June 4/5 News & Announcements

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News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan Minnesota

June 5th, 2016

VERSE of the Week:

“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.”(Ephesians 1:7) Keep Little Things Little

Based on Matthew 6:25-34 "Stop fighting!" Mom said as Tyler shouted and punched his brother. "But he took my toy!" Tyler yelled. "Yes, and now you have it back. Don't make mountains out of molehills, Tyler," Mom said. Maybe you've heard this saying before. It means not letting little troubles turn into giant problems. That's sometimes a difficult task when we feel angry or frustrated. We let little things become big, giant problems, and then, even more trouble is caused. We live in a sinful and fallen world. We ourselves are sinful and fallen people—we become easily angry, mean, and hateful toward people at school and at home. We don't include the new kid. We make fun of the weak. We don't obey authorities over us. Considering our own sins and the sins of others, it may seem like we are always making mountains out of molehills. But our sin did not stop God from loving us. In fact, His love was so big that He sent Jesus.

And Jesus gave up everything so that we could be forgiven. Sometimes we let the little things become big when we're overly impatient or easily angered. But even when counting to ten or taking a deep breath doesn't calm us down, and even when sin comes easily to us, God never gives up on His children. He continues to love each one of us, and that's a reason to give God a great big thank-You. By Julie Stiegemeyer Taken from My Devotions, June –August 2016 Vol. 58, No. 4 Copyright 2016, Concordia Publishing House 3588 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Lois MO, 63118 Placed in this week’s N&A by Gabriel Hartog

Announcements Preschool Registration: for the 2016-2017 academic year is open, for returning families and families of Christ Lutheran Church. Please see the Church website for a description and cost of the classes.

“Lead Like JESUS BIBLE Study UPDATES” are available every other week on the church website. Pastor will post a brief synopsis of the lesson for anyone who could not attend. The updates are located under the Adult Education link within the Worship tab on the website navigation bar. The Human Care Board is sponsoring a food drive during the month of July. The food will be distributed through the open door pantry in Eagan. With summer upon on there is an increased need for food as children are home from school. Please find the list of items needed on the narthex table outside the church office. If you have any questions, please contact Carol Larson at 651797-4493. Thank you for your support! Preschool Envelope Fundraiser: Thank you to those who have donated so far to the preschool's envelope fundraiser. At this time we have raise over $2700. God is good! There are still a few enveloped in the narthex on the desk if you would like to still donate. You can donate alone or work with another person/family to put together the amount on the envelope. Envelopes can go in the green container marked "Donations" on the desk. Again, thank you for supporting the preschool. Thank You: to members & friends of Christ Lutheran for your kindness, love & memorials given in Pastor Discher’s honor- La Donna Discher

Upcoming Meetings and Events Vacation Bible School: VBS this year will be June 27-July 1. Preschool age will attend 9 am - 12 pm all five days. Elementary age will attend 9 am - 3 pm Monday - Thursday and 9 am - 12 pm on Friday. The cost is $20 per preschooler, $25 per elementary child, and a $50 maximum per family. Please see the bulletin board in the narthex to see what the children will be doing each day and to see what mission project they will be supporting. LWML is meeting on SATURDAY, JUNE 4th (please note date change) at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall. We will finish our "Living A Chocolate Life" bible study. Please bring a chocolate treat to share, your MITES, and your Bible. Constitution committee meeting: The next Constitution Committee meeting will be Tuesday, June 21 at 7:00. All are welcome to attend, or you may send your concerns to Kelly Callahan at lovelandexpress2@gmail.com. The "Lead Like Jesus" study will continue on Sunday, June 5th with lesson 2. Through this study we will hopefully experience Jesus in a new and different way, as we grow to trust and follow Him, as we seek to come together and lead others to the Cross. To provide some flexibility to your summer schedule the 1st and 2nd Sundays of each month will be the same lesson, as well as the 3rd and 4th Sundays. Both May and July have a 5th Sunday on which there will just be fellowship time together as a church family. It is my prayer and desire that "Lead Like Jesus" will be the beginning

of a new and exciting chapter in our journey to becoming effective servant leaders as we gather together to be fed and strengthened through God's Word and teachings. LIFE Group Meetings schedule: Monday Nights, 6:30 pm, Men’s and Women’s group at Eagan Pointe: Contact Sharonlee 952-431-1865 Wednesday Afternoons, 1:30pm, Women’s group: Contact Geri Bonewell 952-891-2853 Thursday Nights, 7:00pm, Men’s and Women’s Group: Contact Deb Buntjer 651-452-8956 Saturday mornings (First three of each month), 9am, Men’s Group: Contact Mark Bonewell 952-891-2853

Get Involved Volunteers Needed: There is still room for more volunteers for VBS. There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway near the Prayer Room. Volunteers are needed to greet families, help with registration, and be with the children during the day. Snack Supplies Needed: On the bulletin board near the prayer room is a list of snack supplies needed. Please take a Post-It note of your choice and bring the supply back by Sunday, June 26. Thank you! Constitution and By-Laws Committee: The Church Council is seeking volunteers to be part of a committee to examine and propose changes to the Constitution and ByLaws. This informal group will report to the Church Council recommendations for changes to both the Constitution and the By-Laws. After Church Council consideration, the changes recommended may proceed through the approval process as outlined in the Constitution and By-Laws. If you would like to participate on the committee or have suggestions, please contact Kelly Callahan or let Pastor Hahn know.

By the numbers

Have a little fun Trivia 1. How many persons were sealed as “servants of our God on their forehead? (Revelations 7:4) a. 144 b. 1,440 c. 14,400 d. 144,000 2. What colors of yarn were used to create the sacred ephod & breast piece worn by high priest Aaron? (Exodus 28) a. Gold, Blue, Scarlet, & Green b. Gold, Blue, Purple, & Scarlet c. Silver, Gold, Black, & White d. Green, Blue, Scarlet, & Purple 3. When God finally let the Israelites enter the promised land of Canaan, how many nations had to be destroyed? (Acts 13:19)

a. 7 b. 77 c. 777 d. 7,777 4. On the seventh day, how many times did Joshua’s army march around Jericho before the walls fell? (Joshua 6:5) a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 10 5. Who was Adam & Eve’s third son? (Genesis 4:25) a. Isaac b. Abram c. Seth d. Cain

For Those Viewing Online: Christian Games for all ages http://christgaming.com/play-games/ Trivia Answers 1. D, 2. B, 3. A, 4. A, 5. C

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