issue 2 Christian Women in Business Digital Magazine

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Planning for 2018 She Leads with Grace & Authority


CONFERENCE Take the next steps






Top Tips for


her story


is s u e 2

table of



































FOUNDER + EDITOR - Sarah-Jane Meeson CREATIVE DIRECTOR - Megan Horsfall CONTENT DIRECTOR - Sarah-Jane Meeson PROOF READERS - Prue Ram, Tammy Sooveere, Robyn Evans IMAGES - HauteStock / Twigy Posts / Kate Max





Message from the Founder/Editor

We’re now onto the second issue of our Digital Magazine and boy, did our first one shake the devil off his feet. I was also blown off my feet, with all of the beautiful responses we had from ladies all over the world. Expressing how they loved the magazine so much, that they printed it off and shared it with their friends, family and work mates. How cool is that?! Our aim with this magazine is to encourage women all over the world; no matter what business or leadership role they have. We wanted to make something, that no matter what your financial position was, you could still get goodness into your soul and be inspired to keep going – but most of all know that you’re loved, because He first loved us. Now it’s time to do it again! (Would you believe that God gave me the topics for this magazine before I’d finished the first issue, Ha ha!) Please feel free to share away and print away as much as you like. The way we see it, the more women we can get this magazine in front of, the more we can bless and inspire! This whole business thing shouldn’t be done alone. In this issue we wanted to encourage you to start planning for your next year ahead to bring a little realism to the business journey and most of all to give you something practical to apply to your business. I hope you enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Have peace knowing that God already knows what’s coming in your business through 2018. He’s got you beautiful, so let’s tap into the awesomeness of God and see what He wants to show you through this Magazine. If you have any topics or questions feel free to pop them through to

Be blessed in your business beautiful, Sarah-Jane xx


Happy 1st Birthday

We’re turning 1 in Feb 2018 and we’d love for you to come and join us for our first Birthday Party. This Birthday Party isn’t going to be about us, but about you. We’re throwing a giant, full day birthday party where you can take part in a full day workshop! Here you will connect with other likeminded women while learning useful tools to apply to your business. Yep, we’re throwing our very first conference to celebrate. We’re calling it a “Community Conference” because without the community around us, how would we be supported in our businesses?

Saturday 17th Feb 2018 on the sunny Gold Coast

Get My Ticket Find Out More Info On Page 6 GET MY TICKET ONLINE NOW >>



There’s much to be said about the ‘why’ of your business being the foundation stone of everything you work towards. And if you’ve ever been through the process of defining your business ‘why’, you’ll agree that it is not a simple task. You dig deep beneath the surface of your creativity, focus, being, and ethics to define the perfect ‘why’ statement. However, it is not the ‘End Statement’ that is most important but the actual process of getting the end statement. What you learn about your business, your target market, your processes - this information is the real gem and is what gives your business purpose, clarity and a reason for everything.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 On the same note, knowing ‘who’ you are and ‘whose’ you are, is the foundation stone for your personal life. It’s easy to get distracted and find your identity in the approval of others (especially with the rise of social media “likes”), but I challenge you to dig deeper. Spend time in the Word, spend time in prayer, build a relationship with Jesus and find your identity in Christ. In the process you will not only learn about yourself, but also about Jesus. Learn to let Him be your strength, purpose and focus. His desires will rise up in you! They will become your desires. Your purpose will be intertwined with His purpose: A Kingdom Purpose. Everything you do will stem from that. Your busines ‘why’ will become linked with your Kingdom Purpose and that is all found in knowing who you are in Christ. Dig deep girl, dig deep!

Love Megs xo



Community CONFERENCE 2018

Happy First Birthday CWIB We’ve almost made it to our first year of CWIB and we couldn’t be more pumped to see what God brings next! One of our main mission’s in CWIB is to unite God’s daughters in business, all together, in one room all at the same time! To come together to worship our God, to strengthen and encourage one and other. About a quarter of the way through the year God put on SJ’s heart about holding a first birthday party. SJ prayed about it and sat on it awhile and every time she said no to God, God prompted her to do it. The change came when SJ saw how much the community members where enjoying the Business Socials and connecting online. It would be a conference for women to connect face to face, build deeper relationships and worship God, all being on a similar journey and I couldn’t stop that from happening.

We’re happy to bring you the first ever CWIB Community Conference for our first birthday party!

This will be a full day event in a workshop style format and will be a conference like no other! There has been one key element that’s helped CWIB grow

Meet Kerrie Phipps

like it has (apart from God) and that’s the relationships we

Kerrie is widely known as an

have built! Each person we have loved on has made our

engaging speaker and author

world that little bit bigger and our movement wouldn’t be

who inspires leaders and

the same without these wonderful relationships. (Some

entrepreneurs to connect with

of them have turned into friendships where they


conversations happen nearly everyday!) Where did you grow up? We believe relationships are a key element to build any

On a farm near Gilgandra, Central West NSW with Dad, Mum

business, relationships spread through all elements of

& an older & younger brother

your business, in your marketing, sales copy, customer interaction and your brand. Not only this, but when you

What caused you to talk to your first stranger?

know more people, your world becomes bigger!

Dad probably made me. He modelled talking to strangers (without trying). He’s really interested in people and loves a

We’ve found an expert in building relationship Kerrie

good chat. His parents were known in town to be very friendly

Phipps. Kerrie loves speaking to strangers and has

and welcoming, so it goes back a long way. However I was quite

developed a workshop to help you learn how to talk to

inhibited and wouldn’t initiate a conversation with a stranger til

strangers too!

I was older.


How has talking to strangers helped you and your business?

When did you first start singing?

It’s really the only way I grew my business. I had no money for

Well, I think I came out singing. But aside from always living a

advertising or setting up a website (back in the day you had to

life of song as a kid, I joined our worship team when I was 13

pay thousands) so I went to Chamber of Commerce events and

and started worship leading from 15. That was a long time ago

anything else that was on. I was so excited about the work I


was doing (personal leadership coaching) that people wanted to know more.

What was the first song you wrote and what influenced you to write it?

Did you see yourself becoming an international speaker or

To be honest, it was about a boy. Ha! I use my song writing as a

did God take you by surprise?

way to bring out what is deepest in my heart and during my

No! I’m the least likely from my school to achieve anything!

teens that was all about boys. Then Jesus stole my heart and

Others have seen this way before I have. God continues to

worship started flowing for me from there through those

surprise me. I wrote in my journal last January, “God I want to

precious times at my piano.

go to five different countries this year” - to stretch myself, immerse myself in other cultures and learn, living my “connect

What’s been the biggest lesson you’ve learnt from running

with confidence” message. By 1st July I was flying into the fifth

your own business?

country to present at an amazing “Business for Good”

Trusting in God's provision. Provision financially yes, but


provision in ideas, opportunities, making a way where I couldn't see a way, provision of faith to believe He really has

Your top biz tip for the speakers reading this mag?

my back. If He has called me to it, He will provide a way.

Focus on serving others. When your focus is on getting clients,

A Conference With A Cause

looking good and sounding professional, your nerves and or anxiety get in the way of being fully present with people, which

Our heart is to help and support missions out there on the

makes you less attractive. Being genuinely interested in them

front line helping those in need.

and listening without assumptions or judgement makes you more attractive. Be happy and others focused.

This means a percentage of all tickets sold for the conference will be going to support Teen Challenge QLD and we will also

Kerrie will be taking us through the workshop then you’ll enjoy the afternoon as you put what you’ve learnt into practice.

be holding a fundraising game at our party to help towards this awesome cause. Executive Director Jo Hobbs will be joining us for the evening session. For all the ladies out there who run not for profits and charities – this one’s for you!

Not only do we want to help you build confidence in yourself to speak to people, build your community and have the guts to

Jo will be sharing her story with us as her charity seeks to help

ask for the sale, we also want to bring a bit of God to the scene

young people in Queensland when they’re at their weakest

so we’ve invited our very own member Susan Browning, to

and lowest point, passing on her wisdom to you as one

come and lead us in some “unplugged” worship so you can

business woman to another.

connect and spend some time with God praying over your business. We can’t wait for you to spend that precious time

You’ll also have a chance to speak with Jo at our party if you

with the King.

have any burning questions for her… Before then, let’s get to know Jo a little better.

Meet Susan Browning

For over 42 years Teen Challenge QLD has given young

Susan is a worship leader mentor

people who struggle with life-controlling issues a second

and vocal coach from Sydney, NSW.

chance at life. We offer a live-in rehabilitation program for

What’s your favorite worship song at the minute?

young men and women needing to recover from addiction and

My favourite worship song at the

physical and sexual abuse, depression etc. We provide young

moment is Build Your Life - Christy

people with a unique and rare opportunity to rebuild their

Nockels version. It speaks so much to the foundations of who I

lives. We also provide family support, education and crisis

am and how I want to frame my life under kingdom perspective.


other life controlling issues such as eating disorders, self harm,


In the next decade, I believe three key challenges facing the

Meet Jo Hobbs Jo is Executive Director of

nfp sector will be ........

Teen Challenge QLD

1) With the global financial unrest over the past few years and the natural disasters we have experienced within Australia,

I have been in my current role since

the nfp sector faces an unprecedented strain on funding

........ 2011.

resources. This new environment is forcing nfp organisations

I have been involved in the

to diversify and become more innovative with their funding

not-for-profit sector ........ since 1997, working in various


leadership roles within the community care and support sector.

2) The paradigm shift from the conventional marketing and fundraising strategies to the use of social media as one of our

My favourite nfp memory is ........attending the Teen Challenge

primary source of marketing, fundraising and donor nurture.

‘Champion’s Night’ (this is an annual event where we celebrate

3) The requirement for nfp organisations to understand and

the achievements of young men and women who have complet-

implement the Australian Charities & NFP Commission

ed the Teen Challenge program and are now living a happy and

(ACNC) reportable requirements and to quantify successful

productive life). It was a humbling experience to hear the real


life stories of these incredible young people who had bravely Some of the idiosyncrasies peculiar to the nfp sector are ........

faced and overcome devastating situations in their lives.

the many hats you need to wear because of limited human I consider a stand-out achievement in my CEO role to be ........

resources and tiered management; as well as the delicate

Successfully navigating our organisation through a difficult

balance of working with volunteers and paid staff.

restructure, resulting in a positive change of culture and Hypothetically, my 'all-time greatest' NFP job would be ........


It might sound a bit cliché, but I would like to do what I am One experience I don't want to be reminded of is ........ the days

currently doing with greater human and financial resources so

when I thought I needed to have my fingers in all the pies. In

we could expand our footprint to impact more young lives.

other words - the days when I was a micro-manager. Being a

Once we’ve heard from Jo our evening will only have just begun. We’ll retire with some good food, good music and time to mingle with your new friends as we party the night away in the name of Jesus.

good leader means you need to know how to delegate and trust your staff. I was initially attracted to the NFP sector by ........ the opportunity to make a difference. I love people and I’m passionate about being a part of transformational change in their lives. My catch phrase is, “Every life is precious and the capacity for greatness resides within every individual. It’s our mission to help them find it.”



My continuing commitment to the nfp sector is fuelled by ........


my love for people and my absolute belief that given the right environment, opportunities and resources any one can change and live a purpose filled life.

We invite you to join our party on The person I most admire in the nfp sector is ........ Mother Teresa; even though she is no longer with us, she has left an

Saturday 17th Feb 2018

incredible legacy and a wonderful example of what it truly

at Coolangatta on the Gold Coast.

means to serve others. With her global influence of over 45 years of service to others, she exemplifies what the heartbeat

Click Here To RSVP and Get Your Ticket

of the NFP sector should be all about.


Planning for



We thought we’d help you (when the time is right) get ready for

Can you believe we’re in the last quarter of 2017? What a year it’s been!

your next year ahead. If you don’t even want to think about that right now, don’t fear. You can go through these questions and incorporate your planning whether you plan 3 quarterly, monthly or yearly. We’ve all heard about how important planning is. You and I both

know its pointless going on a journey if you don’t know where you’re going. Doing business with God in the mix is a little bit different to how we might have been taught by more secular teachers, but planning is still important. What’s really cool about having God as our number 1 business mentor is we get to ask for the plan from someone who already knows what’s going to happen!

So before we go any further with the more practical elements. We encourage you to take some time out with God and sit with Him, maybe with some worship music quietly playing. Be still and just rest in His presence. Ask God to show you the next steps or what you need to do next. Now God might not give you anything straight away or in a clear booming voice. If you get nothing that’s ok, just keep doing what you’re doing. Whatever you do get, make sure you write it down somewhere safe and date it. God will show you what He wants you to know and when He wants you to know it. After you’ve spent some time with God, let’s move onto some practical tasks. Now at CWIB we plan some things ahead but not others. We like to plan in 3 monthly timelines as we find it keeps things flexible,it’s not too intimidating and you can reflect easily on a 3 monthly period. We always keep the next 9 months and onwards in mind though. For example, we know what the conference in 2019 is going to be about because God showed us that already, we also know what themes we’re going to cover in the next 9 months in the community and for the magazines. But we only set and do things in the month we’re in and concentrate on one thing at a time. (Unless it’s a “must task”, but you get what we’re saying).

We dream big but we also think small consistent intentions everyday.


Goals V’s Intentions (actions we intend to do) These two are completely different and are to be used in different ways throughout your planning. So our goals are the big overall stuff. So for example, one of our goals is to keep releasing quarterly workshops in our membership. But we can’t reach that goal unless we follow monthly, weekly and daily intentions. Intentions are what we need to do consistently over a period of time to get us to where we need to be. So our intentions are to write out a plan of subjects we want to cover in the workshops and then invite people to help us write the content or write the workshop out, record etc. If we don’t have intentions to help us get to our goals, we’re never going to reach them. An example of this might be in your marketing… Your goal might be to increase your mailing list and set up an automation sequence that will sell a product or service that you offer. Refine that to be: Increase mailing list to 500 and have 15 people buy. That’s your goal. (This just an example) . Now what are your intentions that you’re going to set to help you get there? If you master these intentions over focusing on the goal, you might end up there quicker than you imagined and do better then what you thought you would! Your intentions for this goal would be. + Work out what would be the most appropriate offer to “hook” my potential customers to sign up to my mailing list. + What emails am I going to write out for the sequence? + What product or service is going to match this give-a-way that will benefit my contacts and help improve their life? + How will I drive traffic to that opt-in form? Then, break that down even further. It might sound like your “to do” list just got a little bigger. But here is the thing. It’s not about doing 100 things all at once. It’s about picking one thing on that list, not doing anything else until it’s completed. Then move onto the next task. On our podcast SJ takes us through a few simple steps to help us find our location now in our businesses. So when we plan, we know where we’re starting from. We’ve taken the pleasure of linking these for you so you can go through each one before you move onto the planning phase.

Topic 1 Finding Your Bearings

Topic 2 Mistakes and Gratitude

Topic 3 Your Faith and Finance

Topic 4 Fun and Family

Once you’ve gone through these now it’s time for the fun part. We’ve given you a special bonus attached to this mag which are A3 print outs for you to plan the next 3 months or stages of your business out on. Pop these on your wall so you can keep referring back to them. Go ans start planning, be creative, listen to God, set your goals then work out your intentions and work out the next stage of your business.

You’ve got this beautiful.


CWIB Member’s Planning Advice We asked our members “What's the best advice or wisdom you have ever been given for when you're planning the next stage of your business?” And this is what they had to say...

Lesley Lloyd

Sharryn Ludlow

To always ask the Lord first! He knows where He wants to

90 day focus. Set a goal that is fixed but be flexible with

take my business, and I'm going to need His help first and

how you get there. Test and measure every two weeks so

foremost. I ask, He answers, I go. <3

you can adjust. It can reveal where you need help, what system you can think about adding, or where you need to tweak something that isn't working.

Brianna Wilkerson To plan your content, marketing, and everything you do

Megan Horsfall

around that big goal - whether it's growing your list,

Always plan "white space" into your weekly schedule to

building new connections, or selling a paid product :)

allow for the unexpected! #goldenrule

Amanda Brandl

Gracie Delos Martirez

Stop being so pre-occupied with the future that you are

Take care of the legal stuff early on, preferably before

missing what is right in front of you.

earning your first dollar: business and intellectual property registration, a business bank account, etc.

Debara Foran My advice to myself was - "If its not written down it doesn't

Jan Morris

get done"; "Plan for outcomes not outputs" and "You

It's rarely about you... it's always about Him... ask him,

cannot manage what you do not measure"...

listen to Him...obey Him...

Robyn Robertson

Melissa Ahlquist

Plan your way forward. Set your goals and strategy. Always

Make your goals achievable in an achievable timeframe =

keep a check on the sacrifices you are making to get where

feelings of success = motivation to keep on going... too

you want to be. Whatever you say yes to... You are saying

much = stress or failure = loss of motivation.

no to something else. Beware not to fall into the trap of losing sight of what is really important: family, children,

Carolyn Moes

time out, self-care. Prioritise your time.

If you can't do it with ease and grace maybe you're not meant to be doing it.

Sharon Hearty Listen to your intuition, it was born with you to serve you

Mara Roberts

and it knows you best.

Praying the words 'Lord please increase my capacity' and then soaking it up in his presence before getting stuck into the tasks of practically and diligently doing what's needed.

Prue Ram Be consistent. With EVERYTHING

Fail to plan ...... Plan to Fail


Planners & Diaries FOR 2018

We’ve gone on the hunt and found our favorite planners and diaries for this year. Go check them out‌

$45 US Petite Prayerful Planner by Prayerful Planner

$24.95 Twigseeds 2018 Diary Card and Caboodle

$44.95 Life Designer, Compact Weekly by Amelia Lane

$49.95 Phenomenal Woman Planner by Leaders in Heels

$36 US Daily Grace Planner by The Daily Grace Co.

$12.99 US Delight in Today Planner Day Spring

$24.99 This is the Day 18mth Koorong

$49 US Daily Devotional Planner Anchored Press

$39.99 Illustrated Faith Planner Koorong



It was never my plan to be where I am today. My high school goal was to NOT work in an office. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I knew what I didn’t want to do.

“The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home.” Harold B Lee. This print hangs in my bedroom. My priority, my focus, and my drive are the four amazing children I get to raise, and my hard-working, faithful husband I’ve been blessed to spend my life with. In order to do this, and be the best wife and mother, I constantly look to the Proverbs 31 woman. Not only does she work hard and sacrifice for her family, she uses her skills to create an income, an income she chooses to use for the poor and needy. all the while being able to care for her household and to be called blessed by her children and husband. Over the years my business has taken on many forms and streams from telemarketing and consulting, to promotional work and administration. And I’m currently in the process of re-branding my bookkeeping business. It will likely grow and evolve as I do in order to adapt to fit around my main priorities. I have entrepreneurial blood – my dad has run many successful businesses which continue to change through time; my sister is also a registered BAS agent (like me) and runs her business in Melbourne; my grandparents on both sides owned and operated their own variety of businesses over the years. And I’m currently helping my son get his digital design business off the ground!

Amazing how what you focus on becomes your reality! I left school to work for my dad – in an office, and from there progressed through different admin/office roles. I took time out to have my children and needed something to fit in around them for when I re-entered the workforce. The only options I could see which would allow me to look after them on school holidays was either teacher’s aide or bookkeeping. I didn’t like the idea of looking after children all day (even with four kids of my own – go figure!), and my natural drive to perfectionism and ‘things in their place’ meant bookkeeping and admin work came easily. It is certainly not where I would have planned to be – but it’s amazing when His plans come to be instead. I have been able to build a business which allows me the flexibility I need for my family. It is by no means a large business, but it keeps me busy in the time I have available now. I do school drop off and pick up each and every day. I am able to attend school excursions and sports carnivals. I can re-schedule things in the event of a sick child if need be. My husband travels for work every so often, so I can keep the household running and things stable for our family in his absence. And when the time allows it, and the kids don’t need me as hands on as I am now, THEN I will look to build it larger.


Sometimes I feel at a loss listening to business owners who strive for MORE and BIGGER, and although I know God has a different plan for each of us, that’s not in my plan right now. Sometimes it feels wrong to call myself a business owner – that I’m not ‘entrepreneurial’ enough. Sometimes it feels like I never ‘built’ a business when instead I kind of fell into it, but seriously when would I have had the time anyway?! Sometimes I feel guilty that what I do isn’t a passion of mine – that some days I am in it only for the extra income and flexibility to fit my priorities.

job or business opportunity that looks good but will take you away from your goals instead of towards them. And NO to anything else that is above your priority. Only by re-evaluating your life on a regular basis can you bring things back to how you want them. It’s a bit like culling kids clothing and toys – they keep coming in on birthdays and Christmases, but it’s up to you to take the time to see what is no longer needed, what is not working for your household and life anymore, and what is best to pass on to others for better use.

What I have learnt over time, which I do use in my business, is great time management skills. At one-point years ago I was juggling two young children at school, one in part time kindy, and one under my feet, whilst running two business and studying. Also, three out of four of my children have food intolerances which keeps me in the kitchen cooking and making most meals from scratch.

And finally, I like to remember a piece of scripture my mother in law highlighted to me as a new mum: Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” This applies to my every day and needing rest rather than always relying on that next cup of coffee (okay, I’m a work in progress on that one!). It also applies to your whole life. Is it your season to have the big business? Or is it your season to have a different priority for now and not feel at all guilty about it.

The biggest lesson I’ve learnt is the ability to say NO without feeling guilty. There are only so many hours in a day. Make a list – one column of what you currently spend your time doing, and one column of what you currently spend your money on. Do these lists actually line up with what you want for your life? If not, start saying NO. NO to taking on those extra jobs or hours. NO to that event or meeting. NO to that

by Kylie Shea


New Year, New OPportunity!

Wouldn’t it be great to have a Secondary and wiLlable income to suPport your existing busineSs and dreams. For more information Contact: Heather Roberson US Phone 205.527.1660

It’s your time to join your sisterhood of Christian Women in Business


Our membership is all about uniting like-minded women together like yourself, encouraging you and strengthening you to build a business that you love and of course empower you to make money!




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Office Set-Up BY PRUE RAM


How to style your office into an inspiring and highly productive space.

Step 2. PLAN: The saying ‘fail to plan and you’ll plan to fail’ is

Who says your offices need to be bland? Definitely not me. Being a creative I want my office to be a place that inspires my creativity, a space that I visually love and a space that works for me and my working needs so that I can be as productive as possible.

definitely true here. Having a good plan will save you from wasting time and money. No-one wants to be dragging furniture around the room all day, instead, plan and then act. You also don’t want to get to the end of this process and think, ‘It works but doesn’t look inviting’ or ‘It looks great but I’m moving around more looking for things then I

I’ve worked with a number of clients who have called me in to help

was in my previous layout’. Planning takes a small outlay of time, but

them design well-functioning and visually pleasing office spaces and

in the long run it really pays off.

they’ve always loved the end result. I’d love to share my design strategy with YOU so you too can create some wow in your office as

Description of what this list means…


A. Furniture layout. Work out where the best place will be for your

Step 1. ASSESS: Step back, look at your space with fresh eyes as

desk and any other furniture you have.Get your pen and paper out and

if you haven’t seen it before and ask yourself these questions.

sketch up some plans if this helps. Ensure function is top of mind as

A. What’s working?

you do this planning. It’s all good and well making the space look pretty

B. What isn’t working?

but if it doesn’t function well, then your productivity and bottom line

C. Why?

will suffer as a result. It’s important to consider ergonomics along with

D. What are you wanting to keep?

the various work zones you need in your office and then ensure that

E. What could you get rid of? (Don’t be shy with this step – the less

you have your furniture laid out to meet these needs. I.e. maybe you

clutter the better the outcome).

need a packing table to wrap, label and prepare for posting physical

F. Do you have the budget to add to your office so it functions better?

orders that you send out. Maybe you have a bad back so a stand up

G. What could you add? Will it really bring value to the way the space

desk could be considered.



B. Work out what your style is (if you don’t already know it) – Is it

Step 4.

Contemporary? Traditional? Classic? Scandi? Industrial? Country?

this bit is too. This is where you can bring in your personality to the

Eclectic? Boho? Etc. Check out our free Style Guide here http://ee-

space. Hang some amazing artwork that you love, add some personal to help you discover your unique style. Pinterest

family photos, pop a table lamp on your desk (that’s right I said table

and Instagram are great inspirations to help work out your style too.

lamp, you don’t have to use an office desk lamp – change things up),

Knowing your style will just ensure your office looks cohesive visually

swap out your office chair for a chair you love maybe it’s a dining chair

and be more impacting rather than be a hot mess of styles.

(provided you don’t sit on it for hours) or maybe you’re like me and

STYLE: I know I said that step 3. was the fun part but

have re-upholstered an office chair in a fabric you adore. This is the

C. Lastly choose a colour palette. Stick to a maximum of 4 colours,

step where you can think out of the box, break rules and get your

choose colours that you love and that make you feel like working. It’s

creative on. Add a plant in the corner of your office. Bring in some

proven that colour does affect us psychologically so it’s worth thinking

accent chairs for visitors if you have the space. My advice - don’t just

through your emotional response to your proposed colour palette to

use normal office chairs again. Pop down a floor rug that you love. If

ensure you are going to benefit from the chosen colours. Examples

you have the space, create a sitting nook for you to enjoy your quiet

could be white, grey, teal and small accents of soft orange or more

time with Jesus or for some time away from your desk.

dramatic…. Black, White, Green with small accents of red.

Step 5.

D. At this point you could create a moodboard with all of the above

it’s functioning well. Is it ergonomically sound? Are your regularly used

which you can use as a guide to keep you from diverting from the plan.

items (price lists, catalogues, pens, stationery) easily accessible? Do a

You can also research those extra furniture items that you need online

clutter audit, can you throw more out? Do you really need that 2012

and be sure that the sizes found will fit within your office space.

bunch of magazines? Do you really access everything that you have in

MAKE CHANGES: Now use your space to check that

your filing cabinet? Is your desk clutter free? Consider storing Note: There are many ways of creating a moodboard. It can be a big sheet of

required paper vertically rather than horizontally as it can easily be

cardboard with magazine cuttings of your furniture and colour palette and

seen, and takes up less space (maybe A4 folders could be a solution).

other offices that are a similar style that you like added to give you a visual overview. It could be a Pinterest board. It could be a Word document with

You really want to be thinking about how you use your space, i.e. when

internet pictures dragged onto it with some text explaining your thought

you are on the phone to a client, can you easily access pen and paper,

process to prompt you. It could be an A4 page where you have cleverly

your computer, diary/calendar to make a booking, price lists etc… Or

sketched up a visual that you can see in your mind’s eye. There’s noright or

when you are filling an order, does this zone work well? Can you locate

wrong, just use it as a guide to keep you on path.

your; packing materials, tape and scissors and address labels easily? Are they all in the one work space?

Step 3. IMPLEMENT: Now for the fun part, time to move your furniture to the desired location, discard pieces that won’t add value

You will be amazed at how easy it is to personalise your office space

to the finished function and look of your space. Use your moodboard

and how re-designing it to function well will improve your productivity.

as your guide, with your style and colour palette to keep you on the

Now what are you waiting for, it’s time to get to work.

straight and narrow for the best result.

Happy decorating! Prue Ram, Interior Designer for My Decorator



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I work with growing businesses, creatives and entrepreneurs to create a visual story for their brand. I create designs that have been thoughtfully + intentionally designed to best benefit your brand, in a way that clearly communicates your message to your ideal market.

BRAND I NG D E S I GN P RI NT with a little bit of happy!


Styling Yourself Let your personality and brand shine through your clothes!




Creative/Eclectic GINGER AND SMART

Dress for yourself and what suits your lifestyle and you will always look good. Fashion makes money by churning out trends that we scramble to keep up with. The images associated with it usually portray an unrealistic, unattainable beauty. The fashion industry keeps us on a roller coaster of expectation and disappointment. STYLE, unlike fashion, is personal. It's about the individual. You have to know yourself in order to utilize style. Dress for yourself and what suits your lifestyle and you will always look good.”

Many of us dress from a place of not knowing our personal style. Instead, we dress from a place of pushing away our personality rather than expressing ourselves. We then tend to blindly overspend in the hope that new clothes will make us happier. Do you remember having a fashion subject at school? Did an adult teach you how to dress for your body shape when you became a teenager? Did they share what type of elements or details to choose that suits you best? No? Don’t worry, I don’t know many people who have had that experience and that is why sharing this message is of great importance to me. This lack of knowledge has lead us to pay too much attention to the opinion of the multitude and gradually become victims of fashion and the media.

Now, more than ever, we are called to be authentic, to liberate ourselves from all limiting and disempowering conditions that we’ve been affected by. One of the keys to liberate ourselves and authentically show up every day in our business and personal life is by allowing our personality to shine through our looks, clothes, colours and accessories. This is about learning ‘who we are’ when it comes to dressing.

‘The Truth About Style’ author Stacey London states that: “Fashion is an industry. Industries are meant to make money.




As women who have been called to share


our God-given talents and gifts through our businesses, I believe we need to let our personality and presence shine and be noticed in an authentic way; otherwise our personal brand and message is not going to make the impact that it could really make.

Dressing for our personality is about learning about the things we appreciate in a piece of clothing: for example, comfort, flexibility, details, textures and identifying the style of clothing that resonates the most with us. We tend to be a combination of two personalities: for example, Classic/Elegant combined with Feminine/Romantic, but normally one personality stands out. In the photos below, you will find seven different looks. Each of them represents a different clothing personality. In general terms, fashion brands tend to have a dominant vibe/style/personality within their designs. So, starting to explore the different brands that you feel the most attracted to, is a great way to embark on a personal style journey.

Dress authentically and for yourself.


It’s ok if you feel that you don’t have a defined style or clothing personality, this is very common. It’s definitely within you, however, because of different circumstances in life such as motherhood, weight fluctuations or perhaps career change, you may have lost that sense of style and confidence on choosing things that represent who you are. Or perhaps you’ve never paid much attention to your beauty, image and appearance and how clothing, colours and accessories can help us to express who we are.

Classic/Elegant Portmans

When you get clarity about who you really are from the inside out, identify the fabrics, details, textures and colours that ignite you, putting an outfit together gets easier and shopping becomes less overwhelming. Also, you start saving money, time and energy because you will become more clear on what styles of clothes really work for you. Clothing and accessories are meant to be used as ornaments to let your personality shine. Dress authentically and for yourself. You really want to communicate what you like, what inspires you and what ignites your spark. By being authentic with your looks and image, you will feel more confident and empowered when connecting with your audience.

Lots of love xxx Vesna




Dramatic Dramatic Cue Cue

Natural/Sporty Sussan

Style should not be reserved for celebrities alone. Everyone has their own personal flare of style and


star quality inside waiting to be revealed.


Bohemian/Retro Style Belle Bird (Birdsnest)


Trendy/Edgy Veronika Maine

She Leads with


Rising as the leader you are in 2018 “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14 What do you think and feel when you hear the word “leader”? Is it a label you wear comfortably, or feel that it is meant for someone else? Leadership isn’t just a mantle for the few. We are all called to be leaders in our spheres of influence through the message of faith we have been royally entrusted with: to rise in purpose, courage and calling. Our eyes need to be focused and clear to run well the race that God has predestined for us; with greater urgency for such a time as this.


She leads with people Leaders set the culture around them, releasing potential in other people to lead bigger lives. The best leaders leader create circles, not lines, shoulder to shoulder with their teams.

Practically speaking; spheres of influence are as varied as the roles we play (daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, friend, entrepreneur, business woman), as well as the landscapes we operate in (home, work, church, community, nations). As “She Leaders” in business, we have a specific sphere of influence within the business world. And no matter our role, we are entrusted with a leadership mantle to wear with grace, ease and authority.

Ask yourself: • How am i leading in my relationships? • How am i releasing the potential in others? • How am i setting the standard of the culture around me?

To lead others and lead well, modelling God-Given leadership that is set apart for its excellence. Here are five dimensions of a God-Given leadership identity to help you rise as the leader you are called to be.

She leads with intention Leaders know the importance of daily discipline. Cultivating daily ‘healthy habits’ that steward God’s timing with purpose & intention.

She leads with purpose Leaders know that they can’t lead others, without first leading themselves. Being able to articulate the “why” behind the “what” you do sets you on a path of true calling. Journal and spend time with the Lord, seeking a word for your season that provides scriptural authority for your personal and business vision.

Ask yourself: • Where do I want my business to be in 12 months? • Where do I want my business to be in 90 days? • What are my next three action steps to get there? (And put your hand up for a CWIB accountability partner because more is possible together than alone! ) She leads through challenge Leaders know their biggest challenges offer their biggest growth. Be prepared to build resilience through seasons of challenge, knowing that He who is in you is greater than the world. By choosing to lean into challenge, we can awaken new courage, deeper faith and greater strength.

Ask yourself: • Who is God calling me to be as a business • Who is God calling me to serve in my business? • Who is God calling me to lead in my business? She leads with vision Leaders set bold vision for others to follow. Be willing to dream big, bold, faith sized dreams with God (you know, those big ones that really scare you!), and prayerfully cast your plans to the Lord.

Ask yourself: • How is this season helping me grow into the fullness of who He has created me to be? • How can I use what I am learning to dream again? • How can i use this to lead and minister to others in a deeper way?

Ask yourself: • When I look at this year through eyes of faith, what do I see? (write it down, and make the vision plain) • When I achieve everything I set out to achieve this year, this will be happening • If I knew I could not fail, this is what I would be doing

Be that She Leader that leads in such a way that sets her apart to all who might dare to watch your life. Because just like Esther, only eternity will reveal what greater purpose you have been set apart to lead for such a time as this.

She leads with strength Leaders know their strengths and maximise their gifting. Be unashamed about naming your strengths with confidence and leveraging them strategically to move towards your goals.

love Joanne xo

Ask yourself: • What three words or qualities do people consistently recognise in me? (If you don’t know, be bold enough to ask for constructive feedback from your partners, team and clients) • What am I really great at doing? • What is my spiritual gifting? (Romans 12: 6-8; 1 Corinthians 12)



Open Business Socials A place for you to talk about business with like minded women As part of our membership we meet on a monthly basis to talk about business, pray, and build relationships with other women in business. In the first month of each new quarter we invite non-members to join us for our Business Socials. (Each lady is allowed to join in on one free meet up, after this we politely ask that each lady becomes a member to attend the next one)

Our dates and locations for the next Business Socials are… Wednesday 7th Feb 2018

Locations Melbourne, Sydney CBD, Sydney The Hills, Brisbane – North, Brisbane – South, Sunshine Coast, Townsville, Shoalhaven, Canberra, Online Sofa Session

ness Socials

*These dates and times may change, please refer to our FB Events for more up-to-date details.

Business Social Leaders M ON T H L Y ME MB E R ME E T INGS + QU A R T E R L Y OP E N N I GH T S

Brisbane South





Sydney - The Hills

Sydney - The Hills









Sydney - CBD

Sydney - CBD

Brisbane North







For more information about our local meet ups visit our website



Stress induced weight gain Don’t live with it any longer!

Looking at the clock

We’re going to look briefly on how cortisol does this then I’m

you realise it’s almost

going to share the exciting news… that stress induced weight

time to leave. You

gain is preventable and the best news is, it’s treatable!

quickly gulp down the

When the pressure of the deadline, the budget, or the sick

remains of your

family member, hits home, our initial biological response, in

morning coffee, rush to

an effort to ensure plenty of energy supplies, is to flood the

grab your bag and

body with sugar. This causes a chain reaction that raises our

everything you need

blood sugar, our insulin levels and kick starts our sugar

for the day and suddenly see yourself in the hall mirror. With

cravings. Ever desperately needed a chocolate bar when

frustration you turn away and head out the door. Our busy

you’re under the pump? This is why.

lives are doing us no favours when it comes to taking care of our health. Your body is beautiful no matter your size,

The flow on effect of this process causes us to store fat,

however the side effects of chronic stress will eventually take

especially in the abdominal fat cells. After all, where else

its toll. We rush from one commitment to the next allowing

would we put all that extra sugar? These fat cells are more

the pressure of it all to chip away at our peace and this

responsive to cortisol levels and this is the main reason stress

process, this stress, can affect our body in several ways and

induced weight gain results in the spare tyre effect. Unfortu-

especially can cause weight gain. Is this something that we

nately this weight is not only uncomfortable it’s also associat-

have to just live with? Absolutely not!

ed with higher rates of diabetes, heart disease and cancer, just to name a few.

Stress is a natural response produced by God to empower the body during times of danger. However the natural response

Finally, muscle essential to supporting our frame, protecting

can become harmful to our body when we allow the danger or

our organs and fighting inflammation, begins to erode as we

stress to continue. The natural stress hormone cortisol helps

tear it down to provide the body extra energy.

with essential activities like bounding out of bed in the

Therefore cortisol is both our friend and our foe.

morning and focusing on the task at hand. Contrarily, raised cortisol levels can cause weight gain, fatigue and pre-diabetes.


So here’s the exciting part. The part you’ve been waiting for. Here’s my list of essentials to overcoming stress and beating stress induced weight gain.

1. Nourish The ability of your body to cope with

increase the carb cravings. Rest is the

minutes twice a day and meditate on

time where we repair and regenerate

Him. Give Him your burdens and He will

and research shows that we need to

give you rest and gladness.

undertake rest every 6 hours. Let my meditation be pleasing to Him,

stress is proportionate to the nutritional stores in your body. To help maintain these levels it’s integral to nourish your body with good food. Aim for several

3. Move your body

as for me, I shall be glad in the Lord. Psalm 104:34

- but don’t run

serves of fresh colourful vegetables

5. Herbs & Minerals

every day. These can be added to a

Exercise produces two fruits which help

smoothie in the morning, your salad at

to fight stress induced weight gain. It

lunch time and can make up the majority

raises our endorphins which can

of your main meal at night. This food

produce a sense of euphoria and ease

There are herbs and single nutrients

provides the nutrients that are required

the pressure of modern life. It also helps

that can help fight the effects of stress

to normalise the stress response and

burn energy that may have been eaten

while nourishing the body. These herbs

counter the negative effects of cortisol.

in excess due to those frustrating sugar

are: Rhodiola, Sacred Basil (Tusli) and

cravings. However the research tells us

my favourite, Withania. They are herbal

not to run. (Yay! I hear you say or maybe

adaptogens that God created to help

you love running). Running raises

the body adapt to stressful situations.

2. Rest In the book of Mark, Jesus’ disciples had been busy healing, casting out demons and preaching. They were busy doing great work but can you imagine how taxing it would have been on the disciples? Jesus’ advice for the disciples

cortisol levels and our blood pressure, neither which are ideal when we’re feeling tired and stressed out. Instead indulge in a Pilates or stretch session or simply take your dog (or the next door neighbour’s dog if you don’t have one)

rest a while.” Mark 6:31

Chromium. This nutrient helps manage our sugar metabolism and reduces carbohydrate cravings. Speak to your more information on these herbs and

4. Meditate

And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a quiet place and

preventing stress induced weight gain is

natural health care practitioner for

for a walk.

still rings true today for when we’re busy and under the pump.

And finally my favourite nutrient for

God invented meditation. There are so many scriptures that encourage us to meditate in God’s presence and now

Rest and relaxation reduces stress by

there’s research to back up this practice.

lowering the levels of cortisol in the

Recent research shows us that medita-

body, however the opposite is true if

tion reduces not only cortisol, but also -

we’ve failed to get a good night sleep.

has been shown to decrease abdominal

Poor sleep triggers our appetite and can

weight. Take time out for at least a few


This article is designed for educational purposes and is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Talk to your health care practitioner for more information. References upon request.

Stress is going to be part of your life. This is as true as death and taxes. Although with these simple tools you can reduce the cortisol response, nourish your body and begin to beat the effects of stress. So next time you have a rush out the door in the morning, take the time to look in the mirror and promise yourself that you will do something good today to help nourish, protect and restore your mind and body. It’ll be worth it.

by Tammy Sooveere





Sales Funnels



Marketing Pro’s on Tap Our ‘Marketing Pro’s on Tap” model gives you a marketing consultant as part of your “team” without all the hassles and responsibilities of hiring and firing! Marketing Pro’s on Tap offers an open direct channe of communitaction to access one of our marketing pro’s for strategy, implementation, monitoring and reporting, run ideas through and action taks as quickly as possible.


Follow our playlist on Spotify


Worship Playlist You Are Holy - Michael W Smith Wonder - Hillsong Good Good Father - Chris Tomlin Here for you – Matt Redman Oceans - Hillsong United If I don’t have you – love and the outcome I love you lord – The Katinas Not Today – Hillsong United Wonder O come to the Alter – Elevation Worship Then sings my soul – Hillsong Elohim – Hilsong Keith Green – Make My Life A Prayer To You Relentless - Hillsong ........ and so many more ......


Did you know we have a blog full of inspiration from our members, each fortnight a new blog article is released ready to help you in your business. Our Blog Authors have been doing a fantastic job and we wanted to give them some praise... Well done and thank you so much ladies!�

Emily Bell

Tammy Sooveere

Stacey McBride Wilson

Kayla Brissi

Linda Chaousis

Megan Horsfall

Janet Grace Schier

Sharryn Ludlow


Top Tips for Saving Money


Money, whether you love it or hate it, will be a big part of your

How to Manage Your Money Better in 2018!

life next year and how you look back on your finances this time next year is going to depend on whether you controlled money, or if money controlled you! The good news is, that no matter who you are or how much you earn, there are simple things you can do in the next 12 months to take control and set yourself up for a great financial future.

What does God say about money? Money and possessions are the second most referenced topic in the Bible – money is mentioned more than 800 times! 1 Tim 6:10 says - For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. So, in a world of consumerism and the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts, how do we get control of our money? How do we manage our money instead of our money managing us? How do we sleep well at night without the constant worry of money on our minds? What will 2018 look like for you with regard to your money? Will you move forward in your money journey to home acquisition, give up a job to be a stay-at-home mum, pay off your debt, expand your business, go on a great holiday? If you’ve ever read the book The Millionaire Next Door (which is great reading by the way), you will know that the money habits of millionaires include spending wisely, setting goals, driving modest cars, budgeting and tracking their spending, saving and investing. Millionaires aren’t wealthy because they’re lucky. They are wealthy because they follow simple money habits year after year.


Let me give you a few hints and tips on how to have a

• Eat out of your pantry once a month (save up to

successful money journey in 2018, whether you consider

$200/month or $2400/year). This is my personal favourite

yourself rich, poor or in-between.

and I save heaps of money and rarely throw any food out because it’s gone out of date.

Remember, the greatest amount of money is lost on the • Find free activities to do with the children each weekend

most insignificant purchases.

(if you live in Brisbane check out • Save before you spend! Nobody banked the leftover

for great ideas on free activities – I’m sure other States

money at the end of the week so you must save first. If you

would have similar websites)

think you can’t afford this, ask yourself what life will be like when you retire and have no income. If you struggle now it

• Make sure the income was worth the outcome - money is

will be impossible to live then!

much easier to spend than it is to earn so take time to consider the effort that went into earning it before

• Prepare a food menu for the month and only buy what is

spending it.

needed. This can save you up to $200/month or $2400/year. • Budget and track your spending with a Spending Plan. • Consider where and how you shop (Aldi is often cheaper

Every successful government, business, club and household

than Coles or Woolies) and online shopping will save you

has a budget. Nobody succeeds financially without one!

from the impulse buys. • Enlist the help of a Money Coach/Budgeting Specialist – • Pack lunch for work each day (save $10/day or $2600/-

We admit when we’re sick and go to a Health Professional


for advice. We admit when we’re unhealthy and join a gym or hire a Fitness Instructor to get fit. Why shouldn’t we

• Give up your daily coffee purchase (save $4/day or

admit when we have money problems and enlist the help of


a professional to get us back on track?

• Go through your wardrobe and sell anything you haven’t

• Create a surplus and put that towards saving/investing

worn in the previous year on Gumtree. Also do the same

for your future.

thing with the kids clothing and toy cupboard.

BE BETTER THAN AVERAGE…..After discovering the secret to eliminating day to day money stress about 14 years ago I got so excited that I just wanted to share my discovery and I’ve been focused on helping people who want to be better than average ever since. God has placed me in my passion. I love my role as a Spending Planner and I am absolutely passionate about walking alongside people and seeing them set free from the stress of money worries. Closing thought…You will be living the same life you are living now in 10 years’ time regardless of your income unless you do something to change.

Make 2018 your year of change – SET YOUR GOALS, DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT AND GO FOR IT! Carolyn Moes Certified Spending Planner


When God gives you a vision, you must stop at NOTHING until it is achieved.



When God gives you a vision, you must stop at NOTHING until it is achieved. This is something that, as a Christian woman in business, you must keep at the forefront of your mind, day in, and day out. The world and society today has a beautiful way of glazing very quickly over the times of trial and challenges to show only the ‘overnight success’ of many. Comparison is the thief of joy, and if you are a high-achieving entrepreneur, comparison is the very thing that can cripple and shut you down.

degree in Brisbane, knowing teaching just wasn’t for me, and returned home to Gladstone to live with my parents. Even though I felt like my life had already been wasted, my mum encouraged me to treat my ‘gap year’ as a year of healing and self-discovery. I landed myself a part-time job as personal assistant to a business and life coach and spent the rest of my time completing certificates in areas I was interested in - speech, drama, public speaking, and my favourite In fact, I was so in love with fitness and my studies that I completed my two-year certification in twelve weeks! What is incredible though, looking back, is how God so beautifully orchestrates everything in your life, even when you don’t realise it. Working for a business coach quickly spiked my interest in the enticing world of ‘being your own boss’, building something from nothing, and being so insanely passionate about your work that, rather than working for your weekends and holidays, feeling as though you can’t get enough of doing what you do!

If you were to search ‘Raw by Bek’ on facebook or @rawbybek on instagram, you would find yourself scrolling through pages of pictures and videos of a beautiful fitness studio, unlike one you’ve ever seen, filled with people looking sweaty, but so insanely happy! This is what sets my fitness studio apart from the rest - we pride ourselves on providing the most exceptional group fitness experience, whilst providing a safe, fun, welcoming environment for every single person. Many people could look from the outside in and assume we just popped up overnight, put some classes on, and now have a wildly successful business - easy!

I made the decision to return to university, but this time to study business. This is when I received my first vision. God revealed to me this beautiful picture of an impressive wellness facility, filled with smiling, happy people, who were there not because they had to, but because they loved to! This facility was a one-stop wellness centre, catering for all areas of health

However, this is far from the truth, as I’m sure is for you, and many others who have built a business purely from a vision. Let’s rewind to 2011. I was in my second year post-high school and stuck with knowing what the heck I wanted to do with my life. I had deferred after completing one year of my education


and wellness - fitness, nutrition, apparel, professional services (counselling, massage, etc.), and more. The vision was so clear that I knew immediately it was something I had to do. How I would get there, I had no idea. All I knew was I had to take the first step.

had a warehouse space that was sitting idle as they were now using distributors for their stock, but their lease wasn’t up for another seven months. I’ll let you do the math on who inspected that warehouse space and made the decision to sub-lease 160 sq m off her.

I started working as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor throughout university and tailored all my assessments around the fitness industry, learning all I could about market trends, predicted industry movements, potential competitors, etc. Now, to be clear - I still had no idea how the heck I would ever get from where I was to where I wanted to be. This is when my mentor (if you don’t have one yet, get yourself one!) reiterated over and over, “Life is full of sky-scraper buildings, each a different industry. You don’t have to know how to get to the top, but you need to walk in the front door.” My ‘first floor’ of the fitness building was my personal training business, which I stayed at for six months. However, it wasn’t fulfilling that ‘I love my job’ passion; I wanted to do more. So I started running a handful of small group training sessions, which quickly became popular. So popular in fact, that they started disrupting the gym and other trainers. There I was, this radical little girl jumping around, making jokes and pushing people - hard!

This was the stepping stone needed to build the Raw by Bek brand. It wasn’t our own studio, but it was a space that was available all the time. More people could see the value of a membership now that classes were available every day and, for some reason, the idea of it being a ‘studio’ as opposed to just a few classes in a commercial gym’s group fitness room made the company appear to be so much more verifiable and competitive in the industry. These seven months, however, were the most challenging, testing, am-I-doing-the-right-thing months of my life thus far. I would need a book’s-length of words just to reveal the events of these months (oh now there’s an idea), but let’s just say that it would have been so much easier for me to give up and go back working for the man. We were running at such a severe loss as a result of a fierce legal battle with the gym I was separating from, as they viewed me as competition and wanted to shut the ‘little girl’ down. There were days I would wake up and wonder if I would even be able to teach a class that day, or would I show up to find everything shut down. In fact, the logical thing to do would be to shut down, as it was looking like, if I lost the battle, that even years and years of business wouldn’t generate enough cash to simply pay off the legal fees.

I had found my voice and loved impacting more people than I ever had. I approached the gym I was working at and enquired about hiring their group fitness studio to run my classes. This is where ‘Raw by Bek’ as we know it started to take shape. All of my small group training classes became large group fitness classes. I used my love of music to create workouts tailored to music, which meant dedicating time to researching the latest and best exercises and tracks.

However, rather than dispersing, the Raw by Bek community only continued to grow stronger. Members would randomly show up at my door with meals, pop into the studio with toilet paper and moisturising supplies, spend hours of their weekend painting walls, cleaning floors, and helping with the all-encompassing admin tasks, without asking for anything in return, other than to continue experiencing the best workouts ever. God is good and the legal battle was won, but not without a hefty fee. The law firm had also caught onto the Raw by Bek vision and allowed me to take up an interest-free payment plan, allowing me to decide how long I wanted to pay it off, even if it would take years. The next leap of faith came when the seven months of sub-leasing was due to expire.

As the classes grew, I kept adding more and more to the weekly timetable. This is when I developed a membership, enabling people to train as often as possible for one weekly cost. However, we didn’t stop there - I started designing different classes - cardio, strength, core, stretch, and more to provide people with everything they needed to look and feel their best! I partnered with nutritionists, physios, and other professionals to provide people with everything they needed to live the life of complete health. People fell so in love with the classes and how they made them feel that I needed more trainers to help cater for the demand. This pushed me to make the classes replicable, design a trainer-training protocol, and step up into a new level of leadership. The team was growing, the numbers were increasing, the workouts were developing, and people’s lives were being transformed.

The initial idea was to take over the existing lease and make the entire space the Raw by Bek studio. However, the body corporate board didn’t agree. We were too loud, took up too many carparks, and didn’t fit with the mould of their ‘ideal tenant’. Yep, we had to move, and I had four weeks to do so. One night I stumbled upon another warehouse space just around the corner from the current studio. There wasn’t much information on it, but it was triple in size and looked like it had potential. Within a week I had inspected the space and signed an offer to lease. Could I afford the space? Not at all. Did the real estate agent know this? Not in the slightest. Talk about testing your faith! “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” He

It was time...for me to make that massive leap of faith. I needed my own space. Could I afford one? Not in the slightest. Then, one Saturday in Coles, I ran into a woman who also worked in the fitness industry selling equipment. She was a mentor of mine from a few years back and we chatted about how she


asked, staring down at me as if I were kidding myself. “Yes, definitely. And I’d also like two months rent free, and first dibs on the space next door when its lease also ends, thank you.” I responded, smiling through chattering teeth and uncontrollable shaking legs. People started warning me to be careful. “Are you really ready for this? Why don’t you just train in a park for a bit?” Yet again I was reminded of the vision from all those years ago. This was my chance to give this thing a right-royal crack, and if it meant failing in the process, it was a risk I was going to take. The membership base needed to double to afford the cost of overheads, but we could do it...I just knew it. Yet again, the power of community was shown. A large group of the membership base (who are now some of my best friends) spent four weeks helping with the biggest move yet, transporting over a tonne of equipment; painting, flooring, building, and cleaning in preparation for our grand opening on December 2, 2016. And what an opening it was! Raw by Bek fitness studio had exploded onto the fitness scene and was an ‘overnight success’... 2017 has been a year of incredible growth for the Raw by Bek brand. Higher overheads and a larger space have encouraged me to take action and set fire to additional arms of the business. Before every decision, I ask, “Is this in line with the vision?”. If the answer is ‘yes!’ then we implement it. The heart of the entire team is to provide a complete holistic approach to health, with the intention of providing every person who encounters Raw by Bek with the opportunity to live their healthiest, best life.

We have partnered with the SHE Rescue Home in Cambodia to help fund their projects through the design and manufacturing of our apparel courtesy of their sewing centre. Every piece is 100% ethically produced and helps give hope to victims of sex trafficking. We are introducing ‘Raw by Bek Meals’, which are preservative-free, sugar-free, gluten-free (unless stated), and organic where possible. These were initially sold to in-house members and

those in the local area, but we are now looking into the expansion into local cafes, and possibly even meal delivery! Our biggest project in the works is Raw by Bek Online. In order to change the fitness industry as we know it and truly disrupt the status quo, Raw by Bek must be accessible to people everywhere. Yes, the dream is studios all over, but to make this possible, we are designing an online platform enabling YOU to experience the Raw by Bek effect wherever you are! Need a 15min quick bedroom workout? We have you covered. What about a full 45min strength circuit? Easy. Want to learn when to eat your carbs, how many you need to be eating, and what type? We have education webinars to show you how. Want a meal plan that helps you achieve the best results in the shortest period of time? Done. Are you simply needing the support, love, and help of someone who cares for you ? I’m your girl and am here for you every step of the way. Launching officially over the next few months, the world doesn’t know what it is about to encounter! Well, I have the faith that it will. You see, as with any element of business, in order to grow and step into a new level, risks must be taken. Raw by Bek online has become a year-long project that commenced in March. In order to have all the content set and ready to go for launch in December, an entirely new website platform was built, enabling member login, iphone accessibility for videos, meal plans, recipes, educational content and more, and seamless use for all members. Hours of live classes and ‘quick fix’ circuits have been filmed, edited, and compiled to remove any form of ‘guess work’ for those wanting to simply log in and workout! Educational videos have been planned, researched, filmed, and edited, and external professionals in their given fields have added to the quality of content available. However, as with anything that takes time and resources, this is a costly project. Just as I have had to step out in faith and chase the vision with everything I had moving into a studio, I am yet again taking a massive leap (and risk!) into the tech world. I know that when people experience RBB, they will have their life changed forever. I am beyond blessed by the ever-growing RBB team supporting me every step of the way, and bringing an even great set of skills to the table. Together, we are building more than a business, we are outworking the call of God on RBB - to impact lives all over the world and radically shake up and change the fitness industry! We are stepping out and preparing for 2018 to be our biggest, most influential year yet. Now, however, as we prepare for Raw by Bek fitness studio’s first birthday, I sit here in complete and utter awe at the goodness of God. What the enemy intended for evil, God intended for good. When it seemed so easy to give in, the fire in my soul burned brighter yet. Has my vision become a reality? Not yet, in fact, we are just getting started…

With love, Bec

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CWIB Podcast Show







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We are so glad that a copy of our magazine found it’s way into your hands. We truly hope that it has blessed you, in both your personal and business life. You may be wondering who this ‘Jesus’ is that we keep referring to with such love and passion. You might wonder if He can help you, the same way that we have been talking about, that He helps us. He can. It’s really simple, but life changing all the same. You might like to meet Him and ask Him to help you in your life and your business. There’s a little prayer we say when we want to meet Jesus and ask him into our hearts. I’ve written it below - just read it from your heart. Dear Jesus, Thank you for everything that you are and everything that you do.Thank you for sending your Son to die for my sins. I invite you to come into my


heart and make me new. I invite you to be Lord and Savior of my life. Please take me as I am and make me whole. I ask for your forgiveness for anything that i have done wrong. Be the Lord of my life and show me how to live a life that is pleasing to you. Help me to understand your grace, mercy and love. In Jesus Name, Amen. That’s it! That’s how you meet Jesus. If you’d like to get connected with someone who will help you grow in your journey, then we can connect you with a local church in your area. We’d also love to come along side you and champion you on!

Love the CWIB Team xo For more information please contact us via email at

Y OU R 2 0 18 P LANNIN G W O R K S HOP IS HERE Your Planning Workshop is now available in the Academy S T AR T YOUR 2018 OFF W I T H G OD A T T HE C EN TR E To get your hands on this, apply to become a member today





Community CONFERENCE 2018

We’re turning 1 in Feb 2018 and we’d love for you to come and join us for our first Birthday Party.

Date Saturday 17th Feb 2018

Location Elevation Church, 56 Caloola Dr, Tweed Heads NSW

Speakers Kerrie Phipps

Connect With Confidence Workshop Facilitator

Susan Browning

Worship Mentor & Vocal Coach

Jo Hobbs

Executive Director The Teen Challenge Qld

Sarah-Jane Meeson Founder Of Cwib

Don’t Leave it too Late to RSVP Enter this PROMO code YOU ARE LOVED to get $10.00 off a ticket.



Our Prayers for You! As a Community of Women, we want to pray into everything that the magazine will bring into people's lives. We ask that they would be blessed in their business and personal lives. We ask that the Light of Jesus would shine through and that we would make an impact for His Kingdom - because that what we are about Kingdom Purpose. We want people to grow in relationship with God and with each other. We want their businesses to grow and we want people to meet Jesus. Please add your own prayer for our magazine in the comments below. I encourage everyone to read and agree with everyone's prayers.Together we can change the world for the Kingdom of God, by doing what He has called us to do in our own businesses! Megs xo Praying that who need to see this magazine do see it and it reaches

Lord we pray for each one who reads the magazine that it will lift,

them for God. To encourage them in their business with a godly

inspire, prepare and encourage them to the next level in their lives


and businesses. May they find God appealing to them through every

~ Raylee xo

printed word. May we love and appreciate the beautiful hearts who have given so generously of themselves to make this issue a reality.

That the reach would exceed the vision and be more than we can

Bless every word, every line every precept!

imagine. That the Lord would bless and raise up a generation of

~ Louise xo

women in business to change the world through their likeness in Christ Jesus through their businesses for His glory and Kingdom in

Lord I pray that every single woman that reads this magazine is

confidence and faith!

pointed to you and draws closer to you as a result. Holy Spirit I pray

~ Heather xo

that you will breath life over every page that is turned and that hearts will be impacted for good as a result. I pray that women will

Praying into this space - more than a magazine, that this waters

share the magazine with their friends and it will spread like wildfire.

parched land (hearts. Mind, soul and strength) with Hope and

I pray that the hearts of those women that have been considering

Courage to step into 2018 from a place of victory in His story.

starting a business will be stirred to step out in faith and follow your

Thank you Megan and Sarah-Jane for holding and delivering

leading. I pray that those women who have been running businesses

this vision with such integrity.

will feel encouraged and refreshed and inspired to continue with you

~ Joanne xo

leading their every step. Thank you Lord for all the amazing reports we are going to hear back as a result of these women reading this

I pray for supernatural & divine connections between women with

beautiful magazine.

a similar calling - even those who don't know that they are called

~ Prue xo

into the Kingdom of heaven just yet. May this mag and specifically this edition be placed into the hands of women who are needing a

I pray that those who come across and read this magazine are

Word from Father God, and may their hearts be drawn to that

reminded and strengthened in their heart of hearts that they are

particular article that you have prepared in advance for them to

born for such a time as this and by follow the steps ordained by the

be inspired by, being drawn closer to You and Your purpose for

Lord, their businesses, their families and their networks will flourish.

their lives, with each word.

~ Deni xo

~ Sharon xo I pray for eyes opened in all who get their hands on it...... for the realisation that there is this massive warrior army with Jesus at the head cheering us on, bolstering us up, standing in our pain and disappointment and shining the light of love grace, redemption and victory as a banner over us. ~ Jan xo

with love from women CHRISTIAN IN BUSINESS

Next Issue ... Marketing Madness‌ Automations for your business Basic Sale Funnels Sharing Your Business Story Top Tips for FB Lives Five Tips For Your FB Page Offline Marketing Ideas Business and the church How to Organise Your Office Draws Running an efficient Childhood centre




issue 3


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