The News Weekly – Issue Eighteen

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LOCAL NEWS pg.2 GREEK NEWS pg.4 MIHALIS HATZIGIANNIS Performing at the 2013 Antipodes Festival pg.6



More than 200 dead in Brazil nightclub FLAMES have raced through a crowded nightclub in southern Brazil , killing more than 230 people as panicked partygoers gasped for breath in the smokefilled air, stampeding toward a single exit.It appeared to be the world’s deadliest nightclub fire in more than a decade.

Witnesses said a flare or firework lit by band members may have started the blaze in Santa Maria, a university city of about 225,000 people. Television images showed smoke pouring out of the Kiss nightclub as shirtless young men who had attended a university party joined firefighters using axes and sledgehammers to pound at windows and walls to free those trapped inside. Guido Pedroso Melo, commander of the city’s fire department, told the O Globo newspaper that firefighters had a hard time getting inside the club because “there was a barrier of bodies blocking the entrance.” Teenagers sprinted from the scene desperately seeking help. Others carried injured and burned friends away in their arms. The fire spread so fast inside the packed club that firefighters and ambulances could do little to stop it, Silva said.

by WESTERNPORT: Good mates Tom & Cam Lucht have just about been living on Western Port fishing for whiting & gummies and after deciding the other night that it was to be gummies only, they cam home with this nice lot. The boys followed up a couple nights later dropping a bigger one that didn’t make for good company on the boat at the time. Best baits on the nights were Sandy’s trevally. On Tuesday morning Rex fished with his good mate Doug Ristic. Starting on the edge of the Middle Spit the boys didn’t find a lot of flowing water so made the move down to the deeper water on the edge of the Tortoise bank, where they managed 12 solid whiting until the tide really started moving. From there they then headed to the eastern channel and proceeded to land a bunch more nice fish in the 35-40cm size. then to finish the morning off the boys went to the edge of the bank off Hastings to get 30 big garfish. Tuesday saw Rex back out on the water with the CUB crew on board Ace fishing Charters. The group landed 30 nice school fish in the shallower water on the Middle Spit. Lee went for a fish on Wednesday afternoon in awful conditions as his good mate Chad was down from Sydney with his daughter Charlotte. This also meant there was no was they were getting out on the water without Mia. Fishing the start of the afternoon run in tide they headed to the deep water between buoy 24 and 26 where they scratched together 10 big whiting ranging from 38-44cm before the wind really started howling. By this time Mia had eaten all the food in the boat so it was time to head home. Matt Cini of Reel Time Charters reports that this week has seen more good fishing on the whiting although a lot of the trips has seen him have to really work at it to get the numbers of fish. On the upside however Matt said that with a bit of effort the bags of fish they are getting are all of very good size.


QUEENSCLIFF: The Van Tonder family have been holidaying down the Queenscliffe area and went out for fish there during the week. The crew were happy when they came home with this lovely bag of squid & flatties that fed them all for a couple of nights. We love a family that fishes together so we have awarded the Van Tonder family this weeks HOT SHOTS prize of a cap and stubbie cooler! You can pick your prize up from the shop anytime over the next two weeks. Theodoros Petridis caught some big leatherjacket on banana prawn in the Queenscliff Harbour this week and sent through this pic to show off his catch. CARRUM: Bill fished off Carrum last Thursday morning where he had a good session landing a nice snapper to 3kg and a nice schoolie that went 1.6m. Bill said he also lost several sharks but was still happy with what he took home. FRANKSTON: Mate Peter went and fished around the rocks at Frankston with his Uncle John, looking for some squid. The boys found the squid and got a nice bag using several style jigs in the process. Good schools of salmon continue to haunt the reefs and shallows out from Frankston. They can be seen busting up schools of baitfish, and when in a feeding frenzy like this provides plenty of sport for all ages to enjoy. Alex from Billfisher has been out on them lately and getting stuck into quality fish on fly and having a ball doing this. MORDIALLOC: There have been some excellent reports of some ripper Whiting being taken from the Mordialloc Pier in the last week, with some fish going over 43cm. it’s great to see and a great opportunity for some quality whiting land based.

*Email your pictures into us to be published in next weeks report!

The News Weekly is a joint venture between The Greek Media Group and Hellenic Media Services, for all enquiries contact the publisher direct. Publishers & Managing Editors Ross Alatsas e: m: +61 411 877 222 Steve Agi e: m: +61 432 210 963

Contributors Chris Binos, Dean Georgio, Jim Grivas, George Koliantzos, John Vithoulkas, Panos Apostolou, Theoni Davoutsis Photography Peter Coulson, Petros Stamatakos Kostas Deves, Anthony Vanzella

Distribution & Production MEDIACODE Pty Ltd For all enquiries or to order copies of The News Weekly contact: Chris Binos e: m: +61 422 413 340 For all editorial enquiries contact the Managing Editor direct.

For all advertising enquiries contact:

Sales Executive Helen Katsos e: m: +61 430 303 123


* The opinions published in The News Weekly are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher. All material subject to copyright.


Floods, fires hold states under siege


Melbourne welcomes more than 100 new citizens from 23 countries The City of Melbourne has today welcomed 105 new Australian citizens from 23 countries at an Australia Day citizenship ceremony at Melbourne Town Hall. Lord Mayor Robert Doyle said Australia Day encourages Melburnians to reflect on their values and what it means to be an Australian. “Australia Day is a chance to contemplate our nation’s history and the ways we have grown, adapted, changed and developed. In a dynamic city such as Melbourne, it’s our challenge to embrace the new while retaining links to our past,” the Lord Mayor said. “This year, I encourage everyone to think of what they can give back to our community by volunteering. Find a community, sport or charity organisation to help and strengthen the community ties that make Melbourne a great city.

SOUTHERN NSW is being told to prepare for driving rain and 100km winds as extropical cyclone Oswald sparks evacuations in the state’s north and continues to isolate more than 2000 others and devastate Queensland. As the impact of the massive storm spreads from Queensland, more than 1500 people have been told to evacuate their homes in Lismore, Ulmarra, Cowper and

Brushgrove in northern NSW with warnings of flooding as rivers peak throughout today.The NSW State Emergency Service says the focus will be on the south of the state today, with a severe weather warning issued for the Hunter and Central Coast, Illawarra and the south coast and parts of the Central Tablelands. A severe weather warning for Sydney was downgraded, after the city did not get the 100km/h winds that were forecast.

• In Queensland, four people have been killed by the floods, including a three-year-old boy who was hit by a falling tree in Brisbane’s north on Monday, while thousands around the state have been forced to evacuate their homes. The others were a motorcyclist whose body was pulled from a creek south of Brisbane, an 81-year-old man whose body was found near Bundaberg, and a 27-year-old man who

tried to cross a flooded creek near Gympie. More than 2000 homes are underwater in the worst-affected city, Bundaberg, where the Burnett River is expected to hit its peak tonight. • Queensland Premier Campbell Newman says homes in north Bundaberg could be washed off their stumps by the force of floodwaters and has urged any remaining residents to get out. Overnight, 14

helicopters rescued more than a thousand people in the city’s north. The Burnett River is raging amid a record flood, and is expected to climb to 10 metres over the next few days.?That’s about two metres higher than the 2010/11 flood. About 167,000 homes are currently still without power in the southeast of the state after 50,000 properties were reconnected overnight.

Families throw out $1000 of food a year

ONE in five bags of bought groceries ends up in rubbish bins in a shameful waste of food, experts warn. Households are throwing away an average $600 to $1000 a year in uneaten products, latest research estimates. Milk is the most wasted individual fresh item, followed by lettuce, bread, tomatoes and yoghurt, according to a study commissioned by appliance maker Panasonic Australia. Poor meal planning, confusion about storage methods and expiry dates, and “two for one” specials tempting shoppers to buy more than they need are blamed. Advocacy group Do Something! founder Jon Dee said some

waste specialists believed at least 20 per cent of groceries were now discarded, an attitude that was horrifying to the older generation. “We should be ashamed about how much food we throw away,” Mr Dee said. Victorian households turf food worth about $2 billion, out of the $8 billion tossed nationwide, according to Do Something! The calculations are considered conservative. Fareshare CEO Marcus Godinho said this was a sad irony given 300,000 Victorians ran out of food and could not afford their next meal at some stage each year. Mr Dee said tonnes of farmers’ produce didn’t even make it to supermarkets because

it was considered the wrong size or too ugly. Many consumers forgot about food left in pantries or fridges and let it go mushy or mouldy. Others piled dinner plates too high and could not eat it all, or were unsure about storage methods and times. Perfectly good food was also thrown away as people didn’t realise that unlike “use by” dates, products marked “best before” could still be eaten afterwards if they looked and smelt OK. Waning cooking skills had also seen a drop in creative ways to use leftovers, which were instead binned. Panasonic’s separate survey of 500 Australians found onefifth of dumped food was from unfinished meals.

VicRoads chiefs under fire over $190,000 spent on overseas trips JET-SETTING VicRoads executives have been slammed for spending almost $190,000 of taxpayers’ money on overseas trips. The public forked out for airfares, accommodation and expenses for top executives to go to India, Chile, Mexico, Canada, Germany and the US. Trips to Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates were also approved. One benefit was said to be the “continued promotion and awareness of VicRoads’ brand internationally”. Documents obtained by the State Opposition using Freedom of Information laws showed that in March, one staffer went to a world road association technical committee meeting in France, costing $8340. Another executive went to France for a taskforce meeting on a road safety manual, which cost $12,350. Both executives were allowed $345 a day for meals and incidentals. Spokesman Sally Pickering said VicRoads was an international business whose expertise was highly sought after around the world. The cost and duration of the trips, taken between February 2011 and July 2012, and the benefit to Victoria were considered, she said. The trips were approved by an executive director, CEO Gary Liddle, or Roads Minister Terry Mulder.

RETAIL & WHOLESALE DELI Imported European & Locally Sourced Groceries Open: Monday - Saturday Shop 1/24 Chester Street, Oakleigh VIC 3166 ph: 9568 7995

“It is with this spirit that we welcome our new citizens today, particularly on Australia Day and in our Town Hall that holds so much history for the city and its people. “Our changing city has encouraged people from every corner of the world to make Melbourne their home. Their contribution makes our city the lively and prosperous place that it is.” New citizens who pledged allegiance today were from: - New Zealand (1) - Italy (7) - India (9) - China (27) and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (1) - South Korea (7) - Indonesia (11) - Malaysia (16) - Brunei Darussalam (1) - Iran (3) - Philippines (1) - Colombia (3) - Nepal (2) - Canada (1) - Sri Lanka (1) - Singapore (1) - Scotland (2) - Mauritius (1) - Thailand (3) - United Kingdom (3) - Northern Ireland (2) - Vietnam (1) Ecuador (1) Following the citizenship ceremony the Lord Mayor joined the Governor Alex Chernov AC QC and the Premier Ted Baillieu to raise the Australian flag outside Melbourne Town Hall.



Government, SYRIZA clash over church tax proposal

The relationship between the Greek state and the Orthodox Church became the focus of a fresh clash between the government and the main opposition SYRIZA party after a leftist MP proposed the introduction of a new tax to pay clerics’ wages. SYRIZA deputy Tasos Kourakis said the Church should start funding itself instead of relying on dwindling state coffers.

Another option would be to impose a church tax on all Greeks who declare themselves to be Christian Orthodox, Kourakis told a conference organized by the Theology Department of Thessaloniki’s Aristotle University. Revenues could go toward church costs and clerics’ salaries, he said. The idea was shot down by conservative New Democracy, which likened the proposed tax to “Stalinist measures.” ND argued that such a levy would be unconstitutional as it would discriminate between Greeks based on their religious beliefs. SYRIZA noted that Kourakis’s proposal was the MP’s “personal opinion” but said a similar initiative had been mooted by Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras in the fall of 2011 when the latter was head of the Foundation for Industrial and Economic Research (IOBE). Stournaras accused SYRIZA of distorting comments he made during a TV interview, when he noted that other European citizens do not pay clerics’ salaries without proposing however that Greece follow suit.

Toward a United States of Cyprus, fueled by natural gas

Local airports saw 1 million fewer arrivals

In crisis, Greeks turn to wood-burning – and choke Fireplaces were long a status symbol for Greece’s up-and-coming middle class, like the second car and the flat-screen TV. Now, they are increasingly their owners’ only defense against the encroaching winter cold. A steep increase in heating costs has led many Greeks to switch from heating oil to wood-burning.

Cyprus could emerge from its financial troubles by selling some of its confirmed natural gas reserves in advance, and reunite not on the basis of a bizonal, bicommunal federation, but as a federation of several states similar to the systems of the USA, Germany or Australia, presidential candidate Yorgos Lillikas told Kathimerini in an interview during his visit to Athens earlier this week. Running neck and neck with left-wing government candidate Stavros Malas for the second spot, former Foreign Minister Lillikas is hoping to enter a runoff with poll front-runner Nikos Anastasiadis, head of the right-wing Democratic Rally, by offering alternative proposals both on the economy and on the issue of the island’s partition. Opinion polls in Cyprus suggest Anastasiadis will easily top the first round on February 17 but won’t manage to get near the 50 percent share of the votes needed to enable him to be elected the new president of Cyprus and replace left-wing Dimitris Christofias for the next five years. The minimum amount of 7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas confirmed to the south of the island has a central role in Lillikas’s thinking. He believes that these reserves are also the answer to the country’s fiscal problems, as he is clearly not happy with the government resorting to the eurozone and the International Monetary Fund for bailout loans. “My pledge is that within 2013 I will have Cyprus disengaged from the memorandum with the creditors, which we have not yet seen anyway. The idea is to sell natural gas in advance to countries willing to acquire it in order to ensure they will have the quantities they require in the future. We have already seen some interest from China and Japan and recently we have also heard from India. This is common practice,” he says, adding that this could also apply to Greece once it has its hydrocarbon reserves confirmed as well: “After all, I believe that the future of Hellenism is common.”

But the price of using cheaper fuel is growing. Illegal loggers are slashing through forests already devastated by years of summer wildfires. In the area of Mount Olympus, mythical home of the ancient Greek gods, 300 people were arrested last year for illegal logging - a five-fold increase from before the 2009 eruption of Greece’s crisis. In 2011, officials confiscated more than 6,500 tons of illegally cut firewood. That number doubled last year to 13,100 tons while more than 400 vehicles were impounded. Forestry workers have even been attacked by illegal loggers wielding axes or guns. Air pollution from wood smoke is choking the country’s main cities. And there has been an increase in blazes caused by carelessly attended woodstoves. Three children died in a northern village last month when a fire gutted the home of their grandparents, who had recently changed from oil-fueled central heating to a wooden stove to save money. In Athens, the capital, officials have warned of severe health risks from the low-lying smog that smothers the city at night, when fireplaces and woodstoves burn at full blast in poorly insulated homes. Greece’s leading medical association is demanding urgent action to clean the air. But those warnings have largely been ignored for a simple reason: Burning wood provides the same warmth as heating oil, for roughly half the cost.It’s hard to estimate how many people have abandoned heating oil for wood. Distributors say sales of heating oil are nearly 80 percent down this winter, and new firewood yards have mushroomed all over Athens.

Domestic and international tourism arrivals at the country’s airports declined by about 1 million last year, reflecting the crisis that Greek tourism suffered in 2012, according to Civil Aviation. Arrivals from abroad fell by 4.1 percent, amounting to 13.2 million, while arrivals from within Greece contracted 7 percent year-on-year to 5.2 million. An increase was recorded in arrivals from Great Britain, Russia and Turkey, while the number of those coming from Germany, France and Italy posted a drop. Travel receipts in the first 11 months of 2012 went down by 474 million euros from the same period in 2011, according to figures released on Friday by the Bank of Greece. Receipts from tourism in general in the JanuaryNovember 2012 period added up to 9.9 billion euros, recording a 4.6 percent annual drop. Most forecasts for 2013 predict a record number of arrivals from abroad. As far as domestic tourism is concerned, however, the declining course is expected to continue owing to the ongoing financial crisis.



Australian professor Greece’s Tsipras wants to lead Greek university European conference to One of the first priorities of the newly elected first president of the management council of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, distinguished professor of classical Greek studies at Cambridge University Professor Richard Hunter, will be to find realistic solutions to the institution’s severe financial problems.

solve debt crisis

Speaking at a press conference following his episodic election, Hunter revealed that together with pursuing his vision for the future of the university and tackling its restricted finances, his intention is to establish rules and regulations that will be observed by everybody. “One of the chief responsibilities of the council of management,” he said, “is the formation of an audit committee (as well as other special committees), which will not only supervise all the financial activities but will also inform members during their regular meetings.” He emphasised that another of the management council’s basic concerns would be to open the university up not only to society but also to the international scientific community, and to attract the cooperation of industry. He said that the education ministry, in order to affect greater savings, was proposing through the ‚ÄòAthina’ plan a series of mergers and-or abolitions of academic courses, departments and even entire universities. For this reason, a sub-committee had already been formed to monitor the effects of this policy.

Europe must abandon austerity policies and convene a summit to make Greece’s debt sustainable and return the country to growth, said Alexis Tsipras, the nation’s main opposition leader.

memorandum of austerity,” Tsipras, who heads the Syriza party, told Bloomberg Television in New York on Jan. 25. “We must have a restructuring of Greece’s debt and renegotiation of the loan agreement.”

“Our strategy, if we were to be elected in Greece, is to cancel austerity measures, cancel the

Tsipras said a European conference similar to one held in 1953, which brought debt

relief to Germany, is necessary to solve the region’s crisis. It should accompany a plan such as the one proposed by former U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall in 1947, which channeled American aid to help rebuild Europe after World War II, that would revive economic growth in Greece and southern Europe, he said.




to headline at the 2013 Antipodes Festival. In what Festival organisers have called a coup, the talented and extremely popular Cypriot born superstar Mihalis Hatzigiannis will headline this year‚‘ Antipodes Festival in Lonsdale Street Melbourne on Saturday March 16. Hatzigiannis was born in Nicosia, Cyprus and graduated from the Cyprus Music Academy (Royal College of London) with a degree in piano, guitar and music theory. Starting out young with his first major performances coming at Eurovision qualifiers when he was only 17 years old, he had three hit records (all reaching platinum status in Cyprus) and a performance at Eurovision by the time he was 20. Sold out tours and platinum records followed right across the Greek speaking world including 2 previous sold out tours of Australia. Melbourne‚‘Antipodes Festival has become renowned worldwide as the largest celebrations of Greek culture outside of Greece. Tens of thousands of people attend the free events with the highlight each year being the performance by an invited guest artist on the respective main stage at Lonsdale Street. In taking to the Festival stages, Hatzigiannis follows in the footsteps of some of Greece‚‘ most wellknown performers including Eleftheria Arvanitaki, George Dalaras, Haris Alexiou, Glykeria, Dimitra Galani, Alkistis Protopsaltis and Pantelis Thalassinos. “We are delighted and excited about having one of the hottest Greek artists in recent years gracing our stage.” Leonidas Vlahakis, Antipodes Festival Hatzigiannis was last in Australia in 2011, and with his broad range of musical talents and extensive song list, we‚Äôre excited to be presenting the free to Melbourne audiences. The Lonsdale Street Glendi is the highlight of the Antipodes Festival, the cultural arm of the Greek Community of Melbourne, which sees Melbourne‚‘ Greek centre transform into one giant free street party, bringing together local and international performers, children‚‘ activities and food, for a weekend of fun and feasting. MICHALIS HATZIGIANNIS headline performance at Greek Festivals WHEN: Saturday 16 March at Melbourne‚‘ Antipodes Festival in Lonsdale Street Sunday 17 March at the Greek Festival of Sydney in Darling Harbour NOTE: BOTH PERFORMANCES ARE FREE TO THE PUBLIC For further information and image requests, please contact: Penny Kyprianou 0414 717 250 penny.kyprianou@


The fire’s miles away.

It could be here in minutes.

If you’re in two minds, leave early. The best way to prepare for this fire season is to stay informed and plan to leave early, before you see smoke or fire.

ΕΙΣΤΕ ΕΤΟΙΜΟΙ ΝΑ ΞΕΧΩΡΙΣΕΤΕ; Κάθε βράδυ και όλα τα βράδια, οι Φύλακες Υπηρεσιών Προστασίας βοηθούν στο να διατηρούν τους σιδηροδρομικούς σταθμούς μας ασφαλείς για τους ταξιδιώτες της Βικτώριας. Αν είστε έξυπνος, σε καλή φυσική κατάσταση και έχετε εξαιρετικές ικανότητες επικοινωνίας, η Αστυνομία της Βικτώριας θέλει να ακούσει από εσάς. Για να μάθετε περισσότερα, επισκεφθείτε το ή καλέστε το 132 001. Και ετοιμαστείτε να ξεχωρίσετε.


Plan to leave early: ü Talk to everyone you live with so you all know when you’re going to leave and where you’re going to go if a fire starts. ü Pack a relocation kit with important documents and essential items. ü On high-risk days, check Fire Danger Ratings and fire warnings on the CFA website and listen to local radio. Don’t wait and hope for the best. Visit the CFA website to find out how you can be FireReady.

Plan to leave early visit or call 1800 240 667



EMPLOYMENT To place an Ad Call (03) 9602 1422

Or Submit an Ad Online at

Seeking employment Actor/Beautician Chrisi is and actor and a beautician and is seeking work. M:04 2430 8487

Administration and Logistics


Manolis is seeking work in the building/construction industry or any other work. Ph: 9734 7613

Lady with two years experience in secretarial and administrative duties is seeking full or part time employment. Ph: 0449 868 721. Zoe



Experienced butcher is seeking either full or part time employment. Ph: 8774 4457. Julian

Helen is looking for work in Administation M: 04 2401 2045


Helen Sokratous is seeking Administration / Customer Service or any work M: 04 6843 0993

Air conditioning Expert

Person experienced in air conditioning systems, split systems and heating is looking for work. Ph: 0401 416 401. Dimos

Aged Care Workers

Two aged care workers with Certificate III in Aged Care are seeking employment. Ph: 0431 062 240. Vivi 0411 224 847. Sofia

Aluminium Fabrications

Experienced person in aluminium fabrications is seeking employment in similar or related field. Ph: 0450 917 642. Petros


Experienced architect is seeking employment. Ph: 0468 458 812. Kosta


Young lady seeks work experience in Architecture for her Master’s study. 0414 347 611 MONIKA

Apprentice Carpenters Seeking employment. Ph: 0421 116 308. Makis Ph: 0439 950 558. Vasilis


Michaelis is seeking people to working in a bakery. M:04 1300 0175


George has recently arrived from Greece, has experience working in Bakeries is seeking employment. M: 04 5009 3915

Bakery/Cake Shop

Work at bakery-cake shop sought. 10 years experience as lady owned similar shops. Undertakes the making of cakes and biscuits for all sorts of functions. 0406 580 054 MARIA

Bouzouki Teacher/Player

Bouzouki player with three years experience in night clubs in Greece is seeking part time employment. Ph: 0432 231 826. Christos

Builder/Pool Constructor Experienced builder specialising in pool construction seeks employment. Ph: 0408 827 326. George

George is an experienced builder from greece and is seeking work. M: 04 2438 5324


Cabinet Maker

Experienced carpenter/cabinet maker is seeking employment. Ph: 0478 809 989. Kostas


Experienced carpenter specialising in furniture, kitchens and floor boards seeks employment. Ph: 0437 216 101. Agelos


Experienced Carpenter / Cabinet Maker is looking for working with in his filed of experience (or any similar work) Dimitris 0415 422 976

Civil Engineer


Experienced van driver seeks employment. Ph: 0413 462 044. John


Ilias Fanourakis is seeking employment as a driver. He is an experienced driver and would suit a driver position in a warehouse. Mob: 0411 533 133


\Jim is looking for work as a driver. He owns a 14 tone truck and specialises as a furniture removalist (in all suburbs). M:04 5840 0860


Experienced driver with experience in Greece and MC (Multi-Combination) licence from VicRoads seeks work. 0415 538 686 THEODOROS


Driver with HC (Heavy Combination) licence seeks parttime work for 3 days a week. 0432 225 181

Driver (Taxi)

Driver with experience in taxi driving is looking for an employer. Ph: 9388 0253. Stelios

Nikos is a Civil Engineer with over 20 years experience in Europe, he speaks English, Greek and Italian and is seeking work in the Civil Engeering industry!!




Maria is seeking work as a domestic and commercial cleaner M:04 1518 5433

A Grade electrician with eight years experience is looking for part or full time employment. Ph: 0422 154 595 Damianos


Electrician with experience in residential and commercial properties seeks employment. Ph: 0452 010 733. Simeon


Apprentice electrician seeks full time employment with certified electrician. Ph: 0401 302 490. Steve

Newly arrived man seeks home and shop cleaning work. Excellent performance. Satisfaction quaranteed. 0424 066 312 GEORGE Grill chef with ten years experience in grilled food seeks part or full time employment. Ph: 0457 602 492. Antonis

Computer Technicion

Christos is a computer technician from Greece and is seeking employment. M: 04 3182 6181

Customer Service

Vasiliki has previous experience and is seeking full time or part time work in the area of customer service. Ph: 03 9484 9081

Customer Service

Vasiliki has previous experience and is seeking full time or part time work in the area of customer service. Ph: 03 9484 9081

Dental Technician

Certified dental technician with six years experience is looking for part or full time employment. Ph: 0429 661 563. John


Experienced van driver recently arrived from Greece is looking for employment. Willing to undertake any other job (waiter, builder etc) Ph: 0499 278 534. Nick



Recently arrived from Greece, an experienced electrician seeks employment and is willing to work in other fields. Ph: 0449 046 665. Harry


Qualified 25 years experienced. Seeks employment. Experienced in residential and commercial. Specialises in alarm systems, detection systems, antennas, intercom and solar power. Contact 0435 110 054 - Dinos

Electrical Engineer

Excavator Driver

Experience excavator driver recently arrived from Greece is looking for employment. For further information please call Maria. M: 04 7864 8697

Factory Worker

Factory worker seeks employment and has experience in the area of warehouse, sales and maintenance. Ph: 0477 034 473 or 8751 4710 Theodosis

Financial Advisor

Experienced financial advisor with a Degree from British University seeks employment. Ph: 0402 527 644. George

Furniture Maker

Furniture maker with 30 years experience is seeking employment. Ph: 0478 809 989. Kostas Eskintzis


Experienced gardener looking for work. Specialises in lawn maintenance and happy to maintain school gardens or large home gardens. Ph: 0415 560 708. Stella


Anastasios Kopanos would like to find work as a gardener. Please call him for more details about what services he has to offer. M: 0422 097 368.


Maria is a Geologist from Greece wanting to work in the natural resources industry. M: 04 6843 7327


Hairdresser with 18 years experience is looking for part time employment and has knowledge of both the Greek and English language. Ph: 0431 175 612. Irene

Hospitality/Building Industry

45 year old man experienced in the area of hotel management, hospitality and with knowledge of building, seeks employment. Ph: 0412 174 081. Agelos

Hospitality Worker

Experienced hospitality worker with a Degree in Tourism and Management has worked in Athens Marriot Hotel and seeks employment. Ph: 0452 209 177. Mihalis

IT Technician

Apprentice electrician seeks employment in the area of home automation systems. Ph: 0413 835 283 or 9544 4549. Kostas

IT technician with eight years experience and a good knowledge of Microsoft is looking for employment. Ph: 0421 821 430. Epaminondas

Excavator Driver

Andrew is looking for work in IT or as a computer engineer. M: 04 5025 2880

Experience excavator driver recently arrived from Greece is looking for employment. For further information please call Maria. M: 04 7864 8697

Engineer (Civil) Civil engineer with three years experience is seeking full or part time employment. Ph: 0429 665 835. Vasiliki



Sophia has Graduated in IT, but is seeking any employment, including cleaning. Tel: 04 3482 2135


Labourer looking for work in any area. Ph: 0403 472 407. Nikos




George is a Painter /Plumber and is looking for similar workM: 04 2406 6312

Labourer seeks employment in any field. Ph: 0424 469 745. Vasili Lady willing to undertake any work or responsibility. Ph: 0450 067 315. Koula


Lady recently arrived from Greece with experience as a waitress and is willing to undertake any work. Ph: 0470 520 342. Evagelia

Law Firm

Recent graduate of the Advanced Diploma of Legal Practice. Seeking entry level position in a law firm. M: 0449 239 655. Maria.


Experienced lawyer seeks employment. Alos willing to work as a Law Clerk or assistant and willing to travel anywhere in Australia. Ph: 0421 654 845. Nikoleta

Legal Aid

Young legal aid / Solicitors assistant looking for work. Please call Maria M: 04 4923 9655


Experienced certified accountant with knowledge of the latest computer systems seeks employment. Ph: 0431 366 412. Vasilis

Machine Operator

Machine operator and professional experienced driver from Greece seeks employment. Ph: 0403 400 435. Panagiotis


Experienced lady machinist looking for work. Ph: 0403 472 407. Aglaia

Metal Fabrications

Experienced metal worker from Greece with knowledge of aluminium doors and windows seeks full time work. Ph: 0468 803 467. Pantelis

Metal Worker

Experienced metal worker/welder seeks work. Ph: 0424 411 631. Zaharias

Young graduate from Greece is looking for part time work in any area. Ph: 0410 609 821 or 9402 0448. George

Plumber Plumber from Greece with working visa seeks full time employment. Ph: 0450 908 285. Dimitri

Plumber/painter Seeks employment for a Greek employer/company in Melbourne. Does not speak english. M:0424 066 312 George

Plasterer Yiannis is an experienced plasterer looking for work as a plasterer. M: 0402 931 935.

Public Relations Experienced public relations officer with a Degree in International Relations seeks work. Ph: 0406 590 280. Antonis

Plasterer Giannis is seeking work as a plasterer M: 04 0293 1935

Printer Manolis has experience working in the printing industry is seeking work M:04 2441 1631

Sales/Insurance Insurance consultant from Greece with over 10 years experience and knowledge in sales seeks employment. Ph: 0411 527 473. John

Sales/Retail Retail customer service officer with 22 years experience and knowledge in management and training of staff seeks full time work. Ph: 0422 436 476. Nicole



Office Work


27 year old musician with experience in drums and other instruments is looking to work with a band. Ph: 9383 6195. John Office work requested by lady with years of experience in banks and law offices. 0412 881 738 NELLIE


Experienced painter with knowledge in carpentry seeks employment. Ph: 0403 472 407. Nikos


Experienced painter from Cyprus with knowledge in welding seeks full time work. Ph: 0424 789 813. Abraham

Painter Experienced painter seeks work. Ph: 0450 003 515. Theo


Painter with own ABN seeks full time work. Ph: 0421 540 998. Chris



Part Time Work

Experienced security officer from Greece is looking for employment in a similar position. Ph: 9335 4303 An experienced Greek Teacher with a certificate in English by the UniversityCambridge undertakes Greek-Australian children in order to teach them the Greek Language and History. M: 04 2029 8585

Teacher Teacher from Greece has a Bachelor of English Degree from Michigan University and Masters from the University of Thessaloniki and seeks employment. Ph: 0470 520 342. Evagelia

Teacher Greek teacher with Australian citizenship has many years of teaching experience and seeks employment. Ph: 0405 224 040. Pamela



Experienced teacher/tutor who graduated from Athens University seeks full or part time work in a Greek school. Ph: 0452 608 142. Kali


Secondary education teacher offers the teaching of the Greek language and History to people of any age. 0420 298 585 CHRISTY


Teacher of English with years of experience teaches any age people. 0417 312 311 ROULA


Tiler with 28 years of experience seeks employment. Ph: 0422 158 225. John


Experienced tiler from Greece with knowledge in floorboards and other floor coverings seeks employment. Ph: 0468 469 400 Babis

Truck Driver

An experienced truck driver is seeking employment. Please call John M: 04 27778 7752

Truck Driver


Dimitris is seeking work as a truck driver (HR) M:04 5202 3282

Experienced welder seeks employment. Ph: 0422 047 369. Andrew



Greek tutor available with over 7 years experience. Currently teaching primary/secondary students and adults, available for private tuition at any level, from beginners to advanced. Quality teaching in all aspects of the Greek language. Panos, Ph: 04044 19595

Waiter/Pizza Maker

Experienced waiter with knowledge in pizza preparation seeks employment. Ph: 0405 953 285. John


Zaxaria is seeking people to work in the production of women’s undergarments. M: 0418107171

Work/Part Time

Welder with nine years of experience seeks full or part time employment. Ph: 0421 641 434. Nick

Lady looking for part time work (9am – 3pm). Ph: 0450 418 760. Sofia


Young apprentice looking for work. T: 9399 9004

Welder in Oakleigh with 20 years of experience seeks employment. Ph: 0452 179 451. Manos

Welder/Metal Fabrication Experienced welder /metal worker from Greece seeks employment. Ph: 0416 380 923. George

Welder/Metal Fabrication

Experienced waitress seeks full time employment. Ph: 0457 602 456. Anthi

Zaxarias is looking for work as a welder Ph: 9364 5244

Web Designer

Nikos has recently arrived from Greece and has experience 20 years with Refrigeration/Aircondioners. He is seeking work in the relevant industry. M: 04 1937 0329

Experienced web designer from Greece seeks employment. Ph: 0430 319 395. Kiriakos

Womens Clothing

White Goods

Work Work

Lady looking for any type of work. Ph: 0450 717 141. Vana


Despina with management experience and skills is seeking employment M: 04 1048 1126


A couple Andreas and Panagiota are seeking any work. M: 04 1620 5569


Lady looking for full time employment. Ph: 0422 412 516. Kleopatra



Ninos is seeking any work M: 0414 168 385

Work Lady from Greece with a student visa seeks part time work. Ph: 0467 472 127. Melina

Work Yiannos is newly arrived from Greece and is looking for any work. His English isn’t very good and he is a 21 year old high school graduate looking for any work around the city or Port Melbourne area. M: 0450 683 977

Work Zisis recently arrived to Australia is seeking any work M: 04 7896 4486

Work Ninos is seeking any work M: 0414 168 385

Bill is available to work as a car washer, painter, motor mechanic or any other position available. M: 0437 547 288.


George is seeking work in any area - 03 9041 5706


Looking for any work. Has experience as a driver, airconditioning technician, plumber and in electronics. Sakis 0426 871 536

Work Kyriako, is seeking work as a mechanic and in construction. M: 04 1416 8385

Work Bill is available to work as a car washer, painter, motor mechanic or any other position available. M: 0437 547 288.


Work Kyriako, is seeking work as a mechanic and in construction. M: 04 1416 8385

Lady recently arrived from Greece seeks work in restaurants, house cleaning or other. 0450 151 257 VASILIKI

Employment opportunities Baker

Maria Is looking for a Baker to work for Pondis Bakery. M: 04 1554 2522


Kostas is seeking a Baker with experience preferably from Greece, he is offering good working conditions and remuneration. M: 04 1226 7511


AQA Qualcare is seeking Disability Support Workers/PCAs who are fluent in Greek to work with a client with a physical disability living in Preston. Duties inc. assistance with daily living, all aspects of personal care, transfers, community access, meal prep & household tasks. Shifts available are: Mon-Thurs: 7am9:30am, Fri: 7am-12:30pm, Sat/Sun: 7am-9:30am, Mon-Sun: 9pm-10pm. Fully paid training & competitive rates provided! For further info or to apply please visit the employment section of the AQA website: au and download and complete the application form. Ph: (03) 9489 0777


Required: people for house cleaning. Daily work. Tax File Number and own car necessary. 0407 655 646 NIKH


Guardian Network is seeking carrers for elderly people in all areas. ph: 9819 7200, Sandra or George


Cleaner required for a home in Rosebud. 4 days a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday). Ph: 0409 349 101 Konstantina


A cleaner, preferably a woman, is required after hours at a school in Northcote. Ph: 0403 140 553. Maria


An experienced cleaner is required after hours at a school in East Doncaster. Ph: 0401 519 305. Stathis


Niki is seeking cleaners Male or female. M: 04 0765 5646


Kyriakos - Is seeking a couple who are required for cleaning duties for 4 hours a day. M: 04 0766 0228


Domestic cleaner required for full or part time work in Melbourne area. Must have own transport. Call Niki on 0407 655 646


A female cleaner is required for domestic duties. Ph: 0415 645 572. Antonis


Katie is looking for a female cleaner to clean houses. For details contact Katie on 0401 811 166


Amalia is seeking a chef. M: 0433 154 904


A chef is required for a Hawthorn restaurant. Ph: 9818 3312.

Excavator Operator



Souvlaki ( Gyro) Bar

Excavator operator required for work in Geelong. Ph: 0410 665 048. Vasilis

Jim/Dimitri is looking to employ a man ata Tampon Factory in Bundoora. He is seeking a man over 40 to work part time Mon, Wed and Fri. Ph: 9465 5033

Steve is seeking an experienced persons who is required for work in a pizzeria. Must be able to speak English. Part and Full time positions available M: - 0415 363 488

A Souvlaki ( Gyro) Bar is looking for someone with experience, working in a similar environment. Hellen or Nick on 9670 6284 or 0433 413 688

Hairdresser A hairdresser with experience in men’s and women’s cuts is required for a hairdressing salon in Burwood. Ph: 9563 2340. Elio


A chef is required part time for a Greek restaurant in Werribee. Ph: 0416 241 819. Dimitri

Christina is looking for a hairdresser to work in her salon in St. Albans. Applicants must be experienced in all aspects of hairdressing. Call Christina on 0418 372 474 or 9364 1959.

Chicken shop

Fast Food


A full time position is available at a fast food restaurant. Applicants must have experience in cooking and cooking with a grill. Ph: 0419 521 505. John


A lady is required to work in a Chicken Bar. The suitable person should have relative experience. Call Achilleas Ph: 9852 4545 Louka is seeking 2 cleaners to work at a car yard in the area of Chelsea. The ideal candidates would be able to work after business hours (after 6pm) and would be a couple. For more information please call Louka. M: 0417033135

Console Operators Two Console operators required to work at BP Eastlink inbound in Scoresby- the largest site in Australia. Part to full time positions available and applications must be willing to work flexible hours and speak English. Please contact Arthur Kondos for more information Ph: 9753 2924


Harry’s Factory Outlet requires a man or a woman to work in a deli. M:-03 9544 1707

Dishwasher A woman is required to wash dishes in the Yarraville area. Please call Irini T: 9354 0628


Irene seeks a female to work as a dish washer/cleaner in Yarraville . T: 03 9354 0628


Fashion Zaxaria is seeking people to work in the production of women’s undergarments. M:0418107171

A female is required to help manage the restaurant at club ‘Dimokritos’ on High Street Northcote. Ph: 9486 3988. John

Mechanic/Automotive Mechanic with experience in European and prestigious cars is required for an automotive workshop in Reservoir. Ph: 9462 3124. Nick

Mechanic/Automotive Two experienced motor mechanics are required for a mechanical shop in Footscray. Ph: 9528 6654

An experienced Fish and Chips worker is required for a shop in St. Albans. Ph: 9390 9622. Sofia

A full time position is available for an experienced motor mechanic. Ph: 0417 303 775. Minas

Fish and Chips


A woman is required to work at a Fish and Chips shop in Knox City. Ph: 0415 150 433. Nikos

A motor mechanic with a minimum of 5 years of experience is required at a work shop. Must have a driver’s licence. Ph: 0425 822 500. Tasos

Fish and Chips Peter is seeking someone with experience to work the grill at his fish and chip shop in Knoxville during afternoon hours. Applicants should call his mobile for further information M: 0424 645 110

Fish and Chips Fish and chips shop seeks staff for 3-day work on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. 9499 2702 MIHALIS


Driver (Heavy Vehicle)


A Dry Cleaner in Altona is looking for an experienced pressor to work. The ideal person should have experience using the pressor and ideally be female but not necessary. For further details call Vassilis on M:04 0098 2809



A medical clinic requires a licenced doctor who is preferably Greek. Ph: 9481 2406. Kostantino

Dry Cleaner

A female ironer with experience in clothes pressing is required for work in Clayton. Ph: 9551 4621. Despina

Fish and Chips

A florist requires the services of two women with experience in floristry to work at the store. Ph: 0416 189 857 Kostas

An experienced forklift operator and heavy vehicle driver is wanted. For further information call Nick M: 04 3222 5181

Lady Ironer/Presser

Two people with experience in Floors /Tiling etc. wanted for work. Please call Babis 04 6846 9400

Men’s Fashion Mens Fashion store in Richmond requires a well presented person to work full-time or part- time. For further details please call Steven on T: 03 9428 1506

Music A composer is required to create music for lyrics. Ph: 9078 8574. Afroditi

Panel Shop An experienced spray-painter and panel-beater is required in a Dandenong panel shop. An apprenticeship for a youth is also available. Ph: 0438 008 111. John


Irine is seeking kitchen Hand in Yarravile.

A painter is required for commercial and residential properties. Some experience preferred. Immediate start. Must have own car. Call Frank 0401 787 229.



A part time position is available in a furniture store. Ph: 9428 5830. Vicky

The Bell Painting Company seeks experienced painters. M: 04 0581 2539

Kitchen Hand

Pastry Factory Greek Pastry factory seeks a person to work full time withy good remuneration Please call Iakobos M:04 0696 7197

Plumbers Experienced plumbers are required by a South Melbourne company. Ph: 9690 6048. Dimitri

Re-Stumper Kostas is looking for 1 or 2 experienced re-stumpers to work for him. Any enquiries, please call Kostas: 0411 741 230.

Salesperson Salesperson required for men’s clothing store in Bridge Rd Richmond. Full time or casual position available for sales staff. Must have experience in sale of menswear. Contact Michael or Steve on 9428 1506.

Sandwich Hand Experienced person required to work at take-away sandwich bar in South Melbourne. 5-day week. 0413 736 199 & 9699 4125

Sandwich Hand An experienced sandwich hand is required at a South Melbourne delicatessen. Call 9699 4125 or

0412 840 707 for any enquiries.

Sandwich Hand A female is required in the Melbourne CBD area to prepare sandwiches, salads and focaccias. Ph: 0402 925 107. Doukisa

Sandwich Hands Four people are required sandwich preparation. Ph: 0402 925 107. Doukisa

Sandwich Hand Young, experienced, wellpresented, energetic female is required in Melbourne CBD café to make breakfast toasties and serve lunch. Ph: Mary on 0418 597 314

Security Stefania is seeking security guards aged between 18 and 65. M:04 0335 6858

Shop Assistant A part time position is available for a young shop assistant at an Altona Gate carpet store. Ph: 9325 1112. Dimitris



Or Submit an Ad Online at

Tyre Fitter Joanna has a position available for a tyre fitter in Campbellfield. He must be fit as there is heavy lifting involved. He must have good knowledge of the northern suburbs and the city and have a car drivers licence. Must have at least some experience in fitting tyres on trucks. Fax Applications to Att: Joanna; F 9308 9237

Waiter A female is required for kitchen and serving/waiting duties at club ‘Democritus’ in Northcote. Ph: 0408 591 711. John

Waiter George requires waiter for the Cretan Brotherhood M:04 1833 3611

Waitress A young waitress is required for a Tavern to work during the 7pm to 3am. T: 03 9467 7387

Waiter/Souvlaki Bar A full time or part time position is available in a Mentone souvlaki bar. Waiting duties are a requirement of this position. Ph: 9585 8005 Anesti

Waiters Waiters are required for casual weekend work at Stars International reception in Preston. RSA certificate holders are preferred. Ph: 0411 877 222

Fronditha Care-Position 1 Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker (or related social sciences) to work in the role of CACPs Supervisor.

Fronditha Care-Position 2 Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker (or related social sciences) to work in the role of Volunteer Coordinator.

Fronditha Care-Position 3 Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker/ counsellor to work as the Carer Support Coordinator in the Eastern Region. Please contact Aliki Kyrkou at Fronditha Care for further information on any of these positions. 9495 2308 or 0407 829 593.



WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Michael, and welcome to the fascinating world of astrology and the place to read your free horoscopes! For years, decades and centuries human-kind has turned to the heavens, God’s handiwork, for answers and guidance in their lives!




Supplied by:




21 Jan - 19 Feb

20 Feb - 20 Mar

21 Mar - 20 Apr

21 Apr - 20 May

22 May - 22 Jun

23 Jun - 23 Jul

Don’t trust coworkers with important or personal in formation. Money problems will be difficult to deal with if you have a partner. Your diplomatic approach and rather outgoing nature will enhance your reputation and bring you the support you need. Find an outlet for any mounting frustration. Consider a creative hobby.

Make amends if you can. Don’t overspend on friends or children. Visit those less fortunate than your self; be sure to help them with their personal problems. You’ll meet new friends if you try new activities.

If you can get away for a vacation, do so. Be prepared to jump quickly if you wish to stay in the forefront of your industry this week. You may be somewhat emotional concerning a rather private matter. You may jump from the frying pan into the fire if you make a move this week.

Need some adventure in your life? Exotic destinations beckon you. You need some excitement in your life, and meeting new people in exotic destinations will certainly satisfy your desires. Opportunities to travel will be favorable in terms of moneymaking connections. Do not expect others to do your work.

Take a second look; difficulties with appliances, water, or electricity in your home may be evident. You are able to make changes in your home that will be favorable to all involved. Opportunities to get ahead are evident. Consider a trial separation if you and your mate just can’t come to terms.

Look into any educational activities involving the whole family. Finish those changes you’ve been talking about making to your residence. You can help other people with their financial problems by setting up a budget for them. Hard work will payoff if you refrain from expressing your opinion to superiors.







24 Aug - 23 Sept

23 Sept - 22 Oct

23 Oct - 22 Nov

23 Nov - 20 Dec

22 Dec - 20 Jan

You must steer clear of overindulgent individuals. Invite friends over rather than spending money on lavish entertainment. You could be emotional if you didn’t take care of problems with loved ones. Your unique contribution to the organization will enhance your reputation.

You’ll find it easy to charm members of the opposite sex this week. Don’t let others saddle you with guilt that isn’t warranted. You may have problems with children. You’re undergoing changes. You may want to take extra special care of your luggage if you are traveling this week.

Luck is with you, regardless of the financial venture. You may not be as well received in group endeavors if you try to force your will on others. You may find that female colleagues will be more help than you anticipated. You should be doing something special with children.

Talk to employers in order to promote your career objectives. Try not to at tempt to do something unless you are fully intent on following through with the plans. Don’t be too eager to start any debates. Take special care in any home improvement project you work on this week, you’ll be glad you did.

Don’t even bother trying to get their approval on the things you want to do. Make a point of working on yourself. Don’t put your professional reputation on the line. Travel should open doors that lead to exciting new adventures.

24 Jul - 23 Aug Be fair, not colorful. Try to do your job and then leave. It might be time to do some of those chores at home. You have the stamina and determination to succeed.


ELSTERNWICK 226 Hotham Street Elsternwick VIC 3185 T 03 9532 7600 F 03 9532 9420

DONCASTER 826 Doncaster Road Doncaster VIC 3108 T 03 9840 7877 F 03 9840 7062

MELBOURNE Suite 326 282 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 T 03 9654 2112 F 03 9662 4845

ALBURY Level 1, The Gardens 470 Wodonga Place Albury NSW 2640 T 02 6021 7411 F 02 6041 4472

we’ll take you there...

Ultra Tune East Bentleigh 276-280 Poath Road (Cnr North Rd) Bentleigh East Vic. 3165 P: (03) 9570 1944 F: (03) 9570 1844

















1 A guitar section playing with Dire Straits (11) 7 Return loan of transport (3) 9 Important businessman shortly scolds and curses (9) 10 One has to leave an abusive woman (5) 11 A diamond in Italy? (6) 12 Loses one’s temper when trousers are lifted? (6,2) 14 Character in Greek semi-chorus (6) 16 Eastern girls love a frolic here? (8) 19 Make a trip to a Greek island to see the birds (8) 20 The Spices split up... (6) 22 Geri heads off to America after a... (8) 24 ...chart rating finds Spices’ current number going from No 1 to No 6 (6) 27 A right that is given to society (5) 29 Is able to get hold of cut price alternative (9) 30 It was familiar to Tolstoy (3) 31 Mallard perhaps or cuckoo nesting around river, note (5.6)














26 27





Set by Alberich



1 Sense the French to be involved with trickery (7) 2 Good metal alloy, with no hint of tarnish, should (5) 3 Eight-legged creature is a natural mutant – time’s involved (9) 4 A new note given in advance payment (4) 5 Fashionable journalist, describing passionate lust, caused offence (8) 6 River has no point to divide (5) 7 Lawyers can be a joke in Scotland (3) 8 Score after whistle has finally gone: 3.14 to nil (7) 13 Of minerals containing mixture of silicon and aluminium compounds, principally (5) 15 A vulture you are, you b–––, you, you hear! (5) 17 Setter is in a race, showing vigour (9) 18 Magical little man is discovered in little house, married to a relative (8) 19 A number coming in to follow Labour (7) 21 Street on the Andes, say? That’s odd (7) 23 First off, searches person for weapons to eliminate these? (5) 25 Short sleeved bodice worn by melancholic (5) 26 Plans to return junk mail (4) 28 Affirmation made at the altar – in this language? (3)


4 boned out quails
 1/4 cup of long grain rice
 1 teaspoon ground cummin
 16 vine leaves
 1tbl spoon pine nuts
 1tbl spoon currents
 1/2 cup of tomato puree
 1/2 teaspoon salt
 1/2 teaspoon pepper
 1 brown onion diced 
 1 tbl spoon Olive oil

Method • Heat up oil in pan and fry diced onion until translucent, then add pine nuts and cook until colored.
 • Add currents, tomato puree, cummin, salt and pepper and simmer for 5 mins then set aside.
 • Boil rice until cooked in salted water, strain and wash then add to mixture, simmer for a further 5 mins.
 • Divide each quail into 4 even pieces, place each quail onto a vine leaf making sure stalks are removed and leaf is shiny side down.
 • Place a teaspoon of the rice mixture into quail, roll with vine leaf and repeat till all are completed.
Roast quail dolmathes for 8-10mins at 190c. Finish with a squeeze of lemon and olive oil and enjoy. Recipe by: Phil Vakos

WISDOM OF THE ANICIENTS The Ancient Greeks were the first people to systematically examine the world to attempt to discover why it worked the way it appeared to. Their ideas were so influential that, for two millennia, Western science was influenced almost entirely by Greek ideas. The later Romans, Arabs, and medieval Europeans did little more than enlarge on Greek ideas

The Gyro Wrap Specialists


Holy Saviour Primary School Fete, 10th November 2012, at 765 Highbury Road Vermont South starts 10am till 5pm.

0468 768 848 -

‘Manningham Multicutural Festival’ Saturday 17th November 2012, at Ruffey Lake Park, Doncaster Starts at 10am till 5pm.



Novak Djokovic creates history with third straight Australian Open crown

All Greek final in the juniors division of the Australian Open!

Round 18 results Central Coast Mariners Adelaide United 3-1 Melbourne Victory Sydney FC 3-1 Perth Glory Brisbane Roar 0-1 Western Sydney Melbourne Heart 1-0 Wellington Phoenix Newcastle Jets 1-1


CANBERRA’S Nick Kyrgios wants to take two of his biggest achievements last week out into the wider world of tennis to see how far he can go.

INDESTRUCTIBLE Novak Djokovic has stormed into Australian Open history, defying wounded Andy Murray to win a bruising battle of defences. Djokovic, 25, claimed his sixth grand slam title - and his fourth Melbourne Park trophy - with a 6-7 (2-7), 7-6 (7-3) 6-3 6-2 win over world No. 3 Murray. Also the champion in 2008, Djokovic is only the third man in Australian championship history to win three or more titles in succession. New South Welshman Jack Crawford (1931-33) and Queenslander Roy Emerson (1963-67) are the others. Underlining his status as both the world’s premier player and the sport’s flintiest scrapper, Djokovic was simply too tough. In a remarkable serving performance, the world champion was not broken by Murray in 20 service games. His emotion on outlasting his old rival and good friend poured out after the 3hrs, 40m struggle finally ended.”What a joy. It’s an incredible feeling to win this trophy once more,” Djokovic said.”I love this grand slam, it’s my most successful, I love this court and this crowd.”Congratulations Andy, we played so many thrilling matches in the past two years, bad luck tonight and I wish you the best of luck for the coming season.” Djokovic earned $2,436,00 and retains the world No 1 ranking, while Murray received $1,215,00.

The 17-year-old wrapped up his first junior boys’ grand slam title at the Australian Open, beating friend and compatriot Thanasi Kokkinakis in the final 7-6 (7-4) 6-3.He joins a line of Australians to win the title recently -- Brydan Klein in 2007, Bernard Tomic in 2008 and last year Luke Saville, who won the junior Wimbledon crown in 2011.Kyrgios also claimed the world No 1 junior ranking midweek after coming into the Australian Open as the No 3.He has lost 5kg since last year, when he was a quarter-finalist at both Wimbledon and the US Open juniors, as he prepares for a career on the ATP tour.”I didn’t actually eat that bad, just ate maybe a bit too much sometimes,” he said. “I still love my food. But I’m training a lot harder now and managing my diet a lot better than I used to.”So now a fitter, leaner and more confident Kyrgios can’t wait to get to Paris for the French Open junior boys tournament and then on to London and New York. With a serve that topped 200km/h several times against Adelaide’s Kokkinakis, he has a weapon that

1 Central Coast 38pts 2 Melb. Victory 33pts 3 Western Sydney 32pts 4 Adelaide 22pts 5 Newcastle 22pts 6 Melb. Heart 21pts 7 Brisbane 20pts 8 Sydney 20pts 9 Perth 19pts 10 Wellington 17pts

Round 19 Fixtures Brisbane Roar Central Coast Mariners Melbourne Victory Melbourne Heart

Newcastle Jets - Sydney FC Wellington Phoenix Perth Glory AdelaideUnited Western Sydeny

The son of a Greek father and Malaysian mother, Kyrgios embodied all the multicultural flavour that surrounds Australia Day, the date of his match with Kokkinakis, also of Greek descent.The only dampener to the national holiday was that Kokkinakis found out 24 hours earlier, after MRI scans, that a stress fracture in his back had re-appeared.He suffered the injury in 2011 and spent seven months off the courts with it. “But this time it didn’t feel as bad as two years ago,” the 16-yearold said.”I’m hoping it’s not that again, but we’ll see how it goes.”

Ange Postecoglou eyes top spot for Melbourne Victory after Sydney triumph “ The technical experts in Football ” Now

FRANCHISING Call Nick or Tom on (03) 9530 9601 for details


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Tel: 03 9530 9601

ANGE Postecoglou has declared Melbourne Victory wants to knock Central Coast off top spot after the 3-1 win over Sydney FC. Victory’s win lifted it above Adelaide United and kept it within five points of the Mariners, who beat Adelaide United on Friday night. Melbourne’s many Italian football fans were out in force to welcome Del Piero, but had to settle for an unspectacular performance of limited influence as his team, Sydney, were outclassed by Victory . He was also upstaged by one of the A League’s most exciting rising

stars as Victory’s Marco Rojas, 21, completed two brilliant strikes, his 11th and 12th goals of a breakout season that has him destined for bigger things. Postecoglou also praised Marco Rojas who produced a sublime performance off the back of speculation that scouts were in the stands yesterday. But Postecoglou was delighted with his entire squad, standing up in a high-profile game in front of 26,882 at AAMI Park. “We want top spot, we haven’t shied away from that. It’s where we want to finish,’’ Postecoglou

said. “We’ve been chipping away, we’re in second spot now and there’s only one spot to go. “There’s only nine games to go and the Mariners are going really well. There’s a bit of a gap to bridge but we can do that over the next few weeks if we can get over teams that are around us. “I’m very pleased because there was a big build up to the game. We’re trying to become a dominant force in the league and days like today are where you question whether we’re up to it.’’

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