Faith Messenger June 2012

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*Volume 76 *No. 06 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * JUNE 2012

Contents: Happy Fathers’ Day. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Two Boots by Maxine . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Narciso and Christian Triumph . . . . 3 God’s Assurance by Anita . . . . . . . . . 4 A Woman of Spirited Determination . . 5 A Little Bird Could Lead Them . . . . . . 6 A Literature Alliance in Brazil. . . . . . . .7 …what is man that You are mindful of him, the son of man that You care for him?


Morning came too early! The little dogs were awakened by an opossum or cat, scratching near the

house, evidently oblivious to their barking. Tired and sleepy, I headed towards the Bay where morning and new attitudes are linked. In arriving, just the sight of the incredible Gulf with its many, blue-green waves was enough to change anyone’s perspective of the day. Walking along the shore, I caught sight of the long pier that goes into the Bay with that majestic water rolling underneath, exhibiting its tremendous force. At the end of the pier, spellbound by those tossing, powerful currents, a remembrance of God’s authority and care soothed and comforted. His awesome supremacy truly is intimate and life changing. Psalms 8 states that God crowned man with glory and honor, placing everything under his feet, including the fish of the sea, for He cares for each one immeasurably. Our Heavenly Father loves without question and never forsakes those who trust in Him. Happy Fathers’ Day!

TWO BOOTS Two boots were once the pride of its sad owner. They were bought at such a lavish, lofty cost. The owner thought that this desired investment Would satisfy his heart its aching loss. And so he dressed in style and wandered idly— From store and street and then into the bars, Drinking, laughing, lying to his cronies To cover up the death within his heart.

TWO BOOTS By Maxine Trigleth

And then he wore those boots to fancy restaurants To buy the biggest fare they served in style. Yet he came forth with still much discontentment A sense of unfulfillment all the while.

(Christian Triumph is very thankful to Maxine for allowing us to print her Spiritfilled works of unique, exceptional poetry and free verse.)

Those boots walked to and fro and lost the impact That he had hoped would make him better feel But what he did not know was that possessions Can never satisfy and purpose yield.

“The man who finds life will find it through trusting God.” Romans 1:17

One day he said that he no longer wanted The boots that brought no happiness to him, He gladly said “good-bye” and vainly left them. They now no longer were his special gem.

Faith Messenger Permit #695

TLB Tyndale House Publishers

Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer P.O. Box 5187 Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

We waste so many years just in our wanderings Searching, buying, hungering just for thingsTraveling ‘round the world and always wanting A peace and joy that only Jesus brings. That vacuum in our heart cries out so deeply Just to be fed and filled and satisfied. We strive to fill it with the wrong ingredients That will not blend and meaning is denied!

L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.

Two boots are only one of life’s possessions ‘Midst houses, lands and furnishings so fine That fill our life and try to choke the longings Of the finer things that cry within mankind.

This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at

When will we ever learn that it is Jesus, He and He alone can satisfy The longing of our hearts and bring such healing When unto Him we yield—to Him we cry! 2

Narciso plans to visit the U.S. – June 16 through July 2. He will be mostly in Texas with, perhaps, a quick trip to Oklahoma or Arkansas. Please contact us for further information.

+Working with Christian Triumph’s Mensajero de Esperanza in Peru Although Donna Schillinger edits this periodical in the USA, Narciso and Udelia Zamora receive and prepare it for shipping throughout Peru. This first picture shows both of them at work. Udelia helps in any way that she can, but her vision is poor, which limits what she can do.

Since entering into a strategic alliance with Christian Triumph to print and distribute literature in Peru, about 20,000 tracts have been dispensed. And this is just the beginning! +++

Narciso….FM editor

Although Christian Triumph is affiliated with the Church of God, its message reaches out to all persons in all nations. No human being can build walls around the LOVE OF GOD! Our purpose is not to separate but to unite – to reach out to all men, women, and children and unite them with the One whose love is true. He would free us all from those things that could defeat us in life and in eternity. Believing in the Words of God, spoken by Jesus, brings peace and joy, without judgment. Jesus said, “I pass judgment on no one.” 1 He also promised, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” 2 Jesus brings HOPE, not condemnation but comfort, “I am the good shepherd…”3 (A shepherd cares for His sheep.)

Narciso: In February 2012 we had an evangelism seminar to teach the local churches how to plant other churches. There were 27 church leaders present. In an upcoming meeting, we expect to have 35 church leaders in attendance. Before the end of this year, we are hoping to see the first fruits of our focus on church planting. Keep us in your prayers,

1 (John 8:15), 2 (John 8:12), 3 John 10:11, NIV



However, the remaining five words of this promise clarify why so many continue seeking for love and not finding it. Jesus’ deeply saddened words were: “…but you were not 1 (Matthew 23:37) NKJV willing.”1

GOD’S ASSURANCE OF HIS LOVE Have you heard the song, O LOVE THAT WILL NOT LET ME GO? This song describes the Love of God. It is selfless, noble and offers a place we can rest our souls.

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8 NKJV Anita


Not long ago, I observed a young lady who was near the vestibule of our church. She glanced over the sanctuary as if searching for a place to sit. Due to the crowded condition, there were not many available places near.

A LETTER FROM AFRICA ……..This year the Lord sent us to


Soon she was walking towards an aisle that led to the pews on which her Grandparents sat. Although not much space was available, the others moved closer together just to make room.

...Kindly send to us some gospel materials including Holy Bibles. Your Partner in Prayers ------------------------------------------------Christian Triumph is still receiving emails and letters, almost every day, requesting literature for many countries in South America. In September of this year, we hope to have pictures of the larger, organized mail room which will permit special places for packages and Spanish Bible Correspondence questions and books. At present, because the buildings are deteriorating, we are using an old room and piling those packages high.

She trusted her Grandparents to do whatever was necessary to provide a place for her. As well, she knew that in being near them, she would find rest and contentment. Too, God is our Father who loves us dearly and it is His good pleasure to offer us refuge; in fact, He already has a place reserved for us. This assurance is promised in His Holy Word, “How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings…”1 (God is always ready to accept anyone who comes to Him.) 4

me, O Lord, King David’s Son! For my daughter has a demon within her, and it torments her constantly.” Matthew 15, The Living Bible by Tyndale House Publishers The disciples soon grew tired of such behavior and told Jesus to send her away (she was bothering them). But she didn’t bother Jesus! Being human and Divine, Jesus, instead, felt great compassion for her. Even though His earthly ministry commenced with the Jews, Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His enduring love for all people reached out to everyone; and so He began a spiritual awakening in the woman’s soul. We can almost see our Lord Jesus, with a smile on His face and love in His heart, stop and turn to the woman, saying, “It doesn’t seem right to take bread from the children and throw it to the dogs.” The word used for “dogs” in this scripture - Kunaria - is the diminutive word used for little dogs which were and still are valued household pets. According to William Barclay, the woman was a Greek and had all a Greek’s ready wit. She quickly responded to Jesus, “Yes, it is [right]! For even the puppies beneath the table are permitted to eat the crumbs that fall.” Matthew 15, The Living Bible by Tyndale House Publishers Jesus was joyfully impressed with her answer as well as her belief in Him, therefore, the Bible states: He granted her request!

A WOMAN OF SPIRITED DETERMINATION The Word of God does not give this woman’s name, but it does tell us that she was a Canaanite, of a nation considered enemies of the Jews. And it is interesting that Jesus (Son of David) met her right where she was. According to William Barclay’s book, The Gospel of Matthew Volume 2, this was the only occasion on which Jesus was ever outside Jewish territory. This true account recorded in Matthew 15 is instrumental in promising the invincible love of God to all persons, everywhere, irregardless of human walls. In entering this Gentile country, Jesus was attempting a time of withdrawal from the crowds in order to spend more moments with His disciples. Soon He must face the final crucial act of laying down His life in payment for the wrong doings of us all. His followers needed to understand the eternal HOPE of such an act as well as the assurance of His resurrection. It just so happened though that a devoted Mother had heard of the wonders that Jesus had done, and when He stepped into her territory, she persistently followed Him, crying desperately for His help, “Have mercy on

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A LITTLE BIRD COULD LEAD THEM True Story A couple of birds built a nest in the tree next to the old house at Christian Triumph. As the days flew by, one bird suddenly dashed out of the tree, divebombed a couple of us, and, in fact, became almost dangerous. One or two of us were buzzed on the head, brushed on the arm, and threatened with a bird vocabulary that never lacked for sounds. Other times, we were stared down or delayed until we finally found another route. This continued until the nesting was complete. This bird could possibly give “parental lessons,” maybe even suggestions to a Dad who cares greatly about his children. Parenting is a skilled work of art, not necessarily learned from genetics. Protecting family is one of the many significant issues. Dads are good at protecting, and maybe a few lessons from the birds might even add to that. Children are so new to the world; they lack experience with those that would harm them. Unfortunately, in this world, those that hurt can be your best friend or a family member as well as a stranger. But a Dad who keeps in touch with His Father God might become as accomplished and protective as a bird or, at least, do his best in trying.

This Gentile woman, once seen as inferior by others, refused to give up until she received an answer to her pleas. With a spirited determination, she kept asking (praying, if you will) until the answer came! What does it take to persevere in the face of impending defeat or when we see no answers to our problems? 1. Love - there is no force as strong, as determined, and as precious to God as LOVE – love for another in time of need, especially. 2. Belief – a trust in God, knowing that He cares, and accepting that our Hope in Him will be rewarded. 3. A heart of reverence for the Majesty of Jesus and a willingness to bring one’s will into line with His. 4. Perseverance – choosing not to give up but instead asking for answers from a God who sincerely wants to help. The Living Bible Copyright 1971 by Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois 60187. The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 2 Revised Edition Copyright 1975 William Barclay, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia

-------------------------------------------------“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6: 26



Christian Triumph Company is pleased to announce another valuable ministry alliance – this time with Plano ALCANCE in Northern Brazil. This is a joint project of area Churches of God to evangelize, and one of their methods is with the color, cartoon tract called Voce E Uma Boa Pessoa? (Are You a Good Person?). This tract features a Senor Cara Legal, (Mr. Nice Guy) and is a translation of the English version published by Living Waters Publications. You can see an animated version of this tract in English on YouTube by searching “Are You a Good Person” ( KIhjevo). This has proven to be a very effective evangelism tool. Now Plano ALCANCE aims to distribute 1 million of these tracts. Additionally, they have a Web site (, and have translated the animated cartoon into Portuguese and Spanish. Christian Triumph is partnering with Plano ALCANCE to reach the lost in Northern Brazil by printing 10,000 of these tracts this year. We hope this will be a starting point for a renewed interest in ministering in Brazil in ways that

produce the greatest impact for our donors’ dollars. Donna Schillinger --------------------------------------------------ARGENTINA A request came from Marie in Argentina for tracts and for the children’s booklet, AMOR. Just recently, this booklet was reprinted, and we have several now to send to those who request it. It is one of the most asked for materials for children. Thanks to each one of you who has had a part in sending AMOR (the Love of God). ------------------------------------------------About four blocks from Christian Triumph, on a very busy street, is a clinic. On different occasions, one or more persons are seen standing near the opening of the fence that surrounds it. Being curious, I stopped one day to talk to two gentlemen, questioning them on their activities. They told a story of their church leaders and others coming to this clinic for a long time and as often as possible, for in it little babies’ earthly lives are terminated before being born. There was much more to learn, but the men were committed to their mission so I left with tears in my soul for all those innocent ones. I also left thanking God that He receives each precious baby with His Divine love, and, rewards each eternal, little soul. ------------------------------------------------Thanks to every person who continues reading the Faith Messenger. To save on postage, there will be no July or August issues. We still have new, simple but sweet English Bible lessons to send, cost free. Thanks to each one who writes. Editor 7

Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer PO BOX 5187 Corpus Christi, TX 78465

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695

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Not one [sparrow] will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.




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