Faith Messenger April 2013

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*Volume 77 *No. 04 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * APRIL 2013


Contents: Jesus – Supreme Sacrifice…………...2 Love Notes from Jesus……..…….….3 Sharing Through Poetry.………….....4 MISTAKES………………...………..5 Adopted……………………..……….6

Donna, Christian Triumph’s Outreach Coordinator, and her family plus volunteers from Hilltop Bible Church in Arkansas are in Mexico, teaming up with Jose Luis and Claudia Pestana in their ministry, Media on Mission. This evangelistic outreach outreach has a local program that provides counseling and retreat to ministers throughout Mexico as well as offering the Gospel through DVD’s. Already, one local service has been held for the youth of the area, with Gwen as a speaker.

Gwen, great, great, great Granddaughter Granddaughter of Rev. & Mrs. L.Y. Janes, the founders of Christian Triumph, is shown here working in Peru, helping to build Missionary Narciso Zamora’s school. Donna asked for prayer in the March issue of the Faith Messenger, especially for the “end result” – that the Gospel message would be widely disseminated throughout the SpanishSpanish-speaking world. An article will be soon following in the May Faith Messenger sharing the blessings of this mission trip. Thanks to everyone who helps Christian Triumph in “spreading “spreading the Gospel.” You also are missionaries. missionaries. Editor

money changers out of the Temple. These and many more infuriated His opponents! He communicated often with the lowly common people in parables!!! (A parable is a short short story from which a moral lesson is drawn!) His behavior troubled the intelligentsia--authoritative intelligentsia---the ---the Rulers of their High Court! (The Pharisees and the Sadducees) The Rulers met together and concluded they must get rid of Him! He was turning their environment environment into a place of confusion! Something had to be done and done quickly! His influence was contagious! He was certainly not their kind!!! Their consummate plan was to conspire with one of Jesus’ disciples – Judas. He would join their Page 3 aspirations.

SHARING SHARING THE GOSPEL THROUGH INSPIRED WORDS OF TRUTH Jesus--Jesus---Supreme ---Supreme Sacrifice! He was such a disappointment! In their hearts, the people people had chosen Him as their earthly King! They wanted Him to be the King of the Roman Empire!!! He gave no indication that He intended to sit upon that Throne! He did not dress in Royal Robes--Robes---neither ---neither did He mingle with the polished crowd. He, instead, instead, seemed seemed comfortable with the poor--poor---the ---the sick--sick---the ---the helpless! He seemed to cater to the lower echelon of society! His actions were difficult to decipher! The Mighty, Powerful Sanhedrin: The Highest Court and Council of the Jewish Nation--Nation--having religious and Civil Civil functionsfunctions--They --They felt the responsibility to observe and criticize--criticize---judge. ---judge. They were disturbed to see Him take His disciples into the cornfields on the Sabbath Day. He was breaking the Jewish Day! He blessed baskets of food and gave to the poor and hungry. hungry. He healed ten lepers and only one returned with a sense of gratitude. As He was being watched, they took note of His power to heal--heal---so ---so many sick people--people---a ---a cripple--cripple---a ---a blind man--man---a ---a sick child. They noticed that He spoke with the woman at the well. well. That was an ultra sin!!! He did a despicable thing--thing---He ---He ate with sinners!!! He drove the

Faith Messenger Permit #695 Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer P.O. Box 5187 Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas. This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at 2

God had a Love Plan for Jesus--Jesus---it ---it was Calvary!!! He bore the sins of the whole world. He was--was---the ---the Lamb who became sin for Humanity!!! He Gave His Last Breath! His Last HeartHeart-Beat! His Last Drop of Pure Blood!!! It makes us White as Snow! “Go Give Them My Love”---Signed: Father God!

Continued from Page 2 Jesus---Supreme Sacrifice!

He would betray Jesus into the Hands of the Rulers for a few pieces of silver--silver---And ---And he did!!! In the Garden of Gethsemane: It was there Jesus took His disciples to pray. It was also the place that a hostile mob came to take Jesus away. Most importantly, it was in the Garden that Judas came and betrayed Him with a kiss!!! kiss!!! Judas, later repented--repented---took ---took the money and tried to restore it, but the officials refused to take it! Judas, Judas, later committed suicide!!! They took Jesus before several powerful men; Annas--Annas---who ---who was the fatherfather-inin-law of Caia Caiaphas. Though, Annas was retired, he still retained a lot of power. There was also Herod Herod---but ---but the prime Executor was Pilate! As Jesus stood stood before him, he had migratory thoughts, (Wa (Wanderings). He knew Jesus was innocent but what avenue avenue would he take to free Him! Pilate’s wife gave her husband some basic instructions: “Leave that good man alone, for I had a terrible nightmare concerning Him Him last night.” Matthew 27:19 Pilate had his own agenda! He would wash his hands and say, “I’m innocent of this good man. I lea leave the responsibility to you.” Matthew 27:24 After the trial, which was a mockery--mockery---they ---they took Jesus away and crucified Him!!!

Maxine Tolbert Trigleth


By Felicia

During my prayer time, I requested a two-way communication with God, and He is answering my prayer. The following are “Love Notes” from Jesus which may be helpful to someone else. Love Notes from Jesus

My child, seek Me first and let the rest unfold. Know that I forgive you. I will always forgive you because you are mine. You do not have to live to impress Me, but rather, listen to Me and act on what you hear. I do not need a show! I need your genuine heart to be in line with Mine. Let the rest go. 3/17/13:

Felicia is the g. great granddaughter of the Janes.





While Isaac's life was spared by a ram, You and I have been saved by a Lamb. When Jesus, before Pilate, was on trial, The Jews wanted him, Jesus, to crucify.

The last night in this world Of Our Savior JESUS CHRIST Was a night of pain and sorrow. He was beaten and despised.

When perplexed, Pilate asked them why, Their only answer was, “Crucify! Crucify!” So Pilate gave in, and sentenced Him to die. And since that time, people are still asking why.

On that night the moon was hidden With great sorrow on her face. For the torture and injustice That on earth was taking place.

God decreed that sin must be atoned thru' death, But to spare us, He gave His only Son instead. The only perfect man whoever lived was Jesus. And tho' without sin, it was He who died for us. So on that day Jesus became our substitute. But the results have not been absolute; For if we are to escape the penalty for sin, Thru' Jesus' death, we must be born again.

Glooming night in one cold cell Awful night without end. ‘Twas a night He spent in hell Far away from any friend. Just for being a perfect person Full of mercy, love and grace He was hated by the rulers And by all the human race.

Byrum C. Lee: 03/2013

Night of anguish, pain and sorrow When the moon didn’t give its light. When the world was in darkness So was Jesus’ final night! By Jesus Sanchez D-00280 CA.



mistakes completely vanish! No longer will sins of the past stand in the way of any positive, lifechanging choices. If anything, I will learn from them and move forward. Calvin Coolidge said he would never have made any progress in his life, if he had permitted his mistakes to discourage him. It is often in these depressing times that we learn about own selves and others. Mistakes hurt but even so, they teach us what does not work in this life. The best of us can make wrong choices; after all, we are strangers on this earth, here for a short time, and the journey as well as companions, including role models, can become confusing. There is HOPE! HOPE In the Bible, Micah, the prophet, came from a town off the beaten path many centuries ago, but he saw the world through the eyes of God. His burden was for the oppressed, and he spoke the truth regardless of the outcome. He especially reminded the leaders of their mistakes and sins. His book in the Old Testament ends with these encouraging words…for us all. “Who is a God like You, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression…You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; You will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea…” (Chapter 7:18-19)


One night, not long ago, I spent hour upon hour remembering my Mistakes istakes and sins! sins Why? I am not sure - maybe so I would not repeat them or maybe because Satan decided it was advantageous to tempt me. Of course, MISTAKES, MISTAKES are not as “alluring” as temptations generally are, but, if one is trying to make a good choice, they can easily be used to discourage or to dissuade fully. My night ended in exhaustion and regret. I was troubled by my misuse of time and opportunities. Before arising, I closed my eyes, once more, and began meditating on God’s Word. Within moments, I experienced something which I will call - a vision: It was as if the Spirit of God came into my space, gathered up the trash loads of sins and mistakes with His mighty arms, then dropped them down…down into a bottomless hole. (Interestingly, I kept listening, wondering, if there would be a splash!) splash And, finally, I heard it along with the memories of this scripture: [You] “will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.” For years, I have believed and quoted this promise but not until that morning did the burdens of my

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God gives us courage and determination to overcome! This may take time, counseling, meditation, and prayer, but God created us to be Overcomers in this Life. He knows full well about our worse sins and mistakes; but He also knows that Who We Were…is not...Who Who We Are. Are Our timeless spirits grow stronger each time we ask for His help as we try to learn from the hardships of life.

ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.” .” Prov. 3…and so the clouds may gather, the thunder roll loudly; the storms may beat on me bitterly; but I’m abiding in the dear Saviour, and He is so good to me….

ADOPTED by Anita

Does the word adopted sound like security, security, love, and opportunity as well as many more pleasant options? Just to to think of being being accepted, chosen and taken care of is such comfort! An adopted child can look forward to the same privileges privileges and legal rights as a birth child. As well, he or she is expected to be accountable and show respect respect for the parents. Similarly, each one of us has the amazing privilege privilege of being adopted into that great “Family of God.” God.” As eternal beneficiaries or heirs, we also become responsible to to respectfully follow our Father’s guidance for He, too, chose us to be His very own. 2 Peter 3:18 "But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our

Editor (Inspired by Never Give In by Criswell Freeman (Delaney Street Press) and The Living Insights Study Bible NIV, Charles R. Swindoll, General Editor)

YOUR WORD Is a…light For my path.

GOD’S WORD A LAMP The following is an excerpt … from a Christian Triumph tract by Lulu Bose:

Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and for ever. Amen." (KJV)

….as I traveled on this blessed way meeting many times problems that I can in no way understand, God’s Word, that light unto my path, shows me to “trust in the Lord with “ all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy

Furthermore, as as we mature in the Christian life, life, we become more like our heavenly Father. His love fills our hearts, and we take on the characteristics of a ChristChrist-like person. Page 7 6

Romans 8:17 "And if children,

a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ."" (KJV) What unmerited favor! What Grace! God invites each person to repent of sin, sin, believe in Christ and become true sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. Anita – God bless!

then heirs; heirs of God, and jointheirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." (KJV) As members members of the Christian family, we are His witnesses, witnesses, portraying what the new life in Christ means to us and can mean to others who seek Him. As bearers of spiritual fruit (such as love), we enjoy those personal benefits offered to us as we share in spreading spreading the Good News to anyone who wishes to be "born again" or adopted into the Family Family of God. God the Son (Jes (Jesus), Jesus), Who purchased our salvation and freely forgive forgives rgives is worthy of our utmost loyalty! loyalty! He instills within our spirits a personal, personal, emotional attachment that helps us resist temptation or betrayal. What a wonderful privilege it is to become a child of God! He offers more than we could ever imagine, and all of this can be ours. Jesus has made the offer, and it now becomes our choice to accept His invitation. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." ." Galatians 4:54:5-7 "To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, ‘Abba, Father.’ Wherefore thou art no more


Helena and Vitalina are always hard at work, either in the church or literature ministry. Their faithfulness and patience will soon be rewarded as the new church building process is going well. Christian Triumph has also received replies to “A Rare Gem,” the article article asking for help from a bilingual person. Please pray for God’s direction in choosing His anointed one. Thanks to everyone for your letters and support: TX, GA., MO., WA., OH., NC., KS., NV., AR., IND. We send our love and prayers. prayers. God bless! bless! 7

Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company PO BOX 5187 Corpus Christi, TX 78465

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I am the resurrection and the life. - Jesus John 11:25



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