Christ's messenger April 2016

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1910 About US Christ Lutheran Church is a growing body of believers in Jesus Christ, sharing the love, Word, and grace of God with our family, community, and world. Christ Lutheran is a congregation of the Minnesota South District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

Our Congregation

Get Involved

Christ Lutheran Church Exists to help people: 

Know the love of God in Jesus Christ

Show the love of God in Jesus Christ

Grow in the love of God in Jesus Christ

Go and share the love of God in Jesus Christ

Altar Guild

Music Groups

Board of Ed.


Board of Elders

Board of Trustees

Human Care

Board of Worship


Board of Youth

Our Staff





Rev. David Hahn

Rev. Michael Heggen

Michele Lukanen

Alex Mezeritski

Lead Pastor

Visitation Pastor

Preschool Director

Music Director

A note from Pastor

What Now?

The Season of Advent is a time in which we await with eager anticipation the coming of God's one and only Son, in the flesh. It is Christmas Day that marks His birth, the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is this Son of God who was welcomed into Jerusalem as a King on Palm Sunday, met with His closest brothers in the upper room to share with them the bread and the wine in what we call the Last Supper, went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray for strength so that He could fulfill the task that was before Him, was arrested and sentenced to death by the people, was willingly nailed to the cross carrying with Him all of our sins so that He could be the perfect sacrifice for us, died a horrific death on Good Friday, descended into hell to proclaim the victory He had just won for us over sin, burst open the tomb on Easter Sunday to proclaim His victory over death and the devil through His glorious resurrection. So what now? That's what the disciples and all the believers in Jesus were saying to themselves. Christ Lutheran Church has gone through a great deal of hurt, both past and present. So what now? We have started a healing process, a time of reconciliation, a time to reconcile our relationship with God and with one another. We sought out help from the MN South District to help guide us and direct us in this healing process. We met, as a congregation on a Saturday morning, carrying with us some hurt, some anger, some resentment, some confusion, but more than those a deep desire to seek out reconciliation. Expecting only about 30 people to be present and nearly brought to tears of joy when about 100 showed up. The Parable of the Prodigal Son was used at this reconciliation meeting because of the way it speaks to us on so many different levels. The words "forgive me" and "I forgive you" were being spoken and heard. Throughout the Season of Lent during the Mid-Week Services we also focused on the Parable of the Prodigal Son. We celebrated Holy Week and the resurrection of our Lord and Savior with the theme of Living as People of the Resurrection. So what now? So what now for Christ Lutheran Church? Do we just move on and forget about everything that has just happened, pretending that nothing has changed? Do we hide ourselves away in the past? Do we blame everyone else and stir up more hurt? Or do we move forward in faith? Do we strive to live as people of the resurrection? Do we change? It is through the resurrection of Christ that we are forever changed! It is through the resurrection of Christ that we can, as a body of believers at Christ Lutheran Church, profess that we exist to: Know the love of God in Jesus Christ; Show the love of God in Jesus Christ; Grow in the love of Jesus Christ, and Go and Share the love of God in Jesus Christ. "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14 Pastor Hahn

By Michele Lukanen

Preschool News

Thank you to everyone who helped build the igloo by donating empty gallon milk/water containers. The igloo used 412 cartons this year. The children enjoyed playing in the igloo and then helping the igloo “melt” by breaking it apart before Spring Break. Guest Readers are still needed. The children absolutely love hearing different people read different stories! I have added May, June, July, and August to the sign-up sheet on the parent board outside the preschool classroom. Registration is going well for next year. As I write this in the middle of March, the Monday/Wednesday/Friday class is full. The Tuesday/Thursday class has 4 children already enrolled. I continue to take phone calls about our program. God is good! Upcoming Events: April 7 & 8 – Spring pictures April 22 – No School May 25 – End of Year Program May 26 & 27 – Last days of school

This & That Keep Updated: The weekly News and Announcements is now a digital publication sent out via email each week. If you would like to be added to the email list please either write your email on an attendance card or send an email to . If you do not use email the News and Announcements is available in the Narthex and placed on tables during Fellowship Hour. LIFE Group Meetings schedule: Monday Nights, 6:30 pm, Men’s and Women’s group at Eagan Pointe: Contact Sharonlee 952-431-1865 Wednesday Afternoons, 1:30pm, Women’s group: Contact Geri Bonewell 952-891-2853 Saturday mornings (First three of each month), 9am, Men’s Group: Contact Mark Bonewell 952-891-2853 Our very own Hannah Hartog will be taking a mission trip to Budapest, Hungary with Habitat for Humanity and Thrivent, June 30-July 8, 2016. Hannah is the daughter of Curt and Karra Hartog and is a junior at Concordia University, St. Paul. Hannah is asking for donations to help fund her trip. To donate or to find out more about Hannah’s trip, go to Way to go Hannah! We are so proud of you!

VBS Announcement Board of Education announces plans for Summer VBS We are very excited that energetic Camp Omega staff will be leading our VBS this summer. They will help the children experience God’s Grace, Love, and Guidance through hands-on Bible Study, devotions, skits, games, arts and crafts as well as other traditional camp-related activities. Theme: “In Christ Alone” Dates: Monday June 27 through Friday July 1 Times: The 3, 4, and 5 year olds (Preschool) will meet from 9-Noon each day. Those children going into Grades First through Sixth will meet from 9-3 each day except Friday it will be from 9 -Noon. Cost: $20.00 per child for ½ day $25.00 per child for full day Maximum $50.00 per family Registrations materials will be available end of April. Help spread the word-invite children you know! VOLUNTEERS (Grades 7-12 and adults) ARE VERY IMPORTANT AND NEEDED in the areas of registration, snack prep and serving, and assisting the Camp Omega staff with supervision during the different activities for Grades 1-6, and assisting with the Preschool group. Flexible hours and the pay is great in that you will be blessed as you help these children grow in God’s love throughout the week. Contact Joyce Swedean (651-688-8245) to volunteer.

By Joyce Swedean

LWML Corner

We will not have a regular LWML meeting in April because it falls on the same day as the Southeast Suburban LWML Zone Spring Rally. The Rally begins at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 9th and is being held at Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Burnsville. The theme is “Growing in Faith” and we will have the privilege of hearing from two LWML young women Tracy Eickhoff from Chaska and Kelli LaVoie from Brooklyn Park. The cost is $6.00 which includes lunch. Gifts from the Heart: Socks for any age-they must be in their original packaging. The socks will be brought to the LWML District Convention and the Human Care Board will distribute them to an agency. Heads Up: On Saturday, May 14th the LWML is hosting a Pantry Shower for the Eagan Dakota Woodlands Shelter. A representative from the shelter will attend and share the Dakota Woodlands story. We invite all women of Christ Lutheran to attend so mark it on your calendar. Please pray with me: Lord Jesus, I am only a tiny cog in a world of wheels! The chores I have to do today will not take a great amount of skill. They require patience, endurance. Lord, help me to remember: You love me. I am special. I’m precious in Your sight. There is a purpose for my life. You put me where I am because You have things for me to do. You depend on me to serve my neighbors. What I do to the least of them I am doing for You. I depend on You to cheer me on. Dear Savior, lubricate me with the oil of Your forgiving love so the world runs more smoothly because of me. I am an important cog in the world of wheels. Amen. (this prayer entitled “Your Role Is Important” was written by LWML writer Alma Kern in her book, “You are Special”)

Sunday School

By Joyce Swedean

What’s happening in Sunday School! A Special Thank You to the Trustees for setting up a room in the lower level where we will have our Sunday School Opening Devotions beginning April 3rd. The Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting will be at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, April 3rd. These are the Bible stories we will be studying in April: April 3 “Jesus Teaches Us to Trust” Matthew 6:25-34 April 10 “Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand” John 6: 1-14 April 17 “Jesus Sends the Seventy-Two” Luke 10:1-24 April 24 “The Good Samaritan” Luke 10:25-37

By Sharonlee Strohkirch

L.I.F.E Groups

Once again we have celebrated EASTER !!! The story of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We have pondered what it means to each of us. The Gift of Salvation won for us with a price we could not pay. Some of the LIFE GROUPS gathered and went to see a movie called “RISEN”. It began with his death and continued with the discovery of his missing body. Pilate sent one of his centurions to find it and stop the rumors He had risen. I imagine many of you saw it. We had a discussion after and some felt it didn’t follow scripture close enough but was still a good movie. It brought to my mind the enormous sacrifice paid for the sin of us all. It speaks of the Master’s love unmatched. Many years ago I had a plaque on my wall that says it best about : THE TOUCH OF THE MASTERS HAND.` Myra Welch ‘Twas battered and scarred, and the auctioneer thought it scarcely worth his while To waste much time on the old violin, but held it up with a smile. “What am I bidden, good folks,” he cried, a dollar , a dollar,” then two! Only two? “Two dollars, and who’ll make it three? Three dollars, once; three dollars , twice; Going for three….” But no, From the room, far back, a grey haired man Came forward and picked up the bow; then, wiping the dust from the old violin, And tightening the loose strings, he played a melody pure and sweet as a caroling Angel sings. The music ceased, and the auctioneer, with a voice that was quiet and low, said: What am I bid for the old violin?” and he held it up with the bow. “A thousand dollars, and who”ll make it two? Two thousand! And who’ll make it three? Three thousand, once ; three thousand twice; And going and gone,”said he. The people cheered, but some of them cried, we do not understand what changed Its worth?” Swift came the reply: “The touch of the master’s hand.” And many a man with life out of tune, and battered and scarred with sin, Is auctioned cheap to the thoughtless crowd much like the old violin. A “mess of potage, “ a glass of wine; A game----and he travels on. He is “going “ once , and “going twice” , He’s “going” and almost “gone”. But the Master comes and the foolish crowd never can quite understand The worth of a soul and the change that’s wrought : Geri,s LIFE GROUP and CLC VOLUNTEERS served at the Kruggel funeral. A Thank You to all the LIFE Groups and friends for helping with the Lenten Supper we served. Brought back memories of the years we served meals at Mount Calvary. We serve a risen Savior! Sharonlee

Prayer Requests

Cancer - Steve Brennan, Carol Brown (mother of Christa Brown-Switzer), Cynthia Cotton (daughter of Dale & Judy Peters), Keith Feickert, Kris Hanson, Karen Hultquist, Bob Manthei (Father of Rebecca Hahn), Lucy Roemhildt, Don Wolf. Having surgery, recovering from surgery, illness, or other Gail Black, Sandra Ferguson (daughter of Florence Hanson),Richard Hanson (son of Florence Hanson), Steven Hennon (Marian Neujahr's cousin's husband) Ben Kothe, Antonina Kopcheve (mother-in-law of Alex Mezeritski), Judy Lebahn, Ioannis Madzaris (friend of Alex Mezeritski), Mary Marlow, Tatyana Mezeritski, Sidney Mollenhauer, Louise Neil, Jackson Peterson (infant son of Mike and Nicole Peterson), Dick Swedean, Jerry Studer (Husband of Marianne Studer). Homebound – Adona Braun, Waltraud Bundt, Sherrill Champion, Norman Discher, Lori Dolney, Jim & Shirley Eilola, Vicki Groenke, Hubert Heggen (Pastor Heggen's father), Lucille Jung, Ed & Elaine Klamm, Iona Kruger, Dorothy Lueck, Marlys Lund, Sidney & Lois Mollenhauer, Marian Neujahr, Heinz Rother, Don Stockman, Gladys Wachter, Guy Westphal Those in the military and their families - SGT Cody Klinksiek who was deployed to Iraq, and SH Cole Klinksiek, (nephews of Julie Lefebvre), SR Jennifer Adelmann, (Granddaughter of Marylou Adelman), Apilo Ojullu (of our Anyuak community), and Jake Anderson, Kyle Anderson, and David Hernandez (grandsons of Dick and Joyce Swedean). The Anyuak ministry at Christ Lutheran Church, the Anyuak people back home in Ethiopia and Sudan. Persecuted Christians in 53 countries around the world. Our nation.

Birthdays April 1: Russel Agrimson & Amanda Studer April 2: Christine Chapel, Lori Donley, Edward Kaldahl, & Robin Tidd April 4: Ruth Johnson & Carolyn Kothe April 5: Zachary Luedtke April 6: Randall Borchardt & Todd Kubista April 7: Megan Gundberg, Kimberly Hannenberger, Heather Hoglund, & Jason Rodgers April 8: Josephine Bauer & Kyle Studer April 9: Drew Felder, Lucas Flinck, & Brad Jensen April 10: Debbie Gliva April 12: Sandra Kluender April 13: Fred Amara Jr., Bryan Borchardt, & Joseph Derosier April 14: Molly Nystel April 15: Martha Gustafson April 17: Lori Benjamin, Amanda Comstock, & Bonnie Hoglund April 18: Rebecca Heggemeyer, & Heather Hockman April 19: Michael Bonewell April 21: Anthony Campobasso April 22: Lori Bornhorst & Waltraud Bundt April 23: Kenneth Vraa April 24: Larry Johnson, Rosanne Kaldahl, & Arlynne Wolf April 25: Matthew Fedor April 26: Curt Black & Dani Keller April 27: Ashley Aldinger & Glorian Fedderly April 28: Christa Brown-Switzer, Sam Jamison, Caedran Lacy, & Lorraine Shingledecker April 29: Samantha Nelson April 30: Logan Hafstad & Chad Olafson

Looking Forward


Monday Tuesday

Wednesday Thursday




2. 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship


9am Worship


10:15am– Fellowship & Education Hour

5. 9am– Bible Studty at Eagan Pointe

6. 6pm– Confirmation 7pm– Adult Choir

7. 6:15pm– Youth Choir


9:30am—LWML Rally (Lutheran Church of the Ascension, Burnsville MN )

7pm– Handbells

6pm– Boy Scouts

11:15am– Sunday School Teachers Meeting

4pm– Praise Jam

2pm– Anyuak Worship 10. 9am Worship


5pm– Worship 11.

10:15am– Fellowship & Education Hour

12.9am– Bible Studty at Eagan Pointe 6pm– All Boards/ Council Meeting

2pm– Anyuak Worship

13.6pm– Confirmation 14. 6:15pm– Youth Choir 7pm– Adult Choir 7pm– Handbells


20.6pm– Confirmation 21. 6:15pm– Youth Choir 7pm– Adult Choir 7pm– Handbells


23. 4pm– Praise Jam

No Preschool

5pm– Worship

27. 6pm– Confirmation

28.6:15pm– Youth Choir


30.4pm– Praise Jam

7pm– Adult Choir

7pm– Handbells

16. 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship

6pm– Boy Scouts 17. 9am Worship


10:15am– Fellowship & 7pm– Dakota Education Hour Ramblers 4H

6pm– Boy Scouts

2pm– Anyuak Worship

24. 9am Worship 10:15am– Fellowship & Education Hour 2pm– Anyuak Worship

19. 9am– Bible Studty at Eagan Pointe


26. 9am– Bible Studty at Eagan Pointe 6pm– Boy Scouts 7pm– Trustee’s Meeting

April 2016

5pm– Worship

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