iGods Magazine

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A word


From the Publisher


Carpe Lucem – Seize the Light! Welcome to issue 1 of iGods.

P r o j e c t B l u e B e a m Humanity Future Control

In this day & age and this time of darkness & misinformation it is great to be given the opportunity to work with and to publish something as unique and as challenging as iGods is. The content and concept may not appeal to everyone, but I urge you to give it a go and take a look inside as you may find some answers to questions you didn’t even know you had. What an honour it has been to work with this great editorial team that has been kind enough to share their knowledge and wisdom with us and present a new paradigm that I know I have learnt so much from – I hope you do too.


The Material is unique and exciting and to my knowledge is the first time much of this information has been tackled with let alone made main-stream, so you are in a very unique position to be able to have access to and learn from these incredible minds.

A n d r o m e d a n s : Who are they? What they do for us?

Make no mistake, once you turn these pages there is no going back, you have gone beyond the point of no return, I hope you enjoy the ride. Steve Agi - PUBLISHER



Steve Agi info@mediacode.com.au








A k a Records









CO Publisher + CIO

Chris Binos chris.b@mediacode.com.au CO PUBLISHER CREATIVE DIRECTOR

Dean Georgio dean@mediacode.com.au



Mediacode: Anastacia Vorobyeva Anthony Vanzella EDITORS

Rocco Torezz Maria Staveley MAILING ADDRESS



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All articles submitted for publication become the property of the publisher. The Editor reserves the right to adjust any article to conform with the magazine format. -4-





About We will touch on many topics like Conspiracy Theory’s, Illuminati, Freemasons, Symbols, Egypt, Mesopotamia and many more… Explanations will also be given when needed. This is only a starting point for your self development. I am not out to prove or disprove anything about any religion and respect is always given to all religions out there. All I ask is for you to have an open mind and explore the many facets that run our life. There is no right or wrong, only perception and only choice. My questions started when I became an alter boy at a young age and to this day I have not stopped researching and asking questions. I have spent years studying Theology and this has taught me to seek the truth on many things, so I myself can understand the word “WHY”. My partner and I have travelled to sacred sites and read many hidden Doctrines and Codex’s, looking for answers to our “WHY.” The original Codex Sinaiticus is not fully in tacked and is one of the original manuscripts of the bible in Greek. The early writings of Enoch and the Sumerians Clay Tablets that out date the bible time line right up to the 66 odd gospels, that were written to produce the second testament. The book called the BIBLE has left many unanswered questions about what we have been lead to understand as far as religion goes. The religion that says all magic and supernatural events are made from evil is the same religion that has its roots imbedded in the very same magic. The concept of God is only as old as the written text. The foundation of the text is a man made theory for us to believe in and the biblical choice we have been given to choose from “Good and Evil.” So, as humans we pick Good as you would, because throughout our life that’s what we are. We don’t lie or steal, we are not adulterators, we don’t cheat, and we go to church and read the bible. We respect everything and everyone, we are not a racist, and we don’t abuse our body by taking drugs. We don’t gossip and back stab people and so many other things that I could mention but I guess you get the drift of what I’m talking about. We pick good over evil because only evil or the evilness in people would only do these things, am I correct in saying this? So when we pass on in this life we are guaranteed to sit next to the Christ and God in heaven, so we follow the words of the Christ and God to have a good

death. Then for all time we spend, or I should say our spirit spends its entire remaining time sitting next to God for all eternity? But if we are evil, the same thing happens and our soul ends up in hell for the rest of eternity? Religion in its entirety is still a developing tool of systematic confusion to the world. Its first footsteps were made by man and engineered to become something that it’s not. It in essence only brought fear and confusion to man kind. Its deep emphasis only catering for the peasant mind of each era quite well knowing that the followers will follow. Mainstream religions, have caused harm and confusion to generations of people and yet they are followed blindly and this is why it’s called blind faith. Most of us that say follow, don’t even know its basic understanding and yet we will fight tooth and nail to defend its hollow words of wisdom. The large majority of us have not even read a scripture or a bible but we will still maintain that we are a good Christian, Catholic and Orthodox. We hide from the words but in the open we will pretend to be something we are not. The truth is we are not even capable of being true to ourselves. Questions need to be understood, knowledge has always been the power and the driving force behind our leaders. Many of our leaders are only puppets on the string and do what they are told, just like you and I. I think it’s time for people to start understanding the in’s and out’s of our world and religion with both its negative and positive points. What we’re made to perceive isn’t necessarily the truth and we must learn to see things for what they really are. The holy books are only meant to be symbolic in nature, this world is run symbolically. We promise to make this a very interesting journey and we encourage all you OPA! readers to be open minded and brave enough to come for the ride with us. Feedback is welcome and we encourage you to email editor@opamagazine.com.au for any questions or answers you might be seeking.

Rocco Torezz & Maria Staveley





Project Blue Beam has been developed to project images and sound over a very large area in the sky. It is manmade and its uses are many, the time will come when you will see the second coming as prophesized. It is designed to shock the, masses into hysteria. What if you are one day just going about your everyday business and you see a giant Jesus illuminating in the horizon, or a space craft that looks real?

Blue beam Humanity Future Control

This is a possible plan that may happen. You see the main religions of the world have come to an end, many people have understood the falseness of the doctrines that have been held for so long and with no more than a word change here and there. The Bible itself since its construction has almost 1500 changes and there only as an update and as a ploy to make the word meaning as real as possible with today’s understanding. People need to understand that back in the day literacy was not a common thing, and it was only reserved for people like scribes and priests and some of the royalty. I’m not saying the locals weren’t also taught, but not everyone could read and write so if you think that 12 Disciples that followed the Christ wrote Gospels, you have been misinformed as there were only a few who could do that. One was Paul as he was himself a Jew Priest and Matthew who was a tax collector, the others may have had some sort of education but not to the point where they were capable of writing a masterpiece of antiquity. The illusion of a second coming may not be that far away as we have become closer as a people and our knowledge has surpassed their ideology of us being the sheep. People are waking up slowly and the truth is filtering out, but with many conspiracies behind it as well. The fear people live is only a manufactured fear and that’s only because of their lack of education on the subject. We as a people need to do our research and always be reserved in what we see hear and understand. Life is a symbolic message and not a literal message just like the bible is. There are many Christs that have walked the earth; 32 of which I have conducted researched on and they all have the same attributes. The reconstructing of a Christ has always been the key in keeping people from seeing the truth about what life is really

Some paranormal stories such as the Norway Spiral is believed to have been a hologram. What will you do when you look up and see all the holograms?….Would you believe that they are real or holograms?


all about.

Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old.

Thus each nation would be in a total state of disarmament to the United States after the false attacks.

The “operation” is easy to explain and REVEAL technologically. Holography, a technique for obtaining images in three dimensions, consisting of an interference pattern between two sets of light waves of a single wavelength. A laser beam is divided into two parts, one to illuminate the subject, the second part (called the reference beam) is reflected in a mirror. The two beams are joined to form an interference pattern, which develops to form a hologram.

In principle, it will use the sky as a space-based movie screen. Laser satellites project simultaneous images to every corner of the planet in every language in every dialect according to region. Specifically, the show will consist of laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving different images according to dominant regional / national religious confessions. No area will be excluded. With computer animation and sound effects that seem to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly convincing reality.

The Second is to convince the “Christians” that a major rapture is occurring, with a simple and staging divine intervention of an “alleged” good alien force coming to save the good people from a brutal satanic attack. Their goal is to get rid of all significant opposition to the New World Order.

Look at what you can do with the Blue Beam Project.

This hologram can be used to re-create a 3 dimensional image of an original object. According to a comprehensive report by Canadian journalist and researcher Serge Monast, Project Blue Beam, this holographic technology used in conjunction with high technology and mind control weapons utilizing the effects of radio frequency waves on the brain, these are capable to project an image in the sky, causing collective thought to convince people they are seeing an alien invasion or the second coming of Christ. The Blue Beam

The Blue Beam Project, developed by NASA scientists, consists of four parts, four steps toward the implementation of the NWO religion with the Antichrist at its head. 1. Earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet, to reveal new archaeological discoveries, showing that all religious doctrines have been misunderstood and misinterpreted. 2. A gigantic Space Show with laser projections of multiple holographic images in 3 dimensions around the world appears as the image of God, speaking in all languages. 3. Electronic telepathy related to ELF, VLF, LF and the waves will reach people from inside his brain, his thinking interlaced and interwoven forms of natural and artificial fuzzy thoughts, making each one believes that God is speaking from within their own souls. 4. Electronic universal expression “supernatural” designed to deceive and create the following illusion: that mankind believe an alien invasion is imminent, that Christians believe the rapture is imminent and that the aliens have come to rescue them, convince all that satanic forces and supernatural manifestations penetrated the global network – able to travel through fiber optics, coaxial cable, electric and telephone cables – reaching everywhere unavoidable. This step contains three different orientations:

The third, orientation is a mixture of electronic and supernatural forces. The waves (frequencies) used at that time will allow supernatural forces to travel through fiber optic cables, coaxial cables, electrical and telephone lines to penetrate all electronic equipment and apparatus which by then will have a special microchip installed. ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) is a tool of the elite. It is the version of the New Age of witchcraft, electronically? Basically, in the person of their choice, for whatever reason they have to target person is a dissident. The ELF will put the person into altered states; often the person does not realize this. However, this is not an altered state as Hindu meditation. Basically, the brain does not have any security to block frequencies, just as a team cannot prevent a hacker breaking into a computer without a firewall. This tool is used in conjunction with BlueBeam technology to represent the voice of the so called God, when in reality we are deceiving spirits. ELF effects on a person can vary the stroke length of wave, frequency adjustment, or both. Some symptoms are:

- Mild to complete loss of concentration, memory, and a general blockade for a few seconds to a few minutes. - Dizziness - Extreme fatigue in which only need to sleep without a known cause. You may sleep 12 to 20 hours at a time. - Immediate effect where you feel like you’re eating large amounts of cocaine and even caffeine. You can stay awake for 22-48 hours without sleep, while still feeling wired. - Ringing, buzzing, clicking, ringing in the ears. This can even be painful to the extent that it feels like something sharp is pounding your eardrum. - Altered taste, the metallic taste. - Pressurized feeling in your head. - Images of light, as in “dawn” of an image we just saw. Light rays can also be seen. This can happen anywhere. - Voice (s) within the brain that are not themselves or the Holy Spirit, however, is how the Holy Spirit. - Knowing where to look to see a UFO. - You can be paralyzed in bed while voice commands you not to resist. (You could feel a presence near your bed when this occurs.) - Lucid Dreaming. - Flashes of light. - You may hear voices coming from your mind. - You could have high body heat. - DURING this may have ‘visions’ of phantoms, balls of light, demons, aliens (fallen angels), etc. - You can have an experience involuntary split (separation of soul and body) - High heart rate while sitting or immobile, without medical or physical cause. - Seeing through closed eyelids. - Kundalini experiences.


The First one, is to make mankind believe that an alien invasion is about to occur in every major city on earth. This is to push each major nation to use its nuclear capability to respond.

Life is not what it seems, enjoy your journey…

Rocco Torezz… -13-


It is said that Enki was associated with the Annunaki, and Zecharia Sitchen wrote a famous book called The Lost Book of Enki. In this book, he describes much of what he found out about the Annunaki, Nibiru, Planet X and more in the ancient Sumerian texts. In Sumeria, the religions were set up around the gods associated with the Annunaki (Anunaki), one in particular called Anu.


If Nibiru, Planet X and the Annunaki are real, then the New World Order conspiracies and other human dramas are the least of your concerns! Celestial events trump anything humans do. However, there is no evidence given by NASA or any other scientists as proof that Nibiru, Planet X or the Anunaki are for real. It could be that ancient myths from Sumerian records discovered by Zecharia Sitchen are true, but maybe not.

at the Vatican Is there a message here?

The question still remains why a globe and what is the massage the Vatican is trying to tell us?

Vatican Globe: A abstract art or a planet X globe?? There is something very dark about these globes. The Vatican has a very great deal of power, whether they admit it or not they have a great deal of political power all around the world. One of the things they did was muscle their way onto a mountain in Arizona, Mt Graham, and then build an observatory on it together with an Arizona university. However the Vatican has the larger part of the control of this observatory, looking at deep space things. Why would they have done that? What deep dark secrets and conspiracies has the church kept hidden for centuries? What does the Vatican know about UFOs and alien visits to Earth?

If you look at the crashed globe closely it looks very mechanical which could symbolize the robotic nature of humans being joined with the reptilian spirits/demons. The eye always symbolizes a god (the eye of Horus, all seeing eye) so the crashed globe could also symbolize the world united in worshiping one reptilian/demonic god? Whether it represents Planet x / Nibiru or a broken pineal gland, there is no doubt that it is dark and very sinister. Is the Vatican (supposedly a place of enlightenment) an appropriate location for something which is very sinister? As we all know, the Vatican is a very, historical site. They would not allow a new modern work of art there unless it had some real significance of some sort. This globe is a big, brass or copper sculpture that rotates. You can actually walk up and spin this thing if you want to.

Could the Vatican know the truth about the Ancient Sumerian Records Nibiru, Planet X? Zecharia Sitchen was the first to bring the ancient Sumerian texts to the public, interpreting and translating them for human ponderance. The ancient Sumerian texts depicted a large planet (Nibiru, Planet X) that entered the solar system very specifically in one of their drawings, and told how it would leave fairly quickly after it had come. In passing, it can have drastic effects on the Earth and other planets in the solar system.

It’s not only at the Vatican though. Did I mention that there is another one at the United Nations building? Surely this piece must have great significance or meaning to the Vatican. Doesn’t make sense to have this giant globe being torn apart from the inside, as if something is coming out at a place as historic as the Vatican and at a place such as the United Nations In my opinion the Vatican has seen this planet already... its in our solar system right now… From all my digging of Annunaki, Nibiru, Planet X sumarian history, I can link up in my opinion that globe is infect the planet Nibiru or planet X … As they call it. It was originally discovered in 1983 by a telescope named IRAS but very quickly called a mistake and covered up. According to the sumarian stories the annunaki (translates into “those who come from the heavens”) camefrom the planet Nibiru to mine gold which would be used to repair there damaged atmosphere. This planet according to sumarian tablets written over 6000 years ago claims that nibiru originally was sucked into our solar system for some unknown reason and collided with earth 4.7 million years ago this event changed the course of our solar system forever. Nibiru since that time returns every 3600 years around our solar system in a long olyptical orbit until it rounds another sun far away .. which would make our solar system a binary system. This is due to happen again December 2012.

These ancient Sumerian texts also depict a race called the Annunaki (Anunaki), a race of beings that live on Nibiru, Planet X. The Annunaki are said to have created humans, or at least caused humans to be “dumbed down” so they would make good slaves and mine gold for them. The Annunaki (Anunaki) want gold every time they pass through the solar system because their planet doesn’t have enough of it and they use it to treat their atmosphere in such a way that makes it possible for them to live on Nibiru, Planet X. Without gold, their atmosphere would not support them. The plan is that they will pick up gold again when they pass through this solar system again, supposedly somewhere around 2012.

The annunaki being an advanced technological race being able to travel space and possess technology capable to actually repair an entire planet would explain the reason for the look of THE GLOBE…

Maria Staveley

There is quite a lot of gold to get this time around. Gold mining has been quite successful for a long time. It is interesting to speculate about why gold seems so valuable to humans throughout history, in every culture, in every time period, even moreso than any other metal. Could it have been programmed into human consciousness by the Annunaki? After all, it is just another metal, right? -14-

Why is there some sort of machine or tearing the world in two from the inside? It looks as if it’s coming out of the earth.



Greys or to some known as Grays: Small neo-saurian anthropomorphic. Originating from the constellation Zeta Reticuli, their

terrestrials In a world where the suggestion of extra-terrestrial life equals to admission in a psychiatric treatment centre, I will dare to talk about the possible existence of several different kinds of aliens that some scientists claim they exist inside our universe and / or parallel universes and on our planet.

brain is twice the volume of the human. They are telepathic beings and experts in the manipulation of the human body and mind. There are not a reproductive race, and the only way their kind is being reproduced, is by being cloned. Although the constant cloning made ​​them weak, so they are trying to find other ways to maintain and extend their kind. They too have played a role in the mixture of the human genetics going few thousands of years back in time, as it seems that they maybe trying to cross their kind with the human one, in order to construct a mixed race. Showing no emotion, the Grays are some kind of servants to the Reptilians. According to a US government report, the Grays are presented as offering their technology in exchange for things they require for their survival. They need blood and other biological fluids to survive and this is the main reason they abduct people and animals, in order to study their genetics or acquire these fluids. There is a rumour which states that they have established a secret agreement with the U.S. government.

Reptilians (Reptilians, Draconians and Alpha-Draconians: Originating from the Alpha Draconis constellation and with genetics like those of the reptiles, they are a highly developed race, considered hostile and dangerous towards humanity as they consider us as an inferior kind compared to them. Their

The existence of extra-terrestrial life has been a taboo issue for many scientists, and the consideration of this

matter is always having the fear that one might be considered laughable! In a universe of 100 billion galaxies, each with a million and more stars, our home planet Earth is unlikely to be the only place where life exists, as these numbers by themselves are enough to be considered the rational extraterrestrial argued matter. Of course, we have to take into consideration that human nature could evolve into something we do not want to meet. The big challenge is to understand the extra-terrestrial life and how exactly would they look like. Creatures, or entities who are supposed to come from space, from other planets, galaxies, universes, or even different realities / dimensions. Some people claim that they have had occasionally encountered aliens or beings from other planets, and some claim to have been kidnapped by them. There are many speculations and reports about aliens visiting Earth.

understanding of us, is the same as we would observe a herd of cattle. The reptilians are carnivores unlike humans who can survive only on a vegetarian nutrition. It is said that the Grays are working on their behalf, as they do not wish to become visible. Their body temperature is low which means that any fire weapons can be very effective and fatal for this specie in case of an encounter. They live hidden below the earth in large caves for thousands of years.

The Heritage Blood reptilian: These creatures drink blood as they need it to survive in this dimension, because of the vital energy (lifeforce) that the blood contains. The ingredients are supposed to provide them with longevity. The reptilians appear to be “fed” by human emotions especially fear, which through such they can manipulate the human energy and consciousness. This is known as the lower astral (chakra) to many people, corresponding to low vibrational frequency emotions such as fear, guilt, anger and any other negative emotion.

Below I will list only a few of those extra-terrestrials, after researching and taking information from several sources, that they would tingle your imagination as they did with mine. But as Einstein has quoted: “Logic will take you from A to Z. Imagination will take you everywhere.”






They originate from the Pleiades, with blond or brown hair and mostly fair skin complexion. Also called Nordics, because of their similarity with the people of the Earth’s Scandinavian countries. They come from the planet Taygeta, in the constellation of the Pleiades and other stellar systems such as the Hyades and Vega, and they were forced out from their place of origin in the constellation Lyra as refugees. They were expelled after they were attacked by the reptilian race in what is known as the famous Lyran Wars. The Pleiadeans are highly developed, spiritual, benevolent entities, and they have blood relationship with humans. They claim that their technology, is

This is one of the most advanced extra-terrestrial civilisations in our galaxy. They are a fifth-dimensional civilisation, considered a role model of how Earth will and should be in the future. Their energy acts upon humanity as emotional, mental and spiritual healing. The Arcturians claim that the key to be able to live in a fifth dimension is love. They are able to sail travel with sailings in the universe, as they have some of the most advanced in our entire galaxy. One of the reasons that the earth hasn’t been attacked by negative extra-terrestrials, is that they are afraid of these advanced sailings of Arcturus. The highly developed spiritual nature of the Arcurians, helps them not to grow old, making

One of the most positive extraterrestrial civilisations, coming from a solar system of Prokyonas. They are referred to as the Swedes, as they are humanoid-looking with blond hair. The U.S. government had no real interest in contacting them, reason being they do not provide them with weapons and technology as the Grays do. They try to protect us from the evil activities of those of the Reptilians and the Grays. They are able to travel in time and in dimensions of other realities / parallel universes.

some 3000 years ahead than ours. In previous years they had offered their assistance to the leaders of the Earth but it was rejected, so they are more detached towards us at the present times. These aliens are said to be the ancestors of mankind. Note that the region of the constellation Lyra, and Pleiades have been in the past a battleground between the Reptilians, the Grey and the human race.

them capable to overcome the rules of space-time. There is no disease in Arcturus, as they have all disappeared centuries ago.

Sirians Very little is known about them. They are believed to be another highly developed, spiritual and benevolent extra-terrestrial race towards the human race. They come from Sirius and there is a rumour that the Greeks derived from Sirius. They don’t seem to be involved with the events that take place on our planet at the moment, although they do show interest in the Gray scenario, as they might want to help humanity. There are also some other types of spiritually developed human look-alike aliens who are aware of the situation on Earth and currently examine methods of action. They originate from the constellations of Arcturos and Vega and are known by the colour of their hair, with Pleiadians being blond, redheads coming from Orion and dark hair from Sirius.

Cetians or Tau Cetians: A multi-coloured human race. They live in the Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani and they are talk about to be supporters of the Pleiadeans, who according to those that have come in contact with them, they have formed a Confederation with the Vegans, the Ummites and other alien races. The union of these races, is based on their desire for a common defence against the defeat of the Reptilians.

Lyrans: They are discussed as the original ancestors of our galactic family. Many thousands of years before their civilisation had reached a very high technological level, but there were disagreements and civil wars resulting in extinguishing a large part of their society. Many escaped their planet and colonised the Pleiades, the Hyades and Vega. Some of them came to Earth at the time of Lemuria and Atlantis. Currently Lyra constellation is inhabited by Reptilians who invaded in the Lyran Wars along with Lyrans.


Ummites: People who claim to originate from the area of Wolf ​​ 424, they most likely have ancient ties with the societies of the Lyran’s and their name derives from the planet Ummo. They work together with the Vegans and they are extremely telepathic. They believe in the existence of the soul and the Creator God and they exist in 10 dimensions of reality and are capable of twisting spacetime.

Vegans: They are a peace-loving and kind race and they are refugees from the Lyran Wars, now living in the Pleiades and Wolf 424. Their appearance is often described similar to the inhabitants of India and their technology is some 250 years ahead of that of the Pleiadians. All these cultures are driven by nonphysical etheric beings of the Council of Andromeda (also known as The Andromeda Council).

After spending some time researching on all of the above information, one thing I’d like to say, is that other races in our universe have the ability to stretch time travel through galaxies and our universe, while we are yet to travel and explore other planets besides our fellow satellite moon. Who knows… maybe, the best is yet to come.



of the Devil

The Origins of SATAN! Ever since Dante Allegheiri gave life to “Satan” in his renowned Inferno, the 2nd Book of The Divine Comedy, theologians and philosophers have been captivated in trying to track down how or where the original conception of “Satan” arose. These efforts have spanned centuries and many different traditions and ethnicities, with some modern philosophical expositions coming from those like the popular philosopher, Joseph Campbell in the last chapter of his The Power of Myth. What we can infer, is that the idea of an eternal punishment precedes any Christian theology on it by at least one thousand years. Generally, the concepts diverged as one of two forms: Tartarus or the ancient Greek version of “Hell” and the fiery Mithraic version. The last is putatively the obvious version appropriated for use by Christianity and this likely was adopted at the Second Council of Constantinople by which time Mithraism was in retreat even in the Roman Empire. (Emperor Constantine’s ‘Edict of Milan” which essentially made Christianity the official state religion of the empire, though married to some traditional forms of the Roman Sol Invictus cult). Some historical basics before describing the Mithraic Shaitan: In the GraecoPersian manifestation of Mithra (alt. Mithras). He was born of a virgin on the winter solstice, Dec. 25th. The leader of the cult was called a pope and ruled from a mithraeum. The Mithraists consumed a special meal (‘Myazda’) completely analogous to the Catholic Eucharist.

And just like their Christian decedents, they celebrated the atoning death of a Savior (who according to Ized 28 was crucified). In addition, those who did not partake of the body and blood of Mithra-Mithras were condemned to “Hell’, designated as a “lake of fire”. Most authorities, and perhaps the best text for this is ‘The Origin Of Mithraic Mysteries: Cosmology and Salvation in the Ancient World’, Oxford Univ. Press, 1989, articulated this particular concept. As noted therein, the “lake of fire” description most likely arose from the perception of flowing lava (such as after a volcanic eruption) forming a pit or “burning lake” which is quite reasonable if anyone has gone near to an actual volcano, say after an eruption. Such lava “lakes” are fierce enough to melt lead or iron and would certainly be a horrific temporary “hell” for a human, never mind an “eternity”! The Mithraic Shaitan meanwhile presided over the dispatch of incoming culprits to the “lake”. He generally informed them first of their transgressions, then enlisted lesser demons or agents to carry them into it where they’d be kept forever. What might be the earliest period or epoch for Shaitan’s emergence? A clue is to track the time line for the texts based on the pagan epistles known as the Izeds (28 in number) appearing in the Zendavesta. The Zendavesta, literally “text and comment,” was the doctrine of Zoroaster (Zarathrustra), comprised in eight parts, written at different periods, but of which the earliest have been assigned to the date of B.C. 1200-1000. In its present form it was collected by Ardeshir, the founder of the Sassanian dynasty, from oral tradition, at the time when he re-established the ancient religion of Persia. In effect, the concept of a Shaitan presiding over a fiery “Hell” (Lake of fire) could have well existed since 1200 B.C. or more than 1,200 years before Christ was claimed to refer to it.

Rocco Torezz

Marina Lezos -19-



Andromedans: Who are they? What they do for us?

Many people have come forward claiming to have had come in contact with extra-terrestrial entities, whilst others have been “abducted”, transformed on spaceships and returned. The human degree of intelligence cannot explain and comprehend these claims, but where there is no clear evidence of such claims, does not mean it is impossible. One of these races of aliens are said to originate from the constellation of Andromeda. The Andromedans are meant to be a peaceful pure energy life, higher dimensional beings with a light-blue skin and humanoid features, who are able to communicate telepathically not only with their own race but other races in the galaxies as well as with animals. They feel as one unity, and they don’t like the way humans on Earth treat their animals and their fellow humans. People who have claimed such contacts, have usually described it as a benevolent and warming experience. The Andromedan Council has ordered all extra-terrestrial on Earth, benevolent or not, to leave our planet. Since there are almost 2,000 reptilians on our planet and more than 18,000 grays living underground who experiment with the human race, this order out is so that they can see what it would be like to live with one another when we are not being manipulated by these entities, which has being taking place for thousands of years. Some claimed to have been “abducted” on flying objects and travelled in space, other planets and dimensions, and debate that there are benevolent alien races who want to help humanity, to stop nuclear-powered testing and negativity upon oneself and prevent the inevitable destruction of the human race. The contactees believe that this can be achieved through meditation, the transfer of messages of love and union which will help humanity to rise to a higher dimension and to end the negative alien cover-up that has existed for thousands of years on Earth with dark alien forces. According to the above information it’s been said that in our galaxy (although the human eye even telescope cannot see this as our galaxy is way too dense) there are about 20-22 planets in the dense-physical third dimension, they are in the process of growth and have nothing in common with the world we live. It would be hard to believe another world like ours where hunger, lack of vital goods and poverty exists. It only takes one to think of our earthly politicians who still feed on the masses and take energy from them, where has this got us so far? Similarly Religions proudly and officiously representing God whilst teaching love also manipulate the masses creating hatred between humans and cursing anyone who dares to disagree with them. They claim to know what God is, yet higher-dimensional entities in the universe are unable to answer this. How can one tell that rationality has limits solely on words that are based on intellectual or personal histories of interpersonal experience. Although many of us might have distanced ourselves (speaking on a personal level) when it comes to politics and religions, we should also think about our social behaviour on an individual level. The pure, altruistic emotions getting lost in front of the arrogance, with our only worry, on money greed, and personal benefit, and never accepting responsibility for one’s action. The religionists worship holy images, slippers and bones of dead “saints” and criticising other human fellows with different beliefs and opinions, instead of trying to do the obvious and becoming better people for all humanity. All we should care about is love and unity and to rid our egos. The Andromedans describe our home planet as a “dark star” as it’s shielded by a dark negative cover invisible from the human vision, created by the negative thoughts and actions of people and all are responsible.

It is a strong word to describe the human kind as inexcusable and ignorant, but considering all the above, either we are believers or sceptics, it is never too late for personal growth.

Marina Lezos



Adam, lilith & eve Explaining inconsistencies in the Old Testament is hard enough

due to the fact that they were developed in Jewish literature, a complex explanation system called the Midrash, which attempts to correct biblical contradictions and bring new meaning to the scriptural text. Using both philological method and often an ingenious imagination, midrashic writings, which reached their height in the 2nd century CE, influenced the Christian interpretations of the Bible and the way we see the final version. Inconsistencies in the story of Genesis, especially the two separate accounts of creation, received particular attention. Later, beginning in the 13th century CE, such questions were also taken up in Jewish mystical literature known as the Kabbalah. According to Midrashic literature, Adam’s first wife was not Eve but a woman named Lilith, who was created in the first Genesis account. Only when Lilith rebelled and abandoned Adam, did God create Eve, in the second account, as a replacement. At the same time God created Adam, he created a woman, Lilith, who like Adam was taken from the earth. She was given to Adam as his wife.

It needs to be remembered that these demonic “women” are essentially personifications of unseen forces invented to account for otherwise inexplicable events and phenomena which occur in the real world. Lilith, Lamashtu, Lamia and other female demons like them are all associated with the death of children and especially with the death of newborn infants.

Adam, Lilith, and Eve relief sculpture, c. 1210 CE Base of trumeau, left portal, West Façade, Notre Dame, Paris

Lilith Babylonian terra-cotta relief, c. 2000 BCE

In turn, Lamashtu is like another demonized female called Lamia, a Libyan serpent goddess, whose name is probably a Greek variant of Lamashtu. Like Lamashtu, Lamia also killed children. In the guise of a beautiful woman, she also seduced young men. In the Latin Vulgate Bible, Lamia is given as the translation of the Hebrew Lilith (and in other translations it is given as “screech owl” and “night monster”).

In the Alpha Betha of Ben Sira (Alphabetum Siracidis, or Sepher Ben Sira), an anonymous collection of Midrashic proverbs probably compiled in the 11th century C.E., it is explained more explicitly that the conflict arose between Adam and Lilith, because Adam insisted Lilith lie beneath him during sexual intercourse; this was as a means of asserting authority over his wife (23 A-B). Lilith, however, considering herself to be Adam’s equal, refused, and after pronouncing the Ineffable Name (i.e. the magic name of God) flew off into the air.

It may be easily imagined that they were held accountable for such things as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS, also called crib death, or cot death) where an apparently healthy infant dies for no obvious reason. Cot death occurs almost always during sleep at night and is the most common cause of death of infants. Its cause still remains unknown. By inventing evil spirits like Lilith, Lamashtu, and Lamia, parents were not only able to identify the enemy but also to know what they had to guard against. Amulets with the names of the three angels were intended to protect against the power of Lilith. Lilith also personified licentiousness and lust. In the Christian Middle Ages she, or her female offspring, the lilim, became identified with succubae (the female counterparts of incubi) who would copulate with men in their sleep, causing them to have nocturnal emissions or “wet dreams.” Again, Lilith and her kind serve as a way of accounting for an otherwise inexplicable phenomenon among men. Today, 85 percent of all men experience “wet dreams” (the ejaculation of sperm while asleep) at some time in their lives, mostly during their teens and twenties and as often as once a month. In the Middle Ages, celibate monks would attempt to guard against these nocturnal visits by the lilith/succubus by sleeping with their hands crossed over their genitals and holding a crucifix.

In this guise, she appears as the antagonistic negative counterpart of the Shekhinah (“Divine Presence”), the mother of the House of Israel. The Zohar repeatedly contrasts Lilith the unholy whorish woman with the Shekhinah as the holy, noble, and capable woman. In much the same way, Eve the disobedient, lustful sinner is contrasted with the obedient and holy Virgin Mary in Christian literature. Through her couplings with the devil (or with Adam, as his succubus), Lilith gave birth to one hundred demonic children a day (the one hundred children threatened with death by the three angels). In this way, Lilith was held responsible for populating the world with evil. If you ask how Lilith herself, the first wife of Adam, became evil, the answer lies in her insubordination to her husband Adam. It is her independence from Adam, her position beyond the control of a male that makes her “evil.” She is disobedient and like Eve, and indeed all women who are willful, she is perceived as posing a constant threat to the divinely ordered state of affairs defined by men. Lilith is represented as a powerfully sexual woman against whom men and babies felt they had few defenses and, except for a few amulets, little protection. Much more so than Eve, Lilith is the personification female sexuality.

Adam, distraught and no doubt also angered by her insolent behavior, wanted her back. On Adam’s request, God sent three angels, named Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof, who found her in the Red Sea. At this point, the legend of Lilith as the “first Eve” merges with the earlier legend of Sumero-Babylonian origin, dating from around 3,500 BCE, of Lilith as a winged female demon who kills infants and endangers women in childbirth. In this role, she was one of several mazakim or “harmful spirits” known from incantation formulas preserved in Assyrian, Hebrew, and Canaanite inscriptions intended to protect against them. As a female demon, she is closely related to Lamashtu whose evilness included killing children, drinking the blood of men, and eating their flesh. Lamashtu also caused pregnant women to miscarry, disturbed sleep and brought nightmares. -24-

Through the literature of the Kabbalah, Lilith became fixed in Jewish demonology where her primary role is that of strangler of children and a seducer of men. The Kabbalah further enhanced her demonic character by making her the partner of Samael (i.e. Satan) and queen of the realm of the forces of evil.


Her legend serves to demonstrate how, when unchecked, female sexuality is disruptive and destructive. Lilith highlights how women, beginning with Eve, use their sexuality to seduce men. She provides thereby a necessary sexual dimension, which is otherwise lacking, to the Genesis story which, when read in literal terms, portrays Eve not as some wicked femme fatale but as a naive and largely sexless fool. Only as a Lilith-like character could Eve be seen as a calculating, evil, seductress. Lilith is referred to only once in the Old Testament. In the Darby translation of Isaiah 34:14 the original Hebrew word is rendered as “lilith”; according to Isaiah, when God’s vengeance has turned the land into a wilderness, “there shall the beasts of the desert meet with the jackals, and the wild goat shall cry to his fellow; the lilith also shall settle there, and find for herself a place of rest.” The same word is translated elsewhere, however, as “screech owl, “night creatures,” “night monsters,” and “night hag.” Although it has been suggested that the association with night stems from a similarity between the Sumero-Babylonian demon Lilitu and the Hebrew word laylah meaning “night,” Lilith nonetheless seems to have been otherwise associated with darkness and night as a time of fear, vulnerability, and evil. In her demonized form, Lilith is a frightening and threatening creature. Much more so than Eve, she personifies the real (sexual) power women exercise over men. She represents the deeper, darker fear men have of women and female sexuality. Inasmuch as female sexuality, as a result of this fear, has been repressed and subjected to the severest controls in Western patriarchal society, so too has the figure of Lilith been kept hidden.

However, she lurks as a powerful unidentified presence, an unspoken name, in the minds of biblical commentators for whom Eve and Lilith become inextricably intertwined and blended into one person. Importantly, it is this Eve/Lilith amalgam which is used to identify women as the true source of evil in the world. In the Apocryphal Testament of Reuben (one of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, ostensibly the twelve sons of Jacob), for example, it is explained that: Women are evil, my children: because they have no power or strength to stand up against man, they use wiles and try to ensnare him by their charms; and man, whom woman cannot subdue by strength, she subdues by guile. (Testament of Reuben: V, 1-2, 5) References to Lilith in the Talmud describe her as a night demon with long hair (B. Erubin 100b) and as having a human likeness but with wings (B. Nidda 24b). In Rabbi Isaac ben Jacob ha-Kohen’s “Treatise on the Emanations on the Left,” written in Spain in the 13th century, she is described as having the form of a beautiful woman from her head to her waist, and “burning fire” from her waist down. Elsewhere, Rabbi Isaac equates her with the primordial serpent Leviathan.

A Babylonian terra-cotta relief dated to around 2000 BCE in the collection of Colonel Norman Corville has been identified as a representation of Lilith (the identification has been questioned by a number of scholars). The relief shows a nude woman with wings and a bird’s taloned feet. She wears a hat composed of four pairs of horns and holds in each upraised hand a combined ring and rod (similar to an Egyptian shen ring amulet). She stands on two reclining lions and is flanked by owls. Despite the fact that she is not officially recognized in the Christian tradition, in the Late Middle Ages she is occasionally identified with the serpent in Genesis 3 and shown accordingly with a woman’s head and torso. For example, the bare-breasted woman with a snake’s lower parts posed seductively in the branches of the tree between Adam and Eve in the scene of the temptation carved into the base of the trumeau in the left doorway of the West façade of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris has been identified as Lilith.

How man creates the negative to balance out the positive. Constructions of all the biblical text are man-made and the evil manufactures the evil from the very thought of man to cover his own faults of existence. The very core of Christianity is the myth that’s been re written many times over and the words have been placed as truth.

Rocco Torezz

Lilith Babylonian terra-cotta relief, c. 2000 BCE

Lilith Babylonian terra-cotta relief, c. 2000 BCE -26-




Emotional vampires

Let’s start by explaining what an emotional vampire is:


psychological termination “emotional vampire” is used to describe a person who is stealing energy and getting nourished by you, unconsciously or not. It is a way of survival for them to maintain their consciousness. It could be someone close around you, friends, family members, loved ones, colleagues etc. However you describe them, the result is the same: they draw your energy and leave you empty and self-distracted. The emotional vampires are distinguished by the following characteristics: They are self-absorbed, selfish and they think the world is obligated to them, and the only reason they have social interactions and stay close to people is only to satisfy their own needs as they perceive themselves as the centre of the world. They find it hard to love and do not take moral and emotional responsibility. They seem light-hearted but in reality they are using emotional violence to keep those around them on their toes. Do you ever remember having interactions with someone who had these characteristics, or even most of them? How did you feel and how did you manage to escape such relationship? The reality is that we all use energy to create our work, our relationships, etc, but the fact is that some people are going as far as stealing energy, not always consciously, but because of their lack of energy for their own existence. Here are some types of the emotional vampires and how you can distinguish them:

The Narcissus vampire:

Over-focused on themselves and their own needs. They consider themselves to be the best and everything has to revolve around them. They don’t consider, nor recognise the needs of others, and always try to draw something positive from others, lowering them and emphasising their weaknesses. This individual could be a parent who never recognises the value of their child, or a friend who will say to your efforts “well done but I could have done it better”. They know how to take, not to give and thus create painful relationships.

The Hyper-social vampire:

They love the social life, and like the vampire-narcissus they too want to be the focus of attention and to shine at all costs, but believe that the social rules apply only to others. They are usually superficial and shallow but because they shine, it is difficult for others to ‘read’ these basic flaws behind the veil of humour, flirtation, the open attitude and the intense sociability. However, interactions with them at the end of the day leaves people around them empty and with the feeling that something does not feel right.

The Hypocrite vampire:

Wants to be the ‘good guy’ everybody loves, to be needed and accepted and confirm his/her value, but the motivation is the need to absorb positive energy from others to survive psychologically. They lie to others as well as themselves.

The Controlling vampire:

Constantly have the need to control those around them, becoming obsessed with the “right and wrong” oppress themselves and others around them. Have usually something bad to say, judge negatively and postpone making decisions. It is the friend who says “nice dress but it would look better on you if you lost a few kilos”. They have an opinion about everything. They often start sentences with “You know what you need?” and then proceed to tell you. You end up feeling dominated or put down.

The Victim vampire:

They have the poor-me attitude and usually use phrases like “why do people treat me like this” or “why can’t I be happy”. They are constantly tense in order to discover the conspiracies that they think are being forged around them, as they think the world is against them and never accept responsibility for their own actions. When you offer solutions they don’t accept it, rather dwell on the “problem”. They leave you feeling empty and thinking “thank God” when they left.

Observe your personal relationships with others. Are they balanced? Do you feel you are being manipulated/ controlled, or are you accepted for who you are? Are your feelings being ignored?

How to protect yourself from being sucked into their vortex Its quite easy. Offer solutions. If this doesn’t work, choose to be in control by detaching and distancing yourself from them. They will make attempts to keep the connection so they can keep stealing your energy, but the attachment will eventually fade away. Remember every relationship is a two way street. Never forget, you are your own person.

Marina Lezos

How can you tell who they are in your life and how to deal with them.





Revolution of our DNA

Almost all people who live such a phenomenon are blooming. They have a new job, a new way of thinking (becoming more conscious) or start a new life. Although we may feel sick or depressed, this is a great gift to humanity, as we were given the opportunity to change the structure of DNA and our body structure in a brighter and healthier way, that will allow us to live in the marvellous decades to follow. It has been said that this phenomenon will be completed before the end of 2012.

There is a change happening right now, both physically and emotionally and this can be misunderstood and cause anxiety, even fear.. although this is a positive metamorphosis of the human kind. Unfortunately most of the population born before 1940 are not able to carry this mutation, but later generations have something that gives them the ability and opportunity to form an additional helix in the time of their lives. Our systems - immune and endocrine - showing many signs of this change. Some adults already have begun to form a new DNA strand. These people live many changes in their bodies and their consciousness. Finally the Earth and its people raise their vibration. The older who choose to change have to go through many physical changes. The easiest form of mutation, is through a DNA virus. Consequently viruses are not always bad. Viruses live on a living tissue, the so-called DNA viruses such as virus Epstein Barr virus and Herpes 6.

Each one of us has a double helix DNA, but what is happening is that other helices are starting to form. In the double helix there are two chains or filaments shaped coil, we will grow 12 helices. Our cells change in the same way. This phenomenon seems to have begun some 5-10 years ago. There is no scientific explanation why this is happening and this change of our species takes us into something that is still unknown to us. These changes have not yet been published because the scientific community believes that this will upset the general public. Previously, many religions have talked about these changes and we know what will happen in some way.

The old ways of thinking and old systems should breakdown if we want to see a new time to begin. So far what we have experienced is wars, political and economic systems that never worked. Many of the old standards should no longer exist.


We are in the edge of discovery and experience heaven on earth. Together, united we will be able to hear the inner voice of heaven, united we will be in tune to accept the changes to come.

Marina Lezos






Sirius I kind of feel like Jesus lately… he was gazing at the stars in the sky and he knew he came from there. I wake up every morning to go to work while it’s still dark outside, and all I want to do is stare at the sky myself, not long to realise that it brings a smirk on my face. It somehow feels inside that I come from there too. Maybe I don’t. But that’s how it feels. And more specifically, from Sirius. Because this is the first thing I see through my bathroom window when I open my eyes. Sirius A and next to it proudly standing Sirius B. And was that maybe the star that accompanied Jesus in his birth, in a modest little cradle on a cold December night? Rumour has it, it was… And yes, I have read and heard many stories about this glorious shiny star in the sky, that Greeks originate from there, that human kind alien species still live there etc. But without much thought it senses like all comes to places day by day. I still remember my friend’s words over a coffee a few years back, stating that Greeks are not humans but a kind. Trust me, to this day and still trying to figure what could she mean.

Sirius is a very bright star. In fact, Sirius is the brightest star in our night sky. The name Sirius is derived from the ancient Greek Seirios, which means “glowing”. It has a degree of 1.5 times larger than our sun and its mass is 2.5 times the mass of our sun and is 35.5 times brighter than that. It has a surface temperature of 11.200 celsius, as much as the distance in kilometres between the Pyramid of Cheops and Yucatan of Mexico. Sirius is referred to all the religions of the world with the names Sirius, Jury, Sour, Seir, Osiris etc. But the dominant Christian religion, in order to erase any reference to the brightest star in our night sky, tried to destroy every trace that refers to it and even by destroying the libraries of Alexandria. It baptised it the devil’s star and banned even the pronunciation of the name Lucifer, without even knowing what the meaning of it. Lucifer means the one who brings the light. Christianity established in the dogma of faith, the Revelation, known as a heretical book initially as unacceptable in which Jesus refers to himself as the “Morning star”, same as Sirius was known for 22,000 of years… did he know something more? Coincidence? Maybe.

Coincidence the song by Manos Hatzidakis “Those kids from Sirius…?

Marina Lezos


Useless entertainment with no real value, on TV, makes audience vulnerable to knowledge about people and things that don’t really matter. We pay so much attention to people that entertain us, they seem so important to us and we are consistently getting brainwashed by TV. Why do you think shows are called programs? They (the media) make us lose perception for what is really important and have no opinion of our own. How degrading it is to hear of shockingly overpaid brainless TV presenters with no expression in their eyes. They know they refer to the masses, the same crowd that pays their salaries. Besides, that’s why media is called mass media, as they are referring to the masses.

The most important and propagated appliance they can use to maintain people in lethargy and prevent them from awakening is TV! It is the most powerful and penetrating, hypnotizing tool, ever invented to control the human brain. Influencing people influencing people by telling them what they should think and how to think giving an entirely false conception of our society. Making humanity feel intelligent, whilst being pumped with useless information, thinking they are informed through the news and TV shows whilst been hidden reality. Another form of control through the TV are commercial spots. The more we get bombarded by them, the less attention we pay. And the more commercials appear on the screen, the more they manage to penetrate our subconsciousness and influence us. The production of these commercials are a scientific and the range is now global. The connection of serial products with unconscious desires, convinces people to buy things they don’t need and do things they don’t want to. -37-

Currently on the market there are millions of products available to us that promise the world, from sprays, toilet cleaning products, bathroom cleaners, toothpastes, “fantastic” products for oral hygiene, cosmetics etc. etc. The whiteness is another powerful promotional weapon in the war of brainwashing. Advertisements tell us that we will have whiter whites, sinks and toilets sparkling clean. The whiteness has become synonym with purity, cleanliness and social success. We eat white sugar, white bread and drink white milk.

I only see one solution: turn the TV off NOW and get your own life...

Marina Lezos

Religion Religion as a whole does not contain any freedom of the mind, it will loosely allow a person a bit of leeway but at the same time have you connected to an invisible string so it can pull you back to the very same point you started from.

In many aspects the fear it provides keeps you in order so you don’t wonder to far from its boundaries and you play along with it like your soul depended on it. Researching many hundreds of believers has given me some very important aspects on the level of self-trust verses relying on your faith. The conclusion is this; a believer has many doubts about his or her faith and even if they know it’s not 100% accurate they will still fight tooth and nail to protect it. Why would you do that? The answer is very simple: “Fear”. Christianity is based on supernatural events and at the time of the Christ all he did was magic, for many it was like the devils work. Invisible entities, raising the dead, healing the sick and many other supernatural ways and techniques that are today still looked at as the devils work and Magic… The hypocritical ways of man allows him to manipulate many things in order so they can appear to be true… Back in the days of the Christ only a very small hand full of men were able to read and write some only to read, education was not at the forefront of any society as only the privileged were allowed to be scribes and scholars, the average peasant in the street could not even afford to buy the papyrus paper let alone a pencil… But we have magically 60 odd gospels written by these same people that have had zero education and zero knowledge of what was even going on… Unfortunately the same as people were then many are still the same today, they live in ignorance and in a state of no education, they can read books and write as most went to school but when it comes to something like their religion that binds them in chains they remain challenged to their education…

The simple truth is not many of the 60 gospels were ever written by their authors, only one stands out to have had any sort of literal education and the is the Apostil Paul who prior to becoming a member of the Christ group was a jew Pharisees priest with biblical knowledge of the first testament. Then he supposedly wrote his gospel almost 30 to 40 years after the alleged crucifixion, I say alleged only because there are no records about it only what was written in the bible. You would certainly thing if something as big as a crucifixion like that took place and everyone knew it was the son of God being crucified you would expect to see many written aspects of it, but nothing was ever documented outside the bible. I will bring in the real authors of the gospels at a later stage but for now we will filter through many of the passages in order to try and understand what is real and what is fable. The truth about the second testament is something that not many people know. In my studies as a Theologian I understood many things that were not 100% accurate, the teaching of bible studies to learn the scriptures was something that I didn’t like and only because there were no real answers to the many questions I needed to unravel . The words are entwined in a way where you are forced to believe them quite well knowing that none of what they are teaching you makes any real séance. The gospels are not aligned with one another and what Peter said to Paul about the same thing dose not correlate within the right time frame. One says one thing concerning something and then the other says something totally different when they are both seeing the same thing at the same time. We will plough through the contradictions at a later stage…

FIRST COUNCIL OF NICAEA - 325 AD “he is from things that are not”, and “before he was begotten he was not”, and “there once was when he was not”, by his own power the Son of God is capable of evil and goodness. On the 19th June in the year 325AD the first council of Bishops was put in place, all being selected by Rome, to rule in many of the countries held in power at that time by the Caesar. In tracing the origin of the Bible, one -38-

The Issue of the Trinity

is led to AD 325, when Constantine the Great called the First Council of Nicaea, composed of 300 religious leaders. Three centuries after Jesus lived; this council was given the task of separating divinely inspired writings from those of questionable origin. The actual compilation of the Bible was an incredibly complicated project that involved churchmen of many varying beliefs, in an atmosphere of dissension, jealousy, intolerance, persecution and bigotry. At this time, the question of the divinity of Jesus had split the church into two factions. Constantine offered to make the little-known Christian sect the official state religion if the Christians would settle their differences. Apparently, he didn’t particularly care what they believed in as long as they agreed upon a belief. By compiling a book of sacred writings, Constantine thought that the book would give authority to the new church. The references in the Christian religion of reincarnation were removed by the Council of Nicea. Also, we do know that there were many books of supposed prophets floating around up until 312 CE when the Council of Nicea decided which books were scripture and which ones were burned. Thanks to the notorious habit of early Christian leaders of destroying books/scrolls, we may never know what doctrine existed before the Council of Nicea. Christianity consisted of many sects. By converting Constantine (The Great) the Paul heresy triumphed as the concept of trinity and the ending of the Mosaic Law (which made swine flesh permissible) brought this version of Christianity very close to the Hellenic paganism that was practiced in Rome and Greece. At Nicea Constantine had 300 versions of the Bible burnt, thus legitimizing and patronizing only the Paulic heresy.”Constantine had 300 versions of the Bible”

The belief in what would ultimately be called “the trinity” begins in the middle of the first century, first with the Apostle Paul and most clearly articulated by John in his gospel and in the Revelation at the end of the first century. Until the first part of the third century and Origen of Alexandria, there really had not been any significant theological writing on this issue. Until Origen there was a simple acknowledgment of bible references, mainly John 1:1. By “simple” I mean a simple belief of what was written without trying to figure it out and explain it. What takes place, from this point forward, is that church councils and various writers try to define a theological point that almost all adherents admitted was a “mystery.”

Selections from the New Testament There are numerous examples from the New Testament - for our purpose we will look at only a few. Paul’s creedal formula in 1 Cor. 8:6 is interesting - Paul uses the same Greek construction in this text to describe God and Christ. There is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord (kurios) Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

The Gospel of John John’s gospel is the most deity-oriented of the gospels and it is dated late in the first century. John is the only Bible writer to clearly refer to Jesus as the “word,” or logos. While there are similarities to Philo’s logos here, John certainly kicks open the door with respect to the divinity of Jesus, and the centrality of that message: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” John 8:58 The famous “I AM” text of Exodus is rendered ego eimi in the LXX. LXX came to refer to the Christian “Greek Old Testament”, It is important to remember that Jesus almost certainly did not speak these words in Greek, but rather in Aramaic. This, of course, would put more emphasis on the declaration than even ego eimi can convey. The fact that John records this pericope with ego eimi in Greek indicates his intention of showing the claim of Jesus (or at the very least the view the church had of Jesus at the end of the first century). Against the suggestion that we insert the personal pronoun “he” after “I am,” it also needs to be pointed out that the

Sabellius construction of the John 8:58 text is unusual. Either the statement ends as most translations render it, “I am,” or it must read “I am before Abraham was born.” Either reading is unusual and points to the intentionality of John to make a point of showing a claim of Jesus to divine equality. Early Christianity Ignatius (circa 112-114AD) affirms Jesus as God in the flesh, using the Logos theology of John’s gospel, the Word – and to keep anyone from misunderstanding that he might be speaking of Jesus in a docetic or ebionitic way, “both made and not made,” ...our Physician is the only true God, the unbegotten and unapproachable, the Lord of all, the Father and Begetter of the only-begotten Son. We have also as a Physician the Lord our God, Jesus the Christ, the only-begotten Son and Word, before time began, but who afterwards became also man, of Mary the virgin. For “the Word was made flesh.” Ignatius to the Ephesians 7 Irenaeus (cir. 175 AD) wrote against Gnostics and is fairly consistent with Ignatius, but also further elaborates the divinity of Jesus. The Church, though dispersed through our the whole world, even to the ends of the earth, has received from the apostles and their disciples this faith: in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them; and in one Christ Jesus, the Son of God, who became incarnate for our salvation; and in the Holy Spirit, who proclaimed through the prophets the dispensations of God, and the advents, and the birth from a virgin, and the passion, and the resurrection from the dead, and the ascension into heaven in the flesh of the beloved Christ Jesus, our Lord, and His [future] manifestation from heaven in the glory of the Father “to gather all things in one,” and to raise up anew all flesh of the whole human race, in order that to Christ Jesus, our Lord, and God, and Savior, and King, according to the will of the invisible Father... Against the Heresies 10.1 Through the second century most of the discussion that relates to the concept of trinity focused on the nature of Jesus. First the church battled against ebionitic Christology, insisting on the divinity of Jesus. Then some of the fathers battled against docetic Christology that existed in many gnostic groups. There is very little discussion on the Holy Spirit. You can see that Irenaeus affirms the Holy Spirit, but there is no divinity language. There is evidence in Clement and Origen that teaching on the Holy Spirit was reserved for teaching catechumens (young believers preparing for baptism) and was guarded, kind of secret. -39-

Up to this point the discussion tended to focus on “logos theology,” trying to explain John 1:1. With Sabellius hypostasis was introduced, the idea of “substance” or “personality.” Around 220 AD a Libyan leader named Sabellius rejected the idea of three personalities, wanting to hold tightly to a monotheistic position. Sabellius promoted a type of modalism, that each part of the trinity was revealed through energies but did not have a separate personality. In the late 250’s this theological discussion was taken up by Dionysius, the bishop of Rome and the bishop of Alexandria (and a student of Origen), also named Dionysius. To make things more confusing these two church leaders were not fluent with each other’s language which caused what Friend calls “a comedy of errors.” Dionysius of Rome understood the Greek word ‘hypostasis’ to mean “substance” when his counterpart in Alexandria was actually talking about “personality.” This linguistic struggle only made a delicate and technical discussion more difficult. In addition, the Greek word homoousias (same substance) had also been introduced in the discussion to reference whether the Father and the Son were of the “same substance.” The Alexandrian Dionysius used the term “same substance,” but refused to rely on it theologically because the word was not used in any biblical text. The Roman Dionysius was fully prepared for this usage. In the end, this discussion showed the willingness of regional bishops to work together for a common faith, but it also opened the door for the future problems that would follow. The concept of homoousias would resurface and the bishops at Nicea would act in a definitive fashion.

Paul of Samosata In around 260 AD Paul of Samosata became the bishop of Antioch. Paul was a charismatic man - described by Eusebius as “loud-mouthed” and “brash.” He had a lofty bishop’s throne built for himself; he shouted and waved his hands while preaching; he smacked his thighs and stomped his feet to bring emphasis in his sermons; he called for people to wave handkerchiefs when he said anything that demanded a rowdy response. All of these things only made his theological aberrations stand out.

With Paul of Samosata the difference between Antioch and Alexandria clearly comes to the surface. A strong Jewish influence had continued in the church of Antioch and is manifested in the theology of Samosata by an ebionitic slant, a focus on the humanity of Jesus. Paul of Samosata, who held a very dim view of Origen, believed that Jesus had not been eternally united with the Logos, but had been infused with Logos at his baptism. In 264/265 Dionysius of Alexandria attacked Bishop Paul’s theology head-on, calling a council - there were actually 2-3 different councils, each being used to sway enough leadership to act against Paul. At a council (cir. 265 AD) the Alexandrian bishops won the day and pronounced that in order to be in the Catholic Church one must affirm the preexistence of Christ. In 268 AD another council called for Paul to recant. He refused and was condemned, but his political connections kept him safe from being excommunicated Records are not precise or clear but there were 300 to 318 some records say 220 bishops involved in the council… This controversy will, in part, lead to the first major Church Council, the famous Council of Nicea in 325 AD. This council is famous partly because the bishops were summoned by the Roman Emperor, Constantine who hoped it would be the crowning achievement of the age of peace in the Roman Empire and to finally have in place one dominant religion that ruled the lands conquered.

The Nicean Creed - 325 AD One of the most important things accomplished at the Council of Nicea was the adoption of a creedal form that would guide the Church regarding theology, Christology, and the trinity. As has been mentioned, there was great debate about the use of the term homoousias. The creed did not have 100% approval even when it was drafted. Within a short amount of time the creed came under attack, and eventually was rewritten at the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD.

The Original Creed of 325 AD We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father [the only-begotten; that is, of the essence of the Father, God of God], Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; By whom all things were made [both in Heaven and on Earth]; Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down and was incarnate and was made man; He suffered, and the third day he rose again, ascended into heaven; From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. And in the Holy Ghost.

[But those who say: ‘There was a time when he was not;’ and ‘He was not before he was made;’ and ‘He was made out of nothing,’ or ‘He is of another substance’ or ‘essence,’ or ‘The Son of God is created,’ or ‘changeable,’ or ‘alterable’—they are condemned by the holy catholic and apostolic Church.]

This is the text of the original version of the creed: Understanding most of what this is was and isn’t for many to acknowledge the thousands of books the council were given both original gospels and many hundreds of forgeries, the council was to make the vote to either make the Christ at the time a prophet or a savior and by 1 single vote the savior was picked and the bible was ready to be rewritten once again. Here I have given you a broad look at a few aspects of the construction I have compiled many links and date over the last 30 years, I will supply you with specific data on request, you will need to appreciate the vast vaults of information compiled as I still have many books that I hand wrote before the computer age kicked in, Christianity is an endless pit of data, piecing it together and maintaining its purest form is not an easy task, many of the hands on aspects like information from places like Holy places and Egypt I could not physically bring the books back home and no photo documentation is allowed in many places so it’s hard to show you what I have read, touched and seen. The truth about the Nicea creed is as followed: 1.

Constantine wanted to create a one world religion.

2. The selected Gospels came from many sources, anyone who was able to write in those days wrote one with the handed down oral information. 3. The selection proses came down to the Bishops as to construct a book that would have a storyline to coincide with what Constantine wanted to portray. 4. The voting to make the Christ Jesus a prophet or a savior was made by bishops and not by the word of god. 5.

The holy trinity was also decided by the Bishops and not by any word of God.

All in all, the decisions were made by man, not a Holy divinity. The many Gospels that did not suite the story line were discarded, and the books destroyed as to never reveal the contents of the authors and the writings. -40-

The Listing of Lost and Associated Books of the Bible from the 1st and 2nd Testaments

This is a short list of many of the Gospels that did not make the cut to be included in the New Testament.

Acts of John Date: 225 A.D.

Gospel of Peter Date: 150 A.D.

Acts of Peter Date: 185 A.D.

Gospel of Philip Date: 175-225 A.D.

Acts of Paul Date: 190 A.D.

Gospel of the Egyptians Date: Second to third century

Acts of Andrew Date: 150 A.D.

Gospel of the Savior Date: Second century

Acts of Thomas Date: 215 A.D.

Gospel of Thomas Date: 90-180 A.D.

Apocalypse of Peter Date: 150 to 250 A.D.

Infancy Gospel of Thomas Date: 225 A.D.

Apocryphon of James Date: 175-225 A.D.

Gospel of Thomas the Contender Date: 200-250 A.D.

Apocryphon of John Date: 150-225 A.D.

Gospel of Truth Date: 150 A.D.

Dilogue of the Savior Date: 150-200 A.D.

Hypostasis of the Archons Date: Third century

Epistle to Laodiceans Date: 300 A.D.

Interpretation of Knowledge Date: 150-200 A.D.

Abdias Abercius, Inscription of Abgarus, King of Edessa and the Epistle of Jesus Christ Abraham, Book of Abraham, Testament of Abijah, The Prophecy of Acts of A King Adam, The Book of Adam, The Apocalypse of, (Revelation of) Adam and Eve, The Books of, The Latin Translation Adam and Eve, Life of, The Slavonic Translation Adam and Eve, Life of, the Greek Translation Adam and Eve, The First Book of Adam and Eve, The Second Book of Adam and Eve, An Electronic Edition Addeus the Apostle, The Teachings of Against the Heresies Ages of The World, The Aggeus Ahikar, Grand Vizier of Assyria, The Story of Allogenes Andrew, Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew, Gospel of Andrew and Matthew, The Acts of Andrew and Matthias, Acts of Andrew, Other Books Anointing, On the Apelles, Gospel of Apocalypsis Mosis Apollonius Apollonius, Acts of Apostles, Acts of the 2 Apostles, The Teachings of the Apostles, The Epistle of the Apostrophe to Zion Archangel Michael And King Zedekiah, The Archons, The Hypostasis of the Aristeas, The Letter of Aristides, Apology of Aristo of Pella Aristobulus Artapanus Asclepius Assorted Manuscripts Athenagoras of Athens Athanasius: On the Incarnation Athenagoras of Athens, A Plea For the Christians Athenagoras of Athens, On The Resurrection of the Dead Augustine, The Writings of Authoritative Teaching

Eugnostos the Blessed Letter to Rheginos (or Treatise Date: Late first century to on the Resurrection) second century Date: 175-200 A.D. Excerpta ex Theodoto Date: 175 A.D.

Protoevangelium of James Date: 150 A.D.

Gospel(s) of Bartholomew Date: Fifth of sixth century

Pistis Sophia Date: Second century

Gospel of Barnabas Date: Sixteenth century

Second Treatise of the Great Seth Date: 175-200 A.D.

Gospel of Ebionites Date: 150 A.D. Gospel of Hebrews Date: 150 A.D. Gospel of Judus Date: Second century

Sophia of Jesus Christ Date: Second century

Baptism A, On the Baptism B, On the Baptismal Ligurgy, A Bardesanes Barach (150-50 BC) Baralâm Yewâsef Barnabas, The Acts of Barnabas, The Epistle of Barnabas, Gospel of Bartholomew, the Apostle Bartholomew, Gospel of Bartholomew, Martyrdom of Baruch, The Fourth Book of, Paraleipomena Jeremiou Baruch, Second Baruch, Third Basilides, The Gospel of

Teachings of Silvanus Date: 275-325 A.D.

Treatise on the Resurrection (Letter to Rheginos) Gospel of Mary Magdalene Date: 175-200 A.D. Date: 120-180 A.D. Tripartite Tractate Gospel of Nazareans Date: Third to fourth century Date: 150 A.D. Valentinian Exposition Gospel of Nicodemus Date: 175-200 A.D. (Acts of Pilate) Date: 150 A.D. -41-

Bel and the Dragon Book of the Covenant, The Book of Enoch, The Book of Gad, The Book of Hymns, The Book of James - Protevangelium, The Book of Jasher, The Book of Jehu, The Book of Jubilees, The Book of Samuel the Seer, The Book of the Wars of the Lord, The Carpus, Acts of Caius Calendrical Document, (Mishmarot) Celsus Celsus: Fragments from Origen Celsus’ View of Christians and Christianity Celsus on Christianity Cernithus, Gospel of Cernithus, Revelation of Chosen One, The Christ and Abgarus, The Letters of Christ Epistle by the Manichees Christ Hymn Taught to Disciples Christian Sibyllines City of God, The Claudius Apollinaris Clement I Clement II Clement of Alexandria Clement to the Corinthians, First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, Second Epistle of Clement to James, The Epistle of Clement, Letters to Corinth Clement, The Recognitions of Clementine, The Homilies Cleodemus Malchus Colossians, Epistle from Laodicea to the Community Rule Copper Scroll, The Corinth, Epistle to Creator, Hymn to the Cyprian, The Writings of Daniel and Susanna Daniel (Prayer of Azariah ) Daniel, The Vision of Damascus Document, The, See: Zadokite Work, Fragments of a David, The Annals of King David, Apocryphal Psalms of Demetrius the Chronographer Didache, The Teachings of the 12 Apostles Diatessaron Didascalia Dionysius of Corinth Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth Divine-Throne Chariot, The Dura-Europos Gospel Harmony

Encratites, Gospel of the Enoch (Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch) Enoch, Secrets of Enoch (Slavonic Book of the Secrets of Enoch) Enoch (Another Version) Enoch And The Watchers Giants, The Book of, (Attributed to Enoch) Epistle of Adrian in behalf of the Christians Epistle of Antoninus to the Common Assembly of Asia Epistle of Barnabas Epistle to Corinth Epistle from Laodicea to the Colossians Ephesians 2 Ephraim of Syria`s Hymn Against Bar-Daisan Ephraim of Syria`s The Pearl: Seven Hymns on the Faith Epiphanes On Righteousness Epistula Apostolorum Esra, Fifth Book of Esra, Sixth Book of Esdras (150-100 BC) Esdras (100 AD) Esdras, The Revelation of Essene Book of Revelation, The Essene Gospel of Peace, The Essenes and The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Esther (140-130 BC), Additions to Esther, The Remaning Chapters of Eucharist A, On the Eucharist B, On the Eugnostos the Blessed Eupolemus, PseudoEve, Gospel of Exhortation Based On The Flood Exodus Ezekiel, Apocryphon of Ezekiel the Tragedian Ezra, Greek Apocalypse of Ezra, Questions of Ezra, Fourth Book of Fayyum Fragment Flavius Josephus Formulary of Blessing, A Galen Galen, On the Natural Faculties Galen, Exhortation to the Study of the Arts, Especially Medicine Galen, On Diagnosis in Dreams Genesis, Commentaries on Genesis and Exodus, A Reworking of Giants, The Book of, (Attributed to Enoch) Gilgamesh Epic, The Flood Narrative From the Gospel of Truth

Hebrew (2)s, Gospel of Hegesippus Helkesaites, Book of the Heracleon Heresies, Against the Herod to Pilate Egerton Gospel Hermas Egyptians, The Gospel of the Hesychius, False Gospels of the Ebionites, Gospel of the Hippolytus of Rome Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) (132 BC) Hosea Commentary Eden: First and Second Book of Adam and Eve, The Forgotten Books ofHymn Of The Initiants, A Egyptians, Gospel of the Hymns of Triumph Elchasai, Book of Hypsiphrone Elchasar, Book of Iddo, The Story of Prophet Eldad and Modad Iddo the Seer, Visions of Elijah, The Apocalypse of Iddo Genealogies -42-

Ignatius, The Epistles of In Praise of Wisdom Infancy Gospel, Arabic Infancy Gospel of James and Infancy Gospel of Thomas Greek Text A Infancy Gospel of Thomas Greek Text B Infancy Gospel of Thomas Latin Text Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Jesus at Five Years Infancy, The Gospel of Pseudo Matthew Ignatius of Antioch Inheritance of The Firstborn, The Messiah of David, The Invitation to Grace After Meals Irenaeus of Lyons Isaiah, Ascension of Isaiah, The Martyrdom of Isidore Israel And The Holy Land

Knowledge, The Interpretation of Laodiceans, The Epistle to Last Days: A Commentary on Selected Verses Letter of the Law : Ordinances, The Letter of the Smyrnaeans or the Martyrdom of Polycarp, The Lentitus, Acts of the Apostle Leontius, Acts of the Apostle Leucius, Acts of the Apostle Leuthon, Acts of the Apostle Leviticus Litany Of The Angels Liturgical Calendar, A Liturgy, A Lord, Gospel of the Lucian of Samosata Lucian of Samosata, Alexander the False Prophet Lucian of Samosata, The Passing of Peregrinus Lucianus, The False Gospels

Jacob, Ladder of Jacob, Prayer of Jacob, The Vision of James, Secret Book of Jannes and Jambres Jasher James, The First Apocalypse of James, The Second Apocalypse of James, The Apocryphon of James, Book of, The Gospel of, Protevangelion Jasher. Book of James, The Gospel of Jeremiah, Letter of Jesus Christ, The Sophia of Jesus, Epistle to Peter and Paul Available Jesus, The Lost Years of Jesus, The New Sayings of Jeremiah, Letter of Jeu, Books of Job, Testament of Job, Targum of Jonathan, Prayer for King John, The Acts of John, The Acts of, Excerpt from the Mystery of Cross John, The Apocryphon of John, The Book of, Concerning the Death of Mary John the Evangelist John the Theologian, The Revelation of Joseph of Arimathaea and Aseneth Joseph of Arimathaea, The Narrative of Joseph the Carpenter, The History of Jubilees, Book of Judas (130-170 AD), Gospel of Judas Iscariot, Gospel of Jude Jude, Gospel of Judith (150 BC) Julius Cassianus Justin Martyr Justin Martyr, First Apology Justin Martyr, Second Apology Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho Justin Martyr, Fragments from the Lost Writings of Justin Justin Martyr, Hortatory Address to the Greeks Justin Martyr, On the Sole Government of God Justin Martyr, On the Resurrection Justin Martyr, Discourse to the Greeks

Maccabees, Third Book of Maccabees, Fourth Book of Magnesians Manasseh, The Prayer of Manner of the Kingdom, The Maniclees, Acts of the Apostles used by Marcion, Gospel of the Lord and HERE Mara Bar Serapion Marcionite, Anti-Prologues Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius to the Senate, Epistle of Mark, The Secret Gospel of Martyrdom of the Holy Martyrs Mary, Excerpts From Gospel of Mary, The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary Magdalene, The Gospel of Marsanes Mary of Bethany, (Magdalene), The Gospel of Mary, The Passing of Matthew, The Acts and Martyrdom of Matthew, The Martyrdom of Matthias, Book of Mathetes to Diognetus, Epistle of Matthias, Gospel of Matthias, Traditions of Maximus of Jerusalem Meditation on Israel’s History Melchizedek (See below) Melchizedek, The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek, The Coming of Merinthus, Gospel of Melito of Sardis Michael, Words of Montanist Anonymous AntiMorning Hymn Moses, The Assumption Of, The Testament Of Moses, Book of Moses, The Sixth Book of Moses, The Seventh Book of Moses, The Revelation of Moses, The Words of Muratorian Canon Naassene Fragment Nabonindus, The Healing of King Nahum Commentary Narrative of Zosimus Concerning the Life of the Blessed, The Nathan the Prophet Nazarenes, Gospel According to the Nazarene Prophecy Source

Kerygmata Petrou King David, The Annals of Kings, The Third Book of Kings, The Fourth Book of -43-

Nazoreans ,Gospel of the New Jerusalem Nicodemus, The Gospel of Nicodemus, The Gospel of Acts of Pilate Nicodemus, The Gospel of Acts of Pilate II Norea, The Thought of Observances Octavius of Minucius Felix Ophite Diagrams Ordinances Origen Origin of the World, On the Orphica Osee The Prophecy of Oxyrhynchus 840 Gospel Oxyrhynchus 1224 Gospel Pantaenus Papias Parable of the Bountiful Tree, The Paralipomenon, The First Book of Paralipomenon, The Second Book of Passion Narrative Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs Patriarchs, Lives of The Patriarchs, Tales of the Patriarchs, The Testaments of the Twelve Paul, Acts of Paul, Apocalypse of Paul, Coptic Apocalypse of Paul, The Prayer of the Apostle Paul, Revelation of Paul and Seneca, The Correspondence of, Paul and Thecla, Acts of Paul, The Vision of Perfect Life / Holy (12) Twelve, The Gospel of The Perfect Mind, The Thunder Perfection, Gospel of Perpetua and Felicitas, Acts of Perpetua, The Story of Peter, Acts of Peter, Additional Acts of Peter and Andrew, The Acts of Peter, The Apocalypse of Peter Doctrine of Peter, Gospel of Peter to James, The Epistle of Peter, Judgement of Peter, Lost Gospel Peter and Paul, The Acts of Peter and Paul, Preachings of Peter to Philip, Letter of Peter, The Apocalypse of (Fragment) Peter, The Last Gospel Peter, The Lost Gospel According to Peter, Coptic Apocalypse of Peter, Preaching of Peter, The Revelation of Peter and the Twelve Apostles, The Acts of Philadelphians Philip, The Acts of Phillip, Additions to the Acts of Philip, The Gospel of Philip, Journeyings of the Apostle Philippians 2 Philostratus Phylactery (Tefillin) Scroll Pilate, Acts of Pilate, Letters of Pilate to Herod

Pilate to Tiberius 1 Pilate to Tiberius 2 Pilate to Augustus Caesar Pilate, The Trial and Condemnation of The Death of Pilate Pontius Pilate, The Giving Up of Philadelphians Pistis Sophia Pistis Sophia, Excerpts from Pistis Sophia, First Book Pistis Sophia, Second Book Plea for Deliverance Plea For Grace Pliny the Younger Polycrates of Ephesus Polycarp, Martyrdom of Polycarp to the Philippians Power, The Concept of Our Great Prayer for Intercession Prayer of Praise Priestly Service Prophets, The Lives of the Protevangelion 2nd Century, The Proverbs, A Collection of Psalms, Commentary on Psalms:Dead Sea Scroll Ptolemy Ptolemy, Commentary on The Gospel Of John Prologue Ptolemy’s Letter to Flora Gospel referred to by the letter Rechabites, The History of the Redemption and Resurrection Resurrection, Treatise on the Reworked Pentateuch Rheginos, The Epistle to Rhodon Ritual Purity Laws Saviour, The Avenging of the Savior, Dialogue of the Savior, Gospel of the Sayings of the Seers Scillitan Martyrs, Passion of the Scythianus, Gospel of Secret of The Way Things Are, The Secrets, The Book of Sedrach, Apocalypse of Seleucus, The Acts of the Apostles Serapion of Antioch Seth, Revelation of Adam`s Origin Seth, The Second Treatise of the Great Seth, The Three Steles of Sextus, The Sentences of Shem, The Paraphrase of Shemaiah the Prophet Shepherd of Hermas, The Signs Gospel Silvanus, The Teachings of Simon Cephas, The Teaching of Smyrnaeans Solomon, Acts of Solomon, Odes of Solomon, Psalms of Solomon, Testament of Solomon, The Wisdom of Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice Sophia (Wisdom) of Jesus Christ Sophonias ,The Prophecy of Soul, The Exegesis on the -44-

Susanna Stephen, Revelation of Suetonius Supplication Syriac Apocrypha Syriac Menander Scythianus, Gospel of Tacitus Talmud Tatian’s Address to the Greeks Temple as Described In The Temple Scroll, The Tertullian Testaments of the twelve Patriarchs, The Thaddaeus, The Acts of Thaddaeus, The Gospel of Thanksgiving, The Prayer of Theodotes Theodotus, Excerpts of Theophilus of Antioch Theophilus of Antioch, Book 1 Theophilus of Antioch, Book 2 Theophilus of Antioch, Book 3 Theophilus of Caesarea Thomas, Acts of Thomas, Apocalypse of Thomas the Contender, The Book of Thomas, The Consummation of Thomas , Gospel of Thomas, Secret Gospel Three Patriarchs, Testaments of the Titan, The Gospel of Tobit (200 BC) Tongues of Fire Torah Precepts Trallians Treasures, The Cave of Treatise on the Resurrection Trimorphic Protennoia Tripartite Tractate, The Truth, The Gospel of Twelve Apostles, Gospel of Twelve Patriarchs, Testaments of the Two Ways, The

As a reader you really need to understand the amount of history not given any light because on one reason and the reason is it would prove Christianity false. A Natural Delivery The Bible did NOT drop from heaven. The Bible was NOT delivered by an angel. The Bible was NOT dug up in a farmer’s field as golden plates like the Book of Mormon. The Bible was NOT suddenly “discovered” in a clay jar with 27 “books” intact like the Dea Sea Scrolls or the Nag Hammadi texts. The Bible canon made by men and evolved, over the course of the first 250-300 years of Christian history. If the Bible had been delivered by an angel, or unearthed as a complete unit it would not be as believable. Part of the historical validity of the Bible comes from the fact that we can trace its development through the ages and the thousands of changes it has received over the centuries. The truth is the truth no matter what angle you want to see it at, the Bishops of the council needed to make people believe in the epic story, they were ordered to create the real myth or to peace it together in a way where It would not contradict itself but it has, the inconsistent time line and inconsistent writing of almost 400 years rendered the bible inaccurate right till this day and year being 2012.

The thousands of word changes and the hundreds of scribes used over the centuries to construct this book failed, but to the faithful the word carried on as Gospel. Again most of the books in the list were written by only a hand full of men, at the time and these men were in direct ties with the higher achy of the Roman world. Their names and references I will give you at a later stage but for now we press on to the truth of the iGod…

Uziah, Acts of

Rocco Torezz

Valentinian Exposition Valentinus Victor I Vienna and Lyons, Letter from Virgin, The Apocalypse of the Vision of the Son of God, A War Rule Wars of the Jews War Scroll, The Wiles of the Wicked Woman, The Wisdom Text Zadokite Work, Fragments of a Zion, Apostrophe to Zion, A Lament for




The obelisk

With its own currenvy, the centre of the World’s religion controls its own economy just as it controls the World we live in.

St Peter holding the key and pointing directly to the castle Saint Angelo built in the shape of a 5 pointed star.

The Vatican holds in its underground vaults, which house many of the world’s secret doctrines, magic and mystical teachings. They are kept under lock and key for many reasons, the main reason being the safety of Christianity or should I say the truth about the real Christianity that is as false as the lie they need us to believe. In the courtyard, and St Peters square right in front of everyone to see is an array of many hidden aspects of the old pagan world; symbolically out in the open and yet nobody really pays any attention to many of there things and the main one being the 1835 BC year old Obelisk deliberately placed right in the center of the square. The Obelisk is a symbol of the god RA who in fact was a Sun god deity. The original son of god is the sun.


It is also clear to see from a top view of St Peter’s square the symbolic key shape design.

The sun of God that brought light and harvest to the kingdoms of Egypt and so many other pagan religions of that era. The rays of the sun are symbolically represented in many different ways, but in the eyes of people are never questioned on there validity. The Obelisk is the sun dial in St Peters square, its shadows mark noon over the signs of the zodiac in the white marble disks in the paving of the square. The obelisk rests upon four couchant lions, each with two bodies whose tails intertwine. A large pink granite obelisk can be admired in the center of the square. It was hewn from a single block and stands 25.31 m. high on a base 8.25 m. wide. The obelisk which comes from from Heliopolis, Egypt, where it was built by the Pharaoh Mencares in 1835 BC in honor of the sun. This alone should make you wonder and question why Christianity is embedded in astrology and the paganism of the old world. Constant contradiction and the viewing of the pagan ways does not fit in to the teachings that were meant to keep paganism at bay.


In the ancient world, the hierarchy focused on the Sun because they knew its effect at a deep level; whereas the masses worshipped the Sun because its heat and light had an obvious and crucial role in ensuring an abundant harvest. In the same way, an initiate of the esoteric knowledge will read the Bible differently to a Christian or Jewish believer. The initiate will recognize the symbolism, the numerology and the esoteric codes, while the believer takes the text literally so the same text acts as a means of passing on esoteric knowledge to the initiated. Symbols of the solar deity throughout religion right down to todays worship is still symbolic to the Sun and not the son of God.

Sun symbolism. Every culture from pagan to antiquity shows us that the Sun has always played a big part of humanity; early man understood the fact, if there is no sun there is no earth or life as we know it. Churches or religious places of worship are always decorated with the sun symbols in some sort of way the light of the earth has been worshiped and still is today… The Obelisk that now is the dial of St Peters square is placed there in front for all to see but not many understand the reason its there… St Peters Square is the pagan symbol of the astrological timing of the sun during earth’s yearly travels. It marks out the seasons, winter and spring solicits the shortest day and the longest day of the year.

A pagan Obelisk is mapping out the pagan directions of the Sun, and in the heart of Christianity. Pagan Sun worship in the open: The Vatican has been built with many pagan beliefs in mind and till today the worship of the Sun and not the Son of god is its high light. The old saying… All Roads Lead to Rome? Think about it the Key to so Many questions and answers…

Maria Staveley





Ever wonder what happens to your thoughts, or how you came up with a bright idea? The ancient mystical traditions talk about the Akashic records and the fact that nothing is gone astray in the universe. We are all linked through an invisible field in which everything is recorded, it has been and will be. This is a universal file or a crypt inside a recollection, that contains all the evidence and information in the universe. Everything, that’s said and done, even our thoughts, feelings and desires in our mind are recorded and stored in a kind of a cosmic etheric file in which the Indian philosophy has given the name “Akashic Archives”. The Akashic record as the ancients believed, were situated among the stars in the constellation of the Orion, and that it is a collective storage of the universe’s history and consciousness of all the souls of all time. This existing on a higher vibration of the collective mind that can infuse each through the first second and third plane of the astral model.

This is caused without us realising. The mystics or selected individuals can communicate consciously with these cosmic records and obtain signs and information. The recalls to previous lives and the visit of the Akashic Records can be obtained by meditation and people who have reached high intensities of spiritual heavenly growth. People with such abilities although would never expose their spiritual experiences nor will they ever admit that they possess such gifts. This is a sacred belief of spiritualists and any destruction of this principle would cause severe consequences. It is claimed by Indian philosophy that only very spiritually developed people can visit the Akashi records. Numerous people who come forward daily claiming their connection to the Akashic records are misconceptions and deceits as real spiritually developed people never talk about their own experiences. Thoughts and information, feelings and beliefs that release in the cosmos manifest by morphogenetic fields. Such fields fall into a great cosmic tank of memory, linking all information together, so nothing gets lost in the universe. When a soul is on the path of progression even if it leaves the material body it will leave its stamp and energy in the intergalactic cosmos. It can be altered from material into energy, but not vanish.

We all need to be cautious with the messages we send out there. Have you ever wondered why the idea you had the earlier day, became someone else’s success today, without you even connecting or physically expressing it to this person? We are all connected with an invisible universal telepathic energy, and thoughts and information you send to the universe is information you pass on to someone else miles away. Whatever we do has an impact on others. Think again, and try to manifest your creative thoughts and ideas before somebody else does before you.

Remember, just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Marina Lezos





worlds, Parallel Universes

When most of us hear stories about the existence of ‘other worlds’, we believe that they are a creation of the imagination. But let’s assume that the world of our imagination is the real one and the world we live in is the imaginary one, a replication, a shadow of the unobserved invisible worlds and let’s imagine that we are

If a century ago we were told about televisions, mobile phones or other electrical devises, we would most likely have laughed and thought them crazy. So how do we know that in the same manner in the very near future there won’t be greater capabilities that will allow us to see other worlds that may ultimately not be very far from

trying to touch these worlds and that there are people like us in these other worlds who are trying to contact us as well. As we speak different languages and may have different senses and perceptions, they too may find it difficult to reach us for the same reasons. It may be possible though, for humans with special powers and senses to communicate through the super natural. There are sounds which humans can’t hear, while cats and dogs can hear very clearly, as well as electromagnetic x-rays that the average person cannot see with the physical naked eye. What this shows us is that there could be things lying beyond our senses, therefore invisible to us but still may be out there.

us, not as uncomprehendable as we think?

If someone told us today that other living beings exist around us within our universe and in our daily lives yet are really living in their universe which runs parallel to ours. Invisible and out of touch we would take it as imaginary fiction.

Most of the cultures we know nowadays have referred to what we call hidden worlds. Many modern and earlier scientists have also spoken about other dimensions and infinite worlds and the existence of parallel universes which is confirmed by experimental evidence, beyond those that the human mind can perceive. These dimensions are wrapped in a way that makes them invisible to the naked human eye, in the same way telephone connectivity is invisible. Imagine being able to reach to these worlds, touch them, feel them, communicate with other beings of those different dimensions and feeling nothing different than we feel right now, speaking to our next door neighbour or our friends. Wouldn’t that be great? Of course, we wouldn’t know the difference, as we would be used to it, and sense the reality same as we sense it on our current condition. Imagine a world where there are cities, homes, families, like here on Earth, although there is a totally different vegetation and fauna on the soil.


A world we only visit in our dreams, a world which could exist in 5 dimensions and the time could flow differently. In a dream where we can see an entire story which feels like it has taken 2 hours yet in reality it has lasted only a few minutes. Just because we cannot see what on the other side, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Make your own conclusions.......

Marina Lezos

As time passes some are already able to see it. To feel it. Some suddenly wake up and have a life purpose. A purpose to fight for the freedom of humanity. And here comes the question: are we original and how well do we know our own ourselves? Our thoughts and beliefs are they really ours or other peoples’, is our life ours or a copycat to other people’s lives. Our impression for the world around us, our values and our ideals, are indeed our ideals or have we accepted things as they are, without being based on our own criteria and judgment? Do we believe things out of habit, because we did not bother to think for ourselves. Taking a closer look, will show us that most people follow a religion because they were taught this way and it’s the religion the majority of the country they were born in follows blindly. With political and religious authorities influentially supervising primary education, they follow rules they were ordered by a government that they think they are normal to obey, without thinking whether those rules serve them right, many vote for a party just because they were influenced by their environment, - (and let’s be honest, same happens in Australia as well as in other countries, it feels like only two parties exist: Labour and Liberal and they take turns), - they support a specific football team and are just left to adopt the ideas and preferences of the masses, resulting in the loss of “individuality / identity”. This results in people getting comfortable and accepting the reality and automatically and subconsciously learning to get punished not only from others but from themselves as well.

Sometimes I feel like another Neo myself, wishing for a Morpheus to offer me the red or the blue pill. I wonder whether we really live in a Matrix, what is real and what is an illusion. And when I say Matrix, I certainly don’t mean the movie but something very very similar, something we think it is true but it’s not. Something that sucks our energy to maintain itself. Without us it could not work. The only thing we can do is to strengthen through this and act parasitic as we join our strength with others who do the same. Next step is to pass this sense to others, but without trying to convince anyone to follow. Anyone who can understand the reality themselves will eventually follow. It was maybe created by only a few who can control it somewhat, but without humanity it would not be able to exist. The key to this, is to understand that one cannot fight the system with passion and hostility, since all it takes is enough people to wake up and overcome it and force it to collapse by itself. The problem is that most people do not want to wake up but nobody can avoid it, since the awakening is almost here and it is a matter of time to reach the critical point. The Matrix will dissolve by itself, there is no doubt about it. Of course those who control the Matrix are prepared for this, trying to win time in countless ways, but they know very well that it is not in their hands. The time is coming and it is inevitable.


When the system crashes, things will be very difficult for those who were not prepared to change, they only knew how to live in it.. they will wake up suddenly and won’t be able to adjust in the new reality. For those who already lived in and out of the system and they can understand how to survive without it, they will be prepared. To be able to live in nature, have self-sufficiency and independence are vital, and anyway the world has arisen to turn to them and seek an exit from the Matrix. Sooner or later the Matrix will be maintained and pulled apart, if you still want to live in it, it is your right, but remember it would be a good idea to be prepared to live outside of it, in case the Matrix suddenly comes to a close. Just in case…

Marina Lezos





The time has come to expose more information about negative entities, as we enter a new era in which the fate of this planet will be decided and people need to be informed so they are able to make the best choices.

Approximately 26,000 years ago, negative entities alleged that they conquered our planet and held all human beings under hypnosis. They put the planet on isolation and any space vehicle entering or departing this planet needed to have permission from these entities. That is why “no action” has been taken from positive forces we so often hear about. The human race was under lethargy by those negative entities for centuries, remaining in a circle, reincarnating in the same place again and again. The time of amnesia is almost over. On June 21, 2012, liberate operations harmonised by benevolent extra-terrestrial forces will increase in intensity.

Decrease of conscience and deactivation of the light body (Merkabah) on humanity. Barring free will and positive creativity and decrease of intelligence. This program is maintained with etheric technology that practices infra-sound. Part of infra-sound reaches the physical level and can be perceived by some people as very low frequency sounds like a vibration. This was the reason that many people claimed hearing mysterious sounds at the beginning of 2012. These infra-sounds are suspected to be blocking some centres in the human brain and blocks progressive creativity. They can also be the cause of unusual exhaustion and lethargy that many people experience for no apparent reason. Another approach to the manipulation of mankind is through the television and other social media which we insist living our lives through the box set. Many anchors and actors are god looking and stunning, and while your eyes are on them, the real news runs speedily on the bottom of the screen, showing terrorism, violence and crime. Allowing the media to brainwash us and keeping us under hypnosis. Shut the TV now!

Causing disharmony in relationships (sexual or otherwise). This is done by manipulation of the chakras (energy centres) in the etheric body. The program leads to an artificial division between love and sexuality, the shutting of the heart and generally gap between women and men. Obesity also is another technique to cause disharmony which can be caused by observing images of certain foods that have really no nutritional value (chocolate, sweets, excessive usage of sugar, meat consuming etc.) Meat is also believed to lowering the chakras and decreasing of energy. And in addition to this, if we stop and think about it for a minute, the meat eater is dead like the dead animal he eats. We sacrifice billions of animals every year for our pleasure and consumption, and send this negative energy to the universe, we could say this is why people get killed and violence and wars take place. The pain we cause returns back to us. Also disharmony is caused by the use of alcohol and drugs.

Negative entities reactivated the veil in early 1996 after a mass awakening that occurred in the early ‘90s and has made positive involvement of extra-terrestrials on our planet very possible which will be our opportunity to harmony. It took about 200 nuclear explosions in the lower astral and etheric fields for the ethereal nuclear explosions to create a hole in the fabric of space-time and open dark wormholes, through which many reptilians invaded planet Earth from space and cause further astral and etheric field on planet Earth. The veil was up again in December 2004 after a mass awakening that occurred after the first transit of Venus in June 2004 and after a few successful attempts by the Pleiadians to release and heal our planet. Now, after the second Venus, which arose in June 2012, we are given a another opportunity. We are thus very close to final victory which is expected to arise on December 21, 2012.

Negative entities (to mention Illuminati as an example) can and must be arrested and removed from the planet long before the complete collapse of the veil ( the energy of the fence) that has been keeping humanity imprisoned in darkness for thousands of centuries.

Marina Lezos The only method to escape this “prison” is the exercise of personal awakening (enlightenment), by regular practice of meditation and to try maintain optimistic thinking, which allows us to be released from the connections to all the physical, etheric, astral and mental realities, where these negative entities can act. The information is that the end of the lethargic time has come and the prison dissolves more and more until it ends completely.

These negative entities had control of the Earth with a special technology called “The Veil”. This is an electromagnetic fence that is sitting in the lower astral and etheric level, and which extends 13 km above the Earth’s surface and 13 km beneath the surface. This veil or fence is said to prevent light from reaching the Earth, which as previously stated has been isolated for thousands of years. The veil is controlled by non-physical (etheric) negative entities. This technology used could best be described as the etheric HAARP. This technology distorts time and space structure of quantum level and thus, creates great difficulties for the propulsion systems of UFO and benevolent extra-terrestrial forces to reach and release the human race significantly. Let’s mention below only a few of the key stellar etheric programs that are used at the present moment on planet Earth. -58-


Reptilians Who Are They?

As the draconian culture evolved, there was a need for new sources of “food”. Seeking to contaminate other planets for their personal destructive purposes, they soon realised that creating a cloned, genetically engineered race, would help them serve this purpose. Hence, as the “grey” was enslaved by the reptilian race, throughout the thousands of years, they too developed shaping as the reptilians , which soon resulted in a revolution, with grey beings, being released and searching for a cure as their cloned race was becoming extinct.

formed the planet and our civilisation as we know it today. In antiquity, it was known that the Earth was a peace-loving reptilian planet, while the reptilians from the constellation of Draco had war and “evil” spirit.

In this article we will discuss on a different topic, the The Reptilians are said to control and manipulate the human mind by sending messages directly to the subconscious, from shape-shifting reptilians who control ourworld. They do this by taking on human form and gaining political power to control our societies. Many of the world leaders have been reported to be reptilians and are trying to gain power to run the world through the film and music industry’s elite! Of course, this is a very long and complex story and it sounds certainly unbelievable. For those not believing in the existence of reptilians maybe consider to not reading this article from the beginning..

There is a rumour that clones of Illuminati (known as the Elite) are taking the positions of famous artists once they reach the utmost of their success, to successfully serve the system for their own reasons and benefit.. Living in the third dimension can be a contented experience when one has strength, health, wealth, comfort and freedom. This is what the ruling Elite has achieved, while the rest of the world struggles with poverty, disease, drug addiction, debt and slavery. The ultimate goal of Illuminati it is not only just a world government (known as New World Order), it is the entire control over the third dimension, time and space. As long as someone is perceptive enough to see how successful they are in the third dimension themselves money, yachts, private airplanes, castles, cottages, business, gold and anything else they want. They literally have the world at their feet. The reptilians claim to be originally from Earth and that they own this planet. They are reported to have entered Earth deep back into the centuries, who are they and what is the true origin of the reptilians and what are their intentions. Theories suggest that the reptilians evolved in two parallel planets, one was the Earth and the other was Alpha Draconis, a planet near the brightest constellation of Draco. In these two planets, two types of reptilians were said to have ultimately been created, who while in their evolution, they

Some of the reptilian characteristics are their body, arms and legs are similar in shape and size to ours, but they have a snake-like lizard appearance and the colour is different (green-beige) with scales on the upper legs over the knees and upper arms. They have five fingers which are a little bit longer and thinner than the human fingers and their skin on the palm is plain, so they have no lines like us, but a combination of a scale-like skin structure and of the brown dots, both sexes have the dots on the palm and they have no fingerprints like us. There are small sharp horns on the upside of both middle fingers. The fingernails are grey and generally longer than ours. They have sharp pointed nails with a length of sometimes 5 or 6 of our centimetres. The following feature is very different from our human body and part of their reptilian origin. They are highly advance entities but considered as being hostile towards humans. The information about these creatures varies from source to source.

As time reaches and we lean towards to the discovery of the reptilians, who we have been enslaved for several thousands of years, Hollywood is trying more and more to gradually manipulate the masses, through the subconscious, to distract it from the existence of the reptilians, although soon all will come to the surface as it is something inevitable and they cannot hide forever! A closer look will have us see how Hollywood is lately focused making movies on fake alien invasion, which has evaded our planet, several thousands of years ago.

The reptilian Draco’s then began a new search for energy food, so this led them to our planet. Here they discovered the Earthly reptilians, who had formed a highly advanced civilisation and lived in peace with people. Wanting to take advantage of the human population as a beneficial standard, the reptilian Draco started war with their earthly “brothers” resulting their escape from the planet. It is alleged however, that to this day some terrestrial reptilians still live beneath the surface of our planet, and secretly trying to prevent the total destruction of our planet from the reptilian Draco’s, by working alongside with the government. Nevertheless, it is of course also assumed, that the reptilians have comprehended every last inch of how our society operates and thinks as to them our minds operate like an open book and they can read us, which has helped them to develop corruption, hatred and fear among us.

We live in a world that we all feel is not humane, somehow things should be the way they are, a world that does not unite people, but divides them, leading them every day in unimportant wars, which leads with mathematical precision to a Great War, a chaos. All against all. Men, women, rich, poor, smart, stupid, right, left, and so on. Creating wars. Economic wars, like the one we live in, political wars, racist wars, ideological wars, wars with weapons, while people in some countries daily not knowing whether they will survive for the next day. The system is carefully calculated to produce feelings of fear, insecurity, negativity and hatred within people and have them react accordingly. Who says that’s life, that violence and fear, insecurity and death, war and hatred, is the true meaning of life. And if someone, tries to tell the masses that they live in a false world that things shouldn’t be the way they are, that they have misled and serve the dark lords fed by fear, and it is very easy to defeat them by stop serving fear, they call them crazy and turn against them. In short, every time fear, greed, competition takes place grows the negative world that suits less than 1% of the elite of this planet and makes them powerful. We are the ones who make them stronger by feeding them with our energy. We accept what is offered as the truth, with the habit of being in a comfortable zone, the habit of refusing to see clear and free ourselves. Not being able to handle the light, the truth. We feel it around us every day, but we refuse to liberate. Being seven billion humans on this planet, thinking negative affects us and only since thought is energy. Waiting for a New World Order, an Antichrist, a Revelation and the end of the world, we contribute to the collective consciousness of negativity, feeding them with our fear and giving away our energy (as previously said, this is how they survive), while we should expect miracles. We should expect and endeavour for a Golden Age, taking 100% responsibility for everything that we experience in our reality. Only then will we have the power to change our reality. We all have heard before that if we focus long enough on something we can accomplish it, it becomes a routine part of our subconscious. Let compassion and understanding be part of our daily routine with our subconscious to focus consciously on these higher aspects of ourselves in our daily lives. It is not difficult to start thinking positively, love our fellow human beings, sharing and create a more humane world of love and light. It is not difficult to disregard every fascist politician. By not attending to them at all we begin to operate on our own with love and destroy this dark world. Very easy if we gain consciousness and it is in our hands.

The reptilians of the Alpha Draconis planet, were operating in intrigue, manipulation and deception. This type of race of reptilians were as sophisticated as the Arcturians and they managed to overcome the physical limitations of their bodies. A source of nutrients for them is the energy level, consuming “negative” energy which is very important for their malevolent survival and existence! The reptilians of the Draconis are also rumoured to have created a race of aliens known as the “grey” and their creation was required for their survival as a species.

Marina Lezos




But of course, for most people how can the ego allow us to think reasonably. I guess it’s to some degree blamed on what we have created, the chain food and the belief that we are on the top of it. What do we really know. Let’s leave aside for a minute the moral issue, whether animals have a soul or not, because whichever the case, as living creatures they still have feelings and can feel the same pain and suffering as humans do and have the surviving instinct as well as we do.

of our home Parallel Universes

According to studies, when we insist filling our bodies with red blood, allegorically meat, we don’t actually eat it, it eats us. As previously have mentioned in another article we are as dead inside as the dead animal we consume. Besides, Hippocrates has said, that for two reasons one becomes vegetarian, for health reasons and morality reasons. Take your pick. Science and medical sources have both proven that vegetarians suffer much less from a large chain of diseases which most meat eaters suffer from and live much longer indeed, consequently, the vegetarian diet is an ideal diet for everyone. It protects from various diseases due to the low level of saturated fat and cholesterol. It has also been proved that a vegetarian balanced diet can prolong longevity, compare to a meat-consuming diet. We will notice that a number of scientists and ancient world philosophers who disagree in other life matters, at least come to agree on one thing: to say no to the consumption of meat. Scientists for health reasons and philosophers on a moral level.

Since ancient times human kind has possessed and controlled of the animals. In what manner much of respect and love has humanity shown to the fellow animals, can be questioned. Let’s try to look it through a different perspective. We are cotenants on planet Earth. A planet we must share with all living beings of creation, without the thinking that we are the superiors of them all. But unfortunately this is not the case. We enslave and slaughter billions of animals every year for reasons that are acceptable to all of us as ‘necessary’, although we have the impression that it is cruel to inflict pain on an innocent animal. We always say how we should treat animals but we do exactly the opposite. Many of us have pets such as dogs and cats at home, and we treat them as members of our family. But at the same time we nail our forks into other animals that are no different to our beloved pets. Isn’t about time to rethink our relationship with animals? If they are important to us, and don’t believe that they are ‘objects’ shouldn’t we then treat them the same as our fellow companionship pets and give all animals the same rights? All creatures should have the right to life and to live freely without the pain and suffering.

Very often I hear people claim that we humans are “superior” to other animals because we are smarter. We choose to separate ourselves from them, and say “they are just animals”. But how “intelligent” is one should not affect our moral decisions. The fact that a baby, a cow or a person with mental problems are not able to read, do mathematical calculations or take moral decisions does not mean that they are less important than the rest who can. What matters is that they all understand the pain and pleasure. But why is the suffering to our fellow animals is happening? Because we humans say so.

Some of the benefits of following a vegetarian diet are as follows: Fewer strokes, very few chances for coronary heart diseases, much lower rates of obesity, less chance for high blood pressure and cancerous diseases and less chance for gastric diseases.

As Thomas A. Edison has said, “Non-violence leads to highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.”

With a vegetarian diet we save not only our health but the animals as well, who suffer silently in pain and agony, while releasing toxins proven fatal for the human body. We protect the environment and feed the starving kids, as studies show us that 90% of the protein that is used to feed the animals who are destined for our consumption, comes from poor countries in the third world and many of these countries their children die from malnutrition. The rates of protein fed to cattle anticipated for human consumption, could actually feed almost the entire population of India and China - 2 billion people. Put an end to animal cruelty today. You can.

Marina Lezos






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