Faith Messenger

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*Volume 75 *No. 10 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * DEC 2011

Contents: Writing by Maxine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A Closer Look by Anita. . . . . . . . . . . 3 When You See by George . . . . . . . . . .4 Ten Promises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Christian Triumph News . . . . . . . . . . 6 Poem by Byrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Born To Be King Into this dark world a precious baby came, a child of Mary, born of the Holy Spirit. The little Baby would establish the never-ending Kingdom, and His Kingship would challenge the shadowy ideas about God, proving through words and actions that God is loving, merciful, holy and just. Baby Jesus arrived at His appointed time to reveal “the truth about God and the truth about ourselves.”(The Gospel of Matthew by William Barclay) The Kingdom The plan for Jesus’ Kingdom was one of redemption “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). The song written by a rescued John Newton in 1779 describes the darkness of that sin and the blessing of a new beginning.

Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound! That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind but now I see. The Kingdom is of invaluable worth filled with mercy, love, holiness, and justice. Jesus described its value like this: a man discovers a treasure in a field and sells everything he has to buy the field. A pearl merchant discovers a priceless pearl and sells all to purchase it. Jesus reveals its mercy in this way: A wandering son leaves his secure home for reckless living, returning broken and in despair. There waits His concerned Father with open arms to welcome him. The King’s love has been portrayed by this song, written by F.M. Lehman in 1917: The love of God is greater far, Than tongue or pen can ever tell, It goes beyond the highest star and reaches to the lowest hell. This Christmas let us celebrate that Divine Love which brought a just and holy God to earth in the form of a Baby, born to be a King, so that we might find forgiveness and peace within His eternal Kingdom. Joy to the World! The Lord is come; Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room, and heav’n and nature sing… Isaac Watts: Geo.F. Handel


Born of a young virgin Mary, her spiritual sensitivity enabled her to “ponder all these things in her heart.” She was an innocent maiden, who bowed in submission to the Will of the Father. She was the young teenager who gave to us the “Magnificant” whose liquid words of joy have earned a place of beauty and respect in all generations.

Jesus’ Kingdom Is where I weep and pray: God forgive me; Make me more like You today. Jesus’ Kingdom Is where with joy, I hear “I am listening” Oh, that voice so very dear. Jesus’ KingdomThe Kingdom where we plea Help all our friends His love and grace to see.

His noble life moves us to prioritize our values, to reach for loftier goals, to allow our lives to be held hostage by His Spirit. We recognize that in Him there is substance which gives meaning and purpose to living! He is the answer to our heart’s deepest hunger. This is He whom we celebrate with appreciative hearts now in this season and always!!! Maxine Trigleth

The Sovereign God of this eternal Kingdom Is always alert to our needs With answers for our prayers! --

FM Editor


Have a very Merry Christmas! And, remember, that we Are thinking of you.

Faith Messenger Permit #695 Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer P.O. Box 5187 Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

JESUS Poised with authority, He moved with grace and dignity. He commanded the attention of all people! Various responses were evident. Some fueled the fires of hatred against Him! Some locked in the prison of their religious rigidity, feared Him! Some, suspicious of His ministry, questioned His motives, but the common people loved Him. They saw in Him qualities which quenched their intense hunger---a hunger for acceptance, worth and wholeness.

L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas. This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at

He was God’s gracious answer to a hostile world who loved darkness rather than life. It was a world which was ill, feverishly sick, who needed a physician. It was a world of rebels---rebels against Truth, against Light! This is He who left the celestial home with the Father to become God incarnate! 2

A Closer Look at the Christ Child

The next time you see a special picture of Baby Jesus in the manger, remember – it isn't just about a sweet little face or a rustic cradle with clean hay or a Christmas decoration. Baby Jesus is alive! He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Creator of all there is as well as The Way to eternal Life. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Please take a moment and look at the image of the Baby laying in the manger, a baby born to be King of Kings, the Christ Child. This little One came from a far superior Home than could be imagined on this earth. And yet, His Divine, tiny Being was humbly placed in a manger “because there was no room” in the inn. KJV

The King of King’s desire is that we each enter into His tender embrace, confess our sins before Him, and then receive His forgiveness. In His sight, every person is worthy and invited to share in this Heavenly Kingdom, irregardless of one’s nationality, gender, age or status. Unbelievably, Jesus’ priceless gift of citizenship is free to one and all – just for the asking.

The Baby was born to be the Redeemer of every individual in every nation. “For unto you is born in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 KJV Please remember this Savior’s attributes, every one – immeasurable and everlasting – divine and powerful – so much that we all benefit through trusting in Him, not only to forgive our sins but to help us experience a fulfilling life. “…I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

Merry Christmas! Anita

“…thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21. KJV Jesus’ quality of saving mercy is a Divine inborn attribute. Compassion is a part of Him for He is God, and God is Love. Because of Love, Jesus entered into this temporary world to live among us, to be our example, and to offer us eternal life. His forgiveness reaches out to every person, even though our wrong doings are the very reason His life was sacrificed on a cruel cross.

Please refuse to allow The Christmas season to become Just a tradition. Keep believing In His promise to return. He IS our Redeemer! Anita


In Memory of those who are Already HOME for Christmas

When you see the angels coming Life on earth is done. When you see the angels coming Eternity has begun. When you see the angels coming You will know if you Are ready to go.


Jesus Christ Who saves your soul Changes lives and makes us whole One day His face we will behold As we walk His streets of Gold. When you see the angels coming In all their finery When you see the angels coming No longer a mystery When you see the angels coming Life will be history We will enter God’s eternity

Ten Unshakable Promises 1. God has a purpose for your life It is no accident that you are alive today. You are here by God's choosing. You were born at this time in History to fulfill His purpose for this generation. He has given you all the light you need to know His will and He has given you all the grace you need to do His will. If you are committed to His will, there is nothing that can keep you from it.

So listen to what the Lord has to say There is coming a great judgment day We all will stand before His throne And give account of our very own So when you see the angels coming Life on earth is done When you see the angels coming Your race you have run When you see the angels coming And it is all said and done A CROWN OF LIFE WE WILL HAVE WON

2. God is in charge God has not retreated somewhere in the universe and gone into hiding. He is today where He has always been - on His throne. There is no king or ruler that has more authority than God; there is no political figure that has more influence than God;

By George Bell


When Jesus came, He came and shed His blood to save you, cleanse you, forgive you, and deliver you from the power of the devil. His blood has bought you, and the enemy has no claim upon your life. You are His and His alone. He is your Redeemer, and He has taken full responsibility for your life since the day you gave your heart to Him. Because of His blood, your future is secure, your inheritance is guaranteed, and your destiny is certain.

there is no nation that has more control than God. No one can out-think Him or outsmart Him. He is God Almighty. If you have placed your life in His hands, He is in charge of your life and all you do. 3. God is sovereign Nothing can stop His plan or frustrate His purposes. God is not worried about what will happen or what He will be able to do. Nothing takes Him by surprise. He sees the future and He is already there. He knows where He is leading your life and He knows how to get you there. If you follow Him, you will find that He makes no mistakes.

7. God has given you all that you need to serve Him The grace of God covers you, the presence of God is in you, the angels of God are with you, the arms of God are around you, the gifts of God are for you, and the power of God is upon you. He has not abandoned you or left you in this world as an orphan, alone and forsaken. God is for you, the Holy Spirit is in you, Jesus is with you, and all the heavenly hosts are on your side.

4. God's Word is dependable All Scripture is God's written Word. It is 100% reliable because God is 100% infallible. The Scriptures have endured the test of time. Men have tried to destroy them but they still remain. Men have tried to dispute them but they have had the final say in every argument. Men have tried to refute them but they stand over each man's grave as a living testimony to all that is true, righteous, and eternal. If you obey His Word you will never have regrets.

8. Jesus Christ is coming back The outcome of all things has already been determined. Jesus is the winner. He is without rival in the universe. No evil, no outlaw, no terrorist or anarchist will be standing in the end. Every enemy of God will be defeated, every false prophet will be exposed, every evil spirit will be chained, and every accusing tongue will be silenced. The final chapter in the Book of Life has already been written, and there will be no need for rewrites or revisions. All that remains is for its writings to be fulfilled. One day soon, you will forever be with the Lord.

5. You belong to a Kingdom that cannot be shaken Throughout history kings have been overthrown, leaders have fallen from power, kingdoms have been conquered, armies have been defeated, riches have been depleted, and fortresses have toppled over. It is only in the Kingdom of God that anyone can find true rest and security. No rebellion can break down its gates, no weapon can penetrate its borders, and no warrior can come against its King. The way of the Kingdom is where your feet can walk; the truth of the Kingdom is what your faith can embrace; the love of the Kingdom is what your heart can give away.

9. God loves you and will not fail you You are God's child and He is your Father. He loves and cares for you more than you will ever know. All that He is, He is for you. The depth of His love for you cannot be measured, and its height cannot be scaled. He wants you to trust Him completely

6. You are covered by the blood of Jesus 5

because He will not fail you. When you go through trials, He will keep you from defeat, and when you face temptations He will keep you from shame. When the enemy comes in like a flood, He will raise up a standard against Him.

literature went to Narciso, our missionary partner. In response to feedback we have received from those who use Christian Triumph literature, we have begun to modernize some of our best loved tracts. These were type-set in the 50s, 60s and 70s, and they do look quite dated. The content, in most cases, remains on target, however. As the supplies we have on hand of the current versions run out, we will be updating our publications. We started with a Spanish coloring book called Amor (Love), that features the song JesĂşs Me Ama (Jesus Loves Me). Then we revised eight of our most popular Spanish tracts for a large order that we are printing in Peru. Our next project is the Spanish booklet El Hogar Feliz (The Happy Home). A recompense for the time and effort to revise our tracts is that we can now offer them online as well. Please visit, the Triunfo Cristiano link, to read online or download these revised publications. We will continue to add publications online as we make more revisions. (Information by Diana and Donna)

10. Jesus Christ will never let you go He is with you always. No one can pluck you out of His hand, so you need not fear any evil. He is daily praying for you, and His prayers are being answered. He is preparing a place for you in His Father's house, and He will come for you. If you ever question His love for you, just look at His hands. Jesus will never ask you to do something without His grace. In the dark times He will be your light. In troubled times He will be your security. In uncertain times He will be your guidance. In fearful times He will be your peace. You will never face a day without Him; you will never take a step without His presence walking beside you; you will never face a need without His supply; you will never face a circumstance that He can't bring you through. Author Unknown The Daily Encourager

FromAll of us at Christian Triumph CHRISTIAN TRIUMPH NEWS Merry Christmas from Pastor Israel and Vitalina, Steve and Diana and family, Elena and family, and the mission church in Corpus Christi. Great News! Approximately 300 pounds of literature was sent to Peru as well as Mexico this past month. Also, one M-Bag filled with small packages of Spanish 6


Printing and Distribution of Spanish Gospel tracts

When Christ came to earth at his first Advent, It was not to set up a human government. So Herod had no just cause, him to resent; Nor was a revolt against Rome his intent.

In an effort to operate more cost and time efficiently, Christian Triumph is now printing tracts in South America. We recently sent some of our most popular Spanish tracts to print in Peru, and the distribution of these will be overseen by our ministry partner Narciso Zamora (visit to learn more about Narciso and his 35-year ministry in the Church of God in Latin America). Printing these tracts in Peru is significantly less expensive than printing in the United States, but the real savings is in the distribution. In Peru, package shipping is done by bus companies and it is very inexpensive compared to international postage. This new high-tech method of getting our tracts to the people who request them in Peru not only enables Christian Triumph to send out much more literature with the same financial gifts, it is also a more environmentally friendly way to get gospel literature to people who need it.

God's kingdom was spiritual, he tried to explain, And was not intended as an earthly domain (1). But its nature was not to the Jews very plain; What they expected was a king, over them to reign. Although it's world-wide, his kingdom is invisible; And united around Christ, it's also indivisible. Because God's kingdom is open to any individual, Including Gentiles and Jews, it thus is universal. On that glad day, when Christ comes to earth again, O'er all the world's nations, he doesn't plan to reign. His purpose won’t require that military pow'r he gain, For delivering the kingdom to his Father will be his aim (2). Byrum C. Lee, 03/2011 (1) John 18:36

(2) I Corinthians 15:24

Donna Schillinger

Building Project The City of Corpus Christi Is now issuing permits For the building process.

A note from Matha in Illinois: The preacher called us down to the altar to pray for a gift of the Holy Spirit. A voice that filled my whole being said I gave you my gift, my son. I know Jesus is all the gift I will ever need. Thank you for your ministry. Thank you, Matha, and thanks to everyone who reads the Faith Messenger. We truly appreciate you.

Special Christmas wishes to Edith Compton and husband and Evelyn Anderson, Brother and Sister Janes’ daughters, as well as their families. 7

Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer PO BOX 5187 Corpus Christi, TX 78465

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695

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“…‘She shall give birth to a Son, And He shall be called “Emmanuel” (meaning “God is with us”).’”


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