News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan
August 6, 2017
Verse of the Week: Matthew 14:20
O Christ, You walked the road Our wandering feet must go. You faced with us temptation’s power And fought our ancient foe. No bread of earth alone Can fill our hungering hearts. Lord, help us seek Your living Word, The food Your grace imparts. No blinding sign we ask, No wonder from above. Lord, help us place our trust alone In Your unswerving love. When lures of easy gain With promise brightly shine, Lord, help us seek Your kingdom first; Our wills with Yours align. O Christ, You walked the road Our wandering feet must go. Stay with us through temptation’s hour To fight our ancient foe. LSB 424; Text: © 1997 GIA Publications, Inc. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, number 100012578. Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
Cottage Meetings at CLC Last Summer Cottage Meetings, Sunday, August 13 and 27, at 10:30am As part of Christ Lutheran Church's on-going Reconciliation (healing of broken relationships) Effort we are providing opportunities to talk openly with one another and focus upon healing broken relationships, both our relationship with God and our relationship with one another. As we seek healing the Cottage Meetings provide an opportunity to get to know one another better as brothers and sisters in Christ. The Cottage Meetings also provide opportunity to dream together as we move toward a preferred future at Christ Lutheran Church. Please sign up for the date that best works with you. There are sheets on the red bulletin board in the narthex.
Report on Macedonia Trip THIS SUNDAY, August 6, during the fellowship hour after church, Hannah Hartog is going to report on her Habitat for Humanity trip to Macedonia this summer. Be sure to come and hear about her amazing experience!
Address Change for Dale Vogt: Dale has been moved to West St. Paul. He would appreciate getting cards from CLC members and friends, as well as your prayers. The address is: Dale Vogt Walker Methodist Westwood Ridge 1– 61 Thompson Ave West West St. Paul, MN 55118
POBLO International is in the process of establishing a 2nd International Friendship Center at Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Burnsville. They are looking for a few individuals that would be willing to attend one training seminar and then give one hour a week to help. This is an opportunity to show the love of Christ to someone who can use a smile and a welcome. There are flyers on the front table in the Narthex – please take one and consider this opportunity. We have some people already interested in helping – please join us! Any questions, please contact Pastor Hahn or Karra Hartog.
Lutheran Witness Subscriptions If you renewed or began a subscription to the Lutheran Witness, please make a check out to Christ Lutheran Church for $19.70. Either drop it in the offering, bring it to the office, or mail it in. Thanks so much for your help!
Try Something New To Serve at CLC! Opportunities Abound!
Monitor Techs – Needed at either worship service. Very little computer experience is needed, and training is available. Part Time Sunday School Help – We need 5 exuberant individuals who would be willing to help plan and participate in the leadership for a 5-week Intergenerational Sunday School experience beginning in September. The lessons involve Powerpoint, skits, crafts, music, etc. Anyuak Sunday School Help Needed – Do you love working with children? We need a few people to Sunday School with lessons and activities for the children during the Sunday afternoon Anyuak services. There are currently around 17 Anyuak children between the ages of 3 and 18 who have been attending on a regular basis. They meet every Sunday except for the last Sunday of the month. We are hoping to begin this Anyuak Sunday School on September 10th. Stewardship Emphasis Help Needed – There is a need for 3-4 individuals who would like to help plan and promote "The Gift That Keeps on Giving" (this year's stewardship emphasis). Since there is no one currently on the Board of Stewardship, we need volunteers to step up and serve this short term event. Volunteer Youth Group Leaders Needed – There is a need to find 1 or 2 individuals who would volunteer their time to help grow our Youth Group. If you have a love for youth (6th - 12th graders), then you would be perfect. Church Council and Board Positions Needed to be Filled: Congregational Chairperson Congregational Secretary Board of Education (currently vacant) Board of Youth (currently vacant) Board of Evangelism (currently vacant) Board of Stewardship (currently vacant) It is time to search your heart for service to the Lord in an area of leadership at Christ Lutheran Church. We are right now in a NEED time. Pray about it. If you are interested or the Lord is leading you toward serving in this capacity contact our current Congregational Vice-Chairperson (Karra Hartog) or Pastor Hahn.
The Anyuak Door offering came to $771.00! Thanks to your generous donations, Omot Ochan will have more resources for his trip to Kenya this month. He will be distributing Anyuak Bibles and Catechisms to the Anyuak in refugee camps there.
Extra Garden Produce The Open Door accepts fresh veggies and fruits! Drop off your fresh produce during open hours at the Pantry in Eagan. Call 651-600-9244 for more information, location, and hours. Thanks for helping end hunger!
Reformation Heritage Lecture Series At Concordia University, St. Paul Tuesday, August 29, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Rev. Dr. Andrew H. Bartelt, Theology Professor at Concordia Seminary St. Louis, is the featured speaker at the annual Reformation Heritage Lecture Series, Tuesday, Aug. 29 at 7 p.m. in the Buenger Education Center on the CSP campus. This event is free and open to the public. Presentation title: After 500 Years, Does Lutheranism Still Matter? As we mark 500 years since the Reformation, how might the unique strengths of Lutheran theology serve the mission of God’s kingdom come in Jesus Christ—and indeed will they?
How about a little humor to brighten your day?
“90% of this game is half mental.” - Yogi Berra “I knew when my career was over. In 1964, my baseball card came out with no picture.” – Bob Uecker Police had good luck with a robbery suspect who just couldn’t control himself during a lineup. When the detectives asked each man in the lineup to repeat the words, “Give me all your money or I’ll shoot,” the suspect blurted out – “That’s not what I said!”
These are taken from the latest issue of SAGACITY which you can pick up from the table in the Narthex. There are also more serious articles. Just all kinds of good stuff!
Our Gifts to the Lord July 29/30 General Fund July 24-Aug 4 Joyful Response Total
Attendance $3203.25 $ 450.00 $3653.25
Saturday, July 29 Sunday, July 30 Total
23 96 119