News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan Minnesota
December 11, 2016
Verse of the Week: Isaiah 35:10
Now sing we, now rejoice, Now raise to heav’n our voice; He from whom joy streameth Poor in a manger lies; Not so brightly beameth The sun in yonder skies. Thou my Savior art! Thou my Savior art! Oh, where shall joy be found? Where but on heav’nly ground? Where the angels singing With all His saints unite, Sweetest praises bringing In heav’nly joy and light. Oh, that we were there! Oh, that we were there! LSB 386, st. 1 & 4; Text and Tune: Public domain Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets Sundays at 10:15. Come and join others in studying God’s Word!
Pick up your 2017 Offering Envelopes on the table in the Narthex! You may have a different number this year, so please do not use older envelopes after the New Year
Religious Christmas Cards are for sale in the Fellowship Hall. You can put your check or cash in the container provided.
THIS SUNDAY is the last day to give to support the Holiday Gift Shop this year. The Holiday Gift Shop provides gifts to families in the Eagan area who qualify for food through the Open Door Pantry. The HUMAN CARE BOARD is working with other local churches to help support this charity. Please put your gift cards or cash in a small envelope, marked “Holiday Gift Shop” and put in the wooden box in the Narthex on the LWML table. The cash and gift cards will be used by the Holiday Gift Shop to fill in with gifts in areas that are still needed. Thank you for your support.
The new Portals of Prayer is available at the welcome table in the narthex. Be sure to pick yours up today!
Christmas Caroling Wednesday, December 21, 5:30 pm Meet at Eagan Pointe Senior Living Open to All! Pizza at church following caroling, Before Advent Service at 7:00 pm
Our Gifts to the Lord Nov 26/27 General Fund Nov 28 – Dec 2 Joyful Response Total Weekly Need
Attendance $4257.50 $ 685.00 $4942.50 $6935.00
Nov 30, Advent Saturday Dec 3, 5:00pm Sunday Dec 4, 9:00am Sunday Dec 4, 2:00pm Total (weekend)
37 17 104 N/A 121
Advent and Christmas Services At Christ Lutheran Church Mid-Week Advent Services Wednesday, December 14, 7:00 pm Wednesday, December 21, 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Services Saturday, December 24, 5:00 pm and 9:00 pm Christmas Day Service Sunday, December 25, 9:00 am (There are small flyers with our service schedule on the table in the narthex that you can share with friends, neighbors, and co-workers.) Join with fellow believers in worship on January 6, 2017 as we celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord. We will gather at 7:00 pm for Evening Prayer and have fellowship (cookies, coffee, juice) afterwards. Trinity Lutheran Church in Farmington is hosting this circuit-wide service, and they look forward to seeing you there! Trinity is located at 600 Walnut Street, Farmington, MN. Our building is fully handicap accessible. For questions, call 651-463-7225. The offering collection will be used to support the mission work of the Lutheran Church.
FABRIC NEEDED: Bright colored cotton fabrics are needed for a church project. The cloth will be cut into 2-4 inch strips. If you have fabrics simply taking up space in your rooms, consider donating it to the church. Please leave your fabrics in the church office. Thank you!
An Advent Devotion from Lutheran Hour Ministries: "The Lord's Favor" "Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!" (Luke 1:28b). Read Luke 1:26-28. One of the most coveted roles among the girls in our Sunday school Christmas program was the Virgin Mary. Her big moment was when she gently wrapped a baby doll in cloths and laid him in the manger. But another soughtafter part was the angel Gabriel. Since that required memorizing a larger part, it usually was given to an older student. The angel Gabriel had already brought some great messages to Daniel and Zechariah, but nothing could compare with the message God entrusts to him now. He goes out from the presence of God to a city in the northern region of Galilee called Nazareth. There he appears to a virgin who is betrothed to a man named Joseph. Her name is Mary. Gabriel greets her with reassuring words, "Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!" But what is so special about Mary? Why has God chosen her for this singular honor above all other virgins in Israel? Actually, there is nothing special about Mary. She is a sinner like you and me, and needs God's grace and favor just like we all do. The focus is upon God; He has chosen a simple person like her to be the mother of His Son. Each of us who celebrate with joy our Savior's birth has been favored by our God the same way as Mary. Like her, we deserved nothing but God's wrath, but instead He showers His grace and forgiveness on us through the Christmas Child. And just as Mary was favored to bring the Christ Child into the world, we are favored to bring Christ Jesus to the nations. THE PRAYER: Heavenly Father, You showed us Your favor by calling us by name and making us Your own children through faith in Jesus Christ. Bless us now to share that favor with others as we share Jesus' story. In Jesus' Name. Amen.