Wolf Gang News
March 2016
John Marshall High School
Division 3 South
Region 7
March 2016
Message from your President and Bulletin Editor
This is my last newsletter of my term and I had a lot of fun being your bulletin editor. Thank you for making my year about 10 times better. In the beginning of this year I barely knew the other board members and wasn’t fully comfortable around them, but we’ve grown into more than just co-board members, we’ve grown into more of a key club family. I think that everybody should experience what it’s like to be in key club because it is honestly the best club at Marshall in my opinion. I know the newsletter will be much better next year because I know how much creativity my successor has and the dedication she has for key club. Good luck to the rest of the new core board as well, I know you guys are going to do an awesome job. -Christopher Bach, Bulletin Editor
Table of Contents p.3 Beach Cleanup and Last DCM .6 Member of the Month
p.4 Spring Social
p.7 Officer of the Month
p.8 Board Members
Beach Cleanup
The beach clean up was awesome! After we picked all the trash we could find on the beach and caught flying parisols for people, we decided to have a little fun while waiting for the DCM by messing around in the water. It was nice to be able to relax and have fun with pretty cool people around. The DCM was a bit sad since it was not only the last one of the term, but the last one for some of the people there. However, I think the massive of food eased the pain a bit. -Ellis Hernandez
Spring Social The Spring Social was so much fun! I liked the fact that it was at a park because I felt like a little kid again. There was a lot of food, which I appreciate, fun games and pretty cool people. I got the chance to engage with everyone and participate in the water fight which was really refreshing since it was hot that day! Nonetheless, I had a great time and it has definitely influenced my excitement attending other events in the future! -Jeanelle Vargas
Month of March 2016 Member of the month:
p.6 Officer of the Month
p.8 Board and
Month of March 2016 Month of July 2015 Officer Member of the Month: Martinez of theGrace month: Delvin N
Division 3 South Region 7 California – Nevada – Hawaii District
Core Board President: Grace Martinez Phone: 213-925-2061 Email: animaluver3798@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.president@gmail.co
Vice President: Lucine Poturyan Phone: (323) 907-7028 Email: poturyanlucine@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.vicepresident@gmail.com
Vice President: Brian Woo Phone: (213) 700-0996 Email: BWoo9597@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.vicepresident@gmail.com
Secretary: Aldrich Jurado
Treasurer: Lia Kim
Phone: 213-265-8295
Phone: 213-434-1651
Email: aldrichjurado@hotmail.com / d03s.jmkc.secretary@gmail.com
Email: liakimm2017@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.treasurer@gmail.com
Bulletin Editor: Christopher Bach Phone: 213-605-2535 Email: ilikepie9878@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.editor@gmail.com
Senior Class Rep: Sreymich Lach Phone: 323-509-8603
Junior Class Rep: Yeobin Yook Phone: 2138190788 Email: kathy0720@gmail.com
Email: sreymich100@gmail.com
Historian: Camea Pascual Phone: (818) 649-0542 Email: cmea_pscl@yahoo.com
Sophomore Class Rep: Salma Sosa Phone: 213-598-6250 Email: salmososa064@gmail.com
Freshmen Class Rep:Nathan Barukh Phone(323) 907-7552 Email:
Tech Editor: Roither Gonzales Phone: (323)717-3452 Email: roithergonzales@gmail.com/ d03s.jmkc.editor@gmail.com