Issue 6 Christian Women in Business & Leadership eMagazine

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Our Vision


All You Need For Summer





for Business Owners



for Business Women

Pursuing Jesus






is s u e 6



Business CWIB CONFERENCE & RETREAT 2020 to be held on the beautiful Northern Beaches of Sydney at the lovely Collaroy Centre

Are you ready to take your faith to the next level...? We’ve created an intimate weekend, with you in mind! A place where you can connect with lovely like-minded women who share the vision of incorporating business with passion, purpose and spirituality. A weekend where you can reconnect and spend time with God, where you can feel like you belong and talk about business until your heart is content. You’ll be encouraged to open your heart to God and let Him heal you, touch your heart and restore you.

table of


































the team &


Sarah-Jane Meeson

Megan Horsfall

Annette Hurn

Anthea Brockbank

Paula Brown

Hannah Delaney




Kelly Wood



Janelle Keys

Sharryn Ludlow



Clara Fryer




Robyn Evans






Message from the Founder/Editor “What we’re called to do”

From operations to renovations, the CWIB team has been busy this year and we are now delighted to bring you edition 6 of our CWIB Digital Magazine. What a year of growth 2019 has been. In this issue of our Digital mag we have all different types of useful info for you that are practical and powerful tips to apply to your biz, not forgetting some depth of the Word and some Jesus. I pray that God will bring more wisdom and knowledge and ideas into your mind as you read through this magazine. That if it’s God’s will, you’ll come away feeling filled and replenished. To run a business, even in the Kingdom, takes commitment, determination, a lot of thought, praying and hard work. Not something that everyone has or is willing to do. Following through with a dream and vision takes a strong, dedicated person. A person, who knows that in their weakness, God's strength is shown. When things go wrong, they know God will make them right and they know who they are and who they belong to. Today, I want to celebrate you. I want to celebrate your hard work and sacrifice you've gone through to get where you are today. I want to acknowledge the courage you have to step out and start and run a business, the grit, patience & grace it takes to deal with those sometimes testing customers and for just giving it a go. So often we think we need to put our success aside and keep ourselves humble, but the matter of the fact is that Jesus needs people like you in the market place, doing your thing and being the light. Saying yes. God will use you lovely lady, often in ways we don't even realise, to help fulfil His perfect will. He needs women that are willing to surrender their own needs and wants and give thier lives to Him to use and we want to say thank you! I believe there is nothing more beautiful than seeing a woman who is confident in who she is, living on today's bread from Jesus and putting herself out there doing what she loves. I hope this issue of the magazine gives you encouragement and confidence to keep on going, to be vulnerable and trust in God enough to surrender more and to let Him take control. We pray that 2020 will be a year of you stepping more into that God confidence and growing in your love for Jesus and business. Be blessed and keep on going!

Enjoy lovely, Sarah-Jane xx


On the


Life is unexpected. From one day to the next, things can change. Plans that have been made at length and with detail can come undone in an instant. People that we love can be called home. Businesses can disolve and relationships can end. It can come as a shock or it can come as the last straw after many straws. How we react, can set us apart. How we handle ourselves and where we put our focus can show the true depths of who we are as a person. This last year for me hasn’t been an easy one and I was challenged to keep my focus on Jesus. In the midst of chaos, exhaustion, stress and ill-health..... I had to look to Jesus. That was the only way I could keep going.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Psalm 46:1-3 Everything in me wanted to give up, but I didn’t. I removed myself from the things in my life that weren’t essential and I rested in Him. I opened my heart at a time when it was hurting and I let Jesus in. I let Him poke around, stir things up and then He showed me how to deal with it. I started breathing again and I looked at what needed to be rebuilt and I got to work.

God was my refuge for recovery and my strength for rebuilding. When life hands you something that rocks you to the core, be it in business, health, family or relationships, set your focus on Jesus. Make time to breathe and time to hear His voice. Let His stillness calm your soul. Let His hands steady you and let Him carry you through. Take what is plaguing you and give it to Jesus. Write it all down, pray over it and ask Jesus to show you what steps you need to take next. Immerse yourself in the Word and in worship. I can tell you, that if you go looking for the Saviour, He won’t disappoint. He will show up and He will quiet your soul and then give you the strength to keep going. Be blessed!

Love Megs xo









L AUNCHING 24TH FEB 2020 Do you long to be part of a Business Mastermind group that’s God centred and wanting to push the boundaries of natural business and enter into the supernatural business that God designed us to work in? Where we see miracles happening in the workplace that can only be God? Sister, you’re in the right place. We are a mastermind like no other. We cherish the value of person to person interaction. We want to build strong female leaders in the business sphere and get them to a place where they feel free in the Kingdom of God. We’d love to invite you to join us!

F O R M O R E D E TA I L S H E A D TO O U R W E B S I T E W W W. C H R I S T I A N W O M E N I N B U S I N E S S . CO M . AU

her story


“Much is yet to happen in your life. There has

I knew that this was my dream and my passion, to tell

been much despair, but my hand is on you for

stories on film and through animation, but I had no idea

good. I see you in association with the work of

how God could ever turn this from a hobby into a career or ministry.

the Lord. You will be a catalyst among young

I was married to a Graphic Designer and we eventually set

people and there will come power and anoint-

up a part-time business providing Graphic Design and

ing through your hands and mouth” – God

Video Editing services. From this, we produced our very first official corporate video for a company based in Suffolk,

These words were spoken over my life 25 years ago,

UK. This also led to my husband being head-hunted, and in

by a visiting preacher who knew nothing about me, or

2002 we relocated to East Anglia.

the turbulent journey I had been on so far. When God speaks, we often feel very excited thinking, wow, God has great plans in store. The reality is, those great plans have taken me to the absolute depths of utter despair time and again. I have often wondered, what the heck am I meant to do with my life? I couldn’t wait to leave school after being so cruelly tormented and persecuted, just because I went to church. As such, I left school at the age of 15 with just one qualification, ‘Typing’. I got a job working for a large teaching hospital in Sheffield (UK) as a Typesetter in the Medical Illustra-

I worked for Cambridge University for a couple of years,

tion Department. I supported Graphic Designers,

and from day 1, God opened up the opportunity to witness

Printers and Photographers in their roles of producing

for Him to a laboratory full of scientists. It was such an

various patient related materials. This is where my

amazing time of being able to share the love of Jesus.

passion for the creative industries began, and where

Unfortunately, this was also a season where my husband

God led me to acquire a whole new set of skills. As a

and I started to grow apart, as we worked long hours. This

child, my parents had an old ‘8mm cine film camera’.

almost destroyed us both. I wanted to crawl into a hole and

I loved capturing footage of family moments. Fast

never come back out, utter despair yet again.

forward a few years and I purchased my first digital video camera and a manual editing deck. This was

Thankfully, God was far from done with me yet. I changed

before computerised edit suites, like we have today.

jobs to try and have a fresh start, but I just wasn’t enjoying

I absolutely loved editing footage and seeing what

admin work anymore. So, I took a leap of faith. I quit my job

stories would emerge. For me, the icing on the cake is

and returned to full-time education. It was extremely risky

watching the audience engage and respond to the

not knowing if I was doing the right thing.

completed films. It is truly an incredible experience.


...a confident and passionate woman who is doing something she loves...

In 2011, I graduated with a degree in Motion Graphics

My story so far has felt like Joseph and Job in many ways.

(distinction), and a First Class BA Honors Degree in Film &

They lost everything in order for God to establish His

TV Production. I also won first prize in a local film competi-

purposes. I am incredibly humbled before God as He has

tion. This led to acquiring some big video production

faithfully demonstrated time and again, that His hand is

contracts and as a result, Positive FX Studio was born. I

indeed on my life for good. I am excited at what stories have

thought I had arrived at the start of my God given destiny.

yet to be told and the direction in which God is now steering

Unfortunately, that was not the ‘happily ever after’ ending

Positive FX Studio. I truly believe my story has only just

to the story. In fact, it was the just the beginning of yet

begun, but the stories God wants to tell through us, to

another season of utter despair and one of the darkest

positively impact many lives, that is what keeps me going

valley’s I have ever had to endure. Instead of celebrating, I

forwards and why God allows showers of blessings in the

was now grieving the loss of my mum who passed away and

midst of the valleys.

didn’t quite make it to my graduation. As a little girl, God always led me to read Romans 8 and it As such, the last 8 years since starting Positive FX Studio,

has sustained and kept me through it all. I can still declare

have been an intense struggle with so many steep learning

today that:

curves. There have been some real successes of brilliant projects to work on, and then others that have almost

“in all these things we are more than conquerors through

drowned me. Despite the challenges and struggles, I can

him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor

honestly say, I am exactly where God wants me. Yes there

life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the

are moments when I want to pack it all in, but then God

future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor

steps in and encourages me to keep going. He constantly

anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from

challenges me to trust Him for everything. I have had to,

the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

and am still learning, that it is God’s business and it is Him

Romans 8:38-39

alone that I need to depend and rely on, not clients, not money, not highs or lows of running the business. Staying focused on God keeps me balanced and at peace, rather

by Paula Brown

than how I am feeling about the circumstances. God


reminds me every day, to enjoy the work He has provided, enjoy the day He has given, and enjoy spending the day in His presence.


making friends in business and life

It’s your time to join your sisterhood of Christian Women in Business Our membership is all about uniting like-minded women together like yourself, encouraging you and strengthening you to build a business that you love and of course empowering you to make money!

It’s Your Time! Grace Over Grind





A membership for everyone and every budget! Monthly Investments Now Available www.c h ris tia nwom eninb

CWIB Testimonial


WHEN YOU LOVE SOMETHING YOU HAVE GOT TO SHARE IT :) What were you looking for before you joined CWIB? A woman in business can find herself in a lonely place! I was looking for support and advice on how to run a business for the Boss (God) well, while still surviving the everyday rigours of being a wife, mother and responsible adult!! I loved the devotional book - I was quite sad when I finished it! And especially the podcasts… this is my weekly bit of solace and a chance to think proactively about my God, my business and myself. I haven’t engaged with online socials a lot yet but will look to getting into that space in 2019


This devotional will leave you feeling on fire for God and confidently inspired to build a Godly Business. Take this walk with God in your quiet time!

What's your favourite thing about it? The Podcast show is great - the variety of people, experiences and wisdom is challenging, exciting and very helpful. Why would you encourage other people to join? I think generally woman are under resourced but still place high expectations on themselves to achieve amazing results… CWIB is an opportunity to be well resourced, supported and encouraged. Being in Business for the Boss should be our ultimate goal…. it’s a lot easier to achieve when we do it together. Pauline Haydon Owner @ PAPER MAID SOLUTIONS KINDESS SHARED IS KINDNESS DOUBLED!

YOUR BUSINESS BASICS WORK SHOP IS HERE Your Business Basics Workshop is now available in the Academy KEEPING GOD AT THE CENTRE OF Y OUR BUSI NESS To get your hands on this, apply to become an Enriched Member

Pursuing Jesus



The bible is not just any book. Within its pages are testimonies, the secrets, ideas and wisdom of God. It reveals the lineage of Christ from the beginning and the heart of a supreme Diety that goes above and

But we also know it can be challenging, difficult to comprehend.

beyond to save humanity.

Mysteries that even Jesus said he would not reveal to the disciples “I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now” (John 16:12) But he went on to say “Howbeit

As followers of Christ we have been told ‘study to show yourself

when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth:

approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed,

for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that

rightly diving the word of truth’. (2 Timothy 2:15). It is so

he shall speak; and he will shew you things to come.” (v 13).

important that you and I know what we are talking about, know HIM. We also know that it’s important because it’s part of the

This is where Paul comes in. The man whom Jesus appeared to

armour of God in Ephesians 6, our feet are meant to be shod

after his death and in his letter to the church in Ephesus said

with the preparation of the gospel of peace! I think that’s a little

“How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery;

bit more than just being able to say ‘Jesus loves you’.

(as I wrote afore in a few words, whereby, when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ).” (Ephesians

This incredible book is written out of the Hebrew culture, it is


not a book with Western culture in mind. We cannot just apply our own thinking and logic to it. God is not Western. His people

I want to frame learning how to study the bible in this context.

were Hebrew. They had a language that was expressive, a way of

It is something to be searched for, pursued, dug up, investigated

life that is different to modern life. This is why we can’t just go

- you must want to go after everything that is possible to

pulling out verses here and there in English and think we are

understand in Jesus Christ. To sit back and just wait for other

grasping the truth. The words were Hebrew: in Jesus time they

people to tell you what it says, to just quote a line as if it’s law

were spoken in Hebrew, translated to Greek and now been

and must be fulfilled.. is so woefully inadequate and this

turned into English - a lot has been lost in the translation. And it

wonderful salvation will not take full effect in your life.

matters. Words matter.


What does that say to you and me?

Let’s consider John 10 because it’s a good example of what happens in our modern world. A group of people were accusing Jesus of blasphemy. He was just a man and he was making

He is saying, listen, you don’t know who you are. Stop staying

himself God. (v33). We hear that all the time now don’t we?

you’re just human, you’re just a man or woman. You are

People say ‘God will do it all, we only pray..’ Or ‘its not about the

children of the most High. Scripture cannot lie, and it cannot be

man, it’s only God’.. or ‘He is trying to be like God, we are all

broken. Just because you deny it or are ignorant of it, does not

only people’. People love to pull other people down to make

make it less true.

them ordinary. Jesus was encountering this same kind of talk. Studying the word of God, with the Holy Spirit helping you, is going to open you up to the ideas and concepts of the Kingdom of heaven.

He used scripture to address it. “Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came,

Don’t be intimidated and say it’s only for ‘special’ people or

and the scripture cannot be broken…..” (John 10:34-35)

intellectuals or clever people. It is not true. The same Spirit that rose Christ from the dead dwells in you (Romans 6:10-11). Do

So now we can go to find where it is written in the law. And we

you believe that? This is the same Spirit that will lead you into

really need to know because Jesus said something profound

all truth.

here. He said to the people ‘Ye are gods?… and scripture cannot be broken’. What’s that about? Does that relate to you and me?

I’d love to encourage you to get a hold of this powerful audio that was bible training for a group of Christians learning to

We can find it in Psalms 82:5-8

study the word of God. A great resource to add to your learning:

They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.

Find it at >>

I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes

It really gets exciting when you start to study the scriptures and

(rulers) Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all

discover who God really is, who Jesus really is, what our


salvation really means, what our mission really is…. There is nothing like it on the planet. It changes you from a churchgoer to a Jesus follower and that is when Christianity is powerful!

If I wanted to explore this some more I’d look at the words ‘gods’. I use the Hebrew Interlinear to look up the scripture, I find the numerical reference above the word ‘gods’ - which is 430 - and then I go to the Strongs Concordance, in the Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary part, and look up the number 430. The word is ‘elohiym’: gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates, and sometimes as a superlative.


So the Holy Spirit, in Psalms, is saying ‘you are gods…but you will die like men’ because you know not, you do not understand! Jesus is picking this up when addressing the statement ‘you think you’re God’ and he quotes the text to these people, adding that scripture cannot be broken!



At Council for Global Evangelisation we take the Great Commission seriously. To trivialise the gospel would be unconscionable. Salvation is a seriously judicial, terribly legal matter. KRISIS, in Greek. Jesus is a compelling personality. In the arena of Evangelism, Nothing to compare. Join the Tribe

Join Council for Global Evangelisation (CGE) Be a partner. Subscribe to join this radical Movement for global evangelisation. Your involvement can mean A NEW IMPACT IN GLOBAL EVANGELISATION.

Our Evangelism Footprint Panama, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Marshall Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, Rwanda, Zambia, South Africa, Lesotho, Australia, Uganda, Kenya, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia, Israel, Germany, United States, Belgium, United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, Burundi.

Retreats for Women TO R E S T, R E F R E S H




Arise Sanctuary offers luxury boutique retreats for women with the heart to provide women with time and space to stop and hear God’s voice. Arise runs domestic (Australia) and international retreats for women to rest, refresh, to restore their hearts, re-establish their identity and most importantly have space to connect deeply with God. We are passionate about seeing women equipped and empowered to step out and follow their dreams. Arise now has 2 retreats opened for 2020 bookings. First retreat offered will be located in the Byron Bay Hinterland, March 2020. The next retreat available is our international retreat located in Positano, Italy, June 2020. We have more retreats releasing soon.



Is it your time

to come away?

PR Basics


Owning and running your business is one thing, but successfully getting word out there especially in the media - is another thing altogether, but can make a world of difference to the success of your brand.

So how do we do it!? Let’s start with the terminology. PR or Public Relations is the building of mutually beneficial relationships between a business and its stakeholders in order to help achieve a goal. But let’s take a minute to unpack that - because its sounds like a lot of fancy jargon. ‘Stakeholders’ or ‘publics’ simply refers to your target audience or any group that can affect your business. The most common types of stakeholder relations we communicate with in PR are the media (media relations), customers and potential customers (marketing), employees (internal communications), investors (investor and financial communications), community (community relations), and government (lobbying).

Hannah Delaney is a Public Relations Practitioner and small business entrepreneur with more than 10 years communications experience for mid-tier corporate organisations and small businesses.


But who we focus our communications plan on really depends on your goal - and every goal needs a strategy to ensure it’s achieved! Sounds like a lot of work, right? Hold in there, because below are some quick steps to creating your own mini PR strategy. So, grab a pen and paper, or open Google Docs and start planning your PR success!

The Goal The first question is: Do you have a PR goal? A goal is simply the big hairy audacious dream that’s focused on your business. For example: To be known as the leading brand for (type of clients) and providing an income for me and my family of (amount) per year. Be creative. Ask God for inspiration. Think, if I was where I want to be in five years, what does that really look like for my business?

Objectives Next, we break that goal into objectives. I recommend three objectives at most for PR and marketing related work, depending on the resources you have in your business. Objectives are Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely, and are tangible ways of ensuring we are on the right track to achieve our goal. Some examples of objectives could be: 1. To increase my businesses credibility by appearing in mainstream media three times by December 2020 2. To win 10 clients in (type of industry) by December 2020 3. To be making an income of (insert amount) by December 2020 The trick is to really only focus on the things that will make a big difference to your business, and of course making sure that the activity is achievable.

Strategy & Tactics Next comes the strategy and tactics - the strategy is all the ways of ‘how’ we are going to achieve the goal. Tactics are the ‘to-do’ list that we can check off as we go. Below is an example of the strategy and tactics that could be used to achieve objective 1. OBJECTIVES



To increase my

To build relationships

• Complete media training through a Public

businesses credibility

with relevant and

Relations firm. (This will provide clarity on

by appearing in

influential journalists that

what makes news, how to engage with

mainstream media

can reach my customers.

media, and ensure you are considered as a spokesperson).

three times by December 31, 2020

Set myself up as a spokesperson on industry related matters.

• Create a media list of all relevant and influential journalists that reach your customers. • Go out for coffee with selected journalists. • Issue media releases on relevant issues. • Plan a media lunch, or invite journalists to product launches. • Create a media kit and get spokesperson headshots for the website. • Ensure there is a media policy if you have internal staff or contractors. • Issue media releases on finalist and award winner announcements.


PR Tips


A positive media story has 10x the equivalent value of paid for advertising. So, if you manage to get a half page story placed in a newspaper that would normally cost $6,000 in advertising, the EAV (estimated advertising value) is $60,000. This means you would have had to take out $60,000 of paid for space to achieve the same result. Earned media is the quickest and most sure-fire way for instant brand awareness, so remember to celebrate when you do get a story placed!


Good PR is just as much about your external image as it is your internal identity. A good external brand image needs to be backed up by good internal processes and a solid business foundation. Take Ribena for example - their image of being high in Vitamin C was awesome, until it was discovered there was no Vitamin C in the drink. An imbalance between the two nearly always presents itself as crisis communications and results in severe reputational damage. Tip: Always be truthful to your audiences.


Always engage a PR agency when dealing with the media, even if it’s just for an initial chat to discuss your planned activity. Media relations can be tricky depending on what you are trying to achieve, and the exercise can easily backfire if you don’t have proper foundations in place. A PR agency will make sure a winning strategy is put in place, and that both your brand and you as a spokesperson are ready to be presented with minimal risk.

About Hannah Delaney Hannah Delaney is a Public Relations Practitioner and small business entrepreneur with more than 10 years communications experience for mid-tier corporate organisations and small businesses. Co-founder of Delaney & Thorn Public Relations, Hannah represents both national and international clients, provides strategic PR planning, counsel, as well as tactical activity to build brand awareness, increase sales and manage stakeholder engagement. Hannah also owns a small co-working space on the Kapiti Coast of New Zealand, Kapiti Collective. Hannah studied Public Relations at Massey University and has a certificate in Change Management from the University of Sydney.



Women of the




The ancient Silk Road, a major trade route that linked the east and west, conjures up images of spices, fragrances, silks, colourful rugs, merchants and apothecaries. Rich pigments of blue indigo, bold pinks, ultramarine blue, saturated purples, buckthorn green, red lead, vermillion, yellow orpiment, red brazil wood and gold leaf were traded and used by artists along the road.


In this course, we will meet 3 women who lived along the Silk Road in days gone by. In painting their faces, we will catch a glimpse into their hearts and as always bring something of ourselves as well. A meeting together of hearts, separated by years and distance. A Mixed Media Portrait Course Release date: February 2020. Join my journal ’The Saturday Easel’ and walk the creative road with me and keep up to date with any new online courses, live workshops and creative events.


God has given us much in the way of beautiful foods to keep our bodies nourished and well fed.



One of the areas I see women struggling with, is sleep. Sleep

As business owners, we all lead busy lives which can see us wearing many hats and juggling lots of balls!

is the time when your body rejuvenates and repairs itself, and it’s also the time when your brain processes all the day’s activities. Sleep is an incredible tool in the area of your health and if you aren’t getting enough of it, your body and mind will definitely feel it. I speak to many women who have

Taking care of ourselves can often take backseat while we

trouble either falling asleep or waking through the night

look after the needs of our clients and customers and this

and find themselves unable to go back to sleep. There can

can lead to us feeling pretty exhausted, and maybe even

be various reasons for this to be the case, but irrespective

burnt out. Let’s face it, when we reach that point, we’re

of the reasons; there are some beautiful herbs that can

really not going to be of much help to anyone, let alone our

offer relief for either of these scenarios.

clients. I’d like to share with you some of the wonderful things that God has gifted us with to help keep us ground-

Passionflower is a lovely calming herb that brings relief to

ed and energised so that we can be all He wants us to be,

an overactive mind and calms the nervous system. It also

and do all the things He wants us to achieve in our lifetime.

helps to relieve anxiety. Passionflower can be taken half an hour before bed to help you start settling down for a good

God has given us much in the way of beautiful foods to

night’s sleep.

keep our bodies nourished and well fed. He has given us huge varieties of vegetables, fruit, herbs, seeds, grains,

Another area we deal with as business owners is stress.

nuts, berries, fish, poultry, and meat, and by eating from

Stress is insidious and comes at us from many different

this smorgasbord of nutrition, we can fill all our nutritional

angles. You can have psychological, emotional, environmen-

requirements each day. He has also provided what we

tal, and physical stress, and if you have a combination of any

need when things aren’t going so well for us, and we find

of these, the effect is multiplied. The thing you must

ourselves succumbing to life in the 21st Century. I’m going

understand is that you need some stress for your survival;

to touch on a couple of the areas that I see in many of the

it’s only when it becomes too much for your nervous system

clients I work with.

that it becomes a problem.


Once again, God has provided some wonderful herbs called

So, here is my recipe for happy, healthy business women:

adaptogens that help your body respond to stress in a healthy way. Adaptogens are plants that usually grow in harsh conditions and have to adapt to their severe environments, which makes them very resilient. This quality is passed on to us in the different chemical compounds found within the plant, making them an ideal addition to your daily life to help cope with day to day stresses. One of my favourite adaptogens for dealing with stress, and something that can be added to your daily diet, is Reishi mushroom. Reishi is a medicinal mushroom that has been used

Herbs of Gold Activated B-complex

for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine and

Green Nutritionals Organic Green Vitamin C

Asian culture. Modern science is now discovering how these amazing mushrooms offer such wonderful benefits through some of these incredible compounds: β-glucans, polysaccharides, triterpenoids, sterols, prebiotics, antioxidant enzymes (lactase, catalase, superoxide dismutase), amino acids, polyphenols, proteins, peptides, flavonoids, and digestive enzymes (proteases, lipases), among others. Reishi is calming for your central nervous system, helps to Teelixer Reishi Mushroom powder

support your immune system, acts as an adrenal tonic, helps to protect your brain, supports gut health, and helps promote

Organic India Tulsi tea

better sleep. You can add it to a smoothie, coffee, hot chocolate, or make a Reishi latte. Another wonderful addition to your daily routine is Tulsi (Holy Basil). Tulsi has been used in one of the world’s oldest medical systems in India, for thousands of years. Tulsi is an adaptogen that can address all forms of stress through a unique combination of pharmacological actions. Tulsi is available as a tea and

Planet Organic Passionflower Tea

comes in lots of delicious blends. My favourite it Tulsi Sweet Rose! Still on the subject of stress, vitamins B and C are both used by your body every day in varying amounts, depending on your stress levels, and being water soluble, your body doesn’t store them for very long, so you need to consume them every day. If you have a very good diet, with no junk food, and very little stress, you might obtain enough from what you eat. But for most people, this is just not the case! So, taking a good quality vitamin B-complex and a high quality Vitamin C powder each

Annette Hurn

day will ensure your body is getting what it needs.


Disclaimer: This article is not meant to diagnose or prescribe. Please see your health care practitioner before using any of these products.




Ki n d Hearted INTENTIONAL DESIGN for faith driven

Entrepreneurs and growing businesses

I work with growing businesses, creatives and entrepreneurs to create a visual story for their brand. I create designs for your business, that have been thoughtfully and intentionally designed to best benefit your brand, in a way that clearly communicates your message to your ideal market.

hello, let’s make a time to chat....

Megs xo BRANDI NG + DESI GN + P RI NT with a little bit of happy!





For Qualifying Customers WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT WAYS TO QUALIFY A CLIENT? SCORING: In Active Campaign they have an option on their plus plan that allows you to start scoring contacts, kind of like Big Brother. You can track people on your website and add or take away scoring depending on their actions. For example, you can create an automation that keeps a contact waiting for 2 weeks once they’ve signed up and then asks them how many times they’ve visited a sales page (or any page on your website). If they have visited more than 6 times in that period, then you could add 100 points. Then when they’ve reached 200 or whatever you set, you can then trigger an automated email giving them some value and asking them, if they have been thinking about buying your product but haven’t, what might be causing them to stumble? In the same way if, someone signs up for your freebie and never opens an email from it and never interacts with anything you send out, after 3 months you can unsubscribe them and remove them from your list. (Saving you $$)

ASKING QUESTIONS: In CWIB we have an application process – we try to keep the form as short as possible but straight away that form gets rid of most uninterested people. Then, depending on how the persons answers some of the questions determines how we would word our application emails to them. Their responses indicate the area of their interest, ie advertising, socialising or education. Each email we send them after this is then related to helping them in that way. In TAG on my calendar booking or Price List Opt-in I ask 3 questions which again qualifies each customer. The price list is also a good way for people to decide if we’re a fit or not. Can they afford me? Each Opt-in answer that they give then determines what response. The examples are – I know what I want, I just want someone to do the work for me I kinda know what I want but I don’t know how to do it and would like someone to guide me… I have no idea what I want or how to do stuff and my budget is very tight… What questions can you ask your customers to qualify them or find out what services or products they’re interested in? For example, if I was selling skin care problems, I would be asking them what type of skin they have, dry, oily, aged. Find out what questions you can ask, write them down and impliment them!




For some of us, the last thing we have time for is hosting a business function. Studies show a customer needs 7 ‘points of contact’ with you before making a purchase. However, if an emotional connection is made, this number reduces to three. Functions or events give you the opportunity to create such an experience. Maybe you’ve been tasked with planning a Company Christmas party, an awards night or even a product launch. Where do you begin? It is important to outline the purpose of the event, understand your audience, and assess the budget available, before you can get down to creating a memorable event.

LET’S GET STARTED! Step 1. What’s the objective? Jot down 3 clear goals you, the business owner, would like

instance, you are introducing a health supplement to support

to achieve as a result of your event. Some examples might

athletes, a high energy, vibrant event would be more

be product awareness, improve customer relations,

appealing. Concentrating on how to make your clients, staff

celebrate the year’s productivity, create unity, build rapport

or attendees feel engaged and excited will go a long way to

with clients, or even a time to let your hair down and have

creating a memorable time. At this point, I like to remember

fun with colleagues. With your purpose in mind, it is now

the timeless adage, treat others as you would yourself.

time to think about your audience.

Step 3. Style guru!

Step 2. The who’s who!

While food and beverages are likely to consume the largest

Understanding who the event is for will help you achieve

part of the budget, a percentage should be assigned to

your goals and give your ideas regarding the type of event

styling, as this is how you create the desired atmosphere!

you want to hold. Think about age, desired level of activity

Dollars spent on styling build the ‘WOW!’ factor and the

and gender of the majority of your clientele. For example, if

emotional experience. How much is spent will depend on

your clients are generally over 55, you may want to have a

the desired impact. Once a rough budget is established, the

sit-down meal as opposed to a cocktail event. If, for

next step is to create.


Now to decide on a theme. Often, this is where people begin, which is great, however, we have found the previous steps help clarify how the budget should be spent. This is where the use of corporate colours as the impact statement, or a theme for the event is formulated. Some examples of popular themes include, rainforest, circus and 007, but really the list is endless. The theme should be incorporated into everything, even the emailed invitations, to create cohesion and build expectation. By this stage you will have a rough idea of the number of people attending and will be able to choose a suitable venue.

Step 4. It’s all about the entrance! One high impact area is how guests feel on arrival. You only get one chance to make a first impression! How are you going to ‘roll out the red carpet’ for your guests? Depending on your theme, this could be as simple as giving them a gift bag on arrival or literally having a red carpet. Another area to concentrate on is where guest’s attention will be for most of the event ie, stage, dance floor etc. When these two areas are done well, they become ‘hashtag’ worthy.

Step 5. Bring in the professionals…. Stylists are great at what they do and good ones are able to work with your budget. If creativity is not your thing, this is where you contact a stylist. Stylists work with you and the venue to create your ideal event. We hope these few insights help you to create the perfect event. I love what I do and rise to the creative challenge every time. Working with new clients or annual events each time is different and exciting. The best part of the job is seeing the planning process come to life on the night. Styled spaces filled with happy people, winning!



CWIB APP Available Now


PODCAST + DAILY VERSES + MAGAZINE + BLOG The CWIB APP is now live and ready for you to use!

Download it Today! So much goodness right on your phone! Inspirational Godly Business Goodness on your phone whenever you need it! Available from iTunes or Google Play. + Daily Bible Verses + Play podcast directly off your phone + Keep up to date with all our events + Contribute your creativeness Plus more… It’s free to download on any device from iTunes or Google Play. Download it today!



the automation

If you’re feeling a little


with all that’s involved with an online business and you’d like some help to

Helping Busy Business Owners Set Up Automations and Integrations

free up your time, I’m your gal! I'd love to help you

get control

over your systems and create automations, so you can spend time doing

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in and out of your business!

SPECIALISING IN + Setting up Opt-in Forms and follow up emails. + Setting up Podcast Shows, Editing Shows, Interview Automations & Work Flows + Helping you with general Automation's, Systems & Staff + Setting up new customer on-boarding automation for membership websites & service-based businesses + Setting up AutomaticPayments & eCommerce Sites + Syndicating your content to your website & audience (Blogs, Podcasts & Videos) WWW.THEAUTOMATIONGIRL.COM

+ Active Campaign + Wordpress + WooCommerce + Shopify + Plus more...



In this digital and visual age, the search for great social


media content seems to be the ultimate quest, and often it

When creating brand photos, good light is essential. So, to

can be overwhelming knowing what to post and when to

keep things easy just position yourself next to a window or

post it.

open door at a time of day when the light is soft and even. To

If you have a service-based business, it can be really difficult

avoid heavy shadows on the far side of your image, just bring

coming up with original creative content when you don’t

in a white reflector. A large piece of cardboard or foam board

have a tangible item to showcase. Generic stock photos can

is perfect, which you can find at Officeworks or an art

be useful when used correctly, but if you really want to step

supply store.

up your branding game, creating a library of your own custom styled stock photos ensures that you are never


stuck for content, and the bonus is that you won’t find the

There are so many creative options for backgrounds and

same image on anyone else’s feed! And if you have a

props, but it’s best to keep it simple and keep on brand. If your

product-based business you can use my tips below to also

brand is light, clean and modern then a simple white

photograph your products.

background will suit perfectly. However, if your brand is more

Once you’ve figured out your brand and who your target

moody and edgy, maybe some dark wood tones and harsher

client it, you can start to create content that enhances your

lighting will be a better fit. Whatever style you settle on, stick

message and speaks directly to your audience. After years

to about 2 or 3 similar backgrounds to create variety whilst

of creating branded visual content for my clients, here are

also being consistent. Bunnings is my favourite place for

my top tips to help you create your own branded stock

finding creative and interesting backgrounds!

photos with just your phone!




Whenever I’m out shopping, I’m always on the lookout for

To really make your images pop, I always recommended

fun little props that I can use to personalise my photos. Look

giving them a quick edit before posting. My favourite free app

out for items that not only show your brand colours, but also

to use is SnapSeed. Just enhancing the contrast, brightness

your brand personality. If you’re a fun and energetic

and sharpness of a photo can really make a difference. Once

accountant, perhaps you could include a gold calculator, a

you’ve edited your image to the way you like it, you can save

sparkly pen and some jelly beans. Or if you are a consultant

your settings and quickly apply them to the rest of the images

with a more corporate audience, perhaps sleek black tech

with one click. Not only will you save time, but all of your

items and more symmetrical composition could work well.

images will have a consistent look, adding to your overall brand perception.

CHANGE IT UP It can take some time to set up for your photos, as well as planning out what you want, so take advantage of all your hard work and create multiple compositions with each setup. For each setup you create, take a flatlay, an image taken directly from the front, an image on an angle, and then move the elements around for a different look. Also create a couple of images from each setup that have some copyspace - a blank area so that you can add some text or a quote. From one setup you could easily create 5 or 6 different images which you could post once or twice a month. Again it will create variety in your feed, but also have a consistent look and feel.

Janelle Keys is a lifestyle photographer based in the Hawkesbury Valley, Sydney. She helps women in business connect and earn trust with their audience through natural and relaxed photography. Janelle also has a passion for helping families make time in their busy lives to create fun memories that can be enjoyed today and relived in the years

Janelle Keys

to come when little ones aren’t so little anymore!



Based in Western Sydney

Personal brand photography is the art of using high-quality images to tell the story of your business brand. Using professional photos to market and advertise your business not only positions you as an expert in your field but it also gives your clients and audience a more authentic brand experience. Whether you’re a coach,

Choose from tailored packages that best suits your needs: Headshots Let people get to know the face behind the biz with professional and natural headshots.

online entrepreneur, influencer or speaker, beautiful,

Branding Sessions

professional photography can really take your branding

Tell more of your business story with a full branding session, creating awesome content that shows you, your team, your product or service, your own custom stock images, and giving your audience a peek behind the scenes.

to the next level, and will draw clients in and give them a reason to choose you.

Let’s chat about your business and how we can best engage with your audience. Based in Western Sydney Phone 0400 786 489 @janellekeysphotography - Facebook & Instagram

Content Subscription Let’s plan ahead and create content that will last the coming months. Save time and minimise cash flow with one big photoshoot where we’ll style a variety of photos for you to use for upcoming events and seasonal promotions. Then pay for what you need on a monthly basis.


A place for you to talk about business with like minded women

CWIB Melbourne

Are you interested in some face to face support to help encourage you in your business? We hold monthly Business Socials all across Australia and soon we will be reaching out to the USA too! We talk about a business topic of the month, we brainstorm through difficult things we might be going through in our businesses, we pray for each other and drink coffee while eating lots of chocolate <3 A perfect night, if you ask us!

Gold Coast CWIB


Sunny C oast


Gold Coast



Central Coast

Sunshine Coast


Brisbane - North

Melbourne - East

Brisbane - South

Melbourne - West

Sydney – The Hills/North


Sydney – South West


sy CWIB South Bris

We welcome every lovely lady to attend one free Membership social night - after that you will need to become a Sisterhood or Enriched member to keep attending. We’d love to invite you to join in the fun!

Canberra CWIB

Contact us for more details of the Business Social near you!


Townsville CWIB

Teas while you work WWW.BRACKENDALETEA.COM


MY NAME IS ANTHEA AND I AM A TEA-AHOLIC! My husband and I took on an online loose-leaf tea sales business six months ago. I have learned so much, mostly about tea but also about the Lord’s faithfulness, so why not

produced. The plant was first discovered in China and was spread throughout Asia by monks who drank tea for both medicinal and spiritual purposes. In the 1600s the plants were spread further afield to countries such as India, Sri Lanka and Kenya to keep up the demand for black tea for the British and Dutch empires.

grab a cup of your favourite brew and come join me as I Since these humble beginnings, tea has become a part of

share some of what I have learned.

billions of people’s daily lives around the world, with over 3 Firstly, did you know that Tea comes from just one plant?

billion tonnes of tea produced for consumption each year.

Camellia sinensis gives us Black, Green, White, Oolong and Pu-erh tea just by the way the leaves are processed. Black tea is the most common and accounts for 80% of the tea consumed in the West. Green Tea undergoes an additional early drying stage to halt oxidization to preserve its green, leafy appearance and inhibit the development of caffeine. Oolong is a traditional Chinese tea that is partially oxidized. It is more complex in taste than Green but not as strong as Black. Pu-erh is a ‘matured’ tea from Yunnan in China and has an amazing flavour. White tea is the least processed of them all. The leaves are often simply plucked and then

Varieties, Grades and Blends are terms you will hear when talking tea. Variety is the different forms the tea leaf can take after processing – Black, White, Green, Pu-erh, Oolong. Tea grades are used to differentiate between leaf size and shape as well as where on the plant the leaf was plucked. You may have heard some of the following terms - Tippy, Golden, Flowery, Finest, Broken, Orange Pekoe to name but a few. These are all ‘grades of tea’. Most tea companies have a tea called Orange Pekoe, which is confusing because it actually refers to a ‘grade of tea’ and not a variety or blend.

gently dried. A ‘blend’ is simply a mix of two or more types of tea, or other Camellia sinensis can grow in most climates but prefers a tropical climate and in these conditions the best tea is

ingredients, to produce a desired taste. For instance, English Breakfast is a blend and is probably the most well-known.



It is generally a mix of three teas from different countries –

crop from the world’s top 10% producers - true luxury teas.

be that northern India, Sri Lanka, Kenya or China. It is an

They are delicious, ethically produced and not available on

Aussie favourite as it has good colour, pretty aroma, good

supermarket shelves.

strength and looks good with milk. Beyond English Breakfast there are many beautiful teas worth trying. Earl Grey,

It really is a matter of taste and what ‘you like’, will pretty

Chai, Jasmine Tea, Afternoon Teas, Tisanes (herbal teas) -

much determine what sort of tea you ‘feel’ you want at any

the list goes on and on.

time of the day or night. There is so much information out there about how to make the ‘perfect’ cup of tea. At

Tisanes (Herbal Teas) are popular these days and these are

Brackendale we say ‘you are the boss of your cup. You make

herbal or fruit infusions. Tisanes do not actually contain the

it how it looks and tastes right for you’. A rule of thumb is 1

leaf of the tea plant, but they are often enjoyed in the same

teaspoon of tea leaves per cup. Freshly boiled water poured

way as tea. A huge variety of herbs, flowers, fruit, roots and

over the leaves and brew from anywhere between 2 to 7

barks are used as ingredients. By blending these natural

minutes. If you like it strong then add more tea leaves, do

ingredients Tisanes are used for health and healing purpos-

not lengthen the brewing time as this can cause bitterness.

es in many cultures. Tisanes are also popular as a naturally ‘caffeine-free’ hot tea-like drink.

On the next page you will see some of my very favourite teas, but really, there are so many more I could mention.

Rooibos, which literally translates ‘red bush” is a bushy plant

I haven’t even told you how the Lord fitted into it all. A story

native to South Africa. It is naturally caffeine-free and starts

to be shared over another cup, some other time perhaps. I

out a succulent shade of green then turns an earthy red

hope I have whetted your appetite to come and learn more

colour once processed. This plant is treated in a similar way

about our beautiful range at Brackendale Tea Co

to the tea plant. You can also get the unoxidized rooibos

tea, referred to as green rooibos, although it is much less common. Speaking of ‘caffeine’ - tea contains caffeine, even decaffeinated tea contains caffeine! A word to the wise - if you are sensitive to it, a good ‘quality’ tea will keep you as wide awake as coffee. Best to stick to the Herbal Tea if you are really sensitive. At Brackendale Tea Co, Tea isn’t just our business, it has

by Anthea Brockbank

become my passion. We have over 40 luxury loose-leaf Teas and Tisanes. Our supplier uses only the cream of the



Favourite Teas


Cream Earl Grey

Taj Mahal Chai

Scottish Caramel Pu-erh

This blend is the founding reason the Brackendale Tea Co started. A superb Earl Grey mellowed with a delicious creamy taste, this blend has converted the most adamant "just plain tea thanks" people to a whole new world of tea consumption.

If you like a little spice, then try one of our gorgeous Chai’s. Black Tea or Rooibos are the base and added spices of ginger, cardamom, pepper and vanilla (to name but a few) make these the most wonderful cup and take you straight to the streets of India

If you want to be divinely different then try our Scottish Caramel Pu-erh. It is smooth and sweet with deep notes of caramel, toffee and almond mixed with the heady flavour of the matured Pu-erh. Truly heaven in a cup for any time of the day.

Organic Stormy Night

Oh My Goodness Darjeeling

Green Oasis

One of our biggest sellers - Organic Stormy Night is a naturally caffeine free, very visual bend, but it's more than just a pretty face. A herbal symphony with delicious mint notes and hints of peach and spice. The chamomile rounds out the flavour perfectly with a lovely cleansing finish.

Afternoon conjures classic Darjeeling and we have the best. Oh My Goodness Darjeeling really does take you to a whole different place. Its grade is Finest Tippy, Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe and truly, it is worth every cent when enjoyed at leisure of an afternoon.

Green tea can be quite bitter, and this is generally due to incorrect brewing. With our Greens you can get a couple (3 to 4) refills and it will still have amazing flavour. My favourite is the Green Oasis with its subtle sweetness of vanilla and sweet, tart flavour of quince.



We welcome you to become part of a community like no other. Come and be inspired through relationships with like-minded women who are passionate about aligning their business with Gods purpose. Apply to become a member today!

It’s Your Time! Grace Over Grind

We have created resources and tools to help you draw Closer to God in your business.




Everything we’ve created in our shop is with you and our mission in mind. To help encourage and strengthen you as you walk with God in your business. You’re not meant to do business alone, sister… Let us help you… Your time is now… It’s our time to rise. EDITION 1 EDITION 2

Devotionals + Prints Stationery + Art

Bring your office to life with some graceful artwork HOMEWARES ~ ART ~ WORKSHOPS

w w w .g r a ce f u la r t s t u dio . co m

The Gift of Holiday Reading What books are under your tree? Here are some of our favourite books that have been read time and time again

Knowing God Intimately Joyce Meyer

Present over Perfect Shauna Niequist

Prayers that Shake Heaven + Earth Daniel Duval

Cultivated Lara Casey

Women of the Word Jen Wilkin

Living a Life of Fire Reinhard Bonnke

Hear My Heart Billy Graham

Doodle Devotions for Girls Nancy Taylor

Poverty, Riches & Wealth Kris Vallotton

In His Image Jen Wilkin

About our Cover Girl Our beautiful cover girl was painted by our very own CWIB Memeber, Loretta Waldron. She is an amazing mixed media artist living in Roma, Qld. Bringing life to those around her through music and art, Loretta founded Abundance Studios which is not just a music teaching studio, but one that makes room for a variety of creative projects including art workshops. Loretta also held her first solo art exhibition of mixed media artwork in 2019, called “In the Company of Women”. It was a collection of artworks that celebrated women in which each artwork was given a name and a verse of poetry. This lovely painting has the name Bina. In Hebrew, the name ‘Bina’ means wisdom and understanding.


“The beginning of wisdom is, Acquire wisdom! And with all you have gotten get understanding. Exalt her and she will promote you: she will bring you to honour when you embrace her. She will give to your head an ornament of grace: she will


ADVERTISEMENT & SPONSORSHIP Purchase your ad spot here! We’ve updated our Media Kit, we’re reaching more women, a bigger audience and have new monthly packages available for you to advertise your business to our unique audience. Advertise in this mag, on our podcast, on our APP and through our weekly emails. DOWNLOAD YOUR KIT NOW


Personal Cost + Time Effective Business Administration

Performance PA is a great cost effective solution to take the stress out of all of those day-to-day mundane administrative tasks, so you can focus on the more important things, like growing your business!

We are passionate about working with people to find creative and effective solutions that deliver results.

Our flexible, committed, efficient and easy to work with approach will save you time and money. We focus on providing you with blocks of my time to ensure your business gets the attention it deserves. The Performance PA method is not simply just a tick and flick service, but is one of a personal approach, that works with you and gets to know your business. Have a look at the range of services we can provide for you by visiting our website, or let's talk about a tailored plan that works specifically for you by calling phone number 0437 050 803.

I would love to chat with you to see how Performance PA can help life in your business become much easier


Follow our playlist on Spotify Take your worship music with you, wherever you go! You Are Holy - Michael W Smith

Elohim – Hilsong

Heart of Fire - Citipointe Live

Wonder - Hillsong

Keith Green – Make My Life A Prayer To You

Build my Life - Christy Nockels

Good Good Father - Chris Tomlin

Here as in Heaven - Elevation Worship

Relentless - Hillsong

Here for You – Matt Redman

My Lighthouse - Rend Collective

........ and so many more ......

Oceans - Hillsong United

Spirit Breakout - Kim Walker-Smith

If I don’t have you – Love and the Outcome

Mention of Your Name - Jenn Johnson

Revelation Song - Kari Job

God of Abundance - Housefires

Not Today – Hillsong United Wonder O come to the Alter – Elevation Worship Then sings my soul – Hillsong

Hey Beautiful


We are so glad that a copy of our magazine found it’s way into your hands. We truly hope that it has blessed you, in both your personal and business life. You may be wondering who this ‘Jesus’ is that we keep referring to with such love and passion. You might wonder if He can help you, the same way that we have been talking about, that He helps us. He can. It’s really simple, but life changing all the same. You might like to meet Him and ask Him to help you in your life and your business.

There’s a little prayer we say when we want to meet Jesus and ask him into our hearts. I’ve written it below - just read it from your heart.

Dear Jesus, Thank you for everything that you are and everything that you do.Thank you for sending your Son to die for my sins. I invite you to come into my heart and make me new. I invite you to be Lord and Saviour of my life. Please take me as I am and make me whole. I ask for your forgiveness for anything that I have done wrong. Be the Lord of my life and show me how to live a life that is pleasing to you. Help me to understand your grace, mercy and love. In Jesus Name, Amen. That’s it! That’s how you meet Jesus. If you’d like to get connected with someone who will help you grow in your journey, then we can connect you with a local church in your area. We’d also love to come along side you and champion you on! Love the CWIB Team xo For more information please contact us via email -




Business CWIB CONFERENCE & RETREAT 2020 to be held on the beautiful Northern Beaches of Sydney at the lovely Collaroy Centre

Are you ready to take your faith to the next level...? We’ve created an intimate weekend, with you in mind! A place where you can connect with lovely like-minded women who share the vision of incorporating business with passion, purpose and spirituality. A weekend where you can reconnect and spend time with God, where you can feel like you belong and talk about business until your heart is content. You’ll be encouraged to open your heart to God and let Him heal you, touch your heart and restore you.




MARKETING WORKSHOPS Looking for some inspiration for your marketing, take a look at all the Marketing workshops we have available in The CWIB Academy as part of the Enriched Membership Package... + Marketing 101

+ Branding

+ Business Basics

+ Facebook

+ Offline Marketing

+ Planning

+ Podcasts

+ Email Marketing

... Plus more!

To get your hands on these insightful workshops, apply to become an Enriched Member


Next Issue ... Spotlight


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Running a Membership SJ MEESON Making a Financial Plan BUSINESS ACCOUNTING

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BOOKKEEPING BASICS and Cloud Software Vision Boarding

FOR 2020



Recap & photo gallery




issue 7


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