News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan
April 30, 2017
Verse of the Week: Acts 2:38
All who believe and are baptized Shall see the Lord’s salvation; Baptized into the death of Christ, They are a new creation. Through Christ’s redemption they shall stand Among the glorious, heav’nly band Of ev’ry tribe and nation. With one accord, O God, we pray: Grant us Your Holy Spirit. Help us in our infirmity Through Jesus’ blood and merit. Grant us to grow in grace each day That by this sacrament we may Eternal life inherit. LSB 601; Text (sts. 1–2) and Music: Public domain Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
The Red Cross Blood Drive will be Tuesday, May 9, from 12-6pm. If you are able to give blood, this is such an important way to help others who need it so badly. Please consider doing this and encourage others as well!
Special Guest this Sunday! During the Bible Class hour, we will hear from Rev. William Utech, Assistant to the District President for Missions in the Minnesota South District of LCMS. In this position he works with pastors and congregations to plant new churches and begin new Gospel ministries that will introduce un-churched people to the person and work of Jesus. He encourages and promotes creative and new approaches to evangelism and outreach, and he facilitates the assessment and training of future church planters. Rev. Utech will specifically be address the members of Christ concerning the new church incubator program, which CLC has made a commitment to participate. He will also share where the money goes that is sent to the District. Please make a point of staying after church to hear what he has to share!
Preschool Envelope Fundraiser Have you seen this box on the table in the narthex? These envelopes all have different numbers on them. All you have to do is pick up one or more, put the money inside, and return the envelope any time between now and May 26. You can pick up any number – maybe your age, or a special date, or a combination of numbers. Be creative or just close your eyes and pick one! This is the preschool's only fundraiser. They aren’t trying to sell you things you don’t need, and they aren’t asking you to work hard to raise funds. This provides money to update the toys, furniture, and provide extending activities through in-house field trips. Please consider your part prayerfully and help this important ministry of CLC. Thank you for your continuing support!
The Preschool Director Search Committee Update The committee has assembled a job description and posted ads for those interested in pursuing the position of Preschool Director/Teacher at Christ Lutheran Preschool. Currently there are 12 resumes to go through and interviews to be scheduled. We will attempt to have all interviews scheduled by Memorial Day. The committee is putting together a list of questions for the interviews. We are still looking for more applicants for this position so if you know of anyone who may be interested please contact Pastor Hahn or look at the church website [] for more details.
CLC’s Spring Clean-Up Day is Saturday, May 6th, 9:00am. Your help is need to take care of indoor and outdoor cleaning and maintenance. Time to make the church look fresh, clean, and inviting! (Rain day is May 13.)
Preschool Open House and STEM Program – Wednesday, May 10th, 6:00 pm On May 10th Curious Minds will be coming to the preschool to present a night of STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) at 6 pm. This will also serve as an open house. Even if you do not have a preschooler, please come and join us for this fun event. It will be a great opportunity for the congregation to meet the families. Preschool and church growth is about making connections. Please come and connect with the families!
S.A.G.E.S., the Older Adult Ministry of the MN South District, is having their
gathering May 1-2 at the Best Western in Mankato. Special guest speaker will be Dr. Rich Bimler, author of “Joyfully Aging” and many other inspirational books and materials. This will be a great event you won’t want to miss! See the posters in the narthex for more information or talk to Dick or Joyce Swedean.
(Macedonian flag)
Mission Trip to Macedonia! Hannah Hartog is taking another trip with Habitat for Humanity – this time to Macedonia with 24 other team members to build apartment complexes in Veles. She will be there June 9-17. Hannah is covering most of the expenses herself (including her airfare and other trip costs), but she still needs $425. Any amount donated would be very much appreciated. You can either write a check to Hannah Hartog or donate the money at her fundraising page: Also, keep Hannah in your prayers as she prepares for her trip. We look forward to her sharing about it after she returns!
Former CLC Pastor and Wife Called to Glory Rev. Burton Giese (who served at Christ in Eagan from 1962-1965) and his wife Sharon both passed away recently in Arizona. Pastor Giese died on April 10th after a serious illness. His memorial service was April 15 in Gilbert, AZ. His wife Sharon was unable to attend the service because she was in ICU at the time. She died on April 19, and her memorial service was April 24, also in Gilbert, AZ. Pastor Gilbert had served Eternal Life Lutheran Church in Mesa for many years, and had been helping at Christ Lutheran in Coolidge after his retirement. We thank the Lord for the faithful service that both Pastor and Sharon Giese gave to God’s Kingdom for many years.
Our Gifts to the Lord April 22-23 General Fund April 17-21 Joyful Response Total
Attendance $2912.56 $1175.00 $4087.56
Saturday, April 22 Sunday, April 23 Total
22 91 113