Faith Messenger, Jan 2013

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*Volume 78 *No. 01 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * JAN 2013

Contents: Happy New Year .……………….……1 Changes at Christian Triumph……..….2 In Search of a Rare Gem .………….....5 Words of Wisdom …………………..7

Another year of mercies, of faithfulness and grace, Another year of gladness in the shining of Thy face; Another year of leaning upon Thy loving breast; Another year of trusting, of quiet, happy rest. Another year of service, of witness for Thy love, Another year of training for holier work above. Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be On earth, or else in Heaven, another year for Thee.

2013 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be In working or in waiting, another year with Thee. Another year of progress, another year of praise, Another year of proving Thy presence all the days.

Words: Frances R. Havergal, 1874. She wrote these words as a poem for her New Year’s greeting cards.

As another year dawns changes are coming to Christian Triumph. Please continue reading.

Rev. Lyell and Una Janes, founders of Christian Triumph.

lessons. This literature is free for the asking. Instituto Biblico de Corpus Christi continues to offer Spanish Bible correspondence courses to those who request them. The local Spanish Bible Institute will also offer classes later in the year. But, at last, after many years of service, the cherished, old mission buildings are now deteriorated and unsafe.

At the age of 19, Brother Janes left his father’s farm to give the rest of his life to winning souls for God. He began his ministry in Mexico and later worked in the Gospel Trumpet Publishing House. After marrying Una and pastoring in the USA for an additional year, the Missionary Board sent the dedicated couple to Jamaica. Later in Panama, they built the first Church of God, working with the congregation. In time they moved to Panama City, bought a printing press and started printing and distributing tracts in Spanish. This was no easy task; it involved much sacrifice and many tests of faith. Eventually, after a stay in Oklahoma, Rev. Janes and family moved to Corpus Christi, Texas, in February, 1934, with a homemade trailer as their residence. They began building again with God as their Helper. He worked many miracles to get them started and has continued doing so in this faith-based ministry. Today (2013) Christian Triumph is still sending Spanish tracts to Puerto Rico, Mexico, Central and South America as well as the USA and other countries. English tracts are also still available as well as English Bible

Faith Messenger Permit #695 Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer P.O. Box 5187 Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas. This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at 2

neighborhood is rife with drug traffic and consumption, as well as prostitution. Sadly, in the midst of all this darkness are precious little children and teens, running the streets until 9 or 10 p.m., often asking for money or, at times, just a drink of water. At present, Christian Triumph cannot provide secure Sunday school classes, and there are no adequate spaces for growth. The new church will have two large areas which can be divided into classrooms. The building will also be in close proximity to one remaining structure which now serves as a place of worship and as a classroom for the local Spanish Bible Institute. Thankfully, in all of the praying and planning, no time has been lost in sending the Gospel literature to Mexico, Central and South America, and other countries. Instead, during these tough days of decisions, an old mail room is even now filled with tracts, books, copier, folder, Sunday school supplies, plus workers who continue sending the Word of God. Christian Triumph always has been and still is trusting in God for direction, protection, and support. In the past, many persons have contributed to this work, including friends and missionary partners who prayed and (…pg. 4)

In 2013, the Christian Triumph staff has been required to make practical decisions about the future of this Spanish/English church and literature ministry. Christian Triumph’s purpose remains as always: if it is God’s will, we will continue to send the Good News of Jesus’ love to those who need a Savior. However, the old buildings must be replaced, and, thankfully, with the help of two dedicated sisters who had great faith in God and in this work, funds have been provided.

First, a church must be constructed because Christian Triumph is founded as a Church ministry. As well, the local area is always of great concern, for their spiritual need of God’s word is tremendous. As stated before, the 3

literature and Spanish periodical, El Mensajero, for mailing. Diana, Secretary-Treasurer, gives of her time, often without compensation, carefully running a “tight ship” (the Old Ship of Zion). Her faithful service has kept Christian Triumph an active, accountable ministry affiliated with the Church of God. Donna Schillinger, great-granddaughter of L.Y. Janes, reconciles Christian Triumph’s finances and edits the El Mensajero. As the outreach coordinator, she is the liaison with Narciso Zamora as well as other pastors and missionaries in South America who partner with Christian Triumph to extend our reach. Donna’s bilingual and editing skills have been used in a number of capacities. Additional support staff, some of whom are members of the Janes family, plus our volunteer directors and shareholders feel very deeply about the mission and goals of Christian Triumph. They continue to give of themselves when needed and share knowledge, experience and wisdom. Una and L.Y. Janes and two daughters have gone to meet their Creator. Evelyn Anderson, the oldest daughter, is being cared for by her children. (…pg. 5)

corresponded with Brother Janes. They made it possible for this ministry to send the Gospel; they were wonderful Saints of God. Many have passed on to their rewards, yet, are remembered with gratitude. President and Pastor Israel Hernandez and his wife Vitalina have dedicated three decades caring for the ministry, maintaining the old buildings, and making sure the work continues.

Vitalina, Pastor Israel, Helena, Diana

(l. to r.: Kimberly, Vitalina, Vicenta.)

In the old mail room, Israel’s sister, Vicenta, prepares Spanish Bible correspondence lessons to students. Vitalina and Kimberly prepare tracts, Bibles, books, used 4

She still shares her beautiful smile with visitors. The Good Lord has always blessed this missionary ministry and, we believe, He will continue. We send our thanks and appreciation to anyone who has helped send the Gospel! Thankfully, God still has a few dedicated churches and individuals who support this missionary work. 2012-2013 is a time of uncertain economy, and all of our futures rest in the Lord’s will. Any offerings which come to Christian Triumph are used for the purpose of the missionary work; they will not be used for building the new church unless specifically designated for that purpose. Miracles still happen in 2013. Our hope and faith for another New Year of reaching those who need God, wherever they are, will continue as we trust in Him to sustain and provide.

Evelyn Anderson, daughter of Rev. Janes, and cofounder of Christian Triumph. (Mother of William)

IN SEARCH OF A RARE GEM TO WORK AT CHRISTIAN TRIUMPH Are you called of God to Spanish/English ministry in an urban area? Do you have spiritual gifts of teaching administration? Do you yearn to develop mentoring relationships with atrisk youth? Christian Triumph Company was founded 90 years ago to deliver the Good News at home through a local congregation and abroad through the distribution of Christian literature and discipleship training. We are now seeking an associate pastor, or husband/wife pastoral team to join us in revitalizing this ministry, in both its local and outreach capacities. The right candidate will be ready to step out of your comfort zone and enter the messy world of relationships-in youth ministry and pastoral care-and when (‌pg. 6)

William Anderson, grandson of Rev. Janes, along with his daughter, Evelyn, behind him. (S. America) 5

onsite, you will take responsibility for the property as if it were your own and represent Christian Triumph as a good neighbor to the community. Compensation includes a salary of 20K, a healthcare allowance, six weeks personal time (use for holidays, sick, vacation), small parsonage (approx. 1100 sq. feet) with wifi and free long-distance through ministry’s connections, and, of course, the beach just a few minutes away.

the day is over, to retreat to urban beats muted only slightly by thin plaster walls of a humble site dwelling. If you are ready to sink your teeth into a major undertaking for the Lord, without expectation of earning what you’re worth, employee appreciation or any other amenities of our corporatized church world, please consider submitting a letter of interest, along with your resume, to Christian Triumph, PO Box 5187, Corpus Christi, TX 78465, no later than February 15.

We seek an indomitable spirit, skilled interpersonally and selfsacrificial, more than a certain brand of theology or seminary credentials. Nonetheless, we are registered with the Church of God, Anderson, Ind.

Duties will include bilingual preaching and teaching under the direction of Senior Pastor Israel Hernandez; leading the youth program; daily office administration of the web and mail literature ministry, using Microsoft Office Suite and other software and office equipment; collaborating with directors and other team members to achieve accountability and efficiency in ministry operations; scheduling and implementing public relations visits to churches, and attending conferences throughout the United States to build a solid donor base for the literature ministry; ministering to and keeping in contact with donors through the monthly publication of The Faith Messenger, as well as other duties too varied and numerous to mention. Living

In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6

Missionary Narciso Zamora from Cajamarca, Peru, working in his “high tech” office, getting El Mensajero de Esperanza ready for distribution in Peru.




The Eternal God, Creator of all life— The God who formed me in the womb, And gave me birth when the time was ripe, Will be there when I'm placed in the tomb.

Challenging words from 1973: Rev. L. Y. Janes, founder of Christian Triumph Company, writes in the Faith Messenger - 1973: In this socalled “modern age,” we need jet plane experiences, not the helicopter kind that spins, without going [anywhere]. Christ said, “Go…” When God says, “Whom shall I send?” surely any soul filled with Divine love, will say, “Here, Lord am I, send me.” In these days of so many inventions, anyone, filled to overflowing with Christ’s CONSTRAINING LOVE (2 Cor. 5:14) can find some way of taking the gospel to the neglected nations and neglected souls anywhere...Let’s remember that the “Good tidings of great joy,” of Christmas is not alone a cause for our rejoicing, but [also] for remembering [what] the angel [added] “which shall be to all people.” (Luke 2:10) L.Y. Janes (A follow-up suggestion: Let’s all be missionaries.) “Gone” to be with his Lord. ----------------------Intuitive words from 1998: Born in 1923, Anita Rosalee, Sunday school teacher for 40 years, in Illinois, Missouri, and British West Indies, left these words in her journal- 1998: What will I be remembered for? I hope it will be said that I searched for a life that mattered, a life that had meaning...God’s word has been hidden in my heart that I may not sin against Him. “Gone” to be with God – 2005.

When I went astray, He gave me a second birth, And sent His Spirit to dwell within my heart. He has thus given me a new sense of worth, And has promised from me never to depart. I live each day, with Jesus as my Friend— A Companion who's closer than any brother. He will be there when my earthly journey ends, For ours is a relationship unlike any other. In His own image, by God, I was created, (1) And I'm destined to live with Him eternally. Tho' in His likeness I'm not as yet perfected, To that end I will strive continually. (2) Byrum C. Lee: 10:2012 (1) Genesis 1:26; (2) Philippians 3:12-14

GOD’S WORD OF LOVE FOR 2013 Ephesians 3: “...out of His glorious, unlimited resources, He will give you the mighty inner strengthening of His Holy Spirit...May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love; and may you be able to feel and understand, as all God’s children should, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high His love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves, though it is so great that you will never see the end of it or fully know or understand it. And so at last you will be filled up with God Himself.” TLB

Personal words of God’s great Love in 2013: From Preacher to Poet, Byrum Lee portrays His relationship with God the Father and Jesus, his Savior and Friend: 7

Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer PO BOX 5187 Corpus Christi, TX 78465

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695

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Hope for 2013

You will seek Me And find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 NIV


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