shake Shack. Owned by former banker Cheng Hsin Yao, Omakase’s burgers are made from US Department of Agriculturegrade beef, which is first rolled into a ball and then smashed onto a hot grill. Delectably moist on the inside, with an appealing thick char, the patties are topped with a tasty slice of American cheese and set between soft squishy buns that absorb the meat’s delicious juices. Three Buns is the latest burger restaurant to hit Singapore, and chef Adam Penney — who is well known for creating some of London’s best burgers at Patty & Bun — dishes out a mean (though miniscule) Baby Huey burger that sent hipsters flocking to the restaurant when it opened in June this year. As Rebecca Bent wrote in her 2004 cookbook Burgers: “Burgers are the blue jeans of comfort food”. And as everyone knows, classics like denim never really fade.

biG cravings


n 2017, Rene Redzepi reconceptualised Noma as an urban farm and eatery that serves up the harvest, in a bid to reinvent and challenge diners’ concepts of food and eating. While the Copenhagen restaurant has led the charge in various avant garde food trends such as foraging for ingredients and even cooking with insects over the years, this was considered Redzepi’s most drastic move yet. “It makes sense to have your own farm, as a restaurant of this calibre,” he told the New York Times. The plan is to serve food according to the seasons, including turning into a vegetarian restaurant during spring and summer, with dishes made from the bounty of the restaurant’s urban farm. Closer to home in Asia, this changing approach to eating is a sign of the evolution of the foodie, says Cynthia Chua, founder and managing director of the Singapore-based Spa Esprit Group, whose latest restaurant Open Farm Community features a menu made with locally sourced ingredients and plants from its on-site urban farm. “There is something powerful about a community garden, where people can see where their food comes from and this encourages them to become more connected to the environment,” says Chua. Over at Fisherman’s Cove restaurant in Gaya Island Resort, Kota Kinabalu, the chef sources for sustainably fished seafood and

line-caught fish, which purists will say taste better than farmed fish and also contribute to the livelihoods of local fishermen. In land-scarce Singapore a collective of restaurants have come up with a way to meet this demand for ingredients with provenance by obtaining their greens from Hatiku Farm, an organic farm in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. These restaurants include Cocotte, The Provision Shop, Bacchanalia, Corner House, Burnt Ends and Meatsmith. While this may sound trendy, there is actually a lot of work going on behind the scenes to make this a possibility. It took two and half years for the chefs and farmers to figure out what plants could be grown in Cameron Highlands. Today, almost 80 per cent of the greens used in Cocotte now coming from Hatiku. A spokesman for Cocotte says, “By working with the farm it helps to reduce our carbon footprint, lower our costs, and we get our hands on fresher ingredients because they’d be delivered within a day from the point of harvest to the kitchen and from a traceable source where we know exactly where and how our food was grown.” With responsible establishments such as these becoming more and more commonplace globally, it may soon be a reality for gourmands to be able to eat well, while doing their part to save the world at the same time.


Farm to table Karen Tee




Standing tall and proud right at the edge of a section of coastline like a beacon for all to see is the newly renamed – as of August 26, 2021 – Menara Kinabalu (Kinabalu Tower). Impossible to miss, this silent sentinel oversees all within its jurisdictional purview literally and figuratively, in its role as the administrative centre for the Malaysian state of Sabah. With a single tower that stretches 33-storeys skywards, and flanked on both sides by accompanying 9-storey office buildings, this structure in tandem with its renaming was formally recognised as the tallest work of architecture on the Island of Borneo, claiming the title over the previous holder, Sarawak’s Wisma Sanyan in Sibu. Housing the offices of the state’s chief minister and other members of his cabinet, the building resides by the blue waters and coral-fringed coast of the Likas Bay, and is just an 8.5-kilometre drive from the capital city of Kota Kinabalu.

Alan Thien


eat , drink Brunei

Nasi Lemak Ipoh Cruising down the Mentiri road will take you past a little European-looking stall which is hard to miss. Looking intriguingly out of place and always surrounded by a good number of cars, this place has come to be synonymous with the Nasi Lemak Ipoh they serve. A simple but delicious fare of freshly fried chicken, fragrant coconut rice, anchovies, peanuts and of course, some good ol’ spicy sambal, this is the go-to place for locals within the vicinity when they want their traditional nasi lemak fix. But if a spicy kick to your taste buds doesn’t float your boat, their menu which mostly specializes in Malaysian cuisine also offers a an original option. Speaking of their menu, aside from their signature nasi lemak, they also serve variants of the well-



loved rice dish such as Nasi Lemak Sambal Sotong, Nasi Lemak Sambal Pusu and of course, a welcoming selection of cucur/fritters—all equally good and tasting of the restaurant’s signature flavours. If you’ve lived in Brunei or Malaysia for an extended amount of time, it’s safe to say at one point or another you’ve had nasi lemak for breakfast and we think this place is great for the occasion. We recommend tucking into their breakfast set where you get their nasi lemak with a side of banana fritters and a hot drink. What a hearty way to begin the day!


Simpang 209, Jln Kota Batu, Kg Mentiri Open: 9am - 6pm (Tues to Sun), closed on Mondays IG: @nasilemak4u Tel: 673-7210097 (WhatsApp)

Shuga Tea by JK Bakes It’s always big news (to us at least!) when a new place joins the competitive ranks of our tight-knit dessert drinks community. It’s also always interesting to see what new innovative flavours and toppings these places come up with so when we placed an order for Shuga Tea’s highly recommended honeycomb latte to go, our sugary-sweetloving selves were absolutely elated with the generous amount of honeycomb which came sitting prettily atop deliciously brewed coffee. We absolutely recommend this with their dairy-free soy milk alternative—which f.y.i., is available free of charge! If you’re not in the mood for coffee (it happens), you can also enjoy their honeycomb as an add-on to any of their other drinks. We’ve heard absolute wonders of their matcha and hojicha series and we’ve even tried some of the drinks off their milk latte menu (fresh yam latte, anyone? Or perhaps a black sesame latte? The delicious choice is yours!). Drop by Shuga Tea by JK Bakes and sip for yourself.


Unit B2 & B3, Grd Flr, Blk B, Aman Hills Shophouse, Kg Sungai Tilong (same unit as Chicco Brunei) Open daily: 9am-6pm IG: @shugateabn Tel: 673-8370888

biG appetite

Mince Burgers With more than 6000 followers on Instagram, the burgers at Mince Sear Shack clearly speak for themselves. Not your average sloppy Joes, the hardworking lads behind Mince work their magic behind the grill to deliver hefty, juicy bites that demands you indulge wholeheartedly and wholefistedly—these burgers did not come to play. Only six burgers are listed on their menu, along with some sides (their rosemary fries make for the perfect accompaniment to their burgers) and we think it’s for a good reason. Packing a punch is the “Chuck Norris” of cheeseburgers which comes with smokey chipotle mayo, smoked cheddar and subtle sweet red onions while their “Sacre Bleu” is a vision in blue cheese, crispy fried onions and swiss cheese. But if you’re a first-timer looking to make your first chomp memorable, the “Return of the M.A.C” is definitely the way to go featuring their decadent deep fried cream cheese patty which stands distinct between layers of smoked beef bacon and other juicy components. They may mince their house patties but we sure aren’t mincing words when we say that these burgers are on some other level.


58 Jalan Utama Berakas, Bandar Seri Begawan BB2313 OPEN: 2pm-7pm (Mon-Sun) IG: TEL: 673-8882520 (WhatsApp)



biG appetite

The Hummus Shack Whether you see it as a dip or a spread, there’s no denying that hummus is a staple, especially if you’re a fan of Middle Eastern or Indian cuisine—with a twist. Selling some of that plant-based goodness using natural ingredients and rareto-find flavours (we’re talking dessert hummus as well—but more on that later!) is The Hummus Shack, a home-based business in the Kota Kinabalu vicinity. While their savoury hummus flavours are worth salivating over as it is (cottage cheese masala, caramelized onion and miso shiitake purple carrot are among some of the flavours listed), their dessert flavours are what really piqued our interests. Versatile in nature and enjoyably eaten as a fruit, vegetable or cookie dip, as a healthy alternative to cupcake frosting or just plainly spread on toast, the world is really your oyster with this one. While dark chocolate, snickers, Lotus Biscoff cheesecake (!) and orange hazel white chocolate are the only dessert hummus officially listed in their menu, keep an eye out for more seasonal flavours that they release limitedly from time to time. If you ever run out of things to dip into, the Hummus Shack also has your back with a variety of sides such as falafels and flat breads. While their menu is available only on a pre-order basis, it’s officially “time to stock your fridge with hummus” o’clock!


IG: @hummus_shack_sabah Tel: 6014-9445266

eat , drink S a b a h

February First

February First, or 2.1 FEB if you came from Instagram, has been making waves on our pastry radar with its intriguing desserts, the likes which we’ve only mostly seen from Japanese bakeries. But bringing it to Kota Kinabalu is the passionate local online business which first caught our eye when they launched their Valentine’s Day special this year with a “love piñata” complete with a wooden hammer, a special rose tart and charming craft paper flowers. An absolute vision! Their ongoing menu is no less impressive with offerings such as their bestselling kinako soy mochi tarts from the Japanese series collection—a combination of jiggly soft kinako soy mochi and buttery tart shell. February First’s latest collection of oriental lattice motif 38


tarts, namely “Tartastic Mooncakes”, “imbues oriental elegance” with four different flavours; earl grey dark chocolate, 3Q matcha, hojicha and dark goma. With such elaborate flavours so intricately presented (we find their fun dessert breakdowns on Instagram especially helpful!), we as eager amateur bakers ourselves sought for some words of wisdom from the person behind the elusive bakery brand. “Do not be afraid of failures as it is part of the learning process. We have a strong sense of community amongst home bakers especially in Kota Kinabalu where we are constantly learning from each other, do reach out to them and support each other”. We love this!


IG: @2.1feb FB: @februaryfirst2.1 Tel: 6012-825 6828

biG appetite

June’s Ice Creams Creator and purveyor of fine cakes, June Cakes and Desserts, has branched out into a different type of irresistible sweet treat—ice creams! Having built a sturdy reputation based on the amazing Swiss Meringue Buttercream frosted cakes that they churn out and often brimming with florals and foliage, fans of the boutique online bakery were rewarded with news that they would be launching their own handcrafted artisanal ice cream line in January of this year. And with more than 700 pints sold so far, it’s safe to say that the expansion has been met with open arms! With a variety of flavours ranging from dark chocolate to brown butter and salted caramel pecan, Yvonne (of June Cakes and Desserts) also wows with surprising flavours such as her frozen take on well-loved traditional kueh apam balik and Chinese New Year favourite, pineapple tart. While cakes are still very much their main forte, June Cakes and Desserts does not shy away from whipping up others desserts, cupcakes, tartlets, cookies and now, ice cream—all of which can be purchased directly from their online store based on availability. Selling out like, well, hot cakes each time, we recommend keeping a lookout for new items on their menu so you don’t miss out on this goodness!

Dine with FED If getting fed was an emotion, the culinaryobsessed folks behind Kuching’s FED have preserved it, put it in a jar and served it on a hearty platter with the ring of a serving bell. It’s a wholesome, fulfilling and satisfying sort of feeling, much like their delicious menu of freshly baked goods and hot dishes. What began as a series of interesting pop-up dinner parties eventually unfolded into today’s Dine with FED Bakery & Cafe where elevated classics are served with a twist, the good old fashioned way (no shortcuts!) to get the flavour and quality that feeds their customers hearts and souls—and stomachs, of course! Their signature items include loaded beauties such as the Reuben Sandwich— “layers of light rye sourdough, in-house brined Aussie corned beef, sauerkraut, jalapeno cucumber relish, mustard, orange cheddar & garlic aioli”—as well as their weekend sourdough pizzas and special pastries. And for those of you who wished you had a taste of FED with you at every meal or if you’re looking for the perfect accompaniment to their famous pumpkin sourdough sandwich loaf, they also have amazing in-house dips and spreads that can be bought in 100g glass jars of goodness.

eat , drink


W: E: IG: @junecakesanddesserts Tel: 6016-8624022


Lemon ricotta cheese? Sundried cashew pesto? Smokey Baba Ganoush? Don’t mind if we do! Pro tip: If you foresee an insatiable craving for FED’s dishes such as their sourdough pizzas, their conversation platters or anything under their Get Fed! At Home Series, they recommend placing preorders in advance to avoid disappointment. The MCO may have slowed things down a little but this wholesome eatery definitely has plans for its returning fans. “The goal would be to continue FED as a ‘supper club series’ in the future making us a bakery by day and supper club by night!”, talented owner Hazel Tang says. So be sure to stay tuned!


H Plaza, LOT 9913 BLK 16, Jalan Lapangan Terbang Baru, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak Open: 8.30am-7pm (Tues-Fri), 10.30am-8pm (Sat-Sun) Tel: 012-9983936 IG & FB: @dinewithfed Borneo.Insider’s.Guide


biG listings


Guidelines: The restaurants and eateries listed are arranged by food types, and not in order of our preference. Reviews are written from a typical diner’s perspective and written based on actual visits to the establishments listed, without the prior knowledge of the restaurants. Information given on menus, hours or prices may change and should be checked. In Brunei, all restaurants are closed between 12 noon and 2 pm on Fridays.

OUR PICKS RANGING FROM QUICK & EASY MEALS TO LOBSTER & CAVIAR, THESE ARE OUR FAVOURITE HAUNTS AROUND TOWN! Amulya This North Indian restaurant serves our favourite briyani in town. Grd Flr Jln Setia Square Berakas, Kg Jaya Setia (673 2339230) Chop Jing Chew Freshly made Roti Kahwin perfectly paired with a teh tarik 10 Spg 5 Jln Gadong, Kg Menglait (673 2424132) Gwad Basha Arabian Restaurant Arabic cuisine at its finest #1A&1B Heng Thai Property Centre Spg 22 Jln Dato Ratna, Kiarong (673 2450009) – call for other branches Restoran Makan & Soto Rosmini Our favourite soto hang-out 1 Spg 15, Jln Gadong (673 8719946) Mei Kong Coffee Shop A trip to Brunei isn’t complete without sampling their famous kolo mee 108 Jln Pemancha, Bandar Seri Begawan (673 2240688) Kaizen Sushi served fresh on your table plus a variety of other Japanese cuisine Yayasan Complex Waterfront Side, Bandar Seri Begawan (673 2226336) – call for other branches Pondok Sari Wangi Restaurant Serving the best of Indonesian cuisine 12-13 1st Flr Blk A Abd Razak Complex, Gadong (673 2445043) – call for other branches



Thien Thien Restaurant Purveyors of arguably the best Nasi Ayam in town 10 Grd Flr Mas Panchawarna Complex (673 2222435) – call for other branches Ximply Chriz Café Divine desserts, great coffee and scrumptious meals 8 Blk A Regent Square, Kiulap (673 2234918) TASTE OF ASIA VIETNAMESE PHO, THAI TOM YAM, JAPANESE SUSHI, KOREAN KIMCHI AND BRUNEIAN AMBUYAT – THIS LIST COVERS MOST OF OUR FAVOURITE ASIAN DELIGHTS. Ahan Thai 10 Blk B Abd Razak Complex, Gadong (673 2452852)

Babu’s Kitchen C44 Blk C Grd Flr Gadong Central, Kg Menglait (673 2457868) Bali Pit-Stop 15 &16, Spg 150 Grd Floor, Block A Bangunan Habza, Kiulap (673 7209992) Chatterbox Kopitiam 2 Grd Flr Bgn Hasbullah 2, Gadong (673 8201212) Excapade Serusop Unit 4&5, Spg 86, Complex PHB, Kg Delima Satu, Jln Muara (673 2335512) – Call for other branches Farmbasket Snack Bar A1, Grd Flr Blk A, Urairah Complex, Spg 88, Kiulap (673 2234666) – Call for other branches Gurkha Palace 47 Jalan Bunga Melor, Seria Town (673 3221474)

Ah Mit’s Delicacy Café No 13, Grd Flr, Impiana Jaya Complex, Kiulap (673 889 0024)

Gratitude Café Grd Flr Serusop Complex, Kg Delima Satu (673 2341123)

All Seasons Restaurant 17 1st Flr Times Square Shopping Centre, Kg Jaya Setia (673 2338068)

Great Taste Restaurant Grd Flr Setia Kenangan II, Kg Kiulap (673 2233913)

Aminah Arif 2 & 3 Blk B Grd Flr Bgn Hj Abd Rahman, Kiulap (673 2236198) – Call for other branches

Happy Dean Restaurant No 3, Grd Flr, Zainuddin Complex, Spg 11, Anggerek Desa, Berakas A (673 2340885) – Call for other branches

Aneka Rasa Blk A #16 & 17 Grd & 1st Flr Bgn Begawan Pehin Dato Hj Mohd Yussof, Kg Kiulap (673 2231728)

Impian Rasa Restaurant #5 Bgn Pg Hjh Rafiah Spg 607 Jln Jangsak, Gadong (673 2653858) – Call for other branches

Anjung Layar Luncur (Nur Wanita Serasa Branch) Simpang 287, Pantai Serasa (673 2771879)

Iron Chef Unit 5&6, Lvl 1, HuaHo Manggis Mall (673 2338888)

Ar Ruhma Restaurant 329 Blk D Bgn Gadong Central, Kg Menglait (673 2427847)

Kaka Restaurant 2 & 3 Spg 100 Jln Jerudong (673 2672333) – Call for other branches

Axtivo Restaurant #12, Grd Flr, Hj Uthman Complex, Spg 13, Kg Jaya Setia (673 2335642)

La Mee #1B & 1c Grd Flr Spg 41-112, Jln Kiarong (673 2430113)

Lee Loi Fatt Blk A #7 Grd Flr Serusop Complex, Kg Delima Satu (673 2342384) – Call for other branches Mangrove Paradise Resort Spg 912 Kg Sungai Belukut, Jln Kota Batu (673 2786868) MY Favoureat Restaurant 9 Grd Flr Bgn Hj Munchit & Hjh Rapiah, Kg Jaya Setia (673 2232828) MyTown Eating House Grd Flr The Crown Princess Complex, Jalan Tutong (673 2241880) Nyonya 3 Grd Flr Bgn Hasbollah, Gadong (673 2447090) Old Time Kopitiam G2 Grd Flr Bgn Hj Ibrahim, Kg Menglait (673 244 282) Pattaya Restaurant Spg 302, Jln Kota Batu, Sungai Lampai, BSB (673 2241721) PappaRich Blk G Grd Flr Abd Razak Complex, Gadong (673 2432333)


GALLERY Casbah London Kebab Pick lamb, chicken, beef or fish and have it dressed and wrapped your way – tikka, kebab, doner or shawarma style! A quick and deliciously meaty meal for hungry diners on the go. OPEN DAILY; #G2a Grd Flr Times Square Complex, KG JAYA SETIA (673 2343001) (Times Square Branch) or #204 Spg 210 Kg Lambak, JLN BERAKAS (673 8803183) – Call for other branches

Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Despite new coffee shops popping up around town, the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf undoubtedly remains the most popular purveyor of caffeine in Brunei with 12 branches throughout the country. This global coffee chain continues to brew their specialty coffee and their ever-popular Ice-Blended coffee drinks for the masses. OPEN DAILY 8am-11pm; G26 Grd Flr Times Square Shopping Centre, Jln Jaya Setia, BERAKAS (673 2337358) – call for other branches

Pho Hoa Restaurant #6 Grd Flr Blk B Bgn Hj Abd Rahman, Kg Kiulap (673 2236218)

Riwaz A contemporary Indian restaurant that serves up traditional Indian cuisine with a modern twist!

Rice Bowl 72 T.C.Y Building, Batu Bersurat (673 8630665)

OPEN 6.30pm – 10.30pm (closed Mondays); Radisson Hotel Jln Tasek, BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN (673 2244272 ext 8873)

Sapphira Cake House 3 Grd Flr Seri Anigma, Kiulap (673 2232021)

Rumah Gelato Scoops, takeaway cups, tubs, and cakes and catering too, all under one roof! Welcome to Rumah Gelato, Brunei’s premier gelataria offering 50 flavours to tingle your taste buds. With fewer calories per serving than ice cream, don’t just have a single scoop. Have 2 or 3!

Seasons Restaurant Lvl 2 The Centrepoint, Gadong (673 2422291) Seafood Palace #1, 2 & 3 Blk B An-Nuha Building, Kg Tanjung Bunut (673 2671299) Seaworld Neptune 8 Spg 791, Jerudong (673 2612613)

OPEN DAILY 10.00am-10.00pm

biG listings

B IS FOR BUCH Okay, hands up, we’ve got to confess: we’ve never had kombucha before. We’ve completely missed the “good soda” wagon thus far but somewhere along the road, we came across B is for Buch, a charming woman-founded and family-owned micro-brewery which just celebrated its one year anniversary. While B is for Buch began as a whim and a “form of catharsis in 2020” (we’ve all been there!), we’re glad the wonderfully whimsical brand is here and consistently putting out different flavours (in two sizes) each week. Can we also take a moment to talk about how great they are at coming up with kombucha names? “When I Met You in The Summer” tells of a romantic entanglement between watermelon and mint, “Dustland Fairytale” a warming tale of what happens when red apple, star anise, cinnamon and cloves come together and “In Bloom” a love story between butterfly pea, lavender and honey. Using only real fruits, spices and herbs to hammer home the slew of health benefits that kombucha is traditionally and medicinally known for, we also have B is for Buch to thank for aesthetically educating their followers on the wonders of kombucha—and for turning us over to the happy side!

IG: @bisforbuch

Sate House Unit B9, Block B, Setia Kenangan II, Spg.150, Kiulap, Bandar Seri Begawan (673 2231017)

C’Fu Curry House Restaurant Spg 103 #5 & 6 Grd Flr Bgn Hj Md Salleh, Gadong (673 2457000)

Sulbingsoo Korean Dessert Cafe Unit B7, Grd Flr, Shakirin Complex, Kiulap (673 2234271)

Delhi Darbar Restaurant & Catering Spg 38 Jln Jerudong (673 2672826)


Gwad Basha Arabian Restaurant 1A & 1B Heng Thai Property Centre, Spg 22, Jalan Dato Ratna, Kiarong (673 2450009)

Amsarra Shawarma Unit 5, Grd Flr, Blk A, One Riverside, Jln Gadong (673 7312545)

Iskandar Curry House Unit B5, One Riverside, Jln Gadong, Bandar Seri Begawan BA1511 (673 2422438)

Blue Restaurant Unit 19, Grd Flr, Blk C, Spg 493, Kg Beribi, Jln Gadong (673 2450458) Bombay Palace Restaurant #9 Grd & 1st Flr Blk B Bgn Pg Mainuddin & Anak2, Batu Bersurat (673 2427313)

Kausar Café Unit 10, Grd Flr, Blk D, Shakirin Complex, Jln Komersial Kiulap, Kiulap (673 8829495) LaMesa Restaurant Unit 8, Jln Komersial Kiulap, Kg Kiulap (673 2352863)

BOHEMIAN BAKLAVA We all dream of that flaky filo pastry just bursting with sugar and all kinds of goodness with every bite. While it hasn’t been all too easy to get a hold of within the Sultanate, the past few years has seen an uplifting surge in home-based baklava sellers, to the excitement of those of us with a sweet tooth for the Turkish dessert. Lately, we’ve got local business Bohemian Baklava on the mind with their offerings of dreamy baklava and kunafa made to order everyday and entirely from scratch. While their menu is pretty straightforward with the former coming with different nutty options based on each customer’s preference of chopped pistachios, walnuts, cashew nuts and even pistachio and premium ricotta cheese (gasp!), it’s clear that this is the place to direct your Middle Eastern dessert cravings at. Head to their Instagram to place an order for your own 8-inch serving of baklava or kunafa, or just for a tasty glimpse of their behind-the-scenes bakes. IG: Tel: 673-8248401 E:



Le Taj 2-3 2nd Flr Seri Kiulap Complex, Kiulap (673 2238996) Lotus Family Restaurant 27B Grd Flr Delima Jaya Complex, Berakas (673 2342049) Rajah’s Restaurant 3 Grd Flr Blk A Bangunan PAP Umi Kalthum, Bandar Seri Begawan (673 2240379) Sugar ‘n’ Spice Unit B1, Grd Flr, Purnama Complex, Kiulap (673 2303930) Saffron Restaurant 8 Blk C Shakirin Complex, Kiulap (673 2235888) Sameer Restaurant & Catering G1 Grd Flr Sg Akar Sentral, Berakas (673 2336613) Spices Restaurant #1 Grd Flr Blk A Aman Complex, Jln Muara (673 2330081)

Fratini’s Restaurant #1 Grd Flr The Centrepoint Hotel, Gadong (673 2451200) – Call for other branches Flour & Butter No. 29, Grd Flr, Bangunan Haji Hassan Abdullah, Jln Gadong, Menglait II (673 242 2323) Geo Eats No. 13, Spg 381, Kg Jerudong (673 8271381) Glow Cafe Rimba Garden Central, Spg 127, Jln Kg Rimba, Gadong (673 7225848)- Available on WA Home Kitchen by Tree-Bit Café D8 & D9 Lot 11620 Grd Flr Jln Gadong, Kg Mata-Mata (673 2429366) Kitchen of Jasmine by Aranda Café #17, Blk E, Atiya Complex, Spg 100, Jln Jerudong (673 8997333)

Ya Nur Restaurant #6 & #7, 1st Flr, Kompleks Hj Tahir 2, Gadong (673 8719986)

Margherita Pizzeria #5 Blk A Scout Complex Jln Gadong, Kg Mata-Mata (673 8688884)

Zaika Restaurant A4 Lot 308 Bgn Maju Jln Bunga Raya, Kuala Belait (673 3347430)

Pastamania #9 Grd Flr Blk H Abdul Razak Complex, Gadong (673 2457441) – Call for other branches


Pepper Lunch Brunei C9/10 Grd Flr Setia Kenangan II, Kg Kiulap (673 2253000)

Bello Café L1/12 Seri Kiulap Mall, Kiulap (673 2233989)– Call for other branches Buccaneer Steak House 92-93 (B) 94 Grd Flr Jln McKerron, Kuala Belait (673 3330406) Breakfast at Home Café No 13, Spg 11, Jln Nenas Paun, STKRJ Katok B (673 7366204) Bella Amore Unit 4, Grd Flr, Blk C, Sempurna Complex, Jln Batu Bersurat (673 3347455) Charcoal BBQ & Grill Restaurant Grd Flr Le Gallery Suites Hotel, Jln Tutong (673 2221171)– Call for other branches Cheezbox Café External Café, Ramp A, The Mall, Gadong (673 2425506) Countrypatch Café 3 Grd Flr Blk D Bgn Hj Abd Rahman, Kiulap (673 2232368) – Call for other branches De’ Olde Cottage 2 Grd Flr Blk C Sempurna Complex, Batu Bersurat (673 2426982) – Call for other branches

Qasehmaisara Café House #206-209 2nd Flr Plaza Athirah, Jln Kubah Makam DiRaja (673 2789898) Rovansil Restaurant #36-38 1st Flr Citis Square, Kg Jaya Setia (673 2337129) Red Canopy Restaurant #8 Blk A Q-Lap Complex, Kg Kiulap (673 2425855) Ricardo’s El Mariachi Jalan Manggis Dua (673 7363139) – Call or WhatsApp for exact location Sorriso Restaurant & Pizzeria #14 Blk B Grd Flr Regent Square, Kiulap (673 2233030) Swensen’s #2.34-2.36 2nd Flr The Mall, Gadong (673 2451864) Triggered Chef No.13, Spg. 41-1-17, Kg Kiarong (673 8633640) – Available on WhatsApp COFFEE & CAFES GOURMET, PREMIUM-GRADE, SPECIALTY COFFEE – THIS LIST ACCOMMODATES THE BEST OF THE BURGEONING LOCAL COFFEE INDUSTRY. Beanery & Co #81 A/1 Grd Flr, Jln Bunga Rambai, Kuala Belait (673 3347772)

SILLY ICE It’s practically summer all year round in Brunei and as great as an icy, cold drink is, some days the scorching temperature begs for something with a little more freeze action. And when the mood strikes, nothing beats a rejuvenating cup of Italian ice. Silly Ice, Brunei’s first Italian Ice brand is a breath of cold air which was received with grateful and open arms in February when it first opened its first kiosk at Yayasan Complex and later on at Rimba Point. Featuring a slew of natural fruit flavours on their menu such as Mango Tango, Strawberry Swish and Watermelon Lush which are all fun on their own but triple the fun when you opt to mix and match them (favourite combos include the Traffic Light, Unicorn Pop and All Star). Aside from their single serving cups that come in small, medium and large sizes, Silly Ice has also recently launched their 1.5L takeaway tubs which can be personalized (and ordered through GoMamam) to include all your favourite flavours! With their slogan of being “fat free, dairy free and worry free”, excuse us while we brain freeze our way through the next heatwave. Talk about a party!

Rimba Point (near Entrance A) IG: @sillyicebrunei Tel: 673-8681945

biG listings


GALLERY Tasek Brasserie A perfect spot to dine with family and friends in the heart of the city, Tasek Brasserie provides casual dining in a relaxed atmosphere. Customers can enjoy light snacks and a cool mocktail while lounging at the outdoor pool, or dine on the variety of cuisine from their ala carte menu or sumptuous buffets. OPEN DAILY 6am-6pm; Radisson Hotel Jln Tasek, BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN (673 2244272) THE EMPIRE HOTEL & COUNTRY CLUB

Atrium Café The Atrium Café is located on level 3 of the main Atrium building, nestled amidst The Empire’s signature grand marble columns and offering a spectacular view of the sea. Buffet breakfast and á la carte lunch are available from Monday to Friday, offering a variety of international and local cuisine. OPEN 6.30am-10.30am (buffet breakfast) / 11.30am-3pm (à la carte lunch) / 2pm-4pm (à la carte lunch – on Fridays only)

Lobby Lounge The perfect place for casual or formal get-togethers or just to enjoy a cup of tea – the Lobby Lounge offers a selection of refreshments throughout the day and their popular traditional English High Tea in the afternoons. OPEN DAILY 8am-10pm / 2pm-6pm (Daily Afternoon Tea)

Pantai Restaurant Offering semi buffet meals combined with daily specials, the elegant Pantai Restaurant offers a Daily Asian buffet dinner from 6pm to 9pm with a wide variety of tantalising options to choose from, or enjoy a midday meal with the family at their popular Weekend Brunch on Saturdays and Sundays. OPEN 6.30pm-10pm (closed Thursdays) / 11am-3pm (Weekend Brunch) Borneo.Insider’s.Guide


biG listings

THE BREAD PARLOUR A new bakery in town is always cause for celebration. But the Bread Parlour isn’t just a bakery. It’s also a restaurant, a café and a cool hangout spot if you’re into the fragrance of freshly baked bread (we’re definitely speaking for ourselves). From their generous menu of freshly baked bread and pastries, sandwiches and even pasta, it is clear as day that the fun folks behind the counter love their flour-y goods—and lots of it. We walked in with hungry eyes and left with armfuls of Turkish pide, their sensational sticky walnut buns, honeycomb brownies and a selection of their light and airy swiss rolls that come in a generous variety of flavours. The secret behind a marvellous sandwich is the quality of bread and these bakers definitely know it. Try their loaded bagel & lox for a mouthful of savoury goodness or better yet, pick your freshly baked bread of choice (we’re particularly biased towards olive tomato focaccia!) and have it assembled with egg, cheese and crisp lettuce, onions and tomatoes. All of this and more to be enjoyed while perusing their plentiful menu of deliciously brewed coffees (non-dairy alternatives available).

No.2, Grd Flr, Blk A, Bangunan Hj Abdul Rahman, Kiulap IG: @breadparlour Tel: 673-7379520 (WhatsApp)



BELLUNO Café #2 Blk C Kiarong Complex, Kg Kiarong (673 2429010) Bicara Lab 2601, Jln Nakhoda Manis, Seria (IG: @bicara.lab) Brew Café & Bakery #47 Grd Flr Blk C Gadong Central, Menglait (673 2427554) Brew9 Unit 10, Grd Flr, The Walk, Beribi (673 2426986) Black Whale Unit G18A, Grd Flr, Blk C, Aman Hills Shopping Complex (673 2341473) Call for other branches Caffé Verve #6A Spg 68, Jln Batu Bersurat (673 8757382) Coffee Field Cafe & Resto Unit 5, Grd Flr, Blk A, Little Soho, Spg 73-5-8, Jln Batu Besurat (673 7229042) Dil Coffee Trail No 15, Spg 68, Jln 82, Skim Perumahan Kg Rimba (673 8298786) - Available on WA

biG listings

Countrypatch Café 3 Grd Flr Blk D Bgn Hj Abd Rahman, Kiulap (673 2232368)

Two Sons Coffee C8, Setia Kenangan II, Kiulap (673 7321327)

Fleur-de-lys L1/1 Seri Q-Lap Mall, Kiulap (673 2231777) – call for other branches


Games & Lattes Café #E9 Grd Flr Blk E Setia Kenangan II, Kiulap (673 2235200)

Atrium Café The Empire Hotel & Country Club, Jerudong (673 2418888)

Happy Cream Unit 1, 1st Flr, Bgn Majid Mohd, Jln Pasar Baharuddin, Gadong (673 8158587)

Dynasty Restaurant Grd Flr Centrepoint Hotel, Gadong (673 2430185)

High Frequency Lifestyle Café 1st Flr Unit 5 Blk B Sempurna Complex, Batu Bersurat (673 2428262) Kapra Coffee #26 Grd Flr Blk C Spg 440, Jln Muara (673 2345656) Ner Dee Café #F11 1st Flr Setia Kenangan II, Kiulap (673 7214977) Noice D29, Bangunan Lim Eng Ming, Kg Kiulap, Bandar Seri Begawan, BE1518 (673 8266825) Piccolo Café #11 Jln McArthur, Bandar Seri Begawan (673 2241558) Rack & Brew #9 Blk H 1st & 2nd Flr Abdul Razak Complex, Gadong (673 7299668) Roasted Sip Unit 3, Grd Flr, Blk D, Spg 508, Jerudong Complex, Jln Jerudong (673 2610850) – Call for other branches The Krema Coffee #D31 Lim Eng Ming Complex Blk D, Kg Kiulap (673 8973600) The Library Café #6 Blk C, Bangunan Setia Kenangan II, Kiulap T’s Coffee No 6, Blk D, A1, Lower Grd Flr, 1 SKH Supermarket, Spg 561, The Promenade Samakaya, Jln Muara (673 7171089) The Slice by IA Gateaux Jalan Pretty, Kuala Belait (673 3338255 / 7374498) - Available on WA

The Horizons Seafood Restaurant Waterfront, Jln McArthur, Bandar Seri Begawan (673 2233400) I-Lotus 20 Spg 12-26 Perumahan Rakyat Jati, Kg Rimba (673 2422466) Le Keris L2/22, 1st Flr, Seri Q-Lap Mall (673 2230149) Lobby Lounge The Empire Hotel & Country Club, Jerudong (673 2418888) Pantai Restaurant The Empire Hotel & Country Club, Jerudong (673 2418888) Senja Restaurant 8&9 Grd Flr Seri Kiulap Complex, Kiulap (673 2235313)

Pureland Vegetarian Restaurant #15 Blk B Grd Flr Bgn Hj Awg Ahmad bin Hassan & Anak-anak, Kiulap (673 2236503) TienSing Vegetarian & Catering Restaurant 21-22 Bangunan Hj Hassan II, Jln Gadong, Kg Menglait (673 2454988) Veggie Recipe No.20, Grd Flr, Blk B, Simpang 150, Regent Square (673 2236276) QUICK EATS FAST AND DELICIOUS MEALS FOR THOSE ON THE GO Burger King Grd Flr, Citis Square, Kpg Jaya Setia, Berakas A, Brunei-Muara (673 2330760) – Call for other branches Burgers & Grills F20, Jln Tengah Bangunan, Bowling Alley Seria, Kpg Pekan Seria (673 3221434) My Fried Chicken Grd Flr, Freshco Food Junction, Times Square, Kg Jaya Setia Nasi Katok Mama Express No 3 Blk A Grd Flr Kompleks Madang, Madang (673 8641681)

Spaghettini The Empire Hotel & Country Club, Jerudong (673 2418888)

Pan & Wok Grd Flr, Spg 98, Bangunan Hjh Dyg Damit Bte Panglima Asgar Dato Paduka Hj Awg Abdullah, Delima Satu, Berakas A (673 2342399) – Call for other branches

Tarindak d’Polo Royal Brunei Polo & Riding Club, Jerudong (673 2612500)

RBC Express Fast Food #1 Grd Flr Blk A, Bangunan Hj Matussin, Kg Kiulap (673 2237253)

Tarindak D’Seni Brunei Arts & Handicrafts Centre, Kota Batu (673 2240422)

Top Nosh Café Unit 1, Grd Flr, Bangunan Majid Mohammad, Spg 235-7, Jln Pasar Gadong (673 2453889)

GO GREEN HEALTHY AND VEGETARIAN FRIENDLY OPTIONS Brunei Detox Bar 9 Grd Flr, Abdul Razak Complex, BE3519 Fuel’d Unit 3&4, Grd Flr, Spg 58, Kg. Serusop, Mukim Berakas (673 7421070) – Call for other branches Mituo Vegetarian Restaurant Grd Flr Pg Anak Puteri Norain Complex, Batu Satu (673 2222821)

Wayback Burgers Unit B10-11, Setia Kengan II, Kg Kiulap (673 2236882) NON-HALAL OPTIONS Ban Hiong Restaurant No. 1, Spg 600, Bunut, Kilanas, Brunei-Muara (673 2652426) Danes Café #102, Bgn Batu Bersurat, Jln Batu Bersurat (673 2428914)

Golden Leaf Coffee House Blk 1 Grd Flr PAP Hjh Norain Building, Jln Batu Satu (673 2220422)– Call for other branches Phongmun Restaurant 2nd Flr Teck Guan Plaza Jln Sultan, Bandar Seri Begawan (673 2229561) Sui Heng Restaurant Grd Flr Hj Munchit & Hjh Rapiah Complex, Kg Jaya Setia (673 2338321)



Hua Hua Restaurant Grd Flr, Blk B, Bangunan Urairah, Kiulap Wei’s Kitchen No.1, Spg 74-74-31, Kg Mata-Mata Pool Deck Located at the Beachfront on Level 1, enjoy the breeze from the beachside while you sip on cool beverages and enjoy light snacks in view of the swimming pool. OPEN DAILY 7am-9pm

Spaghettini Fine dining at its best, this restaurant offers authentic Italian and contemporary Mediterranean cuisine in divine settings, with a Daily Mediterranean à la carte dinner from 6pm to 10pm. A private room is available upon request for special occasions. OPEN DAILY 6am-6pm

Zen Pavilion Located just beyond Pantai Restaurant on Level 1, Zen Pavilion offers customers an exclusive dining experience, watching chefs prepare excellent dishes on the teppanyaki grill with flare and offering some of the most authentic Japanese cuisine. Daily à la carte dinner is available. OPEN 6pm-9pm (closed Thursdays) – advance booking is required

Zest A stylish café located at the Atrium on Level 5, enjoy a hot beverage with a selection of pastries, cakes, savoury treats, confectionary and chocolates, made fresh daily with the finest quality ingredients. OPEN DAILY 24 hours (midnight-6am for Empire Hotel residents only)



biG listings

Sabah & Sarawak The restaurants and eateries listed are arranged by food types, and not in order of our preference. Reviews are written from a typical diner’s perspective and written based on actual visits to the establishments listed, without the prior knowledge of the restaurants. Information given on menus, hours or prices may change and should be checked. Credit Cards : AE | American Express MC | MasterCard V | Visa

EAT (SABAH) BORNEO WILD TREASURE Lot 27-0 Blk C Lrg Bundusan Square1D, Kota Kinabalu (6088 732 222) BRASS MONKEY Lot 1-0 Lorong Lintas Plaza 4, Kota Kinabalu (6088 61 543) CAFÉ DE VIE Lot D-0-6 Lorong Metro Town 3, Kota Kinabalu (6088 393 863) CAFÉ HARU 7, Lorong Gunung Juo, Taman Far East Kota Kinabalu (6010 935 1233) CIRCLE RESTAURANT Le Meridien Hotel, Kota Kinabalu (6088 322 222) EMPEROR’S DELIGHT Lot 6 Grd Flr Jln Pantai, Kota Kinabalu (6088 288 686) FONG IP CAFÉ Lot 100 Jln Gaya, Kota Kinabalu (6088 213 618)

KOREAN CLUB RESTAURANT 4 Jln Aru, Kota Kinabalu (6088 232 213) LITTLE ITALY Grd Flr Hotel Capital Jln Hj Saman, Kota Kinabalu (6088 232 231) MAD BEN CAFÉ Lot 121, Jalan Gaya, 88000, Kota Kinabalu (6088 255 073) MAI YAI THAI ORCHID RESTAURANT Lot 13 KK Waterfront, Kota Kinabalu (6088 234 841) MDM ING FISH NOODLE Lot 21 Towering Koidupan Perdana Jln Tambunan, Penampang (6016 831 8726) MR HO’S FINE FOODS L-72-G Grd Flr Blk L KK Times Square Phase 1, Kota Kinabalu (6088 222 623) NAGASAKI JAPANESE RESTAURANT No 19 Grd Flr Bangunan Harrison Jln Hj Saman, Kota Kinabalu (6088 216 623)

GAM TONG HONG KONG RECIPE Lot G-823 1Borneo Hypermall, Kota Kinabalu (6088 488 833)

NAM CHAI RESTAURANT BAH KUT TEH 10 Blk D Bdr Nam Tung, Sandakan (6089 612 603)

GRANDCHAMPS CAVE & SHOP Unit S3A, Ground Floor, Block B, The Peak Vista, Kota Kinabalu (6088 261 886)

NAN YANG CHIC KUT TEH Grd Flr Lot 47 Jln Pantai, Kota Kinabalu (6016 833 5722)

HANA JAPANESE RESTAURANT Lot S21&S22 Blk E City Mall, Kota Kinabalu (6088 538 178)

NATURAL KITCHEN Lot No B10 & B11, Suria Sabah Shoppin Mall, Kota Kinabalu (6088 487 180)

HUT STEAK HOUSE & RESTAURANT 29 Blk E Damai Plaza, Kota Kinabalu (6088 238 558)

NISHIKIJAPANESERESTAURANT Shop 4 Grd Flr 63 Gaya Street, Kota Kinabalu (6088 230 582)

JOTHY’S FISH HEAD CURRY & BANANA LEAF Blk 1 Lot G9 Api Api Centre, Kota Kinabalu (6088 261 595)

OCTOBER COFFEE HOUSE Blk B The Peak Vista Lorong Puncak 1 Tjg Lipat, Kota Kinabalu (6010 346 954)

KIRISHIMA JAPANESE RESTAURANT Cititel Express No 1 Jln Singgah Mata 1 Asia City, Kota Kinabalu (6088 217 868)

OPEN KITCHEN Grd Flr, Unit 8, Blk 1, Metro Town, 88300, Kota Kinabalu (6088 254 161)

KOHINOOR NORTH INDIAN RESTAURANT Lot 4 The Waterfront Jln Tun Fuad Stephens, Kota Kinabalu (6088 235 160) 46


PANCAKE HOUSE Concourse Flr 1Borneo Hypermall, Kota Kinabalu (6088 448 110) Lot G94-94A Karamunsing Complex, Kota Kinabalu (6088 319 168)

PARTY PLAY 117 Jln Gaya, Kota Kinabalu (6088 311 210) PASTA PASTA 108 Jln Gaya, Kota Kinabalu (6014 371 4665) PEPPERMINT VIETNAMESE CUISINE No. 85 Grd Flr Jln Gaya, Kota Kinabalu (6012 802 4582) PORT VIEW SEAFOOD VILLAGE Lot 18 The Waterfront Jln Tun Fuad Stephens, Kota Kinabalu (6088 221 753) PUSAS THE SMOKEHOUSE Ground Floor, S6, Jalan Signal Hill The Peak Vista, Kota Kinabalu (6088 299 199) RESTAURANT BABA & NYONYA RECIPE Blk E Grd Flr Grand Millennium Plaza, Penampang (6016 810 8206) RESTORAN MAKANAN SEDAP No 1-0-1 Blk B Jln Kolam Centre Phase 2 Jln Lintas, Kota Kinabalu (6088 247 459) SAILORS Lot 36 1st Flr Grand Millennium Plaza, Penampang (6088 731 960) SAKURA JAPANESE RESTAURANT G-23A & G-25, Oceanus Waterfront Mall, Jln Tun Fuad Stephens, 88000 Kota Kinabalu (6088 273 604) SANTOLA CAFÉ Lot 14 Blk B Damai Point, Kota Kinabalu (6088 260 188) SENG HING RESTAURANT Ruang Sinsugan 2, Kota Kinabalu (6088 211 594) SEREMBAN SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Lot 126 Blk O Plaza Permai, Kota Kinabalu (6088 484 922) SUANG TAIN SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Lot 12 Blk A Grd Flr SEDCO Complex, Kota Kinabalu (6088 223 080)

SUPUL KOREAN BBQ RESTAURANT Lot S-1-8 1st Flr City Mall, Kota Kinabalu (6088 448 844) TOSCANI’S Lot 14 The Waterfront Jln Tun Fuad Stephens, Kota Kinabalu (6088 242 879)

(6085 285 137) BEEI JING RESTAURANT SDN BHD 157 Jln Kg Nyabor, Sibu (6084 330 955)

THE B.E.A.N CAFÉ Lot 8-1, Lido Plaza, Jalan Nosoob, Penampang (6088 703 884) Café with a sofa lounge serving coffee and drinks, sandwiches, toasts, waffles, and desserts

BITES BY THE BATIK 38 Jln Pandungan, Kuching (6082 422 845)

THE B SIDE Lot 21, Ground Floor, Lido Plaza, Jalan Nosoob Penampang (6088 715 453) – Hipster café offering all-day dining and specialty coffees

BLACK BEAN COFFE & TEA 87, Ewe Hai Street, 93000 Kuching (6082 420 290)

VINO VINO BISTRO Unit J-57, 1st Flr, KK Times Square, 88100, Kota Kinabalu (6088 486 363) WAH SAN RESTAURANT D2-G Blk 17 Jln Pryer, Sandakan (6089 212 626) YAMAGOYA RAMEN Lot 109 Jln Gaya, Kota Kinabalu (6088 253 701) YOSHIMI JAPANESE RESTAURANT Warisan Square, Kota Kinabalu (6088 488 388) YU KEE BAK KUT TEH 74, Jln Gaya, 88000, Kota Kinabalu (6088 221 192)

EAT (SARAWAK) A ONE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Lrg Chew Siik Hiong 1, Sibu (6084 215 803)

BISMI RESTAURANT 27 Jln Sommerville, Bintulu (6086 331 835)

BLA BLA BLA 27, Jln Tabuan, 93000, Kuching (6082 2330944) –

BOARDRIDERS CAFÉ Plaza Merdeka Jln Pearl, Kuching (6082 237 526) BOULEVARD RESTAURANT 2228 Jln Saberkas, Lutong (6085 653 175) BUENAS FILIPINO LECHON & RESTAURANT 329 Jln Tj Batu, Bintulu (6086 310 860) CAFÉ CAFÉ AT ORIGINAL CARWASH Low 211-214, Section 9, KTLD, Rubber Rd, Kuching (6082 256 396) CAFÉ MIN XIN Lot 1126-27 Riam Comm Centre, Miri (6085 628 839) CAPITAL RESTAURANT 86 Jln Keppel, Bintulu (6086 331 160)

ABSOLUTE TRIBAL RESTAURANT Hills Shopping Mall, Kuching CARVERY RESTAURANT (6082 237 468) Jln Abell, Kuching (6082 239 449) ALFIAN RESTAURANT CASABELLA MEDITERRANEAN 52 Pekan Marudi, Marudi RESTAURANT (6085 755 215) Crown Square, Kuching (6082 346 612) ALL JOY CAFÉ 8-1 Jln Khoo Hun Yeang, CHEF AT HOME Kuching (6082 243 535) Lorong Green 1 Blk 10, Kuching (6016 858 5159) APOLLO SEAFOOD CENTRE 4 Jln Yu Seng Selatan, Miri CHUAN HONG RESTAURANT (6085 420 813) 123 Jln Council SAman (6083 322 466) APPLE RESTAURANT 78 Jln Tun Ahmad Zaidi, Bintulu CROWN DYNASTY (6086 333 377) RESTAURANT Chinese Chamber of AROMA CAFÉ Commerce, Bintulu (6086 126 Jln Tabuan, Kuching 335 908) (6082 417 163) CUPPA-KAP COFFEE ASIAN EXPRESS RESTAURANT Jln Song, Kuching G40 The Spring, Kuching (6019 8869636) (6082 414 088) DA MI XIANG GU TOU BAO BEE HIONG RESTAURANT RESTAURANT CAFÉ Tabuan Hts Comm Centre, 157G Jln Muhibbah, Kuching (6082 458 952) Lawas

DYNASTY CHINESE ESTAURANT Oil Town Comm Complex, Miri (6085 424 000) EARTHLINGS COFFEE WORKSHOP Coffee shop, roaster, academy Lot 45, Grd Flr, No. 1, CityONE Megamall, Jln Song EAST COURT CHICKEN RICE 867 Jln Club SAman (6083 326 818) EDEN EVERISE Wisma Nation Horizon, Block C, Kuching (6016 888 4522) ESCOBAR SF3 Damai Cenral Pantai Damai Santubong, Kuching (6014 288 1160) FAC BRAVO RESTAURANT 7778 Jln Sultan Iskandar, Bintulu (6086 316 920) FARLEY RESTAURANT 1721 Jln Salim, Sibu (6019 816 3052) FEAST & FURIOUS CAFÉ 244, Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman (6016 2620916) FISHERMAN RESTAURANT 4 Jln Chew Geok Lin, Sibu (6084 316 888) FRATINI’S RESTAURANT 2512 Jln Boulevard 3, Miri (6085 431 115) FU LAI SIANG RESTAURANT 108 Jln Pekan Bt Niah, Bt Niah (6085 737 168) GOLDEN CITY RESTAURANT 87, Jln Ong Chu Seng, Saratok (6083 436 139) HIGHLANDS SEAFOOD RESTAURANT 298 Jln Tj Bt, Bintulu (6086 318 828) HOCK CHU LEU RESTAURANT 28 Jln Tukang Besi, Sibu (6084 316 524) IMPERIAL RESTAURANT Grd Floor, Imperial Hotel, Lot 827, Jalan Pos 98000 MIRI (6085 431 888) IMPERIAL DUCK RESTAURANT 313 Jln Padungan, Kuching (6082 336 313) JAMES BROOKE BISTRO & CAFÉ Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman 93100 Kuching (6082 412 210) JUBILEE RESTAURANT 49G Jln India, Kuching (6082 245 626) KHAN’S BILAL RESTAURANT 229-G Jln Maju, Miri (6085 418 440)

HAPPINESS SABAH KIM BAY HK MACAU RESTAURANT Boulevard Shopping Mall Jln Datuk Tawi, Kuching (6082 239 308) KOREANA RESTAURANT 10002 Jln Tun Jugah, Kuching (6082 575 072) KUCHING NOODLE PORRIDGE HOUSE 115-1 Wisma Saberkas, Kuching (6082 426 005) L.L. BANANA LEAF 7G Lorong Rubber 1 Jln Rubber, Kuching (6082 239 404) LI GARDEN RESTAURANT Hock Lee Centre, Kuching (6082 340 785)

MOMOYAMA Wisma Phoenix, Kuching (6082 420 561) MY LITTLE KITCHEN 56, Upper China Street, D’tea Pavilion, Friendship Park, Jln Song, Kuching (6016 858 6669) NAM HOI RESTAURANT 110 Jln Penrissen Bt 7, Kuching (6082 612 379) ORION TROPICAL Jln Merpati, Miri (6085 417 417)

SEVENTY2 RESTAURANT 894 Jln Permaisuri, Miri (6085 366 318)

TEN-ICHI JAPANESE RESTAURANT 317 Jln Padungan, Kuching (6082 331 310)

SHABU-KUN RESTAURANT 253 Jln Tj Bt, Bintulu (6086 317 311)

TEO SEAFOOD 787 Jln Kg Buntal, Kuching (6082 846 532)

SHERATON RESTAURANT 37 Psn Brooke, Sibu (6084 336 341) SIN LUNG SHENG FU TIAO QIANG RESTAURANT 10788 Jln Simpang Tiga, Kuching (6082 231 260)

MENAWAN RESTAURANT Grd Floor, Imperial Palace HotelLot 1120 Blk 7 Jalan Sehati MCLD 98000 MIRI (6085 432 299)

PADUNGAN RESTAURANT 268 Jln Tunku Abd Rahman, Kuching (6082 233 417) SIN SOON CHIN RESTAURANT PATZ DAYAK 2415 Jln Boulevard 2, HOME COOK SPECIAL Miri New Full 3 Foodcourt, (6012 808 5456) Stutong (next to Giant Hypermart, Tabuan Jaya) SRI MENANTI (6016 864 4763) COFFEE HOUSE RESTAURANT PIN PIN CAFÉ 15 Lrg Pahlawan 7b, Sibu 18 Jln Krokong Bau (6084 218 196) (6082 763 486) SURABAYA RESTAURANT PINANG NYONYA 288 Jln Bendahara, Miri 18, Grd Flr, 2nd Precinct, (6085 411 239) Jln Setia Raja 93450, Kuching ( SUSHI KIN 6082 459 162) The Spring, Kuching (6082 245 355) POPULAR CORNER SEAFOODS RESTAURANT SUSHI TIE-TTS Bda Shahida Wisma Sanyan, Sibu Commercial Centre, (6084 342 875) Bintulu (6086 319 688) PORTICO 17A Lorong Park Lane, Kuching (6019 819 8046)

MANGO TREE RESTAURANT Jalan Crookshank, Kuching (6082 235 353)

POT & GRILL RESTAURANT 9 Jln Tun Abd Rahman Yaakub, Kuching (6082 425 525)

MAP RESTAURANT Bang Terminal, Kuching (6082 459 087)

REJANG RESTAURANT 6 Lrg Lanang 2 Sibu (6016 860 2636)

MARCO POLO RESTAURANT 116A BDA Shahida, Bintulu (6086 332 458)

ROBATA YAKI 493 Jln Rambutan, Kuching (6082 235 372)

LIM HOCK ANN 96 1 Jln Kg Kuntal, Kuching (6082 846 533) LOK THIAN RESTAURANT 317 Jln Padungan, Kuching (6082 3313 310) LU LAI VEGETARIAN 3641, Lrg 2 Off Jln Rock, Kuching (6082 242 863) LUCKY RESTAURANT 65C G Pekan Marudi, Marudi (6085 755 562) LYN’S THANDOORI RESTAURANT 7 Jln Song Thian Cheok, Kuching (6082 234 934)

MEDAN SEAFOOD RESTAURANT 56, Jln Mdn Setiaraja, Mukah (6084 874 145)

THE DYAK RESTAURANT Sublot 29, Grd Flr, Panovel Commercial Complex, Jln Simpang Tiga, 93300, Kuching (6016 868 0071) THE JUNK Western fare 80, Jln Wayang, 93000, Kuching (6082 259 450)

TRIBAL STOVE Blk H Jln Borneo Taman Sri, Kuching (6082 234 873) WANG HIN RESTAURANT 1 Soon Hup Comm Complex, Miri (6085 413 129) WARUNG NASI KUNING Jln Tun Jugah, Kuching (6016 809 1286) WEI THIAN RESTAURANT Golden Square, Siburan (6082 862 968)

TIAN XIAN RELISH RESTAURANT 313 Jln Melaka Raya, MC (606 288 1120)

XIN TSUI SIANG KITCHEN Wisma Nation Horizon Blk D, Kuching (6082 414 616)

TONG LOK RESTAURANT 1367 Jln Buangsiol, Limbang (6085 216 188)

YUN YAN RESTAURANT Stutong Comm Centre, Kuching (6082 366 115)

TONG XIN COURT RESTAURANT 151 Lrg Datuk Abang Abd Rahim 5a, Kuching (6082 482 252)

ZHUN SAN YEN VEGETARIAN FOOD Lot 165 Jln Chan Ann, Kuching (6082 230 068)

Few things in life are as rewarding as sitting comfortably on a seafront and being served with a spread fit for a king. Match it with an amazing location, good vibes and a rejuvenating sea breeze and you’ve got yourself a winning experience. Aptly named “Happiness”, a new restaurant located at Kota Kinabalu’s Waterfront serving authentic Chinese cuisine as their signature menu is the new dining spot if you want to have a good time while fulfilling more than just your hunger for a good meal. With a non-pork menu serving up a variety of Shanghainese favourites, wok-fried dishes to awaken your taste buds and some good-time Chinese food like Mapo tofu, spicy fried clams and succulent crab dishes, the restaurant which recently opened in April aims to please its customers. The restaurant opens its doors on the daily every evening from 5pm until late making it an obvious choice for anyone looking to dine deliciously with a glorious sea view. KK Waterfront, Lot 18B, Jalan Tun Fuad Stephen, 88000, Kota Kinabalu Open daily: 5pm-11pm (SunThurs) & 5pm-12am (Fri & Sat) Tel: 6010-2205230 IG: @happiness_sabah FB: @HappinessSabah

ROCK ROAD SEAFOOD RESTAURANT 1230 Jln Rock Bt 2½ , Kuching (6082 241 575)

METRO CAFÉ 781 Jln Bangkita, Limbang (6085 215 488)

SAJIAN WARISAN RESTAURANT 537 Jln Gartak, Miri (6085 429 911) SALLEH’S CORNER CAFÉ RPR Phase 2 Shoplot Jln Astana Petra Jaya, Kuching (6012 807 8033)

MIN HUA (89) RESTAURANT G 13 Jln Bintang Utara, Bintangor (6084 693 240)

SEA VIEW RESTAURANT G Pusat Tmn SDagang, Bintulu (6086 334 929)

MERRY RESTAURANT 187 Jln Song Thian Cheok, Kuching (6082 240 118)

THE BANQUET 4560 Jln Datuk Tawi Sli, Kuching (6082 451 414)

TOPSPOT BUKIT MATA SEAFOOD CENTRE Jln Padungan, Bukit Mata, Kuching (6019 889 9838)



biG essentials

BRUNEI BANKS Banks in Brunei Darussalam are usually open Mondays to Fridays, 9am - 4pm and on Saturdays, 9am 11am. Some banks have branches with later closing times. Islamic banks follow the same operation hours except on Fridays when they are closed for prayers between 11am - 2.30pm. Cash withdrawals and deposits can be made from Automated Teller Machines (ATM) that can be found in various shopping complexes and bank branches all over the country. ATM cards affiliated with the international Plus or Cirrus systems are accepted at most ATMs.

CREDIT CARDS VISA and Mastercard are the most widely accepted credit cards in hotels, restaurants and major shopping complexes. Some establishments accept American Express.


Money Changer Licensed money changers can be found at the airport, hotels, various shopping complexes and banks. To cash or exchange travelers cheques, visit major international banks in the capital.


All retail, food and beverage outlets and business offices are closed between 12 noon and 2pm on Fridays to observe the Friday prayer time for Muslims.

Islamic Etiquette Although Islam is the state religion of Brunei Darussalam, it is also a country that prides itself on the diversity of its people – including their religions. Visitors are welcome to mosques, provided some etiquette is followed. In general, proper attire is required; women are required to cover their head, shoulders, and knees. Some mosques will provide simple robes and shawls to meet these standards. Shoes are to be removed before entering a mosque. Please do not pass in front of people in prayer, and do not touch the Al-Quran. Please ask for permission before taking photographs – particularly inside! Mosques are usually closed on Thursday and Friday, and during prayer times – your hotel, tour guide, or Muslim locals can help you determine a good time to visit.

Most public phones operate on prepaid calling cards which can be obtained in all major shopping areas and retail stores. Mobile prepaid SIM cards are also available for purchase at DST Communications Sdn Bhd (DST Com), Imagine Sdn Bhd, and Progresif Cellular Sdn Bhd (PCSB) service counters as well as the respective authorised vendors’ stores.





Located at the Art Gallery at the Royal Wharf. Visitors can obtain information about Brunei and related pamphlets and maps free from here during working hours (Mon-Thurs & Sat from 9am-12.15pm & 1.30pm4.30pm).

BUSES There are six bus routes servicing the BSB area. Normal operating hours are from 6am-8pm. Bus fares start from B$1.00. Buses heading to other towns in Brunei such as Tutong, Kuala Belait and Seria depart from the bus terminal located at the multistorey carpark on Jalan Cator in BSB.


Smoking Smoking is prohibited in both air-conditioned and non airconditioned areas in Brunei Darussalam. Smoking is banned in specific places, including government buildings, hospitals, recreational and educational centres, public transport and restaurants. Offenders could be fined.

Metered taxis can be found at the airport, hotels, shopping centres, and the central bus station in Bandar Seri Begawan. Alternatively, grab a Dart Taxi using the ‘Dart’ app - a taxi booking application that can be downloaded at the App Store and Google Play.

TAXIS Unique to Brunei, the water taxi is the most common means of transportation in Kampong Ayer. You can hail a water taxi from the numerous jetties along the banks of Brunei River. Fares are negotiable but usually a standard ride costs about B$1.00. Regular boat services to Temburong operate between 6am-4.30pm daily and a one way trip costs B$7.00.

FERRY SERVICES Passenger ferry services to the Malaysian island of Labuan operate from 7am to 4pm and departs from the Serasa Terminal in Muara town. The journey takes about 45 minutes to an hour.


In Pontianak, banks open from 8am to 3pm from Mondays to Fridays and are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. ATM machines are available 24 hours. Major shopping malls also have ATM machines and are available during operating hours.

CREDIT CARDS While major credit cards such as Mastercard, Visa and American Express are accepted in establishments in the bigger cities, it is advisable to carry cash in small denominations especially around remote areas.

$ Money Changer

Licensed money changers can be found in most cities and major banks.


The Supadio International Airport is the main airport of Pontianak and West Kalimantan, and is located 17km away from the city limits. The airport serves direct domestic flights to other cities in Indonesia, and is also the terminal for international flight carrier AirAsia.


"Tension" the total game changer, above and beyond the "Cushion" Tension pact is the ultimate breakthrough pact type foundation that includes all the benets of a traditional foundation as well as a fuss free radiant glow cushion. With a sole compact product, experience easier and simpler makeup process and touch up from beginning to end.

It is possible to make IDD phone calls at payphones using coins or call cards. You can also register for a SIM card at most telecommunications shops or at the airport. Most major hotels have WIFI in guest rooms or public areas, and an increasing number of restaurants also have WIFI zones.


Taxis can be found at the international airport, shopping malls and other public places.

Ferry Services The Pontianak Crossing Port allows ferry connection to other cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan and Batam.

TOURIST INFORMATION For more information, visit: Unit1.45B, First Floor, The Mall, Abdul Razak Complex, Gadong, Brunei Darussalam BE3519

Tel: +673 245 7700

Tourist Information Centre


Banks open from 9am to 4pm from Mondays to Fridays and are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. ATM machines are available 24 hours. Major shopping malls also have ATM machines and are available during operating hours.

CREDIT CARDS Visa and Mastercard are the most widely accepted credit cards at hotels, restaurants and major shopping malls. Some establishments do accept American Express.


Money Changer

Licensed money changers can be found at the airport, shopping malls, hotels and major banks.


Banks open from 9.30am to 3pm from Mondays to Fridays and are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. ATM machines are available 24 hours. Major shopping malls also have ATM machines and are available during operating hours.

CREDIT CARDS Visa and Mastercard are the most widely accepted credit cards at hotels, restaurants and major shopping malls. Some establishments do accept American Express.



There are three main bus terminals that operate regular services. The terminal along Jalan Tun Razak provides services within the city and its outskirts. For destinations south of the city (Papar, Beaufort, Tenom, Tambunan, Keningau), use the terminal near Padang Merdeka. For any other destinations north of the city and all the way to the east coast towns of Sandakan, Tawau, Lahad Datu and Semporna, you have to take a bus to the Kota Kinabalu North Bus Terminal in Inanam and from there proceed to your destination of choice. Kinabalu Park is located en route from Kota Kinabalu to Sandakan.


Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) is the second busiest airport in Malaysia and is the main terminal for Malaysia Airlines, MASWings, Firefly, Royal Brunei Airlines, Dragonair, Silkair and Asiana Airlines.


Taxis are available at the airport terminal and cost about RM30.00 to get to the city. The journey takes between 10-15 minutes. Within the city, taxi stations are located next to major shopping malls and hotels. Long distance taxi services can be found next to Padang Merdeka.


A free city-tram service is available for sightseeing around Kuching with pick up points at designated hotels. A daily bus service between Kuching and the airport operates from 6am-7pm and takes 40 minutes. The main intercity bus terminal is at Penrissen Bus Terminal southeast of Kuching. Ask Tourism Information Centres for bus timetables; a ‘green bus’ in the Kuching area goes to Santubong (SCV).


Kuching International Airport services airlines to destinations within Malaysia and overseas via Malaysia Airlines, Air Asia, Firefly, Tiger Airways, Royal Brunei, Silk Air and Batavia Air (Pontianak, Kalimantan). A network of services using smaller aircrafts provides access to remote destinations within Sarawak such as Bario, Mulu and Ba Kelalan.

Money Changer


It is possible to make IDD phone calls at payphones using coins or call cards. Prepaid calling cards are also widely available by authorized dealers at shopping malls. Most major hotels have WIFI facility either in their guest rooms or public areas. An increasing number of restaurants now have WIFI zones too. Cybercafés offer very affordable rates for internet services.

Licensed money changers can be found at the airport, shopping malls, hotels and major banks. Some money changers may not accept foreign currency in small denomination or notes with a date or serial number that they don’t approve of.


It is possible to make IDD phone calls at payphones using coins or call cards. Prepaid calling cards are also widely available by authorized dealers at shopping malls. Most major hotels have WIFI facility either in their guest rooms or public areas. An increasing number of restaurants now have WIFI zones too. Cybercafés offer very affordable rates for internet services.

Sabah Tourism Board Jalan Gaya Tel: (6088) 212 121 Sri Pelancongan Sabah Sinsuran Complex Tel: (6088) 232 121 Tourism Malaysia (Sabah) Api Api Centre Tel: (6088) 211 732 Visitors’ Information Centre Terminal 1 Tel: (6088) 413 359 Visitors’ Information Centre Terminal 2 Tel: (6088) 447 075

Ferry Services Jesselton Point is the main terminal for boats to the Tunku Abdul Rahman Park islands and to Labuan Island. If you wish to drive to Labuan, use the ferry terminal at Menumbok south of the city where car ferries are available.

Express Boats and Ferry Services A boat service locally known as tambang is available for the short trip across Kuching River to the riverside villages on the other side and along the river for sightseeing. Fast and comfortable express boats connect coastal towns (Kuching, Sibu, Kapit) and villages on the major rivers in Sarawak. The Express Ferry Terminal in Kuching offers trips to Sibu and onwards to Kapit for upriver journeys. Take a bus from Sibu to Miri for ferries to Brunei and onwards to Labuan island and Kota Kinabalu.


Taxi fare from Kuching Tourist airport to the city cost about Information Centre RM22.00 per way. Taxies are easily found at large hotels, or at taxi stands in all the major towns in Sarawak. Taxis don’t use meters so always negotiate the fare before getting into a cab!

Kuching Visitors’ Information Centre Tel: (6082) 410 944/2 Miri Visitors’ Information Centre Tel: (6085) 434 181 Sibu Visitors’ Information Centre Tel: (6084) 340 980





Available by ap p oint me nt Call us at +673-8729928 or DM @timotr unksbn

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Public Toilet Tourist Information Centre




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Takaful IBB Building

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2 1968 Coronation Arch

5 mins


10 mins 3 Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Mosque

9 Timepiece Stone Monument

Raja Ayang Mausoleum 10 mins

2 Coronation Arch

Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque


5 mins

Eco-Corridor Bandar Seri Begawan

4 Taman Haji Sir Muda Omar Ali Saifuddien

8 Dewan Majlis and Lapau 5 mins

5 mins

7 The Royal Regalia 10 mins

5 The Secretariat Building 6 Lapau Lama Building

5 mins

5 mins

10 mins 1 Former Royal Customs & Excise Building / Art Gallery 11 Tamu Kianggeh


Bus Terminal



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Brunei Hotel

Chinese Temple

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Bank/ ATM/ Money Changer

Public Transport

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Place of Interest


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Place of Interest

Public Transport



Brunei International Airport

Le b u


Prime Minister Office Building

Brunei Arts & Handicraft Centre Kampong Ayer

an Jal

Royal Brunei Airlines Golf Club


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Bank/ ATM/ Money Changer

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Kampung Kiulap

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Bank/ ATM/ Money Changer


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Post Office

Fitness Zone


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Setia Kenangan 2 Complex

Palm Garden Hotel

One Riverside

Bangunan Begawan Pehin Dato Hj Mohd Yusof

Urairah Complex Post Office

Lee Clinic



biG screen


Phantom of the Opera (2004)

Starring Andrew Lloyd Webber, Gerard Butler, and Emmy Rossum Directed by Joel Schumacher

Considered by many as the poster child for theatrical stage plays, the most recent cinematic adaptation stars Gerard Butler as the disfigured musical genius behind the iconic mask. Hidden away in the Paris Opera House, the Phantom terrorises the opera company for the unwitting benefit of Emmy Rossum, who plays the young protege he is in love with.



10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

Starring Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt Directed by Gil Junger

An American romantic comedy, the story follows the efforts of a teenager pursuing his crush. However, in order to do this, he needs to first find a boyfriend for the girl’s anti-social older sister, and does so by taking on that role himself. Based on the Shakespearean play ‘The Taming of the Shrew’.

The King and I (1956)

Starring Yul Brenner, Deborah Kerr, and Patrick Adiarte Directed by Adiarte Lang

A much-loved classical film – The King and I – follows the life of Anna, an English teacher who takes a position as the personal tutor to the King of Siam’s children. Now known as Thailand, and set in 1860s Bangkok, the story tells of the unconventional relationship that develops between ruler and tutor. Based on a novel that is in turn based on the memoirs of the governess to the children of King Mongkut.

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Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him being a stage – or at least this qu to come up with an interesting se on well-known stage plays. For a modern twist, check out


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well, Horatio. With all the world uarter it is anyway – we managed election of films originally based a dash of culture presented with a t our list for this edition.

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A Few Good Men (1992)

Starring Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, and Demi Moore Directed by Rob Reiner

When two American marines are charged with the murder of a fellow servicemember, it is up to a military lawyer played by Tom Cruise to uncover the truth. Are the soldiers guilty, or were they acting under orders while stationed at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba? Based on the 1989 play of the same name, the question now is ‘Can you handle the truth?’

Cruel Intentions (1999)

Starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, Reese Witherspoon, and Ryan Phillippe Directed by Roger Kumble

Two vicious step-siblings attending an elite prep school in Manhattan make a wager, in which the Brother, Sebastian, must engage the principal’s daughter in an intimate relationship. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Sebastian unwittingly develops feelings that lead to him genuinely falling in love with his mark. Based on the 1782 French epistolary novel ‘Les Liasons dangereuses’.

The Bird Cage (1996) Woman in Black (2012)

Starring Daniel Radcliffe, Ciaran Hinds, and Sophie Stuckey Directed by James Watkins

When a young solicitor travels to a village to examine the home of a recently deceased woman, things take a turn for the worse when the protagonist learns the woman’s spirit is targeting the village children. This supernatural Gothic horror film is based on the 1987 stage play of the same name.

Starring Robin Williams, Nathan Lane, and Hank Azaria Directed by Mike Nichols

When the time comes for an engaged couple to introduce their future in-laws to one another, things take a hilarious twist. One of the in-laws is a gay Miami drag club owner who pretends to be a straight man, while the other is a controversial Republican senator. Based on the 1978 French play ‘La Cage aux Folles’.



biG screen

MOVIES TO LOOK OUT FOR THIS QUARTER Despite the ongoing rollout of Covid-19 vaccines, a return to normal is still a distance away, and continues to play havoc with movie release timetables. Some are released on time, while many others are pushed back. Here are some of the blockbusters aimed for the final quarter of the year that we hope to see soon.




Starring Daniel Craig, Rami Malek, and Léa Seydoux

The 25th film in the franchise, James Bond’s retirement is cut short when an old friend seeks his help in rescuing a kidnapped scientist, putting him on a collision course with a mysterious villain.



NOV 19



Starring Adam Driver, Lady Gaga, and Al Pacino

Patrizia Reggiani attempts to get back into the Gucci family fashion dynasty, following her release from prison after serving 18 years for plotting the murder of Maurizio Gucci.


Starring Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, and Jennifer Connelly

Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell returns to the fighter cockpit in a military aviation film that fans of the original have waited 35 years to see, training a new generation of combat pilots for a life threatening mission.



Starring Ansel Elgort, Rachel Zegler, and Rita Moreno

This remake of the popular 1957 Broadway Musical is a retelling of the love story between Tony and Maria, whose gangster families are entangled in a bitter feud.


Music & Lyrics David Bryan, and Joe DiPietro

The Broadway musical about the ‘People’s Princess’ is being brought to audiences via Netflix, after the emergence of Covid-19 in March 2020 shut down all live performances.



OCT 22




Starring Timothée Chalamet, Bill Murray, and Tilda Swinton


Starring Jamie Lee Curtis, James Jude Courtney, and Kyle Richards

Another long running franchise, Halloween Kills see’s Laurie Strode return once more, this time going on the offensive and leading a mob to hunt down the unstoppable killer, Michael Myers.

Set within the office of an American magazine in a fictional French city, three different storylines are followed in this Wes Anderson film described as a “Love letter to Journalists.”


Starring : Timothée Chalamet, Jason Momoa, and Zendaya

A long-awaited remake of the 80s science fiction epic – the young duke, Paul Atreides, leads a battle to control the most dangerous planet in the universe, the desert world of Arrakis.




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