The News Weekly – Issue Thirteen

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Kids opt out of NAPLAN numeracy tests Workers now happiest they

have been in ages, finds study

THE percentage of Victorian grade 3 pupils withdrawn from NAPLAN numeracy tests has increased more than 20-fold since 2008, a public education advocacy group says. National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy tests students in primary grades 3 and 5 and secondary years 7 and 9. In 2008, the first year of NAPLAN, only 0.1 per cent of Victorian grade 3 pupils were withdrawn by their parents. This year, the figure was 2.4 per cent. Nationally, 0.5 per cent of grade 3 students were withdrawn in 2008 compared with 1.9 per cent in 2012. The official figures have been collated by Save Our Schools in a research paper, released yesterday. Save Our Schools national convenor Trevor Cobbold said there was concern about decreasing participation. When students don't sit the tests, their scores are estimated, based on background characteristics and achievement. Mr Cobbold said it was possible more parents were protesting by withdrawing their child. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority rejected Mr Cobbold's proposition.

WORKERS now are the happiest they have been in their jobs than at any other point this century, new research shows. Senior managers and supervisors are leading the rise in job satisfaction rates of up to 178 per cent and are enjoying work more now that the pressures of the global financial crisis have dropped. Happiness among their workers also is up by 40 per cent as they too enjoy better workplace conditions than have been on offer for the past few years.

Research released today by Leadership Management Australasia reveals 53 per cent of employees are satisfied in their job this year, up from 37 per cent in 2011.

workers began in 2000. Chief executive Andrew Henderson said it was a surprising result amid the hardship being experienced by some sectors of the economy.

Sixty per cent of supervisors (up from 37 per cent) and 78 per cent of senior managers (up from 28 per cent) also are engaged and passionate about their work. It is the highest proportion since the professional network’s Leadership Employment and Direction (L.E.A.D.) Survey of 4500 blue and white collar

He said many companies had scaled back benefits such as overtime or work from home arrangements during the economic downturn in efforts to save money and boost production. Now that organisations were reimplementing benefits, however, staff were happier and managers were feeling less pressure, he said.

by Another big fishing report this week. If you haven’t caught a snapper this season, just take your pick from the locations in this report because they are certainly on everywhere; and if you want some tips or GPS marks, please give us a call or drop into the shop for advice.


RHYLL:Staff members Adam Ring and Luke McCredden made the transition from Port Phillip to Westernport on Thursday night and fished with mate T-Cat. The boys headed out from Rhyll and fished in 5-7m of water. Using pilchards, they managed good numbers of snapper to 3kg and a couple of nice little gummies. NORTH ARM: Robin Gray from Peninsula and Western Port Charters has been working along the North Arm this week with great results. Working different locations including Lysaghts, Bouy 27 and 25 Robin has put his clients onto some great snapper fishing. When the snapper have been hard, they have worked the Middle Spit for some lovely whiting this week. LYSAGHTS: Customer Peter Ferguson has been dominating the whiting in Western Port this week. Peter has been working in the deeper water off Lysaghts and had great success on big whiting. In mainly 14 meters of water, Peter has caught whiting to 46cm. He also caught some snapper as a by-catch.

PORT PHILLIP BAY: SORRENTO: Justin Felix has also been spending a bit of time down on the piers around the Mornington Peninsula. He reports that plenty of baitfish are making their way back which should usually indicates the start of a good season. Sorrento pier has experienced good numbers of silver trevally and they have been caught using critter style plastics. FRANKSTON: Customer of Billfisher Tackle, Red eye has been at it again this week producing the goods in 14 meters of water out from Frankston. Red eye has been flicking around Gulp 4” and 5” Nuclear Chicken soft plastics to catch some very nice snapper. SEAFORD: The Seaford area is still producing some nice snapper for those willing to scout around in close to have a look. There have been quite a number of schools of fish working in around 11 to 16 meters of water. When the weather has been a little rougher, these fish have been going berserk. 14 year old Mitch fished off Seaford with his dad this week and managed a nice 4.6 kilo. CARRUM: Simon Rinaldi from Red Hot Fishing Charters has been doing very well this week out from Carrum. Last week Simon was working the Mornington area but this week has been finding some very solid fish out from Carrum in both 16 and 18 meters of water. First light has been the most productive time for Simon with pilchards working a treat. Simon said that the fish are thick and all you have to do if sound them up and they will be happy to eat your baits. CHELSEA: Last weekend saw the Altona fishing club hold their annual snapper competition throughout Port Phillip Bay. Angler Jack Auld won second place with a nice snapper which took a squid ring bait. This fish was caught in close off Chelsea. BEAUMARIS: Justin Felix and his partner Kristyna have been getting amongst the snapper this week. Testing out the new Berkley Nemesis soft plastic they had excellent results. The fish were taken in 15 meters of water out from Beaumaris and plenty were sounded up. BRIGHTON: Customer Frank fished out from Brighton this week in 16 meters of water this week with good success. Using pilchards for bait, Frank managed his first snapper for the season which weighed in at 5 kilos.

*Email your pictures into us to be published in next weeks report!

The News Weekly is a joint venture between The Greek Media Group and Hellenic Media Services, for all enquiries contact the publisher direct. Publishers & Managing Editors Ross Alatsas e: m: +61 411 877 222 Steve Agi e: m: +61 432 210 963

Contributors Chris Binos, Dean Georgio, Jim Grivas, George Koliantzos, John Vithoulkas, Panos Apostolou, Theoni Davoutsis Photography Peter Coulson, Petros Stamatakos Kostas Deves, Anthony Vanzella

Distribution & Production MEDIACODE Pty Ltd For all enquiries or to order copies of The News Weekly contact: Chris Binos e: m: +61 422 413 340 For all editorial enquiries contact the Managing Editor direct.

For all advertising enquiries contact:

Sales Executive Helen Katsos e: m: +61 430 303 123


* The opinions published in The News Weekly are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher. All material subject to copyright.



It’s a numbers game for Premier Ted Baillieu IT’s been two years since Ted Baillieu led the Liberals to a shock election victory and, while his Government cops criticism for its quiet approach, the Premier defends its record of achievement Sitting on the couch to his office, Ted Baillieu might look relaxed. But he is full of fighting talk.He might have the mid-term blues, following mounting criticism from the business community that he needs to get busy. But the Premier is making it clear he’s not about to change direction.”We have done exactly what we said we were going to do,” he said. “We have delivered across the board in the areas we said we were going to deliver. We’ve focused on very substantial reforms, which will be lasting in Victoria; plus, we’ve led the way on a range of issues.” ”To mark the second anniversary of his shock 2010 election win, the Premier welcomed the Herald Sun to his office to talk about what he had achieved in his first two years and what he still hoped to do. Much of the talk is focused on money: the money Labor wasted, the money the Commonwealth has shortchanged Victoria, and the value for money he says he is determined to get for Victorian taxpayers. Asked what his legacy would be if he lost office in 2014, Mr Baillieu starts with the money. “We have stabilised an unsustainable Budget position, and that’s important - I know that’s not necessarily sexy,”

he said. Fixing it has been his biggest challenge - after the devastating floods during his first months in office. There have been “massive write-downs in revenue, most of it coming out of the Commonwealth”. When it comes to containing costs, there is no doubt who

the Premier has in mind: the powerful building union, the CFMEU. “They are threatening the economy, they are threatening the reputation of the construction industry. And we have to push back, and we are taking up that fight,” he said. Unprompted, Mr Baillieu reels off a list of projects now going on in the state:

“There’s $5.8 billion worth of investment happening right now. There’s $40 billion worth of projects under way in Victoria right now, record infrastructure funding this year ... It is happening. The port capacity expansion is happening; the grade separations are happening; the comprehensive cancer centre - reconfigured - is

happening; the Bendigo Hospital, the Ballarat and Geelong hospitals, other hospitals, are happening.” There are projects through the regional growth funds - some 600 projects which have been ticked off. Many of those are currently under way, and there’s a lot of the things we promised to do, we’ve done,” he said.

As for those anonymous backbenchers who have recently been mouthing off in the press about his leadership style, a slight smile crosses the Premier’s face: “I think I’ve read the story once a year every year for six years, and I think it’s pretty much had the same content.”

Deadly outbreaks feared as immunisation rates plunge LEADING scientists say the anti-immunisation lobby is endangering children’s lives because of the soaring number of parents refusing to vaccinate. The number of Australian babies not fully immunised is now one in 12 and parents registering a conscientious objection has leapt from 4271 in 1999 to more than 30,000. The figures have prompted 12 top researchers to launch a campaign this week to debunk the claims of groups that claim vaccinations are dangerous. Professor Ian Frazer, who developed the cervical cancer vaccine, said he feared immunisation levels for some diseases were falling below those required to prevent deadly outbreaks. And eminent biologist Sir Gustav Nossal has accused the antivaccination lobby of preventing the eradication of measles through its false claim that the vaccine against the disease caused autism. A 20page booklet to be launched today explains that many more children will die from diseases such as measles, mumps and diphtheria than will be harmed by the side effects of immunisation. The booklet, launched by the Academy of Science, will also explain why it is better to gain immunity from a vaccination than from the disease. Although 92 per cent of 12 to 15-month-old babies have been immunised against whooping cough, Professor Frazer said the disease spread more easily when the rate fell below 95 per cent. Health Department figures show there were more than 7100 cases of whooping cough recorded across Australia in the first three months of 2012. Children must be fully immunised for their families to claim the $726 Family Tax Benefit Part A supplement. More than 30,000 children have a conscientious objection recorded. The 20-page booklet explains to parents who may be worried about vaccine side effects that only three in every 10,000 children who receive the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine develop a fever high enough to cause seizures but 100 in 10,000 develop such a fever if they catch the disease. One in four patients chronically infected with hepatitis B will die from cirrhosis of the liver or from liver cancer. This risk is reduced to almost zero after the hepatitis B vaccine.

RETAIL & WHOLESALE DELI Imported European & Locally Sourced Groceries Open: Monday - Saturday Shop 1/24 Chester Street, Oakleigh VIC 3166 ph: 9568 7995



Top marks for implementation of reforms In the last 12 months Greece has been the runaway leader among eurozone countries in terms of compliance with plans for its fiscal adjustment and in promoting reforms, according to the annual “Euro Plus Monitor” report for 2012 issued by the Lisbon Council think tank and Berenberg Bank. Regarding speed in adjusting to the economic crisis, Greece ranks top among the 20 countries examined in the report, with a score of 8.2 out of 10. Greece has managed to drastically curtail its current account deficit, not so much because of the increase in exports but rather mostly thanks to a big drop in imports as a result of the recession. The country has also registered the biggest primary deficit reduction in the 2009-12 period, when it also recorded the biggest drop in labor cost per unit, which reached 12 percent. Even so, despite the remarkable shift in the country’s competitiveness, Greece is starting from a very low level and will need a significant amount of time before it catches up with the rest of the eurozone member-states, the report notes. All other countries that have received assistance from the

eurozone rank high in this reform compliance list, with Ireland in second, Portugal in fourth and Spain in fifth, while Estonia sits in the third spot.

Nevertheless, the return of uncertainty regarding the Greek economy and the spread of the crisis to more and more European countries are reflected in the course of Greek exports in September, according to figures released on Monday by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT). Not including oil products, Greece’s exports declined by about 7 percent from the same month last year, amounting to 1.32 billion euros, against 1.42 billion in September 2011. This decline is due to the 6 percent drop in exports to European Union countries and to non-EU destinations by 8.8 percent. However, in the year to September exports increased by 5.3 percent year-on-year, climbing from 11.82 billion in 2011 to 12.44 billion in the first nine months of 2012. Imports declined in September by 14.8 percent, taking the country’s current account deficit down by a considerable 22.5 percent on annual basis. In the first nine months of the year the deficit shrank by 21.6 percent.

Eurogroup summit on Greek debt goes to the wire

The outlook for Greece receiving crucial rescue funding, and a solution for the sustainability of its huge debt mountain, remained unclear after nearly 10 hours of talks between eurozone finance ministers in Brussels though officials indicated that an agreement was expected to be reached ultimately. It appeared that the International Monetary Fund, which together with the European Commission and the European Central Bank has committed to two bailouts worth 240 billion

euros for Greece, was pushing for “immediate front-loaded measures” to reduce Greece’s debt by 20 percent of gross domestic product by 2020. According to sources, that reduction could be carried out immediately if the ECB were to forgo its profits on its Greek bond portfolio, by rolling over maturities and by launching a bond buyback scheme. But according to IMF calculations, there would be a need for reductions to interest rates on loans for both loan

programs to levels below the cost of borrowing of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and other creditor states, which would amount to an indirect haircut. EU officials have objected to this proposal so it remained unclear what kind of compromise could be reached. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told reporters such a haircut would not be legal if it was linked to new loan guarantees. “You cannot guarantee something if you’re cutting debt at the same

time,” he said. But other European officials stressed the importance of breaking the deadlock. Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn said it was vital to release the next tranche of funding to Athens “to end the uncertainty that is still hanging over Greece” and urged all sides to “go the last centimeter because we are so close to an agreement.” IMF chief Cristine Lagarde was more reserved, noting that any solution must be “credible for Greece.” Earlier in the day, rumors

had swirled that Prime Minister Antonis Samaras contacted Eurogroup chief Jean-Claude Juncker ahead of the Eurogroup summit to inform him that the coalition in Athens might collapse if there is no final decision on the country’s next loan tranche and its debt sustainability. In a statement, government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou said the claim had appeared on Greek websites and was then reproduced by foreign media. “There are a lot of ‘well-wishers’ that put words that have never been

uttered into the mouth of the prime minister and finance minister,” he said. “At this crucial time, everyone has to take care of what they say and write,” he added. Earlier in the day Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras had expressed cautious optimism a deal would be reached. He said he believed “a mutually beneficial solution will be found today,” noting that Greece had fulfilled its obligations to foreign creditors and that it was now their turn to do so.


Macedonian: Always subtotal to «Greek»! The never-ending attempts of the recent distorters of history, who live north of Greece, and who cannot convince even the 60% of the population of their own country that they are «Macedonians» (as a distinct national entity), issued the following publication last Sunday afternoon, in view of the exhibition, in Sydney, titled «ALEXANDER THE GREAT, 2000 YEARS OF TREASURES».

a. The supremacy of a Greek city over the others was a constant situation in the Greek mainland since the 7th Century b.C.

KOURABIEDES Ingredients (approx 40) - 1 lb. unsalted butter, clarified* and at room teperature - 1 cup icing sugar - 2 egg yolks - 3/4 cup vegetable oil - 2 cups of roasted almonds, coarsely chopped - 1 shot of brandy - 2 tsp. vanilla extract; - 1 heaping Tbsp. of baking powder - 5 cups of of all - purpose flour, sifted - Extra icing sugar for powdering (about 2 cups)

• A dd your brandy to a large glass and then add your baking powder and stir it until dissolved. Now pour this mixture, along with the vanilla extract and continue mixing until blended in.

Athens, Sparta (at the head of the Peloponnesian alliance) and Thebes had succeeded each other at the head of the other city-states prior to the dynamic involvent of the northern Greek region.

• Start kneading the mixture by hand and s-l-o-w-l-y add the flour to the mixture until all the flour has been absorbed. Add the almonds and knead them into the dough mixture.

The latest «supremacy» belonged to the (Greek) Kingdom of Macedonia, which, under Philip II, was achieved MAINLY for the purpose of attacking the common enemy, Persia. Due to Philip's assassination, his son, Alexander, continued his father's efforts and led his Macedonian Army and Navy, with contributions from other Greek cities, which had reaffirmed their common obligation against Darius III under the leadership of Alexander at a special Assembly in Corinth.

• U sing your hand, grab pieces of dough the size of a walnut and form them into the shape of choice (crescents or patties). Place each formed cookie onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Repeat process until all dough has been shaped into cookies.

It should not escape anyone's attention that, after the battle at Granicus, Alexander sent TO ATHENS (a non«Macedonian» city!) 300 Persian shields to be dedicated to Goddess Athena, with the inscription:

• Bake in a pre-heated 350F oven (middle rack) for 25 minutes each batch. Allow the cookies to cool until you are able to handle ((on the tray is fine)

«Alexander, son of Philip, and the Greeks, with the exception of the Lacedaemonians, from the barbarians who inhabit Asia»!

• Place about 2 cups of icing sugar in a large bowl and place the a cookie in the sugar and cover to coat. Place in your serving platter and repeat with the remaining cookies. Now place some more icing sugar into a sifter and generously dust the Kourabiedes with more icing sugar until well-coated.

Let's not forget that it was common belief in Greece that «any non-Greek is a barbarian!». But Alexander had never been thought of as a «barbarian»! b. There is nowhere any indication that Alexander distinguished himself and his Macedonians from the other Greeks. ON THE CONTRARY!

• T he cookies can be stored in a sealed container, in a cool, dry place and they willkeep for 3 months.

c. Can the Slavic component of FYROM'S population explain why no contemporary historian followed or described Alexander's campaign using their «macedonian language»?

• Clarify the butter by melting it over medium heat then remove from heat and allow to cool in the fridge until solid. Now poke a hole into the solid butter and carefully pour out the water that’s underneath. What you have left is clarified butter (you may also use/buy ghee).

d. Obviously, the Australian Museum in Sydney, if they made any changes to «the original contents» of their website, did so after careful research into what is true and what is not! e. All the rest is speculation and continuous attempt to intensify confusion! P.S. The Exhibition: «Alexander the Great, 2000 years of Treasures» is a great exhibition and we encourage everyone to make it possible to visit it! It will be a lifetime experience! A. Stathopoulos

Initial probe into Lagarde list goes to Parliament The details of the preliminary investigation were provided by prosecutor Nikos Pantelis to Justice Minister Antonis Roupakiotis, who submitted them to Parliament. In an accompanying document, Pantelis made no mention of specific politicians but referred to “possible criminal offenses by members of the government which received and handled the CD in question.”


Method • Using a mixer and a large bowl, cream your butter, oil and sugar. Add the egg yolks and continue to mix.

We are publishing it intact, restricting our comments to only a few main points, historically proven on the right.

The initial results of an investigation into the so-called Lagarde list of some 2,000 Greeks with bank accounts at the Geneva branch of HSBC were submitted to Parliament, which will decide whether to hold its own probe into whether any politicians should be held accountable for not making use of the list to crack down on tax evasion.


Former Finance Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou, who was given the list in the fall of 2010 by his then French counterpart Christine Lagarde, and his successor Evangelos Venizelos, who now heads socialist PASOK, have denied charges that they failed to ensure a proper probe into the list. Current Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras has asked the French government to resend Athens the original version of the list.


Inaugural Diaspora FEATURE

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Assisted Passage Agreement between

The Hellenic Museum’s free concert with Maria Farantouri and Yiannis Kots


n Greece and Australia





EMPLOYMENT To place an Ad Call (03) 9602 1422

Or Submit an Ad Online at

Seeking employment Administration and Logistics

Cabinet Maker


Factory Worker

Hospitality Worker


Lady with two years experience in secretarial and administrative duties is seeking full or part time employment. Ph: 0449 868 721. Zoe

Experienced carpenter/cabinet maker is seeking employment. Ph: 0478 809 989. Kostas

Ilias Fanourakis is seeking employment as a driver. He is an experienced driver and would suit a driver position in a warehouse. Mob: 0411 533 133

Factory worker seeks employment and has experience in the area of warehouse, sales and maintenance.

Experienced painter with knowledge in carpentry seeks employment. Ph: 0403 472 407. Nikos

Air conditioning Expert

Experienced carpenter specialising in furniture, kitchens and floor boards seeks employment. Ph: 0437 216 101. Agelos

Experienced hospitality worker with a Degree in Tourism and Management has worked in Athens Marriot Hotel and seeks employment. Ph: 0452 209 177. Mihalis

Person experienced in air conditioning systems, split systems and heating is looking for work. Ph: 0401 416 401. Dimos

Aged Care Workers Two aged care workers with Certificate III in Aged Care are seeking employment. Ph: 0431 062 240. Vivi 0411 224 847. Sofia

Aluminium Fabrications Experienced person in aluminium fabrications is seeking employment in similar or related field. Ph: 0450 917 642. Petros


Carpenter Experienced Carpenter / Cabinet Maker is looking for working with in his filed of experience (or any similar work) Dimitris 0415 422 976

Civil Engineer Nikos is a Civil Engineer with over 20 years experience in Europe, he speaks English, Greek and Italian and is seeking work in the Civil Engeering industry!!



Maria is seeking work as a domestic and commercial cleaner

Experienced architect is seeking employment. Ph: 0468 458 812. Kosta


Apprentice Carpenters Seeking employment. Ph: 0421 116 308. Makis Ph: 0439 950 558. Vasilis

Baker Michaelis is seeking people to working in a bakery. M:04 1300 0175

M:04 1518 5433 Grill chef with ten years experience in grilled food seeks part or full time employment. Ph: 0457 602 492. Antonis

Computer Technicion Christos is a computer technician from Greece and is seeking employment. M: 04 3182 6181

Driver \Jim is looking for work as a driver. He owns a 14 tone truck and specialises as a furniture removalist (in all suburbs). M:04 5840 0860

Driver (Taxi) Driver with experience in taxi driving is looking for an employer. Ph: 9388 0253. Stelios

Electrician A Grade electrician with eight years experience is looking for part or full time employment. Ph: 0422 154 595 Damianos

Electrician Electrician with experience in residential and commercial properties seeks employment. Ph: 0452 010 733. Simeon

Electrician Apprentice electrician seeks full time employment with certified electrician. Ph: 0401 302 490. Steve

Electrician Recently arrived from Greece, an experienced electrician seeks employment and is willing to work in other fields. Ph: 0449 046 665. Harry



Customer Service

George has recently arrived from Greece, has experience working in Bakeries is seeking employment.

Vasiliki has previous experience and is seeking full time or part time work in the area of customer service. Ph: 03 9484 9081

Qualified 25 years experienced. Seeks employment. Experienced in residential and commercial. Specialises in alarm systems, detection systems, antennas, intercom and solar power. Contact 0435 110 054 - Dinos

Customer Service

Electrical Engineer

Vasiliki has previous experience and is seeking full time or part time work in the area of customer service. Ph: 03 9484 9081

Apprentice electrician seeks employment in the area of home automation systems. Ph: 0413 835 283 or 9544 4549. Kostas

Dental Technician

Excavator Driver

Certified dental technician with six years experience is looking for part or full time employment. Ph: 0429 661 563. John

Experience excavator driver recently arrived from Greece is looking for employment. For further information please call Maria. M: 04 7864 8697


Engineer (Civil)

Experienced van driver recently arrived from Greece is looking for employment. Willing to undertake any other job (waiter, builder etc) Ph: 0499 278 534. Nick

Civil engineer with three years experience is seeking full or part time employment. Ph: 0429 665 835. Vasiliki


Experience excavator driver recently arrived from Greece is looking for employment. For further information please call Maria. M: 04 7864 8697

M: 04 5009 3915

Bouzouki Teacher/Player Bouzouki player with three years experience in night clubs in Greece is seeking part time employment. Ph: 0432 231 826. Christos

Builder/Pool Constructor Experienced builder specialising in pool construction seeks employment. Ph: 0408 827 326. George

Builder/Construction Manolis is seeking work in the building/construction industry or any other work. Ph: 9734 7613

Builder George is an experienced builder from greece and is seeking work. M: 04 2438 5324

Butcher Experienced butcher is seeking either full or part time employment. Ph: 8774 4457. Julian

Experienced van driver seeks employment. Ph: 0413 462 044. John

Excavator Driver

Ph: 0477 034 473 or 8751 4710 Theodosis

Financial Advisor

IT Technician

Experienced painter from Cyprus with knowledge in welding seeks full time work. Ph: 0424 789 813. Abraham

Experienced financial advisor with a Degree from British University seeks employment.

IT technician with eight years experience and a good knowledge of Microsoft is looking for employment.

Ph: 0402 527 644. George

Ph: 0421 821 430. Epaminondas

Painter Experienced painter seeks work.

Food Industry



Angela has 25 years experience in the food industry and is seeking part time or full time work in the Northern suburbs. She is available 7 days a week for early starts and early finishes. M: 04 1056 0970

Food Industry Angela has 25 years experience in the food industry and is seeking part time or full time work in the food industry in the Northern suburbs. She is available 7 days a week for early starts and early finishes. M: 04 1056 0970

Furniture Maker Furniture maker years experience employment.

with 30 is seeking

Ph: 0478 809 989. Kostas Eskintzis

Gardener Experienced gardener looking for work. Specialises in lawn maintenance and happy to maintain school gardens or large home gardens. Ph: 0415 560 708. Stella

Gardener Anastasios Kopanos would like to find work as a gardener. Please call him for more details about what services he has to offer. M: 0422 097 368.

Geologist Maria is a Geologist from Greece wanting to work in the natural resources industry. M: 04 6843 7327

Hairdresser Hairdresser with 18 years experience is looking for part time employment and has knowledge of both the Greek and English language. Ph: 0431 175 612. Irene

Hospitality/Building Industry 45 year old man experienced in the area of hotel management, hospitality and with knowledge of building, seeks employment. Ph: 0412 174 081. Agelos

Labourer looking for work in any area. Ph: 0403 472 407. Nikos

Labourer Labourer seeks employment in any field. Ph: 0424 469 745. Vasili

Labourer Lady willing to undertake any work or responsibility. Ph: 0450 067 315. Koula

Labourer Lady recently arrived from Greece with experience as a waitress and is willing to undertake any work. Ph: 0470 520 342. Evagelia

Lawyer Experienced lawyer seeks employment. Alos willing to work as a Law Clerk or assistant and willing to travel anywhere in Australia. Ph: 0421 654 845. Nikoleta

Logistics/Accounting Experienced certified accountant with knowledge of the latest computer systems seeks employment. Ph: 0431 366 412. Vasilis

Machine Operator Machine operator and professional experienced driver from Greece seeks employment. Ph: 0403 400 435. Panagiotis

Machinist Experienced lady machinist looking for work. Ph: 0403 472 407. Aglaia

Metal Fabrications Experienced metal worker from Greece with knowledge of aluminium doors and windows seeks full time work. Ph: 0468 803 467. Pantelis

Metal Worker Experienced metal worker/welder seeks work. Ph: 0424 411 631. Zaharias

Musician 27 year old musician with experience in drums and other instruments is looking to work with a band. Ph: 9383 6195. John




Ph: 0450 003 515. Theo Painter with own ABN seeks full time work. Ph: 0421 540 998. Chris

Part Time Work Young graduate from Greece is looking for part time work in any area. Ph: 0410 609 821 or 9402 0448. George

Plumber Plumber from Greece with working visa seeks full time employment. Ph: 0450 908 285. Dimitri

Plumber/painter Seeks employment for a Greek employer/company in Melbourne. Does not speak english. M:0424 066 312 George

Plasterer Yiannis is an experienced plasterer looking for work as a plasterer. M: 0402 931 935.

Public Relations Experienced public relations officer with a Degree in International Relations seeks work. Ph: 0406 590 280. Antonis

Plasterer Giannis is seeking work as a plasterer M: 04 0293 1935

Sales/Insurance Insurance consultant from Greece with over 10 years experience and knowledge in sales seeks employment. Ph: 0411 527 473. John

Sales/Retail Retail customer service officer with 22 years experience and knowledge in management and training of staff seeks full time work. Ph: 0422 436 476. Nicole

Security Experienced security officer from Greece is looking for employment in a similar position. Ph: 9335 4303

Teacher Teacher from Greece has a Bachelor of English Degree from Michigan University and Masters from the University of Thessaloniki and seeks employment. Ph: 0470 520 342. Evagelia



Truck Driver

Web Designer

Welder/Metal Fabrication



Greek teacher with Australian citizenship has many years of teaching experience and seeks employment.

An experienced truck driver is seeking employment. Please call John on

Experienced web designer from Greece seeks employment.

Zaxarias is looking for work as a welder

Ph: 0430 319 395. Kiriakos

Ph: 9364 5244

Looking for any work. Has experience as a driver, airconditioning technician, plumber and in electronics.

Zisis recently arrived to Australia is seeking any work M: 04 7896 4486

Ph: 0405 224 040. Pamela



White Goods

Sakis 0426 871 536


Nikos has recently arrived from Greece and has experience 20 years with Refrigeration/ Aircondioners. He is seeking work in the relevant industry.


Ph: 0452 608 142. Kali

Greek tutor available with over 7 years experience. Currently teaching primary/secondary students and adults, available for private tuition at any level, from beginners to advanced. Quality teaching in all aspects of the Greek language.


Panos, Ph: 04044 19595

Ph: 0421 641 434. Nick

Tiler with 28 years of experience seeks employment.

Waiter/Pizza Maker


Experienced teacher/tutor who graduated from Athens University seeks full or part time work in a Greek school.

Ph: 0422 158 225. John

Tiler Experienced tiler from Greece with knowledge in floorboards and other floor coverings seeks employment. Ph: 0468 469 400 Babis

M: 04 27778 7752

Experienced waiter with knowledge in pizza preparation seeks employment.

Experienced employment.



Ph: 0422 047 369. Andrew

Welder Welder with nine years of experience seeks full or part time employment.

Welder in Oakleigh with 20 years of experience seeks employment.

M: 04 1937 0329

Womens Clothing Zaxaria is seeking people to work in the production of women’s undergarments.

A couple Andreas and Panagiota are seeking any work. M: 04 1620 5569

Work Looking for any work, eg: factory, wharehouse , supermarket. Gerasimos 0477 199 268.

M: 0418107171


Work/Part Time

Lady looking employment.




Work Dimitra and George, are looking for any work ( for example in a fish and chip shop or café )preferably in Oakleigh or surrounding suburbs as they don’t have a car. Dimitra speaks excellent English but George can’t speak English well. Dimitra can be contacted on 0459 396 952.

Work Ninos is seeking any work M: 0414 168 385


Ph: 0422 412 516. Kleopatra

Kyriako, is seeking work as a mechanic and in construction. M: 04 1416 8385



Ph: 0452 179 451. Manos

Lady looking for part time work (9am – 3pm).

Welder/Metal Fabrication

Ph: 0450 418 760. Sofia

Experienced waitress seeks full time employment.

Experienced welder /metal worker from Greece seeks employment.

Work Lady looking for any type of work.

Lady from Greece with a student visa seeks part time work.

Ph: 0457 602 456. Anthi

Ph: 0416 380 923. George

Ph: 0450 717 141. Vana

Ph: 0467 472 127. Melina

Bill is available to work as a car washer, painter, motor mechanic or any other position available. M: 0437 547 288.

Ph: 0405 953 285. John


Employment opportunities Babysitter



Fish and Chips

Panel Shop


Marianthi Lambrianou is seeking a lady who speaks fluent Greek to babysit her 17 month old daughter in Bulleen, 1-2 days per week from 8:00-3:30. Applicants should call Marianthi for further details on M: 0477 694 665.

Niki is seeking cleaners Male or female.


Driver (Heavy Vehicle)

Peter is seeking someone with experience to work the grill at his fish and chip shop in Knoxville during afternoon hours. Applicants should call his mobile for further information M: 0424 645 110

An experienced spray-painter and panel-beater is required in a Dandenong panel shop. An apprenticeship for a youth is also available.

Stefania is seeking security guards aged between 18 and 65.

M: 04 0765 5646

A medical clinic requires a licenced doctor who is preferably Greek. Ph: 9481 2406. Kostantino

Ph: 0438 008 111. John



A part time position is available for a young shop assistant at an Altona Gate carpet store.


Call Niki on 0407 655 646

Maria Is looking for a Baker to work for Pondis Bakery. M: 04 1554 2522

Baker Kostas is seeking a Baker with experience preferably from Greece, he is offering good working conditions and remuneration.

Domestic cleaner required for full or part time work in Melbourne area. Must have own transport.

Cleaner/Domestic A female cleaner is required for domestic duties. Ph: 0415 645 572. Antonis


M: 04 1226 7511

Katie is looking for a female cleaner to clean houses. For details contact Katie on 0401 811 166



Michaelis is seeking people to working in a bakery.

Amalia is seeking a chef. M: 0433 154 904

M:04 1300 0175


Carer AQA Qualcare is seeking Disability Support Workers/PCAs who are fluent in Greek to work with a client with a physical disability living in Preston. Duties inc. assistance with daily living, all aspects of personal care, transfers, community access, meal prep & household tasks. Shifts available are: Mon-Thurs: 7am-9:30am, Fri: 7am-12:30pm, Sat/Sun: 7am-9:30am, Mon-Sun: 9pm-10pm. Fully paid training & competitive rates provided! For further info or to apply please visit the employment section of the AQA website: and download and complete the application form. Ph: (03) 9489 0777.

Carer Guardian Network is seeking carrers for elderly people in all areas. ph: 9819 7200, Sandra or George

Cleaner Cleaner required for a home in Rosebud. 4 days a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday). Ph: 0409 349 101 Konstantina

Cleaner A cleaner, preferably a woman, is required after hours at a school in Northcote. Ph: 0403 140 553. Maria

A chef is required for a Hawthorn restaurant. Ph: 9818 3312.

Chef A chef is required part time for a Greek restaurant in Werribee. Ph: 0416 241 819. Dimitri

Chicken shop A lady is required to work in a Chicken Bar. The suitable person should have relative experience. Call Achilleas Ph: 9852 4545

Cleaners Louka is seeking 2 cleaners to work at a car yard in the area of Chelsea. The ideal candidates would be able to work after business hours (after 6pm) and would be a couple. For more information please call Louka. M: 0417033135

Console Operators Two Console operators required to work at BP Eastlink inbound in Scoresby- the largest site in Australia. Part to full time positions available and applications must be willing to work flexible hours and speak English. Please contact Arthur Kondos for more information Ph: 9753 2924


An experienced forklift operator and heavy vehicle driver is wanted. For further information call Nick M: 04 3222 5181

A part time position is available in a furniture store. Ph: 9428 5830. Vicky

Dry Cleaner


A Dry Cleaner in Altona is looking for an experienced pressor to work. The ideal person should have experience using the pressor and ideally be female but not necessary. For further details call Vassilis on M:04 0098 2809

Jim/Dimitri is looking to employ a man ata Tampon Factory in Bundoora. He is seeking a man over 40 to work part time Mon, Wed and Fri. Ph: 9465 5033

Excavator Operator Excavator operator required for work in Geelong. Ph: 0410 665 048. Vasilis

Lady Ironer/Presser A female ironer with experience in clothes pressing is required for work in Clayton. Ph: 9551 4621. Despina


A painter is required for commercial and residential properties. Some experience preferred. Immediate start. Must have own car. Call Frank 0401 787 229.

Painter The Bell Painting Company seeks experienced painters. M: 04 0581 2539

Pastry Factory Greek Pastry factory seeks a person to work full time withy good remuneration Please call Iakobos M:04 0696 7197

A female is required to help manage the restaurant at club ‘Dimokritos’ on High Street Northcote.


Ph: 9486 3988. John

Ph: 9690 6048. Dimitri




A hairdresser with experience in men’s and women’s cuts is required for a hairdressing salon in Burwood. Ph: 9563 2340. Elio

Mechanic with experience in European and prestigious cars is required for an automotive workshop in Reservoir.

Florist A florist requires the services of two women with experience in floristry to work at the store. Ph: 0416 189 857 Kostas

Hairdresser Christina is looking for a hairdresser to work in her salon in St. Albans. Applicants must be experienced in all aspects of hairdressing.

Ph: 9462 3124. Nick

Mechanic/Automotive Two experienced motor mechanics are required for a mechanical shop in Footscray.

Call Christina on 0418 372 474 or 9364 1959.

Ph: 9528 6654

Fast Food

A full time position is available for an experienced motor mechanic.

A full time position is available at a fast food restaurant. Applicants must have experience in cooking and cooking with a grill. Ph: 0419 521 505. John

Fashion Zaxaria is seeking people to work in the production of women’s undergarments. M:0418107171

Fish and Chips


Experienced plumbers are required by a South Melbourne company.

Kostas is looking for 1 or 2 experienced re-stumpers to work for him.

Salesperson Salesperson required for men’s clothing store in Bridge Rd Richmond. Full time or casual position available for sales staff. Must have experience in sale of menswear. Contact Michael or Steve on 9428 1506.

Sandwich Hand

Ph: 0417 303 775. Minas


Call 9699 4125 or

A motor mechanic with a minimum of 5 years of experience is required at a work shop. Must have a driver’s licence.

Sandwich Hand

Men’s Fashion

0412 840 707 for any enquiries. A female is required in the Melbourne CBD area to prepare sandwiches, salads and focaccias. Ph: 0402 925 107. Doukisa

Sandwich Hands

Mens Fashion store in Richmond requires a well presented person to work full-time or part- time.

Four people are required sandwich preparation.

For further details please call Steven on T: 03 9428 1506

Sandwich Hand


M:-03 9544 1707

An experienced Fish and Chips worker is required for a shop in St. Albans. Ph: 9390 9622. Sofia

An experienced cleaner is required after hours at a school in East Doncaster.


Fish and Chips


Irene seeks a female to work as a dish washer/cleaner in Yarraville .

A composer is required to create music for lyrics.

Ph: 0401 519 305. Stathis

T: 03 9354 0628

A woman is required to work at a Fish and Chips shop in Knox City. Ph: 0415 150 433. Nikos

Young, experienced, wellpresented, energetic female is required in Melbourne CBD café to make breakfast toasties and serve lunch.

Ph: 9078 8574. Afroditi

Ph: Mary on 0418 597 314


Harry’s Factory Outlet requires a man or a woman to work in a deli.

Ph: 0402 925 107. Doukisa


Or Submit an Ad Online at

Shop Assistant

Ph: 9325 1112. Dimitris

Souvlaki ( Gyro) Bar A Souvlaki ( Gyro) Bar is looking for someone with experience, working in a similar environment. Hellen or Nick 9670 6284 or 0433 413 688


Tyre Fitter Joanna has a position available for a tyre fitter in Campbellfield. He must be fit as there is heavy lifting involved. He must have good knowledge of the northern suburbs and the city and have a car drivers licence. Must have at least some experience in fitting tyres on trucks. Fax Applications to Att: Joanna; F 9308 9237

Waiter A female is required for kitchen and serving/waiting duties at club ‘Democritus’ in Northcote. Ph: 0408 591 711. John

Waiter/Souvlaki Bar

Any enquiries, please call Kostas: 0411 741 230.

An experienced sandwich hand is required at a South Melbourne delicatessen.

Ph: 0425 822 500. Tasos

M:04 0335 6858

A full time or part time position is available in a Mentone souvlaki bar. Waiting duties are a requirement of this position. Ph: 9585 8005 Anesti

Waiters Waiters are required for casual weekend work at Stars International reception in Preston. RSA certificate holders are preferred. Ph: 0411 877 222

Fronditha Care-Position 1 Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker (or related social sciences) to work in the role of CACPs Supervisor.

Fronditha Care-Position 2 Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker (or related social sciences) to work in the role of Volunteer Coordinator.

Fronditha Care-Position 3 Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker/ counsellor to work as the Carer Support Coordinator in the Eastern Region. Please contact Aliki Kyrkou at Fronditha Care for further information on any of these positions. 9495 2308 or 0407 829 593.



WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Michael, and welcome to the fascinating world of astrology and the place to read your free horoscopes! For years, decades and centuries human-kind has turned to the heavens, God’s handiwork, for answers and guidance in their lives!



23 Nov - 20 Dec

22 Dec - 20 Jan

Short trips will prove to be more fruitful than you imagined. Make changes regarding your friendships. Money can be made if you use your ingenuity. You need to do more research before you make your final decision.

21 Jan - 19 Feb

Try not to push your philosophies on others. Self-improvement could bring amazing results. Problems with your boss could lead to unemployment. Your ability to converse with charm will entice someone you may have had an interest in for some time now.



22 May - 22 Jun Contracts will not be as lucrative as you think. Get together with people who stimulate you mentally. If you can’t get away, make plans to do something special with friends or relatives. A trip to visit relatives should be rewarding.


Educational pursuits can bring interesting, helpful people. To avoid any minor health problems, don’t get too stressed. Relationships may be hard to handle. Ask those in key positions to help you overcome the delays and to support your concerns in order to move on.


Supplied by:




20 Feb - 20 Mar

21 Mar - 20 Apr

21 Apr - 20 May

You can enjoy doing things that include children. Don’t let your personal partner hold you back or slow you down. Your outgoing nature will win hearts. Relatives may play an important role in your social activities.

Don’t bother getting even; they’ll make themselves look bad. Your boss may not be in the best of moods this week. Be careful; you may upset someone you live with if you don’t consult with them. Use your obvious talent to work with detail and you can come up with something great.

You must consider yourself for a change. Your creative talent may well be recognized by others this week Don’t put all your cash in one place. You will be entertained and intrigued by the logic foreigners possess.




23 Jun - 23 Jul

24 Jul - 23 Aug

24 Aug - 23 Sept

Your emotions have been pulled out of shape and you need to do a little backtracking. A need to be in love may fool you. You can meet potential new mates, but make sure that they aren’t already committed to someone else. Be careful; you may say something you’ll regret later.

You may find your self in a romantic situation. Take a second look; another person’s philosophy may be extremely different from yours. Make arrangements to meet friends at your local dance club. You can dazzle members of the opposite sex with your quick wit and aggressive charm.

Your ability to do detailed work will dazzle those who are less creative. You can make sound financial investments if you act fast. Relatives will want to get together. Put your plans into motion by presenting your intentions to those who should be able to give you financial support.

23 Sept - 22 Oct You mustn’t be so trusting. You can’t live your life for others. Let go of the past in order to progress. You will be full of good ideas, and your choice of activities may bring you enrichment far beyond your expectations.

23 Oct - 22 Nov Check your project over carefully if you were not the only one contributing to the end result. Don’t let your emotions interfere with completing your chores. You could experience delays in shipments or mail, and should be careful while traveling. Your mate, however, may not be too pleased with you. Get down to business.


ELSTERNWICK 226 Hotham Street Elsternwick VIC 3185 T 03 9532 7600 F 03 9532 9420

DONCASTER 826 Doncaster Road Doncaster VIC 3108 T 03 9840 7877 F 03 9840 7062

MELBOURNE Suite 326 282 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 T 03 9654 2112 F 03 9662 4845

ALBURY Level 1, The Gardens 470 Wodonga Place Albury NSW 2640 T 02 6021 7411 F 02 6041 4472

we’ll take you there...

Ultra Tune East Bentleigh 276-280 Poath Road (Cnr North Rd) Bentleigh East Vic. 3165 P: (03) 9570 1944 F: (03) 9570 1844














1 West African gazelle that’s rather vocal (5) 4 Den of iniquity’s discovered when teenage gang member is hauled back in front of wise judge (9) 9 Sound the waterway with a circular vessel (4-5) 10 Unlike airbag, a rag has neither ____ to encircle (5) 11 Obviously being drunk, I may call taxi round (13) 14 Tense fellows taking Ecstasy and grass (4) 15 Unfortunately, skinhead at heart bore race hatred (10) 18 Watering hole? (10) 19 God of love - and discord (4) 21 Ordered to resit maths exam, primarily in Fermat and Pythagoras? (13) 24 Cockney Scotsman belonging to a US sect (5) 25 Soldier gets issue, we hear, of woollen fabric (9) 27 Expresses willingness to keep goal - for the prison team? (9) 28 Comb-like swimming organ - a number can be found in fringes of coelenterate (5)




13 14










23 24





Set by Alberich



1 Will’s merchant gives brandy to a couple of soldiers perhaps (10) 2 Ring about oven from Perth (3) 3 Try your speed against mine for a bunch of flowers (6) 4 Straw-plait that’s brown and durable (9) 5 Acid that causes disease in cattle, chiefly (5) 6 A cross I shall have to bear: not to be ultimately savoury of armpit (8) 7 Salts from Iceland love greenishblue fish (11) 8 John captures black wolf (4) 12 At last detain Fagin, crafty robber, and you have the right to fine him (11) 13 Writer is wise to miss European varnishing-day (10) 16 Shows more ingenuity and stings more than one’s competitors? (9) 17 Lovesick shepherd disturbed hornets, bringing in the last of sheep (8) 20 13 letters written by one Conservative? That shows some sort of energy (6) 22 Broad connecting ridge that occupies some geographers (5) 23 Moor was ruined by him blowing away half the capital (4) 26 Thyme’s regularly found in area of pasture (3)


2 cups of water 1 cup sugar 2-3 strips of lemon or orange peel 1 cinnamon stick 4-5 whole cloves 1/2 cup honey

- Sangria Mix -

1-750 ml bottle of red wine 1/2 cup Metaxa brandy 1 ripe peach, sliced 1 orange, sliced 2 cans of ginger ale (or 7-UP/ Sprite) - 1 cup of the sprup (above)

Method • T o make the syrup, first add the water, sugar, cinnamon, cloves and lemon peel in to a small pot and bring to a boil. Then lower to a simmer and boil for another 6 minutes. Take off the heat and add the honey and allow to cool. Remove rind, cinnamon and cloves. • Add your wine, sliced fruit, ginger ale and brandy and stir. Add the syrup in increments, stir and make as sweet as you wish. Cover and place in the fridge overnight. • To serve, place some ice in each glass and pour the sangria.

DID YOU KNOW Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine Issigonis, CBE, FRS (November 18, 1906–October 2, 1988) was a Greek-British designer of cars, now remembered chiefly for the development of the Mini, launched by the British Motor Corporation (BMC) in 1959

The Gyro Wrap Specialists


Holy Saviour Primary School Fete, 10th November 2012, at 765 Highbury Road Vermont South starts 10am till 5pm.

0468 768 848 -

‘Manningham Multicutural Festival’ Saturday 17th November 2012, at Ruffey Lake Park, Doncaster Starts at 10am till 5pm.



PAOK keeps soccer league alive Alate StefanosAthanasiadis goal for PAOK denied Olympiakos a victory at Thessaloniki that would have virtually settled the championship from endNovember.

Sydney Adelaide United 1-2 Melbourne Heart Newcastle 3-3

Central Coast Mariners Brisbane Roar 2-1

FRANK Farina is the favourite to get the job of pulling Sydney FC up from its knees after the club was rejected by Gary van Egmond in its pursuit of a successor to Ian Crook.

The league’s top two scorers were on target in a game where Olympiakos outplayed its host and was eager to score a win that would mathematically see it finish the first half of the championship on top, with three games left to play.

Farina is set to be offered the job, most likely on a short-term basis, with a challenging brief to turn Sydney's season around and guide the club towards the finals from its current position rooted to the foot of the ladder.

In a weekend where none of Greece’s four most popular teams won, Panathinaikos lost 2-1 at Platanias and AEK remained bottom of the table with a 1-0 home loss to Levadiakos. The Greens feel hard done by the referee in their game on Crete as he disallowed them a good goal as offside, awarded Platanias a penalty that television replays showed was a striker’s dive, and left Panathinaikos with 10 men through a harsh second yellow card to Zeca.

Platanias returned to winning with new coach Angelos

Round 8 results

Western Sydney Melbourne Victory 0-2

The top-of-the table clash at Toumba ended at 1-1, after Athanasiadis’s tap-in cancelled out Rafik Djebbour’s firsthalf goal, to keep the distance Olympiakos has from PAOK at eight points.

One of the Panathinaikos fans on Crete actually went to a police station and sued the referee, whom police sought to arrest, although the law forbids the arrest of referees for their performance.

Frank Farina favourite for Sydney FC job after Gary Van Egmond says no

Newcastle Jets coach van Egmond yesterday told the club he would not be taking up their offer - believed to be more than $300,000 a year a fortnight after Crook resigned, with the Jets reacting angrily to what they called a "disrespectful approach" for their coach.

Anastasiadis, while Dimitris Kalaitzidis in the first match of his seventh stint on the Veria bench helped his club snatch a draw at Kerkyra, with a 1-1 score.

The big winners of the weekend were third-placed Asteras Tripolis, who leapfrogged over Panionios beating the Nea Smyrni club 2-1 at home, and fifth Atromitos, who scored an injury-

time winner against Xanthi (1-0). PAS Giannina climbed to sixth defeating OFI Crete 1-0 at home and Panthrakikos thrashed Aris by 4-0.

It leaves Sydney with their second high-profile rejection in six months, after Graham Arnold pursued over months by Sydney - elected to stay at the Mariners. It's not yet clear whether Farina will accept the job on a short-term basis, as he has combined several roles in recent months including coaching the Papua New Guinea side, mentoring coaches across Oceania and acting as a football ambassador for the region.

Perth Wellington Phoenix 1-1

LADDER 1 Adelaide 19pts 2 Central Coast 17pts 3 Melb. Victory 13pts 4 Newcastle 13pts 5 Perth 11pts 6 Western Sydney 10pts 7 Wellington 9pts 8 Melb. Heart 8pts 9 Brisbane 7pts 10 Sydney 6pts

Round 9 Fixtures Melbourne Victory - Perth Central Coast Mariners Adelaide United Brisbane Roar Newcastle United Wellington Phoenix Western Sydney Sydney FC - Melbourne Heart

Other coaches to have shown interest include former A-League men Ernie Merrick and Miron Bleiberg, though van Egmond's rejection decreases Sydney's bargaining power ahead of a vital run of three games.

Melbourne Victory buzzing about season-defining victory “ The technical experts in Football ” Now

FRANCHISING Call Nick or Tom on (03) 9530 9601 for details

AUSTRALIA’S MOST EXCITING & UNIQUE FOOTBALL RETAILER ARCHIE Thompson described the gutsy win at Western Sydney as a seasondefining moment for the side.

Specialising in the

player, supporter & club OOR F IND ION O O O TS T C L E L L A B SE O O TB F WIDE R O TDO & OU

Victory played with 10 men for 80 minutes after referee Ben Williams gave defender Sam Gallagher a red card. OFFIC IAL GR E AND S EK LEAGUE UPPO JERSE RTER WEAR YS 56b Portman St, Oakleigh, Vic, 3166

Tel: 03 9530 9601

Up by a goal at the break, coach Ange Postecoglou told the players they had a chance to make the rest of the competition take notice. Thompson epitomised Victory's effort, collapsing to the ground at the final whistle as his side held on for a workmanlike, but clinical, 2-0 win.

"At halftime, Ange said these sorts of games can define a season and, if we win, teams will start to take notice," Thompson said ."If they didn't before this game, they will now. Thompson said Gallagher, playing his first game for Victory and his second A-League appearance after moving from Central Coast Mariners, was stiff to be sent off. The young defender has been suspended for one week . But Thompson said the response had filled the team with confidence, which would help compensate for his and Mark Milligan's absence for the next two weeks

due to East Asian Games qualifiers in Hong Kong. The Victory will be searching for their fourth win in five matches when they host a Perth side, who have slumped a little in recent weeks.

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