CHRIST’S MESSENGER Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool, Eagan, MN
April, 2017
FROM THE PASTOR by Pastor Hahn Church and Preschool
Staff Rev. David Hahn Senior Pastor
Rev. Michael Heggen Visitation Pastor
Alex Mezeritski Director of Music
Michele Lukanen Director of Preschool
Julia Bonewell Preschool Teacher
Judy Kaner Preschool Aide
Rhoda Houge Church Secretary
Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool 1930 Diffley Road Eagan, MN 55122 Church: 651-454-4091 Christ Lutheran Church is a congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
Christ Lutheran Church is a growing body of believers in Jesus Christ, sharing the love, word, and grace of God with our family, community, and world.
At The Crossroads: A Holy Week (Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday) Invitation Join us for a special service for Palm Sunday on Sunday, April 9th at 9am. In this service we remember that when Jesus enters Jerusalem for the last time amid palm branches and praises, He knows the suffering that awaits Him there, yet He does not turn back. In the observance of this remarkable day, we come to see as well that though we know suffering is part of being a follower of Christ, we must carry on for Him. The service includes a dialog with Simon the Zealot as we approach the crossroads of suffering with courage and strength. Following the service will be a breakfast fellowship time with eggs, hash browns, other goodies prepared and served by the elders and the youth. There will not be a service Wednesday, April 12th but remember to join us for a special service for Maundy Thursday on Thursday, April 13th at 7pm. In this service we remember that when Jesus institutes the first Lord’s Supper, He grants forgiveness to His disciples through the bread and wine. When we receive the bread and wine of Communion in remembrance of Him, we receive that same forgiveness and in turn forgive others. The service includes a dialog with two struggling modern-day neighbors, Tom and Marie, as we approach the crossroads of forgiveness with reverence and relief. Then on Friday, April 14th at 7pm. join us for a special service for Good Friday. In this service we are reminded that when Jesus is on the cross, He accepts the power of death upon Himself and does not turn away from it. We, too, must face death when it comes and not turn away from it, knowing that His salvation awaits us on the other side. The service includes a dialog with Mary, the mother of Jesus, as we approach the crossroads of death with the certain hope of everlasting life through Christ and His cross. And don't forget to join us for a special service of celebration for Easter Sunday, on Sunday, April 16th at 9am. In this service we recall that after the risen Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, she responds by telling the disciples, “I have seen the Lord!” We who know that our Redeemer lives must share that news with others too. The service includes a dialog with Mary Magdalene and hymns that help us to fix our eyes on the crossroads of life at the threshold of heaven, where our risen Lord is eager to escort us into eternity.
Christ’s Messenger
April, 2017
Best Practices for the Ministry Conference in Phoenix, AZ From Pastor Hahn Having been in the public ministry for 22 years, I would say that The Best Practices for the Ministry Conference that 3 of our members and I attended in Phoenix AZ in February was the best, most uplifting, most educational, most fun, conference for church workers and lay people that I have ever been a part of! I attended eight (70-minute) break-out sessions of the hundreds that were offered. There were also four very motivational and uplifting Keynote Speakers from across that country who spoke encouraging words for all. Let me tell you briefly about the break-out sessions I attended. 1. Joy! No, It’s Really Coming: A pastor and a DCE shared how God works through our difficulties, trials, and challenges, as He strengthens us and shows us His joy. 2. Alpha: Evangelism in Post-Christian Contexts: In this session we talked a great deal about what modernism and post-modernism are. The Alpha Program is one way to help reach out to the Millennials. 3. Social Media: Complete Guides to Planning Online Communication in the Church: It is in this session that I realized how little I know about social media communication in the church. What I did gather from this session was that we can plan and strategize ways that will work in reaching and communicating not just to members within the church but also to those outside the church. This is an area that we need to learn more about and possibly seek professional help to strategize social media communication in our church. 4. Millennials/Relevant - The Church as it Relates to Millennials: It was strongly encouraged that we need to be people of grace, love people where they are at, and accept people as they are. Millennials are highly motivated by things that interest them. They are passionate and tolerant. The Church is relevant to Millennials but we need to be bridge builders and not wall builders. Mentoring youth, college care ministry, mission trips help provide meaning and purpose in the church. 5. Creative Confirmation: It was impressive to see what three young DCE's put together for their confirmation program. These three DCE's were all serving the same church and they had over 100 youth involved in confirmation. So even though it was quite impressive it was not very practical for our situation at CLC. 6. 10 Benchmarks of a Great-Commission Church: There was a very strong emphasis on being the Church to your neighbor on the block and the people outside the walls of the Church Building. Another emphasis was to be intentional about making disciples by training and equipping them to go. 7. Leading Your Congregation outside Her Walls and into the Community: I would say that this was the session that peaked my interest the most. This evangelism approach was wonderfully different than any other I have been involved in. It began with a look at each individual’s pathway to faith. Looking at the identity of each individual involved especially their identity in Christ. Then those involved ask the question how can God use me? This leads to an activation workshop which is backed by outside support throughout their endeavor. 8. Becoming a Community Church: To be honest this was the very last session I attended and my focus was drifting. But in this session a DCE from Dallas, TX told about his story with the inner-city ministry he is doing in the Dallas area. Even though I left the Hotel at 7:30 every morning and didn't get back to the Hotel until 8:30 in the evening it didn't seem like a 13 hour work day. In fact just the opposite. We were greeted with chocolates and/or donuts as soon as we stepped off the bus in the morning. There were also the warm cheerful smiles and greetings from the volunteers that made all 2300 participants feel right at home. Christ Church - Lutheran provided us with all our delicious meals and numerous snacks throughout the conference (I think I ate at least 4 ice-cream bars every day. How do you say no to Hagen Daz ice cream?) It is my hope that we, as a congregation, can send others to this conference in upcoming years. If you want to find out more about what took place at this conference talk to Dennis Miller, Dick Bielenberg, Dale Vogt, or myself.
Christ’s Messenger
April, 2017
New Church Incubator - Planting Churches in Minnesota South Remedy Church - Oakdale, MN Since we have budgeted $1000 per year for the next 5 years for the New Church Incubator Program, let's get started! On Sunday April 30th the Rev. Dr. William Utech (Assistant to the District President - Missions) would like to join us in worship and then use the Bible Study time after the service to inform the congregation about the New Church Incubator and how we will be involved in the Planting of a MN South District Church (Remedy Church in Oakdale, MN). He will also at that time share how our regular monthly contribution ($1000) to the MN South District is being used throughout the district and synod.
Stephen Ministry Introductory Workshop Saturday, April 22nd @ Woodbury Lutheran Church from 9am - 1pm Pastors want to provide care to everyone who needs it but they can't do it alone. Equipping laypeople to minister to hurting people is a highly effective and biblical way to ensure that those in need of Christ-centered care receive it. Christ at work in and through gifted, trained lay caregivers, that's the Stephen Ministry vision! Stephen Ministers are there: after the phone call you hoped you'd never get. after the funeral, when everyone else has left and the emotions you've held at bay come crashing in on you. after the relationship falls apart and the bottom falls out of your life. after the doctor says, "I'm sorry, but there's nothing more we can do." after the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, "Welcome to your new home." after the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away and the house suddenly seems empty. after the gavel comes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away. after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible. after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck. after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out. Stephen Ministers are the “After People.” They are ready to come alongside you or your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives and provide comfort and support for as long aster as needed. This workshop is a half-day event that will show how to make that vision a reality. Those who attend will gain hands-on ministry skills through a sample of Stephen Minister training, deepen your vision for care and outreach, and learn how to bring the life-changing benefits of Stephen Ministry to our congregation. There are three sessions: 1) Ministering to Those Experiencing Grief; 2) An Introduction to Stephen Ministry; 3) How to Care In A Distinctively Christian Way. Who should attend? Pastors, church staff, lay caregivers. I believe this would be a wonderful ministry to begin at CLC. If you are interested in a care ministry and would like to find out more about it then consider attending this workshop. Please contact Pastor Hahn no later than Easter Sunday if you will be attending.
Christ’s Messenger
April, 2017
Pastor's Sunday Morning Bible Study - 10:30-11:15 "7 Christian Rules That Every Christian Ought To Break As Often As Possible" Based on the Book written by Jonathan Fisk Find out what the rules are and why we should break them! Join the discussion on Sunday mornings!
Don’t miss these services and events that celebrate our Savior’s death and resurrection! Lenten Service – Wednesday, April 5 – 7:00 pm Easter Cantata – Saturday, April 8 – 5:00 pm Palm Sunday breakfast – Sunday, April 9 – 10:00 am Holy Thursday Service – Thursday, April 13 – 7:00 pm Good Friday Service – Friday, April 14 – 7:00 pm Easter Service – Sunday, April 16 – 9:00 am
Eagan Pointe Bible Study and Worship Every Tuesday morning at 9am Pastor Hahn leads a Bible Study at the Eagan Point Senior Living Center. This study is open to all CLC members and all residents of the EPSLC. Please come and joins us for the Bible Study, fellowship, and free coffee. (Currently there are 16 people actively involved in this study.) On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month a Worship Service, led by Pastor Hahn, is held at the Eagan Pointe Senior Living. It begins at 10am on the 2nd floor in the activity room. Anyone is welcome to worship with us.
LIVING IN FAITH EVERYDAY – L.I.F.E. GROUPS If you haven’t joined a LIFE group as yet, we invite you to at least visit and experience what the LIFE Groups are all about. Group meeting information: Come join us. Monday, 6:30pm Wednesday, 1:00pm Thursday, 6:30pm Saturday, 9am
Men/women Ladies Men/women Men
Meet at Eagan Pointe Meet in homes Meet in homes Meet at church
Study John Call Sharonlee 952-431-1865 Study “Divine Divine “ Call Geri 952-891-2853 Study “Not a Fan” Call Deb 651-452-8956 Study “Portals of Prayer” Call Mark 952-891-2853
Studying God’s Word and putting it into action is a wonderful way to draw closer to the Lord!
Christ’s Messenger
April, 2017
LWML Corner – Joyce Swedean Our April LWML event is the SE Suburban Zone Spring Rally on Saturday, April 22, 2017 at Trinity Lutheran, 600 Walnut St., Farmington. The speaker will be Rev. Richard Rensch, formerly a cantor and professor at the Fort Wayne Seminary. The theme is “Singing the Faith” in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Reformation. Rev. Rensch will share this celebration with us through Word and Song. The day begins with registration at 8:30 am and will end with lunch at Noon. The registration fee is $6.00. Everyone who attends should bring a donation for our “Gifts from the Heart.” These donations will be given to The Dwelling Place in Columbia Heights which provides shelter for women and children. There is a list of what is needed on the LWML bulletin board in the narthex, as well as a partial list below. If you plan on attending please sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway outside the Fellowship Hall by Sunday, April 16th. It will be a wonderful experience for all, so I hope to see a good turnout from CLC. Saturday, May 13 we will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9 am for Bible Study and a very important meeting to decide which mission grants we will support, discussion regarding the Boutique, and plans for the upcoming Fall including election of officers. Be sure to pick up the latest LWML Quarterly and Women On A Mission (District News) from the LWML table in the narthex. Basic Needs for The Dwelling Place:
(place on or under the LWML table in the narthex)
Paper towels Large garbage bags (13 gal) Laundry detergent Cleaning and disinfectant wipes Body Wash Baby wipes Baby diapers (sizes 3, 4, and 5) Disinfectant spray Ziploc bags- all sizes
deodorant (not travel size) lotion (not travel size) lotion (not travel size) hand sanitizer hair brushes/combs Kleenex/tissues sponges/scrubbies for kitchen or cleaning all-purpose cleaner light bulbs (LED preferred; 60 watt; indoor ceiling flood lights – 40 or 60 watt)
CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH & PRESCHOOL Saturday, April 8, at 10 A.M. 1930 Diffley Rd., Eagan (West Lot) Bring Your Own Basket! All ages welcome! Join us for fun! Visit to register by April 5th, 2017.
Christ’s Messenger
April, 2017 PRESCHOOL NEWS By Michele Lukanen
Accreditation is going very well. In early March I was able to send the first draft of the paperwork to our assigned consultant. She will be looking at it starting on April 1st and meeting with me on April 10th. At that time I will know what needs more work. If everything looks good, we will begin discussing when a team will come and visit the preschool in the fall to complete the accreditation process. Thank you to everyone who served on a committee and who has been praying for us as we go through this process. 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt is coming on Saturday, April 8, at 10 am. Weather permitting, we will hunt for eggs on the west lot. If the weather does not allow us outside, the event will begin in the Fellowship Hall. There will be crafts and a snack provided, too. Please register at If you are able and willing to help with the Easter Egg Hunt, please let me know. Each year we have more and more children involved in the event, and we can use all the help we can get. Plus, it’s a great way to meet some of the people in our neighborhood! Envelope Fundraiser will begin on Sunday, April 9 (Palm Sunday). This year colorful envelopes, labeled 1-100, will be available to pick up. Simply choose an envelope number and return the envelope to the preschool with the amount on the envelope. There is a tuition box on the parent table outside of the preschool room. Please feel free to drop envelopes off in there. Fundraising money will help offset the costs of art materials, special events that the preschool hosts throughout the year, and other expenses as they arise. Your support of the preschool is greatly appreciated. Continuing Education: On Friday and Saturday, March 17 & 18, Julia Bonewell and I attended the Early Childhood Conference at Concordia University, St. Paul. The following is the title and short summary of the sectionals I attended at the conference: * What Early Childhood Educators Need to Know about FASD: We learned about the many challenges that children, families, and educators face when dealing with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. The impact of drinking during pregnancy on the brain development is incredible. * You Don’t Know What You’re Doing (Keynote speaker): Todd Stocker, a pastor and educator, spoke about the complexity of education and how what we do matters, even if we don’t see the results immediately. * Updates on Child Care Block Grant: This special sectional was for directors. We got to meet with some state licensors for two hours discussing the new Positive Supports Rule and receiving an update on the Child Care Block Grant. Basically, they explained what training we will need to provide for our staff and how to stay on top of new rules. * Minnesota Break and Leave Laws: We met with a couple lawyers and went over what we need to add to our personnel handbooks to ensure we are staying within the law when providing breaks for our staff. * English Learners in Elementary Class: The presenters spoke about the importance of labeling using different languages within the classroom and how we can communicate through pictures for those learning English. * Early Education’s Role in Raising Healthy Children (Keynote speaker): The presenter, Terrie Rose, spoke about the importance of healthy interactions between children and adults. Those interactions at an early age make a lifelong impact on children. * Mindset & Behavior Guidance: The presenter encouraged teachers to look beyond the behavior and investigate why a child is misbehaving. She also encouraged us to label the behavior, not the child. * Having Hard Conversations: No one likes to have hard conversations and many of us avoid them at all costs. The presenter explained how to get past that and have meaningful conversations with individuals, keeping in mind our past experiences and looking into what is happening in the other person’s life that is contributing to the need for a hard conversation.
Christ’s Messenger
April, 2017
* Short & Sweet Preschool Programs: The presenter writes programs for preschoolers, along with songs for everyday use. She showed us some of the programs she has and provided information to buy those programs if we want. She also showed how to include homemade instruments in the music curriculum. * Children’s Development: What to Expect and When to be Concerned: The presenter went over the red flags of abnormal child development. She also went over steps and resources educators can use to help. * You Are the Face of Jesus: Presenter Marilyn Sharpe talked about how to bring the Word of God into the classroom and relate it to the lives of young children. * Why Even Little Ones Have Mental Health Disorders: This sectional went over the common mental health found in young children and how to address them in a classroom setting. * Using Curiosity to Understand and Address Children’s Behavior: In this sectional we discussed using critical thinking to analyze behavior we see in the classroom. We explored strategies to help assess challenging behavior from every angle, to be able to determine the root cause, and prevent them from happening again. * Dyslexia Foundations: Tammy Tillotson, the Director of the Children’s Dyslexia Center of Upper Wisconsin, talked about the key misconceptions about dyslexia. She also talked about how the use of multisensory approach to literacy instruction can help students with dyslexia become successful. * Ministry to the Least of These: Integrating Faith into Early Childhood Education: We were presented with the similarity of God’s Word and the science and beliefs of child development. We also discussed how to incorporate Christian values in everything we do as educators. Guest Readers are still needed. The children absolutely love hearing different people read different stories! Registration is still open for next year. We have openings in both classes. Phone calls and tours continue to be a regular part of my day. Upcoming Events: April 6 & 7 – Spring pictures April 14 – No School April 17 – No School May 10 – STEM Night/Family Night/Open House May 25 – End of Year Program May 26 & 27 – Last days of school Thank you to Thrivent members who have donated to the preschool's Thrivent funds. Recently the preschool purchased parenting books, children's DVDs, and a book shelf to add a parent resource area to the preschool hallway. This is something that I have wanted to do for a while now and was urged to do so through the accreditation process. Thank you for helping this become a reality for the preschool. Now parents will have easy access to quality parenting books and children will have access to DVDs that promote Christian living. All of the DVDs right now are Veggie Tale movies. Thank you for your continued support!
Corrections/additions to the recent Church Directory: New member:
John & Beth Gehrke 4058 Mica Trail Eagan, MN 55122 651-688-0915
Daren & Mary Gangelhoff 648 Crimson Leaf Trail Eagan, MN 55123 651-452-7649
Change of address:
Aaron, Claire, & Nathan Haedike 2367 E. Ridge Rd. Decorah, IA 52101 651-208-1550
Christ’s Messenger
April, 2017
Easter Cantata Saturday, April 8, at 5:00 pm. The CLC choir will be presenting "Behold the Lamb!" – a musical and narrative journey that underscores the significant price that Jesus paid for our salvation. It recalls Israel's release from Egyptian bondage with the Passover Lamb, a foretelling of God's divine plan to provide the Holy Lamb as the ultimate sacrifice for our spiritual freedom. The despair of Christ's crucifixion eventually gives way to joy in a triumphant celebration of His resurrection!
from The Open Door To the Community of Christ Lutheran, Please accept our sincere thanks for your donations of food and funds to The Open Door in recent months. Your ongoing support provides not only healthy food options for those who visit the Pantry, but also provides HOPE to our neighbors in need! Again, many thanks! Sincerely, Jane B for The Open Door This note was in response to the Thanksgiving food drive and during the past year. We gave 411 lbs. of food and $15.00 in cash. You can make contributions at any time to the Food Shelf Donation box on the LWML table in the narthex. Make checks payable to The Open Door. – Janet Linkert
We are excited to have staff from Camp Omega lead our VBS again this year. The dates are July 10-14, and it will be all day except on Friday when we are done at Noon. Here is what we as a congregation can do to help: Pray that once again we will reach children in our community and in our congregation with the good news of Jesus throughout this week. Pray for the Camp Omega staff and CLC volunteers. Volunteer during this week. We need volunteers to help in the classroom, with art, with registration, preparation of snacks, and hosting the Camp staff. Invite children to register for this week. Stay tuned for more information including cost, registration forms, theme etc. Joyce Swedean, VBS Director
Christ’s Messenger
April, 2017
ORGAN FUND Have you seen this amazing poster in the hallway by the Fellowship Hall? Kelly Callahan did such a great job making this to show progress toward purchasing a new organ for the church. So far the Organ Fund has $4,672.00 toward this needed project. Each little “post it” represents $10.00, and as money is contributed, they are removed. Eventually you will see a beautiful picture behind all of those colorful little notes! You can donate at any time, marking your contribution for the “Organ Fund” and putting it in the offering. Let’s work together to truly “Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord!”
Mission Trip to Macedonia! Hannah Hartog is taking another trip with Habitat for Humanity – this time to Macedonia with 24 other team members to build apartment complexes in Veles. She will be there June 9-17. Hannah is covering most of the expenses herself (including her airfare and other trip costs), but she still needs $425 by April 17. Any amount donated would be very much appreciated. You can either write a check to Hannah Hartog or donate the money at her fundraising page: Also, keep Hannah in your prayers as she prepares for her trip. We look forward to her sharing about it after she returns!
A More Excellent Way 2017 Christus Chorus Home Tour Concert Friday, April 21, 7:30 pm Concordia University, St. Paul Free and Open to the public. Graebner Memorial Chapel, 1259 Carroll Avenue, St. Paul
Christ’s Messenger
April, 2017
April Birthdays 1 2 4 7 15 17 19 22 24 26 27 28
Russell Agrimson Lori Dolney Ruth Johnson, Carolyn Kothe Kimberly Hanenberger, Heather Hoglund Martha Gustafson Bonnie Hoglund Michael Bonewell Waltraud Bundt Larry Johnson Jr. Dani Keller Ashley Aldinger, Glorian Fedderly Christa Brown-Switzer, Sam Jamison, Lorraine Shingledecker
April Wedding Anniversaries 12 – Don & Ruth Ohmann (47 years) 18 - Timothy & Mary Clawson (30 years) 25 – Leroy & Sherrie Groff (45 years)
PRAYER REQUESTS (Please let Pastor Hahn or the church office know of any additions or changes so we can keep Prayer Requests up to date.) Cancer –Steve Brennan, Keith Feickert, Karen Hultquist, Bob Manthei (father of Rebecca Hahn), Lucy Roemhildt, Gary Schleif (nephew of Darlene Lemke), Don Wolf, Tom and Fritz Wagner (friends of Marlene Burkhalter). Having surgery, recovering from surgery, illness, or other – Nanu Ajack, Betty Briest, Joe Connolly, Ben Kothe, Antonina Kopcheve (mother-in-law of Alex Mezeritski), Judy Lebahn, Ioannis Madzaris (friend of Alex Mezeritski), Mary Marlow, Tatyana Mezeritski, Louise Neil, Lee Scott, Jeanette Ueker. Homebound – Waltraud Bundt, Lori Dolney, Jim & Shirley Eilola, Hubert Heggen (Pastor Heggen's father), Lucille Jung, Ed & Elaine Klamm, Iona Kruger, Dorothy Lueck, Marlys Lund, Marian Neujahr, Florence O’Brien, Heinz & Lore Rother, Lois Scott, Don Stockman, Gladys Wachter, Guy Westphal Those in the military and their families - SGT Cody Klinksiek and SH Cole Klinksiek, (nephews of Julie Lefebvre), SR Jennifer Adelmann (granddaughter of Marylou Adelmann), Apilo Ojullu (of our Anyuak community), and Jake Anderson, Kyle Anderson, and David Hernandez (grandsons of Dick and Joyce Swedean). The Anyuak ministry at Christ Lutheran Church; the Anyuak people in Ethiopia and Sudan. Persecuted Christians in 53 countries around the world. Our nation.
Christ’s Messenger
April, 2017
APRIL 2017 Sunday
Wednesday Thursday
Saturday 1 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship
9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study
6pm – Confirmation 7pm – Worship 7:45pm - Choir
7pm – Bell Choir
11 9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study 10am-Eagan Pt Worship 6pm– Boy Scouts 6:30pm – Vermilion Carriage Board 7pm–Council Meeting
7pm – Choir
7pm – Maundy 7pm – Good No worship Thursday Friday Service HC Service
16 17 9am Easter Worship with HC 6pm—Diffley Commons 7pm– Dakota Ramblers 4H
18 9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study
6pm – Confirmation 7pm - Choir
1:30pm – Board of Human Care
23 24 9am Worship 10:15am– Fellowship & Education Hour 2pm– Anyuak Worship
25 9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study 10am-Eagan Pt Worship 6pm– Boy Scouts 7pm-Trustees
9am Worship – HC 10:15am– Fellowship & Education Hour 2pm– Anyuak Worship 9 9am Worship 10:15am– Palm Sunday Breakfast 2pm– Anyuak Worship
30 9am Worship HC 10:15am– Fellowship & Education Hour
6pm– Boy Scouts
6pm– Boy Scouts
No confirmation No worship
No confirmation 7pm – Choir
8 10 am - Easter Egg Hunt 5pm– Easter Cantata Ice Cream Social
22 8:30 – LWML Spring Rally 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship HC
29 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship HC