Wolf Gang News
November 2015
John Marshall High School
Division 3 South
Region 7
November 2015
Message from your President and Bulletin Editor
-Christopher Bach, Bulletin Editor
Table of Contents p.3Hollywood Christmas Parade
p.4 Campus Beautification p.5Calendar
p.6 Member of the Month
p.7 Officer of the Month p.8 Board Members
HollyWood Christmas Parade
The parade was a really fun and exciting experience for me as it was my first time seeing one up close. Not only did I get to see such beautiful and amazing works of art and celebrities, but I got the chance to connect with other people. Everyone was so nice and helpful so it made me feel even more cheerful volunteering at this event. I got to admit, I was close to getting frostbite, but getting the chance to see everyone's smiles and how much fun they were having was well worth it. I don't mind doing it again next time!
-Jeanelle Vargas
Campus Beautification
Month of September 2015 Officer of the month: Lucine Poturyan Congratulations to Lucine Poturyan, our vice president, for being recognized as the Officer of the Month for November! This past month, Lucine proved to be an exemplary role model as she displayed her incredible dedication to service. In November, Lucine attended all but one of our events, as she volunteered at campus beautification, helped at our club boba fundraiser to spread word about PTP, and made playbooks for patients! p.6 On Officer November 14th, she attended Fall Rally,p.8 showing of the Month Boardoff and her immense love and spirit for Key Club, all the while concentrating on her duties as our division executive assistant (EA). Finally, Lucine also chaired one of our bigger events of the year – the Hollywood Christmas Parade- on November 29th, ensuring everything went well during the event. As our vice president and division EA, Lucine tirelessly works to promote member recognition and to ensure all clubs in our division are healthy. Outside of Key Club, she is the president of our school’s Midnight Judge and Art Club. Her outstanding leadership and commitment to our club despite her many responsibilities as a senior, including college applications, make her one of our most exceptional wolves! Go Lucine!
Brian Woo John Marshall High School p.6
Vice President
Month of November 2015 Month of July 2015 Member of the Month: Delvin Nurdin Member of the month: Delvin Nurdin Congratulations to Delvin Nurdin for achieving Member of the Month recognition for the month of November! Delvin has been very active this month, attending events such as Fall Rally, the Hollywood Christmas Parade, our Boba Fundraiser, and many more. When he isn’t actively attending volunteering events, Delvin is displaying his Key Club spirit via social media and real-life interactions with peers. From promoting the upcoming District Convention to boosting coverage of our very own PizzaRev fundraiser, Delvin demonstrates great dedication as a member in our club. Besides attending our super-cool volunteer events, Delvin partakes in awesome activities such as the Color Run, while also maintaining his classes as a junior. We’re so glad to see this individual improve his connections with his Ohana with each passing month he spends in our club, and hope to see him reach great heights Division 3 South through his leadership capabilities. Kudos to you Delvin!
Region 7 California – Nevada Hawaii District -Lucine– Poturyan John Marshall High School Vice President
Core Board
President: Grace Martinez
Vice President: Brian Woo
Vice President: Lucine Poturyan
Phone: 213-925-2061
Phone: (213) 700-0996
Phone: (323) 907-7028
Email: animaluver3798@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.president@gmail.co
Email: BWoo9597@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.vicepresident@gmail.com
Email: poturyanlucine@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.vicepresident@gmail.com
Secretary: Aldrich Jurado
Treasurer: Lia Kim
Phone: 213-265-8295
Phone: 213-434-1651
Email: aldrichjurado@hotmail.com / d03s.jmkc.secretary@gmail.com
Email: liakimm2017@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.treasurer@gmail.com
Bulletin Editor: Christopher Bach Phone: 213-605-2535 Email: ilikepie9878@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.editor@gmail.com
Senior Class Rep: Sreymich Lach Phone: 323-509-8603
Junior Class Rep: Yeobin Yook Phone: 2138190788 Email: kathy0720@gmail.com
Email: sreymich100@gmail.com
Historian: Camea Pascual Phone: (818) 649-0542 Email: cmea_pscl@yahoo.com
Sophomore Class Rep: Salma Sosa Phone: 213-598-6250 Email: salmososa064@gmail.com
Freshmen Class Rep:Nathan Barukh Phone(323) 907-7552 Email:
Tech Editor: Roither Gonzales Phone: (323)717-3452 Email: roithergonzales@gmail.com/ d03s.jmkc.editor@gmail.com