Faith Messenger May 2011

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*Volume 131 *No. 05 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * MAY 2011

Contents: A True Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Home Page The Master Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Jesus the Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A Tragedy of the Church . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Byrum Lee/ Donna – Paraguay . . . . . . 5 Anita/ Donna - Paraguay. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Christian Triumph News. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


It was finished!

….or so they thought! The first day of the week, as the sun came up, grieving women sorrowfully carried their burial spices to the tomb. There they would anoint the body of Jesus, their dearest Lord. “How shall we ever roll aside the huge stone over the entrance?” asked one of them. There was no good answer. Approaching the burial place, they

stared in disbelief - the entrance was already open! (Later, it was told that “there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and rolled aside the stone and sat on it. His face shone like lightning and his clothing was a brilliant white. The guards shook with fear when they saw him, and fell into a dead faint.”) Stunned, the women heard the angel say, “Don’t be frightened…I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified, but he isn’t here! For he has come back to life again, just as he said he would. Come in and see where his body was lying. . . .And now, go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead…” Frightened but overjoyed, the women ran to find Jesus’ followers and deliver the angel’s message. Jesus’ suffering, as he hung on the cross, was indeed over! It was finished! But the forgiveness of sins, because of his sacrifice, had just begun! “There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to me.” - Jesus (Luke 24:47 The Living Bible) Other references and quotes found in Matthew, Mark, Luke -The Living Bible/ Barclay

And Satan’s plan was thwarted, Outside of Jerusalem’s walls… Christ’s blood still has the power To cleanse men from that fall. And now what sweet communion As we linger with Him here To know He is our Father, And we His children dear.

The Master Plan

He puts His arms around us Gives strength for us to stand – He heals and He delivers – And He says, “I understand”.

Our Father wanted fellowship, So He made the human race. But Satan sought to intervene… And the lovely plan erase.

And now life has a purpose… It now such meaning brings Because He is our focus – From which we view all things!

At the cosmic convocation, Which convened in the ethereal hall, Foreseen was the tempter’s strategy And they knew of Adam’s fall.

(Picture – in memory of Baby Schillinger)

By Maxine Tolbert Trigleth Faith Messenger Permit #695 Periodical Paid at Corpus Christi, Texas Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Christian Triumph Company P.O. Box 5187 905-909 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

Just then they planned to counter That attack when “Time” began, And the Son said, “I am willing”, And the road to the cross began.

L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas. This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at

It was love that sent the Savior… To purchase redemption’s plan, We have regained our fellowship, Because of the Special Man. 2

The women, including Mary, His Mother, stood nearby, and when Joseph from Arimathaea came to claim Jesus’ body, laying it in a new tomb and then rolling the great stone across the entrance, two of the women sat by the tomb. It seems fitting that the women were the first to receive the startling news from the angels, that Jesus was not dead, for there is “life” after death. And His resurrection fulfilled the promise of an eternal Kingdom, created for all those who believe in Him as Savior. His birth, life, and death completed the purpose of showing us who God is as well as proving how much He loves us and desires fellowship with us. On that “Easter” morning, Jesus, the man, came forth as Jesus, the King and Savior. And even if we have sinned much, we can now be forgiven much … for His sacrifice paid the penalty for all our wrongdoings. The Church (those who follow Jesus) is now the messenger of God. Together, we spread the Word of His love as we depend upon His guidance. Jesus “breathed on” [His followers] and said to them: “Receive the Holy Spirit…” (John 20) Just as in the beginning, when God formed man and “breathed into his nostrils,” so the Church is empowered and authorized to convey the message of forgiveness and restoration. Jesus, lived and died the life of humanity; but He arose triumphant! He will come again to take us Home.


One of us! “If Jesus was ever to redeem man, He must become man. He had to become what we are in order to make us what He is.” (William Barclay) On the cruel Cross, Jesus, the man, was spared the breaking of His bones, which was a method used to hasten death; yet, His body displayed many signs of terrible abuse: slaps upon the face, lashes from “a long leather thong, studded at intervals with sharpened pieces of bone and pellets of lead” (Barclay), loss of blood, inflamed and bruised flesh. The soldiers had formed a crown from thorns and pushed it into His head, as they struck Him once again, while the blood flowed down his face. Perhaps, the greatest suffering of all was being separated from God, His Father, as He cried, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me.” The punishment that Jesus bore for our sins disconnected Him from a Holy God, for this indeed is the penalty of sin. In His innocence, Jesus became one of us by being made sin for us. (“For God took the sinless Christ and poured into him our sins…” 2 Corinthians 5:21 The Living Bible) Jesus experienced the depth of human loneliness!

FM Editor/ The Daily Study Bible by William Barclay


If you look real close, You will see all my lies. How could you, The Father of Heaven, Look at my soul And say I’m forgiven? They say I’m alive And made new in you, I find this hard to be true.

A Tragedy of the Church I went to church and I smiled, No one suspecting a thing. We talked, then we sat, then, oh, how we sang, “Glory to God, He reigns, Oh, our king!”

Maybe someday I’ll see The beauty you created in me, And how life is worth more Then I have settled living for. But until then, I’ll sing Praises to our King. I’ll go to church and I’ll smile; No one will suspect a thing!

The pastor is preaching A familiar sermon, About life on this earth And how we’re all burning! Thanks be to God and Jesus who saves, Our souls are forgiven New Lives we are made.

(Poem by Felicia Rose)

“Not one sparrow …can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs of your head are all numbered... YOU are more valuable to him than many sparrows.” “Even the sparrows and swallows are welcome to come and nest among your altars and there have their young, O Lord…”

I hear and I listen with enthusiasm galore. I clap and I cheer, and I praise that much more. We stand and we sing, one more praise to the King; I walk out that door, and I am seen no more. I come home and I cry; I ask God, “Oh, why?” Why am I here and why am I living? I’m meaningless, purposeless, a life unforgiving. Pain is what I am And in the depths of my eyes,

(Scriptures-Matt.10 and Psalms 84 The Living Bible) Picture used with permission by Frank L. Martin, Peace Valley, MO (Photographer)


Church of God Leaders in Latin America Converge on Paraguay By Donna Lee Schillinger

When we decided to take some months to travel around South America, living primarily in Brazil, I had no idea that my trip would coincide with the biannual Inter-American Conference of the Church of God in Latin America. And to boot, it was happening just a few hundred kilometers from us, in Santa Rita, Paraguay. Santa Rita is just one hour from Iguazu Falls, which my family had planned on visiting anyway, so we worked it out for me to attend the conference on behalf of Christian Triumph Company and then meet with my family to visit Iguazu Falls afterward.

ON BECOMING GOD'S PARTNER Love someone who doesn't deserve it; Care for someone Who doesn't care for himself; Forgive someone who isn't repentant; Help someone who doesn't try to help himself. Try teaching someone Who doesn't want to learn; Try lifting someone Who doesn't want to get up; Try to improve someone who is satisfied; Seek peace with one who prefers Confrontation; For all your good intentions You may face frustration, And frequently you'll receive little Appreciation; But if you persist in following up With determination, You'll become God's partner For the world's salvation. Byrum C. Lee: 02/2011 Out on the warm hillside, the sheep-fold stood with its walls and open entrance. When darkness came, the shepherd lay across the opening so that no enemy could enter, and the sheep would be safe. Editor/Barclay

(Pastor Alberto Martinez Jordan praises God for the beauty of Iguazu Falls. He and his wife visited there after attending the Inter-American Conference in nearby Santa Rita, Paraguay. Alberto is the pastor of the Church of God in Valparaiso, Chile.)

Jesus – “I am the Gate for the sheep…those who come by the way of the Gate will be saved and will go in and out and find green pastures…My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.” (John 10:7-10 The Living Bible)

Some 80 leaders of the Church of God in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Belize, Colombia, Peru, Chile, (Pg.6) 5

Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, and of course, Paraguay were in attendance, as well as the Regional Coordinators from Anderson, David and Barbara Miller.

producing and distributing literature, but need funds to print more and offering more materials targeted toward youth. The Conference was a blessed time of meeting new brothers and sisters in Christ, sharing and encouraging, and learning. It was a privilege for me, one that I hope to have a chance to experience again, maybe in 2013!

The last time a representative attended from Christian Triumph was in 1999 in Costa Rica – Evelyn and Noel Anderson attended with William and Nora Anderson. Twelve years later, many who

Donna Lee Schillinger

+ (Editor’s note: Although Donna is paying for her own travel expenses, she would like to thank Christian Triumph for funding her trip to this conference.) (The March Faith Messenger was delayed due to problems beyond our control. The Mailing Company experienced some employee difficulty. We do apologize, however, for its lateness.) +++

remembered Evelyn were pleasantly surprised to meet her granddaughter – me! I received a warm welcome from both those who had worked with Christian Triumph in the past, as well as those who had never heard of Christian Triumph. Both contingents were excited about a resource for literature to evangelize, train lay persons and edify their congregations. Indeed, I took more than 25 orders for literature, some of them quite large!

by Anita "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the-will-of-the-Lord-is." – Ephesians-5 We have a responsibility to use our God given gifts. Some of us may feel that we are limited, compared to others who seemingly have greater gifts or talents.

Additionally, I had many interesting conversations with these church leaders as to how Christian Triumph Company can meet their changing needs for literature. Some ideas that emerged included offering more things as free downloads from our Web site, collaborating with local projects that are

(Continued on Pg. 7)


In the sight of the Lord, however, each one has a purpose and each has been given gifts to accomplish this purpose. One talent, easy to overlook, is – doing small things that make life easier and more enjoyable for others. Prayers, smiles, words of encouragement, just listening and helping others are small ways of making life happier for others. Holding them up in prayer often goes without recognition but is so essential and-effective. An example of the gift of “helping” is recorded in Exodus 17:8-14. The warriors of Amalek came against the people of Israel, and Moses instructed Joshua to fight this army as he, Aaron, and Hur (a man of Judah) went to the top of a hill. There, as long as Moses stood with the rod of God held high in his hand, God’s people had the advantage, but when his arms became tired, things worsened. Aaron and Hur found a big stone for him to sit upon, and then they helped win the battle, by holding up Moses’ hands until sunset. The Victory was won! Although Aaron and Hur did not fight in the battle, they made a difference in a very crucial time, and the Lord took note of the victory. We are told in Mark 9:41 “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.” KJV The very act of kindness given in the name of Jesus-will be-rewarded. We may consider our talents small, but God sees our loving hearts and takes note of our desire to please him. Edited

Prayer Requests Please remember Narciso’s wife, Udelia, as she is experiencing health problems. Remember Narciso as he endeavors to complete the mission school. Please pray for Christian Triumph as God guides us into new and diverse ways of distributing literature. Christian Triumph remembers the needs of our readers, prayer warriors and co-laborers. We ask God to make a difference, to bless, and to restore. Thanks to those who write. We appreciate every one: letters from Indiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Illinois, Alabama, Kansas, Michigan, Montana, and Louisiana. Letters: Can you still use old Sunday school literature? I enjoy your paper. Evelyn ---------(Does anyone need used Sunday school quarterlies or literature? Please write Christian Triumph.) ---------Hope and pray you are all well…these are trying times all over the nation. I hope people get the message that God is talking. Alice ---------Thanks for praying… Eunice --------It is our privilege to pray! Please let us know of any needs. We thank you for reading the Faith Messenger. God bless! 7

Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company P.O. Box 5187 905 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, TX 78465

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695

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“Greater love Has no one Than this, That he lay down his life For his friends.” John 15:13



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