Vintage Scene SeptemberOctober 2021_Layout 1 03/09/2021 17:59 Page 19
Horsepower to Airpower Threshing and Tractor Show at Hanger Café in Miller, MO. on Saturday 10th July ince the late 1880’s, right up to the present-day, farmers used Steam Traction Engines for farming. Whether in be for plowing, threshing wheat/oats or any other farm work that was needed to be done. For the ones who may not know what I mean by steam tractors they are only ran on wood or coal. No type of fuel other than that of wood or coal.
I recently attended the Threshing and Tractor Show in Miller, Missouri. It was put on by the Horsepower to Airpower Association and takes place at the Hanger Café. It will be a time that I will never forget. They demonstrated how farmers used the equipment; not only the steam engines, but early model tractors to do their farm work as well. They also used the engines and tractors to crush rock for roads.
Dana Erickson owner of Engine and Thresher
Not only was I fortunate to photograph the event, but as well as joining in the fun to learn how the farmers use to do it.. There were so many people there that were more than willing to jump in and learn how farming worked back then. The Horsepower to Airpower Association displayed a 1917 20 H.P Nichols and Shepard Steam Traction Engine and an early model Nichols and Shepard Red River Special Thresher, owned by Dana and Robyn Erickson, but ran by Engineer Melissa Fox and a 1935
1917 20 hp Engine and Thresher
John Deere Model A Tractor, which is a crank (not electric start like now days) and owned by Brian Field. I have also had the opportunity to run that specific tractor as well. Let us just say, I’m now in the market for a tractor for myself and an engine for my husband! I encourage anyone who has not had the opportunity to attend one of the shows to go attend and join in. The shows are all over the place; just keep an eye out.and I promise you won’t regret attending. Photos and article by Crystal Brown at LilCountry Photography
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