Faith Messenger May 2012

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*Volume 76 *No. 05 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * MAY 2012

Contents: Blessed Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A True Account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The Awesome Storm by Maxine . . . . 3 A Day at Christian Triumph. . . . . . . . . 4 Poem by Byrum Lee, Spring by Anita. 5 Narciso in Peru.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Christian Triumph News . . . . . . . . . . . .7

BLESSED ASSURANCE God’s Gift to all Mothers

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. Refrain:

This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song. Praising my Savior all the day long. Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight; Angels, descending, bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.

Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Savior am happy and blest, Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love. Frances J. Crosby, 1873 HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY

The wind came up; the waves splashed onto the shore, and out above the water flew a sea bird. It exhibited no fear, just an assurance that with a little time and a little trust, things would be all right. Suddenly, with an instinctive confidence, it dropped to the turbulent sea and sat upon its regal throne of stormy, silver water. YOU ARE MY GOD! “Oh, Jehovah, answer my prayers, for your lovingkindness is wonderful; your mercy is so plentiful, so tender and so kind.” Psa.69 The LB, copyright 1971 Tyndale House Publishers


Every word of this is true…I stand ready to go before a Notary Public with this as it is written to you.


Faith and Victory (1922) (Faith Messenger)

- Wm R. Grove (written to Brother Janes, founder of Christian Triumph)

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Wife and I were living in Dallas, Texas, and on the night of Oct. 28, 1890, at midnight I was in bed and sound asleep. I saw in my sleep a bright shining one come into our bedroom. He came right over to me and put both hands on my shoulders and shook me saying, “Get up and pray for Sister Wheaton; she is in great danger.” … So I got up and prayed until the fear of danger all left me. In about two weeks, we got a card from her saying she would be at my place on a certain day… Then I told her what had happened…she began to cry… “I was on a ship in the middle of the ocean coming home from Scotland and the ship was in a great storm which had been raging all that night. The ship was crippled so badly that the Captain said, ‘The ship is lost and we are going to the bottom, for nothing can save us.’ “Somehow I could not pray, such crying and screaming and weeping I will never forget! The ship was tossing like a ball. Then a voice said to me, ‘Be still; I have one praying for the safety of the ship.’ “I went to the Captain and said ‘some of God’s children are praying…and we are all right,’ and, at once, the storm ceased and they went to work and repaired the ship...”


Jesus said, “‘Follow me’…then he got into a boat and started across the lake with his disciples. Suddenly a terrible storm came up, with waves higher than the boat. But Jesus was asleep. The disciples went to him and wakened him shouting, ‘Lord, save us! We’re sinking!’ But Jesus answered, ‘O you men of little faith! Why are you so frightened?’ Then he stood up and rebuked the wind and waves, and the storm subsided and all was calm.” Matthew 8 TLB

Faith Messenger Permit #695 Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer P.O. Box 5187 Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas. This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at 2

The grass shone like shimmering gems---emeralds, sapphires, diamonds--The leaves slowly released their last drops of water, The birds began their anthems of praise. The tiny chameleons crept out of their miniature hiding places---The squirrels raced up and down the trees. It were as if everything said, “Thank you.” After the dark clouds of suffering had passed, the sky went to the beauty shop and stepped forth in fashionable attire. Magneta, orchids, pinks, mauve, grey---a fresh magnetizing appearance. Yes, I saw God wash the sky of all its impurities---and the earth became more beautiful!!! I, too, felt refreshed!!!

The Awesome Storm The sky grew menacingly dark. Ominous clouds moved swiftly. The thunder roared distantly at first, then it rumbled overhead. The lightning flashed and crashed disturbingly---illuminating windowsThe wind gave its best efforts at breaking limbs and doubling trees. Fragile leaves flew through the air. The earth seemed disrobed of its Dignity. Then the rain fell in great fury, baptizing everything with its torrents of Water. But soon the dramatic scene ceased!!! The sun burst forth in flaming glory Yes, I saw God wash the Sky today!!!

-by Maxine Tolbert Trigleth

YOU ARE MY GOD! A DAY AT CHRISTIAN TRIUMPH Standing alone on the Christian Triumph grounds as the night approached, I was with my two little dogs in the yard when several boys walked directly up to us. I quickly ushered the dogs into the house as the biggest boy strongly asked me what I had been looking for. Perhaps, unaware, I was staring intently, viewing the street and the people. P.4

After He had washed it, He put a rainbow in it – a kaleidoscope of colors.


Just a few minutes before, a girl had been standing in the intersection, obviously waiting for someone. A red truck pulled up, parking along the street, and I noticed the girl staring at it, yet not moving towards it. Was this yet another drug connection of which the neighbors warn? Maybe because I was watching or for some other reason, the red truck pulled away quickly and the girl walked towards me. Interestingly, I distinctly sensed in my spirit that God wanted me to say something to her. (Talk about being out of one’s Comfort Zone – this was surely a test of faith.) But God had called me to come to Christian Triumph to help with the work, and the Word says that if He calls us, He will equip us. All of a sudden, I felt my legs walking toward the girl as she approached me and heard myself ask if everything was all right. She explained that she was waiting for a friend; he came, and then he just drove off. After an attack of coughing, the young girl said she had asthma and was going over to the hospital. Quickly, I offered to drive her but she said it was only a short way and would walk. I watched her go and then began to pray. In a few minutes I saw her turn into a group of apartments where much of the drug problems have originated.

And now, here before me, stood a group of neighborhood boys asking what I was looking for. What had I been looking for? Perhaps, more than anything – a miracle! Much prayer is already being prayed by the local Spanish church for the community; as well, I find myself in prayer constantly for the children, for the young people who wander the streets, and for the neighbors who care about their surroundings. In answering the boys that I had been walking the dogs, they were satisfied, but God’s Spirit within me was not, and I suddenly heard my voice say, “Come to church tomorrow. We are having pizza.” A few comments later, they were gone. My first instinctive thought was, “What are you doing! You are opening yourself up for trouble!” Sunday morning arrived and I marched myself into the local Spanish Church of God fellowship. The adults were singing as the children came into the room from their classes. All of a sudden, I looked up and saw every single one of those boys who had questioned me, coming to sit on the front row. Needless to say, the tears fell as I thanked our Father for His patience and miraculous ways. The biggest and most aggressive of the boys sat right in front of me; he turned and asked, “Aren’t you the one who invited us to church yesterday?”


Holiness 2012

I patted him on the shoulder and said, “Yes, and we are having pizza.” An hour or two later, we sat together enjoying Pepperoni Pizza and talking. Both the oldest boy and the one near his age confided that their Dads were in jail. As well, one of their Moms had been murdered by another man. With full tummies and the promise of Easter eggs next Sunday, we all told the boys goodbye and, I for one, felt very moved by God’s Grace, for it truly is Amazing that He sometimes calls the weakest of His vessels to simply follow and obey. Editor

Spring Blossoms Spring is such a beautiful time of the year! The apple tree in our back yard blossoms with white flowers that surely are very fragile- for wind, hail and cold seem to affect them drastically. Yet, these delicate blooms are the beginning of Hope for eventually, they will grow into a tasty fruit. Truly, they are a reminder that God keeps His promises: “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22


ONE SHEEP WAS MISSING One Sheep was missing from the fold, Somewhere out there in the cold. The hireling asked, “Why should I lose sleep Over one insignificant sheep?”

--Like these blossoms, a human life which is born again and growing in Christ also shows evidence of great Hope. God’s promises are true for His beloved! Because of Jesus, we are new persons, and we witness to the Joy and Peace of forgiveness.

But if one sheep of his was lost, The Shepherd must go out, not counting the cost. With daylight fading, and darkness encroaching, He goes out, calling the lamb by its name. Then out of the stillness, a faint call was heard In answer to the kindly Shepherd’s word. He followed the sound and quickly found The little sheep, which his arms did surround. With tender hands, on its wounds he poured oil, And shielded it from the harsh winter’s cold. Then carried the frightened lamb back to the fold.

Furthermore, like blossoms, we are fragile and must remember to guard our hearts and stay anchored to the Tree of Life, producing fruit because of the Holy Spirit’s infilling.

All the other sheep were happy to see The lamb that had wandered, and was hopelessly lost, Back in the fold again; that’s what matters the most. -Byrum C. Lee

Irregardless of the storms of life, we will “trust in him…” Job 135 NKJV and Anita give thanks to God. 5



HOPE Narciso in Peru

The regular Sunday church service begins with lively songs in Spanish. Most individuals understand the words, singing and clapping or using instruments. Others of us, not so fluent in Spanish, still rejoice in the Precious, Loving Spirit of God; everyone becomes happy, some honoring God with the lifting of hands and tears of joy.

I was in Chota working in the Bible Institute, but I got home to Cajamarca on Saturday night. I brought with me several boxes of the [Christian Triumph Spanish periodical], El Mensajero. [Messenger of HOPE] We left one box in Chota and Bambamarca which was handed out personally to the pastors and churches of the area. This morning I took a suitcase full of packages to the Post Office to send the Mensajero to other subscribers and still more will go by bus. Then I will also personally deliver others to the churches in Porcon and five other churches in Cajamarca. It’s getting interesting how many subscriptions we have and we’re happy that the pastors here have this material to help in the spiritual growth of their congregations.

After the singing, the children and their teachers come forward to share a part of their Sunday school lesson, a scripture, and then a song. Their enthusiasm is contagious as well as their teachers’. It is delightful to watch the little ones wiggle, smile, and do their best. More wonderful singing follows; then the Pastor comes with a Spirit-filled sermon which touches the hearts of the listeners (through palabras (words) and through the Holy Spirit).

Christian Triumph still has a few FREE books (Walking Man) to send on request. They tell an interesting story of Narciso, pastor, teacher and missionary in South America.

For English speakers, there are others in the church who can translate from Spanish to English, if needed. Yet for the one or more of us who know only a few Spanish words, these services present educational opportunities to learn additional terminology. Spanish, like English, presents a challenge since a word can have P. 7 different meanings.

(HTTP://WALKINGMAN.WS/) Download in Spanish 6

will offer You the sacrifice of praise…for in You alone, O Lord, the fatherless find mercy.’”

When the Bible is read before the sermon, the people stand in honor of God’s Word. Everyone is invited to find the scripture in preparation for the sermon. (English and Spanish)

Then comes God’s reply in a promise that can be our very own: “My love will know no bounds…I am living and strong! I look after you and care for you…My mercies never fail...”

As the service comes to an end, one can truly say that “it was good to be in the House of the Lord,” irregardless of personal dialect. In reality, our human vocabulary is of this earth; however, the Spirit of the Lord and the spirit of man are beyond earthly limitations, especially when connected to God through a bornagain experience described as “salvation.” In asking Jesus to forgive our sins and create in us a new being, cleansed and made whole – we become citizens in the Kingdom of God. It is there that we speak the same, new language of a changed heart.

1 Hosea 14:2-3 TLB 2Hosea 14: 4-8 TLB

+++ Christian Triumph News: Email requests for literature continue to come almost daily. We are adding the email addresses to a spread sheet for further correspondence if needed. ARGENTINA A request came from Marie in Argentina for tracts and the children’s booklet, AMOR. Christian Triumph is privileged to send the literature. REQUEST FROM AFRICA ……..This year the Lord sent us to begin with the message “RE; EVANGELIZATION of both “SELF” and the “WORLD”, so that he can “BRING HIS NAME FROM WHERE MEN HAVE HIDDEN IT”and “MAKE HIS WAY OF SALVATION KNOWN TO THE UNSAVED.” ...Kindly send to us some gospel materials including Holy Bibles. Your Partner in Prayers

YOU ARE OUR GOD! Whether English, Spanish, or any other language, we all are God’s Beloved. The last chapter in Hosea is a beautiful invitation to each and every person of every nation, and it is given with guidance for responding: “…return to the Lord, your God for you have been crushed by your sins. Bring your petition. Come to the Lord and say, ‘O Lord, take away our sins; be gracious to us and receive us, and we

Thanks to each one of you who has had a part in sending the Gospel. Many of our prayer warriors have gone to Heaven, and we miss their prayers very much. Thank you to those who continue helping us. We treasure you! FREE ENGLISH BIBLE LESSONS ABOUT GOD’S LOVE ARE AVAILABLE. Recently a prison ministry asked for these lessons. Thanks to our FM READERS! God bless! 7

Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer PO BOX 5187 Corpus Christi, TX 78465

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695

Address Service Requested

Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me, Over Life’s Tempestuous Sea. Edward Hopper, 1818-1888 John E. Gould 1822-1875



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