Faith Messenger Feb 2014

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*Volume 78 *No. 02 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * FEB 2014

Contents: Gone Home ……………………… 1-3 Narciso. . .………….…………………3 No Last Chapter………...………….....4 Christian Triumph News .……………5 A Word from Chaplain Ron …..……..6 On the Edge…………. ………....…….7

Gone Home Evelyn Irene Anderson February 9, 1915 – December 21, 2013

“It’s worth everything to follow Jesus, no matter what happens.” “Pase lo que pase, vale la pena seguir a Cristo”. Evelyn Irene Janes Anderson, 98, of Corpus Christi, Christi, Texas, met her Lord and Savior on Dec. 21, 2013. Evelyn was born on Feb. 9, 1915

in Agua Dulce, Panama, to missionary parents, L.Y. and Una Janes. After one year, the family returned to the United States and resided in Oklahoma. In 1934, 1934, the Janes family, now with three girls, moved to Corpus Christi, Texas, where they established Christian Triumph Company and Church of God at 905 Bluntzer St. The Janes girls worked alongside their parents in printing gospel literature that was sent throughout throughout Latin America and EnglishEnglish-, SpanishSpanish- and PortuguesePortuguesespeaking countries throughout the world. After marrying Noel Anderson, Evelyn and Noel moved to Guthrie, Okla., for some years to continue the work for Christian Triumph Company there. Una Nolavyn and William were born while they lived in Oklahoma. In 1946, the Anderson family returned to Corpus Christi and took up residency at 917 Bluntzer, where they remained permanently. Soon, two more children were added to the family— Page 2 family—David and Violet. Violet.

Evelyn had two passions: Jesus and her family.

thoroughly loved was that it would continue until Jesus returns. Evelyn was a devoted daughter, caring personally for her mother and father until their deaths— deaths—her father at age 102! She was a faithful faithful and dutiful wife and a loving mother to her four children. She also was very involved in the lives of her grandchildren, particularly those who lived locally. Regardless of distance, she was devoted in prayer to all her children, grandchildren and greatgreatgrandchildren. She cared for them tenderly, always ready to fry up some fish or deer meat, pull out the divan and read a Bible bedtime story; but her main concern was always their spiritual welfare. What a blessed spiritual heritage she Page 3 provided. provided.

Her gift of evangelism was such that anyone who had anything more than the briefest of encounters with her was exposed exposed to the Good News about Jesus Christ. She carried tracts with her constantly and handed them out at every opportunity. She used her writing, copy editing and secretarial talents in support of Christian Triumph’s mission. From 1961 until she “retired,” “retired,” she coordinated Spanish Bible correspondence courses. She was well known in this community for her work in the local congregation as Sunday school teacher and assistant to her father. And yet, she was probably best known for her travels as a representative representative of Christian Triumph Company. Evelyn made her first mission trip in the early 60s, and traveled so extensively for the next 30 years that it would be quicker to list the countries of Central and South America she did not visit (Belize, Brazil, the Guyanas and Suriname). She fearlessly traveled to remote places to encourage the growth of the evangelical church in Latin America. Evelyn worked until she literally could not work anymore— anymore—often struggling an entire day to write one letter as Alzheimer’s advanced. Her prayer for this work she so

Faith Messenger Permit #695 Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer P.O. Box 5187 Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas. This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at 2

We Will Miss You, Evelyn

Evelyn is now part of that “great cloud of witnesses,” and we praise God for a godly mother, grandmother and friend. There is no better way to honor her life than that we “strip “strip off anything that slows us down down or holds us back, and especially those sins that wrap themselves so tightly around our feet and trip us up; and run with patience the particular race that God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

Narciso and Udelia There is really no way to express our feelings at having known Evelyn Anderson. Although, we can’t really say that it’s a shame she has passed away, when really we thank God that she has passed to the joy of Christ. Christ. It was painful to see her suffer from lack of memory. She used to say, “My memory has said ‘good‘good-bye’ a long time ago.”


Once when I was visiting her in Corpus Christi, I was at Camp Amigo and I got very sick very suddenly. The others took me to lie down in a bed and Sister Evelyn came to sit near my bed. She said, “Son, how should I pray? Are you ready to go home to Jesus or do you want to be healed?” Rev. Israel Hernandez, Evelyn, and Vitalina – Pastors of the local Christian Triumph Church

I replied, “Either one, just pray for me.” When Evelyn visited us in Latin America, she felt at home. She She was one of the most courageous women I have ever known. She was capable of giving her life for Christ had it been necessary. She sacrificed everything. If the missionaries of today were like Evelyn, this world would be fully evangelized. Evelyn dedicated dedicated her time, talent, ministry, family, money— money—everything to the Lord. How we would love there to be more women dedicated to the service of God like she was. Surely there are some, but they are under

Evelyn’s memorial service was so well attended that Christian Triumph had to open the doors of the new church; the local congregation is still worshipping in the Bible Institute room which is filled on some Sundays. Sundays

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Even though no one can ever fill her shoes, we will always remember her work ethics, her love for missions, missions, for God and for her family. family. This world will never be same without her, but she leaves behind a spirit of kindness, kindness, faithfulness, faithfulness, and determination to make sure every person knows the Way to Heaven. Although her her time for eternal rejoicing has come, come, we we are left to follow, pursuing the great privilege of sharing the beloved beloved Gospel which promises - to all

cover. We need to to pray that they will come out to the battlefield. “Goodbye, Evelyn. We have missed you and will miss you. You’ve left a void that nothing can fill.” Narciso and Udelia Zamora, Cajamarca, Peru -------------------------------------

Dear Family and Loved Ones Ones of Sister Evelyn Anderson,

[Jesus],, to those who who received Him [Jesus] ga ave the right to believed in His name, He g God.. become children of God

We just received the news of the passing of Sister Evelyn. She will be greatly missed but her memory will continue inspiring us and others to come as we remember her faithful commitment to the Lord and HIS Word. She was a good example to Nasser and I as new missionaries in 1971 as we saw her desire to spread the news of Jesus to those around the world and in her surrounding neighborhood of Corpus Christi. May the Lord comfort your hearts as you rejoice in her presence with the Lord. In Christ, Marilyn Farag, Truth in Love Ministry

NO LAST CHAPTER Some people, when reading a book Go to the last chapter and take a look. They want to see how it all ends, But to me, that sort of offends. The historian recalls, for us, the past— Giving us a view of things that last. Reading it, may help our perspective, As for the future we seek some directive. But we’re more concerned about today— “What, for me, does it have to say?” The first chapter is now in the past, And today's more relevant than what's last. In the Bible, Genesis tells of the beginnings, And the Revelation reveals to us its endings. So, it’s alright if you want to read ahead To learn what John, the Revelator, said.

---------------------------------------------------Christian Triumph: Many thanks to those who have honored Evelyn Anderson with condolences as well as gifts to help send send the Good News of Jesus’ Jesus’ love. Editor: Editor: I was barely 18 when first meeting Evelyn, and she became a mentor and a friend. One of the jobs she taught me was to operate two machines (Justowriters (Justowriters) Justowriters)- at the same time. I’ll I’ll never forget our excitement in seeing and listening to those those two machines produce text. text. Later, we worked on the Faith Messenger together.

Is there a message that, to me, it's sending? To God, there is no beginning or ending; There is no middle, and no last chapter, For He knows what's coming thereafter. And altho' our life on this earth will end, The Bible, a message of hope, to us sends. There is life for us, in another world, And one day we’ll see it being unfurled. Byrum C. Lee: 12/2013 4

and walls of thin, round eucalyptus. Oak posts are spaced so that rays of sun pass through, as does the cold. It was in such a nook that I was born in the month month of May…

CHRISTIAN TRIUMPH NEWS Coming Soon – God’s Eagles An old English tract with

By Narciso

A modern-day message.

Comments on the back cover of the book: Called out of delinquency and despite abject poverty, Narciso Zamora trekked with the Gospel over the mountains and through the jungles of Ecuador, Peru and Chile. Join the Walking Man in a literal journey of a thousand miles – an odyssey of serenity in adversity.

It will surprise you! Free – for the asking!

From the Mail Room: Letters from Cuba, asking for tracts tracts and Bible studies have almost doubled. Requests from Africa are still coming, asking for mainly Bibles and children’s Sunday school materials. When a package is sent, sent, Helena usually includes used materials and, often, the Faith Messenger.

SEND FOR YOUR FREE BOOK ! As of January, we had 11 available! Christian Triumph PO BOX 5187, Corpus Christi, Texas 7846578465-5187 Christian Triumph thanks all who sends letters. We consider each one a great encouragement in this missionary work! Letters from Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Georgia, Michigan, & Florida.

The Christian Triumph office work is cared for by Diana, even though she has a busy schedule at home and with her family. Brother Israel, Vitalina, and the church volunteers continue continue to pray and work when possible on the grounds and on the church needs. ----------------------------------------------------

WALKING MAN by Narciso Zamora – Mountains lush with trees through which the sun breaks at dawn surround a green field. Swallows and other birds trill and the pigeons fly in flocks around a small cabin with a thatched hay roof

Christian Triumph missionaries still working in the old mail room until the church construction is finished. finished. 5


always about His presence coming to us. Let us us get back to seeing Jesus for Who He is - Our Lord, Master and Savior. Four statements from the Pulpit Commentary

Num 32:23: 32:23: But if ye will not do so,

behold, ye have sinned against Jehovah; and be sure your sin will find you out. I have spent the last twenty years visiting with people in their own homes. I have watched thousands as they were in their last days of life and many as they were dying. This topic and verse comes to me over and over. People die as they live. A person person or a family may look good, they may be blessed with wealth and goods, goods, but in the end what they have sown that will they reap. There is more to life than what we see. Family Family issues come to the fore front, and no matter how much wealth we have, have, it cannot buy life or peace. No amount of drugs can calm a tormented mind. I recently had a bad experience during a deer hunting hunting season. I missed three deer. deer. I had put the cross hairs where I should hit and fired. Three times the deer ran ran off. I checked my gun and reset the scope each time, time, thinking that my scope was wrong; no, I had set the scope to the red dot. The red dot was off. Sin is missing the target. If the target is off no matter how close we get to our point of aim, aim, it is still a miss. Life is about about seeing Jesus, about being in His His presence. presence. In the Old Testament we hear very little about getting to heaven; it was

1. Sin turns short ways into long ones. 2. Sin entails on the transgressor needless trouble and sorrow. 3. Sin fills life with fruitless regrets. 4. Sin delays fulfillment of God’s God’s promises. God still Forgives. Ask Him! Him! (Ron lives in Missouri and ministers as a Chaplain Coordinator with a local hospital. He also visits patients patients in the hospital, nursing homes, and private homes.)

-Charles Wesley Lord, I despair myself to heal I see my sin, but cannot feel; Speak, gracious Lord, My sickness cure, Make my infected nature pure. Savior of the sinsin-sick soul Give me faith to make make me whole. Finish thy great work of Grace. Cut it short in righteousness. Speak the second time “Be clean!” Take away my inbred sin. Every stumbling block remove; Cast it out by Perfect Love. -----------------------------“‘For I will forgive their wickedness wickedness and will remember their sins no more,’ This is what the Lord says.” Jeremiah 31:34 NIV 6

ON THE EDGE In 1998 By the Editor

and enter into their everlasting abode. And if or when someone asks: “How do you know there is life after death?” I will truthfully answer “Because I was there - on the edge.”

Sixteen years later, I remember it well. As the car spun down the freeway, broadsided, screeched and then rolled, I was pulled upward from my physical body into the Presence of indescribable LOVE. I did not enter Heaven nor did I see God. I was “on the edge” –a “living” space with an awareness of an angelic angelic spirit, as well as that of another. All of the insecurities of my my earthly years, all the time spent searching for love, were as nothing - for there, in that acute sense of reality, was found complete reality, fulfillment from an inexpressible Love which saturated my being and changed life forever. I can still feel the peace of God’s presence as well as an intense desire to remain in that Holy place. And yet, my time on earth was unfinished. As long as we are here, God has a purpose for our lives! It may be something surprising as well as simply sharing our experiences of His His forgiveness and great love - in addition to caring for our families. Because of God’s amazing grace, He has recently expanded my humble purpose to that of a hospice chaplain. With a positive belief in the hereafter, it will be an honor to assist others (by the guidance of the Holy Spirit) as they leave this world

THE WAY HOME Dedicated Dedicated to Evelyn Anderson John 14:114:1-6 (Jesus gives directions)

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going. Thomas said to Him, Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way? way? Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:114:1-6 NIV John 3:16: 3:16: For God so loved the

world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. NIV -------------------------------------------Thank you each one for taking the time to read the Faith Messenger. ...He who began

a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6 NIV


Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company PO BOX 5187 Corpus Christi, TX 78465

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695

Address Service Requested

Jesus: I am the resurrection and

and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die.

John 11: 25-26 NIV



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