Faith Messenger Sept 2012

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*Volume 76 *No. 07 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * SEPT 2012

Contents: Mission 2012: Child Evangelism. . 1 2000 Smart and Happy Homes. . . . . . . 3 Broken Dreams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 He Seeks the Lost. . He Seeks & Finds. 5 Poems by Maxine and Byrum . . . . . . . 6 Memorials. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .7

Donna Schillinger narrates a puppet show, using a stage design given to 22 churches as a part of children ministry training in Peru in August.

Focus of 2012 Mission Trip: Child Evangelism In continued partnership with Pastor Narciso Zamora of Cajamarca, Peru, a group of six from Hilltop Bible Church in Clarksville, Ark., spent two weeks in August on a mission to train churches in working with and evangelizing children. Christian Triumph’s outreach coordinator Donna Schillinger led the trip, which included visits to Chota, Cajamarca, Granja Porcon, San Juan de Mayo, Rioja, Moyobamba and Iquitos, Peru. “It was a marathon pace. We had planned two workshops, but were pleasantly surprised to be able to conduct six workshops, reaching more than 55 churches across four denominations and two nondenominational groups.” Additionally, the group provided materials to five independent churches in Granja Porcon. The workshop was designed by Jeanie Haworth of Ada, Okla., who has worked in child evangelism for more than 50 years. Mrs. Haworth is terminally ill and may be with our Savior at the time of publishing. Knowing that this workshop was her final effort on this earth to reach children for Christ gave the group, which included her daughter and son-in-law, Jeanene and Darrel Burns, a passionate motivation to share the workshop with as many people they could. During the three-hour workshop, participants received teaching on the qualities of a good children’s minister, basic truths and basic tools for teaching. Then the group demonstrated numerous techniques for reaching children, as well as teaching

several simple ways to present the plan of salvation. Using Wordless Book colors, each participant made a beaded bracelet, and each church left with instructions and materials for making this and other didactic materials, as well as child evangelism curriculum for up to six months of lessons. “We were pleased with the response in each workshop. People listened with great interest and when it came time to make the different didactic materials, everyone really got into it! The sock puppets were especially popular,” Schillinger said. Christian Triumph Company is pleased to have contributed financially to this trip, including sponsoring the host Pastor Narciso Zamora to lead the group from Cajamarca all the way to Iquitos, which lies on the Amazon River and is accessible only by plane or a three-day boat ride. “Iquitos was an interesting destination,” says Schillinger. “Honestly, none of us really liked it very much. It is renowned for sex trafficking, it’s very loud and crowded with excessive motorickshaws. Despite how we felt about it, we knew we needed to be there as much or more than any of the more pleasant places we had visited, and were blessed to reach five churches in that city with this workshop.” The trip was scheduled to coincide with Cajamarca region’s annual conference of the Churches of God. “It was exciting to attend this conference and see so many new churches represented. The Church of God in that area is growing incredibly fast, with some eight new congregations in the last year. This is due in large part to the church planting excursions that Pastor Narciso Zamora and his young protégé Pastor Jorge from Chota (pictured in group, kneeling, second from right) conduct every month. Many of these churches are in places where there has not been an evangelical church before,” Schillinger informs. And Christian Triumph literature, tracts and El Mensajero de Esperanza are important in evangelizing and sustaining these new churches. Please be in prayer for the equipping of leaders for these new churches in the Cajamarca region. Log on to to view a short video of highlights of the workshop. Anyone interested in participating in a future mission trip should contact Donna Schillinger through or by calling 361.884.6924.

Participants at the first of six children’s ministry workshops, this one in Chota, Cajamarca, Peru. The Church of God in Chota, with pastors Jorge (bottom row, second from right) and Irma (standing, second from left), is the most established in the Cajamarca th state. The 25 annual regional conference was held there and attended more than 200 congregants from 22 local churches.

Faith Messenger Permit #695 Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer P.O. Box 5187 Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas. This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at



2000 Smart and Happy Homes!

The girls are back on the corner! I watch from the door as they grab a sign and try to stop traffic. Most of them appear to be 12 or 13 years of age, but the one who keeps darting into the street looks even younger. I wonder what the sign says, and I begin to pray. (The Good Lord has heard a lot about these girls lately!) No one stops although a driver honks at the girl in the street. Here comes a couple of women, and the girls talk to them. That’s a good indication! Walking my way, the women glance at me, and I ask them what is on the sign. They respond, “A yard sale” down the block. Ah, here is a chance to get more involved in the neighborhood. ☺ Grabbing three dollars, I stroll down the sidewalk to the yard sale. And is it cute! There sits two or three small children around a little home-made table; on it stands three old picture frames and two or so miniature glass items. A girl says, “That one would be good for your pennies.” I look through an old Nancy Drew book and choose it along with the picture frames, a glass item and a dirty baby toy. The total price comes to $3.00! What a buy! But the most precious purchasespending time with the children – PRICELESS! “You’ve done a good job with your yard sale,” I tell the children while glimpsing one of the teenage girls at my side. She is smiling as though pleased with their success as well as the positive comment. Often, I question what the lives of the girls and boys must be like, living in this drug-filled neighborhood, overrun with sex offenders, and my prayers are for their protection day and night, as I remember Jesus’ words, “And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths. of the sea.” Matt. 18: 5-6 NIV

The Peru Mission Trip 2012 successfully distributed 2000 booklets of the revised El Hogar Feliz (The Happy Home), which we had printed in Peru, saving printing and postage costs. To view the redesign of this booklet which is just as applicable

today as when it was first published, visit It’s digital and downloadable!

-----------------------------Please remember FM writer, Anita, and husband, Gerald, in prayer. 3



Artist: Alisha, Great-Great Granddaughter of Rev. and Mrs. L. Y. Janes

Run away, running away, Where did things go astray? You look so far, far away. And here you stay, wishing to run away.

“…the disciples came to Jesus and asked, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?’ He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said, ‘I tell you the truth unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’” Mt.18 NIV

Life’s a long, long stay When nothing seems to go your way. Your heart breaks; your tears wake, You dream of nothing But your life’s mistakes. Life goes on and dreams go by. You’re constantly having to deny The pain you feel, moments fled too soon. Nothing left but worn down afternoons. Life is too precious to live this way. Is there nothing I can say To make this pain go away? A Savior died and in His arms, He holds you as you cry. Why do you constantly deny And tell yourself it’s all a lie? Run away, running away; Take a minute, and stay. Let God help you make a way. He wants to build you, Grow you, Bring you back to golden days, Where life is good and dreams are made.

Childlikeness is trusting, believing, innocence, genuineness and love.

What causes a child to go astray? No one is born that way! We learn from those around us, What they do and what they say.

Run away, running away, take a minute. and …………Pray. Written by Felicia, Great, Great Granddaughter of Rev. and Mrs. L. Y. Janes

When do we first desperately cry? What causes our first sigh? Are our hopes and dreams unseen, Invisible to those nearby?

----Lyell Y. Janes At the age of 19, Lyell left his father’s farm to give his life in God’s service. Una Daley became his wife in 1910.




By Fred Pena, Second Vice President Christian Triumph Co.

By HOSPICE & HOSPITAL ChaplainRev. Ron Richardson

Jesus went to where the sinners were, and today, still goes where the sinners are. He seeks the lost. Christian Triumph is in the middle of those needing Jesus, and it doesn’t surprise me. God has strategically placed this ministry in the middle of the spiritual war zone because He has great plans for this mission ministry. Christian Triumph is a light in the middle of a deep darkness. If we do not shine, those around us may never know the Way nor will we receive the blessings that He has for us all. The word “Triumph” means “Greater is He who is in us and with us, than he who is in the world.” The enemy cannot harm us without first going through our Redeemer. We must trust God, and we must be confident that He knows what He is doing. People need the Lord and what better place to be than right in the middle of the action. As we build the new church, we are in the Bunker, taking pot shots at the enemy. After we replace the old, deteriorating buildings and expand the ministry, we will be in full-out war, on the front line of the infantry. We need to prepare the battle ground with prayer because without God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, we will be devoured. Have faith!

“Ask of me, and I shall give you the heathen for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession.” Ps. 2:8 I was traveling the other day, looking at the country side that I so love. We have had record heat, 10 inches below on rain. The hay is not worth cutting and the cows have no grass to eat. Ponds are not only empty but the farmers are using dozers to clean out the bottom. What a sad sight! I have also seen men and women just as bad off. They are searching for meaning, trying to find peace in their lives, and all they find is busyness and emptiness plus fears over the present and no hope for the future. One great highlight of the summer was when a co-worker asked me to visit with her fatherin-law. He was a loving man, yet none approached the gentleman in the ICU at the hospital. He was very restless and pulling all his tubes out, even his feeding tube. No chance to tell him of Jesus. Another chaplain was present the next morning, and I asked him to visit the patient who was not able to talk, only blink his eyes. The chaplain asked where he was going to spend eternity and did he want to accept Jesus. He blinked his eyes – yes, he did; did he understand what was being said – yes, he blinked. This patient had said a few days earlier that he could not be saved! He was wrong! At 80 years of age, this man accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. His sin was forgiven; his name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life! Later, I was privileged to officiate at his funeral. I used the topic, “Hallelujah,” what more can be said?

God bless you all!

Christian Triumph Company


Ps. 2:1, “Ask of me, and I shall give you the heathen for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession.”

a kaleidoscope of colors.

Who was responsible for winning this man to the Lord? I was not responsible, and although the chaplain helped and asked and led, yet, he was not responsible. God answered the prayers of the family; for years they prayed and many did not know about his salvation until the memorial service. What great joy there was! Sorrow of the loss was overshadowed by the great victory! God will answer the prayers of our heart. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!

The grass shone like shimmering gems--emeralds, sapphires, diamonds--The leaves slowly released their last drops of water, The birds began their anthems of praise. The tiny chameleons crept out of their miniature hiding places---The squirrels raced up and down the trees. It were as if everything said, “Thank you.” After the dark clouds of suffering had passed, the sky went to the beauty shop and stepped forth in fashionable attire. Magneta, orchids, pinks, mauve, grey---a fresh magnetizing appearance. Yes, I saw God wash the sky of all its impurities---and the earth became more beautiful!!! I, too, felt refreshed!!! -by Maxine Tolbert Trigleth


The Awesome Storm The sky grew menacingly dark. Ominous clouds moved swiftly. The thunder roared distantly at first, then it rumbled overhead. The lightning flashed and crashed disturbingly--illuminating windowsThe wind gave its best efforts at breaking limbs and doubling trees. Fragile leaves flew through the air. The earth seemed disrobed of its Dignity. Then the rain fell in great fury, baptizing everything with its torrents of Water. But soon the dramatic scene ceased!!! The sun burst forth in flaming glory Yes, I saw God wash the Sky today!!!

NO TEST – NO TESTIMONY Without life’s tests you’d have no testimony; Without the battles you’d have no victories. So endure the tests, and fight your battles, Determined that the hardest tasks you’ll tackle. A tree that takes root on the mountain’s edge, May seem in danger, growing on the ledge; But its roots will grow deep, as the winds rage. And, as it grows old, it will thrive with age. If you want to compete, and win the prize, You’ll need to be strong, so you must exercise. Decide today, your own self to discipline, And even if you come in last, you’ll still win. Byrum C. Lee: 07/2012

After He had washed it, He put a rainbow in it – 6

Edith worked at the stripping table, getting the negatives ready to make plates for the presses. Both of these talented, faithful daughters contributed to the literature ministry in many more ways as well as to the wellbeing of their parents. Their happy smiles and gifted abilities blessed this missionary work, and we thank God for all the good that came from their lives on this earth. May they both rest in eternal peace.

Baby Lois and Toddler, Edith

Evelyn Anderson, first-born of Rev. and Mrs. L.Y. Janes lives with and is being cared for by her children.

Thanks to all those who have written and asked for prayer. We are remembering you! Every letter is appreciated. For those who cannot write, be assured that we are thinking of you and praying that God will bless. Thanks to all who send the used Sunday school literature. Bless you! Edith and Lois (Janes) were born in Oklahoma, where they continued printing until they felt led to move closer to the Spanish fields. The Story of a Tract

We have four UPDATED books about DeShazer, who was taken captive in WWII and, later, became a great missionary to Japan. Would you like one? Please send your request. (Four books to give away.)

In Memory

Both of Rev.L.Y. and Una Janes’ daughters were a great help in the Christian Triumph Ministry, as well as their husbands. Lois operated the camera, making negatives from copies for the offset printing.

Byrum Lee has generously donated FROM PREACHER TO POET and THE POET’S PULPIT to be given as a blessing. We have seven of those. With great joy, Byrum and Christian Triumph wish to GIVE BACK. OCTOBER FM: More of Anita and others! 7

Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer PO BOX 5187 Corpus Christi, TX 78465

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695

Address Service Requested

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.� Matthew 19:14 NIV

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